#proof that sometimes you just need to take a step back and sit on things as a creator
the-lavender-clown · 3 months
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It took hating the sketch for months and slowly warming up to it and working on things bit by bit but I finally finished this and I absolutely love the final product!!
It’s so funky and cool! The vibe is exactly what I wanted!!
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chaithetics · 2 months
Late Night Mends
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Pairing: Kid (Monkey Man) x reader
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: 18+ MDNI, mentions of anxiety, injuries, not a lot of spice, some fluff, not proof/beta read lol, does not contain spoilers for Monkey Man.
Note: Absolutely am in love with Dev Patel, he adores the world and fandom love! Also special mention to my friend @mittos who helped with this prompt/story ideas. Go and see Monkey Man if you haven't already! And if you have go and see it again! Also jaan is a Hindi term of endearment. Also can we take a moment for Dev Patel's side profile?! Comments, and reblogs are always appreciated as well! I hope you enjoy!
It was late, extremely late. It had been a slow night but it was quickly becoming the latest it had ever been without his tired, bloody presence. It made you uncomfortable how late it was becoming, he never took this long to show up after a big match. You bit your nails as you couldn’t help but think about the possibility of where he was and scarily, what condition he was in. 
It was a risky field that Kid was in, especially when he was the losing dog for the overeager, sweaty crowd not to bet on. He took the punches and rarely complained about it, you’d only ever been to one of his fights before and never again. It was too painful to watch, you’d bitten each of your fingernails right down to the beds, and you swore that it gave you a few grey hairs. If you had any, each of them could be traced back to being his fault, you were sure. You loved him, truly adored him, but he certainly knew how to stress you out. 
You’re sitting down waiting for him to arrive. You don’t even realise that you’ve put your hand up to your face to bite your nails but now you know that you must’ve as you’ve been subconsciously biting them as you look out the window waiting, lost in your thoughts. You could think and use that as a distraction but no, the more you think or gaze off, the more you think about him, worry about him and overanalyse every little thing to be analysed, including what would need a magnifying glass to do so. You sigh and rub your face tiredly and also as another poor attempt at a distraction to take your mind away from him. 
It was a ridiculous thought, nothing could distract you from him, Kid lived rent-free in your mind 24/7, no matter what you did or wanted. And now was his prime time for filling your head. 
You rub your face some more and then look up, you can hear the door quietly open and the sound of gentle footsteps start to make their way to you. You look up as you try to glimpse the start of his lean shadow to confirm that he’s really, really, finally here. The light switch turns on as you see his arm stretch out and then he’s standing there in your doorway. 
You look up at him as he stands, he just looks at you for a moment. His gorgeous doe-eyes are wide, he looks exhausted and defeated but there’s a small smile on his face as his eyes meet yours. Ever since you’d known Kid, he had always been a man of few words, which seemed to balance out just how expressive his handsome face was. You liked that though, that his eyes truly were the window to his soul. You did like his voice though as well, you’d have no problem with him using it more. Sometimes he would talk though, about his sweet mother, the stories of Hanuman that his mother had told him and that had vividly stuck with and inspired him still. 
You quickly take him in, there’s sweat in his hair, a cut in his cheek, and his knuckles are bloody as always. You bite your lip as you look at him, chewing over your words so you don’t come across as either a scolding lover or treating him like a patient. 
“Your hands…” You finally say as he steps closer to you and you can see that he made some attempt to cover them with a bit of cloth but the blood is all over his right hand. 
“It’s fine.” He says in a soft whisper, his voice is melodic as always but a little hoarse and deep. He looks down at his hand he tries not to flinch when you take his hand and it’s further proof that no, it really isn’t fine. You sigh and move his hand to check his fingers, it causes discomfort but based on the movement you know it’s not broken at least. It was genuinely impressive that he was still alive, still functioning and not just with everything he’d been through as a young boy, but with the amount of beatings he’d taken at the club. That he’d somehow avoided major damage to his body, that his handsome looks were still intact, and also his teeth. That was a big surprise you had to admit. 
“Sit down.” You look at him with a look of concern, one that he doesn’t like. “Come on, I’ll clean it up.” You say softly.  He runs his right hand, his good hand through his damp but perfect locks and he sighs, sitting down, waiting for you to fix his wounds and to feel your tender touch. 
You’d had the first aid kit ready to go, sitting on the floor waiting for his entrance. You always used it, he always needed it. Your medical background certainly helped, some nights you’d crack a joke that that was the only reason why he was with you. The first time you made that joke his eyes widened at first, and he immediately stuttered to try and reassure her that that wasn’t the case. He didn’t realise that it was a joke. You’d kissed him to reassure him and he kissed you back so sweetly. Now when you made the joke he’d just look at you and give you a small, precious chuckle. You just want to make him smile, make him laugh, bring him joy, and make him feel safe. He deserved that at the very least, especially with his gigantic hug. 
His hand clearly had taken the worst of it, you hold it gently in yours, and his hand twitches for a moment. He’s spent most of his life being devoid of affection. He craved a gentle touch, to feel seen and safe in the company of another. He’d started to find that with you, in the way you looked at him, how you carefully held his hand in arms when cleaning an injury and wrapping it up. You somehow had never noticed it, he figured it was because of how attentive you were to his injuries, to him, and his lips quirked up into a secret smile you’d miss over the irony of you not noticing this because of how attentive you were being to him. 
“You were later than usual.” You say as you clean his bruised and bloodied knuckles. 
“I know.” He whispers as he looks up at you, he’s tired but there’s a small smile on his lips as he knows the scolding is incoming, just what degree is it going to be from you tonight, is the question. 
“I was worried, my fingernails are almost as bloody as your knuckles because of how much I was biting them.” You say as you try to clean his hand gently, noting how his hand occasionally twitches in response.
“Would’ve been quite a match.” He whispers before he looks at your hands, noticing your nervously bitten nails. His cheeks heat up as he can’t help but feel a little bit of guilt about causing you to worry so, he’s spent so much of his life without someone who cares about him like this. You sigh and roll your eyes at his response. 
“You’re going to be the cause of every single grey hair I have in this lifetime.” You say as you treat the knuckle wounds, making sure you’re gentle. “All I do is worry, you spend every night getting beaten, thrown off tables. It’s going to be too much one day. Something will go wrong. Then what?” Kid can’t help but look up at you, it’s a conversation that’s happened more than a few times. “What if it’s your spine or something? I won’t be able to fix that-” “It’s okay. It’s fine. I’m okay, jaan.” He says as he looks up at you, his big brown eyes are widened and he’s looking at you with his sad puppy dog eyes, he feels bad for making you worry so much. 
You sigh, biting your lip as you try to stop yourself from saying anything else. He’s too sweet and so you nod and finish cleaning and bandaging everything. After a moment, you cup his cheek as you look at his warm eyes and you go to get him some water to drink. He watches you and continues to as he drinks the water. You two have become quite good at playing a game of watching each other, almost like it’s a sport to observe the other. 
He looks at you, tilting his head which tousles the gorgeous locks he has a little. You sigh and run a hand through his soft brown curls, damp with sweat but somehow miraculously not blood. His hair has always been absolutely perfect. You feel bad for essentially venting your anxieties at him right as he’s come from a long night of work at the club. 
“I only scold because I care.” You say but you’re not sure if it’s him or yourself that you’re trying to convince more as you say the words, but it’s true technically. “It’s a form of doting really.” You say as you look at him as he adjusts in his seated position, looking up at you with his wide, doe-eyed orbs. Even if it was a form of doting, you could never stay mad at him for long when having to look into those gorgeous eyes. They’d melt away any troubles and you’re sure if awards were given out for best brown eyes, he’d win. You hated that he did this, that this was how he had to get by. That he had to take these awful, unhealthy beatings but you love him anyway.
He was freshly bandaged now, he moved his hand up and Kid started to slowly caress your cheek, he traced some invisible line so gently with the pads of his fingertips as he looked at you. His doe eyes were filled with adoration and peacefulness as he concentrated on your beauty. You let him, it was soothing and sweet and you had no reason to even consider stopping this. You were his and he was yours. 
Your eyes glance down at his fingers, and then you put a hand up to cup his cheek and look into the most beautiful eyes you could ever imagine seeing. After he feels your touch his eyes quickly close and he inhales. He isn’t sure if he’ll ever get used to the feeling of your fingers on his face, of how your hair feels against his skin, or your breath, but he knows for sure, that he’ll at least never tire of it. 
His fingers glide down do your mouth and he traces your lips as he looks at them. He tilts his head and before he can even move, you’ve moved your head to press your lips together. There’s something about how gentle his hands are with you, how they feel even after everything that has happened to him and that he does. How it just takes a glance at you for him to melt into a puddle. 
You put your hand back into his hair and run it through his curls as he kisses you back and the kiss deepens almost immediately. He cups your cheek gently as your lips move together in sync and you can’t help but start to tug his locks a little and his hand moves to your waist to hold you close against him. You continue to play and tug his hair as his lips move down your chin and jaw and he kisses your neck. You gasp out and tug on his hair a bit more as you feel his breath tickle your throat between his passionate kisses. You struggle to not let out a giggle as he does this and you feel your cheeks heating up as you tilt your head back so your neck is as exposed as possible for him while he kisses your throat and makes his way to your collarbone. 
He always gets like this, and so quickly. He just needs a little touch, the reassurance of you being there and he feels an all-consuming need to make up for the years of loneliness, the lack of affection, the lack of physical contact outside of a fight he was guaranteed to lose. He has you in his arms and it’s something right for once, if it was a game this would be a victory, some kind of peace.
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caxde · 1 year
unlovable | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary you are Dustin’s older sister, you and Eddie used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but haven't spoke to each other, until your little brother messes things up. (5.3k)
warnings fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, exes! in love, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn exes to lovers, idiots in love!!!, panic attack tw!, english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read! 
“I told you I don’t wanna hear anything more about it!” You whined once again, as he was still babbling away. 
“Oh, get over it!” He finally snapped. “It’s been more than a year!” He screamed at you, not with anger, but with resignation in his voice. 
“I… Look… You only have to drive me there, you can go later, I’ll call you when I need to come back and I’ll make sure you don’t even cross paths with him… Please?” His eyes looked through his eyebrows, begging, needing a yes. 
“Dust…” You try to change his mind once again, knowing damn well that he had won, once again. “Okay…” As your hands rested on your side in full resignation, his went up in celebration, smiling and screaming thank you, thank you. 
How could you say no to him? It wasn’t your fault that he had grown so fond of him while you two were dating, and it’s not his fault that you broke things off… Well, you didn’t actually. How could you?
That thought crossed your mind often, how could you? or, in other words how could he? You had loved him like you never had anyone else, and he still couldn’t fight for you two to stay together. When he decided to stay quiet, and grow distant when you needed him close and by your side, it had been his choice. 
It’s not like it was your fault, or his. It’s just that sometimes, loving someone is not enough. 
And it wasn’t enough, even if it killed you, you needed space to grow, he needed his space anyway. And it was hard, knowing that your brother hung out with him regularly, crossing looks with him when he dropped Dustin off, sadness in his eyes, remorse in yours. It was hard, but it was getting bearable. 
You had agreed to be on good terms for Dustin’s sake, so that’s what you did. 
The sound of the door closing snapped you back into reality, making you sit up once again, back straighter. Your mirror propped up in front of your bed, you looked at yourself, remembering his touch anywhere the sun kissed your skin. 
You took a deep breath, and muttered to yourself okey, let’s do this then. So you did. You stood up, opened your wardrobe and thought what to wear exactly, deciding that if he had to see you, you might as well look good and take yourself out on a date later, perhaps to that new coffee shop that had opened down the street. 
Be as it may, you had dressed yourself comfortably enough to not be cold in autumn weather, and you looked at your face once more. 
Lipstick, that’s what you needed, it always made you feel good on days you were down, and a little boost is what you needed now. 
Dustin was waiting for you downstairs, smile big and bright, with your car keys in his hand. 
“You're not driving.” You said to him, coldly, almost mocking him. 
“Yeah, I know. Soon enough though!” He screamed back cheerfully. You nodded in response as you unlocked the car. 
You didn’t have to ask him where to, you had memorized long ago how to get to his home, even some shortcuts, for when you were a little bit tipsy and didn’t want Hopper to stop you and give you the talk. You smiled at the thought of that, and Dustin seemed to notice, as your right hand left the wheel for just a second to mess with your hair a bit, leaving your face free of cover. 
The sun was setting once you parked your car, and the sky shined bright with a beautiful sunset, soft oranges mixing with pink clouds. You had to step out and take a good look at it. 
Dustin opened your door for you, he always did, with a big smile he waited for your shy thank you, which you gave accompanied by a little ruffle of his hair. He nudged you with his head, making you both smile as you looked up. 
“Hey, thanks for bringing me here.” He said, you could tell that he was being extremely honest. 
“Anything for you, kid.” You replayed back, your hands fidgeting with an unlit cigarette. “When do I pick you up?” You asked him, your head lowering to look at him. 
“I can bring him back.” Eddie’s voice had appeared, and with it, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
“Hi” You muttered shyly, as you spun around to look at him. 
His hair was as wild as ever, shade so dark it contrasted with his pale skin. Old Iron Maiden shirt with holes in the neck laid perfectly on top of his chest, hugging him in all the right places. Your eyes looked down, checking him out. His jeans still hugged his thighs just as good as you remember. But what you didn’t notice was that he was doing the exact same thing. 
He had to take a moment to look at you, the whole you. Your legs crossed over one another, accentuating even more your figure, your arms across your chest, making it a center of his attention, worsened by the fact that your breath had sped up, and your breathing made you move your chest up and down fast. Your exposed neck had made him remember how much he enjoyed biting you, so he ended up biting his own lip when his eyes met yours. 
It was the first time you were talking. And so much time had passed. 
“Hi” He said back, softly, a smile forming in his lips. 
Dustin excused himself to get inside, clumsy, and admiring the fact that you two were actually talking again, he was mesmerized and he obviously spied on you two from the crack of Eddie’s entrance door. 
His hand reached in his pocket, lighter coming out, he offered it to you. So you nod as you let your cigarette linger in between your lips, feeling the warmth of the flame as you are at a loss for words. 
Not too sure what to say, or do. 
“You don’t have to bring him back, I can come and get him…” You say, as your eyes leave the floor and look back up at him, nodding at Dustin’s way. He shrugs in response. 
“I don’t mind. And I know you don’t like driving at night.” He answers, with his hands buried in his back pockets. 
And maybe it’s the fact that he remembered such a stupid detail, but a soft smile forms on your lips. 
“Okay then, thanks.” You answer back. Looking at how much you had left to smoke, knowing that once you finish, so did this conversation. He seemed to understand as much. 
“Henderson?” He begged, his eyebrows raised as he looked deep into your eyes. 
“Munson?” You answer back, cooly, calmly. Smoke escaping from your lips. 
“It really is good to see you.” He admits, smug in his face. 
You smile in response, a short nod to him as you inhale again, speaking to him as smoke comes out and he’s lost in you again. 
“Yeah, it is.” You smile in response. “I’m a sight to be seen.” You mock, as you make you both chuckle softly, a distance still visible between both of you. 
“You've been taking care of yourself?” He asks, a bit of worry could be heard. 
“Yeah, I always am, Munson.” You take your final drag as you smile at him, closing your eyes so smoke won’t get inside of them. 
“Continue to do so then. You look good.” He whispers the last part, but you always had a good ear, so you nod as you smile and open the door to your car. 
“Yeah, so do you.” You say as the engine starts to roar. 
“So… You just talked?” Steve laid on your couch, Red-vine in his mouth, pulling it to pieces with his teeth. 
“Small talk.” You said, no thoughts behind your eyes, you walked up to him “Move” You told him as you signaled moving your hand side to side. His legs reached the floor. 
“Ouch.” He said in response, giving you some of the candy. “Small talk… That hurt?” He asked, eyebrow raised, eyes meeting your calm gaze. 
