#professor wilbur
deejayrockz · 1 year
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PAIRING — teacher!wilbur x teacher!reader
SUMMARY — the grumpy geography teacher gets teased about his slightly obvious crush on the english teacher across the hall.
NOTES — grumpy x sunshine trope, shy!wilbur because i said so, fem!reader (use of miss when referring to reader).
EXTRAS — i am in love with this idea so badly ohmyggoodd, written at 2am so might be sloppy my bad 💔 short little drabble i had, might expand on it tomorrow
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Wilbur, or Mr. Soot as his students know him, was currently in his room, sitting in the most uncomfortable teachers chair you could ever imagine. The class he currently taught were silent, as they usually were for him, heads down working on some past paper he had found for them to complete.
Wilbur has never quite understood how teachers had enough time in the day to come up with fun learning ideas for their students, but he never dwelled on it long, as he enjoyed waffling on about different countries and places. His students didn't quite enjoy it (they made that clear after multiple students had called him the 'boring teacher').
"Mr. Soot?" He heard your voice from the doorway, causing his head to lift up, looking at you with a sort of calm expression. This was rare to see on his face, as it was usually flat with the odd smile every now and again.
"I believe these are yours," You walked closer, seeing the printed papers he had sent off just a few minutes ago, in your hand, "English printers are broken, had to use the geography ones, hope I wasn't too much of a bother."
You could never be a bother. Not to him, atleast. Wilbur had decided he had simply admired your teaching skills, nothing more, nothing less.
"You weren't, thank you," He muttered. He could feel his cheeks tingle slightly as your hands brushed when he took them out of your hand and placed them on his desk.
The minute you left he heard small snickers from his students, arguably causing his face to heat up more. He sighed, which had just made the students giggle a little more. He wouldn't deny the embarrassment he felt after realising the whole class had now believed that he and the sweet, caring english teacher had something going on.
After what felt like the most painful and excruciating 10 minutes of his life, the class had finally ended, leaving him alone in his classroom for break. Well, he was alone. Until you decided that those very embarrassing 30 seconds you spoke while in his room weren't enough.
"Hey, Mr. Soot," You smiled, walking into his room and perching yourself on one of the empty desks. He sent you a smile before forcing himself to look away, paying insanely close attention to the paper he was marking.
"Hey," He replied, looking back up at you from his desk
"You seem lonely." Your legs swung back and forth as you crossed your ankles together, leaning back on your palms.
"It's nice, prefer the quiet." Will leaned back in his chair, twiddling with a pen he had in his hand.
"So, you wouldn't enjoy keeping me company during lunch and breaks?" You raised your eyebrows, tilting your head in a mocking manner. He scoffed, as if you were joking. You weren't.
"Don't you usually have students in there?"
"I do, but they wouldn't mind an extra person. Besides, I much prefer talking to someone my age than some 15 year old," You smirked, standing up from your seated position on the desk, and making your way out.
"It'll be nice for a change, I promise," You smile at him and he swears his heart skips a beat. That shouldn't be normal. Should his heart be moving so quickly? He was forced to not send himself into a deep spiral of possible medical problems he could have wrong with him, as the bell had gone off, signalling third period.
Fourth period, with a class of year sevens that had just had a geography lesson, was arguably the worst. It was lunch next, and they were all hungry, tired, and usually annoyed from their last lesson. However, today seemed a little different. They seemed almost relieved, as if their last lesson wasn't so bad.
"Hey, Miss, did you see Mr. Soot today?" One of them had asked, as you paused from writing the date on the board.
"Yeah, I saw him earlier, why?" You turned, facing the smiling eleven year olds in their seats.
"Did you see how happy he was?" Another had asked, "He was standing up, moving his hands around, he even smiled more than three times, that's a new record."
"Oh, right," You smiled, going back to teaching literature as your class kept cutting in to babble about possible theories. A new girlfriend. A baby. God, they even suspected he had a wedding coming up, but that was quickly shut down by another student, claiming (and i quote), "He wouldn't have the guts to get down on one knee."
