#quirk enhancing drug
rotten-sarcophagus · 2 months
last chapter of mha was fukin pathetic
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survivoirs · 7 months
✦ "Whatever you do, don't look down." -Hawks probably only barely grabbing him by the one hand XD @bunnybolt
That phrase seems to be an oxymoron because of course Izuku did look down when ever Keigo said not too. This only caused Izuku to freak out as he gripped onto the pro hero a little tighter. If there was one thing that Izuku was afraid of it was definitely being up so high like this. Knowing that if he fell and Hawks didn't catch him, he would surely perish.
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"Next time, don't tell someone to not look down! Especially when they don't have a quirk like you!" Izuku shouts. He was definitely clinging onto the other for dear life. "I would like to be on land now!"
Hawks tended to prefer to spend his patrols in the sky rather than the ground for the obvious reason of it suiting his quirk of course, but he also enjoyed the solitude. Well --- perhaps enjoy wasn't the right word. It was just what he had always known. And perhaps while in solitude was the one time Hawks could feel something remotely close to peace. He didn't have to keep up the facade of hiding his true emotions from those around him. Didn't have to maintain the perfect little hero personality that the Commission inculcated in him. He could let his expression fall to neutral and just enjoy the wind in his feathers and the gorgeous view while he took more leisure flaps of his crimson wings to give him a chance to work on his breakfast sandwich. Nobody could compete with his commute to work.
'I honestly wonder what that feels like' thought Hawks as he listened to the annoyed blaring of horns down below him on the bridge. Being stuck in traffic. That was not something Hawks had literally ever experienced in his life. His family had been too poor to ever even set foot in a car before the Commission swooped him up to be their perfect little hero. Hawks moved too fast for his own good, somehow he figured his patience would not last being stuck in traffic these days. A sudden screeching caught his attention and even before the following scream he was in a dive toward the source. Further screeching of tires and the jarring sound of metal crunching as a car door was ripped off and thrown. Crap. Where the hell did he come from? Hawks pondered quickly, sharp eyes taking in every detail of the lizardoid villain that had just reached into the car to grab a hostage.... —
Calamity was never the way he wanted to start his day, but now, here he was, feathers zipping out to pull back civilians who'd started to get out of their cars, red plumes pulling a dozen or so back 100 yards while Hawks body-slammed into the villain, gloved hand reaching for the outstretched hand of the green haired kid who'd been snagged from the car. In the same movement, the Winged Hero half spun and with the momentum, planted a foot into the villain's scaled chest. Free hand struck at the most sensitive part of the underside of the wrist attached to the clawed grasp in Izuku's jacket, breaking the hold and launching Hawks, and Izuku in his grip, upwards with a powerful beat of his wings. It all happened incredibly fast. Whatever you do, don't look down.
Hawks couldn't help but smile at the kid's response to his quip. He'd also taken notice of the tattered remains of what had appeared to be a cabbie shirt falling off the lizardoid's torso. His eyes narrowed as thoughts processed rapidly while he flew the scared student away from the raging --- "That's not a villain," Hawks pondered aloud, followed up by a realization.
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"Was that your driver?" He grunted a bit, shifting to get a better grip on the kid before he touched down on the road behind some now abandoned cars to let Izuku down. Hawks' feathers were still at work, making sure no one else was in the near vicinity as his golden gaze watched sharply at the rampage that was becoming more and more clear now. "Was he drinking anything caffeinated before this?"
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fatkish · 6 months
Aizawa x child reader (age range preferably 4 through 8) who’s scared of the dark please
I hope you don’t mind that I kinda turned this into a slightly Present Mic x child reader x Aizawa
Aizawa x Child reader
Similar to Eri, the reader is a child that has a powerful quirk and was a victim of villains. The villains that were keeping the reader were using them as a healing tool and held them for 3 years
The reader’s quirk allows them to utilize and manipulate light energy. Their quirk works by absorbing light particles and turning them into energy that they can store up or use immediately. They can bend light and reflect/refract it, they can condense and harden the particles to create solid and non solid illusions, generate force fields, create lasers as well as use the energy to heal.
Their quirk can activate with even the smallest amount of light. The reader is kind of like a plant in the way that they need a source of light to use their quirk so that they can harness the energy or else they won’t have any energy to use
Knowing that the reader’s quirk was really strong, the villains kept the reader locked up inside a dark room where it was pitch black. The only time there was ever any light allowed near them was when one of the villains was hurt and needed to be healed. The villains would go into the room and light a small candle so the reader would have just enough energy to be able to heal them but be unable to store up any to use against them
Eventually there was a raid on the villain’s base where Present Mic was one of the heroes on the mission. He was the one to discover the reader and save them. After police looked into the child’s family they found that the reader’s parents were criminals who sold the reader to make money of their quirk.
Since saving the reader, Mic would visit them since he was the only person the child would allow near them. Mic and the reader quickly grew attached to each other, so Mic decided to adopt the reader.
Hizashi was told by the reader’s therapist that the reader was terrified of the dark so much, that even being in a room with the lights off and the window open allowing light in would trigger them. The reader was so terrified of the darkness that they would panic if there was a dark corner in a room where they couldn’t see what was there.
Hizashi’s solution was to buy all kinds of night lights, string lights, LEDs, light projectors,etc. he even bought glow in the dark paint and stars. There wasn’t a single place in his house that was dark. The corners and other places where shadows would be like under furniture were lit by LEDs
Whenever Hizashi was stuck at work when it was late, he would have either Midnight or Aizawa babysit the reader. The reader was originally scared of Aizawa at first, but after he bought them glow in the dark cat pajamas, they loved him and started calling him Uncle ‘Zawa
One day there was an fight between heroes and an EMP villain who was using quirk enhancing drugs near Mic’s house. The Villain’s quirk basically made any electrical device in their nearby vicinity obsolete. All electrical devices in the area were affected.
Knowing that he would be staying late at his Radio station and that he wouldn’t be home until late night or early morning, Hizashi called Aizawa and told him the situation begging for him to stay with the reader since the power wouldn’t be restored until early morning. Understanding the situation, Aizawa agreed and made sure to bring a few things like a portable DVD player and some candles
Once Aizawa got to Mic’s house that evening, he dismissed the babysitter/nanny and told the reader that they were going to build a giant blanket fort in the living room and pretend to go camping. The reader was excited and wanted to surprise Mic so they quickly began gather all the blankets and pillows, bringing them to Aizawa as he put the fort together.
After that he gathered all the non electronic light sources and when the sun set, he turned them all on, lighting all the candles
That night Aizawa and the reader spent their time watching movies, reading glow in the dark books, and listening to Aizawa tell stories of Mic being an idiot in highschool.
When the reader was tired, Aizawa got out his sleeping bag and let the reader snuggle up to him as he held them. Whenever the reader was scared, Aizawa would hold them and quietly shush them, rubbing their back and kissing their cheeks telling them that he would keep them safe
That night Aizawa and reader slept together in his sleeping bag inside their fort. When Hizashi got home he found them snuggled up together and took as many pictures on his phone as possible
Hope you enjoyed this. Sorry if it’s a little short.
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actuallysaiyan · 14 days
You're Mine(Enji Todoroki x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, suggestive themes, swearing, unprotected sex, Love quirk/Sex pollen trope, sort of dub con, Rei and Enji are divorced in this, slight age gap, oral sex(male receiving)
word count: 2.6k
pairings: Enji Todoroki x Fem!Sidekick!Reader
summary: during a normal job for you and Endeavor, he gets hit with a Love quirk and you're the only one who he'll let help him...
a/n: dividers by @adornedwithlight! For the lovely @cherryblossombankai <3/tagging: @pixelcafe-network
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It was supposed to be a standard job. Just going to bust this criminal together and then throwing him in jail. That’s it! You’re a proud sidekick to Endeavor and you even hope one day that you can be as strong as him. Endeavor always shows you just how good a hero can be, and in your heart of hearts, you know that he is the number one for you.
Everything was going well. You had tackled down the first guy, holding him against the wall while you waited for Enji to dispatch the second guy. You can hear the sirens approaching the derelict warehouse where you caught the two criminals trying to ship out some of the enhancement drugs.
