cryopodsq · 2 years
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i missed my quirkless au
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werewolfnightwalker · 9 months
Good morning, I'm thinking about highschool sweethearts toukei and Touya wearing a mask to hide his burn scars and long sleeves no matter the weather. He gets asked what he's hiding a thousand times a day by nosy kids, but the one person who never pried was Keigo, the kid who transferred to his school recently.
Naturally, that makes Touya like him a little more than everyone else, and they start hanging out. They eat lunch, study, and walk home from school together. They wait for each other after their individual club meetings. (Touya is on the soccer team, Keigo is in archery.)
Eventually, Touya develops a crush. He starts thinking about holding Keigo's hand on their walks home, and... and kissing him. But Touya's never shown anyone his face before, the burn scars that mar his skin too deep and, in his opinion, ugly, to be seen. But he can't stop thinking about it.
It's only after gym one day, when he comes out of the locked bathroom stall he was changing in, that he sees Keigo's own scars. The blonde is changing in the unused shower stalls, only visible from Touya's exact angle. The old wounds are reddish, angry, and scored down his back in a pattern that almost resembles wings. They're not burns, but they're... something.
It makes Touya feel better, in a twisted way. It makes him feel braver, too, brave enough to start holding Keigo's hand on their walks home.
It's a few weeks later that Keigo makes the next move. Tactfully, he blurts it out at the celebration after Touya's soccer match, where his team won by a landslide. The whole team went to get pizza, and Touya dragged Keigo along with them. They'd moved across the restaurant to get away from the rowdy noise, and ended up in the small side room some would generously call an arcade.
"I want to kiss you." Keigo whispered as he sat on the seat of the motorcycle racing game, clutching Touya's hands.
"Do you?"
"If you're okay with it."
He is. He is, but he's fucking terrified to show him what's under the mask. The colorful lights of the arcade games and claw machines, the music and pinging and distant chatter are all muted as he hesitates. In the end, Keigo cups his cheeks and kisses him, brief and soft, over the mask.
The first time they kiss for real, without barriers, is at a school dance. Tucked in the furthest corner, behind the gym's bleachers, Touya turns to Keigo.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and feels Touya's lips- mismatched, misshapen, waxy and cracked and taut- press against his.
They have to duck out of their hiding spot before they get caught by a teacher, but Keigo doesn't open his eyes until Touya says so. Even if he didn't see him, it doesn't stop his stomach from filling with butterflies.
Even then, Keigo never presses to see, although he does ask for plenty more kisses, which he's more than willing to shut his eyes for. He never peeks once, not even when he asks for one while they're walking home and he trips over the crack in the sidewalk, where he would've face planted if Touya hadn't caught him.
Finally, finally, one day, Touya feels brave enough to show him. He was waiting for Keigo to finish his archery meet when some other kids approached him and asked him the dreaded question.
"What's under the mask, Todoroki?"
When he tried to walk away, they stopped him, demanding he show them his "big secret."
Just as Touya thinks things are going to get violent, an arrow strikes, punctures the locker between him and the other kids, making them leap apart.
"Leave him alone!" Keigo snarls from the doorway, his bow up and another arrow aiming at the others, "It's none of your business what's under his mask! It's just his fucking face!"
The other kids promptly make themselves scarce, and Keigo stomps over to Touya, practically vibrating with indignation, while Touya is stunned, having what is very much an italicized "oh" moment.
He can't help it, then, but to grab Keigo and pin him to the locker. He yanks down his mask, and Keigo drops his bow immediately to cover his eyes, but Touya stops him.
"I want you to see." He whispers, and Keigo only gets a second to do so before Touya's lips are on his.
There, against the lockers outside the gym, on a perfectly normal afternoon, with the slanted sunlight turning the hall to gold and illuminating his scars, they kiss. Keigo's fingers feel across the wounds on Touya's face, bold and yet gentle, and Touya just lets him, trembling but but unafraid as his mask dangles from his ear. When they finally pull apart, when Keigo finally gets a good look, what fills his eyes is not disgust, as Touya had feared, but awe.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful, Touya." He whispers, and doesn't give Touya a chance to refute such a claim, before he's kissing him again.
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Horikoshi really said you guys aren’t sad enough let’s fix that this chapter
AFO is still fighting against Mt. Lady, Hawks and Tokoyami
AFO slices down Mt. Lady and throws an attack towards Tokoyami which Hawks jumps in front of
Tokoyami took a lot of damage still and is lying on the ground in a similar pose to Bakugo
AFO grabs up Hawks by the neck and STEALS HIS QUIRK
AFO flies off after leaving them all seriously injured and Hawks quirkless
Horikoshi really said you can’t have Bakugo back yet but here’s teenage AFO to fuck up your day
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9trixieturner6 · 1 year
One hell of a chapter, the horikoshi foreshadowing paid off and toga gut checks ochako with her knife. Tsu and jirou are getting fucked up as kamui does his best to hold out.
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We get more flashbacks for toga and she was a really fucking weird kid while her parents handled it about as well as we expected. The impromptu therapy session is also going as well as we expected with toga stabbing ochako, but ochako is still gonna gamble on toga anyway and try to reach out to her.
The jirou and tsu togas look horrifying, they got those feral and crazy eyes. Tsu feels a bit shoehorned in here but it is interesting to see her take on ochako gambling with toga. Also the paralleling shot with hawks back when he confronted twice does a nice job of setting up the old heroes being realistic contrasting with the new shonen generation.
It's wild the parade is still this potent even though they can't use their quirks, they're basically just crushing the heroes under waves of meat. Really makes you wonder how the first war would have gone if twice had pulled off his parade, probably total victory for afo honestly.
Like the little twice asking her about a villain name, reminds me of bakugo and his waiting for best jeanist to reveal his hero name. It's a nice touch.
Lol of course horikoshi had to have the twice toga grab uraraka by the titty.
This will probably wrap up in the next chapter or two, and honestly I'm pretty happy with it. While it certainly feels like toga and ochako are getting the shaft I think it works in their favor, if they had cut the todofam arc back a couple chapters they probably both would have been the perfect length and felt more balanced. In a good way. I'm happy with how things have gone and I'm excited to see where toga ends up
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yugiohz · 6 months
*vapes* endeavor couldve been the abusive parent & saint to haunt the todoroki narrative but unfortunately, horikoshi is too horny for that man
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fan-dweeb · 8 months
Pre-PLF arc Hawks: Sleep is for the weak and the dead
Post-PLF arc (fanon) Hawks: I am now both
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hyuge · 6 months
An Angel
Thinking about Sasamiya DabiHawks where upperclassmen Touya steps in to help one of Keigo's classmates after seeing him about to take action.
Touya sat on the ground, his chin bloody and bruised. He leaned his head back against the brick of the school building and sighed. He was an idiot diving into that fight. Everything hurts - his ribs, his arms, his fists. He didn't even fight back, not really. He should have. He could have easily taken those weak little shits, but instead he let them wail on him to distract them from their real target.
