#private label sunscreen
nfskinbeauty · 3 days
Keto Gummies with Calcium and Magnesium: The Perfect Health Boost by NF Skin
Keto diets are known for their effectiveness in promoting weight loss and improving metabolic health, but they often require careful nutrient management to ensure balanced nutrition. NF Skin introduces Keto Gummies with Calcium and Magnesium, a convenient and delicious way to supplement essential minerals while sticking to your keto lifestyle.
The keto diet, which focuses on high fats, moderate proteins, and very low carbs, can sometimes lead to a deficiency in vital minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. These nutrients are critical for maintaining bone health, muscle function, and overall well-being, yet they are often reduced when carb-rich foods like grains and certain vegetables are limited.
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rohitbo · 1 year
Sunscreen Manufacturing Excellence: Choose BO International for Private Label Solutions
Discover the top private label sunscreen manufacturers at BO International, the largest and most trusted sunscreen manufacturer. We specialize in private label organic sunscreen and offer a wide range of SPF options. As a leading sunscreen contract manufacturer, we deliver high-quality sunblock products tailored to your brand. Partner with us for superior SPF formulations from the best organic sunscreen manufacturers.
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magicshopaholic · 5 months
A Day in the Life
Summary: Namjoon and Kaya deal with the aftermath of their break-up. Dilara makes an uneasy realisation about her own relationship.
Pairing: Taehyung x OC, Namjoon x OC (different OCs)
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
Word count: 9.8 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: language, alcohol, making out, sex, oral sex, jealousy
A/N: Here is the next installment of unedited fic series. Takes place a couple of months after Moving On.
Tagging: @bbl32, @quarter-life-crisis2, @margopinkerton, @faearchives, @whoisbts, @purpleseoul7, @kflixnet (if you want to be added to the taglist, lmk)
Listen to: "meet me in amsterdam" by RINI
taehyung masterlist | namjoon masterlist | main masterlist
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It is sunny and hot; Yoongi can almost hear his skin sizzle. 
“Put this on before you get sunburnt,” he says to Jimin, tossing him a bottle of sunscreen as he arrives at the spot where the rest of the group is. Jimin catches it and examines the label while providing an opinion of the brand that Yoongi elects to ignore. Jungkook responds instead and they proceed to bicker half-heartedly, while Taehyung lies on a deck chair next to them, jumping in only to contribute singular comments that add fuel to the fire.
Yoongi takes a seat next to them and takes off his t-shirt, glad for the shade under the umbrella. Ibiza is as warm as they say - but it’s also as busy as they say. He turns to check on Namjoon, who had been a few steps behind him, now crouched by the end of the steps that lead from their hotel to the private beach and peering interestedly at something in the sand.
He squints but before he can get a clearer picture of what it is, he feels a tap on his shoulder to see Jungkook returning the sunscreen to him. Yoongi squeezes a bit more onto his palm and turns to Seokjin on his other side.
“Hyung? Sunscreen?”
Seokjin, lying on his own chair with a pair of Raybans on his face and a streak of white sunscreen along the bridge of his nose, sighs without turning. “What’s the point, Yoongi?” he asks wryly. “We’re all just going to die one day anyway.”
Yoongi stares at him. “What?”
“Sunscreen isn’t the answer. It’s opportunity. Serendipity. It’s…” He takes a deep breath and exhales, still not turning, “... destiny.”
For a moment, Yoongi wonders if he’s being pranked, but then Jimin and Jungkook snort at Seokjin’s response and he decides he doesn’t want to know. 
“Oi, Namjoon,” he says to the leader, who joins them then. “Sunscreen,” he states, tossing the bottle to Namjoon, who fumbles it and drops it.
“Thanks,” he mutters, sheepishly picking it up and shaking it before squeezing a dollop onto his palm. “Where’s… four, five, six - where’s Dilara?”
“Went to buy some drinks,” supplies Taehyung, golden-brown in a pair of red swimming trunks, sitting up gracefully and shaking out his shaggy black hair. “She should be back by now, though.” 
Yoongi turns to Namjoon. “Spoken to Hobi yet?”
Namjoon nods, taking a seat under the second umbrella and rubbing the lotion along his arms. “He landed a little while ago. I asked him to meet Bang PD if he could, since he’s in Seoul anyway. Some investors at the building this week,” he adds, answering Yoongi’s raise of the eyebrows.
“He’s missing out on a beach weekend, though,” says Jimin earnestly. He turns to face the expanse of the brilliant blue ocean and the vast white sand of their private beach. “He would love this,” he adds forlornly.
“He’ll be here later this week. We can make the trip back up here if we have the time,” offers Namjoon, before taking off his tank top.
The three other boys jeer at his naked torso and Yoongi joins in as well, glad to see Namjoon’s abashed smile, the dimple popping faintly on his left cheek. Next to him, even Seokjin cracks a smile.
“Shut up,” he replies dismissively, looking a bit ruffled but the dimple stays on his cheek. “Why aren’t you guys in the water?”
“Waiting for Dilara,” mutters Taehyung, reaching for his phone.
“There she is!” Jungkook exclaims, and they turn to see where he’s pointing at. Across the private beach, near the edge of where the general public is lounging on the sand, Yoongi spots Dilara, in a red bikini top and light blue denim shorts, carrying a plastic bag and wading through the sand.
Jungkook waves to her but she doesn’t notice; as they watch, she gets stopped by a tall, tan man in swimming trunks. A brief exchange of words occurs, full of smiles and animated gestures from him and a few seconds later, three more men join him and they stand together, keeping her in the middle. 
“A very different looking fanbase than ours, I have to say,” observes Namjoon, as the first one hands his phone to a stranger and they all pose for a picture. 
“You don’t think they’ll follow her here and see us, do you?” Jungkook asks, sounding slightly anxious.
Yoongi chuckles, agreeing with Namjoon. “I think we’re okay. They don’t look like anyone who’s going to recognise us,” he adds, glancing at Taehyung. He can only see a sliver of the younger member’s face as he watches his girlfriend, his body very still. 
Dilara’s hands are occupied with the bag and a peace sign she makes while the guys stand around her, arms around each other and grinning into the camera. Yoongi can’t be sure because she’s wearing sunglasses, but it seems as though she’s looking over in their direction. A couple of snaps later, Dilara waves to the fans and continues in her initial direction.
“Okay, I have cokes and lemonades,” she begins when she reaches them, tossing a yellow can so it lands neatly next to Seokjin on the towel, “beers,” she adds, handing one to Namjoon and Yoongi each, “and diet coke,” she finishes, handing one each to Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, the latter of whom pauses for a fraction of a second before he takes it.
“Coke?” Jimin wrinkles his nose exaggeratedly behind his Dior sunglasses. “Toss me a beer, woman,” he says, switching to English.
Without missing a beat, Dilara chucks a cold can at his lap which he catches right as it lands on his crotch; she gives him a wide smile when he winces and mutters a tight “Thanks”. She pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head and clicks open her own can of beer. 
“Cheers, everyone,” she says, and all of them respond with garbled Cheers, clinking cans here and there. She takes a sip of her beer and nudges Taehyung’s knee. “Hey,” she says lightly.
A moment passes before he replies. “Hey,” he murmurs, scooting slightly so she can sit next to him and accepting a peck on the cheek.
“Your fans follow you here?” Jimin asks teasingly.
“Doubt it,” she says, shaking her head. “It’s just mid-season excitement. We’re in the western Europe - it’s the heartland of F1. Oh, and by the way - huge number of crabs all along the border,” she warns them, shuddering. “Popping out of the sand with zero warning.”
Yoongi turns to Namjoon. “Is that what you were doing back there?” he asks, pointing towards the steps to the hotel.
“Maybe,” he answers sheepishly. “They were really cute,” he adds, sounding slightly defensive.
“You’re possibly the only person on earth who thinks that, Namjoon,” says Seokjin from behind them.
Namjoon considers this, then shrugs. “They’re an acquired taste. Kaya hated them, too. Always found them creepy.”
There’s a pause where a few of them exchange looks, all of them surely thinking the same thing. Yoongi can’t remember the last time Namjoon brought up Kaya in casual conversation, but he can only presume it’s progress.
Fortunately, Dilara speaks before it gets fishy. “I agree. I think it’s the way they scuttle?”
The conversation continues under the shade of the umbrellas, the drinks feeling nice and cold. Yoongi is glad for the weekend break; it’s rare during tour and despite the fact that the coming week is going to be packed with events and appearances until the weekend concert (and race), it’s nice to have a couple of days of rest.
“Namjoon hyung, do you think the company will let me fly Sooah out to Japan for the encore concert?” Jimin asks after a while. 
“I think so. We can ask the travel team,” he assures him. “You may have to fill out a form and everything, but it should be okay. Do you need tickets, too, or will she join us backstage?”
“She prefers watching it from the audience,” replies Jimin, pouting slightly. “Says it’s a better experience.”
“Oh, I agree,” pipes up Dilara, with Taehyung’s arm loose around her shoulders. “Can I get a ticket, too, for the next one?”
“Wait, you don’t like being backstage?” Jungkook asks, sounding flabbergasted. 
“Of course I like it, but it’s not the same,” she argues, while a hint of a smile flickers on Taehyung’s face. “The energy outside is something else. Especially during your love you so bad moments,” she adds, winking and Jungkook. “Hearing the screams backstage isn’t quite the same, JK.”
Jungkook’s ears go a brilliant shade of red while Jimin guffaws. Taehyung nudges her. “Come into the water with me?”
“Yeah, sure.” She nods and they both stand up, Taehyung taking off his sunglasses and setting his drink on the plastic table between the chairs. Dilara nonchalantly drops her shorts, revealing plain red bikini bottoms; Yoongi looks away out of respect and notices Namjoon do the same, while Jungkook begins fidgeting with something on the edge of his chair. Taehyung and Dilara step out into the sun and begin walking towards the ocean, holding hands, while her long hair curls down her back. 
“They look happy.” 
Yoongi turns to see Seokjin sitting up finally and reaching for his drink. “That’s good, isn’t it?”
He shrugs noncommittally but doesn’t answer. Yoongi glances at the happy couple again, now jogging towards the water, Taehyung’s hands on her waist and faint laughter carrying over to them as they splash into the shallow waves.
“The water looks amazing,” remarks Jungkook, his eyes on the waves. “Jimin, come on.”
“My beer isn’t -”
But Jungkook steers him to stand up and Jimin tries to down as much of his beer as he can. “Jesus, slow down,” says Namjoon, frowning.
“You should join, too, hyung,” says Jimin, sputtering slightly. “Show off that body,” he teases, poking his shoulder before he and Jungkook race towards the water where Taehyung and Dilara are already drenched, splashing water at each other and laughing.
“I need to work after this.” Namjoon muses, almost to himself. “Can’t spend too long here.”
Seokjin clicks his tongue, now back on his back. “Give yourself a break, Namjoon. The company isn’t going to come crashing down if you take an hour off.”
“But -”
“Everything isn’t your responsibility,” he interrupts. Namjoon sighs but says nothing, turning to Yoongi instead.
“In a bit.” Yoongi gives him a wave as he stands up and begins walking towards the water. His shoulders look wider in the sun, despite the weight he’s clearly lost lately. The others are midway through a game of chicken, with Dilara and Jimin on Taehyung and Jungkook’s shoulders respectively. Yoongi smiles involuntarily as he watches them; it’s nice to see them letting loose, especially Namjoon.
He leans back and reaches for his phone, snapping a picture of all five of them in the water, candid and happy. He turns to Seokjin.
“You’re not going, hyung?”
Seokjin doesn’t answer for a moment. “I’ll go if you go.”
Yoongi considers this, then grins. “I’ll wait you out, old man. You know you can’t resist the water,” he quips, laughing when Seokjin chuckles. 
“Someone’s got to watch our stuff,” he reasons, gesturing to their phones and discarded clothes.
“Good thing we’ve got security.” Yoongi cocks his head towards the two casually dressed bodyguards lounging a little ways away, sipping on a pearly white drink each. “Come on, take a break, hyung. You deserve it.”
Seokjin is silent for a bit, his sunglasses hiding his eyes. “Looks like a lot of splashing,” he mutters, before sighing.
Yoongi gives him a sympathetic look. He’s not sure, but there’s only one thing lately that’s capable of ruining his mood this much. “For the kids,” he urges gently, glancing at the ocean again.
“Fine.” Seokjin exhales in annoyance and places his can on the table before standing up. 
“That’s it,” says Yoongi encouragingly, standing up as well. The sun is hot and the water looks magnificent. “For the kids,” he repeats.
Seokjin huffs as they step out from under the umbrellas and pad their way down the sand. “Sometimes I hate the kids,” he mutters, squinting in the sun.
“I know. Me, too.”
Dilara makes her way up the steps to the poolside, the ends of her hair dripping water down her side. The villa booked for them is away from the main hotel, as private as possible, for which she’s more than glad. There’s the private beach and the private pool and she and Taehyung were always guaranteed a private room.
She glances at her phone, still not seeing the email she’s been waiting for since yesterday. Clicking her tongue softly, she walks around the side of the house to see Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook sitting on two deck chairs, huddled around something. Drenched hair and drops of water still on their shoulders; they’ve just finished a swim. Resisting the urge to bite down on Taehyung’s shoulder to surprise him, she veers instead for the member closest to her with his back to her.
“What’s up, guys?” she says loudly, suddenly placing her hands on Jungkook’s shoulders and leaning over him to see them peering into someone’s phone. 
Taehyung and Jimin start, but Jungkook jumps. “Mweoya!” he gasps, clutching his chest. “Don’t - don’t do that,” he stutters, his face flushing.
Dilara immediately raises her hands. “Whoa. Sorry.” She frowns as he nods jerkily. “So… what are you guys doing?” she asks again, this time in a normal volume, sitting next to Jimin.
All three of them exchange looks before Taehyung shrugs. “Come on, we can tell her.”
She raises her eyebrows as Jungkook, who’s holding the phone, brings it closer to her. “I found this on Twitter,” he confesses in a low voice and plays a video. It’s barely ten seconds long; it takes Dilara about half the video to realise who the subject is.
“Is - is that Kaya?” she exclaims, wincing when they all shush her in unison. “Sorry - but… what is that? Is that her at uni? Getting mobbed?”
“It’s not that many people,” points out Jimin, but even he sounds doubtful. “And they’re not, like… crowding her. They’re just…”
“Following her,” finishes Dilara. “So her identity is kind of confirmed, then,” she murmurs, already feeling bad for Kaya. She can see Jimin’s point: it’s not that bad. It’s about five or six people turning as she passes by them, dressed casually with a coffee in her hand, and calling out her name in different tones of surprise and excitement. Kaya turns and faces the camera only for a moment, but it’s unmistakably her. 
“Good thing Namjoon hyung doesn’t go on Twitter,” says Taehyung, nibbling on a fingernail.
Dilara’s head snaps up. “Wait… you’re not going to keep this from him.” When none of them answer, she tilts her head, shoulders falling. “Guys. You can’t be serious.”
“But he’s been in such a good mood these days,” reasons Jungkook, eyes wide. “Okay, not good, but better. I don’t want to…”
“Yeah, I get that, but this is important. And he’ll find out anyway,” she points out. “Come on, you can’t not tell Namjoon.”
