#problematic si
Fics for ships that don’t even exist
There is some semblance of timeline so:
This is the dynamic
The dynamic continues 
This is not how you flirt guys
We take no responsibility for our actions in this house
Too bad her wife isn’t dumb
He is actually nuts, at least in this au lmfao
She absolutely just drugged the kids
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brooks-skirata · 2 years
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Y son novios, y son novios
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megaclaudiolis · 4 months
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Sister Akiko 1 : 0 Michinaga (again)
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starlightandmagic · 1 year
You know, now that it’s all out in the open, Joe always seemed to me like… such a passive, indifferent-looking man. I couldn’t understand how THAT guy was inspiring lyrics like ‘magnetic force of a man’ like sis WHERE? I can’t see it
Makes me wonder now though… how bad was it that the absolute WORST option, most ✨problematic✨ man there is, is a better alternative for her??? This feels like watching a train wreck, the most horrible downgrade of the gateway car
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i finished her private life 😭 honestly ryan and duk-mi might be one of my favourite k-drama couples i've seen so far. they're definitely one of the healthiest imo despite their rocky start. the progression of their relationship is so satisfying and they're honestly so cute together in the eps we see them as a proper couple.
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birues · 9 months
17, 23, 39 for kallig?
Thank you sooo much Meredith <333
17- What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Oh, that depends on which Kallig they’re looking at. Apart from the fact that she had a mentor who was ex-intelligence, she is very multifaceted. She can make people realize whatever she wants them to realize whether with the mind tricks or simple espionage trade. Darth Imperius? Eerie but venerable at best. Embodiment of terror when she wants to be. She can play many roles easily when it suits her. Things are very similar when she quits the mask and sith armor. She is a mesiah after she "killed" the emperor. An authority figure as well. Her aura of command is what people notice rather than her physical appearance. And it's a difficult thing to let go of.
What does she notice when she looks at herself? Hmm. I think she is a bit disconnected with her body. It is foremost a tool to get her through things so she tends to use it as such (kyber infused Mirialan tattoos for empowerment, collicoid mutation, the mutation of the Mother, sith ghosts). It was a lesson she learned at Korriban and it did stick. It makes Theron very very concerned. She is at peace with her appearance- no, she is quite pleased with how she looks, actually. But she looks too much like her mother and it sometimes bother her.
27- What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Well, if she didn't erase anyone's memories... I think she would feel guilty of the people under her direct command if she erred in judgement. She is usually very considerate of the people under her wings powerbase. That is the primary reason why she amassed such an impressive force within the Empire after all that batshit insane sith lords. But things do slip sometimes and she is a person, no matter how capable. The people under her command wouldn't mind it, or may forget about it because most of them saw far too worse but she will. But she is quick to make amends.
39- Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
Oh no she is going. She will be wanted. She will make the entire event hers and make the people spin around her fingers. This is the person who started from Korriban and was well on her way to become an empress if not for Zakuul. Also she did show up in many many many parties uninvited since her times on Korriban. Sometimes just to cause problems. If someone says she has no place, she will carve herself a throne with their bones.
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avicebro · 11 months
I've never like actually seen a source for this but I'm curious, does fate actually say that MHX and MHXA are sisters
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Not to be political on main, but purity testing is actually the most annoying thing to come out of the last 5 years. It amazes me how so many morally intelligent folks completely fail to grasp the concept that people can be problematic and still likeable and contributive.
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noctomania · 2 years
There's a black dog that scratches my door
He's been growling my name
You better get to runnin.
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A Look @ Lint (A Cowtale Ship)
Lint (Combination of Illa and Flint)
If this is pre-sober Flint then we have the issue of neither wanting a relationship which is actually why it could possibly work. Essentially a relationship without the pressure of one because Illa won’t admit to shit and Flint doesn’t want shit when he isn’t sober. They have clear boundaries and are actually pretty good at maneuvering around each other. Illa’s an ex-addict and alcoholic so she can deal with Flints Flintness and Flint when he feels he needs to step in to handle Illas meltdowns. There could be mutual growth or they’ll tear each other apart. Post-sober Flint is more likely to succeed but also quicker to burn out. Flint is stable and knows what he wants, Illa never does because she is her and dumb. It’d depend a lot on how stubborn Flint is and how long he cares about waiting and willing to deal with her getting through it. A breakup in any version is likely to be unpleasant and both would say things neither would forgive the other for after. Best avoided. As friends they actually would actively not sleep together and tend to seem more like they can’t stand each other. Frenemies?
Random HCs
Flint likes to make up languages, he also understands Spanish. This irks Illa to no end. He has a habit of making up languages and convincing her they are real. Some are some aren’t. He finds it hilarious that he has her speaking French but also gibberish, and her thinking gibberish is also a real language. He refuses to tell her which are real and probably never will. 
