#quickly googles dark and stormies
blkchxrryblyss · 1 year
Witness Protection - Landlord (2)
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izuku x ghoul!blk fem!reader x katsuki
synopsis - Thinking you finally escaped your dark, utterly fucked up past, things come at you full force making you as equally as paranoid as the police and pro heroes. When two pro heroes just barge their way into your apartment, you begin to learn that your paranoia is warranted. In order to ensure your safety, you are pushed to witness protection....In-home witness protection…....In-home witness protection with two pro heroes.........Let's see how things go!
warnings - will vary among each chapter
I do not own MHA, MHA Characters or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained through google. If you know the artist, please tag them.
@blkchxrryblyss 2022
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Ch. 1 - Ghoul
Ch. 2 - Landlord
warnings - cussing, near-death experiences, death threats, bakudeku cute moment
w.c - 3.8K
You were very disturbed by the fact that two heroes decided it would be fine and dandy to come into your apartment and just rummage around. It's giving very much police vibes and you certainly were not a fan. 
You heard one rummaging around in your bedroom while you fit yourself in a small space behind your dresser where luckily you had your shotgun. On your full moon days, you had to keep yourself protected and since you couldn’t reach your dual katanas, you had to settle for something a bit quicker to kill. You’ve been doing good at staying silent so far so you watched him for a little to try to get an understanding of what he was here for. Seeing him rummage through your mail drawer made you draw the conclusion that they were probably looking for you. But why? You’re practically dead to the system and to the Red Family. You hope. 
“Dear Stormy?”, you heard him whisper. Now he was getting a little too nosey. 
You quickly and very quietly grabbed your shotgun, stealthily moving out of your hiding place. Your feet moved light like a feather as you aimed the shotgun at the back of his head.
“It’s not nice to snoop through a lady’s drawers. How about you move out the way before your brains are splattered over my nice panties?” You smirked as he growled, most likely disappointed that he didn’t hear you or look well enough around the room. 
He turned around and saw someone that you did not expect.
“Huh? Pro hero Dynamight snooping around an innocent civilian’s panty drawer? Such a shame”, you teased at him. He gave you a glare and occasionally glanced to see if he could use something against you, “Sweetheart, you may be fast, but I know you can’t dodge a 12 gauge slug that is pointed directly at your chest. Now, cooperate or I won’t hesitate to kill you and whoever the fuck else is in my living room. Turn around and walk. No funny shit.”
To his surprise, he cooperated. He didn’t want to, but he could feel that she was very true to her word. Plus, he knew Deku would never forgive himself if his partner was killed while he was only about 10 feet away. So he kept his mouth shut and walked out of the room with the gun handler in tow. Leading into the living room quietly, they saw Izuku’s back turned reading through one of the books on her shelf. He seemed to be focused and before you could make your and his partner’s presence known, he turned himself around and saw the situation. You weren’t shocked to see it was the boyfriend of pro-hero Dynamight, pro-hero Deku. It made the situation better for you.
“Cooperate or I'll blow Mr. Dynamight’s fucking brains out in front of his boyfriend.”
You knew he would listen because who wants to see their loved one’s brains plastered over the walls? You pushed Dynamight in his back with the head of the gun to push him more into the living room so they could be standing side by side with their hands up. 
“Sit on the couch, please. We’re gonna talk,” you stated. Dynamight rolled his eyes taking a seat alongside his boyfriend.
“What makes you think we’re gonna answer any of your bullshit?” He growled making you smirk.
“Ooooooh, you gotta smart ass mouth, don’t you?” you cocked the shotgun and blew a warning shot right in between their heads making them duck and cover their ears, “Now stop fucking around and tell me what the hell y’all were doing snooping around in my shit?”
Both men were actually nervous now. They didn’t show it, but you were serious and by releasing that first shot, they knew that you would release another and gladly would not miss. Dynamight didn’t want to tell you anything. For all they know, you probably weren’t the missing girl and then the whole case would be disposed to a random civilian. But on one hand a lot of the stuff you had was suspicious and pointed to you having something to do with the Red Family. 
Deku was thinking differently. It was you. You’re the girl they are looking for. The bookcase was more than enough to connect you to knowing and being involved with the Red Family. He was confident of that. He wasn’t confident that you would cooperate with them and the police. You ran away for reason, so why would you come back? It didn’t hurt to try though.
“Red Family,” His boyfriend gave him the deadliest glare but Izuku kept going, “We have some indications that you maybe be the person we’re looking for.”
Your face was stoic, showing no emotion toward what he just told you. The Red Family was behind you. They haven’t shown any interest in looking for a dead girl, so you feel they have nothing to worry about. But that little voice in the back of your mind is nagging you.
“What makes you think it’s me?” your voice was leveled, not showing any reaction. Katsuki glared at you, disliking you already. 
“Deku shut the fuck up —” Dynamight was quickly cut off by you.
“No, you shut up! His next answer might save your pathetic fucking life. Now answer the question.” 
Deku let out a shaky sigh, thinking of how he was going to word himself. Any way he put it his answer sounded far-fetched and highly unbelievable. So he decided to bring up something that could potentially trigger you, but hopefully could make you see the strong connections.
“We connected you to the missing child of the shooting that happened 16 years ago. Then we connected you to the Watanabe diamond heist that happened 10 years after. Months after that we saw the CCTV footage of you getting beaten to so-called death—”
“Which was a load of shit because ghouls can’t fucking die like that.” Dynamight scoffed, glaring at you. You clenched your jaw, averting the barrel of your gun to his chest instead of Deku’s.
“Ghoul? You better watch your mouth and not speak on shit you don’t know anything about.” You seethed, stepping closer to him. He rolled his eyes glancing at the gun before making eye contact with you.
“Fucking liar. A daughter of a full-blooded ghoul is bound to become one, Parker,” your eyes widened, “Yeah, daughter of Kaine Parker, who was murdered 16 years ago. The 5-year-old daughter was never to be found at the scene. Yeah, I know some shit.”
The silence set in between all three bodies while reality set in for you. They knew about you, but they don’t know about you. They were still tense since it seemed like you were getting angrier by the second. You pressed the gun harder into Dynamight’s chest, while also leaning in closer to his face until they were nose to nose. Deku was glaring at you while Dynamight clenched his jaw giving the same glare.
“What the fuck do you want from me?”
“I don’t want shit from you, but the Red Family might. They are looking for something and the moment they find out you’re alive, you’re gonna look like a fucking idiot.” he sneered, not breaking the eye contact.
The Red Family hasn’t been on your radar in a long time and quite frankly, you felt like you were getting a bit comfortable. They aren’t stupid people, far from it actually, so you know sooner or later they would find out that you are very much alive and well. The problem is not only the Red Family but also the Heroes. You didn’t trust anyone besides Mr. Tsubaki since he knew about your “eating habits”. Heroes were not people who you looked up to because Ghouls and Heroes always had a bad history. Even when the Ghouls showed no harm to Heroes, they were still treated like shit because of the eating habits of the Ghouls. It's not like they could control it. Heroes were also the textbook definition of a poser. They act as if they care, but they don’t. They care about ranks, the status quo, and their image, and all the saves they do are just for show. So you were iffy towards the Heroes no matter how good they showed to be themselves on camera.
“Don’t call me an idiot, bitch. I’ve survived this long, I can survive again….but I’ll hear you out. What’s in it for me? I don’t help no one without a guaranteed price.” You compromised, stepping back from the men and pointing the gun down away from them.
Deku slightly relaxed when the gun was removed from his boyfriend’s chest. Dynamight was still tense because the shotgun was still in your hand. You raised your eyebrow at both of them waiting for an answer.
“You’ll have to come with us to the Commissioner. He’ll tell you what you need to do and what you’ll get if you do it.” Deku explained putting his arms down. 
You nodded and before you could relax you gripped your gun again, getting a gut feeling that something was wrong.
“Who let you in here?” you questioned eyeing the door.
“Your landlord…he cooperated with-” you cut off Deku with a glare.
“He? My landlord isn’t a man.” You scoffed, aiming your gun to your front and shooting it, shocking both of them men. 
You rushed out your door looking both ways down your hallway catching a glimpse of an escaping figure. Shaking your head, you walked back into your place glaring at the two heroes who managed to ruin your entire evening. Crossing your arms over your chest, you glared at the men.
“Well, it seems they found me. Now I really don’t have a choice,” You moved past them and grabbed the most important books and documents that you needed. Quickly stepping into some sweats you made your way back to the heroes, “Well? Come on, let's go.”
“We can’t go out the front entrance dipshit. Just follow us.” You almost agreed, but then you remembered it’s till a full moon out.
“WAIT,” you yelled out making both men turn to look back at you, “Ummm……I-I can’t.”
Dynamite glared at you while Deku just looked flat-out confused. You’re a ghoul, you have the ability to be just as fast as them.
“What the fuck do you mean you can’t?” The blonde man seethed, quite tired of you already. You looked down while gripping the items in your hand.
“I- just not at this moment, so one of yall gon’ have to carry me.” you sassed.
“You just fucking shot at us and threatened to blow our brains out. You really expect us to carry you like you’re some fucking damsel in distress? Be serious right now.” He deadpanned while rolling his eyes.
Just as you were about to argue with your now new nemesis, a strong hand gripped your forearm and slung you around to land on a firm back. 
“Both of you just shut up. Hold on tight and don’t fall behind.” the green-haired man sighed. Surprisingly, Dynamight didn’t rebuttal, just growled lowly and followed behind his boyfriend.
After the very cold and windy flight to the police station, the men lead you to a special interrogation room where quirk abilities were useless due to special technology. The heroes just did not believe that you were at a disadvantage at this moment. So there you were handcuffed to the steel table while the Commissioner, Dynamite, Deku, and Aizawa were behind the two-sided mirror.
“So that’s her? Hmm, I was expecting something different,” the Commissioner murmured giving you a curious look, “So Deku, you had to carry Parker here? Because she couldn’t use her abilities ‘at that moment.”
Deku nodded, “Something must be up with her quirk. She used a shotgun on us rather than her quirk. It would've made more sense and that's what we would've been prepared for if her landlord wasn’t a fake.”
The Commissioner eyes widened, “What do you mean?”
“Her landlord wasn’t a man. She’s a lady. He had to be working with the Red Family. After she shot at him and he ran off, she said that they know where she is so being with us is her only option. They must have been watching her for weeks, but they didn’t make a move on her.” Dynamight explained.
The Commissioner was just as confused as the younger heroes. They were able to switch out the landlord weeks in advance to trick the agency but failed to take you away back to the Red Family. It didn’t make sense. 
On the other side of the glass, you sat patiently. You never would have thought that you would be sitting here, with a room full of cops and heroes on the other side watching your moves. They see you as a threat, no matter how “human” you look. They just see a bloodthirsty, flesh-eating, mutant with no self-discipline. You were always told by the Red Family that heroes and cops were just posers. People trying to keep up a good image and get the public to kiss their asses. For a long time, you believed that. You still do believe that. Not because the Red Family told you, but because of the shit that you’ve seen firsthand. All the meetings you were a part of, where you saw heroes and cops that spoke to the public with such grace and promise, those same heroes and cops sat in front of your so-called family and spoke so violently and selfishly about the same public they serve. It disgusted you. Made you distrust everyone. If they couldn’t be loyal to their citizens, then how could they be loyal to you? A snake is a snake and it will forever be a snake.
So, why are you here? Why are you here willingly at that? 
You don’t know why. You don’t trust them, but you don’t get that same eerie feeling as you do everyone else. Plus it wouldn’t hurt to hear what they could offer you to compensate for two good-looking heroes breaking into your apartment. The sound of the door shutting, broke you out of your thoughts, causing you to look up and see the famous Eraserhead. His eyes trained on your form, being cautious of any of your movements. After a few moments of silence, you grew tired of it.
“What do you need from me, Eraserhead?” You questioned firmly.
“Information,” He stated before setting a picture down between the two of you, “Does this look familiar.”
You looked down to see a green jadeite necklace. A necklace that you’ve seen before but wondered why it was important.
“Yeah, what about it?” You shrugged. 
“Well the Red Family has a hold of it and we want to know if you know what they plan to do or even an idea.” The tired man explained slowly. In the back of your mind, you know that they already have an idea of what the Red Family is doing. You haven’t seen them since you “died” at 16, how were you supposed to know what the hell they were doing?
You sighed and looked at the necklace before looking back at Eraserhead, “I’m not telling any of you shit until I am compensated with something. I don’t work or give information for free. Here’s a quick idea: money.”
You crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair waiting for a deal with a smirk on your face. They always have deals. Sometimes they're shitty, but sometimes they're really good deals. 
“If we give you money, you’ll run.” He concluded.
“Then I suggest you better offer me something that’ll keep me here.” You smiled brightly. Eraserhead sighed and looked to the side, thinking.
“I can protect myself just fine.”
“Didn’t seem like it when you opted to not use your quirk against two of the biggest heroes in the country,” He deadpanned, “A powerful quirk like that could’ve helped you easily escape, yet you didn’t use it. Why is that?”
“We’re discussing a deal, not my quirk.” You scoffed.
“You’ll get your deal when you tell me something useful. If not, well we can just starve you out. We know the appetite of a Ghoul and we do know that your source of food isn’t the easiest to get. So unless you want to go to jail for cannibalism, falsifying your death, and mass murder, I suggest you start talking.” He shrugged as if he didn’t just threaten to pin two charges on you that you never did. 
You glared at the man in front of you. Smug bastard, you thought. As much as you want to tell him that starving a Ghoul out is actually not the best idea, you bit your tongue. They’ll find out the hard way. Rolling your eyes, you averted your attention to the necklace again.
“I’m assuming you gon need me for the whole case y’all got on them,” he nodded and you mimicked that action.
“Alright, I’m gonna need Witness Protection, a pay of 1.35 million yen, and my special kind of food. Preferably warm and bloody,” You didn’t check to see if he agreed, still looking at the necklace, “Now, this necklace is useless. Whatever they’re trying to do with this, is going to lead them to a dead end.”
“How do you know?” He crossed his arms, suddenly interested.
“Tell me we have a deal and what they plan to do with this so-called necklace and I’ll answer your question.” You smiled as he rolled his eyes.
“We’ll get you in Witness Protection, along with the money and your special food. As for the Red Family, they seemed to have a plan to open a realm of some sort. This necklace is supposed to be the key.” He explained. You nodded and looked at the one-way mirror, knowing two certain heroes were on the other side, listening in.
“The necklace was my father’s. He gave it to me, but he tampered with it. It used to hold a substantial amount of power, but he stripped it of its power and stored it somewhere else. Now as to where he stored the power, I don’t know, nor do I know what the real necklace looks like. But I’ll help. Not for you, but for my father. He stripped that necklace of power for a reason and I’d like to keep it that way,” Eraserhead nodded in agreement and stuck his hand out to solidify the deal, but one more request came into your mind.
“Oh and before we shake hands, I’d like In-Home Witness Protection because if you think you’re gonna stick me into regular WP you can kiss me goodbye. And my protectors have to be those top heroes standing on the other side of that mirror. Gotta have the best protection, am I right?” You grinned as you shook his now limp hand.
The yell from Katsuki could be heard throughout the entire building. His frustration spoke for both himself and Izuku. 
“W-why in-home? There are plenty of witness housing for her to stay in-”
“She’ll walk. Says she is sure the Red Family will find her if she’s placed in one of those houses and she’s our only lead that will cooperate. So she stays with you.” Aizawa states in a tone that is not meant to be argued.
Katsuki lets out a frustrated sigh while Izuku stands quietly. They both know this was the best way to get you to cooperate with them and for you not to tuck tail and hide. You were a valuable asset to the case and they both knew that if this were to not happen they both would get chewed out for losing you as a witness. With that thinking, Izuku nodded his head to get Aizawa and the commissioner to leave, which they kindly obliged to, and turned to his partner who was fuming with anger. 
“We’re gonna have to stay at the house if we do this.” Katsuki’s eyes widened before he turned to Izuku.
“What the fuck?! NO! We built that fucking house to live in for when we got fucking married and you want to turn it into a goddamn shelter for ghoul bitches?!” He yelled out in frustration.
Izuku understood his boyfriend’s frustrations. At the moment they lived in a nice-sized condo that they both decided would be a good starter home for them straight out of their 3rd year. After living together for a solid year, Izuku surprised his boyfriend for their 4th year anniversary with an abandoned house with lots of potentials. 
“‘Zuku, what the fuck is this? Why did you bring me to an old shack? Tryna kill your lover already and take the number one spot from me, eh?”
“No, you imbecile! It’s ours!”
“I thought that whenever we get married we could stay in an actual house. So I bought this old girl right here and figured we fix her up, make her all pretty, and make her our own. Have our own memories”, the green-haired boy expressed happily while looking at his lover, “So what do you think?”
Katsuki just stared at the old run-down house with a blank expression. To any other person, they would’ve taken this as a sign of hesitance, but Izuku knew Katsuki was just processing.
“You wanna get married?” Katsuki mumbled, still having his attention on the house.
“Of course! I wanna spend the rest of my life with Kacchan.”
The statement turned the blonde-haired man’s face red.
Katsuki didn’t want to use the house. It was their house. Unfinished, but it was theirs. Having to give up their first memories of their house to a stranger was something that Katsuki did not want to do.
“No. I don’t care, we’ll rent a house for the bitch. So find a vacant home in the outskirts of the city and place us there. Now hurry up with the terms and conditions, so we can sign the shit and get it the fuck going.” Katsuki finalized before walking out of the office with Izuku following behind, muttering apologies to his partner for upsetting him.
“You’re telling me a whole lot of nothing, you babbling idiot. Get the fuck on with something valuable before I deem your life invaluable.”
