#probably gonna wear them to the movie but i also wanna wear them on a date
seraphdreams · 11 months
Ser can you help rq!! My birthday is next week on Wednesday and I’m conflicted on whether i should wear this pink outfit i chose for my birthday outing ORRR save it for the premiere of the Barbie movie. 🤔 maybe both but idk!!
THAT IS A HARD DECISION!! they’re both very crucial events… i wanna say save it for the movie… but at the same time, for your birthday!!
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kenzumekodma · 2 years
i am akshsbs upsetti that my cosplay’s not on the way yet. but ✨contingency plan time✨ i made a diagram for all of the props for cosplaying toga and wrote out theoretically how to make them, and i bought fabric at work tonight to make part of her actual clothes. and i have a pleated navy skirt and a beige cardigan hanging out in my amazon cart 👀
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sturniolosass · 4 months
Sick - a Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Summery - Nick and Matt are sick with Covid and you offer to come and help take care of them.
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*fluff, like…pure fluff*
It’s Tuesday Night and you get a call from your boyfriend Matt letting you know he tested positive for covid, Your first reaction was to ask if he need anything medicine, soup, water. He had stated that he and the boys were fine without it and that you should stay home and rest but you insisted. So ending the call you decided to head over to him and his brothers home to help take care of all three of them.
Before heading to the house you decided to run to your local grocery store and grab a few things for the soup you’d be making and also a box of tea.
Once you checked out you started making your way to the house.
Once you arrived you knocked on the door urgently and saw Chris, you urgently pulled a mask over your face
“Yo! I’m good, i don’t have Covid…” he said
“ohhh oh my god, i thought all of yall were sick as fuck” you stated with a sigh of relief
“where are Matt and Nick?” you asked with a sense of panic
“they are both locked away in their rooms..i wouldn’t let them contaminate you” he laughed
“I don’t think it would matter hence i put myself in this situation. Wanna help me cook?” you ask Chris hoping he’d say no remembering his cooking history
“uhhhh im not sure you want that..” Chris replied
“you know what! you’re right” you replied rushing over to the stove
You put everything down on the counters before rushing around the corner hall to Matt’s room. Knocking on the door you say “Matt, are you hungry? How’re you feeling?” then listening in for a response you hear counting..
“1..2..3..4..5” Matt counts..
You call again “Matt?!”
Matthew then hurriedly opens the door wearing a mask he then says “what’re you doing here..? you’re gonna get sick! go home!” he rushing griefs to shut the door.. but your foot’s in between the hinges “i wanted to come and take care of you guys i know you guys don’t really know how to do that yourself.., have you even had any medicine..?” you ask worriedly “yea..” Matt looks around suspiciously “well no..but still i don’t want you getting sick, you should go home, coming here was sweet though i really appreciate you thinking of us honestly” he replies expecting you to leave which you do.. but not the house
Time to cook..
You grab all your ingredients and start making the soup. Onion, Celery, Garlic, Carrots, Noodles, etc.. once everything is cooking you decide to throw on a movie within the same time in which Chris decides to come up stairs from the ground floor… “sooo like, I know i’m not sick but that smells oh so yummy” he says in a weird yet entertaining voice “can i please have some too?” he begs. You look at him funny and reply “I mean.. i guess i’m trying to make enough so that there’s at least enough for two days..” he then notices the TV and asks “what is this? saltburn or some shit?” you look at him in disgust “No. it’s The Turning” you say matter of factly. “what is it about” he asks, “i don’t know for real, just some indie horror film” you tell, “oh alright well please let me know first when the food is done” he pleads. “whatever.” you say.
One the food is done you call up the guys one by one to grab a bowl. First Chris cause he asked so kindly, then Nick.. Once Nick comes down he seems fine, Then he starts coughing a lot, causing you to worry and offer him tea. He politely declines claiming to not enjoy tea that much. He then heads back upstairs and Matt comes out of his room after 5 minutes..
“Hey, I really appreciate you coming here and treating me and my brothers so sweet.. i was on the phone with my mom and she really thanks you because she can’t be here to do these things for us” he says lovingly smiling up at you with his cute little red nose from blowing it all day. “no problem, i love you guys a lot. you especially, so i have no problem with probably leaving here sick just to make sure you guys are ok” you reply. Matt them comes behind you whilst you’re stirring the soup on the low heat and gives your back a nice firm hug. “I love you” he says. At first you’re very caught off guard because that’s the first time he’s spoken those three words to you.. but coming to your senses you immediately respond “i love you too, Matt” in to which he smiles in the crook of your neck and kisses it. You turn and hug him back.
“Want some soup or tea?” you ask politely. “Sure, i’ll have some tea” he responds thankfully. “i already had food like a few hours ago. thank you though.” he adds. You pop a Peppermint tea in the keurig and he sits at the table. “i’m glad you’re here, i feel like i’ve been going crazy locked in my room all day.” he speaks. “I was counting my steps as i paced my room earlier because my apple watch felt i was being ‘lazy’ even though i’m quite frankly sick as all hell” he adds.. “hahaha yea i heard that, i was so confused” you reply coming in for a kiss in which he hesitates “i don’t wanna risk your chance of getting more sick” he states in to which you reply “the sickness is airborne, love. if im gonna get sick it’s gonna happen regardless. i’ve already stepped in the house.” leaning in you kiss his lips. The keurig finishes and you mix a little bit of honey in his mug and hand him the cup.
Nearing the end of the night you and Matt head into his room to relax, figuring you’d already be sick Matt invites you to stay the night knowing it shouldn’t get any worse from here unless you go home where your family lives. You both decide to watch a movie, Matt begging you to help him finish saltburn stating he was bored with it in the first 20 minutes. You oblige only to regret it seeing he’s only watched a small portion of the ‘weird’ movie, however you continue watching just to keep him company and watch him fall asleep comfortably in your arms...
The End :)
a/n: idk how i feel about the end of this.. but you know what, its my first and i’ll only get better as i keep going.. :)) THANKS FOR READING!
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jojissalsa · 25 days
uncle leon being icky... (need him so bad)
tw: dead dove, incest (uncle-niece), slight dubcon, size difference, dumbification, mentions of alcoholism, descriptions of porn, leon being gross to bimbo reader (fem reader) MDNI, 18+ under cut (not proofread SORRY!)
a/n: i cannot stop thinking of vendetta leon finding that one pornstar that looks like him…. i just know he'd watch all his vids religiously cause he wants to be a skeevy little shit. love that sleaze ball so much <3
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you knew you weren't the sharpest tool in the box, it was just in your nature. never stressed about having to lift your pretty, manicured hands, because your parents did all that for you. sure, they were never around and that probably left a lot of emotional scars, but who cares about that when you get to wear designer?
you always thought it was a bit weird that your parents had your uncle looking after you even now that you were an adult. probably because you always had that habit of sneaking alcohol when they weren't looking, especially when you also sneaked your friends over. but isn't it ironic to have an obvious alcoholic to look after another? if only you knew what either of those words meant, thinking too much makes you bored. you shrug it off as you watch your parents let leon in so they can go on another date night. it's always hard to be happy for them when they make time for themselves but never make any time for you. who cares when leon's around though? he makes time for you, even if it's brief. he gives you a quick hug, saying he's gonna be spending the night. you can feel the flask in the pocket of his leather jacket, but you don't say anything. yet, at least.
your plans were to get to him when he was already tipsy, praying he didn't drink it all yet when you managed to catch him when he's off guard. you wait until he thinks he's alone, sitting on the couch with his laptop in front of him, headphones in. you assumed he was watching some kind of movie, so you hop over the back of the couch and sit next to him. "hey leon, whatcha doin'?" you grin as he shuts his laptop instantly, looking at you with a startled look. you weren't that dumb, he probably was watching some chick flic and didn't want you to tease him about it. "nothing, what do you want?" you pout at his dismissive tone, you'd think he'd be a little happier to be giving you attention. "what makes you think i want something? i just wanna spend time with my favorite uncle!" you move to cuddle up at his side, watching as he grabs a throw pillow and moves it onto his lap. weird, he must be cold. "really? you sure it's not to get a drink out of me?" the way he saw right through you made your face heat up, looking around as if to figure out some kind of excuse. "what?? no.. what were you watching?" your tone was a lot less confident and bubbly, sheepish as you looked up at him. "nothing a girl like you should watch, that's for sure." he scoots his laptop away but you press up against him to try and stop him. "c'monnn, it can't be that bad, right? just let me see!" you tug at his laptop to keep it near you two, seeing him start to smile from your curiosity. "you sure, sweetheart? you might think your uncle is weird." he pinches your cheek as if you're some dumb kid, blushing under his hand. "i won't judge, promise."
