#quantum field
a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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shisasan · 2 years
Choose love and kindness at all times. No matter what comes your way always act from the center of your heart.
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godlytransurfer · 2 years
And in the end it does not matter, who cares about “what is”. Everything dissolves and bends to will anyways. Whenever I encounter myself in a seemingly dead end, I remind myself of all of those times I gave it up to god, source, faith, whatever you wish to call it, and everything was suddenly a comfortable blank space in my inner world. It didn’t matter anymore what happened around me, and the reason for that is when I looked back to all those previous times and found myself in that state, suddenly everything changed. So I knew I could make it happen again and nothing could actually corner me, now matter how realistic it seemed to be. I was a shadow, my body felt like a shell, I didn’t feel any extreme emotions. But only the useless things died out of me. In those moments I feel alive and like my vital force is nothing but quiet, deep peace and reassuring feelings. That’s how I knew and know when I got it right.
It didn’t matter what came before as long as I told myself it would now change with permanent serious intent. Then one day suddenly out of radio silence the solution came in. People came in, new places came in, unexpected opportunities did as well. This is why I will never give up and you should never give up. It’s the only thing that keeps me going even before I knew how to name it. There’s not another choice but salvation. It’s the only thing that can happen and you can only win.
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manifestisnow · 7 months
Listen to this before you go to sleep. Just relax and let the Ho’oponopono prayer sink into your subconscious mind. Just check out the video descrtiption on YouTube for more detailed instructions on how best to benefit from this ancient Hawaiian meditation prayer. Which can help ypu cleanse and manifest. Enjoy :)
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argonautsoul · 9 months
“What is now proved was once only imagined.” 
William Blake (1757-1827) saw the human imagination as essential to human understanding of the world.
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incubustellar · 1 month
Law of Intention and Desire
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The fifth spiritual law took me a couple days to absorb. The quantum field around us all is pure consciousness and it is influenced by intention and desire. Everything - even our universe - is comprised of energy and information.
"You are like a wiggle, a wave, a fluctuation, a convolution, a whirlpool, a localized disturbance in the larger quantum field."
We are not separate from the universe, the universe is our extended body.
The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content. Humans have a nervous system that makes us aware of the information and energy. Because of our consciousness, we can change the content and influence our extended body.
Change in our content and influence is brought by two qualities: Attention (energizes) and Intention (transforms). With the right organization of power through attention and intentions fertile ground, you can command the laws of nature with intent to benefit humankind to fulfill your dreams and desires.
Intent is the power behind desire and intent is desire without attachment. Intent is the future sight but attention is present-moment living.
If you have a life centered, present-moment awareness, then the imaginary obstacles, which are more than 90% of perceived obstacles, disintegrate and disappear. The remaining 5 to 10% of perceived obstacles can be transmitted into opportunities through one pointed intention.
One pointed intention, means holding your attention to the intended outcome, with such unbendable purpose, that you absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate the focused quality of your attention.
Follow these five steps for fulfilling desires and use intention to generate power:
Slip into the gap: Center yourself in the silent space between thoughts.
Release your intentions and desires: While in the gap, maintain no thought and no intention. As you come out of it, introduce the intention. If you have a set of goals, write them down focus on them before you go into the gap. While in the gap, ease in all intentions and desires, planting them in fertile ground.
Remain in the state of self referral: Stay established in the awareness of true self. Don’t look at yourself through the eyes of the world.
Relinquish your attachment to the outcome: Give up rigid attachment to specific results. Enjoy every moment in the journey, even without knowing the outcome.
Let the universe handle the details: Your intentions and desires when released into the gap, have infinite organization power. Trust the infinite, organizational power of intention to orchestrate all the details for you.
Where to get started with the law of intention and desire:
Make a list of all desires and carry it with you. Review before silent meditation, before bedtime, and when you wake up.
Release the list to the universe. Trust the cosmic plan even when things appear to go awry.
Practice present moment awareness in all actions. Obstacles will not consume or dissipate my attention in the present moment. Accept the present as is, manifest the future through my deepest, most cherished intentions and desires.
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cat-eye-nebula · 7 months
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Utopic green cities of the future
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ecoeconomicepochs · 7 months
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Tesla inspired Energy / data (sound) waves as medium for unified quantum field propagation / transmission / quantum computing foundation technology #Tesla #energy #data #quantum #quantumcomputing
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t-plad · 9 months
A feeling of quantum oneness
Sometimes I like to feel like a blob of mass. Letting the separation between arm and body and leg disappear. Most of my sense of touch is distorted - my arms aren't unique elements of my body, neither my legs. I feel as if there is no longer a solid boundary to my body. I feel through myself and slightly outside myself, kind of like if my tactile sensing neurons have reached out beyond my skin.