That blond freshman didn't stand a chance in a fight, and yet he looked ready to dive in, like some hero. The way he started to run with the sun shining on his hair made it seem like he sprouted wings. He was an angel. Touya's feet moved on their own.
"Don't," he told him.
Touya gave the freshman a squeeze on the shoulder and gently pushed him aside. He walked into the fight with a cocksure attitude, and a grin wide enough to give the other large, blond freshman a chance to run off.
He sighed. The sun had really messed with his head. An angel. How ridiculous.
"You done being an idiot?"
Touya looked up to see a head of long, gray hair draped over him. Shigaraki held out his hand to help Touya up. "Everything hurts."
"No shit."
His heart especially. What was this strange feeling?
"Why'd you go an do something so stupid?" asked Shigaraki. He slung Touya's arm over his shoulder to help walk him to the infirmary.
"I saw an angel."
Shigaraki squinted at him. "Are you concussed?"
Maybe. "Did that first year get away?"
Shigaraki nodded. "Yeah. Takami-kun took him to the infirmary awhile ago. They've probably gone home now."
"Short. Skinny. Blond hair. We have club together. He's the one that told me you were getting your ass kicked."
Touya rested his head on Shigaraki's shoulder as they entered the building. "I think I'm in love with an angel."
Shigaraki frowned. "You definitely need to get your head checked."
Just some soft Touya swooning and having it down bad for Keigo's birthday.
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peachlume · 2 months
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i'm actually gonna start bawling
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thesakuragarnet · 7 months
Pent-Up (TouKei Quirkless College AU)
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Summary: Touya and Keigo are long-distance and going through a dry spell.
Non-Spicy Tags: DabiHawks, College AU, No Quirks AU, long-distance relationship, fluff, light angst, smut, making out, swearing, idiots in love, teasing
Word Count: 3,462 words
AO3 link
Spicy tags: explicit s3xual content, sub bottom Dabi, dom top Hawks, aftercare, a n a l s3x, masturb8tion in the shower, shower s3x, n!ppleplay, bl0wjobs
Touya missed Keigo. There was nothing else to it. He missed his dumb, adorable laugh. He missed the way his eyes sparkled with flecks of gold in the sunlight. He missed the way that they fell into the same rhythm of steps when they walked side by side. He missed the way that they would sit on opposite sides of the room, not saying anything, simply enjoying each other’s company. He missed the way his lips curled into a smile filled to the brim with love when he caught him staring. But most of all, he missed his touch. He missed the way his hand fit perfectly in his. He missed the way his soft lips pressed against his neck. He even missed Keigo waking him up in the middle of the night because he’d accidentally stolen all the blankets in his sleep. Touya missed Keigo. 
And at this very moment, Touya can’t bring himself to concentrate on his professor’s lecture. It had been a month. A whole month of not seeing each other. Touya and Keigo were high school sweethearts, graduating from UA high school and choosing to continue dating long-distance when Keigo had to go back to Kyushu to take care of his mom. Touya was enrolled at Kyoto University, which was about a six-hour train ride away. Despite everything, they’d made it work. They traded off, visiting one another every other weekend, but they hadn’t gone this long without visiting in years . It hadn’t seemed to put any strain on their relationship, but, nonetheless, it was annoying. To Touya, it was more than annoying. It was gut-wrenching. He needed Keigo…especially with how the past few weeks had been going. Everything was crashing down on him. His last round of exams had thoroughly kicked his ass, he’d lost sleep from the stress, and he’d gotten in a minimum of ten fights with his parents over the phone. The stress and exhaustion were making him feel physically sick. His brain is filled with white noise as he tries to process literally anything his professor is saying. All of it goes in one ear and out the other. All he can think about is Keigo. They’re supposed to meet up at a halfway point tonight to get dinner, and each tick of the clock on the wall is driving him insane. He’s dividing the time in his head, counting the minutes, seconds, and hours. Suddenly, his phone screen lights up beside his open notebook on the desk, and Touya sharply inhales when he sees the familiar nickname crawl across the screen. Frantically, he opens the text message.
Kei: hey…something came up at the hospital. They need me to work an extra shift. I’m so sorry, T, but I’ll have to rain-check this one.
Touya’s world comes crashing down around him, and he feels his chest getting tight. This was the only thing that had kept him going all week, and now it was ripped from his hands. Who knew when they were going to get to see each other again? Two more weeks? Four more weeks? Touya can’t stand it. He wants to be angry; part of him is angry, but he knows it isn’t his fault. He swallows his sigh of disappointment as he sinks into the chair, wishing he could continue to sink into the ground until he was away from everyone and everything. Touya barely even registers when class is over until he blinks, realizing that he’s the only one left in the room. His heart aches and his throat hurts as he feels tears welling up in his eyes, and he sloppily gathers his belongings before storming out of the classroom. He stops dead in his tracks when he looks out the window and sees the torrential downpour, realizing he’d forgotten his umbrella. 
The walk to his apartment from campus was about thirty minutes, and Touya trudged through the pouring rain with a scowl painted on his face. He’s freezing, soaked to the bone, and more desperate than he’s ever felt. He’d needed a nice weekend with Keigo. He’d been craving the feeling of Keigo’s strong arms wrapping around him, keeping him safe and snug. He’d been longing for Keigo’s blissfully amorous touch that would make him forget about all of his problems. Now, his weekend is just going to be filled with emptiness. He’ll probably just heat up one of his dwindling cans of ramen, eat the same thing for three days in a row, stay inside all day, curled up in a blanket, wishing that Kyushu would’ve offered a program that he could transfer to. He’d have no excuse not to answer his phone if his mother called, badgering him about making any friends, which he still hadn’t. Touya was a loner…except when he was with Keigo. His phone vibrates incessantly in his pocket as he sees his apartment complex come into view. For a fleeting moment, hope stirs in his gut, and he tears it out…only to see that it’s his father calling. He grits his teeth as the vibration stops, only to start again almost instantly. He stalks into the building, fumbling for his keys as he stomps up the stairs to his floor. The third time the phone jolts against his leg, Touya snaps. As he storms to his door and jams the keys into the lock, he answers the phone. 
“I DON’T WANNA FUCKING TALK RIGHT NOW!” He snaps angrily, his voice cracking as he violently shoves the door open. The second he steps inside and lifts his head, he sees Keigo standing in the middle of his living room, holding a bouquet of rindo flowers, looking extremely concerned. Touya drops his phone as he stares at Keigo, open-mouthed in total shock. He feels faint. Keigo is here . Keigo is here here. In his apartment. 
