#pukwudgie house
North Star Series
George Weasley x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Beginning of multi-chapter fic. British boy meets American girl.
Hogwarts, Spring 1994
"How'd the date go?" Fred asked when George joined him and Lee in the common room.
"It went." George shrugged.
"I saw you two at Honeydukes." Lee said. "Looked like you were having a good time to me."
"Oh yeah, it was just like every date I go on. Things go great until we get to the sitting down and having an actual conversation part." George let out a long sigh. At some point, on every date, he would say something stupid or weird or obscure, triggering an uncomfortable silence that usually lasted until they parted ways.
"I think your expectations are too high, mate." Fred popped a piece of candy in his mouth.
George rolled his eyes, but said nothing. 'They're the ones with the expectations,' he thought. 'I just want someone who makes me feel comfortable just being myself.'
Truthfully, he hated the whole dating scene. All the pressure to impress and be endlessly funny was exhausting. Sure, he was well known for his quick wit, but he couldn't be "on" 24/7. Nor did he want to be. It was like girls didn't want a relationship with him, so much as someone to keep them entertained.
George reckoned that's why they all gravitated to Fred. The only time he was "off" was when he was asleep. It was so disheartening that girls always seemed to be disappointed that he wasn't a carbon copy of Fred. 'They look the same, so obviously they must be the same person, right?' Funnily enough no one was ever upset that Fred wasn't like him. All of it was enough to make George want to swear off dating for good.
Except he didn't fancy being a lifelong bachelor. He very much wanted to eventually settle down, get married and start a family. Preferably, with someone who loved him for his dorky, geeky self.
Ilvermorny, Spring 1994
Y/N relaxed with her newest novel on a pile of pillows in the Pukwudgie Common Room. The rain pattering against the window behind her was like a lullaby, lulling her into sleep.
"Hey, Y/N!" A cheery voice startled her out of her drowsy reverie.
"Hey, Callie." Y/N rubbed her eyes and looked up at her best friend.
"You planning on sleeping through dinner?" Callie asked.
"Is it that time already?" Y/N ran her fingers through her tousled hair and pushed herself up.
"Yup. Come on." Callie extended her hand to pull her friend up.
"We should definitely build a gigantic pillow fort," Y/N said, as they sat down to dinner. "Get the whole house in on it."
"Absolutely. Especially since you'll be off gallivanting across the English countryside next year." Callie teased. "You're so lucky."
Y/N gave her friend a rueful smile. "I wish you could go, too."
Callie waved it off and returned to the topic at hand. "Maybe we could do it on our last movie night of the year? We could get all the houses involved. Imagine it, one massive pillow fort covering the Great Hall."
"Epic," Y/N laughed."That'd be one for the history bo-."
"Hey, Y/N!" Amy Wells sat down across from them. "Word on the street is that Alex Trinton asked you to the End of the Year Dance."
"Yeah. We're going as friends."
Amy's mouth fell open. "Friends? He's, like, one of the hottest guys in school."
"Annnd we're friends." Y/N took a bite of strawberry shortcake, preferring to eat her dessert first.
"Ugh, what a waste..." Amy shook her head.
"Y/N, I have to agree with Amy on this one." Callie said. "You're 16 and you don't date."
"Not true. I've gone out with two guys." Y/N replied, matter-of-factly.
"Two or three times each. I'd hardly call that dating."
"Yes, and?" Y/N shrugged.
"You're too picky." Callie retorted.
"I'm Selective."
"Picky." Amy chimed in.
"You're picky, Y/N admit it." Callie insisted.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "So, what if I am?"
"You're going to end up alone, if you don't stop being so picky." Amy pointed her fork at Y/N.
Y/N's brows furrowed together. "That's so bizarre to me."
"What is?" Callie asked.
"Why shouldn't I be picky? Why would I want to settle? Why would anyone want to settle? I think it would be far worse to be with the wrong person than being alone. At least alone you can still be yourself."
*If you'd like to be added to the taglist, let me know*
Next chapter:
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I’ve always liked Ravenclaw. I used to think I’d be one if I were a witch until I actually took the official house quiz and got sorted into hufflepuff. Both houses are cool though, they’ve got that sort of an underdog vibe going on.
I know I also took the patronus quiz and the ilvermony house one. I think I got thunderbird for the ilvermony one, and a dolphin patronus.
Oh, I've got some fun stories about House quizzes.
I think I may have told this story before, but when my Mom took a version of the House quiz (it was from another site, but it compiled all of the Pottermore questions) she ended up getting a pretty even split down the middle, 51% Badger, and 49% Eagle. She later admitted that there was one question where she knew, she could tell which answer correlated to which House, and she deliberately chose Hufflepuff over Ravenclaw, because "having to get past that Knocker every time would be a pain in the ass." I told her that was the most Ravenclaw thing I'd ever heard.
Indeed, they are the underdog Houses! It's funny that you say you got Thunderbird, because so did I! At least on my first attempt. I can't remember if I ever went back and redid the Quiz again, but I remember being so surprised. Not complaining, mind you, as Thunderbirds are beautiful. (Love Frank, we stan Frank in this house, end of story) but I was totally expecting to get Pukwudgie. It never even crossed my mind that I'd get anything else, because I've always been a "Healer" by nature.
