#protect this boy at all costs plz
touy-touy · 2 years
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natsuo is so pretty
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
Mafia Trilogy !Yandere¡
Ranked On Insanity
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A/N: This is purely my opinion on them. We all interpret their characters differently so don’t come at me if you don’t like their placements. I’m trying to be kind of accurate to their characters but also do fan service…I’m stressed so plz 😪
Requests open: 24/7
Warnings: Yandere and toxic themes.
I’m ranking them in three different categories…
Delulu to not as delulu
Batshit and completely delusional
These are the men who are at the point of no return….They are willing to do anything to get you at any cost. I do not say this lightly like I mean they are willing to do anything
My boy John has the entire c.i.a. at his very disposal and you think he won’t use it to find you??? He’s going to get you. Sam will too,, He’ll send out multiple men to come hunt you down if you even dare to hide from him. They do not give a flying duck if you don’t even have romantic interest in them, you are their darling. That’s the end of discussion.
Whatever they want you to do, you’re going to do it. There’s no rationalization with these two. Lincoln and Tom give them all the talks they want but they will not listen. Pushed to the brink enough and their friends are not safe either from their delusional thinking.
You already saw what Sam did to Paulie…imagine what he’d do for his darling. Not the ideal men for normal girls. You will be tormented every single step of your relationship with either one of these men.
No effort is made to hide their sinister behaviors and your eyes will bear witness to their horrific atrocities. If you push them too far they might even harm you eventually. There is no escaping or telling what their insanity will make them do.)
Sam Trapani
John Donovan
Pretty fucking crazy but is in a weird gray area between the other two
They are in the middle. Paulie is already an irrational brute and Vito is a traumatized Soldier, so they are definitely operating weirdly.
They both have similar desires of wanting a partner but have been dealt an unlucky hand when it comes to dating so when you came along…they couldn’t let you go. Their obsession comes from a place of codependency..they need you sooo badly and they cannot go back to their old cold life without you.
They really do care about their darling, truly. They’ll do whatever they can to organically win over your love and trust. Sure they will be super touchy, maybe a little too bossy or over protective of you but they mean well… they truly want to be the “chill bf” but who are they kidding??? They are cray cray in the membrane.
At any moment they can and will snap…their delusions will get the best of them if pushed to that point. If they feel like you’re going to leave or are constantly rejecting them, they will do a full 180 and turn into the previous bunch. They are extremely accusatory and feel like you’re constantly trying to cheat or leave them. Tons of arguments and unsavory punishments.
I can’t say they’d do exactly all the same things as the previous much like they’d never physically hurt you or make you watch their crimes but they are damn near close to being like them…
Paulie Lombardo
Vito Scaletta
Average Mafia Member
These men are still very much Yandere and are willing to kill and fuck shit up for you but aren’t as delusional as the rest. Like on average people terms they are very yandere but in comparison to other members of the mob…eh.
I know this is going to piss hella people off but I can’t imagine any of these three holding you against your will or being overly passionate about their darling.
Your safety comes first and they are more go with the flow kind of men. Especially Lincoln and Tommy, despite their desires, your wishes come first. Joe is just Joe, he cares a lot about you but on average he’s like fuck it…it’s your life girl-. Forced intimacy and everything isn’t their thing.
If you really weren’t romantically feeling them they’d just become platonic yanderes and make sure you’re safe from a distance. If any moment you changed your mind they’d be right there waiting to give you the world but if not they really won’t do too much about it. These men would have to have been romantically invested in you for years for them to snap and become like the rest .)
Tommy Angelo
Lincoln Clay
Joe Barbaro
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nerdysleepybunny · 1 year
(This is my first time requesting something) I was wondering if you could do a tpn X fem reader (separate ofc )wear the reader likes to play with their hair while cuddling ( fluff plz) 🌈- anon
Of course! Welcome to the clouds, 🌈 anon! Thank you for the request, hope you enjoy! 💕
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): The Promised Neverland
Character(s): Norman, Ray, Emma
Reader: Feminine (she/you)
TW: Feminine petnames
Style: Hcs
Summary: Norman, Ray, and Emma (separate) react to a reader that likes to play with their hair whilst cuddling.
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Soft blushy boy. <3
I feel like the feeling of you brushing your fingers through his locks and scratching his scalp is just super relaxing, so he’d definitely fall asleep.
Once he’s asleep put his hair in a ponytail (or, do the best you can with how short his hair is-) and see his reaction when he wakes up!
When he notices he’ll be like 😮😳🥹
He would tackle you but then he’s like “no no no must be gentle with my baby”
“Thank you princess, I love it.” AND THAT CUTE SMILE SKDHAJDNSBX
Many many smooches on both ends. 😭💕
I feel like Norman doesn’t get much physically affection so he absolutely melts whenever you play with his hair.