“Uh…surprise?” Keigo laughs nervously, not sure what to make of his frazzled, sopping-wet boyfriend as the awkward silence is permeated by the faint irate screams of Touya’s father blasting from the phone. Slowly, the white-haired man processes the scene before him, taking note of the cinnamon candle burning on the table between two freshly made plates of yakitori. Touya picks up his phone, promptly hanging up on his father as he turns around and closes the door, pressing his hands flat against the wood as he stares at the ground. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm down and decide which emotion to choose. Moments before, he was angry enough to smash something, and now, everything he wanted is right behind him. If Keigo knew how shitty he’d been feeling, he probably wouldn’t have tricked him like this. In truth, Touya hasn't been as open lately. He didn’t want Keigo to feel bad about having to constantly cancel their time together. But…
“You fucking liar ,” Touya laughs light-heartedly as he turns around, pointing a fake accusatory finger at his boyfriend as he feels his anger melting away. Keigo seems to silently sigh in relief as he shrugs sheepishly, holding the flowers out to him.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have tricked you. Seems like you haven’t been having the best day,” Keigo mutters apologetically as Touya takes the flowers. 
“It’s the best day, now ,” Touya grins, drinking in the familiar scent of his favorite flower, picking up the faint whiffs of his boyfriend’s cologne mixed in. He’s so full of intense relief at this moment that it’s almost painful. The heartache he’d been experiencing for weeks is fading. On instinct, he walks forward, opening his arms to pull Keigo into a hug, but the blonde steps back and laughs nervously as he puts his hands up. 
“Whoa, there, loverboy. I promise I’ll give you the biggest hug in the universe but you may wanna get out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold,” Keigo sneers, and Touya rolls his eyes, huffing and wiping away the strands of white hair that are plastered to his forehead from the rain. He suddenly becomes very aware of how cold he keeps his apartment, and the chill sends an uncomfortable shiver through his body in combination with his soaked clothes. 
“Lemme jump in the shower real quick before dinner,” Touya mutters, leaving his bag on the floor as he heads to the bathroom. 
He still can’t believe Keigo is here . He can’t remember the last time they were alone in his apartment. The last couple of times they’d gotten together, they met at a halfway point. Keigo hadn’t spent the night over in ages . In fact, Touya had almost forgotten that he still had a key. He’d been so pent-up over the past couple of weeks. He’d craved Keigo’s touch. He’d craved Keigo’s voice in his ear, breathing down his neck. As Touya stands in the steaming shower, he zones out, daydreaming about his lover. A soft sigh breezes past his lips as he imagines Keigo pinning him to his bed, staring into his eyes through the thrusts, planting soft kisses on his lips that harshly contrast with the rough sex. Touya feels light-headed as the blood surges from his brain to between his legs, and one of his hands ghosts over his erection as he slowly strokes himself. 
“ Keigo ,” Touya moans under his breath, eyelids fluttering closed as he braces himself against the wall, his back pressing against the cool tile as his brain fills with his boyfriend’s groans of pleasure. 
“ Oh, fuck ,” He whimpers, his other hand grasping at his pec, digging his fingernails into his skin the same way that Keigo does. His back arches as a chill runs down his spine, and he inhales the steam as the warm water trickles down his face. Touya doesn’t hear Keigo enter the bathroom over the water and his own pleasured noises; he hadn’t realized how loud he’d gotten. Keigo strips down, a smile playing at his lips as he listens to his partner fantasizing. He’d missed the sweet sounds he made; Keigo had missed the way he felt pressed up against Touya… inside him. With a mischievous grin, he pulls the shower curtain back, and Touya almost jumps, turning white as a ghost. His rock-hard cock throbs in his hand. 
“Having fun without me?” Keigo asks innocently, taking in the scene in front of him as he steps into the shower. Touya can’t find the words as Keigo puts his hands on the wall, each one on either side of his head.
“I truly wonder…,” Keigo hums, eyes scanning up and down his lover’s slightly-toned body. Their bodies are separated by only mere inches, cocks twitching with just barely enough space to avoid one another. “How long we both can make it without touching?”
Keigo’s voice is sickeningly teasing, on the verge of taunting with a slightly sadistic air. Touya’s heart is racing, and, for a moment, he feels faint. Keigo was thoroughly in shape, and the sight of his bulging biceps as he presses his hands against the wall is enough for Touya to bite his lip. He wants Keigo all over him. He wants him to use him up until they’re both puddles of pleasure, and then he just wants to fall asleep snuggled up in his arms while Keigo whispers sweet nothings in his ear. 
“Can you do something for me, baby?” Keigo croons, and Touya practically dissolves into the floor at the pet name. He gulps, nodding wordlessly as they’re locked in an intense staring contest. Blue absorbed into gold. 
“I’m going to kiss you. But. The first person to touch the other loses,” The blonde proposes. 
“What happens if you win?” Touya raises his eyebrow. 
“Bragging rights,” Keigo shrugs, “It’s just something a little different. Something to really snap the tension.” 
“Okay,” Touya stammers, wishing he could rip the fucking tension in half. He can hardly take it. He’s on the verge of begging.
A smirk plays at Keigo’s lips and, slowly , he closes his eyes, leans in, and kisses Touya. It takes everything inside Touya not to moan like a whore into his boyfriend’s mouth. Keigo’s kisses are incredibly addicting. His touch is a drug that Touya can’t get enough of. The white-haired man’s eyes flutter shut as he kisses him back; the soft, innocent sounds of their lips colliding in intermittent bursts are inaudible beneath the water. 
“Missed you…so much…,” Keigo breathes between kisses, and Touya echoes his words before desperately flicking his tongue at Keigo’s bottom lip. The blonde chuckles before teasing with a short, returning glide across his boyfriend’s top lip, and Touya’s eyes roll back into his head. He wants to grab Keigo. To pull him so close. He wants skin-to-skin contact. He wants savage passion. He wants Keigo . Touya desperately sucks on Keigo’s bottom lip, gently taking it between his teeth and pulling, as if silently pleading. Keigo exhales sharply through his nose, as if trying to restrain himself from railing Touya into next week. He shudders as he effortlessly slips his tongue into his boyfriend’s mouth, making him moan like a bitch in heat. Touya almost seems surprised with himself at the noise, but he doesn’t let that distract him for very long as he focuses on how Keigo’s tongue traces against his own. Restrained, low whimpers muffle in Touya’s throat as he fights the urge to crumble into a pleading, horny mess. The sounds are music to Keigo’s ears, and it gets him even more riled up. Steam from the water fills the shower, fogging up the mirror and the entire bathroom.
Keigo’s the one who breaks first when he feels Touya moan his name into his mouth, tasting sweeter than honey; he grabs Touya’s shoulders, startling him. 
“You win,” Keigo laughs under his breath as he takes a step forward, ripping a moan from Touya’s throat as their cocks rub against one another. A small stream of curses falls from the blonde’s lips as his calloused hands slowly travel down Touya’s body, fingernails lightly tracing against his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Touya kisses Keigo with a fervor, water droplets clinging to his eyelashes as the water cascades down their bodies. 
“ Fuck me ,” Touya whines between sloppy lip locks as Keigo’s fingers tenderly ghost over his nipples. They’d been together so long, they’d memorized all of each other’s weak points. 