Illa likes to wear clothes the color of Flints magic. He likes it but would rather tell her everything wrong with her outfit and that she is a simp instead. She’d like to strangle him and purposefully wears more and more ridiculous outfits.
Speaking of outfits. She steals his clothes. He steals hers except he is taller and now they don’t fit. It has become a war in which Flint is amused when she thinks she can fit in his pants and that her dress fits him better. 
Neither Illa nor Flint use their “original” names. Illa teases him relentlessly after being named after a font and paper and in retaliation he purposefully pronounces her name wrong all the damn time.
When Illa is being particularly difficult, Flint is very good at making bird calls and will use her fear/hatred of most birds to make her shut up. 
They are notorious for sleeping and sleeping in inappropriate places. 
Both are surprisingly protective of the other and neither has much sense of self preservation. It can make for the most interesting of arguments and situations. 
Flint likes to watch sunrises and Illa stays up with him, even if she tends to bitch about it later because she is grumpy when tired. But she is insistent and will pout if he doesn’t wake her for it. She absolutely takes pictures of his face when he watches it and he may or may not pretend not to notice. 
They are both spectacularly bad at relationships. A main reason they didn’t fail is only because when the other is being ridiculous they simply refuse to break up with the other. 
Flint sucks at cooking, intentional or not and thus he is banned from Illas kitchen. He is however, allowed to get her stuff from the top shelves. Something he never fails to gloat over. 
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psi-spectacular · 2 months
I swear to god if I get one more email about the psychonauts intern program I'm gonna lose it. I went to ONE college fair LEAVE ME ALONE
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🕸️localwitchypsyles Follow
Weekly reminder that the movie "Carrie" is super problematic and caused a psychic panic when it was released! It is not good psychic representation, and I'm tired of people posting about it like it is! Its very obviously anti-psychic and portrays us as evil!
🐰bunnyblues Follow
Weekly reminder that without movies like Carrie psychics wouldn't have a screen presence at all
🥩i-give-raw-steak-to-people Follow
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🐰bunnyblues Follow
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🪩milla-vodello Follow
While I took care of children in the past, Psychic summer camp is a different beast! Just recently, I turned my back on them for one minute, and when I turned back, they were smacking each other upside the head with cardboard tubes! I turned around and scolded them for harming each other. Then they started smacking each other with telekinesis, so I decided the tubes were better. Children... are weird.
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🥀photosbylizzie Follow
Photoset for @.sherlockcourse! Johnlock w beige theme! Hope u like it sis :)
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🧜‍♂️ripallpaul Follow
🔎sherlockcourse Follow
Yeah? What about it?
🧜‍♂️ripallpaul Follow
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❄️urfavecrystalgirlie Follow
Hayyyyy guys! I found this weird glowing crystal, I feel like it has a really strong aura, but it makes it a bit hard to focus when I'm around it. Its quartzlike and I found it on the side of the road, yellowish in tint. Does anyone know what this is? Help appreciated!
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🖥️interwebbist Follow
girl slenderman is near
🌀tptfan110 Follow
Okay, so, I get it, funny haha slenderman joke. but op, if this is still in your house,
That is psilirum, a radioactive, psycho-magnetic material. Its very similar to psitanium but has opposite effects. If you're psychic, it can weaken your psychic abilities, and cause hallucinations, paranoia, and delusions. It can also cause nearby electronics to fail, possibly creating fires and bricking your pc.
Though, its honestly strange that it would be found outside the rhombus of ruin. Its likely a smuggling operation of some kind or even artificial psilirium, report it to the authorities ASAP with the location you found them and keep them in some sort of container from now.
🐚xxlolabit Follow
Signal boosting!
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🟩sashanein-1fan Follow
🟩sashanein-1fan Follow
Anyone who voted the shark is STUPID!!!!!
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🦦samabambam Follow
If these bitchass beasts dont do their job
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lua-magic · 7 months
Sixth lord and your Karmic Debts.
Where ever in your chart, your sixth lord goes, there you have karmic debt, which you have carried from your past lives.
Hence, you have to serve there.
You usually can't expect anything from that House, as that house is one of the reason you are here on this Earth to finish your pending karmas.
Sixth House is of debt and diseases, and that is why, sixth house Lord Wherever it sits, you have to fight for that house.
Sixth lord in first house 🏠.
You have to fight battle for your body, you might be surrounded by lot of debt and diseases in your life
First house is personality and sixth house is of "service " . More you involve yourself in service, your personality will get better.
This placement also indicates you have lot debts from your past life, so don't be surprised when people around you, takes your money and never return it, or you don't get return on your investments or on money you spent, it is because, you are here to clear all your pending karmas.