in hind sight, you probably should've known. if you had a brain, that is. you sit up when he finally lifts up his laptop screen, your eyes widening when it reveals a porn video. one of those studio ones, but it wasn't the fact that it was porn. the guy looked like leon. like, a lot like him. you chastise yourself when you shiver at the thought, but is it really that bad? anyone can say their uncle is handsome, but seeing this guy was different. he was so much bigger than the girl in the video. and so strong too? never seen a guy hold someone up like that for so long.. "hey, you still here?" you must've been close to drooling, because you've been staring at the video since he opened his laptop. "huh? yeah, yeah." you wave him off to continue watching, because you've never seen anything like this before. sure, you've watched porn before, but this was different. it felt different, it looked dirty. the way his hands were bigger than half her body, all the things he was saying, it made your chest feel heavy and your panties feel damp. you barely noticed the throw pillow suddenly gone from leon's lap, his hand moving down your back, his fingers dangerously close to slipping under your shorts. "are girls really that small? or are guys just that big?" your question was genuine, you never paid attention to the difference like that. maybe now you'd think about it a bit more than most things. "mmm, dunno, you wanna find out?" his voice sounded just as husky as the guy in the video, and it nearly made you moan, unable to part your lips to say yes. so you just nod, your heavy breathes coming out in short little puffs from your nose.
you thought he was just gonna grab your hand and show you the size difference like the guy in the video, instead he moves his laptop to the coffee table, leaving you in front of him with your legs spread. you watch as his hand smooths over the back of your thigh before stilling right next to your clothed pussy, making you twitch at how close his hand was. "look at that, such a cute little cunt." he groans and you let out the most pathetic squeak that makes you cringe internally. "aww, you like that, huh? you wanna know if my fingers can fit in that tiny pussy?" you shake like a leaf in the wind at his voice, feeling the pulse in your cunt get just as fast as your heartbeat. "mhm.." you feel so meek, being this vulnerable, and in front of your uncle of all people. it was fast, leon was already peeling your clothes off before you even let the sound out. the relief washing over you from being freed of your panties short lived as his fingers swiped over your clit, slick sticking to his palm. "hold your legs up, baby." your nails nearly dig into the back of your knees as you hold up your legs, the sudden intrusion of his finger making you tense.
your mind could barely cling onto one thought for too long, drifting from one to the next. god, his finger is so thick. so long, too. i can't even reach that far, can i? he laughs like he can hear what you're thinking, digging his finger even deeper, making you gasp as your back arches. "not used to a finger reaching that far, huh, sweetheart? think you can fit my cock in here?" the way he talks is making you squirm, needing him to hold you down as he slips another finger in. "i wanna try, can i, uncle leon? show me, please." you clearly hit a nerve, his touch feeling even more needy just from your words alone. you whine as his fingers leave your hole so he can work on getting his cock out of his jeans, still holding your legs up. your eyes glaze over as he holds his cock over your tummy, his pre-cum leaking onto your skin. "look at that," he takes your jaw in his hand, making you look at how big he is compared to you, the tip of his cock barely an inch away from your belly button. "so fucking wet and i barely touched you. that video really turned you on that much?" your body tenses again as he holds his dick in place to hump against your clit, feeling the knot in your core get tighter and tighter.
you were so focused on the pleasure you were feeling you didn't realize he wanted you to answer him. his grip on your jaw got tighter, pushing your cheeks together to pucker your lips. "too dumb of a whore you can't answer? i haven't even stuck my dick in you yet and you're leaking like a faucet," your body practically convulses at his dirty talk, drool threatening to leave your shut lips. "do you even care that i'm your uncle? or are you just a slut for anyone with a cock?" you try to tilt your head back from ecstasy, failing miserably from his grip staying tight, whining from all the teasing. "'s not true, you're being mean.." your words are muffled, slurred from how cockdrunk you are. "aww, i'm being mean? what, am i teasing you too much, sweetheart?" you're on the verge of screaming at him to hurry it up before you lose it, the shame of doing this with your uncle long gone. not like it was there to begin with, you doubt you even grasp the meaning of shame. not because you're a whore, of course not. you're just a dumbass.
he can tell your whimpering is desperate enough to consider as begging, finally sheathing his cock inside you, groaning into the crook of your neck as he bottoms out. you've never felt this full in your life, you can't tell if the stretch is painful because he's big or because you haven't gotten laid in a while. meanwhile he's a little disappointed you're not a virgin, but you might as well be with how tight your walls are hugging him. he might as well be the virgin, trying his hardest not to come when your walls try to suck him in as he pulls out. "fuck, so goddamn tight, surprised i even fit." you gasp when he thrusts in deeper, hitting your sweet spot. he leans up to get a full view of you, his gaze trailing down to where he sits snug in your pussy, chuckling meanly at the bulge he sees under your tummy. "see?" he makes sure your eyes are looking where he is too, picking up his pace when he sees you lock in on it. "look at how much dick you're taking, so proud of you, sweetie." the condescending lilt in his voice sends you spiraling, tightening on him as your head hangs low on the couch cushion. that was all he needed to go even faster, watching your tits bounce as he pounded you into the couch. he wasn't just rearranging your guts, he was fucking your brain out of your head, watching as you drooled onto the plush surface your pretty, empty head laid on.
he could feel you getting closer, and he knew he wasn't gonna last much longer either with how tight you were. "you wanna make uncle leon really proud, hun?" you nodded feverishly, dying at the opportunity to please him. you feel his hand move from gripping your tit to thumbing your clit, rubbing harsh, slow circles. "cum for uncle leon, sweetheart, gonna make him real happy when you do." it was in an instant, feeling your toes curl as your vision goes white, only able to scream his name over and over as your nails nearly pierced the skin under your knees. "good girl, you needed that, huh? don't worry, you'll get a nice, fat load too." your ears were still ringing, so you only registered he was cumming inside you before it was too late. you were too delirious to care about the moral implications, enjoying the warm feeling of his cum spilling from your pussy. "tiny little cunt can't even hold my cum." you hear him breathe out before he pushes it back in with his fingers, laughing at your sensitive squirming.
he lets you sleep it all off, making sure to wake up before you so your parents don't catch you two sleeping in the same bed. why sleep in the guest room when you just fucked your niece? you sit on the steps as you watch him say his goodbyes to your parents, shooting you a mean smile before he leaves. you're the first to know how gross he is, but you're praying to the few gods you remember that his smile meant he was willing to do that again. you know you shouldn't crave the way he treated you, how dirty he is. but you can at least be safe knowing you have that video to keep you over until next time.
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multi-fandomedfreak · 10 months
Mayyy I order some more Creepypasta headcanons but with Slendy this time?? I don’t mind if u wanna add any more characters but I really want some slendy in there lol
Authors note: Sure thing! I love Slendy too and I was gonna write him in my last Creepypasta headcanons but it would’ve been too long. So this will be a continuation to the other kissing headcanons. (Also sorry this took so long)
Characters: Slendy, LJ, and Helen
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Uhh surprisingly non?? Unless sharp noses and sharp teeth should be a warning
🧍Slenderman 🧍
(as u may tell, I’m running out of ideas on the emojis)
-Does he have a mouth???
-Pretending that he does, I feel like he would love giving you head/forehead kisses
-He would prefer receiving kisses rather than giving them tho (definitely not because he canonically doesn't have a mouth)
-But it's kinda hard for him to show that
-Like imagine you trying to leave before kissing him goodbye, most likely cuz you forgot, and he just won't let you leave
-He won't tell you why tho, he'll just let you figure it out until you kiss him
-He's also BIG on giving you a good squeeze after a kiss
-Idk there's just something about him that screams "I will hug you."
-Definitely likes carrying you rather than him leaning down to kiss you
-hurts the poor old man's back
-Buuut if you find it attractive when someone taller than you leans down to listen to you better
-He will 100% know that
-And 10000% use that to his advantage to kiss you in any way
-He also doesn't care if you kiss him in front of other people or not
-He's Slenderman, like, no one would even think about teasing him about it
-Except Sally of course
-would probably love -if you wear makeup- for you to leave a kiss mark on the collar of his suits
🍬 Laughing Jack 🍬
-Just so you know, his pointy nose is DEFINITELY getting in the way sometimes
-Like that thing can poke your eye out
-That being said, he sometimes likes to poke you on the cheek with his nose
-Probably does it when asking for a kiss tbh
-Loves to bare his sharp teeth at you to try and get a reaction out of you when going in for a kiss
-But you kiss him anyway, bc, cmon. Those teeth are 😮‍💨
-ANYWAY, he gives me cuddle bug vibes
-Like if he really wants to, he’ll hold you as tight as he can without killing you and kiss you all over your face
-So he prob likes it when you have to get on your tip toes to kiss him
-will stand up completely straight just to see you struggle to reach him
-He also loves it when he rests his chin on your head after a kiss
-Doesn’t mind kissing in a public setting and doesn’t care about getting teased from the other pastas
-Soooo, if he’s sitting down, expect to be pulling onto his lap from time to time
-Only if ur ok with it tho
-He doesn’t like to see you uncomfortable in any way
-A sucker for giving you kisses on your neck
-He just gives that vibe that he’s into neck kisses yknow?
