#quill the gothitelle
quillpokebiology · 2 months
Hello! I've this question for a while and I wanted to ask you: are gothitelle and Mr mime on the same egg group? I mean they look kinda similar
Yes. They're both in the Human-Like egg group
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askdeoxys · 1 year
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[ @askvekpa ]
[ cameo from @occasional-weed and @psychicduo ]
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lightofunova · 4 months
Quill @ Reshi: He looks over the egg in Reshi's arms with a thoughtful expression. "Well, you are correct in your assumption. Gothitelle are typically very protective over their young. Which means, unfortunately, if they haven't shown up yet, I'm not sure this little one's parents are going to be coming back for it." he looked up at her. "Well, if push comes to shove, do you have any experience in looking after children?"
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“I-I don’t have any experience at all!!! I can’t take care of another pokémon! I would be better off leaving the egg with a human who could care for it than to have it under my metaphorical wings!!”
She seems exasperated at the thought, pacing back and forth worried over it. “Why would a Gothitelle just abandon its young like that? It makes no sense to me!”
“I…I suppose if no one worthy were to care for it I could, but…” Her face continues to be that of panic, warmth surging from the nerves. “I would much rather not! I’m just not ready for that type of responsibility!”
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psychicduo · 11 months
does anyone want an ask? it’s been a hot minute, although I have been trying to send them more often!
Scarlett (Lopunny) is usually quite nice. Occasionally though, she will be overly judgy. She might ask about hobbies, aspiration, family. 
Quill (Gothitelle) can be friendly but he can also be kind of an asshole (he thinks very highly of himself) and he likes asking about taste in things like music, clothes etc. (which he may also insult if it is known). Also he likes to meet other Psychic types especially other Goth - line / hybrid Pokemon. (But at the same time, he is also more likely to be competitive around other Gothitelles)
Rowan (Gardevoir) is unhinged, has no filter, and no concept of personal space. She will not mind her own business. She may come off as very tactless -- despite all this she is almost never rude on purpose. She is loud and can be scary to shy or timid Pokemon because of it. She asks basically anything.
Jo (Obstagoon) is impolite. He is very casual, if you are a god, royalty etc. he’s not going to care. Is flirty on rare occasions. Though, he will usually be chill with strangers unless he feels like he has a reason not to be, or is showing off. He just doesn’t care about formalities. Asks about basically anything.
Sophie (Hypno) is even more relaxed than any of them. She is not likely to judge you, and she will ask about job/hometown/less personal questions.
Flavian (Primarina) is polite but he is firm. He is not a sweetheart, but he isn’t rude or annoying. He can be a little nosey. Asks about worldbuildy lore stuff, or personal stuff like feelings or family.
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pokedesignercalli · 7 months
How pretty is Gothitelle?
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I think it looks nice. It definitely inspired a lot of young goths, that's for sure. The bows are very pretty, and I like the eyes, but the head shape seems off to me. Quill says that those things on the side of it are ears? If so, why do they need six ears? Whatever works, I guess. 6/10.
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poke-muns · 3 months
Human Names from Pokémon
Like how Robin, Leo, Raven, Kitty, etc. sound like animals using different languages, and names like Goldie can have ties if the namer so wishes. Same works here! The Pokemon name itself can be a name or the more “namey” sounding version.
Under the cut will likely be long and always getting longer as it’s updated. Names will be organised alphabetically!
Some names have links to pkmn irl roleplay blogs of folk who use the name/have used the name with this as the reason. I won’t be tagging so if you’re interested go have a look! 