“Not yet,” Keigo answers, borderline impatient, as if he’s trying to convince himself. Deliberately, he pinches Touya’s nipples between his fingers, making his boyfriend curse and writhe against the wall. The movement increases the friction between their cocks, forcing moans out of both of them. Keigo starts to bend down before he presses his lips to one of his nipples, swirling his tongue around and around before carefully taking it between his teeth. Touya softly cries out, eyelids fluttering as one of his hands finds its way into Keigo’s hair, combing through the damp blonde locks. 
“ Kei ,” Touya gasps as his cock throbs, aching for more stimulation than the fleeting feeling of Keigo’s length. Keigo’s stare is full of lust as he traces kisses down his body, knees bending until they hit the tile of the shower floor. Touya’s eyes fly open, and he looks down to see Keigo kneeling before him, staring at his cock with a hungry gaze. 
“ Please, please, please ,” Touya finds himself begging before it even registers in his head, and Keigo’s lips curl into a devious smirk. 
“You don’t have to beg, T. I’ve been thinking about this all day,” Keigo huffs before he licks up and down Touya’s cock. Touya drags his hands down his face, leaning his head back against the wall to moan in ecstasy as Keigo takes him all the way into his mouth. It takes an uncomfortable amount of self-control for Touya not to greedily thrust. He wants more. He wants it forever . Keigo’s eyes water as he fights his gag reflex, pushing forward until his nose is pressing into Touya’s flesh. Keigo reaches into the basket of various shower gels and other bottles beside them, and Touya realizes he’s looking for the lube. 
“W-wait, wait, wait,” Touya stutters, breathing hard as he gently pushes Keigo off of him. Keigo coughs, sputtering under the water, and Touya promptly turns the pressure off. The air is still thick with steam. He reaches up into the top shelf and hands Keigo a bottle. Immediately, the blonde resumes deepthroating his lover as he opens the bottle and slathers it on his fingers. Touya’s voice breaks as he cries out, and Keigo works two fingers inside him, slowly massaging in circles. 
“ God, don’t stop ,” Touya begs, his mouth hanging open, and his moans bounce off the walls without background noise to mask them. The lewd sounds of Keigo slurping and sucking turn him on even more. Touya feels his whole body practically melt, and as his muscles relax and give in, Keigo presses a third finger inside. 
“Almost ready for me, baby?” Keigo grunts as he pulls back to take a breath, pressing a slutty kiss to Touya’s tip. 
“I want you so bad,” Touya answers, his voice sounding horribly desperate. Keigo starts to spread the lube over his throbbing length as he tries his best not to break. Seeing Touya getting off feels so good. 
“Lemme know if I’m too rough,” Keigo insists as he rises, and Touya promptly turns to face the wall, putting his hands against it as he spreads his legs. Keigo’s heart flutters seeing Touya in such a horny frenzy. It had been too long. The moment he starts pushing inside, Touya becomes a stuttering, begging mess. Touya’s breath comes out in choked sobs as he becomes completely absorbed in the pleasure, turning his head to press his cheek into the cool tile of the shower wall. His tongue slightly lolls out of his mouth as his panting makes wisps in the steam with every roll of Keigo’s hips. 
“ God , you’re so fucking sexy,” The blonde huffs as he leans forward, gently pressing his teeth into the side of Touya’s neck. The white-haired man whines, lips trembling as his legs shake and Keigo picks up his rhythm. Every thrust wrecks him so beautifully. His nerves feel like they’re on fire, and his emotions are intensely flaring throughout his body. The aching emptiness he’d been feeling for weeks has been replaced with overflowing passion. The two feel like they’ve been brought back to life…as if they’re breathing clean air after drowning for so long. 
“ Kei , Kei, ah~” He moans, his breath hitching when he feels his lover reach around and wrap a hand around his twitching cock. Keigo plants deep kisses on Touya’s neck, hungrily sucking on his skin. Their pleasured noises blend together in a beautiful harmony, echoing off of the walls and resonating in the bathroom acoustics. Keigo mutters Touya’s name under his breath, eyelids fluttering as he feels the familiar buildup in the pit of his stomach. 
“Close,” He murmurs swiftly into the nape of Touya’s neck, and his answer is a sudden jolt of his lover’s body as he orgasms without warning. The way his insides squeeze around Keigo sends him over the edge, and he harshly bites Touya’s shoulder as he empties into him. Within a few moments, Keigo slows his hips to a halt, and they remain still and shaking, breathing hard in the damp, warm bathroom. 
“I fucking love you,” Touya stammers, stumbling over his words as he tries to regain his composure. 
“I love you, too,” Keigo whispers sweetly, planting a gentle kiss on the bite mark he left. 
With full stomachs and full hearts, Touya and Keigo are now cuddled up on Touya’s twin mattress. Touya rests his head on Keigo’s bare chest, listening intently to his familiar heartbeat as Keigo traces small circles on his back with his fingertips. 
“I vote we never go that long without seeing each other ever again,” Touya chuckles half-heartedly, and Keigo sighs. 
“I second that…but you know I can’t promise it. You’ve got, what. One more year? Then you graduate and can move to Kyushu with me,” Keigo yawns groggily before adding “Then we have to put up with seeing each other more often than ever.” 
“I think I’ll be okay with that,” Touya smiles, wrapping his arms around Keigo’s middle and nuzzling into his pecs. “How’d you even manage to be away for the whole weekend?”
“I bribed Rumi to watch Tomie. She owes me, and she was doing some motivational summit in town anyway,” Keigo replies. 
“Remind me to thank her,” Touya murmurs as his eyelids start to droop. Keigo kisses the top of his boyfriend’s head as they both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
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"i should stop starting new hawks fics that won't see the light of day," she says.
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stinkygirl009 · 11 months
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mamadoe · 4 months
👢 Showbird - Chapter 1
Summary || When Akira moved to Fukuoka to pursue her dancing career, life was easy. However, when her father has an unexpected health crisis, she needs consistent work in the worst way to help support her parents back in her hometown. A day job lined up at one of the Hero Agencies promises good pay for the time being, but she didn't expect not only to meet but get to know the Pro Hero the agency is named after.
Follow Akira's perspective with some of Keigo Takami's sprinkled in.
Complete Masterlist
Also on AO3 Pairing || Keigo Takami (age 22 at start)/Akira (Fem OC, age 23 at start)
Warning || depiction of hospital stay; discussion of medical care; dancing for entertainment; brief depiction of sex work
WC || 5006
No one wants to find themselves sitting in a hero agency’s lobby. How many people have found themselves sitting in the very chair Akira finds herself seated in, their tears dripping off snot-covered noses and soaking into the upholstery? How many people angrily threw chairs when they received the worst news of their lives or collapsed on the tiles in insurmountable and inconsolable grief? Circumstances leading up to being in these seats awaiting representation from an agency are always painful, traumatizing, and devastating beyond belief. However, that’s not why she’s here. On the contrary, butterflies of anticipation have knocked loose the cobwebs in her chest as she waits for her HR rep to invite her back to get her badge on her first day.