“Not as much as I thought it might.” You admit to him. Your head is finally resting on the couch. Eyes closed as you remember him, and his stupid smile. “Fucker told me “it was good to see me” and that “I looked good.” “ You explain to Steve as you air-quote your way through. The sweet taste of the Red-Vines hitting your tongue. 
“Shit.” He said in response. You felt him standing up. “Wanna talk about it?” You opened your eyes, seeing him reach over to the water. 
“Noisy.” You tease as you accept the cup. “Not really” You add as an answer to his question. 
“O-kay” He said, extending the first syllable. Giving you his blanket as he pulled another one from his side. “So, what’s it gonna be today?” 
“I’m not feeding into your Bowie obsession.”
“M’kay. Goonies?” 
“Don’t wanna babysit now.”
“Rude. Okay. You choose then, I don’t wanna think.” You finally let out, the heels of your hands covering your eyes in frustration. 
A beat. Steve could be heard messing around the VCR, his jeans ruffling as he moved, until his body laid beside you, his arm cuddling you into his chest, as you finally rested. 
Breakfast Club started, and you muttered a thank you. 
Steve kissed your forehead. 
Steve had always been there for you, thick and thin. Just like you were there when he had a crush on Robin, or even now, when he was falling for Nancy again. Funny enough, you both seemed to be in the same sinking boat. As you usually were. 
Your eyelids were starting to feel heavier by the minute, and you were determined to not fall asleep for once, even if you were really, truely, deeply comfortable under the warm blankets.
The movie was about to end, and your eyelids feel heavy. Still, your eyes opened wide as a noisy van parked outside, with blaring loud music as it screeched. 
“Munson?” Steve asked, rubbing his eyes while still half asleep. 
“Guess so.” You muttered, looking out the window, stretching your arms under the blanket that you were now sharing with Steve. 
Sure enough, the long haired boy popped out, helping your brother to jump out of the passenger’s seat, and for what felt for a moment, looked straight at you, a frown appearing in his face. Your eyes left him, as your mouth closed, and minted, you followed Dustin until you heard the door rattling. 
“Hey Dust.” You said, your voice raspy from falling half asleep. 
“Hey Henderson.” Steve said after you, a hand raised so he could high five. 
“Hey” He said back, tiredness coming from his voice. “Going to bed, is that okay?” He asked as he reached the first step of the stairs. 
“Yeah, of course.” You smiled at him. He nodded and started to go up. “Good night!” You screamed at him. 
“Night!” He yelled back. 
“I should go too. It’s late.” Steve said, looking at his wrist watch, you nodded in response as he tore the blanket away from your body. 
“I’ll walk you out.” You say, your voice is still raspy. Yawning as you lazily stretch. 
He offers you his hand, so he can pull you up, laughing as he does, your feet reach the cold, and you smile. You open the door, and to your surprise, Eddie is still there. 
Though you pay him no mind, your eyes meet before hugging Steve goodbye. 
“You’ll bring the tape back?” He asks, nodding to the living room, and trying to stall as he sees how nervous you are all of a sudden. 
“Yeah, drop it off before work.” You smile. 
He winks at you as he hugs you once again, and you both say goodnight. 
You’re left there, on your porch, arms crossed on your chest, looking at a speechless Eddie, who just shakes his head in shock at the image of you two together. 
“What are you-” He cuts you off, in his voice you notice, he is just as hurt as he is angry.
“You and Harrington?”
“Are you serious?” His face flinched as he looked deeper into your eyes, not mad, that might not be the right word, but hurt didn’t make it justice to the way he felt either. 
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” You mutter, your arms falling to your side in exhaustion, not really following the reason of his outburst. 
“I… Dustin…” 
“Yeah, Dustin. Sure.” You were growing cold now. He was doing what he usually did, burying everything that he actually needed or wanted to say, and you resorted to your all ways, though your voice growing tired, you agreed with what he was saying even if you didn’t, avoiding a major fight.
You locked eyes once again. Your arms wrapped with one another, sitting on top of your chest, looking down at him from your porch, as you bite your lower lip. His hands deep in his pockets, shoulders raised, looking up at you, his eyes glistening as he contemplated you, not really sure what he had to say. 
“Good Night then, Eddie.” You said, your voice coming out thinner than you had wished. 
“Yeah, good night…” He replayed as he stepped back, looking at you as you shutted the door and went back inside. Speechless once again. 
Infuriated might be a good word to describe the way you were still feeling weeks later. 
You did doubt yourself, and replayed the moment a million times over and over in your head, but everytime you did, you are left with the same thoughts. 
Why the Hell did Eddie care if you hung out with Steve?
Steve had always been your friend, and he knew that, shit, even when you used to go out with him, Steve would tag along and eventually became friends with him, Eddie even invited him to some D&D sessions he did. Eddie never had had a problem, or had been jealous, but then again, why do you care so much? You two were nothing. You had been friends. You had been lovers. Now you were just somebody you had once loved. 
And if you were honest with yourself, which you tried, you really didn’t feel like it could be spoken out loud, a fear of it being said, making all of this feeling you had materialize into something real, something you weren’t too sure you could be able to live with or act on. 
And again, being in a room getting ready with Nancy and Robin just made it all worse. 
Not because you disliked them, or didn’t enjoy their company, but because a tiny little voice inside your head was screaming to be heard, and you were only getting quieter, and quieter. 
And the fact that Robin was trying to make Nancy speak about her love life in an interest to help Steve was only driving you completely more mad. As if you had no other option but to scream. So ever so subtly you walked over the stereo and made it louder, so some of the noise could be drowned out. 
It seemed to work. 
At least it did long enough to finish getting ready. Hair was teased where it needed to be, your eyes were decorated with eyeliner and eyeshadow, and your lips, as always, were in blood red. 
You were still quiet when you got on the backseat of the car, as you looked through the window, waiting to see which house it was this weekend. Hawkins had little to choose from anyways, and teen parties were an open invitation for everyone. 
Downtown, in god-knows-who’s house, you got lost as you usually did when too many things were going on. Overwhelmed didn’t come close to explaining it. 
The music felt too loud. The people were too close to one another and to you. They were yelling too. Smoke filled the air enough so the colours were dimmed. You could hardly breath without feeling as your chest was closing. And none of your friends seemed to be there with you. 
You needed to get out. As if air was escaping your lungs, your chest felt heavier with every breath you exhaled, a shaking hand grasped your chest, and it took you a while to realize it was your own. You were disoriented, so you ran until you found a safe exit. A backdoor that nobody seemed to be close to. 
The cold air hitted you slowly, as your body collapsed on the floor, sitting down the dirty stairs. Your hands searched for your neck, scratching it as you realized, the one who you heard crying was you. The information seemed to come to you backwards. 
So maybe that’s why you don’t really register it as it happens. 
You do hear a familiar voice, soft and calm, and you feel hands wrapping your wrist, and as your eyes look at them, you see his rings. So when your head travels up to meet his eyes, a soft smiling Eddie is there, whispering something you can’t quite figure out yet. 
In this instance, the only thing that you can actually feel is his touch, the contradiction of his rough hands being so soft, the coldness of his rings tracing a pattern on the back of your hands. As soon as one of them leaves yours to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, your attention is now back at him, a soft smile on his lips as he looks deep into your eyes, you feel his fingers slowly find their way on the back of your neck as he begins to whisper. 
“Five things you can see.” He tells you slowly, softly, with no evident worry in his voice, even if he’s screaming on the inside. 
“Wh- What?” You manage to let out as your breathing is still fast and tears still come out. He just nods and gives you a reassuring smile. You nod in return as you start looking around. “The tree.” 
“That’s one.” 
“That’s two.” 
“Okay, three.” He says in between a soft chuckle. 
“My…my shoe.” 
“One more?” He begs. 
“You.” You say as you look at him. 
“Four things you can touch.” He says once again, his hand that was on your neck travelling down again to go with his left hand, holding yours tightly and softly at the same time. 
“Uh…” You try to not get stressed as you look around, and can’t seem to find anything, until you look down and see his knee touching your leg, and you begin to feel the pressure it leaves back into your body. “Your knee.” 
“Mmh.” He nods, as he bites his lower lip. “Go on.” 
“My jeans.” 
“That’s two.” 
“Your hands.” He nods as his fingers stroke your skin. “And your rings.” 
“Good.” He says reassuringly. “You’re doing great. Now, three things you can hear.” 
“The music.” You spat out, still feeling like it’s loud. 
“My voice.” He nods again as you blink slowly, regaining a sort of control of your own body, and where you were and what was going on. “And your voice.” 
“Two things you can smell? Please?” Your eyes dart back to the ground, an unfinished cigarette still burning. 
“The smoke.” You say as you point it. “And you.” You say as your head moves back to him, realizing again, how close he actually was, close enough to remember the way he always smells of sandalwood because he always burns it. 
He smiles at you. A true smile, one that lets you know he remembers how you always complained about his room being too smoky because of his fixation with incense, and how you always begged him to open the window just three inches. 
“One thing you can taste.” He says now, with his voice sounding as he always did, happy, relaxed, playful. 
“Um..” You could say what you wanted to, you wanted to say you, but didn’t dare to do so, so you just looked around, until you saw Eddie reach down on his front pocket and grab two more cigarettes as he offered it to you with a peace-making smile. “That”
“Good.” He mutters as he lights it for you, before his own. You look down as you accept it, taking in the smoke to slowly release it, your shoulders finally relaxing. You feel his arm behind your back, a familiarity in the way he rests invades you again. 
“Thank you Edds…” You say, as you look back into his maroon eyes. They shine as they look back at you. 
“Anything you need…” He says in response softly. “I didn’t know you still got them.” 
“I don’t… Well, it’s been a while since I had one.” You say as you both look at each other. Your eyes looking down at his lips involuntarily. So does he. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I’m sorry you had to see it.” He shakes his head no. “But I’m glad you were here.” You confess, a soft smile forming in your lips before you can avoid it. A moment of true sincerity and vulnerability shared with him. 
“D’you wanna go home?” He asks, as he nudges your leg with his knee. 
“Nancy’s car so… I’ll just wait out here.” You replay as you nudge his back with your shoulder, his curly hair bouncing as you hit him playfully. 
“Nah, I’ll drive you, come on.” He said as he stood up, offering his hand to you so you could stand up. 
You know that taking it is a promise, a truce, a trip to the past in a way. 
And you don’t care, you don’t care at all. 
It was impressive in a way, how it stayed as it always had. It smelt the same, it was in the same neatly organized mess, even the stains seemed to be formed in the same patterns as it did when you came last time. 
It was embarrassing to have to be here, but thank god he told you to come over. And you swear you grabbed your keys, and you tried to climb the windows, but your mom had the brillant idea to actually lock them down today, and she was out of town, and you had no idea where Dustin actually was so… In the end, and as he putted, it was better if you slept in his couch than on your porch.
But it did feel weird, or funny. Seeing Wayne’s mugs again, smelling the sandalwood that came from his room, and the little bit of dust that the sofa let out every time the cushions were used or moved. 
A year had passed yet time seemed to not affect the Munson household.
“I um… I kept some of your things so…” He said as he emerged back from his room. A smile appeared on your face before you could help it. 
“You did?” You asked, looking down at what he was carrying. 
“Um, yeah, couldn’t let…” He didn’t finish the sentence, thought he didn’t have to, you couldn’t seem to let go either. In his hands, the shirt you always borrowed, some of your presumed lost underwear, and your backup toilet bag. 
“Thank you Edds…” You said for what felt like the millionth time this evening. He shook his head as he gave it to you, and headed to the kitchen. 
“You can uh, take a shower or anything you need, I’ll make you some tea yeah?” You nodded, as you saw him smile. “You still like it without milk?” He asked loudly from the kitchen as you passed through. 
“Yeah…” You tell him, and as you close the door behind you, you can’t help but whisper. “You remember.” 
And the memories keep hitting you as you let the hot water run down your body. 
Eddie brushing your hair while he sang under his breath and you followed along. You washing his hair everytime the two of you happen to share the space where you where standing, and how often he would pull you closer when you had to rinse so he would be cold -and how it always ended in moaning and laughter-. You were blushing at the memory, even when you were putting the comfy clothes back on, you remember losing the little thong, and how he threw it away across the room before going down on you. 
Hair still wet and slightly knotted, you stepped out to the living room, comfy and warm clothes on. 
“Hey Moon..” You say before you realized you called him by his old pet name you used to use. He smiles fondly at that, so your only reaction is to blush as you look back at him. “I um… I couldn’t find the hair brush…” 
“Shit yeah, it’s in my room, I’ll get it.” He says as he rushes to find it, you follow him this time, and are shocked to find that he still has a picture of the two of you on his wall. It had always been where your eyes looked first, maybe it was muscle memory at this point. But next to his Corroded Coffin sprayed-old bed sheet, close by his bed, there you were, you were kissing his cheek as he had his arm wrapped around your waist, and he was smiling at the ground. 
When Eddie looked back at you, he looked at it too and gave you a coy smile, you smiled big showing your teeth, pink invading your face, just like he had in his. 
“You still keep it?” You ask, as you point at it and look back at him, noticing how he anxiously plays with the hairbrush now. 
“I yeah… I mean… forget it.” He begins to walk back to the sofa, and he sits down, clearly embarrassed now. 
So you did what you always did, you followed him and sat next to him. And maybe it really was muscle memory for him, or just the fact that it all felt like it did before, the tension, the electricity, the care for one another, but he started brushing your hair before you could say anything else, or before he even realized what he was really was doing, but once he did, since he didn’t hear any complaints from you, he just kept going. 
“Why do you still have it, Edds?” You ask in a whisper of a voice, because honestly, it felt absurd to talk at a normal volume in such an intimate moment. 
“Why do you wanna know that, my love?” my love. It rings in your ears for a second longer. He hasn’t called you that since you left, and hearing his voice say it again, in such a warm tone, only made your skin tingle and fill with soft goosebumps, as wet hair hitted it. You had your back turned to him, and his fingers were cautious to not pull the hair in any way that would hurt you, leaving it softly once that section was brushed. 
“I just… please?” You said as you moved a bit to quickly glance at him, a soft smile appearing in his face, his brown eyes looking black since his pupils were bigger than before. 
“What do you want me to say…” 
You waited in silence, knowing that once he was finished with the last strand of hair you could turn to actually face him, to actually look him in the eyes, to for once, talk things out. 
So when you felt the coldness of your wet hair hit the shirt and the back of your neck, and his fingers playfully shaking it a bit, as he used to do it every time he did this for you, you rotated your body slowly, your leg completely touching his, you were both dangerously close to one another, though it didn’t feel like a problem, much to different, in felt good, in felt like it was natural. 
With just a little move of your head, he knew you wanted an answer, an honest one at that, so he nodded before he opened his mouth again, looking at you before doing so. His eyes stopping for a second too long on your lips, losing themselves in them for more time than it was allowed. 
“I can’t seem to let you go.” He declared, honestly, with his voice shaking. “I regret what I did, I regret not saying anything when I could, I regret not being with you. I regret not loving you as much as you truly deserved to be loved, but I could never, ever regret being with you. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me, even if you don’t feel the same way about me I…” His eyes were glossy with held-back tears, though he was smiling as he said it all. 
Your hand grabbed his, and both of your eyes looked down for a second. Yours stayed there as you began to talk, while he had only had eyes for you. 
“I never could regret you Eddie.” You say sincerely. Your voice breaks as you feel everything come up again, trying not to actually cry. “You were… You are everything I’ve ever wanted…” You confess looking back up at him, smiling just as much as you do. “You did love me, I know that, but, by the end, I didn’t feel loved, you made me feel like I was unlovable… And that… That hurt so much.” You declare, breaking down, a few tears escaping, as you meet his sight again. 