It was rude, but you let out a small giggle anyway, as did the rest of the students. After a long lesson of gossiping about the geography teachers possible love life, with a side of english, the bell had finally rung, dismissing the students to lunch. If you told everyone you heart didn't almost explode when a certain teacher had come into your room and sat down next to you, ignoring the small side eyes he got from some year 11s eating their lunch with you, you'd be lying.
"Mr. Soot, I thought you preferred eating alone? That's what you told us when we offered you join us," A student had asked, brushing their hands on a small napkin they were forced to clean the table up with after they ate.
He simply shrugged, tugging his chair slightly closer so he fit right next to you. Your knees almost touched. It took everything in him to not give you a slight nudge on the knee, fearing he'd stretch the teacher/co-worker boundaries too far. Those fears of his, however, were soon revoked, when you had moved your leg over to slightly graze his as you sat.
"I've been told by some little birdies that you were extra chirpy third period, any reason why, Mr. Soot?" You teased, placing the empty salad tub on your desk, planning to throw it out later. His face had been tinted a small pink ever since your knees brushed and he had started to realise just how pathetic he was.
26 years of age and he was blushing over some knees touching together. God, he needs to get his act together.
"I don't know what you're talking about," He muttered, smiling when he heard you laugh. Atleast you found him funny.
"Sure, Will, sure," You smirked, standing up and ruffling his hair as you walked past, presumably to go fill up your water bottle in the hall.
He didn't usually enjoy being called Will by co-workers. It always felt too personal. He had never fully had a bond close enough with one of his coworkers where he liked being called Will, but it felt different coming from you. The way it slipped off your tongue so easily would make anyone believe you had been friends for a while. A while as in two maybe three years, not two maybe three hours.
He had known of you, especially when you first joined around a year and a half ago, with all the students gushing about how patient you were with them, but he had never really bothered to get close enough to have a full conversation with you.
"Sir, are you and Miss dating?" A different student had asked, causing small giggles to arise from the few girls sitting around her.
"Uhm," He pursed his lips, feeling insanely awkward, "No, definitely not."
"Awh, I was starting to think we had something," You pretended to frown, patting his shoulder as you came back into the classroom. You were obviously teasing, but it still didn't fail to make his cheeks heat up a tad bit more.
"Shut up," He smirked, looking back down at the papers as the girls had laughed. The blush that coated his cheeks was most definitely noticeable, as you poked at a dimple he had on the left side, causing him to swat away your hand with a roll of his eyes.
Maybe some company during lunches wouldn't be so bad after all.
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no thoughts today, only ✨️memes✨️ (1/3)
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Bailey's stripper jacket my beloved
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second-best-sibling · 5 months
Hatchetfield as text posts part 5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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shvmblr · 5 months
fun little drawing challenges I did over on twt!
mutual pfp one under the cut! :D
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inkwell-illustrations · 3 months
Who should I do next?
(Tell me in the notes!)
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Wilbur cross & Alice requested by: @kairithemang0
Professor Hidgens requested by: @pangothepangolin
Part 1 & part 3
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lliwless · 9 months
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imagining all ur fav characters in the same room and how similar they are and then theres that one guy
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oswaldpettyeyeart · 3 months
i'm opening sketch commissions to pay my rent and pay for my laptop. if you wanna help/make me draw something (optionally) cursed you now have a chance!
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dm me on discord @eron.psd OR on !this! account. my main is shadowbanned, so you can't message me there!
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finelinens · 2 years
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"Quackity, you forget where you stand next to me. You are in my shadow. Act like it."
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lillylvjy · 4 months
If I’m so special (why am I secret)
notes; hello hello! So the title has nothing to do with the actual fic I just really like the lyric! But you can correlate it if you want! This is long awaited, I have like two more fics for him in the works so! Enjoy!
warnings; hurt/comfort, angst, arguments, stupid old men, age gap, student x teacher relationship, forbidden love, sexual activities hinted at but in forms of rumors, Wilbur and reader being so down bad for each other it hurts, kissing, so much fluff at the end! If I missed anything please tell me!
edited;…. Yeah no!
wc; 1.8k
who; professor!Wilbur x gn!reader
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He was ineffable.