“Sh-she ran off with them! Like she w-was considering w-working with heroes! That's all I was able to get before she b-blew a hole through the d-door.”
“So she is alive and kicking after all, but I wasn’t expecting her to actually do to the arms of heroes. Father would be greatly displeased. Saran?”
“Y-yes sir?”
“Get out.”
part 3
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158 notes · View notes
graycedelfin · 2 years
I've been organizing a bunch of random writing and notes in my Google drive and, notes like this
....then Conflicts happen.
Conflicts are the center of the plot. Don’t ask what they are. Just roll with it please and thank you.
Conor meeting Will is the other center thread of the plot. Feel free to ask about it. We kinda-sorta-mostly figured out what it means. “It was a dark and stormy night when a young boy stared longingly out the windows of his family's farmhouse feeling quite lonely… goblins… elf in the tree… gone…pisses on pine trees… lost… obnoxious dwarf… elf reappears… reluctant friends… meet again… less reluctant friends… tours the forest… meets the king.” You get the point.
Then Conor kills Will’s dad.
But he gets framed for it and is sort of involved in it so in the end he blames himself but it's not entirely his fault because he did do a thing on purpose and it was mostly his uncle but also not really his uncle.
Long in the short of it, Conflicts are spurred to a climax. Farm mom gives birth. Conor makes use of his soldier blood. Will makes him leave. They’ll meet again on the battlefield.
The end.
...make it clear Younger Grayce thought herself very clever.
I remember my brother and I coming up with that on a camping trip and then quickly writing down what we could remember. Good times those were.
Older Grayce is certainly no better, but it sure is great to be able to look back and laugh fondly at one's former self. Even if she is only a year gone. :))
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6darkhearts · 2 years
Enderal, but what if?.... (Fanfiction, Forgotten Memories 3 and Onward, Part 1)
What if during the escape from the Star City, the Prophet/Prophetess was hurt by the Starling Capsules instead?
(This is the first fanfiction I've ever written, sorry in advance for its questionable quality. Also might need to Edit it a few times as translation from Google Docs might cause some weird formatting bugs. Also, this if my first time using Tumblr.)
He could see from the old turquoise tinted glass out into a sea of clouds. A gray blanket stretched for infinity upon the world; dull dark and stirring, occasionally flashing with thunderous light from the storm the clouds collectively birthed. Above was the endless ocean of stars. Diamonds glittering upon a colorful, dim rainbow canvas. Streaks of light washing across the darkness as consolations posed in their respective places. And finally, what looked to be an aurora borealis waved through the midnight like a slow motion flag, the vibrancy of which made it the star of night sky show. Pun unintended.
Very few would ever get to experience such a breathtaking sight within their lives. The Starling City being empty, perhaps Jespar, Calia, and the prophet were the last few people to see such a thing for a very long time. For those few seconds, the mercenary felt a level of peace. Even with his heart racing, the feeling of lightness coursing through his body due to the free fall state the Starling Pod was in. Part of him felt forced to accept that this might be the last view he would experience. Some of the final moments spent in a life between a duality of adversity and contentment.
The Starling Pod whistled as it fell from the heavens, the screeching piercing Jespar's ears as the descent from the serene scenery was rapidly reaching its conclusion. Falling, and falling. Eventually penetrating the field of clouds and entering into a dark, stormy environment. Deafening crackling of lightning accompanied blinding flashes of violent light. Burst of white obscuring the small circular window completely for a brief second before fading away as quickly as it came. And then only to flash once again. Electricity cackled outside across the Bronze, spraying across the surface like luminescent angular tendrils. Hail shattered against the metal in explosions of fractured ice, thrown in a plethora of directions as more frozen chunks rapidly took their place upon the pod's battered frame.
Seconds passed by before the lightning had been replaced with even more dramatic hail, to then taper off upon finally passing the clouds. The window showed a faint landscape past the storm. Mountaintops peaking through a second belt of clouds, rapidly growing closer and closer every moment. Jespar tightly held onto the interior of the starling pod, holding his breath and tightly shutting his eyes in an attempt to brace himself for what came next; The breaking of metal, snapping of a machinery, and a painful thud that thrusted Jespar into a sudden and total darkness.
An agonizing pounding rattled within his head, compounded by soreness which ran down his back and limbs. His upper right leg tingled from the hip down to the knee, and numbness ran down the rest. The same could be said for the right arm too, having laid on it long enough to cause it to lose all feeling all the way down to the fingertips. Jespar was in great deal of discomfort, groaning as his head throbbed painfully. He could barely tell which way was up, and a new heaviness was weighing down on him. Opposite to the terrifying feeling of lightness spawned from free falling that he went through moments before. Still, for all the difficulties and suffering he was experiencing, he needed to gather the strength to get up. There was work that needed to be done, and they needed to finish the mission for those who were lost. So many others died.. Such a needless loss of life was experienced. The Red Madness, and the High Ones were to blame. And Jespar long understood this was the norm for this profession, and especially for these dark times. It didn't make it any less tragic, however.
He rolled off his right side onto his stomach, pulling his arms to his core in a push up position. A knee put into place, the mercenary managed to bring himself up into a standing position in a single swift motion. Initially losing his balance, having fallen onto one of the walls of the capsules as the blood rushed away from his head and thus caused him a great deal of lightheadedness. However in due time he was able to find some fortitude and balance briefly. Enough to stumble to the entrance of the pod. The capsule, as if aware of Jespar's intention to leave, had swung the massive and heavy entrance open. Rotating on ancient yet well condition hinges the door went out, and allowing in the storm of snow, wind and hail.
His capsule had landed on its back, thus forcing the mercenary to climb up the side of the interior to make it out of the shuttle. Normally, it would have been a relatively easy task for him. But after all the energy spent running and fighting for his life, most of that strength had been spent. With quivering arms, burning muscles, and aching in his bones he’d finally managed to get his stomach onto the brim of the entrance.
A white expanse was in front of him, difficult to see through the storm as the snowflakes made a thick fog. With a final heave, Jespar shoved himself fully out of the pod and he fell into a noisy but cushioned crunch into the snow. The cold pierced his exposed hands and got caught in the crevices of his leather armor. Just more gray and white filled Jespar's vision as he landed on his back and was left staring up to where he once came. He was partly sunk into the snow, and the rapidly falling extra layer of light hail was determined to bury him among everything else. It kept landing on his exposed face and across the length of his body. Every single piece stung to the touch, some capable of leaving bruises.
Because even after all they went through, life still wasn't done hurling dangers and inconveniences in their direction. Both big, and small. After having been battered by Starling machinery, chased by a flying machine that blew up their flying ship, and then having fallen from the sky in a giant bronze sphere... Needless to say, it was a lot to go through. Something that would exhaust even the most athletic of people. But for all these internal complaints, Jespar was just thankful to be alive and mostly healthy.
With a groan, he forced himself to his feet. He had to find the others; That Calia girl and the Prophetess. Jespar felt ill, worried if something may have happened to them. He considered the Prophetess a good friend, she’d been there for him even at his worst moments. And while Jespar did not know Calia as well, it would be unfortunate all around to have another soul lost to the Star City. Doing his best to block out the painful clumps of hail, and the burning from the cold across his hands, Jespar began walking out into the blizzard. He shouted out into the storm, calling out for Calia and the Prophet. However, his voice didn’t carry far. The howling winds drowned out all else, suffocating everything through both temperature and sheer bombasity. The mercenary continued walking into the winter, calling again. And then again. And again. And again. His throat and lungs strained as he screamed their names into the white void. Each step sank deep into the snow, making the trek through the mountains even more difficult and tiresome. Jespar needed to hurry, if any of them were injured they would either die from their injuries or the elements.
“I’m here!”
Jespar’s eyes first widened at finally hearing another voice. And then a small amount of relief spreaded across his numbed freezing face.“Calia! Are you okay?!”
“Yes! Have you seen Sa'ira?!”
“The Prophet?!”
“No!...” Concern began building up in Jespar again. A heavy breath, and he shouted:“Let’s look together! We’ll get lost in the blizzard if we split up!”And with those words, Jespar had begun making his way to the familiar voice within the wind. One step, and then another, and soon a figure could be made out of the fog. Messy short hair blowing in the breeze alongside a small royal blue torn cape. Metal armor reflected a small amount of light that flashed from lightning. Closer, and closer, until finally Jespar was able to make out the features of the familiar but mostly unknown woman. There was a trail in the snow behind her, suggesting Calia had also made her way to him to meet up. Worried brown eyes met his own, tired and worn down but motivated to continue due to an anxiety building up within. She was slightly hunched over, her arms were wrapped around herself, teeth chattering just like Jespar’s as the cold was getting to the both of them. There were no words that needed to be exchanged between them, they knew they needed to find the last person, and soon.
For the next five minutes they had wandered through the winter nightmare. Hail abusing them, thunder crackling explosively, flashes of lightning amount wailing winds. Jespar’s hands and feet were numb, his eyes were beginning to freeze shut from the winds. Calia was in no better shape, visibly shaking violently due to her body’s attempts to keep her warm. They kept calling into the whiteout to receive no response, growing more desperate in their cries but no voice reached back to them. But, finally there was another dark figure outlined in the frozen hell they were enduring.
It was another capsule. However, this one was in horrible shape. It had landed on one of the sharp jagged peaks of the mountain. Hard black rock pointing upwards towards the sky, visible recent damage across its surface created by scrapped metal. Metal fragments may have been dotted by the landscape but had already been consumed by the monstrous amount of snowfall. The Starling pod itself had a massive hole torn open and inward across its left side. Machinery and glass parts exposed in a mechanically gory fashion. A collection of dark robes upon what appeared to be a broken person laid hanging out of the tear of the escape pod. Lower half was still within the pod, kept in place by the right leg just below the knee being crushed between two metal panes. Their ribs leaned against the metal rim of the exit, upper torso dangling out of the machine. Their back faced up, flakes having begun building up on their hood, robes, and cloak. Glittering crimson seen through the sleet and the rain, blood reflecting the dull light coming from inside the pod. Seeping between threads of black fabric, trailing among the body’s form gradually to spill upon bronze Starling metal, eventually dripping out onto the white chilly blanket beneath it.
The memory of the events were reexperienced over, and over again. Jespar had forgotten where he was until a slam of a book snapped him out of his involuntary recollection. One blink, and then two, and he found himself back in the warm but tense atmosphere of the Emporium. His head turned meekly towards the direction of the sound, slow shifting of a gaze upon the area of which the noise spawned from. A depression had leaked into his body language subconsciously. It was Yulsan, the Sinistrope having mistakenly dropped a large dusty tome onto the floor next to him. Yulsan uttered an apology, complimented with a look of remorse towards Jespar. The mercenary nodded, muttering simple; “It's fine.”before turning away. His eyes drifted to the focus of conversation at the time, which was the aeterna in white clothing sitting across from him by one seat to his left.
"Archmagister, how long will you need to decipher the map?"
Archmagister Lexil Merrayil sat frozen in his chair, glazed golden eyes unfocused as they peered down upon the ancient parchment. The paper and its details were faded, or maybe it was his perception warped by grief that seemed to distort the rest of the world around him. His sadness made everything appear so far away, as if he were underwater and all else was above the surface. Suffocating his ability to reason, and make sense of the map he lost his mentor to.
Lexil did not initially respond to Tealor's question. The aeterna's vision fogged at its edges, accompanied by the stinging of his eyes. He couldn't focus, emotions boiling and causing his mind to produce nothing but a hurricane of incoherent thought. There was only one sentence that could be gathered from the internal storm;Was this all worth it?
Three words, conveying the feeling of emptiness and defeat. It was both an answer to Tealor, and to himself."I.... I don't know."
Lexil got up from his seat in a hurried fashion. His free hand went up to cover his face, the other holding onto the delicate map tentatively. He continued:"A couple of days, at least- I should start right away. E-Excuse me."His voice quivered, wavering with restraint. When his hand finally returned to his side, a mostly blank expression could be discerned from the aeterna's lightly aged features. Mostly, as Lexil's eyes were windows into a mournful soul. An internal fresh emotional wound that bled onto the outside, despite Lexil's greatest efforts to contain the effects of the injury. The archmagister, overcomed, had b-lined to the nearest exit. No other words were uttered from him on the way out. It was questionable if he had the fortitude to say anything if he wanted to.
A pang of pain went through Jespar's own chest, the reaction from Lexil bringing to light some of the recent losses he endured. He didn't know who the Archmagister lost, but it must have been someone on the expedition with them. Or perhaps another victim of Red Madness. Or maybe the Nerhimese. There were many ways souls could be lost these days. It was dangerous, not only for yourself, but those you loved around you. No matter what form it took; Love is a risk to always get hit out of nowhere... And then end up on your own.
Grandmaster Tealor Arantheal gave context to those sitting around the table. His own demeanor having been unaffected by Lexil's turmoil. He stood, leaning on the table with authority as he stared down at those sitting on each side. He gave an attempt of directing empathy towards poor man's circumstances, providing context to the uninitiated."Yaela was his mentor during his novitiate. But he will get over it... he has to."
Tealor shifted his attention to the mercenary. And in turn, as if sensing the attention on himself, Jespar looked up to greet the Grandmaster's gaze. Meeting that never faltering glare stirred a level of discomfort within him, even if it was unintentional on Tealor's part. There was an underlying level of frustration, a bubbling rage just beneath the Grandmaster's surface. His face reflected it, furrowed brows and a tightly clenched jaw. The fingertips of his gauntlets scraped against the long, aged stone table's surface, his grip becoming semi fists as he visibly fought to contain his anger. Jespar knew none of this fury was directed at him, it needn't be said that Arantheal was weighed down by the horrible hand fate has given all of them.
They all did. In that very moment, their only hope was lying unconscious in the Curarium. Thinking of it made his stomach churn. Not just due to losing a close friend, but also the greater consequences that had an affect on everything up to this point.
Without the prophet they couldn't summon a memory of the last Cleansing, and use the Word of the Dead on the High One. Thus, be unable to obtain the Numinos. In essence, all they have worked for has been put into jeopardy. It brought upon a feeling of impending doom; inevitable death looming in from all directions. Things were indeed grim.
Tealor stated through gritted teeth: "Go tell the prophetess they did well. Despite the complications, the mission was a complete success."
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mendaciumhq · 9 months
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CHARACTER NAME: sebastian o'shannon / salazar slytherin reincarnate
CHARACTER AGE/DOB: 23 years old / december 17th 2000
CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: he/him or they/them, non binary, greyace & aroflux, polyamorous.
CANON OR OC: oc???
CHARACTER FANDOM: hp/magical world
CHARACTER PROFESSION IF RELEVANT: part-time potions professor at hogwarts, part-time magical history author
ALIGNMENT IN THE WAR & OPINIONS: sebastian has long been sided with the order of the phoenix. however, some will assume the opposite. this is because since sebastian's final year of hogwarts, he has been a spy for the order. so to those he's worked alongside within the death eaters, he would appear to be on their side. this happened because, in spite of his own beliefs built about the idiocy of blood purity supremacy, sebastian's mother and step father have entirely different views. they joined the death eaters and claimed they would force sebastian's younger siblings when the time came too. in order to protect his siblings, sebastian 'joined', even took the dark mark to full commit to selling it as truth. he's been secretly funnelling back information to the order the whole time.
the sound of waves crashing against the shore on a stormy winter day
feeling stronger, invincible even, when with your friends
keeping your appearance together to sell the idea that you are 'okay'
wires by the neighbourhood
ANY IMPORTANT CHARACTER NOTES/FURTHER BIO/HISTORY: see attached google doc for in depth lore/details on sebastian, salazar etc:
sebastian o'shannon is the reincarnate of salazar slytherin. he has known this since early childhood, when memories from a previous life began bleeding through, when it all began to unravel. however, he kept this to himself: the only time he spoke of it, his mother called him attention seeking and childish for making up such stories. he quickly learned to keep his mouth shut from then on. until, of course, he finally came to hogwarts. the moment the sorting hat landed on him, it confirmed what he thought to be true and welcomed back the true slytherin to the school. he also told him of another walking the halls: gryffindor. but, of course, the hat didn't give specifics. so it took a month for sebastian to figure it out and bond with the gryffindor reincarnate. each other meeting of a reincarnate came with it's own chaotic energy.
sebastian went through school growing, changing a lot as a person. breaking free of what he'd grown up in: the pureblood superiority of his family in particular. in spite of being around a lot of people who still supported the ideologies, sebastian found his friends and broke the generational bullshit. rejected it outright and wasn't quiet about it either.
it isn't until his final year that all of that rebellion went quiet and died. it had to. he had a cover to keep after all, as a death eater-- even if it were a lie, he still had to commit to it in order to keep up the belief. it meant some public fall outs had to be staged with friends. cruel things that still haunt him, even if all parties involved know the truth.
sebastian hopes that, eventually, he'll be free of this life of living a lie. he misses his friends dearly, and wants to stop pretending. but he'll do it for as long as he has to, for as long as it's feeding back good information that saves lives.
sebastian also works part time at hogwarts as a potions professor, working alongside slughorn, but the majority of his time is spent in his own private works, writing about magical history. he has a bit of a leg up, after all.
0 notes
ma-sulevin · 8 years
sirinial replied to your post: Husband: So did you like rum and coke? Me: Yeah,...
do you like ginger beer at all? cos dark'n stormys are also a delightful way to drink rum :p
Ginger beer SOUNDS like something I would like, but I’ve never tried it.
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tobitofunction · 2 years
Flowers of Love
Dream leaves his pregnant wife to hunt down the Corinthian but ended up captured for over a century. On his return, he discovered something which he never wanted to see.