-keeps his claws sway from you as you two kiss (he doesn’t wanna hurt you on accident)
🎨 Bloody Painter 🖌️
-More likely than not, you’d have to be the one to initiate a kiss from him
-It’s very very very rare for him to be the one to kiss you first in a day
-Though when he does kiss you first, know it’s super meaningful
-He struggles to show affection due to his upbringing
-I also feel like his kisses would always be short but sweet
-But if your the one to initiate a kiss, he’ll definitely be very passionate about it
-Even if he doesn’t initiate kisses all that much
-He likes to just be leaning or be pressed up against you
-Like when watching a movie on a couch or something
-He’ll prob just use you as a back rest lol
-I also feel like he isn’t the biggest fan of neck kisses but also doesn’t mind them
-Although he’ll never admit it, he adoresss it when you kiss him on his forehead
-It’s just so domestic to him it feels great
-Especially when you rub his arms up and down as you do it
-He’ll quite literally melt but try his best to keep his composure
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jeongin-lvr · 5 months
sorry it's a little too messy
boys having a movie night with their partners (gonna go with f reader to make it easier to write)
not all of them are in a relationship but those are, decided to come as couples
when the guys talk, they share a little about their intimate moments, but hyunjin can't relate
he's attracted to his gf, and he knows she is too. they've had their steamy makeout sessions as proof but it never went past that. maybe dating a virgin wasn't as cute as he thought it'd be
the movie they're watching has some interesting scenes, hyunjin notices the couples whispering to each other, movements under their shared blankets, a few leaving to find privacy
but so does his girlfriend
hyunjin never insisted on it because he didn't wanna make things weird. he wanted her first time to be special, that's why she's waited this long
a few days passed and one day the partners decided to make lunch for the boys, knowing they'll most probably skip it with how busy they were
that day, seeing hyunjin during practice, focused, breathing hard, elegantly moving, she decided it's time
hyunjin didn't think much of it when she left early, knowing the number of people in the room would exhaust her
when they were back at the dorms, he took a shower and decided he'd visit her. he had the keys but always preferred to knock so she'd open the door. it was just a little thing he loved to.
what he didn't expect was seeing her in a cute pink silk night dress, the hem being a white lace.
she looked innocent and delicious
perfect to ruin, make his and only his, his little doll
I'll leave the rest to you ♡
I was imagining a lot of teasing and foreplay and whining but I never got to write this as a whole thing
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Innocent virgin! Reader with a dirty minded maybe even slightly perverted! Hyunjin?? That’s my cup of tea right there….
Hyunjin adores you. He adores your cute smile, your cute dimples, your thighs. The way your lips move just the right way where he can picture them wrapped around his cock; how your tits squeeze together when you wear a low-cut top. When Hyunjin started dating you, he immediately thought you were the most adorable little bunny, cheeks that seemed to always be some shade of rosy, nose doused with a shimmer of highlighter, lips plump enough to kiss softly. But he also thought you were so perfectly innocent— innocent enough to corrupt and ruin.
Hyunjin, however, decided to be civil and patient on his plan to corrupt you once he found out you were a virgin. When you told him, he felt his heart swell and he tried (and failed) to hide the way his lip quirked up in a tiny smirk, dark hair covering it enough to leave you in mystery. And, of course, he cooed in understanding and patted your hair, squishing your little cheeks with understanding, “Princess, you’re fine. Don’t worry. We can wait. I’ll wait as long as you want.”
But when months pass and he finds himself hiding in the bathroom with a fist around his cock and you on his mind he bites his lip in regret. Wishing he’d pushed you a little— but wouldn’t that be mean?
Then it started happening more; boners so sore he was hiss. He’d get them even when he watched your hands, the way they wrapped around the things you’d hold, your water bottle, your own phone, his hand, even. Hyunjin would place a pillow on his lap, hair cascading down his cheekbones, blocking his deep red cheeks as you and his friends all laughed at the movie he’d picked out and hour before. Hyunjin noticed when your thighs were draped over his, when they shifted over his lap. When your cheek was against his chest and his nose was in your hair. Damn, you smelled amazing and it got him hard immediately.
Safe to say Hyunjin was fucking horny— and it was clearly your fault. It just seemed you were dreadfully unaware.
It’s only when he comes back from practice one particular day to find the house dead quiet and empty does he completely forget about his raging hormones. At first he thinks you’ve been hurt or something along those lines, the sounds of haptics he’d normally hear we completely gone. Hyunjin would walk through the house with tiptoes and cautious hands, dragging his fingertips along the walls until he heard a little gasp come from his bedroom, and suddenly his heart was calming a bit.
He rounded the corner to your room, peaking through the door expecting to see you laying in bed sleeping, too tired to wait for him to get home. But, no, that’s not it at all.
Hyunjin felt like his eyes would pop out of his head when he sees you in a pretty lace set, pink bra with a trim of white lace; panties matching with frills and a nice matching charm of an embroidered rose sewn in the middle of both the bra and panties. He’s practically drooling at this point, lips parted and skin hot.
You were just sitting there all pretty, hair twisted into waves, lips tinted with a cherry lip balm he was dying to taste.
“Baby? What are you….” Hyunjin walked into the room, trying so hard not to pounce at the sight of you. But the closer he got the hotter he felt; your hands innocently fiddling at the edge of the frills, the roundness in your wide eyes that always made him twitch just a little too much. You parted your lips once he stood just a foot before you in front of the bed, tiny compared to him as you sat. “Jinnie, I missed you.”
That’s what made a switch flip in his pretty mind, it wasn’t even a second before he was bending down to your level and smashing his lips against yours, earning a muffled gasp from you that quickly dissipated into a soft moan. A moan that went straight to his cock, aching and ready to finally get a taste of you.
“Fuck, baby, do you know how long I’ve wanted to take you like this?” He says as he’s rubbing his fingers against your tender parts, swallowing the sounds of your whimpers. His kisses were messy, and at this point he didn’t care much about making your first time special or sweet or wonderful; he just wanted to have you. Finally have you all for himself. And you’d gotten all dolled up for him too! Begging against his lips as a patch of sweet wetness began to form against your lacy panties. “To fuck you?” He’s practically panting now, spit dripping from your lips, his fingers pressing hard against your sensitive clit and making your mind fog. The foreign touch was heavenly, the itch of your lace panties making the pleasure all the more overwhelming. “Gonna let me finally fuck you, sweet girl? Hm? Tell me, doll.”
It’s only when you finally mewl out a helpless, disoriented, “Y-yes!” Does he slide your panties to your ankles and undress his cock, ignoring the way you squirmed at the big stretch of his dick as it sunk into you. It hurt but the deep groans that left him throat were enough to leave you dizzy and so perfectly full. And as the pain dissipated into pleasure you knew you couldn’t go without this lovely feeling again; how his veins were practically imprinted into your gummy walls, the look in his eyes as he stared down at you.
“My pretty little fuck doll,” Hyunjin is groaning as his release burns in his tummy, “Innocent little pussy taking me so well, love. Didn’t even have to prep you… fuck…”
Sorry this took a bit I was struggling to find the right words🤞 but I like how it turned out
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aluveras · 1 year
The avengers quest
Peter Parker x Fem!reader
Also she is a Stark.
A/N: This took very long for no reason other then that i couldn't finish it for the life of me. I tried my best to write the characters as i think they'd be but i feel eeryone writes them diffrently so...
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, established relationship, Peter being an anxious cute guy, protective Tony (i am a sucker for fics with protective dad Tony), One daddy joke (once again a sucker for a daddy kink but it's only mentioned once) and i think that's about it
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You and Peter have always felt something for each other.                                                                                You first met when your dad said he wanted introduce to his teenage intern, which you were surprised by. He never interacted much with teenagers besides his daughter.
When you first saw each other you both felt something through your entire body. The feeling couldn’t exactly be described but it was sort of like a need to get closer to each other both physically and emotionally.
After you two met you would sometimes see him in the lab and after a while just started to hang out and watch movies or play videogames. Though you thought you both felt something Peter hadn’t made any move, so you decided that he probably didn’t like you.
That was until you told him you were going on a date with a guy and in a fit of jealousy he told you how he felt.
