#pro nontraumagenic
the-roadtrip-system · 1 month
religious person with dissociative identity disorder call that a belief system
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1nternetk4ngel · 16 days
Edit: I made it free to join but idk how you find it!! </3 here's the inv link tho!!!
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abysshare · 3 months
Are you normal about introject relationships btw.
No i mean for real.
Are you ?
Content creator factives who date other content creator factives.
Problematic factives dating other problematic factives.
A headmate Markiplier factive dating a JackSepticeye factive.
A headmate Wilbur soot dating Angel Dust.
A headmate Vanny ( GAME universe ) dating a William Afton.
A headmate Anakin dating a Pinkie Pie and a Sans Undertale, who's in a QP with a factive of someone irl.
A headmate based off an OC x dating a fictive.
A factive dating a OCtive. Etc etc.
An adult Catnap dating an adult Frisk headmate.
I say this because sometimes i feel like not so much. I feel like when someone puts a ship in their DNI i always worry that they are including System relationships. Which they aren't, i doubt a major of them knows what a system is or how that works.
But its still worrying. I don't really see people talk about it, because i guess its not as common or maybe they're worried too?
That they'll seem creepy because Their headmates split too early before knowing the big plot twist is their sources are family.
Or that sometimes kid sourced characters, split and are grown up and not at all children ( unless they age slide or are regressors ).
Or that thats just how THEIR relationship works, whether its exomemories or sources or NOT.
Headmates are PEOPLE, with their own choices ( even when its harder for some ). I get so tired of this thinking of that if one headmate has an opinion or interest or whatever, the whole system has the same one, when that isn't always the case.
For singlets or people who do not understand, that would be like if YOU wanted to make cake, but someone else in your group wanted to make pie, well now all the other groups believe you like pie and want to make pie. They're just assuming because someone in your group wanted to make pie, now you do too.
this post goes out to the systems who are too afraid to say anything. To the systems that want to be heard and seen.
( Note: OP is PRO Endo/Nontraumagenic, however does not mind if RESPECTFUL neutral/antis who dont care about discourse reblogs/likes.
Please NO DISCOURSE on this post or about this post. This is just me rambling more than anything.
Also no shipcourse, thats not what this post is about. /srs )
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making a post with some info about my headmates/facets and our system in general! it’ll be good to have while we’re processing our syscovery, and it’ll definitely be updated when new things are discovered. (anything in blue text is new info added after the original upload)
we are a median specutien proxy system! we will use the term system, but we also use collective, dorm, and chat to refer to us. we don’t have an official system name for all of us, but that’ll be worked out soon. our origin/reasoning for being plural is not quite clear yet, but we’re fairly sure it’s not traumagenic. pretty much all of our members are alterhuman/nonhuman in some way, and we prefer to be referred to as nonhuman or something along those lines. we are firmly of the stance that all systems are valid (no matter the origin or presentation), and anti endos, anti tulpas, anti non-traumagenic systems, sysmeds, and exclusionists will NOT BE TOLERATED WHATSOEVER!!!
here is some info about each headmate/facet! it’ll include names, pronouns, roles (although it won’t always be clear what their roles are or they won’t even have a role), and general facts and information about each one.
Katie, aka K, is me! I’m the host and core of this collective, and the one that my family, friends, followers, and mutuals know about the most/solely. you know my pronouns and stuff about me, so there’s no real need to rehash all that (but if you don’t know, then just click here for my pronoun page).
Maple is probably the oldest headmate of ours, and is most likely a tulpa-born imaginary friend resulting from loneliness and a need for a more structured part of ourself during a rough part of our life. she uses she/he/they/it, but likes he and they the most. he seems to look like me, except with shorter, more masc-looking hair and a broader body. sometimes they’ll take the form of a bird that looks similar to a treepie or a cinnamon coloured fox. she’s very levelheaded and reasonable, and is the most realistic and down-to-earth of all of us. this often results in him being the one to remind us to eat, drink, go to bed, and stay on track.
Princess is a brown and white english bulldog puppy, and is our resident little. she uses she/he pronouns, and is a big ball of happy-go-lucky energy. she loves anything to do with age/pet regression/dreaming, and is just a very childishly naive and sweet puppy. he’s also quite sensitive to criticism and arguments, and just wants everyone to be happy and get along together. her favourite colours are red, pink, and cyan, and he often dawns a pink collar with a red bow.