Long, might do a part 2 if this goes well
Part0 Part2
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You were human during the 1800′s century more exact in 1389, you worked for rich families trying not to die due to the ongoing virus happening in your village. One day when you were taking care of the flowers when you noticed a beautiful purple flower growing within your lords garden, it was beautiful,” It’s a tibouchia flower” a male voice said behind you making you jump,” I’m sorry I didn't mean to scare you” he said holding out his hand for you to take,” It’s okay, are you one of my lordships friends?” you asked studying the mans face, he had a strong bone structure which complimented his pale skin and dark hair which reached up to his shoulders, the most mesmerising thing about him where his eyes, grey but they seemed to be alive like you were looking into the stormy sky where stars were peaking through the storm,” I’m sorry, what did you say this flower was called” you said snapping yourself out your thoughts,” Tibouchia, I heard these flowers should represent eternal love (I googled flowers that represent eternal love and these showed up) but also royalty and elegance” he said before reaching down to pluck the flower making you gasp slightly knowing that your Lord doesn't like his flowers to be messed with,” I think it’s fits you well” he said handing the flower to you,” Thank you” you whispered gently reaching for the flowers, your fingers brushing against his, feeling his cold skin against your warm skin,” Your ice cold” you laughed,” And your warm” he said softly, his voice was hypnotic, smooth like silk,” I’m Y/N” you said,” I know who you are Y/N” you have caught my eye for awhile but only know I got the courage to speak to you” he said making your cheeks heat up,” What about me made you need courage?” you teased slightly,” Your beauty, everything about you actually. I never met a hum-person like you before” he said, you caught his slip up but don't dwell on it,” Also my sister thought a woman might make less grumpy” he said making you smile,” Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU? I NEED YOU” your Lord screamed making your smile disappear,” I need to go but thank you for the chat” you smiled looking down at the flower,” He better not see this, my Lord loves his flowers more than his own family,” you said handing back the flower to man and before he could say something you ran back towards the house. Just as you were about to enter the house you remembered,” Wait, you never told me your name-” gone, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen but you didn't have much time to dwell on it as your Lord grabbed you by the shoulder harshly and slammed the door behind him.
Once it was late you slowly made your way upstairs to your tiny room, your body was aching, arriving upstairs in your room, and you found something on your bed which made wonder, the flower was given to you by the stranger in the garden. Beside the flower was a black feather, it was shining in the light beautifully. You quickly got in the bed watching the two items closely as sleep began to fall over you. You felt something stroking your cheeks gently,” Y/N wake up” the familiar voice said,” Where am I?” you asked slowly opening your eyes,” Oh my” you mumbled, you were surrounded by greenery like you had never seen before, the green was rich, different flowers from colours ranging to your wildest imagination dotted around the green, the trees seemed to be alive waving in the wind happily, the sky was the bluest you have ever seen,” This if fiddlers green, you are in the dreaming” the voice said making you turn to it,” It’s you, I haven't gotten your name”,” It’s Morpheus, Morpheus of the Endless. I also go by Dream, I’m the King of the dreams and nightmares” he said, you didn't know what to say and he seemed to be worried about it,” Are you scared?” he asked,” Why me? What gave me the honour to talk to King of Dreams and Nightmares?” you asked,” Because you stole something he thought he didn't have anymore, his heart” he said grabbing your hand,” Stay with me, your master isn't a good person and I’m afraid he will do something worse than he already doing to you. My sister is willing to give you immortality but only if you think, you can love me and be my Queen” he said, “ I... I just started to know you” you said making Morpheus frown,” But your right my Lord isn't a good person, and I’m interested in you, very much so,” you said cupping his chin,” Are you taking up my offer then?” you smiled and nodded,” Yes, make me fall in Love with you Morpheus of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmares”.
That was nearly 600 years ago and Morpheus did make you fall in love with him and nothing made you stop since then. “ Do you have to go?” you asked worriedly as he picked up his helm and placed it on his head, Jessamy landing on his shoulder as he pulled out his sand,” I can't let a nightmare roam the waking world, my love, I will be back before you know it” he said turning around and placing his hand your growing belly,” Lucienne make sure Y/N gets enough rest, I don't want her to be stressed, it’s not-”,” Not good for the baby, you are way over protective my Lord” you teased,” I need to go now” he said,” Good Luck sir” Lucienne said, she had a worried look on her face as he disappeared in a cloud of sand. You turned to Lucienne,” You have a bad feeling as well, right?” she nodded,” But it might be nothing, Lord Morpheus is powerful. You know as well I do, he can't be away from you that long” she smiled trying to get you to relaxed.
But he didn't return, you waited for days, weeks, months but now sign of your lover. You couldn't even feel him anymore, Jessamy didn't come back either. Did he get killed? No, an Endless can't be killed that easily. Was he captured? By who then? or did he abandon you? No, we wouldn't he loved you for nearly 600 years. You looked out the window over fiddlers green when Lucienne barged into your room,” My Lady, come quickly” she said and you followed, she brought you to the throne room, it began to decay,” What’s going on?” you asked,” Lord Morpheus is the dreaming, with him not here-”,” Is the Palace staff alright?” Lucienne sighed,” Some of them went searching for him, some packed up and left believing that our Lord abandoned them like his brother did “,” Is there anything I can do?” you asked,” There might be, Lord Morpheus gave you this necklace for protection but it holds part of his powers in it. Maybe even for a short while, you can try using it to keep the dreaming up” Lucienne said gently taking the necklace between her fingers.
“Here my love, take this. It will protect you” Morpheus said handing you a necklace in the shape of his helmet,” It’s beautiful, can you put it on?” you asked, he nodded and took it off you,” It contains fractions of my powers, so if something happens while I’m not around, you can use it,” he said clipping the necklace around your neck, he then placed a kiss on your shoulder. He was always so gentle with you,” I hope it won't come something than” you whispered cuddling into his chest,” I hope so too, my love” he said rubbing your arm as he felt you slowly fall asleep in his arms.
You slowly took the necklace off your neck and mimicked what Morpheus does with his ruby.” It seems to be working, you smiled, when you felt a sharp pain in your chest which made you cry out in pain,” My Lady, what’s wrong?” Lucienne asked worriedly,” I just felt a sharp pain, I will be fine. I fixed the throne room, is there anything else I can do?”,” Rest, I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby” she said putting her arms around your waist steadying you,” I’m fine, the pain gone. I go to the waking world to find the dreams and nightmares-”,” No, not know. Please, my Lady, rest. Let it rest until later, the palace is standing, thanks to you” she smiled,” Fine, but if anything is wrong again. Call for me”, Lucienne hesitated but nodded.
Meanwhile, Morpheus sat in a glass prison, his mind filling with hatred against his captors every second, knowing that you are alone. Thinking god else what, his child could be born any second. He just hoped the dreaming is okay, he doesn't want you to intervene, even though your necklace holds less power than his tools but it is still strong, you might be immortal but your body is still human, using the power stored in the necklace could be deadly if used too much. “Are you know willing to talk to me? I could free you, could return to your wife” the old man said with a sick smile which made Morpheus glare at him,” Or not, maybe it wasn't anything serious between the two of you” he spat, hitting his cane against the glass before walking away. Leaving Morpheus alone with his thoughts of you.
Doesn't matter how much you try, the dreaming keeps decaying, you sat on your knees. Crying, tears falling on your clenched fist,” Ow” you said feeling pain again, but this time it was against your abdomen,” No, please. Morpheus needs to be here” you said against your belly as you feel another sting of pain coming through,” Lucienne?” you called out for the loyal librarian. Not soon after she came running into the throne room,” My Lady-”,” I think the baby is coming”,” But you aren't even close to the due date” she said helping you up,” I think, I might have overdone it with the necklace” you admitted making Lucienne sigh and gave you a look,” I know, no need to lecture me” you said making her sigh,” There is no time to dwell on it Y/N, we need get you help” she said guiding you to your room.
Morpheus suddenly got a weird feeling crawling over his body, he couldn't put a finger on the feeling but it wasn't good, well not all of it was good, a slight bit of happiness but it all came crashing down with the feeling of emptiness.” Y/N” he said softly as he felt his eyes fill up with tears, but it went all away when he heard Burgess’s cain on the gravel floor,” I have bad news for you Dream of the Endless, the woman who I with stole from us, your ruby, sand and helm all gone. I could let you out so you can chase after her but before that give me the things I wanted. Immortality, you already gave that to your wife, so it will nothing for you. Or it only for people who spread their legs to you” he said which gained him a glare from Morpheus,” Hit a nerve” he spat,” Come, these things mean nothing to you. You are god, speak to me” he began yelling once again, smacking his cain against the glass, this time, his son stopped him,” You never will get out of there” Burgess said before dying.
Unknown to Morpheus, all the feelings he was feeling were from you. The birth of your children was horrible, Morpheus’s powers have weakened your body greatly, and Morpheus not being here to witness the birth added to your emotional pain.” Y/n, keep pushing” Lucienne said wiping your sweaty forehead with a damp towel while one of the lasting dreams was helping with the birth,” It’s a boy,” the dream said showing you the tiny Endless,” Atlas” you smiled but it quickly faded when you felt pain again, soon another cry filled the air,” A girl,” the dream said again,” Althea,” you said happily when you suddenly felt tired, everything become blurry, the sound around you being dulling. It was like you were being dragged underwater, you can barely make out Lucienne calling out your name when you see a familiar face.” Hello Y/N” she said softly,” Death” you mumbled,” I’m so sorry- I... I don't want to do this” she said sadly, Death saw many deaths each day ranging from babies to the elderly but this is something she never thought will happen,” How?”,” If it wasn't for you needing to use the necklace.... the power was too powerful for a human body. You might have been immortal but... your body is still human... unfortunately” you made Morpheus happy like she has never seen before. She truly believed that you were made for each other,” I can’t do this, I never have done this before but... once Morpheus returns, you will be awake. His powers will make sure of it. Until then... you be like a sleeping beauty” she smiled before stroking your cheeks gently.
Lucienne began to panic when you stopped responding,” She is asleep” Death said making Lucienne jump,” Lady Death-”,” No need for titles my dear Lucienne, I didn't have in my heart to take her soul. She makes him so happy” she smiled at your sleeping figure, a gurgle of the twins made her head snap towards the Dream, who was looking over the twins,” Twins?” she surprised,” Didn't know he had it him” she joked slowly walking over the cribs, the twins were pressed against each other. They are quite small but adorable,” What are they called,” Death asked stroking Atlas's chubby cheek,” The boy is Atlas and the girl Althea” Lucienne smiled sadly,” They be growing up without their parents, unfortunately” she added,” Morpheus will be back and be able to wake her, until then she be our sleeping beauty,” she said making Lucienne confused,” Doesn't that go against natural laws?”,” I’m Death, I made her immortal which could also be considered against natural law. She isn't dead but isn't alive either, now only Dream can wake her now. I own him this much” she sadly, she felt bad for not helping her brother, he’s suffering under Burgess rein but she didn't do anything, none of his siblings did. That’s the least she could do for him,” What if he doesn't return?” the dream said concerned looking down at her Prince and Princess,” He will, my brother doesn't abandon his duty” Death answered making the dream nod.” I want to arrange a funeral for Y/N, she might not be dead but like you said she isn't alive either” Lucienne said,” I help you” Death said.
Death brought a open casket which will be pulled by Gregory, Cain and Abel’s Gargoyle. Lucienne prepared your body beautifully, she dressed you in a satin blue gown which glittered in the light, your hair sprawled around you like a angel’s halo. Able collected flowers from his garden and placed them in your hair,” These are beautiful” Death smiled,” Lady Y/N, loved spending time in our Garden, she told me that’s how he met Lord Morpheus” Abel said sweetly,” You know the meaning of those flowers?” she asked,” No, tell me Lady Death” he said,” Peony’s mean beauty and elegance, the Gardenia means hope, the white lily, purity but also... death” she said softly,” And the water lily means rebirth” she said,” Vey well chosen Abel but one flower is missing” she said before walking off, she walked over to the purple flowers,” These are tibouchia’s, these are the flowers which brought my brother and Y/N toghether” she picked a single flower,” I remember, her telling us about it, they mean Eternal love and also royalty” Abel said,” Yes” Death answered, she than placed into your hand and folded them over your still visible bump. Meanwhile Lucienne placed Morpheus necklace around your neck,” Lucienne, Lady Death look how many came back” Cain said jogging towards them,” It’s nearly all who decided to leave” Lucienne said surprised,” We only came back for Lady Y/N, once this over, we are gone” a nightmare said making Lucienne sigh,” I can't stop you, Lady Y/N will be held in Fidlers green, in the gazebo which Lord Morpheus build for her”,” What happened to the heirs?”, a dream asked,” They didn't survive” Death said before Lucienne could answer,” Let keep the twins a secret for now” Lucienne nodded,” let’s get started, Gregory please to Fidlers Green” the gargoyle nodded and started pulling.
*sometime later*
“Why did you lie to them, the heirs are alive” Lucienne said,” They are children of the Endless, concieved from the Lord of Dream’s and Nightmares, born in the dreaming by an immortal human. They are special, they might not grow like regulars children and with my brother gone, they could be in danger, they might be creations by Morpheus but it doesn't mean they are happy with him” Death said,” Until he returns, keep them a secret. Maybe even away from the Castle, Cain and Abel could raise them until he returns and awaken Y/N” Lucienne nodded,” I hope he returns soon”.
Cain and Abel were bickering about something, Cain was close to stabbing his brother when Lucienne and Death came walking into their property,” Lady Death, Lucienne-”,” Babies” Abel cut Cain off,” These are the children of Lord Morpheus and Lady Y/N, we lied about their fates as we don't want to bring any danger to them. If there are more nightmares like the Corinthian-”,” You don't have to elaborate, we watch them” Abel said taking Atlas of Lucienne,” This Atlas, the first born” she said making Abel coo at the baby, Cain rolled his eyes but quickly changed his tune when Death placed,” This Althea, they might not grow normally, just a heads up” Death said,” I need to go, I have pushed my duties away for to long. I return at times, to check how they are doing” she said kissing each twin’s head softly before going away. “ Let’s hope Lord Morpheus returns soon” Lucienne said smiling at the twins before looking towards Fidlers green where you body is being held until Morpheus returns.
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All together now
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, violence, blood, breeding/forced pregnancy
This is dark!Stucky and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Based on this drabble request: Stucky + “You take him so well, just not as good as you take me.” + breeding/forced pregnancy + Steve and Bucky realize they both have their eye on the same girl. They decide to work together to get what they want. @river-soul​
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“It’s just Bucky,” Steve waved for you to get your hand off your gun.
“What’s he doing here?” you left the pistol on the metal table and went back to the pot of canned soup.
You stirred the pot and looked around at the small safehouse as you heard the car door and the ensuing steps. You tapped the excess broth from the metal and turned back to cross your arms as you leaned on the counter.
“He does realise we’re hiding out here?”
“I asked him to come and have a look at these,” Steve jabbed his finger towards the manila file as he peeked out between the slats across the window.
“Wha-- I already translated them for you,” you huffed, “and we don’t have enough soup for him.”
“He knows Hydra better than anyone, he can tell us what the symbols mean,” Steve took a deep breath.
“We could have waited and got them back to intel in New York--”
The deadbolt turned and you shut up as Steve pulled the door open. You turned back to the stove and watched the soup. You had no issue with Bucky really but the last time you saw him, he’d confessed things to you that made it hard to look at him. And he hadn’t reacted well when you didn’t reciprocate.
“There,” you listened to the two men move around, noting that you didn’t even get a hey from the third agent, “thanks for coming, Buck.”
“Mhmm,” you heard the chair groan tellingly and you turned off the burner. 
You took out two metals bowls with a clink and poured the beefy stew into them. You added a spoon to each and turned to hand one off to Steve as he sat on the only other chair. You stood by the counter and slurped yours.
“It’s a map,” Bucky said, “the star, the five points,” he took out his phone and flipped through. He leaned forward and pointed to five different cities, “up in Siberia, Hydra checkpoints.”
“Shit,” Steve sat back as he scooped up his soup, “well, we should’ve caught that.”
“How could you, it’s not exactly marked on Google,” Bucky closed the folder and placed his phone on top of it, “how much longer you here?”
“Couple days at most,” Steve answered and you felt entirely ignored in the two way conversation.
You gulped down your food straight from the brim and rinsed your bowl. You wiped off your hands and checked the time on your watch. You took your gun and cleared the chamber.
“Early morning,” you said, “I’m gonna hit the hay, let you guys catch up.”
“Alright,” Steve set his bowl down on the small square table beside him.
“Night,” Bucky said, his first word to you, “sweet dreams.” His voice trailed after you and you felt both watching you as you pushed into the bedroom. You didn’t look back as the door clicked behind you.
You and Steve settled in easy to the meagre safehouse. There were missions you slept on concrete or in dirt so the dusty old mattress you shared wasn’t anything to gripe about. You changed into your plain grey sweats and your military issued matching tee. 
You dropped down onto the mattress and listened to the drone of the male tones through the wall. You stretched and rolled onto your side and closed your eyes. Hopefully he sent Bucky away by morning.
You grumbled and rolled over as the other side of the mattress shifted. You hid your face in the pillow as you hugged it with one arm. You tried to ignore Steve as he settled onto the flattened springs. You needed whatever rest you could force out of the short nights.
You went rigid as you felt his warmth against your back and his arm wrapped around your middle. You grabbed his wrist and froze. The vibranium was shockingly cool against your palm. Your eyes shot open as you were pulled flush against Bucky and Steve lowered himself on your other side.