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Their quirks had been unknown to you, but you did notice how the guy that Enji is fighting didn’t use his at all. Instead he focused on hand-to-hand combat. Which you thought was pretty impressive considering that Endeavor could easily kill this guy, but he won’t. The guy then realizes what kind of trouble he and his partner are in.
“Well, I guess we can’t win. But you sure ain’t gonna win either!” He shouts, then he opens his hand and waves it in front of Enji’s face.
Endeavor growls, pushing himself away from the villain. You can’t tell what the guy’s quirk was, but you know it’s affecting Endeavor immediately. His pupils dilate and he’s got a crazed look on his face. The two villains help each other, pushing you away from the other guy. You try to chase them but they are already too fast. You look back at Enji in defeat, but he’s not looking at you angrily like you were expecting.
You’ve never seen him like this. He’s been your boss for a long time. To say that you weren’t attracted to him would be a big fat lie. Endeavor was one of the most attractive men you’ve ever laid eyes on, but you know it would be wrong to hit on your boss. It’s just not right. Then again, the way he’s looking at you right now would suggest otherwise. Wait…why is he looking at you like that?
“Get away from here! Go tell the police what happened!” His voice sounds angry, but it’s thick with something else. Something you can’t quite pinpoint.
You do as he says, telling the police that Endeavor got hit with a mystery quirk and that the villains were running away. Some of the other pro heroes are on scene now and they begin to chase down the villains. You return to your boss. 
Enji is nowhere to be found. He made his way upstairs to one of the office spaces in the building. His suit is becoming way too tight, and it is starting to feel a little slick with sweat now. He’s not stupid; he was just hit a Love quirk.
Usually people with a quirk like that were contained or their were strict laws surrounding how they could be used. The fact that the bastard had taken the time to hit him dead on was just a cheap shot. Enji swears as he sits down on the old couch in the office and adjusts himself through his suit. He did not want you to see him like this; all weakened and pathetic.
The way his stomach flips and erupts with butterflies whenever he touches his cock lets him know just how strong this quirk is. It’s painful in a way because he knows he’s going to have to take care of this alone. There’s nothing else he can do. He can’t have anyone see him like this, they wouldn’t know how to help.
He’s just lazily palming himself through his costume for the time being. His eyes scan the room to see how he can maybe block the door. He’d tell whoever came looking for him a dumb lie. Most of them trust his word, they know he wouldn’t be hiding himself away for no good reason.
Your voice sounds so saccharine as you call out for him. His cock is jumping as he hears you getting even closer. You’re so worried about him too; fuck, he swears that you’re just the cutest little thing to ever cross paths with him.
“Enji?” You call out.
He bites his lip when he hears you using his real name. You shouldn’t be here. You should be somewhere safe and not near him where he could easily open that door, throw you onto this couch and fuck you until your legs turn to jelly. No, you need to fucking leave. But he swears he can just about smell you as you get even closer.
“Get out of here! Now!” He growls.
Your hand hovers over the doorknob of the door. You aren’t sure you like the tone of his voice right now. Whatever quirk he was hit by, you knew it was affecting him worse than anything else. You’ve seen him get hurt before, but this wasn’t him with his wounded pride and injuries on his body.
This must have fucked with his psyche somehow. You wonder if maybe the quirk was a brainwashing one, but you know you’re just so worried. You need to make sure he’s fine. You slowly turn the knob and then push the door open just enough so you can stick your head inside.
The sight of Enji on the couch, his hand between his thighs and the glazed over look in his eyes. That’s all you needed to see to let you know that this was no brainwashing quirk. He had clearly been hit by a Love quirk and it was driving him insane. He flares his nostrils when you finally step inside the office.
“Didn’t I fucking tell you to get the hell out of here?” He snaps. His hand keeps rubbing up against the obvious bulge in his costume.
You back away slowly, afraid of the man in front of you. But there was something else there that was hitting you. You found yourself wanting to help him. You know you shouldn’t suggest it, but maybe you could be of use. Love quirks usually go away faster with someone helping the victim out.
“I couldn’t leave you!” You cry out as you close the door behind you.
Endeavor sits up on the couch, looking at you with a pure blaze in his eyes. If you make one more step inside this room, he’s going to not be able to hold back. He’s going to lose it and he’s going to have no control.
“If you don’t fucking leave right now,” he says through gritted teeth. “I’m going to fucking lose it.”
You shudder at his words. You feel like you’re losing your mind already. It almost feels warmer in here. You tentatively take a half-step towards him and he groans and tilts his head back.
“I’m not going to warn you again.”
You stop him. “I can help!”
He growls, “Fuck no! Don’t get any closer.”
But he knows you both want this. You’ve been pining for him for a while, and he’s shared the same feelings. Since his divorce from Rei and taking you on as a new sidekick, Enji knows that he can’t hold back his emotions for you. You’ve been such a positive light in his life. You’ve shown him a new way to look at things.
His eyes close and he lets out almost a purring noise. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
You approach him and take his hand. “You won’t hurt me. Let me help.”
He shudders from head to toe as you finally get close enough to him. You wipe the sweat from his brow in such a loving way, he’s moaning at the feeling of your hand on him. His eyes are so dark, you can just about make out the amount of arousal he’s feeling right now.
He nods frantically, “A really strong one.”
“Love quirk, right?” you finally ask.
You look at him. He’s a mess right now. His cock is throbbing beneath the spandex. There’s that lust-crazed look in his eyes. And his hands are shaking from not touching you. You then lick your lips and look into his eyes.
“What do you want? You want me to use my hand or my mouth or?”
You don’t get to finish when he’s pulling you towards him and he’s kissing you with so much hunger. His tongue penetrates your mouth, tangling wetly and sensually with yours. Enji lets out very deep and dark grunts that rumble through his chest. You’ve never been kissed like this at all.
He’s pulling you even closer; his arms wrapping around your waist. You nearly topple over as you get tangled in the discarded files and papers on the ground. He holds you so close, kissing you as if your kisses were like the oxygen he needs to breathe.
“I just need you so badly,” he finally says in a husky tone of voice. “Don’t care what you do to me, but please…please.”
You grab the zipper to his costume and you unzip it. You’re trying to work as quickly as you can. Enji keeps bucking his hips as more of him gets exposed. He reaches over to help you unzip yours. Your breasts are exposed and he’s pawing at you like some sort of teen boy who’s just found his first porn mag.
His cock stands erect and leaking. You dreamt about seeing him naked for so long, but you never thought it would be in a dirty, abandoned office space. You finally kneel in front of him, and Enji lets out a strangled moan. Just the sight of you on your knees for him has his cock leaking even more fluid.
“D-don’t fucking tease!” 
You giggle at how much he’s at your mercy right now. You reach over to hold his cock in your hand and you feel your stomach flip when you realize that your fingers don’t even touch from the size of him. He growls when you begin to jerk him off.
“Yes, yes yes…oh god yes!”
He’s panting, growling and moaning. He sounds like a ferocious beast trying to mate. His hips begin pumping in time with your hand. Then you lean in to lick the tip and this has him whimpering.
“D-do it again!” His fingers tangle in your hair. He pushes you gently, or as gently as he can manage while under this quirk’s power.
You wrap your lips around him and he feels his knees buckling. There’s stars dancing in his vision already. All he can do is white-knuckle the sofa beneath him as you’re bobbing your head up and down. His legs are literally shaking as you try to take him deep down your throat. The sofa is beginning to creak from the pressure of his fingers clinging to it.
“Don’t stop!” He roars. “Don’t fucking stop!”
Tears sting your eyes as you do all that you can to continue to deepthroat Enji. You wonder what will happen if you are to let him fuck you. You’re going to be wrecked completely. You won’t be able to walk for a week. Then when you look up at him, you know you’ve done the wrong thing.
He pulls you off his cock and he pushes you down on the sofa. His eyes are alight with a fire that you know you’re the only one will ever see. He leans in to capture your lips in a deep kiss. It’s hungrier than the last one and he moans when he tastes himself on your lips.
“Gotta fuck you. I need it.”
His words hit you so hard. You don’t know that you can take him, but there is no turning back now. Enji Todoroki was about to fuck you until you were going to pass out. He pulls his costume off of him fully, then he helps you out of yours. He lets out a ‘tsk’ when he notices the underwear.