Accelgor = Ellie, Cel, Elgor, Elgo
Aggron = Aggie, Ron
Galeking (Japanese) = Gale, King
Stolloss (German) = Stoll
Amaura = Amaur, Maur, Mau, Maura, Maurrie
Amagara (French) = Ama, Magar, Magara, Gara, Ara
Amarus (Japanese & Korean) = Amar, Mar, Marus, Arus, Rus
Tundra (species name) = Tunny, Undra
Blissey = Bliss, Liss, Lissey, Sey, Issey
Caterpie = Caterina
Decidueye = Dec, Deci, Duey,
Arrow Quill (species name) = Quill
Delcatty = Del, Catt, Catty
Prim (species name)
Delibird = Del
Dudunsparce = Dud, Dun, Arce, Dudun
Deusolourdo (French) = Deus, Sol, Deusol, Lourdo, Solourdo, Solour
Dummimisel (German) = Dummi, Dumm/Dum, Imi, Misel, Isel, Sel, Ummi, Mimi
Land Snake (species name) = Lanake, Snand
Nogogochi (Korean) = Nogo, Nogogo, Gogo, Gochi, Gogochi, Ochi, Ogochi, Ogogochi
Nokokocchi (Japanese) = Noko, Nokoko, Kocchi, Kokocchi, Occhi, Okocchi, Okokocchi, Okoko
Espeon = Es, Esp, Espy/Espie (I get what it sounds like and some don’t like that term), Peon
Eifie (Japanese) = Eif, Fie
Evee (Korean) = Eve, Vee (Pokémon adventures reference too? :D)
Mentali (French) = Ment, Tali, Ali
Psiana (German) = Psi, Psia, Ian, Iana, Ana, Psian
Sun (species name) = Sun, Sunny/Sunnie
Feebas = Feebie, Bas
Flareon = Flare, Eon, Reon
Booster (Japanese & Korean) = Boost
Flamara (German) = Amara, Amar, Lamar, Ara
Pyroli (French) = Py, Pyrol, Li, Oli
Fletchinder / Fletchling = Fletch
Frillish = Frill, Rilli, Lish, Illish
Galvantula = Gal, Galvan, Tula
Glaceon = Glace, Eon, Ace, Ceon, Lace
Fresh Snow (species name) = Snow, Esh
Glacia (Japanese) = Cia, Acia, Lacia
Glaziola (German) = Glaz, Glazi, Ziola, Ola, Zio, Lazio
Geulleisia (Korean) = Geulle/Guel/Guell, Leisia, Eisia, Sia, Euelle/Euel/Euell
Givrali (French) = Giv, Rali, Ali, Li, Givra, Vral, Vrali, Ivra, Ivral, Ivrali
Goldeen = Goldee/Goldie
Gothitelle = Elle
Siderella = Ella
Hariyama = Hari, Riya, Yama, Hariya
Jolteon = Jo, Jol, Joel, Jolt, Teon, Eon
Blitza (German) = Blitz, Itza, Litz, Za, Blita, Blit
Jupithunder (Korean) = Jupi, Jupiter, Thun, Pith, Pithund, Pithun, Jup, Jupith
Thunders (Japanese) = Thunder, Thun, Ders
Voltali (French) = Volt, Ali, Tali, Li, Olta, Oltali
Karrablast = Karra
Kleoparda (Liepard in German) = Kleo
Kyurem = Kyu, Rem/Remy, Kyur/Kyure
Landorus = Dory, Lan/Lanie, Lando
Demeteros / Démétéros (German / French) = Demetreus, Demeter, Dem
Leafeon = Leaf, Eaf, Feon, Eon, Eafie/Eafe, Leafe/Leafie
Folipurba (German) = Foli, Oli, Pur, Purb, Purba, Urba, Lipur, Lipurb, Folipur
Leafia (Japanese) = Leaf, Fia, Eafia
Lipia (Korean) = Ipia, Pia, Lipi, Ipi
Phyllali (French) = Phyll/Phyll, Ali, Lali
Lileep = Lilee/Lily, Lil, Lee, Li
Litleo = Leo, Litly
Lumineon = Lumi, Lumie
Luxio = Lux
Luxray = Lux, Ray
Medicham = Medi, Dich, Dicha, Edi, Cham, Dicham, Medich
Charem (Japanese) = Char/Chare, Rem, Arem, Em
Charmina (French) = Charm, Mina, Armina, Armin, Charmin, Charmi, Armi, Min, Ina
Meditalis (German) = Tali, Talis, Alis, Dit, Ditali, Ditalis
Meditate (species name) = Tate, Medit, Dit
Yogarem (Korean) = Yo, Yoga, Rem, Garem, Em
Mienshao = Mie, Mien, Shao, Ao, Miensh, Miensha, Enshao