Akira needs consistent, stable work in the worst way. Sure, she absolutely loves living in Fukuoka. Performing at the dance hall fuels her passion for movement, expression, and dance, to channel a deeper energy and commune with an audience, with her patrons. But even she understood that this time of year isn’t consistent, and life here is expensive, considering she used to live in a small town with her parents a couple hours’ train ride outside the city. Let alone, her parents don’t know the type of dancing she is doing, and she doesn’t want them to know. To them, she is a contemporary performing artist, but to the world? She lays herself bare, pulling on the strings of desire, feeding a deep hunger of needing to please while making her audience practically drool over her. Even then, she barely makes enough to get by on her own, which she is fine with, but circumstances have changed.
Needless to say, when her mother called a couple of weeks ago, it was a surprise. Akira was standing in the middle of the stuffy dressing room she called her second home surrounded by women in various stages of undress when the words she never thought she’d hear fell from her mother’s quivering lips - her father was in the hospital. Akira was stunned speechless, the feeling of static washed through her body in waves, disconnecting her from the reality of the chatty atmosphere in the changing room in the back of the dance hall. Her father has always been so healthy, strong, and capable, supporting her and her mother. How could the man she has seen as a pillar of strength be in the hospital? She didn’t give it a second thought before tugging her clothes back on, biting back the uncertain tears.
In a mad dash to catch the afternoon train, she skipped her impending performance. The ride was slow as the dread lingered thick in the air, as the train snaked out of the city into the countryside. By the time she arrived, her tearful mother was standing on the train platform, kneading her hands anxiously. It hadn’t been long since Akira had last visited, but already under the harsh lights on the train platform, she could make out a few new strands of gray shining bright against her mother’s otherwise dark hair. Together they went to the local hospital.
When her eyes fell on her father’s frame in the hospital bed, she couldn't quite place the feelings that stirred within her. He looked surreal, uncanny even. He looked healthy, but the tubes, wires, and tape keeping everything attached begged to differ. He was barely coherent, the left side of his face drooping slightly, as the doctors confessed they were still running tests to pinpoint the cause of his stroke. However, Akira could only focus on the sounds of his sterile hospital room. The whirring and beeping of the machines. Her mother’s soft whimpers and gentle affirmations as she leaned down to kiss the crown of his curly hair. Her mother’s light touch as she comforted her father with her delicate hands on his arms and face, her soft skin catching on the light stubble on his chin. The doctor finally pulled Akira into the hall to give her an idea of his long road to recovery, if he survived the initial aftermath. The doctor’s words were gentle yet firm, but as Akira stood in the doorway, her focus drifted back into the hospital room. The sight of her small-framed mother doting over her father pulled at her heart in the most painful way, and she couldn’t help but feel some sort of guilt for moving so far away, for not being here immediately when her mother needed her most. This blindsided everyone.
She ended up walking her mother home, offered to stay with her overnight even, but she dismissed her, sending Akira on her way. She needed time to herself to process, which is fair. The entire trip back to Fukuoka passed quickly as she was lost in the swirling hurricane in her head, but once Akira had stepped within the threshold of her own simply-furnished apartment, she needed relief. The sake bottle was to her lips, and she drank herself to the point of nearly blacking out on the living room floor.
When the morning light bled through the open blinds, her hangover panged behind her eyes, which slowly bled up across her temples. She didn’t let the pain stop her, though. As best she could, she sprang into action, sifting through job listings for anything she felt was worth the time and in her skill set. In the end, she sent off dozens of applications in hopes at least one would return with good news. Her mother hadn’t worked in years, and her father was still working, supporting them both. She needed to find a way, any way, to help her parents. And while she did dance, she couldn’t pull herself to consider anything seedier in nature. God, if her parents found out she would sell herself for them, their disappointment would kill her. No, she stayed stern and plugged away with the listings.
Little did she know, one of the dozens of listings was an undisclosed accounting position, which she later found out was for the reparations department at Hawks Hero Agency. Math wasn’t her strong suit, but upon interviewing, it was made clear that most of her work would involve on-the-job training, and with spring approaching, they needed all hands on deck as soon as possible. She would mostly be looking over insurance claims and assigning budgets for damage repairs caused during hero work. Of course, someone had to pay for all the damages caused by fighting to protect the public. With the help of funding from the agency’s backers, they can help rebuild and support the families of victims in their time of need. It just never dawned on her as a quirkless person that this was how these things were handled.
Waiting has never been her strong suit. It’s giving her time to second-guess herself and every decision she’s made that has led her to this point. She left earlier than necessary since she had to take the train across Fukuoka, which she normally didn’t need to do since the dance hall is only a few short city blocks away from her apartment building, making it easy for her to walk there every day. She didn’t want to risk being late on her first day at her first official office job. In hindsight, she hopes the clothes she picked out the night before are work-appropriate enough - business casual isn’t exactly easy to pull from her wardrobe. It’s a very different presentation than she would normally wear for dancing, when her legs, midsection, and arms are exposed more often than not. God, just the thought of the dance hall makes her heartache. Thankfully the lead at the hall was more than understanding when Akira called the following day after receiving the news, her hangover still weighing down her thoughts. Her lead has always been so patient with her dancers, especially with Akira - she even offered to cut back Akira’s performances to only be on the weekends, but Akira declined. She needs all the time she can get under her belt, no matter the cost. Time? Sleep? It didn’t matter. She would raise the money to support her parents. After pulling away these past few years, getting swept up in her life in the city, she refuses to let them down now.
“Are you Hatori Akira?” A meek voice cuts through her thoughts, and she's back in the lobby, a small blonde woman standing before her clutching a clipboard to her chest.
“Yes, that’s me,” she bows after standing tall as a greeting, holding her winter coat folded over her arm.
“Welcome to Hawks Hero Agency,” she greets her with a smile. “I hope your first commute wasn’t too much trouble.” She turns and leads Akira to a badge-protected door, scanning her own before leading her back.
“Thank you, I’m honored to be here. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad.” Akira’s eyes wander around the brightly-lit lounge area as they pass through - a few people are sitting around on their phones or laptops. The seating looks soft, casual, much more so than the more structured seating in the lobby. The woman introduces herself as Kio and compliments Akira’s outfit, giving her an immediate sense of relief. She almost laughs before telling her that she wasn’t sure what to expect for attire. Kio grins and explains the dress code, which thankfully is more relaxed than she expected, as she leads Akira into the HR department. She needs to fill out some final paperwork, get her badge, and process her computer information before Kio leads her to an elevator. Once the doors slide closed, Kio and Akira stand side by side, almost awkwardly so. Akira can’t help but wonder if she’s new, too. After what feels like an eternity of soft elevator music, the doors slide open to reveal a cubicle-divided open room with large floor-to-ceiling windows along the far wall, letting in the morning’s natural light. Again, she’s thankful - she’ll get to see the outside while she’s here. She wasn’t sure how she would handle a room with no windows all day. After dropping her things off at her cubicle, she’s tasked with training with another young, lanky man, Yuri, if she recalls correctly. Surprisingly, her tasks aren’t hard to grasp, but the computer system is completely different than she expected, so it’ll take some time to learn how to use it. After a few hours, it’s time for lunch already, and Yuri leads her back down to the seating area, but where it was once large and open, it’s now so packed that it’s hard to find a place to sit. Akira feels a tightness in her chest and throat. So many people, and so much talking make the once large space feel like a broom closet. She tries to recall the map of the building Kio had given her, but she left it upstairs on her desk. Besides, she doesn’t want to come off as rude, so she resigns herself to sit with Yuri in a couple of spare chairs.
