#probably a shit ton of spelling mistakes
mamasplat · 2 years
ok so- i think these two are suffering from hybristophilia, or how i will be calling it bonnie and clyde syndrome (or BCS for easier reading) but not in the way you may think
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i think frank was the with bonnie and clyde syndrome, for those unaware bonnie and clyde syndrome is most common in teens to young adults who have a troubled past, people who have a wish to fight against all the baggage they have, when left without an outlet the subject will lend themselves to unhealthy methods, such as idolizing criminals.
frank has a troubled traumatized past, going from family to family in a system that’s against him it is without a doubt in my mind he has been abused time and time again. it’s why he is so jaded when he moves to our old time snowy perfect town of ormond
he’s filled with hate that filled to past and has never had an outlet, his new drunken “dad” is far from the attention he needs.
he planned his escape from the town till he found julie, a seemingly perfect girl with a perfect family for this perfect little town, he fell hard not knowing her own issues would soon enough drag him along. now i’m not trying to say julie is the issue here, she isn’t.
julie is a girl with enough parental issues due to being seemingly neglected emotionally and her only outlet was her own BCS that she puts into both fiction and real criminals, she was deep into her BCS and all she wanted was to ruin the old town that locked her in this box was being perfect, the stress was too much and without an outlet, now say it with me now- she turns to an unhealthy outlet
frank and jules are both suffering under each other’s bonnie and clyde syndrome, and in any other story this would fall apart into a doomed relationship for all parties, but at the hands of the entity they do what subjects of BCS should never do and embrace their BCS in very very unhealthy ways
but now it’s their job, they have a truly horrific happy ending when you see the psychological side of the legion. but i’m not gonna get toooo into this on tumblr- i could make a whole video essay on this tbh i’d just need the time to do all my research and apply it to joey susie julie and frank all together. maybe i’ll find the time
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moonystoes · 9 months
when i first got on tumblr there was a lack of elisa fans (&fics) and now it's so many instead of it being just me and you 😋 what a slay
Right I feel proud 🙏🙏
Shit made me get inspired and try writing too LMFAO... still don't know of I'll ever post it
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base0h · 1 year
Yo Evou!! I hath returned, my idea for this time is;
How would the monster trio, and whoever else you would like to add, react to you staying up for around 48 hours?
Basically we’re all sleep deprived, so our judgement is impaired and you get more clumsy and all that. And basic tasks become harder too.
(I’m doing it right now, so if there’s spelling/grammar mistakes, that’s why 😉😉)
Here’s a pic of my dog btw, his name is Shanks funnily enough!
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Anyways take care of yourself!! 💟💟💟
a/n - your dog is absolutely ADORABLE 😭💜💜 important question tho- (is he missing an arm?)
Warnings ⚠️ - crack, g/n reader
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- oh he can stay awake for literally forever because- well- he’s Luffy 💀 but he’s not normal ok? So when you stay up it’s a whole different story
- it’s hour 48, and you were way past the point of drinking tea or coffee. The dark circles under your eyes were that of Law’s, no- probably worse 💀
- you could barely keep your eyes open, and holy shit going down the stairs was dangerous asf 😭 i pray for your safety
- “Hey y/n!!! Can you make me one of sanji’s sandwiches from yesterday? I’m soooo hungry :)”
- the way you turned around and even Luffy was shocked, (you looked like pre-timeskip law college drunk, missing an assignment, drank 10 cups of coffee law)
- “WHOA-! Uh- y/n…. Are you ok?”
- “yeah mhm! Totallyyyyyy fine 👍”
- no you’re not fine.
- you looked in the fridge to see a couple extra sandwiches, and you tried to reach inside and grab it. But your depth perception was so off that you were I think a foot away from grabbing it 💀
- luffy was a saint, waiting as patiently as he could as he watched you struggle and fall asleep a couple times as you tried to grab a sandwich
- when you finally grabbed it, cutting open the paper wrapping was going to be…. A rollercoaster-
- grabbing the scissors, you literally almost sliced one of your fingers off multiple times, you had Luffy looking like this right in front of you
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- man is scared for your safety. But he still let you struggle until you finally got it 😭 when you slowly handed it to him, he made you sit down and eat the sandwich
- man was literally trying to shove it all in your mouth because he thought you were just low on meat (he thinks it’s meat itself is a vitamin)
- “Y/n! Open your mouth wider!”
- *snoring*
- in the end, nami slapped him and made him go help you upstairs to get some much needed rest, and Luffy hugs along with it :)
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- the fact that you can stay up that long is amazing to this man, and without a single nap? Damn that’s admirable 😂
- staying up for that long comes with consequences though, and they were hitting… HARD.
- “Y/n where did you go?” -zoro
- you were in front of him the whole time he just got lost and went the other way 💀
- “here..”
- you were on top of the stairs, slowly making your way down, taking wobbly steps and barely being able to hold onto the rails
- he could see that you were about to fall but the dude was just confused as to why you looked like you hadn’t slept in years
- sure enough, you skipped a step and started to fall down, skidding down the wooden steps as zoro stared like an idiot
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- didn’t even catch you 💀💀💀💀 what a loser (jk)
- you fell asleep immediately after you fell in front of him, and man was so confused
- “Are you sleeping?”
- no y/n’s not sleeping, WHAT DO YOU THINK FUCKING MOSSHEAD???
- started poking you and literally trying to check if you were sleeping or not 💀 but don’t worry! He actually carried you to bed and just watched over you, even put the covers over you too 👍
- took the day off from training to make sure you were ok- because you scared the mosshead
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- if there’s a time Sanji has even let you stay up this long it’s this time- this guy KNOWS mental health and sleep is super important. He’d totally make you sleep at a decent time
- but this was an exception, you had a ton of stuff to do around the thousand sunny, and the fights seemed to never end on the island you went to with nami
- when you got back oh god you looked terrible 😭 disheveled to say the least
- you were dying. Dying
- “Y/n! Welcome ba-“ HORSE WHEEZING GASP
- man had a heart attack, those dark circles sent him to the all blue and back 💀💀💀
- wasted no time in forcing you to drink water and do all your tasks for you, don’t worry, pervy cook’s on it 💪
- “Y/n, do you need some more tea? I’ll go and buy more of your favorite!”
- “Sanji- that island is… hell”
- “I would gladly go to hell for you my love”
- everyone needs someone like Sanji 💜
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a/n - love anime’s ideas because I’m laughing as I’m writing them like an idiot
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imbeingchokeholded · 1 year
Getting Clean
I need to be put into jail, stupid Scottish bitch.
Anyway this is probably lowkey just gonna be smut completely lmao.
I promise the soap pun titles will end.
Also so sorry this took so long because my mind is an enigma and writing for either the COD fandom or the RDR2 fandom has been deleted out of my mind.
Lets go lmao
WARNINGS!: female reader because im a woman and soap makes me yell real loud (nothing against him being shipped with male readers or 141, good for him what a king), NSFW, fuckin, im so bad at warnings just know its gonna be fuckin happenin, choking?? Voice kink???? Breeding kink for SURE. Just major NSFW basically porn with negative plot. Like... .5 plot.
Scottish slang/words may be inccorect due to using google, so please lemme know if its wrong, I'll happily fix it.
I am so sorry for spelling mistakes i finished this at like 2am
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The mess hall seemed way too empty, everyone was out on missions, covert, recon, whatever, and while there was a shit ton of others there on base, without most of the 141 team it just felt....wrong.
You sigh and look at your food. It's not that it's bad food. In fact, it looks delicious, but sitting alone, at this massive table that usually you shared with Ghost, Gaz, Rudy and Alejandro, as well as Soap, just made you feel...down.
They were easily the people you were closest too on base. Working so closely with them it was only a matter of time before it happened. All of you were close friends, it was rare for any of you to stray from the group and talk to anyone else.
So today, sitting in the mess hall, was no different.
You stare at the food a little longer, and poke it around with your fork, that strange foreign feeling in your chest.
"Aye Lass, lookin' at it like tha' cannaé change how it tastes."
You smile and twist your head to look at Soap as he nears the table, a tray of food of his own in his hands.
"Johnny! I didn't know you were here!" You smile wider as he takes a seat next to you, and chuckle as he takes a bite of food from his tray.
"Ah, I jus' got back from a mission not too long ago, Price is givin' me a wei break."
You nod and smile at him, your heart seems a little lighter now, someone who you're far closer to now with you.
Plus it was Johnny, how could you not be happy around him? He was the obnoxious fun loving one of the group, he could be serious yes, but it was rare. Most days he joked, laughed, spat out witty sarcastic comments at everyone who passed.
You supposed that was part of the reason you'd grown to have such deep feelings for him in the first place.
Of course you'd never tell him that, you were far too nervous to do that.
Handsome, sweet, a deep voice, which had a Scottish accent on top of it? You could listen to him speak about nonsense for the entire day.
Sometimes missions with him were absolute hell.
He did his job, he was a good Sargent, he knew what he was doing, trained properly, getting things done the way they needed to, but his commentary....
That damn voice of his, he didn't even need to be next to you, all he needed was that voice and his stupid little sarcastic quips.
Hell, sometimes it wasn't even in comms.
He'd yell out something simple, that shouldn't have been attractive, yet it was.