Just the cutest boy. Protect him at all costs. 🫶🏻
If he’s in one of his soft moods he’s laying against you, then he just feels your hand touch the top of his head and he jumps. You think you hurt him or made him uncomfortable and go to move your hand but then he relaxes into you and pulls your hand back. 😭
Whilst you’re playing with his hair he turns to you and tries to look all scary and being like “don’t tell ANYONE about this” but you knowing him just smooch the look off his face and being like “sure”
Turns back around scoffing but you know he liked it. 💀
Don’t tease him though. He WILL slap you. (Then apologize over and over but don’t tell that to anyone)
If someone walks in or you tell someone about what happened he’ll go full gaslight mode, as a joke of course. Just denying everything even if there’s proof.
Ray: *looking at the picture Emma took of you playing with his hair and him blushing*
Ray: *scoffs* “What is this? This never happened. Something must be wrong with all of you.”
You: *trying not to laugh*
Ray, preparing to slap you if you even dare laugh: *intense side eye*
He likes the affection, just don’t tease or tell others. 😭
She loves loves LOVES it!!
You two are so close that you’re surprised your bodies aren’t morphing together into one.
When she feels your fingers begin to comb through her hair, she’s giggling and leaning into your touch.
She’ll even reach up and play with yours as well!
Safe to say the two of you fell asleep lol.
She’ll let you play with the little strand of hair at the top of her head. That means a lot because she doesn’t let ANYONE touch it. Except you now! :D
You like to curl it around your finger to make it all curly. She hates how weird it looks but lets you keep doing it, just sitting there with a mad pouty face whilst you laugh at her face and her hair. 😭
Poor baby is just like >;( 🥹
She expects MANY smooches when you’re done torturing her.
You know that little braid Emma has in her hair in season 2? You either taught her how to do it or you do the braid for her lol.
“Y/NNNNN, MAKE MY HAIR LOOK COOL!” The girl whined and wouldn’t shut up till you agreed to style her hair. There wasn’t many options due to how short it was, but you finally decided a little side braid would look nice. She loved it so so much that she had you restyle it whenever the braid comes out. :D
She’ll literally be so sad when it came out for the first time thinking it would never be replaceable. She would’ve actually started crying if you didn’t tell her you can do it again. 😭
“Calm down princess I can braid your hair again..”
“REALLY?! :0”
“Yes now stay still.”
You smooched the tears off her cheeks and restyled her hair, meaning happy Emma. :D
“Shut up Emma.”
“Ray is right Emma, you are being a bit loud..”
“Lower your voice, Em.”
“Anything for you Y/N! :D”
Emma’s a simp lmfao.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
The ask didn’t specify which tpn characters they wanted so I just went with the trio, but if you have any other characters in mind just send in another ask! 💕
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birb--birb · 9 months
The more I play, the more I think people that who super dislike Astarion have never experienced a trauma before.
Like ofc you're allowed to dislike a character for any reason, but it also makes so much sense why he is how he is when you unlock his positive approval rating covos. He's a snarky stab happy fuckboy yes, but his quest for power isn't unjustified. Astarion is scared, he's terrified he'll be brought back to Cazador and tortured 5 ways to sunday, if not outright killed. The tadpole is what's keeping him safe, and he isn't going to give it up without a fight. So he thinks the only way to ensure his safety and freedom is to go full scorched earth, take as much power by any means possible no matter who it hurts. He's a spurr of the moment decion maker, of course he's not going to think it through. When your ticket to freedom after 200 years of torture is right there, you don't stop to think about the cost of it, to yourself or others.
Astarion doesn't want power so he can rule over the sword coast, he wants power to make sure no one ever can ever hurt him again. You hear something simular in folks who have experienced trauma (plz understand that I'm generalizing here, trauma is processed differently by different people no one brain is the same). Anger, grief, fear, confusion, terror all are things that can go through your mind after a traumatic event occurs. Your brain is trying to find a way to make things hurt less, so if there's a chance for revenge, or the ability to take back power, you bet your ass its gonna sound delicious to your emotionally flooded brain. This is what I think is at the core of Astarions story. That this confident, cunning, flirtatious vampire is mostly an act, it's what he's practiced and what's protected him thus far. He likely learned that showing any sort of vulnerability is a weakness that will be used against him. His grab for power is selfish yes, but not in the way it seems at the surface. But absolutely power will corrupt absolutely, which is why I say his desire is justified, but not exactly supported depending on what type of run you're doing.
Idk man I just immediately looked at this man and went "aweeh.... it's traumatized". That boi ain't got any coping skills whatsoever and I'm a sucker for characters who's confidence is just a ploy to keep you from seeing just how fucked up they actually are. Anyways each character in this damn game is written so freaking well I could write a billion essays about it everyone say thank you Larian
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ryattcos · 1 year
i have finally finished tgcf and can give better opinion of some of my favorite characters.
xie lian- my baby! i love him. he must be protected at all costs. but also…. he kinda hot when he goes all martial god…. that’s all i’m saying. also, i love that even though he’s unlucky, he’s highly perceptive of things and people around him. he notices things. i want to give squishmallows.
hua cheng- plz let me tell him that he’s worthy. plz let me tell him he matters. my god, this man needs more softness in his life. so much suffering. give him squishmallows too! he would appreciate soft stuff too!