“I’m sorry, I really am my love. But please, please…” He begged as he squeezed your hand ever so slightly. “Believe me, you are the most lovable person I know, and you deserve everything you want and need, and I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you… I… I wish I could, I don’t know… I just…” 
“What?” You asked as his left thumb whipped a tear out of your cheek, and you buried your face in his palm. 
“I wish I could prove it to you now.” 
It takes a moment to understand what he is actually saying. And once you do, for once in your life, you take initiative. 
Your hand leaves his touch, and travels up his arm until it reaches the back of his neck, his eyes open a bit at that, and you take that as an invitation. You move your body closer to him, so much so that you sit in his lap, pulling him closer, finally, after what felt like an eternity, you kiss him. And even if your heart is beating so fast it feels like it could escape your body, you feel how he is just has nervous as you actually are, not because he hesitates on kissing you back, but because you can actually hear his rapid heartbeat, and you can feel the way his hand grip your body, a long kiss that says I missed you. His arms wrap your waist tightly, yours grab his neck, while your body pushes his back to the couch, grinding as the kiss deepens. 
You can feel him smiling as he kisses you just as intensely as you are. And you are smiling just as big. 
You need to stop for a second, to actually get your breath back. But you don’t pull back, your forehead touching his, your nails screeching his skin in loving strokes, his fingers rubbing your back in true disbelief. 
“Don’t fuck this up again. Please.” You tell him, with your eyes still closed. 
“I won’t, I’m not losing you again.”
if you enjoyed (i I really hope you did), please reblog! i promise it makes a difference  <3
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callme-holly · 4 months
Can you do dating Dallas winston headcannons 🙏🙏🙏
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - oh, dallas winston, my troubled baby <33 literally none of this is proof-read so if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes please ignore them!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 641 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - brief mentions of fighting
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it definitely takes a lot of time for him to open up to you. He loves you and that honestly scares him.
He's been hurt in the past too, so don't expect him to admit his feelings for you straight away.
He's not a big fan of showing affection in public. He'll sling an arm over your shoulder, sure, or keep one hand in your back pocket at all times to show everyone you're his, but he's got a reputation to uphold.
He's super protective of you. You've got someone who's messing with you? No worries, doll, Dallas will sort them out for you.
He doesn’t say it often but you know he cares about you and he’ll show it through little things such as giving you his jacket when you get cold or standing up for you when needed.
Arguments happen fairly often between you two and, while it's usually over something small and petty, Dallas will never be the first to apologise. He's far too stubborn for that.
In private I think he'd be pretty clingy. Not to the point where it's suffocating (*cough* sodapop *cough*) but he just likes to be around you.
He'll hold your waist and kiss your neck whilst you're doing stuff, constantly trying to distract you from whatever it is that you're doing.
He's touched starved and honestly afraid that you’ll leave him although he’ll never admit it out loud.
He gets jealous very very easily. If he sees you talking to another guy, no matter who it is, he feels threatened and is watching over you like a hawk. If he feels the conversation is going on too long, he will step in and put an end to it whether you like it or not.
If you spot something in a store that you like, expect Dallas to disappear for a few moments before returning with said items in hand. He’ll shove it into your arms, waving off your thanks with a small “It’s nothing, doll.”
Does he pay for it? Hell, no. But nobody needs to know that.
Date nights between you two are often spent either driving about Tulsa in Buck's thunderbird or sneaking into the drive-in to watch whatever crappy movie is playing.
He takes his time introducing you to the guys and when he does, it’s a pretty big deal for him. They’re pretty much the only family he’s got and it’s important that you all get along.
Sometimes Johnny will tag along on your guys’ dates. It’s not really something you get a choice in for wherever Dallas is, Johnny won’t be far behind. But he’s no trouble really. He’s more than happy to hang back and stay quiet, as long as he can see you guys and you’re there to keep him safe.
After fights or rumbles, Dallas likes to lay his head in your lap while you play with his hair. He'll deny it until the day he dies if anybody ever questions it but you know, deep down, he loves it.
Speaking of rumbles... you're his go-to after he gets hurt. he trusts you to patch him up and take care of him. Sure, he'll complain when you try to clean the cuts but eventually, he'll sit still and let you work.
He’s probably not huge on cuddling, but when you both spend the night together or if he’s tired and beyond the point of caring, he’ll let you lie on his chest while he smokes, his free arms draped lazing across your waist.
When he gets hauled in by the cops, expect a call from him begging asking you semi-politely for you to come pick him up.
Your parents will probably disapprove of him but he couldn't care less.
He’ll probably end up sneaking into your room most nights, but, hey, no complaints, right?
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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melonmilkshake · 3 months
WE ARE SO BACK IM GLAD UR TAKING REQ AGAIN!! Ima js request the same thing before it sadly got deleted T^T
To make it short… puppy Randal and (fem) kitty reader (I think this concept is hybrids?) the point is they’re both in heat but like Randal is going through it like 10x worse and does not hold back at all. They don’t have to have tails if u don’t want to js at least the ears obv :3 but sum extras I’d like to see is maybe breeding kink, belly bulge (yk like when we see the outline when it’s inside us..:3) and manhandling ^^
Anything else is up to u honestly js no gore pls
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Randal Ivory x reader
She/her | Female
(Randal does have a tail in this and dog ears so does reader!!)
TW: doggy style, nibbling, nipple play, breeding, and belly bulge
Randal is your loving boyfriend and when it comes to being a couple you should help each other out! Even if by helping means Randal wants to fuck you.
Last oneshot for tonight and yes I will re upload a oneshot from my wattpad. A new oneshot for tomorrow probably.
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Your boyfriend can be restless sometimes. Despite your calm cat like demeanor he still likes to play with you. He likes pouncing, nipping, and licking you any chance he gets.
Even if you both were different types of hybrids it didn't matter. You both loved each other so much to the point where no one could tell you, you both couldn't be together.
Everything that you do is mostly wholesome and loving and today was nothing different... or so you thought. You could hear slight whimpering and moaning sounds coming from your room. It sounded like Randal..
You knew he was very horny and touchy nowadays always stealing your stuff and masturbating because he wants to mate. You slowly opened the door and your jaw dropped.
Randal was humping your pillow completely naked. His tail was wagging fastly while he humped it on your bed. You could tell he had already came a few times by the wet spots on your sheets, blankets, and a few on your plushies.
The second he heard the door creak he completely stopped. His puppy ears went down and he stopped wagging his tail. A confused purr came out of your mouth seeing him so disappointed and upset over the fact he was caught.
You stood in the middle of your room staring at him. He quickly got on his knees infront of you and looked at the ground. He whimpered and sniffled hoping you'd forgive him. You snapped your fingers making him look up at you.
The whole time you spoke his eyes kept on lingering to your breasts they just looked so good in that tight shirt you wore. He wagged his tail staring at them of course not paying attention to your words.
If it wasn't for this stupid mating season you both go through he wouldn't be like this... no he still would be but less distracted. You gave a sharp whistle and Randal's puppy ears perked up as he stared at you flustered.
"My eyes are up here." You spoke and flicked his forehead. He sniffled and gave you a puppy eyed plead but you never gave into it. You purred softly while your tail moved side to side.
"Whats wrong? You knew you were being a bad boy." You said with a small sigh as you turned around to leave but you couldn't even take one step before Randal stood behind you and squeezed your boobs. You were taken aback by the sudden grab and didn't know what to do.
His dick was pressed up against your ass, slightly rubbing up against it. His fingers pinched your nipples through the thin fabric of your shirt making you jolt.
He twisted them eagerly while small whimpers came out of your mouth. You could feel your panties already becoming wet from his touch. "I love you and I want you. Please gimme what I want." He whimpered and nuzzled his head up against your cheek. You nodded hesitatiantly and he wagged his tail.
"Sit. I need to take off my clothes." You ordered him and started getting undressed but when you were finished he admittedly pounced on you taking one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked on it and wagged his tail while playing with your other nipple.
You moaned at his sudden assult on your breasts but didn't stop him. He nipped at your breasts and neck pulling and licking at your skin before you knew it he made you lay on the ground ass up while pounding into you. His hand was gripping a fistful of your hair while he thrusted fast. He was moaning and whimpering both of yours sounds mixed together while his balls hit up against you.
With a shaky moan he came in you, your whole body was trembling from him fucking you but oh he wasn't finished yet. He flipped you over onto your back and forced your legs open. He stared at the large amount of cum leaking out of your tight hole. He suddenly pushed his cock back in you making you squirm under him.
He kept on mumbling things in your ear like "m'gonna get you pregnant", "you're gonna have my babies", "You're gonna give birth to my puppies." He was obviously very into the mood and you could tell by bulge in your stomach from his cock. It was big and a obvious sign of his of his arousal. You were gonna be here for a long time and you knew it.
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oizysian · 2 months
Part III. Irreplaceable
I Set the World on Fire masterlist
Word count: 1.6k
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“Why haven’t you sent Maximoff your demands yet, Natasha?”
“I know that Wanda is suffering. Right now, that’s enough.”
“How is that enough?” Yelena snapped. “You could have all of her assets, her businesses - all of her power.”
“I have what matters most.”
“To her! Not to you!”
Natasha finally raised her head to acknowledge her sister, her expression unchanging.
“Y/N matters more to me than owning everything Wanda has.”
“And what about owning Wanda? That was your goal. That was the whole point of this!”
“Owning Wanda would be a bonus.” Natasha admitted. “But having Y/N and knowing Wanda is suffering, unable to do anything for her, is enough for now.”
Natasha walked over to her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly in assurance.
“We will have her in time. We’ll have it all. Then the Romanoff’s will be the most powerful family in New York.”
Natasha began to walk off, but Yelena’s words stopped her in her tracks.
“I can’t wait to get my hands on her for what she did to us.” She growled.
“And for what she did to Clint. I haven’t forgotten.” Natasha said softly.
“It seems that with Y/N you’ve disregarded everything else.”
“Not everything, sestra. Wanda and the empire she’s built will be mine.”
Wanda couldn’t control it for another minute longer.
She threw her glass against the wall, watching as it smashed into tiny bits and the contents spilled all along the now damaged surface.
In a rage, she grabbed armfuls of paperwork scattered among her desk and tossed it all on the ground.
She kicked and punched and scratched at everything she could get her hands on, not only destroying everything around her, but slowly destroying herself.
“If I hadn’t been such a bitch …” she grumbled to herself, her fingers trailing along the bloodstain on the wall from her self-inflicted injuries. “Now I lost her. Just like …” she let out a sob. “Just like Pietro.”
She slid down the wall, sitting amongst her scattered papers and broken furniture. What had she done? What would become of Y/N now?
Tears stained her cheeks, the bags under her eyes evidence that she hadn’t been sleeping or taking care of herself in the slightest. She searched day and night for Y/N, never having any luck, always a step behind Natasha.
She brought her hands up to her face, blood mixing with her tears as she rubbed her eyes.
Her men had done what they thought they should’ve; they destroyed, robbed, and even burned down numerous of Natasha’s well known owned establishments. Wanda hadn’t ordered it, but she certainly didn’t tell them to stop. So it had been weeks, months even that they were out destroying things and she was searching fruitlessly for Y/N.
“I need to pull myself together.” She said softly, looking down at her wounded hands. “I have to - for Y/N.”
Her knuckles were scraped and bruised, her nails left half moon cuts on her palms, and she suspected she might’ve even broken one of her fingers while she went around destroying the room.
“Y/N needs me … she needs me to be strong.”
With a groan, she lifted herself up, bracing her weight on whatever was left of her desk. She panted softly, her tears still staining her pink cheeks as she calmed herself down. She would find Y/N and she would get her back.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
“Wanda?” Dimitri opened the door slightly, peeking in before stepping fully inside.
“What is it, Dimi?” Her voice was low and her accent was thick. She was tired.
“Your proof.” He said, holding up his phone. “I got it.”
She looked up at him, her eyes glistening with hope.
“Get him.”
“Why won’t you eat, detka? Are you sick?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“You have to eat.”
I looked away from her. I didn’t want to eat. I didn’t want to live. I had given myself to a monster to save the woman I loved and I was in hell. Natasha wasn’t cruel to me, not really. As a matter of fact, sometimes she was rather … loving. She seemed to care about me but I couldn’t trust her. She was only keeping me here to hurt Wanda.
She reached over to me and grabbed my chin gently, turning my face to look at her.
“When will you stop thinking about her? Haven’t I treated you right? Taken care of you?”
“Yes,” my voice was small. “But …”
She moved herself closer to me, mere inches of space between our faces as she looked into my eyes.
“Wanda didn’t treat you right. I do. All you did was fight and say hateful things towards each other. Why do you yearn for that?”
How could she know that? Her words swam around in my head, the reality of the situation hitting me like a ton of bricks. How did she know so much about our relationship?
The door burst open and I turned my attention to whoever just entered the room like a bat out of hell. She continued to stare at me, uncaring about the intrusion.
“They know.”
When I realized who had entered the room, I went pale, my body stiffening with realization.
“That sounds like a personal problem, doesn’t it, Leo?”
He looked panicked, and I had never seen such a look on his face in my life. But what was he doing here? What was going on?
“They know everything. She’ll kill me -”
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that,” she turned her head to face him. “Before you helped me kidnap her girlfriend, hm?”
“Leo…” I whispered, unable to accept what I was hearing.
He looked at me, flinching slightly at the look of betrayal on my face, and turned his attention back to Natasha.
“You have to protect me!”
“I don’t have to do anything.” She said with a smile.
I pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my head on them as I tried to accept what I had just been thrust into. Leo had betrayed me, betrayed Wanda. No, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him.
Natasha ran her hand up and down my back, the sound of the fabric of my shirt ruffling the only sound in the silent room.
“Why don’t we let Y/N decide what happens to you?”
I could almost hear the grin that was plastered on her face at the situation. I didn’t even bother to look up at them. I shook my head.
“What was that?” She asked tauntingly, stroking my hair.
“Send him to Wanda.” I whispered softly and she returned her attention to Leo.
“Looks like your time is up, buddy. You were a great help.”
“You-you can’t do this to me! Not after what I’ve done!”
“Your usefulness has come and gone. Maybe you should’ve thought this through.”
I finally looked up at him, his face completely white and his body shaking. He feared Wanda - as he should. He had been one of her most trusted men, one of her oldest friends, and he betrayed her. Wanda had killed people for less.
Without another word, he turned and ran out, probably planning his escape from both women if he was smart. I stared at the opened door as Natasha continued to touch me mindlessly, stroking my hair, caressing my back. She always had to be touching me in some way.
“I’ll let Wanda take care of him. He’s nothing to me.”
“Why did you let him believe differently?”
I shifted my eyes towards her and she was still smiling.
“My offer to him was money, a position of power … respect. If he believed that he was irreplaceable, that was his own mistake.” I finally turned to face her. “Nobody is safe in this business.”
“You used him. Just like you’re using me.”
“I’m not using you, printsessa. If I was, would I have kept you alive this long?”
Fear struck me harder than any blow ever could. She was right. If she was just using me as bait or as a tool of revenge, this would’ve been over long ago. This was something else, and that scared me more than anything.
“I take care of what’s mine.” She took one of my hands in hers and brought it up to her lips, kissing my knuckles. “He was never part of my family. Never would be.”
“What am I to you?” I asked shakily, watching her with wide eyes.
“You … are what’s left of my humanity.”
The questions burned my throat but before I could ask she continued to speak.
“Do you know how many there were before you?” I shook my head. “Four. None of them lasted more than a month. But you …” she spoke as she pressed my hand against her cheek. “You’re different. I know now why Wanda kept you so secret.”
“She was ashamed of me. Ashamed to love me.” I said sadly.
“She knew you were special and wanted to keep you all for herself.”
I looked her up and down for a moment before blinking wordlessly. She was being raw and honest with me. Why?
“What do you want from Wanda?”
She licked her lips, her eyes searching mine.
“I want everything. I want everything that she is. I want her.”
I flinched at her words and pulled away from her. Me giving into her meant nothing. It was just another victory for her. She was still going to go after Wanda for whatever reason and my choice to give in or not meant nothing to her.