“Tell me what?” 
In the most fortuitous of moments, all four of them turn to see Namjoon approaching them, in fresh clothes and wet silvery hair. He looks only mildly suspicious at seeing them huddled together, almost as if expecting to catch them in some act of mischief.
The three boys look at each other, and then at Dilara. She gives them a look, knowing that regardless of Namjoon’s mood, he has a right to know. He should know.
Jungkook sighs and hands the phone to Namjoon. “We found this today.”
Dilara almost regrets her decision when she sees Namjoon’s face fall a bit more with each passing second. Next to her, Jimin scowls. “Knew we shouldn’t have told her,” he mutters softly, wincing when she slaps his shoulder lightly.
“This…” Namjoon clears his throat. “This was today?”
“Probably,” answers Jungkook slowly.
“So not too long ago,” finishes Taehyung, biting his lip. “Sorry, hyung.”
Namjoon seems to snap out of it and hands the phone back to Jungkook. “Thanks. For letting me know.” Without waiting for a response, he heads back into the house.
“Think he’ll talk to her?” Taehyung asks after a while, once they’ve finished another swim and are going into the kitchen.
“I think he already is,” replies Dilara, cocking her head towards the garden where Namjoon is sitting at a small wicker table, phone on the table and ear pods in his ear as he runs his hands over his face.
Namjoon exhales as the phone rings, his heart beating rapidly in a mixture of fear and anticipation. The video was short - too short. It told him nothing - nothing about who the people were, why it was suddenly a frenzy, whether she was officially recognised now, and how she is taking it. Does she hate him? Is she even angrier with him than she had been two months ago? Or is she finally coming around to understand why he did what he did?
Except… why isn’t it working? It’s the part that’s nagging at him uncomfortably, small but sharp in his brain: why is it still happening? Why hasn’t the world left her alone, even after he has?
His heart jolts; she sounds wary. “Hey,” he says softly. God, he’s missed her voice. Recorded videos on his phone don’t do it justice.
There’s a pause. “Hey.” 
He needs to speak, but it’s too hard. Defeat, anger and longing - it’s an unholy mess.
“I’m, uh… I saw the video.”
“What video?”
Namoon frowns. “The… video on Twitter. Outside your college? You, a bunch of strangers calling out your name? Mobbing you on your way to class?” he adds, running a hand through his hair and remembering the feeling of beng crowded at airports.
“Oh. That. Wait, there’s a video?” She sounds more exasperated than anything. 
“Yeah. Didn’t show a whole lot, though.”
Kaya sighs; she’s probably in her cabin in the college, or she’s hopefully returned to her apartment. A moment later, the thought of that comforts him less.
“Well. Nothing really happened. I wasn’t mobbed,” she clarifies, but doesn’t elaborate.
“Are you okay?” The words tumble out of his mouth without warning because this, more than anything, is what he needs to know.
“Yeah,” she answers softly. “Nothing happened,” she repeats. “I told them I had to get to class and they left me alone. I don’t know what you’re imagining, but it’s nothing like that.”
The picture in his mind of her frightened face, of her getting pulled, harassed and crowded in her personal space comes to an immediate pause. 
“I’m glad.” He bites his lip, feeling his throat hurt as a lump forms slowly. He doesn’t want the conversation to end and since she hasn’t hung up yet, he can only presume she doesn’t either. “How are you?”
“Namjoon,” she whispers, “what are you doing?”
“I’m just asking you how you are,” he says quickly. “Is that so bad?”
She takes a deep breath and it sounds like she’s about to argue, but then she simply sighs again. “I’m okay. You?”
“I’m…” He can’t lie. He’s been doing it constantly, putting on a smile, performing his heart out, joking on television. But he can’t lie to her. I’m a fucking mess, and I love you.
Kaya waits, and it’s clear she’s picked up on the pause. “You looked thin the last time I saw you.”
He remembers the last time. “It’s tour,” he murmurs. 
“Yeah. Okay.” There’s a shuffling sound at her end, like she’s standing up. “I have to go. I have a meeting and I have to drop off a draft to Adam’s office before that.”
She says it absently, and it seems to take her a few moments to register the dead silence on the line. Namjoon says nothing; there’s the white hot anger in his stomach he’s tried to ignore that’s returning, and the last thing he wants is to say something he might regret.
“Namjoon -”
“Okay,” he says tightly. “Bye, Kaya.” He hangs up before either of them can say anything else. 
“So…  he hung up?”
“Why is that so shocking?”
Dilara rolls onto her stomach and frowns, flipping her hair to the side so her phone is against her ear. “I don’t know. He’s the one who called you. Because he was worried?”
“Isn’t he always?” Kaya says wryly. “But this time, he actually had nothing to be worried about.”
. “Are you sure? I’m not going to overreact; you can tell me the truth.”
“I am, though. I saw the video - it looks worse than it was,” she explains. “I don’t think he believes me, though. I don’t think he wants to, because then all of this will have been for nothing.”
Dilara hums sympathetically, somewhat glad that despite her break-up with Namjoon, Kaya hasn’t stopped speaking with her out of association. She turns to glance at the bathroom, the sliding door of which is wide open, with only a blurry glass door blocking her view of her boyfriend showering inside. She bites her lip, shamelessly admiring his slender naked figure as he runs his hands through his wet hair.
“... in any case. I thought he’d be moving on by now.”
She winces, realising she’s missed part of Kaya’s sentence. “Um… well, he’s definitely not moving on. Honestly, he just seems really sad.”
“I know he is,” says Kaya, to Dilara’s surprise. “He was trying to act so calm and collected when he came to my apartment with his stupid goodbye, but…” She sighs, a mixture of frustration and sadness. “I saw that concert clip you sent me.”
“The Rome one?”
Kaya confirms it. The clip in question had been Dilara’s attempt at making Kaya feel better, except now she has no idea if it’s had the opposite impact. It was a short one, of Namjoon on stage during a concert, breaking down unexpectedly. He’d done it in the most Namjoon way possible, with silent tears slipping out of his eyes, a stoic posture and forced smile, until one by one, all the boys had hugged him, starting with Jungkook. 
The comments, of course, attributed it to anything and everything, from missing his parents to appreciating his Italian fans to his impending military service. But Dilara, who had actually been backstage at that concert, knew which pictures he’d been scrolling through earlier that day, of which Roman holiday and with whom.
She hasn’t mentioned any of this to Kaya, but something tells her she may have guessed anyway.
“Yeah, well. I think part of him is mad at me, too.”
“What does he have to be mad about?”
“I don’t do well with break–ups,” she mutters. “I say things and I get defensive. Sometimes I have a rebound problem.” She’s quiet for a moment. “I just don’t know what to say anymore, when he calls me like this. I mean, I know he’s sad,” she says emphatically. “I can hear it in his voice, but -” She scoffs and she sounds sad, too, and helpless. “What do I do about it? He’s doing it to himself, you know?”
“Yeah…” Dilara hears the water stop in the bathroom. “If it helps, I think he’s channelling a lot of it into music and stuff. Like a true artist,” she adds wryly. “He performed an unreleased song at last night’s concert and the audience went nuts. I mean, it was a really good song,” she admits.
“Yeah? What’s it called?” she asks, sounding only mildly interested.
“He didn’t say. I don’t think it has a title, but the internet is calling it Aphrodite based on the lyrics. You know someone is in deep when they’ve gone down the Greek mythology route,” she remarks.
Kaya sighs but doesn’t respond, changing the subject instead. “Can we talk about something else? How was Montreal?”
“Shit race,” answers Dilara, rolling her eyes. “I know wet races are a hoot to watch or whatever, but the track in Montreal becomes like fucking ice. I have to make up for my P7 in Barcelona and Silverstone next month, that’s all,” she mutters, turning back on her back and adjusting her red bikini top, feeling her mood sour.
Kaya seems to realise this, for she quickly responds. “It looked like you had fun at Ricciardo’s birthday party this week, though. The pictures are all over Instagram.”
Dilara chuckles. “Yeah, it was fun. Honestly, it’s a good thing he always celebrates it in Ibiza so I was already in Spain this weekend. And Lexie and Chris and Fred were invited, too, so all in all it was quite fun.”
“Oh, are those the people in this picture? The one you posted yesterday?” Kaya asks, and it’s clear she’s pulled up the picture on her phone. 
“Yeah. You should meet them when you’re in London in July.”
“Sure. Which one is Chris?”
“Chris Park? The one that’s not the blond German,” she quips.
“Ha ha,” replies Kaya sarcastically, before pausing. “He’s cute.” She scoffs when Dilara makes an exaggerated gagging sound. “Oh, come on, you have to be blind to not admit he’s hot.”
“Objectively speaking, I accept that he’s good looking in an obvious way,” she admits.
“Yeah, obvious hotness is the worst.”
Dilara laughs. “Fair enough. He’s not really my type, though. My type is more… classic,” she says, smirking as Taehyung exits the bathroom in nothing but a towel around his waist. “High cheekbones, artsy,” she lists, maintaining eye contact with him and nodding when he silently points at himself questioningly.
“Types can be fluid,” argues Kaya, but Dilara barely hears her. Stopping at her feet, Taehyung places a knee on the bed and crawls up towards her. 
Biting her lip in excitement, she starts to interrupt Kaya but Taehyung, face smooth and more handsome than ever, gives her a small shake of the head, indicating to her to continue her call.
“Oh - uh… what do you mean?” Dilara asks into the phone, peering at him as he presses a soft kiss to her bare sternum and moves lower before tugging at the strings of her red bikini bottom so the knots open with ease. Nudging her legs apart, he pushes her knees up and kisses the skin just above her slit.
“Fuck,” she mutters, realising a moment later that she’s still on the phone. “I mean… fuck, yeah. You’re right. Of course.”
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
“That weird interruption. Is there a low signal where you are?”
“No. Or probably.” Dilara swallows, only half-aware of what she’s saying, the rest of her mind preoccupied with Taehyung’s head between her legs, his tongue finding its way along her wetness, down to her clit. “I’m just - oh - just… agreeing with you.” Her toes curl on the sheets as shivers start forming from her feet up her legs.
“Yeah? About what?”
“About the - about… what we were talking about. About Chris, and the - oh, God!” She squeezes her eyes shut as Taehyung sucks suddenly at her clit, without warning.
Kaya gasps. “Oh, my God. Is - is Taehyung with you?”
Dilara is starting to unravel. “I - in a sense,” she admits, snaking her other hand down to run it through his thick hair and lifting her hips up slightly. 
“Oh, God!” she exclaims, sounding horrified. “You know what? Call me when you’re… done,” she says quickly, before hanging up.
Dilara nods absently, eyes fluttering shut and letting the phone fall from her hand as Taehyung devours her, one hand firm around her thigh and the other coming up to slide into her folds, brushing over her clit while his tongue stays inside her. She’s in danger of being overstimulated but it’s so sweet, so electric that the sharp sensation only flows through the rest of her body.
“Yes, yes, right there…” 
The orgasm is right there, within reach. A few more seconds of relentless tongue action while she cries out for him not to stop and it crashes over her like a wave of the ocean, her back arched and head thrown back on the pillow as he licks her through it, not letting her go even for a moment until she stutters his name.
“Come - come here,” she murmurs, head spinning and stars in her eyes as he emerges, hair dry but the bottom of his face slick with her juices. Wiping his mouth conspicuously on the back of his hand, he towers over her, eyes dark as he watches her catch her breath.
She raises her arms and he lowers himself to kiss her. The aftershocks of her orgasm are still fading away; she lets him pull her close, loving the feel of his naked body against hers, knowing for certain now that he’d seen her earlier today when she’d clicked a picture with that group of fans. Those many men, that much exposed skin and the close proximity in which they’d all surrounded her - it was just enough for a reaction.
“Hey, beautiful,” he murmurs, pulling away but staying close. He props his head up on his palm and smiles down at her, a little satisfied.
“Hey,” she says, her breathing slowly returning back to normal. “I think you just rocked my world.”
Taehyung’s smile gets wider but he visibly tries to suppress it, tossing his hair out of his eyes. “My pleasure. Must be because I’m your type, no?”
It takes Dilara a moment to realise what he’s referring to. “Oh. That.” She chuckles. “Totally my type,” she agrees.
“And what’s that?”
“My type? I dunno. Sexy. Romantic. Smart but not arrogant. Just a little pretentious,” she adds, grinning when he rolls his eyes. “Able to take control when he’s a little jealous,” she adds in a murmur, running a finger down his chest and reaching up to brush her lips against his. “Knowing every inch of my body better than anyone,” she finishes, kissing him again.
He kisses her back, slow and affectionate, and rolls on top of her. “So Chris isn’t your type?”
“God, no.” Dilara wrinkles her nose and Taehyung rolls off her, resuming his position on his side. “Kaya saw his picture on my Instagram and said she thought he was hot. I told her she could see for herself when she comes to London next month.”
“Chris? Wait, you told Kaya about him?” Taehyung frowns.
“Yeah… why?”
“Because he may not be your type, but he seems pretty close to Kaya’s type,” he points out.
“What?” Dilara squints. “No way.”
“Really? Tall, buff, straight hair? Korean?” He raises his eyebrows. “That doesn’t remind you of anyone we know?”
Dilara rolls her eyes. “That’s a little reductive. She can’t just go out and find another Kim Namjoon on the street, you know?”
“He doesn’t have to be Namjoon, he just has to look like him.” Shaking his head, Taehyung pulls up the picture on his phone. “You really don’t see the resemblance?”
“No. Just - okay, maybe the body structure. And the hair,” she admits uneasily. “And the voice, kind of. Okay, but that’s crazy. She’s not going to just suddenly be attracted to someone that looks like her ex to get over her break-up.” But her voice trails off slightly at the end and she looks up at Taehyung hopefully. “Right?”
Taehyung purses his lips. “Namjoon is going to kill you,” he states.
“If you let him, then we’ve got bigger problems than Kaya’s dating life,” she snaps. “Besides, you might be overthinking this, okay? They’ve never even met. All she did was see a picture and compliment him. As someone who’s on fifty thousand lockscreens at this moment, you should know that.”
Taehyung gives her an unimpressed look as her phone pings. She reaches over to see a message from Kaya.
Kaya [14:12]
Hey, whenever you’re free, can you send me your friend Chris’s number if he’s okay with it? Thanks.
Dilara stares at the screen as Taehyung reads the message out loud from over her head. “Fuck,” she mutters, dropping her head into her hands. “Namjoon is going to kill me.”
Taehyung, his lips pressed against her shoulder from where he’s peering into her phone, nods and pats her arm. “I won’t let him. I promise.”
She turns around to face him. “Really? Because I may just have driven his ex-girlfriend into the arms of - oh, my God, Lexie is going to kill me, too.” She groans and covers her face, ignoring Taehyung’s low chuckle as he pulls her to him.
“Don’t overthink,” he instructs her kindly. “Come on, go take a shower. Yoongi hyung wants us to go pick up stuff for dinner - he texted me a whole list but I got the car keys, too. I’ll take you out on a nice drive.” He slaps her backside affectionately.
Dilara sighs and sits up, swinging her legs over the bed and heading for the bathroom, untying and dropping her red bikini top on the way. Once she’s out, sand washed away and hair smelling nice, she walks back into the bedroom to see Taehyung in the exact same position she left him in, comfortably naked on his back and scrolling through his phone.
