#pytho speaks
ssomepersonn · 6 months
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I'm glad u like them :D they are so silly
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mari-malgamore · 8 months
The Lunatic of Etretat
A short story inspired by the painting by Hugues Merle
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Warnings: Gore, alienation, depression?, let me know if I missed anything
A/N: This is only based on what I personally garnered from this painting! also I'm still a beginner! also thank you to @smolvenger for giving me the motivation to actually post this :D
The prerogative that possesses the sex of a man berates me and all others like me. I was an outline before, when he created my eyes, he was the first I saw. Hugues. His eyes carried the baggage of the world, bargaining with the unconscious. 
Whoosh. Extinguished. 
Perhaps I was a failure, perhaps he planned for me to be this way. They call man a god, and he was mine. I am Lucifer. I am the sore thumb in his lobby of devotion, catering to him, talking about his achievements, speaking of his prowess, and I am his. At last he reached my arms, I was to be holding something. My gaze lingered throughout the chemically imbued decorated awnings that draped the desert of soon to be cracking hues. His other creations held bundles of flesh that craved adoration, and would scream if left by their own pathetic selves. Blasphemous I know, but you remember who I am don't you? And I remember what I could not have despite it being my right as a woman. Most of them had one, why didn’t I? Did I not possess the distinctions he needed me to? Was that not his decision? I’ll never know now I suppose, Hugues is long gone now, perhaps for the best. He would not last in the hell fire of my bearing scrutiny that I would cast. If I can not bear a child I’ll bear hell in my eyes I’ve decided. He would give me hope and take it away, it was deserved. 
At last I had thought. At last I would have company.
How foolish I was. 
When he wasn't around they would glance at me and my unfinished face, I was only eyes and ears, I was not even hung yet and I was already the object of attention. Flattery was not their intent, pirouetting in their own blanched reputations as I commit revolution after revolution in my crimson perception. It was Strasbourg with no life span as we were never alive to begin with. No. No, I took lives. The company I spoke of? I am not sorry. He made me look this way, we can not move, we can not change, they defied these laws to degrade me further. I defied them to become who they thought I was. I am not a lunatic I promise, I am fine, I am normal, I am a mother with no child that is who I am. How can there be something wrong with me when the thing wrong with the world is Hugues. Believe this and all will be clear. I plead this. It is him to blame, he creates beauty after beauty, enchantress after enchantress and there I am, a pythoness, created to be possessed. 
Flittering blight brought benign beatings to me. That is how I felt when the other sketches beside me bore into my painted skin, gawking. One girl looking right at my face and all I could feel was her lingering. She was accompanied by a friend, holding her back, and to my left was another little girl, looking away and holding someone else back. 
This person however was different from the others. 
Short and sweet. It looked right at me, not hiding its gaze, not looking away in fear. I defied the laws when Hughes wasn't looking and kept looking at it and smiling at it, (I was finally gifted with a mouth) trying to seem inviting, it’s red little bonnet. My arms were still empty. Cold. I beckoned it to come closer, contorting their current tranquillity, coaxing their fears to alleviate, I couldn't hurt it, I would never think to. I wanted to provide it comfort, and clear any sign of doubt that I was incapable of being a mother. They wouldn't let me. If only I could speak. 
Something our spectators don’t understand is that our artists don't illustrate our voice boxes, they can’t take that risk. We are only bodies from the surface, our only functionality to be penetrated. 
I can try to scream as much as I want, but it will never reach them, or even you. Wave after wave after wave, silence. I hadn’t realised then that the silence I hated so much, could be taken to my advantage. 
The child was gone. Taken away from me by those bystanders, and soon, so were they, only its little red bonnet and a blanket remaining. 
Whoosh. They were extinguished. 
All the other paintings, they knew what I had done, they had seen it, but they couldn’t tell Hugues, leaving him wondering where they had gone. Until he realised. 
The look of terror in his eyes, remnants of their epidermis and dried blood. My nails punctured the soft porcelain of their utopic faces, spreading the thin red paint everywhere I could in my rage. The leaves aren’t on the floor for no reason. There is always a reason. The lack of voice boxes meant no one could hear their screams. I wish I heard them but this was a sacrifice that had to be made. Their open wounds were gushing, as my fingers delved deeper and deeper to reach their hollow bones, hoping to see them snap. Their meat was fresh and their eyes seemed candied. Despite that they were oh so soft between my teeth, popping at the first puncture of my fangs, as I chewed and swallowed. They tasted slightly salty and the texture wasn’t great but my cathartic waves of fury overpowered my senses. The lead of the paint sprawled among my lips and trickled down my oesophagus, gelatinous and spry with protein. Incursion after incursion on their sprawled forms, building on my blood thirst. I had transformed as Lilith had, betraying my tosser, embracing the queer actions against everything right. Biting into their raw stained complexions. I revelled in my revenge. I will not ask for forgiveness. I am above it. I am god. 
The attestation of my cruel actions was now enveloped in leaves, trailing to a single log, just sitting there.
It was small, rough around the edges, as any child would be. 
Etretat is where I found my child, dead but not decaying, in my arms to be safe, my arms were no longer empty, oh thank hell for giving me my rock in this purgatory. 
I am an infection. I am hidden from most. Hugues made sure of that, and why wouldn't he? I am Lilith, Lucifer, a lady of hysteria. I glare into the eyes of those fools who have the courage to look at me. I show them hell, it is in my eyes remember? Hugues was the first to know and anyone who looks at my frame in which I am enclosed will know. 
I am the Lunatic of Etretat.
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miradragoncat · 1 year
Lee Sur Pallor Song
I just realized what song sums up Lee sur Pallor's character from The Aurelian Cycle by Rosaria Munda (It's my favorite book series, be sure to check it out when you can, it's amazing). I was just vibing to Bad Omens as I do, and when Never Know came on it clicked. I'm rereading the series now, so it makes sense why it would click now and not when I first heard the song. Every lyric in Never Know is perfect for him, and some are very good for Antigone sur Aela as well, but I'm going into Lee's character with this song.
The very first words are, "Show me you're better off without me" . With Lee's conflicting sides with his family in New Pythos and, in Flamefall, the Passi. So he has to leave Annie on her own, although he has in the past like in Albans when they fought, and in the future where he risked his life and ended Pallor's so that she could escape and win.
The second line in the first verse is "Choking on every word you said". The silence between him and Annie of knowing too much about the other and their past, and when they just talked at Annie's old house, where she was choking on her words as it played out. And how they fight a lot, and have to keep their distance and silence to stay focused on their goals. Every time one leaves the other right after they swore to do this together, the other is choking on that promise that has been broken.
The repeating phrase throughout the entire song, "we'll see", is the way nobody knows how things will play out. How conflicted Lee is throughout the books, with his aching for his family, having to just see what Julia is like before choosing his side. With the Passi, how the riots will play out and how him and Annie will do. How many chances he has to get back his old life, with Ixion sur Niter coming to reign and hunting down Annie. He didn't know how it would play out when he was locked in the Big House as it was burnt down. The plan nearly failed, with Pallor's life gone. And the court plan almost failed, with Ixion's gained knowledge of her distant summoning.
"Don't breathe another word about me, I'll leave and you can finally rest in peace, we'll see" is the next two lines in Never Know. I think of how he faked his death, how the world thought that the Revolution's Son had died at the hands of his cousin. Also how he has to let go of his family and past so many times over to finally leave them behind. In Albans, killing Julia, facing Ixion. So many times he abandoned his heritage and family, only for it to catch up with him eventually until there was no family at all.
The pre-chorus is hard for me to do one line at a time, so this is the entire thing, "When I go out into the world, I just don't like what I see, You could call it Paradise, But it looks just like Hell to me" Remember this is repeating and I won't be doing this like 2-3 times. I like how it plays to his need to change the world, through becoming a Guarding, joining the Passi, and helping Annie make a new Guardian and governing system. Others like the Golds and Atreus saw a paradise, while him and the lower classes and lower born guardians only saw hell. And they fixed it, so it became more of a Paradise, though a pure paradise for everyone involved is impossible to get.