You have fighting spirit, but use this spirit to serve others and not to fight with others.
You are extremely compititive person and can't take No or or handle failure and your own stubbornness becomes problematic to you
Sixth lord in second house 🏠
Hee, you have lot of pending karmas towards your own family, and you have to serve your family.
Your family might not appreciate you that much, not you get enough love and support back, but instead of fighting with them verbally as second house is also of words, be silent and work for them.
Sixth lord in third house.
You have karmic debt with your siblings and you have to serve them.
This is good placement as you will fight for your desires.
Sixth lord in fourth house 🏠
Fourth house is of mental peace, and sixth lord here, will disturb your peace of mind.
But, when you do sevice and charity, or provide mental support to someone in need you get peace.
Sixth lord in fifth house
Here, you have to use your knowledge to serve others.
You can't use your knowledge to benifit yourself, you have to use it, for betterment of people and society.
Sixth lord in sixth house 🏡
It is good, because you will fight with your debt and diseases.
Use this combination to help others, instead of fighting with them
Especially, when you have Ketu in sixth house, don't use your energy to fight with others instead of fighting for them.
Sixth lord in seventh House 🏡
It is little problematic combination if you are fighting with your partner.
But you can use this combination to fight for your partner and serve him/her . You have karmic debt towards your partner.
Don't make promises when you are happy and don't break relationship when you are sad.
Sixth lord in eight House.
You have karmic debt towards your in-laws and you have to serve them
You might face problems in your inheritance and you have to fight for your gains and Money.
You use knowledge of Astrology and occult to help others and use your occult knowledge as a tool to serve others.
Sixth lord in ninth House 🏠
You have karmic debt towards your father and teachers.
Don't take or borrow more money from your father or teacher instead serve them, and help them.
Sixth Lord in tenth house 🏠
You have Karmic debt when it comes to your work, si if you think your work doesn't pays you enough, then it is because, life is giving you chance to pay your debts
Take your work as a service and use it to help others..
Sixth lord in eleventh House 🏠
You have Karmic Debts towards your elder siblings and your social circle
So, don't be surprised if people come to you ask or take your help often, because only by helping others you can pay your Karmic debt.
Sixth lord in twelfth House 🏠
Twelfth house is of house of loss and sixth house is of house of eniemies, debt, and diseases. Native will loose his eniemies, and debt. It is a good placement.
Native does has problem with overthinking, problems in letting go and following his daily routine.
Native must learn to forgive his eniemies, and let them go, otherwise it will trouble him mentally and he will loose his sleep and peace.
Service to mankind is service to god.
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cursedvida · 4 months
I don't know if you are familiar with the mortal kombat games, specifically the newest one that came out: MK 1, where there's a couple consisting of a shapeshifter lizard (Syzoth) who gets together with a former demon (Ashrah) and it just gives me nomae vibes bc everytime someone brings up her evil past he shuts them down quickly lol
I'll die laughing if this is noa in the sequels 😭 like "So what if she did all that? The past is in the past 🙄"
I’m not into games in generals but i’m into Manhwas and there’s pretty normal yo finc ships of different dpecies so i normalized a lot these type of things lol
Let’s to be honest Mar is his problematic crush and he’s gonna justify everything about her i have no doubts lol
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y13evie · 1 year
hi i love love your writing!! would you write a smut for james wilson from house? maybe reader is working on house's team, or just works at the hospital. slight age gap also if that's okay!
ty for writing it if you choose it!! <33
clear your mind
omg i am SO sorry for the wait, my dear. i hope you enjoy!!
tags: age gap, smut, fuckin on da job
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the tension was consuming you. day and night, all you could think about was him. there have been countless nights where you touched yourself while creating fake scenarios of you two. but that’s irrelevant right now. you’re supposed to be helping your team figure out what may be wrong with your critical patient. house notices you aren’t concentrated.
“you. what’ve you got?”. he tilts his head at you. you know he was asking you on purpose, everything he did had reasoning. you think of something fast. and it’s obvious.
“jesus. who gave you a medical degree? get out and clear your head, you need it.”
god he was harsh. but he was right. you nodded at your colleagues as house shooed you out. you scolded yourself for not separating your work and home life. it wasn’t your fault though. james was so smart, so handsome, so much older. it’s like he was asking to be swooned over.
to clear your head you decided to hang out with your favorite nurse before getting back to work. she knew the feelings you had for james and supported your slightly problematic crush. she nursed in the oncology department, so you treaded the waters to her office very carefully. due to your lack of attention to your surroundings, you managed to walk right into the very man you’re avoiding.