“Babe, can you charge my phone?” she asks him as she rummages through her suitcase for clothes. “I’m waiting on an email.”
“The same one?” Taehyung purses his lips sympathetically when she nods, reaching over to plug her phone into the bedside charger. “Didn’t they say they’d get back by now?”
“They said yesterday,” she complains, “although I’m hoping it’s a timezone thing and it’ll come today.” Pulling on a tank top over cotton shorts, she turns towards the mirror, finger-combing her wet curls. “Ugh, forget it,” she mutters. “They’re just going to curl by themselves anyway.”
“You look beautiful,” he says from behind her. “Always do.” He returns her smile in the mirror. “Do you want to go out now? It might help get your mind off this.”
“Yeah, it might. It’s not a big deal either way,” she adds, shrugging. “I mean, would it be good if I got it? Sure. But it’s not like it’s - wait, I think that’s it,” she breaks off quickly, spotting the notification on her phone as it lights up. She hurries across the room to the bedside table and unplugs her phone, swiping up on the screen.
“Okay…” Dilara opens it and scans through the initial text, while Taehyung sits up and pulls on his boxers, keeping his eyes on her the entire time. “Yes!” she yells in excitement. “I got it!”
“You did?”
“Yes! Calvin Klein fall campaign, in the fucking flesh,” she exclaims, her heart hammering in excitement. “Congratulations on becoming a part of the Calvin Klein family, blah blah blah… oh, here it is - the fall/winter campaign which will be launched in the month of September, celebrating a milestone of the brand… joining global ambassadors including Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber - holy shit - Kendall Jenner, Jungkook of BTS -“ They exchange a knowing look, “Bella Hadid…” She trails off as she scans the rest of the list, something in her heart coming to a standstill.
Dilara locks her phone and tucks it into her back pocket. “Nothing. It’s great.” She turns away before she can start to dissect Taehyung’s expression, the understanding settling in of the one detail neither of them had mentioned out loud since her conversation with Calvin Klein had begun.
“I’m really happy for you,” he says from behind her, voice soft and - she doesn’t want to dwell on it - slightly guilty. At that moment, there’s a knock on the door and Dilara immediately opens it to see Jungkook of BTS.
“Hey,” he says, looking a bit surprised. “Sorry to, er… interrupt. Yoongi hyung wants to marinate the meat before dinner and Namjoon hyung asked if we could also pick up some wine…” He raises his eyebrows, eyes wide. “I don’t want to go alone so do one of you want to come along?” he asks hopefully.
“Yeah,” answers Dilara, bustling around to find a pair of slippers and grabbing her bag.
“What about Jimin?” Taehyung asks, pulling on a tank top.
“Yoongi gave him a giant watermelon to cut,” snickers Jungkook. “I thought about helping him but it’s more fun this way.”
“Sounds like he needs your help more than I do,” says Dilara, glancing at Taehyung. “I can go pick up the dinner stuff. Where are the keys?”
“Um, in my shorts. But -“
Dilara picks up his tan shorts from the pile of clothes next to the bed and shakes them out to catch the set of car keys that fall out. “Text me Yoongi’s list?” she asks. “Let me know if any of you want anything else. We’ll be back in a bit.” 
Without waiting for him to nod, she exits the bedroom, shutting the door and leaving with Jungkook.
An hour or so later, Dilara slips into the tiny study, a glass of white wine in her hand. Namjoon glances away from his laptop and gives her a small smile, waving her inside.
“I heard you’re in the mood for wine?” she says, placing the glass next to his laptop.
“Wow, thanks.” He takes a whiff of it and nods. “I don’t know if I should be drinking while I’m working, though,” he adds, looking uneasy.
“You’re on vacation. You can have a drink. Come on, just one,” she persuades him, sliding the glass slowly towards him.
Namjoon gives her a look. “You’re a terrible influence,” he informs her, picking up the glass. “Cheers,” he says, and clinks his glass with the can of beer she’s holding. He takes a sip of the wine and sighs. “Fuck, that’s good. Are the mojito mixes in the fridge?”
Dilara pauses. “We didn’t buy mojito mixers. Shit, I knew we were forgetting something. But I can go out and get some, no problem,” she says quickly, nodding.
“Oh, hey, no. Don’t be silly,” says Namjoon, shaking his head. “It’s not a big deal. I can go out myself. Don’t worry about it.”
She nods slowly, hesitating. “Um… you okay?”
Her tone seems to indicate exactly what she’s talking about. Namjoon lowers his gaze before nodding. “Fine. I think. Just worried,” he murmurs after a moment.
Dilara stares inside her can, seeing nothing but dark. “If it makes you feel any better, I really think it wasn’t a big deal. The video made it seem a lot worse than it was.”
He bites his lip. “Yeah. That’s what she said, too.”
She nods, not really knowing what else to say. She considers leaving but then Namjoon speaks again.
“Do you talk to her?”
Namjoon’s shoulders relax a bit. “How is she?”
Dilara shrugs. “About the same as you, I think.” When all he does is scoff softly and look away, she abandons her plan to leave him alone. “Can I just ask…” She waits until he looks back up at her, giving her permission, “... is it worth it? Leaving, for her sake?”
To her surprise, Namjoon doesn’t answer immediately. “I don’t know yet,” he admits. “She’s been hurt before. And there’s a reason idols don’t talk about dating. Ever. It used to be out of obligation but now… it just makes more sense to keep that part of your life private. We don’t do it for fun; we do it because it’s just better that way. I can’t let her get hurt again,” he says quietly, lowering his head.
“But she didn’t get hurt,” points out Dilara. “They didn’t do anything to her.”
He looks like he’s about to argue but then thinks the better of it. “It’s not a chance I want to take.”
As much as she thinks he’s trying to convince himself more than her regarding his break-up, a different part of his spiel occurs to Dilara. Absently, she reaches for the white-gold ring around her neck, the metal warm from the sun outside. 
“I’m sure you know what you’re doing,” she ventures carefully, “but I just hope you don’t regret it. Either of you.”
“You think I might?”
I think you are. But Dilara knows she would never say that out loud to Namjoon. “I think… that when Taehyung and I broke up, the most difficult part of it was going back to normal.”
He tilts his head. “How long did it take?”
“Not long at all. That was what was difficult about it. We lived in different countries, had completely different circles, so going back to normal… it took a surprisingly short amount of time,” she says, observing the point dawning on him. “Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t happy, but… honestly, if it weren’t for the Red Bull and BTS partnership and living with him and having him in my space every single day for two months, begging me to take him back… I don’t know if we’d be together right now.”
“No offence, but I think you and Taehyung are a little more dramatic than most,” he points out.
She shrugs sheepishly. “Fair enough. If you recall, I did date an arsehole mechanic just to get back at Tae.”
The silence that follows is still. Dilara suddenly remembers Kaya asking for Chris’s number and her heart jolts in anxiety, but then she puts that out of her mind; there is no way Namjoon can possibly know about that. 
“You know what,” she says after a moment, more to break the silence than anything, “I’m going to go get those mojito mixes right now, so we can put them in the fridge.”
“Wait, you don’t have to do that,” he starts to say, but she shakes her head and walks backwards out of the room.
“It’s no problem. Really. I like driving,” she adds, holding up the keys and smiling. “It’s my fault we forgot them, anyway. I was distracting Jungkook with a really bad impression of Batman. But it’s okay, I got it.”
Namjoon shakes his head. “It’s really hot outside.”
“Good thing the car and the store are air conditioned.” She steps out the door and peeks in one last time. “No mistake is so bad that it can’t be fixed.”
Taehyung enters the open kitchen, hands in his pockets, to see Dilara, Jungkook and Yoongi putting away groceries. Yoongi is holding up a packet of meat and muttering something to Jungkook in Korean, while Dilara is pouring out glasses of something light pink.
She notices him first. “Hey,” she says, holding his gaze for a moment before looking away.
“Hey,” he  murmurs, not paying attention to the other two. He’s about to stand beside her but thinks better of it, opting to stand opposite her instead with the counter between them. “You were gone for a while.”
“I had to run back and get mojito mixers. Forgot them the first time.” She finishes pouring a glass and slides it in front of him. “We got pink lemonade,” she says, sucking a bit off her thumb and turning around to place the carton back in the fridge.
Taehyung leans forward on the counter and observes her in silence, knowing he can’t say anything to her while Yoongi and Jungkook are here. 
As if on cue, Jungkook seems to notice him just then. “Hyung! Did Dilara tell you the good news? About Calvin Klein?”
Taehyung doesn’t answer immediately; he notices Dilara stiffen momentarily but continuing to move things around in the fridge. “Yep, I was there when she got the email,” he says. “It’s fantastic.”
He doesn’t think Jungkook would’ve put two and two together, and neither does he think Dilara would’ve even mentioned the elephant in the room that had existed since she’d first told Taehyung about Calvin Klein considering her.
“Jungkook,” says Yoongi after a moment. “Come help me with something.”
“Just come.” Tugging him by the t-shirt, he leads Jungkook out of the kitchen.
Left alone, Taehyung keeps watching his girlfriend. As though feeling his eyes on her, she closes the fridge and turns around.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you I was going out again.”
“It’s okay,” he says softly. He takes a sip of the lemonade and almost gags; it’s almost sickly sweet. Looking up to see her raising her eyebrows, he clears his throat. “It’s nice. Syrupy.”
She frowns, seeming partly amused. “I, uh… I talked to Namjoon,” she says.
“Really?” Taehyung is surprised; he didn’t think Dilara was the type to confront Namjoon about his personal life. Much as she admired him, he was sure the leader also intimidated her a little.
“Yeah. I wasn’t going to but he seemed really down and, I don’t know…” She shrugs, going back to unpack the two remaining brown bags of groceries. “You know, I was going through a break-up last year, too,” she says innocently, “and he gave me a lot of advice about how to deal with my ex-boyfriend at the time.”
“Interesting,” says Taehyung seriously, moving around the counter to help her with the groceries. “Tell me more.” He glances at her out of the corner of his eye to see half a smile creep up on her face.
“No way,” she says instead. “That was a private conversation, and it’s going to stay that way.”
“What?” he exclaims in mock-outrage. “No, you know what? Whatever he said, it seems like it worked for me. Or… this mysterious… sexy, romantic ex of yours that’s your type apparently,” he quips, his stomach flipping when she rolls her eyes but smiles anyway.
“I don’t know if I agree with him,” she says after a moment. “She told me he broke up with her because he thought she wasn’t safe with him. And he said that that’s why celebrities - specifically, idols -,” she points out, “- don’t talk about their relationships and flat-out lie to the press when asked. But how is that even a relationship then? If you’re just hiding your partner and not willing to actually deal with all that crap?”
“I wouldn’t lie.” Taehyung says it in a matter-of-fact way, watching as she stops a few feet away from him. 
“What do you mean?”
“I wouldn’t hide you,” he clarifies. She’s giving him a look he’s seen before, one he knows always appears when he says something she calls “declarations”. Her eyes go soft and a hint of a smile flickers across her cheeks, as if to say that even though she knows it can’t be true, she wishes it would. He simultaneously loves it and becomes a bit self-conscious over it.
“Aren’t we hiding right now?”
“We’re keeping our personal life private,” he corrects her. “That’s not the same thing. I wouldn’t hide you.”
“Huh. You really wouldn’t?” she asks, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
He shakes his head, coming up behind her and placing his hands on her hips. “Never,” he murmurs, kissing her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. He rests her forehead on her shoulder; the fact that she hasn’t shrugged him off or moved away is a good sign, but she isn’t quite leaning back into him either.
Did Dilara tell you the good news? Taehyung wonders if Jungkook thinks that he and Dilara would be actually working together, if any of the ambassadors or celebrities in the shoot would be. He doesn’t care about any of them, but he can’t imagine taking away from Dilara’s excitement about getting the campaign. Squeezing her waist tighter, he pulls her close.
“Prove it.”
He raises his head slightly. “Come again?”
“Prove it,” she repeats, turning around in his arms and stepping away slightly so she’s leaning back against the counter.
“You want to go public?” he asks sceptically. “Are you sure?”
“Well… not public,” she amends, “but maybe your fans should know, right?”
“Your fans don’t know about me,” he points out.
“No, but they know I’m not single.” Dilara tilts her head, a glint of a challenge in her eyes. “No pressure… but you did bring it up.” She reaches up and kisses him on the cheek before patting his shoulder and leaving, giving him a wave before disappearing around the corner.
It’s almost dinner time when Namjoon wakes up from in front of the laptop where he’d dozed off while working.
“Damn it,” he mutters, checking the time. He trudges straight into the bathroom and into the shower, the cool water helping him wake up at this unusual hour. He’s looking forward to dinner; he feels weak and low on energy and despite being on tour, he intends to eat well tonight.
He doesn’t check his phone again, not until he’s dressed and downstairs where everyone else is gathering and helping themselves to drinks. He gratefully accepts a mojito from a smiling Dilara and clinks his glass with hers.
“Where’s Taehyung?”
“He’s doing a live upstairs,” she answers. “Something about switching with Hoseok while he’s in Seoul.”
Namjoon nods, noting the change in schedule no one thought to tell him about. If Taehyung is online today, then Hoseok would have to do a live at least once before the next concert, meaning he and Yoongi could take a break for at least another week or two…
“Holy shit!”
Everyone turns to where Jimin is staring into his phone, mouth open and half-laughing. “What is it?” Yoongi asks.
“Taehyung just -” Apparently unable to finish his sentence, he shakes his head and passes the phone to Seokjin next to him, laughing in disbelief. He points to something and Seokjin raises his eyebrows.
“Idiot,” he mutters, passing the phone over to Yoongi and Jungkook. Namjoon walks over with a frown and peers into the phone over their shoulders, apparently immediately seeing whatever it is - and looking straight up at Dilara, the frown deepening.
“What is it?” she asks doubtfully, for she’d presumed it was something to do with their work. “Is everything okay?”
Namjoon bites his lip and opens his mouth, as if to say something, but then shakes his head. “You tell me,” he mutters, reaching over to hand her the phone.
A bit hesitant, Dilara takes it and immediately scans the screen. It’s a tweet with a video embedded; it’s Taehyung on a live - this live, wearing the same open-collared white linen shirt he’d been wearing half an hour ago - staring into the camera and speaking softly in Korean, looking more handsome than ever. There’s a SZA song playing in the background and a moment later, he turns up the volume and slides his chair back, bopping his head slightly to the music and running his hands through his thick hair.
He looks magnificent; it takes Dilara a moment to remember that his good looks can’t be the reason the rest of the guys displayed such a reaction. She frowns as he gives a faint smile to the camera, gaze boring into the lens, and leans to the side to pick up something from the ground, giving a clear view of one half of their room including - Dilara squints - a pain red bikini top on the bed.
“What did you do?” 
Namjoon’s deep voice of exasperation jerks her out of her train of thought, which is just beginning to make sense of this. She looks up to see Taehyung jogging down the steps in the same white linen shirt and matching shorts, his hands casually in his pockets.
“What?” He looks around, frowning slightly at everyone’s gaze on him. “What’s happening?”