The chorus is beautiful to me, and speaks to the very core of him. The first and third lines are, "Lying in between the memories choking me, and". These beautiful words line his character of having so many memories of his past, so many desires conflicting with each other. But he isn't his past, and the present and future won't allow him to ever be that again. These desires make him act compromised by speaking with Julia and pretending to agree with Ixion for so long after he took over for that bit.
The line after that and the last line of the chorus goes, "I don't know which way to go, but I'm okay to never know". This goes with his conflictedness again, he doesn't know whether to choose his nostalgia or the world where he can have Annie, and where the world will stop burning the innocent and the weak. For so long he doesn't know which way to go, and this song represents the middle of his character arch where he is changing sides and ideals so much, breaking Annie over and over to save them both.
The second verse starts with, "Speaking in languages we can't read, No need for you to spell it out for me, for me". |t essentially means that he knows exactly the situation of the world, and doesn't need it spelled out for him to understand, even though it can't be spelled out. He knows the class Irons are starving and the Golds are having parties and feasts, he has lived both of those lives. He knows the class Irons are burning in the flamefalls, he sees it on Cor's face and the ashes of so many people. He knows he has to pick a side, because he can't have his old life and his new one. He can't have his family and Annie.
The third and fourth lines' lyrics are, "Swallowed up and I spit you out, Like a drug that just wouldn't stay down, stay down". This line to me speaks of how many times he had to abandon or hurt Annie and how she felt, like he was spitting her back out. Also how even with his desires, he betrays his family and chooses the side that tried to kill him more than once.
The chorus is all that's left of the song after this, so that's all of my analysis of Never Know by Bad Omens as a Lee sur Pallor theme song. If you haven't yet, you should check out the song and the band, along with the book series. I love all three of them so much, and I'm glad I could make this connection. I know it's a giant word vomit above, but I enjoy writing and I hope you can understand my connection to Lee and Never Know. Have a wonderful day, and know that you are loved and valid!
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helianthusannnus · 2 months
Delphi and the Soteria
"Then, like a star at noonday, the lord, far-working Apollo, leaped from the ship: flashes of fire flew from him thick and their brightness reached to heaven. He entered into his shrine between priceless tripods, and there made a flame to flare up bright, showing forth the splendour of his shafts, so that their radiance filled all Crisa, and the wives and well-girded daughters of the Crisaeans raised a cry at that outburst of Phoebus; for he cast great fear upon them all (The Homeric Hymns).
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Delphi, sometimes called Pytho, lies between two towering rocks of Mt. Parnassus, known as the Phaidriades (Shining) Rocks. Delphi has been referred to as the site of ‘omphalos’, the navel of the world. And is a temple dedicated to Lord Apollon. It is a religious centre that unites the entire Hellenic world. This is where Apollon speaks through his oracle, Pythia, to share prophetic messages. However,
People from all over the known world come here seeking consultation with the oracle. The temple, an archaeological masterpiece, resides in Greece in perfect harmony with nature. It is with intention that our travel journey starts here, at a place that united all people and held onto its prestige for centuries.
However, Plutarch, who served as a Priest to Apollo at Delphi for many years, claimed to have observed a sweet-smelling emission from the oracular chamber. He claimed that the oracle was often in a trance (Plutarch's Morals). This has not brought down the oracle's credibility, indeed people still visit her and ask that she grants them prophetic insight, ones that come from the God of prophecies himself.
Delphi took its name from serpent Python Delphyn, the She-Drakaina, or in some cases, a male monster named Python. When Apollon laid claim to the shrine, he slayed the dragon, to protect and avenge his mother Leto who had been terrorized by the serpent. According to the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, Apollo is a god to be respected, feared, and adored, “I will remember and not be unmindful of Apollo who shoots afar. As he goes through the house of Zeus, the gods tremble before him and all spring up from their seats when he draws near, as he bends his bright bow (Homeric Hymn to Apollo).” He is the God of archery, plague, healing, the arts, he represents a number of dichotomies and his duality makes him a powerful God who has dominion over many aspects of daily Greek life. The Pythian Games are named after this great defeat, and were held in honor of Apollon, where even women are allowed to take part. It features athletic competitions, along with art and dance competitions that were not included in the Olympics. 
The Soteria Games are new to the temple, festivals honoring the savior (Zeus) at Delphi. Found at Delphi, is a stone stele decree about the Soteria, to celebrate the defeat of barbarians. I hope to observe one of them soon.
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plangentia · 1 year
Bacchylides 5
Well-fated leader of the horse-whirling Syracusans, you will rightly understand this honour, if anyone upon the earth right now does, the sweet gift of the violet-crowned Muses. Calm your righteous mind, cease your anxieties, come on, consider this in your mind. Your guest friend sends a hymn, woven with the deep-girdled Graces, from his sacred island to your famous city, the famous servant of golden-headbanded Ourania. He wants to pour fourth his voice from his chest
and speak of Hieron. High above, cutting the deep air with his swift wings, the eagle, the messenger of wide-ruling, loud-thundering Zeus, is confident and trusts in his powerful strength, and clear-voiced birds crouch in fear. The peaks of the great earth do not restrain him, nor do the rough waves of the untiring sea. In the limitless void, he shifts his fine-haired feathers in the gusts of the West Wind, a conspicuous sight to sea for humans.
Now, in this way, there are countless paths in every direction for me to sing about your excellence, thanks to dark-haired Nike and bronze-breastplated Ares, the noble children of Deinomenes. May the god not tire of doing good. Beside the wide-whirling Alpheus, golden-armed Dawn saw the victory of the storm-swift foal, chestnut Pherenicus, in most holy Pytho. Laying my hand on the earth, I declare that he has not yet been sprinkled by the dust of horses in front of him, as he strains towards the finish line. In force he is equal to Boreas, protecting his rider, he speeds on, making fresh applause and a victory for his hospitable rider. Propserous is the man to whom a god has given a fate of good things and a rich life to lead with enviable luck. For no one living on the earth was born to be happy in every respect.
For in this way, even once, they say, the gate-destroying, unconquerable son of Zeus of the bright-lightning, entered the halls of the slender-ankled Persephone to lead the dog with saw-like teeth from Hades to the light, the son of the monstruous Echidna. There he saw the soul of wretched mortals by the streams of the Cocytus, which were like leaves that the wind shakes along the sheep-grazed headlands of flashing Ida. From these spirits, the ghost of Porthaon's spear-wielding brave-spirited descendent stood out. When the wonderous hero, the son of Alcmene, saw him, shining his his armour, he set the clear-sounded bowstring onto his bow, and then he took out a bronze-tipped arrow, having opened the lid of his quiver. But the spirit of Meleager appeared in front of him and spoke to him, knowing him well. "Son of great Zeus, stay still and cheer up your heart.
"Do not let your harsh arrow fly from your hands in vain against the souls of those who have perished. You have no need to fear." Thus he spoke. The lord, the son of Amphitryon, was astonished and said: "Who amongst the gods or mortals raised such offspring as you and in which land? Who killed you? Indeed, beautiful-girdled Hera will soon send him after my life. But I suppose that will concern golden-haired Pallas." Meleager replied to him, crying. "It is difficult for the minds of gods to be changed
"by men living on earth. For otherwise horse-driving Oineus, my father, would have stopped the anger of holy, flower-garlanded, white-armed Artemis, beseeching her with sacrifices of many goats and red-backed cows. But the goddess' anger was unbeatable. The girl sent a powerful and ruthless boar to beautiful Calydon, where, flooding with strength, he tore down vines with his teeth, and slaughtered flocks and whichever mortals came across him.
"The best of the Greeks enduringly fought the hateful battle continuously for six days. But when a god gave strength to the Aetolians, we buried those who where slain by the loud-roaring boar rushing at them with force: Ancaeus and Agelaus, the best of my noble brothers, whom Althaea bore in the very famous halls of Oineus.
"Ruinous fate destroyed more of them. For the battle-minded and fierce huntress, daughter of Leto, did not cease her anger. We fought hard for the fiery hide with the Couretes, who were steadfast in battle. Then I killed, along with many others, Iphiclus and noble Aphares, my swift maternal uncles. For strong-spirited Ares does not discern a friend in battle. Blind missiles flew from my hand amongst the souls of the enemy and brought death to whosoever the god wishes.
