#queen of the universe season 2
shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Queen of the Universe
Season 2 Promo
Aura Eternal
Chloe V
Jazell Royale
Love Masisi
Militia Scunt
Miss Sistrata
Taiga Brava
Trevor Ashley
Premieres March 31st on Paramount+
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you-will-adore-me · 2 years
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All stars 3 trixie who?
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child-of-the-danube · 2 years
So Queen of the Universe S2 has an Israeli queen participating and I just...
Besides the fact that she did serve in the IDF, I don't know shit about her and her stances, so I won't speak on her specifically.
However, her set aside for now, I truly want to ask the people at World of Wonder one thing...
What the fuck?
On Queen of the Universe, the queens are inevitably representatives of their countries so how did WoW ever consider this a good idea? They're basically giving an occupier apartheid state a global platform that will only play into Israel's already strong pinkwashing propaganda. Not helping themselves either with the captions like "From Israel with love" (yikes) on the promo video for Miss Sistrata and her Drag Race Wiki having "former soldier" (YIKES) noted in her bio which, as much as I see, has now been removed.
I just know they wouldn't let a Russian queen participate and that way represent Russia, so why is an Israeli queen ok? Is it perhaps because they take the war on Ukraine seriously cause it's on European ground, a k.a in their "western world"? Or cause they don't want to cut off ties with Israel so they can continue to profit off of the tours there? Or maybe they're Israel sympathisers? None of these options is the right option...
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 4 months
Frigga is a single mother as far as I'm concerned—
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darkrayne12 · 4 months
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IWTV 2.05 “Don’t Be Afraid, Just Start The Tape”
Episode Stills
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shadydruid · 2 years
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AU: Keyleth is the Champion of the Raven Queen. I think this idea has some vibes of Flaspooint Paradox and I wonder what else could have changed if Kiki was the Champion of the RQ?
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Summary: Aegon's first day at Citadel University. Can he go one day without causing trouble? Characters: Aegon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower Citadel University AU
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It was supposed to be a glorious day. Aegon Targaryen, the spoiled golden boy with an affinity for trouble, was finally off to Citadel University. It was the start of his college life, the first taste of freedom. Or so he thought.
Instead, his day began with his mother, Alicent Hightower, insisting on accompanying him to campus. She was determined to make sure he settled in, which was code for making sure he didn’t immediately find a way to get himself expelled. Aegon, however, wasn’t thrilled. His freedom was being put on hold, courtesy of Alicent.
As the two moving trucks pulled up to the dorm, Aegon noticed his mother’s eyebrows slowly climbing into her hairline. “Aegon,” she started, in that tone that meant she was teetering between disbelief and disapproval. “What… exactly have you brought with you?”
“Just the essentials,” Aegon said with a shrug, as the movers began unloading the first truck.
“Essentials?” Alicent’s eyes widened as a full drum set was carried out, followed by multiple large monitors, a custom-built gaming PC, multiple suitcases filled with clothes, a mini-fridge, a full-sized refrigerator, a life-sized dragon statue that glinted in the sunlight, and—to top it all off—his king-sized mattress.
“Why did you bring a mattress?” Alicent asked, exasperation lacing her voice.
“Dorm beds are for peasants, Mom,” Aegon replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Alicent closed her eyes for a moment, likely praying for patience. “Aegon, this is not your mansion. This is a dorm room.”
“I know, I know,” Aegon mumbled, trying to avoid her gaze as the movers struggled to wedge the mattress through the narrow dorm door.
By the time everything was finally squeezed into the dorm, it looked less like a living space and more like a hoarder’s paradise. His roommate—who hadn’t yet arrived—was definitely in for a shock. Or maybe he’d just run away on sight, which would give Aegon the whole place to himself. A win-win, really.
Alicent, however, was far from impressed. “Aegon, you need to behave yourself here. I don’t want to hear about any parties, any drinking, and especially no fires.”
Aegon tried to look serious, but it was hard when he was surrounded by every luxury item he could cram into his new living space. “I promise, Mom. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
Alicent gave him a long, hard look, clearly skeptical. “You’ve said that before.”
“And I meant it every time!” Aegon said, flashing her a grin that he hoped was charming enough to get her off his back.
She sighed, clearly not buying it. “If I get one phone call about you causing trouble—just one—you’re coming straight back home, and you can forget about college.”
“Yes, Mom,” Aegon said, nodding fervently, even as his mind wandered to the party he’d already been invited to later that night.
The moment Alicent’s car disappeared from view, Aegon felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He was free! Free to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. And the first thing on his agenda? A party, of course.
The party was everything he’d hoped for—loud music, free-flowing drinks, and no parental supervision. Aegon quickly found himself at the center of attention, charming everyone with his ridiculous stories and downing drinks like a seasoned pro.
However, things took a turn when someone handed him a bottle of something that smelled suspiciously like moonshine. But Aegon, never one to back down from a challenge, took a swig. And then another. And then… things got blurry.
The last thing he remembered clearly was someone daring him to show off his “fire-breathing” skills—an old party trick he’d perfected over the years. Unfortunately, in his drunken state, he forgot one crucial detail: alcohol and fire do not mix well.