Something as simple as "Changing mags!" Could make your face heat up and turn a violent red, hell, he basically growled at the end of the sentence whenever he said it. Being near him was almost like having a bomb strapped to your chest. Threatening to go off at any second.
Everytime he said "Steamin' Jesus" you couldn't help but imagine him using it in a far more intimate senario, with a slight change of tone, and that never failed to send a flood of warmth between your legs.
You swore that he knew what he was doing too, like he could sense the tension between the two of you, or see the red on your face, but if he did he never brought it up, and for that you were thankful.
Trying to explain fraternization to Price would not be a fun experience. Not only that but bringing it up would probably make you flustered beyond speaking ablity.
"Hey, Y/N. I been talkin' yer fuckin' ear off, you still listenin'?"
You shake your head and look at him, your face feels hot and you're sure you're crimson.
"Ye alright Lass?"
That stupid nickname makes the blush worsen and you simply clear your throat.
"I'm fine Soap. Thinking."
"You can call me Johnny off duty." He laughs. "You usually do....ya nervous about something? Just a wei bit?"
His voice carries a bit of teasing tone and you can't help but feel a bit if irritation at the smug bastard.
"Not nervous, no."
"Ah, not nervous, yet red in the face....Aye...I got yer number bonnie."
He snorts and then continues to eat.
"Really?" You cross your arms and look at him. "Do you now MacTavish?"
"Pretty obvious if you ask me." He shrugs.
"Okay, so tell me then."
Your face burns at the sudden burst of confidence, and as a smirk crosses over Johnny's face you suddenly feel very foolish about what you've just said.
"Lass...tha's not very appropriate for me to say here, where anyone could hear....now is it?"
That smirk stays on his face as he lowers his voice to a low whisper as he gets the last few words out.
You swallow, and your face burns deeper.
"I don't know what you mean Johnny."
"I'm sure." He offers you a laugh and then stands, the look in his eyes makes your body shiver. "I think I'll head to my room...feel free to...visit, if you'd like."
You watch as he walks off as though nothing had happened and your entire body seems to shiver.
He sticks his hands in his jean pockets as he walks away, which you obviously noticed, because of course you did, with an ass like his.
What the hell are you gonna do? Follow him? How the hell did he figure you out so quickly? Did he mean what he said?
Little did you know Johnny was thinking similarly.
"What the hell were you thinkin'? Saying somethin' like that? Y/N does NOT feel that way about you, you probably just fucked somethin' up, fuckin' idiot."
It takes you only a matter of minutes before you stand from the table and head after Johnny, towards his room in the base.
Your heart is thumping so loudly its the only thing you can hear.
Your body seems to be reacting on its own though, your thoughts, while dirty and definetly in need of some....cleaning....ironically, are wondering what'll happen to your friendship afterwards, but your body doesn't seem to care.
Your mind races with the thought of what would happen if you were caught too, it wasn't exactly professional to fuck your coworker in the military.
When you reach his door you breathe deeply, hesitant as you raise your hand to the door. You stopped for a moment and then, you knock on the door.
Johnny opens the door nearly instantly, only a matter of seconds pass before the door knob clicks and he stands in the doorway before you, leaning against the doorframe as he looks down at you.
"Tha' was quick Lass."
"Shut up, let me in."
"Aw...c'mon now...be nice..." He lowers his voice, whispering the last two words, a smug smirk coming over his mouth.
You feel a rush of heat through your chest and look to your feet, your entire face seems to burn, your ears even feel as though they're burning.
"Please Johnny?"
You feel his hand come under your chin and he lifts your head to look him in the eye, not gently but not rough either.
"Try again Lass, look me in the eye."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
"Please let me in, you stupid Scottish fuck."
"Tha's not very nice...thought I said be nice..."
You clench your jaw and stare at him, that smug grin on his face somehow managing to irritate you and make you horny all at the same time.
"Please Johnny? Let me in?"
"Ye really do want me, don't ye? Dinnaé know you felt so strongly towards me.." He smirks at you and the moves aside, dropping his hand from your chin to let you in.
You look around his room, staring at all the posters and things he has lined up on the walls. Considering this was Johnny's room....you expected it to be far dirtier, less organized, yet as you looked around at the rest of his room you noticed everything had a place, everything was neat, he didn't even have dirty clothes on the floor.
Neat and organized....despite his very chaotic and uncooridinated nature.
You're busy looking this over, viewing his room when he comes up behind you.
He leans in close.
"So, you were havin' thoughts then?" He smirks, you can feel it without even looking at him. "You? Havin' thoughts...innocent little Y/N always focused on the job Y/N....havin' thoughts like those....and about me..."
His voice lowers, it's nearly a growl, and a hand wraps around your waist, his fingers slide gently under the bottom of your shirt, touching the bare skin of your stomach, only just barely.
You look down, your face is completely red, scarlet, and it burns hotter than you thought possible.
By looking down you didn't really account for the fact that, that would only leave your neck open, and it takes all your will power you have not to make a sound when you feel Johnny's lips agains the skin there.
"I'm suprised it took you this long to notice Johnny." You breathe out, hoping your voice wouldn't give out on you.
He stops, his lips still gently placed against your skin as he speaks.
"Really now....been very noticable has it Hen?"
The nickname sends a shiver though your spine, though you know the word itself isn't the issue.
"I think so..." You breathe. "Can't you tell when my voice changes over comms sometimes?"
"Ye get that flustered...over comms? Ye don't even see me.."
He chuckles and presses another kiss to your neck, you're sure the next one he offers will be brusing.
"Not my fault..." You mumble. You've almost collapsed against him, leaning your body weight onto him, though he doesn't mind in the slightest.
"Really now...now...can ye explain to me what it is on comms that makes things so hard to focus then Hen?"
"Why must you make things difficult?"
He laughs at you and then stands up straight, his hand leaving the skin of your stomach.
He moves to his bed and takes a seat, nearly plopping down, he sits with his legs open and slaps both hands on his thighs, leaning forwards.
"It isn't difficult, it's a really easy question now Lass."
You cross your arms and look at him, watching as he leans back a little a simple smirk on his face.
"If ye really want somethin' tonight Y/N, yer gonnae have to tell me."
That smug look doesn't leave his face, rather it seems like it only gets worse as he utters out your name, emphasising it, lowering his voice as he does. To add to this you watch as his hands leave his thighs, palms upwards in a sort of shrug gesture.
He knows what gets you flustered over comms. He knows, you know he knows, but you also know he's gonna make you say it.
"You damn well know what it is Johnny."
"Oh I do, but it'll be much better when it comes out of yer mouth, preferrably with your face all red."
You swallow and look to the floor, keeping your arms crossed as you speak.
"I swear sometimes you do it on purpose. You do those damn jokes, say those fucking statements and you always lower your voice, especially if you know I'm listening. I told you how I liked your accent ONCE and now you use it everytime you can."
"Aye, I do." Again, as before, you can hear that smirk on his face. "I'll admit it. I take every chance I can."
You scrunch up your nose, refusing to look up at him.
Theres silence for a moment and then you hear him shuffle, only then do you look up.
He simply catches your gaze and makes a motion towards himself with his two middle fingers, pretty much beckoning you towards him.
Despite the stubborness you've shown earlier you can't help but follow his silent command.
As you reach him and stand inbetween his legs his hands creep over your thighs, fingers curling around the back of them, squeezing the meat of them, tightly, firmly. Just the right amount of pressure.
He looks up at you, his face a little more serious now, the smirk from earlier still lingers, but it's far less noticable.
"Ye know Y/N, I've thought about having you in here....a lot."
"Really?" You stop a moment, your body tingling, stemming from his fingertips outwards. Your mind seems a little fogged. "I thought....I thought maybe you'd invited me in here today just to...well honestly I thought you were just fucking with me Johnny, but...I couldn't just ignore it."
"Nae, no fuckin'with you, no this time."
"So...does...um...does that mean..." You swallow, struggling with your words. "Look....Johnny I think it's obvious I've liked you for a while now...are...if we're really gonna do this...I...what does it mean? Anything? Just...are we fuck buddies, or something more because...."
Your words trail off, you can't help but cross your arms, a sudden burst of what you can only assume is nearly shame creeps up through you.
Johhny's face changes, subtly, but you catch it, and you don't miss the squeeze he gives your thighs either.
"Hen, once I get a taste of you I don't think I could have anyone else."
He's quick with his movements as he slides his hands up towards your ass, and pushes you slightly closer to himself.
The action he does next is a simple one, yet it sends all kinds of feelings through you.
His tongue touches the skin of your stomach, his hand gently pushing your shirt up out of the way. He licks a stripe upwards, keeping eye contact with you as he does.
"Jesus Johnny...."
He offers a chuckle and grips your hip with his free hand just a little tighter.
"I'm gonna ask this once Bonníe," he looks at you, only a small trace of a smile on his lips. "Are ye sure ye wanna do this? I'll stop if ye say stop, but after this I won't ask again."
Your thoughts swirl in your head for a moment. Wondering if it is what you wanted. If it was worth chancing your friendship, chancing your job, getting caught fraternizing is no small penalty.
In the end your body decides for you.
You nod.
"I do."
That smile of his fits on his face slowly, showing off those pearly whites. His surprisingly sharp canines.
His tongue comes out once more, again licking up your stomach, this time he stands as he moves himself upwards, only bringing his mouth away when he reaches the area just below your breasts, letting your shirt fall back to its original place.