“What the fuck are you doin--”
The vibranium fingers smothered your voice and you grunted in surprise at Steve’s nakedness. Your hand grazed against Bucky’s nude thigh and your heart began to pound. You reached for Bucky’s wrist again and Steve snatched away your arm and slung it over his shoulder.
You mumbled into the hand across your mouth and tried to push away from Bucky. You only served to brush his prodding excitement with your ass as your other hand beat against Steve’s chest. You tried to shake your head as the super soldier in front of you tugged at your loose pants.
You threw your head back and Bucky grunted and retracted his hand as you smashed your skull into his nose. You drew your hand from over Steve’s shoulder and punched him across the jaw. You pushed yourself up and tripped as Steve kept hold of the sweats and you fell at the foot of the bed.
You were tugged back as Bucky swore and flipped over as you reached for the end of the mattress. Steve peeled away your pants and you kicked out at him as the other soldier cradled his bloody nose. He spat a glob of saliva and blood onto the floor and got to his knees to help Steve wrangle you in.
They pinned your arms above your head as you kept kicking and flailing, snarling at them.
“What the fuck? Let me go?” you gritted.
“It didn’t have to be like this,” Bucky growled and sniffed as the blood trickled from his nostril, “I was nice and patient.”
“Steve,” you hissed at the blond, “you’re really gonna let him do this?”
“Him?” Steve’s jaw ticked, “Us.”
“What--” you grunted and fought harder, bringing a knee up far enough to catch Bucky’s ribs.
Both soldiers turned to grab your thighs and held you flat to the bed, gripping both wrist and legs. They looked at each other over your body and shared a conspiratorial moment.
“We should have sedated her,” Steve said.
“No, I want her to feel it when I fill her up,” Bucky scowled, “you got ties?”
Steve stared back a moment then nodded. They flipped you over and Bucky quickly straddled you as he twisted your arms back and held them to the middle of your back. Steve got up and disappeared through the open door.
“Why are you doing this?” you huffed.
“Why’d you lead me on?” Bucky snarled.
“I didn’t--”
“You didn’t,” he scoffed, “no you just flirted with me then laughed in my face.”
“That’s not what happened,” you wriggled and he squeezed you between his thick thighs.
“I wanted more than this but… you’re good stock, strong,” he fingers tightened painfully on your wrists, “all the genetic markers for a successful term.”
“Shut up,” he stretched his fingers around both your wrists and freed a hand to pin your head down. Steve entered and you could only watch his feet as he neared. You closed your eyes as he got to his knees and Bucky helped him bind your wrists. “You got anything to gag her with?” the latter asked.
There was silence and you were lifted again and put on your back, your head between the pillows. You flung a leg up and it was caught easily. Your legs were forced down and your ankles held far apart. You opened your eyes and watched Bucky step between your legs as Steve kept your feet in place.
“Steve, don’t let him do this,” you begged, “please, whatever you’re thinking--”
Bucky dropped to his knees and his hand grasped your throat. He applied enough pressure to smother your voice.
“He’ll have his turn too,” Bucky wiped away the last of the blood from his nose with the back of his real hand then shoved it between your legs.
You gasped as he poked around impatiently. He moved closer and you felt his tip against you. Your hands throbbed as you laid atop them painfully and you whined through your tight throat. Steve’s hold on your didn’t waver as your legs tensed at Bucky’s violent intrusion.
He slammed into you so that your back arched and you pushed your shoulder down into the mattress. Your breath crackled in the air as his fingers squeezed firmer with each long thrust. The mattress shifted with his motion as he rutted into you.
He stretched his finger up your cheek and turned your head straight. He bent over you as his hips kept their pace. “Look at me,” he rasped and your eyes met his stormy one, “that’s it, I want you to look at me as I fill you up.”
He fucked you harder and panted as you gasped past his grip on your neck. Your ankles were released but you could do nothing as Bucky brought his legs back under yours and pushed them wide. He leaned most of his weight on your throat as he rammed into you.
“I want you to… remember,” he said through thick breaths, “the moment I… fill you up…” he bared his teeth and thrust frantically, “the moment you… become a mother.”
His voice fizzled and he bent to rest his forehead against yours as he came. You whimpered as his hand slipped from your throat and he slowed his hips. You tried to move your wrists as your fingers throbbed painfully.
He sighed and lifted himself off of you. He slipped out and you winced at the warmth leaking from your cunt. You couldn’t look at them as their figures moved at the edge of your vision.
You were flipped over again. Weak, your resistance was met with a sharp slap to the back of the head. You lifted to your knees and Bucky stood in front of you as Steve got behind you on the mattress, his legs between yours as he gripped your hip.
Bucky stroked his dick as he gazed down at you. He shivered with the overstimulation but barely softened as he kept on. Steve angled himself past your ass and squeezed until you tilted your hips. He slid into you and groaned as he reached his limit.
“Ah, please,” you lowered your head and Bucky caught your chin.
He shushed you and pressed his tip to your lips as Steve began to rock cautiously behind you. Bucky pushed past your lips and sank down your throat as he forced your head back. Steve’s hot breaths grew ragged as a sharp clap came with each deliberate thrust.
“You take him so well, just not as good as you take me,” Bucky purred as he glided in and out of your mouth, your spit dripping down your chin and smeared around your mouth. He grabbed your head between both hands and rubbed your cheekbones with his thumbs as he moaned in delight, “fuck, I hate to waste it on your mouth,” he rasped, “better fill her up good, Steve.”
The man behind you seemed enlivened by his name. His hand went to your neck and he felt Bucky inside of you. Steve crashed into your harder and faster, the noise of wet cunt around him added to the steady slapping of skin. Your eyes rolled back as you struggled to breath and your body struggled to adjust to the constant barrage.
You almost choked as Bucky emptied himself down your throat and coughed as he pulled out. He let you fall forward onto your face as Steve kept his rampant pace. Your cunt thrummed around him and your entire body ached as he reached his peak. He slammed you back and held you there as he came in a fit of spasms.
Steve hummed and tickled your ass as Bucky lifted your head and poked his thumb into your mouth. The soldier in front of you helped push you up as Steve sat back and you were held in his lap, completely full with him.
“Got your story straight?” Bucky asked as Steve began to move you again.
“Think so,” Steve panted and Bucky rolled your tee shirt up and hooked it behind your head. He bent and played with your chest as Steve fucked you from below.
“She went missing, right? You got that intel but she was gone. You called me to help find her,” Bucky paused and teased your nipple between his teeth, “got it?”
“Got it,” Steve leaned back and groaned as he moved you in his lap.
“Don’t…” you begged in a desperate whisper.
“We’ll take care of you,” Bucky trailed his nose between your tits, “for the baby’s sake.”
Please reblog and like! Let me know what you think.
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Fix You - Caius Volturi x FemOC Three Shot: Part 1
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Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. Hope you like the one shot. I do take requests! Please have a look at my list of characters, and the rules. Feel free to reach out.
Notes about the One Shot:
Summary: As Caius walked around the streets of Volterra, he came across a girl being assaulted and badly injured. He couldn't explain the pull he had towards her, but all he knew was that he needed to save her. Caius Volturi x Fem!OC. Mentions of blood, injury and death. Nothing too gruesome though. Also posted on my Fanfiction page.
Word count: 2679
Firstly, I don’t own Twilight, the Volturi, or the image used.
I sincerely apologize for my Italian and Greek phrases; I don’t speak a word of the languages and was at the mercy of Google Translate. 
Caius’ wife Athenodora does not exist. 
Also, imagine him how you want but I much preferred his appearance in New Moon, so that’s how I described him.
~ Enjoy :)
Cloud cover in Volterra was a rare sight. Most days the sun shone brightly, making the town not particularly an ideal place for vampires. Yet here they were, the powerful three, the ancient kings who were tasked with up-keeping and enforcing secrecy of the vampire world, in a town where they remained inside the walls of the Volturi Castle. Caius often wondered why the coven chose to remain there, and not move to a less sunny place. A lack of opportunities for outings meant that he was falling intellectually behind. One need not look further than his clothes, not to mention his mentality to see he was not one for modernity. Not that he cared. Humans and their achievements were so minuscule in his eyes. Nevertheless, he enjoyed the opportunity to venture out into the town, feel the cool breeze on cloudy days like today and observe the lesser kind. It was remarkable for him how the world changed since his childhood in Ancient Greece, yet the scape of Volterra harked back to it with its old buildings.
Caius was lonely. He was angry and cruel; many would even say sadistic. But no, the last part was not true. After over 3000 years of living alone, never aging, never moving forward, being forced to hide himself, and never seizing to hunger, it’s no surprise that one would become angry. But he was not a sadist. He did not enjoy the pain of others. He fed only when he could no longer contain his thirst, not over-indulging himself. But he understood the need for justice, and was not tolerant when punishment was due. This was often mistaken for sadism.
Volterra was extra busy lately due to an overwhelming influx in tourism. One could no longer walk in peace. The pushing and shoving of the crowded streets became too much for Caius. He looked around him, and noticed a less busy street to his right. The more he followed, the less people were there. He kept going until he was left alone, in peace, and stopped, and leaned his back against the wall, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, exhaling through his mouth. He took a moment to collect his thoughts. And that is when he heard it. 
From his right, came a feminine scream. It snapped Caius out of his thoughts. It sounded desperate, and then quieted down before he heard the female’s voice again, yelling in English with an American accent, “PLEASE! Somebody help me!” In one swift motion, Caius pushed himself from the wall and walked towards the pleas. He rounded a corner and between two buildings, there was a thin, dark alleyway. It was there that he found the source of the commotion.
A tall, heavy-built balding man had a significantly smaller female pinned up against the wall with his body. His left hand grasped her around the neck, while the other clutched a gun to her head. Caius spoke Italian - one of the many languages he’s mastered - so he understood plainly the filth coming out of the lowlife’s mouth as he barked at the poor girl. She, however, was clueless and sobbing, begging him to leave her. 
In the split moment that he observed the scene, Caius’ eyes landed on the female. She was small, about 5”2, looked to be in her early twenties and very slim. Her hair was golden blonde, long and fell in thick, luscious curls down her back. She did not appear to be wearing much makeup, yet her eyebrows were naturally prominent and neat, and her lips were full, petal pink in colour. But it was her eyes which Caius noticed immediately. They were large and the most captivating colour: a mix of emerald and sapphire. It was as if staring into the waters of a deep, stormy ocean. However, when they met his eyes, they were full of terror. She quieted her struggle and looked at him, as if calmed by his presence, mentally begging him to save her.
Typically, Caius did not give two thoughts about humans. Yet this time was different. The girl before him stirred something inside of his frozen ancient heart. His eyes shifted from the girl and landed on the lowlife.
“Togli le mani da lei, feccia.” (Get your hands off her, Scum.) he snarled.
The man jumped in surprise and turned towards Caius. When he saw him, the lowlife sneered. Compared to him, Caius did not look all that threatening. He was tall and well-built, but thinner than the scum. His fashion choices didn’t help either. His near-white blonde hair combed to perfection and pushed behind his ears. He wore a blood-red dress shirt, paired with a black blazer and black dress pants, topped off with a silky red scarf. He looked like an escaped runway model, not a man that could do damage.
The man Caius addressed continued sneering and chuckling. 
“Cosa hai intenzione di fare al riguardo, bel ragazzo?” (What are you going to do about it, pretty boy?)
Caius took a large step forward and retorted, “Strapparti la testa e bere il tuo sangue è divertente?” (Does ripping your head off and drinking your blood sound like fun?)
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise at the viciousness, but still obviously not taking the situation seriously. He laughed and turned back to the girl.
“Vedi, bella ragazza? Sta cercando di mettersi in mostra per te. Ma è solo un ragazzo. Lascia che ti mostri cosa fanno gli uomini.” (You see, pretty girl? He's trying to show off for you. But he's just a boy. Let me show you what men do.)
Before Caius had a chance to comprehend or react, within a fraction of a second, the gun pressed against the girl’s temple was lowered. The scum aimed it at her stomach and shot twice. She screamed in pain, and dropped to the ground, gasping.
Caius took a second longer than normal to realize what had just unfolded. The man had the gun pointed at him now. He aimed at his chest and fired. When Caius was hit, he did nothing but stand there. Then came the second shot and to the scum’s surprise, he did not drop. A smirk began to form on the vampire’s face, before he simply said, “Avresti dovuto scappare quando ne avevi la possibilità.” (You should have ran when you had the chance.)
As the man continued pointlessly shooting at Caius, the vampire closed the distance between them in less than a second. He grasped the man’s neck with his right hand and pressed him up against the wall, lifting him up with one arm. The man squirmed and groaned, futilely attempting to free himself. Caius didn’t enjoy hurting people. But this time was different. He snapped the man’s neck and threw him down, like discarded trash. He took a breath and turned to the girl on the ground.
She was no longer making sounds nor moving, but lay there motionless, face down on the ground. Caius could see a large red spot in her stomach area, with blood seeping through the thin fabric of her white summer dress, her blonde curls hanging like closed curtains over her face. Caius leaned down, extending a hand to gently move them aside. He pushed the curls behind her ear, running his knuckles down her soft cheek. Those beautiful storm eyes were closed.
“Can you hear me?” He whispered to her, but she did not stir. 
Caius felt a deep pain in the pit of his stomach, and a pressure rising up to his throat. He felt anger, rage, but most prominently sorrow. He had this feeling like he never wanted anything more in his life than for her to look at him and say she was alright. The situation was not made easier by the fact that her deliciously smelling blood was pooling more and more. 
Quickly, he reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out his iPhone. Alec had gifted it to him the year before, and this was the first time he’d use it. He couldn’t figure out the damned thing; books and scripts were more useful anyway. With some effort, he found the number he was looking for in his contacts and dialled it. The ringing seemed to go on for ages, until finally…
“Dr. Carlisle Cullen speaking.”
“Cullen. You are speaking to Caius.” He barked into the phone. A silence followed before Carlisle hesitantly responded, a hint of fear in his voice at what the Volturi king might want.
“Lord Caius. I was not expecting you. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I am with a human. She was shot with a gun in her stomach twice. There is a significant amount of blood. She is not responding to me. Her eyes are closed and she is not moving. What shall I do?” He spoke in a hard, fact-based tone.
“Well Caius, it sounds like she might be dead…” before Carlisle could finish his thought, Caius cut him off.
“You are foolish to think that I would waste my precious time calling you to hear something so unacceptable. Tell me how to fix her!”
“Okay, I’m not sure if she can be. But let’s try. I need you to put the phone on speaker.”
“What is that?! Talk quickly Cullen, her bleeding has not seized!”
“Okay, Caius, you see the small picture of a loudspeaker on your phone? Push it.”
Caius did as he was told. “Now what?”
“Put the phone down on the ground. I need you to turn her on her back. GENTLY! Don’t forget you’re a lot stronger than her.”
Caius gently pushed the girl’s shoulders and was able to turn her on her back, grabbing her head so it did not hit the concrete. It was then that the significance of the wound became apparent, as did the scent of her blood. It became nearly too much for the vampire. He was close to damning it all and indulging in her sweet taste. But then he looked at her perfect face. How he longed to see those beautiful eyes again.
In a struggling voice, he spoke, “Alright, it is done.”
“Now, take your index and middle finger and push both to her neck, under her chin, on the side of her throat. You should feel her heartbeat if she’s alive.”
Caius did as he was told, but initially could feel nothing. After a few failed attempts, he hung his head. Just as he was about to remove his fingers, he felt it. So faint and tiny, but it was there.
“I feel it! It is very faint! But I feel it.”
Carlisle waited a moment before speaking. “Can you describe the wounds to me? Where are they specifically?”
“They are both in the same place. One is at the base of her ribs to the left, and the second is just under it.”
Carlisle sighed and softly spoke, “Caius. She’s not going to make it. She’s on her last few breaths now, and we can prolong her suffering, but we can’t-“.
“No!” Caius cut him off, “She will not die. There must be something to be done!”
“Well… you could always change her.”
Caius let out a breath. He would not wish his own endless existence on anyone. Not to mention the unbelievably excruciating pain of the process. After 3000 years, there was one thing he remembered with vivid accuracy: his own change. But at the same time, he was in a panic. He was not sure what it was, but the thought of her dying was destroying him inside.
He swallowed and spoke in a gentler voice to Carlisle, “Is there any way to manage her pain during the change?”
“Morphine. It needs to be injected before the venom. Give it 5 minutes to take effect and then change her.”
“Thank you,” Caius whispered before hanging up.
He immediately gathered the woman into his arms, lifting her up with ease, and began running back to the castle. He made it in a matter of minutes, storming through the doors of the great gathering hall, where Aro and Marcus were speaking to Jane. Immediately, all eyes were on Caius and the little bundle in his arms.
“Brother,” greeted Aro with his child-like smile, “you came home with takeout, I see,” he cackled. 
“No! Do not approach me now brother. I wish to change her, and so it will be. No one comes near her!” Caius exclaimed. His two fellow kings looked at each other, befuddled. “Jane,” Caius turned to her, “find me a shot of morphine immediately and bring it to my chambers.” With this, he stormed out of the hall. 
Aro, with a confused look on his face, took a step to follow, only to be held back by Marcus. “He cannot just bring some random off the street and claim her as his own!” He exclaimed, but Marcus shook his head and smiled.
“I felt their bond. He has bound himself to her. Neither might realize this yet, but they are mated. She is his now.”
Caius rushed her to his room. He gently placed her on his bed, which he hadn’t used in years for obvious reasons. As he laid her down, the girl began to gain consciousness. She began feeling the pain of her injuries. Tears started fall down her cheeks and she softly, weakly moaned in pain.
Caius sat down next to her, brushing her tears away with his thumb, gently pushing her hair back away from her face.
