#princess's cookie tray are the rest of her kids
forever-rogue · 1 year
Daddy Eddie melts my heart 🫠 I have such a cute idea! As we know Eddie loves his guitar like hell and maybe Ollie accidentally breaks it? When the little girl realizes what she's done she starts to cry and panic, because she knows how important it is to her daddy, but Eddie calms her down, hugs her, gives her lots of kisses on those chubby baby cheeks and assures his daughter that he loves nothing more than his little princess 🥹🥹🥹
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AN | Dad!Eddie makes me so soft🥺🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Ollie?” it had been silent for too long - at least too long when there was a little Munson underfoot. You wiped your hands on the tea towel, cooing softly at the baby strapped to your chest. Jamie grinned at you, babbling happily as though he could understand what you were saying. When you heard no answer to your call you let out a small sigh, “let’s go and find sister, bub. I’m sure she’s up to something.”
You made sure the oven was off as you took the last tray of cookies out of the oven. Making your upstairs, you tried to listen for any signs of your daughter. Eventually you made it into the spare room which served as both a playroom for the kids and your husband, and found Ollie standing there with a guilty little look on her face.
“Hi Mommy,” her sheepish smile displayed her gap-tooth grin as you sighed softly at her, “is everything okay?”
“That depends,” you stated softly, her big brown eyes widened in surprise, “what are you up to, kiddo?”
“Nothing,” her reply came way too quickly for it to be true. You cocked your head to the side as Jamie squealed in delight. Her eyes softened as she looked at her little brother; the two of them already adored each other so much, “‘m just playing in here.”
“You were so quiet,” you raised your eyebrow at her, “were you playing with Daddy’s guitar?”
“No…” it was a bold faced lie and you both knew it. She took after Eddie in so many ways, including the fact that they were both terrible liars, “maybe I touched it a little bit…”
"A little bit huh?" you ran a hand affectionately through her dark curls, as she grinned at you, "I'm sure Daddy won't mind, but maybe for right now we can leave it alone. He can play with you later."
"Okay," she nodded solemnly as she reached for your hand, "can I have a snack?"
"Sure babe," you promised her, "let's have a snack then maybe we'll go to the park for a little bit."
"Yay!" she practically bounded down the stairs exactly, "I can play with Jamie!"
"We'll see honey," you patted the grinning baby's head, "he's still really small, babe. We have to be careful."
"I'm careful!" she insisted, immediately followed by a small oof as she almost tried in excitement. You couldn't help but laugh in amusement at her.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After dinner, you and Eddie decided to watch a movie and cuddle on the couch after you’d put the baby down for some sleep. Ollie still had plenty of energy - which you truly envied - and was running around and playing. She wasn’t in the mood to be still and watch a movie so she was off in the playroom. Meanwhile you had been watching the movie but you were slowly falling asleep, cuddled up into his side. His arm was around you as he traced aimless shapes into your skin. Yeah, this was definitely your favorite spot in the world. 
“You’re snoring,” you heard his teasing lilt cut through the fog that was slowly falling over you. A huff escaped your lips as you turned to him with a little mock glare. He laughed as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
“I am not,” you sat up so you could face him, a pretty little pout on your lips that he just wanted to kiss away, “I wasn’t even sleeping! Just resting my eyes.”
“Whatever you say, angel,” he brushed a few rogue looks of hair out of your face, before resting his hand on your face, thumb stroking over your cheek, “I think if anyone deserves to rest, it’s you. Even if you’re missing out on a quality movie.”
“A quality movie,” you snorted in amusement, wrapping your fingers around his wrist and giving it a gentle squeeze, “this is some random b rated comedy, my love. I highly doubt you even remember the name.”
“I do!” he insisted as  you raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to go on, “it’s…something.”
“That’s what I thought,” you laughed and he took the momentary advantage to tickle your sides. Your eyes widened in surprise as you squealed, meekly trying to miss him off of you, “you’re cheating! This is cruel!”
“Well it’s fun for me,” he grinned, leaning over the top of you on the couch. He took your hands and pinned them to the side as he leaned down to kiss you, “is this really so bad?”
“I’m pretty sure this is how our son happened,” you laughed, “speaking of which, if you wake him, I might have to-”
Almost as if on cue, a few soft cries came over the baby monitor that was on the side table next to the couch. The two of you exchanged  soft smiles of amusement. Eddie quickly pressed kisses all over your face before maneuvering off you and helping you to sit up. 
“I’ll go and get him,” he whispered softly, “you just stay here and relax.”
“You sure?”
“‘course,” he promised as you immediately started to curl yourself back up in your blanket. Eddie, besides being an amazing partner, was an amazing and doting father which was one of the many things you loved about him, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Will you check on Ollie too, pretty please? She’s been awfully quiet for a bit,” which if you knew anything by now when it came to your Munsons, was never a good sign. 
“I’m sure she just crashed,” he didn’t think anything of it, “but I will. Save my spot!”
“Always,” you watched him head up the stairs, admiring the view before he disappeared. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey bub,” Eddie’s voice was soft as he stepped into the nursery, the soft night light illuminating the room in a pretty glow. When he peeked into the crib, he found big brown eyes looking up at him curiously before a gummy little smile appeared, “what’s wrong, cutie? You hungry or do you wanna be held?”
Jamie babbled at him, as though he understood what Eddie was saying before looking his chunky little arms towards him. Eddie gently picked up and cuddled him to chest, pressing big kisses to his chubby little cheeks, “I’m sensing you just want some cuddles, huh?” 
He sat down in the rocking chair, both of them relaxing as he gently rocked them back and forth. The baby was sprawled out on his chest, clutching at a lock of Eddie’s hair, as Eddie rubbed his back and sang softly under his breath. He’d never imagined himself as a father, really not until you told him you’d been pregnant with Ollie, but now? Now it was his favorite thing in the world, along with being your husband. He couldn’t imagine any other life. 
Once the baby was back asleep, he tucked him back into the crib, making sure he was comfortable before gently stroking his cheek, “good night, Jamie. I love you so, so much.”
He stepped out of the room and closed the door about halfway before making his way over the playroom. You were right - your daughter had been too quiet.
“Ollie Pop?” he called out softly as he stepped into the room. Before he knew what was happening, he felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his legs, the force almost knocking him over. He looked down to find the small girl hanging onto him with a worried expression and tear stained cheeks, “baby, what’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry,” she cried, her big brown eyes glittering with tears, “I didn’t mean to, Daddy.”
“What are you talking about, kiddo?” he crouched down so he was eye level with her, tenderly brushing away her tears, “what happened?”
“It was an accident!” she insisted, still to Eddie’s confusion. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze in an attempt to get her to calm down.
“Shh, babe, slow down,” he dropped his voice to a softer tone, trying to show her that he wasn’t mad, “tell me this - is your body safe and sound?”
“Is your heart safe and sound?” he asked and she gave him a half nod and shrug. It was a tactic the two of you had come up with when she was younger to try to get a better understanding of when she was upset or something had happened. She was still young and small, and couldn’t explain what was going on as articulately as someone older could. But she always understood this, “why is your heart not safe?”
“I broke it,” she whispered, pointing behind her between some sniffles, “I didn’t mean to break it. Now you’re going to be sad.”
“Olivia,” he looked to where she was pointing at his guitar, finding the strings either broken or loose. His first instinct wasn’t to be mad or upset, it was to make sure she was okay - the strings could hurt when they popped. He took her hands in his to make sure there were no cuts or injuries, “are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
“Okay, good,” he kissed her forehead, “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“You’re not mad?”
“I’m not mad, baby,” he promised, “I’m happy you’re okay. But do you know what I’m going to ask you?”
“For me to never touch your guitar again?”
“Not that,” he said and her face lit up, “you can play with it and look at it any time, but only when I’m with you. That way nothing will happen and you won’t get hurt. Does that sound okay?”
“Yes,” she nodded. The two of them looked at each other for a few moments before he made a silly face at her. She broke into a fit of giggles, her worries just melting away at the lok on Eddie’s face, “will you be able to fix it?”
“‘course I will,” he promised; realistically it wasn’t that hard of a fix, just more annoying than anything, but it really didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, “but that’s a worry for later.”
“I’m sorry,” she almost whispered as he picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck, “Mommy told me not to play with it but I didn’t listen. Do you think she’s gonna be mad at me?”
“No,” he perched her on his hip, “she’s going to be glad that you’re okay. She’s going to ask you to do the same thing. It’s not that we don’t want you to have fun, we just want you to be safe.”
“‘Cause you love me,” she smiled as he kissed the side of her head.
“Exactly,” he agreed with a soft nod, “its almost bedtime for you, kiddo. But do you want to come and hang out with me and Mommy for a little bit?”
“Yes,” her eyes lit up as he started heading back down the stairs to the living room.
By the time he made his way into the living room, you were already asleep, snoring softly and all cuddled up in your blanket. He shook his head fondly before sitting down at the opposite side of the couch so he wouldn’t wake you up. He made himself comfortable and when he took a look back at his daughter, she had nodded off as well. 
“Oh my girls,” he said softly, “I love you all so much.”
It wasn’t long before he was asleep either. 
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thunderc1an · 2 years
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Warriors: The Prophecies Begin- Details + Info in Tags
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 16: cookies
Character A makes too many cookies and shares them with Character B,, percabeth 
Percy looks at the table before him that is littered with endless trays of cookies. It’s overwhelming, really, staring so much sugar in the eyes. There’s chocolate chip, and sugar cookies, red and green sprinkles, and everything in between, and it has Percy wondering if he’s going to be able to eat them all.
He blames his mother. She’s always baked during Christmas, and he thinks a part of that has been instilled inside of him. So it’s really his mom’s fault that he’s staring what could very well be bordering five-hundred cookies in his painfully sugared eyes.
Percy’s eyes flick down to the counter where he spots his three-year-old peeking over the table on the tips of her toes. Her hair is a mess of blonde curls, and she reminds him so much of her mother. He smiles gently. “You’re supposed to be asleep, baby.”
She rubs her eyes tiredly, coming around the counter to raise her arms up at him. He obliges, picking her up, before turning back to the counter.
Percy kisses the top of her head as she rests her head on his shoulder. “Lots of cookies for Santa Claus.”
“Is Santa Claus coming?”
“Not net, princess,” he tells her. “Santa Claus comes tomorrow night.”
“I think that’s too much cookies for Santa Claus to eat,” she whispers quietly. It makes his heart melt. He can tell she’s very sleepy, and she must have just woken up. Percy glances to the clock that reads two in the morning before he turns his attention back to his daughter in his arms. He rocks her back and forth.
“Why are you awake?” he asks softly.
She just shrugs, and he figures he’s not going to be getting much information from her when she’s in that state. He picks up a cookie with sprinkles and taps his daughter’s shoulder with it to get her attention. She grabs it silently, bringing it to her mouth and nibbling the corner tiredly, her mouth coating with crumbs.
“Yummy?” he asks.
Percy chuckles, letting her have a moment to finish the treat. Her mom would probably murder him if she found out that he let her have sugar at bedtime, but he’s also sure that she’s sleeping right now. He could probably outrun her if she decided to chase after him too.
The thought brings a smile to his face. His wife waddling around the house with her protruding stomach is too cute of a thought for him to handle. She’d run out of breath so easily, and he’d feel bad that she couldn’t catch and bully him, so he’ll slow down and let her get to him just to keep her happy. And then she would pretend to be mad, but he’d bait her with another cookie, and she’d kiss him, and he’ll fall in love with her all over again.
“Santa Claus is going to eat all of the cookies?”
Percy smiles, picking up a cookie for himself. “Not all of them.”
“What about the rest?”
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I guess we just have to eat them all ourselves.”
His daughter picks up her head to look at the piles upon piles of cookies. She looks so concerned, so much like her mother, that he chuckles. “I can’t eat all that.”
An idea pops into his head, and he’s probably going to regret this later, but he sets his daughter down and pulls a plate of cookies off the counter. “Let’s go share some with mommy then.”
She follows him down the wall, taking many more steps than him in order to keep up with his larger strides. He reaches the door of his bedroom, slowly creaking the door open. It’s pitch black in the room, and he can just barely make out her figure on the bed, herself turned on her side with one leg kicked up and a blanket already sliding off of her.
Percy bends down to his daughter, handing her the plate. “Go give this to mommy.”
She does as she’s told, quietly pattering over to her mother’s side. Percy watches as she struggles onto the bed, setting the plate on the mattress so she can kick one leg over the edge and try to pull herself up. Percy goes to her side to make sure she doesn’t fall off, and he helps give her the last boost so she can crawl onto the bed.
His wife’s back is to Percy so as their daughter crawls closer to them, she doesn’t even stir. Sophia sets the plate onto her mom’s stomach and her tiny hands come to try and shake her awake.
“Mommy,” she whispers, fingers brushing up and down his wife’s arms. “We brought you cookies.”
Annabeth shifts slightly, and Percy knows that she’s awake even though her eyes are closed.
“Wake up,” she whispers loudly.
“What is it, Sophie?” Annabeth stretches a leg out, her eyes still closed.
“I have cookies for you.”
Annabeth blinks open one eye now and meets Sophia’s eyes that are peering at her in the dark. “Why do you have cookies for me right now?”
“Daddy told me to give them to you,” she says, and Percy can’t believe his own kid just sold him out.
It’s like she can sense another person in the room now because she turns onto her other side and locks eyes with him in the dark. “Daddy told you to bring me cookies in the middle of the night?”
“They’re super yummy. Daddy gave me one too.”
Annabeth shakes her head at him, but she’s smothering a smile into the comforter. “Did he?”
“Daddy said I can have another one,” she says, fingers trying to pick up another cookie. Annabeth’s hand wraps around her daughter’s wrist, stopping her.
“Daddy did not,” he defends, humored. He joins them on the bed, sitting cross-legged next to Annabeth. He takes the plate from Annabeth, handing her one cookie. “Daddy just made too many cookies. Santa Claus can’t eat them all.”
Their daughter nods seriously.
Annabeth smiles and rolls her eyes, taking it from his fingers. “Mrs. Claus can’t eat them all either, Percy.”
“I heard Mrs. Claus has a little buddy that might be able to help,” he teases. When his daughter isn’t looking, he moves his hand to rest over her stomach, and he smiles at the reminder of what they’ve created.
Annabeth takes a small bite. “How many did you make?”
“I think I counted five-hundred something.”
She chokes. “Percy.”
“It wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t sleep, so I made cookies, then I made more, and some more, and it just happened.”
“So now you woke me up to eat all of the cookies you made when I already don’t sleep?” “Yes.”
Sophia bounces excitedly. “Can we make some more cookies?”
“You’re supposed to be asleep,” Annabeth says.
“I’m not tired,” she whines.
“Not now that daddy gave you a cookie,” she mutters pointedly to Percy. He just smiles and kisses her forehead.
“Can we watch a movie?” she pleads.
Annabeth pinches Percy’s side, and he pulls her close. She molds into his side, her stomach resting on his, and whispers, “This is your fault,” before telling Sophie, “One movie and then sleep.”
Sophia excitedly settles into her parents’ bed. She steals Percy’s pillow right out from under his head which has him insulted but also endeared, but he just uses Annabeth’s pillow instead. He throws on a random movie, and it’s not long before their daughter is asleep beside them, leaving the two of them alone in each other’s arms.
“I can’t believe that you woke me up to eat cookies at two in the morning,” she whispers, flicking his nose. “Naughty boy.”
“Baby, you haven’t seen naughty,” he tells her, nipping her nose lightly in retaliation. “I’d show you what naughty is, but our baby is in the bed.”
“Two babies in bed,” she reminds him, pointedly dragging his hand away from where it had started to travel up her thigh.
“Don’t remind me,” he says. “I can’t believe we’re going to have two kids.”
She laughs quietly. “It’s insane.”
“It is,” he agrees, “but it’s also amazing. I love you two so much, and I don’t know how that love could possibly get bigger, but it does every single day, and when this baby comes — I don’t know how I’m going to survive. I think the overwhelming love may give me a heart attack.”
“Don’t do that. I need you to change diapers while I sleep.”
“I need to change diapers?”
“You change diapers and do laundry and dishes and cleaning, and I’ll snuggle the baby.”
“So nothing changes, then?” he teases.
“Oh, shut up.”
Percy laughs into her neck. He kisses the warm skin before saying, “I’ll change the diapers and do the laundry and dishes. You just make sure our baby is nice and safe inside there.”
“Your baby is not very happy inside there right now.”
Percy pouts. “Why not?”
“Baby wants another cookie.”
“The baby wants a cookie? Not you? The baby?”
“Of course it’s the baby. How dare you insinuate that I would ever eat something so toxic otherwise.”
“Oh, my bad.”
Annabeth snorts, pressing her face into his chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She’s really warm against him, and it feels good in the cool air of the house. They fall into a silence as the movie plays in the room, the only source of light. Her breathing begins to even out, and he can tell that she’s falling asleep. He lets her, rubbing up and down her back.
To his side, his daughter is out like a light. She’s so small to him, barely taking up any space on the bed, and it’s difficult to imagine when she was first born. It feels like forever ago, but it was really only three years. So much has changed since then. Him and Annabeth have been up and down and left and right trying to figure this parenting thing out. They managed to survive, if just barely, but they did it by each other’s side.
He doesn’t think he could have done this without her. She’s his best friend, his rock in the middle of a storm. It was hard, but they did it.
And now there’s another baby on the way. They don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet, but Percy has a feeling it’s another daughter. He wouldn’t mind another daughter. He didn’t know he could love someone as much as he loves Sophia, and if he can feel that love with another daughter, then he wants to. He knows that things are going to fall apart again, though not in a bad way.
Him and Annabeth are probably going to be running around like headless chickens with the new baby all while Sophia sits back and watches, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. They’ll figure it out as long as they have each other.
Besides. What’s life is not a journey?
Annabeth shifts against him again, and he pulls a blanket up the both of them. This is a life he will never get tired of. He is so thankful for moments like this. They don’t come often, but he cherishes these midnight shenanigans. It’s a different thing to just lay with your family at night and forget the rest of the world. It’s a breath of fresh air, a moment where nothing matters except the people he loves.
He’s glad that he ended up making way too many cookies. It was surely a chunk of his paycheck to buy so many different ingredients, but it brought him to where he is now. It’s a beautiful, fleeting moment, and money does not matter to him. No price can be put on this, he thinks.
Percy presses a kiss to Annabeth’s forehead again before he closes his eyes. As he drifts off to sleep, he’s thinking of Annabeth and the perfect world they’ve created.
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harringrovetrashrat · 3 years
Tagged by @disdaidal !!!  Thank you!  Omg I’m like 🥺💖🥺💖
So, I figure since I have so many things I’m working on, and no idea when I’ll actually finish them (outside of my Big Bang Project), I should share the bits of them that I do actually have dhfoiahfiosh
What we have are these:
A fic where Billy meets some older queer people while kicked out, and learns from them how to love himself
“So I’m guessing you’ve never met a queen before,” they said. Billy shook his head.
“I’ve never met any royalty.” Juicy laughed and it made Billy feel like he’d said the wrong thing until she looked at him again, practically beaming.
“Well honey, there’s queens abound in here. Drag Queens, specifically.” Billy’s mouth formed a small ‘o’.
“So, you’re a… man?” Juicy shook her head.
“Personally, I find man and woman too limiting. All gender is a costume, darling. I just think dresses are prettier than suits.”
“You haven’t been in the right suits,” Cindy said with a smirk. Juicy gave her the finger without looking.
“It’s called taste, sweetie.” Cindy just laughed. Billy stared at Juicy, feeling awed by them. They were so tall, toned and beautiful. Their skin was dark and glistened with the glitter they’d spread over it. “I’m sure you have taste, don’t you munchkin?” Billy couldn’t help it and he pouted.
“I’m not short, I’m average for my age,” he snapped. Juicy just smiled.
“I like you,” they said, pointing a long nailed finger at him.
A Cheesy Summer Camp Horror fic, with romance and comedy because Like.  Y’all know me.
“Let’s stop talking about her,” Heather cut in. “Let’s talk about this weekend.”
“This weekend?” Billy asked, perking up. “What about it?”
“Well, I was thinking we could celebrate the end of the first week with a skinny dip,” she said, eyes sparkling. Billy didn’t miss the flush that crossed over Robin’s face, though he wasn’t entirely sure who it was directed at. He definitely had a guess.
“I’m game!” Tommy piped up, grin wide, anger disappearing from his face. Billy rolled his eyes and snorted, but raised his hand, tongue running over his top teeth.
“Why not,” he said, giving his eyebrows a quirk. “I ain’t no pussy.”
“Of course,” Adam muttered, rolling his eyes. Billy’s eyes snapped over and narrowed. “Isn’t it a little, I dunno, juvenile?”
“Oh come on,” Steve chimed in, munching on the cookie now, relaxing with the change of topic. “Maybe so, but it’s summer, it’s camp, why not, right? Start it off with a bang?” His smile was teasing, bright, and Billy found it hard to look away, hard to deny that smile what it wanted.
The Reverse AU where Steve moves to Hawkins with his father and step family, Claudia and Dustin, and Billy was adopted into the Mayfields
“I’m not--! It’s just midterms! That’s what has me all out of sorts.” He opened his notebook and tried to will his blush away. There was a soft thud and Nancy joined them.
“What has you out of sorts?” She asked.
“Billy so has a crush on that new guy from New York,” Heather said. Billy made a noise of protest when Nancy smiled, leaning over.
“Oh he’s so cute! Truly impeccable taste you have,” she teased. Billy rested his head on the table.
“I hate both of you so fucking much,” he hissed.
“No you don’t,” they chorused.
“I do, I really do,” Billy replied.
Mermaid AU where Steve and Billy were young friends before being separated.  Steve tries to reunite them obviously
“I can show you a bunch of cool stuff,” Billy said, feeling oddly proud of himself. And well, the ocean was his home. And he never got the chance to really show it off to someone who didn’t already know it. “If I show you the ocean, will you tell me more about humans?” Steve nodded. “Like, why are all the ships girls?”
“Huh,” Steve said, tapping his chin with his finger. “I don’t actually know… Usually I think ‘cause a guy names them. I’ll ask my tutor. He knows everything.” Steve wasn’t a huge fan of Professor Owens, but he was nice enough. He let Steve find things to bring in and ask questions about, he didn’t get mad like Steve’s other tutors had when he had trouble reading. So even though Owens still pushed for Steve to focus more on his future, he was better than the other adults in Steve’s life.
“Tutor?” Billy asked. “What’s that?”
“Like a teacher,” Steve replied. “But like… Different.” In fact, Steve wasn’t totally sure what the difference was. Billy just squinted, looking confused.
“Different… how?”
“Uh, tutors are… are taller,” Steve replied matter of factly. Professor Owens was taller than Ms. Joyce had been, so there wasn’t anything to argue against that. Billy nodded seriously, making a note.
There was a ringing bell and a distant voice calling Steve’s name, making him sigh dramatically. It was already time? Billy’s ears twitched a little and he looked at Steve.
“What’s that?”