“oh, hi. i actually needed to talk to you about something if you have a moment”. he looked at you with those eyes. everyone might call you crazy but you swear that coworkers don’t look at each other the way he looks at you.
“i’m busy. bye”. you nudged past him, something unusual as it’s normal for you to be so bubbly around him.
you barge into your friend's office and immediately throw yourself onto her beanbag.
“i’m a failure”. your muffled voice dripping with drama. she peeled her eyes off of her reports to you. it was quite a humorous sight, your face in the bean bag as you kick your feet like a toddler.
“what happened this time, sis.”. she walks over to you and sits criss cross applesauce, waiting for you to spill. you prop your head up on your hands and begin your story from the moment house kicked you out and basically called you an idiot.
the way she bit her lip in an effort to stifle her laughter tells you she’s not taking your sob story very seriously.
“it’s not funny!” you huffed. now you really looked like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
that did it for her. she began to laugh a little.
“it’s so funny. you’re a mess, babe! i need you to pick yourself up and go get your old man.”. you could tell she’s serious but can’t help but giggle at ‘old man’. that’s something she always nagged you about.
you got yourself back onto your feet and decided she was right. it was probably the only way you could get those silly thoughts out of your head. you thanked your friend for helping you out and marched out of her office. just as you were about to reach the department of diagnostic medicine, you heard a familiar voice.
“hey. we need to talk now.”. you turned around and faced him. all the bravery in your heart melted as soon as you came face to face with james wilson.
“uhm..sure? what about?” you questioned. there was what felt like an endless pit in your stomach, you almost wanted to order an MRI. he instructed you to follow him to his office, which of course, you obeyed.
when you arrived at his office he let you walk in first, being sure to lock the door once you both were in. you began to toy with the stitching of your white coat. he sits at the edge of his desk, waiting for you to look up.
“what’s going on?” he questions you this time. you paused for a moment, trying to decipher what he’s trying to say.
“the way you walked right past me today. what was that about?”. he pushes his question further, expecting an answer to your coldness.
your heart dropped once you understood what he meant. you looked at him with pleading eyes, scanning his face for how he’s feeling.
“i’ve had something on my mind. i’m really, really sorry. you’re the last person i want to ignore.”
“so you’re ignoring me?” you can tell he isn’t upset as a sly smile makes its way into his face. you roll your eyes as he beckons you to come a little closer.
“what’s on your mind?”. he knows how you feel. it’s painfully obvious. he just wants to hear you say it.
you claim it’s nothing and wave it off as stress, but he knows you’re lying. he knows you’re lying when you come even closer to him, positioning yourself right between his legs that are hanging off his desk. he knows you’re lying when you can’t help but stare at the way his pants are tightening around his crotch.
“you know how unprofessional this is, right? or do you just wanna feel me inside of you.”. you’re done with him teasing you. you shut him up by placing a soft kiss on lips, which then led to a makeout session that had his hands roaming your body. and you let him. the way you grind on him in desperation tells him everything he needs to know.
he allows you to face the desk, commanding you to take off your pants and lean over it. you do exactly as he says. james takes absolutely no time to plow into you. you were expecting him to be more gentle, but for some reason you were drunk on this feeling. the way his cock is hitting your most sensitive spots over, and over again is driving you mad.
“y’know how long i’ve wanted to do this? feel you around me just like this. i bet you wanted this too, huh.”. all you can do is pathetically nod your head and quietly sob into his desk. your cries did nothing but make him twitch inside of you, groans coming deep from within his throat.
you felt your back instinctively arch further as you feel your orgasm building up. just as you were about to come undone, he stopped. you gasp as he pulls out and just looks at you. you turn around and see him stroking his length. he gently grabs your face with his free hand and tilts it downwards. you knew what he wanted. and you wanted to make him feel good.
as you got down on your knees you made sure to replace his hand with your own, setting an absurdly slow pace. you swiped your thumb across the slit that was leaking beads of precum and placed your mouth onto his tip. you slowly bobbed up and down to get accustomed to his size, and then began to take him farther and farther. james gripped your hair tightly as a disorganized string of swears left his mouth.
“so good f’me baby, being such a good girl taking me like this”.
his praises encouraged you to work your mouth even faster. the way he whimpered and moaned out your name told you he was getting close. focusing on his tip while using your hand for the rest of his cock is what sent him over the edge. he thrusted into your mouth a few times to help ride out his high. you felt so proud of yourself for making such a mess of him.
james was overstimulated and tired, but he needed to make his girl feel good. he sat you back down onto his desk and instructed you to lean back. he was drooling at the sight of your pussy all open and wet for you. he wanted to go slow with you but god you looked so desperate. he got onto one of his knees and began ravaging you. your hands are kneading as his hair as he makes circles around your clit with his tongue. the sounds are lewd but neither of you care. he’s teasing your entrance with his curled fingers before plunging them into you. the feeling of him sucking your puffy clit with the sensation of hitting your sweet spot was so overwhelming. tears ran down your face as your orgasm comes crashing over you.
james allows you to calm yourself down before helping you put your outfit back in. he wishes he had the time to give you proper aftercare and praise you for how great you made him feel, but he can’t. instead he settles for leaving a mix of small and passionate kisses all over your face while murmuring sweet praises in between each breath. as you were reaching for the doorknob james asks you what you’ve been waiting to hear.