“Shh, it’s alright. Breathe.” She seemed to respond to this by attempting to open her eyes, yet not having enough energy to do so. Caius was dying inside, seeing her suffer. He couldn’t explain why. This was the first time in 3000 that he cared so deeply about the well-being of anyone, let alone a weak human.
“Breathe for me. That’s it. You’re alright.” He whispered. She tried, but couldn’t. She attempted to say something along the lines of “I don’t want to die,” but was only emitting squeaks.
“Shhh, don’t talk. He’s gone, I’ve got you. There is not a place in the world safer than here with me.”
Just then, Jane burst through Caius’ doors with a large syringe filled with clear liquid. She quickly handed it to Caius and stepped back, lingering. Caius turned to her and harshly barked, “Leave!” She bowed and turned on her heels, heading out the door.
The girl had opened her eyes briefly and saw the large syringe. This frightened her, and she attempted to cower away. Caius returned his attention to her.
“Shhhh. Don’t be afraid. This will help you stop hurting. I will fix this. I will fix you,” As he spoke those words, a tear formed in his own eyes and rolled down his cheek. He was about to change her. Was it really fixing her, or was he selfishly wishing she would fix him? Give him companionship he so longed for? He didn’t care. He took the syringe and injected the morphine into her quickly, being as gentle as he could. Then, he waited. He needed her to stop crying. This would indicate the pain was gone and the morphine had taken effect. He held her hand, whispering sweet nothings to her. When she began quieting, he gently asked her.
“What is your name, omorfiá mou?” (My beauty), the last part in his native Greek.
She gasped and whispered, “Andromeda.”
Caius smiled and thought about how fitting the name was. The pain was gone now. He turned to her and brushed her hair out of her face. 
“Close your eyes, my beauty.” He gently brushed her hair back away from her neck. Leaning down, he brushed his lips on her ear, whispering “do not be afraid. You will live forever. You are mine now, and I will never let anything hurt you again.” 
With that, he sunk his teeth into her soft skin, and the journey to her transformation began.
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bethansfandoms · 3 years
Beth on Instagram asked for one where “Sirius knows Latin (bc Black family is extra) and basically for all of their Hogwarts time he’s been telling Remus he loves him in Latin but he’s so oblivious and eventually he figures it out and one day says it back”
“Do you know what your name means in Latin?” Sirius asked, suddenly.
It was dark in the common room and Remus was curled up in bed, Sirius next to him. The storm had triggered Remus’ nightmares and so Sirius had come into his bed and woken him from it. “If it’s wolf, I swear—”
“Ha, no, it isn’t. It’s oar. As in... the thing you row a boat with. The word for it in Latin is Remus.”
Remus smiled at the pronunciation of the word resembling his name. “Teach me something in Latin.”
“Uh... James sit irrumatus. It means he’s a dick but I’ve been telling him it means he’s the best.”
“Mean,” Remus laughed. “Thank you, for... talking to me and stuff. I hate storms they just— it was stormy the night I was bitten...” He trailed off.
Sirius’ hand gently brush his shoulder and Remus felt his breath hitch. “Don’t apologise. Te amo.”
“What does that mean?”
“Learn Latin, find out.”
“Was it an insult?”
Sirius chuckled and lay down properly, bringing the duvet around him. “Goodnight, Remus.”
There were books on ancient languages that existed in the library, it was just that Remus hadn’t ever thought to borrow them before.
Sirius had learnt both French and Latin growing up and a little bit of Greek. He never used them much because they reminded him of his family. Recently, however, Remus had heard him speaking the languages more often than usual.
He figured it was probably Sirius’ new way of telling people the honest truth without them understanding. That scared Remus a little bit. The idea that Sirius had things he wanted to say to Remus but didn’t. At least not in English.
That was why Remus didn’t tell Sirius he’d taken out the book on Latin. If he did, Sirius would probably just switch to French or Greek and Remus really did not have time to learn multiple languages for the sake of understanding what Sirius was saying.
The book stayed under his bed for almost a week before he decided to take a look at it. The moment he opened the book he realised why the library had it in the first place.
There were a list of spells in the front, all of them Latin for English words. Accio meant ‘summon’, expecto patronum meant ‘I await a guardian’, crucio meant ‘I torture.’ That, Remus thought, is why Sirius always had the best pronunciation. They were all just words he already knew.
He flicked through the book some more. The language was confusing and the grammar was harder. He read over the pages but none of it stuck. This, he realised, wasn’t a small task.
There were sections on pronouns, tenses, feelings, opinions. It suddenly seemed a miracle that Sirius not only knew this language but three others. He flicked to the opinions pages, maybe some of what Sirius said would be there.
There were a list of phrases that seemed somewhat useful. Like how ‘I hate’ was ‘odio’ or how ‘I like’ was ‘me delectat’ or how ‘I love’ was ‘amo.’
Remus paused. Amo. He recognised that word. He flicked back a few pages and read about pronouns and tense change. It was all so confusing.
He skipped forward, then, to a subsection on feelings. ‘I oderunt vos’ meant ‘I hate you,’ ‘te amo’ meant... ‘I love you.’
Te amo. He’d heard it whispered to him in the darkness as they lay side by side after a nightmare. He’d heard it after telling a joke that Sirius had laughed at. He’d heard it after coming up with an idea for a prank or when he did well in an exam or after a full moon. He’d heard it on the train station platform at the end of their sixth year. He’d heard it on the train as they started their seventh.
I love you. Sirius loved him. ‘I love you too,’ he whispered. He repeated it over and over until he heard the signature footsteps approaching and shoved the book under the bed.
Sirius, James, and Peter all walked through the door. “McGonagall is a cruel woman,” Sirius announced, flopping down on Remus’ bed. “She made us clean the trophies without magic!”
“I thought my back was going to give out,” Peter whined, curling up under his duvet.
“I told you, if you’d taken the left turn she wouldn’t have seen you. And then, like me, you could’ve stayed here all night,” Remus said smugly.
“Yes, Moony, oh wise one,” Sirius sighed. “You were right. Te amo.” Remus’ heart skipped a beat.
“Latin!” James announced. “James sit irrumatus!” he said proudly.
Sirius sniggered, “He said he’s a dick,” he whispered to Remus. “He hasn’t caught on yet.”
“Okay, I’m going to bed,” James said. Peter hummed in agreement. “I’m shattered and I never want to see a trophy again.”
“Strong words from the quidditch captain,” Sirius muttered, climbing off of Remus’ bed.
“Wait, Sirius,” Remus said, grabbing his wrist. He saw Sirius’ breathing stop, he felt his do the same. “I have a homework question for you.”
Sirius shrugged and sat on Remus’ bed. Remus drew the curtains and cast a silencing spell. “What can I help you with?”
“I don’t actually have a question about homework. It’s about Latin.”
Sirius smirked, “Learning?”
“Maybe one day. How do you say too? As in... likewise, as well.”
“Uhh, probably quoque. You could also use etiam.”
“Where does it go in a sentence? Before or after the verb, I mean.”
“Okay... so te quoque amo would mean...”
“I love you too, yeah, good.” He smiled and then quickly stiffened. “Hang on...”
“Te amo, that, uh, that’s what you say to me. Isn’t it?”
Sirius gulped, “Well I— you know?”
“There’s books in the library. I looked at one today.”
“I’m sorry,” Sirius said quickly, eyes wide, “I didn’t think you’d—”
“Didn’t you listen to me? Te quoque amo. I love you too.”
“You do?” Sirius asked, a smile spreading on his face. Remus nodded. “Merlin, Remus. Te amo. Te amo. I love you. I’m sorry I— I’ve wanted to say it for so long I didn’t know how.”
“Can you teach me one more thing?” Sirius smiled and waited for Remus to continue. “How do you say... can I kiss you?”
Sirius smile turned into a full grin, “Et deosculer te, potest.”
“Et... damn it, that’s way harder than I anticipated. Can you repeat it for me?”
“Et deosculer te, potest.”
“Right, uh, and what’s yes?”
Sirius laughed, “Just... kiss me, please.”
Remus didn’t need him to ask again. He cupped Sirius’ face and closed the space between their lips. They were both smiling too much and the angle was a little off as they were both sat cross legged a little too far away. Remus didn’t care. It was perfect.
“Te amo,” Sirius whispered, his smile still prominent.
“Te quoque amo.”
A/N yeah so my school was not good enough to have Latin in the language department. I used google translates. If you speak Latin and it takes away your enjoyment of this because it’s riddled with errors... that’s on you for learning a dead language come on now :)) (I’m joking. I apologise.)
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stxrvel · 3 years
cowboy like me
summary: a bad day for Bucky, a splendid week for the woman. mixed feelings and memories of a stormy past prevent Bucky from giving voice to his true feelings. (I'm really sorry I'm so bad at summary's)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
words: 2k or so.
warnings: poor bucky letting his feelings get the better of him and saying mean things from time to time, sorry bout that. oh, and I wrote this in the third person, I don't know if that's a warning but still. and last but not least, English is not my native language so I apologise in advance for any mistakes.
also, the title of this and the part of the song quoted below only inspired the setting of this one-shot. the "plot" is independent of the theme song. I just have a bunch of taylor's songs that inspires me scenarios like this with independent plots, it's like a hobby. and ALSO, this is my first fic in here, and I really hope to do more parts in the future, especially when this semester is over. so, I hope you like it!
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you're a bandit like me eyes full of stars hustling for the good life
It had not rained like this for quite some time. Lightning echoed in every part of the city and the drops were crashing against the window glass with the speed of a Maserati on a winding road; the sky was dark even though it was only four o'clock in the afternoon. Inside the room, the atmosphere was warm and comfortable, one of the reasons she stopped by at least five times a week. However, a few minutes before the downpour began, the whole atmosphere had turned so grey that for a moment it seemed as if the clouds were bringing a bad omen...
But no, it was only him.
The man who always sat next to her in the cafeteria to use one of the computers that the café provided as a service.
Besides the sound of the bell above the door and his soaked boots, it was his exasperated sigh that caught her attention before she looked away from her laptop screen.
His hair fell over his forehead with a few raindrops slipping from his forehead and temples, until they were lost under his jawline and mingling in the cotton of his shirt. The frown he kept on his face did not disappear as he tried, very unsuccessfully, to dry his clothes by shaking them slightly.
He would definitely do anything to keep that leather jacket and gloves on.
The smell of coffee and the hustle and bustle of the room contrasted with the calm but resignedly helpless attitude of the man who was running his hands heavily over his trousers as if they were a portable hairdryer.
Michael, one of the waiters who occasionally gave them ham and cheese croissants on Saturdays when they were both there, approached the sulking man and, seconds later, they both disappeared into the kitchen behind the till.
The screen of her mobile phone lit up as she tried to refocus on the reading she had to do.
Betty: I still don't understand how not wanting to visit your abusive dad in hospital is an important topic of conversation in a counselling session. I mean, the words abusive father say it all.
Tell me you're on my side.
Me: I still think you should change your psychologist.
Betty: I know! But at that clinic it's 30% cheaper than getting a private one. But, I already have a solution, next week I'll...
The squeak of the chair next to her being dragged startled her and her mobile phone almost flew out of her hands. The grumpy man, now a little drier, dropped the weight of his giant body on the poor chair so that it squeaked as if complaining about the man's rudeness. He stared at the computer screen on as if it held the solution to all his problems.
“Bad day?”
“Just an unfortunate string of inconveniences since I opened my eyes this morning,” he commented seriously and gravely as he began to move his hands over the keyboard. He hadn't looked at her when he spoke, which was not unusual, but at the moment it felt inappropriate, “Nothing I'm not used to.”
The woman turned her head to look at the twenty-seven pages she still had to read, and it seemed too tedious a thing to spend her time on now that Bucky had arrived.
“Is there anything I can do for you? I'm going to apply for a job at a daycare, maybe I could start practicing with you.”
Bucky faked a laugh, rather bitter and strained the kind she was used to hearing, “Very funny,” he said, his gaze dark and fixed on the screen.
“Sometimes you laugh at my jokes.”
“When they're funny,” he blurted out as soon as she finished speaking, instantly regretting it but not showing it in his body language.
“Hey! Don't hurt my feelings like that. What happened with your therapist? If you want to talk about it, sure.”
She watched his body tense and how he made no attempt to hide the bitter expression on his face as soon as the word "therapist" left her mouth. The woman thought she'd made a poor choice of words, yet Bucky felt unsettled by how strangely easily she seemed to be able to read his attitudes. Since when had she started doing such things? Had she always been that way? Had he let his guard down that much these past few weeks?
“Just... trouble, in general,” he pronounced her name with feigned gentleness, sending a shiver down her spine. Had he noticed by now? So soon? She thought, hastily.
“Okay,” she mumbled, trying to keep her composure as her mind worked at full speed, “I understand if you don't want to talk about it.”
No, he couldn't have noticed. Regardless of how damaged and broken she was inside, she knew that wasn't something Bucky paid the most detailed attention to. And, even if that were the case, there wasn't a person on the planet who knew her better than he did at this point, so if he wanted to walk away and leave her to not deal with her problems and constant chatter, he would have done so long ago.
Bucky sighed deeply, the movement of his chest aching from the lump in his throat. His hands moved on automatic over the keyboard, digging into things he already knew, spending the time just trying to divert the train of thought that wouldn't leave him alone. Anyway, is it really so bad for someone to know me like that? He thought, as the woman returned to her reading, it's not bad to be vulnerable once in a while, she's not going to hurt me. I know, I know.
Then why does it scare me so much?
His hands clasped as a third presence appeared between them. Michael, with a giant grin on his face, set two medium-sized cups of coffee on the small table they shared in front of the window. The woman's, with milk and sweetened with vanilla, as she always asked for. Bucky's, black, plain and cold, the way he always drank it.
The girl sitting next to him and the barista shared a couple of words in a conversation that seemed to be too funny, because she kept laughing. Why did he find her laughter annoying? Was it because it was too loud, or because it sounded too high-pitched unlike her normal laughter? When she laughed with Bucky, her tone was softer, gravelly, delicate and jovial. He couldn't describe the sensation that burned in his chest every time her eyes narrowed at her smile, or every time she brought her right hand to her chest, over her heart, as if she couldn't bear to laugh anymore, but at the same time holding back the pain in her cheeks so she wouldn't stop.
Michael didn't get that. No, he wasn't getting what Bucky was.
Her chuckling voice disconnected him from the bizarre conjectures in his mind, and he turned his eyes to her. She was looking at him with a rueful smile and her cheeks were too flushed.
“Are you all right?”
The aforementioned reveled in the sight that was plastered in front of him, with her sparkling eyes and the way her lips curved, before replying, “Yeah, all good.”
When he noticed Michael was still there, his shoulders tensed and quickly his gaze refocused on the sea of words displayed on the screen in front of him.
“You're too stiff,” he heard the woman's voice again a few seconds later, “Are you sure you don't want to do something to distract yourself? There are a lot of things coming to mind right now.”
Bucky turned to look at her with a frown.
“What things?”
“Um, last week you told me you've never played twenty questions before.”
The man arched an eyebrow, intrigued by how his mind played him, but quickly replied, “Do I look like the kind of person who plays the twenty questions?”
“Not really, but that day you told me you were willing to try it if I played it with you.”
Bucky was silent for a few seconds.
“I don't remember saying that.”
“Sometimes you don't remember a lot of things for convenience, Barnes,” she teased innocently, but Bucky knew what that meant: you're always evading me when I'm trying to help you.
And well, it was true.
“I imagine you don't remember Sam's invitation to you three days ago either.”
“What invitation?” he played distracted, as he pretended to vehemently read what he'd Googled.
“He asked you to join him to watch a game at the bar two blocks from your flat.”
Bucky hummed as he pretended to think about what he'd just heard, even though he remembered it perfectly. And he knew that earlier in the day he'd left it on hold, which was a clear and express no, but he hadn't said that to the woman who was now staring at him.
“I don't like football.”
The woman let out a snort of exasperation.
“This is why you have no friends, Bucky.”
“I could say the same about you.”
Bucky knew it was a joke. She'd said things like that to him before and it had never bothered him; he knew she didn't mean it in a derogatory way or to make fun of him. She would never do that. But subconsciously, he couldn't stop his mouth from blurting out the words he didn't want to say; words he would never have thought to say to her.
“I know you've had a bad day, Buck,” she spoke again after a few seconds, “But I just want to distract you.”
“I don't need your help, I can manage on my own.”
“Okay, let's just... change the subject, shall we?”
Bucky pursed his lips, but didn't dare connect their gazes.
“I'm sorry.”
“It's okay," she mused, and didn't speak again until a couple of seconds later, “How was your date?”
He gave a small smile before saying, “I'm sure you waited for a reasonable amount of time so you could satiate your curiosity.”
The woman let out a laugh, the kind that had the ability to calm Bucky's countenance for a few moments, before replying, “It's just that ever since I met you I didn't think I'd ever see you going on a real date.”
“And you probably won't again.”
“That's how bad it went?”
Bucky twisted his mouth, only remembering the image in the background of his neighbour's flat.
“It could have been worse.”
“Maybe we're just not cut out for dating.”
After a long moment, Bucky turned his head to watch her pursed lips. Her expression seemed downcast, but she pulled herself together quickly when she felt his gaze on her.
“What we've done or who we've been in the past, doesn't define what we can do or be now,” he reminded her of the words she always said to him when he felt he didn't deserve something good, and watched her nod at his words with a small smile, “Don't torment yourself thinking about it, neither of us had a choice.”
“I could tell you the same thing.”
Bucky smiled, sincerely, and for the first time since he had awoken that morning.
“I apply the philosophy you preach perfectly, I'm a great disciple.”
She elongated a sarcastic laugh that widened Bucky's grin. What was it about her that drew you in and bewitched you like that?
