#quote by: elfie
mimefish · 5 months
"that creeper must've been sitting on my face when he blew up!"
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dykestache · 2 months
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i. me tired ii. a fav line from my book
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Lefiya: Bell Cranel… is a friend.
Elfy: See, it wasn’t that hard to say something nice about him-
Elfy: Oh, you’re vomiting now.
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fuck-edfrugs · 1 year
A quote for nothing in particular came to mind but I thought it was cool
"We are entertainers, aren't we? So let's put on one *hell* of a show." He tips his hat and rushes into the battle that will surely kill him with the joy of a man who knows he's about to die and is excited to see what comes after.
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moontheoretist · 2 months
I recreated my Warden from DAO in BG3. But now I noticed that I made a mistake and didn't remove "history" from her skills. As if lady luck was in my favor, she seems to be failing history rolls that would throw me out of the immersion that I'm playing someone who fakes being Faerunian xD I picked spells for her that are the most similar to DAO starting spells. It's hard to find the exact equivalents but I did it.
I chose a wizard because of the Circle and then at level 2 Necromancer because my Warden Amell is an entropy mage and Necromancy has the most spells related to siphoning life energy and stuff like that (also I wanted to try it). Now only to figure out Arcane Warrior / Battlemage.
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I used some mods to give her nice and unique nighty night clothes.
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Of course I had to dye them in the typical Grey Warden's colors.
I picked up Shadowheart and funnily we managed to enter the Crypt from the beach, so we went at the crypt first, robbed the sarcophagus, fought the skeletons etc. We just didn't tackle the full robbers party, because when I tried we died. So I accepted that killing 2 was enough and left the crypt and got a funny deception quote xD
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"You have awoken me from my slumber - now I crave your blood!"
I faked being the big bad sleeping in the crypt and they run away xD
Then I recruited Lae'zel and Gale. We went to full rest and learned what the fuck is ceremorphosis. Then we went to sniff around the crashed Nautiloid. Astarion tried to kill me (very Zevran of him) and I headbutted him, because why not. I'm a Grey Warden Commander dammit, no elfy rogue will scare me (again). Then we recruited the guy, fought the goblins at the Grove. I used the first merchant as a fake reason why I could equip modded armor in the Warden's colors:
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(This is a face of someone who hates being woken up at night).
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I asked Astarion who the fuck he is, he said he is a mere Magistrate and then we had to long rest, because I wasted all my spells on goblins and bugbear to save that one Tiefling with the soul coin and look at that, Astarion went for the neck exposing himself right away, because his cutscene is connected to full rest and we had to full rest. If we only had a half-rest he would first go to hunt alone. But anyway, he wanted to drink my blood and I said "Are you mad?" because I play a person who has taint in their blood, so it's dangerous even for an undead to drink it. Who knows what could have happened!? Anyway, thanks to the fact that we have found several copies of the Curse of the Vampyr books in the crypt that contained basic information, we faked knowing what a vampire is, and as of now nobody suspects a thing. Safe!
Astarion went away unhappy none the wiser that he just dodged a possible "turning into a Darkspawn" bullet. Then in the morning we had a conversation where we acted as if being a vampire was totally fine, and I didn't just call him mad for wanting to drink my blood.
I was looking out for you, you will thank me someday.
BTW apparently I can't change +5 to history, because it's fixed:
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lamortwrites · 4 months
tagged by @rowanisawriter and @nullcanary, thank you!!
tagging @keldabes @sheconjures @viktorfrankensteins @elfie-baggins @fennecfoxqueen @mightymizora @infernaldaydreams @secondsundering and anyone else who would like to join in, consider yourself tagged!
Rules: Go to pinterest and type in “celebrity,” “outfit,” “quote,” and “aesthetic” and post the first image in each category that fits your vibe.
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venndaai · 2 months
Poor Little Meow Meow Poll, Round 2: Hot Boi Edition
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(yes, I will always use Crit Recap Essek for this purpose. he's too perfect.)
