#probably the most optimal
sorurolis · 1 year
Some thoughts I have about FE: Engage
Some spoilers so beware
This post is most likely not going to be coherent because I can’t organize for the life of me.
First, I want to state that I do enjoy playing this game. It has it own charms, but to me FE: Engage is my least favorite title in the series.
Let’s start of with some of the things I like about this game.
1. Battling    I really like the inclusion of martial arts, and how they beat all the other colorless weapons. Framme has saved my ass multiple times. The engage system was really fun to play around, and I loves switching the rings around. I’ve only played on hard mode so far so I’m not sure how different it is on Lunatic.
2. Character Designs    I know the fandom made a huge buzz about them looking like Genshin characters, but they didn’t really look like Genshin characters to me. I grew to appreciate the designs more after an article I read about how they worked on the 3D models. Especially when they started to talk about how they made their eyes.
3. Maps   I really liked the environments. One of my favorites is where you fight Lynn after getting her ring. It’s really cool how you can talk to your crew after a battle and see the map a different way.
4. Adopting    I will adopt all the animals. Just wish I could actually pet them.
5. Leif     That is all.
That’s all the good things my brain bringing to the table right now, so moving on to what I considered the weak elements.
Things I wish I liked.
1. Story    One of the weakest stories. I wonder how many times the your mom dies before you actually get to know her will continue to happen. The “twist” of Alear being the child of Sombron was meh. The flow and pacing of the story felt like being on a train with no brakes or stops. I had not time to really enjoy the characters as I was getting new ones basically each chapter. Most don’t even show up in later one. It felt short as hell.
2. EXP/GOLD/THE GRIND    One of the worst implementations was the tower of trials. I know it’s great to upgrade engage weapons, but it takes way top much time to complete and the rewards are shit. Skirmishes appearing based on IRL time is my most hated enemy. FE:Engage has the class systems as always, but since it’s been hell to level anyone up I didn’t use it much at all. Don’t even get me started on getting gold. I was such a broke bitch the entire time. (It could be that I just suck at managing my units)
3. Supports     Understandably one of the weakest parts of the game. I think it was even an aspect that was brought up in an interview to not be as much of a focus this time around. Which in my opinion sucks, because it’s been a favorite part of FE:Games for me, and I’m not just talking about the romance. Supports have always been a way for me to connect and become attached to specific characters. However, these felt short as hell and didn’t really offer me much of info on who these characters are. (also why the hell was horse manure even added as a gift????) The absence of paired endings brings me unmeasurable sadness, and weird localization left me a bit confused. I even ended up translating some of the censored supports and I wish they had kept some of them. (The Anna and Jean Censorship was much appreciated.)
And this ends a small blurb of my feels for FE:Engage
P.S if anyone knows of how to grind without time skipping please let me know. It would help with my everlasting frustration of not being able to grind my fav units because I suck at EXP managing.
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flufflecat · 9 months
Got to stolen century in my relisten and started tearing up at work because of magnus carving the duck. Just me in the back room, crying over the dish sink for normal reasons.
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strayknight · 1 month
i still dont actually know how to play monster hunter. sometimes ill look up stuff about weapons and i will have no idea what anyone is saying. theyre all taking about armor skills and weapons arts and decorations. i dont know what any of that means but i like when hammer go smash
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everyone: you must think about every detail when multiclassing. you have to consider ability scores, proficiencies, what works together, skills, spells. it is a meticulous and careful process that you must put extreme thought and care into to be the most powerful class combination. you can't just choose classes willy-nilly with no reason. you will suffer and be extremely weak and die constantly. you must research and consider every single detai-
me: i chose these two classes to multiclass because i like them both and couldn't decide.
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autogeneity · 1 month
so the data science company that previously accidentally considered me for a software engineering role sent me a new challenge to complete for the data science role...
except the challenge they sent me last time also involved data science work
...and this one seems about a million times easier?
I am so nervous that I'm somehow doing it completely wrong because all I really did was fit a curve (quadratic) (simple regression) and then chucked the data in a graph and applied dijkstra. whereas last time I spent days looking at complicated statistical models?