“You were her everything and now you’re mine. If you had resisted me, this may have been a more painful experience for you.” She laughed. “But definitely not for me.”
She picked up the plate of food that had been completely ignored and stood from the bed.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to. Remember that, printsessa.”
@marvelogic @casquinhaa @mathxa @oh-thats-cute @ornorr @milkeeteaa @souanick @nothanksbye07 @romanoff101 @dracarys8287 @marvelwomen-simp @tigerlillyruiz @lzzysfreak @whatdoyoudo12 @mrsrushman
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lovelyiida · 6 months
➜ masterlist
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➜ words: 1k
WARNINGS ➜ bullying?
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“So that’s why he walks like that?”
Snickers, a chuckle, and a giggle or two sound off on the right of Iida’s ear. This wasn’t the first time he’s involuntarily heard in on you and a couple of students’ “gaggle-fests” as he would name it.
sometimes they’d range from short snorts to full-out laugh attacks. He’d watch in utter confusion as he’d watch you curl on the floor, eyes brimming with tears as you fell weak from hysterical laughter.
Whenever he comes to your aid (because you’re so weak you can’t stand) you breathe out. “It’s an inside joke.”
“An inside joke? I see.”
Iida would come to terms with that for a short period of time. Seeing as your laughing fits bring a certain air to the classroom. The feelings of an educational-based professionalism flew right out the window whenever a tiny giggle passed through your lips.
Seeing you get sent out the room to finish your fits of laughter by yourself. You somehow made things less…tense?
Iida didn’t mind your inside jokes, but he wondered why most of your “jokes” were in fact “inside”.
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He also wondered why as soon as he turned to you, you’d burst out laughing. And he also wondered whenever he’s interacted with you; you always seem as if you’re bound back by a giggle.
And he also, also—wondered why whenever he’d pass you by in the halls you’d hold back your laughs and go into a hushed whisper.
Why was Iida always at the scene of your humorous crimes? Why was he never committing the crimes? Why was he never an inside whiteness?
“So you’re telling me…you think you’re being bullied?”
“Yes, I believe so.”
Midoriya pulls a thin line onto his lips. “Well, then we have to contact Aizawa sensei at once. Bullying isn’t nice; trust me I’d know.”
“Right, let’s go— wait!” Iida halts his steps and ponders for a moment. Turning to the green ball of hair, he frowns.
“Well we can’t base our accusations just off of a hunch, I need full proof evidence.” The raven-haired man pushes his crafted glasses up to rest a little too snug against the bridge of his nose.
“And how would we do that?” Midoriya questions (a twinge of sass in his voice). The two men sit in silence for a while, at least while that was happening one of them was thinking of solutions.
“I think I’ll just confront them about it,” Iida says.
“Yeah, I think you should.”
Giggle, chuckle, snort, cackle—today was the day he’s had enough.
It wasn’t just your gaggle-fest that sent him into an internal frenzy. Iida was currently trying to process his current bi-weekly progress report. This was created by himself, of course.
Iida’s currently realized that he’s 20 points down from his last mark. He’s supposed that he was in due for an upgrade on his engines. But he also noticed that he was marked off by sensei during sparring for doing an illegal move.
“Too dangerous for your caliber.” Or whatever.
He’s also noticed that it takes a little bit longer to finish his homework. His hair has grown exceptionally longer than he’d like. Due to this, he’d constantly have to move his hair out of the way and readjust his glasses.
So his academic performance is deducted by some points.
Great. Now he’s down 30 points. This is his all-time low—
“Shut up!”
You cackled.
As loud as ever, of all days. It had to be today.
Shoulders growing stiff, eyes going wide, and hands becoming pin-point sharp. He snaps.
“Y/n, we need to talk!” His voice rang loud, echos bunching off the four corners of the classroom. Usually, the classroom would be unfazed, but this time everyone jumped (or at least turned their way) to look over.
He was yelling at you.
He watched as the yellow-haired goober silently cackled next to you. But this time IIda looked at you dead in the eyes. And you weren’t laughing this time.
“You’re going to report me to Aizawa—for bullying?” you grimaced.
“May I ask why?”
Iida began his rant to you. His feelings of always being the butt of your inside jokes without him knowing. He always felt as if he was purposely put out of the loop. He just wants to be included, he wants to know what makes to giggle…
He wants to know what makes you topple off your chair and clutch your stomach crying-laughing for dear mercy. He wants to make you smile in a more wholesome/genuine way. Not a knifing smile you show him when it seems you’re obviously talking shit about him.
He just wants to make you smile…well sounds a little more like a personal goal–
“Iida” you deadpanned.
“Yes! Sorry for the ramble.”
“I feel as if you’re expressing something a little more than what you want to express.” You show a smirk at him.
“W-what?” Iida grows nervous as the conversation has gone from confrontation to interrogation.
“But it’s okay, because you’re right” Your tone sounds defeated, a little disappointed. Iida’s eyes widen.
“Of course! Like I said; you must be reported to Aizawa–“
“Do you wanna know what the inside joke is?” You asked, a twinge of sassy anticipation trickles through your words as your smirk grows into a smile.
Pushing his glasses out, he lets out a hum. He really wanted to hell out his answer, but chose to keep his composure last minute.
“The joke is…you’re just so clueless! Plus you’re cute.”
Plack! Iida’s glasses dropped.
“Excuse me?”
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HEY GUYS!! Do you guys like my new theme? I made it myself :DD
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❥: @xo-evangeline, @nar00, @king-dynamight, @gold24fish, @lovra974 , @bakugospartner , @gaby-11 , @akqsa-xxi , @jolynegf, @goldenglow149, @aliruuiz, @zukowantshishonourback, @ilovedenk-i, @atsushiki, @smolbeanzzz, @lem-hhn, @stevenknightmarc, @ryumiii, @idontevenknowlolls, @lyn07, @kennshifts, @ackerman-suck-3-r, @elegantvoids, @thecurlyhairedgoddess, @sunyrose, @thisbicc, @thekookiecorner, @snxwycloud, @skylardarling, @cosmic-rainstorm, @venus-xxoo, @iluv-ace, @yoonievrse, @chixkadee
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starrvsn · 4 months
౨ৎ ּ ׅ ۫ ✧ 。BOYS IN THE BOAT ˚₊ ꒰ TO BE LOVED .
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𝟒𝟏𝟏. some of the fictional characters of the boys in the boat comforting you when you’re upset. (for anyone in need of some tlc)
INCLUDES ⠆joe rantz, don hume, bobby moch, george hunt and chuck day
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ever since you’ve started dating it had become very easy for bobby to read you, you were like an open book to him. so when he met you after practice and your sweet melodic voice didn’t greet him the second you saw him, he knew something was wrong. bobby doesn’t hesitate to start comforting you, he didn’t even need to know what was wrong from him to make you feel better. he knew the last thing you wanted was for him to ask you why you were upset so he sticks to comforting you. he hugs you; soothingly rubbing your lower back as he holds you close, his presence alone calms you down. soon he asks what had happened but doesn’t force you to tell him, he doesn’t dare to. then he’s praising you with soft compliments as he pressed kisses on your face, hair or hands. he overall just wants you to feel happy and appreciated since you do so much for him.
don isn’t the best at comforting people, especially people of importance so seeing you sitting in front of the piano with tears in your eyes when you looked at him, he froze. a plethora of thoughts racing through his mind as he tried to figure out was wrong but most importantly what he could do to make you feel better. he takes cautious steps towards you and kneels when he gets to his desired spot that is as close to you as possible “you alright darling?” he asks rubbing your arms comfortingly, he doesn’t say much when he’s comforting you, he lets his actions speak for themselves. you nod wiping all your excess tears away, telling him how frustrated you are over this piece you were learning. don’s heart breaks a little seeing you so upset like that, he wanted to cheer you up in anyway he could so the first thing that came to mind was the piano so he’s quick to move his hands on the keys of the instrument, playing the only song he really knew. the washington fight song; as he plays and softly sings the words— a soft smile tugs on your face as you begin to sing along, resting your head against his arm as he plays.
he reacts instinctively. as soon as he sees you enter his dorm with a solemn face he’s already on his feet comforting you. it was every evident in your relationship that joe just wanted you to always be happy and obviously it isn’t fool proof because sometimes things get to you. he tries his hardest to always put a smile on your face and that’s exactly what he tries to do to turn your frown upside down. he takes his time because the last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm you more, he asks whats upset you and from how you tell him is how he differs on how upset you are. if you hadn’t said anything at all you were far too upset but if not you weren’t to upset to respond to your boyfriend. so when you didn’t reply he immediately comforted you into a hug before bringing you to his bed so can cuddle, he lays atop you while he speaks softly about how strong and lovely you are while drawing soft patterns on your arm, later he tries to make you laugh and it always works to make your mood brighter. he praises you before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
the second he sits beside you in the library, he felt something was off. at first he couldn’t tell but there was a certain tension in the air and when george looks over at you it’s like he could see a cloud hanging over you, he wanted nothing more than to swat it away… but of course there wasn’t a cloud over your head but he now knew you were upset. he could especially tell from how aggressively you were turning the pages of your textbook. he knew better to bombard you so he kept his distance letting your mood soften a bit, but it doesn’t stop him from glancing ever so often trying to not look over so often. but ultimately you come to him when your ready and that is when he gives you his undivided attention and all the love and comfort he can give. physical affection comes easy to george so him comforting you has become a second nature to him, even if it leads to him speaking so sweetly to you to you. he bombards you with kisses, cuddles and words of encouragement and reassurance to make sure any negative thoughts you had go away and all you can think about is him, caring less that you’re in a public place.
like bobby; chuck can read you very easily, especially emotionally. he can tell immediately that something is wrong when he goes to pick to you up from your last class of the day; assuming you’re upset about something that happened in class. chuck tries his absolute best to get your mind off it while at the same to reassuring you and praising you as you spend your day together. in a more quieter fashion he would take you on walks to the park so you could clear your head and even open up to your lover on what had made you so upset, it concerns chuck the most because you get super quiet when your upset. he misses when your talking his ear off about your day but he knows that it’ll subside eventually and he will try his absolute best to help you feel better.
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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janeyseymour · 7 months
Can you write a Mel x reader where they go to the PECSA and there is only one bed available? They describe themselves as reaaaally good friends until everything changes.
Can you make it with a happy ending? Ty ❤️
I hope this is what you were asking for!
What happens at PECSA...
WC: ~3k
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“PECSA,” Melissa grins. “Here we come!” She turns in her seat to glance at you sitting in the back. Barb and her had been kind enough to let you tag along with them.
“Oh, Y/N,” Barb chuckles as she drives. “You have no idea what you just got yourself into tagging along with the two of us.”
“I know what I got myself out of by not going with Janine and Jacob,” you giggle. “I still don’t know how Gregory puts up with the two of them sometimes.”
“Love does weird things to that man,” Barb makes a face. “God, I can’t wait to not have to listen to those lectures and relax in a hot tub instead. I’ve been around a while, I don’t know why I’m still required to go to these things”
“I’m ready for a couple of math-o-ritas, and then I’ll be schmoozing all of the different companies to get them to donate supplies to Abbott,” Melissa cheers from her seat.
You, on the other hand, aren’t quite sure what to expect. The last time you went to PECSA, you mostly just kept to yourself and kept your head down. You were a new teacher, and you figured you should at least look like you were trying. But that was last year. Now, you have Melissa and Barbara to help you out, and if the three of you get caught not participating... you’re sure one of them will get you out of the sticky situation.
It takes you a bit longer to get to your destination, and both senior teachers are all grins once you’re finally there.
“Oh, PECSA,” Melissa sighs in content as she grabs her bags. “How I’ve missed you.”
“Come on, Melissa,” Barbara laughs. “If we want to be able to raid the minibar before the opening dinner, we have to get in there! Now!”
The redhead all but rolls her eyes as she moves out of the way, allowing the kindergarten teacher to grab her various bags.
“Jeez, Barbara,” you laugh as you look at the amount of things she’s packed for a weekend. You have one duffel bag and a backpack filled with everything you could possibly need, and she has... is that really five bags?
“I’m very serious about my nighttime routine, Y/N,” she says lowly. “I don’t look this good by doing nothing, you know.”
“C’mon, you two,” the redhead teases the two of you. “Let’s go check in and get settled in.”
You let Melissa and Barbara check in first before you step up to the counter. 
“Checking in for Y/N,” you say politely.
The clerk clicks around a few times on his computer before giving you a look. “I don’t have a reservation under that name.”
You look baffled. You had booked your room months in advance- you had booked it with Melissa’s guidance because she knew a guy who could get you a good deal. “That’s impossible, you say softly. I booked my room months ago.”
“Did you get a confirmation email?” The concierge asks.
“I did,” you mumble as you pull out your phone, searching for it. You pull it up as proof.
Your coworkers are watching curiously. It hadn’t taken that long for them to check in.
“You think she’s okay?” Melissa leans in close to Barb.
“I’m not sure,” the kindergarten teacher replies. “She looks a little frazzled.”
“I’ll check on ‘er,” the redhead tells her friend. “Watch my stuff.”
“You okay?” Melissa comes up behind you and sets a hand on your shoulder.
You take a shaky breath. “Fine. They just messed up my reservation, so now they’re looking to see where they can put me, and they’re figuring out how much I get back since I won’t be put in as nice of a-”
���They fucked up your reservation?” the redhead cuts you off. “Oh... Vinnie’s gonna get an earful about this one.”
“It’s okay,” you lay a hand on her arm. “It’s fine. It’s all gonna get squared away, and then we can focus on having a good time at PECSA.”
“No, I’m gonna-” Melissa looks like something has triggered her ‘fight-or-fight’ response.
“It’s okay,” you promise her. “It’s all gonna be fine. Things happen, mistakes happen.”
She doesn’t look very happy, but she does take a breath. If you say it’s fine, she’s trusting you. She goes over and tells Barb what’s happening, and they both come and stand at your sides.
Except then the clerk is coming back over to you, and he doesn't look too excited to share whatever news he has with you.
“Miss Y/N, I am so sorry,” he states quietly. “We’re operating at maximum capacity for this weekend due to the conference, and we will not be able to fit you in. We are in the process of providing a full refund to you as we-”
“What the hell?” Melissa asks from behind you. “How’d you goof up that bad?”
“Mel, it’s okay,” you say quietly. “I’ll just find a different hotel to stay in.”
“No, you’re not,” the second grade teacher bites out. “Because you’ll be staying with me in my room.”
“And we expect a full refund for her,” Barbara cuts in. “And some sort of credit. It’s the least you can do for the poor girl.”
“Guys, it’s fine,” you turn red. They’re fighting for you, and the idea of staying with Melissa? Well... you’ve had a thing for her since you first started at Abbott, but it’s never gone anywhere past coworkers. Staying with Melissa could be dangerous territory if you weren’t careful.
“Like hell we’re gonna let you stay somewhere,” the redhead tells you seriously as she picks up your bags. “The plan is to get hammered, and there ain’t no way I’m lettin’ you take an Uber to and from a different hotel.”
“She’ll be accepting an apology in some form of credit,” Barbara hits the concierge with a stern look again before the three of you walk away.
“Maybe I should just go-”
“Go where, kid?” Melissa rolls her eyes. “Barb drove, so you’re stuck here. Might as well make the best of it, yeah? Now, are you gonna share a room with me, or spend your time on one of these nasty ass couches in the lobby?”
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” you ask.
“Nope,” the redhead pops her ‘p’. “Let's go, hon. If we hurry we can still get a couple of glasses of wine in before tonight’s event.”
The three of you get into the elevator and head for your rooms. 
“I’ll meet you down at the pool in an hour?” Barb asks. At yours and Melissa’s nods, she lets herself into her room next to Melissa’s... and now yours too.
