#public consultation
maiji · 5 months
Canadians! Creators and general public who care about what's happening with generative AI! Our government has a public consultation on copyright and generative AI, in particular its impact on creative industries and "whether change is required to further improve or reinforce copyright policy for a modern, evolving Canadian economy."
Form closes this Mon Jan 15, 2024. As I type this that is tomorrow! but that means there's still time to share your thoughts, and help spread the word to inform potential updates to the Copyright Act!
Because this is a formal government consultation, the survey language can be... challenging. The amazing @jammyness has made a video walkthough to help! Check it out here: https://mastodon.social/@jam/111749614602658312
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
This week at the ICJ on the Israeli Occupation:
Meanwhile what Canada tried to do earlier...
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seachranaidhe · 2 years
'Make-up of a United Ireland among constitutional issues to be reviewed by Seanad Committee'.
‘Make-up of a United Ireland among constitutional issues to be reviewed by Seanad Committee’.
http://seachranaidhe-irishandproud.blogspot.com/2022/07/make-up-of-united-ireland-among.html THE OUTCOME OF BREXIT – IRISH UNITY
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lady-raziel · 2 months
Not to talk about the watcher thing again as I’ve already kind of said my piece, but one of the most batshit insane parts of this whole unbelievable situation is that for some reason they decided that for some fucking reason the BEST time to announce this highly controversial decision was literally DAYS before they would be going on an international tour and having to face irate fans IN PERSON. Guys. What the hell. At least have the sensibility to announce a move that you HAD to have known would make people upset AFTER one of the few times you actually interact in person with your fanbase.
I hope you’re ready to investigate the Tower of London for ghosts, because I have a feeling the Londoners will be more than happy to acquaint you with the building later this week.
Insane move after insane move. Truly.
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streetsofdublin · 2 years
The junction of Ryders Row and Capel Street will undergo a greening enhancement in January 2023 to make this entrance into Capel Street more welcoming.
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samvadprakriya · 2 years
श्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान ने जन परामर्श के लिए नेशनल क्रेडिट फ्रेमवर्क (एनसीआरएफ) का मसौदा प्रस्तुत किया
श्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान ने जन परामर्श के लिए नेशनल क्रेडिट फ्रेमवर्क (एनसीआरएफ) का मसौदा प्रस्तुत किया
नेशनल क्रेडिट फ्रेमवर्क छात्रों और युवाओं को सशक्त बनाने के लिए एनईपी के तहत अगली पीढ़ी वाला एक बहुआयामी साधन है- श्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान जन-भागीदारी प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के सुशासन का एक प्रमुख स्तंभ है – श्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान श्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान ने सभी संस्थानों और हितधारकों से इस जन परामर्श प्रक्रिया में हिस्सा लेने की अपील की केंद्रीय शिक्षा और कौशल विकास एवं उद्यमिता मंत्री श्री…
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businessnews-greece · 2 years
Interested parties can submit their views on the proposed measures.
The Competition Commission ("EA") on 08.01.2021, bearing in mind article 11 of Law 3959/2011 on regulatory intervention in sectors of the economy, decided ex officio to initiate the relevant procedure in the construction sector. After the end of the first public consultation, the EA published on 09.08.2022, its second opinions, where it again found a lack of conditions for effective competition in the construction industry and invited all interested parties to contribute to the public consultation, submitting opinions on the proposed measures. In order to facilitate the consultation process, the EA decided to extend the consultation period (which ended on 09.09.2022) until 23.09.2022.
It is reminded that any person can take part in the public consultation, regardless of the invocation of a legal interest. The filing of the opinions of a legal entity participating in the consultation is done by its legal representative. All comments and opinions of those interested in participating in the consultation and communicating any information they have that is useful for shaping the Competition Commission's decision are welcome. Those interested are invited to submit their comments in writing and by name electronically (in an editable format) to the address [email protected] now until 23-09-2022.
It is noted that any responses beyond the deadline and/or amendments to responses to the public consultation will not be accepted.