“That’s my nanny,” Steve said, mopey and pouting.
More of You’ll Find Me Looking Over the Edge of the World
“Oh, King Steve thinking about skipping?” Billy tugged him down, making Steve stumble as a fist started rubbing against his scalp and messing up his hair.
“Fuck, dude!” Steve cried, nearly dropping his tray. Billy just cackled, letting him go and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“No,” Nancy said through grit teeth. “He’s thinking about staying and taking--”
“He can’t go around looking like that,” Billy said with faux concern, eyes all worried as he leaned on the table with one hand and used the other to point at Steve’s, now fully messed up, hair. “I think Steve’ll have to take the afternoon, don’t you?” Billy turned to look over his shoulder, not seeing the way Nancy rubbed at her temples as Jonathan very obviously tried not to snicker. Steve almost felt bad. Billy knocked on the table with his knuckles, pushing up with a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him home safely.”
“Get me home--” Steve began, but before he could finish his sentence, Billy was shoving him around and out of the cafeteria. Nancy sighed, shaking her head, giving Steve a look he knew would turn into a talk later. “Sorry guys!” Steve tossed over his shoulder.
Billy with a rat he named Max to piss off Max (he calls her human Max and she hates it)
“And what the fuck are you doing here?!” He asked her. Max, the little trouble maker, just squeaked at him, wriggling in his grip. “No fucking wonder I didn’t see you in Barbie’s house this morning, you decided to be a fucking Houndini, didn’t you.” She squeaked again, tail swirling and dragging along his wrist. He heard footsteps behind him and moved to shove her back into his jacket sleeve when Steve approached.
“You okay-- Oh!” Steve blinked, brows raised as he saw Max reach with her small, cute little pink hands to grab for Billy’s hard nipple again. “So…”
“Cut that out!” Billy hissed, moving her down to cradle her against his stomach. She settled in, but she was definitely hungry and would get restless again quickly. “I didn’t see her this morning but just assumed she was hiding in her little pile.”
“Me too,” Steve said, checking around the hallway for anyone who was late. Luckily, there was no one around to see them trying to hide a rat in Billy’s jacket. “How’d she even get out?”
“I mean, we are keeping her in a Barbie dream house instead of a cage--”
“Really? You’re gonna sass me now? After you insisted that she ‘live like the princess she is’--”
Stranger Than Fiction AU
“Billy, I swear to fucking god if you don’t get out there right now--” Billy stumbled out from the back, head turned to glare at Max, who was pushing him from behind. She pushed until he was at the counter, face to face with Steve. He glared, though his face was flush. Max crossed her arms. “Like we fuckin’ practiced.” Billy shot her another angry glance, but then looked back to Steve. Who was so confused.
“Max may have, uhm, brought it to my attention that I may have overreacted just the tiniest little bit.”
“That’s not at all right,” Max said under her breath. Billy swatted behind him without looking, missing her completely.
“Anyway,” he pressed on, “I just,” he sighed, pushing an errant curl behind his ear. Steve watched the movement before snapping his eyes back to Billy’s. “I don’t often take the chance to be nice, so I got maybe a little offended.” Max scoffed. “Okay a lot offended,” he said with an eye roll. Steve couldn’t help it; he snorted. Billy’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes lit up, like a kid who just learned Santa was real. Steve blushed, looking away, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face.
“It’s okay,” he replied, turning back to look at Billy. The sun lit up the stray blonde hairs poking out of his messy bun, making a light halo around him. Steve had to catch his breath.
It was like looking at an angel, vengeful and dangerous, but exciting all at once. His eyes seemed to shine, bright and gleeful, but also full of mischief.
“It’s okay,” Steve repeated, feeling his face heat up more. “I would have taken them if I could. They were amazing.” He smiled, nodding towards the stairs. “I should get to it though. Last day and all.” Something sad briefly flickered over Billy’s face, but it was gone as soon as it was there, and Steve thought he must have imagined it.
“Yeah, good luck,” Billy said. Max was smiling, smug, and she punched Billy’s shoulder.
Leverage AU
“Well,” he said slowly, letting the trio shake off their shadows. “The lab closed.” This isn’t about the kid was the underlying message. “But, what’s happening now is that Mayor Kline accepted a lot of weird bribes. They’re from a company called Starcourt Industries. Now, that’s the name of the mall that opened, Starcourt, but what’s weird--”
“--Is that they didn’t exist for very long before suddenly popping up in Indiana,” Alec cut in. “It reads like one of our companies. General background, seems legit, but I did a lot of poking around most of this stuff leads to loose ends. It took a while to get there, so at first glance…” The group nodded. At first glance everything checked out, and even a little digging would provide a general cover that most people wouldn’t think to look past.
Of course, none of them were most people.
“So who are they?” Eliot asked.
“All of the loose ends lead back to Russia,” Alec said. “But nothing concrete or connected, just more companies that do really general stuff. It goes real deep.” The implications there were discomforting. Alec was a genius, and excelled in his line of work, but this kind of grand scale cover up meant one thing: this was bigger than just a few bad apples in a company. This was a plan.
“So who’s the client?” Sophie asked. Nate pulled up a picture of a grumpy looking man, mustache groomed and eyes hard, but kind.
“Chief Jim Hopper.” That got Parker’s attention, bringing her out of the funk she’d been in since the mention of San Diego and Billy.
“Like, Police Chief?”
“Yep,” Nate said, popping the P. “He’s the one who found the kid, found out there was something going on at the lab. Now, he’s positive something weird is going on. Knows he’s done everything he can to legally take the Mayor down, but the man has a lot of friends in high places, and Jim can’t do anything. And that’s,” he smiled, “Where we come in.”
That’s still merely some of what I have going on, but that’s what I’ll share rn. Anyway, tag me in ur WIPs! I’d love to read them :) tag ur it
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buckyjamess-archive · 4 years
chocolate chips & babies
a/n: hello @onceuponadetectivedemigod I'm your secret Santa for the Get down give joy event! This is my first time participating in such thing. I absolutely loved the things you requested & this is where I ended up, I hope you enjoy it! also, sorry for not sending so much anons; I didn't know what to ask :')
pairings: ben hardy x reader
warnings: fluff town baby, call your dentist in advance. Dad!ben needs a warning on its own.
wordcount: 1.4k+
summery; Christmas with the Jones' is never the same.
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"Daddy, this one has Santa in it." 
Ben looks down at his daughter, Emily, shaking another snow globe in her purple gloved hands. Blonde hair flowing from underneath her purple hat. Rosy cheeks and the tip of her nose red. 
"No, you're joking?" 
Kneeling down to his daughter's height, he catches the globe from her tiny hands and examines it closely. How the snow floats around Santa, the Christmas tree and the tiny snowman. 
"It sure is Santa," Ben smiles at his daughter "we need to find mum and your brother, okay?" 
Emily nods her head and watches how her dad sets the snowglobe back on the shelf, amongst all others she enjoyed. Ben gets back on his feet and reaches for her hands, which wraps around his finger. 
Making their way out of the little corner store and out on the cold streets of London, Ben finds himself and his daughter in a mob of people.  
People desperately trying to find that one last, perfect gift for under the tree. People trying to get the last turkey from the store a few blocks down. People arguing. People yelling-- 
Oh the joys of Christmas. 
"C'mon, sweetheart." 
In a swift move, Ben raises Emily off the ground and holds her tight against his side. Her arms wrapping around his neck. 
"Where's mummy?"
"I don't know," ben mumbles, subtly pushing past the group of arguing women "but we'll find her." 
"We have too," Emily states as a matter of fact "we were going to bake cookies." 
"Yeah, did mum promise you that?" Ben asked curiously. 
Emily nods her head "with hot chocolate." 
It can't be hard to find you, right? A woman he came to love so dearly, walking around with his son, his carbon copy, sporting a seven month baby bump under a layer of clothes..not that difficult, if the streets weren't packed as if every store decides to give things away for free. 
Christmas with the jones..never the same. 
"Maybe Santa can give me the snow globe." 
"Maybe he will sweetheart." 
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You push the stroller back and forth in the hopes to make your over emotional toddler sleepy and though he's dozed off minutes ago, you can't be too sure and stop it. 
Noah his rosy, chubby cheeks are squished as his head rests against the metal of the stroller. Quiffs of blonde peeking from under his red and blue, fireman Sam hat. Clutching onto a stuffed rabbit he'd gotten from his big sister. 
You rub over your still and seemingly never growing bump when little miss Jones causes a ruckus. Honestly, you're still surprised she hasn't broken any of your ribs or caused any internal bleeding, 
something you'd not had experienced yet, Emily and Noah were the easiest babies you'd seen among your friends, just like their dad, not only in looks but in manners but something tells you this little babe is going to be your carbon copy. 
Sitting down on the stone bench, your feet ache. A sigh leaving your lips when your son starts to shift in his stroller the second you stop moving it. 
Home, that's all you want at this moment. Gather your little family, walk home and heat up with some hot chocolate underneath the Christmas tree while watching a movie. Underneath a thick fluffy blanket preferably. 
Only if you didn't lose your husband in the madness called the great Christmas depression. Maybe it was a bad idea to do some Christmas shopping last minute after all. 
The cold England weather sends a shiver down your spine and you tuck the blanket further up Noah's body, carefully to not wake him up. 
The familiar sound of the voices belonging to those of your husband and daughter catches your attention. You stand up, looking around the bush streets and it takes a while before you spot the two blondies.
You wave in the hopes they see you and they do as Emily points into your direction. 
"It's a madhouse." Ben grumbles when he reaches you "lets head back home." 
"Gladly." You mumble back. 
The walk home isn't long. You've rarely left the block. You've walked this route a hundred times, ten minutes at last but with the ache in your feet and back, it made it look like hours but with Emily pushing the stroller, it gave Ben the opportunity to snake his arm around your back, helping you to find some sort of relief.
"This is the last kid, Jones." You complain "unless you're planning to carry them." 
"Don't think I'm able to be such an amazing human being," ben chuckles "I'm just a man." 
"This one better look like me." 
You watch Emily, carefully pushing the stroller with her little brother around. Nearly reaching the handles, even on her tiny toes but peeking around it to make sure to go straight. 
Both carbon copies of their daughter. 
"I'm sorry love, can't help it. My genes are stronger." 
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"Mate, calm down." Ben laughs when he pulls his son hand away from the batch of cookie batter "when's the last time we fed you." 
You're seated at the breakfast bar, nursing a hot chocolate, like you imagined minutes ago.
Emily stands tall on her step, flour covering nearly every inch of her body, rolling batter into small balls, licking her fingers clean once in a while.
Noah on his knees on the kitchen counter, anything edible disappearing into his mouth whenever he can get his hands on it. 
Ben stands behind him, able to pull his son back whenever it's needed. Hand gripping the back of Noah's shirt. 
"Grandma says you get sick from eating it." Emily says, looking back from Ben to you and back "chickens will grow in your stomach because the eggs are raw." 
"Did she?" Ben raises his brow as he looks at his daughter, mouthing a 'What the hell?' In your direction 
"Is it true?" 
"No honey, grandma is crazy." You say "You can get sick from it, so don't eat too much." 
"Do you want some?" 
She holds out a ball of dough in your direction. A smile reaching her ears, showing off her pearly whites 
"No, the baby doesn't like it." You refuse but give her the same warm smile she's giving you. 
She turns back to her dad, holding out the same piece but when Ben refuses it too, she sets it in the tray in front of her, pushing it down with her hands. 
"I will make cookies for all of you!" Emily cheers "even for Santa!" 
"That's a good idea love," Ben smiles, "Maybe he'll get you that snow globe." 
The two of you share a smile but it falters fast when Noah gets a hold of the bag of chocolate chips, nearly stuffing his mouth with a hand full. 
"Mate, you need to calm down." Ben states "he's got that from you." 
"As if you didn't eat my last candy bar, Jones." 
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"Go easy on your mum or you'll be the last one." 
You roll your eyes at Ben, his face close to your bump. The lights of the Christmas tree and the fairy lights illuminating the features on his face. 
With the two rascals all tucked in and sound asleep, it's just you, Ben and the little bean. A moment you'll forever cherish, a moment that rarely happened. 
"So, if you want a brother or sister-" 
"Ben, please," you chuckle "I don't want to think about another kid right now. She's not even born yet." 
Ben sits back up right and rests his feet on the coffee table, laying his arm on the couch behind you "What about a football team?" 
"I'll personally give you a vasectomy." 
"I'm joking." Ben throws his head back, nearly causing a whiplash as he lets out a laugh 
"I'm not tough." You smirk at him "I love you but I'm not going to care a football team, find yourself another wife if you have too." 
"I would never." 
Ben kisses your temple and places his hand back on your stomach and if on queue, the little bean kicks up against his hand. 
"Already a daddys princess." Ben jokes "three girls to fight for my attention." 
You raise your brows and fake a smile "Oh, I'll always fight for your attention." 
"These mood swings really getting to you this time, huh?" Ben chuckles "Where's the Christmas spirit?" 
You huff and lean back on the couch, throwing your legs in Ben's lap. Without thinking, Ben reaches for them, massaging away the ache in them. 
"We've to make sure we feed these kids," Ben says "look at our poor son." 
Tough it's a little hectic and a bit chaotic and, ben wouldn't want his family to be any different.
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kakashi-tsukuyomi · 4 years
The Perfect Gift
A/N: Part two of my Christmas gift for the writing community I’m part of -- @konoblog-simps ! I wanted to do another group favorite other than Kakashi, and Madara is one. To be honest, writing for Madara had been very challenging. But with the help of my friends, it came out nice! Thank you to my lovely beta-readers @tachibrii @madaras-housewife and @titanialev . And for the insights on Madara, as well! Love you guys.
Pairing: Madara x Female Reader; Modern AU Warnings: Mentions of stroke, hospitalization. The rest is pure fluff.
A bell-like sound goes off, and you hurriedly run to the oven. Wearing your mittens, you carefully open the door and gingerly take out the tray of freshly-baked cranberry and chocolate chip cookies. Placing them on the counter, you transfer the cookies onto a cooling rack, the delicious smell of the pastries filling the kitchen.
Opening the cupboard, you take out the empty boxes and start assembling them. You are in quite a rush to finish packing the cookies this afternoon. You have received quite a number of orders of your special cookies -- which is quite famous in your circle of friends -- and have to deliver all of them at the end of the day. After assembling the last of the boxes, you dash towards the drawer and take out the roll of ribbon.
But there is also another reason why you are hurrying to have them all delivered today. Apart from the income you have recently received from your job, you have been accepting orders of pastries for extra money to save up for your husband's Christmas present. The man demands nothing less, and as the loving wife that you are, believe that too. You have currently saved up enough for it, and with the income that you'll be receiving from this last batch, you'll finally be a step closer in getting that special gift you believe he deserves to have. And it's exactly 2 days before Christmas, and time is running fast. You need to buy that gift right away.
The laughter of your two little girls echo in the living room as they run around, wielding the toys your husband bought for them just a week ago. You smile and chuckle at the memory. Coming home from a business trip, Madara would always make it a point to bring home gifts for his two daughters. You always thought he is a little bit indulgent to them, but that's always been the way Madara is: albeit strict, he is a doting father, and a devoted husband to you, as well.
And as if on cue, the front door suddenly opens, and a tall, long-haired man in suit and tie appears in the living room. "Daddy!" Your two children drop the toys to the ground and dash towards their father. "Welcome home!"
He picks both of them up with his strong arms, and the two children cling to their father as he peppers their faces with kisses. "How are my two little princesses?" he asks, and he sets them both on their feet. The two girls giggle and recount to him their day, telling him of the imaginary adventures they had as they played with the toys he has recently bought them. "We love them so much, Daddy," they gush, and the youngest picks up the stuffed animal and hugs it tightly. Touched, Madara laughs and places his hand on your youngest's cheek. "Of course, anything for my two sweet princesses. But I bet you'll love my Christmas presents even more."
From where you are, you can see the faces of the two girls light up as you hear their squeals of delight. You smile at the sight, and turn away to place the cookies inside the boxes. You are too preoccupied with the task that you do not notice someone entering the kitchen, and when you finally do, you find two strong arms wrapping themselves around your waist.
"Welcome home, darling," you greet him as he places a kiss on your cheek.  "How was your day at work?" He eyes the cookies as you continue placing them in the boxes you've prepared. "It was okay," he replies, "Are those the ones The Miyazakis ordered from you?"
"Yes," you nod as you close the lid of the last box of cookies. "I'm nearly done and I need to  take them to their house today. I'll be quick and will be back before dusk." You reach for the ribbon and wrap it around each box. As soon as you are finished, you gather the boxes in a large basket, and after cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, soon head out towards the Miyazaki residence.
The Miyazakis loved the baked goods. They thank you for delivering them, and in their joy and gratitude, insist that you bring home an expensive bottle of champagne for you and Madara to enjoy. As you sit in the back of a taxi on the way home, you smile to yourself, feeling very happy. Not only did you satisfy your customers, but you’re also very near in reaching your quota for Madara’s Christmas present. And tomorrow, as you receive the final payment for your baked goods, you will finally be able to buy your gift for him. At the thought of this, you remember you have somewhere else to be so before heading home, you ask the taxi driver to drop you off at the shops near the town square.
The taxi cab pulls over beside a sidewalk fronted by a line of shops. After paying the fare, you get off the car and walk towards the shop in front of you. Stopping in front of the large storefront window, your face instantly glows as you stare at the item before you. Sitting on top of a velvet cushion just behind the glass was an elegant, luxury watch. The case is platinum with a sapphire-crystal case at the back, and the strap is made of alligator skin colored in shiny navy blue. The crystal is blue-sapphire with a beautiful astronomical design, illustrating the exact configuration of the nocturnal sky in the northern hemisphere and showing the apparent movement of the stars and the phases and orbit of the moon. For weeks, you have been eyeing that watch every time you pass by the store during your errands. You believe it’s the perfect gift for your husband, and you can already imagine how it would look perfect strapped on his wrist. A superior watch for a superior man; nothing less for a man of his stature. You are so busy admiring the watch before you when you don’t notice someone approaching you. “Y/N, is that you?” 
The voice breaks you from your reverie, and you look up to see the warm face of an old woman you are familiar with. “Mrs. Fujiwara!” You exclaim, smiling at her warmly. “How nice to see you here.” Mrs. Fujiwara smiles back, “It’s nice to see you also. How are you and Madara? How are the kids?” Your heart warms even more as you fill in your older friend about your family. Mrs. Fujiwara is your neighbor and a dear friend of the family, and you have considered her more than so. In the early years of parenthood when you needed someone to watch over your children as you went to work, Mrs. Fujiwara willingly filled in the role, looking after the two girls as if they were her very own grandchildren. You inquire about her husband, and she responds that he’s doing well, so much that he lately disregards the doctor’s advice and overindulges himself in his favorite food.
Mrs. Fujiwara chuckles and turns to look at the luxury watch behind the glass. “I saw you admiring it. Is it for Madara?” 
You nod at her, feeling excited. “Yes, I’ve saved up so much for it. I want to give him the best gift this Christmas. I’m planning to have it reserved tonight so I can buy it tomorrow when I receive the rest of the payment from my sales.”
“That’s really lovely, dear. I think it would look really good on him,” Mrs. Fujiwara smiles, and continues, “Well, I shouldn’t stall you anymore. It was nice catching up with you, Y/N. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!” You smile and wave back, and as soon as Mrs. Fujiwara walks away, you proceed to enter the store. As soon as you are finished reserving the watch, you leave the store and hail a cab to take you home.
Later that evening as you were preparing for bed, you feel Madara’s arms once again wrapped around your waist. “Mr. Miyazaki called me just now,” he murmurs in your ear as he buries his face in your hair, “just to tell me that they loved the pastries you made. I’m very proud of you, darling.” You smile at the compliment, and he buries his face deeper in your hair.
He lowers his head slowly and brings it to your shoulders. “I’ve also already bought the perfect gift for you,” he murmurs against your skin as he places a light kiss on your bare shoulder. “I hope you’ll love it.”
You smile even more warmly, and you move in his embrace to face him, “I’m very certain I’ll love it, darling. Anything from you, I’ll treasure it dearly.” You cup his face with both hands, and you stare lovingly in his eyes. “Actually,” you lean in and murmur in his cheek, “I’ve also already picked out my gift for you.” You proceed to kiss his cheek, slowly making your way to his lips. “I hope you’ll love it, as well.”
“Mmhmm,” he hums as your lips finally reach his, and he reciprocates, his hold getting tighter around you. As his lips move against yours, you smile at the thought of the gift, feeling confident that he surely will.
The next day, after completing all the chores you needed to finish, you set out to buy the gift. The remaining payment has already been deposited to your account, and you let out a sigh of relief and excitement. Finally, you’ll be able to buy that gift, and just in time for Christmas, as well. You ask the taxi driver to pull over in front of the shops, and you step out and walk towards the watch store.
As you approach near the store, you see a familiar figure walking towards you. You recognize them as Mrs. Fujiwara, and you instantly wave and smile at them. However, your smile slightly falters as you notice the distraught expression on her face. Immediately, you hurry towards her. 
“Mrs. Fujiwara,” you speak softly yet urgently, worry creasing your forehead, “is something wrong?” Mrs. Fujiwara’s glassy eyes drift from an invisible goal before her towards your worried ones, and her expression becomes even more desperate.
“My husband,” she chokes, trying to stifle a sob, “he had a stroke…”
You cover your mouth with your hand, pity and worry taking over you. “How is he right now? Where is he?” Mrs. Fujiwara shakes her head, and you desperately hope he is alright. “He is currently at the hospital now,” your older friend whispers, tears already forming in her eyes. “The doctors said he would need to undergo surgery, but how can we even afford that? Our only son already has enough on his plate, we don’t want to burden him even more…” She trails off, wiping a tear now rolling down her cheek. She continues, “I left him for a while in the hospital with my son, and now I’m going around asking for help from friends. I-I’ve been able to collect only so much, but I-I know it’s n-not enough…”
Your heart tugs painfully as you watch Mrs. Fujiwara finally unable to hold back her tears. You want to help her -- this kind lady who has unselfishly helped your family countless times, whom you and Madara already consider as family -- and to ease her suffering in any kind of way that you can. But you know that words alone won’t comfort her now, and no matter how much you can try to reassure her, it is not something that her family needs right now. A thought suddenly crosses your mind, and you feel yourself shift your feet uncomfortably upon thinking of it. To give in to that thought would mean to forego all your plans, and your heart aches at the thought of seeing a disappointed look on your husband’s face.
But here before you is someone dear to you who is in need, whose husband’s life is hanging on a thread. Somebody who had willingly and unselfishly volunteered to make sure your young children were looked after and protected as you and your husband had to fulfill your obligations at work. And at your very core, you have always believed in helping make the world a better place, and this includes helping people especially when they need it the most. A trait that you can never change about yourself, a proof of your kindness which also made Madara fell for you.