feng xin- a likable, dependable labrador. he is simply a good man and a good body guard. he follows his orders to a t and tries to do things the right way.
mu qing- just a bitch. an understandable bitch, but like… a bitch. i think he is a complex character and i loved when he was talking to xie lian abs being vulnerable he was able to admit his feelings were complex and messy. i couldn’t be in the same room as him. but i get it.
shi qingxuan- oh, my absolute favorite gender-fluid icon. thank you! they are such a true friend to xie lian and over all give me comfortable and safe vibes. they would listen to you vent, and they would judge you but they wouldn’t hold it against you.
pei ming- i think general fuckboi is an outstanding character. i think he would absolutely ignore me. i love that even though he’s a whore, he’s up front about it. the slutification of pei mingvis the only thing i’m here for right now. he definitely needs more respect women juice, but he has solid potential.
lang qianqiu- he gives me pretty boy vibes. idk what it is, but he gives me “better than thou” for most of the story. he does redeem himself once he has had his revenge, so like, i get it.
quan yizhen- he is a great dane. giant, floppy, goofy. could break through the wall like the koolaid man. he reminds me of a colt. like a young horse. horse people will get that one.
jun wu- mommy milkers and morality don’t go hand in hand unfortunately. so the biggest tits award also goes to the biggest fuck ass award. cuz holy trauma llama…
i’m sure i’ll have more thoughts but these are just the ones off the top of my head. bed time ramblings if you will.
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Izar doodles!!!
Doodle compilation of my noblesse oc from my Millennium AU, Izar Siriana! After Zarga died without an heir, Izar was born from the air and earth of Lukedonia as the new Siriana heir. Izar is a massive astronomy & mathematics enthusiast, and a giant nerd in general lol.
For my entire nextgen lineup, please refer to my pinned post! Now onto the drawings…
1) Izar portrait!!!! I love painting my beloved nerd boi. His hair is messy because he almost never pays attention to it, and you can almost always find crumbs and… partially eaten snacks poking out from it. Ehhh. If you point it out to him he’ll just say ooh its a nice surprise, he can eat it later on, meanwhile it can keep sitting there haha so convenient amiright. (Plz dont) And… he’s always smiling. Happy boi. Probably thinking about building his 1628th telescope right now. Also his glasses are totally fake and he just wears them because he thinks they complete the “scientist” aesthetic. Humans sure are trendy aren’t they?
2) Izar is a HUGE junk food lover. Chips, cookies, soda, cheap powdery coffee, anything that’s junk by human standards really. Especially the coffee part. He drinks it not because he needs it but because human scientists do that. It’s fashionable!! If only he could get his hands on Luzia’s eyeshadow, he would’ve given himself dark eye circles lol. Anyways he’s always snacking on something, and shares his snacks with his extremely smart pet ferret & lab assistant Charles. Charles can understand everything he says and often fetches his stuff for him. ps Izar sometimes forgets to clean his hands especially his fingers after a snack session. Consequently his books and notes often have greasy fingerprints on then haha.
3) Izar is basically a neet but he does hang out with his friends sometimes!! He’s very good friends with Ludis’ daughter and the Mergas heir, Susanna. These two have a lot to bond over. Susa is also the one who supplies Izar’s massive, ever-growing pantry. For a super snack enthusiast like him, his snack-eating speed is actually inferior to Susa’s snack-supplying speed. Oh, what will he do without Susa haha. He always looks forward to deliveries from her household. Some random Mergas clan member tasked with delivery will be knocking on Izar’s lab and he’d be at the door in an instant. “Excuse me, Izar-nim? Susanna-nim asked me to deliver—” “YESYESYES IT’S ME!!!” And Susa, while she doesn’t entirely understand the topics to a complex level, loves to listen to Izar’s mini lessons on space and stars. They have great synergy lol.
4) just cute chibi Izar sitting on a planet lol. He loves everything space related. Precious boi and his hobby needs to be protected at all costs.
5) Izar has a massive crush on Jia. Jia has no interest in “meteor-whats” or those “fancy rocks” but she joke-promises Izar that she would help him collect these “rocks” and bring them to him if he can provide her with a satisfying spar. Girl just loves her exercise. Izar is a neet but his fighting skills are no joke so they spar, to both of their surprise Jia is happy and keeps her promise. Her bringing him meteorites makes his inner nerd explode with joy. Their casual back and forths with the spars and meteorite deliveries extends over the years and Izar falls for Jia. Jia really just loves to fight though. Izar hasn’t confessed his feelings yet, but if he does it’ll be a straight-on marriage proposal with a six pack soda. Ehhh maybe thats jumping too far ahead at once. If he does he should bring a grill lol, girl doesn’t like sweet stuff. Jia doesn’t know he likes her.