A ball of sunshine that you could look at forever and not care if you went blind. A song that you could listen to over and over again and not go insane from it. A book you could read and find a way to connect everything to it.
He was… your every waking thought. And you knew what you were doing wasn’t right, you both knew. But you didn’t care, at least you didn’t. Wilbur was hesitant about it, you knew he wanted this but you also knew that he was going against everything he knew and you understood that but you weren’t going to let him sit there and let stupid rules decide what he gets to do with life.
The board had started to become suspicious of you two. How you would always stay later than wanted in his office. Sometimes come in at late times in the night to check up on him, yet to come out with him and get in his car. Coming in to the campus together. The longing stares and quick glances to each other whenever you were in the same room.
People became curious and other professors started watching. Closely. Too closely. And once they gathered enough information to use against you both, they told the school board. And the school board pulled you out of class just to bring you into a room with Wilbur and the head of the school board. After that annoyingly long interrogation of trying to get you and Wil to talk, maybe confess about something, Wil said:
“Sir, I would never do anything with my students. Yes I am friendly and kind to them, offering them other times they can come in, but nothing more. All of this, evidence, shows nothing more than me being a good professor. I am not sleeping with them, I do not involve myself with them at all besides them being my student. My job means more than anything else could.”
That’s what led you here. In his office at the school, far later than what after school hours pushed, fighting for the two of you.
If he wouldn’t, you would.
“Wil listen me, this isn’t fair! To me or to you. You can’t just give up on this that quickly.” You argued as you followed him around his office, wanting to get your point a crossed.
“Darling, you know we can’t. You are my student, and I am your teacher. You can’t have romantic relations, it’s just how it had to be-“
“Oh stop with that bullshit! It doesn’t have to be like that, if we just explain-“
“Explain? To who? The school board?! They aren’t gonna listen! They’ll look at us like we’re crazy, expel you from this school and fire me. I don’t care about me in this situation, I care about you. Don’t think I’m doing this for my own benefit.” Wil said, tone harsh and words that hurt a bit. You shook your head as you rubbed your hands up and down your face, rubbing the tears that perked in your eyes away.
“It’s worth a try! You can’t just let rules dictate and control what your life gets to be. They don’t control what you do and who you can be with! You aren’t doing anything bad-“
“In their eyes I am! They think I’m just fucking my student for my own pleasure and benefit! They don’t care about the whole story, they only care about the fact that I’m a teacher and you’re a student. Why are you trying to push this-“
“Because I love you!” You yelled out, turning back around to face him, letting the tears fall now. Your lip quivered as he looked at you with wide eyes at the sudden burst of emotion. “I love you and I actually have the fucking guts to fight for this! I don’t care what happens as long as I end up with you, that’s all that matters to me Wil. And if that’s not the case for you either then, tell me! Tell me everything you said in that meeting was true, and you meant every single bit of it. Just, tell me so I can stop looking like a fool and stop fighting for something only I want. Please….” Your voice slowly breaks as sobs start coming out and tears flow down your cheeks with ease, each one hot and leaving a stain on your face. You didn’t try to wipe them away, you let them fall, letting him see what he was doing to you. Not so he would change his mind and feel bad, no, because you knew he wanted this just as much as you, he was just fighting it. Every single bit of it.
Wilbur ran a hand over his face as he shook his head. He couldn’t deny it, both of you knew he couldn’t. He wanted you. He always has, ever since you stepped foot into his classroom. He remembers that day so clearly.
You were running late as you usually were, never being prepared enough to wake up at 8 in the morning just for his class. Your shoes were half tied and your overalls not done all the way over your yellow shirt. You rushed through the door right before he was going to close it, quietly apologizing for your late arrival as you rushed up the steps and found your seat in the back corner.
He didn’t say anything, he never did when you were late. But the first time, he couldn’t have said anything. You captivated him, in so many ways. Yes you may have looked ridiculous, but absolutely stunning nonetheless.