After that you two decided that you would try dating but keep it a secret for now so it doesn’t change anything at the compound.
For now things were going well. Your father hasn’t found out anything yet and  you hadn’t got the idea that any of the avengers knew (Natasha and Wanda excluded cause their THE besties).
You were watching a movie in the afternoon when you heard a knock at the door.                                        As you opened the door there stood Peter leaning on the side of the doors frame turning to you with a smirk.
‘’Hey baby, did you order a big pizza with some sexy spider toppings?’’
You broke out laughing/cringing while he was happy he made you laugh.
‘’No, I ordered a akward boy who can stop a bus with his bare hand, but can’t take my bra off without me having to turn around.’’
‘’That’s easy for u to say, you wear one every day I have no experience.’’
‘’No that was very clear.’’
As you both walked over to your bed you guys got into a cuddling position. Legs tangled, your head on his chest and his arms around you. It started it off with a kiss on your head which let to a kiss, which let to a make out session. As you straddled his lap he started to take off your bra.
‘’Hey! You did it!’’
‘’Thank you, thank you. I’d like to thank my aunt and Mister Stark and-‘’
‘’You’re really talking about my dad, while we’re doing this?’’
Peter smiled apologetically ‘’sorry..’’ he mumbled
‘’It’s okay, only because you’re so cute.’’
As you continued the door suddenly flew open.
Both you and Peter looked to the door in horror.
‘’Pocket sized stark and Spiderling?!’’
‘’Pointbreak?!’’ ‘’Thor?!’’ both you and peter were scream whispering.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’So, I’m just gonna go.’’
Thor turned around and just left without closing the door.
After a few seconds of you staring at the door Peter started kissing you neck again.
‘’Peter….’’ You whispered.
‘’Hm.’’ He hummd.
‘’Are you for real right now?’’
‘’What? I just wanna kiss you so bad.’’ He whined and putt your bra on right.
‘’Thor’s gonna tell everyone!’’ You said as you got off peters lap.
‘’There’s nothing you can do about it now. It’s a Friday so he’ll go to a bar and drink                            and fall asleep on his bed absolutely drunk and won’t tell anyone.’’’
‘’The best you can do now is kiss me because I’ll die if I don’t get to kiss you more.’’ Peter said with a bit of a desperate voice
‘’Fine, but if he tells someone drunk, he can also tell everyone we’ve broken up.’’
‘’Then he can also tell everyone I passed away because I can’t live without you.’’
You started to fight off the smile that just wouldn’t go away.
‘’You’re so cheesy.’’
You straddled his lap again and took off your top and bra.
‘’Hey, I was finally starting to get the hang of it.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah just take off your clothes and fuck me already.’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’
As you went to get breakfast the next morning (Barely being able to walk).                                            You see Thor standing in the kitchen trying to figure out how the microwave works.
He saw you and his face looked like you’ve saved his life
‘’Hey pocket sized Stark, do you know how this weird thing works?’’ You had to hold in your laugh as you said.
‘’Hey pointbreak, yeah I’ll help you IF you do something for me in return.’’
‘’Of course milady, what is it?’’
‘’Well you remember when you walked in on me and Peter-‘’
‘’’Having sex? Yeah of course! But don’t worry its totally a normal thing and luckly I know Peter doesn’t have a small-‘’
‘’NO that’s not what I meant! I just need you to not tell anyone about us.’’
‘’Uhm.sure but you might wanna talk to Sam aswell about it.’’
‘’WHAT?!’’ You groaned. You knew you shouldn’t have listened to Peter and just immediately have followed Thor. You showed Thor how the microwave works and he thanked as you quickly started sprinting away to find Sam.
You spend some 5 minutes running around the compound to find him                                                 infront of the tv with bucky. Sam layed full wide across the couch with Bucky standing next to the couch with his hands in his pockets. As they saw you Sam started screaming ‘’Peter! Peter! Yes!’’
‘’Yes?’’ Peter asked as he walked in. Seeing you stand there he immediately knew why they said that and started blushing from embarrassment.
You rolled your eyes and said.
‘’Ha ha very funny. Now I need you guys to not tell anyone before my father finds out.’’
‘’You might wanna talk to Steve then…’’
You groaned annoyed and started to search for Steve with Peter running close behind you.
‘’Did you talk to thor?’’
‘’Yes and he told Sam, and Sam told Bucky and Steve. So now I have to talk to Steve’’
‘’We, I’ll go with you.’’
‘’Alright, just don’t slow me down.’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’
After a while you found him in the gym working out. Probably breaking another gym equipmrnt.                                                  You stopped and stared for a bit at his muscles.
‘’Wow make it more obvious you want him more then me.’’
‘’Alright calm down, you are the reason I cant walk properly and also like you don’t stare at Natasha.’’
‘’THAT WAS ONE TIME! I stare at you constantly you can ask that to her!’’
‘’It’s fine, she would eat you anyway if you hurt me or try to flirt with her.’’
‘’Ha ha.’’
‘’I’m not joking.’’
‘’Don’t you have to talk to Steve?’’
‘’We right?’’ Peter rolled his eyes which you chose to ignore.
You walked in and Steve immediately said.
‘’I know you’re here to talk about me not telling anyone about you two.’’
‘’How?’’ both you and Peter said.
‘’Sam texted me and saying and I quote ‘The love-insects are on the move’.’’
‘’PLEASE tell me you didn’t tell anyone.’’
‘’Only Natasha’’
‘’Oh great, she already knew’’ you sighed in relief. Peter immediately whipped his head towards you
‘’Wait you told her?!’’ Peter asked.
‘’Yeah well she knows about everything, also Wanda knows by the way.’’
‘’Of course..’’
Suddenly Steve interrupted you two.
‘’Oh and I also told Bruce!’’
Just as he said that FRIDAY started speaking out of your phone.
‘’Mr. Stark requests you and Peter appearance in the lab.’’
‘’Why don’t I just go jump out of a window?’’ Peter asked
‘’No, I can handle my father’’ You said.
‘’I can’t.’’
You both walked into the lab. You walked in confidently you were ready to defend you and Peter’s relationship. Peter however was shaking. He held your hand in a death grip as you walked in.  Afraid it might the last time he gets to.
As you walked in your father was leaning on a desk with a disapproving look on his face.
You felt Peter get more anxious the closer you got.                                                                                           As reassurance you gently squeezed his hand and you felt him get just a little less tense.
Tony looked at your collided hands and start shaking his head.
‘’So, it’s true.’’
As Peter wished Nat would come in and eat him already, you knew that as cringy as it                    is, your father just wants what’s best for you. You let go of Peter’s hand                                            and he took that as a sign to step back a bit and  leave you two to talk.
‘’So, I putt a roof above your head and you decide to repay me back be lying to                                     me for about how long?’’
‘’I’m so sor-‘’ Your dad cut you off dramatically with a hand infront of your mouth.
‘’How. Long.’’
‘’6 months.’’ He once again dramatically sighed and called Peter forward.                                                Your boyfriend looked like he was about to shoot webs out of his butt as he slowly shuffled   forwards.
‘’So, I give you your superhero dream and YOU repay me by sleeping with my daughter.’’ 
‘’Excuse me Sir, but you know its not just about sex.’’
‘’Alright well, you didn’t have to confirm what we do.’’
Peter ignored what you said as he looked at you and smiled
‘’She’s my everything. Whether I’m angry, sad, happy or confused about what I’m feeling, when I look at her. I feel my chest glowing, like it’s going to explode. I can’t fight off the smile that grows on my lips when I see her laugh. And yes I do have a physical attraction but even then I’m trying to be focused on her needs the most. It feels like everything I do is for her and in return I get that glowing feeling and strong smile.’’’
‘’Can you get more cheesy?’’ Tony said with an eye roll.
‘’Just because you can’t be romantic doesn’t mean its cringe.’’ You said
‘’Oh please, you believe that? I mean I love the kid but I saw in his google search ‘’Y/n Stark hot pictures’’ I will never get over that.’’ You giggled a little.
‘’What I said was true and Sir I would love your blessing to date your daughter.’’
‘’You don’t need his blessing to date me, I love him but it’s my love life.’’ You said reassuring him
‘’I know my love, but let me at least try to kiss your dad’s ass.’’
It wasn’t quiet for long with you trying to hold in your laugh, your father trying not to send Peter to an early grave and Peter saying as quickly as possible.
‘’Heard it as soon as I said it , just leave it alone.’’
‘’Let’s leave this all alone and have you two stop whatever you’re doing.’’
‘’Sir, you know there is no other guy that can treat and protect your daughter better then me.’’