6) While Izar likes Jia, Kaelestis Blerster, son of Karias and Rael, likes Izar. Izar doesn’t know Kaekae likes him. It all started out when Kaekae became a regular at Izzy’s lab (the lab is always open to any guests he just almost never gets any lol) to get a breather from the uptight life he usually lives. Parenting Karias (yes, not the other way around) is always… sigh, difficult. In Izzy’s lab is where Kaekae truly feels at ease. Listing to Izzy ramble about space and formulas, snacking on junk, being handed plushies and toys… Kaekae feels like he’s being taken care of. It’s really refreshing. It’s his safe space, he finally found it; it was right there in Izzy’s lab all along. That’s how he falls for the giant nerd boi. He knows Izzy likes Jia, so he doesn’t confess his feelings… yet. Though he should. For right now, they’ll just be best friends… yep, that’s enough right…?
7. Susa is even more entertained once she finds out about her peers’ crushes. Oh ho their love lives are gonna be a ride. So entertaining. Meanwhile her brother and parents wonder why she’s snickering to herself. You won’t get it even if she explains, trust me.
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artificialbreezy · 2 years
Choking - Fruity Four
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AN: hi my babies!! i’m sorry for the delay!! this whole week (fuck it only being tuesday) had been very busy. but i promise regular posting will continue come tomorrow!! please keep in my mind, October 14-18 i will be not on like at all, or if i am very LITTLE since my wedding is on the 15th. i love you all vvv much, thank you for your patience!!!
CW: Dom/sub dynamic, steve x fem!reader, robin x fem!reader, eddie x fem!reader, nancy x fem!reader, pet names, degradation, mentions of the word slut, plz let me know if i missed anything
Steve found out accidentally one day tbh
you were at a party, and relatively tipsy
he’d go up to kiss you (bc let’s face it. Billy was looking at you like you were a piece of cake and he didn’t like that) and wrap his hand around your throat to pull you close and plop a wet, needy kiss to your lips
you moaned a little, quiet enough you thought Stevie boy didn’t hear you
He didn’t bring it up that night, held it in until the perfect timing
and today just so happens to be that timing
you were being a little mouthy today. talking back, arguing over small things, and snapping at Steve
which usually Steve would push aside because he knew how awful working at Family Video could be, but today as home as smooth as can be and he was not having it
“angel?” you’d look over to him and hum
“i’d suggest you’d lose that attitude you got. it’s not gonna end well for you if you don’t”
you’d just roll your eyes and continue putting away the tapes
by the time closing came around, Steve was beyond irritated
locked up the store, got in the car and you noticed Steve driving not towards your house, but towards his own.
“ Steve. Where are we going? I thought you were taking me home?”
“We’re going to my place sweetheart. I called your parents and told them you’d be with me tonight so they’re not worried. Now please, be a good baby for me and be quiet until we get home.”
he’d pull in his driveway, open your door for you as always, put his hand on your lower back and gently push you towards the front door
once you guys were inside though, all bets off. that door closed and Steve had you against the wall, hand around your throat, squeezing just enough for you to understand what he was getting at
“You think i’m just gonna let you get away with being a brat all day?” he’d chuckle before he continued speaking. “Now angel, why would I do that? Did you think I didn’t notice the way you reacted the first time my hand was around your throat? How you looked so desperate and needy for me? Silly baby. Now why don’t you get on your knees and show me how sorry you are, hmm?”
Robin 100% is a secret kinky lady and when she first met you - her kinda metal head sweetheart. she felt much more comfortable sharing those things
your first date, you had a clue. Robin was a nervous nelly, a shy baby. you knew you had to protect her at all costs
at this point, she’s your lil baby and you’re her mama bear
she calls you bear, you call her birdie. which to everyone around you, it sweet and innocent
but behind closed doors, little ole Robin loves being told what to do
that smart mouth that’s always going, is suddenly gone and she just wants to please you
so one day you got her laying on your bed, doe eyes looking up at you
“please what Rob?”
she’d groan, she hates when you use her name when it’s just you two
“please mama, need you.”
“you need me, sweet girl? need me where?”
she’d have tears in her eyes, barely able to speak
you’d reach your hand down, and gently wrap it around her neck
press a soft kiss right below her ear and squeeze a little harder
“cmon baby, i know you go a little dumb with my hand around your throat. but gotta tell me what you want. can you be my best girl, and tell me?”
she tries to speak, but your grip on her throat tightens
“course you can’t, silly baby. don’t worry, i always know what your sweet self needs”
scary, big eddie
well everyone thinks he’s scary, except Hawkins high Alum, cheer captain that taught Chrissy Cunningham all she knows.
now, Eddie’s into casual dominance. he’s sweet and spicy
you break a rule or even act in a way that’s not polite or sweet - because “my precious girl needs to know her manners”
he’ll take you over his knee so fast
or his hand around your throat, while he’s pumping in and out of you at such a slow rate you think you’ll die
today was one of those instances, he was teasing you reeeeaaalll bad
you’d have tears in your eyes, bucking your hips up just to feel something
he’d chuckle at you - which lets me real, man would make anyone hide if he laughed at you like that
“such a needy girl. what? your cunt feel empty? need more?”