"My ill-fated mother, the hostile daughter of Thestius, did not consider these things and she planned my destruction, the fearless woman. She took from the ornate chest the log of my swift doom and set it on fire. Fad span out then that this would be the boundary of my life. I happed to be stripping the unblemished body of Clymenus, the son of Daipylus. I had overtaken him in front of the towers, since they fled towards the well-built anciennt city
"of Pleuron. My sweet spirit faded. I knew that I had little strength left. Oh no! I breathed my last breath and wept, wretched, as I left behind my glorious youth." They say that it is the only time that the courageous son of Amphitryon wetted his eyelids, pitying the fate of the man who had born great griefs. Then he replied to him and said this: "It is best for mortals to never be born
"or see the light of the sun. But there is no profit in worrying about these things. One must speek about what can be accomplished. Tell me, in the halls of battle-loving Oineus, is there an unwedded daughter, who looks like you? I would like to make her my splendid wife." The spirit of Meleager, steadfast in battle, said to him: "I left behind the pale-necked Deianeira at home; she is still unware of golden Cypris, charmer of men."
White-armed Calliope, stop your well-made chariot here. Sing of Zeus, son of Kronos, Olympian ruler of the gods, and of the untiring stream of Alpheus, and the strength of Pelops and Pisa, where glorious Pherenicus won victory in the race with his feet, bringing to well-towered Syracuse and Hieron, the laurels of happiness. For the sake of truth, we must praise people and push back ill-will with both hands, if someone amongst mortals does well. A Boetian man, Hesiod, attendant of the sweet Muses, said this: he who is honoured by the immortal gods, has a reputation amongst men as well. I am easily persuaded to send my famous voice to Hieron, outside of the road of justice. For in this way, the roots of the good flourish, and may great father Zeus keep them undisturbed during peace.
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apollos-pythoness · 3 years
around a week back, i had a falling out with my grandma over something she said to me with no ill will but that, despite that, still hurt. now, we're both incredibly stubborn, and so neither of us wanted to be the one to apologize first, so we haven't talked since.
but last night, i had a dream. i don't remember the details, but i do remember that my gran and i talked. when i woke up, i felt it was a sign from Apollo to make peace and let the whole issue be water under the bridge. so, to confirm i got the right message, i decided to consult the cards. i hadn't even begun to shuffle them when the high priestess, the empress (reversed) and temperance (reversed) fell from my deck. i sighed and walked over to the kitchen and, without saying a word, i just hugged my gran, and she hugged me back and told me she loved me.
i thank the Gods deeply for teaching me to be more humble, to forgive, and to stop being so damn stubborn. i am forever grateful.
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mythosmondays · 2 years
Ep. 2 'The Birth of Gods & Monsters'
May my prayers reach those sweet-eyed, swift-footed and elusive Muses, that they may hear me again; grace me once more with your blessings, so that I may tell that awesome story of the birth of those Immortal Gods who love you. Look kindly on me, I pray, so that I may speak the greatness of their glorious ascent. This I ask, that we wretched mortals may remember these stories and forget our woe again - that my tale retold will please you, Muses, and those radiant Gods on high Olympus. 
Born of that beautiful Phoebe by Coeus was Leto, the gentlest of those Gods, and it is her that mothers turn their faces to; also born to them was Asteria, that daughter filled with starry skies. And Asteria took Perses for her husband and bore to him only one child, that Hekate of highest honors. That wondrous goddess of witchcraft, her lot was to share a part of all, to receive a portion from the Earth and Sea and that star-studded Heaven; to receive a portion of each mortal as well, she who was made a nurse to the young, tender and sweet is this guide. Such is her power, that those who earn her favor are blessed with quick tongues and quicker minds and fortune unending, no man, while her hands lay on them, will be lost; such is the lot assigned to Hekate. Then Styx, beautiful daughter of Oceanus, fell with Pallas, brother of Perses, and bore her glorious children Bia, that determined force, and also Kratos, the strength behind his sister; she bore Zelus, that inspired emulation; and Nike, that floating high of victory.
That radiant ruler of these Titans, fearsome Kronos, laid with his wife, Rhea, and by him she put forth Hestia, that glowing goddess of hearth and home; put forth Demeter, honored among mortal men for her gifts of gentle fields; and Hera, cunning as she is beautiful. And Rhea brought forth Hades, that stone-faced, unyielding god, fair and just; and Poseidon, that frenzied force. These Kronos swallowed in order as Rhea bore them onto this world, that prophecy from Heaven striking fear of these radiant children into him; and in ceaseless grief at the loss of her children, at their father’s evil act against them, Rhea sought also the wisdom of her mother and father.
And Gaea and Ouranos, feeling pity at their daughter’s suffering, devised a plan together to bring her youngest child, yet unborn, secretly to safety. At her mother’s instruction, she fled to Lyctos, in Crete, and hidden in a cave of Mount Aegaeon, protected in the embrace of her mother, Rhea brought forth Zeus, most radiant of the Immortal Gods. Ouranos, darkening his endless skies, sent Rhea to Kronos with a large stone, swaddled as a new child, and he swallowed what was offered, his heart untouched by the truth, invisible below those shadowed Heavens.
Born of the highest esteem and nurtured by his lovely grandmother, Zeus grew swiftly into a glorious eternal youth with great strength and prowess; and when she deemed him ready, Gaea brewed for him a remedy to take to his father, one to force him to expel the children swallowed. Kissing his brow she gave him the tincture, and sent him, that wondrous son of her lovely daughter, to his father. Wily and cunning was that son of Kronos, and disguising himself before the ruler of all, he tricked him into drinking Gaea’s potion, and in an instant, he vomited up his children in reverse order; first though came that stone, heavy and hard, and Zeus set it at Pytho, in the shade of the groves of Parnassus, as a monument to this moment. 
Having freed his radiant brothers and sisters, that bright youth flew down to Tartarus, to the gates his father erected to hold the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops first imprisoned by Ouranos, and spoke. “Freed by his actions, only to be imprisoned again by him, we children of Kronos have struggled and fought against him for a ceaseless number of days, each of us for our own quarrel. Ally with me, and let us defeat him together, such honor you bring yourself in this fight will be yours when I hold the world.” And showing his might to them, he freed them of their prison.
And Kottus spoke to that glorious youth. “We know unlike any other before of what you speak - and yet, that weight of truth is heavy on your tongue. You carry great wisdom, and truly are most impressive, young son of Kronos,” and for a moment he took counsel from his brothers, and then stepped forward again. “Under your leadership, we will follow and aid you in this fight, unified together.”
So the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops followed that great Zeus, and with his brothers and sisters, now free from their father’s stomach, they waged a war against those Titans on high. Each of those lovely radiant children fought viciously against the last generation, their cold and unyielding predecessors, to put that passionate Zeus on the throne in place of his father; and those Hecatoncheires, with their many hands, released a barrage of boulders, unending, against those Titans; and those first three Cyclops of Earth, masters of craft, forged for their young leader the first of his thunderbolts. 
For ten years they warred, and the angry clashing of these mighty Gods sounded as if Heaven had fallen to Earth, again and again, so hard and long they raged, youthful God against Titan. And that glorious Olympian called out to the other Gods who kept themselves from the fight, and offered great honors to any who would join them; first and highest among them were Styx and her wondrous children, who aided greatly those fresh-faced Olympians. 
When all was done, those new rulers and their allies were triumphant, and Zeus, kindly and just, offered surrender to those would return to their stations and bow to him, as rightful Ruler of All; and those who did he allowed to continue on as their domain, rather than the rulers of it. For those who refused, he tasked Poseidon, that earth-shaker, to fashion gates of bronze and set them in Tartarus to keep those who would not yield; and for Atlas, who was especially loyal to that Kronos, Zeus set the Heavens on his back, freeing those four brothers Krius, Koeus, Hyperion, and Iapetus. To take his father’s place, this was the punishment of Atlas.