Slowly and instinctively, you feel your hand pull your checkbook out of your bag. “Here, please accept this,” you offer to her after you have scribbled on a blank cheque and ripped it off the checkbook. You hold the piece of paper with both of your hands, your head slightly bowed, waiting for her to take it. “I know it’s not much, but I hope it can help…” Mrs. Fujiwara stares at the piece of paper on your hands, and lifts her head to look at you. “My dear, but, isn’t that…?”
“Y-yes,” you confirm, your head still bowed down, “I-I was able to save this much. Please accept it, Mrs. Fujiwara.”
“But, how about your gift to Madara…” she trails off, her hand on her chest. “I simply can’t, Y/N. You worked so hard to save up to buy Madara’s present. I can’t just take that from you.”
You raise your head a little, meeting her gaze. You smile at her warmly and reassuringly, resolve already taking hold of your heart. “That’s fine, Mrs. Fujiwara. I can just get another present for my husband. I’m sure I can find one here. But right now, you and your husband need this. Please, I insist,” and you hold out your hands even further as you bow your head again, your simple action imploring her to take it.
This time, Mrs. Fujiwara breaks into sobs, unable to control her emotions anymore. With trembling hands, she takes both of your hands in her own, her gratitude and relief showing clearly with the way she grips them. “I c-can’t thank you well enough,” she sobs, her eyes looking into yours with such overwhelming joy. “Really, Y/N. Thank you very, very, very much…” As soon as she releases both of your hands and takes the check from you, she pulls you into a grateful hug. You hug her back, also happy to have helped her. But somewhere in the back of your mind and in the corners of your heart, you worry how you can possibly get a gift for your husband now that Christmas is only a day away.
The rest of the day has been very busy for you as you make preparations for Christmas dinner later in the evening. Running errands here and there, you barely have time to think about what alternative gift you can buy for your husband. And as soon as you arrive home, you have been so preoccupied with preparing the meals that the thought is just pushed in the back of your head. 
Christmas Eve dinner has been splendid, and your family love the meals that you have prepared, earning praises from both your husband and daughters. As soon as dinner is finished and you are clearing the table, your two daughters ask your husband excitedly if they can stay up late and open their presents at midnight.
“Not tonight,” Madara tells them, but you swear you notice a hint of nervousness in his tone. “You can open them in the morning. Now off to bed, my sweet princesses.” And he ushers them to their room as you continue to clean up the dishes.
As soon as you are finished in the kitchen and have cleaned yourself up, ready to retire for bed, Madara approaches you, holding an elegantly wrapped box in his hand. You feel yourself freeze momentarily on the spot -- remembering the gift that you have failed to get for him -- as he stops in front of you, holding out the present towards you.
“I couldn’t wait ‘til Christmas morning. Merry Christmas, darling.” Gingerly, you take the box from his hands, cradling them gently in your own. You stare at the present on your hands, and slowly tore off the wrapper, revealing a rich velvet box. You let your fingers linger for a while on top of it, and carefully, you open it.
Inside the box is a beautiful chevron diamond necklace, with brilliant round diamonds arranged in a prong setting. You let out a soft gasp, lifting your eyes from the jewelry and on Madara’s face. He stares at you expectantly, his gaze intent, and there is a hint of hopefulness in his eyes as if waiting for a favorable response from you.
“Well, do you like it?” 
Your feel your throat constricts as your eyes start to water, and you can only nod at him in affirmation. You swear you heard a sigh of relief come from him -- although barely audible -- and he takes a step closer to you. Taking the jewelry from the box, he moves to your back, and after sweeping your hair behind the shoulder, carefully puts the necklace around your neck.
You glance down at the jewelry resting just above your chest, your fingers caressing the small round diamonds. You feel too overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of it, by the thoughtful gift. You imagine Madara visiting every store, going through a vast collection of jewelries, meticulously looking for that perfect necklace as he takes into thought your preference. His fingers linger on your skin for a while, and you finally manage to speak, voicing your sentiments as you whisper, “I love it…”
He brings his face to your hair, and he leans down to speak to your ear. “Actually, darling. I have another gift for you.” Two presents? You marvel internally. Once again, you feel his strong arms wrap around you, and he tells you that he has booked the whole family that vacation you’ve always been dreaming about.
This time, you can’t control it anymore. Tears roll down your cheeks and turn into sobs, and you feel your whole body shaking in his hold. He turns you around, his worried eyes searching your face. “Is there something wrong, darling?” For a moment, you catch again a hint of nervousness in his tone, and you worry that he might have thought you did not like the gifts.
“No dear, I love them,” you start before he can say anything about it. “I think they’re perfect.”
“Then why are you crying?” His hold around you becomes tighter, and you can feel the worry in his voice becoming more evident.
“Oh, dear…” You break into another sob, and you stifle the next one as you struggle to explain. “I am so sorry… Your present, I…” You break down again, and he waits patiently until you have regained yourself a little.
“You see, I...” you explain to him, “I was supposed to buy your present earlier today. I-I found this really beautiful watch and f-for weeks, I’ve been saving up to get it for you for Christmas. But t-then, as I was about to get it this morning, I s-suddenly ran into Mrs. Fujiwara and found out h-her husband had a stroke. S-she said he has to undergo surgery, and they didn’t have any money to pay for it, so I…” You lower your head and look down, avoiding his eyes. “I-I gave them the money I earned from my sales, the m-money that I was supposed to use to buy your present.” Your voice trails off in a whisper, and you find your throat constricting again. “I am so sorry, Madara. I wanted to g-get you another present, but with all of the preparations, I w-wasn’t able to. I-I ruined your Christmas. I’m a horrible wife.”
Tears uncontrollably make their way down your cheeks once more, and you feel too embarrassed to even look at him. As you move to break away from his embrace, suddenly you feel his arms tighten around you, not letting you go. “Y/N,” Madara whispers, “look at me.” You brace yourself for the words that will soon come after, and hesitantly, you lift your eyes to meet his. 
Bewilderment takes over you as you are taken aback by the intense yet soft, loving gaze your husband has on you. Slowly, he brings you closer to him, burying you in his chest. “That is fine. I am not bothered by it.”
“But I wanted to give you a perfect gift,” you sob into his chest, your hands gripping his shirt tightly. 
Slowly, he pulls away from the tight embrace and with his one hand, places it on your cheek and lifts up your face to look at his. “But I have already received the perfect gift,” he whispers, lightly wiping the tear on your face. “I have you and the two girls. You are my world. What more can I possibly ask for?”
An immense warmth takes over your heart as you look at the man with love and gratitude. You wonder to yourself what good you must have done to deserve this man. He pulls you into another embrace, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead. “I have everything I need right here,” he murmurs against your skin. As you bury yourself deeper in his embrace, you smile to yourself, contentment and happiness filling your heart.
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writingwhimsey · 3 years
The Tiger and the Oda Princess Ch. 2
Chapter 2
I woke the next morning with the sun shining through the window. The first thing that came into focus was my left hand, resting on Shingen's bare chest. I smiled as I saw the wedding ring there, meaning it really did happen.
It was then that Shingen brought his hand up to take mine and bring it to his lips. I looked up at him as he did, my head still resting on his chest. I could see the love and happiness in his eyes. "Good morning my beautiful wife." He greeted me.
"Good morning, my handsome husband." I replied, feeling my lips curve into a big smile.
"That was definitely a much better night than the one before." He said. "And this morning is even better than yesterday morning."
"I much prefer falling asleep with you and waking up with you than without." I agreed, nestling into his embrace more.
"And I will see to it that we never have to part even for a night again." Shingen said, kissing the top of my head.
"Of course, that one night apart was worth it to get to wake up this morning as your wife."
Shingen's fingers were under my chin then, pulling my lips up to his. "You've no idea how happy that makes me." He said, his warm breath washing over my lips.
"I might have an idea." I replied. "Because I think I'm just as happy about it as you are."
Shingen was then capturing my lips in a passionate kiss as he rolled us over so that he was now hovering above me, his strong powerful body enveloping me. I moaned into the kiss and soon we were letting the passion carry us through the rest of the morning.
At some point we finally pulled ourselves from the futon to eat and get ready for our trip. We were taking the entire week to spend together, our honeymoon. We took our trip to a neighboring village where Shingen had gotten us a room at a hot spring.
During our days there, we would explore the village and pick up a few treasures along the way. We picked a few things to send to give to our friends when we returned and a few things for us to remember the trip. We ate some of the best sweets at the local tea shops.
Our evenings were spent in the throes of passions...and our mornings, too. So we really only ventured out of our room in the afternoon hours. Not that either of us minded. We were happy being together and celebrating our marriage. Celebrating Shingen's health and our future together.
We returned home a bit reluctantly after our week together. I leaned into Shingen as we rode from the small village back to Kai. He let go of the reins with one hand and wrapped it around me. "It's almost a shame to have to go back." I said.
"I agree." Shingen replied. "We won't have that kind of time alone together once we get back."
"Is that why you're making sure we go extra slow?" I teased, as the horse was going at a very casual pace.
"Am I that obvious?" He asked with a smile.
"Perhaps only because I feel the same way." I replied with a sigh.
"But we still have the rest of our lives...and we will have tonight in our own bed."
A thrill went down my spine at the seductive promise in his voice. I turned my head and gave a kiss on his neck. "I like the sound of that."
I felt Shingen shiver at the touch of my lips. "Ava..." He breathed, his warm lips at my ear.
I smiled up at him, coquettishly. "Shingen..."
He was then making a sudden turn and stopping once he was satisfied with how deep in the forest we were. The next thing I knew he was dismounting and tying up the horse before taking me down and I was lying back on the grass, my strong, handsome, sexy husband over me.
We were kissing, my lips eagerly parting and welcoming his tongue inside. His hands pushed up the lower half of my kimono before his fingers slipped inside. I moaned into the kiss and arched my back, pressing myself closer to him.
Soon I was consumed by the fire within me and his fingers just weren't enough. "Shin...gen...more...I want...more." I rasped out.
"As my wife wishes." Shingen replied before entering me and filling me completely.
After our forest floor dalliance, we cleaned up and straightened each other's hair and clothes before setting out back to Kai. When we finally arrived, the sun was starting to go down. Yukimura, Sasuke, and Kenshin were there waiting for us along with the maids and a few of Shingen's vassals.
"I told you they would be late." Yukimura said, looking at Sasuke and Kenshin.
Kenshin sighed and passed some coins to Yukimura.
"You guys bet on us being late?" I asked, shaking my head.
"I knew you would be." Yukimura said. "You can't keep your hands off of each other for one minute. I'm really surprised there's not five or six kids running around here yet."
"Yuki, how many times do I have to tell you, I can't help myself. A goddess as beautiful as Ava must be worshipped." Shingen said.
"I think you really failed in his education if he thinks we've had enough time for there to be five or six kids running around." I said, trying to ignore the burning heat in my cheeks.
"It does take nine months." Sasuke agreed, his tone purely scientific.
"Oh, whatever." Yukimura said, his face growing red now. "Just come on. We're having a banquet to celebrate you guys coming back."
"A nice welcome home, then." Shingen said, smiling.
One month later...
I was sitting on the veranda looking out over the beautiful fall colors in the garden. I was sketching a new design, feeling inspired by the colors in the changing leaves. Shingen was inside working on some trade negotiations for Kai.
The fall air was crisp and had I not been borrowing one of Shingen's haoris I probably would have been a lot colder. There was just something so refreshing about fall and the chill in the air, though. It wouldn't be long before winter was setting in though.
Winter would mean much longer and colder nights...though those were perfect for snuggling with Shingen. "I brought you some tea, my lady."
I looked up at the sound of Otsuna's voice and smiled at her. "Thank you. A cup of hot tea sounds perfect right now." I said.
"You shouldn't sta out here too much longer though. You'll catch a cold and I would hate for my lady to be sick." She said. She was then turning to head back inside.
I reached over and picked up the cup of tea from the tray and held it just under my chin. I let the steam from the cup float up over and warm my face. The tea was very aromatic and it soon reached my nose.
Normally, I loved the smell of tea and Otsuna made some delicious tea. However, as soon as the smell reached my nose, my stomach began to churn at the thought of even taking a sip of this tea.
I set the tea cup down and steadied myself, trying to calm my stomach. It was too late however and so I was rushing over to a tree in the garden and emptying the contents of my stomach.
Once I was finished, I steadied myself and then headed inside to get a drink of water and clean myself up a bit. It seemed once I had thrown up, I was mostly feeling better. There was still an uneasiness in my stomach, but it wasn't something I couldn't tolerate.
"Probably just something I ate." I muttered to myself. "I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow."
I decided not to tell Shingen or anyone else. I didn't want anyone to worry. Shingen had enough to worry about with his trade negotiations to prepare for the winter. Then of course we had just about a month until Shingen's birthday. I was working with Yukimura and some of Shingen's other vassals to plan him a big birthday party.
It was the first time we'd be celebrating his birthday together. It was his first birthday back in Kai. And most importantly it was the first birthday he would get to celebrate in health, not wondering if it would be his last. It was definitely a big deal and I did not have time to be sick.
I heard the temple bells chiming, signaling the changing of the hour. I checked my reflection to make sure I was presentable and didn't show that I had just tossed my cookies. Then I headed to meet with Yukimura to discuss the party for Shingen.
"You're running late." Yukimura greeted me when I met him in one of the spare rooms of the castle.
I gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I lost track of time sketching." I lied.
He eyed me suspiciously. "Uh-huh." He said. "You feeling okay?"
"Just peachy." I answered, smiling brightly. "Now, come on we have a party to plan."
We sat down and started getting a basic plan together for Shingen's birthday. We were planning a large banquet with music and dancing. We had also planned to invite Kenshin and Sasuke, "We just can't let Kenshin know about the music and dancers." Yukimura quipped.
"We'll just buy extra sake." I replied. "And get an extra barrel or two of pickled plums."
"And I'll probably have to agree to train with him...again." Yukimura said with a sigh. "But it's for Lord Shingen's birthday."
"You're such a big softie, Yukimura." I teased.
"Am not." He replied. "You vile enchantress."
"Hey, I thought we were past that stuff...you big lunkhead."
Yukimura smiled at me. "Now I know for sure, you're feeling alright."
"What are you talking about?"
"The whole time we've been in here, I noticed something seemed off...but if you're gonna call me a lunkhead, I think you're alright."
I shook my head. "What? Were you worried about me?"
"Only because you're so important to Lord Shingen."
"Admit it, I've grown on you." I said, teasing him again.
"Maybe like a tiny bit...and only because of Lord Shingen."
"Sure." I replied, smiling.
We finished working out more details before parting ways. I decided that if Yukimura had noticed that something was off with me...especially because when it came to women he was as observant as a brick...that I must not have done as good a job cleaning up as I thought. I decided to take a bath, thinking the nice warm relaxing water might help me feel better before Shingen joined me for dinner.
"I really don't want to worry him. He has so much other stuff to worry about right now." I muttered to myself.
I went to our room and gathered up some clothes and bathing supplies. That was when I noticed the little "notebook" I had made to keep track of my cycle. It was quite vital to keep track of in this time period. With the supplies of the times, I really didn't want to be caught off guard.
Picking it up, I looked at it and that's when I noticed it. I was due to start two weeks ago. It wasn't entirely unusual for me to skip a period, especially if there was anything stressful going on, like planning a big event, like our wedding and now Shingen's birthday.
However, the fact that I threw up earlier made me think this wasn't just one of those skipping times. I smiled, knowing how excited Shingen would be when I told him the news. He had been talking about wanting a family with me since we got back from the future. He seemed especially excited about having a little girl.
I looked down at the list in my hand. I thought about the other times I had skipped. I started thinking about the possibility that I was wrong and all of this was a fluke. I could have eaten something that made me feel sick and just happened at the same time I just happened to skip.
"What if I'm wrong? Or what if I'm right and something happens?" I asked myself. "Shingen would be so disappointed." I didn't want to get his hopes up if I was wrong.
I looked at the notes I'd made and saw when my next period was due. It would be before Shingen's birthday. If I skipped this one and continued with the sick feeling, then I was probably right. If I was then that would be the perfect thing to surprise Shingen with on his birthday.
"The only problem will be continuing to hide how sick I feel until then if I am right." I muttered to myself. But I knew I could do it. I would wait and if I was right, I had the perfect birthday surprise for my love.
Over the next two weeks, a I waited for the expected date of my period, I continued to fight the sick feeling. I was also feeling utterly exhausted no matter how much sleep I got. It was getting diffiult to hide how I was feeling, but I did my best. I just stuck with eating light foods, breads, noodles, chicken, light veggies, and a few fruits seemed to be okay.
It was a good thing that Shingen was being kept busy with his work. While I missed him during the day and would have much enjoyed having him hold me when the morning sickness was getting to feel overwhelming, I didn't want him to worry. Him being busy made it a bit easier to hide it from him. Now keeping it form everyone else was getting difficult.
I was on my way to meet with Yukimura and the other vassals to work on planning Shingen's party, when an overpowering wave of nausea hit me. I ran to the most discreet place I could find and was throwing up in a pot, which I made a mental note to clean up when I was done.
I turned my head then to see Yukimura standing there, having just witnessed me tossing my cookies. I didn't know what to say. I was stunned. I thought I had hidden myself well.
"I'll go get Lord Shingen." He said, which brought me out of my thoughts.
"No! Don't do that!" I found myself shouting at him.
Yukimura turned to look at me surprised. "You of all people are wanting to hide being sick from Lord Shingen?" He asked.
"I just don't want him to worry." I said, sticking as close to the truth as possible.
Yukimura knelt down beside me and pulled out a hand towel, holding it out to me. "Here." He said with a sigh and shaking his head. "He'll kill me if he finds out I knew and didn't tell him you were sick."
"It's nothing." I told Yukimura. "I probably just ate something that didn't agree with me is all."
"Probably trying to keep up with Lord Shingen on how many sweets he eats has gotten to you." He quipped.
"Probably." I agreed.
"I won't say anything as long as you promise to go take it easy for the rest of the day." He said.
"Sure, just as soon as I clean this pot up."
"I'll take care of it." Yukimura said. "Don't be such a dummy, okay...and think about saying something to Lord Shingen. You know he'd take care of you."
I smiled. "I know, but he has other things to worry about. Besides, I'll be back to myself tomorrow."
"Just go get some rest. We've already got most thing planned for Lord Shingen's party anyway. I think the guys and maids and I can finish the rest of the planning, okay?"
"Okay." I agreed.
I headed to the room I shared with Shingen and grabbed my things. I took another bath, wanting to get cleaned up. I didn't want to lay down and go to sleep just yet. I knew if I did, I would sleep until Shingen returned and he would be worried that I was asleep so early.
I grabbed my sewing basket and got to work on the commission I had been working on. It had been the two weeks that had passed and my period still hadn't shown up. I was now two months late. I think it's safe to assume that I really am pregnant. I thought as I continued to sew. Not to mention that my symptoms were continuing to get stronger.
I let out a yawn as I continued to sew. I smiled thinking about how happy I was. I then started to think about how I was going to tell Shingen. We were having the banquet on his birthday. The day before his birthday, I was getting him out of the castle and out of Kai so that Yukimura and the others could get things ready without Shingen knowing...or at least we hoped. It was very hard to keep surprises from the spy master that Shingen was.
I could feel the happiness flowing through me as I imagined his face when I told him the news. I could see the big smile on his face and easily picture him as a loving father. He had such a big heart and he was a true romantic. It was hard not telling him now, but this allowed me to be extra sure and to really surprise him for his birthday.
As I sat there thinking of the perfect way to tell him, I could feel the exhaustion that had started to become my constant companion creeping up on me. "Maybe I can just lay my head down and rest my eyes for just a few minutes." I muttered to myself before letting out another yawn.
I put in a loose stitch to save my place and then set my work aside. I leaned forward on the table, crossing my arms and resting my head on them. I closed my eyes and soon I was fast asleep.
It was hours later I was waking up when I felt my weight being shifted around. "Hmm..." I muttered sleepily.
"Shh, go back to sleep my love." I heard Shingen's deep voice tell me.
I opened my eyes to see that I was in Shingen's arms. He had picked me up and was carrying me to the bed. "And miss seeing you?" I asked.
He smiled at me, as he laid me down in the futon. He was then lying down beside me, pulling me close to him. "For you to fall asleep in the middle of your work like that, you must be tired. Have I been keeping you up too late, my princess?" He asked, his hand lovingly stroking my cheek.
I leaned into his touch and smiled. Well, this is a result of our late nights. I thought, but kept that hidden. "Our late nights are my favorite part of the day." I told him.
Shingen kissed my brow. "Still, maybe I should end my days earlier so I am not keeping you waiting for too long."
I smiled at him, happy that he was willing to adjust his busy schedule just to spend more time with me. "You don't have to do that. I'd hate to get in the way of your work. I know what you're doing is important."
"There is nothing as important to me as you, Ava." He told me, hugging me tighter to his chest. "Besides, I am being a little selfish here on this, too."
I looked up at him. "Oh?"
He gave me a handsome grin. "You see I have this lovely new wife and being with her is all I think about. If I could, I'd spend all of my time with her...every last second."
I stretched up to kiss him. "I love you, Shingen...and your wife feels the same way about spending time with you."
"I would hope so." He said, kissing me back. "And I love you, too."
Read Chapter 3 in the link below!
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Being friends with Monsta X is always fun, especially when they make you feel special...even two weeks before your birthday. Part 2. Behind the scenes.
Warning: Fluff, smut, dirty talk, fingering, hand job, sex, praise. (Does mention Wonho not being in the group, but he is still involved)
Word count: 5.4k
A/N: This has been on my list for far too long, always made excuses not to write. As I said in the titleboard, this is part 1 (emphasis on part), so keep that in mind (don’t want to spoil anything, her birthday is going to be, as the kids say, “lit”).
I do not own the photos in this titleboard. The photos are from Pinterest, the board is made from PhotoGrid.
Just two weeks before my birthday! Haven’t been a birthday bitch in a long time. I always hated having a late summer birthday: it’s too hot to party outside, all my friends in school were too busy at their vacations or spent their time school shopping. Probably needed better friends, but that’s why I couldn’t be happier to have my boys in my life! They are the busiest people I know, but they manage to find time for me. I met them at a club in Seoul, one of the first outings I had since I moved, and we instantly clicked! They treat me like a weird hybrid between a queen, sister, and wifey, but they just refer to me as princess or baby. I’m eternally grateful for their support, moving from the states to Korea was a push I never expected to take. Our friendship was rocky at first, due to the rules of us not being seen in public together, but we made a system to work around it. If anything, I just wear a disguise to appear as staff, most fans don’t question it. There was one slip that only a few fans noticed, and thankfully, the rumor didn’t stretch far.
It was one vlive that Changkyun, Jooheon, Minhyuk and Wonho were doing at the dorms and I was just chilling outside of the camera frame. Nothing was out of the ordinary, we’ve done that arrangement before, but Changkyun kept getting distracted and even threw something to get my attention. My yelp was caught in the audio, but thankfully not a lot of people believed it was a female voice.