you’d just nod, because you knew he’d tighten his grip around your throat
“pathetic. my little, pathetic slut. too bad you can’t” he’d thrust back into you, “fucking” thrust again, “act”, he’d pull out again and stay out this time, “right”
Nancy, I feel would be a pretty solid switch. More Dom but sometimes subby
Dom Nancy, LOOOOVEEESS making you squirm. whether it be, soft touches, or suggestive comments
Sub Nancy, LOOOVVEESS being told what to do, how to please you. She listens real well
but rn we’ll talk about sub Nancy (dom nancy will come sooooon)
she’s a sucker for your dirty talk
you know how to make her feel small
you’d be between her legs, pressing soft kisses against her thighs every now and then placing a kiss on her clothed cunt
she’d be whiny at this point, just wants to feel you
“baby please, do something. anything.”
now, Nancy has 100% choked you but you’ve never done it to her
she’d nod down at you
“okay sweet girl, you keep sitting there all pretty. i’m gonna try something, if you don’t like it - remember three taps and i’ll stop, okay?
she’d smile at you as you stood up, “okay!”
with that, you’d lean down and press a sweet kiss to her lips
slowly deepening the kiss, she’d melt right into it too
your leg was pressed against her core, and she took it as an invite to try to grind against you. just to feel you, even a little bit
you’d slowly drag your hand to her neck, and squeeze just a little. not too hard
you could tell just from the way she grounded against and the gasp she let out
“oh sweetie, look at you. actin like a little slut. you like this huh?”
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Romantic Killer is not only refreshing but also so wholesome. I love it so much. Ep 9 & 10 were so good and love it for breaking the typical anime stereotypes and being so logical, like really portraying high schoolers rather well & how not every high school going person is obsessed with finding love/their lovelife or has to date.
After kaguya sama, this is my fav romcom anime, though be warned it doesn't really delve into the romance bit too much but it's so wholesome. I love how it shows love (whether platonic or romantic) is more about comfortability rather than heart racing things. Like yeah heart racing moments are a part of the journey but aren't the most relevant in the bigger picture.
Also ugh that ending of ep 10, protect our ikeman boy with golden hair at all costs plz 😭.
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this-is-youniverse · 2 years
Ren breathes:
The boys:
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...we were supposed to be disgusted and scared AF of this clown.
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lovefrombegonia · 2 years
Superbat hc in this universe:
No, but LISTEN...it's a superbat rant/headcanon(?) but listen--plz! They set it up (intentionally or unintentionally) so well.
Carmine Falcone used the phrase "boys scout" to mock Bruce's image of his perfect, pure father. But he found out, no, Thomas Wayne was anything but that. He was a good man and a loving father and husband above all but he wasn't perfect. In his moment of weakness, he turned to a mobster and a man lost his life. To Bruce, boys scout is now someone who just looks all shiny, perfect hero outside but inside, so many secrets are hidden...skeletons in the closet. SO!!! WHEN batman finally comes across this sunshine alien, with a bright smile, who has godly powers but instead of something like ruling the world, superman chooses to be a protector of the innocent. He saves lives without asking for anything else. That's like Bruce's father! Someone born with so much power and money but who chose to give back to the people, a hero...Bruce knows though, that his dad, in his moment of weakness, made a horrible decision, the ripples of its consequences are still affecting Bruce's life and Gotham as a whole. If one billionaire's mistake can curse a city like that, what will Superman's moment of weakness cost? So he mocks superman by calling him a boys scout. Deep down, Bruce can't help but make that connection between Superman and Thomas Wayne.
(start of the cheesy romantic part)
Now, I am a hopeless, sappy romantic and I love sappy romantic tropes like a person falling love with someone that reminds them of their long lost father or mother. AND!! THIS SET UP IS KINDA...PERFECT FOR SUPERBAT?? LOL I know, it's so cheesy and cliche but I love it.
Batman later realising Superman really is a boys scout in his soul, not a perfect being, but someone who, no matter what, will go above and beyond to help people and protect Earth. And so the mockery gradually turns into an affectionate pet name.
Clark becomes Bruce's Boys Scout :)
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Can you make Main Four with Malaysian Reader? (Btw I from Malaysia.) Also reader can speak many language like English, Arabic, Mandarin, Tamil and Bahasa Melayu. Because of Malaysia is country that have different race live together. (Like me, I can speak Bahasa Melayu, English. Arabic and Mandarin I can speak too but I only know basic ;D.) (Sorry for bad grammar, English not my fist language. It second language.)
Alrighty then
Poor Hank. Only knows the horrible life of living in Nevada, and being the most hated and wanted criminal. You had to tell him that you weren’t from this country, let alone Nevada.
Hank is interested in learning your culture, seeing as how you look and act different from everyone else in the hellish state of Nevada.
You show him some of your favorite literature and music. Even though he doesn’t understand any of it, he imagines how amazing and wonderful it’s be to live somewhere in a much better and more peaceful environment.
Because you’re from a better place, Hank protects you at all costs. You’d always be the first person he saves, since you’re the last one he wants to lose.