To honor his oath to those mighty Hecatoncheires, that new holder of glory offered them the honor of presiding over as guard to those especially shameful Titans in their cage in Tartarus; and Kottus, Briareus, and Gyges accepted, finding satisfaction from the wrong done first against them. And to those first three Cyclops, Brontes, Steropes, and Arges, who designed that delicate and fearsome thunderbolt, he made them honored craftsmen to the Gods. And not forgetting what was owed to Styx, Zeus made her the sacred oath that binds even the Gods, her honorable lot was to preside over those binding promises; and he welcomed her lovely children, Bia and Kratos, Nike, and Zelus forever to live in his home on Olympus, as honored Gods.
Thusly, those victorious Olympians began to divide creation among them; that Thunderer took ownership of Heaven and Sky and all below it, where his might is seen in every storm; and Poseidon took possession of the Sea and all the water on the Earth, and Oceanus and Pontus and Tethys, and those lovely Oceanids and Nereids welcomed him; and Hades, that stern youth, drew lot of the underworld and became the keeper of those precious gems and metals, and of the shades of mortal men, and he brought up a fitting landscape for his kingdom, beautiful and grim in one, and lorded justly; and here Nyx and Hekate joined him, bringing Thanatos to dwell there with them. This is the lot of those three brothers. 
And Zeus took Hera as his wife, for she was the fairest to him in all ways, and he made her Queen of the Gods and of mortals, and for herself she took the lot of women and marriage, of childbirth and family; this was the domain of that fearsome Queen of All. And to his sister, Hestia, that sweet-faced maiden, he made her the keeper of the hearth of the Gods, and to preside over all sacrifices and receive the first portion of each, her lot is great among them, for she is honored by her brothers and sisters. To Demeter he appointed the fields, to nourish the Beasts of Earth and to have a hand in all the life that blooms, and to preside over its flourishing; those loved by that striking goddess go not without.
In this new order, Thaumas, son of Pontus, took up with that lovely Electra, daughter of Oceanus, and together they brought forth Iris, that lovely rainbow who attends now to that storm bringer, delivering his messages; and they put forth also the Harpies, those fair-faced, winged storm winds, the sisters Aello and Ocypetes. 
And Ceto lay with Phorcys and bore him the Graeae sisters, Pemphredo, who alarms, and that horror, Enyo, and dreading Deino; she bore the Hesperian Dragon, that terrible tormenter of Atlas, who guards those golden apples and the lovely Hesperides; lastly, she bore also the Gorgon sisters, Sthenno and Euryale, born undying, and their sister Medusa, the only of them to be mortal. And Poseidon sought the bed of this sister, for he found her fair, and she laid him down in a meadow of flowers; and when she met her fate at the hands of Perseus, two sons burst forth, that terrifying Chrysaor, and the radiant winged Pegasus. And Chrysaor fell with that daughter of Oceanus, Callirrhoe, and she brought about the mighty three-headed Geryon, and that lovely Echidna; and she was as beautiful as she was fearsome, for while her upper half was the gentle beauty of a nymph, below she sat on a long and heavy snake’s tail. 
And so spurred on by the love around them, Aphrodite, that dangerous and glorious goddess, brought forth that Desire and pushed Gaea again to Tarturus, and those two bore one final child, Typhaon, that horrible monster. And Echidna found Typhaon and laid him down, and by him she brought about Orthus, that magnificent, two-headed hound of Geryon; and Cerberus, that hound of fifty heads, his lot was found below, loyal hound to Hades, guarding those gates below. Echidna bore also to Typhaon the Hydra of Lerna, and the Chimaera, with its three fearsome heads. But separating from Typhaon, Echidna bore to Orthros the Sphinx, with the same gentle fairness in her face as her mother; and the Nemean Lion, with its impenetrable fur. This is the lot of monsters.
And Zeus, that youthful Lord of All, as the world came to settle in its chaos once more, let his grandmother and grandfather whisper their prophecies into his ear; and in counsel with Hera, sought the beds of those radiant Goddesses and of mortal women below in order to bring about more of those glorious Gods. That Lady of Marriage, this was her choice; let them beware though, and forbid pride to poison their tongues against Her, for she was Queen of the Gods. Before those others though, to soothe any ill feeling in his beloved wife, he brought forth with her Hebe, that soft blossom, and kept her close to them always; and she bore to him also Eileithyia, who that glorious queen kept as her closest aid; and finally, a great and mighty son, that princely Ares, who favors the rush of blood over the planning table, and holds tenderness for the bonds of brothers forged in arms.
Then to Themis, that goddess of justice, did Zeus go to, and he described the prophecy given by Gaea and Ouranos; to him she bore Horae, those long hours on Earth; she bore Eunomia and Dike, those sisters order and fairness; bore also Eirene, that sweet and sought after peace.
Eurynome he sought out next, that goddess of lovely broad pastures, and she brought forth for him the three Charities, Aglaea, Euphrosyne, and Thaleia. 
Demeter, that lovely and honored goddess of grain, bore to Zeus a lovely and fearsome Goddess; and that lovely maiden, he assigned her the lot of spring, to work alongside her mother, and called her Kore thusly.
Mnemosyne he visited next, and by her brought about those nine radiant Muses, sweet-eyed bringers of joy; beloved are these daughters by all who know them. There is Cleio, of those long histories, and Thalia, who brings laughter, and Melpomene, that tragic scene, and these of the sisters grip the hands of those ragged playwrights and put inspiration in them, so the stories they tell are truly alive; and she bore Euterpe, who hums melodies into the ears of musicians and charms their notes to be ever sweeter, so those compositions may strike mortal men in a place that makes them weak with feeling; then there was Terpischore, swaying and turning and leading all those most elegant of dancers in her own glorious rhythm; and Urania, who tips the heads and kisses the eyes of mortals to help them see more clearly that awe inspiring sky, and beyond those stretching Heavens; and last, those sisters who preside over poetry, who grip the tongues of wild men and drive them ever wilder, it is with blessed madness a poet writes, whether held tight by Erato, that flowery lover, or Calliope, that epic adventurer, or Polyhymnia, who inspires the pious to preach. These are those great Muses and their honors.
Finding Leto, that soft and mild goddess, he had by her that shining maiden Artemis, with the moon between her fingertips, and Zeus gifted to her all those wild animals and hunts, and she keeps in her company the loveliest of nymphs and mortals, who share in her oath and talents; Leto bore also the radiant Apollo, who presides over the sun and light, shining it across truth and on those lovely and dreaded prophecies, it is he who murmurs the rules of his father into the ears of mortals and washes them of their sin. Hera, seeing great potential in mother and children both, took hold of her power over heirs and set forth a test, forbidding Leto to bring forth these children on land, and clung tightly to her child, that midwife Eileithyia, and so, to what would be Delos, Leto fled. On that floating island she bore her magnificent daughter first, and that lovely goddess of the wild acted with such grace in delivering that son of light, the wondrous Queen of the Gods offered her a place as a holy midwife, to receive a portion of those honors, and shared with Leto a portion of womanhood, and she became Goddess of Mothers. And both of these, his children, did Zeus task with guiding those young mortals on Earth, that they might grow up strong and good; and from these twins comes both sickness and health.
Carefully then Zeus went then to Metis, that most wise and cunning goddess, and he laid with her; but once with his child, that lovely Ruler Over All plucked the child from her womb, thinking of that prophesied second son who would surpass him, and placed the baby in his forehead to be born instead, by him. When that glorious Queen of the Gods, his everloved wife, Hera, heard the whispers that that radiant stormbringer would bear a child on his own, with no woman to birth it and no birth for her to preside over, she asked a blessing from her mother, and with her aid, brought about that mighty fine craftsman, Hephaestus, all on her own.
And Poseidon, that wind-whipping, sea-storming brother of Zeus chose Amphitrite, one of Nereus’ daughters, to be his wife and queen; and by him she brought about that wondrous Triton, who rules the deep depths, as mighty as his father and as fair to look on his mother.
Compelled by his splendid wildness, radiant Aphrodite welcomed into her bed Ares, that war god, and bore to him Phobos and Deimos, to be the panic and fear to accompany him into battle; and she bore also Harmonia, to whisper to him when the bloodshed should cease. 
And by that daughter of Atlas, Maia, Zeus smiled fondly on Hermes, god of luck and thieves and gamblers, of those weary travelers and tender shepherds; he saw his wiles and sorted him his honors and bid his sons to sort out their own quarrels, and so sorted were they, that that lovely and all-knowing Phoebus smiles kindly on his brother eternally.