When he finally stands his mouth goes into good use, his lips meeting yours with a feverancy, practically a need. He fists your hair, and darts his tongue into your mouth without any hesitance.
His free hand snakes around your body, finding purchase on the plump of your asscheek.
You let out a moan against his lips which in turn pulls one from him.
Your hands wrap around the back of his neck, grabbing onto any part of him you can.
His hand nestled within your hair offers a tug, pulling your head back, taking your lips from his and exposing your neck to him.
His lips latch onto your throat, open mouthed hot kisses against your skin, making your body shiver, tingle. His tongue licks along your skin, warm, and again...hungry.
"Johnny..." You whine out his name, and your body flames up, a part of you is curious as to how he'd gotten you so needy so quickly.
The other part did not give a shit.
"So pretty when you whine like that Bonníe..."
He smiles against your skin, moving towards your jaw, still dragging his lips along your neck, refusing to leave it.
"Maybe we should see if I can get any more out of ye..."
"Johnny...we have to be careful..." You mumble. "We...we can't be caught-"
"Yer right Lass...that might even be more fun..."
He pulls back to look at you, his eyes seemed to darken with the idea that begins to plauge his mind.
"Let's see if ye can keep from screamin' huh?"
He cuts you off as his hand come up around your throat, offering a gentle squeeze to the sides as he begins to push you down to the bed.
"Do yer best for me Love." He gives you that goddamn smirk again. "Stay quiet...Can ye do that?"
You nod, your breathing becoming heavier as he stares down at you, hand still wrapped around your throat.
"Atta girl."
He coos out the words and everything in your body seems to be completely englufed in flame.
"You this charming to every girl you fuck Johnny?"
You breathe out the words, hands moving to his chest as you settle against the mattress.
"Jus' you Lass."
Rough hands slide under your shirt, over your stomach, bringing the shirt along with him.
His thumb glides up the center of your torso, pushing down slightly as he continues his movement, his other hand only leaves your throat when he needs to remove the shirt fully.
Your bra is taken off with seemingly expert practice, your breasts exposed to the air, but quickly they're found by hands and mouth.
A rough palm on one and a wet mouth sucking and licking the other.
It takes all your power not to moan, your back arching up into the feeling.
You hadn't been aware of just how touch starved you'd been.
One of your hands tangles into his mohawk, attempting to hold onto something of him.
He looks up at you, pulling away from your breasts.
"Nae, I dinnae say ye could touch lass."
"Shut tha' pretty mouth lass...see if ye can be quiet yeah?"
You nod, swallowing as he reaches for your pants. His fingers hooking under the waistband as he unbuttons them with the other.
With one swift movement he's pulled both your jeans and panties down, leaving you bare to him.
"Would ye look at tha'...such a bonnie sigh', Love..."
He smirks and moves in, hands finding your inner thighs, bringing a sigh from your lips.
Before you can say much else you feel a swipe of his tongue over your heat, already you were slick, this was certain to make the problem worse.
His grip on your inner thighs gets a little tighter as he continues with you, he moves his tongue with expertise, eating you out as though he's a man starved.
You can't help but let his name slip out, grabbing the sheets beneath you, squirming your hips against his face.
He looks up at you from his position, and even in his eyes you can see the smirk he'd wear.
It's far too soon that he pulls away, you'd been so close to your climax, so close to having that release, until he'd denied you that.
Again you whine his name, and he moves, climbing over you, grabbing your face with one hand, firmly holding your cheeks.
"Aw lass...wei bonnie...are ye feelin' a wei bit needy?"
You nod, the best you can in his grip, moving your hips against his clothed arousal, hoping for even a little bit of friction.
You give a nother small whine, this one more of a sound than that of a noise, again reaching for him, only for his other hand to pin your wrists above you.
"Ah...I told ye, nae touchin' lass"
You simply look at him, unable to do much in your senario. It's then that he kisses you, deeply, his tongue gliding against yours, the taste of your own slick in your mouth.
He lets go of your face, only to rushedly un button his pants, his problem suddenly a bit more annoying than it had been.
The moment he's free, his pants and boxers disgarded he simply looks down at you, seemingly thinking.
Its then that he grabs you by the hips and easily, effortlessly, flips you onto your stomach, running his pointer finger and thumb down your spine for a moment.
"Ye look so good from this angle love..."
He leans over you, his chest to your back, head angled right next to your ear.
He lowers that damn voice of his again.
"Can ye be a good lass fer me and arch jus' a wei bit... chest down love, ass up."
Of course you do as he asks, or rather tells, like its instinct, pressing your chest further into the bed, raising your rear higher into the air.
He leans back, taking a look at the sight in front of him, his hands going to the flesh of your ass like magnets, squeezing gently, your ass and hips, as though he can't decide which he likes better.
"Look at ye...such an obediant little lass...ye like doin' what yer told do ye? Is tha' why ye like rankin' under me? Enjoy the way I order ye around on the field? Makes ye think..."
You don't answer, focused on the feel of his hands, its only when he moves one of those hands to the back of your neck.
"I need an answer lass."
"Yes, yes I do Sir."
You can nearly feel the smirk on his face, he squeezes the back of your neck a little tighter.
"Yes sir."
"Oho...I like tha' lass..."
He grabs both of your asscheeks again for a moment before you feel one leave only to feel him push into you.
You let out a groan as he pushes in, as much as you can take, to the base, you feel incredibly full. He's girthy.
"Fuck Johnny..."
You murmer.
"Nae...yer gonna call me sir from now on Love..."
You swallow, waiting for him to move.
"Do ye understand me?"
"Yes Sir."
"Good lass."
He gices you this praise and gently he moves his hips, his hand pushing your spine back into that arch you'd subtly moved away from.
His hips move slow, almost painfully so, and he knows this, teasing you with his hands gliding over your back.
"Ye look so good lass...all this jus' fer me..."
"Johnny please...."
"Aw lass...what did I jus' say?"
"Tha's better....use yer words bonnie...what is it ye want?"
"Faster sir, please?"
You hear the small beg in your voice, sure that by the end of all this you'd be begging a lot more.
"Tha's a girl."
His hand moves to your hip, gripping hard as the other moves to your hair, grasping the roots of it, giving a tug as he moves his hips a little faster, filling you with his size, over and over again.
It's only a minute or so before he seems to loose that idea of torturing you, his pace picking up, hips snapping against yours, that slap of skin on skin, the squelch of your arousal ringing in your ears.
"Fuckkk y/n...." It comes out in nearly a growl, and he pushes your upper half further into the bed.
"Yer doin' so good bonnie...so fuckin' good..."
Another maon crawls its way out of your throat, the others you'd managed to quell, small sounds here and there, but you can't stop this one.
You push your hips against his, letting your knees spread further apart trying to get him in at a deeper angle.
"Please sir, please, fuck-"
The words tumble out of your mouth before you can register what you're even trying to beg for, your figers clench at his sheets beneath you, they smell like him, everything smells like him.
His voice is a groan, it's all you hear as he shifts your position, yanking you up by your hair, bringing your back to his chest, thrusting himself upwards into you.
You find your arm going over your shoulder, wraping around the back of his neck, trying to find purchase on something
His lips latch onto your neck as though he's drawn to it, his tongue swiping over your skin and his teeth leaving bites along your throat and shoulders. He breaths hard against you, inhaling your scent.
"Steamin' bloody Jesus..."
He groans, his pace picking up a little further, one hand still brusingly on your hip, the other slides down your front, fingers finding your clit easily.
It brings a moan to the surface of your lips, and rather than being scolded Johnny simply murmers another praise of 'good lass' in your ear, his hips snapping against yours, rythmic.
"Y/N..." He huffs, his fingers going faster against your bud. "'M close...need ye to tell me where..."
"Inside Johnny, please...fill me up..."
"Jesus Y/N..."
His voice is breathy, heavy against your skin as he continues, his hips getting erratic, until finally he gives a groan, shoving his face into your shoulder, riding out his climax, the feeling of his cum hitting your inner walls pushing you closer to yours.
He rides out his, moving his hips slightly, much slower than before, and keeps his hand going, trying to keep his previous pace.
"C'mon lass...ye can let go now...it's yer turn..."
He mumbles, breatheless.
It's not much longer of this praising and the movement of his fingers before you do just that, squeezing around him and moaning out his name as you finally reach that high.
As the two of you come down, breathing hard, Johnny still inside you, head leaning against your shoulder, he slips an arm around your waist and offers a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
"Thank ye lass..." he murmers. "Tha' was fun."
"Thank you Johnny."
"Ye ain't gotta thank me...I've wanted to do tha' for god knows how long."
"Maybe we can do it again sometime."
"Oh trust me lass...we will be."
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recurring-polynya · 8 months
Izakaya Kamenoya
I am re-watching the Captain Amagai arc, which I love because it has just a shit-ton of Seireitei slice-of-life worldbuilding. Early in the arc, Kira goes to the bar with Renji and Iba to sob about how his new Third Seat is better than him, and it made me wonder-- do the lieutenants always go to the same bar, or does the anime just make up a new one every time? Episode 172 had a nice shot of the exterior:
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I immediately went to Episode 355 (the second New Year's episode), because I'm always thinking about Rukia shotgunning that beer while Renji gazes on lovingly, and it certainly *looks* like same place, but again, maybe that's just a very standard-looking izakaya.