So here's another funny story. Among my friends, I am infamous for my dork powers, and everyone knows I'm the one to ask if you've got a question about Harry Potter, or Shakespeare for that matter. (Among my fellow Thespians, the majority of them dislike or don't get Shakespeare. They are unenlightened but I still love them.) And one night, at like, past midnight, I see that I have a missed call from a friend of mine. I listen to the voicemail, and I can only assume that she had just taken The Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz, because the voicemail went like this: "Blair. I know it's late. But what the fuck is a Pukwudgie??"
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pinkiemachine · 5 months
What up, Hogwarts?! Say hello to your new AMERICAN EXCHANGE STUDENTS!!! Don’t you ever come at me, OR my cranky Hufflepuff sister! Wizard Thug Life, fr fr.
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Alternatively, while at home in the good old U.S. of A: Don’t you mess with me and my Thunderbird homies, or my sis and her Pukwudgie squad! Ilvermorny, represent!
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l-egionaire · 5 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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Moodboard of a Catholic Aries girl who is sorted into the Pukwudgie house at Ilvermorny.
Requested by: @freckleocalypse
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kind-hufflepuff · 13 days
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Did you graduate from Ilvermorny already, Selwyn? If so, what wizarding job do you have, or are planning to get?
I did, in 2018.
The second part is something of a complicated question — I don't have a traditional job at the moment. First, I've got some threads to pull to see where they lead. Lots of crazy stuff. I'll write it all down sometime soon, I hope. But I do keep myself quite busy with various... adventures.
After that, who knows! Maybe a freelance Curse Breaker, an Auror perhaps.
My little brother is in the MACUSA Bureau of Magical Research and Development, if you're curious about jobs!
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wild-saber1337 · 1 year
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in harry Potter the American wizard school is in graylock forest Massachusetts and the school is called Ilvermorny and the four house are named after magic creatures in America, horned serpent, wampus (multiple legged cougar), thunder bird, pukwudgei (small humanoid creatures closely related to goblins and has a head of hair like a porcupine and teleports like a house elf)
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d-lone-vultywr · 2 years
Ilvermorny houses as Homestuck Aspects (D Lone Vultywr version)
*A/N: Both are my recent interests, I wonder how they can mix with each other*
Thunderbird: Breath, Hope, Space (freedom, imagination, creativity)
Horned Serpent: Mind, Doom, Void (logic over the real self, systems and rules, mysteries still out of reach)
Pukwudgie: Heart, Life, Blood (the real self, growth and healing, camaraderie)
Wampus: Time, Rage, Light (progress and action, fierce realism, attention and luck)
Note: The Homestuck Aspects are more nuanced than what I had laid out in this post, as it's only tidbits of what the Homestuck Aspects represented.
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emilypan · 1 year
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ladymary1994 · 2 years
Saiba mais sobre as casas de Ilvermorny!
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O mais novo spin-off de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts se passa em Ilvermorny, e desde que foi revelado o nome e a história da escola de magia americana, os fãs de Harry Potter não pararam de teorizar a respeito da dinâmica das casas, suas características e paralelos com as de Hogwarts. E se você é daqueles que quer saber tudo sobre essa escola e quer mais detalhes das casas de Ilvermorny, continue conosco!
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Inaugurada no século XVII, Ilvermorny se inspirou bastante em Hogwarts, pois seus fundadores foram impedidos de frequentar a escola, por circunstâncias distintas: James Steward era trouxa, jamais iria; Isolt Sayre passou anos trancada pela cruel tia Gormlaith Gaunt, que não permitiu que a jovem frequentasse a escola; e os irmãos Chadwick e Webster Boot eram órfãos e se viajassem para a Inglaterra, poderiam ser usados por Gormlaith para atrair Isolt. O sistema de casas foi uma dessas “cópias”, embora os de Ilvermorny tenham achado melhor batizar as suas em homenagem aos animais nativos em vez de usarem seus próprios nomes (dois deles ainda disseram que era “ridículo”, imagina os criadores de Hogwarts vendo isso). A quantidade é a mesma, quatro, porque as duas escolas foram fundadas pelo mesmo número de pessoas.
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PUKWUDGIE: fundada por James Steward, representa o coração, favorece os curandeiros. Esta casa foi criada por um trouxa (ou, como os americanos chamam, nomaj), o que a torna única no mundo bruxo e extremamente popular entre os alunos descendentes de não-mágicos que ingressam na escola. Os Pukwudgies podem não ser os mais inteligentes e talentosos, mesmo assim, ainda se destacam por serem apaixonados pelo que fazem e se esforçarem ao máximo para conseguir algo. Eles também são amorosos, compassivos, autênticos e irreverentes, ainda que um certo pukwudgie que trabalha na escola se destaque pelo seu mau-humor. Além disso, gostam de ajudar as pessoas e têm a mente aberta.
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HORNED SERPENT (Serpente Chifruda): fundada por Isolt Sayre, representa a mente, favorece os estudiosos. Esta casa é a que mais se aproxima de ter correspondente em Hogwarts, já que Isolt, sua fundadora, sempre admirou a Corvinal e queria pertencer a esta casa se fosse para a escola britânica. Mas o seu animal símbolo é um tipo de serpente mágica, o que a liga à Sonserina, que também é outra casa que valoriza o intelecto. Os Serpents não são apenas estudiosos, eles também são bastante criativos, curiosos, dedicados, observadores e estrategistas.