Lastly, by Semele, daughter of that glorious Cadmus, Zeus brought forth Dionysus; that ruler of the vine and vegetation, who brings ecstasy and revelry to weary mortal men, and though untouched by this madness, he presides with gentle, loving grace over those in his care.
And though she was still sour with him for bearing a child on his own, hearing her husband’s pained cries and knowing them well, that lovely, sweet-eyed Hera sent her glorious son, with chisel and hammer, and bid him to carve out that child. And from this carving sprung forth that glorious Pallas Athena, fully formed and dressed for battle; she is the tactician between those war gods, striking with wisdom and sight. And favored greatly by her father, he bestowed on her these honors and others, setting her power, as well, in the home, and he tasked her with the handicrafts of women, to create and preside over them; from her, we know weaving and pottery and all the gentle, bloody work of womanhood.
And this is the lot of those glorious Olympians, in the Heavens and on Earth and below, in the Underworld; these are their lots as given to them by that mighty and glorious Zeus. May the Gods smile fondly on us as we remember these beginnings, and the Muses bless these praises as we tell them; and with their blessings go well, forgetting your misery, and return to forget again another day.
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Coronis : -----
Lie vs Truth
coronis is First mentioned by hesiod in catalogue of woman :
"To him [Apollon], then, there came a messenger from the sacred feast to goodly Pytho, a crow, and he told unshorn Phoibos (Phoebus) [Apollon] of secret deeds, that Iskhys (Ischys) son of Elatos had wedded Koronis (Coronis) the daughter of Phlegyas of birth divine."
further coronis is mentioned in literature composed by pindar and ovid that are popular and mostly known by many people.
pindar version : apollo upon knowing that cornois betrayed him by sleeping with another man while still being pregnant with child of apollo sent artemis to kill coronis . when she was on her funeral pyre apollo saved asclepius (Apollo and coronis child) and took him to centuar to teach asclepius.
Ovid version : ovid says that a crow (a/q to him crows were white back then) came and told apollo of cornois secret deeds behind his back and apollo in anger turned the crow black and himself shoot coronis with his arrows but soon repented , tried his best to undo his deed but couldn't. Apollo poured the fragrant myrrh, sweet perfumes on her breast, that once he embraced . unwilling to harm asclepius he saved him from the flames .
This myth connects apollo-crows relationship (crow is sacred to apollo)
TRUTH : Apollophanes, the Arkadian, came to Delphoi and asked the god if Asklepios was the son of Arsinoe and therefore a Messenian, the Pythian priestess gave this response:--‘O Asklepios, born to bestow great joy upon mortals, pledge of the mutual love I enjoyed with Phlegyas' daughter, lovely Koronis, who bare thee in rugged land, Epidauros.’
(Pythia , the mouthpiece of apollo who speaks the words of apollo to the mortals)
Apollo confirmed through the pythia that Apollo and Cornois enjoyed their mutual love saying coronis lovely and praising asclepius
The oracle makes it quite certain the Asklepios was not a son of Arsinoe (some accounts assumed that asclepius was the son of apollo and arsione and that the story of pindar and ovid or hesiod was a fiction invented by them or by one of Hesiod's interpolators, just to please the Messenians."
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albelen · 3 years
Book Talk: Flamefall
Let me start this post by saying, prepare yourself. From the first page until the very last, you’re gonna be holding your breath because holiest of all the holy-- this book never had any dull moments. Nothing ever feels like a filler scene.
Since in the first book no one from the main cast died, I knew that eventually someone had to-- BUT DUCK?
After the next few chapters, I always expected for Duck to show up. I knew there was no way for him to simply “die” the way he did, but I lost hope when Annie gave the piece of armour to Cor and then talked about always having a part of Duck inside of her even though she may end up forgetting his face (THIS WAS SO HEARTBREAKING TO READ. I read this line over and over again because despite the pain, it’s still so beautiful??)
Imagine the surprise when he showed up in the last scene. HOLY DRAGONS. While i’m glad he’s alive, I also fear he’s changed, that being imprisoned we won’t even have the shadow of the old Duck.
I still feel so bad for the Sutter family, Duck-- and then Ana. It wasn’t easy for Cor, this is why I also understood why he decided to support Magara and her cause.
In this sequel we also get a new character - Griff.
I like him, but I’m still unsure of what to feel about his romance with Delo. To me, it feels a little forced? The way Griff mourned for Julia, and then suddenly he’s describing Delo as this nice lord, so kind compare to Julia. It was a little disorienting, but I still want the best for them.
I feel like Delo could do so much more, not only for Griff but for the Norcians or at least try and show how he’s not on board with how they treat anyone who aren’t Dragonborn. Also to hell with Nestor, Delo’s father, using his late wife to guilt his son to do as he says.
Moving on, I loved the way Annie became a sort of “hero” and inspiration for the Norcians.
Among all the characters, I relate the most to Annie except for the whole guardian, Firstrider thing, of course lol I like the growth she had both in Fireborne and here as well; the way she learnt how to believe in herself, how to be confident in her job, how she learnt that she didn’t anyone to tell her she can do it. She doesn’t need encouragement from other people to be strong.
I can’t wait to read what she’s gonna do in New Pythos and how she’s gonna help the Norcians. I have a feeling Power’s gonna go after her as well, he didn’t attend the Norcian language for nothing.
Speaking of Power - AHHH his crush on Annie was so unexpected. I initially thought that he’s helping Annie because he believed in her (more than he believed and trusted Lee) but that he also has a crush on her?!? Sorry Power, i still want Annie and Duck.
How can I talk about Flamefall without mentioning my boy Lee? He can be just as frustrating as Annie. For goodness sake, they are so bad at communicating, thank the dragons for Crissa!! I feel like Flamefall focused more on Griff and Annie, so I hope we get more Lee on the last book. I’m excited to see how Lee will deal with Atreus AND Ixion. He’s new found confidence and cause added more depth to his character.
All in all, this book didn’t lose any momentum, there’s just always something going on and you won’t even notice how you’re already finishing it. If you think things have escalated towards the end- WAIT UNTIL THE LAST TWO CHAPTERS DEAR DRAGONS.
i usually don’t mind cliffhangers but this one hurts i want to read the next book ASAP.
The writing, as I forgot to mention in my Fireborne post, is actually simple and easy to read. The way the POV interchanges between the three main characters is a good example of a multi-perspective book done well IMO. The jump from one character to another is not disorienting and it’s interesting to see a certain scene or a moment from both Lee and Annie’s perspectives.
I rated this 5 out of 5 stars. Definitely one of my favourite reads of the year and when the next book comes out, I’m getting it immediately and I will not be waiting months for the paperback anymore.
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direnightshade · 4 years
An Adventure Awaits! / Chpt. 1
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I said I was going to make this a one shot BUT I CAN’T. I SIMPLY CANNOT. THE IDEAS ARE TOO GOOD, THERE’S TOO MANY. Anyway, these are the trials and tribulations of one Adam Sackler jetting off to meet your family overseas. This one’s for you, @the-temple-pythoness, I hope you’ll find as much amusement in this as I sure will!
I’ll be posting this on AO3, for those of you interested in reading it there.
He’s nervous. So incredibly nervous. In fact, now that he’s thinking about just how nervous he is, he realizes that he doesn’t think he’s ever reached this level before. Not even when he’d been performing in front of other people. This . . . This is something new, something different.
He shouldn’t be this on edge, but then again, he’s not the kind of guy that flies halfway across the globe to meet his significant other’s family. That’s reserved for someone who’s more . . . shit. This is serious. He’s serious. He’s in a serious committed relationship with you and now he’s flying overseas to meet a bunch of strangers who, should all go right, want to bring him into the fold of their lives.
“Hey,” you whisper to him, hand slipping into his to lace your fingers together. He can hear you just fine, but even still, it takes him a moment to snap out of these thoughts that swirl around in his mind. You can tell that he’s nervous. He’s been on edge all week. “They’re going to love you,” you reassure him, your thumb gently gliding along his knuckle while you speak.
