#queue whatever end
expectiations · 30 days
Thinking of how "left me like a book on a shelf" is from River's POV and therefore does not mean it is the entirety of the story much like how "the Doctor does not and has never loved me" was uttered from a River who was grieving.
Like the Doctor could have spent a long time putting the TARDIS in stationary orbit around the Library. The Doctor could have puttered about with the Library from years before it was shut down to ensure that everything would go smoothly while doing his best not to change a single thing. And on days when it is too hard, he just stares at the Library from his perch on the TARDIS door. Waiting, hoping, thinking. Trying to find a way out for her. For them.
And he does!
He finds a hundred ways to get her out of the data core. But...something always goes wrong. It's somehow never good enough. She's back, but she's not entirely there.
So he scratches it out, slaps himself, and tries again.
And again.
And again.
But his plans always fail.
But they don't. Not really. His plans could work. Could have worked. His beloved Sexy would help him. She'd always help him when it comes to her Water. But he was too scared. Too frightened of failure. Because one single mistake. One. Single. Mistake. And she's gone. He can never get her back. Forever.
So he runs. And runs. And runs. Until centuries has gone by and companion come and gone. Until he met a younger, more alive version of her. And then they had Darillium. And oh the joys of wonderful joys, what a night that was.
But things end. Even for him. They had to part ways again. Had to say goodbye. So he tries again. Picks up what his previous self had shelved. He tries. Oh how he tries.
But still. That fear exists. Is it worth it? Can he finally accomplish what he'd started a literal lifetime ago?
(He doesn't.)
Off on another lifetime with a new body. He's a...she now? Oh and shorter! Wow. That's new! I wonder what Ri–
On the rare moments she allows herself to succumb to sleep she goes to their his her study. She takes a moment to take everything in. It's unrecognizable now – the study that once was theirs filled with warmth and laughter and-
Every single space was taken. Covered by plans of plans of plans spanning...two...lifetimes now. Sexy still kept it just as it was the last time he she had been in there.
Their His Her favorite throw was still where it was – on their his her favorite corner of their his her favorite couch.
Nothing had changed but everything had changed.
She curled up and buried her face hoping it would still smell of her (It did. They never knew how it worked but somehow her smell still lingered anyway. They thought they were hallucinating at first but other people had been able to smell it too. Sometimes they forget but Sexy also lost her too).
She was a he again. The same face they had four lifetimes ago. The same face who was the first to keep the memory of their meeting.
But wh- what? Why? How? Is this it? Is this the body that finally brings her back home? A fitting act really. He put her in there and so he'll also put her out of there.
But... she wasn't there. Nothing was there. Nothing but chunks of debris and ashes and smelted...somethings.
When he blinked his eyes open (when had he closed them?), Donna's worried face greeted him. He blinked again and blinked. Nothing changed. Everything has changed. He had waited for far too long. He had made her wait for far. too. long. He feared of failing her but now he actually has failed her.
Everything was bland now. Was it just him or is everything a bit...on the side of grey? Donna looks at him like he might break. (He won't. He's a Time Lord. Time Lords don't break.) Even Sylvia had taken to treating him a bit more kindly.
He goes off alone with Sexy. His return to the Noble-Temple (Temple-Noble) household becomes fewer and further in between. One day he finds himself in Venice. Wonderful Venice. His Pond and her Roman (who wasn't yet a Roman) had gone here. There were vampires. And running and –
No silly. River wasn't there.
He blinked. And blinked again. Made sure the sky was blue and the clouds still fluffy white. But was that his leather jacket that just whizzed by past him? Wait. Hold on. That was... Was that? Oh no. It wasn't. It couldn't be. Did they? No. They couldn't have.
But of course, apparently they did. Because that was actually his leather jacket wearing self that just passed by him again(?) tugging along his very-much-not-dead wife along running from... Hold on. Why are they running? What- Who's shooting at her?!
