#prof. birch
howlingday · 1 year
The shenanigans continue.
Random Pokémon Professor: What do you mean there’s been sightings of not only a Hoopa, a Entei, AND Palkia itself now your telling there’s sightings of a Mew?! Where are they even going?!
Meanwhile at the arc household
Jaune currently petting a sleeping mew: why do I feel like I’ve just greatly upset someone?
"Oh, yes, we've been keeping an eye on him." Professor Ozpin said as he nodded to the fellow Pokémon Professors on screen.
"And you didn't think it was important to tell us?!" Professor Birch shouted. "Think of all the research we could-"
"No." Professor Ozpin pushed up on his glasses. "He is a child, and he will continue to live as a child."
"Professor Ozpin, I'm sure even you can see the scientific gold mine you have living freely in your kingdom." Professor Elm offered.
"Indeed, but I'm not interested in advancing our research when the region is still at war."
"Ah, yes, right." Professor Rowan nodded. "Your Grimm problem. And you're sure there's nothing our Elite Four or Champions can do to hasten your victory?"
"Yes, I am. This is a battle won decisively, not swiftly." Professor Ozpin drank from his mug.
"But a war is best won when all regions agree that the problem has reached too far." Professor Sarada said before coughing. "If you'll just allow us to-"
"No." He set his mug down. "The offer is appreciated, but unnecessary. Remnant will not allow the Grimm infection to spread to the other regions."
Before all the other professors could shout their opinions on the matter, the entire group was silenced and set to mute. With a tap of his mic, only one was able to voice his opinion.
"We understand your thoughts on this task, especially with how arduous and daunting it may seem. We will continue to hope for the best in your battles, but should you need our aid, we will not hesitate to assist. After all, your contribution may not be in the name of science, but it is in the name human- and Pokémon-kind everywhere. Oh, and, er, Faunus-kind, too. We wish you the best of luck, Oz."
Professor Ozpin smiled as he was permitted to speak once more. "Thank you, Sammy."
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rudeboimonster · 1 year
hey. hey. pokemon oc haver
or just oc haver. I have a prompt for you. imagine your oc in pokemon masters >:3
If your OC was in Pokemon Masters, tell me:
who their pokemon partner would be
what role they would be (strike/support/tech/field/sprint)
what tags they would have (ill grab the list in a sec - normally 1 for region or town they're from, 1 for type specialty, 2-3 for characteristics/character traits)
what could their trainer lodge partner be (aka, second partner pokemon)
what would their summer outfit, halloween outfit, new years, valentines, or other event outfit be like? :)
are there any trainers they have special voice lines with when they are added to a team/win a battle when theyre on a team with a specific trainer?
Explanation of roles: (copy pasted from bulbapedia)
Strike sync pairs, which are focused on attacking. Support sync pairs, which are focused on defending, healing HP, and increasing stats of the whole team. Tech sync pairs, which are focused on disrupting the opponents, such as lowering their stats and inflicting status conditions. Sprint sync pairs, which are focused on attacking fast and reducing the sync move countdown. Field sync pairs, which are focused on setting up field effects.
tags (real term was themed skills whoops): https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Theme_skill
IE here's it filled out for Aste!
-Main: H. Typhlosion (tech, burn & flinch causer) Sinnoh, Ghost tech, Masked, Researcher -Lodge: Trubbish/Garbodor (evolvable, shiny) (tech, poison & flinch causer) Unova, Poison tech, Masked, Researcher --Summer: Jangmo-o/Kommo-o (evolvable) (support, stat raiser) -- tbh i have some ideas brewing for their summer outfit but i'll say this: their mask is replaced with a snorkel. ... oh i have to think up a fun replacement for their cane omg (im going to draw this later) Unova, Dragon support, Nature Lover --Halloween: Porygon Z (sprint, trick room?) -- ball jointed doll esque frankenstein. Cane is decorated either like a giant bolt or maybe a lantern holder? Unova, Normal sprint, Supernatural Would have voicelines with: Ingo, Emmet, Irida, Allister, Akari & Rei, [lots of friends' ocs] (I have some of the voice lines figured out but anxious to share them bc. anxious about sharing Aste in general)
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azurezfiction · 30 days
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bellamyroselia · 2 years
Damn, parents in Pokemon really peaked in Gen 3, didn't they?
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pokemonfrommemory · 9 months
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cutekittenlady · 1 year
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hi, it's fang! i got cookies of many kinds! the paint job looks great too!
also are you aware that your doorbell is programmed to play the EVERYBODY from the backroute boys' song?
Hell yeah cookies to go with the sus milk that may or may not arrive in the mail!