He thinks you’re pretty since you ain’t from Nevada.
The fact that you’re from an amazing and relaxing paradise, and then ended up stuck in a hellish and cold world, makes him feel sad. It pains him to see you feel miserable about the flaws of Nevada and when you do, he gives you many hugs and says sweet things in your ear.
“I know Nevada isn’t the best place to live in, but I promise that I will give you enough of my love to make all your worries go away. You deserve better than to be stuck in a traumatizing wasteland.”
He’s interested in your culture, so if he ever sees you listening to music, dusting an art piece that you brought with you to Nevada etc., he asks you a lot of questions and tends to follow you around like an excited puppy.
Since Deimos is Deimos, of course he’s gonna be all confused and ask “what is a Mall-A-Sha? Is that a cute girl you know, Malisha?!” (you kick him in the leg after that)
As soon as he learns more about your country, he tries to impress you by saying a buncha languages spoken in Malaysia (getting most of the words mixed up since he uses Google translate) or trying his best to make a traditional art piece of which he also found from Google (and maybe even used a tutorial to help you)
“Hey, you know I heard that Malaysia is close to the equator, so that means the climate is very warm, but guess what? You’re hotter than Malaysia’s hottest days of the year.” - Deimos 2022
He wonders what living in Malaysia would be like. He imagines going there, relaxing on the beach, and since he’ll be married to you, you’ll be holding him in your arms or the other way around.
2B was really surprised and quite excited to meet someone outside of Nevada.
He immediately asks you out since, it’s been a while since he saw something, or someONE different and not so depressing or savage looking.
If you tell him about your culture and how life was like in Malaysia, he’d always listen to you in such a loving way. Not only is your voice soothing, but imagining the fact of living in a world without so much violence and hatred sounds like heaven to him (he’d probably even beg you to take him with you back to your own country for at least a week or so)
The boys start to get very confused about 2BDamned, someone who’s usually very serious and intellect, actively and crazily swooning over someone. (Deimos tends to make jokes behind his back, but that normally leads to a slap in the face by Sanford).
Sorry for not posting in a while. plz accept this funni Mario Luigi and Yoshi pic I found on the internet as my apology:
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cazimagines · 3 years
(for follower celebration) i almost feel like im ordering at a diner LMAO but could i get a 36 with zemo plz >:) hehehe
Thank you for dining at Cazzy's Daniel Delights, if you'd like to take a table at the Zemo slut section, your order will be with you shortly 😋
also, I hope you like cats for this drabble as I went for the fluff list
Zemo wasn't a pet person.
He told you this adamantly.
He told you this as he drove you to the RSPCA.
He told you this as you looked around at all the cats that needed to be adopted.
He told you this as he flashed his card and brought a beautiful ginger cat that only had three legs.
Now he sat back at his expensive mansion, watching the way the cat walked right past him as if it was instead the owner of the place, and as if to spite him, dug its claws into his vintage sofa, and stretched.
He wondered how the hell he managed to end up in this mess.
Quickly he rushed over to the cat and tried to pull it away, but its claw was stuck in the sofa, so when he tried to pull it away, he hurt the cat and so, in turn, it sunk his teeth into his hand.
Instantly he dropped the cat and swore, grumbling under his breath as he watched it run out of the kitchen.
You had to go away for two days as your friends wanted a girl's only spa day, and so you had left Zemo in charge of looking after Jack (which Zemo claims its full name was Jack Daniel's) though Zemo despised it.
His first interaction with the cat, he decided for your sake he'd try to get along and so he picked it up to stroke it, but the cat being in an unfamiliar environment and being held by someone he didn't know, meant that it wee'd all over Zemo's expensive outfit.
First impressions were important to Zemo and so after that, he tried to avoid Jack at all costs.
An hour later, John walked into his bedroom, draping his coat over a chair just to find Jack curled upon his bed, getting ginger hair everywhere. Zemo sighed and shooed the cat away, annoyed he'd have to remove all the fur off the bed, but as he turned around he found Jack now curling upon his coat, spreading his ginger fur all over the black coat.
He pushed the cat out of his room.
Later on in the day, he walked into the living room to find Jack sitting beside a bag of dreamies you had left out. He glared at Zemo, his eyes not leaving as Zemo walked around him, ignoring him.
When Jack realised this he knocked the deamies pack over and started to paw at it, making it crinkle loudly so that it slowly got on Zemo's nerves. Every few minutes of pawing at the pack he'd look up at Zemo expectantly and then when back to pressing the packet until Zemo couldn't handle it any longer.
He charged across the room, grabbed the dreamies, which made Jack pirk up and start purring happily until Zemo put the dreamies in a draw and then went back down to his seat to continue ignoring Jack.
In realising that Zemo was a dick, Jack decided he'd had better luck hunting outside and subsequently left.
By dinner time, Zemo took a packet of wet cat food and travelled down to the bowel to empty out the food while he held his nose due to the smell until he suddenly heard a cat yell and a lot of hissing.