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 6 months
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end of year shitty meme comp pt 1
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every-sanji · 4 months
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ewaudreyhorne · 1 year
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Win the whole fucking thing.
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lorillee · 7 months
just added my little memorial post to the one piece grand collection queue......... cant believe its over
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solarpunkani · 4 months
With genuine respect, re: recent ask abt this, the reason a third party candidate won't work is not about numbers and more about the electoral college. Electors commit to vote for their party nominee OR in some states whoever wins the state; tmk there are no third-party electors (certainly not enough to win FPTP) and neither party would replace/challenge an incumbent no matter how unpopular they are. Unfortunately, the two-party system is gonna result in one of two parties, and that simply cannot be fixed with a top-down one-ballot candidate in the next nine months.
There is hope though! It just takes time, just like with environmental reform!! We need a large progressive presence in Congress first, so that we can get national ranked choice voting/get rid of the EC, plus a few other changes. We need more progressives to both vote AND run at all levels/offices and every opportunity, and to continue this high-energy protesting and involvement. It might take 8-12 years (just 2-3 federal elections!) but it is absolutely doable, if we buy ourselves more time this year to be able to make those changes at all in the future.
ugggghhhhh I completely forgot about the electoral college you're totally right about that.
With that in mind yeah you're 100% right. It's just like. God. It feels like 90% of the people running blue for any level are just so increidbly.... basic. Basic at best, pro-genocidal and stagnation fans at worst.
Still, I wouldn't be a solarpunk blog if I didn't have hope for a better brighter future. But goddammit I'm impatient.
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shrikeseams · 19 days
@jaz-the-bard, I think you may particularly enjoy the moles. 💚
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ofbakerst · 3 months
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good luck
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Things Ford Missed #73: The Twilight Saga.
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yeah. he missed a lot.
also, while we’re here:
Thing Ford Missed #74: The First Four Twilight Movies.
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(at least he gets to see breaking dawn part two with everyone!)
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not-poignant · 3 months
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
Hmm. Enemies to lovers. Hurt/comfort. Angst with a happy ending. :D
I'm not a purist re: 'enemies to lovers' - I don't mind if it's antagonists to lovers, or bullies to lovers, or 'not mortal enemies to lovers.' Anything where the characters starting out not liking each other is high on my list. :D
From this meme!
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boredcouchpotato · 4 months
new headcanon anyone?? It's kind of long.
It's more of a fic idea, but I don't know how to write so I am just dumping them here.
After the BEGA arc, tala being forced to wear those smartwatch that monitors heart rate and stuff and beeps when his heart rate get above a certain level.
He has to wear it as a precaution after waking up from come.
Spencer (being the mother hen of the group) is very insistent that he keeps it on for atleast a couple of months, and tala is very annoyed because he is fine!! But his team is not budging.
And the doctor makes it very clear that either he wears it or he has to stay in the hospital for a longer time. He absolutely hates hospitals and after seeing how concerned his teammates are for him he reluctantly wear it.
Everything is normal, expect when he is training because then the damn thing starts to beep. It's fucking annoying.
So imagine this scenario when tala and Kai are bey battling and his watch beeps and Kai makes him go to nurse to get it checked because Kai don't want him to actually die and he is not taking any chances with this sort of things.
After confirming with nurse everything is normal and tala thought that it was a one time thing, but no.
The watch beeps loudly when he accidentally brushes his hand against Kai's. It beeps when he looks across the room and his eyes meet with Kai's. It beeps when Kai gives him one of his rare soft smile. It beeps when he sees how Kai is interacting with his stray cats he feeds. It beeps when he sees how relaxed Kai is sleeping in grass.
It is always beeping when he is around Kai. No matter how much he tries to muffle the watch with the palm of his hand or anything that thing is loud and now everyone is looking at him. Tala is not the type to panic but now Kai is actually starting to get concerned that something is seriously wrong because the watch is always beeping.