Bizodo (Korean) = Bi, Bizo, Zodo, Iz, Izo, Izodo, Odo, Biz
Kojondo (Japanese) = Kojo, Jon, Jondo, Jon Do (?), Kojon, Kojond, Jond, Ko
Shaofouine (French) = Shao, Shaofou, Fouine, Fou, Shaof
Shifùyòu (Mandarin) = Shifù, Fùyòu, Yòu
Wie-Shu (German) = Wie, Wiesh, Shu, Eshu
Mightyena / Poochyena = Yena
Milotic = Milo, Loti, Ilo, Oti, Otic
Panpour = Pan
Pansage = Pan, Sage, Pansie/Pansy
Pansear = Pan, Pansie/Pansy (possibly)
Pichu = Pi, Chu, Ichu, Ich
Pikachu = Pika, Achu, Pik, Pi, Chu
Pyroar = Py, Pyro, Ro, Roar, Oar
Pyroleo (French) = Pyro, Roleo, Leo, Rol
Raichu = Rai, Chu, Ai, Aichu
Roselia = Rose, Rosie, Elia, Eli
Roserade = Rose, Rosie
Sableye = Sable
Zobiris (German) = Iris, Zo, Biris, Ob
Sawsbuck = Saw
Haydaim (French) = Hay, Haydm, Daim, Haydem
Shelmet = Shely
Sprigatito = Sprig, Gati, Gatito, Tito, Titi, Rig, Gat, Spriga
Felori (German) = Fel, Feli, Lori, Ori, Eloro, Felo
Grass Cat (species name) = Cass, Grat, Cat
Myāohā (Hindi) = Myā, Myāo, Yāo, Yāohā, Āohā
Naoha (Korean) = Nao, Ao, Aoha
Niaoha (Thai) = Nia, Niao, Aoha, Iaoha, Iao
Nyahoja (Japanese) = Nya, Hoja, Nyaho
Poussacha (French) = Sacha, Acha, Poussa, Poussach
Sylveon = Sylvie / Sylvester, Veon, Eon
Feelinara (German) = Fee, Feelin, Linara, Nara, Ara, Lin, Inara, Inar, Eelin, Elina
Nymphali (French) = Nymph, Nym, Pha, Phali, Ali
Nymphia (Japanese & Korean) = Nymph, Nym, Phia, Phi
Tauros = Tau, Taur, Ros, Tauro, Auros
Kentaros (Korean) = Ken, Kent, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentaro, Taro, Aros
Kentauros (Japanese) = Ken, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentauro, Enta
Terrakion = Terra/Terr/Terry, Kion, Erra, Raki, Ion
Terrakium (German & French) = Kiu, Kium
Togekiss = Toge, Kiss/Kissie, Gex (I don’t know ok), Gek
Jubilee (species name) = Lee, Jubi
Torterra = Tor, Tort, Terra, Erra
Chelterrar (French) = Chel, Chelt, Terra, Terrar, Rar, Erra
Umbreon = Umbre, Reon, Eon, Bre, Breon
Blacky (Japanese & Korean) = Black, Lacky, Blac
Nachtara (German) = Nach, Tara
Noctali (French) = Noc, Noct, Tali, Octa, Octal, Octali
Vaporeon = Vapor, Va, Reon, Eon, Oreo, Oreon
Aquali (Japanese) = Aqua, Li, Ali, Quali
Aquana (German) = Aqua, Ana, Quana
Bubble Jet (species name) = Jet, Bubble, Blej (I don’t know okay)
Shamid (Korean) = Shamie, Amid, Sham, Mid
Showers (Japanese) = Ower, Shower
Wooloo = Woo, Woolie/Wooly, Loo (like Lou)
Moumouton (French) = Mou, Moumou, Mouton, Ton
Wolly (German) = Wol, Olly
Yanmega = Yan, Mega, Meg, Anme
Ogre Darner (species name)= Darner, Ogie
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askbohemiancompany · 2 years
Quill @ Gwen: "Oh, dear, oh dear." the taller Gothitelle cocked his head and looked at Gwen with an expression consisting of concern, pity, and a hint of contempt. "Buckethead? That is concerning. But you must not worry, I can help you here. Let me think ... surely you've thought about giving Sister Sledge a try? Or perhaps Parliament? Moroder? I think those are much more stylish choices." he nodded, clearly very confident about this. "Say the word, and I will show you the light."