“Don’t be nervous. You’re a natural,” he comments, seeing she’s nervous and trying to help, but the air feels as if it’s thickened with so many bodies crammed into every seat, so it doesn’t help much.
“I- Thank you. It’s a little overwhelming, but I’ll get it in no time,” she gives him a small smile before they eat in silence for a few moments. Yuri gives her hotpot stew a side glance as he scoops his noodles into his mouth. The only thing she really knew how to cook in bulk that would keep in the fridge or freezer for days was her mother’s hotpot recipe, so he’ll be seeing a lot of the same in the future.
“I’m sure, you’re capable,” he returns around his bite of food, hiding his mouth behind his hand. “You’re right on time, too. In about a month, it’ll be super crazy here.”
“Why’s that?” She mirrors his mannerisms automatically and asks around a bite of her food while covering her mouth with a napkin in her hand.
“With winter ending, spring always has an uptick of violent crime. Hawks is going to be gone a lot, our department will be running overtime, and who knows how many people will be coming through for representation.” He says it almost like it’s a fact, not a what-if.
“Huh, so Hawks is here often?” She had seen him on the news, heard of his wins, his victories, the work he’s done in an attempt to cut crime to the point that Pro Heroes aren’t so necessary, but it seems to be a losing battle. Now that she thinks about it, she didn’t assume he would actually work at the agency named after him.
“Oh yeah - well, I mean, as often as he can since he’s no. 2 Pro Hero status, but yeah. You’ll probably see him around now and then.” She nods, considering running into him in the halls.
Pro Heroes are celebrities in most people’s eyes, so she’s only seen a handful in passing in the past few years she’s been in the city, especially since she tends to keep to the outskirts. Hell, one of them showed up to watch one of her performances a couple of years ago, and she can still feel the heat that rose to her cheeks and ears when she made eye contact with him after the brighter lights shining on her stage were dimmed. He was large, fiery, imposing. Anyone could recognize the hulking form that was Endeavor as he sat back in her corner, his intense eyes trailing over her barely-covered body, but with the dance hall’s privacy policy, no one said a word, and he was able to sit back and enjoy her performance, like anyone else. To be honest, being scrutinized under his intense gaze made her feel both incredibly vulnerable but supremely invigorated, empowered. To be able to read his wants painted so clearly on his features, his desire as she moved on her platform gave her the biggest ego boost. Having someone as strong and powerful as a Pro Hero behave as any other of her patrons - breathing slightly labored, eyes darkened with approval and need - it reminded her that heroes are like anyone else in her parlor seats, just people wanting to enjoy the show. It’s too bad about the hall’s no-touch policy; otherwise, if she were to let anyone the pleasure to do so, it would have been him.
“You good?” Yuri’s softened voice pulls her back once more, and she realizes her cheeks must have naturally flushed from her thoughts.
“Y-Yes, I’m fine, sorry. I think I need some air,” she says as she stands with what’s left of her food. She doesn’t know where she’s going, but she has to get out of this room before her embarrassment mounts. Thankfully, he nods in understanding.
“Hey, there is a terrace on the roof. With it being cold, there probably isn’t anyone up there, if you need a moment to yourself. I know the first-day jitters are rough.” Akira grabs onto that like a lifeline, giving him a more genuine smile and nodding her head in a small bow of thanks before she heads for the elevator. She doesn’t even stop on her floor to grab her coat on the way up. When the elevator doors open, she’s met with a semi-darkened concrete hall, lit only with a lone light over the elevator. The hall leads to some stairs, and by the time she reaches the top and pushes the roof’s door open, she can already feel the frost-chill air doing its work on her tension. It sweeps into her lungs like she’s coming up for breath for the first time. For a moment, she just stands in the sun, face upturned to the sky, letting the air cleanse her mind, body, and soul. Her glasses have fogged up from the sudden change of temperature, but she barely acknowledges it as she tilts her head to glance over her frames. Yuri was right - no one is up on the terrace, the seating open in the center of the roof. With a sudden whip of the wind, it cuts through her dress shirt, cardigan, and slacks, but she doesn’t care. Even though the tops of her feet are exposed around the opening of her flats, she finds herself rooted where she stands. The cold grounds her and settles her whirling mind in an instant. After a few long moments, she finally moves to sink into one of the iron patio chairs and dives into the rest of her food, pulling her phone from her back pocket to mindlessly scroll and keep track of the time. As her lunch break winds down and the cold finally starts to sink into her bones, she gathers her now-empty food container back into her lunch bag and her phone into her back pocket. However, just as she’s about to get up and return to the beckoning warmth of the building, another gust of a sharp, cold wind embraces her and a soft thud draws her attention.
With a quick turn in her chair, she’s met with a blur of red feathers, tan buckskin, and gold locks before her eyes focus on Hawks standing just yards away. For a brief moment, his feathers are so close to her face, she can nearly feel them, or maybe it’s just how the wind moves around their tips. His wings are still extended from flight as he pushes his blinder back to hold his windswept hair out from his face and then combs the back down of his hair with his fingers as his crimson wings tuck against his back. He takes a couple of steps toward the door before he realizes she’s there, giving him pause as he shifts on his feet to look at her better over his jacket’s high collar that partially covers the lower half of his face, protecting his neck from the cold. He takes off his headphones, letting them settle around his neck. His golden brown eyes barely narrow on her sitting form for a moment before he dazzles her with a grin.
“Well, hi there. What are you doing up here? Aren’t you cold?” He chimes as he makes note of the lack of a coat despite the cold day. Her cheeks and ears are flushed from exposure, and even her knuckles appear reddened and sore as they hold the strap of her bag. Her dark, curly hair is windswept making it wild and untamed.
When she stands and tries to speak, she finds her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She reminds herself he is just a man, right? She can’t lie that his sudden appearance caught her off guard and blew her completely out of her element. It’s one thing to be dancing several yards away from a hero with his undivided attention and another completely to be standing before one who’s speaking directly to her.
His grin settles into a small smirk at her obvious nervousness, but he waits for her response, giving her a considerate head tilt, much like a bird. Obviously, based on the like-new badge hanging on her hip, she works in his building but hasn’t been there long, so he doesn’t intend to make her nervous. She tried to ignore how being stuck under his prying eyes makes her belly do flips. When she finally takes a deep breath, she shivers as another gust of wind pushes at her back and cuts through the thin fabric of her slacks.
“I- Um, sorry, I was just on my lunch break. The main area was so packed, I just needed a moment alone. Am… Am I not supposed to be up here?” she barely finds her voice and hopes the wind carries it. Thankfully, his smirk slides back into a smile and his piercing gaze softens, confirming he heard her, and he gestures for her to follow as he continues to step backward toward the door.