Instantly he rushed to the back door which had a window, and in looking out he could see how Jack's one bag leg had got caught in some string, and a neighbouring cat was trying to attack him.
In a flash Zemo was outside, shooing the other cat away in order to protect Jack. When the cat had finally left he turned to Jack and sighed bending down to unravel his leg.
As soon as he had done so, Jack hissed at him, swiping at his hand and then ran off into the woody section of the garden.
"A meow of thanks would have been nice!" Zemo shouted after him and then grumbled to himself about how inconvenient cats were as he went back inside.
At dinner time, Zemo sat sipping away quietly at his soup, staring longingly at the spot you always sat at. He missed your company dreadfully though you weren't even gone that long. He enjoyed the conversation the two of you had at dinner and without it, he felt very lonely.
That was until he heard the "mmmmh" sound of Jack and as he looked up, he saw Jack sitting in your seat, mouse in mouth.
Jack spat the mouse onto the table and then just sat there, staring at Zemo in the eye, his gaze unwavering.
"I suppose this is a thank you. Took you long enough" Zemo murmured, though still, he appreciated how he felt a little bit less lonely now.
In the evening Zemo laid down upon the sofa, putting the tv on to play some random show to dull his mind for a while when he suddenly groaned at the feeling of Jack jumping onto his chest at full force.
Zemo reached his hand up to push Jack off, but instead, he hesitated.
He supposed Jack did look quite handsome, and still, it might be nice to have him around as company for the evening. Slowly he reached out his hand and petting Jack lightly upon his head.
Jack instantly closed his eyes, his cat smile widening as he pushed his head into Zemo's palm, wanting more. Soon Zemo started to scratch him behind his ear, under his chin, above his eyes and on the side of his face.
Jack was purring loudly, and his mouth was even dribbling onto Zemo but at this point, Zemo didn't care. Jack's claws dug into his purple jumping, up and down as he prepared the surface to suddenly flop down upon.
Now with Jack laying upon him, his purrs sounded even louder and felt like they were vibrating Zemo's own body, and it warmed his body and heart considerably.
He continued to stroke and scratch Jack they both slowly fell asleep enjoying each other's company.
When you returned in the evening, a smile broke out on your face to see Zemo upon the sofa, his arm draped around the body of Jack who slept peacefully upon his chest.
Tiptoeing over to them as not to disturb this perfect sight at finally seeing your boys get along he leaned over and placed a kiss upon Zemo's forehead.
"You're a softie" you whisper.
Cazzy's 900 celebration
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
yes plz
omg can i plz get a scenario where some villains capture and torture (y/n) and then boom boom boi rescues them, but they still have nightmares about it so boom boom boi comforts them and cuddles them and tells him that he’ll protect them. sooooo swoony UwU
Absoultely!!! Thank you so much for the cute prompt, I actually had some fun with this despite the actual prompt lol. I hope it’s what you were looking for!!
warnings: heavy angst, heavy fluff, soft baku for the soul, mentions of blood, gore, abuse, vomit, panic attacks, character death, bakugou and the reader are married, my trash writing
word count: 1K
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Seven months.
Seven months since your release from the year-long nightmare that continued to haunt you even as your husband held you firmly against his chest in your queen-sized bed.
It was hot. He was hot. There was just too much heat all over you, the weighted blanket, Katsuki’s muscled arms crossed over your heaving stomach, his chest pressed against your back for support, and the summer night outside… you felt like you were being suffocated in the measures taken to help you.
Katsuki immediately noticed your change in breathing and allowed you to squirm away from him and sit up before emptying the contents of your stomach into a preplaced bowl on the floor next to the bed.
He scrambled to sit up and grab your waist so you wouldn’t fall off the mattress in your lightheaded state. When you were finished, you started crying, the burning ache in your throat becoming almost too much to bear.
Gentle hands wiped your mouth and coarse thumbs wiped away your tears. He wanted to avoid a panic attack at all costs so he took you with him to get you a glass of water.
It must’ve been quite a spectacle, once a high-ranking pro-hero reduced to carrying his sobbing, mentally scarred wife into the kitchen of their apartment to get her a glass of water to soothe her protesting stomach and burning throat.
But if you could see his face, there was nothing but concern and determination in his now gentle vermillion irises. 
The images and words that flashed through your head weren’t helping either; a deeply scarred male pressing flaming palms to your skin, searing the flesh until it sizzled, no remorse, no hesitation, only ringing laughter while you screamed and pleaded for mercy. A small blond girl, nearly a child, dragging her knife along your naked body as she questioned you. But every time you refused to give her an answer, her wrist would flick and a cut would form on your thigh or your arm or your cheek and she would shriek with laughter at your cries. Being beaten with anything available until your bruised skin gave way and blood seeped out and puddled on the floor, dragging your body through pools of your own blood and vomit as you tried to get away from your next undeserved punishment, watching someone else use brute strength to break your fingers-
You tried to listen to Katsuki’s soft, encouraging words, you valiantly attempted to sip the water you were given, but the air pushing in around you was cold now and your tender scars weren’t having it.
