#prompt: festival
dragongodryss · 6 months
The ticket master at the haunted house had insisted people go in pairs, but Gray and Rogue didn't mind at all. If anything, it was an opportunity to enjoy Halloween with just the two of them. They, with their teams, had gone to the festival together to enjoy the holiday. The problem with that was that their teams didn't know that the two of them were dating, and thus couldn't take hints that the couple wanted to be alone.
It had been a little hard to make sure they ended up together, since as far as their teams knew, they barely tolerated each other. Natsu and Lucy had gone together, to Sting's disappointment. Minerva had gone with Yukino and Erza had promised to make sure Wendy wouldn't get scared. Carla and Frosch would stay outside, after Rogue had wrested a promise out of Carla that she'd keep an eye on Frosch and had made Frosch promise not to run off. Sting, meanwhile, had taken the coat Gray had dropped to disguise Happy and Lector as one person before realizing Rogue didn't have a partner. That was when Gray had swooped in to offer to go with Rogue. Yukino and Wendy had asked them not to fight and Sting and Natsu had requested that they not fight without them (priorities).
They went in last. Rogue grabbed Gray's hand once they were inside. Rogue's ability to see in the dark and hear things coming did weaken the experience for him, but he didn't mind. Gray was halfway immersed in the story being told, of two explorers searching for missing children, when Rogue nudged him.
"There's a door over there. Wanna take a look?" Gray knew it was probably a staff door, but the glint of mischief in Rogue's eyes sold him on the idea.
"Lead the way."
Rogue tried the door, which was locked. He stepped aside and waved dramatically at the lock.
"Your time to shine, darling." He cringed as soon as the words came out of his mouth, but despite the darkness, he could see Gray fighting a smile as he peered into the lock.
"This should do it." The key he made needed to be jiggled around a bit, since Gray had been going off the lock instead of copying the real key, but it did the job. "There we go."
Rogue led the way, listening out for trouble. The corridor they were in seemed to be part of a network spanning the whole house. It was narrow and poorly lit and the floorboards creaked underneath Gray's feet. Rogue, being lighter and generally quieter, didn't make a sound. Suddenly, he stopped Gray. "Someone's coming."
They ducked around a corner and waited as someone in a clown costume passed by them. It was a good thing Frosch had stayed outside. She hated clowns.
Once the coast was clear, they went back to exploring. Rogue found a rickety staircase that led to the basement, which creaked loudly enough that Gray was surprised that they hadn't alerted the whole house. They reached a fork in the corridor and Gray picked one.
"Not that way. Someone's waiting there." Rogue whispered. They found a small door in the wall with a spy hole in it and took turns looking through it into an empty room.
"Hey boss, we've got a code 7 on our hands." Rogue heard someone say. That probably involved them.
"Gray, I think they noticed we were gone." Rogue could hear footsteps around the house as the actors started to mobilize.
"Well, we're not Natsu or anything. Let's just sneak out." Gray suggested. Given that every corridor was being watched by now, it would be easier said than done. Rogue could leave on his own, but he wouldn't abandon Gray, even though the worst thing that could happen was a fine.
"They're all watching the corridors. Our best bet is to get back to the part we're supposed to be in and play dumb."
"Sounds like fun." Gray pushed the door open and stepped through, realizing that the other side was a painting. Rogue followed him and they quietly made their way through the last room. Since no one was operating it, nothing jumped out at them. Quietly, carefully and with a little help from Rogue's magic, they left the house.
"What took you guys so long, were you making out or something?" Sting asked tactlessly.
"What if we were?" Gray asked.
"You llllike hiiiiim." Happy drawled out.
"Well, what if I do?" Gray challenged him. Rogue decided that the best way to resolve this was to drape himself over Gray's shoulders, like a cat and give Happy a wide smirk.
"So you were making out. Got it." Sting said. Letting him believe that was probably in their best interest. If Sting or Natsu found out about the tunnels, things would probably escalate quickly.