One moment, he was the life of the party, and the next, he was watching in slow motion as the curtains caught fire.
“Oh, shit!” Aegon slurred, his brain trying to catch up to what was happening.
Panic erupted around him as people scrambled to put out the flames. Aegon, still holding the bottle of moonshine, tried to help by throwing his drink at the fire. This, of course, only made it worse.
Finally, someone had the sense to grab a fire extinguisher, and the blaze was put out. But not before the room was filled with smoke, and the party was effectively ruined.
Campus security showed up soon after, and before Aegon knew it, he was being hauled off to the dean’s office, still reeking of smoke and alcohol.
The next morning, Aegon found himself sitting in the dean’s office, a stern-looking woman glaring at him from behind her desk.
“Mr. Targaryen, this is highly inappropriate behavior for your first day at Citadel University,” she said, her voice dripping with disapproval. “You’ve caused property damage, endangered students, and violated several university policies.”
Aegon slumped in his chair, trying not to vomit from the hangover. “I’m really sorry,” he mumbled, not daring to meet her gaze.
Before the dean could respond, the door to the office swung open, and in walked Alicent, looking like she was ready to strangle him.
“Let’s go,” she said, her voice cold enough to freeze the room.
Aegon didn’t even try to argue. He knew he was in deep trouble.
The dean cleared her throat. “Mrs. Hightower, I must inform you that your son is now on probation. If there’s even a hint of further misconduct, he will be expelled.”
Alicent’s eyes narrowed at Aegon, and he could practically feel the heat of her glare. “You hear that, Aegon? You’re on thin ice. If you embarrass this family again—if you embarrass your father, I swear…”
Aegon gulped, nodding meekly. “I know, Mom. I really messed up.”
“That’s putting it mildly,” she snapped. “From now on you’re going to keep your head down, go to classes, and not cause any trouble. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mom,” Aegon said, trying to sound as sincere as possible, though all he could think about was how much he regretted that moonshine.
The dean, who had been watching the exchange with a stern expression, finally nodded. “Very well. You’re dismissed, Mr. Targaryen. But remember—one more incident, and you’re out.”
As they walked out of the dean’s office, Aegon could feel his mother’s anger radiating off her like a heat wave. She didn’t say anything, but the silence was worse than any scolding.
Finally, as they reached his dorm, Alicent turned to him with a look of exasperation. “Aegon, I can’t believe you managed to get yourself into this much trouble on your first day.”
“Neither can I,” Aegon admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
Alicent shook her head. “Just… please, don’t do anything else stupid. And for the love of the Seven, no more fires.”
“No more fires,” Aegon agreed, though he wasn’t entirely sure how he’d avoid them if parties like last night’s were a regular occurrence.
With one last disappointed sigh, Alicent turned and left, leaving Aegon standing in front of his overstuffed dorm room.
As he collapsed onto his king-sized mattress, surrounded by his gaming setup, drum set, and dragon statue, Aegon groaned. This was not how he’d imagined his first day of college. But then again, when had anything ever gone according to plan for him?
One thing was certain—he’d have to find a way to stay out of trouble. At least until the heat died down. But knowing Aegon, that was easier said than done.
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madzbustinout · 19 days
does my cat look like Sam Reid as The Vampire Lestat Interview with the Vampire 2022 or am i actually crazy, let me know in the comments!
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candy8448 · 11 months
I have a lot of Legend HCs piled up in my mind so i decided to organise how my version of the hero of legends goes:
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Link was born to the royal family. He is the twin of Zelda (i hc her to have pastel blue tipped hair), but at this time, it is believed that Hylia only has daughters, and that any prince born is a curse and unheared of and the baby is disposed of secretly, the public never knowing of any boys born to the queens. Link's father's brother, Alphonse is a knight of Hyrule and decides to rescue this baby and raise him himself in secrecy.
While Link grows up, Alphonse raises him in castle town, taking him the the countryside every summer to help in his grandmother's (granmalon) farm. This is until he becomes nine years old.
One night, Link wakes up from a voice in his mind, telling him to come to the castle and rescue her. He sees his uncle leaving, telling him to stay in the house and under no circumstances to leave. Link follows anyway into the storm and enters through the castle sewers where he sees his dying uncle. With his last words, Uncle bestows upon link his sword, and the responsibility of saving Zelda, telling him that "Zelda is your-"
Link continues on his adventure, the rest of the events of a Link to the past taking place. Throughout, the knights are brainwashed and are hunting him down, he is no longer safe in the open and has to stay hidden. The wanted posters make almost everybody in Hyrule call for the guards when they spot him.
In the end he is able to defeat Ganon and restore the land of Hyrule and bring his uncle back.
The knights, despite being free from their brainwashing, are never fully returned to normal, having had power before they become terrible people, using their status to mistreat the people of Hyrule and make villagers not feel safe letting their children near them.