Also yeah, the original doorbell was possessed and just screamed when you hit it so I hit up the internet for a used one and I don't really know how to reprogram it. But I gotta be honest, it's kinda grown on me. Also it gets the Duskull really pumped up. Speaking of which, let's start showing them how the whoopie cushions work; I've been trying to teach them to spray paint but they have trouble squeezing the little nozzle so they just keep throwing them through the air so like. Be ready to duck.
Oh btw the fridge is hooked up and stocked! Help yourself to anything in there. You can claim one of the rooms if you want; we don't have enough members to start worrying about bunk beds yet lol.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Kohaku is firmly against the "flygon should be/ is a bug type" theory.
Kiran actually thinks the theory had some plausibility
Beryl thinks the whole thing is stupid.
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scpwiki-official · 4 months
just saw a pt display name that made us audible say "he is not that"
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efverse · 28 days
Prof marshtomp loosely inspired by prof birch but instead of getting attacked by a zigzagoon he got attacked by the pokemon who would later become his wife
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hoy35 · 2 months
Theories surrounding how the mushrooms in Anura are not the creation of Heket
In my comic series Fairy ring, I mentioned that the Menticide Mushrooms are not the creation of Heket, and the main storyline is associated to this setting. Although you could look at it as a feature in an alternative universe, I do believe that this may be how things unravel in the official game... (It may be disproven. After all, it's just a non-canon theory.)
Prof 1: The Serpent's Tablet
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The Serpent is a key character that only appeared in the DLC in the form of "offering the truth to the Lamb". They are mentioned to be the greatest fanatics in the BGM and the comment of the Five Bishops, they worship and defend the Great Ones, which refers to the Gods who created the world in COTL, and tries to unearth their past.
In their fifth tablet, the Serpent documented that they discovered a place with a Godly skull, with small mushrooms that have spots like eyes around it.
(Shamura made their debut in the seventh tablet.)
This could be referring to Sozo's place in the realm of Anura, where there is a giant skull.
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In the background, there are birch trees with red eyes.
This shape seems like the "all seeing eye", but there is one alteration: the line representing the eye crosses the lower eyelid by a great length. My friend adds that "this makes the eye resemble the shape of a mushroom".
(P.S. There are also different symbols of eyes in Kallamar and Leshy's realms, I also have theories surrounding them, but let's not get into it in this article.)
Although this shape is scattered across Anura, it seems that Heket may be trying to suppress it. Unlike Leshy, who directly mentioned that the chaotic flowers in his realm are not his creations, Heket did not mention whether she appears earlier or later than Menticide Mushrooms. But... since it already appeared by the time the Serpent is still alive, Heket probably should not be credited for the creation of these mushrooms.
Prof 2: backgrounds during the crusade
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I don't know if the background assets would appear randomly and there are actually more backgrounds for one type of map, but let's assume that there are only one type of background for each type of room background.
In this case, there are actually changes in Anura for regular background and purged version. Last time I checked, Anchordeep seems to be the same in both forms. Darkwood may have changed a little. Please allow me to make further testing before reaching a final conclusion.
So, the first thing we see is the candles lit on small, white tree trunks. This may be Heket's attempt to suppress birch trees, which would be infested with mushrooms in the background.
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If the trunks grow further, it would show signs of the same red eye-shapes. Furthermore, there are no complete birch trees in the game foreground. They are all chopped or suppressed.
Someone has to put the candles there. I don't think regular followers would dare to touch their beloved leaders' creations. Therefore, it may be the order of Heket towards diciples and followers to do so.
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There is also a mushroom in the background with frog eggs atop. Other mushrooms do not have the same shape of red lines on it. The shape looks like an eye sewed together...
Next, let's look at one room that has changed in regular and purged versions ——the giant frog skull room.
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First, let me ask you, have you seen giant spider, squid, or worm skulls in her siblings' realms? The answer is no, right? (There are giant skulls of other species, though)
Even if there are skulls or corpses of the same species of the Bishops, they are usually in simpler form.
But these giant frog skulls have exactly four eyes, something not even Heket's followers or disciples have.
It's as if the game is hinting at her demise, and Heket may be using these followers to predict how much time she had left due to the infection.
In addition, in the background, the purged version had visibly more birch trees and visibly more mushrooms grown out of these trees.(You may zoom-in to see the pictures above)
Due to her absence, no one is still suppressing the Great One. Therefore, the trees and mushrooms begin to grow wild.
The initial room for the crusade and the sacrificial room also changed. There are dense birch tree forest in the background in purged version of Anura. I forgot to take pictures, though. *cries
Prof 3: Heket's "tatoos"
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The red eyes happened to grow around her wound, where it's assumed to be the weakest. Therefore, it would be more like an infection than fashion choice.