The redhead unlocks your door and gestures for you to go first. You look around. This place is... wow. It’s really nice. Whatever her cousin Vinnie did to get her this nice of a room had to have been pretty big. You set your things on the floor over by the rather uncomfortable looking couch that is taking up space on the other side of the room.
“Oh come on, Y/N,” Melissa chuckles. “You can put your stuff on the bed.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” you mutter nervously, tucking a hair behind your ear and rubbing your collar bone gently.
“You ain’t intruding. I invited you to stay with me for the weekend,” she says pointedly. She glances at where you’ve decided to set your things. “And you’re not sleeping on that ratty ass couch, so don’t even try it.”
“You don’t think this is... weird for us to share a bed?”
“It ain’t weird if you don’t make it weird,” your colleague shrugs as she reaches for her bag. She pulls out a couple of shooters. “Now, are you ready to get PECSA weekend started or what?”
You, Barb, and Melissa end up by the pool an hour later. You had made your appearance, and now you were fully taking advantage of the fact that everybody else was so preoccupied with PECSA events that you had the entire pool room to yourselves.
“Best weekend of the year,” the kindergarten teacher raises her glass. 
“Seriously,” Melissa responds. “Bottomless margs, a heated pool, and a relaxing weekend with two of my favorite people.” While Barb smiles, you blush. You didn’t know you were that high up on her list. You honestly weren’t even sure you were on her good list to begin with, so hearing that you were in ranks with the kindergarten teacher definitely took you by surprise.
“To PECSA,” you say quietly and take off your coverup before reaching for your book. You miss the way that Melissa’s eyes check you out, just like how you had missed it in the hotel room.
You end up falling asleep not much later, a glass of mimosa sitting next to you, and your novel is open and laying on your chest.
Melissa looks over to you. “Wow.” She can’t remember the last time she’s seen you so still- so at peace. You were always running around at Abbott, and even when you were sitting, a part of your body was almost always bouncing up and down. Now, you just look calm. You look... gorgeous. Even with your hair tied up carelessly and no makeup on, Melissa thought you looked absolutely stunning. 
“Poor girl’s been working herself so hard this year,” Barbara tuts. “She’s been exhausted lately.”
That was not what the redhead was referring to, but she’ll play along. “I know,” she laughs nervously. “We’ve barely been here for an hour, and she’s already fallin’ asleep on us. Hope she can keep up with us later tonight.”
“It’s a good thing we were there when the clerk told her there wasn’t any more room,” Barb says, lips turned up. “Otherwise the poor thing would’ve probably Ubered home and not enjoyed this weekend with us.”
“Yeah,” the second grade teacher says noncommittally. She’s still got her eyes on you. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen you looking more beautiful than you do dozing off in the lounge chair. 
“Are you gonna be okay this weekend sharing the place with her?” She knows about Melissa’s little thing for you. She knows how much the redhead cares about you, and she understands how strong the other woman’s feelings are for you.
“I’ve held it together for this long, I can do it for another weekend,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “I have to. I ain’t jeopardizing our friendship.”
“But this weekend you have to share a room,” the kindergarten teacher argues.
“A bed,” Melissa coughs out awkwardly. “We’re sharing a bed. It's totally normal. Friends share beds all the time. I told her I wasn’t going to let her sleep on that ratty ass couch they have in there. But I’ll be... I’ll be fine.”
“You sure about that?” Barbara teases. 
“I’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Everything will be just... I’ll be fine.”
“Say it one more time, and I’ll believe you,” the older teacher chuckles. 
“I’ll be fine,” Melissa huffs. She takes her eyes off of you to take a sip of her drink. “I just can't get too hammered now.”
That’s what she said. But that was also four hours ago, and five drinks ago. You three are currently down at one of the parties. Barbara is speaking with a few of the handlers from different supply companies, you have had your fair share of drinks and are starting to stumble, and Melissa refuses to leave your side. She glares down pretty much anybody who even thinks about trying to talk to you.
Someone from Addington decides that they don’t give a damn about Melissa’s harsh looks and has to come over to attempt to flirt with you. You’ve made it quite clear you are having no parts of it, but he just won’t leave you alone. Melissa doesn’t like this one bit. She doesn’t intervene just yet though. She knows you are a strong independent woman who can handle this- unless you give her some sort of signal to ask for help.
“I’m really okay,” you slur out. “I don’ wan’ another. Thanks-s though.”
He just keeps trying to get you to drink another one, trying to make conversation with you even though you aren’t interested. He’s ignoring the fact that the redhead is right there with you too. You give Melissa a look that she interprets to be a plea for help. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but that’s how she takes it.
“Hey, asshole,” the second grade teacher finally taps his shoulder. “She said she ain’t interested, so beat it.”
“And who are you?” he looks her over. “Old, washed up-”
“I’d watch it if I were you,” Melissa glares him down. “Now get outta here, before I help you outta here.”
“Who even are you?” the charter teacher asks. 
Melissa, thinking that you are too inebriated to remember this tomorrow, bites the bullet. She wraps her arms around your waist and helps to steady you. “Her girlfriend. Now, seriously: beat it before I beat you.”
“Damn,” he puts his hands up in surrender as he walks away. “The hot ones always turn out to be gay.”
You’re intoxicated, but not because of the copious amount of tequila you’ve had tonight. No, it’s because of a certain coworker's arms being snaked around your waist and holding onto you tightly. 
“I think maybe it’s time for bed,” Melissa tells you gently as she continues to hold you up. You giggle as you lean into her, fully embracing how close you are and loving it.
“You’re- you’re warm,” you tell her. “I like that about you.”
“Well, yeah,” she laughs as she guides you towards where Barbara is sitting. “Hey, Barb. I think this one’s had enough, so I’m gonna take her up to the room and get her to bed, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Barb!” You try to launch yourself at the veteran teacher.
“Oh! Y/N!” the kindergarten teacher laughs. She lets you hug her, quietly mouthing, ‘Is she okay?’ to Melissa. At the redhead’s nod, she mouths, ‘Are you okay?’ to which Melissa nods again.
“Alright, sweetheart,” the second grade teacher helps pry you off of Barbara. “I think it’s about time we get up to our room and into bed.”
“Mhmm,” you hum. “As long as- as long as you stay with me.”
“I never said nothin’ ‘bout leaving,” she assures you. “Now c’mon.” 
The two of you somehow manage to get back up to the room, and at this point, Melissa is practically dragging you. She keeps one arm looped around your waist while she tries to open the door for you. It unlocks, and she pushes it open before guiding you to the bed.
“Sleep, hon,” Melissa instructs. 
“Don’ wanna sleep in this,” you gesture to the dress you’re wearing. She can’t necessarily blame you- it doesn’t look terribly comfortable.
“Okay, hon,” she sighs. She opens your duffel, blushing immediately. “Is there anything specific you want in here?”
“My t-shirt,” you mumble, already curled up on your side of the bed. She digs through your duffel bag, only to realize you forgot to pack a night shirt. Thank god she packed an extra. She quickly goes to her side of the bed and finds the spare shirt. 
She throws the shirt at you and instructs you to change, but you’re still struggling after several minutes. With a sigh, Melissa knows she’s going to have to help you change. She wishes she was undressing you, not helping you redress.
Once you’re finally changed, she helps you slip into bed and pulls the blankets up and around you. The teacher moves a few stray hairs away from your face before tracing a gentle line down your cheek with the pad of her thumb.
“Mel,” you whine when she pulls her hand away from your face. “Don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” she promises you. “I’m just gonna change for bed myself, and then I’ll be right back, yeah?” You nod, and she walks into the bathroom with her own pajamas.
She takes a long time in the bathroom. You’re struggling to keep your eyes open, but you don’t want to fall asleep without her arms around you- they are safe. Secure. When she comes out, she’s shocked to see that you’re still awake.
“Hey sleepyhead,” she chuckles. “I thought you’d be asleep by now.”
“Waiting for you,” you try, but fail, to stifle a yawn. “C’mon.”
She climbs into bed, and you waste no time wiggling your way into her arms. You tangle
your legs together and force her to hold you as you rest your head on her shoulder.  
“You good, hon?” Melissa asks you gently, just barely daring to press a kiss to your hair.
“Wish we could do this sober,” you mumble, sleep threatening to take you. “But ‘m too nervous to say anything to you when not drunk.”
The redhead is fairly certain she’s hallucinating. Did you just admit you wished you could cuddle with her? Lay in bed with her and fall asleep in her arms?
“Well, sweetheart,” the second grade teacher sighs heavily. “Let’s just get past tonight, see what you remember tomorrow, and then we can talk.”
You nod. You’re still drunk, but you’re pretty aware of everything that is happening, and you know you’ll remember all of this tomorrow. But it’s that extra little bite that liquid courage gives you that allows you to say, “I love you, Mel,” before you tighten your grip on her and give in to sleep. 
Melissa’s eyes widen slightly, but she doesn’t hesitate in saying, “I love you too, Y/N.” She presses a sweet kiss to the side of your head, and prays to God that when the two of you wake up everything is okay.
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Vanilla Latte
Same pairing as Double Espresso and Farmer's Market and yeah, I guess this is becoming a fic. thing. something. It's becoming something.
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Simon Riley/reader 1.8k words Warnings-tags: 18+ Minors DNI, no smut but this fic has mature themes. There is a man staring at you in the cafe.
There is a monster in your life.
It is a shapeshifter, a horrible creature that no one else seems to be able to see. During the day, it is fairly unsuspecting and blends in with its surroundings, but at night, it sheds its skin and rears its ugly head, exposing it’s true nature when it drags itself up the stairs of your apartment complex to bang on your door, its rage filled voice calling your name over and over, forcing you into your bedroom closet, where you sit in the dark with your hands clamped over your ears. Sometimes, it hurls its entire body against your door to break it down, and you hide in your locked bathroom, knees to your chest in your tub, little pocketknife handle digging into the skin of your palm.
No one seems to know your monster exists.
No one cares that the monster followed you across an entire ocean when you tried to run away from it.
Your neighbors have turned a blind eye. Those who do see, have fallen to the bystander effect. 
The ones who were organized to protect people like you from monsters say they can’t do anything unless you have proof, or it gets worse.
You don’t bother to tell them that if it does get worse, you’ll probably just be dead.
Sometimes, you see it on the street during your walk home from work, standing with its hands in its pockets, dark eyes tracking your every step, waiting for its chance to strike. Sometimes, it follows you onto the train, a car ahead, watching you between the shoulders of the people that separate you from it, their presence the only thing preventing it from making you disappear.
You tell yourself that eventually it will get bored and move on, that it’ll go away, leave you alone for good. But days pass, and it still drags itself up your apartment stairs to torment you, still stands on the sidewalk across from your building.
Sometimes, when it’s really bad, you wonder if you should just open the door and let it kill you. Let it take what it wants, let it make you disappear forever. You think it might not be so bad, not living, if it meant you were free of the monster.
But then, the sun rises. The monster leaves and the day begins. The air is warm, and the birds chirp, and the breeze is just right, and it’s enough. It’s enough to remind you that you can feel something other than despair. It’s enough to keep you going.
And right now, that’s really all you can ask for.
“Oh good. Was starting to worry.” Your boss, Tiana, or just Tee as she constantly reminded you, breathes a sigh of relief when you come through the back door. Your apron comes off the hook easily, and then over your head before the waist ties wrap around your middle. It’s even still got some flour caked on it from yesterday. You shoot her a pointed look.
“You know, if you want to take large orders, just schedule me ahead of time, that way we’re not running around like chickens with our heads cut off.”
“It was last minute, and I couldn’t really say no. But! I am here and will help you with whatever you need.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You pull the laptop that’s sitting on the prep table towards you and scan the typed-out numbers. “Forty-five people?” you raise an eyebrow. You called me in for this? She gives you a helpless look, and you roll your eyes affectionately while she puts a mug of coffee down in front of you, heat pulsing off of it like it’s practically boiling. “Alright, let’s get to it I guess.”
Steam floats in the air from the ceramic mug that’s cradled between your fingers. You’re sitting in the back, leaned against the stainless-steel sink, sipping your fifth cup of coffee, waiting for the dishwasher to finish while Tee rings up and helps load the order that you just cranked out.
You don’t do any of that. You don’t even talk to customers unless you absolutely have to, and even then, it’s less than enticing. You leave it for Alex, who works the counter, and puts up with everyone’s bullshit with charm and grace.
You yawn, trying not to melt into the floor, wrists sore from rolling dough for the last three hours. Outside, traffic on the street hums, busses and cars and bikes all moving in the same direction down the little one-way avenue, horns honking and music occasionally blaring out someone’s window. Usually, this was your favorite time of day. After you’ve finished the afternoon rush, the prep table has been scraped and scrubbed, most of the dishes are washed, and there’s one left over croissant with your name on it. It was in these kinds of small moments, that you still felt like yourself, felt like you could enjoy things. Like you were still just a baker, just the pastry chef, just another person, out there living their life. Not a husk of a human, always looking over your shoulder, hiding from a monster.  
The back door chimes, jolting you from your spiral, and Tee hands you a folded over banknote.
“They tipped. Generously.” You frown. You don’t take tips because you’re a full wage hourly, and she knows this.
“Give it to Alex.”
“They get one too. We all do… By the way, the new scones? Orange vanilla?”
“They’re vegan.”
“I know. They’re amazing. You’ve outdone yourself.”
“Thanks, Tee.” You want to sound enthusiastic about the praise, but you’re too exhausted to get the inflection right. Instead, you just sound like a deflated balloon. Or Eeyore. Sympathy flickers across her face. You turn before she can watch your expression shift into annoyance. It’s not her fault. “Dishes are almost done.” You tell her, pulling yourself free of the apron and shrugging on your knit sweater. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
Every day after work, you walk the six blocks to the corner café to sit by the window with your book and a decaf latte. Vanilla, usually, or caramel if you’re feeling like it. You settle at the little table that’s almost always open because it’s rickety, balancing on three legs because the fourth one is missing a foot. You have an exchange worked out here since you bake their pastries, they give you all you can drink espresso, and you get to curl up with your book like you’re a cat every day after work. You feel safe here. You’ve never felt exposed, the café is off a side street, and as far as you knew, you’ve never been followed. You’ve never seen your monster outside here, or in this area really at all. Never seen it on Sunday mornings at the farmer’s market, or at the cramped, darkly lit bar that you sometimes stop at to grab a pint when you’re feeling up to it.
You hope that means it doesn’t know too much about your routines, but you can’t be too sure. Even so, your monster isn’t a danger to other people, just to you, never approaching you when there are others around, and that small fact brings you small slivers of relief. At least when it finally gets you, no one else will have to watch. No one else will have to suffer.
You’re reading page three hundred and two of The Name of the Wind and drinking your second decaf vanilla latte of the day, when the incident (which is what you’re calling it, in your mind) happens. The girl behind the counter is calling a name, her voice pitched with irritation, and the change in her tone immediately puts you on red alert. You scan the shop, eyes landing on a massive man with a mask and a hoodie on who’s standing by the counter, oblivious to Clarissa, who's just trying to get him to pick up his order. 
He’s oblivious, because he’s staring at you. His gaze never falters, the intensity of his eyes kicking your nervous system into high gear, and you physically clamp down on yourself, so you don’t sprint out of the coffee shop right then and there.
It’s not the monster. That is a man. This man is not your monster. 
Clarissa gives you a helpless look and gestures to the queue that’s quickly forming in front of her register. You give her a nod in return, and stride over to where the behemoth of a man stands frozen, Patrick Rothfuss still in your hand. You take a closer look at him, and swallow when you see his eyes, their amber reflection gorgeous in the afternoon sun. Something hot stirs in you, prickles across your skin and you take a sharp inhale. It’s been so long since you’ve felt the pull of attraction, felt the presence of butterflies in your stomach, that you almost mistake what you’re feeling for fear. 
Something pulls you closer to him, like you're tethered together on an invisible string. 