And tala is weak to those eyes especially when they are focused on him. And Kai is looking at him all worried so how can he tell him it's not that something is wrong it's that his heart is stupid and wants to kiss those lips.
It got to the point that everyone knows that he has a big, fat crush on Kai except Kai himself. So the next time it beeps people's initial reaction is finding if Kai is nearby.
Nevermind the fact that everyone is laughing like hyenas especially Bryan. He has become a laughing stock. He is almost starting to suspect that Kai is doing this on purpose.
So imagine his surprise when he finally has the guts to confess, Kai gets so red in the face like a cherry before admitting he returns the feeling. And then they finally kiss!!!Tala has never been happier and now he gets to Kiss him, hold him and love him.
Bryan recorded the whole confession and first kiss for blackmail material but that's not important. Oh! And also tala got shovel talk from Hilary before this. You bet that she can be scary if she wants to.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
oughhg. this is a little out there but its a fun scenario imo. my gabe and v2 eventually also face that hardware deterioration problem as well (after a LONG ass time at least) and since those two hang out on the surface, it's a little more difficult to deal with but i like to imagine v2 goes the more proactive route. over time v2 started studying the corpses of angels (mostly consisting of council-sympathizers or individuals with something to gain from trying to go after gabriel) and uses what it learns from that to engineer some kind of esoteric replacement for its failing processors derived from how angels seem to function. its like less a life extention or revival and more like creating a whole new replacement ai that carries some of its old memories and archived information which also has its own distinct quirks that set it apart from the original v2. the whole reason it does this is because once it noticed its systems beginning to deteriorate its objective basically became 'make sure my friend wont be alone in an otherwise empty world' and it drives me fucking crazy thinking about it
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS BC I GENUINELY WANTED TO ASK YOU ABOUT THIS....and i can absolutely see the parallels between this version of v2 and v1 as it is resurrected in heaven. i do really like v2 taking a practical approach and deconstructing the anatomy of angels in order to reverse-engineer something that may preserve it (SUCH a neat idea, absolutely in love with it), as well as this being an interesting way that it may emotionally and mentally deal with its decay - work on it, fix it, remember why it's doing it in the first place. and it's a good contrast to me because v1 is acutely aware that its death means a distinct loss and isolation for gabriel, yet its mind has so thoroughly protected against it as a way to prevent locking it into an existential dread it could loop on indefinitely, to the point where every processor it has is consumed by it...and that would be leaving gabriel too. so ultimately it does die, the half-measures they were able to discuss before v1's mind had to detach from the conversation proving to not be enough to save it, and gabriel instead must put into motion a plan he couldn't previously articulate.
BUT either through looting god or his own light (MAN....i like both too much), v1 is brought back to honestly be in much the same position as v2 is for you - both mechanical and divine, it now inhabits a life state nothing before it has achieved. i haven't fully determined what this means for v1, but the transition is an uneasy one as code rewrites into esoteric languages and divine mathematics command its logic to impossibilities. additionally, i can't pass up on the idea of quantum ghosts and v1's consciousness coming back from vast, unfathomable reaches that registered only as strange impressions it can barely call senses or even now memories. it gets fucked up basically!! and now gabriel essentially needs to return the favor it gave him eons ago when it helped him through his fall. SO i am curious how it compares with this v2, since like you mentioned, v2 is more creating something entirely new to be carried over into while v1 is essentially god being shoved into the machine. also need to know gabriel's thoughts on v2's plans as it executes them and the results that come of it....ouuuughhh wait hold on a minute let me formulate thoughts for an ask.........
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Would you bake your own Klondike Bar for a Klondike Bar?
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wxndswept · 1 month
Hatred (Part 1)
The elevator ride was worse this time. Compared to the tension from before her bout with Ruan Mei's creation, the air was thick and heavy. Like dread was hanging around, enough to make Yuuki upset just by being in the area. Her heart was beating quickly and no amount of breathing exercises could calm it.