“In a trauma contest, you'd take first place, Barnes.”
“We'd be tied, you mean.”
The woman smiled at him, and between their looks, they both knew they were only hiding the truth behind the humour. Bucky didn't often do it, but since he'd met her, and considering that was something she often did -using humour to cover up the truth she'd rather not accept, or simply to hide the pain-, he'd gotten such a habit of doing it every so often that even his therapist was a little put out the first time he joked about one of his traumas in front of her. It was a very strange scenario that was never repeated.
“I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier,” Bucky took the floor again, a little more relaxed than when he'd arrived soaking wet in the cafeteria, “It's just... I killed my neighbour's son.”
“No,” she replied quickly and firmly, as she did every time a similar topic came up in their conversations, “It was the Winter Soldier. It was a person they created to control and disenfranchise, that wasn't you. It wasn't the Bucky I know. I'm sorry to hear that, but... it wasn't your fault, I know that whatever they did for your mind was always rejected by your body, even if you couldn't control it.”
The man half-opened his lips, wanting to say something, wanting to give voice to the jumble of thoughts concurring in his mind, but nothing managed to come out other than incoherent babbling.
“I... I don't know how to tell him.”
“You really want to?”
Bucky nodded, looking into the woman's shining, understanding eyes as she brought one of her hands up to cradle the side of his face.
“Then you'll find a way. Don't push yourself.”
He rested his right hand on the hand the woman held on his cheek, and leaned his head slightly into her touch. Although the stress and tension did not disappear completely, it did give way to a relaxing and lively sense of calm and stillness. Bucky didn't know if she had done it on purpose or not, but her words, though few, brought back a harmonic undertone he hadn't allowed himself to return to in a long time.
Then you'll find a way.
Don't push yourself.
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marvelyhp · 3 years
A thousand yous
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Synopsis: Adelaide (or Y/n) opens up to Bucky and he tries to settle her fears and finally tells her how he feels.
Word count: 1790
Disclaimer: I don’t own the papasito of James “Bucky” Barnes.
Side note: This is another out of nowhere piece that came up. I thought about making this a series or a story but I’m not sure. I guess I got tired of seeing it in Google docs and put it somewhere else. Oh and Adelaide’s name can be changed for y/n or y/n l/n for the end, I just prefer to use actual names. I’m writing all this as if I expect anyone to read this.
Bucky found her sitting beside the window, her head propped against the glass pane. Eyes focused on the moving lights of the cars and the city, yearning gleaming in her face.
“I miss wearing my dresses,” Adelaide whispered, her breath leaving a trail in the window.
Bucky’s heart stopped at the sound of her voice. He let her words sink in before answering her, eagerly wishing she was opening up to him and felt more comfortable around him. Hope grew deep inside him.
“You mean the red one, with the white flowers?” Bucky started walking towards her to settle beside her on the windowsill. His knee brushed hers as he sat, looking at her face, not bothering with the twinkling lights in the city but the lack of them in her eyes. He missed that shine, her smile, and her carefree personality. But he was so thankful to have her next to him right then, it didn’t matter if he had to discover her all over again.
“Oh, the red shirtwaist. That was my favorite. I just miss the simplicity of it.” It came as a whisper, and he noticed the wavering of her voice.
Memories of her in that red dress, the one that left him more breathless than usual crossed his mind. He remembered her dancing with him in a fair, surrounded by hundreds of people. He remembered Steve dancing with a pretty brunette to his side. Her smile stood out most for him, the way it would light up her whole face, light up his whole world. The way her beautiful golden skin glowed. He remembered her twirling and giggling as she danced with his finger in her hand, her long onyx hair an umbrella as it rose around her.
The girl in front of him was not the Adelaide he knew. He couldn’t read her as well as he used to but she was rough around the edges, he saw the anger in her eyes every day. He saw the fear hidden behind a mask of indifference. He saw how fidgety she was around men, and untrusting of women. She didn’t let anybody in. He thought about how much she resembled him after he left Hydra, the things he saw in her that he knew he still harbored.
“It feels ridiculous to miss that,” Her voice resonated through the room. The darkness of the room would’ve swallowed them if it weren’t for the rays of moonlight coming through the windows. “To miss something so banal like dresses.”
“Don’t you miss anything else?” He didn’t want this moment to stop, he didn’t want her to stop talking. He wanted her to tell him, to open up to him more. But he wishes for her to mention him, even if once. He wanted her to mention him without that anger she felt towards him.
“I do. I miss the way everything was so simple then, even if it wasn’t. Nothing seems quite as complicated and exhausting as this,” A sigh escaped her lips as she shuffled on the windowsill, turning her body and her eyes towards Bucky. “I miss dancing. I miss Brooklyn and the way it was back then. I miss...” her voice trailed off as her eyes lowered to the ground, leaving Bucky’s blue orbs confused.
“Forget it.” Her eyes lingered on his eyes before lowering to his lips. She quickly withdrew them, focusing in the moving bright lights.
“I miss Brooklyn, too. I-I miss Steve, so much. Every day I wake up and wish he was here to tell me what I’m doing wrong, or laugh at the stupid things I say or just call me an idiot. He was the only one who understood me.” Bucky’s voice had taken an edge of sadness. The memories of Steve laughing, dancing with his off-beat moves, being plain stupid and his heroics coming into view in his mind.
“I miss Steve, too.” It was a whisper, but the pain and sadness laced in her voice made him feel as though she was screaming. A pang of jealousy poked at his heart. Steve’s face and words as they talked about Adelaide that afternoon in the apartment in Romania shooting on his mind. He shook his head, Shame settling in his gut at his thoughts. It didn’t even matter now because Steve was no longer with him, he could no longer defend himself or say what he thought.
When Bucky looked at her face, she was still facing the window, her lips slightly pressed together. Her lids closed, a small tear glistening in the moonlight. He waited for something more but nothing came.
“He missed you too,” Bucky’s lips pursed. “He used to talk about you all the time. Anything we would do would remind us of you, but he would be the first one to comment on it. Damn it, sometimes I wanted to shut him up”
“Why did you?”
“Because it was too painful, talking about you.” A sigh escaped his lips as his hands traveled to cradle his face to then push his fingers through the mass on top of his head. “I couldn’t hear about the way you used to dance, or the way you smiled or the way you scolded the both of us. I didn’t want to remember the days we went on dates or think about the nights we spent together.”
Silence engulfed them both, the only sound interrupting were the horns of the cars below. Adelaide’s eyes closed tightly, her arms hugging her elbows. A tremble escaped her lips and Bucky felt afraid he had said too much, that he had pushed her too far. Even then, he decided to continue. He needed to say this, to get this heavy load off his chest.
“I couldn’t talk about you because I didn’t want to remember what I had lost. Of all the things and people I’d lost, you were the one who hurt the most.” His heart thundered against his rib cage, forcing his chest to rise and fall unevenly. He felt his hands shake slightly against the skin of his thighs. His eyes focused on her.
He focused on the way her chest rose and fell erratically. He focused on her body, shaking slightly as she stood up from the windowsill. He focused on the way she paced the living room. He focused on the way she kept muttering ‘no’ under her breath and shaking her head side to side.
“The only thing I thought for 80 years was you, Ady.” She was in denial and that’s when he threw caution to the wind.
“Your smile was the only thing Hydra couldn’t erase, Ady. It didn’t matter how much of you I forgot, your smile was always there.”
“James, stop.”
“Your face was the first thing I remembered. Please, Ady-“
“Stop calling me that!” She cried out. She had stopped pacing at this point, having turned around to face Bucky. Her head was hung low, her white hair hiding her face.
Bucky just sat there with wide eyes and his mouth in a firm line. Her shout had surprised him having been the first time she had been so vocal. The first time she had expressed so much emotion since he had recognized her coming out of Doctor Raynold’s session.
“I’m not her, James. I am no longer that woman you so clearly loved and treasured. I don’t know who I was, who I am, or who am I supposed to be anymore. You don’t know me anymore, and neither do I.” Her fists were clenched at her sides, her voice shaking with every word spoken.
Seeing her so broken, so fragile, broke something inside him. He felt his heart twisting painfully in his chest. Without thinking, Bucky stood up and crossed the space between them in four powerful strides. His hands found her cheeks, tilting her head up.
Thin almond eyes stared back at him. Tears fell from her eyes, marking a pathway from the pool in her eyes to her chin. His thumbs cleaned her falling tears before he whispered his next words. His heart a thousand miles a minute.
"I don't care if you're not the Adelaide I knew. I would suffer through everything again if it meant finding you, whoever that is at the moment," Multiple tears fell from her bloodshot eyes, tears he washed away like the ocean washes the sand. "I would get to know you a thousand times if it meant having you." Their lips were mere inches away, her small refined nose brushing his. His breath mixing with hers. Both of them breathing heavily, their bodies leaning towards each other involuntarily.
Bucky thought about how close she was. He could feel the warmth of her body melting the coldness around his heart. Her stormy grey eyes looking longingly at him and he forgot the promise he had made to himself. He threw his promise out the window because he couldn't take things slower than they had been.
"Fuck it." That was all he said before he crashed his lips onto hers. He poured every lonely night spent thinking about her into the kiss, every tear he shed about her, every desire he had to see her for eighty years. The kiss was desperate and full of longing.
Adelaide's hand grasped the base of his neck, pulling his head towards her, deepening the kiss. All those emotions she had so desperately tried to hide came floating out of her chest. She had missed him so much. Her right hand caressed the soft brown hair on his head. She had taken a while to get used to the way his hair looked, much shorter than it used to be. His beard tickled her chin and even though she remembered how soft his face used to be, she had started to like the beard and how manly he looked.
They kissed passionately until their lungs no longer held any breath. Until a burning sensation flourished in the chest, lungs screaming for air. Bucky rested his forehead against hers, panting.
"I loved you," he pressed a kiss at the tip of her nose. "I love you, " his lips moved towards her cheek. "and I will always love you, Adelaide Wright." His lips settled on hers once again, this time slow and lovingly.
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blkchxrryblyss · 2 years
Witness Protection - Ghoul (1)
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izuku x ghoul!blk fem!reader x katsuki
synopsis - Thinking you finally escaped your dark, utterly fucked up past, things come at you full force making you as equally as paranoid as the police and pro heroes. When two pro heroes just barge their way into your apartment, you begin to learn that your paranoia is warranted. In order to ensure your safety, you are pushed to witness protection.......In-home witness protection.......In-home witness protection with two pro heroes.........Let's see how things go!
warnings - will vary among each chapter
I do not own MHA, MHA Characters or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained through google. If you know the artist, please tag them.
©blkchxrryblyss 2022
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Ch. 1 - Ghoul
warnings - cussing, gore, death threats
w.c - 1.5k
It's hard living in Hosu sometimes. Trying to be this new person in a place that you have been living at for 5 years is difficult. Especially when you are trying to hide who you are. Trying to be only half of who you truly are. Walking around your neighborhood, presenting yourself as this hard-working, law-abiding, good human when you are not. You've done things that you aren't proud of. You've hurt people to benefit yourself. Each time, you regretted it. Felt deep remorse. 
But each time, he reassured you, that you were okay. It was okay to do those things because it helped you. He fed you these lies and like a naive child you went along with it, no matter how uncomfortable it made you. He saved you, so you felt obligated to do whatever he asked. So you did whatever he asked of you until it became too much.
“No need to yell in a bookstore, Mr. Tsubaki. I'm only a foot away from you," you assured your boss while sorting out the romance section.
“ Oh hush, it's my store so I can yell whenever I want”, he brushed off, before snatching the books away from you, “ Go home. You look as sick as a dog. You're gonna get sweat all over my precious books. Leave and don't come back until you're healthy again.”
“Bu-“ you started, but was interrupted by a sharp slap to your arm.
“Go home. Go eat,” he said knowingly.
You looked at him confused before you a lightbulb went off and you knew what he was referring to.
“Aaaah no, Mr. Tsubaki. It’s a full moon tonight. I don’t have to eat until maybe late tomorrow morning.” You reminded him since he always forgot of your condition during the full moon. 
“Oh……well still leave. You’re sick.” He concluded, making you giggle.
“Alright, I’m leaving, old man. Stay safe and call me if you feel uneasy. Full moon or not, I’m there for you.” He grunted as a reply letting you know that he would adhere to your advice.
You stepped into your place, stripping yourself rather quickly, and walked to take a cold shower, hoping to relieve the harsh heat your body produced during your walk home. Your body heat would rise drastically high during the changing of your body so a cold shower was very much needed. The cold shower regulated your heat, helping you calm down and clear your mind enough for you to step out and get dressed. Maybe it cleared your mind too much because the sound of creaking woke the last of your senses. Oh, how you wished this intruder didn't come when you are damn near defenseless. Now you have to go to your backup safety measures.
“The apartment is vacant, but it is said that the person who lived there left behind some evidence that can help us build the case against the Red Family. So you two will go inside, find anything that is useful and report it back to me.”
“Why us? I thought Gang Orca’s team was handling this case?” Katsuki asked, skeptical. The commissioner sighed and handed him very grotesque pictures.
“We need more people on the case. Red Family has been involved in way more crimes and murders than we thought and have been injuring many sidekicks that have tried to stop the Red Family. It was not enough so we are calling in more decorated heroes that have more experience with situations like these. That's where you and the rest of your previous 1A colleagues come in.” The commissioner explained thoroughly.
Both Izuku and Katsuki listened attentively to the commissioner about the fragility of this case. The Red Family is allegedly one of the biggest crime families in Japan. Drugs, embezzlement, fraud, murder, kidnapping, illegal quirk production, and much more. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence to put anything against them. That's why the build of a case has been so difficult to make. Because of this the Red Family has been getting a lot of money and has been able to buy their way out of search warrants, subpoenas, court cases, the whole nine.
“So what are we looking for?" Izuku questioned looking, gagging, through the pictures.
The commissioner set out 4 pictures in front of the men. A picture of a father and a little girl, a blurry picture of the same girl but a bit older around 15 years, a picture of an emerald green gemstone with gold like snakes caging across it, and a picture of a disfigured bloody face to the point where you can't even identify a person.
“Around 16 years ago, multiple families were slaughtered including her father. It was investigated and multiple bodies were taken in except for hers,” he pointed to the first picture, “10 years later, here she is pictured during the diamond heist of the Watanabe family. Less than a year later she was presumed dead at 16. The only way she was identified was a CCTV video sent to us of her being severely beaten to death in an alleyway in Deika City.”
“What caught our eye was this necklace on the girl's father. It wasn’t found on his body during the investigation. This gemstone, we’re still trying to identify it, is a stone that could only be handled by ghouls. It’s a very powerful stone that is said to date back to the first-ever ghouls. Meaning it has links to an alleged ‘demon realm’.” 
Izuku, now confused, interjected, “But ghouls haven't been sighted for over 50 years. You're saying this dead girl’s father was a ghoul?” 
The commissioner nodded his head, “Not only that, but this means that his daughter is a ghoul. Now if you know anything about the typical ghoul's anatomy then you know that- "
“They wouldn't die from getting beat to bloody fucking pulp," Katsuki affirmed.
“Correct”, the commissioner placed a picture - a severely blurry picture at that - of a girl, on the table. Seems to be dark skin, small stature, black hair but with white tips, with only a side view of her face. The sight of fangs was visible to see, “ We believe this is the daughter. We sighted her about 2 weeks ago, but haven't seen her since. We sent detectives to the apartments that were around the sighting recently and the landlord said a girl rushed out leaving some things behind. We want you two to find as much evidence as possible within the apartment.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes before pushing all the pictures from in front of him, “That still doesn't help with what we're looking for. That necklace hasn't been seen for over 15 fucking years. The father didn't have it, obviously, the shitty Red Family don't have it they would've made hell on Earth, and you and your detectives don't even have solid evidence that she even lived there. Sounds like a dead fucking end."
“It might be, but I'd rather take my chances on a potential lead than no lead at all. This is the address. Go now."
And that's how they got here now. The old man landlord reassured them that the girl hasn't been back since he saw her run out in a haste. He let them both in rather quickly Izuku felt uneasy, feeling as though the landlord seemed a bit sketchy.
“He seems a bit sketchy. Keep your guard up." Izuku warned his partner.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do, Deku,” Katsuki grumbled, checking his surroundings despite the harsh words.
So far the condo seems empty. None of the lights were on, the house felt cold, and it quite certainly looks like someone left in a hurry. Noticing some papers were scattered on the floor, Izuku bent down to inspect them. Then he heard a whistle. 
“Didn't know I was getting a free show.” Izuku looked over his shoulder to glare at his blonde boyfriend.
“Are you really flirting right now? Go check the other rooms, you perv," he whisper yelled while blushing making Katsuki smirk, but nod his head.
While his partner walked to another part of the condo, Izuku resumed his inspection. He rummaged through the papers finding absolutely nothing of importance. Receipts, take-out menus, print-out articles, newspapers, nothing that points out anything suspicious. He then averts his attention to the bookcase and looks down the line. Romance novels, romance manga, mystery novels, self-care books, ghoul history, crime mafia….
He pauses. Ghoul history and anatomy Vol 1. Now it isn't uncommon for people to read about ghouls. Izuku himself even did extensive research on ghouls in case there were any more sightings. It was just a bit coincidental that a book about ghouls was in the same house as the alleged ghoul. Not to mention the plethora of book tabs, highlights, and annotations he found throughout the book. The bright red tag marked, GHOUL’S WEAKNESSES, was written frantically. Upon looking through the chapter, written in red with multiple circles around it said, “Are ghouls weakened by the full moon?” Now, why would full moons be a weakness to ghouls?
