b-lessings · 2 years
من الأدب مع اللّٰه التسليم لأقدار اللّٰه حتى لو لم تفهم الحكمة.
- مصطفى حسني.
It is of politeness toward Allah swt that we accept His fate even if we do not understand the reason behind it.
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majestativa · 10 months
We should love life’s long hours of illness and narrow years of longing as we do the brief moments when the desert blooms.
— Edith Södergran, Love & Solitude: Selected Poems, 1916-1923, (1992)
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lesewut · 1 year
"Mercy is innocence, so it can not be a guest in every heart."
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Chaldun, Ibn “Geography is Destiny” is taken from the original work of 1377 “Muqaddima”, presented by Turkish philosopher Mesud Topal. Critically interlinking the ideas of Chaldun and the inability of (Islamic) World to truly live the essential requirements of tolerance, education, justice and peace.
"The Right can just be protected with justice."
Not present in the collective consciousness, in the flow of history overshadowed by other great thinkers such as Avicenna and Averroes, forgotton at the tipping point of the former height of the Islamic world and detached by the rising Europe,  I would like to present an enriching and progressive thinker, who, due to his wealth of ideas, no matter what effort, can only be presented fragmentarily in terms of its size and foresight: 
Ibn Chaldun (*1332) is considered the first historian of the Islamic world.  His achievements in the field of sociological research are outstanding and his  understanding of history shows a polyvalent and profound analysis. 
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Perhaps he is the first to show the various interconnections and influences of geography (from weather to the borders) on human life, therefore its Qadar (~ fate) and thus on the development of dynasties.  [Cf. Ptolemy “Tetrabiblos” - the influence of stars and planets, based on place on birth] 
"The strength of a government can only be based on justice, courage in truth and mercy."
In his work "Mukkaddime" (Turkish spelling) further aspects are analyzed,  such as the duties of a government towards its population   (main task: Ensuring peace, welfare, justice) or how the individual as part of society -  (according to Aristotle's zoon politikon + al-Farabi "The Virtuos City"   depiction of an idealized state, see Plato "Politeia")   has a special obligation to continuously work and constantly educate oneself. 
"Man is an entity that denies not having understood his own mind."
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Acquiring knowledge is an essential part of Islamic values.  Already Hz. Muhamed used to say "And if knowledge is in China, strive!"  Because only healthy, intelligent people can form a healthy and sustainable system of government.  Therefore, man's main goal should be to acquire knowledge and education,  to approuch to the Truth and to learn how to distinguish right from wrong.  (the confusion of concepts leads to irreparable damage, the Truth and the Right  are no longer protected because they are no longer recognized = beacon of moral apostasy) 
"Man does not die of hunger, but because of habits."
Ibn Chaldun also places a special requirement on the state to guarantee the education of its citizens,  for "to leave a man uneducated is to lose him." 
Also he states that the transfer of knowledge should not falter and sets requirements  to teachers who are supposed to be competent and learning methods of "authority, memorization and undisputed constraints" hinder the enlightment of the learner, because it is particularly significant to illuminate why it is so important to aspire education . 
Ibn Chaldun repeatedly emphasizes that there is no other salvation for man  than constant striving and learning.  Only education leads to salvation and so the individual should strive for he has the duty not only towards society and God, but especially for the one's own happiness. 
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iwajidshaikh · 2 years
Waqt rehte kar qadar,waqt guzarne pe qadar kya hain.
—Wajid shaikh, from book her name is moon, Indore IN
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minumescoklat · 3 days
Satu hal yang aku pelajari dari beberapa tahun terakhir, takdir itu bukan untuk dipertanyakan, tapi dijalani.
Tindakan atau terapi pengobatan sudah terbiasa untukku, terbiasa bed rest, terbaring lemah, rutin minum obat atau mengikuti terapi, sudah sering dialami sejak kecil. Namun entah mengapa, sakit 5 tahun terakhir ini, jadi hal yang terberat untuk Nahda.
Spekulasi ku karena sakit ini mengorbankan banyak hal, mengorbankan cita-cita, mengorbankan waktu lebih banyak, mengorbankan energi, tidak hanya diriku tapi orang lain juga.
Tapi sebenarnya, pengorbanan itu juga dialami pada sakit, operasi, tindakan, terapi sebelumnya. Tahun lalu, Nahda sadar, ternyata mempertanyakan takdir setiap harinya, yang membuat semua ini terasa berat dijalani
Kenapa rasanya nyeri banget ya Allah? Kenapa pendarahan lagi? Kenapa bisa diare lagi, kemarin aku jaga makan? kenapa harus operasi lagi? kenapa pemeriksaannya menyakitkan ya Allah? Kenapa aku harus menahan nafsu makan lagi ya Allah? Kenapa aku harus merasakan ini? kenapa aku tidak seperti orang lain? kenapa yang datang, sedih lagi? apa yang harus aku lakukan kali ini? Sakit ya Allah, Apa Allah benci dengan ku?
begitupula dengan lingkungan, baik keluarga dan teman, tidak berhenti bertanya dan membuat kesimpulan
kenapa ya da kamu gini terus? kamu kan sehat, makannya teratur. Kamu kan baik, kenapa mengalami ini? Kamu kan sempurna jadi istri dan ibu da, kok belum dapat pasangan juga? kamu banyak dosa deh kaenya? atau orang tua mu banyak dosa?
Nahda terlalu sibuk dengan titik hitam, padahal dunia ini luas dengan cahaya putih. Aku terlalu sibuk dengan pertanyaan, sampai aku lupa, hal itu cukup dijalani saja.