“No way you didn’t know.” Jimin shakes his head, looking terribly amused, and gestures for Dilara to give him the phone. She does silently, her eyes not leaving Taehyung’s face.
He watches the video expressionlessly, only raising his eyebrows at the very end. He hands the phone back to Dilara, catching her eye for a moment.
“You are going to be in so much trouble,” says Jimin, looking borderline thrilled at the prospect of it.
“It’s about time,” remarks Yoongi dryly, refilling his glass with wine. “Taehyung hasn’t caused a scandal in a while.”
“When have I ever caused a scandal?”
“No one’s going to get in trouble,” says Namjoon loudly, cutting through the chatter. “But… yeah, the company’s not going to approve of it.”
“Huh.” Taehyung bites his lip and nods. “Well, nothing we can do about it now, I guess.”
“We can get the video taken down,” suggests Jungkook. “It’s on Weverse, right?”
“Won’t everyone have taken screenshots and recordings by now, though?” Dilara asks, continuing to look at Taehyung.
“Yeah, probably,” sighs Namjoon, scrolling through his own phone.
“Top ten most irresponsible moments,” pipes up Seokjin, shaking his head exaggeratedly.
“Yeah, Taehyung, this was a careless move,” adds Jimin instantly, jumping on the train.
“You should be thankful Dilara didn’t show up anywhere in the video,” Namjoon tells him. At that, everyone turns to look at her, as though waiting for her reaction.
“Oh, uh - yeah, it’s - it’s so irresponsible,” she states, biting her lip to keep from smiling when Taehyung turns to her, eyebrows raised, hands on his hips. “But… I don’t really mind.”
Taehyung nods with narrowed eyes, still giving no indication as to the turn of events that led to this. Everyone else seems to be vaguely disappointed with her reaction; she supposes they were expecting some sort of dramatic fight.
Everyone drifts off after that, once it’s clear that the matter is more or less closed. There’s some chatter in different languages, largely debating between pre-gaming and going out, or staying in and watching a movie. Dilara finds she doesn’t really care; she stays out of the conversation, silently accepting a casual kiss on the head from Taehyung as he saunters away to the living room with the others.
“Mojito?” Namjoon offers her. “I tried my best,” he adds apologetically when she takes a sip and winces.
“No, it’s just really strong,” she sputters, eyes watering a bit. “Is this how strong you take it?”
“Sometimes,” he answers simply, but offers no more on the subject. “Are you okay? With this?”
From his partly curious tone, she takes it “this” is referring to Taehyung’s possibly accidental-on-purpose mishap with the live and the red bikini top.
“Yeah, I guess,” she answers, pouring some more mixer into her glass and stirring it. “Not like we got caught snogging or something. It’s pretty circumstantial. Do you really think he’ll get in trouble with the company?”
“Not trouble, really. Like you said, it’s circumstantial. Doesn’t prove anything.”
Dilara chooses to ignore that. “That’s good.”
“It is,” he agrees. “But you never know. Things can escalate.”
Dilara glances at him as he picks out the mint leaf from his drink. It suddenly occurs to her that this may be hitting a little close to home.
“It’s… precarious,” she admits after a moment. “But it doesn’t really change anything. Not with us, I mean.” 
Namjoon nods, eyes still on his drink. “Well,” he says at last, “that’s good for you, I guess.” He meets her eyes briefly before giving her a small nod and starting to move away.
“Kaya,” blurts out Dilara, watching as he slowly turns around, “is getting published. An excerpt from her thesis - I forgot what it was called -”
“Behavioural Economics in Decision-making,” says Namjoon, nodding and smiling. His dimple appears out of nowhere and catches Dilara by surprise. “That’s amazing. Tell her… tell her congratulations from me, the next time you talk to her?”
He’s actually asking, Dilara realises. She’s about to agree, but at the last second, she looks up at him knowingly. “I’m not telling her anything,” she says, somewhat regretting it when Namjoon nods in acceptance. “You can. You should. She’s happy about it. She and her friends went out to celebrate and everything.”
“Yeah? She tell you that?”
“Not everything,” she admits. “I saw it on Instagram. Which means it’s probably a big deal.”
“Point taken.” Namjoon raises his free hand as Dilara waves at him before walking back into the living room to join the others. He swallows, not sure why the lump is appearing in his throat again. She’s happy about it, apparently. That’s what he wanted. That’s what he wants.
He should congratulate her. Slipping out of the kitchen, he heads to the room he’s sharing with Yoongi and shuts the door behind him, scrolling through his contacts. A notification appears on the top of his screen and he clicks it out of habit. Ignoring the actual subject of the message, he navigates to Kaya’s Instagram, second in his Search results.
Namjoon finds the pictures immediately; it’s the latest album she’s uploaded, consisting of three pictures of a group of people at a nicely-lit restaurant. He absently leans against the desk, missing her so immensely that he feels like his heart could crumble.
Kaya looks beautiful - and tired. But a happy tired, as though she’s worked for months burning the midnight oil and finally given herself a night off. He scans the rest of the people in the first picture; mostly peers from her program, some of whom he’s met before. He swipes right to see a solo picture of her with her glasses on and shifting her hair, followed by a third picture with the entire group around the table, all holding their drinks up towards the camera.
It’s obviously taken by someone else, perhaps a waiter or a passerby. Kaya is a couple of chairs away from the centre, in between her friend Alex - and Adam.
For a moment, his brain doesn’t know how to react. She’s sitting next to him, and smiling - but there are six other people at the table, too. Her thesis advisor went to her celebration dinner. Her thesis advisor that hit on her, slept with her and sees her every day, went to her celebration dinner.
Namjoon bites his lip, feeling his mind about to turn a corner it shouldn’t, for it wouldn’t help anyone. But it’s too close by, just within reach. With the minor buzz of the two mojitos he’s had, his intrusive thoughts take over. He swallows and grits his teeth, regretting it instantly - but it’s too late, for he can see it now: Kaya, Kaya with him, naked and glorious, eyes closed, kissing him, being pleasured by him - 
His bedroom door opens loudly, making a couple of people in the living room jerk in surprise.
“Jungkook,” he says gruffly, “you’re carrying your old phone with you?”
“Uh, yeah,” answers Jungkook, standing up slowly. “You need it?”
When Namjoon nods wordlessly, Jungkook gets to his feet and jogs to his room to retrieve his old Samsung, the one he’d brought on tour before buying a new one in London, Namjoon following him.
As Jungkook leads him to his room, he peers surreptitiously into his leader’s room, frowning slightly when he sees his phone on the ground by the wall in three pieces, the screen shattered.
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51 notes · View notes
bitchinbarzal · 1 year
thinking offffff lake house hughes sister and duker 👀
every time they’re on the water he has to avert his eyes to avoid being pummeled by all 3 hughes brothers. obvi he means no disrespect but like !!!! that’s his dream girl !!!! right there !!!! and she’s asking him to put sunscreen on her !!!!
he almost faints if she says something about how he’s “looking strong”
You’d been seeing eachother in private for quite a while. There was nothing official, no labels but you were hanging out most nights.
When the devils playoff run came to an end you all headed back to Michigan together and the off season officially began in the Hughes household.
A week in and friends started flying out; the usual suspects in Cole, Trevor, Josh and majority of the boys from Michigan.
When people started arriving you’d been invited by Taryn out to Florida to stay at Matthews house for a week — girls week.
So obviously when Dylan showed up and you weren’t there he asked questions
“So where’s y/n?”
“Why, duke? Missing your girlfriend?”
“Shut it, Edwards”
He texted you, constantly asking when you were going to be home
missing me, dyl?
You arrived home a week later, landing early and getting to the house before anyone woke up.
Dylan woke up early enough to be the first one downstairs and early enough to catch you setting up in the yard to sunbathe.
You’d already caught a tan in Florida, he could see your tan line on your back when you unclipped your bikini top. You faced away from him so he could only see your back.
He was staring.
“Duke you’ve got five second before hughesy comes down here and sees you staring at his little sister like that and kills you” Mackie warned, startling the boy.
He didn’t have time to defend himself before everyone hurdled downstairs for breakfast.
“Who’s the smoke show in the yard?!” Trevor yells, looking out the window.
Luke, Jack and Quinn all simultaneously glare at him and Jack smacks his head “That’s our little sister asshat”
Dylan gulped, almost seeing his own future right there in that moment.
In the afternoon everyone headed out onto the water and Dylan’s restraint was being tested.
“Hey, Duke can you put Sunscreen on me?” You ask, holding out the bottle with a smirk.
He stutters “um, oh I don’t—“ he’s trying to look everywhere but at your chest.
Jack grabbed the bottle and scowled “I’ll do it”
You made eye contact with Duke who looked terrified and you just winked at him before turning so the sunscreen could be applied.
While the boys were in the water you lay up on the end of the boat, basking in the sun.
He was treading water and gawking at you when suddenly he was dunked under the water
“Watch your eyes little guy, she’s got three big brothers who’ll kill you” it was Cole speaking when he emerged from the water.
Dylan shook him off before swimming away. You frown from under your glasses seeing him leave.
When you join them in the water, he’s not even looking your way and when you approach the group he’s leaving.
“What is your problem?!” You demand, walking into his room after you’d returned.
He scrambles to cover himself up “Dude!”
“What is your issue Dyl? You’ve been ignoring me all day?”
His face is flushed “Babe… if I look once I’d never look away and you’ve got three angry guard dogs watching at all times”
You pout and roll your eyes “Fine” before leaving.
That night, sat around the fire you were cuddled up into Quinn’s side and everyone was sharing stories across the group.
Luke had gotten onto the topic of working out, how he’d have to put his head down and focus for the devils when everyone chimes in about their own workout routines and plans.
You use your opportunity and say “Duke, you changed your workout routine? You’ve been looking awfully strong lately” with a smirk.
The boy stutters and smiles, thankful nobody gave it much thought before talking about themselves
“That girl is going to be the death of me”
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imreallyloveleee · 6 months
ooooo is your last post about “i feel like i win when i lose”???
sorry anon, it's not - it's about a better call saul fic.
however, this reminded me that I got another ask about that story which I forgot to answer a few weeks ago. it has been quite a while since i've worked on it. I have no idea when/if there will be an update, if I'm being completely honest with you. I feel bad about it! but under the cut are some sections from what I do have written of the last chapter. hope you enjoy em <3
Jughead accepts a cold beer from Munroe, settles back onto one of the open loungers, and actually has a pretty good time chilling with the bros until – inevitably – someone suggests they see what the bridesmaids are up to.  
“I dunno.” Archie pauses in the midst of slathering more sunscreen across his chest, something he’s been doing every fifteen minutes or so, likely at Veronica’s behest. “I think Ronnie wanted them to have a girls’ day.” 
Eric opens his mouth to protest, but Reggie jumps in. “I know what you’re thinking, bro, but none of them are single. Well, except for Betty.”
Jughead focuses with deliberate intensity on the label of his beer bottle as the others weigh the pros and cons of crossing the bride’s boundary line for the sake of flirting with her hot maid of honor. He hasn’t spoken with Betty since a week before her move to Michigan for the journalism fellowship, and even that was just a couple of stilted text exchanges – congrats, be sure to buy some good snow boots, ha ha. In the meantime, nearly eight months have passed.
And Jughead’s regretted every minute. 
“Hey.” Archie nudges Jughead’s leg with his foot, jerking his chin towards the house. “Wanna help me with some snacks?”
They both know what he’s actually doing, and Jughead feels a rush of warmth for his friend – his best friend, who’s getting married to the love of his life tomorrow, and deserves better than a sadsack excuse for a best man who wastes a free trip to the Caribbean so he can mope over a non-relationship that ended before it even began.
“Do you even have to ask?”
In the kitchen, Jughead sits on one of the swiveling counter stools and watches as Archie attempts to curate a charcuterie plate. 
“So, Betty asked how you were doing.” Archie tilts his head slightly as he flops a slice of prosciutto to one side, then the other. 
Jughead ignores the faint flutter of hope in his chest. Most likely she was just wondering if she’d have to walk down the aisle with a brooding basket case at her best friends’ wedding. “What’d you tell her?”
Archie shrugs. “Not much. I figured you can tell her yourself at the rehearsal dinner tonight.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” Leaning across the counter, Jughead snags a green olive and pops it into his mouth. “I guess I can.” 
“What happened with you two, anyway? Ron was freaking out for weeks that you were gonna, like, propose, and then nothing.” 
“Nothing happened, we just…didn’t happen.” Jughead reaches forward again, this time retrieving a block of cheese and an entire sleeve of organic rosemary-sea salt crackers. “Shit happens. Or doesn’t. Whatever.”
If Archie’s skeptical, he’s too preoccupied arranging slices of salami to dig further. “Whatever you say, man.” 
“Not everyone gets the picture perfect happily-ever-after, Archibald.” Jughead sandwiches a hunk of cheddar between two crackers, eyeballs it, and crams the whole thing into his mouth. “You’re lucky everything just slid into place with Veronica. You got off easy.” 
There’s a pause as Archie frowns down at his mess of a charcuterie plate. “I don’t know if I’d call it easy. There was a lot of stuff we had to work through.” 
It’s a funny thing to hear, coming from a man who’s standing in the kitchen of the villa on the private island that his future father-in-law rented out for an entire week, while he heaps jamón Ibérico onto a hand-carved wooden board for a bunch of sun-drunk bros who’d be just as happy scarfing down a bag of pork rinds. But it is Archie’s wedding, so: he’ll humor him.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” 
“Like the fact that Ronnie’s dad hated me when we first got together because my dad dated her mom back in high school.”
Right. He’d forgotten about that. “Okay, sure, but that was just –”
“And then there was the year when Hiram coached the wrestling team. That was rough.” Archie shakes his head a little. “And the year after that, when I interned for him. I still have nightmares sometimes. And that time where he wanted to buy up the south side and turn it into SoDale – I mean, you know, Jug. You were there.”
“Fair enough. You didn’t hit the in-laws jackpot. But –” 
“And then there was college.” Archie continues as though he hadn’t even heard him. “Long distance was hard. And right after graduation is when Ronnie found out about Hermosa and went through that whole identity crisis thing. She broke up with me for a couple months that year, remember?”
He hadn’t, actually, until this moment. That was the same year that he’d moved to Chicago. It had taken a while before his old friendships had settled into a new rhythm that bridged the hundreds of miles between them, which was his therapist’s very nice way of saying he’d been kind of self-centered that year. 
“And then there was the thing with the bear –”
“Okay, okay.” Jughead waves both hands in defeat. “You moved mountains to be with Veronica. I get it.” 
“I’m just saying. If she’s worth it, sometimes you have to put the work in.” Eyes wide with wonder, Archie holds out a jar of cornichons. “Hey, have you ever tried these baby pickles?” 
A light sprinkle of raindrops catches Jughead just as he slips through the door to the ballroom. 
To one side of the airy, open room, Archie, Veronica, and their parents are huddled together with a severe-looking woman who can only be the wedding planner. To the other, the rest of the wedding party is mingling in clusters of two or three. 
By some miracle – or curse, he can’t decide which – Cheryl Blossom spots him first. “Look what the cat finally dragged in.” 
Scowling, Jughead glances at the time on his phone as he reaches the edge of the group. “I’m not late, Cheryl.” 