In addition, making tatoos around her wounds would be linked to painism. It's probably too painful.
The eye patterns also disappear when she is in purged form. Maybe the God no longer feels the need to infest and pester her because she is no longer in charge?
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In purged form, the mushroom surrounding her statue also dies.
Also, her follower form seems to have healed from the infection. Or it may just be the creators being lazy and not adding details.
Prof 4: Heket never mentioned associations to Menticide Mushrooms in her conversations. The game let SOZO tell the lamb about it instead.
In addition, Heket got mad when the lamb handed her mushrooms after the indoctrination. Although we usually interpret it as her getting angry because lamb is being pitiful to her, it might also be that she hates these mushrooms? Maybe that still makes sense?
The game seems keen on making little word-plays. Like how Forneus mentioned "how can you say no to a God". Before the DLC, we just assumed that she ment Narinder. But eventually Shamura confessed that they were the one who took away the kittens. So the "God" was actually referring to them.
This may be the same for Heket's case?
I believe that prior to Narinder's betrayal, Heket was doing a good job suppressing the God under the instruction of Shamura. But … due to her injusry, she slowly faded and by the time Lamb appears, Anura is in such a worse state. Also, despite Kallamar and Leshy are also suppressing Gods in their realm, the madness in Anura does not mean that Heket is weak or anything. This God is the most active one, and has begun to be active long before Shamura was even born. It might be the hardest chore for the siblings, and healthy Heket was handling it just fine. So... bad kitty!!! Bad!!
Also, if this theory were to be true, then Narinder would be doing her a favor by killing her prior to her death from the fungus infection. Good job, kitty!
Ok that concludes my theory. If you have anything to prove or disprove it, feel free to tell me!!!
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ask-mirage-mews · 1 year
Dear Prof. Birch,
I hope this letter finds you well. I have some wonderful news! The Mew and Mewtwo pair that have been staying with me finally had their litter! The mittens(what the pair has decided to refer to them as) currently seem to be doing well. There was a bit of a scare with Mitten #1 as they’re possibly a premature baby, but they appear to be doing well aside from some physical weakness. The Mew mother has let me know they’re eating well and making regular efforts to play with their littermates.
Now onto the curiosities when it comes to the mittens… It appears that Mitten #1 lacks the traditional Mewtwo hind paw structure as well as the second neck. Now I know all of us lack proper knowledge of Mews and Mewtwos due to lack of specimens but after observing the similarities between Fuji and the Mewtwo father I feel there is at least some species consistency that Mitten #1 lacks. Aside from those oddities they appear similar in body structure and coloration, even inheriting their father’s stripes though with some different placements.
Mitten #2 and #3 take more after their Mew mother in body structure, yet Mitten #2 has the hind paw structure of their father, and Mitten #3 has a second neck with slightly longer ears. Mitten #2 has a short coat with teal like coloration that possibly stems from the mother’s bloodline while Mitten #3 has a long coat similar to the mother’s and the pink coloration Fuji reported their donor had. Both also inherited their father’s stripes but have considerably fewer than both the father and Mitten #1.
Due to these differences from the standards we have observed there’s a possibility these three are a different form of Mew and Mewtwo. A base evolution, perhaps? Obviously it’s too early to have any clear answers or even hints at any theories. I extended the offer to the parents to bring them to the mainland so you could check them. They were understandably hesitant so that may not happen unless necessary. In the meantime, I’ve taken to calling Mitten #1 a Demitwo, and Mittens #2 and #3 Demimew. I could classify them as Mews and Mewtwo but that seems a bit off to me.
If possible could you send a copy of this letter to Prof. Elm and Prof. Rowan? I’m sure they would be interested in this as well considering it falls into their fields of study. I’ll be sure to document their growth in case any of you want any more information, with the parents’ consent of course.
Warm regards,
Joyce Joy
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elirium · 5 months
Pokespe Timeline
Made a quick detailed timeline about all Events from Pokespe which can be dated up until (chronologically) the oras arc and a birthday chart with everyone. This is very long so everything under the cut
I'm not well read on anything after that so i will just put my very rough guesses for the rest beneath at the bottom.
Keep in mind there is never any year stated for anything (i mean except if i missed something) but given that this works out very well with the game releases im gonna stick to that. Otherwise all years references could be shifted up or down potentially. The timespan between all things and the month and day dates should defintly be correct.
italic means i dont have definite prove for anything but good evidence based on game canon or something else. Im gonna explain these things also beneath. Anything other i have to say also in the footnotes. This means i have footnotes but they are not timeline related just other things i want to say. Somethings i just say in (here) behind it, you will see. i also will stop writing peoples birthdays after they stop appearing.