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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Guidance from Arcturianous. Channeled Messages
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"In each of you beloved, a part of Mary with Yeshua is
Thats the new beginning, Yeshua with Mary - Mary with Yeshua
You, beloved, believe in yourself. I know that the time is to be humbled, to be gracious
But also I know that you need to, you need to live your life, so ask Yeshua, ask Mary, beloved, ask them both, to support your life
This year is an important year for light work, this year is a (supposed to?) is an open heart year. Look beyond the mind, listen to the vibration
Vibration of peace on Earth. I know myself, I know you in me, I know myself, dear Source I know you in me so I bet you with Namaste. That's the meaning of spiritual person, that's the meaning of I am in I am with I am
I bet you with Namaste"
Arcturianous channeling INFINITE UNIVERSAL LOVE Healing of a Heart. Guidance from Yeshua with Mary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkYyvdGTeXg
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gunpostell · 1 month
WRITING TIPS TO BE AND STAY INSPIRED By Robin Postell You wan to know the truth about how super creative writers and other artists keep the Muse on tap? The Muse, you must know, only comes around when there is mastery afoot. She senses it and cannot resist diving into what’s brewing. My estimation of the Muse has grown through the years, but she has always been female. Typically I would…
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Your Thoughts Are Always Reaching Your SP!
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risingvibrations · 1 year
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L'importanza di creare una propria vibrazione, un proprio pensiero ed estrappolarsi dal pensiero collettivo in questi tempi e' molto elevato. Normalmente ogni individuo tende a connettersi al campo quantico del pensiero collettivo, percio' se il pensiero collettivo e' generato da avidita', egoismo ed illusioni della mente rivolti all'inganno, ogni individuo generera' una vibrazione che attrarrara' queste situazioni. Se l'individuo si collega al campo quantico del pensiero collettivo in cui, in quel momento, riportano messaggi Angelici canalizzati al fine di aumentare la vibrazione del pianeta terra, si generera' una vibrazione atta a questo proposito in cui ogni messaggio appare palesemente "copiato". L'individuo pero' dovrebbe imparare a generare il proprio pensiero, alzare le vibrazioni individualmente alla frequenza del pensiero attivato e generare un'onda magnetica tale da poter alimentare ed attrarre quel pensiero, quell'obbiettivo. Solitamente l'individuo preferisce collegarsi al pensiero collettivo perche' eroneamente si pensa d'avere piu' forza e generare cosi' una legge di attrazione maggiore, niente di piu' sbagliato! Ecco perche' la guerra non riesce a cessare, ecco perche' la fame nel mondo, la poverta', i debiti non riescono a cessare. Purtroppo se il pensiero collettivo e' rivolto alla scarsita', alla mancanza e al desiderio di dominare, tutto il genere umano continuera' a rivolgere l'attenzione a quest'obbiettivo. E' molto importante lavorare su se' stessi al fine di scollegarsi dal pensiero collettivo e generare cosi' un proprio pensiero, una propria realta', una propria vibrazione personale e divulgare queste caratteristiche affinche' si possa davvero attrarre cio' che e' veramente giusto per quell'individuo in quel momento! Lasciarsi distrarre dal pensiero collettivo generato verso la poverta' non portera' all'evoluzione individuale del genere umano. Coltivare maggior consapevolezza di questi atti, invece, condurra' ogni individuo ad elevare le proprie vibrazioni e portare in essere le proprie qualita', le proprie caratteristiche rivolte veramente al massimo bene di tutto il pianeta terra. Coltivare nuove realta', nuovi propositi, ci aiutera' ad entrare anche in maggior connessione con la parte piu' autentica di noi stessi esprimendo una nuova realta' legata maggiormente all' Anima e non all' Ego umano. Servendoci della nostra connessione con i piu' elevati piani Divini potremmo portare maggior conforto a tutto il pianeta terra, ad ogni cosa e ad ogni persona. Ecco perche' migliorare il proprio pensiero portera' maggiori benefici, senza lasciarci travolgere dal pensiero collettivo. Lavorando con il pendolo Ptah voglio proprio andare a lavorare su queste tematiche, ripulendo l'energia dell'individuo e sciogliendo tutti quei pensieri connessi al pensiero collettivo e che generano malessere, disarmonie, squilibri, dolori fisici ecc...... Ringrazio il creatore, ma anche il costruttore di questo pendolo, perche' mi ha donato un potente strumento per armonizzare su tutto il pianeta terra cio' che e' tempo di lasciar andare e che ormai appartiene a vecchi vibrazioni ormai anomale e obsolete. Un grazie sentito lo rivolgo anche a tutti gli Esseri che attraverso le mie meditazioni mi stanno aiutando a generare la mia vibrazione, il mio pensiero, le mie realta', perche' voglio con tutto il cuore portare armonia dove ci sono squilibri, voglio portare luce dove sono presenti angoli oscuri e determinare tutti quei desideri di cui la mia Anima e' insaziabile di conoscenza e anche di insegnamenti. Grazie a tutti i lettori che mi seguono ormai da tempo.
The content present on the blog Natalía Mariani It is forbidden copying or reproducing the content of this blog in any shape or form. It is forbidden to publish or redistribute the content without the permission of the author. Copyright © 2023, All rights reserved.
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amazingmagda · 1 year
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