‘’Alright, one dinner. Where in you will show me how you will treat my daughter perfectly AND if I then give you my blessing I will not HEAR or SEE any things past a little kiss.’’
‘’Sir yes sir!’’ Peter said very happily since he can now finally show off his girlfriend to the people that matter to him.
You yourself felt very happy. You and your father actually have a great relationship and because of that he’s very protective of you. You felt bad having to lie about something important in your life or more someone.
‘’Thank you so much daddy!’’ You said as you hugged
‘’What are you thanking me for?” Peter said
‘’Forget the dinner. I would rather say captain popsicle is a mediocre man then ever see you two again in the same room. Breathing the same air.’’
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katesmemes · 3 months
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
"I don't think that blush is your shade."
"I'll probably just stay home."
"This is the first critical rager of the year."
"You know what your doctor said."
"You need socialization."
"Why don't you use my tanning bed?"
"You're in need, babe."
"I'm really sorry you got electrocuted."
"Are you hot for anyone?"
"[Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name]!"
"I don't know who that is."
"He doesn't play sports; he's cerebral."
"This party is gonna be clutch!"
"These things will turn your feet into hamburger helper."
"It's not haunted, just abandoned. Desecrated."
"Well, I heard [Name(s)] do witchcraft over there."
"I've never seen anybody there."
"I think it's really peaceful and quiet."
"I talk to him sometimes."
"I brought this for you."
"It's kinda morbid when I wear it so I wanted you to have it."
"That's really weird, [Name]."
"I just don't think anyone should be forgotten."
"Y'know, I wasn't gonna say anything, they were such a mess, but you look amazing now!"
"Oh my God, [Name], bag your face!"
"How do you know my name?"
"So what exactly happened to her?"
"I can never ever talk about it, for personal and legal reasons, and i also pinky swore, but I guess I can tell you. I trust you."
"I'd be screwed up if I were her, too."
"Hi, sorry, how do we know each other?"
"You're being so dramatic."
"This is not what I expected from you; you have so much potential."
"Lets find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?"
"I hate parties like this; I don't even know why I came."
"Your hair feels like easter grass."
"You know it's not nice to lead people on."
"I wish I was with you."
"It's okay; everyone does it."
"You should probably get going."
"Did you smash the mirror in the bathroom?"
"Do you know what happens to people who act out?"
"How about an apology?"
"I feel like I may want to apologize for what happened last night."
"Well, I'm glad you're okay."
"Oh, is there pizza left?"
"I think I'm gonna skip the movie."
"I'm just really tired from work."
"Do you know how hard that is on the groin muscles?"
"It doesn't even hurt anymore."
"Do you like this song?"
"We're better off up here in case anyone comes home."
"I haven't said this many words in a row in forever."
"I hate to say it, but you're either crazy, or just goddamned inconsiderate!"
"You're kind of absurd, aren't you?"
"I really don't get your fixation with that one."
"There are plenty of halfway-dece guys who would date you."
"I wanna help you, I really do, but I dunno how."
"It's a waste of time to try and fix a boy; it's better to just accept a guy's flaws."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"What happened to your neck?"
"You don't want to hold my hand?"
"This whole place gives me the creeps, okay?"
"I thought that was a really cool thing to say."
"Don't feel bad about what we did!"
"You saved me."
"Is that a rad new trend or something?"
"I don't play with dolls anymore."
"I'm sure there's some explanation."
"You know I'm usually pretty cool about things, right?"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"You have no idea how scary this is."
"I actually feel like something's wrong."
"People are so afraid of death because they dunno when it's gonna happen to them."
"I'm not afraid of death anymore."
"I don't wanna die a virgin."
"I want to do it with someone I truly love."
"You're so supportive."
"I love our conversations."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude."
"How about I drive since you're not feeling so good?"
"Your boobs look great by the way."
"This is just too freaking much."
"It's your fault we're screwed."
"You act like you're happy for me, and you care about me, but you're not really happy for me."
"You couldn't let me have this one thing?"
"You knew I liked him and you went after him on purpose!"
"I swear, I would never do that to you!"
"Guys usually only want me for one thing."
"It just was never gonna work out between us."
"I don't have feelings for you like that."
"Do you know how uncool that is?!"
"Uh, you're not making any sense."
"Thank you for being nice to me when no one else was."
"You're the type of person who usually bullies me or looks right through me, but you didn't."
"You actually went out of your way to try to tell people I was part of your family."
"You really actually wanted me to be your sister..."
"You're a great person, [Name]."
"Listen, we're running out of time."
"Make love to me."
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Stu w/ a hyperfemine reader
Stu Macher x reader
Author's Note: I'm trying a newwwww style <3 I think that having stuff like this being a mix of headcanons and scenes! mini fics and such. lemme know what you guys think and I hope you like it love! Thanks for being my guinea pig lol
Request: i’m hyperfixating on scream cuz 6 just came out and your list says you write for it so can i plz request stu macher x hyperfeminine!reader fluff like they’re kinda opposites attract type thing idk lol 😊😊
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Meeting Stu in the typically girly girl attire with that perky smile on your face was like sending him straight over the moon
He watched you, eyeing you up and down, curious and over telling
You weren’t even talking to him but it was like you were there for him. Or maybe he was just being obsessive. He was probably just being obsessive. 
Stu was the kind of guy who dated someone for fun, because he knew that it worked within a friend group or because of sheer popularity. It was usually never because he loved them. 
Though lets be fair. The first time he saw you he was not thinking about love. There was something so dear to him about your eyes lighting up as you cheeirly moved about the friend group
You seemed to be a friend of Sidney’s, which worked well in his favor. After things ended the summer before with Tatum Sidney had all but forgiven him for their little fling
Maybe, if Stu tried hard enough…Sidney could give him the number of her friend. You. He wants your number. He should probably ask Billy who could probably ask Stu. 
Lots going on in his brain <3 so much <3 
Him getting you alone for the first time is such a fun little time it’s so good
His smile widened as he approached you. Now that Sidney and Billy had left he could talk to you by himself, without her getting in the way. You were sitting on a fountain near the school, still smiling from the goodbyes you had given to your friend. He scooted closer to you. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before,” he said, nudging your side. You rolled your eyes. You knew of him. Sidney had told you plenty. Though his eyes were alluring and you were all too happy to oblige that look. 
“I think you have,” you promised. 
“I would’ve remembered.”
“I’ve been Sidney’s friend forever.” 
“Well I’ve been Billy’s friend forever. Not Sidney’s,” he explained. You narrowed your eyes at him, a smile on your face. He pointed at the skirt you were wearing, a fluff of pink at the bottom. “That’s pretty.” 
You noted that he said pretty. He didn’t say cute or girly. You smiled gratefully. 
“Thank you Stu. I like to flaunt my femininity.”
“I love flaunting femininity.”
Dating Stu is like…there’s always gonna be someone touching you. Even when you think he isn’t in the room BOOM there’s Stu and his hands on your sides
He loves everything about the hyperfemininity. He would play into it as much as you let him. He would buy you things you desired (while also being fully aware he’s being a bit of a dick when he points it out) 
He probably makes awful jokes about your femininity linking to your ‘natural woman desires’ 
He made one joke about cooking and cleaning and you hit him with your bag. 
He was very offended. He also didn’t really wanna mention it again (so he didn’t thank goodness) 
Sidney didn’t particularly like that you were together but she didn’t hate it either
She thought your energies matched rather well (she was unaware that Stu Macher could kill someone in cold blood)
But the high intensity of Stu always needed someone who could tame it or feed into it
He found that he adored your very natural brightness
“Hey Stu?” He had his hand on your thigh but he wasn’t paying attention to you until you spoke. 
“Yeah sweetheart?” You sat on your bed, watching some scary movie he had showed you. You had no quarrels with it but you weren’t truly watching it. He always seemed enthralled and you could usually flip through a magazine unbothered but still together, a quiet understanding. 
“Are you aware that you’re cuddling my little piggy?” He squinted, not sure what kind of joke you were making until he noticed he was cuddling your actual stuff pig. It was fluffy and large enough to be a pillow. 
He didn’t move away when he noticed. In fact, he pulled it closer to his chest with his arm that wasn’t on you. 
“Not your piggy anymore.”
“Stu!” You reached forward to grab it but he pulled away, now clutching it with boht hands. You giggled. You attempted to reach around him but with laughter he fought you off. You giggled together until you were laying on top of him, the pig between you. 
He made a pouty face at you. 
It usually caused the both of you to be the life of the party
Billy thinks it’s rather annoying. Double annoying for the plans that he has for Stu and him 
Whenever Stu was with you it was like it never mattered, what Billy had planned
Well he still wanted to kill someone
But that was beside the point. He wanted to hang out with you and live his life with you. He didn’t quite know what he would be without that. 