She rolls her eyes, flicking a lock of long red hair over one shoulder. “I never said you were.” 
“She’s just jealous you got one of the beachfront suites for being the best man. I got the other one.” 
He turns around, and his heart skips a beat when it’s Betty looking back at him, a hint of nerves in her smile. “Hi, Jughead.” 
“Betty.” He swallows, his mouth suddenly dry. “Hi.”
She looks radiant: eyes bright, cheeks rosy, hair pinned back in loose waves that fall just past her shoulders. He doesn’t know whether or not she wants him to touch her, but thankfully she doesn’t leave it up to him, stepping forward for a brief, perfunctory hug. 
“I’m not jealous, Cousin Betty,” Cheryl huffs. “I simply find it unacceptable that our hosts would play favorites with two single people who could be sharing a bed themselves while those of us who actually need the space are forced into a room the size of a two-cent postage stamp. Especially while my TT is in such a delicate condition.”
Before either of them can say another word, Cheryl stalks away in a huff. Jughead looks to Betty in mild alarm. “Is Toni okay? Was she in an accident or something?”
“Toni’s fine. She’s pregnant. But she’s only four months along, so you can barely even tell. They don’t need any more space.” Betty waves a hand in dismissal. “Anyway, how have you been? Are you settling in to the city?” 
Betty’s tone is genuine, curious – but also distant. Like it’s been eight months since they’ve spoken, yes, but more than that – like all the little intimacies they’d shared before have been washed away. A polite, friendly blank slate. 
It feels like his heart’s been crumpled up in a ball and tossed into the wastebasket. 
And it’s his own goddamn fault. 
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"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 3 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport, Lab Rats [Elite Force]/The Dark Tower (C.S. Lewis) Crossover
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Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Leo was the one who heard all of Davenport’s confessions in the elevator. He was the one who sought out Douglas, who had been the one to originally break into his and Marcus’ lab. He’s the one who’s been trapped in and escaped from a freaking parallel universe. 
He knows, better than any of them, that all the secrets surrounding their past will never fully come to light. 
But he needs to save his brother. And if that means chasing a ghost from Douglas’ past, then he will. No matter where it leads him.
Story Warnings: violence, minor character death, mentioned drug use, mild horror, moderate blood and gore
By the time Adam returns, along with a couple of bionic teams touching base, nothing appears out of the ordinary. 
Leo is stretched out, lounging by the pool, eyes shaded by sunglasses and the skin on his shoulders slightly burned from the intense sun of the day. Leo mentions casually to his brother that they are out of sunscreen — the island practically goes through it like water — and Adam promises to add it to their supply list, both of them knowing full well he’ll forget and Leo will have to do it himself. 
Douglas’ laptop is laid out in its owner’s still-empty room, not an inch out of place from where Leo had found it. Leo’s tablet is resting in its usual place on the end table by the couch, nothing to indicate there might be something new on it worth hiding. 
Leo managed to transfer a copy of every file over, though he still can’t access them. Given time, he could probably solve that issue, but time it would take, especially when there are others who could handle that bit of coding more efficiently. 
He won’t go to Big D, though he knows his stepfather wouldn’t hesitate to help on this particular issue. His fear of Douglas’ past continuing to come back and hurt his family is even more acute than Leo’s. It’s why the teen can’t involve him in this, not yet. He won’t drive a wedge between Douglas and his brother’s already fragile relationship, at least not until he knows more. 
That leaves only one other person. 
He waits until he’s certain he’s alone before making the call. His phone rings twice before it’s picked up at the other end. 
“Hey, Leo, what’s up?” Chase’s voice is prompt, cheerful. 
“Are you alone?” Leo asks, voice low, “I need to talk to you in private.” 
“Yeah,” and his tone shifts, “What’s going on?”
“I discovered something on Douglas’ laptop. An audio recording that indicates while the FBI had you three in custody, there was someone else, not Krane or Giselle, who was trying to get possession of you. Douglas isn’t talking, and obviously the last thing we need is someone from his past showing up out of nowhere.”
There’s silence on the other end, and Leo can imagine the haunted look washing over his brother’s face. He knows how close Giselle came to ending Chase’s life, and he knows how close things really got, as he was the only one to notice the blood trailing the back of his neck. He was the one Chase had turned to when the nightmares tore him from his sleep and paralyzed him in the night. 
“Did you find anything else?” Chase finally says, his voice tense. 
“In the same folder as the audio recording were about a hundred locked files. All labeled with dates, and spanning about a three year time span that starts seven years ago,” Leo answers. “Breaking into the files would take me too long.”
“Alright. Let me secure a connection, the send me the audio recording and the latest five files. Douglas could come down at any moment, so we can’t risk transferring everything at once.” 
“Got it,” he affirms. “Call me as soon as soon as you find anything out. In the meantime, I have a couple other sources in mind that could provide some leads.”
“Alright, but Leo,” Chase implores, concern in his voice, “Don’t do anything too risky.”
“I won’t,” he promises, ending the call a second later. Only it’s a rather half-hearted promise, because there hasn’t been a single time Leo didn’t run headfirst into a dangerous situation to save his family. 
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smuggleyourbooze · 6 days
Alcohol Disguise Bottles: The Perfect Solution for Discreet Drinking
In today’s world of public events and private outings, the rise of alcohol disguise bottles has introduced a fun, creative way to enjoy your favorite beverage without drawing attention. Whether you’re heading to a festival, concert, or public beach where alcohol might be restricted or overpriced, these cleverly disguised containers provide an easy and discreet solution.
This blog will explore the concept of alcohol disguise bottles, why they’ve become so popular, and the various types available. We’ll also discuss how to choose the right one and the benefits of using them. If you’re looking for an SEO-optimized guide on alcohol disguise bottle, you’re in the right place!
What Are Alcohol Disguise Bottles?
Alcohol disguise bottles are containers designed to look like everyday items, allowing you to carry alcoholic beverages discreetly. These bottles come in various designs, mimicking objects such as water bottles, soda cans, sunscreen containers, or even household items like hairbrushes or lotions. The purpose of these bottles is to let you enjoy your drinks in places where alcohol may not be allowed or where you prefer to keep your consumption private.
These bottles not only offer a clever solution for concealment but also give users a way to save money on expensive drinks sold at events like concerts, festivals, and sporting venues.
Why Use Alcohol Disguise Bottles?
Alcohol disguise bottles have grown in popularity for several reasons. Here’s why people are turning to them:
1. Cost-Saving
One of the most significant advantages of using alcohol disguise bottles is the ability to save money. At concerts, festivals, and sports events, the cost of alcohol can be sky-high. Instead of paying for overpriced drinks, you can bring your own with a discreet alcohol disguise bottle. This allows you to enjoy the event without worrying about your wallet.
2. Convenience
Carrying a large bag or cooler filled with drinks isn’t always practical. Alcohol disguise bottles provide a compact and lightweight alternative, allowing you to carry your beverage of choice without the bulk.
3. Discreetness
Sometimes, it’s better to keep your alcohol consumption private. Whether you’re at an event that doesn’t allow outside alcohol or you simply want to enjoy a drink without drawing attention, alcohol disguise bottles are designed to blend seamlessly into your surroundings. Most people won’t suspect that your bottle of sunscreen or soda can actually contains alcohol.
4. Fun and Novelty
There’s also a fun, novelty aspect to alcohol disguise bottles. They add a playful element to the act of drinking, allowing you to enjoy the clever design and surprise others with the hidden compartment.
Popular Types of Alcohol Disguise Bottles
There is a wide range of alcohol disguise bottles available on the market, each designed to suit different situations. Below are some of the most popular types:
1. Water Bottle Disguise
One of the most common and effective types of alcohol disguise bottles is the water bottle. These bottles are designed to look like ordinary plastic or metal water bottles but feature a hidden compartment for alcohol. Some even have a dual-chamber system, where one side holds actual water and the other stores your beverage of choice. This makes them perfect for concerts, festivals, or sporting events, where water bottles are typically allowed.
2. Soda Can Disguise
Another popular option is the soda can disguise. These containers are crafted to look like well-known soda brands, complete with realistic labels and designs. Inside, however, they hold your favorite alcoholic beverage. Soda can disguise bottles are great for settings like parks, beaches, and picnics, where soda cans are common and unlikely to draw suspicion.
3. Sunscreen Disguise Bottle
Perfect for outdoor events like beach parties, poolside gatherings, or festivals, the sunscreen bottle disguise is a clever way to keep your alcohol hidden. These containers look just like real sunscreen bottles but have a hollow interior for storing liquids. Many designs even include a functioning cap, allowing you to easily pour your drink without raising any eyebrows.
4. Household Object Disguise
In addition to water bottles and soda cans, alcohol disguise containers are also made to resemble everyday household items. From hairbrush flasks to lotion bottles, these cleverly designed containers offer an even more discreet way to carry alcohol. They are especially useful in situations where you want to keep your drinking habits completely hidden, such as at public events with strict alcohol policies.
Benefits of Using Alcohol Disguise Bottles
Alcohol disguise bottles offer several key benefits:
1. Discreetness and Privacy
Whether you’re trying to avoid overpriced drinks or navigate an event with strict alcohol policies, disguise bottles allow you to enjoy your drink without the need to flaunt it. They’re designed to look like ordinary items, which means they won’t attract attention from security guards, staff, or even fellow attendees.
2. Lightweight and Portable
Unlike traditional flasks or bulky coolers, alcohol disguise bottle are compact and lightweight. This makes them easy to carry, fitting neatly into a bag, pocket, or even your hand. Many are small enough to fit inside a standard purse, making them a convenient option for on-the-go drinking.
3. Reusable and Eco-Friendly
Most alcohol disguise bottles are designed for reuse. This reduces the need to purchase single-use plastic bottles or cans, making these products an environmentally friendly choice. Instead of throwing away empty drink containers at an event, you can simply refill your disguise bottle and continue enjoying your drink responsibly.
4. Fun and Creative
Alcohol disguise bottles add a fun element to drinking. The creativity behind the designs—from hairbrush flasks to sunscreen bottles—makes it enjoyable to share with friends or surprise others. They can also be great conversation starters at parties and events.
How to Choose the Right Alcohol Disguise Bottle
With so many options available, how do you choose the right alcohol disguise bottle? Here are a few tips:
1. Disguise Level
Consider where you’ll be using the bottle. If you’re attending a high-security event, you may want a disguise bottle that looks more convincing, like a water bottle or sunscreen container. For casual outings, a soda can disguise might be sufficient.
2. Capacity
Different alcohol disguise bottles hold different amounts of liquid. If you’re planning to carry a significant amount of alcohol, opt for a larger bottle such as a water bottle or sunscreen container. For a quick drink or small sips, smaller designs like hairbrush flasks might be ideal.
3. Ease of Use
Make sure the bottle is easy to fill, clean, and use. Some disguise bottles have removable tops or easy-to-access spouts, making them more convenient for pouring your drink.
4. Material
Look for bottles made from durable, food-safe materials that won’t affect the taste of your drink. Stainless steel, BPA-free plastic, and silicone are popular options.
SEO Strategies for Alcohol Disguise Bottles
For businesses selling alcohol disguise bottles, implementing a solid SEO strategy is essential. Using targeted keywords such as discreet alcohol containers, hidden alcohol flasks, soda can alcohol flask, and conceal alcohol bottle can help your content rank higher on search engines.
Additionally, providing informative content, like this guide, on how to use alcohol disguise bottles, the benefits of these products, and where to buy them will attract potential customers searching for solutions online. Incorporating long-tail keywords, writing product reviews, and offering how-to guides can further enhance your SEO efforts.
Alcohol disguise bottles offer a practical, fun, and discreet way to enjoy your favorite beverages in situations where drinking might be restricted or inconvenient. From water bottle flasks to soda can disguises and everyday object containers, these innovative products provide cost-saving, convenient, and creative solutions for drinkers on the go.
If you’re looking for a way to enjoy your drinks without drawing attention, an alcohol disguise bottle might be the perfect accessory for your next event or outing. Just remember to use these products responsibly and respect the rules of the venues you attend!
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jphealthcare · 4 months
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psatalk · 5 months
Stella at CMPL Expo 2024 – 15 – 17 May 
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Stella, a global player for contract manufacturing in the personal care segment, has announced its participation in Asia’s largest FMCG contract manufacturing and private label event (CMPL) at Jio BKC in Mumbai, 15 – 17 May 2024. 
At stand B-32, Stella will showcase  its skin care, hair car, men’s grooming, perfumes, body sprays, hair n body mists and their ayurvedic products for a wide range of clients. Its product line under these segments include face wash/scrub, sunscreen, skin toner, skin cleansing pads, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, hair serum, hand cream, creams, lotions, beard oil, beard setting spray shaving foam, foot cream, stretch mark body butter, body wash, moisturisers, cleansers and moisturizers among others.  
In addition, two of Stella's affiliates, Spraytec India and AASA Plastics, will showcasing its products. Spraytec India, a leading Indian valve manufacturer, will showcase its valves while AASA Plastics, specializing in caps for body sprays and perfumery products, will feature its caps at the venue. 
“We are incredibly excited to be a part of CMPL 2024,” says Rohitt Wassan, director at Stella Industries. “This premier event provides the perfect platform to showcase our capabilities and forge new relationships across the personal care industry. We look forward to welcoming visitors and exploring potential partnerships that will propel Stella Indusstries forward.”
Rishheb Wassan, director at Stella, says, “CMPL is a valuable platform for building connections and exchanging ideas  with like-minded individuals . We are confident that our participation will be instrumental for continued growth and success for Stella Indusstries, and we're eager to share that momentum with the industry.”
The CMPL Expo is a massive event expected to draw a global audience from across the contract manufacturing and private label space. This year's edition boasts over 450 exhibitors, creating ample opportunity to connect with industry leaders and potential partners. Over 18,000 trade attendees are expected, offering valuable insights from a diverse range of professionals. With 25,000 products on display, attendees can explore a comprehensive range of innovative solutions. 
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bochencosmetics · 5 months
BC AHLS01 liquid highlighter introduction(new)
Here the new products:BC-AHLS01, A glass bottle liquid highlighter, For Highlight Face Makeup, 1、Nude Shades Mineral-Based Ingredients 2、Smoothy and easy to apply 3、High Pigment and shimmer 4、Sunscreen, Waterproof for Makeup Beauty 5、Brightening & Soft Matte 6、Waterproof & long lasting 7、Perfect for all skin types, 8、Easy to deal with differen occasions 9、More beautiful shades for option 10、Accept your customization logo, 11、Sample available or for detail: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Private-Label-Fairy-Shimmer-Matte-Vegan_1600732987730.html
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nfskinbeauty · 6 months
Discover Exceptional Bath Product Manufacturers by NF Skin
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Elevate your bathing experience with NF Skin's line of premium bath products, meticulously crafted to indulge your senses and nourish your skin. As a trusted manufacturer in the skincare industry, NF Skin offers a range of bath products that redefine luxury and pampering. NF Skin's bath product manufacturers are formulated with high-quality ingredients that prioritize both efficacy and safety. From soothing bath bombs to luxurious body washes, each product is designed to deliver a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. Whether you prefer relaxing lavender-infused bath salts or invigorating citrus-scented body scrubs, NF Skin has a diverse range of bath products to suit every preference and mood. Explore their extensive selection and find the perfect indulgence for your self-care routine.Bath Product Manufacturers at NF Skin's bath products offer a luxurious and indulgent experience that nourishes both body and soul. With their high-quality formulations, diverse options, and commitment to ethical practices, NF Skin sets the standard for excellence in the skincare industry. Elevate your bathing ritual with NF Skin's bath products and immerse yourself in a world of relaxation and rejuvenation.