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I decided that trying to translate the kanji might help. They're more visible in the first image. The ones on the paper lantern, 酒処 were easy, because they just say izakaya (literally, "alcohol" and "place"). That just supported the idea that this was just some generic bar. For the kanji on the wooden lantern, which appeared to be the same as the ones on the sign above the door, I managed to puzzle out the bottommost one, 屋, which means "shop" or "restaurant." Hmm.
At this point, I was feeling a little stumped, so I went looking for other screen shots.
Other bar scenes I could remember took place in: Episode 179 (Ukitake and Kyouraku try to angle Amagai into a threesome). This had a clearer shot of the sign, and it's definitely the same as the lantern.
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Ep 305 (Kira and Hisagi go for drinks after work and run into Unohana having "Ladies' Night" with Soi Fon, the Kotetsu sisters, and Yachiru ????)
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And finally, Episode 265 (the end of the Sword Beasts arc, Ladies' Night again, I guess, this time with zanpakutou)
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and bingo, they actually translated it for me, this time!!
In, the only one that didn't turn out to take place at Izakaya Kamenoya was from Ep. 303, the first New Year's episode. The SWA holds their holiday luncheon here (the sign says 茶屋, or "tea house") .
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It is also not the place where Rukia and Renji announce their engagement in WDKALY, that place is called Safflower, and it's fancier and it's specifically mentioned that it's way classier than everyone's usual digs.
That's neither here nor there, let's get back to Izakaya Kamenoya!
Later on, like when I was 90% of the way through writing this post, I realized there was an earlier shot of the sign in episode 172 that was also translated (which I thought I remembered and then assumed I had hallucinated when I couldn't find it, but it was from a separate trip to bar with Kibune and Kira's shitty subordinates). Conveniently, it's also probably the most readable out of all of them. EDIT: I didn't notice when I pasted this in here, but they translate it as Kamegameya here, which seems like a mistake? B3 suggests they might have read the second character as a repetition (with the k turning into a g, which I don't know all the details of, but I assume it's that thing that happens in Japanese when a word is in the interior of another word and it gets a harder consonant, the same way the s in "sakura" in Senbonzakura becomes a z). Google also tells me that the name of Yugi's grandfather's game shop in Yu-Gi-Oh is called Kame Game, so I wonder if the subtitler here was just working on muscle memory 😂. I'm sticking with Kamenoya, although Turtle Turtle Bar has its own charm)
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The three characters in the upper left are 居酒屋, which is just a different way to spell izakaya.
"Kame" was easy to translate, it's the leftmost large character on the sign, 亀. It means "turtle", but the second meaning is "heavy drinker," so I'm guessing this might be a bit of a pun. Unfortunately, googling didn't turn up any further detail on this.
I puzzled a little over the middle character, until I realized that it might be 之, which is an older version of の. Oh, says me, who only speaks the Japanese I picked up from anime, it's Kame no ya, the way all the inns in Kakuriyo end in "ya." It just means "House of the Turtle", or "Turtle's Pub."
Turtle's Pub. Can we just take a moment to reflect on the fact that the lieutenants (and sometimes captains) like to hang out at someplace called Turtle's? I am so charmed by this. I have not been so excited since the time I realized that Renji was wearing the koi hoodie in the Bount Arc OP.
It's possible that it was just named by a guy who has "kame" as part of his name or who likes turtles, or as I said, maybe it's a pun, but there are two other possibilities I thought of:
In line with this post on the naming scheme for the Seireitei Gates, perhaps it's in the north part of the city, and named after Genbu the Black Tortoise-Snake
When I am making up business names in my fanfic, I often like to associate them with the squads they are near-- dragons for stuff near Squad 10, fish for 13, firebirds for things that are more city-wide. It's partially trying to tap into squad solidarity, and partially so people have a clue where your place is located in this stupid maze city. I love the idea of some former captain with a turtle-themed zanpakutou, whose is fondly remembered because someone happened to name a good bar after them.
I looked up that extremely questionable Blood War era Seireitei map, wondering if maybe Squad 3 was near the north gate:
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It turns out it is not (assuming the unlabeled squads just go in order), but you know what is? Squad 10. So if Kamenoya is named after the North Gate, I assume everyone drinks there because it's close to Matsumoto.
(thank you very much to @kaicko for checking my work)
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The first batch of pictures for Amoré's character journal are here! Also I have been so super sick that I've literally had nothing to do but to work on this for like almost 2 weeks so...
The cover to cover tour officially starts here. All I can say about the front & back is that I lament my lack of experience with my Cricut when I made these decals. I only had 2 "fun" colors to work with at the time & I was still getting comfortable drawing in Procreate, so my silhouette art leaves a lot to be desired compared to some stuff I've made recently. I also found it's incredibly easy to burn this leather book.
But she's volume one, everything with her is a learning experience, & I realized as much as it helps to have a mini heat press for tight corners & small spaces, the cloth barrier they suggest you use between the vinyl & the iron tends to make things harder to press on this scale. So instead I gotta quickly tap straight on the transfer film & hope I don't burn anything around it :(´◦ω◦`):゚゚
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So at the risk of thoroughly exposing my inner theater kid, Amoré set the precedent with how I went forward creating campaign characters. I started off collecting 5 songs to make a mini story arc (almost like a show choir set list 🙃) that helps me figure out an outline for the kind of story I wanna give them.
Somehow Amoré ended up with a truly horrendous blend of rock & theatre. Absolutely incredibe. No wonder she's always such a dramatic bitch.
It was a lot easier to go in & add little decals around these lyrics. I'm definitely cursed with the Too Much™ gene, but I enjoy the little pops of color they give ✨ plus it justifies me hoarding all these vinyl scraps printing stuff this small lol.
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Stat sheet!
In all honesty, as my first character I had no fucking clue what I was doing when I placed these & if I could go back & change one thing I'd probably swap her Intelligence & her Wisdom. She’s definitely more people smart than book smart.
But everything else is...very accurate. She has all the upper body strength of a chicken nugget. Plus on top of the (already) negative I traded disadvantage on everything DEX for magic crystal shoes that can be periodically harvested. Just a way for her to carry around the family fortune without actually having to return to the vault✨
For something that started so average, her CON became a monster & always comes in clutch for her alcohol tolerance. I've played variations of her across a few different one shots & I always manage to roll well for anything alcohol related. The dice do respect a bit 🤣
Spells on the other hand, I floundered with a lot at first because we’re not a combat heavy game, but then I found Chaos Bolt & that was that. It’s essentially Amoré in spell form & I’ve had a ton of fun with it over the years. Also Mage Armor cuz my girl is SO DISTRESSINGLY SQUISHY.
Cantrips were more or less a bit of a toss up. Message was fun for the sheer idea of her using it to talk shit during social events without being caught. But aside from Light serving fun backstory purposes the other 3 are kinda just what looked fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ unless you count the idea that she would absolutely delight in zapping handshakes.
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From there, I wanted to extend the world map made by our wonderful DM @cappierong into a full scroll. Ya know, for the aesthetic ✨
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Our campaign started in Civania, where Amoré's main Estate is. I just wanted a quick mock up to reference, so I edited a preexisting picture I found that checked all the boxes (large, on a plateau, accessible only by bridge) and then absolutely smothered it in flowers.
But anyways... This is primarily where Diana & Amoré grew up together in their decade of backstory ✨
There was probably waaaay to much back & forth trying to keep the continuity between stuff I've already drawn & this big reference. But I think it turned out pretty ok? Not like if I make a mistake anyone will really know lol.
Scaling was also another big issue I had, & I moments where I thought something was too big I just kinda handwaved it away like "ehhhhh she's from a stupid rich family." But now I have a NEED to draw baby Diana & Amoré around like, the statue gardens or something cuz I feel like certain parts of this place are definitely ominous 👀 especially for children...
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And lastly we have the back cover & the High Noble political relationship map! I normally have this closer to the front but for layout purposes it'll be here. I kinda feel like I need to do more for the decoration of it but I can’t think of anything else to add at the moment.
Sam if u read that no you didn't.
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But now! Other than a family portrait that I've always wanted to draw, I think I'm ready to move onto the art for Season 1 : Arc 2. It's a pretty hefty amount of art in comparison to others, so I gotta get busy. Especially since I think I'm gonna have to draw a few comics *sobs*
If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading! I'm always excited to talk out our little idiots so thanks for indulging me ❀(*´▽`*)❀
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r00kaline · 5 months
How Overwatch Characters Would Text You "Are you free?"
In these headcannons, for them, you're a teammate.