“Not everyone goes commando, sir.”
Those words earned you another rumbling growl before he kisses you sloppily again. You feel like your mind is already swimming from the amount of lust you feel for this man. His fingers curl around the waistband of your little panties and he pulls them off with enforce that they tear.
He smirks at the cute little gasp you let out. He pushes two of his fingers into you, his thumb coming up to rub your clit. You were thanking your lucky stars that at least he was prepping you to take his length. Endeavor is rough with you, but it only serves to turn you on even more. Your juices are slick all over his fingers.
Then he presses you back and spreads your thighs. His cock sits heavy on your mound for a moment as he leans down to spit on the head of it. You cry out and cling to the couch as he penetrates you roughly.
“Just take it! I need this!” He growls as his hips snap.
He’s just chasing his own high. You knew this is what it was anyway. When you offered to help, you know that he wouldn’t be focusing on you at all. You feel warmth blossoming inside of you when you think about how he tried to prep you for his impressive size. Even with that, you feel like you’re being split open as Enji pounds himself into you.
“Perfect little hole,” he grunts against your ear before he begins to leave love bites on your neck. “Like you were fuckin’ made to take me!”
Your legs wrap around him as you try to gain a little control, but this only pushes him even deeper inside of you. Endeavor growls loudly before biting down on the junction between your shoulder and neck. This causes your walls to spasm around him and he’s roaring loudly again.
“Milkin’ my cock, huh?” He asks in a dark tone of voice.
The way he’s talking to you is even most feral now. He’s gripping your hips harshly, certainly leaving indentations. His body keeps trembling with every harsh thrust. His cock throbs as he slams against your cervix. He wants you to cum if you can. He needs to feel that around his cock.
“Cum for me. Come on, fuckin’ cum for me! Milk my cock.”
The Love quirk was penetrating his mind even more so. The closer to his peak, the more he felt feral and hungry for you. He lets his hand slip between you both and he rubs your clit in fast little circles. You can barely wrap your mind around the pleasure you’re feeling. Enji leans in to capture your lips in a rough kiss.
“Cum for me, baby. Come on, do it for me.”
The coil in your stomach snaps and your vision turns to white. Every single nerve in your body feels like it’s on fire as you cum hard. Your cry of his name only makes him fuck you even faster and deeper. Your legs feel like they are jelly right now.
He’d give anything to you. He’d promise you anything right now. If you wanted to get married and have kids, he swears while he’s in this state, he’d give you the world. Enji feels his orgasm creeping up on him and the chills run down his spine. His balls are drawing up and he’s panting like an animal in heat.
“Cumming!” He growls as he feels the first pulse of his semen.
He holds onto you so close, making sure to shoot deep inside your hot heat. As he rides out his high, you can see him slowly returning to normal. There’s a bit of a blush on his cheeks when he finally snaps out of it. But instead of making you feel bad, he just kisses you.
“Thank you for helping me.”
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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whirlybirbs · 1 month
About "Bruised Ego"
If I may ask how long has Toshinori been attracted to Derecho? Has it been one of those "for a villain, i'd tap that." Or more of a developed after the rehab? Has there been moments of where they go out to eat and Derecho or All Might get hit on leading to the other person to get a little jealous.
But honestly amazing writing as always, I've been following since the ben solo days and still go back to read them every now and then!!
it's complicated.
truthfully, pre-villain rehab derecho is dangerous.
you're some old money, long standing yakuza's prized guard dog, constantly amped up on quirk enhancers — a drug i personally consider the biggest, baddest stimulant crossed with an immediate performance enhancer. it's essentially like feeding you a live wire.
all might's agency has a task force dedicated to arresting derecho — or, well you. before you had a hero name. before you were anything short of a frenzied, violent enforcer on a short leash. back when you were a grinning mugshot and an extensive rap sheet.
you were different, then.
toshinori knows it's the drugs — he knows that's how you came close to nearly killing him that one night. it's how he learned not to go toe-to-toe with you in the rain. water is a conductor and all that.
you are beautiful — and you were back then, too. scarier. tougher. less of a light in your eyes and more of a blood thirst that earned you title of most wanted. it's almost like a knife's edge. get too close and you'll get cut.
toshinori likes strong women. strong men, too.
but back then, he hated you.
there was a sliver of him that knew you were a victim of your circumstances — but all the playful rivalry went out the window that night in april when your fists cracked across his face in the pouring rain and you swore you'd kill him and everyone he ever loved.
it's the night you almost flatlined back in that disgusting, cold yakuza safe-house. it's a wake-up call. you flew too close to the sun. one breath away from an overdose you wouldn't come back from.
he arrests you the next time you go head to head, after a botched robbery downtown. you... you just can't keep doing it anymore.
it's that image that winds up on the front page of every newspaper in japan — the one with your chest slammed down against the hood of a detectives car, your legs spread, and all might gripping the cuffs behind your back to tightly you had bruises for weeks.
they muzzle you.
it's... poetic, really.
truth be told, prison is the best thing that ever happens to you.
the villain rehab program is second.
it takes toshinori a long time to agree — with a lot of bargaining and parol restrictions placed on your head. but the hero commission are different sort of vile ilk. the kind you don't argue with.
it takes toshinori a long time to even loosen up around you, too. truth be told, he regrets to admit he was convinced you would end up back behind bars — this time in tartarus.
you're irritable, short-tempered, violent, and often times cruel.
but you're smart. and, despite your circumstances, you do have a good heart. slowly, toshinori can see the fear melt away and you're less like a cornered dog snapping its jaw.
you take praise well. you enjoy routine. you begin to attend those meetings gran torino recommended — after all, it's not just villains who struggle with quirk enhancer addiction. there are plenty of heroes who have wandered down that path, seeking greatness at the cost of their sobriety.
it's slow. a new sort of dangerous. over time, you become enmeshed in his life in a different way than years ago. now, it's through text typos and late night patrols. it's you letting toshinori hitch a ride on the back of your yamaha ninja. it's comfortable silence in the agency's infirmary after a long mission.
and when you smile. well, shit.
yea, he's always liked strong women.
and you're dangerous.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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Can I get a dadzawa comfort fic where the readers mom was a villian and dad was actually good and they recently had to fight there mom when they escaped police and after beating her reader has a meltdown in the dorm commen area in the middle of the night
(Hello, 🍁 Anon!! I really hope you enjoy this, I’m kinda proud of this fanfic)
A Good Person..
(Warning: This is PLATONIC, swearing, and mentions of injuries)
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The school day went by painfully slow, seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. You were in English class, tapping your pencil against the desk lightly as you listened to Present Mic teach about todays grammar lessons until Principal Nezu’s voice came on the intercom.
“Y/N L/N, please report to my office, I repeat, Y/N L/N please report to my office. Thank you.”
You were confused by this, why would Principal Nezu want to speak with you out of all people? You put your pencil down and got up from your desk, your fellow classmates giving you confused and concerned looks as you walked by.
You arrived at the Principal’s office and knocked on the door, opening it when you heard Nezu’s voice give you permission to come on in.
When you walked in you saw a couple police officers standing in the office while Principal Nezu was sitting down on his chair. “Have a seat, L/N.” Nezu calmly said, gesturing to the chair in front of him.
A man with short hair stepped closer to you, “My name is Detective Tsukauchi, we found out what happened to your mother.” He said, looking at you with empathetic dark eyes.
“Is everything alright? Is she okay?” You questioned, concern lacing your voice as you saw the detective’s facial expression. You hadn’t seen your mother in a few months now, you and your father were scared for her well-being so you guys filed a missing person report.
“Well I’m very sorry to inform you but it turns out that your mother is a villain. She committed about twenty counts of murder, six counts of arson, and possession and use of illegal Quirk enhancing drugs.” Tsukauchi explained.
“No..no this can’t be..” You mutter, struggling to find the right words to say.
“I know that this is most likely going to impact your mental health terribly, so I grant you permission to take a couple weeks off of school if you desire. I will inform your teachers of the situation so they are not left in the dark.” Nezu informed.