Red is our anger holder and protector. she’s a red feathered dragon with a long tufted tail and large wings. ae likes any names associated with the colour red (such as scarlet, carnelian, ruby, mahogany, etc), but we just use the name red to refer to her most often. she uses she/ae pronouns, and gives off femme fatal vibes in a way. ae’s the one who gets frustrated and upset the easiest, and is in a constant state of either furiously pacing or slumped in a corner with her wings drawn in. she’s fiercely protective and loyal to both our collective and my family and friends. I most often see aer with Finley or Something (both other facets that I’ll talk about later).
Speaking of, we have Fin (short for Finley)! he’s our very anxious cautious jittery ball of fluff, and uses he/him pronouns (although he’ll sometimes use no pronouns or his name instead of pronouns). he looks like those long cat plushies (specifically a grey and white tabby), except if it was actually a real live cat. if you haven’t caught on, Fin likes using a lot of parentheses when speaking, because there’s always more information and intent that isn’t always known, and Fin just prefers to give out all of the information to avoid misunderstanding. he’s the one who is always running around wailing “what if this? what if that? do they really mean it? what if they’re actually lying or something?”, and needs a lot of reassurance about his fears and anxieties.
Ty (short for Tyler (we have NO IDEA why he chose that name btw; it isn’t my favourite name, but we roll with it)) is a robot who uses it/its, but also doesn’t mind any other pronoun (EXCEPT for she/her or any really fem sounding pronouns). we can’t really tell if it’s a protogen or some kind of robot with a tv/monitor for a face (it flip flops in my head when I imagine what it looks like), but it doesn’t mind being referred to or envisioned as either. he’s super into any kind of information, and is always seeking out new things to learn. this often results in him making me ask unintentionally intrusive or rude sounding questions in an attempt to learn more about someone or something, which gets us in some trouble or earns some weird looks (oops!).
Cinnabar is an odd part of ourself, as I (the host) am not quite sure on whether thon’s a fictive or just a kintype of myself. anyways, we’ll make an info page on thing just in case it ends up being the former. Cinnabar is our first and only (for now) fictive, and is a red bokoblin from the BOTW/TOTK era of TLoZ. Thing uses thon/thing pronouns, and is a very silly wild creature. Cinnabar may be a misanthrope, but thing may just not really like humans due to thon being constantly bullied by humans when thon was a human. thing was willingly transformed into a bokoblin (although thing mostly retained the mindset of a human) by the cursed statue residing near hateno village around 40~ years after the calamity that destroyed hyrule in BOTW. Cinnabar absolutely adores all types of animals, and is eager to learn all about the natural world (thing particularly loves horses, birds, and dogs the most). thon also loves getting into mischief, and is the one always wanting to hear gossip or fun stories from everyone.
Finally, we get to our last facet (as of the making of this post; there may be more in the future). This one is the most elusive and confusing one, so we don’t have a lot of useful information. this thing is Something, and it uses it/thon. yes, it’s name is Something (and it has to be capitalized, it just feels right and makes it satisfied), because that’s really the only thing that describes it. what is it? well, it’s Something. it takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shadowy void thing (sometimes we see it with one singular eye or a mouth (never both at the same time though, which is a little creepy)), but is also capable of shapeshifting into other forms (although they will always be shadowy and not always clear). Something is a very negative facet of ours, and is the one who is always muttering intrusive/invasive thoughts to me. when I imagine Something, it feels as if I’m sinking into a vat of tar; my breathing gets shallower, my brain sometimes gets fuzzy or preoccupied with solely thinking about Something, and I lose track of what I’m supposed to be doing or saying or even thinking (it’s really weird tbh).
well, now we’re finished with talking about our facets! I’ll add a list of emoji signoffs for each one, as we all really love signoffs and love expressing ourselves with fun symbols :)
Katie/K: 🩷/🐕
Maple: 🍁/🪶
Princess: 🐶/🎀
Red: 🐦‍🔥/🏔️
Ty/Tyler: 📺/📚
Cinnabar: 🐷/🌎
Something: 🌚/♠️
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dniendos · 1 day
i love scrolling through the top posts on the pro endo tag and its just filled with people being supportive and loving and downright positive about endogenic and non traumagenic/adaptive systems it makes me so happy i love you pluralpunk, i love you pro endos, i love you those who are freely pro endo, i love those who are lowkey pro endo, i love those who hide their pro endo-ness for whatever reason, i love you those fighting for us and others, i love you those who are comforting, i love you those who are tired, those who are angry, those who are hurting, those in love, those who are happy, all of you and in between i love you pro endos <3
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systems. isnt it so cool that we have friends built in,,, we're literally so cool???? why do singlets think being plural is a bad thing????? why would you wanna be a singlet??????