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WAMPUS (Pumaruna): fundada por Webster Boot, representa o corpo, favorece os guerreiros. Webster foi o único dos fundadores que retornou para a Grã-Bretanha, ele se tornou auror de aluguel e um de seus descendentes, Terry, foi membro da armada de Dumbledore. Mais uma prova de que os Wampus não conseguem ficar parados por muito tempo e estão sempre em busca de ação. Nos tempos atuais, não há tanta necessidade dos Wampus se envolverem em guerras, ainda assim, eles seguem comprando briga, para defender o que acreditam ser o certo. Muitos canalizam seu lado guerreiro para o esporte, onde sempre são bastante competitivos e também são leais, determinados, valentes, ativos e fortes, embora eles valorizem mais o físico do que a mente.
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THUNDERBIRD (Pássaro-Trovão): fundada por Chadwick Boot, representa a alma, favorece os aventureiros. Chadwick é o único fundador que deixou descendência bruxa na América. Ele também se destacou como duelista e escritor. Uma de suas obras ainda é usada pelos alunos de Ilvermorny na atualidade, o Feitiços de Chadwick. Eles são os que mais rivalizam com os Serpents no quesito inteligência, embora gostem mais da vida fora da sala de aula. Isso mostra que os Thunderbirds apreciam muito a liberdade. Eles também são ousados, corajosos, audaciosos, ambiciosos, adoram desafios, descobrir coisas novas e explorar novas possibilidades. Volta e meia, alguns Thunderbirds batem de frente com uns colegas da Wampus, muito por conta dos alunos das duas casas serem meio geniosos e não darem o braço a torcer. De qualquer forma, a rivalidade deles não chega aos pés da que há entre grifinórios e sonserinos.
O processo de seleção é bem diferente de Hogwarts: os alunos entram em uma sala, onde devem se colocar acima de um símbolo do nó górdio desenhado no chão. Lá, eles devem esperar que as estátuas mágicas do pukwudgie, pumaruna, pássaro trovão e serpente chifruda se manifestem. Quando quer o estudante, o pukwudgie levanta sua flecha, a pumaruna ruge, o pássaro trovão bate as asas e o cristal que fica na testa da serpente chifruda se acende. Pode acontecer de mais de uma estátua indicar interesse no aluno, neste caso, é o estudante que decide a casa para onde irá.
Depois, há outra seleção, na qual o aluno recebe sua primeira varinha. Apesar de ser permitido comprar em uma loja, passar por esta cerimônia é uma tradição na vida dos ilvermornianos. Eles podem escolher uma de sua preferência ou se deixar ser escolhido por uma varinha.
Ilvermorny já apareceu na segunda temporada de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts, através de suas representantes no campeonato interescolar de bexigas. O time era formado exclusivamente por garotas, o que não foi intencional, e apesar de serem talentosas no esporte, foram eliminadas na primeira fase, pois o nível do campeonato era bastante elevado. Inclusive, uma das garotas do time tem parentesco próximo com uma das personagens principais de Ilvermorny: a víbora e a vidente.
E o Instituto de Bruxas de Salém? É, ele foi mencionado em Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo, e durante muitos anos, os fãs acreditaram que esta era a escola mágica dos Estados Unidos. No entanto, o Instituto é apenas uma associação feminina, voltada para ensinar boas maneiras às jovens bruxas e prepará-las para a vida na sociedade. Muitas recém-formadas vão para lá logo que concluem os estudos, pois em Salém elas encontram uma boa rede de apoio para se desenvolver, fazer contatos e conseguir melhores empregos.
Atualmente, Ilvermorny é a maior escola mágica da América do Norte, e apesar de já existirem escolas para bruxos no Canadá e no México, muitos estudantes desses países permanecem frequentando Ilvermorny. Os outros colégios ainda são muito recentes, e Ilvermorny tem muito mais prestígio, credibilidade e está consolidada, não só no continente, como também no mundo inteiro. Tanto que no início da sétima temporada, é revelado que Percy e Audrey Weasley decidiram mandar sua filha mais nova, Lucy, para esta escola, ao invés dela concluir sua formação em Hogwarts. Eles fizeram isso por acreditar que seria uma boa chance para a garota rever seus conceitos e dar uma nova guinada em sua vida. Mas será que Lucy saberá aproveitar? Para descobrir, e de quebra, saber ainda mais sobre essa escola, recomendo começar a leitura de Ilvermorny: a víbora e a vidente o quanto antes!
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North Star Series
Chapter 3 - Lunch
George Weasley x fem!reader
Warnings: using magical stimulant to stay awake, mention of someone hallucinating, a couple of curse words
Summary: The second meeting, in which we learn a little about Y/N.
Start Here:
George's heart sank when Y/N wasn't in the Great Hall as he arrived for lunch. She'd been on his mind all morning. He was really looking forward to seeing her again.
As he was sitting down, Ron blurted out, "I wonder if Y/N will get detention on her first day?"
George's head snapped up. "What? Why would she get detention?"
"Apparently, she got into a.....heated discussion with Snape over wandless potion making. He made her stay after class." Hermione answered.