“Of course, you can! I just wasn’t expecting anyone up here since, well, it’s freezing,” he laughs lightly as she quickens her pace to catch up to him, and he opens the door wider for her to enter first, earning a quick, shy nod of thanks, before he steps in after her. “This is just the quickest way for me, ya know? Less likely to run into people needing things.” She bobs her head once in a nod as she takes the first few steps down into the darkened hall, but stops once her glasses fog up again when the warmth of the hallway greets her. However, it’s not like that matters much. Her eyes aren’t used to the dark now that she’s been in the light of the sun for a while, so the once dimly-lit hall appears completely dark to her, but Hawks appears completely unphased. Once he gets the door to latch behind them and they are cast into darkness, it only takes a moment for his hand to ever so gently ghost over her shoulder to guide her down the rest of the steps. She can’t help but flinch under his touch, even if it’s barely there, but she is keenly aware of how he makes sure to follow a step or two behind her to give her space.
Akira hasn’t been touched outside of the context of work or family in literal years. Sure, when she first started at the dance hall, it wasn’t uncommon for her to take the chance of bringing one of her partners home now and then, but she quickly learned that work and private relationships needed to stay separate to keep her sanity. With most of her evenings gone, she didn’t feel the pull to try to connect with others outside of her already small circle. She didn’t realize just how touch-starved she was until this gentle touch elicited such a primal fire within her chest, making her heart race. It’s a completely unexpected feeling - the space within her chest heats as if a fire has just been stoked with kindling, slowly spreading up her neck like a chimney, almost as if her chest is too small to contain it. What’s this feeling, she isn’t sure, but she hopes her companion can’t tell how a simple graze of his fingers over the knit of her cardigan has triggered such an unfamiliar response within her.
Little does she know, his quick eyes see everything - the way her neck and ears have turned a richer red than when they were outside, her shoulder tensing under his fingertips, even the slightest shiver that races down her back. At first, he dismisses it as a natural reaction to being so close to a hero or maybe she is just shy, but upon being confined in the small hallway, he catches the most subtle shift in her scent. No one else would notice unless they had a quirk. He can’t place it exactly, but any shift in things like that usually points to a need. Even though they just met, she’s already a little bird under his fingers, and he can’t resist the slight coy smirk that pulls the corner of his lip up.
She lets him guide her down the rest of the stairs until they’re standing under the soft glow of the light above the elevator, and he finally lets his fingers drift off her shoulder as she goes to push the down button for them. He doesn’t miss how she shuffles to put some distance between them, so he idles, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets as they wait. His gaze falls on her face once more when she finally gives him a sideways glance. Even in the dim light, the flush of her skin is prominent. It doesn’t take his heightened senses to see it. Now on even footing and not so caught off guard, Akira takes him in properly and notices they are about the same height, so he doesn’t come off as intimidating as before, but he makes up for it with how his honeyed eyes bore holes into her face.
“What’s your name, little bird?” He asks as he tucks his chin under the collar of his jacket once more. She recognizes the nickname as a variant of what he calls his fans. She has trouble maintaining eye contact but does her best to not falter.
“Hatori Akira, sir,” she gives a respectful bow to make up for their informal rooftop meeting. “Today is my first day in the reparations department.”
“Ah, I see.” As if a switch flips, his demeanor relaxes and his gaze softens when she returns his gaze, an apology written in the fine line that has appeared on his forehead, only visible because of the poor lighting. “Yeah, I know they wanted to be better prepared this year after last year’s nightmare of a season. Hopefully, it won’t be nearly as rough this year, though. Kind of the point of heroes, ya know?” His subdued voice surprises her. The Hawks on TV is boisterous, fun, confident even. Seeing him so much more down to earth affirms he’s just like any other man, so she takes a deep breath and nods, letting some of her nerves go on her exhale.
“Right, I had heard last year wasn’t a good year. I hope I can be of some help. To be honest, I’ve… I’ve never done this work before, but I need this job. More than I’d like to admit.” She pauses, twiddling with the strap of her bag, listening to the elevator’s whirring as it approaches. She can feel his eyes still on her when she realizes she is rambling, so she casts him a meek smile. “I’m glad to have the opportunity.” He smiles in return, and in the dim light, she’s unsure if she imagines his eyes sliding from her eyes to her smile and back up to her eyes without pause before the doors open.
“Of course,” he says passively as he grins and steps into the elevator with her, pressing one of the upper-level numbers and then the reparation department’s number. “You’ll do just fine, kid. Just don’t think about it too much. Sometimes that work is really hard on ya.” He casts her a side-eye. “If you haven’t seen that already, I know it’s your first day.” Akira gives an automatic nod.
“I understand. It’s… a lot to process so quickly. But I’ll be okay, I’ve always been a fast learner,” she returns his grin with a smile. “Best of luck with your work. Stay safe out there.” Hawks raises a brow in surprise, his grin sliding into a smirk again before the elevator doors open to his floor.
“Ha, no need to worry about me, little bird. Just keep your head down, and you’ll be just fine. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” He claps his hand on her shoulder lightly with a small squeeze before stepping out and turning back to her. She can’t help but hold his gaze as he smirks and waves until the doors glide close. Once in the privacy of the elevator alone, she nearly falls back against the back wall.
What was that?! Who am I, a teenager swooning for a superhero? She rubs the palm of her hands into her eye sockets before holding her face as if to wipe away the blush from her features. She never imagined she would run into Hawks like that, let alone on her first day when she was alone. Maybe they would meet in passing during a conference or she would catch a glance of him across the office. Her heart is pounding hard against her ribs as she approaches her floor. In an almost panic, she takes a deep breath to steady herself and schools expression into composure as best she can before the doors open. There is no time to linger on thoughts of what just happened as she steps from the elevator, leaving her bag in her cubicle and taking a moment to tame her windswept hair before going to train with Yuri. However, she guesses the deep flush of her skin isn’t under control when his eyebrows shoot up as she takes a seat.
“Wow, you okay? It’s cold up there, right?”
“Huh? Oh, right,” she bites her lip for a moment, wondering if she should tell him what happened. “Hawks arrived while I was on the roof.”
“What?!” He gasps a little too loud for her liking, earning a shoosh from her. “Are you serious? Huh, lucky, he’s always so busy.” He scoffs under his breath, and for a moment she wonders if he’s jealous, but it’s quickly pushed aside to continue her training for the day. Throughout the rest of the afternoon, he randomly pauses and asks her about what he said, what he did, what they talked about. She obliges, but by the end of the shift, she has forgotten about their meeting in favor of planning out her evening. While she is beyond ready to go home, she knows that’s not an option. No one is going to make her problems disappear.
After clocking out for the first time, she steps out onto the street in the chilly late afternoon air. The wind is still whistling between the buildings, so she pulls the collar of her coat higher around her neck. She’s not sure how she’s going to manage the coming weeks of a day job and performing at night, but she will figure it out like she always did. But first, all she can think about is filling up on a warm meal to chase away the chill that’s already begun settling into her bones as she walks to the train station on her way to the dance hall.