"The cameras are down in the area, please be careful when you're conducting your search." Ruan Mei's voice barely came in through the static.
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"Yeah, 'course." Swallowing hard, Yuuki stepped out of the elevator as it came to a halt and opened its doors. The room was dark and empty. It wasn't too unusual. The room was naturally dark even when there was nothing war incubating in the chamber. The remains of the last subjects' chamber remained scattered on the ground, the glass still strewn about. Yuuki looked at the glass, then over to the damaged wall at the other side of the room. Where the synthetic Sting smashed against during their bout. Looking over to the other corner, she could see the outline of her own footprints, centered in a smaller indentation of the wall. It was where she pushed back against the creature's final attack, using the blast against it in a final act of desperation.
Reaching up to touch the footprint, Yuuki looked at her covered hand. The most painful result of her little experiment, or rather a test of her own strength, her curiosity. Her hands were something she'd have to carry the rest of her life, but at least she could say she was protecting the space station at the same time.
"Hm?" Yuuki turned around, widening her stance a bit at the sound of liquid hitting the floor. Looking around, she saw a dark puddle forming near the remains of the incubation chamber. The dark blue became more apparent the closer she got, but she noticed another detail about it. "There's this liquid in here," Taking a piece of glass, she knelt and swirled it around, speaking aloud to Ruan Mei. "it's thin like water, but very dark and sparkly. It's almost like I'm looking at space. Like it's a-" Yuuki suddenly jumped back without thinking, another 'plip' hitting the ground where she just was. "What... what was that?" She looked at her hand, shaking a bit from the sudden adrenaline rush. "It's like my body moved on its own..." Clenching her fist, she looked up at the ceiling, her eyes widening in horror at the sight above. In reflex, she stepped back and drew her sword.
"Yuuki?" Ruan Mei's voice came over the loudspeaker. "What are you looking at?"
"I..." She swallowed hard. "I don't know..." Attached to the ceiling, or perhaps coming out of it, was a black, formless entity, dripping with the starry blue liquid. It silently writhed and squirmed like it was in pain. Yuuki didn't understand it, yet it seemed so familiar. "This is... something else. It's almost like a..." The word escaped her, but before she could dwell on it too long, the bottom of the thing opened up, releasing a stream of water that quickly covered the floor. Yuuki jumped back to the edge, but it spread all around the room, forcing her to step in it.
The water looked strange, but against her boot, it felt normal. It wasn't hurting or affecting her in any way. What was alarming was the creature climbing from the water from where it fell. A humanoid, shadow-like figure rose up to face Yuuki. Aside from the stars of the dark blue water, it had no features. But Yuuki recognized the vague shape of it anywhere within the shadow surrounding it. "... Lyza?"
"Your friend? Hold on, I'm coming down." Ruan Mei's tone gave away that it was killing her not to see what was happening.
"Don't! The floor is covered in this weird water and this thing... it could be dangerous. It looks like her, but it can't be! She's on Penacony." Yuuki stared at the shadow before her, but there was no response. "R-Ruan Mei? Hello? Dammit." Turning back to the face the shadow before her, Yuuki felt her heart stop when it wasn't there. No noise, no movements, it was like it never existed. "I-is this a joke of some kind? Lyza? It's really you, right?" The room was eerily silent. The water before her was still, the mass above her was the only movement.
"?!" Then, without warning, Yuuki spun and held up her blade, sliding back from the force of blocking a sudden attack. The shadow reappeared, sliding across the surface of the water to attack Yuuki with its formless arms. She was able to deflect the strike with her sword, taking advantage of the parry to thrust right into the creature's abdomen. It landed and went limp for a moment, but before Yuuki could draw back, it twisted up straight and grabbed the sword still inside of it.