"Wandless potion making?" Fred asked, sitting down next to his twin.
Hermione nodded. "Ilvermorny requires students to be adept at it by their third year.
"Brilliant, I wonder--" Harry began, but Fred interrupted him. "Oi! There's our little trouble maker now."
Y/N plopped down on the open spot across from the twins.
"Hi, George," she smiled at George. That same warm glow he felt at breakfast, returned. He smiled back, unable to decide whether he was more elated that she knew he was George or that she made a point to greet him and only him.
Before George could respond, Ron bellowed at Y/N, "Did Snape give you detention?"
"Nah," Y/N shook her head. "But I don't think I'll be in the running for teacher's pet anytime soon." Everyone but Hermione chuckled and nodded knowingly. "So tell me," Y/N continued, "is Snape always an ass or did I just catch him on a bad day?"
"Always an ass," Harry replied.
"Everyday is a bad day for Snape." George added.
"Great..." Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, then opened them wide. She could really use a nice twelve hour nap.
"Is he going to let you do wandless potion making?" Ginny asked.
Y/N nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Yep. But he's not happy about it."
George chewed on his lip while he watched Y/N and Ginny. Y/N seemed different from this morning. Less lively. Her movements were slower, shoulders hunched, dark circles forming under her eyes.
"Hey, how are you doing?" he asked.
Y/N gave him a feeble smile. "Ready to fall on my face. I'm lucky if I've managed eight hours of sleep in the last two days."
"How are you going to survive the rest of the day?" Ginny's voice was heavy with concern.
Y/N didn't answer immediately, but reached into her backpack and pulled out a small velvet bag, from which she retrieved something that looked like a gumdrop. "This," she said, before tossing it into her mouth.
"A gumdrop?" Ginny slid closer, peaking into the bag.
"Bright‐Eyes Elixir." Y/N explained. "Pukwudgies invented it as a way to stave off fatigue after all-nighters. It was originally in liquid form, but we figured out how to infuse it into gumdrops in my fourth year."
"How long does it last?" George asked.
"Depends on how long the person has been without sleep. If it's just been one night, it'll last most of the day, about 7-8 hours. In my case, it lasts around 3 to 4."
George nodded, his lips spreading into a small, delighted smile as he watched Y/N go from exhausted to energetic in matter of seconds.
"So you could just take these forever and never need to sleep?" Ron asked.
Y/N chuckled. "Hardly. It temporarily supresses the effects of sleep deprivation. It doesn't eliminate the body's need for sleep. The longer you take it, the less effective it gets. Eventually, you will crash no matter how many you take."
"What's the longest anyone's stayed awake?" Fred asked, leaning over to hear her better.
"Well, we don't recommend taking them for more than three days in a row. Though a few have managed a week." Y/N took a sip of pumpkin juice. "But, there was this one guy in the 70s who went for over three weeks without sleep. Just for the hell of it. He was chugging bottle after bottle of the stuff. According to the stories, by the end, he was hallucinating that he'd seen the moon fall out of the sky and that he was being followed by a gigantic talking toad named Jeffrey."
"What happened to him?" Hermione asked.
"He crashed. Hard. He wasn't in by curfew one night, so they sent out a search party. They found him facedown in the grass with an empty bottle of elixir still in his hand. He slept for four days straight.
"And the professors allow this?" Hermione looked pale.
Y/N helped herself to a slice of apple and butterscotch pie. "Yeah. It's actually encouraged, to a degree. Most of the teachers figure it's best to let us experiment while we're still in school and have easy access to two medical wings."
"Two?" Hermione was incredulous. "Why do you need two? How frequently do these experiments go wrong?"
"Not as often as you might think. There's two because we have the main hospital wing, like here at Hogwarts. Then there's a smaller one attached to Pukwudgie House. Most of us are healers in training, after all."
Hermione stared at Y/N with a mixture of wonder and horror.
Fred leaned over to George. "We went to the wrong school, mate."
"Yeah..." George nodded, captivated by the girl with the sparkling eyes sitting across from him.
*If you'd like to be added to the taglist, let me know*
Next Chapter:
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ethniee · 6 months
Alright guys, regardless of whether you were tagged or just happened to see this, make your Hogwarts Legacy MC with this picrew, answer the questions, and then repost and tag 3 people! I'll start us off...
Inger Eve Nilsdott
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Q: Is your MC a dog or cat person? Which are you?
A: She loves both, but is biased towards cats. I myself am a dog person.
Q: What is your MC's Hogwarts House? Did the Sorting Hat hesitate when choosing their House? What would their Ilvermorny House be?
A: Gryffindor! No, the Sorting Hat didn't hesitate whatsoever. Her Ilvermorny House would be Pukwudgie.
Q: What was your MC most often told to do as a child?
A: To be quieter in some way. She's got a very loud speaking voice and isn't afraid to use it.
Q: What type of drunk is your MC?
A: Reckless drunk XD
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Magic and Genetics: Magical Beings
So, I mentioned in my other post about magic and genetics that the fact magical creatures and wizards can reproduce is significant. This is because generally, hybrids with parents of different species are sterile (at least with animals, plants are different). As Fleur can be a quarter-veela, it's clear the hybrids we see in the magical world are not sterile.