-D.va: "Heeeyyy, are you busy???" (Not dry, but not overly hyped up)
-Reinhardt: "Greetings y/n, got some time on you?" (His typical)
-Winston: "Good day/evening/afternoon y/n, are you available?" (With good grammar)
-Junker Queen: "Oi, ye got time?" (Slang ass mf)
-Mauga: "Heyy, did you manage to miss me yet?" (Cocky with himself)
-Doomfist: "Are you busy." (Not even a question mark, but a period)
-Roadhog: "I'm free right now." (Fully expects you to be free too)
-Wrecking Ball: "Hello, are you preoccupied per chance with anything important at the moment?" (So much grammar yet still looks wrong)
-Orisa: "Y/N, are you busy at the moment?" (polite girl, with good grammar)
-Ramattra: "Are you able to make time right now." (Not even a question mark)
-Sigma: "Care to spare me some time?" (Polite, but weird a little bit)
-Zarya: "привет, you busy?" (Russian hello, and then English, she mixes both together)
-Ashe: "What's good? Got a minute?" (Kind of rude, but doesn't mean it)
-Cassidy: "Hey Y/N, you got some time on you?" (Polite boy)
-Echo: "Hello, are you available right now? It's alright if you aren't." (Sweet girl, good grammar, and polite)
-Junkrat: "HEYYYYHVUY MATTTE< YOU BUSY:?" (Shit ton of mistakes, but he's just hyped up)
-Reaper: "U free?" (Typical for my boy)
-Sombra: "Hey Cariño, I see you're available, can I pop in?" (Has her ways of figuring out if you are free or not)
-Tracer: "Hey love! Are you busy right now :D?" (Very nice, and actually pretty nice grammar too)
-Bastion: Doesn't have a phone so he just goes to see you and asks.
-Genji: "Y/N, do you want to hang out?" (As always polite, very)
-Mei: "HEY! Are you free👀??" (Emojis, it's probably the most common one she uses)
-Sojourn: "Hey Y/C/S, are you overly busy right now?" (Uses your call sign)
-Symmetra: "Helo, busy rn?" (Some unintentional spelling mistakes)
-Widowmaker: "Can you make time right now?" (Demanding, but polite about it at the same time)
-Hanzo: "Busy right now?" (Dry, but subtle texter)
-Pharah: "Hey, wanna meet up rn?" (Straight to the point)
-Soldier 76: "When are you free?" (Instead asks the time you are free, not if you are)
Torbjorn: "Hey kiddo, do you have time right now?" (Sweet older man)
-Venture: "Hey preciosa😍 Got some time for mee??😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️" (Emojis that make no sense, but they're precious)
-Ana: "Hey dear, are you free" (Sweet momma)
-Baptiste: "Heyo, got time .>.???" (Lots and lots of question marks)
-Brigitte: "Heyy, wanna meet w/ me?? I'm bored :/" (Symbol emojis)
-Illari: "Busy atm??" (Dry texter)
-Kiriko: "Yooo, can you make sum time f/me?" (A lot of abbreviations on texts)
-Lifeweaver: "Lovely day to see each other, isn't it?" (Hinting directly to the point, hard to miss)
-Lúcio: "Ayo whats poppin, got some time on ya for me??" (Basically his regular speech but in text form)
-Mercy: "Y/N/C, are you available for me😺?" (Cat emojis at all times)
-Moira: "Care to join me in my lab for a little bit?" (You would mainly meet in her lab until she or you decide on what to do)
-Zenyatta: "Hello, I'm texting you to ask if you are available for me right now? It's alright if you aren't." (Good grammar, but too damn formal)
Give me requests in the comments, I genuinely do not know what to post.
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spicyraeman · 9 months
I usually don't send two asks in a row because I don't want to overwhelm you. But you just posted about phonology and I was curious and then bam hyperfocus. I found a pretty cool table of gith sounds :
It looks like there are a few main differences to english:
No W
-Like in french from France. She probably would say "Oo-il" for Wyll. They usually replace the W by a Oo or a V, depending on the sound after it. A "wagon" -> a vagon, but "when" -> ooän. In German you would have the W as a V, because it's already pronounced like that.
There is a type of Th, like in "thin", but not "this".
- I kinda hear the difference but I can't do it. The first one is closer to an s or an f and the second one to a z , I guess? A native english speaker may understand the nuance better.
There is a Zh
- It's the same as the French "j", like in the name Jacques (which could be your frenchsona btw. It's the equivalent of James). In English you add some kind of "d" in your "j". As an example, we visualise Djordan for Jordan. You take that D off, you got the sound. (Insert respectful trans joke here)
The Tl like in Nahuatl
- I can explain this one in english because I can't find the right translation, but you can find how it's pronounced on Wikipedia.
Gh is not silent
- Kind of a guttural G, like in dutch or the scottish gh.
The glottal stop '
- It marks a pause between syllables, while still linking them. Uh'Oh in English, "bu'er" for butter in cockney. It depends of the dialects/accent/language.
Everything is my understanding of this, obv, linguists please don't hate me. I'm just an audhd girly with a multi-lingual environnement and too much time.
Sooooooo Frog'zel is not completely off the table, but I'm sad the R's not an uvular one. It would make it a more "brutal" language. I think she would have some difficulties we see in frenglish. Especially when a letter has several ways to be pronounced, like cat / face or breath/breathe because it's straightforward in gith.
Ergo, she wouldn't have a stroke trying to say "library" like I do. But she would struggle with "throughout", I guess.
I couldn't find anything on tones and accentuations stuff though. I still want her to fight for her life like I do. I shouldn't be the only one suffering here.
I guess it can still change with context and stuff. Like the s in german becomes a sh when it's in front of a t.
I hope I was clear enough. Sorry for any spelling or formatting mistakes, cat fell asleep on my arms in the middle of this. But she's cute so forgive her please.
You are always allowed to overwhelm me with worldbuilding shit like conlangs (even if this isn’t really a conlang) I live and breathe this stuff and I'm constantly rotating it around in the back of my brain
I cannot express the sheer joy I felt looking at these charts and comparing them to my own and seeing that I've got pretty much the same result! The only strange thing I found was the addition of a b sound, maybe I missed it but I haven’t found a single word that uses that sound (despite Lae’zel’s “bah’s”) Their chart is also missing a p sound but I believe that's due to when the charts were made bc there's only one Gith word that uses it and it was in bg3. Honestly tho, it makes a lot more sense for Gith to have a b sound and no p sound instead of the other way around, there are wayyyy more examples of languages with no p instead of no b (although a language with neither would be fun lol)
The lack of a W was the first thing that I noticed! But there's a fuck ton of languages without it so it makes sense, It doesn’t really fit the feel of the Gith language either. Also, I know in my heart that you’re probably very much right on the Wyll pronunciation but I was joking around with my friends while I was looking through all this stuff and one of them made a German comparison and the thought of the fascist space frogs having a german accent was just too funny to me to pass up
I personally find the Gith language having θ but not ð very fun for their accent! It's kind of a subtle difference but also not? I went through and pronounced a bunch of words with a ð sound with a θ instead and they sound harsher? I guess? It really did give them a more Gith feel honestly
(a little aside but the thought of a “frenchsona” is so fucking funny to me and you’re respectful trans joke got a legit laugh outta me lmao)
Fun fact! English does have a ʒ (zh) sound it's just not associated with a specific letter, it just kinda.. happens in words. All in all, it seems that Gith is relatively comparable in terms of sounds with English. The lack of a w and p/b (debatable) seems like they’d be the biggest ones to come up in everyday speech as far as phonetics goes
Also can I let you in on a little pet peeve of mine? I usually hate when “fantasy languages” use ‘ in their words bc most of the time it's just a cheap way to make it look more fantasy-esc or alien. BUT in Gith, it honestly works? Mostly because it actually is a glottal stop and not just a random “make this word look fantasy” addition
I'm also nowhere near a linguist, just insane about worldbuilding stuff (i have notebooks full of phonetic charts and mathematics on creating solar systems) It's really insightful and interesting to see the perspective of someone with a multi-lingual background tho as someone who only speaks English
I've always seen the Gith language as less brutal and more.. Sharp? I dunno how to describe it really, kinda harsh and pointed rather than guttural or brutal if that makes sense. But yeah if common is English then all the long and short sounds and strange exceptions would be supremely rough especially if you only ever really read it and never truly spoke it
I couldn’t even blame Lae’zel for not being able to pronounce throughout correctly cuz I can’t say that shit right either unless I'm really trying
If you want tones and accentuations you’re just gonna have to have fun and make em up, cuz sadly most fantasy “languages” are just a bunch of made up words with no real rhyme or reason. If I had the brain power to spare it’d be fun to flesh out a real Gith conlang
At least with a full phonetic chart, you can see what sounds the Gith wouldn’t be used to using and find out what words would cause trouble
Also I can forgive any and all misspelling or weird formatting, cute cats aside, cuz I have no clue how anyone could read this jumbled rambling mess lol gratz if you got this far and understood any of this
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jo-harrington · 1 year
loch ness monster pls
Mouse. Good morning. Happy Monday. You are...the love of my life and for that I bring you a little gift of angst...I'm sorry...
TW: Difficult relationships with families on both Eddie and the little Knight's part
Haven't ready Heaven yet? Find it here.
And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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Christmas Eve 1984
He hadn't meant to do it.
He was only trying to help.
You'd been working as many shifts as you could get your hands on at Bradley's. Tim, the manager, approved overtime for everyone and you jumped at the chance. Eddie couldn't blame you; Wayne did the same thing at the plant and, if he had a job, he probably would too.
You had your little date nights planned throughout the month, but aside from that...you both agreed that Christmas wouldn't be anything special.
Wayne was working, like he did most holidays, but the grocery store would be closed after 5pm. That meant the two of you would post up on your couch, watch It's a Wonderful Life, and eat a shit ton of Bagel Bites until one of you (probably Eddie) puked.
And then tomorrow you’d drive across town to spend the morning with Wayne after he came home from work before doing it all over again.
It was the perfect Christmas.