After that day, he looked at you different. Differently than a teacher should look at someone who’s just a student. You could say he fell first and you fell harder, but you both fell as hard as you could for each other, loving one another with every bone and being you had. So no, Wilbur wasn’t going to say he meant all that bullshit he said, he fucking hated himself for saying it anyways.
“No. I didn’t mean anything I said in that meeting. I want to fight for this, I want to fight for you so badly-“
“Then why don’t you, Wil?”
“Because I care about you! I care about you getting your degree, you becoming the person you deserve to be, and that can’t be with me. I’ve accepted that. I don’t care about me, I don’t care if I get fired and I have no where else to go. I just care what you get what you deserve, and what you deserve is to graduate and grow up into a wonderful adult and marry someone worth being with-“
“No Wil, please. I just want you, I don’t care about me either. I just want you. I’m only in college for my parents, I didn’t even want to go to college! You know this. I want to marry you and be with you and grow old with you! I don’t care what happens because stupid, cranky old men don’t like the thought of a teacher and a student being together. You haven’t done anything to me I haven’t agreed with, and I started this first, we both know I did. And I will push that as fair as I can so I get expelled and you can stay. I just want to be with you.” You said as Wil slowly came up to you, tears slowly flowing down your face still. Placing his hand on the back of your head gently, Wilbur pulled you into his chest with your head resting just below his chin, and wrapped his arms around your neck. Your own wrapped around his waist and your grip on him was tight enough to Jill someone if wanted, yet Wil showed no sign of discomfort.
He kissed your head as he rested his head on your own. “I want you. I need you darling. I’m just scared, I’ve never felt like this for someone before, let alone someone that’s my student. I don’t care about what happens either, I’m just.. I’m tired of fighting for things I want. And I’m anxious what will happen after things get out and I do get fired I guess. You may have started this but I indulged in it, so we both have the blame. You don’t have to push anything, if you can’t stay then I can’t. I love you more than anything and if they can’t handle that then screw them.” Wilbur lifted his head from yours as you looked up at him with a soft smile, tears slowly stopping leaving your eyes red and puffy.
“You think too much sometimes.” Was the first thing that came out of your mouth, throat hoarse and in need of a clearing as you spoke.
Wil laughed and nodded at the statement, not arguing about that statement at all. Slowly bringing his face down to yours, he softly kissed the outer corners of your eyes, somehow easing the puffiness and soreness from your previous appearance. Pulling back, he takes your chin in his hand and pulls your face up to his a bit more, placing a soft kiss onto your chapped lips with a soft smile.
Pulling back, he giggled lightly a your wide grin and practical heart shaped eyes as you looked at him, his eyes reciprocating them. “Let’s get out of here yeah? We’ll talk about what to do later, for now we can just go to mine and order take out while we watch shitty indie movies, like always.”
“Can we actually watch Disney movies tonight? I have a few in mind…” you asked as you let go of the tall man in front of you. He walked over to his desk, grabbing his bag and coat, slinging them over his arm and back as he went back over to you and grabbed your hand in his. Exiting his office, he shut the lights off and locked the door as he dragged you to his car, knowing you didn’t have your own.
“Anything you want darling, whatever makes you happy I’m absolutely fine with.” He said with a smile as you finally stepped out of that suffocating school and into the open air of the parking lot.
“Hmm that and I’m changing into your clothes once we’re there, need to feel engulfed by you.”
“I’m right here!”
“Yeah but, it’s like extra happiness! More of you!”
“You just like stealing my clothes.”
“Hmm yeah pretty much…” Wilbur scoffed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you against him, finally not caring if anyone saw you two. He knew in the end it’d be ok, because he has you.
taglist; @mysticalsoot @phxntomsdusk @ivvees-blog (if anyone wants to be added feel free to send an ask or dm!)
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max-lipschitz · 13 days
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May has gone by so fast bro
Anyway, more starkid alignment charts!! :D
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starpirateee · 20 days
...Maybe something about the death match???
Gentles and ladymen, Ted Spankoffski actually won something! And better yet, the bastard didn't die!