“Sir?” the man in the mask doesn’t respond. He just… stares at you. Okay… weird? Is this dude on drugs? “Sir.” You drop the question at the end of your statement adding a little more authority, trying to get his attention, and it seems to work, because his spine straightens, and then he nearly stumbles backwards, away from you like you’ve struck him. You blink in confusion. “I think that’s yours.” You point to the white cup that Clarissa was gesturing to, but he still ignores you. “The uh, double espresso?” Something is off here. You pull the tiny cup from the counter and hold it out to him, imagining he’ll just take it from you and be on his way but when he doesn’t move, worry starts to build in your mind. What if he can’t hear? What if he’s having a stroke? What if something is wrong? “Sir? Are you… is everything okay?” You take a tiny step closer to him.
He steps back quickly, banging into the glass side door, and it swings out behind him. A second passes, and then he’s gone, turning on his heel in the breeze, disappearing down the corner while you stand in the café, a double espresso in your outstretched hand.
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nexysworld · 11 months
Love your writing so much! If your taking requests may I interest you in a Chris and Leon x reader but maybe the reader talks the boys into pleasuring eachother in front of her while she gets off on watching them? Totally understand if it's not your thing! 😊
Hi anon, thanks so much for this request. It most definitely is my thing! I have never written mxm before and this was fun to try. Hope you like it!! &lt;3
Tagging @ghostkennedy because one of their recents stories helped inspire me to make this one come to fruition. So please go check them out too. &lt;3
Play Nice with Everyone
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Pairing: Leon x Chris x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Threesome, MFM, male on male sexual touching, blowjobs, handjobs, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, tiddy fucking, dirty talk, age difference, masturebation taboo relationships??(chris and leon are reader's older brother's friends.) Not proof read.
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“Are you two seriously arguing again already!? It hasn’t even been five minutes since the last time I broke it up.” You said exasperated. You couldn’t believe they were older than you sometimes, much less grown men who worked for the government, but damn if they weren’t good in bed — a well kept secret from your family, brother included. You’d been seeing a lot more of them lately since you moved in with your older brother, not having to sneak around since he traveled frequently. But it seemed the more you saw of the two, the less they got along, and the more annoying they became. 
“Sorry.” You heard collectively and rolled your eyes. 
“No you’re not, if you were you’d stop.”
“Well we do stop.” Chris said.
“Yeah we just don’t stay stopped.” Leon added. 
“Well you need to stay stopped. I’m over it.”
“Don’t be that way, Princess.” Leon wrapped his arms around you from behind. “You know how we are.”
“Yeah I do, annoying. And why are you here anyway? Ethan isn’t around.”
“You know we came to see you.” Leon didn’t move from his hold on you, out of your peripheral you could see Chris’ face flash to an emotion you couldn’t quite parse. 
“If that’s what the two of you are after, then too bad. You’ve annoyed the horniness right out of me.”
“I think we both know that’s not tr—“ Leon was cut off by Chris pulling him off of you. 
“Give the girl some space Leon.” He said firmly. 
“More like you just want to be in her space instead.” Leon quipped back. 
And the two of them were back to arguing again.You brought your fingers to your temples and rubbed them softly feeling a headache beginning to form. This was getting downright ridiculous. A thought bubbled up in your mind and you turned to face the two men, stepping between them. You put a hand on each of their chests. 
“This stops right now. You both are going to learn to play nice together if you want my attention.” 
“But —“
“But nothing! You two are going to behave and you’re going to learn to do it my way.”
“Well, what did you have in mind?” Chris asked, looking more invested in your outburst of frustration than Leon did. 
“You���ll see.” You said coyly, walking both men to the living room, before sitting on the couch. “Strip. Both of you strip.”
“I like where this is going.” Leon said with a cocky smile, you didn’t acknowledge the comment, instead opting to run your eyes over them as they undressed. Chris tossed his clothes off casually — Leon unsurprisingly took the opportunity to put on a show, teasing his abs as he worked his t-shirt up slowly inch by inch before pulling it up over his head. Then he did the same with his belt and pants. Once unzipped, he palmed himself through his underwear, already hard and letting out a small sigh of relief before tugging everything down all the way. 
You had eyed Chris and noticed he’d been paying attention as well, cock in hand, not stroking enough for pleasure but enough to keep himself erect. If he liked the show then your plan would work more smoothly than you thought. 
Leon worked his own cock in his palm giving you an eager look. “Alright Princess—“ You cut him off as he took a step forward wagging your finger.
“Nuh uh. I told you, the two of you are going to play nice if you want my attention. Back it up Leon.” 
Intrigued he took a step back before the two men looked at each other and then back to you. “Here’s how this is going to work.” You leaned back on the couch, running two fingers up your thigh until you met the hem of your shorts, pausing before walking the fingers up to the button and undoing it. “You two aren’t going to get any attention from me, until you take care of each other. The more you behave and participate, the more clothes I take off. If you get me naked, then you both can have your way with me. Understood?” “You can’t be serious?” Chris asked disappointed. 
“Dead. Serious. You two have kissed and touched each other before when we’ve been together.” “That’s different!” Leon insisted. “That’s a heat of the moment kind of thing when we’re both balls deep in you not…..you know….” “I mean I won’t force you if you’re uncomfortable, and you’re always allowed the safe word no matter what.” You assured. “But to be honest, I think I’d find it kind of hot too.” The last sentence caught their attention again. To emphasize your point, you unzipped your shorts, wiggling your hand into them to rub softly against your clit through your panties. “Fuck that would definitely be hot, watching the two of you go at it.” A little moan escaped your mouth – the look on their face as both their jaws dropping was priceless. 
Leon’s eyes were locked onto your hand and the way you wiggled in pleasure against the couch, he swallowed a thick lump in his throat. “Fine.” He said with agreement, turning to Chris. “You heard the lady, gonna have to be a team here. You up for it?” “‘Course I am.” Chris said.
They froze a brief moment of nervousness before Leon took the initiative, stepping forward and yanking Chris down into a passionate kiss. The other man looked frazzled for just a moment before returning it with equal fervor – and it was in fact, hot. 
You had already got yourself going with your hand, but the sight in front of you made an uncomfortably strong heat pang downwards between your legs, a wet spot forming in your panties. ‘God fuck, they haven’t even done anything besides kiss yet.’ You thought to yourself with a whine you tried to muffle. If they heard it, they certainly didn’t show it, focusing on each other. You watched as Chris brought his hand down to Leon’s already leaking cock, rubbing the precum into his palm before stroking him with a steady even pace. In return, the slightly shorter man let out an exaggerated moan, turning his head to look at you. “Enjoying the show, Princess?”
Nodding, you nearly forgot the deal you made. Now beyond horny and acutely aware of the uncomfortable stickiness in your panties, you remove the first piece of clothing –  your shorts. While your undies were still left on, and soaked, it was far more comfortable now without the second layer. 
Pleased that they earned their first prize, they returned to each other sharing one more kiss before making their way backwards. Chris gently shoved Leon until he fell backwards onto the other end of the couch before diving down to pepper his toned chest with more kisses, trailing his tongue up to Leon’s collarbone before sucking a bruise into the skin. 
You squirmed in place, bringing a hand up to your own chest at the same spot, internally jealous that you weren’t the one getting marked up like that. Watching was turning out to be a lot harder than expected. 
Chris’ next move was to run his tongue down slowly, like he was savoring each divet of skin between Leon’s sculpted form as he made his way down. Further and further, stopping to suck another bruise into his hip, causing Leon to jolt with a slight whine. Chris gave the other man another few good pumps of his hand before he leaned forward to take his flushed pink cock into his mouth. 
He hollowed his cheeks as he gave shallow bobs of his head, stopping every now and then to give an additional suck and swirl his tongue across the tip, lapping and catching any droplets of budding precum. 
Leon keened into the touch, gripping the couch, not having enough length to get a purchase on Chris’ hair. It was obvious even he was shocked by the boldness, but wasn’t complaining. “Fuck Redfield, you’re too fucking good at that.” He praised, letting his head roll back. “So fucking good, just like that.” You’d heard that whiny lilt to Leon’s voice before when you were the one between his legs, but hearing it while watching someone else do it – it was a site you’ll have committed to memory forever. 
That act earned them the next article of clothing – you yanked your shirt over your head and tossed it to the side. Only two items left, your sports bra and your underwear. You moved one hand back down between your legs, this time dipping your fingers under the band of your panties so you could make direct contact with your aching clit. A heady moan left your mouth at the relief from the contact, rubbing circles into it as you watched them continue. Your remaining hand made its way to the outside of the thin bra, teasing at your hardening nipples. You felt close already, not wanting to finish so soon, you slowed the movements of your hands to a lazier pace, relaxing into the gentle waves of heat throughout your body – eyes never leaving Chris or Leon. 
“Sh-shit…I’m close, hold on.” Leon managed to get out, gently pushing at Chris. “F-fuck don’t make me bust one yet, I still gotta –” 
Chris pulled away with a pop, just in time to prevent Leon from cumming, his cock flopping back and almost hitting the taught skin of his stomach. “Think it’s my turn now.” Chris said with a smirk, wiping his mouth with the side of his arm. “Yeah yeah… just let me catch my breath for a second. Think you almost sucked my soul out.” “I’ll take the compliment, hopefully you can be a good boy and return the favor.” Chris patted the top of Leon’s head before leaning back to give him breathing room. You swear you could see an embarrassed flush on Leon’s cheeks from the praise and pet name. 
Once their positions had swapped, he started nibbling and trailing bites all across Chris’ chest at a much faster pace, ever the more impatient of the two. Without warning, he darted his tongue out to lick at one of Chris’ hardening nipples, making the larger man buck up unintentionally. Catching the movement, Leon pulled away only for a second to spit into his palm, before resuming the work he was doing ensuring no part of Chris’ torso was safe from his mouth. 
With his spit-lubed hand, he grabbed both of their cocks, pumping them together. That finally earned them your bra. Fumbling with the front clasp you desperately tore if off, allowing your breasts to spill out, nipples hardening almost painfully with a mix of cool air and pleasure. Sitting up, you grabbed one of the couch pillows and stuffed it between your legs to grind against, so you could bring your hands up to your chest to massage and play with your own nipples. Desperately rutting against the pillow, again you were jealous that their much larger hands weren’t the ones cupping your breasts or playing between your legs. “Fuck Kennedy….when you twist your hand like that….shit….” Chris’s voice came out through pleasured pants, over the teasing of his chest, he wound his fingers through Leon’s blonde locks to coax him upwards to connect their mouths together in another passionate kiss while Leon continued to work both of them. The sight of the sloppy kiss along with your wildly bucking hips, you came, hard legs shaking against the pillow a loud noise a mix between a cry and moan left your mouth. They paused what they were doing to look over at you. “She really did get off on watching us.” Leon said, pulling back. “Well, I think we did put on a pretty good show. More than earned our reward, didn’t we?” You nodded, not being able to properly speak just yet.”Here, let us help.” Chris cooed, standing up once Leon was out of the way. He gently pushed you back so he could hook his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, sliding the soaked fabric off of your legs before chucking them somewhere with all the other forgotten articles of clothing. “We get your full attention now, yeah?” Leon purred leaning forward to capture your lips with his mouth. You hungrily kissed him back, clinging to his hair, not wanting him to pull away. Between your legs you felt the head of Chris’ swollen cock running along your slit, and jolt of pleasure causing your legs to twitch each time it made it’s way over your clit. “Can’t wait to fuck you open baby.” He said, slowly pushing inside of you. The feeling of being full was just what you needed, back arching off the couch in pleasure. “Fuck your pussy is always so goddamn tight.” You were soaked already from your first orgasm, so he didn’t bother to start slow, fucking you at a rapid pace, holding your hips steady as he bullied himself deeper and deeper into your cunt with each thrust. The feeling was overwhelming as you clawed at Leon’s back for support. He chuckled and moved his mouth down your body with soft kisses, offsetting the rough pace of his friend. It was too sweet for your liking. “Lee please….bite me… mark me…god fuck…” A particularly hard thrust made your vision go fuzzy for a second. Luckily for you, he obliged your request, alternating between sweet kisses and harsh bites down your neck and as far down as he could go while Chris was fucking you. “Good girl.” Chris praised slowly down a little, rolling his hips into you. “Such a good girl. Sat so pretty watching us, teaching us a lesson while her own little pussy was whining and empty.”
“Fuck yeah she did, we’re gonna have to fill her up to thank her.” Leon moved his hand to your stomach, applying gentle pressure to the spot where the outline of Chris’ cock could be felt, intensifying the already stuffed feeling you had. His free hand moved down to rub at your nearly too-sensitive clit.
An incoherent stream of babbles left your mouth as your second orgasm rippled waves of heat throughout your body, legs shaking. Your silky walls tightened as Chris fucked you through it. “Fuck baby, gonna cum, gonna fill you up real good.” True to his words, not more than a few deep thrusts later and his cock twitched as he came, the familiar feeling of hot cum filling your insides. You looked up and Leon, glassy eyed and exhausted. His cock was still painfully hard and swollen. “It ok if I fuck your tits baby?”
You nodded eagerly, Chris helping to prop you up with a pillow at just the right angle so Leon could straddle you, cock lined up perfectly between your pillowy breasts. You reached forward to press them together to give him more friction while he rocked his hips. “Shit baby, even your tits feel so fucking good. Perfect little Princess with a perfect pussy and perfect tits.” You could feel Chris’ cum leaking out of you but it didn’t matter, watching the pleasure on Leon’s face as he finally got the release he deserved was enough to distract you from anything else. 
Chris wrapped an arm around the other man from behind so Leon could lean back into him, they shared a kiss before Chris reached forward to grab Leon’s cock in his hand. “Keep your tits like that sweetheart.” He commanded as he pumped Leon with his hand. “Such a good boy Kennedy, waiting your turn and everything.” He praised as he picked up the pace with his hand. Between the earlier blowjob and having to sideline while Chris fucked you,  it didn’t take long for Leon to finish either. You felt the warm liquid as it splattered all over your breasts and face, Chris continuing to pump him until his legs twitched from overstimulation and nothing else came out. Leon collapsed on the couch to recuperate, he turned and gave you a smile. “You always look the most beautiful like that baby, fucked out and covered in my cum.” You were too exhausted to say anything back and opted to close your eyes. “Hey I know you're tired but how about a bath first?” Chris asked softly. You shook your head defiantly with what little movement you were willing to give. “Well at least let me clean you up and move you to the bed ok?” “Do I have a choice?” “No.” They said in unison.  You sighed feeling the plush texture of a towel against your skin wiping away any bodily fluids. You would need a real shower later, but it would do for now so you could get on with the nap your body desperately wanted. Once cleaned, one of the two lifted you up and carried you to your room – you didn’t bother to open your eyes to figure out who.  “Are you two going to stop arguing from now on at least?” You probed between yawns.
“Yeah we will…” Chris said softly.
“We’ll try.” Leon corrected.
“We promise.”
The second your head hit the pillow and your body was encased between them, you were out like a light – in the very back of your mind hoping they meant their promise this time.
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I have a Discord for anyone who'd like to talk writing, share chatbot shenanigans, discuss RE, simp, and or just chat with new friends. We also game together sometimes too <3 (18+ only). Check it out here.
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talewrites · 1 year
Your Family Needs You
I had this idea for a little series, and finally decided to sit down and start it. I wrote this with the 2003 boys in mind, but it can loosely fit the other incarnations as well. I hope you like it!
No warnings I can think of. The relationship here is very platonic. Leo is feeling frustrated he can’t master a new technique, and you decide to help him take some time to relax. Not proof read. Fluff and comfort.
Leo had been having a rough week. He was working on perfecting a new tecnique in his training, but no matter how many hours he put into trying to perfect the move, he just couldn’t land it right. Leo was becoming so frustrated that it was even starting to affect his sleep. He found himself spending extra hours in the dojo on those sleepless nights, repeating the steps over and over again until his muscles ached. Master Splinter and his brothers were starting to become worried. When training that day rolled around, Leo was uncharacteristicly sloppy in his katas. Every misstep seemed to send him deeper and deeper into his head, until eventually he was so unfocused he would miss commands from Master Splinter. The old rat sighed and called pratice off early before noon, recommending to his oldest son that he get some much needed rest.