You felt tears start to build up in your eyes but you denied them to fall. You couldn’t believe it. “Thank you Principal Nezu, I think I really need that break. Is there anything else I need to know?”
You left Nezu’s office, it’s been about two hours. The police interrogated you, asking a few questions about your family history before allowing you to leave. The school day still hasn’t ended but you really didn’t have the energy to finish up the day so you just went back to the dorms, not even bothering to retrieve your backpack.
As you were walking outside to your dorm, you felt a strangely familiar presence nearby. Thinking that it was just paranoia, you decide to ignore it.
All of a sudden, you hear a voice from behind you, “Y/N.”
Your eyes widened at the voice, turning around quickly you saw her. You saw your mother. She looked disappointed in you, disappointed and disgusted at the looks of a future hero.
“Why mother, why would you do this?!” You exclaimed, tears threatened to fall from your eyes.
“You don’t need to know, but I need to get rid of you. You’re way too dangerous so I’m not sorry for what I’m about to do.”
Before you even had time to process a little of what she had just said, she sprinted towards you preparing for an attack. No matter who she was to you, you’re forced to fight her here and now.
You managed to swiftly dodge her attack and use your Quirk to knock her off balance and throw her off. Without any hesitation, you ran towards her at the fastest speed you’ve ever ran before and hit her hard on her neck, causing a brief loud cracking noise to fill the air and your mother to instantly lose consciousness.
You see your mother on the ground, questions started racing through your head, why in the world would she do this to you? Those questions running through your head stops when you heard the sounds of sirens. Looking behind you, you saw police cars coming to the scene.
Most likely a bystander walking by witnessed what was happening and contacted the authorities. You huff in annoyance, you were already so so tired you didn’t want to deal with the lectures that the police are gonna give you for fighting without a Heroes License.
You had finally arrived at your dorm room. After that shit show that happened and the long lecture from the police, you were exhausted. You take your phone from your back pocket and place it on your bedside table, you decide to take a nap for a few hours to relieve the fatigue feeling you felt.
As soon as you closed your eyes you heard your phone ring, “God dammit, can’t catch a break today.” You look at the number and it was your father.
“I’ve heard about the fight between you and your mother. As you already know, the police took her to the hospital so they could treat her wounds.” He took a deep breath in before speaking once more, “I received intel that you hit her so hard that she unfortunately is now paralyzed from the spinal injury.”
What? No way in hell. This is a dream, right? This isn’t happening you are just asleep having a god awful nightmare.
“O-oh..I..see. I got to go now, bye.” You barely managed to say as your throat began to tense up. You end the call and place your phone on the bed, getting up to go to the kitchen so that you can get a drink to help with your tensed up throat.
You went to the dorm room kitchen and got a glass of water, bringing the glass up to your lips to take a sip you began to think-
How could you do this to her? Couldn’t you just have controlled yourself and gone a lot more gentle? What was fucking wrong with you? You are a terrible person. You aren’t a hero. You aren’t a human being anymore. You are a monster.
*BANG!!* The glass you were holding slipped out of your hand and shattered all over the ground, but the loud intrusive thoughts were consuming your mind. It consumed your mind so much that you didn’t even notice your homeroom teacher standing nearby.
Warm tears flooded your vision before rolling down your cheeks, your legs became more and more wobbly by the second.
“L/N-” Aizawa cut himself off as he ran towards you, catching you before you fell on the shattered glass. He walked you to the common room couches and sat you down.
“Nezu informed me of the situation with your mother so I came to check up on you. Don’t worry about making up any assignments, right now just focus on getting better.” He said, putting his hand on your shoulder.
You couldn’t say anything so you got up from the light green couch and hugged your teacher tightly, which caught him by surprise but he returned the gesture.
“I’m the whole reason why she’s paralyzed. I should’ve just ran from the fight and went to a Pro Hero but instead I seriously injured her. I seriously injured my own mother. I’m a monster.” You confess, you couldn’t even hold your own thoughts in anymore.
Aizawa’s face softened as he heard your words, “L/N, you are not a monster. You are a human being, you make mistakes and that’s normal. Take all of those mistakes and learn from them to grow stronger.”
There was silence for a minute, the only noises existing in the large room were the sounds of you sniffing and sobbing, until Aizawa spoke up.
“Listen I’m here problem child, don’t ever feel like you have to go through this alone. You have your classmates, your father, and me here if you ever need to talk.”
You wanted to say something, but couldn’t. All you could do at the moment was cry until there were no tears left. You are glad Aizawa actually comforted you instead of just saying to just calm down so you are grateful for him. Grateful that a caring and thoughtful person like Mr Aizawa is your teacher.
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nicomoon69 · 7 months
How would a Robin & a Spiderman Bernard team up go? Also are there any other ideas you have for this au that you could share?
(sorry in advance for the messiness, I have many thoughts but little brain cells)
I am still super in the brainstorm and planning phase, so nothing is set in stone yet BUT I do have a few possible ideas depending on how I exactly want the story to go. So here’s a few of the possibilities:
1. instead of Bernard going to rescue Tim at the end of TD:R it will be as Spider-Man instead of civilian Bernard and he’ll be looking to rescue Robin instead of Tim. this would be more so be a batfam + spiderman team up rather than robin and spiderman, but I’m including it cause the potential for a moment between the two is there
2. they team up when a large scale attack is going on in Gotham, I think someone like Ivy would fit (though I’m not super sure where she is in canon so that might change). up to that point Bernard will mostly have been dealing with smaller crime (robberies, mugging etc.) so he’s mostly busy rescuing civilians until his spidey senses tell him there’s someone in danger. said someone being Red Robin, who’s facing Ivy alone and not doing too well. the rest of the Bats are nowhere to be seen so Bernard helps out
3. Bernard is webbing up some people so they can’t get away until the GCPD arrives when RR approaches him about working together to bust a drug ring since it’s on what people started considering Spider-Man’s area. Bernard agrees, excited to be working together with Tim as equals in the field
all of these have something I like, so it’s really going to be a matter of figuring out what works best and also what makes the most sense since esp scenario 1 could bring some difficulties
as for ideas I can share there’s not honestly that much yet :”)
I am working on exactly how I want Bernard’s spider powers to work and what they change abt him. ofc there’s gonna be the basics like spidey senses, the sticking to walls, enhanced healing etc and since Bernard is also a science guy I can justify him having his webshooters. outside of that I think a quirk in his powers fitting for Gotham would be great, though I’m not sure what exactly. He does already have little spider fangs, but I didn’t add them for practical use so I’m not counting them as special powers quirk
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stygianheart · 3 months
Random thought but what would happen if Rody took one of those quirk enhancing drugs. Like.
Would Pino get bigger or?…
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sofjoy82 · 2 years
A snippet for @stormcallart Villain All Might AU!
“You know what, Erasurehead? I thought it would be harder to catch you. I’m a little disappointed.”
Aizawa Shota sat bound to a wooden chair with dried blood running down his temple. The hero was slumped, having lost the energy to fight. Rage simmered in his eyes as he glared at the villain. “Well, it’s hard to fight when you get knocked unconscious before the fight even starts.” He spat.
Erasurehead had been doing his usual duties when, out of nowhere, something -someone, actually- hit him from behind. The amount of training and strength Aizawa had didn’t matter in the face of All Smite and a blow to the back. The last thing he had heard was All Smite’s chuckle.
Shota’s eyes slid around the room, taking in his surroundings. They were in a basement of sorts. There were shelves and cabinets lining the wall to his left, a set of stairs leading to the door, and blood strains on the concrete floor. Cozy.
A deep chuckle drew attention back to the biggest threat in the room. The scour of Japan, All Smite. The villain lounged in a chair several feet away from his esteemed guest with a lazy smirk on his face. He had changed out of his suit and into a pair of black pants with a grey dress shirt. The way he sat showed the confidence of a king. The cigarette he held was flicked away when he saw Shota was finally focusing on him and leaned forward to speak to his prisoner.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Erasurehead.” He began. His voice was deep and smooth. In the videos taken of him during his crimes he always spoke in a booming voice. His voice was almost soft, but it was just as intimidating.
Shota frowned at the other man. He didn’t like one bit where this was going. Few people knew of him. “I’m so honored.” He monotoned.