As sterility is attributed to the difference in the number of chromosomes between the two species, this suggests that goblins, wizards, muggles, veela, and giants all have the same number of chromosomes and are part of the same genus. And this has some interesting implications when it comes to world-building...
Disclaimer: As with my past post on the subject, this is from online reading, I haven't studied any of this in a professional capacity.
When it comes to interspecies hybrids among animals, they tend to be from the same genus, otherwise they can't even reproduce without some human interference. So, I feel pretty safe in the assumption that if wizards and veela can have fertile offspring, they fall under the same genus
A genus is a biological classification above species and below family. While there is some leeway in what falls under the same genus the general gist of what defines a genus is:
They all descend from the same group of organisms.
A genus shouldn't be expanded needlessly.
All species in a genus should show distinctive traits and similarities.
Now, the legal definitions in the Wizarding World somewhat support this. All the following creatures are defined as "beings" by the Ministry of Magic:
Humans (muggles, wizards and squibs)
Goblins (and the related Pukwudgies)
Any hybrid of the aforementioned species.
(Werewolves are technically human, Lycanthropy is treated in the books like an illness and not a separate species, hence why I didn't list them here)
I should note Merpeople and Centaurs were also offered the description of "being", but refused.
And we see practically all of the species listed as "beings" can have fertile offsprings with each other: Hagrid is a half-giant, Fleur is a quarter-veela, Flitwick is a half-goblin, the mobile games, and Pottermore reference part-vampires, and the Fantastic Beasts movies include a half-elf (I don't really consider these movies canon as a whole, but the existence of half-elves makes sense).
This means that the definition of "being" is for all species in this humanoid genus. The reason I'm bringing this up with association with genetics is that, if we go back to the definition of genus, all these species (and potentially centaurs and merpeople too) are descended from the same ancient race. Which, in turn, says something interesting about the evolution of magic in genetics.
Since most of these races are magical, well, all of them except muggles are. Muggles are incredibly similar to wizards and squibs, more similar than the other species are to each other. This suggests that the evolution in the Harry Potter universe started with an ancient humanoid magical species that got split into the different magical species we know of (goblins, wizards, giants, elves, etc...) first since there are more differences between them. Then, some thousands of years later muggles and wizards split.
I don't know how or why or what this ancient humanoid magical race could be, but the fact muggles and wizards are probably both descendants from some proto-wizard race that existed thousands of years ago gives another possibility into how muggleborns can be born. If all muggles descended from wizards, it could explain how muggleborns would occasionally be born. I still believe almost all muggleborns are descendants of more recent squib lines though. I don't think regular muggles have a high chance of giving birth to a muggleborn, but because of this evolution theory, it still could happen.
The other interesting note about this is that muggles are likely to be able to have children with goblins, veela, vampires, and giants just like wizards can. But these half-breeds, unlike the ones we see in the books aren't partial wizards, so could they cast magic like wizards?
I'd say yes.
The fact all non-human creatures are legally forbidden from holding wands means they all can produce magic with a wand. Winkey the elf got blamed at the beginning of GoF for casting the Dark Mark with a wand, which means that even though house-elves and goblins are capable of their own magic, they could use the same spells wizards do with wands if they had them. Goblins can use wands as well, Griphock says wands would expand their magical powers. If I had to guess I'd say the same is true for vampires, veela, and hags — that if they had wands they could cast magic like wizards. Their being from the same genus kinda explains it, they all have the genes for casting magic, and yes, their magic is different, but not that different. I'd say their magic is probably more similar than wizards are willing to confess.
Giants are different in that they don't really have an innate magic, and aren't shown to be capable of any magic beyond their sturdy skin. I'd say giants had a similar evolution to muggles in that they lost the capacity to cast magic at some point in the split. I'd guess it happened differently with each species though.
Back to the earlier subject of a muggle and goblin child, for example. I believe this half-goblin would have magic similar to a half-goblin wizard like Flitwick, potentially, a half-goblin half-muggle would be registered as a wizard by the book and quill that accepts students into Hogwarts. Potentially you could have a muggle-being hybrid who is treated like a half-blood wizard even though neither of their parents are wizards. I mean, goblins can use wands, and so can half-blood wizards with one wizard parent and one muggle parent... Basically, I think there could genetically be a half-blood wizard that has no wizard parent, or even grandparent for that matter.
(All this is potentially true for merpeople and centaurs too since they were offered the "being" status)
I just find these implications about the relations between wizards, muggles, and the other magical races really interesting.
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 8 months
Get to know you questions!! Tag whoever you like :D
Writing my answers in orange!
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
Hermit Crabs, Pigeons, Otters, Anglerfish, Shrimp, Cats, Manned Wolves, Salamander, Sheep, Axolotls :D
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
Mooshroom, chicken, and parrot!!!
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
Fav Vocaloid song is Brain Explosion girl recently, and fav MSM theme HAS to be cold island. Or maybe earth???? Hm
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
Fav is squishy soft things, least favorite is ice in a freezer
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, and Black! Total Halloween vibes!!