You caught glimpses of that sometimes, when his face drifted off or when a joke Billy made landed a little wrong
But he never made it seem too overt
He was always more willing to talk to you about other things. Compliment your outfits, exist within the constraints of your room or his
It was actually really sweet <3 
Always the boyfriend (even if he’s the boyfriend who always has a stupid reason to kill his gf i guess!)
“Sweetheart. You’re a sweetheart.” 
“Thanks Stu.”
“You are. You’re my sweetheart.” 
“Oh Stu.” 
He looked down at you, poking your nose, smiling brightly, eyes narrowed in adoration. 
“You look really good in pink.”
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their-little-writer · 1 month
“Let us adore you” Ouran High School Host club x little!reader headcannons
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- Caretakers: kyoya, Mori, Haruhi  
- Flip: Tamaki, Hikaru,  
- Regressor: Kaoru, honey, and you ofc <3 
- Kyoya has a bedtime for every little one there and he always makes sure (or try's his best) to get them in bed at a reasonable time 
- You get so spoiled while your there- like you saw a toy you want? Done. You want snackies? No need to ask sweetheart. You want a tiny space house? Don't worry sweetheart just tell them how you want it and you will get it done.  
- Mori is the best one when its time for bedtime. He will make you a bottle and make sure you have your blanky and stuffie as he rocks you carefully to sleep  
- Tamaki is so big brother coded- like one time you were playing tag outside and you got hurt. He instantly went and picked you up and carried you to a near by chair and put you down while he helped clean up the boo boo 
- The best storyteller there is Hikaru. He makes sure he uses fun books that he can make sounds and funny voices with. He also loves to make up his own stories, he loves adding things like dragons and superheroes (if you like them).  
- Haruhi is the one who always makes sure you get some veggies and fruit in you. They always try to include some with every meal you have. If your feelin fussy that day she makes sure to ask if something is wrong and ask why you dont wanna eat them, also usually ends up making a deal to where if you eat all your food you can get a little treat after. 
- Honey is always up to play! He loves playing tag, building blocks, and tea party's with his stuffies. He makes sure to have stuff you like such as cookies and the tea you like.  
- Kaoru and you together are troublemakers- he loves to pull pranks on the other ones around him so you and him are usually in time out if you do proceed with them.  
- Mori carries a tiny bag with him that has bottles/sipps, a change of clothes, dips (if you need them), pacis, teethers, a stuffie, coloring books, and snacks! 
- Tamaki loves to carry you- it makes him feel like a good big brother sibby. He also gives you a lot of piggy back rides! 
- If kyoya has to work on some papers that day he will hold you in his lap as he dose, he probably puts on some calming music and gets you a drawing pad or some coloring pages to work on beside him. 
- Haruhi is the one who helps you get ready in the morning. She helps you brush your teeth, help you with your hair, helps you get dressed, etc!  
- Kyoya  and mori call you little one 
- Haruhi calls you darling 
- Tamaki calls you bug and cubbie 
- Hikaru calls you his prince/princess, and kiddo  
- And honey/ Kaoru call you sibby  
- Honey loves to take you to the pool, he wears little floaties and pretend to save you from big bad dragons. He grabs a floatie to carry you to safety with. 
- Kaoru he holds you if you get scared (big brother coded-). Are you scared of the lighting and thunder outside? He will give you his headphones to cut out the sound (yes im stealing the idea but its so cute qwq) Are you scared to get a shot at the doctor? Dont worry big brother Kaoru is there to hold your hand! Is the movie your watching to scary? He turns to movie down and holds you telling you  that he isn't gonna let anything happen to you. 
- When you regress around them, they absolutely adore it. They love being there for you and taking care of you. So little one just remembers if you get lost or need to get extra love that day, just stop by music room 3 and i can assure you that you will be taken care of in the way you need <3
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
I just read your mcyts x musical theater reader and it was so sweet. I was wondering if you could do something similar but instead of the reader doing musical theater, they do movie/tv acting??? maybe with slimecicle, niki, foolish, and quackity?
I can try I can try 🙏🙏 ; I wanna formally apologize to anyone who's sent requests that I've never posted, sometimes the lack of ideas just hits me like a brick and I physically have no more ideas and can't post them lol ; also sorry if any of this is a little inaccurate, this is just what I know from bts videos and dead meat / kill counts lmao
MCYT ; actor reader
includes ; nihachu, quackity, foolish gamers & slimecicle
warnings ; language
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your biggest fan fr
she binges every single movie/show you've been in just for you
then afterward her tiktok fyp is filled with edits of your characters
her pinterest is filled with pics of your characters too lmao
she's got boards for all the diff characters and aesthetics and bts pics
you send her a picture of you hung by a harness and she's like "what kind of contraption are you in and why"
probably watches the movies/shows you're in on stream for first time reactions and commentary
if you have to wear a wig for a project you'll show her like a time-lapse of how the makeup dept puts it on and she's just like "how long does that take???" "an hour" "omg"
liking, reposting and commenting on any edits of you/your characters
actually so down bad /hj
yk damn well he's always asking "hey any new movies or shows ur gonna be in soon??" "not soon enough for u to watch rn lmao"
always makes jokes in reference to media you've been in
asks what other actors are like bts and if they're actually nice or if they have a JLO type ego
always wants to match Halloween costumes w your characters and their love interest/best duo type friend iykwim
hides the fact he reads fanfiction about you and your characters
owns every single piece of merchandise related to your characters
owns every piece of media you've been in on DVD, and has most of the original scores on cd/vinyl
constantly making references and jokes to movie/show deaths you've acted out / traumas your characters have endured
his tiktok fyp is FILLED with edits of you
every like three scrolls it's another edit that he likes, reposts and favorites
he rewatches edits 24/7
also dives into fandom culture a bit bc he wants to talk to people who like your career as much as he does
also the type to ask "is ___ a good person or are they secretly a bitch?" lmao
you spill all the juice
has an actual checklist of which movies/shows he's watched and how many times he has
the gossip about other actors bts goes crazy
he's probably the one to show up to set the most to give you food or motivation lol
"whatre you guys doing with all the blood?" *cue him looking to giant gallons of fake blood*
"I, ___ & ___ are dying today"
"Oh, fuck, cool. can I watch?"
matching Halloween costumes with your characters 💯💯💯
he's obsessed with seeing edits of you and reposting the ones he finds on Twitter
"Holy shit you guys are insane (make more right now)
w boyfriend
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harrywavycurly · 3 months
I’m selfishly asking for some Uncle Steve and Dot content please Sarah 😘😘😘
Hiii babes!! I friggin LOVE Steve and Dorothy’s relationship so I will happily give you some convos between them!💖
-find all things It Was Just One Night here✨
*for these Dotty is in middle school*
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“Hey there she is! My favorite niece!” “I’m your only niece…what are you wearing?” “Even if I had other nieces you’d still be my favorite…what you don’t like the new vest?” “Your old one had all the patches mom and I sewed on for you.” “Oh…I mean I still have them if you wanna add them to this one?” “Eh it doesn’t matter…so dad said you’re in charge of me until they get done with dinner and then…my mom told me to tell you if you make me work then you better pay me.” “When have I ever made you work when you come hang out with me at the store?” “Uh…last week? I stocked the candy for you while you talked to what’s her face on the phone for ten minutes.” “God you sound just like your mom when you say what’s her face…her name is Nancy by the way.” “Nancy? Isn’t she married?” “Yeah…so? What’s your point?” “Uncle Steve…” “it was a friendly chat okay? She called to see if we had a certain movie in stock that’s all….but uhm…don’t tell your mom please? She’s still weird about her.” “Okay but it’s gonna cost ya…” “red vines or Swedish fish?” “Red vines.” “Deal.”
“You did great out there!” “Thanks uncle Steve…did you watch the whole practice or just the end?” “Oh I was here for the whole thing…that little kick and jump thing you did was just…out of this world good.” “You don’t know anything about cheerleading do you?” “No…not really…” “dad said you dated a lot of them so you should know a thing or two.” “Your dad doesn’t know shi…anything…about who I’ve dated so don’t listen to him.” “I can show you a few new tumbles I learned last week if you want?” “Tumbles? Is that like when you…oh wow that’s impressive! Look at you go!” “What’d ya think? I really want to make the squad in high school.” “Oh you’re going to make the squad alright…probably even head cheerleader.” “Shut up you really think so?” “Yeah you’re great!” “Thanks…oh can we go to Benny’s on the way home? It’s half off cheese fry night.” “You and your mom with this sick obsession with cheese fries…” “is that a yes?” “Yes…it’s a yes.”