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xirancosmetics · 6 months
Choosing a Sunscreen Contract Manufacturer: Key Considerations
Things to consider when choosing a sunscreen contract manufacturer
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Sunscreen manufacturer’s reputation and experience
When choosing a sunscreen contract manufacturer, it is crucial to identify a manufacturer with a good reputation and a long history in the industry. Ensuring that the manufacturer has a long history of producing quality sun protection products while always meeting customer expectations. Investigate their background, customer feedback, and verify their reliability.
Comply with regulatory standards and certifications.
Choose a sunscreen contract manufacturer that strictly adheres to regulations and has the necessary certifications to demonstrate compliance with FDA, GMP, ISO, and other industry standards. With these, you can reduce potential legal or security issues and ensure peace of mind throughout the process.
Custom formulated and packaged sunscreen contract manufacturer
Choose a manufacturer that can customize sunscreen products and packaging to your needs. Requires a special SPF rating, exclusive ingredients or a personalized packaging design. Working with a flexible manufacturer, you can create unique sun protection products that appeal to the market and your customers.
Production capacity and delivery schedule
Choose a manufacturer that can produce and deliver sun protection products on time and in quantity. Reputable manufacturers can flexibly adjust output and delivery speed to adapt to different needs, ensuring a smooth and simple production process and avoiding delays in the launch of sunscreen products.
Quality Assurance and Testing
Services provided by sunscreen contract manufacturers
When working with a sunscreen contract manufacturer, businesses can take advantage of a variety of services to bring their sunscreen products to market. These services include:
Recipe development and testing
Contract manufacturers specialize in formulating and refining sunscreen products to meet precise performance and safety standards. Rigorous testing ensures product effectiveness and stability
Packaging design and procurement
Contract manufacturers can assist in designing and sourcing sunscreen packaging to ensure functionality, visual appeal and regulatory compliance.
Regulatory and documentation support
Contract manufacturers provide expertise in meeting complex regulatory requirements for sunscreen products, covering aspects such as ingredient compliance and product labeling
Private label and custom branding options
Companies can work with contract manufacturers to produce private-label sunscreen products or create unique brands that make their products stand out in the market.
Production and filling capabilities
Market Trends and Opportunities for Sunblock Manufacturers
Consumers are increasingly concerned about the impact of sunscreen ingredients on their skin, and demand for natural and organic sunscreens has increased. Contract manufacturers can seize this opportunity and satisfy people’s desire for safe and natural products by making sunscreens with pure, plant-based ingredients.
Contract manufacturers can customize SPF products for different skin types and activities, meeting the needs of athletes or sensitive skin. Such customization can attract consumers and increase market share and brand loyalty.
Consumers are increasingly concerned about whether the packaging of sunscreen products is environmentally friendly. Contract manufacturers can appeal to consumers concerned about sustainability with environmentally friendly packaging solutions, such as recyclable or biodegradable materials.
Contract manufacturers entering new markets need to understand international regulations. Comply with different regulatory standards to comply with local laws, expand your business, and attract new consumers.
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Success Stories and Case Studies: The Adventures of a Sunscreen Contract Manufacturer
We are honored to partner with well-known brands to successfully launch sun protection products. We work closely with them to create high-quality sun care products that meet their needs and reflect their brand. We communicate and collaborate from recipe development to product launch.
We also specialize in customizing sunscreen formulations for different market segments. Based on the needs and preferences of different consumers, we create sunscreen products that suit their characteristics. This allows us to develop niche markets and provide specialized sun protection solutions for people with sensitive skin, athletes and environmentalists alike
Our manufacturing process had to deal with regulatory challenges, and we overcame many. Whether complying with complex international regulations or adapting to changing standards, we have strategies to ensure compliance and reduce risk. We work closely with regulatory experts to proactively respond to changing needs
We have robust contingency plans to deal with the risk of disruption to our supply chain. We diversify our suppliers, maintain spare inventory, and develop alternative purchasing plans to minimize the impact of supply interruptions and ensure continuous supply. We respond proactively to keep operations running smoothly and meet customer needs.
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Sunscreen Contract Manufacturer Selection Guide
There are a lot of important things you need to pay attention to when choosing a suitable sunscreen partner. An essential step is to ask manufacturers to provide samples of their products and conduct full product inspections to ensure they meet your quality requirements and specifications.
You also need to see the manufacturer’s factory and team in person. This way you can see for yourself their technical level, production methods and quality management methods.
You’ll also want to ask others about manufacturers and customer feedback so you can better judge whether they’re a good fit. This can help you understand the manufacturer’s track record, credibility and customer satisfaction
Once you have decided on a few suitable manufacturers, you must start discussing the conditions and agreements for cooperation with them. This is an important step in ensuring smooth cooperation. You need to talk to them about prices, delivery deadlines, minimum order quantities, and a few other key things.
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What factors should be considered when selecting a sunscreen contract manufacturer?
When looking for a suitable sunscreen partner, you need to pay attention to their reputation and experience in this field, compliance with regulatory requirements and certifications, ability to make formulas and packaging according to your needs, sufficient productivity and timely delivery services, and strict Quality inspection and testing methods
What services do sunscreen contract manufacturers provide?
What you can expect from a sunscreen partner: they will create and test your formula, design and purchase packaging, help you with regulations and documentation, provide their own branding or customize it to your specifications, and take care of production and bottling .
What are the common challenges in sunscreen manufacturing and how can contract manufacturers address them?
If you want to make sunscreen, you need to face many problems, such as how to buy ingredients, how to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the formula, how to comply with legal regulations and documents, how to meet packaging and labeling requirements, and how to ensure quality and batch consistency. sex. Partners can help you solve these problems with their own suppliers, rigorous inspections, regulatory expertise, packaging solutions and quality procedures.
What are the market trends and opportunities for sunscreen contract manufacturers?
To seize the market development direction and opportunities with your sunscreen partners, you need to pay attention to the following points: consumers prefer natural and organic sunscreen formulas, different people need different SPF levels, and packaging should be environmentally friendly and recyclable. materials, the legal requirements of different countries to consider, and the need to keep up with the latest technology and ingredients in sunscreens.
What are some tips for evaluating and selecting a sunscreen contract manufacturer?
Here are a few things you need to do to find the right sunscreen partner: Ask the manufacturer to give you a sample size of their product, go see their factory and team in person, and learn about the manufacturer and customer feedback from others , discuss cooperation conditions and agreements with manufacturers, and maintain clear communication and project plans with manufacturers.
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evereinefaust · 7 months
*.·:·.✧ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨! ✧.·:·.*
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It's that time of the year. The time when the earth was nearest to the sun's orbit. The time when the whole world would experience a big increase in temperature. The time when people would need sunscreen or at least a hat. That's right — summer is just right around the corner. And for a certain acting crew, that means that they get to enjoy this season's vacation once again.
The LOH stars were allowed to spend the start of their summer vacation somewhere. Everyone put off their work schedules and packed their bags, ready to spend a week on a nice beach resort. Of course, everything was planned and covered by Clover, as it was part of the paid vacation they had for their precious actors working earnestly to make the game successful. As this was [Y/n]'s first work vacation and one week of summer on a beach far away, she was thrilled.
The crew flew on a private plane in the late afternoon the day before and just arrived in the early morning at the airport. And then, a rented bus came to fetch them and drive them all toward the hotel where they would be staying for an entire week. The resort that they arrived at was called the 'Diamond Resort', located on a small island near a beautiful stretch of water. The place was not just a simple resort — no, it has a couple of buildings on the island for entertainment purposes, recreational facilities, and some shops and cafés along the shoreline. Furthermore, the island had a couple of smaller islands located near it, which can be traversed via a jet ski or a speedboat.
Since it was still early morning when they arrived at the resort, the young [h/c]-haired actress wasn't able to fully admire the view from outside the bus, add also the fact that she was so exhausted from the trip that she kept nodding off despite trying to stay awake. But, fortunately for her, she was able to see what the hotel they were staying at looked like. 'Luxury Highrise Hotel', was the name of the only hotel building on the island. It was considered a five-star hotel, and just from gawking at the looming building in front of her when they arrived, the girl knew that it indeed lived up to its label.
After the crew spoke with the receptionist about the reservations and rooms, everyone headed towards their respective suites and settled their belongings in, finally able to rest up from the long and tiring trip. After all, their summer vacation will officially start once they wake up later that day.
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"Hnghh..." a certain teen groaned out, her body twisting and turning as she slowly woke up from her deep slumber. After a few moments of stretching her limbs, she stayed still in her spot, an arm on top of her covered eyes. She then released a long yawn, murmuring. "...What time is it...?"
[Y/n] was fighting against the urge to sleep more in her comfortable bed, her mind still half-asleep. The exhausting trip that lasted more than 10 hours and the jetlag that followed upon arriving here was still taking a toll on her body. But the girl knew that she had to wake up now or else she'd ruin her sleep cycle, thus missing out on multiple opportunities to enjoy the summer vacation.
So, despite wanting to melt against the mattress, the girl willed herself to fully wake up.
"It's so peacefully quiet here... I wonder if they just left me alone in the suite... Rude."
Wearily removing her arm from her face, [Y/n] then removed the eyemask that covered her eyes. However, even though she was expecting it, the young actress still flinched at the sudden invasion of light into her lids.
"Hopefully, it's still early morning and not afternoon," she sighed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and tentatively opening them. Once adjusted to the surrounding lighting, she tilted her head to the left a bit, seeing wonderful scenery outside the large windows. "Beautiful..."
The girl then sat up, further admiring the island resort below from the hotel floor she was on. The sun was perched atop the clear, blue skies. A couple of large, white clouds float past, sending some shade to the people below. [E/c] hues widened in awe at the sparkling ocean not afar, its gentle waves crashing against the sandy coast. Near the beach were buildings lined up, some seemed to be clothing stores while others were food parlors. Then, as she gazed straight down, she saw the asphalt street, a very little traffic in the area.
"Man, I hope I didn't sleep for too long," taking the phone by her side, the young [h/c]ette then opened her device to check the time. 10:03 AM. She sighed in relief.
Finally getting off her bed, the girl pulled away the curtains that separated her area from the main room. [Y/n] wasn't sleeping in a bed or the bedroom. When they arrived at their suite, the room had ceiling-to-floor windows everywhere — in the living room, in the bedroom, and even in the open kitchen and dining adjacent to the living room. What's more, is that [Y/n] instantly noticed a certain feature in the suite that instantly caught her attention.
Entering the room, the girl's gaze landed on an alcove by the glass windows. It was like a settee where people could sit and look outside the arched windows, and instead of being indented into the wall, it was protruding outward. The space was big enough to be used as a bed, with a soft mattress attached to it, supported by a sturdy wooden frame. Then, there's a space that acts like a bedside table where they can place their devices, teacups, and even scented candles.
Despite having two king-sized beds in the bedroom which the five of them could certainly fit in, [Y/n] was adamant about using the 'alcove bed', as she named it. And that's how she ended up sleeping in the living room. Nonetheless, she enjoyed her sleep.
Stretching her limbs as she hopped off her bed, the young girl scanned the living room and its adjacent open kitchen. Most of the curtains were still drawn closed, making the suite a bit dim. But a few curtains were already open by the kitchen area, letting the bright light seep through the windows.
[Y/n] trudged over to the bedroom room, checking if any of her family members were awake at this hour. She opened the door, careful not to be noisy. Peering her head inside, she saw a large lump underneath the fluffy blanket, a mop of black hair peeking above the bedsheet in one of the beds. Glancing at the other bed, she saw a familiar green tress and another mop of black hair.
She hummed to herself.
"So Rouin oppa is the only one awake now?"
Closing the door behind her, [Y/n] sauntered away and proceeded towards the dining area where she saw the blue-haired man that she was thinking of moments prior. Rouin was seated on the barstool, a simmering cup of coffee on the island counter while he was busy reading a book, the familiar reading glasses propped on his nose. Noticing the approaching girl, the man placed down his book and turned to her.
"Good morning, [Y/n]," Rouin greeted, smiling his signature warm smile.
The girl nodded back, walking over to him. "Morning, oppa."
"How's your sleep?"
"I'm fine. Although I still feel a bit drowsy," the girl hummed, taking the seat next to her childhood friend. Then, she leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes in the process. "The bed was so comfy that I wanted to sleep more. But if I did, I'd be missing a lot later on and may disrupt my sleep schedule."
"I see."
"How about you, oppa? Did you sleep well?"
The man took a sip of his cup, adjusting his body so that he could comfortably take the girl's weight on him. "I did."
"When did you wake up?"
"I woke up at 9. Your brother woke up shortly after, wanting to have a light meal since he was hungry," the older male explained. "Then, I accompanied him down to the hotel restaurant where we ate a light meal. After, we returned, and he went back to sleep. Zelda and Cannae haven't woken up still."
"Mhm," nodding, the girl let out a yawn. "Don't you feel tired yet, oppa?"
"Don't worry about me," he lightly chuckled, bluish-gray eyes softening at her concern. "Since I had coffee, I won't be able to sleep for a while. Maybe later in the afternoon, I'll take a short nap then we could explore the resort in the evening."
"Mhm! I'd love that!" at his words, the girl instantly beamed. Her eyelids shot open, [e/c] hues sparkling at him.
Once more, the male chuckled, gently patting her bedhead. "Alright. Take a quick shower first then let's go down so you can have breakfast."
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"Whoah... The hotel restaurant is big and fancy..."
Round, [e/c] orbs were wide upon seeing the large dining area of the hotel. There were a lot of people inside, the sounds of light chatter and busy employees resonated inside the hall, and the soft jazz music barely be heard in the background.
After the young actress took a short shower and fixed herself, she left the suite she and her family were residing in. Rouin escorted her through the floor and took the elevator to the ground floor, where the amenities were located. The two conversed about their plans for the next couple of days, thinking of ways to enjoy the vacation given to them to its fullest.
The two walked around the area, seeing most of the tables and booths occupied. Fortunately for them, they saw some of their colleagues seated at a table nearby. [Y/n]'s face lit up and she immediately skipped toward the two women who were peacefully eating their brunch.
"Cesaire! Rosanna! Good morning!" the [h/c]ette chirped, finally arriving at their table.
"Good morning, [Y/n]," Cesaire greeted back, forcing a smile despite the headache she was feeling at the moment. Her gaze then landed on the blue-haired male behind the young girl. "You too, Rouin."
Rouin hummed, nodding at them. "Pleasant morning to you too, ladies."
"Hngh... Morning, kiddo," Rosanna managed to say, exhaling a large sigh. She had a hand on her temple, massaging her temple. Her narrowed eyes then traveled from her meal towards the [h/c]-tressed female. "You're quite lively, huh?"