Instead of responding, they went off to enjoy the rest of the festival.
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bellafragolina · 1 year
“Welcome one and all!” Emmet announces proudly to his sold out audience of two. “Welcome to the Joltik Festival!”
Ingo claps loudly, his bravos barreling through the trees. Elesa, hands over her ears, settles for a hearty cheer of “HOORAY!”
Emmet bristles with pride, beaming as he stiffly moves to his stage. “Say hello to Lemon Drop!” The tiny yellow Joltik stood in the center spotlight squeaks happily, jumping and nearly hitting the duct tapped flashlight overhead. “She will be performing the grand Ball Walk!”
Emmet dives for a small basket of props. With a flourish of his bath towel cape, he holds up a bright rubber ball before quickly rolling it across the stage. Lemon Drop jumps, landing on the ball, and scurries atop it, staying perfectly centered at the top as it rolls along. She jumps, landing back on the table as the ball falls off, to the thunderous applause of the audience.
“BRAVO!” Ingo shouts, tears in his eyes. “BRAVO!!”
“Great job, Lemon Drop!” Elesa squeals, kicking her feet.
Lemon Drop bounces, squeaking loud and proud. Emmet picks her up, and sets her beside him where a large battery waits.
“Next!” Emmet adjusts the light so it shines to the right of the stage. “Is Butterball!”
The fluffiest Joltik raises onto its hind legs, waving its front feet towards the cheering crowd.
“He will be performing feats of acrobatics!” Emmet announces.
He pulls another prop from his basket, a small ring that he holds above the stage. Butterball easily leaps through the ring, so Emmet raises it higher. Butterball leaps through again.
Next, in a fast move, Emmet shoves his other hand forward. Strings tied to his fingers unravel down towards the stage, connected at the bottom by a small stick. Butterball jumps up, grabbing the stick and swinging forward. He releases it, does a backflip, then lands perfectly on the stage.
“BRAVO!!!” Ingo hollers on. He’s actively crying now. “SUPER BRAVO!!”
“Butterball!” Elesa nearly tips back out of her seat. “My hero!”
Emmet picks up Butterball, nuzzling the bug before he sets him down besides Lemon Drop, where there’s another battery just for him.
“And last but not least!” Emmet twists the light to the left of the stage. “Sparky!”
Static crackles around the smallest Joltik as it hops side to side.
“He will be performing the most grand trick of all!” Emmet produces a final prop, a large lightbulb. “By sheer will, Sparky will release enough energy to light the bulb! Watch! And be amazed!”
On cue, Sparky squeezes his eyes shut and releases a large bolt of electricity. Emmet’s body goes rigid the second it hits the bottom of the bulb, but the bright yellow light that emits from it blinds the audience to the slight miscalculation.
Emmet shakes his head once done, the tips of his static hair smoking a little.
“BRAVO!” Ingo bolts to his feet, hands above his head as he applauds. “SUPER BRAVO! SUPER SUPER BRAVO!”
Elesa rockets up too, jumping and pumping her fists. “YEAH! SPARKY!!!”
Sparky jumps onto Emmet’s head, and the other two jump into either of Emmet’s hands. The four beam, then all take a deep bow.
“Thank you for coming to the Joltik Fair!” Emmet says proudly. “Come back next year for even better tricks!”
And wouldn’t you know? That show sold out too!
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orbch · 4 months
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c!thomas: somehow this feels like third wheeling…
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crescent-dreams · 1 month
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The SessKag Festival 2024
What better way to celebrate everything SessKag than a festival dedicated to our favourite couple?
Theme - Proximity
Day 1: City
Day 2: Shrine
Day 3: Mountain
Day 4: Beach
Day 5: Forest
Day 6: School
Day 7: Garden
Day 8: Free choice! Catch up on one you missed or come up with something new
Runs from October 13-20, 2024
Must feature SessKag as the main ship
All ships, both foreground and background, should only involve characters that are 18+, especially if NSFW themes are involved
Drabbles, one-shots, chapter stories, take your pick! There are no requirements or limitations on word count—anything goes, no matter the length!