Feeling confused but confident that he found breakthrough evidence, he turned to call for his partner boyfriend. Fortunately, he did not have to call for him since he is standing in front of him. Unfortunately, he felt his body run cold after seeing a girl pointing a pullback shotgun at the back of his boyfriend's head.
“Cooperate or I'll blow Mr. Dynamight’s fucking brains out in front of his boyfriend.”
part 2
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taglist - @bl--ankhaeji @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @dabilovesme @angwritez @dejwrites @tenyaiidasslut @xogabbiexo @thotty-tatertot1 @blackreaderatrisk @nasty-quillz @bookwormsenpai @luna-indigoduh @38riku @sintiva @chaoticevilbakugo @namjoonswifeyy @wh0reforlevi @yo-nn @h0e4bakug0 @thicksimpx @riderpurplefox4221
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blatant-attitude · 3 years
I couldn’t think of a good title for this one. It’s not one of my favorites I’ve written— but I can’t find any other area of this mini fic to try to spruce up and make better. I hope you guys enjoy it! ;)
Emily is jealous of Beth; Aaron is oblivious.
She can't tell if the headache is from the hangover lingering in her skull, or from the glaring across the table at the brown-haired woman with the overpowering cheap perfume from the over bubbly smiling-to-early-in-the-fucking-morning smile and laugh making google eyes at her boss.
JJ passes her a Tylenol as the waiter sets down Emily’s order of a hamburger, no onion in front of her. The waiter sets a grilled chicken salad in front of that wanna-be brunette bimbo who has an arm wrapped around Aaron’s own arm. Emily pops the Tylenol with a gulp of her large water before springing up from the table, mumbling something about peeing and washing her hands before she eats.
She can feel the team's curious eyes burn into her back as she disappears down the hallway that contains the bathroom. It's not long before JJ and Garcia are both coming to the bathroom after her. They study her with curious eyes while Emily washes her hands and refuses to acknowledge the two that just walked in.
“Em, honey, are you ok?” JJ asks her tentatively, stepping forwards and placing a hand on Emily’s shoulder. Garcia stands back still, watching with curious eyes.
“No. I'm not ok, JJ, because I am crazy head over heels in love with that man out there and he has another brunette wrapped around his arm, and she's not even that pretty.” Emily responded in petty, eyes welling up with tears. Her hands wipe at her eyes, clearing them of her unshed tears.
“Oh, honey.” Garcia pouted to Emily as she wrapped her in a hug, squeezing her to her chest. “You are going to be just fine, do you want me to shut down all of her credit cards? Or maybe make her nose and forehead look bigger in all of her pictures?” She offers up, which is enough to have Emily letting out a little laugh.
“No, let's not incriminate you in the process. Besides, her looking bad in pictures won't change her looks in real life.” Emily responds, pulling back and wiping her eyes again. “I think I'm going to head home. I'm still tired, and I can't promise I won't say something I might regret come Monday.” She opens the door, not leaving any room for conversation.
Morgan, Reid, and Rossi watch her as she exits and asks the waiter for a box. Aaron twists his head around and looks for a minute before turning back to the woman next to him. Garcia and JJ rejoin the group, giving a simple ‘she-just-isn't-feeling-well’ as an explanation for her sudden departure.
Several days pass by before Morgan begins questioning her about what happened. ‘You weren't actually sick Saturday, were you?’ he begins which makes her roll her eyes.
“Derek, I really don't want to talk about this.” She sighs, wishing they were trapped in this car for another hour with each other. “I was hungover. That’s it.”
“Oh, so it doesn’t have anything to do with Beth and the obvious eyes you’ve been making at Hotch since you got back?” He slings at her, which makes her anger begin to explode.
“Derek Morgan, I told you I did not want to talk about this. If you say one more word I will unleash hell onto you.” She seethes, teeth clenching and brows furrowing.
He remains quiet for the rest of the ride, but she knows her outburst was enough of the answer he needed. Derek Morgan knows that Emily Prentiss is in love with her boss, and said boss has no idea.
The coffee is shit, and so is the weather outside in Seattle is much the same. It’s been stormy, raining constantly, who’s is to be expected of Seattle. She can only assume that Rossi has just come inside from the rain because he steps up next to her soaking wet and begins pouring coffee.
“He is truly oblivious, isn’t he?” He comments as he brings the coffee to his lips, turning and leaning against the counter. Emily follows his gaze from where she stands, letting it land on Aaron hovering above a table and reading a file with JJ and some rookie cop.
“I’m not sure what you're talking about.” Emily denies it, leaving it there. They both let her say it, and they both don’t mention it’s a lie. They let silent understanding settle between them before he gives a silent nod and leaves her in the room to be by herself again.
Emily plasters on an unbothered face once more and heads out to solve the case.
“How did it go with Hotch?” JJ questions when Emily and the man in question arrive back from interviewing a family member. JJ sits down at the desk chair next to Emily in the conference room of whatever town they're in this weekend. Emily just glances up from where her head is bent down into a file, dark hair falling around in a curtain around her as she does.
“It went like it always does. We found things out and we left.” She snapped back to her friend before turning her head back into the file in front of her. JJ just gives a sigh, not budging. She’ll get more information from the brunette soon enough.
It takes two hours before Emily is pulling JJ into a bathroom with frustration plastered across her face. “Why is he so stupid? Am I not being obvious enough? I mean, I don't want him to be unfaithful to his...whatever they’re calling it-- because I know his fidelity means so much to him. Especially after that stunt that blonde bimbo he married pulled on him. I don't know what to do anymore, JJ.”
Emily is upset; that JJ can see. JJ also knows that Emily just needs someone to listen to her so she can get the frustration out. “Feel better?” Emily just glares up at the question, scoffing in amusement. “No, but thank you for listening.”
The two leave the bathroom with curious looks from deputies, and the rest of the team members. JJ brushes it off, but Emily sends glares to her colleagues of the FBI. Hotch returns her glare, face set sternly as it meets hers across the room. Reid glances down, seeming to wish he could disappear with the tension in the room. Morgan and JJ just watch the two, eager to see who’s going to break first. Rossi gives a little chuckle, shaking his head as the two brunettes continue to stare at each other head-on. Emily turns away first, choosing instead to return her mind to her file.
Emily’s morning spent with Derek looking at houses and talking about foundations has her rethinking even buying a house. The case comes in while they’re still looking at homes. They arrive on the scene quickly, and Emily has to force her mind to focus. Why does he have to look so good in a plain t-shirt and some jeans?
When the bomb went off in the bank, the only thought in her head was how she was going to tell him how she felt, because she wasn't sure she would make it through the day if this is how it was going to go. Covered in soot, she worked her way into a room where she could hear a faint scream for help and found an older couple.
By the end of the day, she was disarming a bomb around her best friend's man while still covered in the soot from the first explosion. She clips the wire with the hope that she's got it right, and feels her body break into chills of relief when she does. She leans to the side, feeling her racing heart slow with her panting breaths as she leans back. Body weak with the crushing adrenaline high.
Morgan and Aaron come running up the stairs to where she’s now sitting next to an equally breathless Will. Morgan begins to clip the chains around Will while Aaron offers Emily a hand to pull her up. The slight contact has Emily’s heart rate picking up and her stomach clenching together as she remembers what she’d told herself earlier in the day.
A wedding is (secretly) planned for the next day and everyone is leaving in favor of a shower and sleep before she's got a chance to pull Aaron to the side by herself. She stands in the shower letting the scalding water run down her body, doing what she told Clyde she would do. The conversation plays over and over in her mind, keeping her awake through the night.
“...but um..If I had more help-- say, running the London Gateway Office. You’d get your answer a lot quicker.”
“Yeah, you should fix that.”
“Well, I'm trying.” A job. He’s offering her a job.
“You have always had bad timing.” She thinks of Aaron. Of his new love for this brunette. Of her infatuation with him that he can’t see.
“Oh, come on Emily, don't you miss this?” She does...somewhat.
“I--Yeah. I will.”
Emily zips her dress with the conversation on her mind still. A job running the London office. Even thinking about it has her head spinning so much she’s unsure of when she arrived at the party… wedding.
Emily’s conversation with Derek ends with a sad sigh and Penelope spewing something garbled into her drink as she leaves and Hotch, Jack, and her enter the room. Derek leads Jack and the other woman away to the fountain, leaving her with him. “How are you?” He questions with an easy smile that has her shaking her head with a deep sigh. “That bad, huh?” Easy conversation leads to an agreeable breakfast date where they can talk about it, but Emily knows deep down she won’t go to that date. She’ll say what she needs to say tonight, and that’ll be the end of it.
Easy dancing on the boxed-off yard with the team, being passed through their arms until she lands in Aaron’s arms has her laughter flowing freely. Being held here, in his arms, is what has her realizing that maybe she always knew they weren’t going to last. Maybe that part of her is what made her want to accept the job in London.
“We both know that I won’t be at breakfast in the morning. Clyde Easter offered me a job running the London Office. I've decided to take it. You and I both know that I was always going to leave again. I can't grab onto my life the way it was before Doyle.” Her words are whispered softly against his shoulder as she leans close to him. Soft hands trace to grab his face, turning his eyes to meet hers. “Aaron Hotchner, I love you. I have loved you since I first saw you all those years ago in my mother's home, and I continued to love you all this time. Until the next time.” With a sad smile and a chaste pressed kiss to his lips, she pulls back and leaves the yard.
The rest of the crowd stare in shock. Emily has just kissed Aaron in front of his date. “Aaron?” Emily hears Beth because that's her name, Beth, question in shock as she steps up to him and grabs his arm gently. “Beth, I’m-- I’m so sorry. I've got to go after her.” Aaron’s voice carries across the yard as he jogs after her, following her inside and catching her arm just inside the door.
“Emily, wait! How long? How long have I been blind?” The question has her giving a dry laugh but his hand tightens around her wrist in seriousness. “After your divorce. I knew before then you wouldn’t have gone for anything offered because you are too good of a man. After the divorce, I started flirting then, but it seemed that you were the only one who hadn’t noticed. Then Foyet and Doyle happened, and now here we are. You're with Beth and I’m flying across the Atlantic to take a job with Interpol.” There’s a slight pout to her mouth when she finishes talking.
Aaron feels the pulse speeding up in her wrist where he holds it. His other hand reaches up and cups her sharp jawline. He presses another kiss to her lips, pressing hard enough she feels her lips will bruise. Foreheads rest against each other when he pulls back. “I’m sorry I didn't see it earlier. Maybe we could've had something amazing.” He drops his hands from her, backing away from where she stands and he leaves. Walking back outside to inevitably explain everything to his girlfriend, who stares at the both of them in complete shock.
@florenceremingtonthethird - A tag as promised : )
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dunedan-estel · 3 years
Hi ! For OC ask, can we know 1, 10, 12 for all your OCs ? If it's too fair Aegis then haha, have fun and thank you !
Of course I can answer for all three! Thank you for asking about them! Made my not so good day a better day answering these!
A warning, Aer in the second question got away from me very quickly and the answer for the last one got sad very quick :(
Under the cut (hopefully - sorry if the read more doesn't work again!)
1. Why did you pick their name?
Aegis was about matching it to the Wayfinder Trio - elemental. I wanted something lightning-related after discovering all the Latin words for fire were masculine. Alas, the Latin dictionary I used didn't mention anything for lightning or thunder. So the closest I could think of was Storm - storms aren't always full of lightning, but it still served the purpose of 'negative connotation' to go with her darkness struggles. The thing is, the only one that worked was Cataegis - Stormy Winds, Hurricane. Googled to see if Hurricanes have lightning - it's very rare and a sign of a very bad Hurricane... good enough. But then it was a little too negative and not very defensive. Good thing Aegis - Latin for shield, also heartwood - worked.
That's why her tags are always Cataegis (Aegis) - her full name is Cataegis, but everyone knows to call her Aegis, lest they want to be blasted into the air with lightning zapping them XD
Aer was, again, elementally related. But only Fire was free. And that wouldn't work with someone as calm as Aer. So that left water (confusing to have two Aquas), Earth (naming him Terra would be more a sign of defeat, so that was a no) and wind (which already had Ventus and Vanitas - both their names meaning wind). So Air was the next best thing. Just so happened, Aer also meant clear skies and something very similar to a new beginning. Fitting!
So that left only three elements left - fire, dark, light. Lucis isn't fiery in the slightest, and whilst she does struggle with darkness her light is much too strong. So Latin for light worked wonders. I've also had a thing for the word being used as a name since Final Fantasy XV, so a great opportunity to use it!
10. What makes them nice to be around? I can only really say why I think they'd be great to be around for me, but hopefully, they work for you and anyone else wanting to know them, too!
Aegis is pretty quiet all things considered. Yeah, she banters and can talk non-stop if she wants too, but she also enjoys quiet moments. Wouldn't be the first time she's not really said anything much for a few days. So if you just want to be somewhere quiet, or don't want to be alone but wants silence, she's a perfect candidate. She's motherly but not overbearing - she wants what's best for her friends, but she's not going to complain if they do something she doesn't like much or that's dangerous. In part, it's because she doesn't like people knowing she worries herself sick over those she holds dear, but another part is because she wants her friends happy and overbearing doesn't make her happy (so she's the opposite side of the mum-friend spectrum to Aqua, leading to a few clashes from time to time). But she is always there to patch folks up and try to calm them down if they're worried - even if it's mostly to help herself remain calm XD That being said, if you're sick or injured she lets you know she cares about you recovering. She may not say it but's it's all in action with her. Unless you've reached a point of struggling, then she goes into wisdom mode. Mostly with Terra and Ventus, but it's common XD Speaking of, if you love having people around you who are philosophical? She's great for that. Sometimes it comes out like a long monologue, but she does it. Also never reveals your ills to others - so don't worry about anything private to you getting out. 80% because she'll only remember it when you bring it up again and 20% because she literally forgets about it. Aegis never gives up on you, either. Loyal to a fault.
If you like teasing your friends, she's easy to fluster - especially when it comes to crushing super hard on Tera! Also laughs at herself quite a bit - she knows she's a little clumsy, so she laughs at that. Even if it is to hide embarrassment half the time. You may also get a giggle about her being a sponge and a big old softie.
She bakes - free cakes for you! She's not a pastry chef so... cakes are really all she can do. Had a bad time? Cake for you. Birthday? Cake for you.
Helps you with your homework! If you're drawing or writing and something's wrong somewhere and you can't figure it out, she's the one to go to. And in the same vein, if you want an honest opinion with a little bit of actual constructive criticism, or want something correcting and you're struggling, or just to go through looking for spelling mistakes, she's the number one. She's always very polite and respectful! She knows it's a blurred line and she hates showing her work to anyone if it's not perfect, so she will treat your creations like they're your actual child.
Also, she's the only one you can reflect, deflect and boost your physical and magical defence, plus cast regen. So she's tactically useful to have on hand for survival, too.
Aer's like a blend of Terra, Aegis - he has the boyish charm I envision Terra having (especially when Terra's grinning and laughing), brotherly, you know. But almost more chill than Terra - Terra's pretty chill anyway but this is Aegis levels of chill. Unless you do something that he really doesn't like, he doesn't care. He's more confident when it comes to socialising than Aegis is, but he has that ability to be silent very comfortably. He's not inherently a social animal, but he doesn't mind a couple hours of being social either. Like Aegis, he's very quick to figure out what's going on, looking for answers. I mean, he's 12 in KH3 and he's more on the ball than Sora, Donald and Goofy and truly keeping them on track.
He's as steady and solid as the earth, but as free as the wind. When he's worried, he's that grounding force usually, when he's not worried he's carefree - not to the extent of Sora, but it's a lot easier for him to laugh. If you know him before Terra comes back, you're going to see a worried mess that hides it. He's a boy worried about his mother, his father who's currently Lingering Will and might forget about him as the days go by or when Terra's made whole again. A boy so frustrated with a talking duck that once Aegis goes to the realm of darkness a second time to get Aqua, he snaps at the said duck. He consistently says his favourite story about Terra, he wants to be Terra in the way children sometimes want to be like their parents. He's afraid and when Aegis isn't around, he rarely smiles. But if you know him post-KH3, he's so happy. He still worries about his parents, of course, but they're happy and he's happy. His eyes are so bright and his grin and laugh are just so full of joy and he really just... comes into his own. He's not afraid to say 'you'll be fine'. He's no longer afraid of his darkness, he's... free of fear. He's a kid again, he's making the most with his family.
He's just soft and heart-meltingly kind. He's a romantic and a strong guy or named every wishing star 'dad' as a kid because he knew worlds were the stars, so a wishing star was Terra moving Keyblade Graveyard every night so he could say 'I'm watching over you'. And he named the brightest star in the sky 'Mum', because that bright light was her hope. And he names stars after Ven and Aqua and Sora and Riku and his grandparents and uncle and aunty and friends later on in life. He names a star after his future wife, future children, his own siblings (of which I have not yet decided gender or number - but I'm thinking of a sister) and cousins. Even Lucis has a star.
He's so soft he's openly emotional - great to have emotive people around you. He's a very good hugger. Will carry you around if you're sick and injured. Or if he's just having a good time!
He's the blue-eyed believer - finds silver linings in almost everything, believes in nearly everyone like Terra. But like Aegis, his gut instinct is extremely reliable. He can smell manipulation a mile away - he can smell a trap. So don't try. He learnt from the mistake of his father to never trust someone who speaks of aid but only makes it worse. You might just get possessed, turn into a pain in the butt of a heartless and hurt those you care about without knowing. Also might just get stuck in armour for the rest of your days and who knows if rust would get to it.
(also though a quick design update - his keyblade was going to be very similar to Terra's originally. Whilst that is still the case at the base and about halfway up, it resembles more of a lance at the top rather than a key).