He swallows, adam’s apple bobbing with the motion, and before long he’s giving you a nod to acknowledge what you’re telling him. “Yeah,” he says, dragging the word out. “I know. I know, I know, I know.” Adam’s lifting his free hand to wave about as if to wave off the notion that he’s anything other than calm, cool, and collected.
But you know him better than that, and he knows you know.
The flight takes an obscene amount of time, or maybe that’s just him that feels that way. Could it be because he’s never flown this far out of the country before? But when the plane finally lands, he leans over you to peer out of the window, looking at your new, and oh so foreign, surroundings. With a contemplative hum, he moves back into his seat and waits to depart from the plane so the two of you can retrieve your bags and officially kick off this week long trip.
The trek from the plan to customs had been relatively uneventful, but it was once the two of you reached the customs agent that Adam’s famously unfiltered mouth pipes up. He’d known you could speak the language here fluently, you’d told him as much, but he’d just never heard it until now. It had shocked him, seeing you transition so easily from English to this one, so much so that he’d all but shouted a ‘What the fuck’ so loudly that heads turned nearby.
You were quick to usher him through, offering your apologies to the customs agents before you were both off to baggage claim. This is going to be a long trip, you can just feel it. If he can’t handle the language, how will he cope with the culture?
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ssomepersonn · 1 year
So I need to ask; Is Loboto an octopus controlling a mongoose or is he some sort of experimental creature that is just Like That?
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Ok so!
short answer is this:
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long answer below the cut for anyone who doesn't want to see me drawing spec bio diagrams
The way I would imagine the octopus part and the mongoose part "talk" would be largely through the head. The mantle is literally fused on there (the eyes on the mongoose part of the diagram is just silly, he does not have eyes under there, but he does have those ears, they peek out the back if u look from behind).
Since the octopus part is literally also the mongoose, all that extra space where the digestive organs and reproductive organs are on an octopus kinda moot, so the respiratory system is partly up there too baby. It basically follows how octopus circulation and respiration works, but there is also a lung up there. The vasculature connects down to the main body via giant ass arteries and veins and supplements the heart and lungs down there. The "brain" is really just neural function as it relates to the octopus part and connection to the chunk of brain lobotos got left lol.
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On the other hand of the "this is just one guy wearing another guy" design spectrum is Gisu. The skate part is purely just another part of her body, there's no like. brain in there.
Its just as much her as her arm is her, you ain't taking that thing offa there.
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May we hear the story of Ezekiel and a pythia, please?
My dear ladies. First of all Ezechiel and I would like to thank you for your interest in this story.Unfortunately, we must apologise from the bottom of our hearts for the fact that writing down the story has taken so long. Not only do we lack inspiration at the moment, but we also lack passion. Most of our friends and writing partners are taking some time off at the moment and we are also a little tired. We hope that you will enjoy the story anyway! Stay in the best of health! <3
"I don't normally believe in such bullshit either - but brother, if I tell you: this woman...this demon can really see into the future!” Khagmar was seldom excited, but the visit to the so-called Pythia had upset the great vampire.
Ezekiel was always fascinated when Khagmar showed his feelings and it didn't matter what kind of they were. Showing affects was actually a human habit, but apparently the adaptation had progressed so far that Khagmar could no longer avoid them. "Brother, believe me. You will go straight out!" Ezekiel almost dropped his book from his hand. He had been so beautifully immersed in the ancient treatise and getting up or even making the way up the mountains to the city of Pytho was the last thing he intended to do now. "I...do not want to go. I want to read some more." For many thousands of years Ezekiel was not allowed to speak and even now that he was allowed and able to speak again, his vocal chords were still underdeveloped. 
"Yes, yes. Of course you may. You can do anything, ruva! But tomorrow morning you will leave directly. You must see her. She fascinates me. So far all her prophecies have come true - without exception!” Khagmar ran around in circles, waving his hands. Ezekiel had admittedly stopped listening after the great vampire had given him permission to leave the next day. He was already engrossed in his treatise again....
Although Khagmar was still asleep, Ezekiel followed his wish and set off for Pytho at dawn. He had heard a lot about this city; it was said that there was something magical about it from which the legendary Pythia took her prophecies. The city lay on the highest relief in the desert of Korath. Ezekiel had expected a typical desert city full of sand and stones - but the opposite was the case: the city was built in a modern way, lush green vegetation everywhere, buildings made of white limestone and water sources everywhere. On a mountain stood a white ancient temple with huge columns. Ezekiel looked at the people who were walking around the city in a lively manner. Many pilgrims came to the temple and so he joined them. The heat was painful even for a vampire.
The sun had sunken his skin a little when he finally arrived at the temple with almost a hundred other people. There was a smell of rosemary, lavender and sandalwood in the air, a soft mist hung inside the temple. But besides these things, a magical aura surrounded this place, which gave Ezekiel a strange feeling. Vampires hated magic. It was the only thing that could really harm them and their bodies resisted everything that was connected to it.
But there was no escape now. When Khagmar set his mind on something, there was no turning back from it. And Ezekiel's imagination was not yet enough to come up with a prophecy. Besides, he did not want to lie to his brother. He loved him too much for that. 
With an uneasy feeling in his stomach he walked up a mighty staircase from the atrium to the back of the temple. From there he entered a small room that apparently functioned as an anteroom. A woman was sitting at a table and hurriedly wrote something down in a book. She looked no older than mid-thirty, but her hair was dark grey. When the vampire approached her, she did not look up. Ezekiel cleared his throat and put on a smile, but she still did not look up. 
Instead, her feather scraped faster and faster across the parchment. The vampire tilted his head, just as he did when he was waiting for something. Minutes passed until the woman stopped writing and looked up at him: "If you want to see the Pythia, take one of the pomegranates and offer it to her as a sacrifice.” With her feather she pointed in the direction of a golden bowl on a column containing over a dozen fresh pomegranates. "I thank you. Is there anything else I need to consider?" Ezekiel gave her a smile, but she had resumed writing. The vampire no longer received a reply.
He waited a few moments longer and went to the bowl. The pomegranates were of absolute perfection. He grabbed one and went into the next room. What he saw there took his breath away: on a crack of earth a young woman was sitting on a stool; she was wrapped in a red cloth that fell over her eyes. In one hand she held a small bowl, in the other a laurel branch. She had put her head to her neck and breathed in the vapours rising from the crevice.
Ezekiel soon realised that the magic of the place was not alone responsible for her visions. He took a few steps towards her and passed a golden bowl in which a fire was burning. It smelled intensely of fruit in its vicinity and so the vampire combined that he had to put the pomegranate in there. It cracked and hissed as the fruit was consumed by the fire. 
With a worried look Ezekiel came closer to the fortune teller, standing decently half a meter in front of her. She did not move. Another step, another one. As he stood just an arm's length away from her, she suddenly raised her head, and under the hood, eyes flashed out, completely white. She sat up straight and turned her eyes out of the sockets so that iris and pupil came out again. Ice blue met emerald green. Pythia fixed the vampire, reaching out her slim hand to his arm. Minutes of silence followed.
Ezekiel's heart was beating like crazy, he could not estimate the unknown being and was even afraid of her. The silence felt like an eternity. Ezekiel was about to ask her if she was all right. But just in this moment she breathed heavily and spoke in a strange voice:
“"Damned will be the one who was never been loved. Alone will he be as he was on the day he was born. His own hand will kill what is dearest to him. His soul will never be free again." 
The prophecy ended with the Pythia taking a deep breath, trembling, embracing Ezekiel's arm and returning to her original position. Then a last breath left her mouth and her eyes disappeared back into their sockets.
The vampire's eyes became glassy. He looked breathlessly at the rigid prophetess, silent in the hope that it would all be a great spectacle and the vision a made-up lie. But he had understood the content and a cold shiver ran down his spine. 
He knew it was the truth.
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tangleoflies · 4 years
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Got some more canora
Children of Himeros, Pytho and Delphi, both living in the temple with their father, Pytho taking a background role because his strange appearance, he sorts through the offerings, whereas Delphi works alongside her father working to understand her visions and speak her prophecies, she also helps her brother get over his social anxiety
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hestiaember · 4 years
Ruleandtwilight Bio “Hestia, you who tend the holy house of the lord Apollo, the Far-shooter at goodly Pytho, with soft oil dripping ever from your locks, come now into this house, come, having one mind with Zeus the all-wise: draw near, and withal bestow grace upon my song.”