Today is my turn to bring dinner. It’s our system to eat dinner together: order take-out to go and eat together at the dorms or my apartment. Tonight is cutlet night, fuck yes! I go back home seeing the boys be entirely comfortable in my living room. Spread out all over my couch and floor. Frankly, it’s a beautiful sight, seeing my friends at their second home. They just got back from their United States portion of their tour, so they're extra exhausted.
“Dinner!”, I shout, announcing my return. The boys launch themselves out of their sitting positions and dash to the kitchen. Minhyuk and Honey take the bags, kiss my head and migrate to the kitchen to dish up. Changkyun welcomes me with a soda. He puts his arm over my shoulder and leads me to the kitchen.
“Surprise!”, the boys cheer, presenting a plate of cookies. Fighting back tears, I laugh off my excitement.
“Guys, my birthday is in two weeks”, I choke up.
“You’re worth celebrating a couple of weeks early”, Wonho shrugs. It’s even more special that Wonho is here. I was there when Wonho left the group, I stayed at the dorms for a while because it was too hard to go home. Hiding my friendship with Monsta X from the world was hard, but keeping quiet about communicating with Wonho was worse. I wanted to tell monbebe that he's going to be ok. I wanted to show how beautiful his smile is when we're together. A part of me was glad I couldn't show anything, I had him all to myself. He was a frequent visitor at my apartment, a place of escape. Many nights of ramen, trash television, and tears.
“You better not think we’re finished yet, we still have more plans till your actual birthday”, Honey hands me a cookie. Snickerdoodle? They must’ve remembered it’s my favorite.
“Plans? Like what!”, I eagerly clap, munching on the cookie. I could tell the boys baked these cookies, I could feel the love in it. The boys exchange looks, wondering if they should reveal their plans.
“It’s a surprise”, Nunu nods.
“Come on, I can’t wait, it’ll kill me”, I dramatically pout.
“You can wait, princess”, Hyungwon takes a bite out of a cookie.
“Give me a hint”, I whine.
“We’ll have fun, don’t worry”, Changkyun chuckles, giving me his half smile smirk. Kihyun almost chokes on his drink. Wonho’s eyes widen. Minhyuk bursts out laughing. Hyungwon raises his eyebrows. Honey looks away, hiding his cheeky grin. Shownu manages to hide any expression.
“Did I miss something?”, I mumble.
“It’s a surprise, baby”, Changkyun whispers. I squint my eyes at him. The boys take the trays of food out of the bags to hand them off.
“You know I won’t tell you”, his voice deepens.
“I’ll make you tell me”, I mumble. Changkyun takes the cookie out of my hand.
“I’d love to see you try”, he winks before taking a giant bite. I scoff at him. He knows I like challenges. Do I feel a smile on my face? Are my cheeks warm? Nope, nope, Sarah, quit it. Hyungwon offers to hand me my plate of noodles. I reach to grab it and he plays his little game of “reach” where he lifts anything above his head so I couldn’t get it, emphasizing how tiny I am compared to him. I usually jump up a couple of times for his amusement, but this time I went for the attack. I wrap my arms around his waist and shake him like a pillow. Hyungwon cackles at my attack that may be more of a tickle to him. Wonho grabs the plate from Hyungwon and taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see the glorious view of Wonho’s big smile, handing me a plate of deliciously steaming food.
"My hero", I flutter my eyelashes. Wonho kisses my forehead and hands me the plate.
"Eat, princess", he whispers. I scrunch my face at him, he mirrors. Honey hands me a can of soda from the fridge. I blow him a kiss as a thank you, he joking catches it. We all grab our plates, some drinks and sit in the living room to eat. Like a big family, we crack jokes, steal food off each other's plates, talk about our day. I wish I could have these every night, but I'm happy to have this a couple times a week. Changkyun and I have been sitting at the end of my coffee table, lefties always stick together. He uses his chopsticks to snatch some noodles out of mine. I gasp. Want to play this game? I’ll play this game. I grab his bowl of rice and stick my tongue out at him. Changkyun pouts his lips and rests his head on my shoulder. How could he be such a demon then a puppy within seconds? I put his bowl back in front of him. He hums pleasantly.
“Don’t steal my noodles”, I whisper. He kisses my shoulder and nuzzles.
“What’s up with you? You got a crush on me?”, I tease him. He adjusts his posture, sitting up straight, avoiding any eye contact with me. I must’ve hit a nerve.
“Kyun, I was kidding”, I assure. His cheeks are a bright shade of pink.
“Kyun? Baby?”, I pout, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“What makes you think I have a crush on you?”, his voice deepens.
“Aren’t you seeing that guy from the corner store?”, he adds with a little snarl.
“You’re seeing someone?”, Honey buts in. Shush, shush, shush, don’t bring attention.
“Sarah, you’re seeing someone?!”, Minhyuk gasps. Fuck, I wanted to forget about that guy.
“Things didn’t work out between us, that’s all”, I confess. Some express relief? Some express confusion.
“You were seeing someone and didn’t tell us?”, Kihyun acts hurt.
“It was nothing, really. Went on a couple of dates, but things came up”, I shrug.
“Like what?”, Shownu wonders, doing his cute little furrowed eyebrow thing. I shouldn’t tell them, they don’t have to know.
“You don’t need to know”, I nervously laugh. Changkyun's mood changes from sulky to intrigued, devilish even.
“What happened baby?”, he bites his lip. I grip the cuffs of my sweatshirt.
“Well”, I cough.
“It’s ok, let’s talk it out”, Changkyun lifts his chin.
“Fine, if you guys want to know”, I sigh. If he wants to play this game, I dominate this game.
“He can’t fuck worth a damn”, I raise an eyebrow before taking a sip of my soda. The boys are speechless, every jaw dropped.
“What was he doing wrong?”, Shownu coughs. My sweet teddy bear, you shouldn’t have asked.
“Shallow pumper who thinks he’s doing something then cums too soon, but complains I’m too wet”, I shamelessly confess. Kihynu chokes on air. Minhyuk and Jooheon express disappointment.
“So yes, I’m not seeing him anymore”, I assure. Shownu and Hyungwon chuckle under their breath. Changkyun couldn’t stop smiling.
“Good riddance”, Minhyuk exclaims.
“Princess deserves her prince”, Hyungwon wipes sauce off of his bottom lip, sneaking a little wink. This room is too warm for me, I need to change out of this sweatshirt. I excuse myself from the table. 67 in here? Why am I so warm! Too many bodies probably.
I dig through my drawers for a comfortable shirt. A pleasant knock rattles my room.
“It’s Kyun”, Changkyun announces.
“Come in”, I welcome. He opens the door to reveal him leaning against the door frame, being suave.
“I’m sorry to hear about that guy”, he initiates a conversation.
Are you?”, I tease. He’s acting too smug to be sympathetic.
“Don’t believe me?”, he chuckles, but acts offended. Not at all.
“Nope”, I shake my head. He shrugs.
“Good”, he devilishly grins before leaving my room. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I need to talk to his boy.
“Kyun”, I call for him. He peeks his head in, keeping the smirk on his lips. I gesture to him to come back. He sneaks back inside, trying to be discreet.
“You’re glad I’m not seeing that guy, huh?”, I question. He knows the teasing game I’m playing and is loving every bit of it.
“I am”, he confirms.
“How come?”, I continue.
“That way you can find someone better”, his voice deepens, examining me with his eyes. Oh, he thinks he could be someone? Let’s see.
“Someone better?”, I squint. Oh fuck it. I glide my fingers along his thighs. Changkyun’s eyes widened, not expecting me to touch him.
“Someone who would give me a good time?”, I continue. My fingers get to the crotch of his pants. He’s already getting hard.
“Yes”, he inhales sharply, trying to keep his cool.
“I wonder who would be the man”, I bite my lip before palming him through his jeans, getting him hard in my hand. He closes his eyes to keep his composure.
“I could ask the boys. I’m sure any of them would be happy to show me”, I whisper. A low growl leaves his lips, his dick fully erect. I slip my hand under his boxerbriefs, feeling his warm, hard dick in my grasp. My strokes are slow and tight. The rumors of big dick energy was fucking true.
“Like Honey, or Minhyuk”, I spitball. A soft moan escapes his lips. He’s putty in my hands. I might come off collected, but inside I’m ready to pass out.
“No”, he whimpers. I got him where I want him.
“Oh, not them?”, I pout my lips.
“Maybe Hyungwon. I think he’s been eye fucking me tonight”, I accidentally slip out. I definitely struck a nerve in Changkyun. Why am I teasing him? Why am I touching him! Have I been so deprived of a good fuck that I’ll resort to a good friend? I don’t see him complaining.
“Guys, the movie is almost ready!”, Kihyun shouts from the living room.
“Coming!”, I shout back. Taking my hand out of Changkyun’s pants, I grab some throw blankets from my bed.
“Just like what you’ll be doing under this blanket”, I whisper. I hate myself for making that joke.
“Please stay”, he whimpers, stopping me from leaving the room.
“If you stay quiet, it’ll be worth it. I’ll make it worth your while”, I propose.
“Like how?”, he eagerly pants.
“I’ll take you back here and ride you soon as possible”, I wink. He curls his tongue at the corner of his mouth. One hand grabs my ass, pulling me closer to him. His hand feels almost too good, kneading my plump cheek. I'm definitely not the first ass he's grabbed, man knows what to do.
“But first, something for you”, he snarls before slipping his hands underneath my leggings. His fingers play with my panties. His index finger drags along my clothed slit. Instead of an electric shock, my body pulses. How could I be already desperate for more? If the boys weren't out in the living room, I would have been bent over against the bed, loving every inch of Kyun.
“You’re already so wet for me”, Changkyun chuckles. My face burns red. I didn’t realize he’s a fucking switch. He pulls the crotch of my panties aside and massages two fingers along my folds. Fuck him for turning the tables! I grip onto the blankets, I want to say something, but all I could let out is a mousy moan.
“You’re so horny, it’s cute”, he teases before pumping the digits into me. I hide my face into the blankets.
“No, no, I want to see you”, his voice raises an octave. I lift my head back from the blankets and cheeky, cocky Changkyun is loving this moment of my vulnerability. With pumps and curling of his fingers, I’m losing myself to his hand. What happened to him? I'm loving this almost too much.
“You think you can tease me without getting something in return? Not with me, baby”, he tilts his head. Him putting me in my place making me weaker. I grab his face and pull him into a kiss. I moan into his lips. His tongue invites itself into my mouth. So delicious, I could do this forever. If his tongue and lips are this good, I wonder what his dick is like.
Changkyun gasps before pulling out.
“I’ll fuck your hand under that blanket then we’re going to go in here and I’ll fuck you till you can’t walk”, he whispers before kissing my cheek. He licks the digits in front of me, loving my taste.
“I’ll be quiet”, he winks before leaving my room. We’ll see. What the fuck did I do! I touched my good friend’s dick, kissed him, and promised to fuck him! Have I wanted to do this before? I guess. He’s an attractive man, how could I not notice him? How long have I felt like this? Do I even like him like that or do I just want to fuck? I’m overwhelming myself. I go back to the living room, the boys have cleared the coffee table, bless them. The boys are in the kitchen chatting in Korean while I lay out some blankets and pillows. Although I moved to Korea, I’m still not an expert on the language, I’m far better at reading. What if he’s talking about what happened in the bedroom? I don’t think he would. He wouldn’t dare. Kihyun sweetly hands me a glass of water.
“Are you ok?”, Kihyun tilts his head.
“What do you mean?”, I nervously laugh. I take a big gulp of the water. Kihyun’s warm palms press my cheek.
“You’re warm. Are you feeling alright?”, his voice goes from curious to concern. I must be touch starved. His caress feels...gentle. I could see myself escape in just his palm’s embrace. I must be in a rush. I shouldn’t be feeling this way for a friend.
“Do you need help?”, Kihyun whispers. I need to stop!
“Am I a bad person, Kiki?”, I mumble. He scoffs. His thumb rubs my cheekbone.
“I shouldn’t have to answer that”, Kihyun smiles.
“Sarah, is there something going on? You can talk to me”, he grows worried. Don’t cry, don’t cry.
“It’s fine, Kihyun”, I assure. Am I trying to convince myself this is ok?
“I trust you. If something comes up, please tell me”, he sighs. I scrunch my nose. Kihyun kisses the tip of my nose.
“I’m coming over tomorrow to cook something with you”, Kihyun plans. That was always one of our favorite activities together, showing each other something new.
The boys rush in with candy and various snacks with drinks. Even though we just ate, you always get snacks for movies. They load up the movie, a poorly rated scary movie, one of my favorites. Damn, these boys have really paid attention to me over the months I’ve been here. Wait, I’ve been here for almost a year! A year just after my birthday. We got close over the year. I feel so dirty, having these feelings for them. Are these actually feelings?
We all get comfy on the couch and floor. Changkyun and I sit on the couch with a blanket draped over us. Changkyun can’t stop smiling at me. He puts his arm over my shoulders, leaning in close to me. I keep my hands together.
“I really want to kiss you”, he whispers, before kissing my cheek. My skin is crawling from nerves. Changkyun notices.
“You don’t have to do it. We could do that later or we could just forget about it”, he worries.
“Kyun, I’m fine, just nervous”, I breathe shakily. Am I realizing what I’m doing is wrong? Is this wrong? These are just butterflies.
“I won’t force you to do anything”, he continues. Holy shit, do I actually like Kyun? I’m getting all blushy just thinking about it. I unravel my hands and test the waters by gesturing the motion under the blanket. This can’t do. 
“Sit the way you do”, I whisper. Changkyun does his little embarrassed smile and fixes his sitting position. He crosses his ankles and keeps his knees up. I practice the motion again, undetectable.
“I really, really want to kiss you”, he mumbles in my ear. His lips graze the curve of my ear. His voice is raspier than before. Fuck. I shift in my seat, getting comfortable from my wet panties. The room goes quiet when the movie plays the opening credits.
“If you don’t stop that, you won’t get anything”, I exhale. I slip my hand under Changkyun’s boxerbriefs and stroke his length.
“I know you want to kiss me too”, he smirks. There’s already some precum oozing from his dick.
“I want to see what that mouth of yours can do”, he whimpers. I squeeze firmly on his shaft.
“You think I could put my mouth to work?”, I sneak a kiss on his ear.
“Fuck”, he exhales, a little too loud. I tug on his pants and free his dick, bouncing against his pelvis. I let out a very mousy, internal scream. His dick is better than I could hope for. Feel could only tell so much. I spit in my hand and rub his dick in a rhythmic pattern.
“I see you drooling”, he teases, pretending to wipe slobber off my lip. He rubs his thumb on my chin. His sharp eyes pierce my heart. Have I never looked at his face long enough to fall in a trance? The shape of his nose, the little curls on either side of his smile, the depth in the darkness of his pupils, the way his hair falls just before his eyes. All of it, every detail. I feel like I’m admiring a painting. A painting that I can touch and that can touch me. How is this the most beautiful painting I’ve encountered even when I went to art school?
“Don’t do it”, I mouth. He might think I’m telling him not to kiss me, but I’m really telling myself not to kiss him first. My pace quickens, matching my heartbeat. Changkyun inhales hazily. He’s getting close. What I would give to hear him scream my name.
“Watch the movie”, I mouth. We sit “peacefully” watching the movie. Changkyun bucks his hips, trying to thrust into my hand. He knocks his head back, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath in. I just want to hop on top of him. A delicate whimper is trapped in his throat. Strings of warm, slick cum land on my wrist and hand.
“You did so good, baby”, he praises, his head still knocked back. I nudge his chest to get his attention. He opens one eye. I give direct eye contact as I lick my hand clean. His cum tastes yummy. His lip curls with a smile. I stuff Changkyun’s dick back into his pants.
“My room. Now”, I growl. I peel myself off of the couch and sneak to my room.
I’m shaking. My legs are weak, my heart is in my throat, I can’t unclench my hands. I can’t do this, I can’t. I plop on my bed, curled up in a ball, facing my window.
Changkyun opens my bedroom door.
“Sarah”, he whispers. I groan.
“Is there something wrong?”, he worries. I sit up and wrap myself in my large, fluffy comforter.
“Do you actually want me?”, I hide. He sits on my bed, wrapping his arms around my cocoon.
“Of course I do”, he scoffs. He kisses my head. I unwrap myself and straddle his lap. I squish his face to make a funny puckered face.
“Is it just sex?”, I mumble. He grabs my hand and kisses my palm. With no words, we knew. Changkyun strips me out of both my sweatshirt and t-shirt. He doesn’t break eye contact with me, even though my tits are inches away. I strip him out of his shirt, trying so hard not to go crazy. He scoots to slip his pants down enough to free his dick. My hands rub his shoulders and chest. Weird, his heartbeat isn’t that intense. He pulls my leggings down with my panties, exposing my ass. A playful smack claps my cheek, making me smile. Holding me by my waist, he lays me on my back to take off the rest of my clothes. I caress his cheek, poking his dimple that is making a pleasant appearance. I go back to sitting on his lap. The head of his dick lined up to my entrance.
“Wait”, Changkyun halts. I give him my full attention.
“I wanted this for a long time, not just the sex. I wanted to kiss you and touch you, but it’s more than that. I wanted to feel intimacy with you, make you feel as special as you are. I love being open and free with you, my best friend. I wish I could stay in this room with you forever”, Changkyun rambles. I feel like I want to vomit. Am I going to cry? Am I going to run? Is this a confession without using the three big words? I press my forehead against his, taking a deep breath.
“Changkyun, you are an angel and a demon, you know that? I wanted this too, probably more than I would want to believe. I could stay in this room forever, only if you’d take me”, I admit. My lips peck his lips, his cheek, his neck. I pull his hair a little to knock his head back. A hiss rattles my ear. I leave marks of sucks and nibbles behind his ear, corner of his jawline, under his chin, curve of his neck, Adam's apple, and collarbone. In that order. Soft, deep moans from Changkyun get louder and louder the longer I mark. I sink myself onto him. I cry out from the stretch.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight”, he exhales in ecstacy. I bottom out and I sit for a moment, engulfing every inch of him. Fuck. I lift myself to his tip, then sink back down. I hold onto his shoulders, for balance. I roll my hips, his dick hitting the right spot.
“Would you believe me if I tell you I never rode dick?”, I nervously laugh.
“No way”, Changkyun gulps.
“You know I can’t lie”, I gasp when he hits the spot. He holds my waist to guide me of rocking and bouncing. His dick feels so good I want to cry.
Changkyun lifts me off and throws me to the center of the bed. Throwing my legs over his shoulders, he slams into me. I grab onto his back to pull him closer to me. My nails dig deeper into his back with every thrust. He looks down to see his dick bury inside me. I can’t help myself from looking too. The sight is making my stomach flex.
“Shit, baby. I could do this all day”, he moans. Fuck, if I could have this as a ringtone, I would. The sound of his throbbing dick colliding into my drenched pussy, the slapping of our thighs, his deep sensual moans as well as vulgar. All of it.
“You like looking at us?”, my voice shakes.
“I love it”, he assures, kissing my forehead. His pace quickens. My limbs are visibly shaking. My vision is blurring. My toes can't be more curled.
“Kyun, I-I”, I stutter. My pussy is pulsing, clenching as I speak.
“Talk it out, baby”, he encourages. The knot in my stomach is almost unbearably tight.
“I’m going to cum”, I whimper. He uses all of his strength hammering into me, his face buried into my neck, biting hard. I shed a single tear while I cum. Cumming like this almost felt new to me. What if I never actually had an orgasm and this is the first time! Changkyun lets out a cocky laugh. He still thrusts into me, just painfully slow so I can collect myself.
“You’re so cute when you cum”, he praises, kissing my lips.
“Not as cute as you”, I caress his cheek. He presses his forehead against mine.
“Na-uh. You do a cute little thing with your nose”, he chuckles. He brushes the hair out of my face, wipes sweat off my eyebrow. I could see Changkyun mouth something, but I couldn’t interpret what. He kisses the tip of my nose. He pulls out and lays next to me, holding my hand.
“I forgot the guys are in the living room”, he whispers. Oh shit. The boys, how would I face them? I’m a fucking mess!
“I’m scared, what do I do?”, I panic. He sits up and massages my thighs. Taking a deep breath, he ponders.
“Jump in the shower and relax for a minute. I’ll tell the guys you weren’t feeling good”, he organizes.
“What are you going to say if they ask why?”, I wonder, scooting off of my bed.
“I’ll tell them you got a headache from work today, which happened before”, he shrugs. Foolproof? Maybe, these boys are adorable idiots, but they’re not dumb.
“Too bad you couldn’t join me in the shower”, I pout.
“Next time, babygirl”, he winks, kissing my palms. I stand from my bed and I almost fall on my face. Changkyun couldn’t stop laughing from seeing me struggle to walk.
“I did say I was going to fuck you till you can’t walk”, he pokes fun, escorting me to the bathroom attached to my bedroom. He sits me down on the toilet while he starts the shower. I see the marks I left on him. Fuck, I went hard.
"Baby, I went a little crazy on the marks. I have some powder in my makeup bag", I point to the bag on the corner of the counter. He examines the damage in the mirror, getting a little hot and bothered.
"You sure went crazy", he comments, eyeballing me in the mirror.
"Changkyun", I sigh. He kneels in front of me, holding my hands.
"What's going to happen after this?", I whisper.
"Till I know more about the possibility of dating from Starship, I would like for us to be friends with benefits", he reveals, unfiltered. Dating? He's willing to date me!
"If being friends with benefits is alright with you", he asks for confirmation. Honestly, I'm glad it's just something. I couldn't find the words so I just bashfully nod. He kisses my cheek and helps me into the shower.
"I'll lay out some clothes for you and set it on your bed", Changkyun gestures to my bedroom. I blow him a kiss. He leaves my bathroom with a little swagger in his step.
Not only did I jerk off a friend in front of our group, he fucks me in my bedroom just feet away from them. What did I get myself into. This isn't just me being touched starved. This is more than attraction. Would I be willing to date Changkyun? It's hard to say. I could never let myself hold him back on anything, any of them really. Putting stress on them is the last thing I'd want, especially after everything that happened late last year. I also don't want to hold them back on finding someone better. I hear ruckus happening in the living room. Dear God, if he told them….wait, why would I be afraid? We're adults, we can fuck whoever. I'm not ashamed on what I did, if anything, just a little embarrassed that it happened while the guys were in the other room, but definitely not ashamed. I should just tell them.
I get out of the shower and put on my robe. Changkyun did lay out some clothes for me, what a sweetheart. He even threw my dirty clothes in the hamper? I love that man, can he just marry me?
I try to eavesdrop on the boys while I get dressed. Fuck, not surprised they're chatting in Korean. There's a knock on my door.
"I'm getting dressed, just a second!", I alert.
"It's Honey", Jooheon announces. I quickly finish getting dressed and jump in bed, spread eagle, faced down.
“Come in”, I groan, trying so hard to come off ill. The door opens and Jooheon wolf whistles at me.
"Little mouse, are you ok?", Jooheon soothes vocally. I wiggle in my bed. He giggles before sitting on the edge of my bed. His laugh can cure disease, I swear.
"What happened at work, jajiya?", he baby talks. I hear a tap of glass on my nightstand. Honey brought me something to drink? How could this man be so damn precious to me?