On the left: THE VAMPIRE ARMAND (supreme evil twink)
Worse Boyfriend (affectionate)
commits atrocities to get boys' attention. commits atrocities out of jealousy. commits atrocities because he wanted to see what would happen
angstiest backstory
always has his shirt unbuttoned
sexy vampire
QUOTE: “If I’m an angel, paint me with black wings.”
On the right: Essek Thelyss (former Shadowhand, current fugitive and gardener)
committed treason and heresy and started a war over lack of grant funding
neutral evil grad student
redeemed by the power of Friendship and hot wizards
wracked by guilt
noodle arms
sad elfie
QUOTE: “What have you done? This world was so much easier when it was black and white.”
(Feel free to vote even if you don’t know the canons! Which one has bigger wet cat vibes?)
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demawrites · 1 year
Dragon Age Writing Prompts
For @dadrunkwriting​ <3
You can specify a character or a ship or neither, and I am also down for poems and song lyrics not mentioned here (in fact, I love to be introduced to your favs, so don’t be shy!)
I have edited to include some general tone notes for ships/characters, to help those of you unfamiliar with my stable of creatures. 
My OCs: - Alethea Trevelyan (Mage inquisitor, a bit posh, ANGST) - Niva Lavellan (Rogue inquisitor, rather elfy, humor and some angst) - Morgon Trevelyan (Assassin inquisitor, villain?/antihero, humor, danger) Romantic (canon) Pairings: - Alethea/Cullen (fraught, lots of baggage to work through) - Niva/Cullen (fluffy and fraught) - Niva/Solas (relationship ended like in canon, she moved on to Cullen) - Morgon/Cassandra (enemies to lovers, like, foreal) - Morgon/Flissa (it’s sweet and spicy. Too sweet to last lol)
Romantic (non-canon but plausible) Pairings: - Alethea/Duke Gaspard  - Alethea/Blackwall - Niva/Krem - Niva/Blackwall - Morgon/Dorian (okay this is a bit canon) - Morgon/Josephine - Morgon/Morrigan - Morgon/Hawke (any gender)
Romantic (crackship) Pairings: - Alethea/Solas - Niva/Briala - Morgon/Viv - ....anyone/Viv, really. God I love Viv. I should make her an LI. - Morgon/Leliana - Morgon/Cullen - Morgon/Celene - Morgon/anyone really, gimme your best shot 
I’m also open to pretty much any Platonic Pairings!
Current Prompt List
Bad Omens Lyric Prompts
Sleep Token Lyric Prompts
Even more Sleep Token (from Take Me Back to Eden)
The Weeknd Mixtape Lyric Prompts (many of these are naughty, just fyi)
Florence and the Machine Lyric Prompts
Twenty-four Touches
Assassin x Target Prompts (for Morgon mostly)
The Intimacy of Hands
Slow-burn Prompts
102 Types of Kisses
Sexual Tension Prompts
Sexual Tension Turned up to 11
Sex Tropes/pwp Prompts
Movie Quotes Prompts (Non-romantic)
Quotes from Black Sails (a wide range)
Whump Wheel
Fiona Apple Lyric Prompts – Love and Heartache
Fiona Apple Lyric Prompts – States of Mind (coming soon)
Poetry Prompts (coming soon)
Many thanks to everyone making prompt lists! You are appreciated. And, as always, feel free to steal mine <3
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freifraufischer · 1 year
To be honest, Dvora has always come across to me as kind of a starfucker willing to flatter anyone for access. It’s a real problem with so many of the gymnastics “journalists” (aka bloggers and podcasters) these days - most of them are so unwilling to say anything critical about anyone, including awful coaches, for fear of losing access. I’m glad that Dvora realizes now that some of her work has been problematic, but she should have known that in the first place before she published it.