~~~ Next Chapter
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 months
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yugiohz · 2 months
also i dont do speculations but it looks like shigaraki/overhaul/eri being connected through their wuirks supports the what was it called the quirk singularity theory idk let me look that up again but i feel like some of the big quirk theories rlly will come to fruition
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Part 3 - Chapter 48 - Turning Point
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Greetings, dear readers! It's update time again. :) My room is looking much more like a room with only a handful of boxes left. I even got this fun little planter thing I bought in Japan going so we'll have to see if the mint actually grows. Either way it's a cute frog design that sticks it's tongue out to collect water. Peropon animal planters I think it's called.
Here it is, folks. Will the heroes help him or kick him to the curb? Also Izuku gets not one but two surprise visitors! :D You'll see. ^___^
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
Of course they're going to love and support him! I give Izuku enough grief with the drama I dump on him. No need to leave him hanging by himself. I'm not that cruel. Though he still doubts because finding out your father is a supervillain can do serious damage to your self esteem on top of a scarring childhood. Thankfully the competent adults refuse to give up on him. ;)
Izuku has a quirk? Whaaaaa? Wonder what that could be?
Hawks has appeared! :D I had thought of including him in the raid but with how they were keeping it secret, I felt there had to be some limitations to the team. Present Mic I was able to sneak in but I didn't really see a way to get Hawks in there. There probably was but I just didn't. However I did want him to meet Izuku earlier than canon! He has already been introduced to the Midoriyas so it was high time for him to formerly do so with Izuku. Also I love big bro Hawks in fics.
CHIZOME IS BACK! At least briefly. Honestly this was actually earlier than I thought it would be. I have other ideas of when they could meet. I'm going to have so much fun with consultant Chizome. Still playing around with what his new outfit would be. Or what his new moniker is going to be. Ideas are welcome as always!
Sh-sh-shout out to ashosconv who predicted Aizawa thanking Chizome for supporting Izuku! I couldn't help but giggle at the comment because I had planned for that to happen. ;) One dad appreciating another dad's support.
Hope you enjoyed that tearful but happy reunion. I do have fluff coming up but not quite yet. Up next we learn more about Izuku's mysterious quirk with a side of bashing. Until then see ya!
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fan-dweeb · 6 months
(large spoiler) Ever think that quirkless Keigo is just gonna keep going with his model career?? Like he's not a pro hero anymore, so he just keeps the modeling gig?? I wanna know your thoughts on this lmao
Hii!! Small disclaimer, I’m actually not caught up with the anime, let alone the manga, at all, so most of what I say is based on snippets I get from fanfics and meta lmao
Hmmm this is really interesting. Short answer: I think with the way that Keigo has finally been set free (symbolically with losing his quirk, and literally from the HPSC (I think)), he’ll probably stop everything else related to Hawk’s job as well.
Slightly longer answer:
From Horikoshi’s perspective, Keigo has already served his original purpose as a character so it wouldn’t really make a difference either way canonically. If he does intend to have those ‘5 years from now’ snapshot, I feel like Keigo will be overseas travelling or something rather than modelling though, if just to be consistent with his theme of being set free. If not as a personal choice, ‘do it for the plot’ lmao. I do mean this quite literally though, because now he’s got so much potential for the ‘self-discovery slice-of-life’.
,,,, but I personally think this is a bit of a cop out choice for Keigo’s future.
I’m not gonna be the analyst who says ‘he never had a chance to make his own choices’ because technically he did. This doesn’t mean he made a good one, but if you step away from popularised fanon, he did agree to going with the HPSC because he wants to be a Hero and not because of his mum. This isn’t so much that I haven’t ‘read between the lines’, but that he never once looked at his mum or made reference to what would happen to his mum if he followed the HPSC. Unless ‘reading between the lines’ include fabricating entire dialogues under an assumption that Hawks was suppressing his memories, I think it’s safer to assume he just couldn’t care less loll. But that’s the thing; his whole life revolved around Heroes, whether as Keigo or as Hawks. Now that it’s been brutally and suddenly ripped out of his hands and NOT in the form of death like he was probably expecting? He has to find something else to do, whether it be modelling or travelling or being a librarian or whatever,,,,, that is, if we make an assumption that he can’t keep being a Hero.
Look, we know he wants to help people. Some might even say he’s kind (that might’ve been drilled out of it by HPSC’s cold blooded training, but hey, maybe it’s just buried really, really deep inside). If we look at this not from a story writing perspective but purely from the character Keigo’s perspective (a bit counter intuitive, I know but bear with me), I honestly think at some point in the far future he might try to pursue a career in Heroism/ the police dpt / the fire dpt (hAH irony)/ some kind of physically-inclined job that traditionally seeks to help people. I think most people tend to stick to things that feel familiar with them even if it’s an unconscious decision.
So how does this link to whether he continues modelling? (because I’ve totally been building up to a point and not just going off on a tangent lmfao)
I think a lot of the fandom sees modelling as Evil, whether this be because of the horror stories of modelling in real life, because of an understanding of mutant quirk discrimination, wing kinks, and thinking Hawks definitely didn’t like being seen in that light, or because of some mixture of other reasons. And I think that’s true in the sense that it probably wasn’t what Keigo had in mind when he first signed up to being a Hero.
With that said, I’ve seen a particularly well written fanfic (I forgot which tbh) where Hawks is explaining the importance of modelling in promoting a sense of safety in civilians, especially for Heroes with anthromorphic quirks, outside of just gaining popularity. Which I think is a really fresh and extremely valid argument. As such, modelling could be a very nice supplement to him regaining popularity or at least, regain familiarity with both the general public but also his roots of inspiring confidence and safety if he decides to pursue any of the jobs I’ve mentioned above.
There is a counter argument, especially for Keigo being a Hero, that the quirkist ideas are so ingrained him (subconsciously or otherwise by the HPSC) that being a Hero again, or just doing any job at all without a quirk probably never crossed his mind. And if he wanted to keep up with helping people, there are a multitude of other jobs he could do. (Which modelling still doesn’t quite fit but ehh maybe as encouragement to/ empowerment of quirkless people?). But, I think this is a rather naive and simplistic analysis of Hawk’s and Keigo’s character of a person too deep into fanon.
If there’s one thing Hawks fans can agree on, please let it be that he’s really freaking complex.
He’s seen the worst and the best of society. He’d just about experienced every facet of society possible as a person in the bnha universe besides being an Average Joe. And now, he’s about to head into the small undiscovered area of quirklessness. (We as readers get a bit of this from Izuku’s POV, but for Keigo this is about as novel as it gets). Speaking as a writer, whether modelling is part of that experience remains entirely on what you want to explore with Keigo as a character.
Lmk what you guys think as well!! (in comments/ tags/ dm/ asks, all are ok :D )
(note: apologies for the barely organised word vomit and non-answer at the end, this was typed impulsively from my phone lmao)
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