All Smite chuckled at that. “I want something, Aizawa. Something only you can give me.”
Shota narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “And what is that?” He asked slowly.
“Information.” All Smite shrugged and rubbed his hands together. “I believe you’ve been following a ring of trigger suppliers. Give me the information you have an I’ll let you go.”
Shota could have laughed at the request had the true weight of the situation been so clear. “Why would you want that?” He questioned. Trigger was a black market drug that could enhance quirks. It could be deadly, causing the users quirk to grow to such strength that it killed them or led to it becoming out of control and lashing out at bystanders.
All Smite would be able to level cities with such a drug.
“There’s a certain… man who helps supply it. Destroying the chains of trigger hurt him and get me closer to him.” He extended a hand to Shota. “It even helps the heroes. Right?”
“Since when have you ever been interested in helping heroes?”
“I actually like you, Erasurehead. You and I are more alike than you think.” All Smites smile became pitying. His voice was deceptively sweet as he spoke. “Which is why I’d hate to have to hurt you to learn what we both already know you’ll tell me.”
Shota stiffened in his chair and curled his lip in a sneer. He opened his mouth to tell All Smite what he could to with his offer, but the door at the top of the stairs opened.
Instead of a heartless accomplice come to help ‘interrogate’ Erasurehead, a toddler padded down the stairs and into the basement. The child had to be two years old. He wore a yellow onesie and held a stuffed bunny one one hand. The smile he wore radiated blind innocence and joy as he padded up to All Smite.
Shota jumped in his chair and began to yell at the kid to get away from the villain, but the child showed no fear as he peered up at All Smite. The villain looked surprised at the arrival of the child. He turned and looked back at the door before looking back at the boy. His voice lost all malice to it and almost became a coo.
“Izuku, baby, daddy’s working. I thought I locked the door.” He waved the small boy away, but Izuku didn’t turn.
“Gowlfish!” He cried eagerly.
All Smite bit his lip nervously and gave Shota an apologetic smile. He held his hand up and asked for a moment before turning to his companion.
“Izuku, I already gave you goldfish. You can’t have anymore. You’re seventy percent baby and thirty percent goldfish!”
Izuku seemed completely content with this ratio and raised his arms above his head in a cheer. “Gowlfish! Gowlfish! Pwease!” These pleas were followed by puppy eyes and All Smite sighed in defeat.
“Erm- Erasurehead, can you excuse me for a sec?” He smiled sheepishly at the hero.
Shota blinked in disbelief, not completely comprehending that this was the same villain who was just threatening to hurt him for information. “Um… yeah. Sure.”
All Smite quickly thanked the hero and scooped his son into his arms. He walked up the stairs with Izuku over his shoulder. The toddler saw Aizawa and perked up. “Bye- bye!” He smiled cheerfully and waved at the hero.
The door closed, leaving Aizawa alone in the basement to try and process what just happened.
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honey-katsu · 7 days
take her to the moon for me - ao3
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 here
Aizawa and a few of his students were given a job from the Hero Commission: stop the yakuza group known as the Bulls from selling any more quirk enhancement drugs. It should have been simple. Sneak in, destroy the drugs, and get out before anyone notices.
But of course, things never go as planned.
Warning (for all parts): violence, major character death, grief/mourning, panic attack/flashbacks
note before we begin: i am chickenKatsu on ao3. I do not give anyone the right to repost my work to another platform unless I’m asked then properly credited. Please support me on ao3 if you like it!
This raid had gone terribly awry. Aizawa and a few of his students–Kaminari, Asui, Shinso, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Tokoyami,–were given a job from the Hero Commission: stop the yakuza group known as the Bulls from selling any more quirk enhancement drugs. It should have been simple. Sneak in, destroy the drugs, and get out before anyone notices. 
When they got to the warehouses they were supposed to destroy, Midoriya had discovered a hidden entrance. It led to a complex underground network of tunnels. From what he could tell, Midoriya assumed these tunnels connected almost every warehouse in the prefecture, making their simple mission impossible. Aizawa and his students were about to leave and report back to the Commission when they were ambushed by yakuza lackeys, forcing them deep into the unknown labyrinth.
Which brought them to their current situation. Battered, bruised, and running on dwindling adrenaline, lost in the Bulls’ tunnels, and facing off against everyone they came across. 
Aizawa’s eyes were extremely dry from overuse, despite the fact that he tried to use his quirk infrequently. Asui’s skin and tongue were also too dry, seeing as her frog quirk required her to always stay moist. Kaminari  had already reached his limit even though he tried to conserve his energy like Midoriya suggested. Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tokoyami were just tired from how long they had been fighting; their quirks placed great strain on their bodies. Shinso’s voice was hoarse and pretty much unusable. Uraraka had thrown up at least 3 times now and seemed like she might do it again soon. Bakugou’s arms were on fire, muscles strained from so many explosions. Midoriya had broken his bones again, but he wasn't the only one; almost everyone had a broken bone or had sustained a major injury somewhere.
And Yaoyorozu… She was a lifesaver. She looked like she was ready to drop at any second, but she was the only reason they had lasted this long. Since they had been down in the yakuza's tunnels, Yaoyorozu had been making support items to ease everyone’s pain: medicine for Uraraka’s stomach, lozenges for Shinso’s strained throat, painkillers for Bakugou’s sore arms, eye drops for Aizawa, and emergency medical supplies for everyone’s injuries. She also created a bucket for Todoroki so he can melt his ice for Asui’s use. Along with the constant outflow of support items, Yaoyorozu also continued to try and make contact with the Hero Commission. After a while, she quit trying, assuming a jamming quirk or how far they were underground was interfering with communications.
The group traveled as quietly as they could, their aching bodies weighing them down like lead. At last, they felt a breeze, the smell of a forest drifting on the faint wind.
However, none of them noticed the villain waiting around the corner. A humongous fist shot out from behind the wall and grabbed the nearest hero. Tokoyami slammed against the wall, cracking it on impact. Dazed, he slid down the wall as the villain removed his hand and stepped into the hall. 
He was a giant, barely fitting in the cramped tunnels. He was as tall as a tower yet had to slouch in the tunnels. Short, white hair covered his muscular body. His sharp horns shone in the dim underground lighting. His cow-like face curved up in a smile. “Master said there were bugs causin’ trouble. Think I found them,” he said in a low, gravelly voice.
Before Aizawa could stop them, Midoriya and Bakugou rushed forward, launching attack after powerful attack. But each kick or explosion irritated their target, unfazed by their efforts.
“Damn flies,” he muttered, squashing Bakugou with the wave of a giant hand. The other caught Midoriya. The reckless kid struggled and squirmed in his grasp like a worm. The villain threw him down on Bakugou, who was just starting to get back up, knocking them to the ground.
Asui quickly lept into action, snatching the two out from under the villain and back to the group. Yaoyorozu and Uraraka immediately assessed their injuries. Tokoyami had started to get back up. He was ready to fight again until he saw the state of his teammates. Their most powerful close-combat fighters were down or unable to fight, leaving him, Todoroki, and Aizawa to face off against the giant.
Kirishima growled and positioned himself between the villain and his classmates, activating his quirk with what little energy he had left. Kaminari hung to the back with Todoroki, ready to protect their friends. It was ill-advised to use their quirks now. Kaminari was too close to his limit and didn't want to electrocute anyone. Todoroki would fight if he absolutely had to. Flames would only fill the hall with smoke, and Yaoyorozu didn't have enough energy left to create masks for everyone. Ice would freeze everyone except him. Or the villain could break it, deadly icicles ready to pierce anyone in their path. Plus, their opponent blocked their only way out.
“I am the Chianina, strongest of the Bulls,” the large villain growled, beating his chest proudly. “Challenge me if you dare!” 
“What now, Aizawa-sensei?” whispered Tokoyami as he carefully rejoined the group. 
Aizawa studied the villain before them. He was sturdy and undoubtedly had the strength to pummel them into dust. His animal-based mutant quirk gave him an advantage in close combat, which wasn’t good for them. Close-combat wasn’t an option, and their only long-range fighters couldn’t utilize their abilities in this enclosed, cramped space. 