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liyahwild · 3 months
ok since no one reads pinned posts anymore and/or in case its not in my dni:
my blog is a safe space for all systems. endos definitely included. as a questioning plural, whos been in the plural community (ex anti endo -> currently pro/neu endo) for some years now its come to my realization no matter how you feel - endos dont exist, endos are ableist, ect. - plurality is still being studied, heavily. and we all dont even know the full extent to plurality. as plurals, singlets, professionals, no matter. plurality is personal, you cannot live in another systems head (unless you believe in system hopping, which im not commenting on due to under-education) to decide what is valid and what is not. same with the queer community, let others be others. and if it is TRULY harmful to your community then thats when action should be taken. not getting butthurt because endos are spreading information that you dont agree with or using the same subjective labels as you. dont be hive minds and control other people and their experiences/identities. we have enough of that from system nonbelievers and sanists.
if you actively spread hate, have a blog specifically for anti endo hate speech, yada yada yada then please unfollow/block me. dont like, comment, or reblog any of my posts if you fit that category. neutral endos and pro endos or those unaligned are welcome.
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stim-sources · 5 months
alter templates + stimboard requests open
specify themes, also just a note, if you say "a stimboard based off [character name]", it’s more likely i won’t do it if i don’t know the character, take a gamble or something idk /lhj
i am willing to do Pk but i’m honestly just better at sp lmao
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thecloudsys · 2 years
Coining a new plural term for any system origins and alter sources!
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Extracgenic/extractivegenic refers to, a member that has formed after a blend and/or split, that has made them different from their previous selves. How they formed is generally consuming; and may be harmful/or not to the parties and members involved. The members whether there are more or the same number, depending on if its a split or a blend; The blend and/or split may be similar to their previous-existing selves and they can be/almost be considered a copy of their previous-existing selves. But they aren't their previous-existing selves. It can but not necessarily result in kinforms/a kingenic member.
Credits to @mettaton-inc for the name and description and flag was made by me
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mopeysmoods · 2 months
i <3 being problematic
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vynnie-asks · 2 months
Side blog of @mysticpridesys
This is gonna mainly be an ask blog/get to know our headmates and stuff
We'll update who's comfortable with asks under the cut
DNIs are only specific dnis
Basic DNI is listed on the pinned post of our main blog
》 Kinito, he/him, bpd holder, source asks are okay (nothing too personal unless we're close), proxy: 👾, source: KinitoPET
》 Airy, he/him, borderline holder (depression), host of a borderlinegenic subsys, source asks are okay, struggles to talk often so Fanon (headmate in his subsys) will talk for him, proxy: 💡, source: HfjONE
》 Fanon/Fairy, he/him, alter in Airy's system, borderline holder (mania), persecutor-protector, doesn't remember much of his source but is open to asks, proxy: ♟️, source: HfjONE Fandom (Fanon Airy)
》 Alex, he/they, core, severely autistic, proxy: 🙃
》 Zero, they/them, gatekeeper, host, ASPD + ADHD + misophonia, spirigenic origin, Alex's partner, proxy: 0️⃣
DNI: Fakeclaimers, anti-recovery
》 Flowey, he/it, host, boyfriend of @/theforestfairies, DPD holder, source asks are okay (nothing personal though), proxy: 🌻, source: Undertale AUs (I'll Try To Be Good + Floweypot)
DNI: Asgore fictives/IRLs (source trauma reasons, nothing against you guys)
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scratching-p0st · 2 months
Endos arent a part of syspunk bcause ableism isnt punk
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thought I’d make a post about my plurality that’s more comprehensive (in terms of our origins and presentation) and less cluttered with our headmates and random stuff like that. (warning: this will still be a pretty long post (also anything marked in blue is stuff added after the original upload))
we use a mix of singular and plural words to describe us (I/me/my versus we/us/our), and aren’t super picky about which you choose to use. we’re pretty much all nonhuman in some way, so please call us things like creatures, critters, beings, folks, etc (as opposed to humans (saying person/people is fine though)). in terms of what words you can use for us, you can just say system, collective, plural, chat, friends, group, or roommates. we all collectively like they/them, and you can just use the host’s name when talking to us. we also don’t identify at all with the body we are currently inhabiting, so we will sometimes say “the/this body/the/this body’s ___” instead of “my body/my ___”.