“hey, would you like to get dinner tonight?”
before “sneakily” exiting his office you throw him a thumbs up and sweet smile. god, you could get used to this.
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
Buck and Tommy aren’t together though, so it wouldn’t be cheating from both perspectives. If you’ve headcanoned them in a deep relationship it might, but in canon it wouldn’t be. I don’t see them having a conversation where they’re talking about being exclusive either tbh. Lou was signed for a 4 ep arc so his last ep is due any time now
I'll start with saying I was shipping buddie since 2021, but arrrrrrr how I hate some fans who thinks that buddie canon can justify anything
First, between coffee date and wedding I'm almost sure will happen at least some weeks, so Buck will have time to defying relationship with Tommy, at least asking about being exclusive (you don't ask people you don't want to be exclusive with to your sis wedding). Second, Buck wants something meaningful and it can't happen from him cheating on a guy HE CLEARLY LIKES, no matter how you tries to prove his not. Third, Eddie and Marisol are in serious relationships and from Eddie's side it can be REAL(as you don't see bucktommy as cheating THIS ONE IS CHEATING) cheating.
Also, Lou was FIRSTLY sight up for 4 episodes, before they made bi Buck and bucktommy arc, and Tim still works on last episodes, do you really think Tommy will end his arc in 7x6 when he is clearly pretty popular? Well, surprise he most likely will stay
Now, the problematic of people like you who screams about buddie being PERFECT couple and it's normal to them to cheat on their partners, who did nothing wrong to them and being supportive and gentle, no matter how long they are dating, should be examine. So just because they are your little pretty boys they can cheat now? They can just jump into each other arms without normal build up and no matter that it looks awful and they look like awful people? Be for real and grow up
I'm tired to be respectful to people like you. Next anon like that just will be blocked
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gardens-light · 1 year
Finding Peace
Taking shelter in an abandoned petrol station, tension builds between you and your family. As blame and arguments raise- not like you didn't feel guilty enough already. You didn't ask for this- any of this! You just wanted to help Optimus. And it's not like the Autobot leader didn't have problems of his own. Being hunted down by humans for reasons yet unknown was bad enough- but ignoring the yearning of his Spark has slowly become problematic. Occasionally shaking his helm attempting to get you out of his processors, trying to convince himself that a 'Sparkmate' was nothing but a romancide idea that the younger bots came up with. Or is it?...
Content: Minor coarse language. Event's take part in Transformers- Age of Extinction. (Leading to major spoilers in Part 4.) Optimus x Human F/Reader. Fluff. (Reader insert.)
Sparkmate Series- Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
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"Well... on the bright side." Tessa's voice lowly spoke, while sitting upon a dusty bar. Playing with some fairy lights. "You two have finally met.."
"Where's he from?"
"I told you. He's a driver from Texas."
"Texas?" Cade scoffed at Tessa's words. "Where? Dublin, Texas? Shamrock, Texas? So why does he sound like a leprechaun?"
Shane's brows knitted together, as he leaned against the bar. "You'd get your ass kicked in Ireland for saying that."
"Well we're not in Ireland, Lucky Charms. We're in Texas." Cade's attention turned back onto Tessa. "So he drives? What's that supposed to mean? Like he drives for a living?"
"Yeah... at least he makes a living."
Tessa's words caused Cade to fall silent. His eyes flickering up to you, frowning as you tried to avoid him.
"How old are you?" Cade challenged, approaching Shane.
"And my daughter is seventeen. So as far as I'm concerned, this can go two ways." Cade leaned on the other side of the bar, glaring at Shane. "One, I punch you in the mouth right here, right now. And you call the police on me."
"Or two. I just call the cops on you because this is illegal. She's a minor!"
Steady... Steady... your thoughts wandered, while trying to focus on making a 'house of cards' out of beer coasters.
"We're protected by the 'Romeo and Juliet laws'-"
"We dated for a little while." Tessa explained, cutting Shane off. "I was a sophomore, and he was a senior. It's fine."
"We've got a pre-existing juvenile foundational relationship. Statute 2705-3." Shane took out his wallet, showing Cade the small card stating the law. "We're above board."