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
Of Mice and Men was surprisingly amazing! Thought I’d hate it tbh
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
I think of it like this:
January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
I’ll do em all lol: Slytherin/Hufflepuff, Pukwudgie, Dionysus’s, RiverClan, I’m an Aries sun/gemini rising/pisces moon :D
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
I’m an ENFP-T! I thought I’d get king but I got poet lol
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
Gacha Life/Club, the styles just so cutesy! Ohhh also K-Pop, I’m a TOTAL stay :33 and DSMP, it’s just rly cool to me
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
For me I currently kin Dazai, Edward Elric, c!TommyInnit, and I completely STAN any Project Sekai character. I mean any of them.
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
My grandpa to see him again, Roy mustang to see if he’s a bastard irl, Hachi/Kenshi Yonezu just to see how he’s doing, Kanye West to just ask him why, and BeastChild (the YouTuber) just cause I really like his stuff and would wanna meet him!
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
I’m a writer (well, aspiring anyway, I’m not rly that good) and I love the idea of the sexy lamp. Basically if you’re writing a female character that could be replaced with a sexy lampshade and nothing about the story changes then you’re writing a BAD FEMALE CHARACTER XD
Cause it’s spooky season il leave it at 13 ;)
Happy answering!!!
No pressure tags :3 @touratoura @theancientwonder @kneecoal-mooma @citrushomie @skytheamazing @mitski-slope @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @dicklesswonder-blog @vicaridoo
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mothguillotine · 4 months
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On the night of your birth, it had been like no other. A storm came of no one's fault, lightning struck the ground causing it to shake and the rain poured down making the roads slick, countless car accidents happened that night. The hospital, which was understaffed for the night, got a mass of patients and your mother, who had come in to have you. That night your mother died, while you lived.
You soon moved in with your mother's best friend, Sylvia Figg. She and your mother met after Aunt Sylvia moved from the United Kingdom. After that, you moved to New York City. Your aunt would tell you stories of magic, creatures, and such tales trying to prepare you. When you were eight the world ceased to make sense to you anymore. 
“Aunt Sylvia?” you call from your bed to the woman leaving your room after tucking you in, “Something happened today, and- I'm just confused.”
“What happened dear?” she asked you, even after all this time of living in the United States she still had an accent.
“Today at school, when we were outside, a girl was being mean to this boy. He was swinging and she shoved him off.” you stopped to think about what to say next, “While she was swinging I kept wishing that the swing would just break and she would fall off. Then it did.”
That was the first time you had anything like that happen to you and your aunt knew that she could no longer keep up the roose. That night she told you that everything you once knew as stories before bedtime was real. She told you that your mother was a witch, as was she, and as were you. The stories became more detailed. Your mother had gone to a school called Ilvermormy and she had worked as a healer for many years up until her death. Aunt Sylvia started bringing you around magic users and for once in your life you felt whole.
A few years after that you got your Ilvermormy letter, inviting you to study at the school. Which you did with much excitement, after arriving you knew fast what you wanted to study, plants. In the nonmagic world plants were, well, boring. Here though you could almost hear them speak to you, your professor once remarked “You are the only witch I have ever met that the plants seem to like.” 
The plants seemed to flourish in your care, plants that were once deemed on the brink of death came back to life, and no one could figure out why. Perhaps that was why you were in Pukwudgie house, you were incredible at healing plants.
The day you came to this school you had never wanted to leave it. Here you felt closer to your mother than ever before, given you were in the same house as well. All you had wanted was to know her. Around the school, you had found a few mentions of her, mostly of her academics, but she also had trophies in the display case in the main hall. Your mother was an amazing quidditch player you found out, pushing the Pukwudgies close to victory each year she was here. While you found no interest in playing quidditch you still went to all your house matches, loving the sport from a distance. 
Unfortunately, your last days at the school, were much sooner than expected. During the summer before your fifth year at Ilvermormy, your aunt got a job offer. The Ministry of Magic wanted her to become the replacement for a soon-retiring department head.
“My dear you do not have to leave the school if you don’t want to,” she tells you sitting in her chair facing you, “You can just travel there during the breaks.”
As much as you did want to stay here it felt too safe, you wanted an adventure. No, needed an adventure. Perhaps it was the fact that not only had the Pukwudgie statue reacted all those years ago but the Thunderbird as well. You couldn't help but wonder, what would have happened if you had picked the Thunderbird house. At age fifteen, you were beginning to doubt if you really belonged in your mother's house. 
“Aunt Sylvia, you are the most important person in my life,” you tell her, “I want to go with you.”
So as the summer drew closer to an end you packed up your things and moved to a house in the countryside. The change was drastic, as you were used to living in the city, but you loved it. Here you had space to grow plants and non-majs would never know. Before the school year officially started you and your aunt went to Hogwarts to meet with the headmaster, Dumbledore. That day you were sorted into a house in private, Gryffindor would have a new student as it was decided by the hat. Your aunt looked relieved in a way but you decided not to bring it up.
At Hogwarts, you were welcomed but you didn't really fit in anywhere. Most of your free time was spent with Professor Sprout in the greenhouse. You both got along really well.
“Curse that hat for putting you in Gryffindor,” she complained to you during your first year, “I wish you were in Hufflepuff.”
Your love for plants grew during the many years you went there. Each year you and Sprout became less professional and more like family. At the end of your time at Hogwarts Professor Sprout made you promise to pursue a career in botany, which of course was your plan all along. While you were sad not to be able to see Professor Sprout as frequently you were also relieved that you wouldn't have to deal with Slythirins every day, such as Professor Snape. Who for some reason really hated you, even though you had passed each of his classes with no problems. You had come to terms that he had something against Gryffindor, but the hatred he felt for you was unwarranted. Perhaps he hated Americans that much, but it sure didn't feel like it.