“Hello?” “Hey Uncle Steve.” “Hey my little polkadot what’s going on?” “I was calling to see if you could come pick me up from school?” “School? It’s like five in the evening what have you been doing since two thirty?” “Uhm…detention…” “do your parents know you were at detention?” “Yes they are just at work right now and I don’t feel like walking home and Granddaddy Wayne is taking his pre dinner nap.” “I’ll come get you if…you tell me what you got detention for?” “I may have accidentally hit someone in the face with my hand.” “Right…was this hand balled up into a fist?” “Possibly….” “Who’d you hit?” “Patrick Carver…he’s an asshole.” “Did you say Carver? As in his dad’s name is Jason?” “I don’t know his dad’s name all I know is mom said the whole family is bad news and that’s why she wasn’t that mad….” “But?” “But dad wasn’t happy and told me I’m grounded for two weeks and to keep my hands to myself.” “I hate to say this but I agree with your dad but also…the Carver family is full of asshole so…just next time don’t hit him on school property and it’ll be fine.” “That’s what mom said!” “Just sit tight and I’ll be there in a few minutes…you hungry?” “I could do with a snack yeah…” “we’ll grab some dinner on the way to drop you off at your mom’s work.” “Okay sounds good…thanks uncle Steve…I love you.” “I love you too Dot but do me a favor and stop getting so many detentions.” “You got it.”
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mvlders222 · 5 months
hii, could you write about Natalie scatorccio and a reader with anxiety problems?
I know it's a sensitive topic and I will understand if you don't want to write about this.
(sorry if I don't express myself well, English is not my native language)
a/n; hi!! thank you for the request. i hope i wrote this well and to your liking. reader's gender is female. i have a handful of people in my life with clinical anxiety, but i also did my research before diving into this topic. if the way i describe these feelings isn't accurate, please let me know so i can edit/rewrite this fic.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
pairing ; natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
wordcount ; 1.1k
summary ; nat invites you to one more party, and you typically never accept. she reasons that this would be the last one before your guys’ flight tomorrow for nationals. this however doesn’t seem to go as planned…
warnings ; anxiety, overthinking, sorta angst to fluff, alcohol, underage drinking, mention of smoking (let me know if there's any more!)
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You and Natalie had been dating for two months now. And you knew each other even earlier than that. But throughout your time knowing her, she had never not invited you to any event whether it be a smoke sesh or a bonfire.
And you had always turned her down. This wasn’t your way of rejecting her, but it wasn’t exactly your crowd. You could only conjure up the most ridiculous and almost impossible situations that would happen because you just showed up in a social setting.
Your guys’ first date in your backyard where you guys shared a pizza and your first kiss (probably not a good kiss with the pizza). The point was that it was in the privacy of your own home.
You know Nat would never force you to do anything you wouldn’t want to do. But considering how she felt going to these parties without you, you decided you finally show. So she came to your house minutes before the party to help you prepare.
There you stood in front of your mirror, Natalie behind you looking at your guys’ reflection. She had her hands on your shoulders and smiled at you through the mirror.
She was dressed in a leather jacket and worn in Doc Martins. She had a red pleated skirt and ripped fishnets and a plethora of rings adorned her fingers. She had smudged eyeliner around her eyes but it was meant to look like that.
You were simply wearing a long sleeve since it was chilled out. A pair of thrifted jeans that were your favorite pair, despite them already being worn.
“Are you ready?” She smiled at you and you nodded. She kissed your cheek and grabbed your hand to drag you out of your bedroom and your house.
It wasn’t a far walk, just further out into the woods so you both walked there, hand in hand.
“Have you ever been to one of these before?” Nat smirked. It wasn’t mean, it was a genuine question. “You just never wanna come with me when I offer.”
“Not really to any parties. I’ve been to the football games but I never have any fun there,” you shrugged. You were the type to stay in and enjoy a movie, rather than agree with people who speak in majority filler words. It was exhausting to try and find any way to talk to these people without absolutely crumbling.
“I thought it’d be nice though. Since we leave tomorrow,” you smiled. You looked at the dead leaves on the ground as the two of you walked together.
As you got closer and closer to the bonfire, you could see the light and hear a mix of chatter, laughter, and music. A heavy feeling started to settle in your stomach, but you tried to push it down because what would Nat think if you wanted to turn around?
When you started to catch up with people and run into the couples sucking faces, it was like a middle school dance. People were spread out across the woods, but no one was dancing to the music. All talking in their small groups, holding red solo cups full of something.
“I’m gonna go find a keg.” Natalie let your hand go and walked away from you, walking through different circles of people to find a buzz.
You tried following her, but her trail was too spontaneous. She would push people apart from each other, even when they were invested in a full-on conversation. She would split trees and walk through bushes.
So afraid of losing her, you weren’t paying attention to the others around you, mumbling different “sorry”s to several strangers. Maybe you had been paying too much attention to the people around you and that’s how you lost your girlfriend in the crowds.
You couldn’t ask anyone for help, they seemed to look at you like you snuck onto earth. Whether it was the anxiety or the plethora of circles you’d made searching for Natalie, your nausea was starting to set in.
Your stomach was tied in knots and you suddenly felt like you couldn’t move. Your breathing became shallow. The lights were too bright and the music was too loud, it was hard to even think in a setting like this.
An unexpected hand grasped at your shoulder and tugged you around. Trying not to fall over your own feet, you grabbed at anything physical in front of you.
Your eyes came into focus. “Natty!” You let out what felt like the last breath you’d ever take. You pulled her toward you in a great embrace. You felt a splash at your feet and arms wrap around you hesitantly.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” she apologized earnestly. You both pulled away slightly. “I completely forgot and I feel like a complete jerk-“
“You dropped your beer,” you interrupted her. Your monotone made her smile and laugh. It was something so simple that didn’t compare to the situation that was happening.
“I hadn’t even noticed.” She smiled and pecked the corner of your lips. She looked down at your hand and held it gently with her own, toying with the tips of your fingers. Looking back up to meet your eyes, her face became soft. “Do you wanna go?”
You took a deep breath and looked at her as if she had confused you for someone else. “No, it’s okay! But if you wanna stay. I’ll just go–”
She quickly shushed you and held your face in her hands. “Shh, baby… I love you more than some… party.” She giggled at the situation.
“Are you sure? Have you even talked to your friends yet?” All of your questions made her shut you up again, pressing her lips to yours, trying to get you to stop mumbling into your kiss.
She pulled away and gave you a knowing look. You just replied with a small smile on your lips. Natalie furrowed her brows as she licked her lips once over. “Is that cherry?”
“Yeah, it came in, like, a pack of four.” You giggled in response to her behavior.
“That gives us one more reason to leave,” She moved her hands to grab yours, pulling you away from the rest of the party. “We have to try all of them. If they’re as good as they taste, ya know.”
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mc-tummy-blur · 11 months
Do I dare make another post about Nimona yes I am going to because I just wanna talk about the usage of color because even though what I say will probably be obvious I'm gonna say it because i cant shut up I like how Ballister is the only knight wearing black while the others wear white it's a clear indicator of how he is the black sheep of the group and I like how Ambrosius is the only knight that has a ton of gold on his armor because he's a direct descendant of Gloreth and gold often being seen as something valuable really showcases how they view him as somebody who is just as valuable as gold and I like how The Director is covered in white giving this angelic appearance while also wearing a color that represents purity when she is anything but those two things and yet this is how she wants to be viewed as and I like how Nimona and Gloreth are wearing colors that are suppose to oppose each other that being red and blue which really gives that Romeo and Juilet vibe because they are two people that should not be together because it is wrong for them to be and they are enemies and yes I know Nimonas color is actually pink but it's still in the red family of colors so it still applies in a way and finally Nimonas color being pink I really like because it's a color often associated to girls but it's constantly stated that she is not a girl and is just Nimona so her wearing pink makes it feel like that she's showcasing to the world that she can still wear pink and not have it be strictly a girl defining color and overall i just love the colorkng of this movie its so pretty God I am tired I can't keep writing these things when I'm tired but once they've hit my brain I can't let it go I love this movie go watch it this is not a polite request this is the request of a man that is falling asleep while typing this I am at my limit
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liyawritesss · 11 months
ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ [ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-ᴍᴀɴ] ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: Spider-Verse!Miles Morales [Spider-Man]
Type: headcanons
Synopsis: general thoughts and headcanons for everyone's favorite afro-latino spiderman!
Warnings: some cursing but overall no warnings. KEEP IT CUTE AND PG-16 CUZ THIS IS STILL NEPHEW WE TALKIN BOUT HERE!!!
A/N: went to see atsv and i’m absolutely floored by that movie…it’s definitely giving me new material to write abt and a new hyperfixation so buckle up yall cuz the next few posts are gonna be all spiderman related!!