Oh it was that gothitelle. The one that looked like some actual spaceman. He actually looked presentable for a ball. Good on him.
Unfortunately for Gwen, the same could not be said of his music taste. Nothing from the last 5 years. Not that she disrespected the classics, but she had some choice words for people like this.
"You only listen to that grandpa shit? Did your mommy and daddy control the music on the ride home, and you never tried anything made in the last, I'll be generous, 5 years. Moroder is like the prototype to a lot of electronic acts that actually made his style better, like J. Dilla or Aphex Twin. His best work was being sampled in a Daft Punk album. Sister Sledge is just soft grandma music, still listened by people who can let the 70's go. Like nothing good happened after 1984. That shit puts me to sleep."
The tare was about to begin. For whatever inaccuracies she was about to say, they would be hard to pick through due to the sheer volume of what she had to say.
"Honestly, metal is the most significant gritty impactful changes until hiphop came and ushered in a new era as well. I admit, I am not as knowledgeable on rap, but there are some impactful acts like Kendrick Lamar, Injury Reserve, Clipping, Tech9 or Doomtree."
Though there was one thing, Gwen had to concede from this dork's recommendations. "...I will concede though that Parliament has some bangers though."
(The views of both gothitelles in this post do not reflect the views of the author, as he has better taste than both combined.)
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za-cian--adventures · 3 years
Quill @ Caedeyrn: "Oh! You have a twin brother! Family is so nice to have, yes? Do you like to battle much? I was wondering if you and your brother maybe had any combo attacks or something. Have you ever thought of it? It could be neat!"
@psychicduo .
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“It.. is nice to know that I have someone that is by my side, but sometimes it can be frustrating. We don’t exactly see things the same way...” she explains as she examines the large Pokemon, curious about them from how much they look like a human.
“We battle quite a bit, but mostly to train. Glas says that we are still a bit young to travel on our own, but we do have a combo attack. We’ll rally ourselves up with a Howl before charging in with a double Quick Attack. If that doesn’t finish the fight, he’ll then boost me with Helping Hand before I kick them!” she reveals, crouching a little from her getting excited to explain it. She soon becomes flustered and stands up straight with a swish of her tail. 
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“What about you? Do you have someone you team up with for fights?” she asks.
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ask-the-wishmaster · 2 years
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“I can’t see details too well within the silhouette of a figure, but the outside edges of the silhouette have gotten clearer for me to see, so that’s helpful at the very least.” the Gothitelle said softly. “With pretty much all figures, their eyes illuminate. With Dark types, the eyes still illuminate for me, but much more dimly.”
He sighed before giving a smirk.
“But hey, I’ll take temporarily blurry over complete blackness any day~”
{ @theforgottenmimikyu }
( Cameos: Quill from @psychicduo and Russel owned by @bunch-of-frogs )
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ask-an-blind-espeon · 7 years
Quill @ Nuru: "So you like to dance! Participating in the arts is always nice, so I commend you! Although, dancing cannot be all you do, correct? Do you have any other hobbies? Or do you perform a special job around here? What might those be, if you do not mind me asking?"
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“Never thought about it.” said while the both walking. “I guess singing and walking count as a hobby. And maybe enjoying the night breeze?”
“I mostly to perform in the town near.” she raised her head, trying to ‘look’ to at the Gothitelle. “But there’s a special event that I do perform the most. It’s the ‘Sun Festival’ which always happening once a year.”