Sketches, doodles, fully-coloured artwork, chibis, doujinshi are all accepted!
Prompts can be interpreted any way you like! Fluff, Angst, Smut, do with them what you will
No submission limit, show off SessKag as many times as you want
Be creative and have fun
Add any fics to the SessKag Festival collection (SessKag_Fest_2024) on Ao3
Use appropriate tags and trigger warnings
Tag #skfest, #sesskagfest, #sesskagfestival, or @crescent-dreams if you post it on Tumblr
Support fellow participants’ works by commenting and/or sharing
Looking to work on one or more prompts with someone else? Fill out our collab survey and we'll pair you up with another writer or artist to create something amazing!
Send in a wish (ask) or DM one of the mods for clarification
We can't wait to see what creative things you come up with! And a special shout out to @julytheartist for creating this amazing banner!
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wigglebox · 11 months
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Suptober [Extended] - Day 21 || Love 💚💙
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cecoeur · 11 days
prompt: well done baku 💕
Azerbaijan's hottest club is… well done baku
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Prompt 65
Geralt and Jaskier attend a flower festival at a village. Geralt notices that everyone is giving each other flower bouquets, wreaths, and crowns, so Geralt decides to make a gift for Jaskier. The festival has buttercups, but not dandelions, so he has to pick some himself, add in a few cornflowers because they reminded him of Jaskier's eyes, and bam! It's done! He gifts it to Jaskier, and Jaskier is very touched, thanking Geralt profusely, and giving him a kiss. Jaskier meanwhile, is just absolutely flabbergasted that Geralt gave him courting flowers! It's a dream come true!
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: Make Sweet Music Together
After Bruce passed on a tip about possible mass mind control, Jason and the outlaws infiltrate a music festival as one of the bands. Between him, Roy, and Starfire, they had the look, and after a bit of practice, they could half ass a performance if needed. Now they just had to find the cause, and hopefully before they actually had to play. Three days of noise and sweaty unwashed festival goers while they watch their suspect, what could go wrong?
Danny, older and hopefully wiser, had lost his home. He could not go back to Amity Park, without risking his (half)life and that ate at him. His missed his friends, his home, his haunt, but they were out of reach from him. 
Losing his home was a bigger blow than any physical one he’d ever received. Ghosts are purely emotion and thought. Mental wounds cause far more damage than anything else. Not fist, blasters, or scalpels could compare. He was a weakened shell of his former self, always in need of something more. 
And Ember had helped him fill that need. She had found him, shivering and alone, and had taken him under her wing. She had trained him, showed him how to make music, make others happy with it, and fill that need. She had given him a purpose, and he was grateful. 
When a tall man bult like a tank started cozying up to him, Danny thought things might not be so bad. Sure, he had their big show to get ready for, but there wasn’t any harm in enjoying the festival with this “Tod Peters”
Jason is investigating Danny and Ember with the Outlaws. Jason charms Danny for information, and finds himself genuinely enjoying Danny’s company. Starfire and Roy might also get involved if we want to make if poly(which I kind of do)
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ratchetsonlyhands · 11 months
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For @tfrarepairing 2023 Day 4 - Falling Away From Me : GrimFire
Misfire spent YEARS helping Grimlock through his aphasia recovery. There must have been so many restless nights together. I love that Misfire always focused on progress, counting Grimsy's words.