Dry sense of humour (or would if I was any good at humour myself XD) but can also be a little....immature when he wants to be. The latter is quite rare, but if something innocent comes out sound rather uninnocent, he's struggling not to laugh.
Also is easy to make bashful - just compliment him. He'll throw compliments back, but oh call him adorable and you've won the match.
Lucis is my most undeveloped character, but she's pretty much like Aegis - only she truly does prefer few friends but good quality. She's probably not the best to be around, she's the most depressed of my three KH OCs and can be easily irritated, but she's so used to being alone she really has very little care about what you do. Obviously don't get yourself in trouble, but you could be with another group for a few weeks and she'd not even mention it. She misses you ofc, and she's extremely sad when no one's around her anymore, but she's so 'boring' she doesn't blame anyone for it.
She's very cautious so if you're too reckless she'll be able to bring you back (or attempt to) before you get yourself killed, but it means there are many things you'll never see her attempt. Being clumsy like Aegis doesn't help either.
Whilst Aegis is big on singing ballads or trying to be operatic (miserably - Aegis doesn't have the vocal range high or low.... someone has to have my misfortune with that lol), Lucis is into the koto and bamboo flute (both of which Aegis does pick up eventually). She does sing, but she believes so heavily she's no good at it that she sings quietly or under her breath 80% of the time.
If you want to know big words, she may be able to help. Also, she's an aunt to a small boy (who is a direct ancestor of Aegis' and Aer's) so if you're struggling to read something, she can help!
Patience like no other. Does she even get angry? Yes, but it can months to get her to that point.
When she's struggling, she gets sentimental and feelings of admiration come out - but do not confuse them with love, ever. This is all platonic from her. Unless it's about Ephemer - then that's another story.
I think what mostly makes her good to be around is she just.... finds hope somehow. She could be lost in the deepest darkness, and she'd always find something. She never realises she made that spec of light herself. She never expects anything - she doesn't know how good she is, how cared about she is, but she knows she's good at finding hope even when she thinks all is lost. She's humble and never makes anyone feel bad.
Her motto is 'whatever happens happens - it's out of our control. All we can control is how we act about it.'
12. What do other people often notice first in them? Aegis - resting face of frowning or like she's always sad. They notice her anxiety over unfamiliar people and places, sorrow... but those who look beyond, see her eyes. See her hope. See fear but trust. They see pain and struggles, but an undying flame of quiet determination.
Aer - 'Is that Terra?', his height, his eyes, his smile, his laugh. His belief and hope, his worry and his lack of sleep. His love and joy. His tight grip on his darkness, a raging fire of desperation to have his family whole again. His face looks happy, but his eyes never quite match. Not for a long while.
Lucis - loneliness. Depression. A survivor. A fighter. A storm within her chest. Someone pushing others away so it doesn't hurt when they abandon her just like everyone else. A rose quartz necklace with initials on the stone - her parents. White-hot tears constantly threatening her vision - smile always tight and pained, like at any second she'll scream out the pain she's held in for so long, never allowed to release it because she'll get bullied otherwise. A woman with the world on her shoulders and no one to carry the weight with - it is her burden to bear. So used to being alone she does not know how many people really would help her carry it, if only she wasn't so afraid.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale’s Top Ten: Favorite Akuma
1. The Akuma must have been Canonically Akumatized in the show and Shown. (I.E. I won't be having any Comic book (which I don't read so no big deal) or Fan akuma)
2. The akuma must have been akumatized without Scarlet Moth involvement. (that means Rena Rage and Shell shock are out)
3. The akuma must be see in their akumatized state and full on transform (so no Princess Justice or Verity Queen. No Destructor etc)
Aside from that, I will be judging them based on their Impact, Episode, appearance, powers, motive, Fights and my personal enjoyment of them.
10. Santa Claws
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I love Dabbing Evil Santa.  He is here solely because of Personal enjoyment
I love the gimmick that he SANG his introduction, I love the Grinch Green Skin and the details on his belt. I also enjoy that he is just an evil Santa causing trouble. His Motivation for akumatization Makes sense as he is unjustly treated like crap by everyone and even gets attacked by Ladybug because she mistook him for a kidnapper.
Whether he is the real Santa or not is a mystery and while people are mixed on the Christmas special, he is my favorite part of it.
9. Kwami Buster
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When there’s something strange, in your neighborhood. WHO YA GONNA CALL!?
Anyway, I really like the ghostbuster/ mad scientist vibe Kwami Buster has. She also is in one of the best written episodes of season 3. Her motivation from embarrassment and drive to prove her theory is great motivation, and she is one of the biggest threats to the heroes of Paris (while not so much everyone else.) She has a decent power set and overall is just fun to watch on screen.
8. Zombizou
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The patchwork design, that sweet yet ominous look. Her whole persona. Zombizou is an interesting akuma. While a LOT of salt is thrown her way, I think people forget how much fun a zombie episode can be. Her power to spread Love via kisses quickly over runs Paris in a matter of minutes (resulting in Hilarious moments and touching ones) Ladybug and Chat noir are mostly playing catch up when dealing with her. Her motivation, which is her protecting her student is actually a first, and she actually tries resisting the akuma. this was a FIRST in the series. So I am putting one of my favorite akuma from season 2 here.
7. Gamer
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While design wise, The Gamer is so-so. One can't deny that his fights aren't the most hype. His first appearance while his reasoning is a mixed bag, his giant mecha battle is fun on a bun. And his Gamer 2.0 episode is the best 2.0 no contest. The gamer is this high on the list for having the most fun battles
6. DarkOwl
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The best akuma of season 2, the best episode of season 2, and one of the closest to getting the Miraculous. Many fail to really grasp how epic Dark Owl is. His motivation is one of the most understandable in the series, his akuma inspiration is a riff on old batman comics and they really go ham with it. His clash with Ladybug and Chat noir is creative and put the two in a corner. It is quite a feat, turning the goof into a Threat. I also like how Ladybug and Chat noir were actually trying to help him live out his dream instead of simply telling him off. This akuma has a lot of heart and really deserves more love
5. Oblivio
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While design wise, Oblivio is probably the most plain and the motivation for the akuma is laughable, their powers, episode, impact and the personal enjoyment they gave me are all very high. This Akuma was effective and had Chat noir and Ladybug on the ropes. This is one of the most one sided fights that the heroic duo has against a single akuma. The ability to make people forget who they are is disturbing and incredibly powerful. Their actions in the first half of the episode made them appear like a monster or predator on the hunt for the weakened and vulnerable teens. It was something out of a suspense thriller.
4. Volpina
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Be honest, when the word Akuma comes to mind, Volpina is one of the first villains that pops up. Volpina’s motivation, power set, personality, and Impact on the series is massive. Her appearance allowed for the events of season 2 to kick off, and she was a fan favorite for a while. People were Obsessed with her. While she use to be my second favorite akuma in the past, she loses out to the top three people in the spot. But she is still one heck of an akuma and likely one of the most malicious ones out there.
3. Stormy Weather
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When the Word Akuma pops up, she is one of the first ones you see when googling. She is also arguably one of the single most powerful akuma with her power to control storms and apparently volcanos. Her confidence and personality SHINE through in her intro episode. Her design is my second favorite of all of the akuma in season 1. She was robbed in Stormy Weather 2.0. She deserved SO MUCH BETTER. Her episode is home to the most crisp animation in the series, so it is always a delight to watch. I love both the English dub and French dubs of her character. Mela Lee especially, She really nails the over the top villainess dialogue. You can tell she is having a ball with it.  
2. Evillustrator
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My favorite Akuma design in the series, The look, the style, the powers. His motive. Evillustrator nails it all down pact. Nathaniel’s akuma persona is how he dreams of his hero identity. His akuma is also the most unique in terms of personality. He is more of a take charge version of himself, just with a bit more malicious tendencies towards Chloé. The character he demonstrates in this one episode makes it such a crime that we don't see much of him until later and THEN he is regulated to the sidelines. He even promises not to hurt Chloé if Marinette goes to his birthday party. We even get to see what happens when akuma try and go against Hawkmoth. Also this episode is responsible for Marichat.
I recomend watching the English Dub for this episode. 2003 Tmnt fans will recognize him as the voice of Leonardo, and fans of the cheesy show Kappa Mikey will recognize him as Mikey Simon. Michael Sinterniklaas has a nice voice and when he reassures Marinette of things, nice.
Or you can watch the Japanese Dub if you really want to notice a difference in Nathaniel and Evillustrator’s personas. Like damn, Hiroshi Kōsaka Really makes Evillustrator sound like a Shojo Protagonist. Freaking kudos.
1. Chat Blanc
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Don't you f***ing judge.
I adore Chat Blanc. The akumatized Chat noir really just strikes a chord with me. Bar none, the most powerful akuma with the most tragic motivation. The akuma the destroyed the world. Bryce Papenbrook really let his anime dubbing experience show. You could swear Erin Yeager was watching his mother get eaten by a titan when Chat noir was getting turned. 
Chat blanc is a tragic warning that etches itself into Ladybug’s psyche, a threat so big that Bunnix needed to get involved. The scale of the fight is set.
The clash in the destroyed Paris with Ladybug is the best fight choreography in the series. While the episode is a very split point for some, it held a TON of emotional tension. Chat Blanc’s design takes inspiration from a Blue eyed white cat, Which fun fact, are deaf as a birth defect. This was a symbol as that he was unable to hear Ladybug’s reason. Chat Blanc was out of reach.
Also, he can just DESTROY EXISTENCE! Like yikes Hawkmoth, didn't think to put a limit on that?
There are so many fanfic interpretations of Chat blanc LONG before he became a thing, but NONE of them encapsulated the Tragedy and Awe that Chat Blanc truly brings.
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mss4msu · 4 years
Call Me Doctor. (Chapter 21)
Summary: Fresh out of graduate school, you had somehow landed a spot in the faculty of a prestigious university. The small anthropology department has too many faculty and too few offices; sharing an office does not go as you expected.
Pairing: Professor!Steve x Professor!Reader 
Words: 1540
Warnings: Emotions, language
A/N: Ok, this took forever to be updated and then some. My sincerest apologies for not getting this out last Friday. But it’s here now! I make a lot of false promises to you all, but I really am going to try to finish this bad boy up sooner rather than later. Thank you to everyone who is still reading and asking for updates.
TAGS: If you would like to be tagged in future installments or asked to be tagged and I missed it, please send these requests as an ask, otherwise I miss them or forget. I’m sorry to anyone I’ve done that to. 
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“(Y/N)!” you heard James yelling over the pouring of the rain, “(Y/N) come inside!”
You ignored him; you couldn’t do anything but stand there and cry, the rain soaking you to the bone.
A door slammed and you heard him yell “Fuck it,” as large steps caused water to splosh and you knew James was running towards you. 
“(Y/N), come on, being out here isn’t going to help anything.”
“J-j-j-james,” your lip quivered, “He…he just left....”
“Please, will you come back inside? I’ll go over to his place later and check on him.”
“(Y/N), you standing out here isn’t doing anything to fix the situation,” he grabbed your hand and tried to pull you back towards the building, but you yanked it from his grip.
You stiffened your upper lip, “No. Going back in there won’t do anything but make it worse,” tears were still burning their way out of your eyes, but they were tinged with anger now, not sadness, “He doesn’t get to do this. Not again. Not now.” 
James took a deep breath and you knew that he knew he wouldn’t win this one, “Do you have your stuff?”
“What stuff?” 
“Fuck, that shit doesn’t matter. Come on,” he grabbed your hand again, but this time led you towards where he had parked his motorcycle. He unlocked the seat storage and pulled out a spare helmet, then paused, “Shit, I need to go back in for my helmet.”
“James, I don’t give a fuck about safety right now. Can we please just go?” you pleaded with him.
“No. I’ll go with you, but we’re doing it the right way.”
“Fuck the right way!” you said, shoving the helmet back into his hands and taking off running. 
“(Y/N)!” James shouted behind you.
You heard him run, but he didn’t catch up to you. You didn’t know where he went and you didn’t care. There was only one person on your mind and you were going to run to find him. You’d never been to Steve’s, but he had told you his address once and you’d stalked it on Google Maps enough to know exactly how to get there. You had to take off your shoes after two blocks; they worked well for a museum opening, but not for running through a downpour. Your breath heaved as you tried to orient yourself in the darkness. 
“Glenwood, Maple, Park, one more block North and then four East,” you muttered to yourself, attempting a light jog again, but feeling a growing stitch in your side. 
You finally got to his apartment building and buzzed the front gate for him. You waited, but got no answer. You buzzed again; still nothing. 
“STEVE!” you began to yell, “STEVE!” 
No one yelled back. 
You heard the roar of a motorcycle and spun around so quickly you lost your balance and fell into the large puddle forming outside the gate. The engine turned off and you were quickly helped up by a man in a helmet. 
“Steve?” you asked hesitantly.
“You couldn’t have waited 5 minutes?” James’s voice was muffled under the visor, which he flipped up quickly. 
“James, he won’t answer,” you stifled another fit of sobbing. 
“Another reason you should have waited,” he said with a roll of his eyes, procuring a set of keys from his pocket. 
He quickly keyed into the front gate and ran into the complex, then into the building where Steve lived; you followed right behind him. You both ran up the stairs to Steve’s door. James knocked loudly, but to no answer. He knocked again. Still nothing. 
“Steve, please be decent if you’re in,” James yelled before keying into the apartment. 
 It was dark inside. You frantically ran around, flipping on light switches and searching for Steve, bumping into and stumbling over furniture as you searched for him. 
“Steve?” you called out hopelessly as you turned on the lights to the last room; the bedroom, “Steve?” you asked more quietly, walking slowly into the room. 
He wasn’t there. You looked around and found, on his nightstand, a copy of the photo of you both that James had snapped in the coffeeshop. You sunk to the floor, fresh tears prickling at your eyes. You stared at the photo, at that happy time before Sharon had fucked everything up again. 
“JAMES!” you yelled out suddenly. 
“WHAT??” he burst into the room, actual panic on his face now.
“James, I know where he is,” you turned the photo around.
“The coffee shop?” he asked hesitantly. 
“No. He wouldn’t go there now, the Loki thing happened there,” you were shaking your head as you thought it through what you knew would have been Steve’s logic, “He’s somewhere else, somewhere happy.”
“Somewhere happy….” you could see the understanding dawning over him, “Are they even open now?”
“How should I know? I just know that that’s where he is.” 
“Alright, let’s go,” he said, gesturing for you to lead the way back outside, “But how about you actually wait for me this time?”
“You’re really joking, in a time like this?”
“Hey, I didn’t judge your coping mechanism of running into a stormy night alone, you don’t get to judge mine of making ill-timed jokes.”
“Shit, fine, let’s just go?” you asked with exasperation, to which he nodded in reply.
When you got outside, you both sprinted to the motorcycle. James handed you a helmet and put on his own. You got on the motorcycle and clung on for dear life as James navigated the way to that small cafe where you and Steve had had your first date. As James pulled up to the curb, you saw that a light was on in the back, but it was otherwise deserted. The yellow walls that looked so cheerful during that brunch now had a gloomy, somber affect on you. You stumbled off the bike when James parked and ran up to the door. You tried the handle, but found it locked. You started to desperately knock on the door, hoping against hope that he was inside. 
“STEVE!” James began to yell behind you as you continued to knock. 
You saw movement inside, and a man in an apron came up to the door. 
“We’re closed!” he yelled out at you. 
“Stan, come on, it’s me, James!” James yelled. 
“I don’t know a James,” Stan replied. 
“Stan, don’t fuck with us right now, is Steve here?” James yelled again.
“I don’t know a Steve,” Stan replied. 
“Stan, I swear to God, if you don’t open this door right now I’ll stop eating here!” anger was creeping into James’s voice. 
Another figure loomed out of the darkness and came up behind Stan. 
“STEVE!” you cried out. 
“It’s alright Stan, thanks,” Steve said, patting the cook on the shoulder. 
Stan unlocked the door and opened it for you and James to enter, “Don’t fuck up my floors,” he said before returning to the kitchen. 
You started to run up to Steve, but James held you back; James went up to him instead and gave him a swift slap on the cheek. 
“What in the fuck do you think you’re doing to storm out of a party like that into a fucking thunderstorm and then disappear?” James demanded.
“Ouch,” was all Steve mustered as he rubbed his cheek. 
“I’m so glad you’re ok!” you pushed past James and wrapped yourself around Steve. 
“It’s very kind of you to both have been concerned, but I don’t know why I wouldn’t be fine.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” your eyes widened in anger as you unhooked your arms from around him and took a step back, “You just fucking left and you weren’t home! And this is not the first time you’ve gone and pulled some shit like this because of that bitch! You do not get to just disappear and cut me out of your life as a coping mechanism!”
“Oy, keep it down out there! I’m not trying to have the cops join this party,” Stan yelled out from the kitchen.
“Look, I know in the past I have not handled things well, but I’m ok this time. I just needed to get out of that toxic environment, so I called Stan and he said I could come here to cool down. I wasn’t trying to disappear. I’m sorry. I thought it would be better to cool off on my own than to start some shit with either of you. I didn’t know I would cause so much worry.”
“Steve, that’s the first time we’ve seen her in the flesh in...years….Why are you so calm?” James asked, a tinge of fear in his voice. 
Steve took a deep breath, “If you must know, I’m fine, because I have a plan.”
“A plan?” there was actual worry in James’s voice now.
“Yes, a plan to serve Sharon and Loki their just desserts,” Steve said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Order up!” Stan yelled from the kitchen, placing a piping hot plate of french toast in the window.
“Speaking of just desserts, there’s mine,” Steve let out a low chuckle as he walked to the window to get his food.
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