The simple act of luxuriating in the indulgent laziness of a holiday without actually celebrating anything. Because Christmas was not just a time of festivities and joy; it was a reminder of everything you didn't have.
Eddie had a key to your place, so he figured he would get everything started while you wrapped up your shift.
He just wanted to surprise you.
Wanted to make you smile.
It was the least he could do.
As he unlocked the door, he noticed your mailbox was stuffed. Overflowing with letters and envelopes.
He shuffled the handful of plastic bags filled with gas station treats into one hand as he emptied the box with the other. And right as he thought he had a hold on everything, one letter--a postcard--fluttered to the floor.
"Fuck," Eddie hissed, and decided he was better off running everything upstairs and then coming back for it, than trying to grab it and drop everything.
Truthfully, he forgot about it for a minute. Got too distracted.
Your cozy little apartment above the deli was a mess. You didn't really have a lot--it's why you always insisted that nights in were spent at the trailer, it felt more like a home--but what you did have was in disarray. So he tidied it a little, did the ol' Munson 5 Minute Clean Up. Dishes out of the drying rack and into the cupboard, wrappers and random bits of paper into the garbage, half folded laundry in the basket shoved into drawers.
He got the snacks all set up on your little coffee table, grabbed pillows and a quilt from your bed to set up a nice little nest for the two of you on the couch. He turned your shitty second-hand television on to NBC so it would be all ready when you got home.
And just as Eddie slid the trays of Bagel Bites, he remembered the postcard.
The intention was to run down, grab it, and then toss it into the pile with the rest of the bills and flyers and holiday cards from neighbors around town.
But the colorful picture was too enticing not to take a closer look.
Beautiful, cool watercolors. A large and imposing draconic figure gliding through, each scale inked in detail. Block letters spelling "Greetings from Loch Ness."
Eddie, curious, turned the card over and looked at the handful of stamps, all unfamiliar and from various countries, that overlapped each other in the corner. Your name and address were practically carved into the cardboard, the sender's hand obviously too heavy with anger or stress or regret.
And on the opposite side...
Merry Christmas. From, Dad.
He was suddenly overcome with the feeling that he made a mistake.
It was the one line he had yet to cross with you.
Eddie could talk about his family until he was blue in the face. His anger towards his dad that he used humor to cope with. The hole in his heart that formed when his mother died. His unending gratitude and respect for his Uncle. The worry he felt and the responsibility he had towards Rick, a man who couldn't claim him by name or by blood, but still did his best.
But you?
He knew you had an elderly grandma who lived in Chicago; you lived with her right up until you left. You...had a mother. And your father...forbid you from dropping out of school and you did so anyway.
Now he was sending you a postcard from Scotland. Carried with him all over Europe, it seemed, if the stamps were any indicator.
Eddie was a typical, hyperactive young adult who considered himself in love with you. And because of that, he wanted to know everything about you, just as you were eager to learn everything you could about him. It was a mutual agreement not to push one another...
But you'd been together for months...
Suddenly the doorknob jiggled and Eddie jumped. He fumbled to look casual since he knew he was nowhere near athletic enough to make it up the stairs and into the apartment before someone walked in.
It was his luck, or lack thereof, that you walked in.
Your weary eyes brightened when you saw him--it took you a second to realize why he was there but it wasn’t the first time he had done something like this--and then they immediately darted down to the postcard in his hands.
You scrunched your nose and reached a gloved hand out to take it from him. There was enough force in it that Eddie immediately thought it was annoyance directed at him.
You flipped the postcard over once, twice, and then you folded it in half and tucked it into the pocket of your coat.
You opened your mouth to say something and his heart practically stopped in his chest. He thought you might yell, tell him that he was invading your privacy, that he should just go home. Instead you shook your head and stepped closer to engulf him in a hug.
He asked you about your day, you asked if he had done any of the homework that had been assigned over holiday break.
It was warm, it was familiar, it was everything he wanted--to be fully consumed with each other--if only it wasn't for...
"Don’t worry about it,” you muttered into the fabric of his shirt, face still squished against him. “It’s just a postcard.”
Eddie could only assume that you felt the turmoil within him and felt the need to soothe it.
He wondered whether those words brought you any comfort at all.
Hours later, as the two of you tidied the mess away before going to bed, he saw the postcard in the trash. Ripped to bits. The beautiful watercolor eyes of the Loch Ness monster staring up at him woefully.
And he knew that the answer was no.
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I wanna read one of your president fics but I have like .5% knowledge about the US presidents so could you give me a rundown on the presidents in one of the fics I should read-? Also why do you know so much. Are you planning on becoming a history major-
okay so like ngjfgkbh its below but read tags for all issues mentioned:
the chatfic is basically all of them so i cant run down ALL of them, but basically fuck LBJ, fuck reagan, fuck jefferson, fuck FDR, fuck like... a hella ton of those mfs. stan bobby kennedy and jack kennedy. for the linken fic, JFK was obviously the the 35th president. He was involved in the Space Race between the USA and the Soviet Union for like, basically who can get in space faster. His Presidency carried most of the Cold War and he actually started to draw back soldiers from Vietnam and TRIED to repair this stupid ass government, but LBJ said 'fuck that' and put the soldiers back. His soldiers were... uh... well... cant explain but illegally horrible.
Lincoln, 16th President, Civil War. Was Republican which I know sounds hella unusual but back then, parties were basically switched. Hell, Jackson, one of the worst who did the Trail of Tears which took Native Americans' land and forced them off of it, created the Democratic Party. His Presidency was mostly on the Civil War but of course the Emancipation Proclamation came through. The War was originally states rights but became slavery real quick. States--mostly the South, which made up the Confederacy--receded from the start and boom it started. Once it was over they began to come back. Bro got shot ofc as you know. Was hella sad and depressed and had mommy issues + abandonment issues + was probably bisexual.
JFK probably was too, and there's a BUNCH of weird coincidences between them, so that's why LinKen exists. One of the best nicknames i've seen for them is Headshot Homos. He had chronic illness + his back was always in pain and he had to take a shit ton of pills for it. He may've been SA'd as a kid too, which leads into the hypersexual activity, and that leads to the cheating.
SO TL;DR: you dont need to know just about anything to read the fics. I barely go for historical accuracy. For the notes, it's usually at the end where I add in any fun history facts, most of which are on TR because... well. They are. The chatfic and some references may not make sense if you don't know some stuff, but the comments--the 100+ there are, or 200+ i dont remember--have a bunch of facts in them by some super cool ass readers/friends. There's two other chatfics made inspired by mine, and the one by JFKMyBeloved has a bunch of facts in I believe both chapters notes. The other is hella accurate probably too.
Overall you can go in and see them as original characters and you're good. I'll explore the trauma as I have in chapter 11 throughout. And as I said any TR shit WILL be explained because I can't stop including that mf in EVERYTHING 💀💀
and tbh it just started as a hamilton phase, became more, and soon i was reading a fuck ton of books. i guess my brain decided TR would be my ONE president that I care the most about. 2000+ pages have been put into learning about this mf and HOURS of documentaries and reading his letters to his kids (it's in a book, A Bully Father, 10/10 with some spelling mistakes though). So I can barely tell you about the others but I WILL tell you abt TR ahsjdkfghnm
so yeah kind of i guess. if political science doesnt work, it's history, and then english. that's my Plan A, B, and C in order.