She frowned at the condition the two older women were in. It was clear from their facial expression and body movements that they were not in the best of conditions. [Y/n] was lucky enough that she was regularly eating vitamins and food supplements, and while they were traveling, she already consumed medicine for headaches.
"Do you want me to buy some headache medicines?" Rouin suggested, concern washing over his face.
"If it's not so much of a trouble," the brunette female murmured, her face scrunching from the pain in her head.
The blonde's face had a scowl, though it wasn't directed at any of them. "Thanks for the offer, Rouin."
"It's fine. Then, I'll be going. [Y/n], eat a proper meal, alright?"
The mentioned girl nodded. "Mhm. Don't worry, oppa. I'll also be here to accompany them."
"Alright," smiling, the man then waved as he slowly walked away from the three. "I'll be back as soon as possible."
Once Rouin left the restaurant, [Y/n] then took a seat at the large table. There were about eight chairs arranged around the table. Rosanna and Cesaire were seated near each other, while the young actress decided to sit opposite them. The women focused on finishing their light meal, which consisted of soup, an omelet, and some salad.
"I wonder who else is suffering from jetlag and headaches... Luckily I didn't or else I'll be grouchy for the whole day. And I don't want to be grouchy especially when it's the start of summer vacation."
Taking the menu from the middle of the table, the young girl scanned through the selection of food offered by the hotel. Her stomach grumbled just from seeing the pictures on the menu and reading the delectable-sounding meals. As much as a foodie this girl was, she knew that she should hold back with her desire to try out every food here and possibly suffer from overeating.
So, the girl finalized the meal she would be eating for the day, fortunately, almost all of her favorite food was available there.
"Excuse me," she raised her hand, calling for a nearby waiter who luckily noticed her.
The man sauntered over to their table, a pen and notepad ready in hand. "Yes, miss? What would you like to order?"
"I'll be having [f/f] and [f/d] please."
"One [f/f] and [f/d]. Is that all, miss?"
"Yes. That's all."
"Alright. I'll be back with your meal, miss," With that, the waiter bowed and proceeded to tell her order to the chef.
Returning to reading the menu, the young [h/c]-haired actress proceeded to list down the meals she would order in the future. After all, she has to make the best of this one-week summer vacation in a foreign island resort. It's not like she has every opportunity to return here.
"Hm?" peering above the menu, the young girl blinked at the woman who called her.
"Where're your older siblings and Cannae?" Rosanna inquired, her visage now a bit relaxed.
The girl smiled at that. "They're still asleep. I was told that Oppa woke up an hour early to have a light meal before returning to sleep. The girls haven't woken up yet. Maybe they'll sleep in until the later afternoon."
"I see," the blonde hummed, focusing on her soup. "Bianca was still sleeping. Since she rarely travels on a long flight, the fatigue must've caught up with her."
"Mhm. Will the two of you explore the resort later?" [Y/n] asked, her eyes scanning both women's faces.
Rosanna grunted. "When I get a bit better. This headache will be hindering me from enjoying vacation."
The [h/c]ette then turned to Cesaire, who only offered her a pursed smile. "I'll be resting for a while after eating. Though, I could accompany you and the others when you plan to explore later on."
A small smile emerged on the girl's face at their answers. Despite not being able to explore the whole resort with them at this time, [Y/n] was still glad that they didn't turn her offer down. Since this was the first day of their summer vacation — and they just arrived earlier today — [Y/n] had expected that some, if not most, of her colleagues would be having trouble adjusting to the new time zone, thus, missing a lot of chances to explore the resort.
Nonetheless, she didn't hold it against them nor was she upset because of it. Although she won't be able to spend time with a certain few of her friends, she could still plan a fun activity for them to do in the next few days. That's why the young girl was eager to explore the resort — so that she could see what they could do on this resort island and which person to drag to what activity.
"Rouin oppa said that there's a tour around the island every 12 noon and 6 PM. After eating, I will take a tour!"
"Ah! Is that [Y/n]? [Y/n]~!"
The girl whipped her head towards the familiar masculine voice. In the distance, she could see a certain redhead male who was waving at her, a tall, buff, tanned male with raven hair, and a short child next to him. Instantly seeing the trio, a smile graces the [h/c]ette's lips.
"Ricardo! Nine! Axel! Hey~" she waved back at them, ushering them to their table. "Good morning, guys!"
"Morning, [Y/n] noona..." Nine groggily greeted, rubbing his magenta hues with his hand. Then, he let out a yawn after.
[Y/n] giggled at a sleepy Nine who just called her older sister.
"Good morning, everyone," Axel greeted, bowing a bit toward the older females.
"Morning, madam Rosanna," Ricardo grinned. "Morning Cesaire."
Cesaire gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Morning to you boys as well."
"Did you guys just wake up?" the young girl asked, ushering them to take a seat on the vacant chairs.
Ricardo sat next to Rosanna, Axel taking the seat next to him and gently setting a still-drowsy Nine to his, which was between [Y/n] and the black-haired Valkarios. Once they were all seated, the boys engaged in a casual conversation with each other. Cesaire and Rosanna would join, though not that much since they're still suffering from headaches. So most of the time, they would just nod or grunt in response to the other's questions.
Their brunch session ended up becoming a peaceful time. The tables were filled to the brim with delectable meals, courtesy of Axel and his massive appetite. Sadly, the two women had to leave after Rouin returned with the headache medicines, with the man accompanying them back to their floor. After all, they needed to rest to get better so that they could tag along with the others later on. That meant that the young adults were left sitting at the massive table, enjoying their brunch time together with laughter and chatter.
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After an hour of eating and having fun with the boys, [Y/n] decided to catch the island tour that her childhood friend mentioned earlier. As she bid goodbye to the three males, the young girl went straight to the hotel exit, a hop in her step and a smile on her face. Exiting the building, she was immediately greeted by the warm breeze and the blinding light outside.
"Oof. That's bright. And the air's so humid. Thankfully, I wore light clothes."
Once her eyes finally adjusted to the brightness outside, the young actress scanned the entrance of the hotel. In front was a large fountain spewing water to the basin below, the stone pathways leading out to the curb. There are various bushes, flowers, and trees planted on each side of the building, providing some sort of natural landscape amidst the man-made structures all around.
In the distance, [Y/n] could see the various shops lined up on the other side of the street, and further away, in between the cracks of the buildings, she could see specks of sand and ocean. She could even hear the cries of seagulls nearby, bringing a smile unto her lips at that.
"Dear tourists! The bus for the noon island tour will be leaving in a few minutes! For those who want to come along, you are welcome to do so! There's no fee at all!"
A woman's voice called out nearby, earning the [h/c]ette's attention. It was exactly what she was searching for. Perfect. Smirking to herself, the young actress sauntered over to the tour bus by the curb near the hotel, where the woman earlier was waiting outside.
"Hello," [Y/n] walked up to the tour guide, smiling.
Noticing another potential tourist, the woman beamed. "Oh, hello there, young miss! Are you interested in riding the 'Diamond Resort Tour'? The ride's free and I can assure you that it's entertaining as well!"
"Sure thing!" [Y/n] giggled, feeling giddy for today's tour adventure.
"Great! Just come inside and take a seat anywhere!"
Following her words, the young actress entered the small bus, in her hand was a pamphlet given to her by the tour guide. Despite her thoughts, there are about a dozen of tourists inside the bus. However, the girl shouldn't be that surprised since this island resort is the number one travel destination during the summer season. And she's pretty sure that most people here are first-timers such as herself.
"Ah. Some of my friends are also here."
Walking further into the vehicle, the young girl noticed a certain group of people situated by the back of the bus. Dhurahan and Ondal were seated at the very back, their large frame very noticeable from where [Y/n] was currently. Baretta's ash-blonde hair stuck out like a sour thumb against the bland interior of the bus, adding also the fact that she had her face glued to the window. In a few seats in front, a certain pair of female twins were conversing with each other, their facial expressions gently changing.
"Good morning, everyone~" the girl sang, successfully earning her friends' attention.
"Hello, [Y/n]," Mu greeted, sending her a smile. Lambda seconded, mirroring her twin's smile.
Ondal nodded in her direction, a minuscule smile adorning his lips.
"You're the only one riding?" Dhurahan raised a curious brow. "Where are your family?"
[Y/n] shrugged. "Rouin oppa returned to the suite after buying headache medicines for Cesaire and Rosanna. My family members are still asleep. I think."
"[N/n], sit here beside me!" Baretta motioned for the girl to sit. And when she walked over to her, the older female pat the empty seat, grinning. "It's much more fun when with friends!"
She giggled, sliding into the vacant seat next to the woman. "Alright, alright~"
It didn't take long for the tour to finally commence. Excitement filled the girl's whole body, her heart speeding up and eyes glued towards the scenery outside. Baretta's green and [Y/n]'s [e/c] hues widened, sparkles in each orb as the bus drove past the many shops lined on the other side of the road.
"This street where most of the buildings and amenities were located is called the 'Sunset Street'. This is a one-long street housing the 'Luxury Highrise Hotel', the only hotel on the island, a couple of food parlors, clothing, and make-up stores, and many more. It takes exactly 15 minutes to exit this street and arrive at 'Diamond Beach Boulevard'," the tour guide explained, her tone of voice as cheerful as ever while her hand gestured towards the building they passed outside.
All of the passengers had their attention on the outside, their eyes fixated on the numerous shops lined up on the side of the street and some group of individuals coming in and out of the establishments. A couple of stores instantly piqued [Y/n]'s interest as she took note of some of them for her to check out later.
Then, they went into a tunnel that led to what seemed to be the back of the island. Once more, [Y/n] was left in awe at the new scenery. The place was like a small subdivision, with houses that looked like a two-story beach house. Although the beach houses weren't anything fancy or huge, their overall cozy design and different pastel-colored walls were pleasing to the young girl's eyes.
"And here we have is the 'Diamond Beach Boulevard'. This small, subdivision-like place is the residence of the employees working here at Diamond Resort. There are also private-owned beach houses here that regular tourists use when they take a yearly vacation at the island."
"Whoah... So cool..." [Y/n] awed, her lips soon sporting a slight pout. "Man, I wish we could own a private beach house as well."
"Me too..." Baretta seconded.
Dhurahan's gaze lingered on the array of beach houses, a thoughtful expression on his facade. He then turned towards the tour guide in front and raised his hand, successfully earning her attention.
"Yes, sir? Any questions?"
"How much do you have to pay to own a private beach house here?"
The [h/c]ette peered behind to look at the tall brunette, seeing his serious expression. She then looked forward, back to the woman in front. She was also eager to hear the answer, despite knowing that she nor her family could afford even just a single private beach house here at this resort. Nonetheless, that didn't diminish her curiosity.
"You can only legally avail a purchase of a beach house from Royaline Corporation, the private business owners of this resort. The process is very protracted and I heard that the contractors who handle the papers are very picky about who can and cannot avail for the purchase. Nonetheless, a private beach house can cost from 50,000 dollars to 100,000 dollars, depending on the location, type, and miscellaneous adjustments you want for your private beach house."
A couple of people inside the bus sweatdropped, noticeably a certain [h/c]ette. Hearing the amount of money for just a single private beach house in this resort was enough to make her jaw drop, and not in a positive way either. She crunched her eyebrows, lips formed into a pout once more.
As much as she was in awe at the beach house residence, the earlier price tag left a bad taste in her mouth. And now she can't help but think about how she was truly blessed to have this chance given to her.
"You'll form wrinkles if you keep frowning, [N/n]," a finger boop-ed the said girl's cheeks, making her snap out of her deep thoughts. Baretta smirked when her companion finally gave her attention. "Don't worry much about what the lady earlier. Just relish the moment!"
Seeing the woman's jovial visage, [Y/n] can't help but relax, a smile soon replacing her earlier frown. She let out an exhale, snuggling against the older woman while linking their hands together. She giggled. "You're right! Let's enjoy this tour and we could go sightseeing and explore later~"
"Right, right!"
The other four smiled at the two's interaction, especially seeing how cheerful [Y/n] was today. Surely, they had anticipated the girl to come up with a lot of fun activities for them to do in the upcoming days. 
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"Uwah~ It's so breezy up here~"
A certain teenage actress inhaled the crisp summer breeze, feeling the coolness of the wind brush past her skin as the warm rays shone overhead. Opening her eyes, she gazed at her five companions who went with her. The twins were chatting with each other, comfortably sitting on the grass under the shade of a crape myrtle tree.
Oswald arrived just now — the poor man was visibly sweating and panting, trying to catch his breath while leaning over the handle of his bicycle. Arkanath was a few meters away, just by the edge of the hill and overlooking the scenery ahead. As for Brandon, he was idling by a lone grand piano farther up the hill.
During the 30-minute tour around the whole island resort, [Y/n] had listed down all the possible places and activities that she and her friends could enjoy for the next six days. And once the tour ended, she decided to try and explore some public places on her own. The first on her list was 'Ever Garden', a small park on top of the hill just a few minutes walk from the hotel.
Luckily for the girl, Mu, and Lambda decided to join her and she was able to nab three more people who just exited the hotel. [Y/n] insisted that everyone should try biking up the park hill, as there is a bicycle rental just outside the hotel for tourists to use. And much to her delight, everyone agreed to comply. Thus, they started their six-man biking trip up the hill to explore the garden/park nearby.
"I didn't expect that you're that feeble," [Y/n] commented, fixing her gaze on the long-haired blonde. "Don't you regularly get exercise?"
"I...I do...!" Oswald barked, trying his best to regain his breath while glaring at the younger girl. "I was just...not prepared for this..."
She squinted her eyes at him, cynical of his claim. "Honestly, biking is much easier than just walking up the hill. At least, you get to sit and just move your legs in a circular motion."
"Biking isn't easy," the blonde retorted, finally regaining a bit of his regular breathing.
"Eh, it's easy enough for me," she shrugged. "Besides, you're the only one who's panting like crazy. Everyone else was fine after a few minutes."
"We're all built differently."
[Y/n] snorted, her [e/c] eyes sending a judgemental look toward the adult. "And apparently, you've got the lowest stats."
"Hey! That's not nice of you, you brat!"
Ignoring his enraged screams, [Y/n] turned her head away from Oswald and stuck her tongue out at him, despite being hidden from his gaze. Nonetheless, she skipped up the grassy hill, following the stoned pathway until she reached a section where the grand piano was located and a particular raven-haired adult was solemnly lounging.
"Hey, Brandon," she offered a smile, leaning her body against the side of the piano.
The man briefly glanced at her and hummed.
"Is Raligon still asleep?"
"Yes. He told me yesterday not to wait for him to wake up if I wake up earlier than him. So after I ate breakfast, I decided to take a walk around the area," he replied, crimson hues fixated on the grand piano. His fingers glided across the keys, gentle like a feather. "How about your siblings? I haven't seen them since I awoke."
"I don't know," the girl shrugged. "They were asleep after I woke up. I've been up for about two hours now, so they could be awake already."
Brandon hummed. "I see."
A peaceful silence befell between the two. [Y/n] leaned against the side of the piano, her gaze admiring the blue skies. As for Brandon, he took a minute staring at the side profile of the [h/c]ette, before his expression softened. A minuscule smile graced his lips as his fingers slowly made their way toward the keys.