“Got overwhelmed with discussions on my project”, I sigh. I wasn’t lying. Projects are piling and there’s one in particular that is my priority, one that I’ve worked a long time to earn, and with insecurities, I worry that I will be pulled from the project any minute.
“Can I lay with you?”, his voice goes softer. I scoot to give him room. He climbs on my bed and lays on top of me, holding me like a koala. Thank goodness his body is pushing me down, I can completely hide my blushing face. I feel his dick pressed against my ass. I know he was wearing sweatpants, but I didn’t expect him to feel so...open. He tickles my waist to get me to smile. I’m definitely not as ticklish as some of the boys. I wiggle under Honey, trying to escape. The laughs fade.
“You are an incredible woman”, he whispers. He kisses my head.
“I’m sorry you had a shitty day. Let’s just forget about it right now”, he comforts. He brushes the hair out of my face, pressing his lips on my cheek. His body is warm, a good warm.
“Sarah?”, he hums, rubbing his thumb on my jawline. I accidentally arch my back as I lift my head up, nesting my head in the nook of his neck. A small hiss leaves his mouth. I unconsciously open my legs, having him fall in between. His dick is pressed on my pulsing, already sore pussy. I twist myself so I can kiss his cheek. What the fuck am I doing?
“I-I”, Jooheon stumbles. He instinctively rolls his hips. Fuck...me…
“Honey”, I inhale, stretching to kiss his neck and the back of his ear. I bump my ass to grind on him. His hands hold onto my hips as he pushes himself harder onto me, getting more and more erect. He’s right there. Take off my pants, please. Please. The longer he rolls, the more I want him. How could I be feeling this way? He kisses my neck with his luscious lips.
“Don’t stop”, I breathe in his ear.
“But Sarah”, he whimpers.
“I won’t tell if you won’t”, I add. I feel a smile form on his face.
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ahatintimestorybook · 3 years
AHIT-Being Happy
Hey everyone!! I got another story for my good best friend @erekiosuncreativeideas! This time for her story, Being Human which is based off of @doodledrawsthings OTH AU! I wanted to write a bit of what happened after Snatcher broke the Time Piece.
Hope you love it Erekio!!
Also you guys should check out Erekio’s story Being Human as well as her other stories like Reliving an Old Nightmare! You’ll definitely get a good read from her works!
“I wish to be happy.”
Those were the last words Snatcher said before slamming the Time Piece on the ground. A bright light flashed into Hat, Bow and Moonjumper’s eyes. The trio covered their eyes and as soon the light faded, they looked at Snatcher in shock.
Right in front of them was Snatcher; not ghost Snatcher not kid Snatcher, but Prince Snatcher.
The former ghost looked at himself in surprise as he saw he was human again wearing the same clothes he wore before he became a kid during the battle with Vanessa.
Hat Kid slowly walked towards Snatcher, and stood there for a bit before Snatcher grabbed the young girl and pulled her into a tight hug. The young child felt tears in her eyes, as she slowly wrapped her arms around Snatcher and buried her face into his shoulder. The former ghost had tears forming in his eyes letting out a sniffle as he held the young girl in his arms.
“So,” Hat Kid started. Snatcher slowly let go of his grasp and looked at the alien child. “Are you staying like this then?” She asked.
Snatcher took one more good look at himself and smiled. “Yeah, kiddo.” Snatcher answered. “Hope that’s alright?”
“Oh cool. Yeah, that’s okay I guess.” Hat Kid replied. Snatcher gave a soft chuckle before letting the young girl go. He then looked at Bow and Moonjumper, now holding hands ready to be teleported back to the ship, or in Snatcher’s case; home.
Just before they could teleport Snatcher turned to see Hat Kid collapse on the ground, breathing heavily. Her face red, and she started to sweat despite it being cold outside. “K-kid? Are you alright?” Snatcher asked, worried about the state the young girl is in.
Hat Kid couldn’t speak, just letting out a few moans as her eyes slowly opened and closed. The last thing she heard was Bow’s cries and Snatcher calling her name before passing out.
Back on the ship, everyone was outside Hat Kid’s room waiting for answers on the young girl’s health. They all agreed that it was due to the kid frozen by Vanessa, and from what Moonjumper told Snatcher she was the first to freeze. The guilt ate at the ghost that he couldn’t save the young girl in time.
“I’m.” Moonjumper started, but Snatcher put his hand over the ghost’s, which caused him to look up at him.
“I forgive you. It wasn’t your fault.” Snatcher told him. Moonjumper gave a smile at the former ghost. Soon the trio heard the door open and Cooking Cat coming out.
“How is she?” Bow Kid asked, rushing towards the cat chef. The other child was worried for her sister, more than Snatcher was worried for the kid. It didn’t surprise him, Snatcher knew those two have stuck together like glue for like forever.
Cooking Cat put a paw on the young girl’s shoulder. “Hat Kid is fine, she doesn’t have a high fever. Just a day or two of rest and she’ll be back to normal.” She explained.
Bow and Snatcher both sighed in relief seeing Hat Kid wasn’t in too serious condition. Snatcher was glad he didn’t have to lose another loved one due to Vanessa. “Could I go see her?” Snatcher asked. Cooking Cat nodded and allowed the former ghost to check up on his obligated contracted bff.
Hat’s room light was dimmed, except for a small lamp turned on. The child was lying down reading through a book of fairytales, however at times she let out a cough and after coughing she’d shiver and pull the blankets closer to keep her warm.
“Hi kiddo.” Snatcher said.
Hat Kid looked up and smiled. “Snatcher!” She exclaimed, in a hoarse voice. Though that appeared to be a mistake as she coughed harder. The former ghost quickly went towards the child, and rubbed her back to relax her.
“Don’t push yourself kiddo, you're sick.” Snatcher told her. Hat Kid nodded and lied back down. She closed the book and placed it right between her and Snatcher. “How are you feeling?” He asked as he pushed a stray hair from her face.
“My head no longer hurts,” Hat Kid started. “but my stomach hurts, I still feel hot, and my throat hurts at times.” She explained as she rubbed her neck.
“Well don’t worry, Cookie said you’ll be fine in a few days. Just some rest and her cooking should do the trick.” Snatcher explained. Hat Kid giggled before letting out a cough. She nodded, as her throat felt hot to speak. Snatcher thought for a second, and got up to leave the room. “I’ll be right back.” Hat Kid nodded and lied back down to wait for Snatcher.
Snatcher then made his way to the kitchen to see Bow and Cooking Cat making some soup for Hat. Moonjumper was sitting down watching the two cook. The moon ghost turned around hearing Snatcher come in. “Oh Snatcher! Is Hat alright?” He asked again, making sure Hat Kid’s fever didn’t spike up.
“She’s fine, but I just need to make her something for her throat.” Snatcher explained.
Cooking Cat smiled. “Well, you're in luck. I’m making some soup for the kid.” She told him.
“I’m helping!” Bow added.
Snatcher smiled and nodded, seeing that will help Hat Kid. He then went over to the pantry and looked for some tea bags. “ So do you have any tea bags or tea leaves?” Snatcher asked.
Cooking Cat nodded and opened a drawer and pulled out a few tea bags. “Here.” She said. Snatcher smiled and looked through the tea bags. Once he found chamomile tea he quickly grabbed a mug from the shelf, opened the tea bag and soon went to boil some hot water.
Once the tea was ready, Snatcher poured it into a cup and put a spoonful of honey. However, his tea wasn’t done yet. “Do you have any fruit or berries?” He asked.
“I know where they are!” Bow exclaimed. She got off from her stool and went over to a basket where a bunch of fruit sat. Snatcher looked at the fruit and found oranges and lemons. Just what he needed! Carefully, he cut slices of the fruit and put it in the tea.
“Perfect.” Snatcher said.
“Here.” Cooking Cat started. She brought over a tray where the soup was and Snatcher put the tea next to it. “Careful, don’t spill it.” She warned him. Snatcher nodded, knowing he was careful and quickly went to Hat Kid’s room.
The kid was still awake, not getting an ounce of rest as her fever kept her from sleeping. She heard her door open and saw Snatcher with a tray of soup and tea. “Cookie, made you some soup and I made you some tea.” Snatcher said. He then handed the tea to Hat Kid, and the steam opened her nose.
She took a sip and her eyes widened at the taste. The chamomile mixed with the citrus made her throat not hurt as much. It wasn’t fully better, but at least it won’t be as painful. “This tea, it’s good!” Hat Kid exclaimed. “Hey! I can talk better!”
Snatcher chuckled. “My mother made me this tea anytime I was sick, and if it helped me. It could help you.” He explained. Hat Kid smiled, thankful Snatcher did this for her.
She then took a sip of her soup, and it felt like her body warmed up a bit. She let out a happy sigh as the tea and soup were making her feel better. After finishing her meal she felt she would be able to talk to Snatcher. “Snatcher,” Hat Kid started.
“Yeah kiddo.” Snatcher started.
“What are you going to do now?” She asked. Snatcher was confused by Hat Kid’s question. “I mean you choose to stay in prince form, but now you're no longer a noodle ghost, what are you going to do about souls, contracts, everything you were when you were a ghost.” She explained.
Now that she mentioned it, Snatcher was for certain he’d still rule Subcon, but now that he can’t steal souls or poof up contracts there will be some changes to Subcon soon. “Well,” He started. “I’m still going to rule Subcon, but…” His voice trailed off.
“But?” Hat Kid asked, tilting her head.
Snatcher chuckled and turned away. “It's nothing. Its stupid.”
“I won’t know if its stupid unless you tell me.”
Snatcher turned to Hat Kid, and looked into her eyes. They were filled with honesty and care. This little time traveling alien and her sister cared so much for him. He never felt this care since he still had his parents, who are now long gone and during his early days with Vanessa.
God this kid was turning him back into a softy. “Well, would you like it if you and Bow came to live with me and Moonjumper in Subcon?” He offered.
Hat Kid’s eyes widened and glistened with tears. D-Did she just hear her BFF right? Was he offering her and Bow to live with him in Subcon? “Y-you want us to live with you?” She asked.
“W-well that’s up to you! I-if you need to head back to whatever planet you came from t-then its fine-oof!” Snatcher stuttered until Hat Kid pulled him into a hug. Snatcher was confused until he heard sniffling from the young girl.
“I’d love to Snatcher.” She whispered. If she wasn’t so sick right now, she’d be cheering, bouncing off the walls. Snatcher blinked, and smiled as he pulled Hat Kid closer to him.
All this time he dreamed of having a family. He and Vanessa always talked about having a little princess or a young prince, and watching their child grow. However, after the incident he’d given up on having a family, even the Subconites and Dwellers were never seen as children to him, just minions that were told to do work around Subcon.
When Hat and Bow came to Subcon, he just saw them as more fools to do his contracts and at the end steal their souls. However, he secretly grew to care for the two kids, even if they do cause mischief and he denies that he did care for them.
However, after turning human again and spending time with these kids, he did show his care for them, especially Moonjumper. However, the thoughts of losing them again worried him, as he remembered Bow crying locked up in a cage, and Hat Kid and Moon being frozen ice statues right in front of him.
“Does this mean I can call you dad?” Hat Kid spoke up. This snapped Snatcher out of his thoughts, and was now blushing in embarrassment.
“W-Well I mean? If you want to, b-but I-I don’t mind. J-Just your sick and well-” Snatcher was sputtering so much nonsense that it made Hat Kid laugh a bit, despite letting out a cough or two. Snatcher gave a small smile and pulled the young girl close to him. “You can call me whatever you want.” He said.
Hat Kid nodded and hugged Snatcher once more. “Okay, Dadtcher.” She joked. Snatcher laughed and hugged the young child close, snuggling her. Hat Kid giggled and was soon put back to bed. Once she was back in bed she handed Snatcher the fairytale book she was reading. “Read to me, please?”
Snatcher chuckled. “Alright.” He took the book from the kid and turned to the story Hat Kid was reading earlier. Before he could read it, the duo heard the door open to see Bow and Moon right outside. With a smile, Snatcher asked, “Want to join me?” He asked.
Bow nodded and ran towards Snatcher sitting right next to him. Moonjumper floated by and sat on the pillow pile as Snatcher went to read the fairy tale to the girls. As he read the story, Hat Kid quickly fell asleep and soon Bow fell asleep on his lap. He should have stopped reading and let the two sleep, but he continued.
This was his life now, and he was happy for it!
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The Bet
Summary: In which Adrien and Marinette make a bet to see who can keep their relationship hidden from their friends the longest.
Read on AO3
For @leisey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                "You know," Marinette giggled, as he kissed his way up her neck, tilting her head to give him better access. "If we get caught, technically it'll be you who loses the bet."
She sighed as he brushed his lips against her ear, gently nibbling it. "Well then, Princess. It just seems we can't get caught." She could feel his warm breath against her ear, and boy did it do things to her.
She gasped as he picked her up and gently pushed her against the door, before she wrapped her legs around his waist. She gave him an innocent smile that he quickly wiped away, when he captured her lips with his in a heated kiss. She reluctantly pulled away, if only for a moment to catch their breaths, and rested her head on his shoulder.
"I love you." She mumbled, placing a loving kiss to the junction between his neck and shoulder.
"I love you too." He said, placing a kiss to the top of her head. She lifted her head of his shoulder to give him a smile, before recapturing his lips with her own.
                                                                                    "Girl, where were you?" Alya said as they headed towards the bakery after school. "I couldn't find you anywhere during lunch."
Marinette looked away to hide the bright blush on her cheeks. "I, uh, I was-" A loud crash came from behind them, and the girls turned around.
"Akuma!" Alya shouted excitedly, getting out her phone. "I've gotta record this for my blog. I'll call you later?"
She didn't even wait for Marinette's response as she headed back to the school, but Marinette was perfectly okay with that. She quickly ran into the bakery, giving her mother a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, before heading up to her room.
"Tikki, Spots on!" She called.
Now donning her mask, suit and yoyo, she made her way up onto her balcony, before swinging back towards the school.
"Hey, Kitty." She said, as she landed down beside him. "What's up?"
"Chloe, as usual. Made fun of some girl's outfit in another class, and now she's rampaging through the town, changing everyone's outfits, as she looks for Chloe for revenge."
She nodded. "You hid Chloe?"
"Yeah, she'll be fine."
"And any idea where the object might be?"
"I think it's in her bracelet, because that's where all the beams come from when she changes someone's outfit."
"Got it. Let's do this, Kitty."
Chat winked, and gave her a little bow. "After you, M'lady."
                                                                                  "Bye, bye, little butterfly." She said, as the now-purified akuma flew away. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She then called, throwing her lucky charm in the air, watching as the swarm of ladybugs fixed all the damage.
"Pound it?" Chat says, holding his fist out. She smiles, and bumps her fist against his.
"Can you take this one?"
He nodded, picking up her hand to place a kiss to the back of it. "Of course, Bugaboo."
"And... Meet me at our... usual place in fifteen?"
He smirked. "As you wish, M'lady."
Chat made his way over to the akuma victim then, helping them up, consoling them, and offering them a lift home.
She smiled as she watched him leave, before heading back towards the bakery.
She landed on her balcony just as her transformation dropped, before heading back down into her room. "Wait here, okay?" She told Tikki. "I'm going to go get us a snack before we head back out."
She headed back into the kitchen, to see her dad taking out a tray of fresh chocolate chip cookies from the oven. "Want a cookie? They're fresh from the oven."
"Thanks, papa." Marinette said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Two please."
She headed back upstairs, handing Tikki her cookie and finishing up her own.
Once they were both done, she retransformed and headed out. She knew she was a littler early, but she didn't expect him to be early as well.
"Hey, Bug." He said, looping his arms around her waist.
"Hey." She said in return, looping her arms around his neck. She pulled him into a hug, resting her head on his shoulder, as she looked up at him. "Was she okay?"
"Yep, and I gave Chloe a talking too."
Ladybug rolled her eyes, and laughed lightly. "As if that'll do anything."
"It never hurts to try, Bugaboo." She pulled away so she could smile up at him, before capturing his lips in a heated kiss.
She pulled him just a little closer, running her gloved fingers through his hair, as the kiss intensified. He lifted her up then, pressing her up against the wall behind them. He pressed a little kiss to the neck he could see above her turtleneck collar.
"Careful, M'lady." He teased, as he pressed another, longer, kiss to the corner of her mouth. "With all those noises you're making, it'll be you who gets us caught, and loses the bet."
She playfully glared at him.
But just as she was about to suggest they head back to her place to finish things up properly, a loud crash came from a few streets over. "You've got to be kidding me." Ladybug groaned, dropping her had onto his shoulder.
"We can do this, Bugaboo." Chat said, giving her a loving smile. "And think of it this way... The faster the akuma is defeated, the faster we can head over to my place." He gave her a little wink, before jumping off the building, and landing gracefully on the next one over.
                                                                                    Needless to say, that akuma was quickly taken care of, and they soon landed on his bedroom floor, just as both their transformations fell.
Without a word, Plagg flew over to Adrien's personal mini-fridge and took out two whole wheels of camembert before flying into the bathroom. Tikki, on the other hand, grabbed a macaron from Marinette's purse, and munched on it slowly.
"So," Adrien said, smiling innocently, swinging their intertwined hands between them. "what will it take for Mlle. Spots to-"
Marinette smirked. "No need to ask." After getting a nod from Tikki, telling her she was ready, Marinette retransformed.
Adrien blushed as she picked him up bridal-style with little effort, before walking them over to his bed. Placing him down on it, she waited till he was sitting comfortably, before joining him on the bed, sitting in his lap. She smirked as she gently pushed him back so he was laying down, before straddling his lap.
She leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, before pulling away, and teasingly bouncing on his lap. He let out a low groan and she giggled.
There was a knock at his door. "Adrien?" It was Nathalie.
Adrien and Ladybug shared a look, before she scrambled off of him, and ran to his window, throwing out her yoyo and swinging away.
"Yeah?" He called back.
"Your friend Nino is here to work on your project?"
"Oh yeah, you can let him in."
The door opened and Nino walked in, Nathalie closing the door behind him. "Uh, dude-" He said, noticing the current state of his friend.
He sighed, a blush forming on his cheeks as he looked out the window. "I know, Nino. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick."
                                                                                    It was five minutes after Alya left, that a knock came from her skylight.
"Chat," she playfully chastised. "You should've called first. What if Alya hadn't left yet?"
"Then I would've lost the bet. But as she is currently not here," He made his way into her room, and joined her on her bed. "it seems that I haven't lost yet, Princess. Besides, we were sadly interrupted before." He winked.
She rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Well, since you're here..."
He met her lips in a sweet kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they fell backwards onto her bed, not breaking their kiss. She pulled away, taking a breath, before saying, "Drop your transformation."
"Of course, Princess." His transformation fell, and Marinette wasted no time taking his shirt off of him. Her fingers trailed up and down his skin, before she once again recaptured his lips with hers.
"What the hell!?!" They pulled away, with bright blushes adorning both of their cheeks, as they looked down to see Alya standing there, holding an orange notebook. "I come back for my notebook to find you making out with Adrien Agreste, and you didn't tell me!?!"
"H-hey, Alya." Marinette said, pulling away from Adrien to make her way down from her bed. "What's up?"
"What's up? Girl, we are going to have a long talk. Why didn't you tell me!?!" She said. "I have been waiting for this for months!"
"I can answer that one." Adrien said, shirt back on, as he made his way down to stand next to his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around her waist. "We had a bet going to see who could keep the relationship a secret the longest, and," He said, placing a kiss to the side of Marinette's head. "I won. You know what that means, Princess." She glared at him. "And on that note, I'm going to be late for my piano lessons. I'll see you later?"
She smiled. "See you." And placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Bye, Alya!" Adrien called, as he closed the trapdoor behind him.
Alya turned to Marinette with a smile. "Spill, girl."
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Before The Dawn Ch.3
A few months passed as Cassie made sure that Tony ate and resembled some sort of human, and in those few months, Diana had graduated from crawling to walking. Tony was fortunately there for the baby's first steps and Cassie could see how proud he was. He encouraged her to walk over the course of the rest of that day, but before that, the man had looked around with a smile. Only for it to fall. Cassie knew he instinctively started looking for Stephen but when he remembered that the sorcerer wasn't there, his mood fell for a little bit before he smiled again and held Diana's hands. The smile didn't reach his eyes after his realization but Cassie was glad he was smiling regardless.
She knew that now they would have to keep an even closer eye on Diana now that she was walking, and to both their amusement, the baby followed Cassie around like a little duckling. Dia was learning more and more words, and it made Cassie really happy when she learned the word "sissy". She was a smart baby and the little girl always showed her pictures in Peter's photo album and pointed everyone out and told her their names. Diana quickly caught on and since Tony was referring to Cassie as "sissy" and "Cassie" whenever he talked to Diana, she learned what to call her.
Now, Cassie could hear Tony giving her a bath as she drew in a blank notepad he had bought for the young girl a few weeks ago, and giggled when she heard splashing. Diana loved bath time and more often than not, by the time she was done, it looked like Tony took one too. He was doing a little better now and paying more attention to them, but Cassie still helped of course. Sometimes she even took a bath with Dia, but without Tony in the bathroom. He trusted Cassie to take care of Diana, but he also made extra sure to keep an ear out in case she called for him or if FRIDAY alerted him to a problem.
"Sissy! Sissy!" Diana screeches and Tony sighs.
"Ouch. Choosing Miss Sass over your old man?" Tony jokes.
"Sissy!" The baby says again and Cassie could hear her tiny glare.
"Alright, alright. Cassie!" Tony calls out.
The little girl giggles again and closes her notebook. "I'm coming!" She responds.
She wasn't going to join Diana in her bath today, but she would at least sit by the tub for her and fortunately it was enough for Diana. Cassie wouldn't have to sit long since Tony probably got her washed up and now she just wanted to play, but it would give Tony time to get Diana her pajamas and a clean diaper. When Cassie left her bedroom and went into Tony's bedroom and the adjoining bathroom, she grinned when Tony turned and she saw that most of the front of his shirt was soaking wet.
"Oh haha, alright. Laugh it up." He huffs and gets up with a groan. "I'm getting too old for this. We might need to make this something you're responsible for."
Cassie shrugs. "Okay."
Tony eyes her for a few moments and then moves past her as she takes his previous spot. "She's just playing now. I'll be right back." He says and then slips out of the bathroom.
While they waited, Cassie played with the bubbles with Diana and she laughed when Cassie pops one near her. It didn't take long for Tony to get back and he handed the diaper and pajamas to Cassie so he could grab a towel and haul the baby out of the tub.
"Alright piccola. Time to get dressed and go to bed." He grunts as he lifts her out and then looks at Cassie. "By the way, did you finish your homework?"
"Yup!" Cassie smiles and follows him over to his bed after pulling the plug in the tub.
"Alright. Good. You can go back to whatever you were doing now." He nods his thanks when she hands the clothes back over, and she goes back to her bedroom.