Link travels to the Palace of the Four Sword a while agter his adventure. He fights his way through till he brings back all the Four Swords together and has to fight four shadow versions of himself (though they don't exactly look like him) and he thinks nothing of it other than it being a slightly scary experience.
Link continues living with his uncle until a year later, he is now 11, he comes across the triforce which sends him to the far lands of Holodrum- or Labryna? He isn't entirely sure, traveling through the triforce like that gave him a massive concussion and he gets a massive headache when trying to piece together which came first. Either way, he finishes his adventures with the Oracle of seasons and ages, each taking about half a year to complete and sets out by boat, trying to reach home back in Hyrule.
On his small sailboat, Link finds himself in the heart of a storm, and he and his boat is struck by lightning. His body in paralysis, he cannot do anything to fight the churning water...
Link wakes up to a face in front of him, the girl with long red hair. Her name is Marin. When retrieving his sword on the beach, an owl comes up, telling him that to leave Kohilint island, he must wake up the windfish.
Link does through each dungeon, retrieving each instrument and becoming close friends with Marin. She tells him about how she wanted to be a seagull and fly away to sing for the people of faraway lands. Link promises to take her with him when he manages to leave.
When he finds out the truth, it breaks him.
He vows never to wake the windfish, he's been living here for almost a year, he is 13 and he cares for everyone on this island, and they cafe for him. It's the safest Link has felt in a long time and it he couldn't bear to destroy Kohilint, to destroy Marin.
Link tried to build a raft and sail out, taking Marin with him, but no matter how much he pedals until his hands are covered in blisters, they cannot get any further from kohilint. Marin is the one who tells him to stop trying and hurting himself, and they go back to shore.
Link lives there for another year, not completing any more dungeons, only leaving everyday to strike down any monsters, that of which seem to never run out. Until one day Marin is kidnapped by some bokoblins, and Link is made aware how putting off waking the windfish will only increase the amount of monsters until he is unable to fend them all off.
He gets the last of the instruments and heads to wake up the windfish.
Link is 14 when he wakes in the middle of the sea, he assembles himself a small raft and has a close call with dehydration and starvation before a ship comes and picks him up. The whole time he is dealing with the grief of having basically killed Marin.
When he returns back to Hyrule three years later from when he first left, he is told that his uncle had died of a sickness a year ago. He was living off borrowed time and something borrowed is something that cannot be kept.
Link desides to put down the sword and stops adventuring forever.
Link and Zelda finally find out that they are siblings and Zelda stays by Link's side, him making a secret entrance to Zelda's room as the still corrupt guards are still out for his head since he is a prince of Hyrule. Link had never liked the idea of a royal lifestyle, knowing how Zelda hated it made him never want any part of it. He would rather stay as an average nobody and one of his people, attending to his Uncle's apple orchard, it was always enough for him. Link also starts an apprenticeship with a blacksmith to take his mind off things. It's been two years since he returned to Hyrule and Link is now 16.
When making a delivery to the castle sanctuary, Link runs into Yuga, who turns a maiden into a painting and leaves Link unconcious on the floor. Link wakes up again to the sight of a guy in a purple bunny hood saying that he found and brought Link to an empty house, unaware that it was Link's own. He gives Link his braclet and urges him to talk two Zelda who redirects him to Sahasralah which kicks off Link's adventure between the worlds of Hyrule and Lorule.
After the two kingdoms are restored, Link takes another break when Ravio sudgests he goes on a holiday to a kingdom north of Hyrule, Hytopia. Link does so and arrives just when the princess Styla is cursed. He obtains an amulet which can split him into three Dopples and fights Lady Maude, which breaks the curse.
Now Link is 18, almost 19, when a purple portal opens up in front of his house and he has no choice but to walk through and see where this new adventure takes him...
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villainboygirl · 11 months
Loki and Sylvie are truly drama queens.
When Loki and Sylvie regained their magic power into the TVA, I was expecting some epic fight with Miss Minutes. Instead, they just confronted Brad.
What I love is that Loki and Sylvie could have easily overpowered Brad even in a physical fight, or they could have taken him from behind. But no: they had to do that ultra-disturbing scene with the dark corridor, the shadows and the agonizing silence of several seconds.
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shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Queen of the Universe
Season 2 Promo
Aura Eternal
Chloe V
Jazell Royale
Love Masisi
Militia Scunt
Miss Sistrata
Taiga Brava
Trevor Ashley
Mel B
Michelle Visage
Trixie Mattel
Vanessa Williams
Graham Norton
Premieres March 31st on Paramount+
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alienwizkid · 3 months
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When there's no future, how can there be sin. We're the flowers in the dustbin.
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marconspectrum · 9 months
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violetheart77 · 2 years
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Thank you @indigos-shits-and-giggles for landing the original post on my Dash
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commanderpeggymcgee · 10 months
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“Some years ago, my brother was banished from Asgard and sent to Earth. And when he came back, he was…different. Changed, somehow. I thought it was weakness. I mocked him, said he’d gone soft.”
“Soft gets you killed.”
LOKI (2021 – ) 2x04 “Heart of the TVA”
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darkrayne12 · 3 months
Another IWTV S2E7
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