"W-what the hell?!" Yuuki tugged and pulled, but the creature pulled itself closer, grabbing Yuuki by the shoulders and headbutting her. Falling over, Yuuki hissed and clutched her head. "Ow... dirty damn fighter..." Standing back up, she frowned as the creature pulled her sword from its chest, throwing it back at her. Without another word, she threw her hand up in front of her, letting three ethereal weapons slice through the creature with ease. Unable to keep its form, the creature twisted and writhed before reverting to water again. "Yeah, not fun when it's on the other foot!"
Standing up with a huff, Yuuki picked up her sword and stared up at the mass above her. The undulating had become a little quicker, reacting to the spawn's death. She could have sworn she heard a noise coming from it. Raising her arm, she swung her sword down next to her, destroying another entity that rose from the water to strike her. "Yeah... that's about what I expected." Muttering to herself, and looked over to see more shadows climbing out of the water. "Ah well, at least this is more interesting. Instead of just the one." In unison, they skated toward her from various directions to attack. Yuuki moved to step out of the way, but her legs wouldn't respond. Looking down, a pair of shadows were keeping her in place.
"Shit!" With no time to struggle out of it, Yuuki looked up and almost immediately ducked, avoiding the horizontal swing at her from one of the shadows. luckily Yuuki was able to quickly right herself, turning to raise an arm and blast another shade with a focused gust of energy, blocking the strike from the third. A quick follow-up attack from an ethereal axe caused it to lose form and dissipate before her. Wriggling, Yuuki cut at the arms holding her in place and jumped around to cut down the other shades around the room. "The water, it's-" Yuuki jumped in surprise, looking over to see the elevator doors opening.
"What is going on in... hm." Ruan Mei stepped out into the room. Shades swarmed the scientist as soon as she did, grabbing her arms and legs to keep her in place. "What is this? Aah?!"
"Hey!" Yuuki tripped over another shade grabbing her leg, falling onto her face and quickly pinned by more dragging themselves out of the water. She struggled to get up, but the numerous shadows were making it difficult to move, even for her. "Knock it off! Get... off-" Ruan Mei's sudden scream made Yuuki fall still for a moment. "No!" Without thinking, Yuuki released a vortex of wind around her. "Get away from her!!" The shades holding her down were vaporized amongst the fierce winds, allowing Yuuki to stand and race over to her friend. The shadows that were surrounding Ruan Mei were quickly dealt with by ethereal weapons, leaving Yuuki to help the scientist to her feet. "Miss Ruan Mei!! Are you okay?!?!?"
"That was quite the feat." Dodging the question, Ruan Mei pat herself off and felt at a cut in her side while looking Yuuki over. "Those wings of yours are even more beautiful in person."
"What?!" Yuuki looked behind her, surprised to see the draconian wings hovering just behind her. They flapped slowly, exuding a powerful gust of wind to keep the water away from the two of them. "Oh, I didn't even... wait no! Who cares about that, are you okay?!" She reached out to examine the wound, slapped away by the scientist.
"This dress now has to be repaired. What a pain." Hearing Yuuki growl in frustration, Ruan Mei sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. This is less painful than I made it sound like." A small vial appeared in her palm. "I do wish I had a larger suitable container for this creature. I'd love to study it." She pushed Yuuki away, keeling over and collecting a sample of the water next to them. She then took a glob off Yuuki's shoulder before sealing the vial and pocketing it. "Alright, it's unfortunate, but you'll have to destroy it." Ruan Mei held up a hand, her palm glowing before she pressed it to Yuuki's bicep. At the contact, Yuuki felt a small surge of power through her. A cool sensation went throughout her body, making her wings shiver and glow behind her. Without another word, Ruan Mei stepped back into the elevator, ignoring Yuuki's silent complaints. "Go on." She looked past Yuuki pointedly as a large, unnerving splat came from behind her.
The large mass had fallen to the floor and was drawing in the nearby fallen water. Yuuki turned around at the noise, watching as it twisted, forming a solid human shape.