Perlahan - lahan, aku bisa mengenali kemampuan diri, aku mengenali karakter tubuh ku sendiri, aku mengenali kesanggupan diri, aku bisa tenang, jika ada hal buruk yang datang, bukan berarti seluruh dunia akan jadi buruk, jalani saja dulu, karena kesulitan datang bersama dengan kemudahan.
Aku belajar untuk bersyukur
Aku belajar untuk mengatakan i'ts okay, we can handle it.
Aku belajar, yaudah kalo capek istirahat, kalo selesai istirahat, kita beraktivitas lagi
Aku belajar untuk, gapapa diare, kita minum obat, lalu istirahat
Aku belajar untuk, tidak apa apa sakit, beberapa jam lagi bisa hilang sakitnya
Aku belajar untuk menunggu antrian, mengisi waktu menunggu dengan membaca buku atau review pekerjaan
Aku belajar mengisi waktu dengan mengamati orang lain, dan mendoakan hal baik untuk orang tersebut
Perlahan, aku belajar untuk menenangkan diriku sendiri, yang ternyata sangat berdampak untuk lingkungan ku
Ternyata, Allah sedang mengabukan doaku sejak dulu, Aku selalu berharap semoga kehadiranku, bisa menenangkan dan membahagiakan orang lain.
Terimakasih ya Allah, Semoga Allah mampukan Nahda untuk melewati ini semua
26 April 2024
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berberanews · 1 year
Qadar oo Digniin culus u dirtay dadka Qowmu Luudka ee ciyaaraha kasoo qaybgalay
Qadar oo Digniin culus u dirtay dadka Qowmu Luudka ee ciyaaraha kasoo qaybgalay
Qatar-(Berberanews)-Qatar ayaa u digtey taageerayaal doonaya inay soo qaataan calanka Qowmu Luudka,Taliye Booliis General Cabdulcasiis Cabdullaahi oo arintan ka hadlaya wuxuu AP u sheegay Sidan . “Haddii uu taageere kor u qaado calanka Qowmu Luudka oo aan ka qaado, sababtu maaha inaan u gefayo, laakiin waxaan rabaa inaan isaga ilaaliyo Naftiisa . Sababtoo ah qof kale oo ag fadhiya ayaa laga…
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theqadar · 2 years
Get a glowing skin with the goodness of sandalwood powder ❤️
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putriutamidewi · 2 years
Ketakutan Masa Depan
Semoga aku mengingat ini ketika sedang overthinking. Kekhawatiran tentang masa depan tidak lepas dari apa yang di Bumi dan apa yang masih dilangit (ghaib) maka janganlah lupa selalu ucapkan kalimat dzikir pagi petang 
BISMILLAAHILADZII LAA YADHURRU MA’AS-MIHI Dengan nama Allah yang bila disebut
شَيْءٌ فِيْ الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِيْ السَّمَاءِ
SYAI-UN FIL-ARDHI WA LAA FIS-SAMAA-I tidak ada sesuatu di bumi dan langit yang mampu menimbulkan bahaya
وَهُوَ السَّمِيْعُ الْعَلِيْمُ  
WA HUWAS-SAMII’UL ‘ALIIM Dan Dia-lah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 months
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"Now, now. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.~"
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saanjhghafa · 2 months
Yahan sache dost itni mushkil se mil rahe hain aur tum sache pyaar ki baat kar rahe ho
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 27 days
We've officially entered that time of Ramzan when you're doing ibada'h in odd numbered nights and going Eid shopping on even numbered days.
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mudabercerita · 1 year
Muwadda' Yaa Ramadhan
Semua jiwa berat melepasmu.
Ada yang berbeda dengan kehadiranmu.
Malam-malammu, riuh udaramu, lapar saat siangmu, semua tak lagi sama seperti saat dan waktu hadirnya hilalmu.
Bahkan dengan banyaknya lalai dalam diriku, tetap saja pilu mengingat akan berakhirnya waktu singgahmu.
Merisaukan bagaimana keadaanku tanpa “rindang” dan “ringan” hati, merasa aman karena setan terbelenggu.
Wahai Yang Menjadikanmu sebaik-baik bulan, jaminlah perjumpaan kami selalu.
“Sampai jumpa di lain waktu, Ramadhan”.
-Adzkia N
Banjarmasin, 21 April 2023 pukul 00.36 WITA.
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//Cappn and I frequently joke how Captain Ravyn is the manliest character in the entire cast. Even more than her First Mate, who can bench-press a cannon like a Q-tip.
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Rashid gets it.
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somaligovernment · 11 months
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arcaniumagi2 · 1 year
We are entering the Last 10 Nights of Ramadhan so its now time to snatch Lailatul Qadr by her 12 inch laced human hair wig and here's one of the many ways to do so.
Its in Malay so sorry, but basically you recite:
Al Fatihah 3 times
Al Zalzalah 2 times
Al Kafirun 4 times
Al Ikhlas 3 times
Yassin 1 time
and by doing this you get the Pahala/Merits of completely reciting the entire Quran 14 times, so on the Lailatul Qadr thats 14x1000 months.
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ps: I still dont know what does Pahala (the opposite of Sins) translates to in English cause Merits is used mainly for Buddhism.
pps: theres alot of contest+disputes regarding the Hadiths used btw, not all of them is Sahih or Very Strong, so heads up.
ppps: edited because the math was wrong lmao
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goharshahi · 1 year
New Video: Kya Qur’an Laila tul Qadr Mein Utra Tha? | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV
Was the entire Qur'an revealed over the course of 23 years or on the Night of Power? Sufi Master Younus AlGohar provides a thought-provoking discourse on the importance of understanding the divine temperament and the manifestation of the Qur'an.
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