Around 1850 - Ho-Oh reawakens Entei, Raikou and Suicune
1950 - Prof. Oaks Birth[1][2]
1.8.1958 - Giovannis Birth Option 1.
1966 - Prof Birch Birth [10]
1.8.1968 - Giovannis Birth Option 2. [3]
1973 - Oak becomes Champion
1976 - Steven Stones Birth [4]
1978 - Lances Birth
Between June 1979 and December 1980 - Karens Birth
Between June 1982 and December 1983 - Wills Birth [11]
1.6.1985 - Greens (f) Birth 💚
8.8.1985 - Reds Birth [5] ❤️
22.11.1985 - Blue Oaks Birth💙
3.3.1988 - Yellows Birth💛
24.12.1988 - Silvers Birth🤍
30.4.1989 - Kris' Birth💎
21.7.1989 - Golds Birth🪙
1.7.1990 - Rubys Birth❤️
20.9.1990 - Saphires Birth💙
Sometime around ~1990/1991 - Blue goes to Johto[6]
31.5.1991 - Emeralds Birth💚
6.11.1992 - X' Birth (probably)
Sometime between June 1991 and December 1991 - Green & Silvers kidnapping.
2.2.1993 - Yvonnes Birth (probably)
Sometime 1996 - Salamance attack on the Climate Reseach Center
1.6.1996 - Greens 11th Birthday💚
8.8.1996 - Reds 11th Birthday❤️
22.11.1996 - Blues 11th Birthday💙
1996 or 1997 - Beginn of the RGB Arc. (Depending on how long you think RGB lasts)❤️💚💙 (Look at Add. 3 for some math on this)
3.3.1997 - Yellows 9th Birthday💛
1.6.1997 - Greens 12th Birthday💚
Sometime between 21.7.1997 and 8.8.1997 - End of the RGB Arc. [7] ❤️💚💙
8.8.1997 - Reds 12th Birthday❤️
22.11.1997 - Blues 12th Birthday💙
3.3.1998 - Yellows 10th Birthday💛
1.6.1998 - Greens 13th Birthday💚
8.8.1998 - Reds 13th Birthday❤️
22.11.1998 - Blues 13th Birthday💙
3.3.1999 - Yellows 11th Birthday💛
30.4.1999 - Kris' 10th Birthday💎
Sometime in 1999 - Yellow Arc [8]💛
1.6.1999 - Greens 14th Birthday💚
21.7.1999 - Golds 10th Birthday🪙
8.8.1999 - Reds 14th Birthday❤️
22.11.1999 - Blues 14th Birthday💙
24.12.1999 - Silvers 11th Birthday🤍
Sometime in 2000 - GSC Arc starts🪙🤍💎
3.3.2000 - Yellows 12th Birthday💛
30.4.2000 - Kris' 11th Birthday💎
1.5.2000 - Earliest Possible date for Volume 12💎
31.5.2000 - Latest possible date for the beginn of the GSC Arc🪙🤍💎 [12]
1.6.2000 - Greens 15th Birthday💚
2.7.2000 - Rubys 10th Birthday❤️
21.7.2000 - Golds 11th Birthday🪙
22.7.2000 - Earliest possible date for the end of GSC.🪙🤍💎
Around August 2000 - Latest possible date for the end of GSC.🪙🤍💎 [13]
8.8.2000 - Reds 15th Birthday❤️
20.9.2000 - Saphires 10th Birthday💙
22.11.2000 - Blues 15th Birthday💙
24.12.2000 - Silvers 12th Birthday🤍
3.3.2001 - Yellows 13th Birthday💛
30.4.2001 - Kris' 12th Birthday💎
1.6.2001 - Greens 16th Birthday💚
2.7.2001 - Rubys 11th Birthday❤️
2.7.2001 - start of RS Arc❤️💙
The entirety of RS can actually be dated exactly but im not gonna do that
21.7.2001 - Golds 12th Birthday🪙 (between Chapters 199 and 200)
8.8.2001 - Reds 16th Birthday❤️ (right between volumes 18 and 19 if someone is curious)
20.9.2001 - Saphires 11th Birthday💙
20.9.2001 - end of RS❤️💙
22.11.2001 - Blues 16th Birthday💙
24.11.2001 - Silvers 13th Birthday🤍
January or February 2002 - FRLG Arc❤️💚
3.3.2002 - Yellows 14th Birthday[8]💛
30.4.2002 - Kris' 13th Birthday💎
31.5.2002 - Emeralds 11th Birthday💚
1.6.2002 - Greens 17th Birthday💚... Technically
1.7.2002 - start of the Emerald Arc💚
2.7.2002 - Rubys 12th Birthday❤️
2.7.2002 - end of the Emerald Arc💚
21.7.2002 - Golds 13th Birthday🪙
July 2002 - Silver brings Giovanni to that abondoned house or whatever
8.8.2002 - Reds 17th Birthday❤️
20.9.2002 - Saphires 12th Birthday💙
October 2002 - Blue gifts Silver his Rhyperion
22.11.2002 - Blues 17th Birthday💙
24.12.2002 - Silvers 14th Birthday🤍
Nothing noteworthy happens in 2003 and there are to many birthdays to list them all so
Kris and Gold turn 14
Silver turns 15
Ruby and Saphire turn 13
Emerald turns 12
RGB turn 18
I guess the only noteworthy thing on 2003 is that this is assumingly the first time they have a league with a winner since 1997.