Cade sighed, "Romeo and Juliet, huh? Do you know how they ended up?"
Just... one more coaster...
"In love-"
"Dead." Cade turned to you. "And you, Y/N?"
An unamused expression fell across your features as the coasters came tumbling down.
"Don't look at me like that, young lady. How long have you known about this?"
Cade rubbed his temples as you silently responded with a small shrug. "Well tell me. Days? Weeks?-"
"Months...? And you didn't think that I would of wanted to know about this?-"
"Dad. Tessa is a full grown ass adult." You groaned. "She's capable of learning from a mistake or two."
"I trusted you. Both of you-"
"To what?" Tessa butted in. "Never have fun. Take a risk. Be a normal teenager like you?"
"I am your father, okay!" Cade firmly spoke, turning his attention onto Tessa. "And I've been busting my ass to take care of you and your sister!-"
"Oh so is that why I'm busting a gut trying to juggle two jobs?" You scoffed. "And here I thought, I'm the one who took care of this family."
"Is that what you were doing when you continued working on that damn truck?" Tessa spoke to you. A frown forming upon her lips, "all you had to do was report it.-"
"You know I couldn't do that-"
"And now we're forced into hiding. And my life is over! So 'thank you', Sis. You've taken 'real good' care us-"
"None of this would of happened! If you just kept your fucking mouth shut!-"
"Don't talk to your sister like that!" Cade stepped in.
"Sure Dad. Take her side... you always do."
"Look! I get it!" you raised onto your feet. "I know I'm 'the disappointment', 'the let down'-"
"Sweetie, I've never said that-"
Your eyes wandered over your dad's disappointed expression. "You didn't had to..."
Sitting upon the petrol stations' roof, the gentle breeze of the cool night air felt refreshing against your skin. Soft chirping of crickets eased your headache, your eyes gazing out into the dark empty road. The sound of small grunts and sighs caught your attention, briefly gazing over your shoulder. Rolling your eyes, once seeing Tessa struggling to climb the ladder with a mug in hand.
"What do you want?" you sighed, turning your attention back onto the road ahead.
"I thought- ouch!- that you could do with a hot drink."
The sound of the metal roofing warping and creaking, under Tessa's feet suddenly felt loud. As she approached you, taking a sit upon the roof's edge, leaving a small gap between you.
"I made your favourite." She kindly spoke, handing you the hot beverage. "I couldn't make it exactly to your liking, but it's the thought that counts. Right?"
Her weak smile faded as you remained silent. Speechlessly accepting the mug from her and holding it in your hands.
"You're not a disappointment." Tessa spoke after a brief hesitation. "For if it wasn't for you, we would of lost our home ages ago."
Tessa bit her lip before continuing, "I... did tell a friend about the truck. B-But I honestly didn't think he would believe me! If I knew- I wouldn't of..."
Your side glance caused her voice to trail off into silence.
"Well... what I'm trying to say... is that I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
Sipping the hot beverage, feeling the gentle warmth fill you inside. Tessa followed your gaze, a small smile returning to her lips.
"You're worried about him. Aren't you?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yes." Tessa teased. "Like a lovesick girl."
You returned her smile, playfully pushing her away. "Oh shut up. You're talking nonsense, I'm just concerned about him. That's all."
"Uh-huh?" Tessa raised an eyebrow. Seeing a glimpse of you trying to hide a shy smile behind the mug.
"So... What's Dad doing?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
"Playing with some drone that he stole from the one of the guys. Dad's convinced that they would of truly killed us."
Tessa's heart sank as she watched you pull your legs close to your chest, hugging your knees a little while resting your mug against them.
"B-But that's just Dad's crazy thought." Tessa's guilt weighed on her heart a little more. Starting to wish she never said anything.
"Everything would of been fine, if only I watched what I was saying." You buried your head, resting your forehead against your knees and hiding your face. "I-If I didn't panic..."
"Shhh. Shhh." Tessa cooed, closing the gap between you. Placing her arm around your shoulders and resting her head against yours. "It's not your fault. You have a big heart, Y/N. Never be ashamed of that."
She gently pulled away, cupping your tearstained face and making you face her. "You are a rare treasure, and that Transformer better know that."
Finally smiling through your tears, Tessa rested her forehead against yours. The sound of a horn blaring in the distance broke the silence, while bright headlights burned the darkness away. You quickly raised onto your feet, causing Tessa to catch the falling mug while the hot beverage spilled onto the ground below.
You placed both hands against your chest, while gazing at the oncoming truck. Feeling it flutter with joy, as the sound of a faminular engine came to your ears.
Tessa rose onto her feet, giving you one last soft glance before leaving. A knowing smile forming upon her lips. You've got it bad...