“Come on babycakes, I know you can hear me,” Came his gruff, sleepy murmur, “Look at me, focus those pretty eyes on me honey, it’s just you and me.”
The heart beating rapidly in your ears, the bitter cold sinking hits claws into every pore on your body, the crushing thoughts of your woes… everything simply paused when you locked eyes with him.
Soon the warmth of his fingertips lifting your chin defeated the tyranny of the chill keeping you locked in place and a comfortable heat spread down to your toes. The cool water that seemed lodged in your esophagus, went down easily and you let him help you with another sip.
“Nightmare again?” He asked, pulling you into his lap, “What did the therapist tell you to do when that happens?”
His words weren’t hurtful or condescending in any way, he just wanted you to be able to know what to do while he was away. What if you had a panic attack while he was in the shower? What if he was at the store and your nap had taken a turn for the worst?
You wilted, guilt stabbing your heart as you noticed the bags under his eyes. “T-To look around, find all the things that are around me and compare them to the bad place. Then I’ll know I’m safe unless I’m not.” 
Your hoarse whisper and correct answer earned you a nod and a smile, “I know you don’t think about it, especially when you’re in the middle of an attack, but we need to work on them ok? That was the fastest time it’s taken you to listen to my voice and calm down though, I’m very proud of you.”
He squeezed your hands reassuringly, “You’re getting better babygirl, it’ll all be over soon,” He promised, “I’m so happy you’re here with me, I must’ve cried every day you were gone until I finally had you in my arms again. I love you so goddamn much, you don’t even know.”
“You’ve stayed with me, you gave up your dream for me, you haven’t given up on me and refuse to let me give up on myself… I never expected you to stay behind with me while your friends move up the ranks, I expected you to leave like anyone else with goals would. But you didn’t. And you’re here…” You said in a raspy murmur, arms locked around his neck.
“Sssh, don’t strain yourself bunny. Remember what the therapist said, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.” He responds, “Do three for me ok? Crying dehydrates you, you gotta stop.”
“I… I just love you so much.”
You miss the uncontrollable smile that pokes his mouth because he had your head resting over his shoulder, but you felt him squeeze you a little tighter, the simple action bringing a watery smile to your own features.
You spent the next half hour going through your breathing exercises, some physical therapy for your damaged muscles (also to help you sleep), and you watched a detective show in his lap on the couch while he braided your hair.
When it was over, your husband carried you back to bed and tucked you into his chest under a few sheets and settled down, thumb brushing your freshly washed cheek affectionately.
“Feeling ok?” He whispers and you nod, reaching up to twist your fingers into his hair and pull him down for a tentative kiss.
You giggle when he pulls away, cheeks tinted pink.
It had been so long since you shared an actual kiss.
“So cute,” He murmured, “I could never replace you, not for all the money Deku got when that All Might bastard died. You’re worth more to me than oxygen itself, got it?”
You nod and pull his pretty face down for another kiss.
Slowly but surely, you knew, but someday everything would be ok again.
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i7fanfic · 3 years
Hello! i see that you're a new i7 blog. can you plz write riku, iori, and tenn with a s/o who is studying for exams? i'm currently taking my last exams so this would be appreciated. thanks!
hi hi! thank you for requesting this. my heart went whfjsdhfd LITERALLY. this is too cute. also good luck on your exams :D - mod navi Riku, Iori, and Tenn with a s/o who is studying for exams Riku Nanase: - he would try to help as much as possible! - definitely would be the type to motivate you by kisses or hugs - he would make sure you're taking care of yourself. are you hungry? he will make you something to eat! are you sleepy? he would encourage you to take a break and come cuddle with him! - even if he doesn't quite understand what you're studying, he would try his best - in conclusion, he's trying because he loves you lots Iori Izumi: - need help studying? go to him - he has helped tamaki study, i can guarantee this - he would quiz you and make sure you fully understand what you're studying. if you need help reviewing certain parts, he will gladly help! - would 100% stare at your face because to him you look absolutely adorable but even more while concentrating - like riku, he would make sure you're taking care of yourself - this boy is precious. he's trying his best Tenn Kujo: - need help studying? go to him 2.0 - very similar to iori but i feel like he would be a bit more strict - he will gladly quiz you and help you review so you understand what you're studying - he would try to be reassuring as possible. giving you a smile or head pats now and then - would definitely make sure you're taking care of yourself even if he acts annoyed. he may not admit it so easily but he worries about you - please protect him at all costs
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squidsponge · 3 years
Ok, I had specifically requested that my husband who isn't Rex Captain Howzer be protected at all costs.
To the The Bad Batch:
You totally had room on your ship. I am going to file a grievance if they don't comm Rex and Ahsoka who is totally still with him because rescuing his loyal brothers wouldn't even be a question for him. Take a cue from your ori'vod boys.
Howzer is going to outlive the Empire with impeccable hair and style choices offscreen, while flying under the radar with the rebellion like Ahsoka. We will be having words if you kill him off Dave. Feed the fanfic writers plz
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