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onekmaway · 16 days
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Rafe Cameron x FWB! Male! Reader
A/N: Was listening to more than friends and eyes don't lie by Isabel LaRosa while writing this :3 Just remember, english is not my first language, so sorry for spelling mistakes and bad wording! also, sorry that it's a bit short :(
CW!: Based on my bot I made! (just click on the word 'bot' for the link <3), this is merely headcanons and brabbles and not a full fic (unfortunately), both SFW and NSFW headcanons/brabbles, this Rafe is heavily based on my bot, not the Rafe in the series, same character, just not personality, do not come for me if his personality is wrong or that he won't do these things. Rafe is 20 years old in this. In public you and Rafe are close friends, in private you are fuck buddies, and in Rafe's head you two are dating (you don't know that though) Rafe is hella possessive and clingy (like badly), slight somnophilia!, mention of violence, Rafe is slightly pervy, Rafe is a bit too much into you, Bottom! Rafe x Top! Reader, reader is a male at birth (AMAB) but otherwise, the gender of reader is not explicitly explained, so can be read as transfem reader (who still has a penis) Words to describe reader: you, your, you're, [name]
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・☆・ He definitely acts like a jealous girlfriend and an insecure one around you even though he knows the both of you are just 'friends' ・☆・ You were his first friend in kindergarten, and now you're still his closest friend even to today ・☆・ You're basically his first contact in his phone, oh, he needs something? He calls you if you have it. Oh, he done something? You're the first to hear about it, he barely even hides things from you now, you two have known each other your whole lives basically ・☆・ He laughs at your jokes often (even if they're not funny), seeing you happy makes him happy ・☆・ Rafe definitely gets jealous often, especially when another person tries to be in your life ・☆・ Be prepared for Rafe to give someone the meanest and nastiest stare if they try to flirt with you (you're his)
・☆・ Rafe definitely buys you things, clothes and accessories mostly, it makes him smile when he sees even one item he bought you on your body ・☆・ Rafe wears a necklace you bought him, and you wear a necklace he bought you, it's of course matching necklaces (one be barely takes off) ・☆・ When the both of you were younger, he definitely slept over at your house a lot and went to school with you like that, a few days a week at least, barely even in his own house during that time ・☆・ Rafe def likes to cuddle you when ever he comes to sleep over (he still does it even though he's 20 now), he doesn't care if he's the big spoon or little spoon, he just wants to hold you while he falls asleep ・☆・ When he gets hurt, expect him to be already at your doorstep, asking you to patch him up, and while you do it, he just smiles at you, asking if you can also kiss it better ・☆・ Oh, but when you get hurt? Even just a bit? He's already hunting down the person who did it, probably carrying a bat with him too, ready to teach the person a lesson to not touch his friend ・☆・ He has a shit ton of things of you, some he stole, and some you bought him or gave to him, he never even threw the things away you gave him when you two were younger, he still has everything, he would rather die then throw those things away ・☆・ Rafe isn't bisexual, or gay or straight, he's [name]sexual, he's basically only attracted to you, yeah he slept with other people before, but why should he when he has you? He just needs you, all he needs is you ・☆・ He acts like your personal bodyguard sometimes ・☆・ Follows you around like a lost puppy, you're the only one he hangs out with almost everyday (he gets pissed if you're gone for too long, and I mean a literal day, he gets pissed if he doesn't see you or gets to hang out with you for a day)
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・★・ You were his first wet dream, and you were the first person to take his anal virginity and the last (now he won't let you go) ・★・ Has put some innocent person in the hospital just because they touched your arm and tried to flirt with you
・★・ Has wrapped the necklace you bought him around his cock, stroking himself with it wrapped around his cock, watching it glistening with lube, knowing that your hands was on the necklace at one point before you gave it to him. ・★・ Thinks about you when he hooks up with a girl, you can't leave his head- and it's the only way he'll even cum during sex with the random girl ・★・ Often masturbates to pictures of you ・★・ Did I mention that Rafe just loves to stare at you? Thoughts going inside of his head, some innocent... some not so innocent, imagining you naked, his eyes going over the bulge between your legs, or going over you hands, imagining your hands wrapping around his neck while you fuck him ・★・ His favorite part of your body is your hands obviously, he always imagines that his hand stroking his cock is yours, or that your fingering him when he fingers himself (it's never the same feeling) ・★・ When Rafe sleeps over, be prepared to wake up with either his hand or mouth wrapped around your cock, and when he sees that you're awake, he'll only claim that you were "hard" when he woke up so he decided to help you out ・★・ Rafe loves to ride your cock, it's his favorite position, his other favorite position is probably prone bone, he loves to stuff his face into his pillow while you pound him from behind- hell, wrap your arm around his neck and choke him like that, he absolutely loves it ・★・ Rafe definitely hints that he wants to wake up to you fucking him, since you woke up so many times with him pleasuring you, he wants you to do it back to him, as almost like payback ・★・ Rafe doesn't really care where the two of you fuck, just not visibly in public, maybe in bathrooms, or secretly grinding against each other in the library, but he does not want to be caught, scared that it'll ruin the Cameron name
・★・ Would suck the soul out of your body through your dick, especially when you're trying to game or on a call, he likes to tease you like that ・★・ Oh, but if you do it to him? If you suck him off like it's his last day on earth? God, he is whiny, he wouldn't even be able to talk with anyone while you suck his cock, not even if he tries to block the noises with his hand, you'll still hear him whimpering and whining about how good it feels ・★・ Loves it when you cum on his face, he'll even stick out his tongue while you paint his face white with your cum (don't get it in his hair though, or he won't talk to you for 10 minutes straight) ・★・ Only watches porn if one of the people in the video looks like you, even if just slightly, or if they don't show their face, but he'll still watch it if the person's body matches yours ・★・ He probably wouldn't leave the business to be your househusband (one day, he prays, he seriously does), he'll want YOU to stay at home while he works, one he can come home to, eat some of your delicious food and then get all the stress pounded out of him <3
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★☆ all works belong to @onekmaway, do NOT steal, copy or repost anywhere without permission from ME personally. ☆★
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ao3feed-samtory · 1 year
Sittin' on the shores of Summerland!
read on AO3 here
by Fatsloppygaynuts
Why does everyone like summer so much? It's so hot and sweaty and all your ice cream melts before you can eat it, so what's the point? Oh right, fucking summer camp. Everyone loves summer camp, even people who hate summer, it's like the only good thing about the season. You know, it's the time to have fun, make new friends, and fall in love...possibly.
Just kidding no or. Ok but like basically they're at summer camp.
Words: 6803, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Cobra Kai (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Samantha LaRusso, Tory Nichols, Demetri Alexopoulos, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Robby Keene, Shawn Payne, Anthony LaRusso, Kenny Payne, Bert (Cobra Kai), Nathaniel (Cobra Kai), Moon (Cobra Kai), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Genderfluid Character(s), Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Devon Lee (Cobra Kai), Lia Cabrera (Cobra Kai)
Relationships: Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols, Demetri Alexopoulos/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Robby Keene/Shawn Payne, Implied Bert/Nate, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Anthony LaRusso/Kenny Payne
Additional Tags: Camp, Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, Summer Camp, I seriously don't know how to tag this, I mean, it's fun, umm, Cabins, Angst, i think, I'm bad at writing, Probably a shit ton of spelling mistakes, Swearing, just a warning, they do swear, oh also cum jokes, and sex jokes, but like nothing explicit happens, Devon and Tory are friends kinda, Lia and my Character are besties now
read on AO3 here
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ao3feed-binarybfs · 1 year
Sittin' on the shores of Summerland!
read on AO3 here
by Fatsloppygaynuts
Why does everyone like summer so much? It's so hot and sweaty and all your ice cream melts before you can eat it, so what's the point? Oh right, fucking summer camp. Everyone loves summer camp, even people who hate summer, it's like the only good thing about the season. You know, it's the time to have fun, make new friends, and fall in love...possibly.
Just kidding no or. Ok but like basically they're at summer camp.
Words: 6803, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Cobra Kai (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Samantha LaRusso, Tory Nichols, Demetri Alexopoulos, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Robby Keene, Shawn Payne, Anthony LaRusso, Kenny Payne, Bert (Cobra Kai), Nathaniel (Cobra Kai), Moon (Cobra Kai), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Genderfluid Character(s), Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Devon Lee (Cobra Kai), Lia Cabrera (Cobra Kai)
Relationships: Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols, Demetri Alexopoulos/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Robby Keene/Shawn Payne, Implied Bert/Nate, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Anthony LaRusso/Kenny Payne
Additional Tags: Camp, Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, Summer Camp, I seriously don't know how to tag this, I mean, it's fun, umm, Cabins, Angst, i think, I'm bad at writing, Probably a shit ton of spelling mistakes, Swearing, just a warning, they do swear, oh also cum jokes, and sex jokes, but like nothing explicit happens, Devon and Tory are friends kinda, Lia and my Character are besties now
read on AO3 here
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juxl25 · 3 years
Sevika x tattoo artist!reader headcannons
TW: alcohol, needles
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You both met when you where teenagers
Friends to lovers
You sit on Sevikas laps while she’s gambling and you design tattoos
100% have her name tattooed on u somewhere on ur boob
Give her a stick and poke heart on her wrist
Lmao she would love to trace all ur tattoos (full sleeves and down ur back)
Tattooed a bite mark she left on your shoulder, shed take so much pride in that ;)
She calls u her ‘masterpiece’
Instead of wedding rings u get snazzy little ring tattoos that u design for each other
Sevika helps you with post tattoo care
Always asks what each tattoo means
You own a tattoo shop and you end sevika live in a apartment above it
Lmao u do tattoos for all of Silcos goons
Probably did jinxes tattoos
Sevika will come and sit in the studio while u work on someone and just talk
She uses you to get intel off people while you give them tattoos
Body shots with sevika
Your house is just covered in sketch books filled with tattoos designes
Tattoo ink on the bed sheets
Sevika thinks your tattoos are hot
She will kill anyone who says they don’t like your tattoos, like instant death
Both of u probably intimidating as hell
Sevika will squeeze new tattoos during sexy time, and that shit hurts
She wants to get a full back and some point - wants you to design it for her
I’m sick and this has take 3 days to write so I’ve not proofread this and there is probably a shit ton of spelling mistakes. Also I would add a cut but I’m on mobile and idk how ;-;
Sevika wlw request are still open
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Yandere demon/deity that got summoned by reader by mistake and now doesn't seem to want to go back anymore
Magic trick
Tw: Yandere themes/behavior,
Now I can get behind this request, where the reader summons a demon by accident by using the wrong spell or thinks it was a magic trick, and now, the reader is stuck with a ghoul that's forced by contract to stay with them, yet they get emotionally affixed to the reader.
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It was a multi-step magic trick they told you; all you needed to do was get some herbs like rosemary, lavender, basil, and white age. Get some snake venom, a tooth or horn of any animal, and a vessel like a doll or plush; get three groups of candles in the colors red, blue, and black. Once you have everything, you make a salt circle twice the size of yourself, which is what they told you; you would next engrave a 'special' hieroglyphic into the candles before burning them and sprinkling some of the herbs above it. You would then place the two candles of each color outside the circle and one of each color inside, all evenly spread out. Once that was complete, you would cut your chosen vessel and add a hand full of your herbs and the animal part inside it; before sewing it back together and placing it inside the circle. Lastly, they advised you to chant a Greek expression as you smudged the salt circle with white sage.