I feel like this can't be right and yet. I can't see where I might be wrong. both my steps and my results make sense.
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martianbugsbunny · 9 months
I am going to continue believing that Kalluzeb will appear in the Ahsoka show together because I may look like a stupid clown bitch but it will take a better man than Dave Filoni to pry my sense of optimism and hope out of my cold dead hands
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aingeal98 · 1 year
I feel like whatever happens to Nat not just in the finale but even if she lives, for the whole show, is a good indicator of what Yellowjackets is trying to do and say as a story. Obviously we’ve got Shauna and Tai and the wilderness and who you have to be to survive and consuming the ones you love and how you cope with knowing there’s a darkness in you but with Nat it’s like. This girl has been suffering one way or another her whole life. She’s always fought to do the right thing and when pushed into extreme situations she sometimes fails because she’s only human, but she’s here and she’s alive. She tried to kill herself and failed. She tried to kill a fish and failed. Where are the writers interested in taking her character. What’s the ultimate narrative arc for her. Are they going to kill her off to show that some people simply can’t survive such intense trauma and awful choices? That the girls ultimately chose faith in the mystical over realism? Are they going to make her get worse, make it a tragedy about spirals and fighting against the current you know will win in the end? Is she going to get the chance to actually heal? Is she going to have to run from the others again, and if so what will that thematically represent?
I don’t have a solid point with any of this because “Character fates impact the narrative” is hardly a groundbreaking statement. Shauna’s arc demonstrates the shows themes. Taissa’s arc demonstrates the shows themes. But with Nat... idk I’m just rotating her in my mind and watching with fascination. I don’t know what direction the writers are going to take with her and that excites me. But by making her the heart/moral center of the team they set it up so that whatever happens has a significant impact to the show’s statement on morality as a whole, not just her character alone. We saw that last episode with Javi’s death, and her choice to let him die. I really feel like we’re going to see it again this finale.
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tennessoui · 8 months
hello kit! im a bit confused abt the kofi thing- if i subscribe for this month, unsubscribe for the next and then subscribe again for the 3rd month, can i still reread the ficlets of the 1st month? i can't really afford to subscribe every month
hello hello! So the ko-fi thing:
every month (maybe even twice a month, I know I’m gonna post another in October for instance), I’ll upload a picture (a screenshot of a color swatch from Google) and put in the description the summary of the au that this is a ficlet for + a Google doc link to that ficlet
the title is also going to be the au title and everyone who goes to my gallery on kofi can see the title, but the image and the description are hidden from everyone but current monthly subscribers (quick plug: it’s $4!)
so my understanding is if you unsubscribe, you would lose access to those descriptions of the uploads and thus lose access to the Google doc links.
BUT I don’t see anything wrong with saving the Google doc link on your end while you have access, either in a bookmark or in some sort of word doc bank of links idk. The Google doc is set to “anyone with the link can view”, which is a whole separate thing from the ko-fi settings, so if you keep the link, you’d be able to view anytime during the second month that you wouldn’t have a subscription.
AND if you chose to subscribe during the third month after cancelling your subscription for the second month, you’d then get access to all the ficlet links, months 1-3.
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unopenablebox · 9 months
even otherwise very likeable people spend too long in the bay area and start telling you that going to rationalist social events is okay
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Getting a bit too emotional at how the sskk joint fighting dynamics express both Atsushi and Akutagawa's growth as characters so sort of analysis under the cut
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I love the sskk joint fighting dynamics so much as displayed in both their fights against Goncharov and Fukuchi. Atsushi and Akutagawa in fight are just so perfectly balanced and harmonic; I love how the roles of action and support each of them assumes show a character growth that has been progressively building up from the start of the story.
Starting from Akutagawa holding a defensive, supporting role: Akutagawa, who would always impulsively throw himself into battle and slice up and slaughter without any thinking, always acting alone and on instinct, is now committed to enhance another person and has to follow the battle far from where the main action is taking place.