The world hadn't quite recovered from the snap yet, so for now parents or family members were homeschooling their kids (or any remaining) and Tony set up a program for her. FRIDAY helped him put together a curriculum that was acceptable for Cassie, and on the weekdays he sat down with her for a couple of hours to teach her whatever lessons were scheduled for that day. Then he would leave her to do her work for an hour before asking her to keep an eye on Diana so he could work on his current project.
He was usually only working until around dinner time and they both alternated between cooking. Tony did the more difficult dishes and Cassie was capable of the simpler ones. When Cassie cooked, she put Diana in the playpen in the living room with some toys so she didn't have to worry about her getting into trouble. When Tony did, Cassie continued watching and playing with her until dinner was ready. Whatever homework she had left, Cassie finished it after dinner since Tony was done with his project for the day.
He had made the promise to her that he wouldn't put all the responsibility of housework and watching Diana on her and he was doing a good job of keeping that promise.
Cassie decided to watch a movie in her room before bed and turned it down low when she heard Tony putting Diana in bed. He always spoke softly to her in Italian and then had FRIDAY play a lullaby playlist, and quietly left the room after making sure the monitor was on. Diana always fell asleep without a fuss on bath days...not that she was much of a fussy baby in the first place.
A few moments later, Tony opens the door a little more to check on her. "Movie before bed?"
"Alright then. We have to tend to the garden tomorrow." He says and Cassie nods.
"I think the blackberries are ready."
"I think so too. Maybe we can have pancakes with blackberry syrup tomorrow. Sound good?" Cassie nods and he starts to close the door behind him. "Goodnight Miss Sass."
Cassie was up bright and early the next morning, even before Diana, to go out and pick the fruits and vegetables that were ripe. Tony showed her when each thing was ready so she knew what to pick and what she knew needed more time to grow. By the time she was done and she carried everything back inside, Tony was putting Diana in her highchair and the baby yawned cutely and rubbed her eyes.
"How many blackberries do we have?" Tony asks and Cassie puts the basket on the counter.
"Is this enough for syrup?"
"I think so." Tony says. "How about you get the pancake batter ready and I'll make the syrup?"
"Get the princess some cereal puffs before you do will you?"
Cassie nods and grabs the baby cereal puffs from one of the lower cabinets and pours some out on Diana's tray. Dia picks one up and sticks it into her mouth as Cassie puts the container away, and then she starts pulling everything out for pancakes. Breakfast was made as Diana periodically throws a cereal puff in their direction, and they both laugh when one manages to land in the cooling syrup. Tony had just finished it when she threw the puff, and he quickly scoops it out and blows on it. Once he's sure it's cool enough for Diana, he walks over and feeds it to her and then laughs when her eyes get big.
"You like that?" He chuckles when she opens her mouth for more. "Alright. One more." He repeats the process, minus the throwing of the puff, and feeds it to her and she actually makes a satisfied hum.
"She likes blackberries." Cassie smiles and puts the last pancake on the stack and turns off the stove.
"I have a feeling that when she's older, I'm going to find her picking berries straight off the vine with her mouth stained." Tony shakes his head.
"Don't you want her to eat lots of fruit instead of candy or cookies?" Cassie asks. "Daddy said fruit is nature's candy and it's better for you."
"He was right." Tony nods. "Come on. Let's eat."
Cassie carefully carries the plate of pancakes to the table as Tony pours the syrup into a small ceramic pitcher, and then he joins her at the table after pulling Diana's chair closer to the table. The older girl hums happily once she gets her pancakes and pours the syrup on top, and Tony smiles.
"You like it too huh?"
"Can we try different syrups? Like raspberry?" She asks.
Tony nods. "If we have the fruit and there's a recipe, we can try it. Deal?"
"Deal." Cassie nods and shoves another forkful into her mouth.
"Here you go princess." Tony says as he puts some small pieces of pancake on Diana's tray for her to eat. "Thank Sissy for making breakfast."
"Ba!" Diana says around a piece of pancake and Tony rolls his eyes.
"Close enough."
They eat happily until about halfway through when Cassie looks over at Tony.
Cassie hesitates for a moment. "Can we get a pet?"
"A pet?" Tony asks once he swallows his food. "What kind of pet?"
"I don't know. Maybe like Tibbs? I liked Tibbs." She says softly. "I miss him."
"Yeah...I miss him too kiddo. He was a good lab cat." Tony pokes his fork into more pancake pieces after cutting it. "I don't have to give you the talk about how pets are a big responsibility since you already know and you help take care of Diana…" he pauses to eat his forkful and chews thoughtfully and then swallows. "I'll think about it alright?"
Cassie nods. "Okay."
His answer was honestly better than she expected. She assumed he would say no, especially after bringing up Tibbs, but he said he would think about it. Cassie was a little excited but was careful not to get her hopes up. Even if Tony decided she could only have fish, she would be happy. It would bring a little more life to the cabin and maybe that would help things feel a little more normal. There was only so much she could do with Diana or Tony. Diana was a baby and Tony had different interests, but he did occasionally humor her and watch a Disney movie with her. That was something he was used to.
"What are you working on in the garage?" Cassie asks when they finish breakfast and start cleaning up. She frowns when Tony pauses briefly. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."
Tony clears his throat and shakes his head. "I...I'm working on a suit. The one I've been meaning to build for Harley." He answers quietly.
"I'm sure he'd like it." She says.
"I think so too. It's going to look a lot like mine, but I think the colors will be blue and silver instead of red and gold."
"What are you going to call it?"
Tony looks at her and then back at the dishes he's rinsing. He didn't answer at first, and she thought maybe she had gone too far with her questions, but then he said:
"I don't know yet. I don't usually name the suits until they're finished. Just in case I have to scrap them." He tells her.
"Oh. That makes sense."
"Bababurrrrr!" Diana announces loudly and slams her hands on her tray. "Sissy!"
Tony laughs. "Can you take her out and play with her while I finish up here?"
Cassie nods and looks over at Diana and giggles when she sees a smear of blackberry syrup at the corner of her mouth. "I should wipe her face first."
"Too bad she can't swim or I'd tell you to just toss her in the lake and be done with it."
Cassie looks up at him and narrows her eyes when she finds a smug grin on his face.
"You're gonna do it when she does learn aren't you?"
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kumkaniudaku · 4 years
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mama’s! I also hope those who may be experience tough mental states during this time were able to be surrounded by light and love. I care about you and your cute face. 
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Little giggles and warnings to be quiet filled the kitchen of the Boseman home, the mid-morning sunshine lighting the brown faces huddled around the counter. The youngest of the group was the only member not covered in one of the ingredients sprawled across the marble surface. On a regular Sunday morning, the area would be kept tidy as CoCo moved around her sanctuary with trained precision to prepare breakfast for the family. But, for one of two special mornings during the year, Chadwick and the kids snuck around to beat Tasha to the punch and do the heavy lifting.
“Daddy, I don’t think Mommy will like this. It looks...nasty.”
Genuine shock flashed across Chadwick’s face before his booming laughter rang out.
“Does it really look nasty, Princess? You tellin’ me you wouldn’t eat some of your mommy’s favorite french toast?”
“Only if mommy makes it. This looks like sad pancakes.”
Chadwick took a look at the dish and silently agreed. 
Tasha had an affinity for brandy soaked French Toast from the moment her late grandmother allowed her to taste a piece when she was young. The dish was always reserved for special occasions and, in special cases, a session of lovemaking that was too incredible to overlook. When CoCo made them, the golden brown pieces of bread sat on the most expensive plates in the house covered in granny smith apples and syrup in all their glory. After Chadwick had taken his stab at the recipe, the results weren’t nearly as picturesque.
Instead of pillowy slices of challah arranged expertly on the plate, Tasha would be met with slightly mushy apples atop pieces of toast with varying shades of brown and the occasional speck of black. The recipe called for two tablespoons of booze, but without the patience to decide if the tablespoon he used was enough, Chadwick opted for a full shot from his wife’s “special” shot glass.
Micah was right. With the bread soaked in alcohol and apple juice, the french toast did look like sad pancakes.
“You know how you didn’t wanna eat broccoli and cheddar soup because you said it looked like snot,” Chadwick asked Micah who nodded in response. “But you liked it because I made it taste good! Well, your mama will like this because I made it taste good even though it looks like snot.”
“And because she thinks we’re cute?”
“Especially because she thinks we’re cute.”
The slow creak of a door opening above their heads made Chadwick wink to Micah with a smile.
“Mama,” Noah exclaimed, clapping his hands together to mimic the way Tasha would greet him with the good morning song and dance.
“I like the way you think, AJ. Let’s go feed Mama.”
Serving tray in hand, Chadwick helped Micah make careful steps up the stairs and to the room. Tasha’s conversation beyond the bathroom door was unusually groggy and slow with morning drowsiness. Some clever planning from Chadwick kept CoCo up past her self-imposed bedtime to buy time for breakfast prep the next morning. His efforts were paying off.
“Yeah ma, I don’t know where they are. It’s too quiet in here,” Tasha informed her mother over the phone.
“Well are you gonna look for ‘em?”
“No. Hopefully they’re out getting my gift. I’ve been dropping hints about an upgraded wedding ring.”
“You haven’t even been married a decade yet.”
“So? A girl could use new diamonds!”
“That boy spoils you rotten, child.”
“He does and I love him.”
Chadwick caught the small sigh on Tasha’s end of the conversation and smiled. She’d been dropping more than hints and the ring. She was making her way into the “let me come out and say it” category day by day.
“It doesn’t matter what I get anyway. I’m more interested in your reaction when you get your gift! I told Daddy to record it.”
“That must be what he’s calling my name for now. I’ll call you with the verdict later.”
CoCo exchanged goodbyes with her mother before dipping into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her absence gave Chadwick and the kids enough time to slip into the master bathroom unseen and set up her Best Mom Ever surprise. The moment her trophy was placed on the bedside table, CoCo opened the door.
“Happy Mama’s Day!”
A broad smile stretched across CoCo’s face as she clutched her chest and admired their excited faces.
“My babies! Is this for me?”
“Yeah! We got you gifts and a trophy and breakfast!”
“Well I’m excited. Show me what to do!”
While Micah gave her mother instructions, Chadwick took his moment to pepper Tasha’s cheek in kisses.
“Happy Mother’s Day, baby. You the best.”
“Ooh does that mean I got my ring?”
“Of course. I installed the new doorbell last night.”
Backing away from his kiss, Tasha made her disgust known. “Get away and give me my son!”
“Ah don’t be like that, Cookie!”
CoCo playfully shooed her husband away and took her spot in the chair beside their bed to wait for whatever Micah had in store. Her first gift came in a ornate, handmade frame.
“This one is from Noah! It says I love you Mommy.”
Tasha took a look at the rainbow of unintelligible signs and shapes and smiled. “I see the vision. It’s abstract! Thank you, Chunk,” she cooed as she brought Noah up to her lips for a kiss. “What’s next, Mikes?”
“I gots the best gift for you from me. Open it, open it!”
Micah couldn’t stop dancing while she watched Tasha carefully pull apart the ribbon adorning a slender, Tiffany blue box. Tasha fully expected another charm bracelet, but the actual gift was nothing short of confusing.
CoCo looked to Chadwick for answers and received a secretive smile in return.
“What is this baby girl?”
“It’s a magic wand because you’re magic! And it’s glass so that it sparkles.”
The explanation made CoCo melt in her seat. “You think I’m magic?”
“Yeah! You do all the cool stuff like cooking and playing dress up and taking pretty pictures and teaching me how to read. You’re like a fairy!”
“Oh my...I’m gonna cry. Come here, sweetie.”
Micah rushed into her mother’s arms for a huge embrace that seemed to last forever.
“I love it so much, Munchkin. I’ll keep it forever and ever. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Micah exclaimed, unaware of the emotional roller coaster she’d just gifted Tasha.
“Whew, the WATERWORKS. Can you beat that Daddy?”
“Actually,” Chadwick answered, dramatically drawing out the word. “Let’s take a break and eat breakfast. I made you famous brandy French Toast.”
“Mmmm, I-.” Tasha’s face dramatically changed expressions as she watched a steaming hot plate of mush be placed in front of her. “This looks...food-y.”
Chadwick caught the hesitation in her sentence and smiled, “We know it doesn’t look as good as yours, but we know it tastes good.”
“And we’re cute!”
“You guys sure are that. I guess I should dig in?”
“Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!” Micah danced and chanted as Tasha attempted to cut through the thickest and, somehow, driest portion of the bread.
All eyes were on her to watch for her reaction. She chewed and chewed...and chewed some more until she had small enough portions to swallow. The sting of potent bourbon nearly made her choke, but she smiled through the reaction.
“Does it taste good, Mommy.”
“Mhmm,” she answered through pursed lips. “Hey, Mikes, Daddy forgot your being me water. Can you bring me a water bottle from the kitchen?”
Micah jumped at the opportunity to be helpful and dashed out of the room. Once she was out of earshot, Tasha’s eyes grew wide.
“Babe, I think I’m drunk! Did you soak it overnight?!
“I may have gone a smidge too hard but the cinnamon flavor is there right?”
“Hell if I know! I can’t taste anything past liquor,” she laughed. The sound drew Noah’s attention and he craned his head around to kiss her lips. “No, no, baby. Can’t have you tipsy at 9 in the morning.”
Chadwick couldn’t help but laugh at his blunder, but chose not to comment. Instead, he chose to take a seat beside her in the bed and pull out the gift hidden in his pocket.
“Since I did less than stellar with your favorite breakfast, I figure I’d give you this to make up for it.”
He presented her with another Tiffany blue box and Tasha immediately knew that was inside. She rushed to pop the top and squealed when she was met with a beautiful diamond with an engraved band.
“Another wedding band? I’m so surprised! I would have never guessed.”
“Yeah right,” Chadwick mumbled. As soon as the words left his lips. Tasha covered them in kisses.
“You the best, babe. I love you.”
“I love you.” A second kiss cake right as a flash of fluffy coils came rushing in to join the rest of the family on the bed. Tasha quickly received the cold bottle before welcoming Micah into her arms.
“I love you all so much. Thank you for being my babies.”
“It’s our pleasure,” Micah affirmed, snuggling closer to CoCo.
The room filled with laughter from wall to wall as they enjoyed time together. Tasha didn’t need flashy gifts and trophies on a holiday to know that she was loved. In her mind, the three versions of her heart was enough to make every day worthwhile.
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coeurdastronaute · 5 years
Essays in Existentialism: Monarchy 7
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Previously on Monarchy
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” 
“It’s not a problem at all.” 
Clarke smiled and stood as the queen breezed into the office. Even in a hurry, she was dignified, unruffled by the constraints of time. She did breeze. That was the best way to describe her, a gust of wind guiding her gracefully through the room. There was still a little bit of nerves to meeting with the queen. She was naturally powerful, without even the title. 
But this was a business meeting, or at least as close to a business meeting as something of this nature could be, Clarke decided. That was why she asked for it. 
“How was the trip in? Not too bad, I hope. I saw that you were photographed a few nights ago,” she offered as she took a seat in the chair across from Clarke, folding her folio in her lap and under her hands. 
With the slightest movement, a maid nodded and left the room, leaving them alone. 
“It wasn’t bad at all. Thank you for taking the time to see me--”
“Not at all. I was surprised,” Viv smiled and looked over the doctor sitting across from her for a moment, “But I suspect I shouldn’t have been with you.” 
Unsure of how to take it and oddly stifled under the withering gaze, Clarke swallowed roughly and adjusted slightly. 
“While it is lovely to see you, Clarke, I suspect you aren’t here to see how Lexa’s trip is going.” 
“Lexa said you were the one who keeps the ship afloat and keeps the trains running on time.”
“I find it more akin to wrangling cats,” the queen wagered as she thought it over. 
Clarke considered how much she looked like Lexa, or rather how Lexa looked like her. How they looked off to the side when they were feeling mischievous, how clever they got when they got a compliment, how important it was that they maintained a fairly sturdy, steady wall against anyone seeing them too plainly. 
It wasn’t a fluke that Lexa raved about how precise her mother was, how smart and quick and fierce she was, and it certainly wasn’t a fluke that Lexa grew up to be all of those things as well. Sitting across from her now, alone, without a reassuring hand on her thigh or back, Clarke wavered before straightening and taking a deep breath. 
“Lexa has tried to protect me,” Clarke began. “Rightfully so. It’s an adjustment and I think I played into that weakness a little while I debated. Dipped my toes, so to speak.” 
“Anyone would be smart to take their time when this commitment presented itself. Thank you,” the queen nodded as the maid brought in a tray of tea and cookies. “Tea?” 
“Thank you.” 
“You’d be a fool not to need time to weigh the enormity of this undertaking. You have absolutely no training, nor have you had a lifetime to prepare,” Viv explained. “I’m not quite sure you’ve fully considered it now, to be completely honest.” 
“I have.” 
“You haven’t, because even I haven’t fully figured it out,” she explained as she put her cup down on the saucer. 
Clarke sat up slightly, her spine straightening as she felt a burn in her collar. 
“Lexa has tried to protect me,” she began again. “But that’s not fair of me to expect. And it certainly isn’t going to help us. I’m not just dipping my toes. Tell me what I have to do to be good at this for her. She deserves a partner, not someone she has to fret over constantly.” 
The queen smiled and looked at the doctor sitting across from her. She leaned back in her chair, adjusting her legs and folding her hands once again. She took her time, looking over Clarke and debating, wondering if she could figure it all out while they sat there. It was true that she thought about this eventuality, of her daughter bringing someone home, someone who was not prepared-- it was the only math that made sense, since she highly doubted another royal would come out. And as much as she played it out in her head, the queen could not see the endgame, but rather followed a million threads to a million ends. 
But Clarke Griffin made an appointment while Lexa was out of town with the sole purpose of figuring it out, and that was a thread the queen hadn’t followed. 
“This isn’t a movie,” Viv began. “There isn’t a magic montage I can provide you with that will answer all of your questions, or a make over that will make this easy.” 
“That’d be nice though, wouldn’t it?” 
“Does Lexa know you’re here?” 
“No. She’d be mortified, I think.” 
“You have--”
“I was going to tell her when she got back. But I didn’t want her to try to talk me out of it,” Clarke explained emphatically as she shook her head. “She would just worry and promise me things that even I know she can’t deliver, and I didn’t want that.” 
“Why do you want to do this, Clarke?” 
The question was one that Clarke debated herself a few hundred times, as she herself followed many threads of her potential futures. She’d hoped to have formed a more concise or relevant answer with all of the brainpower assigned to the task, but still struggled nonetheless. 
“Because I am in love with your daughter.” 
“It hasn’t been that long.” 
“She risked everything for me. What kind of person would I be if I wasn’t willing to do the same?” 
“A sane one.” 
Clarke smiled slightly and debated the response before agreeing. 
“Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it,” the doctor promised. “I don’t care what it is. I’ve seen enough destruction in my life to know when something good is happening. As much as I can’t believe that Lexa is real, I just can’t do this without giving my all.” 
The queen eyed her again, observing the passion with which she spoke, her words warm with a bit of promise and oath and fear and joy beneath it all, wary of being allowed to exist. 
“Keep Lexa out of the palace when you tell her you spoke with me. She’ll throw a fit.” 
“I can do that.” 
The queen nodded, her eyes changing slightly as she started to go over lists in her head of how to proceed. 
“We’ll get you a history tutor, and etiquette lessons, followed by an assistant--”
“Lexa took etiquette lessons?” 
“She was the best of the kids at them,” the queen boasted. “Her entire lack of rigidity is by choice, not by lack of education. She learned very young that the best way to win was to simply know more than anyone else in the room. How else would she know the tiniest ways to buck procedure?” 
Clarke smiled and nodded as she set down her saucer. 
“Do you think I have a chance?” 
“We’ll see after the background check.” 
Even though it was late, and even though the entire world was asleep-- even though she’d flown from a different hemisphere, Lexa needed just one thing. She dropped her bag on the chair and slumped down next to it, prepared to slip off her shoes in favor of something more comfortable and bit more lowkey to traverse the mortal realm of midnight in her city. 
It wasn’t that it was a bad trip. Lexa actually enjoyed travelling, and her it was, as her mother explained, a wonderful distraction from the rest of everything. She got to see friends and enjoy the rigidity of a schedule that was something of a welcomed distraction. It was surprisingly relaxing to be away and to mindlessly sit through meetings and formal engagements. 
But with a sigh, Lexa sat back and unbuttoned a few buttons on her shirt, attempting to rally herself for the commute. 
“What time is it?” 
Lexa jumped slightly and looked toward the bed to find a lump surrounded by a dozen open books. 
“What the hell? They’ll let anyone in here, won’t they?” the princess grinned as she caught her breath, her hand pressed against her chest. “I’ll have to have a word with security.” 
“I’ve got clearances now,” Clarke grinned and flopped back against the pillows. Her girlfriend watched her stretch and get cozy once more. 
“This saves me a trip across town.” 
“You were going to come see me?” 
“It’s been two weeks. I’ve missed my girl.” 
Still half asleep and dreamy, Clarke smiled and shifted, knocking a book to the floor. 
“Come to bed.” 
Lexa moved around the bed, picking up the book and reading its spine. 
“The History of the Empire,” Lexa read. “The Age of Kings. The Monarchy. These are all very dense old boring books.” 
“Just trying to figure out what I’m getting into is all.” 
Despite herself, Lexa snorted, tossing the rest of the books onto the floor, annoyed by their interruption in her bed. She slunk her way toward the much better interruption in the form of a doctor who once saved a life while someone held a gun to her head. 
“I’ve been a princess for a while, but I’ve never had the benefit of having a woman waiting in my bed for me.” 
“Shut up.” 
Lexa smiled to herself as she hovered over the body in her sheets. She kissed Clarke’s shoulder and she ran her nose along the curve there. But the doctor didn’t move, just smiled and let herself be draped in princess, as her whole weight blanketed her. 
“How was your trip?” 
“Long, torturous, arduous, etc,” she muttered between lazy kisses. “I got a lot of pitying glances from friends who didn’t know how to speak to me suddenly. And I missed you.” 
In the almost dark, Clarke smiled and shifted, turning so the princess could settle atop her completely. She wrapped her arms around broad shoulders and inhaled the smell beneath the plane smell, the one she found in the pillows and bed in the palace. 
“I missed you.” 
“You had all of these books to keep you company. Mmm, that feels good.” 
Hands ran up and down her back, dipping beneath her shirt and finding the skin there. Lexa sighed against her girlfriend’s neck, fully prepared to fall asleep just like that. Clarke didn’t stop, but rather rubbed against her harder. She kissed her girlfriend’s forehead. 
“Want to order food and not leave bed tomorrow?” 
“Mmmm, yes please,” Lexa yawned. “I’m closing the country tomorrow. I can do that, right?” 
“According to the Blackwell Edict of 1126 you actually can close the country with reasonable suspicion of tainted trading products, witchcraft, or unseasonably warm weather. I don’t think anyone actually has, but--”
Lexa lifted her head and peered at Clarke, furrowing at the new information provided. 
“Why do you know that?’ 
“I think you have to know those things when you date a princess.” 
“What do I have to learn now that I’m dating a doctor?” 