Optimus carefully reduced his speed, as he walked out of his altmode. Trying to slow the pulsing rhythm of his spark as he approached you. Being mindful of each step he took, so it didn't appear like he was in a rush to be beside you again.
"Optimus..." your voice was low. Trying to hide the excitement within your tone.
"My deepest sympathies for your home." His soothing tone washed away the doubt and worries, that had been building up inside you. "And for leaving you so promptly. But I had to confirm we weren't followed."
You speechlessly nodded, trying to hold a relaxed expression as your eyes took in the sight of him.
Oh my...
Rust and dirt no longer coated his exterior, instead deep blue metal plates framed his chrome fisque, like pieces of armour. Your heart skipping a beat as your eyes wandered over him, taking in every detail of his broad shoulders and strong biceps.
Red flames danced across the gauntlets, but it was his torso you couldn't look away from. Your cheeks matched the warmth of Optimus' spark, as you gazed at his chest plate. Hands clutching onto your shirt, stopping the urge to reach out and run your fingertips over his toned form. Knowing that your touch wouldn't just stopped at that chromed waist of his.
"Loving the upgrade." Forcing the words out of your mouth, after swallowing your nerves.
Optimus got down on one knee, as you edged a little closer to the side of the roof. His blue optics studied you for a moment.
"You've been crying..."
Something inside him ached a little, as you temporarily turned away from him.
"It's nothing." You assured, brushing the dried tears off your cheeks. "I've just been... a little worried that's all."
"And I admittedly have been concerned about you."
That little sentence erupted butterflies in your stomach. Simply gazing up at him with wondering eyes.
How the stars sparkled in your eyes almost caused Optimus to choke on his own breath. Warmth begun to build beneath his metal plates, as his yearning spark called out for you.
His head tilted slightly as his scanners picked up something. Your body froze as he slightly hesitated before reaching out to you. Optimus' servo curled into a relaxed fist, your eyes peering down at it as he gently placed the knuckle of his index digit under your chin. While his thumb rested against your cheek.
His spark skipped a beat as a loving sigh slipped out of your mouth. Enjoying the cool touch of his metal against your soft skin.
Optimus carefully turned your head from side to side, studying your features. His scanners picking up the bruise that begun to form upon the bridge of your nose.
"That bastard hurt you." The small underlying anger within his tone caught you off guard. "I promise... I'll make him pay for what he's done to you."
"Optimus." You cooed, placing your hand on the back of his servo. Bringing it to the side of your face, resting your head against his digits.
His fans tried to push the warm air out of Optimus' vents, as the heat beneath his plates begun to build. His spark aching with a yearn he could no longer deny.
Closer... The word played on his processors. Causing him to fully kneel against the concrete ground, leaning in a little more.
Your loving eyes met the soft glow of his optics, as his servo slowly trailed down towards your waist. His thumb tracing the curves of your thighs, hips and waist.
The butterflies in your stomach tangled your nerves, your heart fluttering against your chest as a small gasp slipped from your lips. Eyes lingering over his features before closing, as you rested a hand against his chest plate.
As your heart matched the beat of Optimus' spark, syncing in harmony. A beautiful glow enveloped the pair of you, creating a warmth that made you almost forget about the world, as your lips ghosted over one another.
"Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back!" an unknown mechanical voice caused you to quickly jump away from Optimus. "I knew you'd make it! I never doubted."
Crosshairs... Optimus' processors sighed. Trying to hide his disappointed expression as the leader faced his joyful Autobots. The sound of their roaring engines calming, before stepping out of their altmodes.
"We've got your warning." Drift greeted, "we've been waiting."
"Hell yeah! Boom time!" Hound cheered. "We've got the gang back together."
Drift tilted his head to the side, as his blue optics switched between you and Optimus. Smiling to himself as his processors picked up, the afterglow that slowly faded from the pair of you.
Optimus cleared his throat before speaking, "Autobots. The humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well... those rules have just changed."
"Humans, bunch of backstabbing weasels." Hound groaned, causing the ground to shake as he disarmed. Throwing heavy weaponries onto the floor.
"Hound, find your inner compass. Loyalty is nothing but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation."
Hound raised a brow at Drift's wise tone, "what the hell are you saying?"
The blue Autobot smiled, "it's a haiku-"
"Cut the crap! Before I drop a grenade down your throat."
You backed away from the edge of the roof, as Drift unsheathed his swords. "Try it" he challenged, "you'll be dead."
"Oh please do it." Hound taunted. "I wanna see you do it."
"You know what?" Bumblebee's radio buzzed, "it save us so much time."
Optimus gave you an unimpressed expression, as you gazed up at him, raising an eyebrow. A small chuckle left you as he speechlessly gestured to his Autobots. As to say, 'look what I have to put up with.'