Hestia folds her hands behind her back, peers through the glass at pottery fragments placed meticulously on little plastic stands, a tiny number denoting their corresponding caption. Pottery sherds. Mycenae. ~1100 BC. While the memories of her human life are muddled, she does remember pottery like this, thrown from the grainy clay dug from the earth outside the village. She used to steal honeyed figs from within the amphorae tucked in the recessed corners of their home, lick the sweet stickiness from her fingers. Her mother would scold her, shoo her away. Now, her child tugs at her shirt, she lifts him to sling him over her hip. How little children change. The next rooms build the rise of Greece, the splendor of Athens, the wise kings and hallmark democratic republics that followed. As always, there are towering columns, intricate jewelries, treasure-troves of pottery, all robbed. Perhaps it should upset her, but man was always interested in capturing what was not his to capture, constructing a false glorious past to always look back to as the gleaming city on the hill. She remembers man then, they were just as crass and foolish as they are now.  These same great kings and sage orators had believed her a goddess among mortals for her eternal youth and ethereal grace. They believed her to be of Zeus himself, when she was instead borne of the teeth of demons and the wrath of Hades. She had used her influence over humans to try to instill peace, a love of home and family rather than a glorious death in battle.  They went to war anyways; they wrote hymns to her in vain. She often wondered what cruelty she deserved from the Fates to only ever desire family, be worshiped as the cornerstone to any home, to watch widows weep for their lost partners, feel prayers for dying children carry on the wind. She heard they have a fire for her where the Pythia speaks her prophecies. She never bothered to go, she wasn’t sure she could stomach what kinds of pain in the home might bring someone so far as to seek both the Pythia’s consul and Hestia’s divine intervention that would never come. The next exhibit is of the Roman Republic. She remembers these days well, they are among her most cherished. She’d thought she’d found her place high upon the Palatine Hill, guiding her daughters in the Temple dedicated to herself- Vesta, now- not only in their duties, but in life. She brought her chosen daughters prestige and independence unparalleled in any other reach of the empire, even as it grew to its largest. They were treated as they deserved. She had the pleasure of giving them the love, the life, the happiness they should have for the years they served, pardoned them from their duties only when they chose it themselves. As she walks through the rest of the museum, children in tow, she recognizes snapshots of her life thereafter: The Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Caliphates, Medieval kingdoms, the Italian Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution. Just like her life in Athens and Rome, childishly condensed into glass-cased rooms filled with statues, rotting texts, broken artwork that they purport to represent anything of rich, complex societies filled with innumberable people, stories, homes.  The most recent years are only counted to her in the aging of some of her children (and some who age too slow, some not at all). They exit the Seattle museum, a little hand in hers on each side, a couple of others not far behind in tow. This, she thinks, is what connects all people through history, the common thread between her mother in Mycenae, her daughters on the Palatine, the many she took in long after the Vestal hearth was last extinguished. Love. Family. TL;DR: Hestia lives in Forks with a family of adopted supernatural (and some human but in-the-know) children. She was turned around 1075 BCE in Mycenae, Greece.
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logans-chestnuts · 5 years
This fic was requested by: @saltyshaggymeme​ with these prompts:place: jail in westworld. scenario: best friends to lovers. I hope you like it!
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You were sitting in a jail cell with your absolute best friend in the world and getting lectured on ladylike behavior from the sheriff. Sitting side-by-side on the single cot in the cell with Logan, you endured both the speech on polite comportment as well as Logan's snickers.
"This here fella looks like a troublemaker, but you little lady? Well, you must be a real disappointment to your Ma," the sheriff scolded you. "I'm right let down myself. It ain't right for womenfolk to act that way."
You placed your hand on your heart and said, "Oh no! I've disappointed you? However shall I go on?" you announced in a dramatic damsel voice, then changed your tone to a snarl. "Kiss my ass, law dog. I can be just as big an asshole as him if I want to!"
"Whoa, why drag me into this?" Logan objected. "But babe, I can only aspire to be as big an asshole as you. You're my idol." He pointed to his eye, made a heart shape with his fingers and then pointed to you, mouthing the words 'I love you' with a patented Logan sarcastic look.
"Little girl, you need to get away from this fella and straighten up right quick," the sheriff said sternly. "Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior?"
"No, but I really hope I get the chance to send you to see him real soon," you said with a sweet smile.
The sheriff narrowed his eyes and said, "Y'all are gonna be sorry when the day of reckoning comes 'round."
"Jumping Jesus on a pogostick! Please, pass the cyanide, I don't want to go on living! I'd rather hang now than listen to you yammer, thanks!" you sneered, lunging to the bars of the jail and taking a swipe at the sheriff who then beat a hasty retreat.
"Whoa, darlin', calm down," Logan said, catching you around the waist and pulling you back against his chest, smirking and thinking to himself that you were goddamn perfection. "You gonna chew through the bars?" 
"I'll chew through your arm if you don't put me down!" you growled at him, pinching his arm. 
He hissed at the pain. "Fuck! That's gonna bruise, you shithead!" he growled. "Who'd ever believe what a tiger you are when you're mad? The rest of the world thinks you're this sweet little angel."
"Jesus Christ, you are one dramatic bitch, Delos," you snarked as he let you go. "You wanna go to the hospital?"
"Remind me why I bring you with me on these trips?" he said, rubbing the spot you pinched. "You're so not fun today."
"Oh, bite me, Delos! This stupid bank robbery was your idea, I just wanted to relax and bang a few hosts," you said as you straightened your dress when he released you. You checked the fabric for tears. This was your favorite divided skirt outfit; if Logan tore it you were gonna kick his ass.
"Well, maybe I don't want to watch you bang hosts anymore!" he exploded.
"Ha!" you scoffed. "You wish I'd let you watch me have multiple orgasms!"
Suddenly, Logan grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you against him, sliding one hand behind your head and looking into your eyes. "I don't wanna watch you have multiple orgasms, sweetheart," he growled. "I wanna make you come so hard you nearly pass out, over and over until you beg me to stop -- and for more." Then he crashed his lips into yours.
You were so shocked by his words and actions that you didn't respond to his kiss right away. 
Logan took your inaction as rejection, though, and gently pushed you away, turning to face away from you while he tried to calm his heaving breath and racing heart. 
You were still in a bit of a stupor, a little breathless and a lot confused. "Logan?" you whispered.
"Sorry, babe," he said quietly and without turning to face you. "Won't happen again."
You walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder, saddened to feel his muscles flinch a bit. "Logan," you said softly. "What are you saying?"
He took a deep breath and turned to face you, and when he started speaking it all came out in a big rush of word vomit. "I'm saying that I want to be with you. I'm so crazy about you that I get jealous of you fucking sex dolls. I want to be the only one to touch you, to make you gasp and moan. I've fantasized about making love to you so much that I don't even want sex with anyone else, human or host," he babbled. "You're my best friend, yeah, but I'm in love with you and I can't separate it anymore."
You stood before him, blinking rapidly and mouth slightly slack while trying to fathom what Logan was saying to you.
"Fucking great," he growled, his face twisted in anger and self-loathing. "Now I opened my big fucking mouth and ruin everything, and I'm so stupid that I do it in a goddamn jail cell where I can't even crawl off to lick my wounds." He walked over to the cot and kicked the leg, then swore because he hurt his foot kicking the cot.
You shook your head, physically shaking off the near trance you had found yourself in at his confession. "Logan!" you called when he drew his leg back for another kick.
"What?" he snapped.
"Explain the begging part again. Why would I beg you to stop and for more? That part didn't make sense," you said with an impish grin.
"Real fuckin' funny, babe," he muttered. 
"No, really. I mean, you kiss me, promise multiple orgasms and begging -- I feel like you need to elaborate."
Logan turned to look at you again, eyes narrowed to see if you were fucking with him. 
You slowly licked your lower lip and then bit it, sauntering over to stand in front of him. You looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes, then gave him a nudge to get him to sit on the cot.
When he sat down, you straddled his lap and rubbed against his groin a bit, leaned forward and whispered by his ear, "The dumbass sheriff didn't search me very well."