You know me, you know that I was real intrigued when Wilbur showed up, so I'm gonna mess around with the winner of our little competition, and his little prize!
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At first, it had been a tag team effort. With the aid of that one creepy guy sitting alone in the audience of the theatre— who Ted could've sworn he'd never seen move, but who's overly-accented voice had seemingly whispered in his ear— he and the nutty professor had wiped out more of the conversation in this insane little hell that this town had apparently become.
The two of them stood over the bodies. Ted's hand still gripped the handle of the knife they'd used. He looked at Hidgens, if only for a moment. Hidgens looked way too composed to be normal, and Ted had to wonder whether they'd witnessed the same event.
He'd looked like that all this time, though. They'd won every fight they'd been in—some of them in far closer stakes than others— and yet, he'd remained calm throughout. God, he really was a madman, wasn't he?
"Uh, Hidge?"
Hidgens' gaze flashed over. In two separate moments, he registered Ted— the one who had addressed him— and then the layers of blood covering both him and the knife he was still holding. He hummed, acknowledging Ted's need to continue with whatever he was going to say.
"That was… The last of 'em, right? What now? What does that mean?" It was entirely likely that Hidgens would just know the answer to that question. Ted wouldn't put it past him in the slightest.
"It means, pal, that you won."
That voice sounded more real than the last. Ted was almost certain that he hadn't heard the last one at all. After all, today had been a crazy day, and maybe it was possible that he'd scraped death that many times that he'd simply started hallucinating. That was feasible, right? That was totally the best explanation for what was going on here… After all, what else could it be?
But Hidgens had heard that one too. Both of them had followed the source of it with a glance, out towards the one inhabitant of the audience.
Right. Of course. They were being watched. Had been the whole time.
The spectator was a factor in themself. There was something almost unplaceable about them, and Ted had figured out that it wasn't entirely because they were so tall that they were capable of keeping their back straight against the chair they were sitting on, and have enough enough room to stretch their legs all the way across the seat in front. Maybe it was because he already knew their voice existed in his head in perfect pitch and intonation.
"We won?" He asked, sceptical.
In a single motion, the spectator had pulled themself to their feet, in the row in front of where they were seated. "Mhm. Mighty impressive stuff, I gotta say. Didn't think I'd be standin' here 'fore the two of you…"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hidgens asked testily.
"Only that you an' Mr Spankoffski over there had some pretty stiff competition… Nothin' t'worry for now, course. Don't much matter anymore." They lurched towards the stagem ascending the side stairs. "Thing is, there's a good reason they sent me here, an' it wasn't just t'watch all this fun."
"What're you talking about?" Ted's grip tightened around the handle of the blade, but he didn't feel safer like that. Not when their mysterious watcher looked so ready to kill them both in a dozen different ways at the same time.
"You're a pair o' smart blokes. Work it out." With a flourish, they reached backstage, grabbed at nothing in particular, and then pulled back. Ted and Hidgens gazed upon a crown that seemed like it should've been golden, but was dripping in a green hue that was at once all too unnatural and all too enticing.
But, they did have the brains enough to figure it out. A doctorate and more than enough years at college between them gave them pause for thought, but they really didn't have to think about it at all, did they? All that time, everything they'd fought through together, and there was only one crown.
That could only mean one thing.
Hidgens stared at the crown. Ted stared at Hidgens. The spectator watched the realisation dawn on both of their faces and grinned, leaning back against the prop boxes at the side.
"Wait, what?! You're not saying…"
This prompted a stiff chuckle from the spectator. "Oh no. I am sayin' that. Ted… Professor… Only one of you can take the night. Decide how ya want, but I'd be careful if I were you, Mr Spankoffski… That guy's got quite the track record, 'specially against you…"
Ted's expression perfectly conveyed all of the confusion he felt, but the matter was never elaborated upon. He'd been thoroughly incapacitated at several points through the day, but he knew enough to know that Hidgens was aan absolute madman, and could feasibly turn whatever he wanted into a weapon. He knew that he'd only gotten through these fights in the first place through sheer luck and fighting alongside him.