I think that's not an unfair critique. But it also reminds me of a story Lauren tells (who I would put in the same bucket) about watching Steve Rybacki scream at a journalist who had written a mild critique saying Ohoshi needed to work on her turns. Apparently using words like betrayal given that they'd had access.
It's one of the problems when you have such a closed world where it's difficult to have things to report without access. Even when you put aside the symbiotic relationship between traditional media institutions like NBC/USAG and the BBC/BG the bloggers and podcasters are terrified of losing access because the people in this world will cut them off. And the big boys who have power are often hiring experts within the world that are guiding their coverage.
I've seen arguments that Tim Daggett and Elfi Schlegel were just doing what NBC told them to do. And that Kathy Johnson stopped covering elite because she wasn't willing to play that game. But falling back to my own professional training... if you are an expert and the mainstream media wants to use you you have a responsibility NOT to be used like a puppet. If you allow yourself to be you own the things that come out of your mouth.
I tend to have more sympathy for the small less professional "journalists" in the sport than say... the many newspaper journalists who willingly wrote articles about how the 2000 US Olympic Team would have done better of Bela Karolyi was on the floor. Or the person who decided to write an article about a teenage girl in a court proceeding to be emancipated and imply that she was a spoiled brat and mention the BMW her father "bought" her after the Olympics. Or even more recently in figure skating the people willing to write glowing pieces about the physics of the Eteri girls quads when it didn't take a lot of research to know that their quads were literally breaking their backs and unsustainable after puberty.
I want to say "trust the gymnasts" too but then you have extremely complicated cases where what gymnasts said was used to further evil ends where it is genuinely hard decide when you give grace for their circumstances. Nadia's entire traumatic life until the 1990s makes me inclined to understand her going along with a lot of the rosy narrative simply because she may need that to function mentally. But I also understand why her former team mates find it frustrating that whenever they tell their stories all Nadia can say is she doesn't remember details. Especially when she's wealthy and influential and they are struggling to be heard. I have immense admiration for Tasha Schwikert and I do not blame her in the least for having given quotes to protect herself and am glad that she's now in a position to say things like "No I really was pushing Steve Penny away during that medal ceremony". But it does mean that I am often hesitant to even take gymnasts descriptions of good things as true.
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Jaehyun: But you’re supposed to be dead!
Hyera: Yeah, and you’re supposed to be dumpster diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody.
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toniandrukaitis · 3 years
Friday:) Family Fun, My Firemen, and Today’s Elfie Selfie
Friday:) Family Fun, My Firemen, and Today’s Elfie Selfie
“In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, bridge to our future.” ~Alex Haley *********** When you’re old, falling apart and living quietly all by yourself, you tend to forget those hectic years of crying babies in the Middle of the night, early mornings getting ready for school, and all the hustle bustle of being young parents. Visiting with my family is a reminder of…
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chadprez · 3 years
Violetta: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes? Unaek: For the dogs. Violett: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs? Unaek: They don't know how.
she’s such a sweetheart, but unaek please, they don’t need pancakes
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1x1kellys · 5 years
Sammie: I wasn't injured. I was lightly stabbed.
Qian: I'm sorry, you were stabbed?
Sammie: Lightly stabbed. I didn't want to frighten you.
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whisperinglines · 5 years
«Un mucchio di terra coperto di vegetazione. La morte ha occhi azzurri e freddi, e l'altezza dell'obelisco non ha importanza, come non l'avranno le scritte che vi verranno incise. [...]»
— A. Sapkowski, Il Sangue degli Elfi
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Jack Morrison, getting interviewed: Well, you see... not everyone can join Overwatch. We have strict regulations like having past military experience, doctoral degrees, field experience, and other qualifications.
McCree: unless you show up as a half dressed archer with with thicc thighs and a tit hanging out.
McCree: or his terrorist lover boy, a monkey, literal angels from heaven that fly around with each other, supposed to be dead people, or genius children who invented horse robots things. We take those too.
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