Did you do it? Yes. Do you know exactly what this magic trick was for? Not at all. Were you probably summoning something? Maybe but at this point, you just wanted something cool to do.
You did everything they asked, chanting the same Greek saying while smudging sage around the salt circle that had an overly large teddy bear in the middle. The teddy bear in the middle was stuffed perfectly with all of the ingredients plus a small antler you found in the woods. You waited and waited and waited for something to happen after the chant, yet nothing happened other than the flames flickering and changing for a second to a blue flame.
" Welp, what was I expecting? Damn, I should have just got that magic book from the tricks and gifts shop," You huffed before blowing out all the candles and walking away from the circle.
"Now I got clean this off; at least I got some new candles."
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You were honestly hoping strange things to happen, but it never did. Weeks had gone by, but everything seemed normal and not spooky. " So, you're telling me that you listened to me about the 'magic trick' and did everything as told," your coworker asked through the phone.
"Yep," you said as you cooked something easy for dinner.
" Are you being serious because you know that wasn't a 'magic trick,' right? I was making a joke and what I told was to summon some deity," They spoke now more concerned through the phone.
"That explains the salt circle; of course, I know that wasn't a magic trick. Can you just tell me what exactly I did because it's been two weeks, and nothing happened?"
"Well, it depends on what you used like; for example, you used horns of an animal and did the spell right, now you have summoned some spooky horn deity, and I can't remember the reset," they said to you.
" Was it supposed to work," you asked your coworker as you stirred some of the food in the copper pan.
" Don't think so cause some girl years ago told me about it when I had my witch phase in high school," your coworker laughed.
"Good to know, I guess. Do you still want me to cover your shift tonight?" You asked as you started to place your food on a plate, ready to eat after the call.
"Yeah, I still have a shit-ton of problems with my back. Hey, are you having any weird dreams like seeing things or being sleep paralyzed?"
Hearing the question made you think; you couldn't actually remember any of your dreams or if you were sleep paralyzed. " I honestly don't know; I can't remember any of them besides waking up at odd hours," you replied.
" Like 3 am," your coworker said to you.
"No, like 1 or 4 am just to get a drink or piss," you told her, not being amused by the 3 am - joke.
"Hey, it was funny, anyway, I got to go. My phone is about to die right now," your coworker said before hanging up.
Pulling the phone down, you looked up and around your place just to see if there was something off, leaving your plate behind and examining now each room or something off.
Everything did seem fine until you examined your own room, especially the teddy bear; the antler was now protruding through the bear's belly. It was odd, but you chalked it up to the antler being sharp and from how many times it fell off your shelf.
You don't know how you didn't notice it before, but you couldn't care at the moment while there was a hot place waiting for it to be eaten; you also had to cover an extra shift in the next 2 hours.
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Damn, do you hate closing shifts; you almost regretted covering for them. Walking up the stairs to your apartment, you could hear the faint sound of someone pounding on a door. You sluggishly walk fastest to see what was the cause of this, only to find out it was coming from your floor.
By the time you made it to your floor, not a soul was present on the floor. They must have left once they didn't get a response from whoever; they're probably one of the upstairs neighbors since you didn't see any going up.
Walking down the hall, it seemed eerier than usual, almost uncomfortable to say. The hallway almost felt like it had unlimited wooden doors as you passed each to yours.
For a moment, it almost felt endless, but you did reach your apartment door; you noticed a sticky note stuck to it. "Jesus Christ, are you playing WWE in your damn place? I can feel the floor move, and I'm in the apartment above you; keep this up, and I'm going to make a complaint to Mr. D."
What the hell. The note was probably for the room next to you since you haven't been here for hours, but it was strange how aggressive it was. Crushing the message in your hands, you fumbled for your keys and opened your door. For some reason, you expected to see your place in shambles; glass, furniture, and trash scattered everywhere, yet the apartment was just how you left it from the front door. Closing and locking the door, you start to further examine the place since you just want to make sure no one has been here other than you; there has been lately a string of break-ins on your side of the apartment complex.
You checked off the living room and kitchen, the bathroom seemed fine, and the guest room was still collecting dust. For some unexplainable reason, you felt anxious just looking at your own room's door; you felt like imagining the smell of rosemary and basil once again.
"You're just paranoid. No one is here. Why would anyone just decide to mess around in your room when there are more valuables in the living room," You chanted to yourself before closing your eyes and opening the door.
You gasped in relief once you opened your eyes to see that your room was almost untouched; the teddy bear had fallen from your shelf once again. Without a second thought, you walk to the bear and pick it up, but it sets you off how light it was. Looking down at the bear, you saw that the antler wasn't poking out any more of the bear.
Before you could examine it more closely, you could hear the sound of breathing in one ear while you could feel a cold breeze on the back of your neck; It was a trap. You don't look back in fear of who or what is behind you.
A Creature that you unknowingly welcomed to your home weeks ago, allowing it to watch everything from the shadow. Initially wanting to flee back to his home, only to grow fond of, in its opinion, a 'silly little human.' Watching them go through every emotion they had, from happiness to sadness, in only spans of days. It intrigued him as the more he watched them, merely observing what peculiar commodities you devoured and routines that you didn't acknowledge. In a way, he became attached to you, now his 'silly little human," and their strange lifestyle.
He wanted to be a part of it, observing and participating in the human ways of life. He already knew so much about you and was done with this teasing of yours. At some point, he did need to reveal himself to his 'silly little human.' He didn't want to continue being a voyager, watching you at every intimate moment you had with yourself; whether it be with yourself drowning in sorrow or lust, it didn't matter to him as long he could take part in it.
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seerofmike · 2 years
seer is an elaborate prank created by rampart.
the basis of my theory is that rampart decided one day, as a joke, to make up a completely new legend for the hell of it. and thus created seer. here is all the proof.
1.) seer has no presence in the lore. zero. none. aside from loading screens, he has never been mentioned by another character (we will get to teasers later) unless when being spoken to directly. he has never appeared in the background of an image. no comic. no dialogue in a quest or a stfo since s10. he has not appeared in a launch trailer since season 10(more on this later). odd, isn't it? this makes little sense until you consider....
2.) seer is completely made up. the season 9 teasers for seer, that little drone thingy (more on that later) that everyone interacts with and says something a little bit different? they're all just making shit up on the spot, they're all in on the joke and/or rampart has bribed them. there is no real consistency to anything anyone says aside from the owner of the drones being mysterious. it's like they're making up character traits on the spot.
and i mean...come on, ramya. cursed guy born at the exact moment the moon explodes and has glowy blue eyes? hated by his entire home planet but is also extremely sexy and cool? has "baby's first OC" energy written all over it. she even gave him a hat. rookie mistake.
the characters who play along with the joke even further all make sense. rampart uses this mysterious, fake Obi person to STILL insult the others ("You're just BETTER, mate"), of COURSE Loba comes up with someone to flirt with and be flirted with in return, and Octane makes up a rival because rivals are cool and trendy, which is exactly what he is. Lifeline suddenly getting those random interactions with seer a season later? because Octane convinced her to.
now, why would Bloodhound get in on the joke, you ask? well, season 10 was very clearly an emotional time for them, and they *do* straight-up have a hallucination at the end of it. the bird itself may have even been a hallucination, speaking all their negative thoughts...so it's not crazy to think that, as a coping mechanism, Bloodhound uses the fake persona the Legends have created--Seer, who magically knows everyone's worries--and uses it to bring themselves comfort.
in addition to all this, boreas may also be completely made up. in pathfinder's quest, when asked about boreas, loba and octane respond with confusion ("that's not a real thing, amigo") or secrecy. the encore map? with all the little seer decals? a little on the nose, don't you think? i think it is simply a stage. well, it already IS a stage. very convenient. someone would have to build it. and you know who probably did?....
3.) RAMPART. this was all rampart's idea. the drone thingy? rampart built it. proof? she is capable of messing with them, as the big maude phone recordings have seer's voice (a paid actor, of course) saying that she had modded his heart chamber to have the drones spell out swear words. interesting that the only tiny piece of lore seer has gotten is on big maude, isn't it? rampart's ship that she has complete control over? she even made his backstory align with hers--he's from the arenas, just like her!
but how could she build encore, you ask?
WELL. enter the season 9 comics, right before all this "seer" stuff started showing up...
rampart sued the pants off of hammond robotics, and *won*. she has a shit ton of cash just lying around. she can move out at any time, she tells mirage...but they resolve to live together.
so now what?? what does she do with this heap of money????
she uses it to create an extremely elaborate prank, of course. she hired an actor, builders to build the encore map, and bribes the other legends to play along.
it ALL makes sense. seer being overpowered on launch? a 4D chess move by the developers, showcasing that seer is a boogeyman, as many of the legends made him out to be, hinting at his true nature as a myth. his STFO being in a wildly different art style from all others and has not been replicated since? what about the season 10 trailer, which was weird and trippy? that's the legends all making shit up again. obi not appearing in a season trailer since, ***except*** for when mirage is dreaming in the s11 one?
even the people who interact directly with obi in the s10 launch trailer (his teammates rampart and loba, and octane throwing him a pad)...they're all in on it. they're all in on the joke.
seer is a fake person created by rampart so she can be a little terror. she is gaslighting us and the outlands. wake UP sheeple
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