Being pitted against him, he stood no chance.
"Wh- are you joking? Against him?"
"Got a problem?"
"Uh, yeah, he's insane! I'd be dead before you leave the stage!"
The spectator raised an eyebrow. "Don't forget which one o'you has the advantage here… 'S all. Good luck, fellas." With a shrug, they left the stage from the same staircase they'd entered from— something completely anticlimactic for the ominous messenger that they were— and took their position in the audience once again.
The advantage… The advantage…
Ted realised that it was him who had the advantage. It was his hand that still held the knife. He readjusted his grip, knowing he'd have to act fast against someone like Hidgens, and immediately lunged for him.
It was a badly calculated move, but he'd been hoping that something would come of it. Hidgens stepped slightly to the side, and Ted's momentum almost carried him into the wings. He spun on his heel the moment he found his footing once again, trying for all it was worth to stay facing the man who was now his adversary.
"How have you learned nothing all day?" Hidgens taunted.
"C'mon, Hidge, our first fight was—" another attempt with only marginally different results. "— two teenagers in an office in high school! This isn't exactly that, is it?"
"Maybe not for you.." Hidgens was scanning the area, looking for anything he could use against a knife. Ted needed to give himself a little credit, he could be competent enough when he wanted to be, but that knife didn't look good on him. Especially considering he didn't have the first idea how to use it.
"Okay, first of all, fuck you. I can fight."
"Okay then, fight."
Hidgens circled him, looking rather like a predatory animal. Ted tried what he could to keep pace, until the professor ducked backstage and vanished. Until the moment he returned, Ted tried to watch his back in case he was to appear from the other side of the stage without warning. But, he didn't. He re-emerged from exactly the same point he'd disappeared, carrying what looked like a fairly sized fireman's axe.
Ted faltered. "Where the hell did you get that?!"
Swinging the axe to get a feel for the weight of it before finally letting it settle in his hands, Hidgens smirked. "When you know a place well enough, you get to know certain... added extras. Besides, you got to keep a weapon. This is only fair..."
The spectator had leaned forwards the moment they noticed the axe, their eyes flashing with a kind of unmatched excitement. Now this was a fight worth turning the tides for.
They watched for a while, this fight between axe and knife. Between a man who was known for having killed in almost every timeline, and a man who was known for dying in almost every timeline. Between an experienced nutcase, and a man who was just trying to stay alive. At first, it had been easy to decipher which way this was going to go. The professor knew what he was doing with that axe, and there was no denying the fire behind his eyes, but to give him his dues, Ted had done a fair bit of the heavy lifting in carrying them both through the fights.
They did so love it when things got interesting.
Ted drew first blood, which was unsurprising, given that Hidgens' only options were to miss or to maim, and he didn't loook like the type to make warning cuts. But Ted was also the first to incapacitate his own weapon, after one of his attempts to draw ended with the knife being lodged deep into one of the beams at the side of the stage.
That would've been the end for anyone else, but there was one thing that the professor didn't know about his opponent, something that was so clear to the one watching them both. And that was that Ted Spankoffski had been favoured by the Lords in Black, and the Bastard would not let him go that easily...
Dumb luck, some would call it. But, the spectator saw the crackle of yellow light from backstage in the moments before Ted managed to dislodge his blade from the beam, and the momentum from the force of the final pull carried him into lodging the blade somewhere else.
Straight into the professor's chest.
Hidgens had been advancing on him slowly as he tried to free his weapon, axe raised and gleaming under the stage lights. He was close enough to striking when Ted turned through the momentum of dislodging the knife that it had dug straight in.
The axe clattered to the ground.
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another little image dump because I put flannel sheets on my bed yesterday and I'm TOO COZY AND I DON'T WANNA GET UP so i made these instead <3
and double Hidgens as a treat bc I couldn't decide which one I wanted to use:
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niroke · 2 years
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New meme template just dropped
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zeauxie · 2 months
Found Some More Hatchetfield Lore!
tldr; at bottom
I remembered that one of the Lang brothers said that Wiggly is based off of Cthulhu, so I decided to do something digging on a piece of shit author, H.P. Lovecraft and y’all… Okay, I don’t know if it counts as lore, but Hatchetfield is right under our noses.