"Oh no." With a quick glance at the closing door behind her, Yuuki stepped toward the single shade before her. Unlike the vague similarities to the previous ones, there was no doubt that this was taking the form of Lyza. Her dress, her hair, even the bow were all clear and apparent. Aside from the creature's lack of colors, the only difference is that there was no attempt to copy her face. It was a blank slate. "Is that actually you, Lyza? Or is this some kind of trick?"
In response, the shade extended an arm, the hand forming to resemble a blade. Yuuki chuckled. "That doesn't help too much. The real Lyza can't do that, but she would fight me like this and attack Miss Ruan Mei. So what are you, her shadow?" The shade was silent as Yuuki walked forward, her wings twitching and flapping. "Were those things distractions so you could get yourself together?" Summoning her sword again, she stopped as the shade raised its arm. "Listen, I'm not in the mood for a fight anymore." Yuuki narrowed her eyes as she spoke. "You hurt my friend, you take the form of another friend, and you got water everywhere. Aeons know what the hell this is anyway. So before I destroy you, is there anything you want to say? Anything at all? Are you even capable of speech?" The shade crouched, jumping toward Yuuki to close the distance between the two with a swing of its "sword." Yuuki raised her own, expecting to casually deflect it, flinching as she was pushed down by the surprising amount of strength from the creature. With some effort, she pushed it off her, quickly following up with one of her ethereal swords. The shade swung at the ghostly sword, shattering it with its weapon before landing.
The shade wasted no time in following up, attacking Yuuki over and over with powerful strikes that would make her arm numb over time. But with all the strength it held, it couldn't land a single hit. Yuuki couldn't help but notice how unskilled it was. It was like fighting Lyza back at the Chasm on Teyvat. Like her, the shade simply smashed its weapon against its opponent, hoping to break through any defenses through sheer force alone.
"You know, this is..." Yuuki folded one wing in front of her, slapping the shade into the wall when she quickly extended it. Upon impact, the shade splintered into globs of water, reforming as they slid down to the floor. With a wave of one hand, Yuuki cornered it against the wall with a multitude of blades, leaving it nowhere to step past. "Ah, forget it. You aren't Lyza. Words are wasted on you." Putting her real sword away, she clapped her hands together, a growing sphere of wind energy forming in the space between them as she pulled her hands apart. Stopping when it was about the size of her. Raising it above her head, she threw the energy at the shade with a yell.
Unable to move away, the shade held up its hands to cut or push away the attack, but as soon as it came in contact, its body began to destabilize. The raging winds of Yuuki's attack tore through it, but to her surprise, the creature let out a shrill, high-pitched scream of anguish as it disintegrated. Flinching, Yuuki covered her ears as the scream reverberated through the room for a few moments even after the creature was destroyed. In the silence that followed, Yuuki heard a dull thunk where the shade was standing. Looking up, she stepped over and picked up the piece of metal.
"This is..." In her hand was a large chunk of the Ruin Blade, the tip of the fragmented blade to be precise. Yuuki held up the piece and stared at it for a long moment. She didn't understand how or why it was here, possibly fueling the shade, but she was glad that something good came out of this bout. "Damnit." Taking a deep breath to relax herself from all the questions in her head, Yuuki pocketed the fragment. With her wings disappearing, Yuuki took one last look around the area. For a few silent minutes, nothing stirred or moved. "Alright." With a huff, she walked back toward the elevator. She had a guess of what exactly that thing was.
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
scrolling tumblr is so hard rn cause i see so much of the best friends stuff from the angle i dont want to (chuck should have picked trent. im just gonna say it) but i dont wanna unfollow anyone and blacklisting tags is so hard cause i wanna see chucks and ocs separately but not in this light together and also i dont know what people tag these with if anything and im just hngggggg
just makes me sad
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solesoldier · 2 months
as i'm rolling into summer, which is gonna be my busy season, and thinking about the fact that i'm basically going to be living in two places without access to my pc for half the week, i'm really considering doing some writing through discord. if having a private server for us to write in is something you'd like to do or you'd be interested in pleeease let me know and i can make that happen.
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