“Protect your classmates and escape as soon as you can,” Aizawa said quickly. “I’ll give you an opening.”
“But Sensei--”
Before Tokoyami could protest, Aizawa rushed forward. He nimbly dodged his opponent’s swings, darting around him. He whipped out a knife and sliced his legs, torso, and any other area he could reach. Any time the Chianina tried to attack his students, Aizawa would use his capture weapon to stop him.
Soon, the villain got annoyed. With a roar, he swung. This punch was much faster and stronger than before, so Aizawa didn't have time to avoid the attack. The Chianina’s fist rammed into Aizawa’s face. Pain exploded from his nose and his goggles shattered. 
With a small growl, Aizawa charged again, completely ignoring the pain. Since his quirk wouldn't help against a mutant, he put all his energy into fighting the giant in front of him. However, his attacks weren't as successful as before. The villain had already learned his attack pattern, and Aizawa was easily overpowered. Effortlessly, the Chianina ripped his capture weapon with a swing of his massive horns. He barreled into Aizawa and choke slammed him, pinning him down. The force knocked the knives out of Aizawa’s grasp.
The Chianina laughed triumphantly. “Got you know, little fly.”
“Aizawa-sensei!” cried Midoriya. Before he or any other student of Class 2-A could rush over to help, Aizawa activated his quirk with a glare that said, Move and you’re expelled. He met each and every one of his students’ eyes as his vision began to blur.
Midoriya was barely able to hold back his anger. Uraraka tried to stifle her sobs. Yaoyorozu cried in Todoroki’s arms as he gave a slight nod to his teacher, determination and regret ablaze in his eyes. Kirishima held back a raging Bakugou, struggling to contain his own tears. Kaminari was too shocked to move, squeezing Shinso’s hand as if he were his life line. Shinso trembled, his lips pressed in a grimace of fear and understanding. Asui did her best to keep Tokoyami calm as he grappled with Dark Shadow and his emotions, terrified of what was to come. 
The sound of stampeding footsteps echoed through the halls. The villain smiled, pushing harder on Aizawa. A strangled noise escaped Aizawa’s throat. He clawed at the huge hands around his neck in a futile attempt to free himself.
The giant villain roared with laughter. “You can’t save him now, little heroes. My buddies are coming for me, and they’ll enjoy killing you boys. But not before we have our fun with the girls!” He roared with disgusting  laughter
 “Go!” Aizawa grunted, the wind escaping his lungs and not returning. “Don’t… get caught!”
For a moment, none of his students moved. Todoroki was the first to take action, scooping up Yaoyorozu and sprinting. The second to hop into action was Asui. Taking Tokoyami by the hand, she wrapped her tongue around Kaminari and Shinso and dragged them to the exit. Kirishima effortlessly carried Bakugou, who had stilled at his teacher’s demand, over his shoulder. Uraraka was next, alleviating Asui’s burden by nullifying the gravity of those she carried. She pulled at Midoriya, but he wouldn’t budge. Tears streamed down his freckled cheeks, a mix of emotions swirling in his mind, plans and calculations running through his brain. 
That Problem Child, stubborn as ever. Aizawa glared harder at him. Midoriya flinched a little, eyes fixed on his teacher.
Leave. I’ll catch up, I promise, Aizawa’s gaze said.
That finally got Midoriya to allow himself to be led away by Uraraka. “We’ll be waiting, Aizawa-sensei,” Izuku called, “so make sure you come back, too!”
The villain’s reinforcements arrived just as Class 2-A’s footsteps disappeared. Aizawa couldn’t focus on what was happening anymore. His oxygen-deprived body was numb, yet burned and screamed for air.  Nothing he could do would save him. Both he and his students knew that, yet he was glad they had still listened to him. 
Now that they were safe, Aizawa stopped trying. Every action tired him like he had gone 72 hours with no sleep and no coffee. Instead, he just laid there beneath the villain’s grasp. He couldn’t see anything anymore.
Aizawa could vaguely hear the villains mocking him, but he didn't care. Tears pricked at his eyes, cascading down his cheeks, full of lost warmth and fresh regret. But he couldn’t feel the Chianina’s grip on his throat. He couldn’t feel his aching bones. He couldn’t feel anything but burning desire to win this fight, to leave, to go back to his family.
There was so much he still wanted to do before he died. He wanted to open a cafe with Hizashi when they retired. He wanted to adopt Eri soon, so she could be surrounded by love and cats for the rest of her life. He wanted to help his Problem Child learn how to love himself more. He wanted to do the same for so many of his students... There was still so much he had left to teach his class, still so much he wanted to tell them. But now, Aizawa had run out of time.
Sorry, kids. I don’t think I’m getting out of this. But I’m glad it was me, not you...
Hizashi was worried. It had been hours since Aizawa and a few students of 2-A had left for their mission. He didn't know the details, but he knew 12 fucking hours was way too long. No one had been able to contact them, not even the Hero Commission. Hizashi and the rest of Class 2-A—Iida, Jiro, Koda, Soji, Hagakure, Ashido, Ojiro, Sero, Aoyama, and Sato—had gathered in the dorms. They found little solace in each others’ presence, fretting over their classmates’ and teacher’s safety.
Suddenly, the doors burst open, the missing students stumbling through. Immediately, Hizashi knew something was wrong. His students were beaten, bruised, and absolutely broken. They barely made it through the door before they collapsed into each other’s arms. They were all gasping for air, fatigued and weeping. Even Todoroki and Bakugou were shamelessly crying. Their worried classmates rushed to their sides, relieved they were back.
“We were so worried! No one could contact you for hours!”
“Oh my god, why didn't you guys go to the hospital? Look at you!”
“Thank god you’re back! Where were you?”
“Hey… are you okay?”
Hizashi quickly counted everyone. Kaminari, Asui, Shinso, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Tokoyami—good, everyone returned. They were safe within the walls of UA… but where was Shota? Where was his husband?
Hizashi didn't want to press the students, seeing as they were exhausted physically and emotionally. But panic began to rise in his chest. Every second that passed when his husband didn't walk through the door filled him with dread. He studied the little heroes, noting every scratch and bandaged wound. Their injuries were serious but not fatal, and Hizashi wondered why Shota hadn’t made them go directly to the hospital.
Midoriya abruptly stood and made his way over to Hizashi, careful not to step on his sobbing teammates. A few watched with concern as he met Hizashi’s eyes with a grim expression on his tear-stained face.
“Present Mic-sensei,” he said quietly. “Aizawa-sensei…”
He struggled to bring himself to speak, but the tears came back in full force. Instead, he reached into his pocket and handed it’s contents to Hizashi.
Shota’s goggles. A few small pieces of it, anyway. 
Hizashi forgot to breathe. He stared at the yellow pieces, cradling them as if they were a fragile child. His husband’s goggles… his husband was okay, right? I mean, this isn't the first time his goggles have been smashed, rationalized Hizashi. Granted, the last time they were broken had been when Oboro...
“Mic-sensei.” Midoriya’s voice sounded light years away, chattering a mile a minute. “We got trapped in a labyrinth of tunnels that the yakuza used to secretly transport quirk-enhancing drugs and we tried to contact the Commission but communications were jammed so we just had to look for an exit. Then we finally found one and we thought we were finally going to get out of there. We let our guard down. I let my guard down. And we didn't notice a giant villain waiting to ambush us. He was so strong and we were so tired and he had a bull mutant quirk that made him really, really strong. He called himself the Chianina. Aizawa-sensei was forced to confront him to save us but the villain was stronger and we escaped and waited for him but he never caught up like he promised and I—” Midoriya cut himself off, barely able to form coherent words. He took a deep, shaky breath, fighting back another wave of sobs and steeling himself. Sad eyes met unbelieving ones as Hizashi tried his best to hold it together. 
“I’m sorry, Mic-sensei. He’s gone.”