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @venusdraco @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22
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First off I wanna say this is my SON, and on everything i love i will throw hands over him, if anybody wanna try it prepare to be demolished cuz I will NOT spare you. This is a lil boy ion wanna see none of yall sniffin around him period. I will gladly held you find your mind if you wanna lose it today!!!
Okay, no that that spiel is over, we’ve got some headcanons to address about everyone's favorite afro-latino spiderman
He’s so precious. Idc if you know already I’m telling you again, he is the most precious thing in the world. He has a heart of gold and wears it on his sleeve, he’s always looking out for people and wants to see the best in everything and everyone. Which, while it is a good characteristic to have, can sometimes put him in tough situations, and sometimes it doesn’t end well.
He’s such a momma’s boy, but like the good momma’s boy where he adapts the things Rio teaches him and repays her by being a good filial son, even though he’s growing up and wanting to branch out. If he’s having emotional trouble, he’ll come to her to try and figure out how to express himself and understand how he’s feeling. On special occasions, or just when he notices her mood is off, Miles will conspire with his dad to do something small but special for his mom, like make breakfast or drop off flowers at her work. She’s always super appreciative of it too
Waking up for him is hell in the morning, because he is not a morning person at all. It’s worse if he went on patrol the night before (which, 9/10, he has) and he almost always sleeps through his alarm. He’s the type to have to have several alarms set to get up up, because otherwise he will sleep through the day
Similarly, Miles also finds it hard for him to sleep most nights. In the beginning of his career being Spiderman he would almost never go to sleep really. Even the trick of using nyquil or melatonin gummies didn’t work because his mind was always on one hundred, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Though as he meets friends he can confide in and grows older he learns how to manage that kind of stress, which makes it easier to sleep. Though the insomnia never truly leaves him unfortunately, and its something he has to take with him for the rest of his life
Despite his introverted self, and the fact that he tends to want to keep to himself more often than not, Miles is actually very easy to talk to and if given the time and patience, great at making friends. He’s awkward at first because he wants to measure his interactions based on the vibe of the person he’s talking to, but you will find a hardcore loyal and caring friend in Miles.
So emotionally aware that it almost hurts. He’ll be upset and know why he’s upset, but sometimes wishes he didn’t know because in some situations he may not think his emotions are valid. And because he’s such an intentional person and a hyper empath, everything he feels is multiplied by ten. So if you fuck him over, he’s probably more upset about it than you’ll ever be if you were upset at fucking him over, if that makes sense?
He’s a cuddle-bug and nothing will change my mind about it! He had hella teddy bears as a little boy and would get upset if Rio took them to be washed because he was afraid he wouldn’t see them again. For no reason in particular he’s slowly dissipated his teddy bear collection and now uses a very fluffy body pillow to hold on to as he sleeps. Sometimes if he’s sick or just very down in the dumps and Rio notices, she’ll climb into bed with him for a while and comfort him
A decent cook actually as well! He was always in the kitchen when his mom and his tia’s came over to cook so he knows how to throw down in the kitchen a lil bit. His favorite thing to make is tamales because while the process may be tedious, it allows him to unwind and clear his mind while focusing on the preparation of them.
Miles’ is the type that when he goes into the store he will always, without fail, buy a new notebook/sketchpad. He may not even need it, he may already have like ten new ones he has yet to break in, but he always likes to stay prepared for when his current one runs out. He also likes to alternate between them or dedicate certain notebooks to certain muses or drawing preferences
Will squeak out of surprise and say something in spanish if he’s startled or scared. And I’m talking like a girlish squeak and it's so cute but he’d be so embarrassed, cuz why did you have to sneak up on him like that? He was doing perfectly fine til you wanted to give him a heart attack.
On the topic of spanish, he isn’t that confident in it so he doesn’t really like to speak it if its not with his family, because he just knows he’s gonna fuck it up. So if he feels like there's pressure in a conversation where he knows he’s going to have to speak it at some point, he’ll try to back out before that happens
Miles gets so fascinated with things all the time. It happens mostly when he’s either strolling through the neighborhood or he’s on patrol. Definitely checks himself out in the glass of skyscrapers…then promptly remembers that there are people behind said glass that can see him and hurriedly swings off. And if a new pair of Jordans have been teased? Best believe he’s doing all the chores and buttering up his parents so that he can get them as soon as they drop
Speaking of Jordans; this boy is such a sneakerhead it’s insane. His dorm room AND his room at home are full of shoe boxes he has yet to style with some clothes. Keeps telling his parents “I’ma wear ‘em, I’ma wear ‘em!” but he never has the time to cuz he’s too preoccupied with being a good student and Spiderman to prioritize style over comfort (even tho he do still be fresh n clean)
He’s also the best bestie to have. Texts you tiktoks, checks in on you at seemingly always the right time. If you go to school together then you know you’re hanging out after classes. And if you need help in the sciences, Miles is the best tutor ever. And his family loves you, so birthdays, christmas and other holidays, if you’re not already celebrating with your folks, if you don’t fuck with them like that, or if you don’t have a real family, he’s inviting you over his place all the time so that you never have to feel alone.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I was hoping to request some soft moments with the Sinclair Brothers, Brahms, and Billy Lenz?
Thank you! Have a good day/night :3
Yall wtf I come back home and i got 4new requests??? I am famous or something THANK YOU ALL FOR REQUEST!!! Some of them are sus but ily all still💖💖 But this request is very cute!!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Fluffy times with slasher
Billy Lenz
He might be a weird creep but he also is a huge cuddlebug
Like everytime they wanna relax and watch movie or do something fun this guy will litteraly lay on them
My guy turns into tomato everytime s/o cups his cheeks, or holds his hands gently😳😳
Also if s/o is a gamer he will watch them play and be theirs number one fan (tbh whatever competitive hobby they got hes nr1 fan). Shit talking people with Billy>>
He moves a lot in his sleep, kicks too, and probably talks aswell. He is very active sleeper.
Also he is a night owl but he goes to bed with s/o so they can lie toghether. And he will stare qt them (litteraly just like in the movie btw)
Get him some headbands those hair are getting into his eyes
Bo Sinclair
Okay but he loves when they grab his arm when they are walking together. Or when s/o kisses him, he doenst care tbh everykiss from them is wonderful
His arm always lands on them during sleep, and he snores too
He loves borrowing his hoodies and shirts to them but he smokes so everything he wears smells like nikotine, and he too smells like it. So hopefully they dont mind it
If they are upset he gonna get so protective, like ?who hurt you? Why are you crying?? And a lot of touches too
Vincent Sinclair
Quality time with vincent inculdes: teaching them how to make wax figures, go on walk with a dog, braid eachother hair, and gossip. Yeah gossip i know this guy doenst look like it but he lives for drama. Talking shit about rude and disrespectful vitims is great
Hes increadeably patient! When he was teaching them how to use make stuff out of wax no matter how many tries s/o failed and how many tiems tjey said that their work looks ugly and well- bad he was like "nononono try again but like this *shows some epic wax strategy*"
His brothers are very happy that vincent is socialasing! He usually just hangs out with bo or lester, god he doesnt even interacts with his victims???
His hands are shaky
He sleeps like lil babi, he 100% does 'ah mimimimi ah mimimi' when asleep, also he is very nervous to hug them while in bed and when he wakes up to them hugging him, he will turn tomato
Brahms Heelshire
Guy has skin walker vibes. Like s/o gonna just vibe in bed trying to zzz and this guy will just stand in dark corridor, staring, with absolute darkness behind him. And it doesnt help that he is very skinny and has long long arms
He loves cooking together!! Helping in kitchen is such fun job! But he won't clean the dishes! he is disgusted by wet food
No pets in house!! He would be 100% jealous!! And he already has 50rats in walls I think that's enough animals for now
When he talks about stuff he enjoys he moves his hands alot!
He loves playing hide and seek! And scaring s/o when they don't see him😈😈
Asa Emory
Rich bitch
You calling him at 3am because you hungry and there's no food in fridge? Uhh yes honey lemmie just finish this victim of and-what? You want Chinese food this time? Hmm yeah that sounds tasty
He gonna spoil them!
Hes very animalistic tbh, but he is also a gentleman. He gonna ask for consent everytime he even gets near them "can I kiss you?/is it okay if I do that" ect ect
Sleeping with him is scary. Fr. He gonna just randomly disapear in middle of night and come back 9hours later. Or he gonna be missing for almost whole day and just comeback while s/o is eeping and just go to sleep like nothing happened
Also he purrs
Yall I got alot of requests now so I might do them slowly! If you requested anything lately dont worry I will write that I just need time!!
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