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yourlocaltoad · 3 months
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so uh I've been playing corporate clash lately 🧍
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lunar-years · 4 months
It's interesting that when Keeley is telling Ted about the implications of that photo of him and her leaking to The Sun, she says "Jamie is going to go mental" but it's not followed up with "he's going to think i cheated on him" or "he's going to break up with me" or "it's going to ruin our relationship" it's instead followed up by, "there's going to be photographers all over us!" And later when she's talking to Rebecca it's, "My god, Jamie would've been so pissed off with reporters poking around in our love life." There's something to be said for like, she never once expresses doubt that Jamie won't hear her out on the truth or believe what she tells him. The major focus of her concern is just keeping their business out of the press. Their relationship in season one is far from perfect but there's a lot of implicit trust between them.
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spoofaloofa · 2 months
Octonauts Babygirl Showdown: Women Edition
Polls in reblogs! :3
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(Layout made by the lovely @notakoolladz !)
So yeah I guess I’m the official woman poster now /j
gimme a sec to set this up 🙏
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duckshuffled · 8 months
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they broke out of their icons. i stole the chip from my friend go see him?
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meemrasmus-stash · 1 year
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random doodles yippie
im learning how to draw em
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inkfissh · 5 months
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Tinted skin
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streetsofdublin · 2 years
If you are walking along the street a degree of caution is advise because bicycles and electric scooters are permitted to use the street and there are so many of them that they a rapidly becoming a safety issue. Note: I am not sure if electric scooters ar
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felixstudios · 2 months
Headcannons for the playground Managers on a rainy day?
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Playground Managers on a Rainy Day Edition
🧠He doesn't even know it's raining
🧠Stays in the basement playing video games all day and scrolling Reddit
🧠Bro hasn't gone outside in years probably
Derrick Man
🛢️Scoffs about the weather and clearly hates it
🛢️In a sour mood the whole day
🛢️Spends as much time indoors as possible and wears a very good raincoat and/or uses an umbrella outisde
⛈️She started the rain {probably}
⛈️Will feel bad about it at first, but after a while she gives up with controlling it and just jumps in the puddles
⛈️Spends most of the day outside
⛈️Clearly likes the rain
Land Acquisition Architect
🚦He likes the rain in the sense that plants are watered {saves water bill on the land he needs to look all nice} and ground becomes soft and easy to break
🚦Takes advantage of the cooler weather to get TONS of work done outside, too
🚦Overall has a super productive day. He doesn't care much for how rain actually feels, but he LOOOOOOVES what it means for his wallet
Witch Hunter
🔱He'll find somewhere indoors or try to find some way to shelter himself from the rain so he can keep using his fire powers
🔱A lot of his stuff probably gets ruined with water damage
Public Relations Representative
🧱Rain? Oh, I re-re-remember rain- I- rain!
🧱Toon-Toons, would you be-be-be kind- would- outside to-to- en-en-enough to let m-me outside to see-see it?
🧱N-no? But it's been-been-been-been-
🥪Feels extra lazy
🥪Will probably fall asleep a LOT during the day since the sound of rain is very comforting to him
🥪Makes someone carry an umbrella for him wherever he goes because he's too lazy to hold it himself
Major Player
🎹His performance of the day will probably be a little quieter and softer. I mean, not by much since that's not exactly his style, but he'll try!
🎹Lots of rain protection if he goes outside because he doesn't wanna rust. Gotta stay looking young!
🎹Tries his best to stay indoors all day. He REALLY doesn't wanna rust his 'pretty face' or whatever
🌑Rain? Nah, that doesn't happen here. It's hail.
🌑He loves the weather. Absolutely thrives in it. Productivity at Mozzarella Styx Pizzeria increases by 10% that day
🌑 Satellite Investors are prone to wandering around on the streets, ESPECIALLY if the weather gets harsher. They also thrive in the weather
Chainsaw Consultant
🪚Finds the sounds of rain relaxing
🪚Productivity increases by 23% today. The Chairman is now looking into creating a rain simulation of some kind around his office
🪚Is especially quiet because he's listening to the rain
👟He CLAIMS not to care about "a little rain," but it's pretty obvious he hates it
👟SUPPOSEDLY doesn't care about it messing up his hair since he "still looks good no matter what," but when he gets to work he spends an hour fixing it in a mirror
👟ALLEGEDLY he won't care about the equipment he left outside getting a little gross looking since it's waterproof and still works, but the same afternoon he has brand new equipment...
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rubberghoul · 8 months
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Self ship doodle page
The preps will never understand my beautiful brain
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