But there's more to that: Akutagawa's obsession with proving himself worthy, which translates in constantly intervening with striking, almost dramatic acts that have him shine for his power and abilities so that he can feel seen and noticed and finally get the approval he so desperately longs for is gone; his constant acting of his own accord to pursue his personal goals is now replaced in favor of a position where he's not the center of the spotlight anymore and instead, by permitting Atsushi to wear Rashomon, has Akutagawa empowering someone else who will get to defeat his opponent first hand and thus get the most immediate recognition for their victory. It's almost like for what is probably the first time in his life seeking approval isn't Akutagawa's main aim, a first step towards understanding that someone else's approval doesn't define him: he takes off the veil of insecurity that blinded him to finally see the world that surrounds him, prioritizing what really matters. He fights the opponent standing before him because he has his personal motivations to do so, and not just to prove himself to someone else.
And also!!!! The lone and ruthless dog for the first time ever putting his own ability at someone else's disposal, using it in an altruistic way like he has never done before. Akutagawa is using his ability for reasons that have nothing to do neither with his immediate self preservation nor to show off how powerful he is, and ends up fully dedicating himself to reinforce, help, protect and support someone else.
And there's even more layers? By giving Rashomon to someone else, Akutagawa is literally exposing himself as more vulnerable than he's ever been before. We see Akutagawa deliberately taking off all of his defenses for the sake of another person. And although this - and most of what has been said so far - was only done in order to reach the goal he shares with Atsushi to defeat their common enemy, a temporary truce if you may, the fact alone that Akutagawa out of all people willingly took off his walls and fully trusted and relied on another person to fight and win is remarkable, as well as truly indicative of how far he's come since the start of the manga. Not only he's quite serenely stepping aside from the battle, admitting someone is stronger and has more chances to win than him; he's actively relying on someone else to succeed. That's something pre-guild arc Akutagawa would have NEVER done, and I love the character development it demonstrates.
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Look at him in these panels!! I love how peaceful and unresentful he looks. I love how he's okay with Atsushi taking down the enemy himself. I love how the words describing how powerful Atsushi is don't sound bitter or envious the slightest. I love how it looks like Akutagawa is going the closest as he's physically able to complimenting Atsushi. All of this expresses calm, acceptance, respect for others and peace of mind that shows how incredibly much Akutagawa has matured since the start of the story.
Thinking about it (and it's definitely a stretch but we'll follow this line of thought a second for the sake of analysis), the closest we ever saw Akutagawa collaborating (?) with someone else to reach a goal was when he sent Kyouka to kill Atsushi in chapters 7-8. The striking contrast between that mission and the ones he carried through by working with Atsushi!!!!! In the former, we have Akutagawa making full use of his partner like they're nothing but a pawn, apathetically following the scene from afar. He's distant and detached, and doesn't hesitate to sacrifice them, for that's what he's always been used to. To put it in quite the mean way, the way Akutagawa used Kyouka feels like a poor attempt of emulation of Dazai's typical method of manipulating people to reach his goals, except Akutagawa definitely doesn't have the charisma and influence and wits Dazai can count on and thus miserably ends up failing to fulfill his own ends.
But it's exactly by comparing that joined operation with the sskk partnership that we can appreciate all the growth Akutagawa went through!! The fight against Goncharov depicts an Akutagawa who's now devoted to a complete (and not unilateral) collaboration, an Akutagawa that instead of using his partner is dedicated to protect them even when it means putting his own life at risk; an Akutagawa that contributes to build a successful and powerful team by fully trusting his partner and his abilities.
An equally interesting teamwork comparision can be made between the Fitzgerald and Goncharov sskk fights; the development of their fighting dynamics that took place between their fight against Fitzgerald and fight against Goncharov is just *chef kiss*.
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Getting so emotional at the growth visible by comparing these two specific couple of panels. The way hate and animosity is replaced by confidence and trust. How the impulse of pushing the other away is substituted by understanding and agreement. Believing in the strength born from their collaboration instead of being unapologetically repulsed by each other.