“Lots of anatomy practice.” 
“Are to teach me anything tonight, Doc?” she grinned. 
“There are a few places we can start this lesson...” 
There were many ways that the queen could feel the storms shaping in her life. It was something she always prided herself on, this innate sense for the shifting winds, knowing well ahead of time when a storm was going to pass by her coast, or when a hurricane was preparing to make landfall. There was something in the air, int he feeling of the day that kept the queen with a weathered eye at all times, her internal barometer attempting to foresee all eventualities. 
All of the preparation was never any use against her daughter. Her internal tracking systems didn’t prepare for Lexa and her calm facade and roaring waves and thunder clouds beneath it all. 
“You told my girlfriend that you would train her to date me?” Lexa bellowed as she marched into the closet. 
The only saving grace was that the queen was between interviews and changing alone versus with her advisors. Her daughter was impetuous and didn’t understand how wagging some tongues were. 
“Welcome home, darling. What do you think? This,” she held up a blazer. “Or this one? I can’t tell which one will say don’t pass this dreadful housing bill, but listen to my proposal for better options  better?” 
In her familiar way, her daughter fumed, meeting her mother’s eyes in the windows. 
“What did you tell Clarke?” 
“What did she tell you?” the queen asked as she picked up another option and looked at herself in the mirror. 
Strong and proud and exponentially furrowed, the middle daughter clenched her jaw and debated what to say. The queen saw the tempest, and that her daughter control it, something that always amazed her. Not many would know how ruled by her passions Lexa truly was, nor how hard she worked to control it. One had to look very close to see those cracks and these moments, when control was barely maintained. 
“She told me that she requested a meeting, which you took. And that she was reading those stupid books and studying with your tutors and not having as much fun as all the montages said it would be, which I don’t quite get, but still, you--”
“I had a lovely meeting with your girlfriend, a very bright and eager doctor who understands how these things work already. You are very welcome.” 
“You--- What?! How is it-- Why would--” Lexa sputtered, her face contorting and her voice raising as her arms flailed slightly, completely stupefied by the response. 
“I am not training her to date you, or whatever flippant phrase you chose for a dramatic flourish, Alexandra,” her mother scolded as she decided, pulling a coat on and eyeing herself precisely. “I don’t know if there’s enough patience in the world to train someone to date you, though Clarke seems to be doing a very good job at that. I rather offered my guidance to someone who was brilliant enough to see what dating you meant within her context of the whole.” 
“She doesn’t have to be good at this. She doesn’t have to learn about stupid laws from six hundred years ago.” 
“She doesn’t,” the queen agreed. “But she chose to.” 
“I wanted her to be separate. I like Clarke because she doesn’t care about all of this stuff.” 
The wrath depleted somewhat, now just simmering in a grumpy storm, stoked by bitterness now more than outright anger, no longer lashing but rather lapping violently at the shore. 
“She doesn’t care about this. She cares about you, and making sure that you’re alright and with someone who knows how to handle things.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“She said that you deserved a partner, not a subject,” Viv explained, turning finally to face her daughter. “I quite liked that. She came to me because you told her that I was the one who kept the family rolling, pulling the strings, or whatever poorly conceived metaphor you constructed about me running your lives.” 
Lexa pursed her lips and crossed her arms again. 
“Mafia don,” she supplied. “I told her you were the one that knew where the skeletons were buried and what their names were.” 
“That’s actually a pretty amusing soliloquy, darling.” 
“I thought so,” Lexa shrugged. 
“I’m not changing Clarke,” her mother promised, grabbing her arms and rooting them together in her dressing room. “I wouldn’t want to. I’m arming her with knowledge, but like any weapon, it is up to the user to when, where, and how they use it.” 
“I wanted to protect--”
“Yes, that’s what she said,” the queen chuckled and cupped her daughter’s cheeks, feeling her relax despite herself. “But you can’t. Do you love her?” 
Lexa felt her mother’s eyes bore into her own. She stared back, concentrating on the feeling of her hands and her eyes and the question at hand. Quickly, she bit her tongue, allowing her brain to catch up before she allowed herself to blurt out an answer. She was a princess; she didn’t blurt. 
“I do,” she sighed. 
“Then for the love of God, woman, you have to help her, not shelter her. She’s amputated entire limbs and performed surgery while donating blood to the patient. She’s not a bloody peach, you know?” 
The queen held her daughter’s smile in her hands, her palms growing warm with a blush. 
“I don’t want to mess it up.” 
“Then don’t.” 
With a gentle tap on her cheek, the queen shook her daughter’s head before kissing her forehead. 
“I should have walked away when I saw her in that bar,” Lexa confessed, finally pulling away from her mother’s affection. “Would have been so much simpler.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” 
“Oh really?” 
“I don’t know if I’d ever get the chance to see you so happy. I’m relieved, and happy to see it for myself.”
Lexa blushed at the words her mother said so easily and she wrapped her arms tighter around herself as the queen sat at the mirror, waiting for her make up team to arrive. She bashfully looked up and met her mother’s eyes before looking away again quickly. 
“I’m taking Clarke to the cabin for the weekend. Might as well as share some perks before she goes off the deep end with you.” 
“Fine, but be back Sunday evening for that dinner with the ambassadors,” she muttered, earning a groan. “Bring Clarke.” 
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Hey Guys! so here is Chapter 5 of my Fic😊 I’m sorry it took me so long to finish this chapter but I really struggled with trying to finish it😐 I’ve been in a serious funk and I don’t know why? I am just not motivated as I was when I first started writing this. So I am going to take a break from writing for awhile, I think I’m just really burned out so this will be my last chapter for now:/ I do plan to finish it but I’m not sure when yet? I don’t want to rush writing it and then end up hating how I ended it so I think a break will do me good 😊 so let me know what you think of this chapter I’d love to hear you’re thoughts😊 Enjoy!
A Friendly Visit
“Hey! everyone, hehe sorry I’m late, lost track of time” Varian answered.
“Hey Varian! That’s ok” Selena said with a smile.
“So what are we doing today? What’s the plan?” Varian asked trying to take his mind off of last night.
“Well the building is done we just need the equipment to be able to start opening and we need workers too“ Selena said pondering how she was going to get everything.
Rapunzel remembered she had another surprise for Selena, “Selena I have something for you” Rapunzel said with a smile.
“Really! You didn’t have to.. you’ve already done so much for me” Selena answered with a smile.
Rapunzel smiled. She gave a hand signal, and a bunch of people came in carrying all the appliances she needed to run the bakery.
Selena was overwhelming with joy when she saw them bringing in the stuff she needed, they brought bowls, whisks sifters, measuring cups, pans, ect... Selena was overjoyed she wasn’t expecting the Princess to buy her everything her family needed to even start running the bakery.
“Thank you Rapunzel!. This means a lot to my family, but we weren’t expecting for you to buy everything.. you’ve already done so much for my family and me” Selena said with a smile.
“Ahh, don’t worry about it, we ordered this stuff yesterday so it was no trouble. Selena I love to help, that’s what friends are for right?” Rapunzel said with a smile.
“Thank you Princess” Selena said giving Rapunzel a tight hug”
Rapunzel Returns the hug. They finished putting all the stuff in the places Selena told them to.
“Wow this looks Amazing!!!, you guys are the best!” Selena said pulling everyone in a group hug.
They all smiled and went along with the group hug. Selena was the first one to pull away from the group hug.
“What do we do next?” Varian asked Selena.
“Well, I guess we have to start finding workers so they can start running the bakery, so do you know how we can get people?” Selena asked Varian.
Varian thought for a moment, “hmm.. how about we make flyers saying we are hiring and looking for people who are willing to work,what do you think?” Varian asked Selena.
“That sound more a great idea!” Selena answered with a smile.
“Great, Eugene and I will start working on those flyers, while you too just finish up” Rapunzel stated with a smile.
“Ok, thank you Rapunzel” Selena said with a smile.
Rapunzel and Eugene left to go make the flyers, Varian and Selena started unpacking the ingredients and stuff they bought from the market.
“So what’s your plan after we find people to work?” Varian asked Selena.
“Well we have to teach them how to make the pastries first, and show them how all the equipment works as well, so we can host like a baking class to teach them how to make the pastries, and it would be fun too” Selena answered with a smile.
“The ingredients we bought won’t be enough for all the students so we are going to need some more” Selena stated to Varian.
“That sounds like a plan, and for the ingredients I’m sure we can help you with those too” Varian answered.
“Great, and maybe I can teach you how to bake as well” Selena said with a smile.
“Technically I know how to bake because I made the best purple cookies,hehe” Varian said proudly
“You make purple cookies?” Selena asked him.
“Ehh.. it’s a long story, but the point is I know how to bake, i just don’t do it often hehe” Varian said sheepishly
“Well in sure you don’t know how to make Mexican sugar bread?, would you like to learn?” Selena asked with a smile.
“That true I don’t, hehe, sure I would like that” Varian answered with a smile.
Rapunzel and Eugene came back with the flyers, their hands were full of big stacks of papers.
“Wow that’s a lot of Flyers” Varian said.
“Well, you can’t have to many people can you?..it’s a bakery so you need lots of people to run it, Right Selena?” Rapunzel asked Selena.
“Right Princess, so let’s go ahead and post these around town and see who’s interested in working” Selena answered.
They divided the flyers between each other and went to different parts of Corona posting them on poles and walls. Once they were done, they went back to the bakery.
“Now we just wait for people to show up” Rapunzel said with a smile.
They waited for about an hour or so before people started to show up at the door of the bakery they had a couple of people waiting in line wanting to know if they would get the job.
“Wow that was fast” Selena said.
“Well, there is a lot of people that really like to work, but there are not enough jobs here in Corona for them” Varian stated.
“So by opening this bakery you are helping lots of people that need jobs” Varian said to Selena with a smile.
“Ohh..ok I’m glad I can help” Selena answered with a smile.
“Are there certain people you are looking for, with like certain skills?” Rapunzel asked.
“Well I just want to hire the people that I know will be dedicated to working, they are passionate, and Love what they are doing, and that have some experience with baking” Selena answered.
“Ok then, Let’s get started.
They took the people one by one to interview them, and asked them questions like..
why are you interested in working here?
What would you bring to this bakery if you worked here Do you have any experience with baking? Ect..
It took them all day to get to everyone, but they managed to pick the people they thought would be good for the job. They hired 20 people, 3 for being in the back baking, and 3 in the front serving and taking orders. The others were spares just in case one of the workers could not make it to work. Selena was content the bakery was turning out just like her family wanted, all that was left was to train them and show them how everything worked and how the pastries were made.
“Thank you so much for coming everyone! We will start your training tomorrow, get plenty of rest and we will see you here tomorrow morning” Selena said with a smile.
The workers left back to their homes, Rapunzel and Eugene were cleaning up and putting everything away, so that the bakery would be ready for tomorrow.
“Alright guys! I’m going to head back to the castle and gets some rest it’s going to be a big day tomorrow. Do you need anything before I leave?” Rapunzel asked Selena and Varian.
“No thank you princess, you have done so much already, thank you for everything!” Selena answered with a smile.
“Your welcome Selena, I’m glad I could help,and don’t stay out to late ok. You need your rest also” Rapunzel said with smile.
“I know I’ll be over there soon” Selena said.
Rapunzel and Eugene waved goodbye and shut the door behind them. Selena was hungry she hadn’t eaten anything all day, “Hey Varian I’m going to get something to eat I’m starving do you want to join me or do you have to go?” Selena asked him.
Varian pondered, maybe this was his chance to be able to tell Selena how he really felt about her. That he just wanted to stay being friends. “No I don’t have anywhere to be, I’m actually kinda hungry to so yes I would like to join you” Varian answered nervously.
“Great do you know any good places?” Selena asked Varian.
“Well I only know of one place and it’s not really a restaurant but everyone goes there if you want to try that?” Varian asked her.
“Sure I’m down for that” Selena answered with a smile.
Varian and Selena went walking through the woods till they arrived at the snuggly duckling. Selena looked at the place Varian took her it was a little shack that looked rundown and broken but there were people inside. Varian looked at Selena she looked a bit confused, “uhh, I know this isn’t exactly what you were looking for, we can leave if you want?” Varian asked sheepishly.
Selena did think it was questionable but she didn’t want to Varian to feel guilty so she just went with it. “No it’s ok we can try it, who knows maybe I’ll like it” Selena said with a chuckle.
Varian smiled, they made their way to the entrance and Varian opened the door for Selena. When Selena looked inside there a bunch of men that looked like thugs sitting and talking amongst each other. This was new to Selena since they didn’t have much crime in her home town she rarely saw men like these. Varian grabbed her arm and pulled her to a table, “heh it’s ok these guys are my friends they won’t hurt you, they may look mean but they are really giant softies” Varian said with a smile.
“Oh ok” Selena answered nervously.
Atilla came over to them caring a tray and a towel hanging from his arm. “Hello you two! What can I get you started today?” Atilla asked them.
“Hey Atilla! I don’t think you two have met. Atilla this is my friend Selena, Selena this is Atilla he’s a friend too” Varian said introducing them to each other.
“Hello it’s nice to meet you” Selena answer giving him a hand shake.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Varian talks about you frequently” Atilla greeted shaking her hand.
Varian face turned red and he slumped in his chair, “heh he means that I was talking about the first time you came to visit and what happed heh..” Varian said trying not to sound nervous.
“So what can I get you two?” Atilla asked.
“What do you have that’s for kids?” Selena asked.
“All we have is milkshakes” Atilla answered.
“Ok I’ll take that please” Selena said politely
“Ok, what about you Varian?” Atilla asked him.
“Really Atilla really” Varian said giving him a look.
“Haha, I’m just kidding a vanilla milkshake for you too” Atilla said with a chuckle.
Atilla left to get the drinks they ordered. Varian and Selena sat there quietly none of them knew what to say to try and start a conversation. Varian could start the conversation by telling Selena that he knows she had a crush on him and he was flattered but he just saw her as a friend. Selena was the first one to break the silence. “So Varian, how is that journal thing going about your mom? Did you find out anything?” Selena asked nervously hoping she didn’t insult him.
Varian hadn’t told anyone about the journal yet other than his dad and Selena so he thought it just be best to tell her what his dad told him. “Uhh...actually yesterday after we parted ways I confronted my dad about the journal and he told me about my mom and why he hid it from me, so I did learn a lot yesterday heh” Varian answered with half smile.
“Oh..well that’s good right? I mean now that you know you know you can go investigate” Selena said nervously.
“Heh yeah, but I still have so many unanswered questions like what is this Eternal library? why did she have to find these totems to find it? What was she trying to discover that she never came back?” Varian said with frustration.
Selena knew Varian was frustrated she probably would be to if she was in his situation. She was about to ask Varian something when Atilla came with the milkshakes, “here you go guys two vanilla milkshakes” Atilla said putting the two glasses down.
“Thanks Atilla” Selena said.
“Can I get you anything to eat?” Atilla asked Selena.
Selena looked at Varian he was mumbling to himself he didn’t even notice that Atilla was there. “Can you give us a moment Atilla, please” Selena asked giving him a half smile.
Atilla saw Varian was not himself so he thought best if he would leave them alone for awhile. “Sure I’ll be back later” Atilla answered walking away.
Selena got up and went to where Varian was, “Varian are you ok?” Selena asked with concern.
“I-I’m fine... it’s just I have so much to do and I’m really eager to find out if my mom is alive or out there somewhere. And I’m just stuck here doing nothing” Varian said with a sigh.
Selena didn’t know what to say, maybe Varian was holding off on his adventure because of her, because he wanted to stay and help her with the bakery. Selena didn’t want Varian to hold off on his journey because of her. “Varian, if your holding off on your journey because of me, you don’t have to... I don’t want to hold you back” Selena said with a sad tone.
Varian looked up at Selena he didn’t mean to hurt her feelings, it wasn’t her fault, he was mad at himself not her. Varian takes a deep breath and sighs, “No Selena I’m sorry, it’s not you I’m mad at. I’m mad at myself, I’m the one holding myself back from going on this journey. I know I can leave whenever I want...but I’m choosing to stay because i want to stay and help you.” Varian said with a smile.
“Really? Because if it is you won’t hurt my feelings if you want to leave..I understand how important this is to you” Selena said with a half smile.
“No it can wait, besides the bakery is almost finished and I really do like hanging out with you, it’s nice to have an actual friend” Varian said rubbing his hand behind his head nervously.
“Ok if your sure, and if you ever need someone to talk you I’m here to support you..” Selena said putting her hand on Varian shoulder.
“Th-Thanks Selena” Varian answered sheepishly.
“That’s what friends do” Selena said with a smile.
Selena went back to her seat, Atilla came over a few minutes later, “are you guys ready?” Atilla asked.
Selena looked over to Varian,He have her a smile, “yes Attila we’re ready” Varian answered with a smile.
“Do you have grilled cheese sandwiches?” Selena asked.
“Yes we do have sandwiches, we have cheese and ham sandwiches” Atilla said.
“Great I’ll have cheese sandwich please” Selena asked.
“Ok and for you Varian?” Atilla looked at Varian.
“I’ll have a ham sandwich please” Varian said with a smile.
“Alright guys, your sandwiches will be out shortly” Atilla answered.
Varian was happy that he had Selena as a friend, but he just could find the right words to say to her about him knowing that she liked him. “Selena I wanted to talk to you about something” Varian said nervously.
“Ok what is it?” Selena asked.
“It’s just...” Varian couldn’t find himself to finish the sentence. “Never mind it’s nothing” Varian said in defeat.
Selena gave him a look, “are you sure? Because I’m here to Listen if you need to talk” Selena said with a smile.
“I’m sure it’s nothing.. it can wait heh” Varian answered nervously.
Selena didn’t want it push Varian so she let it go, “ok if your sure” Selena answered.
A few moments later Atilla came over with their sandwiches, “here you go guys one cheese sandwich for Selena and one ham sandwich for Varian” Atilla said putting the plates down.
“Thank you Atilla” Selena said with a smile.
“Yes thank you Atilla” Varian said with a smile.
“Your welcome, I’ll leave you guys to eat” Atilla answered.
Varian and Selena ate their sandwich’s and talked about what they were going to do tomorrow, Varian even made a couple of jokes to make Selena laugh. By the time they were done It was already night fall. “Varian this place was great thank you for bringing me here” Selena said giving him a smile.
“Heh, your welcome, let me guys pay for the meal and we can go” Varian said taking out some money from his pocket.
Atilla came over to pick up the plates, when he saw Varian handing him the money, “No you don’t have to pay, it’s on the house” Atilla said putting his hand up.
“Really? Thanks Atilla” Varian said with a chuckle.
“Aww Atilla that’s so sweet thank you” Selena said with a smile.
“Have a great night kids” Atilla said waving goodbye to them as they went out the door.
“Well I better be heading back it’s pretty late, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Selena asked nervously.
“Yes I have to head home to my dad will get worried, but yes I’ll see you tomorrow” Varian said sheepishly.
Selena pulled Varian into a hug, Varian smiled and returned the hug. Selena pulled away and waved goodbye as she left. Varian waved goodbye and made his way back home. “Well nice going Varian you blew your chance to tell her again!” Varian said angrily to himself. ���Well there’s always tomorrow I guess” Varian said with sigh. 15 mins passed by and he finally made it home, his was waiting for him as soon as Varian came in he hugged his son and said goodnight. Varian returned the hug and went to his room. “Well hopefully I’ll have the courage to tell her the truth tomorrow he said patting Ruddigar on the head. “Goodnight buddy” Varian told his pet Raccoon. Ruddigar crawled around Varian’s pillow and went to sleep. Varian closes his eyes and fell asleep.”
This concludes chapter 5😊 I wanted to end the chapter fluffy because I won’t be writing the next chapters till later😊 so let me know what you guys though of it? Reblogs and feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome 😉 thank you for all the amazing support! You guys are amazing!! And I hope to write again as soon as I get out of whatever funk I’m in lol 😂 oh and thank you @dangara2610 for your help your amazing!!
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Thinking Bout You (Teen!Klaus Hargreeves X Teen!Reader) {SMUT}
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Pairing: Klaus Hargreeves X Reader Word Count: 4,309 Warning: Contains EXPLICIT sexual content! Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. I also kind of hint at them having had sex when they were 16/17, but in this fic they’re both 18 when they have sex.  The reason they’re teenagers in this is because I wanted family bonding with everyone being the same age, and Reginald trying to keep them apart. Author's Note: I'm still going to write a sequel to my Colin Ritman fic and my Peter Parker fake dating fic, but I watched Umbrella Academy (twice!) and I'm in love with Klaus and couldn't find like any smut for him so I decided to write my own. This is a semi AU in that Ben is alive and all the siblings are close because I just want them all to be happy 💖 Please let me know what you think! This is my first time writing for any Umbrella Academy characters and I did my best to keep everyone in character. 
You raised an eyebrow as you heard your window sliding open, turning your head and grinning as you locked eyes with your boyfriend, Klaus.
You climbed off your bed and shut your door with a soft click.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
He smiled a little sadly. “Just wanted to see you.”
You looked at him curiously, noting the tear tracks on his cheeks that had since dried. “Reginald locked you in the mausoleum again, didn't he?”
Klaus reluctantly nodded, and you sighed as you pulled him over to the bed, laying down and encouraging him to rest his head on your chest.
He did so without complaint, curling into your warm body eagerly.
“I hate him.” You said simply, carding your fingers through his hair. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
Klaus shook his head. “No. Thank you, though. It'll just make things worse.”
You sighed but accepted his response.
He hummed and looked up at you to let you know that he was listening.
“How about I go find us some food? And when I get back up we'll watch a movie.”
Klaus smiled and nodded. “That sounds nice.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead and padded out of the room. You let your parents know that Klaus was over, which they appreciated, before putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave and turning on the stove so you could make tea.
When the water finished boiling, you made two cups of tea and put them on a tray along with the popcorn and a package of cookies.
You carefully made your way up to your room and pushed the door open, blinking in surprise when you realized that there were now six more people in your room.
Five teleported over to you and snagged the popcorn from the tray before disappearing back onto your bed.
You raised an eyebrow at Klaus.
“I told them I was coming over, and they decided to join me.” He said with a shrug, and you chuckled.
“Alright, well, I only have two cups of tea, does anyone want me to make more?”
“I would love a cup.” Allison said sweetly, and Vanya raised her hand to indicate that she wanted one too. Diego and Luther both shook their heads.
“Please,” Ben said, smiling.
“Do you have hot chocolate?” Five asked. He didn't give you a chance to respond before he was teleporting into your kitchen and, you assumed, digging through your cabinets.
You handed one cup of tea to Klaus before kissing him sweetly. “Feel free to pick a movie, guys.” You said, gesturing to your bookshelf that was filled with dvds. “I'll be right back!”
Thankfully, Five had gotten the water started for you, and as you poured the tea, he teleported the cups upstairs, so the only thing you had to carry up were two more bags of popcorn.
“I'm going to need to get a bigger bed.” You said, laughing. Klaus, Ben, and Vanya were seated on your bed, Allison was on a bean bag chair in front of your bed, and Five and Luther were sitting on pillows on the ground.