"Well raise your hand, if you're thoroughly disenchanted with our little 'Earth vacation.'" Crosshairs spoke, while circling the petrol station. His green optics studying you, "so who's the spy?"
"Whoa! Whoa! Put those things away!" you yelped as Hound and Crosshairs immediately withdraw their guns, and pointing them at you.
"Stop, Hound! Both of you!" Optimus commanded, stepping in front of the building.
Both Autobots gave their leader a puzzled expression, as he continued. "Y/N, risked her life for mine. We owe her..."
Drift gave Bumblebee a playful nudge, discreetly pointing at you and Optimus. While Hound and Crosshairs briefly looked at one another, and turning their attention back onto their leader. Watching him stepping aside, and silently encouraging you to return to the roof's edge.
"Has there been... any sign of the others?" Optimus asked.
"No..." Hound sighed, withdrawing his weapon and settling himself upon the ground. "We're all that's left."
"They're picking us off, one by one!" Crosshairs explained.
"We're the pathetic, dirty foursome." Hound joked, "and you make five."
"Is this our best-case scenario?" Shane's teasing voice questioned you. Your eyes gazed at him, watching the Irishman climb onto the roof. "Autobot witness protection?"
"Hey Lucky Charms." you spoke, placing a hand upon your hips. "You're welcome to leave at anytime."
"Well, for the record, Super Sister. I'm not hiding with you." Shane gestured towards Optimus, "I'm hiding out with that big guy."
Tessa and Cade followed Shane's lead, as the three of them approached your side. All looking at the Autobots and they chatted among themselves.
"Sensei, with your fate unknown Bumblebee has held command." Drift's optics gazed at the yellow scout.
Bee fist bumped the air, while Drift rolled his optics. "Despite his complete and total lack of anything resembling warrior discipline."
An annoyed whirl weeze out of Bumblebee, as his optics narrowed on his comrade.
"He's like a child-"
"This 'child' is about to kick your ass!" Bee's radio buzzed. Landing the first hit against Drift's helm.
"Cage fight." Hound whispered to you, slightly leaning against the petrol stations' roof.
"What's the matter with them?" Tessa lowly asked, reaching out for your hand.
"They're on edge." You briefly explained, allowing her hand to slip into yours. "Who could blame them? They're being hunted."
"Am I the only one who sees through this puppy-dog act of yours?" Drift taunted Bee, while holding him in a headlock. "It's beneath you."
"Yes, I've been waiting for them all to dispatch each other." Crosshairs cheered. His servos gently clapping, "so I could take charge with no trouble at all. Just me. Reporting to me."
"Well, it sure looks like you've been missed." You said to Optimus.
"Autobots, humans are hunting us down. We need to know why."
"Listen..." Cade spoke, stepping towards Optimus. "I don't know why, but I might have an idea about who..."
"This drone I stole recorded footage of an Autobot raid." Cade explained.
You placed an affectionate hand upon Optimus' knee, as he sat cross-legged upon the floor. His servo clenching into a fist, as the dragonfly-like drone projected the video footage.
"It's in pieces, but watch what happens here." Cade pointed out, "they ripping them apart."
"That's Leadfoot." Hound spoke, as he placed a part of his helm over his spark. Feeling the saddened energy sink within his chest plates. "Savages."
"And later, this truck comes to haul him off to K.S.I. Kinetic Solutions." Cade continued. "They're creating defenses, aerospace, government contracts. They designed this drone."
"So these government guys are hunting you down, and then passing you of to this K.S.I?" Shane questioned.
"Do you know anything else?" Optimus asked.
"Only that their company headquarters is in Chicago." Cade spoke.
Perhaps... There's a chance of the Autobots being taken there. You thought.
"No way to get inside without a battle." Hound thought out loud.
"What if you had some human help?" everyone looked at you.
"Sweetie, no." Cade protested. "Besides, what are you two partners now?"
"Dad, we're targets now too." You spoke, feeling his worried stare on you. "We need to know why, or we'll never get our lives back."
"Y/N. You have done more than any of us could've asked for." Optimus kindly spoke. "I do not-"
"I'm coming." You gently argued. Seeing Tessa's encouraging smile from the corner of your eye.
"It's going to be dangerous." Drift warned, as he lend towards you.
The blue Autobot stiffed as you placed a comforting hand upon his knee. Giving him a warm smile, "you're important Optimus. Therefore, you're important to me.
A suttle warmth radiated from underneath Drift's metal plates.
"Autobots." Optimus spoke, as he raised onto his feet. "I have sworn to never kill humans."
"Big mistake." Hound mumbled
"But when I find out who's behind this. He's going to die..."
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