Between January and April 2004 - HGSS Arc🪙🤍
30.4.2004 - Kris' 15th Birthday💎
31.5.2004 - Emeralds 13th Birthday💚
1.6.2004 - Greens 19th Birthday💚
21.7.2004 - Golds 15th Birthday🪙
2.7.2004 Rubys 14th Birthday❤️
8.8.2004 Reds 19th Birthday❤️
20.09.2004 - Saphires 14th Birthday💙
6.11.2004 - X' 12th Birthday (Probably)
22.11.2004 - Blues 19th Birthday💙
24.12.2004 - Silvers 16th Birthday🤍
30.4.2005 - Kris' 16th Birthday💎
31.5.2005 - Emeralds 14th Birthday💚
Sometimes 2005 - XY Arc
2.2.2005 - Yvonnes 12th Birthday (Probably)
1.6.2005 - Greens 20th Birthday💚
21.7.2005 - Golds 16th Birthday🪙
2.7.2005 Rubys 15th Birthday❤️
8.8.2005 Reds 20th Birthday❤️
20.9.2005 - Saphires 15th Birthday💙
Sometime between September 2005 and May 2006 - ORAS Arc❤️💙[14]
6.11.2005 - X' 13th Birthday (Probably)
22.11.2005 - Blues 20th Birthday💙
24.12.2005 - Silvers 17th Birthday🤍
My rough guesses for everything after, but as i said i am not well read on that so i might have made mistakes:
2009 DPPT
2011 BW
2013 B2W2
2015 SM
2019 SWSH
[1] - Age taken from Game Canon
[2] - As you will see later it is very unlikely from the ages that Oak is Daisys grandfather actually, but given thats also true in games canon, we gotta live with that.
[3] - super technically he could also be born in 48 or 38 or 28… you see how this goes
[4] - Age taken from Game Canon
[5] - I didnt write down all the Pokemon Leagues in this, but i think its fun to note that there was (if they never changed the shedule) held a league in the summer Red was born.
[6] - Basing this mostly on the fact that Oak implied in Chapter 39 that Blue was already in Johto when Green was kidnapped. I guess that line could be interpreted some other way as well.
[7] - If you assume a) the league is held every year around the same time (for the 21.7 date) and b) use Reds age from RS as Canon (for the 8.8. date))
[8] - Going exclusively by vibes. I would put it in between Yellows Birtday and Greens. Also like that one magazine idk says green is still 13 in this. I sometimes ignore that if its possible that people have their birthday within the time of the Arc, but thats the best i have for the Yellow Arc. -> between March and June
[9] - Technically it says in FRLG that Yellow is already 14, but Emerald Arc Says FRLG Arc was 6 Months ago and i think. March would not count at that anymore. But i guess you could do that however you want and put FRLG after Yellows Birthday.
[10] - Age taken from game canon.
[11] - I used to have a reasonong why he had to be born in late 1983, but i forgot what it was. will change it back when i remember again.
[12] - The guide says Green is in GSC 14, which does not work because the ending has to be after Golds Birthday and Greens Birthday is earlier. And even though Green only shows up within the last very few days of plot i jsut take that to mean that when the arc starts she would still be 14 even if she is not yet here physically.
[13] Similar reasoning as in [7].
[14] During XY it was implied that Ruby, Saphire and Emerald already got their mega stones, so assumingly XY and ORAS are rather close if not even potentially overlapping some... Setting both between September of 2005 and June of 2006.
Add. 1: X and Ys Birthday cant be said exactly because they only appear in the XY Arc and that one is not exactly enough dateable to say if they already had their birthday that year or not. So I just went with the 2 dates that are the most probably (as in build the biggest window of time for XY to take place with their ages correct.) Accordingly X could also be potentially be born a year later (== 6.11.1993) OR Y could be born a year earlier (== 2.2.1992). (Exclusive OR not both things similtanously)(hehehe you could say XOR)
Add. 2: Technically i know Golds age does not match always how it should be, but the official golds age do not match how time works anyway, so i ignored it. Only counted for gold in text age statements. I also had to use Golds age for a lot of things here, thus, things like the RGB Arc and the GSC Arc could end some weeks earlier if you choose to make him older.