By now it was the middle of the afternoon, and Leo still hadn’t emerged from the dojo. The blue turtle could feel his exhaustion starting to weigh on his muscles, and was becoming increasingly more frustrated with each misstep and stumble. Jump, slice, twist, land, roll, jump, kick- Leo lost his footing and he tripped. With a muffled grunt of frustration he hit his balled fist against the floor and went to stand to try again.
“Leo?” A soft voice came from the dojo’s entrance. You came walking in holding a tray with a full tea pot and two cups, and a book tucked under your arm. When your eyes met his a small cheery smile pulled at your lips. “Sorry, I’m not interrupting am I?” You walked over to where Splinter usually sat in the back of the dojo. You set down the tray of tea and your book at the small table and found two pillows to sit on.
“N-No! Not at all….” Leo felt the tension in his shoulders relax at your presence. He quietly followed you to the seating area as you sat down at the table and poured two cups.
“You never came out for a break, so I thought I’d bring you some tea.” You smiled sweetly at him and passed him his cup as Leonardo carefully sat beside you. His hand came to cup the warm mug with a small thank you. “Have you made any progress on that move you’ve been talking about?”
You had seen him working on it relentlessly all week, and heard his brothers poke fun that he was in one of his ‘moods’. But you were worried about him. You watched his shoulders sag as he sighed.
“Not much progress, no. I just can’t seem to stick the landing! I’ve tried it a dozen different ways, but my body isn’t reacting how I want it to. I’m starting to feel like I’m farther away from where I started!” You listened intently as Leo shared his frustrations with you. His eyes looked tired, and you could tell the soreness in his muscles from how he flinched from reaching for his tea. You stared at him a moment as he took a long sip, thinking up the best course of action.
“Hmm…. I think you might be over thinking it a little too much. Sometimes when you get stuck on something, the best thing to do is just step away for a bit!” You got an idea and scooted away from the table a bit and made yourself comfortable. Sitting with your thighs squished together, you made sure your book and tea were in reach. Leo watched you shuffle around a minute with a little confusion until you looked back at him with a grin on your face. “Leo? Come here and lie down for a minute. You’ve been looking really tired lately.” You asked him causally and patted your lap. Leo’s eyes widened and his face lit up in a fierce blush under his mask.
“H-Huh?! W-Well I….” He stuttered, feeling embarrassed at the request. In his mind, laying his head in your lap was such an intimated gesture, but you had asked him so casually! Was it really okay for friends to do that kind of thing…? Then his mind helpfully supplied a memory of Mikey fast asleep on your lap last week during movie night, and Leo quickly decided he was feeling too tired to overthink it. After a moment of conflict, Leo nodded his head timidly with a small “okay” and carefully made to lay down on the tatami mat. He shifted a bit until his head came to rest gently in your lap, his face still alight in his embarassment. Your leg shifted a bit under him to get in a more comfortable spot, until finally you both settled.
“There!” You said giggling a bit at his tense expression. “Now…. Just relax, okay? You’ve been working so hard this week, I’ve been thinking you need a break. Training will come easier with a rested body and a rested mind!” You said triumphantly with a bright smile, proud to use a little bit of Master Splinter wisdom.
Leo watched you speak from the corner of his eye, feeling the heaviness weigh on his lids. The woven straw mats below him became warm from his body heat, and his tightly wound muscles began to relax as he admired the bright energy in your eyes. Slowly the leader's droopy eyes came to a close.
When you noticed Leo start to relax against your legs, you reached for your book, flipping to your most recent page, and settled in. Slowly your spare hand found its way to the back of Leo’s head, and much to Leo’s surprise, you began to gently scratch at his scalp. Leo’s eyes snapped open for a moment before they closed closed again in utter bliss at the pleasant sensation.
He took in a slow deep breath and released it with a content sigh. Originally, he sat down with the intent only to sip tea with you for just a few minutes. But with your hand absently tracing their nails over his scalp and down his shoulders, it was as all he could do but let his stresses and worries melt from his body.
It wasn’t long before Leo was softly snoring, his cheek pressed heavily against your thigh in deep sleep. Your hand absently rubbing at the tension in his brows and shoulders as you glanced down to check on him from your book from time to time. You were glad he was finally resting, you didn’t like seeing him so worn out. He may act as a ‘fearless leader’, but you hoped that you could sometimes help him bear the weight of what that stress could bring him. Even in small ways like this.
After maybe two hours of quiet in the dojo and half way through your book, you felt Leo start to stir. Removing your hand from where you were absently rubbing your thumb into his bicep, you allowed him the peace to emerge from his restful doze.
Leo slowly came back to consciousness from what he can only describe as the best catnap of his life. He took a short moment to appreciate how nice this felt, before remembering whose lap he had fallen asleep on. Leo’s eyes snapped open a bit startled, thinking he’d over stepped a boundary and went to quickly push himself up. But a gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Hey, …..it’s okay. No rush.” (Y/n) spoke gently to him, and Leo relaxed again. He turned his head a bit and saw that they were unbothered, setting their book down beside them and leaning back on their hands to give him space to sit up. Leo slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position and stretched.
“How long was I out?” Leo asked with a satisfying groan as his shoulders popped a bit. He took notice of how loose and relaxed his muscles felt.
“Mmm… not too long. But it’s almost time to start dinner. Did you sleep well?” (Y/n) asked him cheerily. They unfolded their legs and stretched a bit themself. Leo saw they were preparing to stand, and moved to get up himself. He held out a hand to them to help pull them to their feet before he reached down to pick up where he had placed his katana.
“Wonderfully. I think that’s the best cat-nap I’ve ever had,” Leo said, matching (y/n)’s good mood. “Do you need help with dinner preparations?” He offered casually.
(Y/n)’s eyes seemed to light up at the proposal, but stopped to think for a moment. “Well, sure! But are you finished practicing for today?”
“Yes, I think I’m quite finished for now. I don���t think pushing myself anymore today is going to make much of a difference in mastering this technique.” Leo said good-naturedly. He thought it would be best to take some of your advice and give it time. “Come on, just tell me what you need cutting!” The blue banded turtle said with a chuckle as he started to walk off fowards the kitchen.
“Wait!!” Before he could step off the tatami mats, he felt (y/n) grab his hand to stop him. Leo turned back with a questioning look on his face. “I think…. I think you should give it just one more shot for today. I have a good feeling about it! Then we can go start on dinner, okay?” (Y/n) said with a determined sparkle in their eyes. It made Leo smile seeing their enthusiasm.
“Okay…. One more try for today!” The leader in blue said with renewed energy. (Y/n) stepped back while Leo found his starting point on the mat, readying his blades. He took a steady deep breath and focused.
Then….. Jump! Slice! Twist! Land! Roll-! It was like watching an artful dance of swift body and steel. It was beautiful, demonstrating Leo’s dedication to his craft in both form and dexterity. And not one foot out of place. He landed sure-footed in a crouch, and sheathed his katana smoothly with a final click. As quietly as a true ninja. (Y/n)’s eyes were wide with awe and released the breath they didn’t realize they were holding. Leo stood from his crouch turning to (y/n), and a wide smile stretched across his face. The silence in the room snapped as (y/n) jumped up with a cheer and Leo rushed to join them and scoop them up into a friendly hug.
“You did it!!!”
“I did it!!! Wow...!!”
Leo almost couldn’t believe it himself! It seemed so simple now, it almost baffled him how he had gotten so caught up in it before.
“Hehehe! Do you feel better now?” (Y/n) asked with a wide grin as Leo set their feet back on the ground.
“Yeah! I just can’t believe how easy it felt…. That nap must’ve been magic! Maybe Mikey’s got the right idea about those breaks…” Leo chuckled as he relaxed, following (y/n) out of the dojo towards the kitchen.
(Y/n) giggled at that. “Alright! To celebrate, I’ll make your favorite. Salmon sushi rice bowls!” They said with a cheer.
Mikey’s head popped up from behind the couch. “Hey no fair!! I thought we were having bolognese!” Mikey pouted and jumped up to raid the kitchen.
Leo beamed with joy and rushed off ahead with a laugh to chase Mikey out of the kitchen before he could hide the rice. You followed close behind, the smile never leaving your face.
Thanks for reading!
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alastorswifee · 1 year
I do have a request.
Could you do the 2003, 2007, and the Bayverse Leonardo finding out their S/O is with child? And the first kick from the baby?
• “wait, what?..”
• is he hearing right?
• his beloved darling is pregnant? This is huge news
• the first thing he asks you is “are you feeling alright?” “Did you take a test?” “Do you need to sit down?”
• you simply laugh at how quick he was to react to this all, waving your hand as you tell him you’re about a month or so into the pregnancy
• you took multiple tests to which all came out positive, you even brought them all in a bag as proof to show him
• he was taken back, sitting down on the chair in his bedroom and taking a few deep breaths to which you would gently rub his shell and ask if this was all okay to him
• he would slowly nod before smiling lovingly at you
• “I promise it’s completely alright, I always thought about what it would like to be a father but now that it’s actually happening..it feels unreal”
• he was there through it all, making sure you’re alright and aren’t in any pain
• around this time he wanted to keep you down in the lair to keep a closer eye on you and the baby for both of your safety
• when the first kick came around, you yelled for him to get to you
• when he heard you yell, he panicked, thinking something happened only to see you sitting on the couch with a bright smile on your lips
• walking over to you, he asked carefully what’s the matter only for you to take his hand and place it on your swollen tummy
• he looked at you in confusion before he felt the vibration of a kick against the area where his hand rested
• his expression changed from confused to shock
• his little one..was kicking
• he would kneel down in front you and gently press his forehead against your tummy, closing his eyes with a soft smile on his lips
• he was the happiest he’s ever been
• “give me a second love” Leo would speak up as he took his gear off, carefully placing them on hangers and stands in his bedroom
• you couldn’t possibly stop the anxiousness in your body, you were so nervous for his reaction to the news
• as he finally turned around, he was met with your nervous expression which caused him to immediately take a few steps towards you, cupping your face and whispering “what’s the matter precious?”
• you would take a deep breath and ask him to sit down to which he would obey, taking a seat on the edge of the bed
• as you break the news to him, handing him a bag of multiple positive pregnancy tests, he looked at you dumbfounded with the bag tangling in his hand
• “I’m..sorry? Can you please repeat that?”
• “I’m pregnant..”
• his head would slowly turn to look at the bag, opening it and slowly going through every last positive test
• once he was finished, he would place the bag on the bed and carefully pull you into a gentle hug, holding you closer than ever as he buried his face into your hair
• taken back by his gesture, you gently held onto him, whispering to ask if he was alright
• he would slightly nod and explain that he was extremely happy, just taken back
• he treated you like fragile china, not wanting you to do too much incase if anything
• he was always at your side incase you needed him for anything, sometimes not wanting to leave to go on patrol but he trusts that Splinter will be with you
• one day you were sitting on his lap, you both watching a series you both recently wanted to get into, his hands slowly caressing your stomach
• suddenly a soft kick made you two pause everything before slowly looking at the area that the vibration came from
• you two would look at each other then your tummy before it got kicked again causing you both to gasp a little
• Leo would keep his hand against your swollen tummy to see if he can feel it again, muttering soft reassuring messages in hopes that your precious little one could understand and hear him
• “one more time little one..just one more time..”
• he would stand there frozen in place for a good few minutes which would worry you immediately
• as soon as he snaps out of it and notices your worried state, he’ll be quick to reassure you that’s it’s alright
• “are you really?..”
• you assure him that you very much are, even telling him the whole story of you taking all your tests which made him chuckle at the thought
• he would make a promise to never leave your side unless you need him to, always promising to help you no matter what
• from that day onward you’ll get beyond your usual princess treatment, basically getting queen treatment
• he would be undeniably happy, always coming in and sometimes talking to your bump
• from time to time he’ll read stories to your little one, placing kisses along the swollen tummy
• on one of those cute little story nights, you’re in the middle of falling asleep as your darling in blue kept on with his story
• everything was peaceful, relaxing
• until you jolted, sitting up quickly and placing a hand on your tummy which panicked Leo, shutting the book and standing up to make sure you’re alright
• you would slowly look up at him and tear up due to your enhanced hormones
• he would quickly sit next to you and pull you close “what’s the matter Angel? Did something happen?” He tried to stay as calm as possibly for your sake
• “the baby kicked..”
• he paused
• “wait..really?”
��� his hand would immediately find its way to feel your tummy, feeling around for a bit before feeling the vibration of a kick against your swollen stomach
• his eyes would widen a little at the feeling causing him to understandable tear up as well
• that was his little one..his baby..
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
Dom! Battle Sage x Sub Fem! Reader, but the reader has a mommy kink and praise kink.
✮ — CAUGHT UP WITH MOMMY ; ling ‘sage’ ying wei
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MINORS DNI . . . afab reader, nsfw ! — lowercase writing intended, mommy kink, praise kink, praising, cunnilingus, clothed sex, pantie gripping/pulling, dacryphilia, sage is a bit rough and mean, maybe a little more than a bit, (not proof read)
wc ; 1,1 k
MOSS' NOTES . . . THIS TOOK TOO LONG FUCK, this is not a masterpiece but it is filthy- anyway hope you enjoy bliss :)
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sage was only trying to get two of her infirmary staff to stop arguing with each other and go on their separate way but she was on the edge of blowing up, this is not something she can take after just coming back from an especially difficult mission.
then you stepped between the three of them.
you commented that they were fooling around in the middle of a lot of work, instructing the three of them to get back to work or else viper or brimstone was going to hear about this. sage just huffed as you held your pathetic speech, trying to dominate the room with your temporary power. you dismissed the two staff members, and they listened without a word of complaint, leaving to restock the vulture. the healer crossed her arms as she asked you to step inside the back office to settle this matter.
“who told you to show off your personality like that? be arrogant?”
her knee was between your legs, pressing on your clothed core, hand squeezing your face and forcing you to look up at her. you shook your head as your fingernails dug into the weak material of the desk, escaping from her grip and your head falling on her shoulder while letting a luxurious moan out. sage reached inside your already unbuttoned pants, playing with your panties before gripping and then pulling on them cruelly.
“’m sorry, ‘m sorry!” you sobbed, thick tears clinging to your lashes as you gazed up. sage grinned at the droplets, wiping them away all while letting go of the lacy underwear and pushing you onto the desk. you were soaking wet; two fingers could have easily slipped inside you, but she had other plans.
sage grinned, her free hand reaching for one of the chairs in front of the table to pull closer muttering, “you know mommy can’t be angry at her sweet girl, right? she just needs to take a fill of what’s hers, taste that delicious pussy of yours, baby.” she talked while the sound of the chair moving rang in the room, pulling it closer for her to sit and to level herself with your core, the very thing she has been bottling her hunger up for.
the tips of her fingers glided along your skin, torturously slowly pulling down your somewhat tight-fitting pants and leaving a hot trail behind, letting them pool on the pristine white tiles. 