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Quill @ Yusuke: "Oooh, I am sure you have gotten many comments on your suit already, but it is positively dashing! It is based on Eternatus, right? A very strange and fascinating Pokemon. Why did you pick Eternatus, if I may ask?"
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“You could say I idolize it. But I’d rather say it idolizes me.”
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Hey, so I saw your post above Gallade facts and I'm curious. What kind of Pokemon do the Gallade/Gardevoir evolution line that's closely related? Are Gallades related to Bisharp and or Gardevoirs related to Hatterene?
(Oh my God I've been wanting to talk about the evolution tree for so long, thank you for asking this)
Pokemon Related to the Gardevoir Line
1. Bisharp
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Bisharp are more related to gallades than they are gardevoir. They both have sword-like appendages on their elbows, live in similar habitats, and were both bred for fighting. Unlike gallade though, the metalic feeling spread to their entire body instead of just their head (this includes King Gambit btw, I just chose bisharp because it's more well known).
2. Hatterene
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Hatterene and gardevoir share many similarities. They're both psychic/fairy type, have both dress and hair-like extensions, both are feminine looking. But I think the reason hatterene behaves so differently form gardevoir (more violent prone, will kill if too noisy, prefers to be left alone) is that an ancient form of gardevoir had to defend against something, and evolution did its thing, making them an all new species adapted for that situation.
3. Ceruledge & Armarougue
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These pokemon look so much like gallade that's it's very obvious. When I first saw one, I legit thought it was a regional form until I talked to their trainers.
4. Gothitelle
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Gothitelle and gardevoir are also incredibly similar. They both share the psychic typing, they both can see the future, they both have a stargazing theme (gothitelle more than gardevoir), similar body shapes, and are both feminine looking.
Instead of sharing a common ancestor, I think that gothitelle might've evolved from gardevoirs. But they were probably heavily bred by humans, as the whole goth theme and following what would appeal to humans.
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sapphiel · 4 years
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Random doodles that I did months ago but apparently never uploaded... huh
Lorra’s fanged glory / Biting your tongue with fangs has gotta be the worst thing ever / Quill + Willow = Quillow
Snake couple, Shad and Shiva
Kazie dynamic pose attempt
Rammy has fangs too. Love him too.
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ankaa-avarshina · 6 years
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My own gifts to @etheralavarice for our first anniversary as a lovely couple.
She’s one of the few people to have not only shared my own interests, but also understand my personality almost perfectly. Our goal is to help each other improve as people, fix each other’s mistakes and guide one another. We vow to hold no secrets from each other, always be heart-to-heart and understand one another. It may be a distant relationship as of now... but I have faith our love with blossom beautifully in the near future.
Love you, hun~♥
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limecornchip · 7 years
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assorted sketches
I may finish those Gothitelle busts later but it’s been a long time since I’ve drawn all my Goths. Top row is Cesare, Harry and Pumpkin (who is a hybrid thing, Delphox/Gothitelle) and bottom row is Asgeir, Carmine and Quill.
also my Sylveon Castor and then Silas with Quill’s human counterpart
basically just me figuring out everyone’s face shape
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askbohemiancompany · 6 years
Quill @ Nigel: "Hello! I have heard of a nightclub in the making ... you are the one in charge of this prospect, no? I love clubs!! I have been to many to perform. How big will this one be? What gave you the idea for one?"
This was an odd sight. This funky psychic sure did fit the mold of someone who would go to his club. An older niche club but still.
“Indeed I am! This club is going to at least be two stories high with each floor being able to hold at least 800 bodies on both floors. The club will include a DJ table, a stage for any musical acts, full bar and restaurant section for patrons to eat if they choose.”
Nigel sounded proud as he spoke. While his club was big enough to hold a few hundred people, 800 was a massive exaggeration. Still, everything else was correct.
After his brief explanation, Nigel took out his card with all of his contact information. Where the business title would be it said “The Club with No Name”
“If you ever want to contact me about any opportunities or if you want information on when it opens, don’t hesitate to call me!”
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