(Valid options for making Gold older i guess are making him one year older (born in 1988), or two years older (born in 1987). These two + the option i went with give results conflicting with some other statements here, so do what you want.) (If you think Gold is born in 1988 then both the RGB and the GSC Arcs end between ~Mid May and Mid July. Again look at [7] + Kris Age stated in Volume 12)
Add. 3: The only time in RGB when every span of time was mentioned (beside everytime when we know a new day has started) is in chapter 12, when we hear that blue went missing 2 weeks ago. The last time we, the reader saw him, was in chapter 5. However that was back in Pewter City and he needed to get to Lavender Town in the timespan. The time blue took to travel between Pewter and Lavender will be shortened to t_B in the following.
So the time span between chapter 5 and chapter 12 is: t_B + 14d
If we assume the time passes on average between the chapters equally we get for the whole rgb arc: (t_B + 14d) * (40/7)
For a minimum value for the rgb arc if we set t_B to 0, it results in a littpe bit under 3 months, coincidentally matching the minimum time in my other way of thought.
To now estimate t_B i counted the days between these chapters in which Red was busy with plot points Blue was probably allowed to skip. I estimated at least 4 days for the Misty Plot, 1 day for Bill, 2 days for the Team Rocket plot, and 0 days for the snorlax plot. Which results in around 7 days.
Now, factoring in that red was still 14 days after blue in lavender town, red spend at least the ~7 other days traveling. While the math does not work exactly here of course, i just assume blues travel time was also around ~7 days at least. To fix the math problems i just assume 7 days is the average traveltime one would need from pewter to lavender.
Using this in the formula we result in a average length for the rgb arc of 4 months. Compare to the minumum timespan of a bit under 3 months, and the non existend maximum timespan. Also looking at hoe many assumptions and estimations we had to do here, additionally to the fact that neither Kusaka nor Mato probably thought much when they wrote that 2 weeks line. Honestly do whatever you want.
I did not fact check anything in here except Emeralds Birthday. I wrote most of this on the train on my way to uni, because i had nothing better to do and just what i remembered spontanous at that moment. I do think however that i am correct. I might have made math errors.
My before mentioned other way of thought, which also gave me a 3 months span, was comparing it to the length of the RS arc. This takes place for 80 days and implied that this is a fast time to travel the whole region and doing the gyms. While no one of the rgb Protagonists actually got all badges, i still would say it would have taken them longer than that. And it fits to my first math.
Now finally Birthdays:
1.1. Moon (probably 2004)
2.2. Yvonne (probably 1993)
3.3. Yellow (1988)
14.3. Casey (probably 2008 (using Game canon ages))
15.3. Lorelei
4.4. Dia (probably 1997)
30.4. Kris (1989)
4.5. Blake (probably 2001)
31.5. Emerald (1991)
1.6. Green (1985)
6.6. Perl (probably 1997)
2.7. Ruby (1990)
21.7. Gold (1989)
1.8. Giovanni (1958 or 1968)
8.8. Red (1985)
16.9. Whitely (probably 2000/2001)
31.8. Sun (probably 2004)
20.9. Saphire (1990)
5.10. White (probably 1996)
8.10. Black (probably 1996)
27.10. Platinum (probably 1996 or 1997)
6.11. X (probably 1992)
20.11. Blue (1985)
1.12. Henry (probably 2007 (using Game canon ages))
24.12. Silver (1988)
31.12. Bill
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saja-star · 2 months
i'm playing emerald for the first time and i have decided that i want to be steven when i grow up. everyone else in the game is like huh what's all this wow some pokemon are fighting???? then steven swoops in out of the sky like i know exactly what the fuck is up, and I have a team of awesome pokemon you've never seen before and also a cool rock collection btw. he's always flying because he has Places To Be. prof birch is sweet he's like "hey kid, you and my daughter should hang out! you guys have a lot in common :)" meanwhile steven's like "hey wanna meet god??" and the little teenager player character is just trailing after him with stars in their eyes.
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pkmnprideflags · 6 months
Everything We Know About the Protags' and Rivals' Families
Their mother is probably the Pokémom we know the least about. She only ever talks about worrying for her child, and doesn't seem to have any hobbies or anything noteworthy about her. I'm glad that the later games have started giving the moms more personality.
As for their dad, the only reference to him is in the Celadon Department Store. Upon looking at one of the TVs, the protag will say, "A sports game! Dad'll like that!" So we know that their father is a fan of sports, and has enough of a connection with their child for them to know that.