“m-mommy, please, please, ‘m sorry!” you whine as she doesn’t waste time caressing your thighs like she does all the time, or how she doesn’t bite your inner thighs before diving into the mess between your thighs after moving your pretty pantie to the side. she doesn’t take time to be too nice, the way her arms loop around your legs to keep them open is cruel, then her nails dug into your skin and she lets out a vicious chuckle just as you let out a low whine.
a smirk pulls on sage’s lips as she takes in the glistening sight of your pussy, all for her to devour. “that’s a good girl, begging for mommy like this,” she trails off before she presses down on your clit, the tip of her tongue running down between your slick lips, your wall swelling with the need for wanting her to be inside you, it’s torture what she is putting you through.
slowly, sage slid her tongue along your folds, taking with her a good part of the cum that flowed abundantly through your slit. using two fingers she parted your lips, leaving your clit and entrance even more exposed to her. the healer focused on your bundle of nerves, licking and sucking greedily, sometimes running her tongue along your eager entrance which twitched with each slithering movement. sage loosened her arms around your thighs before completely letting go, her hands now filling with the full flesh of your ass, squeezing fervently.
your answering cry was music to the healer’s ears, your hips wounding higher as she got to work. “mommy, please i- fuck…” you stutter, your mouth hanging open the slightest as she increased the intensity with which she sucked you, closing her lips around your clit, licking the tips as she sucked your swollen nub.
ling is in awe as she looks up at you through her lashes- you’re stunning, flushed, and practically stupid with lust. her eyes are still locked on yours as her tongue firmly laps up the sweet and salty slick, darting into your wetness and drawing up to your clit. you catch the whine in your throat, panting and wriggling on the edge of the table. your hand drops from your side to her shoulder, gripping weakly to shake her but as she swirled her tongue against your entrance your mind could not control your muscles.
your thigh began to quiver, squeezing around sage’s as more incoherent pleases, and whimpers escaped your usually composed lips. it didn’t take much for her to realize your peak was just around the corner. a stronger suck and her now untangled hand groping at your clothed breast were all it took for you to let out a high gasp, soundless moan leaving you as you let all your sweetness out on sage’s tongue.
“you taste amazing, my sweet girl tastes as sweet as i know she does.” she praises you after she pulls away from your now dripping core, her chin covered in your juices as she lets go of your breasts and one of her her hands slip down to your pussy. “being so obedient, not fighting back, apologizing…” she whispers lowly as the tips of her finger push into your leaking entrance and takes a sample of your cum.
“a good, a very good girl does that, and you are my good girl. you did so good for me, mhm, i can’t be prouder- here,” she mumbles into your ears after pushing herself up from the chair, you hum as she pulls her fingers out of you, nuzzling your head into her neck. she nudges her coated digits to your lips, assuming that you would turn her down, she had never asked you to do this before, but she is dumbfounded when you open your mouth just wide enough for her to slip her fingers in.
“you never fail to amaze me, my sweet princess.” she sighs as she watches her fingers disappear in between your lips, your tongue uncoordinated as it tries to clean her. oh what a guilty pleasure is this, to see you so dumb for mommy you can’t even control your own body.
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TAG LIST . . . @mxyx-rx444 @darlingmisa @eveningdaydreamz @pixiegirlz @orang3-ish @wolfheartsstuff
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dwailol · 1 year
Over the Desk
ComPOUND: Round 4 of a week alone with Bucky
[f reader x Bucky] WC: 1.7k
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Summary: after round 3 your hands are still a little brush burned and you’re a little anxious about the ongoing mission. Bucky wants to treat you nice. How nice can he really be though? Especially when you’re sitting on a fucking desk!! ;)
Warnings ⚠️: mentions anxiety, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v, cream 🥧
With fresh brush burn on my hands texting is painful. I promised Wanda I would check in with her today. I had some unprovoked anxiety about a secret attack on the compound or some conspiracy plan while I’m alone here. I’m not afraid of any outside threat as much as I am about blindly destroying the building. When the flames begin, it’s almost like an out of body experience. I get focused on my opponent with no care of collateral.
The compound has entity detection systems. However, I got no notification when Bucky snuck up on me last night. While that worries me, I can’t tell anyone about Bucky and I’s situation. They might be tempted to look at the cameras…
Part of my super power maintenance is to keep a cool head and he makes it hard to do that. Our session in the training center was plenty proof. He’s still in there lifting who knows how much weight.
As I’m slowly typing my response to Wanda’s check up, she calls me. Fuck. It would be easier to text a lie than talk around it to one of the most powerful women I know. I step into an office space before answering.
“Hi dear.”
“Hey Wanda!”
“You were taking too long to respond. Is everything alright?”
“Everything is-“, Bucky walks up to stare at me through the glass door. He was shirtless and sweaty after his 3 hour long workout.
“Everything is fine. I’m just a bit tired after my training session. Need a nap.”
“Keep a cool head love. I’ll let you know once we are coming back. It looks like it might take few more days than we anticipated. Be looking for a different number because I have to ditch this burner phone.”
She hung up before the conversation could go on for too much longer. I place my phone down on the desk and give Bucky a nod of approval to come in.
“You should really use a different cellphone for calls like that. One for business and one for pleasure,” he says. He lifts me up to sit me on the desk. I look down from his intense stare. He makes me nervous sometimes.
“Y/n, I know that the nature of our relationship isn’t very roses and chocolates, but you can open up to me about your nerves whenever you feel like it. I’ve had my own struggles with snapping and coming to in a world where you’ve unknowingly hurt people even ones you care for.”
“I’ve been working on my mindfulness like Bruce thought me. I’m just afraid of being used as a weapon against my own will again.”
“No one here will make you do that. They let you stay behind for this didn’t they?”, he lifts my chin up, “You’ve got the freedom of choice now. Why you keep choosing me I’ll never know.”
“It’s because I know you get it. When you get rough with me it’s almost like practice for keeping my anxiety down. If that makes sense-“
He gives me the softest kiss he’s ever given me.
“That makes sense. I’m glad you feel comfortable with me then. No matter how intense things might get I still care for your well being.”
I grab his bare sides to pull him close. I move my hands up to his chest. He squeezes one of them softly and brings it to his face for a kiss. I move his face to mine. We press our heads together before going in for more. Our lips began to melt like butter.
He leans closer and I place my hands behind me to stabilize. The kissing starts to resemble more of mouthing. He pulls me by the hips to the edge of the desk and spreads my legs apart. He grinds himself in between my thighs. I slide back and wince from the pain of my burned hands.
His flesh hand holds me up as his cool vibranium hand massages over the rope burn. He examines the damage and red marks. His touch soothes the pain a bit. He places more gentle kisses on my palms.
“Like I said I’ll be more gentle this time.”
“You don’t have to hold back. I know how you like it.”
“I’m gonna be soft and sweet because I want to be. You deserve some soft and sweet.”
“Show me what your soft and sweet looks like then super soldier,” I gaze up at him with a subtle smile. I know there’s only so soft and sweet he can be.
Every touch from then on is a smooth glide around my body and face. The tenderness of both his hands sends chills through me. He sure was treating me like an angel. He drifts his hand to tease the inside of my thighs where I’m warm and wet.
“You like the sweet stuff too. This is all for you doll.”
He slides my shorts and panties off. He meets his face to my opening then kisses all around it. I feel myself pulse. He brings his fingers to stroke my folds before slowly inserting them. I gasp at the new feeling of gentleness. We’re usually feral by this point.
He moves his fingers as if he were calling for me to come towards him. He strokes the spot inside me that rests next to the nerves of my clit. I moan with pleasure. The sensuality of it was relaxing.
His pacing and soft licks to my pussy brings me to an orgasm. I thought that was only possible with our rough sessions.
“I want you,” I say with the purest desire in my eyes.
“Say no more angel.”
He stands up to remove his gym shorts. Just like his fingers, he slowly puts himself inside me. The feeling is heavenly for sure. I lay back on the desk as he fills me with his cock and rubs at my clit. He starts to lose himself then picks up the pace a little. I moan as he moves through me like silk.
He gives a satisfied “mmm.” He turns me horizontal on the desk so he can hop up and hover on top of me. He lifts my hips up and I wrap my legs around him.
“Tell me what you want most and I’ll do it,” he says while lightly nibbling at my ear.
“Faster,” I say with a wide mouthed gasp following. His movements lift me up. My back arches upwards towards his body with each stroke. I roll my hips with his.
“I love it when you do that. You better be careful. I don’t wanna cum too quick.”
I mindfully slow my movements. He exits out of me to kiss me all the way down to my clit. He stands back up. I think changing positions over this desk of all pieces of furniture is much needed. I roll over to put myself in a bent position.
“Bucky, I know we said soft and sweet, but I don’t want you to hold back in this position,” I give a devious smile and lip bite. He puts his cock inside me. It feels so much bigger bent over like this. He plants both hands on the desk and brings his head close to mine. I feel his length reach so deep.
“Of course angel,” just like that he pops back up. He grabs me by the hips and fucks me the way you should be fucked over a desk. I give him some loud “Oh!”s to give him the green light to really get after it. I claw my nails into the desktop.
“Touch yourself.”
He moves my hand to my clit. I can feel my next orgasm building up and I can tell it’s gonna be a big one. I start to lose my breath.
“You gonna cum for me? I wanna feel it baby. Cum for me.”
“Uh huh I’m gonna cum for you,” I’m nearly breathless. He shortens and quickens his strokes so he’s deep inside me. My hand finally gets a break. My orgasm releases all throughout my body. It felt like a never ending wave of ecstasy. The waves flow perfectly with his beat.
“Damn, angel, I can feel you still cumming on this cock. I’m well on my way.”
“Please give it to me!” I whine. I’m still going. He yells as he releases himself inside of me. He stops moving just to press into me deeper for a second. He lets out his last grunt. He twirls me around to kiss me. It was as smooth as rose petals and as sweet as chocolate.
“I should probably take a shower,” he laughs.
He’s sweatier than when he first came in that’s for sure.
“I’ll join you.”
“I’d love nothing more.”
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sixhours · 2 months
Firsts - Crawl
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Anna learns to crawl.
Rating: Everyone Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is a sap, mostly follows canon, fluff, fluffy baby stuff, no really this is sickeningly sweet, tooth-rotting, don't forget to brush your teeth Word count: 1.3k
Notes: I promise it's just fluff this time. Sickly sweet with a dash of humor, nary an angsty cloud in sight. Joel thinks of Sarah but it's not sad.
You can also read Firsts on AO3.
The first rays of morning sun are just peeking into the living room where Ellie sits cross-legged on the floor, entertaining the household’s happiest early riser. Anna, recently fed and changed, has been whisked downstairs to give her mother a rest.
Ellie should be asleep right now, too, curled up in her bed in the garage, but sometimes the nightmares come back with a vengeance. The baby’s solid weight in her lap is a comfort.
“Good thing you’re cute, kid,” she signs as she speaks, interrupting the movement of her hands to cover a yawn.
Joel, up for an early patrol shift with Tommy, is making coffee in the kitchen, one good ear trained on his daughters’ one-sided conversation, soothed by the sounds of Ellie’s voice and Anna’s occasional coo.
When the coffee is done, he settles into the armchair across the room and waits for the caffeine to kick in. 
Ellie gently sets Anna down on the floor. The baby frowns immediately and turns with a soft whine of protest, reaching for her sister, rocking back and forth as she tries to get back into Ellie’s lap.
“So clingy,” she sighs, picking the baby up and plopping her back down on her legs.
“She’ll be crawlin’ any day now,” Joel says, sipping at his mug.
“You think?” Ellie looks up at him, then back at her sister with wonder. “Just think of the trouble you’ll get up to then, little crotch goblin.”
Anna giggles and pats Ellie’s mouth to feel the air of her sister’s words. A bubble of drool pops at the corner of her tiny bowed lips and Ellie wipes it away with her sleeve.
Joel winces, surveying the room with fresh eyes. He sees every sharp corner, every hard surface, every uncovered outlet. He’d forgotten about this part. They really need to start baby-proofing.
After a thought, Ellie stands and places Anna on her favorite blanket a few feet away. She steps back and sits down, then makes the sign for come here .
Anna leans forward on her hands but doesn’t make a move to go further. Instead, she finds a tassel on the blanket and grabs at it, trying to grasp it in her chubby fingers to pull it into her mouth.
“C’mon, bug,” Ellie beckons, tapping the floor to get her sister’s attention, then signing and speaking at the same time. “You can do it, kiddo.”
Joel watches, lips quirked in a smile, as Ellie continues to encourage her sister to cross the distance without much luck. After a while, he eases himself down onto the floor, setting his mug on the coffee table.
“Lemme try.”
“Think you can do better, old man?”
He shrugs. He’s pretty sure Ellie is the favorite, but he won’t tell her that.
“Tell you what,” Ellie says. “She comes to me first, you have to take my stable mucking rotation for a month.”
Joel snorts. “Yeah? And what do I get if she comes to me?”
“I’ll…do the dishes for a month.”
He shakes his head. “No deal. You’ll just eat at the caf.”
“Ugh, fine, I’ll…I’ll take diaper duty whenever you ask. No whining.”
“S’a deal.”
Ellie hesitates. “You agreed to that way too fast, dude…”
“She’s on solids now,” he grins. “An’ I have a good feelin’ about this.”
“Oh, gross. Asshole.”
He ignores this and reaches out for his youngest daughter. “C’mere, li’l bug. Show us what ya got.”
Anna looks back and forth between her father and sister and flashes a gummy grin, pleased to find two of her favorite people at her level. She rocks forward, makes a soft, happy noise, and doesn’t move further.
Joel grabs the TV remote off the couch, forbidden fruit, and taps it on the floor to get her attention.
“C’mon, baby girl. You know you wanna play with this.”
“Hey, no fair, dude,” Ellie protests. “That thing is like baby crack.”
“Never said we were playin’ fair, kid.”
Ellie groans and looks around, finding a stuffed giraffe in the basket of baby toys. She holds it out with one hand and makes the sign for giraffe with the other. Anna coos and grins, waving her arms in recognition…but she doesn’t budge.
They go back and forth, each trying to tempt the baby, neither having much success, although Anna remains enraptured by the attention.
Just when Joel thinks he’s got it–Anna is on hands and knees and pointing in his direction–Charlie’s sleepy voice carries from the stairs.
“Are you playing fetch with the baby?”
Joel and Ellie exchange a look.
“She’s not a dog you guys,” Charlie sighs, stepping between them and reaching down to pick Anna up. 
“Hold on,” Joel says, stopping her with a hand to the side of her thigh. “She almost had it. She was comin’ to me.”
Ellie scoffs, “Yeah right, dude. You were about to owe me a month's worth of stable duty.”
“Joel,” Charlie says slowly. “Are you betting on our kid?”
“No!” he protests, then relents. “Maybe a little, but we’re just encouragin’ her.”
“Right,” she scoffs. She frowns, then backs up a few feet and kneels, signing, “Anna, come to Mama.”
“That ain’t right,” Joel grumbles. “Smart girl knows where her food comes from.”
Charlie shoots him a look and quotes him verbatim, mimicking his drawl.
“‘Never said we were playin’ fair.’”
“Hey, you have to make a wager if you want in,” Ellie says. “I have diapers and Joel has stables.”
“And I pushed her out of my vagina,” Charlie says dryly. “I’m exempt from extra chores.”
Ellie grimaces and fakes a gag, but doesn’t argue.
Pleased to be the literal center of attention, the baby bounces on her diapered bottom, makes a raspberry with her lips, and rocks forward on her hands again. A thread of drool escapes her chin and drops to the blanket, and she zeroes in on it, oblivious to the competition around her.
Soon the three of them have exhausted an arsenal of toys and trinkets in their efforts, and Anna is starting to lose interest. They’re so caught up in the little game that they barely register the front door opening, the thud of boots on the living room floor. The vibrations capture Anna’s attention, though, and she turns to find her Uncle Tommy frowning down at them in confusion.
“The hell–?”
They’re settled in a perfect triangle with baby Anna at the center, failed temptations scattered in a loose circle around them, like they’ve performed some kind of sacred ritual and summoned a baby in the process.
Anna gives a little burble of delight and takes off, scooting across the floor on hands and knees like she’s been doing it her whole life. She bypasses Ellie and Joel and reaches her uncle before the rest of her stunned family can utter a word.
One chubby hand reaches out to pat Tommy’s boot, and she looks up at him with big, gray eyes. He bends down to pluck her off the floor.
“Ain’t that a fun new trick,” he smiles as she smacks his cheeks in her tiny hands and blows a raspberry in his face. “When’d you learn to crawl, li’l bug?”
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