Brandon's fingers danced gracefully across the piano keys, producing a soft and melodic tune that seemed to blend harmoniously with the serene surroundings. [Y/n] closed her eyes, allowing the gentle melody to wash over her, creating a sense of tranquility that contrasted with the earlier confrontation with Oswald.
"This melody sounds familiar..."
As the music flowed, [Y/n]'s mind wandered, and she found herself reflecting on the strange but comforting dynamic she shared with Brandon. Despite his often aloof demeanor, there was an unspoken understanding between them, a connection that transcended words.
Lost in her thoughts, [Y/n] opened her eyes to find Brandon's gaze fixed on her, his fingers still caressing the keys. His smile had deepened, and there was a warmth in his eyes that she hadn't noticed before. She felt a flutter in her chest, a mixture of emotions she couldn't quite decipher.
"I didn't know you played the piano," [Y/n] spoke amidst the melody, her voice barely above a whisper. "Also, was that 'A Quiet Moment'?"
Brandon's smile widened, and he continued playing, the music resonating with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. "I do play the piano, I just didn't tell you. It's one of the few things that bring me solace. And yes, it was the soundtrack from your game."
"Hehe, knew it," she smiled, a faint blush dusting her cheeks.
For a while, they remained there, enveloped in the beauty of the moment. The young [h/c]enette would occasionally join in the melody with her humming or the usual 'lalala'. They continued to create music together, the combination of Brandon's skilled piano playing and [Y/n]'s soft humming producing an enchanting symphony that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the picturesque surroundings. It was as if the melody they were weaving was a reflection of the connection between them, a connection that went beyond mere friendship.
As Brandon's melody gradually faded, [Y/n] pushed herself off the piano and took a step closer to him. The ravenette's attention instantly landed on her as the young adult smiled. "Thanks for the wonderful exhibition of your musical skills~"
"Mhm," as usual, the man responded with a simple hum, his fingers resting on the keys.
Softly excusing herself, Brandon watched as the girl skipped away from him. The man stayed by the piano, his fingers once again landing on the keys to produce another melody. As for the [h/c]-haired teen, she decided to explore the area they were at.
"Hm... I wonder if there's also another way up here... The fences are still going on until the back, but I guess that's just to ensure that no one could fall off accidentally."
Moving away from the group, the girl leaned against the railing. She tilted her head, trying to see what lies beyond and behind Ever Garden without straying too far from her friends. She inhaled the crisp, salty air and felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. With these alone, the actress felt drowsiness overcome her.
"You look so relaxed like you're ready to fall asleep."
A sudden familiar voice spoke, making the teen turn her head at the unexpected companion. Seeing a certain white-haired woman standing beside her, a small smile crept on [Y/n]'s lips. Arkanath leaned on the fence as well, her gaze fixated on the sparkling blue sea.
"You could say that, I'm still sleepy from our travel and I've been awake for quite some time now. Maybe I'll take a nap later on," the younger girl let out a yawn, slumping against the fence.
Arkanath chuckled softly, her olive-colored eyes glinting with amusement. "Jetlag can be quite a challenge. A quick nap might do wonders for you."
[Y/n] nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'll probably take a nap after exploring a bit more. But hey, have you had a chance to check out the resort?"
"Not yet," Arkanath admitted, her gaze lingering on the horizon. "I wanted a quiet moment, away from the bustling areas. This place is beautiful."
"It is," the young actress agreed, taking a moment to appreciate the breathtaking view. The sea stretched out endlessly, merging with the sky in hues of blue and gold. The gentle waves whispered a soothing melody, complementing the peaceful atmosphere.
"Some day I would like to go on vacation with my husband here next time," the woman mused, a wistful smile playing on her lips.
[Y/n] couldn't help but smile at Arkanath's sentiment. "That sounds lovely. I hope you both get to experience a relaxing vacation together here."
"Thank you, [Y/n]. I'm sure it would be a memorable experience." Arkanath's gaze shifted to the bustling resort below. "How about you? Any specific plans for the day?"
The [h/c]-haired actress pondered for a moment, before grinning at the woman. "Well, I'm thinking of exploring the resort with the others later on. I wanna go buy something or window shop at the Sunset Street. Then, in the evening, I'll be strolling by the beach with Rouin oppa!"
Arkanath chuckled. "Sounds like a perfect vacation plan. Enjoy every moment, [Y/n]."
"Mhm! Of course, and you'll be a part of it as well~"
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After taking a three-hour nap after idling at Ever Garden, [Y/n] returned to the bustling Sunset Street with her friends. They strolled and explored the various shops lined up along the charming street. The vibrant atmosphere, coupled with the warm glow of the afternoon sun, created a picturesque scene. Laughter, music, and the aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, enhancing the overall experience.
As promised, Rosanna and Cesaire accompanied the young actress on her stroll. And as a bonus, some of the boys decided to join in as well. The group meandered through the street, browsing through boutiques, souvenir shops, and quaint cafes. The lively energy of the surroundings lifted their spirits, making it an enjoyable exploration.
"What ice cream flavor are you picking, [Y/n]?" Axel asked, playfully resting his large hand on top of the girl's [h/c] locks in front of him.
"There's a lot of unique flavors that I wanna try..." She puckered her bottom lip in thought, her gaze fixated menu right above the counter. "Maybe I'll go for a mix of tropical flavors. Mango, coconut, and pineapple sound refreshing."
"Great choice! I might get the same," Axel grinned.
Cesaire chuckled. "You both have a thing for tropical flavors, huh?"
"Well, we are on a tropical island," the ravenette grinned.
"True, true," Rosanna agreed, shaking her head. "You kids enjoy your ice cream. I'll just sit and rest for a bit."
Laughter and chatter echoed inside the 'Frostbite Frozen Delights', the LOH crew pondering over ice cream flavors to indulge their tastebuds with. Ondal opted for a red curry-pandan ice cream in a cup. Dhurahan chose a vegan almond butter swirl. Ricardo picked three scoops of banana ice cream on a cone. As for Nine, he tried a blueberry graham cracker ice cream on a cone.
Rosanna and Cesaire were seated in a booth next to the window, watching as their companions waited for their ice creams by the side as the line moved. Soon enough, everyone had their ice cream and sat with each other in two booths.
"Here~ I don't know what flavor you liked so I just opted for the classic vanilla," a cup of vanilla ice cream slid on the table in front of Rosanna. The blonde woman glanced at [Y/n], who smiled widely at her.
"There's no need for you to buy me ice cream," the older woman protested, but [Y/n] shook her head.
"Consider it a treat from me for accompanying me on this stroll," the young actress insisted, her eyes gleaming with sincerity.
With a soft smile, Rosanna accepted the cup, giving a nod of gratitude. The group settled into a comfortable conversation, exchanging stories and enjoying their frozen treats. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie as they savored the sweet delights of the tropical ice creams.
Every so often, the group would share their chosen ice cream with each other, allowing everyone to experience different flavors. The warm afternoon sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a golden glow on the faces of the LOH crew, creating a perfect snapshot of a carefree vacation.
"Ah! Don't take a large bite of my ice cream, noona!" Nine's magenta orbs widened when [Y/n] took a bite out of his blueberry graham ice cream when he wasn't looking.
[Y/n] giggled mischievously, savoring the taste of the blueberry graham cracker ice cream. "Mmm, it's really good, Nine! You should try a bite of mine too!"
Nine pouted but couldn't help but chuckle at the playful exchange. "Alright, fine. But just one bite!"
"Alright~" the older female chirped, scooping a plentiful amount of ice cream before pushing the spoon to the boy across the table. "Say, 'aah'~"
His fair cheeks were coated with pink, eyebrows scrunched together and his gaze fixated on the spoon slowly approaching him. Nine reluctantly opened his mouth, and [Y/n] fed him a small bite of her tropical ice cream. The girl grinned, her cheeks also tinted pink while watching the boy savor her ice cream.
"Now it's time to steal some of you guys' ice cream next!" she proclaimed, standing from her seat and walking to the neighboring booth where Ricardo, Ondal, Dhurahan, and Axel sat.
"Uh-oh," Ricardo sweatdropped, noticing the look [Y/n] was giving while her attention was fixated on his dessert. He glanced down at his ice cream before returning his gaze to her, hesitating his course of action.
"Here, you can have the rest of mine," Ondal raised his cup of ice cream to her, giving it to her without hesitations. "I had my fill."
"Thanks, Ondal!" [Y/n] gladly accepted the offer, taking a seat next to him. She dug into the red curry-pandan ice cream, savoring the unique flavor combination.
"Uwah! So delicious!"
Her [e/c] pools widened in awe, literal sparkles dancing in her eyes as she indulged in the delightful taste. The black-haired man let a smile grace his lips at the youngster's enthused expression. Within minutes, she devoured the ice cream, the corner of her lips stained with the vibrant colors of the red curry-pandan flavor.
"Wow, Ondal, this is amazing! I've never tasted anything like it before," [Y/n] exclaimed with genuine excitement, licking the remnants of the ice cream from the spoon.
Ondal chuckled, pleased by her reaction. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's one of my favorite flavors."
Meanwhile, Ricardo discreetly scooped a small portion of his banana ice cream onto the back of his spoon and extended it towards [Y/n]'s mouth. "Hey, [Y/n], try this."
Caught off guard, [Y/n] blinked at the spoon approaching her. "Ah! Ricardo, you're too quick!"
The entire group burst into laughter as [Y/n] playfully scolded Ricardo for his sneak attack. She accepted the bite of banana ice cream, savoring the creamy sweetness. After him, she glanced at Dhurahan, silently pleading with her puppy eyes to have another taste of his dessert. Of course, the tall man couldn't help but give in to her puppy eyes and have her devour the rest of his ice cream as well.
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"Uwah! The evening breeze is so relaxing~"
A certain teenage actress let out a contented sigh, her [f/c] sundress and [h/c] tresses swaying along with the wind. The girl let her feet sink into the sand, feeling the grains slipped into the crevices of her toes. Holding onto her sandals with one hand, and the other making sure that her sun hat won't get blown away, [Y/n] leisurely strolled along the coastline.
Her childhood friend followed closely behind, a camera in his hand as he captured the scenic beach along with the beautiful sunset. The Diamond Resort's beach was bathed in hues of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the entire area. The gentle waves lapped at the shore, creating a soothing melody that accompanied the footsteps of the two friends.
As [Y/n] continued her leisurely walk, she couldn't help but marvel at the beauty surrounding her. The resort was strategically located to provide a breathtaking view of the sunset, making it a perfect spot for an evening stroll. The air was filled with the salty fragrance of the sea, and the sound of seagulls added a touch of serenity to the atmosphere.
"Oppa, take a photo of me!" [Y/n] exclaimed, turning around with a playful grin.
Rouin chuckled, raising the camera to capture the joy on her face against the backdrop of the setting sun. The flash of the camera illuminated the vibrant colors of the evening sky.
"You look like you're having the time of your life, [Y/n]," Rouin remarked, lowering the camera.
"I am! This is such a beautiful place," she replied, twirling around in sheer delight. "I can't wait to explore more of the resort in the coming days."
The man smiled, his expression softening at her enthusiasm. He raised the device once more, focusing the lens on the [h/c]-haired teen in front of him. She glanced at the sunset, her face lit with a natural radiance. As the camera clicked, capturing the candid moment, [Y/n] felt a sense of pure happiness wash over her.
"Whoah! Look at the sky, oppa! There's a lot of stars coming out!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the darkening sky.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the night sky revealed itself, adorned with countless twinkling stars. The transition from the warm glow of the sunset to the cool, serene canvas of the night sky was nothing short of magical. Rouin joined her in gazing at the stars, appreciating the beauty of the night.
"It's amazing how different the atmosphere becomes when the sun sets," he commented, a hint of awe in his voice.
"Yeah, it's like a whole new world opens up," [Y/n] added, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "I can't believe we get to experience this together."
They continued their stroll along the beach, the sound of the waves creating a soothing soundtrack to their conversation. The night was peaceful, with only the distant laughter of fellow vacationers and the occasional seabirds breaking the tranquility.
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mapsoffun · 8 months
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No matter where I travel to, one of the first things I do in my research phase is to scour the local area for an easily-accessible grocery store/drug store so I can get necessary supplies like sunscreen and room snacks and drinks. I had two grocery stores slated for this trip, but the one we went to first was in the next resort village over: Foodland Farms Mauna Lani. This is a local chain, and when I saw that they had a loyalty program I could sign up for online, I did it so I could take advantage of any discounts. This was the right move, as we were able to find a lot of great deals on everything from their in-house poke to wine to their private label snacks that were out of this world. (Thai crab curry rice cakes, anyone?) This was a huge help in making sure we didn’t have to depend on resort food, which made things much more affordable. 
The site of the conference was at the Fairmont Orchid which was also part of this resort complex, so it became an easy spot for M to go to on his way back from the morning sessions and pick up some lunch for us that we’d enjoy in the lobby area, and as a result I tried a number of their poke offerings. My favorites were the ahi tuna with oyster sauce, and the Korean style-salmon with a spicy red sauce and red seaweed. I would also get seaweed salad if they had it (sometimes they would be cleaned out) and again, it was utterly fantastic. 
We came here so often that getting one of their insulated bags felt like a perfect souvenir that’s also practical, as it did help keep everything cold.
(Bottom photo is from the Foodland Farms website as I never stopped to snap a photo of the exterior while we were there.)
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lalasclosetllc · 10 months
Lalascloset LLC
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Website: https://www.lalasclosetllc.com
Address: Rochester, New York, USA
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lalaizblessed
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lalasclosetllc/
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awesomeaprilkr · 10 months
Korean Private Label Skincare Products For Flawless Skin
Almost everyone is seeking radiant and youthful skin. This is where Korean private label skincare can be the best solution for flawless skin. It can give you a unique approach to achieving your skincare goals.
Quality skincare helps to achieve lasting results. When it comes to Private label skincare, it is a simple concept to understand. In this process, one company produces the products but they are sold under another company's brand. Does your company's brand want to sell these products? It enables customization and branding.
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The Secrets Of Korean Private Label Skincare-
Korean skincare aids to achieve perfect skin. Professional manufacturers meticulously produce private label skincare products. It ensures the premium quality of each product. What makes these products apart-
Formulation- Professional brands invest heavily in research and development. They work hard to discover unique formulations for the products that can cater to different skin issues. It is the combination of traditional wisdom and modern technology that offers exceptional results.
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Korean Private Label Skincare Products For Flawless Skin-
Your dream will come true by using the skincare products. Let’s find out how-
Double Cleansing- Korean skincare starts with cleansing. It removes makeup and impurities.
Exfoliation- Regular exfoliation is vital to remove your dead skin cells. It also helps to generate new skin cells. Use quality Korean skincare products to get outstanding results.
Hydration- For glowing skin, this is important.You can use different layer hydrating products, such as toners, essences and serums, to lock in moisture.
Sheet Masks- Use quality masks for your body. These masks can provide you with the best treatment and they can cater to different skin issues. Several reputed brands offer private label skincare products.
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Sun Protection- Use the best standard sunscreen for flawless skin and avoid the issue of premature aging. Skipping protection can lead to skin issues.
There are several brands available, but Awesome April has gained popularity for its commitment to quality and innovation. It introduces unique and effective Korean skin care products. For the best Korean private label skincare, visit www.awesomeapril.com
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