After graduation, you began studying under every botanist who would let you, keeping all your notes in a journal. Traveling across the world to study with different wizarding societies and even after years of traveling you always came back to the house in the country. Years, after you had graduated a young man, came to Hogwarts, Harry Potter. Your aunt had shielded you from the war while it was happening but everyone at Ilvermormy knew the story of the boy who lived seeing as how you-know-who was defeated during your third year. But honestly, a war that was happening across the ocean was the least of your worries at that point. You didn't care to read about violence in your free time and thus stayed oblivious to what was happening in the war.
A bit after that, your travels came to an end. You decided to publish your journal, Botany in the World of Magic: A Complete and Comprehensive Guide. Within a week it was a bestseller. You had also sent Professor Sprout and Professor Dumbledore a signed copy, each with personal notes thanking them. And just for the hell of it, you sent a copy to Professor Snape, signed of course.
You hadn't really expected to hear anything back knowing that the beginning of the school year was right around the corner but much to your surprise you hear an owl arrive in the morning on an August day. The owl you don't recognize but the letter is addressed to you. The letter invited you to Hogwarts for a meeting and tea with Professor Sprout the following day. 
The next day you apparate to Hogwarts near midday and even after all these years, you can't forget which way to go. The school confused you for a long time when you first arrived, a giant labyrinth. For weeks you would show up late to class along with the first years, it was embarrassing. You were thankful now to know that you hadn't forgotten.
“Professor Sprout?” you ask into the greenhouse with a knock at the door frame. A second later you see her pop up from behind a row of planters. 
“Oh, my dear you are here!” she says, “You look so much older even after just a few years.”
“Well it has been over half a decade,” you tell her laughing, walking into your old classroom and over to Professor Sprout to pull her in for a hug, “How have you been?”
“Wonderful,” she tells you, squeezing you a bit harder before letting go, “Especially since I received your book.”
“Oh, I'm so glad you liked it,” you tell her smiling.
“Liked it?” she asks you, “No, I loved it. So much so that I asked Professor Dumbledore to include it in the school's curriculum.”
“No way,” you exclaim, “What did he say?”
“I'll show you,” she says leading you over to a cabinet to which she pulls open the doors. Each of the shelves is lined with your book. You could honestly say that you had never felt so accomplished. 
“This is why I invited you here.” she says, “Me and Albus, sorry, Professor Dumbledore were curious if you would want to give a few guest lectures during the year.”
“Oh Merlin, I would love to,” you tell her smiling.
During that year you had the pleasure of meeting Harry Potter, as well as his friends. Hermione Granger was your favorite though, not that you would ever admit that to any of them of course. Ron Wesley had also caught your attention, not for any good reason, unfortunately. But for his affinity for killing plants quickly. After your first few lectures, you fell in love with teaching. Each week you ended up at Hogwarts at least once. Even though many times, Professor Sprout cautioned you away after students became petrified. At the end of the year though you were proud to have been a part of the cure for the students. 
After saying goodbye to the students for the year on the last day of classes Professor Sprout pulls you into her office for a final cup of tea. You both reminisce about the year of chaos, thankful to have a break for a few months before it starts all over again. Nearing the end of your cup you can't help but wonder. 
“Professor Sprout, I was wondering if I can come back again next year?” you ask, “I really enjoyed it, I would be here every day if I could.”
“Ah yes well I have been thinking,” she tells you, “I have been teaching here for a long while and I think it's time for me to move on.”
“Oh, do you think that the new professor would mind me coming in?” you ask her.
“Do you not enjoy your own company?” she asks you.
“What?” you ask her, confused.
“Dumbledore asked me who I thought was a good replacement and we both agreed you were the only person for the job,” she tells you smiling.
“Are you serious?” you ask her.
“If you want the job,” she says, “It’s yours.”
Which led you to now, sitting on a train full of students, old and new. You had seen Harry, Hermione, and Ron on the platform before getting on, waving to them before boarding the train. Searching for a cabin that wasn't full of students was difficult before landing on one with a man who looked asleep with no one else. You decided to continue reading your book until three students happened upon your cabin. 
“Hello, you three.” you greet them with a smile.
“Do you mind if we join you?” Hermione asks you, “There are no other empty ones.”
“Oh, not at all.” you tell them, “I was lucky to find this one that's only a bit occupied.”
Each brings in their bags and puts them on the baggage carrier above your head. Ron is holding a rat, which is a bit weird.
“Miss, what are you doing here?” Ron asks you, which earns him a slap from Hermione on the arm. 
“Ronald, don't be rude.” she scolds him.
“No it's fine,” you tell her, “If you must know Mr. Wesley I am the new professor of herbology at Hogwarts.”
“Oh, congratulations miss, I mean Professor,” Ron says to you.
“Thank you,” you tell him, “I am excited to start. Although I am not excited to see Professor Snape every day, let me tell you. When I was at Hogwarts he hated me, being a Gryffindor and all that. He might have hated me because I am from America but I don't know.”