we weren’t exactly sure of our origins in the beginning (as we were still learning about our plurality and constantly thought we were faking or not quite legit), but we’ve found some terms that match our origins pretty well! we’re mixed origin nontraumagenic, specifically endogenic and cathartigenic. we also think that our headmates were formed through me giving a name and vibe to different personalities, interests, or identities of mine (so they’re basically the personification of different parts of me)—and then woops, they gained sentience (if there’s a specific word for that, then feel free to tell us).
in terms of presentation, we’re a proxy/specutien (also blurian) systemflux system that experiences frequent moments of some/all of my headmates going “offline” as I call it (basically where I lose contact with them or they go dormant for a period of time). at times, I can’t contact any of my headmates (this usually comes from me being really stressed or preoccupied with something), but these moments don’t last for long. we don’t experience full on switches (due to us being a specutien system), but we do experience co-fronting and blurring. our collective is also really weird because we don’t have a defined headspace (or any kind of shared space where we all hang out and interact for that matter), and everyone sounds like me (I can usually tell who’s who based on their speech patterns or their vibe though).
in terms of a metaphor, think of some kind of streaming site (like twitch). there’s a streamer doing something live (for us, we most often like comparing our life to a video game, so just pretend the streamer is playing a video game of sorts), and there are people who like watching them. there are some viewers who are diehard fans of this person, so they’re constantly watching their content and interacting with the streamer. on the other paw, there’s some people who watch the stream but don’t choose to chat. or sometimes, they’ll be watching the stream, but they have to leave and don’t end up coming back for a while. these viewers would be my headmates. they can interact with the streamer (aka me, the host), but they can’t control the game the streamer is playing (although they can influence what the streamer chooses to do). but sometimes, the streamer has a particularly slow day, and nobody shows up to the stream. this is how I feel sometimes when I can’t sense any of my headmates (which makes me feel like a singlet at times).
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help-an-alter · 2 months
heres some positivity...
You are valid.
To systems with a complex headspace/innerworld, you are valid.
To systems with a big headspace/innerworld, you are valid.
To systems with a medium headspace/innerworld, you are valid.
To systems with a small headspace/innerworld, you are valid.
To systems with no headspace/innerworld, you are valid.
To systems still living with the person who caused you all harm, you are valid
To systems with other disorders, you are valid.
To systems with a small amount of alters, you are valid.
To systems with many alters, you are valid.
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alicecorpseliddell · 1 month
Most recent fronter was having fun doing her info on simply plural
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(Headmate uses she/he/it/any, blog)
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[ PLAIN TEXT ] We Are A Diagnosed Traumagenic System We Have Been Diagnosed For Over 3 Years If You Fake Claim Us Or Send Us Other Hatemail You Are Giving Us Consent To  Be An Asshole Back To You
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can we talk about how ridiculous it is that so many endogenic terms are just... describing traumagenic systems? there are multiple endogenic terms that mean "system formed from [blank] type of traumatic experience" and it makes me laugh every time.
you do know that means you're a traumagenic system, right? even if you had such a "traumatic" experience from a medical professional saying you're wrong about having a certain disorder, that'd still be a traumagenic system if it wasn't completely nonsensical and, frankly, quite offensive to systems that went through repeated childhood trauma to end up with the disorder they have.
this is why the system community wants nothing to do with you people. half of you are trying to de-medicalize DID, and the rest are tossing around the same unreliable sources (which have been debunked before by people who actually know what they're talking about). if the endogenic community can't even agree on what their argument is, how are the real systems you're mocking and harassing supposed to put any faith in what you're saying? you can't even keep up a consistent story. why should we give you any of our time listening to your pathetic excuses?
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