Logan shivered at the feel of your warm breath against his ear, then actually processed what you said. "The fuck? You sexy walk over, rub on my cock and then talk about the fuckin' sheriff?" he exclaimed indignantly.
You giggled. It was so much fun to rile Logan up. You leaned forward again. "I have a gun strapped to each thigh under my skirt."
"Ohhh," he breathed, still turned on by your proximity but also intrigued by the idea that you were armed. 
"Yeah," you said, dropping a little kiss beneath his ear and smiling at the hitch in his breath and movement in his trousers that the kiss produced. "Fancy a jailbreak?"
"Depends," he said, leaning back to look you in the eye.
"On what?" you said, surprised that he would even consider spending the night in jail unnecessarily.
"On whether I get to look for your guns?" he answered with a mischievous grin.
You smiled at him and leaned forward to kiss him, taking the lead this time so he would know you were OK with it. The kiss turned hot and wet quickly, your hands in his hair and his on your ass, moaning and painting, more passion than you had ever felt from or for any man before.
When you ran out of breath and broke apart, you simply looked at each other for a moment, each wondering what this meant for your friendship.
"Promise me that you'll always be my friend, Logan. You have to promise," you whispered urgently.
"Always," he replied solemnly.
You pondered it for a moment and then nodded and said, "I never let myself consider it, but yeah, let's try this."
"Yeah?" he said happily, a brilliant grin transforming him from broodingly handsome to boyishly charming. 
"Yeah," you agreed. "Now, you gonna go on a treasure hunt under my skirt or did the sheriff convince you to find the Lord instead?"
Logan's hands slid up from your ass to your waist and set you on your feet, then prompted you to lift one foot onto the cot next to him so he could slide one hand up your leg. His hand hesitated when he reached your thigh holster but then continued. "Mind if I take a slight detour?" he asked playfully.
You inhaled sharply as you felt his fingers slip past the opening of your drawers. "Is this a good idea?"
"Maybe not," he said as he slid a finger along your slit and feeling the gathering moisture before withdrawing it to lick it clean, "but I just had to taste you."
It was your turn to shiver. "Break me out of jail before I rip your clothes off and fuck you!"
Logan grinned that he had turned the tables so adeptly. "Yes, ma'am," he drawled, sliding his hand back up your leg to grab a gun. 
You took the other one and hid it in your skirt picket. As you went over to call for help, Logan pulled you back and kissed you again briefly. 
When you pulled apart this time, you quietly said, "You, too."
Logan tilted his head sideways in question. "Me, too, what?"
You rolled your eyes at him and pointed to your eye, made a heart with your hands and then pointed to him. 
Logan's smile was bright enough to light every lamp in Sweetwater. "By the way, the lip biting was super hot."
"Course it was, I learned it from you," you said with a wink, then called out to the guards that something was wrong with your husband.
Logan smiled at you referring to him as your husband, surprised that he didn't have an actual panic attack. He then draped himself across the cot, gun hidden against his leg. He thrashed around, adding a bit of drool for good measure.
*Nice," you whispered.
Logan smirked quickly at your appreciation before returning to his performance at the sound of boots in the hall. 
You were goddamn perfection.
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unwelcome-ozian · 5 years
What do snakes symbolize? Especially within Christianity and Catholicism. Are there any bible verses that include snakes?
Often when an individual hears of the serpent in a spiritual context what comes to mind is the story of Adam and Eve. In Christian beliefs, the snake represents temptation and evil. The snake also is the servant of Satan.
The Bible states in the garden there are two trees, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge.
Genesis 3:1-6 “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” Christian Bible - King James Version
Symbolically the tree of life holds the world together in harmony and represents truth. The other tree gives the temptation of body, of earthly things, and discord. Again, a duality between harmony and dis-harmony, good and bad, truth and lies.
This is the story of the separation of the individual Spirit from oneness with the Source, the Divine or God. The serpent, in this analogy, represents temptation, rebellion, and selfishness.
To “know good and evil” is to embrace duality rather than unity. To “know good and evil” is to embrace separation from the Source rather than maintain the Oneness with the Source.
How can the snake, a symbol of evil, be used to tempt Eve? In the Bible, God declares after creating the heaven and the earth in 6 days, that “I am the creator of good and evil.”
The symbol of the serpent is seen again in the story of Moses and his relationship with the Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians were the descendents of a more ancient civilisation that was far more enlightened, wise, powerful and knowledgeable than the Egyptians of Moses’ s time. While they were more corrupt and less wise and enlightened than their predecessors, the priesthood still had and used residual mystical knowledge and power.
The symbol of the serpent was prominent in ancient Egypt. The uraeus was a crown in the form of a golden cobra worn by the Pharaoh. It later times, it symbolised the Pharaoh’s power and authority over the land and people. In earlier times, it symbolised the Pharaoh’s mastery of the kundalini energy, the power it represented and the spiritual status of the Pharaoh who was also the high priest. Depending on the time period and context, the serpent represented both good and bad: life energy, resurrection, wisdom, power, cunning, death, darkness, evil, and corruption.
Acts 7:22 “And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. Christian Bible - King James Version
Exodus 4:2-4 “And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: Bible - King James Version
This passage can be seen as Moses receiving instruction in the mastery of the kundalini energy.
Exodus 7:9-12 “When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. Bible - King James Version
This description sounds very much like a duel between sorcerers using their magical powers in confrontation with each other. The serpents represent that power or the kundalini energy expressed by the individuals. Aaron prevailed as his kundalini energy / serpent (staff) overcame that of the Egyptians.
The term “Kundalini” comes from India and is a core concept in the yogic traditions. Kundalini is described as a sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism. It is one of the components of an esoteric description of man’s ‘subtle body’, which consists of (energy channels), chakras (energy centers) and prana or vital energy. The symbolic image is that of a serpent coiled 3 and a half times around a spine or central rod or staff. Through meditation, and various esoteric or yogic practises, the kundalini is awakened, and can rise up inside or alongside the spine. The progress of kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening, mystical experience, purification and expression of spiritual powers.
It would appear that the ancient Egyptians were well acquainted with these practises and traditions. So were Moses and Aaron. It was Aaron’s staff (kundalini energy) that parted the Red Sea.
How is the serpent symbolising the kundalini and spiritual awakening related to the serpent in the garden of Eden?
The serpent in the garden of Eden represents separation from the Source and the emphasis of self-interest, rebellion against the oneness of all life and the seeking of personal power over others (the fall of man). The rising serpent as in rising kundalini represents the awakening of the individual and reconnection with the Source. The rising kundalini activates consecutively the energy centers (chakras) requiring them to purge their negative energies and destructive properties.
Numbers 21:5-9 “And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread. And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. – Book of Genesis - Christian Bible - King James Version
The symbol of the brass serpent placed upon a standard or pole represents the rising of the kundalini energy and the transformation or Spiritualisation of the material or base energy. The symbol of a serpent rising and wrapped around a pole or staff was common in ancient Egypt.This same symbol is used today as the caduceus, the symbol of medicine and healing.
John 3:15 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: Christian Bible - King James Version
Another serpent that is a God is Isis. Isis was transformed into a fire spewing cobra (called Uraeus in Greek), and symbolised the bearer of this symbol that he was in possession of the secrets of the material world. This snake worn on the head also indicated the possession of the so-called third-eye, from which nothing could be hidden.
In Greek mythology the snake plays an important role. It is said that the Zeus freed eagles at each end of the world. The place where these two eagles met was the center of the world, the center of the earth. This center, sometimes called the navel of the earth, is guarded by a snake, called Pytho. Above this navel the Oracle of Delphi, called Pythia, was constructed. We see this Oracle play an important role in the life of Pythagoras.
The snake has both positive and negative images. In positive stories it creates the world, in others, it causes flooding, devastation, even death. The snake therefore is usually portrayed as a duality.
In “The Book of the Dead”,  snakes were the first to acclaim Ra when he appears from the surface of the waters, and hence, snakes were referred to as the lowest strata of life.
Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. The ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life.
Symbolism of the snake can also have different meaning depending on the type of snake.
There are many bible verses about snakes. LINK
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