CW: H.P. Lovecraft’s writing is full of bigotry, and if you plan on reading it, prepare yourself. For example, there is an evil entity named Shub-Niggurath. Yeah.
I don’t like H.P. Lovecraft, nor do I enjoy his writing in general, so here are some things that people should look up if you want to find out Hatchetfield’s inspiration. More thoughts on why I cannot write about him are at the bottom.
Also! I do not look down or dislike people who enjoy H.P. Lovecraft’s writing and his creations, and would really love for people to continue to look into things I cannot. I hope my little notes help!
(I’ve linked the stories in pink!)
SPOILERS: Hatchetfield? I guess? The Cthulhu Mythos & The Dream Cycle.
Cthulhu Mythos:
Just read ‘The Call of Cthulhu’. Everything makes sense.
Miss Holloway is based off of a character named Horvath Blayne from ‘The Black Island, Being the Narrative of Horvath Blayne’.
Duke Keane is also taken from ‘The Black Island’.
The narrator of ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ is named Francis Wayland Thurston.
Professor Hidgens is based off of an art student named Henry who is known for being eccentric and living in solitude. (The Call of Cthulhu)
Emma Perkins is named after a ship called the Emma. The crew got into a battle with Cthulhu’s cult members, which resulted in the Emma having one survivor. (The Call of Cthulhu)
John MacNamara is based off of the police officer John Legrasse. (The Call of Cthulhu)
Willabella Muckwab resembles Lavinia Whateley, from ‘The Dunwich Horror’. She has a son, Wilbur Whateley (Wilbur Cross), whose father is the cosmic entity Yog-Sothoth (Wiggog Y’rath). Lavinia went missing on Halloween, and the assumption is that Wilbur killed her. 👀
The Black Book is the Necremonium.
There’s always professors somewhere.
The Dream Cycle:
LOL. The Dream Cycle is a collection of short stories surrounding dream cities. I honestly haven’t read anything about this other than brief stuff from the Wiki, but the connections are painfully obvious.
The word ‘oblivion’ is written in the Black Book. H.P. Lovecraft has a poem titled Ex Oblivione. The narrator sees a gate in his dreams and wants to get past it, but he can’t access it. He eventually does, though. Yikes. Read this post, picture Willabella Muckwab as the narrator for Ex Oblivione, and enjoy.
Bonus: Some of the covers of the magazine that published H.P. Lovecraft’s work (Weird Tales) are sprinkled throughout Hatchetfield.
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“Pete, get behind me! I’ve got a gun.”
“Steph… it’s a ghost. I don’t think that’s gonna do any good.”
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Rosary? Killer Track, much? Also, the art style for the Black Book kind of resembles this… huh.
Note: I had planned to read all of H.P. Lovecraft and the associated work, but the racism is too much for me. I can’t “separate the art from the artists”, especially when everything evil is so obviously and horrendously based on Black people, as well as other races. Again— Shub-Niggurath. Like, seriously?
It’s a huge bummer, because I have so many thoughts— like the implications behind Willabella Muckwab associated with Lavinia Whateley, and Wilbur Cross also being associated with Wilbur Whateley. So much is at our finger tips.
I’m still going to be writing other things, though!
I have more of the Black Book deciphered, so that’s exciting, especially since I actually got some stuff right in my first post. (It was looked at through a more religious lenses rather than an H.P. Lovecraft lenses, though.) BUT STILL. MY EYES HURTING FROM INTENSE SQUINTING SESSIONS WAS NOT FOR NAUGHT! And I know I state some of these things as if they’re facts, but they’re ‘probably based on’ stuff.
Alright. I’m off to read about physics, the concept of nothingness, and the æther in the name of theatre kid.
tldr; the Lang bros made a the TTRPG Call of Cthulhu homebrew and turned it into musicals.
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awigglycultist · 2 years
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Pt 2
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