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transmutationisms · 1 year
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@yassifiedgollum ok, i’ve kind of been poking at this here and here and here and probably throughout this tag. but basically, drugs on succession are part of how characters react and adapt to the psychological and affective demands made of them under capitalism, specifically logan’s social darwinist kingdom of biopolitical, authoritarian (neo)liberalism. this disrupts the type of linear ‘addiction arc’—familiar to many of us from approximately 70 bazillion trillion tv shows and movies—that proceeds from substance use -> mental disease state -> recovery (read: sobriety) -> possibly relapse. 
like, when kendall uses coke, it’s in moments where he needs to live up to what logan demands of him, which is why i call it the business world’s performance-enhancing drug and dalia oreganosbaby has called it “synthetic masculinity.” like, it’s all filtered through kendall’s relationship to logan and the logan in his head; kendall uses as part of his overall attempt to make himself a ‘better,’ ie more productive, capitalist. logan sees this as kendall being weak and submitting to the allure of a party drug, and a frankly shocking number of viewers essentially go along with that view, but it’s not what the show is communicating. and importantly, this is why “go to rehab” is such an impotent and frankly carceral response lol. like, kendall can’t be rehabbed out of a behaviour that is reinforced and demanded of him by capitalist standards of bourgeois masculinity, which are of course also the standards by which logan rules his family, because on this show the family is a microcosm of, and embedded in, the capitalist social matrix.
(i don’t think the writers figured this out until ‘austerlitz,’ because the conceit of that episode demands a confrontation with the logics of psychiatry and an exploration of how that epistemology fails these characters and fails to deal with the social context of affective suffering in general. this is one of the things i think weakens the first 6 episodes.)
another, maybe more obvious, example is the way the roys drink. they do it socially, in business settings, trying to seal deals and also to signal their political affiliations (remember rhea not drinking being conflated with her democratic party views). so consuming alcohol is not some individual pathology, it’s something the roys all demand of each other because of how they conduct business and their standards for productivity, dominance, etc. the fact that kendall’s world is so engulfed by the business is also why we rarely see him doing or seeking downers (these are not productive businessman drugs) and when we do, it’s communicating important information about his psychology and where he sees himself in relation to his father at that moment.
so, i find it ultimately very pointless to try to talk about drugs on this show, and kendall’s addiction in particular, without reference to capitalism and the type of subjectivity that waystar creates and encourages. kendall, as the heir apparent, is being structurally and overtly encouraged to engage in this type of constant striving and auto-exploitation; his drug use is part of how that manifests and is occasionally (ie, with downers) part of his futile attempts to escape from it. his addiction is not some random quirk or something he’s doomed to just for kicks; it’s explicitly created and maintained by his circumstances and specifically by the way neoliberal capitalism functions and what demands it makes of him.
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quirkwizard · 1 month
How would a quirk based on getting the most out of medicine taken work? Like the user has super drug tolerance and can take 10 painkillers and use the most of them more effectively than any other human.
I am so upset with myself that I already did Quirks called "Overdose" and "Placebo". Would have been perfect for this.
I see it working as a Mutant type Quirk that alters the user's biology to better respond to minor chemical alterations, both natural and artificial. In practice, this makes the user body much better at accepting medicine and similar substances into their system. This makes the positives of the materials more affective and can offer the user small boosts related to them. The user is more resistant to the negative side effects as well, making them power through the downsides and take more without them conflicting or harming the user. For example, the user could take some antibiotics, and their body would rapidly eat away at an infection they had, helping them to stave it off. This gives the user a unique mix of options, able to enhance and protect themselves from these substances. They can help themselves recover faster, enhance their physical prowess, counter those with chemical abilities, or never risk issues with medication. Though the user will need the right substances around to work with. Taking in too much can still have adverse, general strain on the user's body. Their higher tolerance can cause some medical issues, such as needing more anesthesia before an operation. A possible name for the Quirk could be "Prescription".
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akanehayashida-rp · 2 months
Name: Akane Hayashida
Villain Name: Eris
Age: 23
Quirk: Shocking Bolt
She can create lightning from her body. Originally, it was just a light shock covering her body. After all the Quirk enhancing drugs, she can now create a full power lightning bolt.
Akane was born into a seedy family focused on money. She is half Greek, half Japanese. Her father owned an illegal Quirk enhancing drug factory, while her mother was the one who sold them. 
When Akane turned five, her father viewed her as a prime drug-testing candidate. From ages five to thirteen, she was used as a test subject for these Quirk enhancing drugs. These were oral drugs, and her father made her eat them no matter what. If she didn’t want to, he would force them down her throat. If she threw up, he would have a can next to her and make her drink it to make sure the drugs got down.
She was force-fed so many of these Quirk enhancers that her quirk started to grow stronger, which may have been the goal in the first place. Her lightning grew so strong that her own body had trouble withstanding it. Prolonged use would leave lightning shaped scars, starting at her hands and crawling up her arms.
It was when Akane was fourteen that it went wrong. She didn’t want to take the drugs anymore, so when her dad approached her she panicked. She sent out sparks, the lightning spreading through the metal of the lab where he worked and electrocuted everyone. Except her.
She ran away, not wanting to be a test subject anymore. She lived on the streets until she was 22. She honed her quirk, growing a tolerance to the lightning. While she was on the streets, she saw people being saved by heroes almost every day. It made her resentful, as why couldn’t the heroes have been there for her..?
It was when Stain came about that she joined the League of Villains, agreeing with his ideology but also wanting some sort of family.
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theuntamedangel · 11 months
Wanna get them off my chest
Few things i wanna talk about here. I'll go point wise
A: Overhaul arc had all the male characters do something epic all while giving us a solid background to their past lives, even the villains like Rappa were given a decent amount of interest. And they fought like crazy. The girls (god i HATE Nejire) were there just to be cute and have girly moments. Their team effort couldn't put up a respectable fight against that giant meat head of a villain despite having a pro hero by their side and their victory was shown off screen. Why were the female characters even there? They're all fap bait material and anyone who says otherwise, you need therapy, help, you need Jesus
B: This is hard for me to say it, but here goes. I have a soft spot for Shigaraki and a few LoV members. But they are as stupid as the heroes because if they'd been a tad bit smarter and actually did some serious digging, they'd be able to figure out about Hawk's true intentions. No chips, no tracking devices, no hidden cameras attatched to his clothes without Hawk's knowing, or anything of that sort despite knowing Hawk's is actually the #2 hero of Japan? I don't run any criminal organization but even my dumb brain can tell me that this is plain stupid. Thanks to the LoV being this gullible enough to allow Hawks to dance, prance and flutter his feathers all over the place, we are in this shit storm now.
C: The villains had Best Jeanist's dead body floating around in their facility, waiting for the right moment to use it and turn it into a nomu. Wouldn't the ''right time'' have been now, during the war? If you need to make both the villains and the heroes equally stupid and irrational, then it's better to take a 3 to 5 months hiatus and rethink about the plot of the series
D: Stars and Strips. Enough Said. Also, i won't be going into details about the latest events of the manga because I have self respect and also because I dont care. Maybe I will once the manga ends.
E: It's ok for both Izu and Mirio to use Eri's quirk but it's not if its the villains who are doing it. Double Standard. Also, Overhaul himself could have used his own quirk and made bullets to sell them off in the back market. He too can destroy and heal at the same time. Sell the healing part of his quirk to the heroes and sell the other quirk of his to the villains. Capture Eraser Head, use artificial drugs to enhance the erase quirk and also sell his quirk in the black market. Problem solved. This whole Eri plot still doesn't sit well with me.
F: MVA is pointless, Shigaraki's growth and achievement and him getting more powers from the crazy doc to become even more stronger because a war was coming, are not worth the the mention because potato ball sac just possess Shigaraki. That poor character is now a nothing ass character. I'm sorry Shiggy hunnie, you're my ultimate anime husbando but I see the reality too and it's twisting my heart, ripping it apart.
G: Don't expect/have high hopes for Deku vs Shigaraki to happen because the manga is busy wetting itself for Bakugou. Hori might not be decent enough to let this happen
H: Who is Izuko Midoriya?!?
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justanobodywriter · 2 years
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Cw: gender neutral reader, angst, hurt, no romantic relationship
1200 words
Part of the F*ck Valentines Event!
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You hadn't been working with the agency for very long, so you were shocked when you were pulled into a very important meeting with Hawks himself.
The room was dark and he sat working on something on a small laptop at a desk in the center of some windows.
"Come on in," he greeted.
You shut the door and walked forward skeptically, "I'm sorry, sir, but what is all this about?"