When fighting against Fitzgerald, they were coming at him one by one, basically fighting him individually at the same time. Not only that, they kept quarreling the entire time, continuously accusing each other of being an hindrance. They were powerful indeed and succeeded in taking Fitzgerald down; however, they were powerful on their own, and not powerful together. Comparing that fight with the one against Goncharov, the difference in their collaborations is groundbreaking! You now have them work together and in perfect unison. They don't hamper each other anymore, but have their abilities fuse in a most powerful combination. They don't quarrel, and instead instantly understand each other without even needing to talk out loud. Dead serious, they even finish each other's sentences- they basically read each other’s minds, or, even better, think exactly the same.
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The moment where Atsushi avoids touching the ground by jumping through Rashomon's tendrils is so impressive. The amount of chemistry necessary to have it so that Atsushi can land safely on Rashomon's extensions with no previous communication is unmeasurable. And the precisely guessing each time what step the other is going to make, the perfectly predicting each other's movements with flawless accuracy, just- wow!!!!
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That being said, it’s only fair to underline how their action in fight shows a growth for Atsushi as big as it was for Akutagawa. Isn't it beautiful how the shy and reserved guy who started out as skittish and insecure, willing and ready to flee from everyone and everything (including himself), is now prepared to fight on the front line, willing to put his own life at risk because he's found something worth fighting for? Isn't it beautiful how Atsushi, afraid, and timid, and conflict avoider, is now ready to step at the center of the spotlight and take the physical component of the fight on himself? Isn't it beautiful how he, haunted and terrorized by the white tiger, is now embracing his powers and using his enanched potential at its fullest? But most of all, isn't it just amazing how he's willing to fully expose himself to Akutagawa's mercy, completely trusting him, displaying how far they've come in understanding and trusting each other, showing how much their relationship has grown, and how much they have grown?
We probably get to witness one of the biggest moments of growth for Atsushi during the Fukuchi vs. sskk fight. So, here's the thing about Atsushi: he's extremely flawed. And it's not about those sugarcoated flaws they'll try to sell you like having an instinct to run away or being kind to a fault; he's quick to judgement, and biased; he struggles to trust other people and to believe people can change.
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Fukuchi clearly says it: Atsushi and Akutagawa failed to kill him because of Atsushi's - and Atsushi's only!! - lack of trust. They didn't win because Atsushi didn't believe in Akutagawa, didn't trust Akutagawa could protect him. They failed because of him.
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But here's where the best part kicks in!! Atsushi accepts the criticism and actually acts after it. He admits: “it's as he says”. He actually recognizes he made a mistake and takes the blame for what happened. But most importantly: he learns from his error!! He accepts the criticism and tries to do better!!! And next thing you know, he's throwing himself at Akutagawa, fully confiding in his support and protection, working in perfect unison of bodies and minds.
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And they do succeed! Together, they create a “perfect surprised attack”. And even though Fukuchi's Shintou Amenogozen will later intervene to reverse time or whatever, there was a moment where Atsushi and Akutagawa won over Fukuchi, where their union defeated him. And that's all thanks to Atsushi's ability to recognize his mistakes and decide to be better! It's just very powerful how Atsushi admitted his error and actively changed his behavior, it's not often that we see characters (especially male characters) act like this, be humble enough to recognize they were wrong.