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 24 days
idk if this is quick at all but can i req ur fav moment from the romantic xday story?? if not then maybe just an outfit swap (you pick!!) between hokuto and subaru :)
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
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y'all got me all hyped to do more merfolk AU art so I finished the Love's Lights scene
#I GIVE YOU: MORE FUN MERFOLK AU FACTS THAT NOBODY ASKED FOR!!!#Ezra grew up on his own without the benefit of other merfolk to learn from and he's kinda out of touch with his merfolk instincts#so ezra THINKS he's bringing sabine to a pretty underwater light show that he thinks she'll think is cool#and telling himself ''i'm getting a good grade in platonic friendship; something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve!''#...except his mer-instinct is actually prompting him to bring The Love Of His Life to the site of the Annual Merfolk Love Festival#and merfolk bioluminescent patterns reflect their mood and communicate with other merfolk#BUT Ezra can't really control his markings#so he's putting on an involuntary light show that translates to#''SABINE!! HI!! LOOK AT ME!! I'M GLOWING REALLY BRIGHT!! IS THAT IMPRESSIVE OR WHAT?? P.S. I'VE FALLEN IRREVOCABLY IN LOVE WITH YOU''#also the pattern of Ezra's markings is inspired by Sabine's starbird!#mythical creatures au#jessica's art#sabezra#sabezra fanart#not 100% loving sabine's outfit in this tbh#I tried to do something simple that went with what the fic described her wearing but it turned out kinda boring...#and ezra's tail turned out weird too... sighhhh...#oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#OOH WAIT I THOUGHT OF ANOTHER FUN FACT#the shell necklace Sabine is wearing is one that Ezra gave to her when he was 15#and for adult merfolk the gift of a handmade shell necklace is basically a marriage proposal#but he was a kid then so it's more equivalent to the time my best friend proposed to her crush with a ring pop
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fenicenera83 · 5 months
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𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐲 6 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 -
𝟏.𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒂 - Lestat/Louis
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hulloitsdani · 2 days
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DAY 6: Bridal!!!
Had to pause the daily drawings for a minute because it was my birthday recently! Yippee!!! I have aged!!! And as a birthday present I tormented myself with many many ruffles.
Spring alt and bridal alt shaking hands over my grave tho. I feel like where the execution of the spring alt was alright but the vibes were off, the bridal alts execution needs improvement but the vibes are on point. Super want to iterate on it in the future. Playing with that veil sounds so freaking fun.
This drawing took heavy reference from this post by lolita-waredrobe. Check them out if that suits you.
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share-the-damn-bed · 9 months
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JancyHolidayWeekend ❄️ day one— refracted journey
strange events, and the partnership formed as a result, utterly altered the trajectory of their lives. In some ways, for the better.
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crescent-dreams · 1 year
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The SessKag Festival
What better way to celebrate everything SessKag than a festival dedicated to our favourite couple?
Theme - Surrender
Day 1: Rejuvenate
Day 2: Capitulate
Day 3: Indulge
Day 4: Renew
Day 5: Relinquish
Day 6: Satisfy
Day 7: Pamper
Day 8: Free choice! Catch up on one you missed or come up with something new
Runs from September 16-23, 2023
Must feature SessKag as the main ship
All ships, both foreground and background, should only involve characters that are 18+, especially if NSFW themes are involved
Drabbles, one-shots, chapter stories, take your pick! There are no requirements or limitations on word count—anything goes, no matter the length!
Sketches, doodles, fully-coloured artwork, chibis, doujinshi are all accepted!
Prompts can be interpreted any way you like! Fluff, Angst, Smut, do with them what you will
No submission limit, show off SessKag as many times as you want
Be creative and have fun
Add any fics to the SessKag Festival collection (SKFest2023) on Ao3
Use appropriate tags and trigger warnings
Tag #skfest, #sesskagfest, #sesskagfestival, or @crescent-dreams if you post it on Tumblr
Support fellow participants’ works by commenting and/or sharing
Send in a wish (ask) or DM one of the mods for clarification
We can't wait to see what creative things you come up with! And a special shout out to @julytheartist and @razdazberry for creating this amazing banner!
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artist-ellen · 1 year
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I’m going to try Witchtober Season 3!
The first prompt is “Witches’ Fall Festival” so I decided to move outside of my usual style for some art exploration! Might need to turn up the brightness though.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram.com/ellenartistic or tiktok: @ellenartistic
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