Blue Oak
Of course, he has a grandfather (er, what was his name again?), and that grandfather has a cousin named Samson who lives in Alola. He also has an older sister, Daisy, who has allegedly competed in Pokémon Contests in the past according to a Pokémon Journal in the Sevii Islands. This means she must have traveled to either Hoenn or Sinnoh at some point, probably during her childhood or adolescence. We know nothing about Blue & Daisy's parents.
Ethan/Kris/Lyra (as protag)
This Pokémom still doesn't have much going on outside of talking to other women in town and apparently enjoying cooking, but she does at least assist by managing her child's money. In retrospect, an eleven-year-old in real life probably should not be trusted with all that money, so good idea. Too bad she also seems irresponsible with money, buying things with her child's money without asking them. Sometimes those purchases are helpful, sometimes they're not. Either way, you should get permission first, ma'am.
As far as I can remember, their father is never mentioned.
Ethan/Lyra (as friend)
They live with their father in New Bark Town; as far as I know, their mother is never mentioned. Their grandparents are the Day Care Couple that lives south of Goldenrod City.
We all know by now that Silver's father is Giovanni. According to the Celebi event, father and son parted ways three years before GSC on Route 22, with Giovanni heading towards the Pokémon League and Silver heading back, presumably to Viridian. If we assume that he is the standard protag/rival age of 11, then he seperated from Giovanni at the age of eight. When he shows up in New Bark Town, he lowkey seems to be homeless. I'm not sure how an eight-year-old without Pokémon would have made it over to Johto alone. The most likely people to help him would be Team Rocket, but he's stubborn enough that he'd probably reject their help. Did he climb through or trek around Mt. Silver?
Despite the many fan theories, the identity of Silver's mother has never been discussed in the games.
May/Brendan (as protag)
A protagonist with two visible parents?! Impossible. But yes, Norman and his wife are still together. In Ruby and Sapphire, your mother specifically mentions that your family moved from Johto; curiously though, that dialogue was changed in Emerald to just say "another region." Later in B2W2's World Tournament, Norman specifically says he is from Olivine City.
The only references to their parents' lives before comes in ORAS, when the mother mentions that she and Norman watched the Litleonids the last time they occurred. Awwww.
May/Brendan (as rival)
They live with their parents, Professor and Mrs. Birch, in Littleroot Town. In Emerald only, they also have a younger brother. Prof. Birch seems to have a very close relationship with their child, though since they're often involved in fieldwork they may not get to see their mother much. Interestingly, Birch and Norman have supposedly been friends "since their school days." That means either Norman had gone to school in Hoenn before moving to Olivine, or Birch went to school in Johto.
We actually know a lot about Wally's family since it's part of the plot of RSE. He lives with his parents in Petalburg City, who are understandably protective of his health. He later moves to Verdanturf to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Wanda. Not much is known about them, other than that Wanda is romantically involved with a guy from Rustboro.
Lucas/Dawn (as protag)
They live in Twinleaf Town with their mother, the Contest star Johanna. She gets out of the house more, both for Contests and to observe her child's success in the Battle Zone.
There are two references to the player's father, and both occur in Platinum. Johanna says that her child reminds him of him and that the two of them "are so alike." Later when met at the Battle Frontier, Palmer will note that he was a friend and rival to their father, similar to how they are now with Barry. Notably, in a very early beta of Diamond & Pearl, the player's father was going to appear early in the game. I don't speak Japanese, but based on the screenshots I'm guessing he was going to be involved in the player's first Pokémon encounter.
Lucas/Dawn (as friend)
They live in Sandgem Town with their father, grandfather, and little sister. Their father works as an assistant to Professor Rowan; nothing about their mother is known. Their sister watches TV a lot, and therefore often hears about swarms occurring in Sinnoh.
He lives in Twinleaf Town with his mother, while his father Palmer works at the Sinnoh Battle Frontier. Both parents seem to care for their son, but I honestly can't remember them ever talking to or about each other, so I don't know what their relationship status is.
The Pokémom of Nuvema Town is said to have been a Trainer herself when she was younger. However, now she mostly stays at home, only departing to give the player the running shoes. In B2W2 she behaves similarly to Red's mother, saying she kind of wants to go out and find her child, but would feel bad if they stopped by while she was gone. Which makes me wonder: does her kid not still have their Xtransceiver? Why can't she just...call them like a normal person?
Their father is referenced by their mother when she says that they met each other on their own Pokémon journeys. Aw, young love. No hints to their current relationship status, though.
Cheren lives with his parents in Nuvema Town. I don't remember anything of note about them.