So really!!! Atsushi and Akutagawa's fighting style is wonderful because of how perfect it is for their characters in ways not even them fully understand. They are the perfect fighting team not only because they perfectly cover and compensate for each other's weaknesses, but also because they're constantly pushing the other to grow and become a better person. And the fact that all this growth they experience is because of each other honestly warms my heart. The fact that they constantly push each other to grow and to always do better, do good, makes me cry.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#atsushi nakajima#ryūnosuke akutagawa#sskk#A two sentences post. That's all I wanted to make. All this post was supposed to say was:#“Just getting very emotional at how the sskk joint fighting dynamics express Akutagawa's growth as a character”#And then I end up like this#I want to let this post go but I just keep adding to it aksbskabskabsjakbs#There's just so many layers to this specific dynamic of theirs!!!#Honestly I don't seriously think it's intentionally that deep but it's fun to talk about ahah#The form probably isn't optimal but it's been a while since I made my last long fandom ramble I'm out of practice#bsd ch 08#bsd ch 35#bsd ch 53#bsd ch 86#bsd ch 87#bsd ch 84-88#bsd analysis#Writing analysis is fun (most of the time) and I used to do it all the time for my previous fandom-#but seriously how do you do that when you have adhd...#I'd write three sentences and then see something that catches my attention and next thing I know it's been one hour#Literally#Anyway discarded sentence I couldn't make fit in the end:#“In their cruel and chaotic world being together is the only thing that brings harmony and equilibrium”#Which. Aawwww. but also didn't want to make this exclusively romantic because I DO cherish and appreciate Atsushi and Akutagawa's-#platonic bond and I firmly believe they'd make a great team even if they weren't romantically involved.#mine#I first created this post on 20/03 at 01:23am and Ive been adding to this untill now as Im posting this lmao someone take words away from m#shin soukoku
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luckyemo · 5 months
i always forget naegi/togami is like... a popular ship i guess so theres ppl who think like Deeply about togami and i just wha
#just saw a post that was like 'is byakuya smart? absolutely' and i cant stop laughing and being like ?????????? what#bc 1. whos thinking about togami enough to be like Oh Yea Hes Smart 2. hes Not????????????/ he has like financial knowledge but how is that#a measure of intelligence esp in the context of danganronpa universe (+ esp in the context of like dr1 killing game)#like how do u finish the second chapter of dr1 being like Yes This Guy Is A Thinker HOW#and 3. really out of all the characters in dr who the fuck is thinking abt togami#-> and the answer is just idk basic main male character x 2nd most relevant male character shipping I GUESS#also the post this was in was criticizing the black+white view ppl have with 'smart' vs 'dumb' characters so no ill will there or anything#will queue it in a bit#just funny bc like I Do Not think abt togami much let alone think of him as the Smart One of anything#like tbh naegi is probably 'smarter' but i have a feeling his optimism makes him have like the stupid label between them w.e#(which in turn makes togami the smart one i guess?)#so yea just a moment of someone being like 'heres an issue in the fandom' and me being like 'mhm agree' but that example being like what#bc its something i dont really see/never seek out/not how i think of the character/dont interact w fanon for this character etc#lol anyways time to fill my queue up sorry it ran out on the weekend but i only like to reblog stuff when im at work lmao#time theft my beloved <3
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scionshtola · 1 year
after work today i begin wfr lockdown. but work hours are for corishtola and best friends cori&estinien
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lilirot · 7 months
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So, I redid my math on the nodes. And, you come up just short of getting the UR Devil Card by 6000~ points even with the extra tries from Ads. You'd need to use 15-16 D-Energy and 360-384 AP to make that up. Which if you're using the Flash AP sale you will get enough over the course of the event (3 a day) + extra. That said; You already don't get enough AP per day to get all the nodes (without the ad nodes) and definitely not enough to get all the cards w/o getting the cheat cards at least. I will say to be somewhat nice is that if you only get one copy of the SSR (and have no SSR Jokers) that'll probably make up the difference (assuming you're still getting all the nodes). However, if RNG isn't on your side it will at minimum cost 670 DP (or 30 tickets) to guarantee an event SSR.
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coldmail750 · 7 months
boy howdy is cities skylines 2 a big fat disappointment
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bluefuecoco · 1 year
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last day of Spring, year 1, of what I’m gonna try to make my (modded) perfection run...Got the gold pickaxe coming tomorrow, and have enough to build a coop so I can start summer off with some animals. All of my shit is actually organized (unheard of for me). Reached level 100 in the mines, so only 20 more levels to go. And have a silver axe, so I can work on cleaning up the farm and unlocking the secret woods.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
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