"Well, we can start by cutting the formalities," he waved you off. "I always hated them anyway."
"Sorry," you spoke sheepishly as if you had just ruined any chances you thought you might have at becoming anything for the agency.
He stopped working and looked up at you for the first time since you had entered his office, "Please, won't you sit? You look nervous. Relax. There isn't anything to worry about."
"I'm just curious as to what this is all about," you reminded, taking a seat across from him.
"I have a very important mission I've been working on for some time now. I assume you're familiar with the new strain of quirk enhancing drug that's been cycling around?"
"Very familiar."
"Good, because I need someone knowledgeable on the topic. Now, weren't you the one who was good with chemistry and what not?"
"That's me!" you beamed proudly of your many working accomplishments throughout school and even after working with many different companies until you were finally able to make it as a hero.
"I could use you for something, if you are interested."
You nodded eager to hear what he had in mind to put your talent to good use.
Hawks then explained everything in detail to you. He had been planning to take down the villains with something to counteract the quirk enhancing drugs and maybe even something to counteract quirks altogether. It was a stretch, but it was something he seemed sure you could do. He mentioned a new addition to the building he really wanted to show you.
The both of you got up as you followed him through winding hallways and back to some rooms you never knew existed.
"I want you to assemble your own team," he began. "I'm sure you have connections in this field. You have full freedom to do what you please with the team and this new lab."
You looked around the room in awe. It was a full chemistry lab. There was so much all around that you could have only dreamed to have elsewhere. It was like a dream come true.
"I'm in," you agreed firmly.
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It was late at night when you finally finished it. You were quick to get some of your colleagues to try out the new concoction that you had managed to make.
It was finally done, after only months of work.
"Hawks, I did it," you beamed into the phone. "I finally managed to make it! And it works perfectly!"
"I'll be right over to see it in action," he responded quickly.
It was only a few minutes before Hawks was there.
It never did cease to amaze you how he was always able to be at the office so quick no matter what time of day.
"Who's that?" you asked pointing to a dark shadowy figure who followed Hawks into the room.
"No one," Hawks waved off. "So, show me what you've got."
You went through the motions of showing him exactly how it worked. You were so proud of what you had done.
"Mind if I try it?" the shadowy figure asked.
"Sure," you beamed.
You were sure all your efforts wouldn't have been a waste. You wanted to prove to anyone that you could that you had done it.
"Here," you sprayed the mist into the mans face.
He held up his hands and attempted to use his quirk... what it was you weren't sure.
"It works," the shadowy man confirmed.
You puffed out your chest a little.
"I need this to be mass produced," Hawks instructed, turning his attention to you. "Can you do that for me?"
"Of course," you reassured.
He left just as quickly as he had come. You were left wondering what was going on, but you didn't dwell on it too much. You trusted him. He had given you no reason not to.
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There was silence in the room as you watched the TV. You dropped the small vial in your hand, causing it to hit the floor and shatter.
"Hey, kid, how are you doing?" you heard his voice behind you.
"How could you?" you spat in his direction.
His eyes looked anywhere but yours, "Look, don't get too upset about it. It was just a misunderstanding is all."
"My career is ruined because of you!" you yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the man then gesturing it towards the TV. "Do you not see this? I'm a wanted criminal now."
"We can help you," he tried to reassure.
You turned back to the TV, "I have to give myself up. I have to tell them the truth."
"You can't do that."
"Why not? Maybe someone out there will believe me."
"No one is going to believe you."
"I have to try. I can't go on like this. I'm not a bad person. I didn't mean for all of those people to get hurt."
"It wasn't your fault."
"Was it that man you let in here?"
"No, it was me."
"You mean you're the reason all those heroes died?"
"Yes, I caused all of this, but I don't have time to explain. We have to get you out of here."
"I'm not going anywhere with you. I trusted you!"
Your body was numb. You couldn't feel anything. There was a huge lump in your throat. You felt cornered and betrayed. Your heart and insides hurt. You felt like throwing up. There were so many things going on inside of your head.
"I was only using you," Hawks admitted. "It's why I let you sign on here. I needed your innovation and dedication."
"Y-you mean that's the only reason you signed me on as a hero?" you managed out.
Hawks just nodded to confirm.
"You're a monster."
You ran out of the building surprised that he didn't follow, but when you exited you quickly realized what had been done. You were set up.
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"It's his fault!" you screamed inside the room.
You had been there for what felt like hours. It was all you could do to keep some composure, but no one would listen to you.
"Please!" you continued. "You have to believe me! He did it all!"
Finally, you stopped and slid your back against the door, defeated.
"Well, seems like she's finally stopped," you heard a familiar voice ring out.
"We're sorry to have to bring you here and have you go through all of this," another man spoke. "I know it must be hard for you."
"You have no idea," Hawks replied.
"Well, she won't be getting out any time soon," the other man reassured him. "With your help we can hopefully put her behind bars for good."
Hawks sounded sad, "As long as no one else gets hurt because of her."
You just sat and sobbed. You were robbed of everything because you trusted someone you shouldn't have.
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Class Feature Friday: Pharmacology Field of Study (Biohacker Field of Study)
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(art by ianllanas on DeviantArt)
While there are plenty of biohackers that are not medical doctors, focused on biochemistry above all else, but all in some way do deal with drugs and the careful application thereof in some way.
None can truly be said to specialize in such medicines more so than experts in pharmacology.
Pharmacology is the study of how drugs and other substances affect the body, which is by no means a cut and dry field. Different body types and quirks of biology in just one species are enough to make certain drugs ineffective or outright dangerous to use on certain individuals, to say nothing of a far future where multitudes of sapient species exist.
These pharmacologists might be doctors practicing direct medicine, or they might be researchers trying to make breakthroughs to help treat all manner of disease and conditions, not to mention find useful enhancements or even recreational compounds.
Of course, more villainous biohackers might be trying to perfect truth serums or that make the mind more pliable.
No matter their practice, these biohackers boast familiarity which can heal allies and debilitate foes.
The booster for this field is a coagulant, preventing and stopping excess bleeding.
Their inhibitor, however, is a minor hallucinogen, slowing and inhibiting the target as they react to false stimuli.
Meanwhile, their breakthrough is a combination painkiller and antiemetic that helps ward off those effects or even reverse them, even if they normally didn’t allow for resistance.
Now, obviously biohackers with this field will likely load up on all manner of medicinals, as well as healing and protective serums, with perhaps a side of combat drugs and poisons, particularly those based on drugs formulated in labs, such as sedatives and the like. Meanwhile, pretty much any theorem is a good choice for them, but especially those that deal with medicine and and drugs, such as Medication Mastery, Treatment Mastery, Hotbox, Accelerated Metabolism, Adaptive Metabolism, First Aid Expert, Improved Treat Condition, Energetic Booster, Greater Treat Condition, and so on.
If there was ever such a thing as a “generic” option for the biohacker, this would be it. After all, a class that specializes in injecting foes and allies with various drugs having a specialization in drugs is fairly generic. That being said, it does lend itself quite well for removing debuffs and debuffing foes in kind, so don’t think it’s boring or useless just because it’s not as exotic as other options.
With their focus on medicinal and other types of drugs, These characters could easily be doctors, drug dealers, military combat drug formulators, and so on. Anywhere that living creatures exist, there will be a need for an understanding of how their bodies work and how they react to substances.
While old and marked by their emotional connection to sorrow, Bikayi has been a pediatrician for many years, helping the young ones of the colony grow up happy and healthy. However, the venerable moyishuu has a long history they don’t like to talk about, one involving a pharmaceutical corporation and their less than ethical experiments.
The mining world of Kobidar IV has been quarantined due to a nullsoul plague. This nanomachine disease turns androids into something akin to zombies, albeit fast, aggressive, and able to reconfigure to bypass obstacles. On the surface, a group of uninfected androids and dwarven doctors work desperately to engineer an antivirus program that can prevent further infection and potentially put a stop to the infected.
Rumor has it a new street drug called Astral has entered the market, supposedly causing out of body experiences. However, none yet realize that the secret of the compound was spread by daemons seeking to take advantage of souls in their vulnerable state and devour them.
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