Bianca lives with her parents in Nuvema Town, and we all remember how her father acts at the beginning of the games. I don't recall her mother's reaction; apparently she was the one to tell him that Bianca made it to Nimbasa City, so maybe that indicates that Bianca trusts her slightly more.
This is definitely one of the cooler Pokémoms. She is an old friend of Professor Juniper, and used to work in Pokémon Centers (specifically implied to be the ones in Nimbasa and Mistralton). She's knowledgeable about the many locations in Unova, and supports her child by providing information.
Bulbapedia claims that there are references to their dad in the games, but a search of relevant pages has turned up no references.
Hugh lives with his mother, father, and younger sister in Aspertia City. His father has the sprite of a Black Belt, and his mother has the sprite of a Nursery Aide, which is a cute pairing. Hugh also mentions that he has a deceased grandfather, who caught his little sister's Purrloin. Hugh is very protective of his sister; overall this is a cute little family.
Calem/Serena (as protag)
They live with their mother, Grace, in Vaniville Town. The two recently moved to the town, but it's unclear if they are from another region entirely, or just a different town in Kalos. Regardless, Grace is known for being a Rhyhorn racer.
The only mention of the player's father is in a story Grace tells about one of her races. She lost control of her Rhyhorn at the finish line, where he was waiting, and she "sent him flying."
Calem/Serena (as rival)
They also live with their mother in Vaniville Town. It's mentioned that both of their parents are renowned Pokémon battlers, which is cool. Otherwise, their father is never mentioned.
Shauna & Tierno
Strangely, we know nothing about these two's families. Shauna seems to live in or near Vaniville Town since she hangs out there a lot, but she doesn't have a house there. Tierno hangs around Coumarine City a lot during postgame, so maybe he's supposed to be from there? But we know nothing about their family lives.
Trevor lives with his sister in Lumiose City. Apparently his mother and father are currently traveling the world to train their Pokémon. The world of this game series just seems very chill about family relations, and treats it as socially acceptable to leave your family to take a journey. I suppose they appreciate long-distance relationships or just don't value family that much.
They live with their mother on the outskirts of Hau'oli City. Their family was originally from the Kanto region, and the player's mother was once a renowned Meowth trainer, earning the nickname of the "Scratch Cat Girl." She's even seen at the end of the game battling the Masked Royal.
Apparently she is still married to the player's father, who still lives in Kanto. The two keep in touch by sending each other letters.
Hau lives with his grandfather Hala in Iki Town. He mentions his mother several times, saying he enjoys her cooking; she is not confirmed to be present in the games, but there is a female NPC randomly placed inside Hala's house that some assume to be Hau's mother. His father is traveling on a journey in another region (implied to be Kanto).
We all know this by now - used to live with Lusamine, Mohn, and Lillie; then Mohn disappeared, Gladion ran away with Type: Null, and Nebby teleported Lillie to Route 1. An Aether Paradise NPC also notes that Lusamine's father (so Gladion's grandfather) was a wealthy man who loved Pokémon, and he was the one who built the Foundation.
They live with their mother in Pallet Town. Like Red & Leaf's mother, this Pokémom doesn't have a whole lot going on. Bulbapedia says that they have a referenced father; I'm guessing it's that same dialogue in the Department Store from the other Gens.
Since he's no longer Professor Oak's grandson, Trace seems to only live with his sister. Perhaps another Trevor situation?
They seem to have always lived in Postwick with their mum. She doesn't have a whole lot going on, and the only reference to their father is the statement that the player's bag is a hand-me-down from him.
Hop lives in Postwick with his parents and grandparents, and Leon used to live there before going off to be a champion and whatnot.
Her parents are never mentioned; she seems to live with Piers.
Bede was apparently raised in an orphanage, so the identity of his parents are unknown.
Both as the protagonist and as the rival, their family situations are unknown.
As the protagonist, her family situation is unknown. As the rival, she mentions wanting to send a photo to her parents and brag about her work with the player in the Survey Corps.
They recently moved to Cabo Poco with their mother from a different region. It's implied they may be from Galar, as the mother has a Skwovet and uses the term "cuppa" when talking to Clavell. Their father is never mentioned.
Nemona's father, mother, and sister live in Cabo Poco. They moved to the Paldea region when Nemona was seven; their original region is unknown. Nemona's father is on the board of the Rotom Phone company, so they have a decent amount of wealth.
Because I'm a nerd, let's finish with some stats:
Characters confirmed to have both parents currently alive: 16 out of 34
Characters who live with both of their parents: 8 out of 34
Characters who live with their mother: 22 out of 34
Characters who live with their father: 12 out of 34
Characters with at least one living grandparent: 5 out of 34
Characters with siblings: 10 out of 32
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