After a while, they began to talk amongst themselves and you began reading your book again. It felt like being on the train as a teen once again until the train stopped. You look up confused, the train shouldn't be stopping for another hour or so and when you look outside you are in the middle of a field, definitely not Hogwarts. The kids look just as confused as you are and you take out your wand. Readying yourself to protect them if need be, over the summer you had read the articles about the escaped prisoner from Azkaban, Sirius Black. The kids had also been talking about the dangerous fugitive.
Last year it was a giant snake and this year it was an escaped-crazed criminal who was intent on making everyone's lives hell. You had read about what Sirius Black had done to Harry's parents, it made you angry. No one should ever have to go through what he did and you knew his pain well, even though you never knew who your father was. You swore to protect them all but especially Harry. 
“Kids get behind me,” you tell them standing in front of them and the door. You knew what this was, a dementor. The three of them sit as far away from the door as possible when a shadow appears on the glass. Your heart is beating fast as the door opens revealing what you had correctly assumed is a dementor. The creature begins feeding on Harry, to which you lift your wand to get rid of it but before you can another light comes from beyond your shoulder. 
The man, who was once passed out, is now fully alert. When the dementor is banished with the bright light your first thought is of the children. Ron and Hermione look scared but the more important issue is Harry, who is now passed out in the seat.
The man had stayed after the kerfuffle making sure you would all be okay following the attack. You took note of him, slightly recognizing him, his face had old scars scraping across and he stood quite tall. Everyone's attention was on Harry though seeing as how he was the one attacked. The train started moving soon after the attack and you continued on your way to Hogwarts. You felt guilty about not being fast enough to protect them but it all worked out fine in the end with Harry waking only a few minutes later, being comforted by his friends. 
“Harry,” Hermione calls to him softly, which wakes him, “Harry, are you alright?”
She hands him back his glasses to which she receives a small, “Thank you.”
“How are you feeling?” you ask him to which he does not respond.
“Here, eat this,” the man says, “It’ll help. It’s all right. It’s chocolate.”
“Wha- what was that thing that came?” Harry asks after taking the chocolate bar from him.
“It was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban.” he explains, “It’s gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black.”
“Do they think he's coming after Harry?” you ask.
“I have no idea,” he says, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver.”
He stands to leave the cabin and turns back smiling at Harry, “Eat you will feel better.” Then he leaves and shuts the door. Luckily the rest of the trip is undisturbed and you soon make it to Hogwarts. Rain is pouring from the sky when you arrive making you rush to the cover of the carriages. 
When you finally arrive at Hogwarts you quickly make your way to the Great Hall which as usual is filled with lit candles and tables full of food. Looking at all of the staff on the platform you realize that you are the last one to arrive, it makes you realize just how out of place you are here. These people are much older than you and have much more experience. 
“Professor Figg, running a bit behind?” Dumbledore asks you, catching Remus’ attention.
“Sorry,” you tell him, making your way up the steps to the long table, the only seat left open was the one next to the man from the train, “Won't happen again.”
Soon enough students began coming into the Great Hall and you see none other than your three favorite students among them. Once all of the older students are sat at their respective tables the first years come in, each of them sorted into a house. This was one thing that you had wished to experience while you were at Hogwarts, the cheering of each house as a new student was brought into each house was a stark contrast to the silence of the statues at Ilvermormy. 
Before the students were allowed to start their feast the school choir performed a song, you couldn’t help but observe that the man sitting next to you was constantly sneaking glances at you. It was strange, maybe you did know him from somewhere then, but it made no sense to you. ‘Why wouldn't he just say something?’ you wondered. After the song concludes you watch as Dumbledore stands and walks to the podium. 
“Welcome! Welcome!” he starts, “To another year at Hogwarts. Now I would like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor.”
The man beside you stands and makes short bows of appreciation towards the applause. While his face is familiar his name rings a bell, you had once seen a picture of him, but you had no idea where.
“I would also like to welcome back y/n Figg who has taken up the position of teaching Herbology. Professor Sprout sends her well wishes as she has decided to travel the world.” Dumbledore says, “We have a final addition to the staff as some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!”
Hagrid stands up but unfortunately bumps the table causing a few things to fall. But you can’t seem to focus on anything besides where you know the man next to you from. At the end of the feast, you make your way to your quarters, where all of your things are waiting for you. Unpacking is a slow process, putting away all of your things you stumble upon an old photo album that your aunt gave you. 
All of the pictures were enchanted, at the beginning, it was pictures of your aunt and her older sister, some with their parents, you flip through the pages watching each of them age. You had never met your aunt's sister, only seeing pictures of her when they were younger, up until Sylvia left and moved to the States. The only picture after that of her was one that she had sent many years ago, it was tucked in the back of the book. You flip to the back of the book and gently pull out the picture, in it you find a very familiar face belonging to Remus Lupin.
Turning the photo over you read the list of names including Harry’s parents, Nevilles’s parents, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, and Arabella Figg, your aunt's sister. There was also a name on that list that made your blood run cold, Sirius Black. 
“This doesn’t make any sense,” you tell yourself, confused. All you knew about your aunt's older sister was that she was unable to use magic, a squib. That night you fall asleep with your last thoughts wondering what was going on. With each day that passes you settle into teaching well, but the anxiety in your stomach grows more. 
Next Part>
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