You tossed a bag of popcorn to Allison and handed the other one to Ben as you plopped down on your bed. Klaus’ arm instantly wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him.
You curled into him happily as the opening credits to The Princess Diaries started. You wondered if Allison had rumored the boys to get them to agree to watch it, and the wink she shot you confirmed your suspicions.
You glanced around at your boyfriend and your best friends, and you smiled contentedly. You loved spending time with all of them.
About halfway through the movie, you heard someone pounding furiously at your front door. The blood drained from all of your faces; there was only one person that could be.
“Quick, get out of here, I'll cover for you.” You said, ushering everyone over to your window. Five started teleporting people home as fast as he could while you gathered up all the cups and popcorn bags and hid them in your closet.
You heard your parents opening the door and their surprised voices before someone began angrily stomping up the stairs to you room.
“Where are they?” Reginald hissed as he flung open the door to your room.
“Where's who?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“My children have been missing for almost an hour. They're supposed to be training, not watching whatever...that is.” He said with a huff, gesturing to the tv.
“Even if they were here, which they're not, they're training all the time. They need a break sometimes.”
“I decide when they get a break.” Reginald barked.
You scowled. “You never give them a break. They're kids! They should be allowed to have fun.”
Reginald glared at you for a moment. “I forbid you from speaking to any of my children ever again.”
You chuckled. “Your kids make their own choices. Besides, they're almost adults, and you won't be able to control them forever.”
“Stay away from my children.” Reginald said before turning and leaving your room abruptly.
You could hear him stomping angrily down the stairs.
You fought back a scream as you felt a hand suddenly covering your mouth, scrambling to turn around and blinking in surprise when you saw that it was Klaus. You pulled his fingers away from your mouth.
“What are you still doing here?” You hissed, pushing him towards the window. “You need to get out of here or your dad's gonna kill you.”
“I was hiding in the closet. Wow, didn't think I'd ever be saying that.” Klaus said, chuckling. “I wanted to make sure nothing happened.
You opened your mouth to respond but Klaus moved towards you before you could.
Klaus’ hands cupped your cheeks as he leaned in and kissed you deeply. “You are so amazing. I can't believe you said that to my dad.”
“I hate how he treats you and your siblings. It's not fair. You all deserve so much better.”
“At least I can move out of that hell hole soon.”
Your eyes lit up. “We should get a place together! I have some money saved up from working at the mall.”
“Are you sure you wanna be around me 24/7?” Klaus teased. “I'm a handful.”
“All I've wanted for the last two years is to be around you 24/7. You're my favorite person, and I can't think of anything better.”  
Klaus’ eyes were suddenly glossy with unshed tears. “How on Earth did I get so lucky?” Klaus asked and pulled you towards him, kissing you like he couldn't get enough. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You responded easily, smiling as you tugged him into another kiss before pushing him towards the window. “You gotta go though, baby. Your dad is gonna be pissed, and I don't wanna make it any worse.”
Klaus sighed and reluctantly began climbing out the window.
“Tell the others I'm sorry I got you in trouble and that I love you all.”
“We know that already, silly.”
You chuckled. “I know, but a reminder never hurts.” You pressed one more quick kiss to his lips before his face dipped past your window sill. “I'll see you tomorrow!” You called out as his feet hit the ground, and he started running to his house.
You hoped that he and the others wouldn't get in too much trouble.
You hoped in vain.
Not only did Reginald punish the kids, he strictly enforced not letting his children see you. This was especially hard for you and Klaus.
Klaus managed to sneak out with Five's help once to let you know what was going on, but his father had locked him in the mausoleum for almost a whole day afterwards, so you agreed that it was for the best if you just waited until after his 18th birthday to see each other.
It was only a few months away, how bad it could be?
It was the worst for you and Klaus, obviously, but it was miserable even for his siblings. Not only did they miss you, but Klaus was grumpy and easily irritated which made them grumpy and irritated. It was a vicious cycle.
By the time their birthday finally rolled around, they were all eager to get out of the house and see you.
Klaus skipped up to your door before knocking loudly. His heart fluttered when you opened the door a half a second later.
“__y/n__,” Klaus breathed, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. You arched into the touch, sighing happily.
“Klaus, oh my god, I missed you so much.” You sobbed, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
Klaus tilted your head so he could kiss you, his lips finding yours easily, and you moaned at the action, forgetting that Klaus’ brothers and sisters were right next to him.
You pulled away when Five coughed loudly, your cheeks flushed.
“You guys can go,” Klaus said roughly, trying to push you through the doorway while waving for his siblings to leave.
You gently smacked his arm. “We'll have time later to do whatever you want.” You murmured into his ear before opening the door wider and letting everyone into your house.
“It's so good to see you all.” You said sincerely, hugging each sibling individually. “I'm sorry this happened.”
You were immediately hit with a chorus of “It wasn't your fault.”, “Our dad's just a dick.”, and “I'm sorry too.”
You led everyone into the kitchen, Klaus’ arm around your waist, where there was a large cake that said “Happy Birthday
Klaus, Ben, Five, Vanya, Allison, Luther, Diego!” in red frosting.
“It was so hard to fit all your names on there that I had to start over twice.” You said, chuckling, and the others laughed too. “Happy birthday! I have presents in my room, let me go get them.”
“I'll help!” Klaus volunteered immediately, following you up the stairs to your room.
You barely made it through the door before Klaus had you pressed against the wall, his lips finding your neck as his fingers worked on unbuttoning your jeans.
“Klaus, baby, not yet.” You insisted, pulling him away from you with some effort. “As soon as we get presents handed out and cake eaten we'll come back up.”
Klaus whined. “But I want you now.”
You sucked in a breath. “I want you now too but your siblings are waiting for us downstairs.”
“So we'll make them wait.” Klaus suggested, voice rough.
You shook your head. “I don't wanna rush. I'll make it up to you once they're gone, promise.”
Klaus sighed dramatically and buttoned your jeans back up. “Fine.”
You chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Klaus said, admiring your butt as you bent over to pick up some presents. “Where’s mine?” Klaus asked curiously, noting that his name wasn't on any of the boxes you picked up.
“Your present is...better given in private.” You said after a moment, and you watched as Klaus swallowed thickly and his eyes darkened.
“You're trying to kill me, aren't you?”
“Of course not. I'm not the one who can see the dead.” You teased, and Klaus’ lips twitched into a smile. “Now can you help me carry these?”
Klaus grabbed half of the boxes from you and carefully made his way downstairs with you following behind. You were only a little surprised to see that Ben and Five had already cut into the cake, and they were each happily eating a slice.
“Okay, guess we're doing cake first, then presents. Everyone get a slice.” You said with a chuckle, depositing the presents on the counter before hopping up beside them.
Klaus handed you a paper plate with the slice of cake that had his name on it and a fork.
“You're supposed to eat first, it's your birthday.” You said fondly, accepting the plate anyway.
Klaus shrugged. “I know.” He went back to the table to grab a piece for himself before jumping onto the counter beside you. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you for the cake and the party.”
You grinned. “You're welcome. I hope everyone likes their presents.”
Klaus looked you up and down. “I know I'll like my present.” He purred.
You almost choked on your cake. “You are incorrigible.”   
“You guys are gross.” Ben called out from across the room, and Klaus responded by flipping him off.
“Nobody asked you.” Klaus singsonged, and Ben just rolled his eyes.
“Okay,” You said, jumping down from the counter once everyone had finished their cake. “Present time!”
You dispersed presents quickly, smiling as everyone tore into the umbrella-print wrapping paper that you hadn’t been able to resist.
Vanya's lower lip trembled when she saw what you had gotten for her: a beautiful violin case engraved with her name, and a note attached reminding her that you were always happy to attend her recitals.
You heard Allison squeal with excitement as she opened her gift, a variety of new makeup and skincare products she had been dying to try.
Diego got an ornate hunting knife with his name engraved into the handle, and he hefted it around in his hands, checking the weight, before he gave you a thumbs up.
Ben had received several of your favorite books that you thought he would like, and he blew you a kiss before eagerly beginning to flip through the pages.
You had gotten Five a silver pocket watch with a picture of all of you together carefully glued inside. He quickly attached it to the belt loops on his shorts and slid it into his pocket.
Luther had been the hardest for you to find a gift for, as he never really asked for or wanted much. After much deliberation, you had decided on a long, thick, wool coat. Luther put it on and grinned at how well it fit, walking over to you and hugging you tightly. “Thank you, __y/n__.” He said warmly. “I love it.”
The other siblings began chorusing their thank yous, and the smile on your face was brighter than the sun. Klaus thought you never looked more beautiful than you did in that moment.
Luther drew you, Klaus, and the others into a group hug that you all needed.
“I love you all, so much.” You said sincerely as the hug broke apart.
“We love you too, __y/n__.”
“And we can't thank you enough for keeping this bonehead happy.” Diego said teasingly, clapping his hand on Klaus’ shoulder.
“Where's Klaus’ present?” Vanya asked politely, feeling guilty that she hadn't noticed sooner.   
Your cheeks flushed as Klaus spoke up for you. “I get my present once you're all gone, so feel free to leave whenever.”
“V, let's go home so I can do your makeup!” Allison suggested excitedly, and Vanya nodded, smiling as Allison took her free hand and led her towards the door.
“Later.” Five said, shrugging at Klaus’ request and disappearing
“Fine with me, I wanna start reading these.” Ben said cheerfully and followed his sisters, his books clutched tightly to his chest.
“I wanna practice with this baby,” Diego agreed, admiring the knife you had given him as he walked out the door.
“Thank you again, __y/n__.” Luther said and gave you a wave before he too was gone.
“You didn't have to rush them out like that,” You said, frowning slightly.
Klaus caged you in against the counter, his lips brushing against your ear. “It's my birthday too, __y/n__, and I'm tired of waiting for my present.”
You swallowed thickly as you felt your cheeks grow warm.
“Let's go upstairs then.” You said after a moment of silence, and Klaus grinned.
“That's the best idea you've had all day.” Klaus murmured, licking his lips as he followed you up the stairs.
“Are your eyes closed?” You asked, poking your head out of the bathroom. Klaus was lying on your bed in nothing but a pair of black boxers, and you swallowed thickly as you admired his toned stomach and long legs.
He looked absolutely beautiful.
“Yes.” You made your way over to the bed and straddled his waist. His eyes instantly flew open, and when he saw the lingerie you were wearing, he groaned loudly.
You were wearing a black, baby doll style negligee. The cups were lacy, and the rest was sheer. You also wore thigh high socks, and when you lifted up the hem of the baby doll, Klaus realized you had no underwear on.
“Figured there was no need for them.” You purred, and Klaus groaned again as his fingers trailed along your slit.
“You're already so wet, baby.” He murmured, slipping one of his fingers inside you and gathering your wetness. He pulled it out after a moment and licked it clean.
“God, I missed you.” You murmured, bucking your hips impatiently.
“Just Klaus will do.” He teased and leaned up to kiss you deeply. You moaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and grinding down against his throbbing erection.
Klaus groaned at the action, and you felt yourself grow wetter at the sound.
“I'm so lucky.” You said softly, running your fingers through his hair. Klaus leaned into your touch and hummed happily.
He grabbed your other hand and pressed kisses to your fingertips before placing a kiss on your palm.
“I'm luckier.” Klaus assured, and you giggled.
“It's not a competition.”
“Of course not,” Klaus agreed, kissing your shoulder. “But if it was…”
You rolled your eyes fondly. “I'm not gonna argue with you on your birthday.”
“Good.” Klaus’ lips found yours again, his kisses growing rougher and messier as you rolled your hips against his.
You whined suddenly, and Klaus raised an eyebrow at you.
“Do you want something, love? Speak up.”
“Can you eat me out? Please?”
Klaus chuckled and flipped you over gently, kissing down your chest and stomach before he reached your thighs.
“With pleasure.”
You moaned as he nibbled at your thighs before bringing his mouth to your dripping core.
“Somebody missed me, huh?  Klaus said teasingly, and your hands twisted in his hair as you nodded.
“So much. Missed everything about you.”
“I wonder,” Klaus began, licking one long stripe up and down your pussy. “How many nights you made yourself cum,” He slid one long finger inside you as he sucked at your clit. “Imagining my cock fucking you.”
You gasped, amazed you had been able to forget just how dirty Klaus’ mouth was. “Every night.” You answered honestly.
“Really?” Klaus said approvingly, flicking his tongue in and out of you at a rapid pace.
You nodded. “It was the only thing that could get me off.”
You lost your train of thought as he slipped a second finger into you alongside the first, plunging them deep inside you while he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked. The slurping sounds he was making were absolutely filthy, and you knew you were dripping all over his face.
Reluctantly, you tugged his head away from your pussy and up to your face so you could kiss him deeply. “I need you to fuck me right now.”
Klaus inhaled sharply. “Your wish is my command.” He reached over to your nightstand to grab a condom but your hand on top of his made him pause.
“I want to feel you tonight. All of you.” Klaus almost came at your words alone.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, baby, I'm sure. Now fuck me.” You whined impatiently, wiggling your hips as Klaus wriggled out of his underwear. His lips met your as he lined his cock up with your entrance, and you both gasped as he easily slid all the way in.
“You feel so fucking good.” You praised, and Klaus smiled.
“You feel better.”
He pulled almost all the way out before he thrusted back in sharply. You moaned in unison and pulled him down so you could kiss him.
“I,” Klaus fucked into you deeply. “Love,” Another hard thrust. “You.” He punctuated the last word with a deep thrust.
“I love you too.” You murmured back with a smile. Klaus’ lips moved to your collarbone, licking and sucking, before travelling to your neck.
Before you could stop him, he sucked a dark purple hickey where you wouldn't be able to hide it without a scarf or turtleneck, making you frown.
“Klaus,” You whined. “My parents are gonna see that.”
Klaus chuckled, the sound rumbling against your throat. “So? I want everyone to know that you're mine.”
You inhaled sharply, and Klaus felt your pussy tightening around his cock. “You can't just say things like that.”
“Why not? You like my dirty mouth.” Klaus teased, reaching a hand in between your bodies so he could begin rubbing your clit.
“No, I love your dirty mouth.” You corrected, and Klaus groaned and captured your lips in a dirty kiss.
You smiled into the kiss before gently pushing Klaus off of you, whimpering as his cock slipped out of you.
“Something wrong, love?” Klaus asked in concern, and you shook your head as you flipped over and propped yourself up on your hands and knees, wiggling your butt at him.
“Just wanted to switch positions before you made me cum.” You purred, and Klaus almost choked on his tongue. He moved behind you immediately, using one hand to guide himself to your entrance and using the other to squeeze your breast.
“You’re so hot.” Klaus murmured. You felt your cheeks flush, and Klaus didn’t miss the way you clenched around him. “So sexy,” He continued, rolling your nipple between his fingers as he fucked into you hard. “The most beautiful person on the planet.”
You moaned as Klaus’ lips began sucking and biting your neck and shoulders, feeling yourself get impossibly wetter and closer to cumming.
“You gotta stop talking like that or I’m gonna cum,” You said with a whine, and Klaus nibbled on your earlobe as his hand moved from your breast to your clit.
“What’s wrong with that?” He asked huskily. “If you wanna cum baby, then go ahead and cum all over my cock.”
With Klaus whispering dirty things in your ear, his fingers rubbing your clit at a punishing pace, and his cock pounding into you roughly, it only took a few more minutes before you were twisting your neck around so you could sloppily kiss him and cumming with a loud moan. You loved cumming around his cock, and you knew Klaus loved it too, loved to feel the way you tightened up as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
Once you were finished, Klaus pulled out of you and flopped onto his back, and you quickly moved between his legs so you could take his cock into your mouth.
It only took a few pumps of your hand before he was spilling into your throat with a groan, his hands fisted in your hair.
You swallowed it down eagerly, swirling your tongue around to gather the excess before Klaus gently eased you off. He dragged you into a kiss, licking into your mouth and groaning as he tasted himself.
“You're too good to me.” Klaus murmured as you cuddled up to his chest, and one of his hands began stroking your hair.
“Nonsense.” You disagreed, peering up at him and pressing a kiss to his jaw. “You are so much better than you give yourself credit for.”  
“You're just saying that.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Klaus, look at me.” You said firmly and gently grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you. “You are kind and smart and talented, and you have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met. I am so lucky to know you and love you.”
Klaus quickly wiped his eyes. “I love you so much.”
He pulled you into a kiss, and you could feel his love and adoration for you pouring out.
You smiled as he broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his and sharing his air. After a beat of silence, you climbed off your bed, rummaging around in your desk drawer before returning with a small gift box.
“What's this?” Klaus asked, raising an eyebrow at you as you extended your arm out to him. “I thought you were my present.”
“It's your birthday, you deserve more than one present.” You said with a shrug.
Klaus lifted the top of the box and found a simple black ring inside. Examining it, he realized that there was an engraving on the inside.
I love you always <3
“It's a promise ring.” You said after a moment of silence. “I know we're too young to get married yet, but I know that I want to marry you someday.”
“You do?” Klaus asked, and he sounded more surprised than you were expecting.
You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Of course I do.”
Klaus’ lower lip trembled as he carefully took the ring out of the box and slid it onto his ring finger.
“I can't wait to marry you.” Klaus said softly, admiring the ring on his hand. “I'm never taking this off.”
“Good.” You said, grinning widely. “Happy birthday, love.”
“Happy birthday to me.” Klaus agreed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You cuddled against Klaus, enjoying the warmth of his bare skin against yours. You still couldn't believe you had gotten so lucky. Klaus was thinking the same thing.
End. <3
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rwbyvein · 5 years
Paladin: Chapter 09
R_BY, Ren and Nora, Qrow and Oscar moved into the living room.
Terra: I'm afraid... our house... isn't really big enough... to have... nine guests... Oh, my..
Jaune: A floor to sleep on is a LUXURY compared to what we've been through.
Terra: Which is what?
Jaune: An army of Grimm.
Terra: I'm sure it...
Nora: No, it was LITERALLY an army.
Oscar (Ozpin): A few thousand strong.
Oscar: *bearing immediately changes and looks about nervously*
Terra: And who is this?
Qrow: A farm worker from outside Mistral.
Oscar: My mother... owned... the farm...
Blake: So, farmboy?
Oscar: *nods*
Terra: And that is not suspicious at all.
Weiss: As we told your wife, there is a lot we cannot reveal.
Terra (jokingly): Or you'll have to kill me?
Jaune: *rocks his head back and forth*
Jaune: Or Grimm will kill you.
Terra: We're safe, inside the city?..
Ruby: Safe-r?..
Yang: It's safer if you don't know.
Terra: And just... how long do you plan to stay?..
Blake: Until we get General Ironwood's reply.
Yang: We're not really just going to sit here and wait, are we?
Jaune: Of course not.
Ruby, Blake, and Qrow looked at him questioningly.
Nora (excitedly): Sweeeet.
Ren: What ARE we going to do, then?
Jaune: That's the tough one. Terra, I apologize to you and Saph...
Terra: You were always her favourite sibbling. I could hardly stop you from visiting.
Jaune: *looks around between RWBY, Ren and Nora, and Qrow and Oscar*
Terra: *awkward smile*
Saphron: *appears with a tray of tea and cookies*
Saphron: I'm just so happy to have you here!
Weiss: We apologize again for... everything...
Saphron: Oh, you have nothing to apologize for.
Terra: *looks between all of the collected*
Terra: *hears a noise upstairs, and quickly climbs the stairs*
Terra: *comes down with Adrian in her arms, putting him on the ground*
Terra: Adrian, say hello to your uncle.
Adrian: *looks up at Qrow*
Qrow: What? Did someone write uncle on me?
Qrow: *starts looking over his body*
Jaune (to Adrian): Hey, little guy.
Adrian: *looks to Jaune*
Adrian: *waves at Jaune*
Jaune: *waves at Adrian*
Adrian: *looks between the rest of the collected*
Saphron: *points at Weiss*
Saphron: This is his fiancée.
Weiss: *blushes and looks about nervously*
Saphron: She's going to be your aunt some day.
Yang: I didn't know you?..
Jaune: *stands up and turns towards Weiss*
Jaune: *knees on the ground*
RWBY, _NR, Qrow, Oscar, Saphron, and Terra: *stunned silence*
Jaune: *pulls out a small jewellry box and opens it*
Jaune: Weiss Schnee, will you do me the honour of marrying me?!
Weiss: *stunned silence*
Nora: Say yes or I'm going to find someone who will!..
Ren: *uses his hand to cover Nora's mouth*
Weiss: Are you certain?!
Yang: He is on his knees...
Weiss: But... Father would be incensed... we would never have peace.
Nora: We did just fight through an army of Grimm...
Jaune: If I didn't think so, I wouldn't be kneeling here.
Nora (whispering): Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Yang (whispering): Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Ruby (whispering): Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Blake (barely voiced): Do it... do it...
Saphron: Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Adrian: *eagerly raising and lowering his fists to the tempo*
Weiss: Will you let me answer him?!
Nora and Adrian: *still shaking their hands to the tempo*
Weiss: If you are quite certain...
Jaune: *unblinking stare*
Nora (under her breath): Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Nora and Adrian: *still shaking their hands to the tempo*
Weiss: *holds her left hand towards him*
Jaune: *slips the ring on her left ring finger*
Saphron: We need to celebrate! My little brother is getting married!
Nora: *snaps her fingers and points to Saphron*
Ren: I'm sure it can wait until tomorrow. We are weary from travel.
Yang: And... you know... an army of Grimm.
* * *
They had one spare bedroom with a bed that could hold two, (or three if squeezed together), a laundry room that could sleep three to four on the floor, two couches who could fit one person each, (unless they were especially tiny and/or spooning), with the rest on the ground in the living room.
Ren: Logically, the pairs should get the rooms.
Yang: Princess should get the bed.
Weiss: What-what?!
Jaune: *squeezes Weiss and kisses her on the top of her head*
Blake (to Jaune): What do you think?
Jaune: I was serious when I said having a floor to sleep on was a luxury. But...
Jaune: *kisses Weiss on the top of her head*
Weiss: So long as I have his colossal chest to sleep upon... I could sleep anywhere...
Yang: Still think the princess should get the bed.
Weiss: . .
Ren: The other couple should get the laundry room.
Blake: *narrows her eyes and slants her ears as she looks at Ren*
Ren: Yes?
Yang: Like, seriously?..
Nora: What?
Jaune: *emphatically points at Ren and Nora*
Ren and Nora: What?
Weiss: We were truly so vexacious to those around us?
Yang: Nah, you were just an ice princess.
Ruby: And Jaune always made me laugh.
Qrow: If you kids keep wanting to be selfless for each other, we might just have to flip a coin.
Oscar: Or let the married couple have the bed.
Jaune: We're not married.
Yang: Yet.
Weiss: And we never asked for special treatment.
Yang: Chill, ice queen. Let us do this for you.
Jaune: Then who gets the laundry room?
Oscar: They could... take turns?..
Yang: *snickers*
Yang: Sharing is caring.
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