#quote from jacksepticeye
incorrectquoteslobby · 7 months
Donnie: I'm going to have to put on my fucking double-seeing glasses, because I can't even begin to see the amount of BULLSHIT COMING FROM YOU
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marksandrec · 1 year
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2558
Well, that conversation went well. (Dialogue from The Great.)
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incorrect-whos-lila · 11 months
Lila: I have a plan. William: It can’t involve murder. Lila: I have no plan.
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*during a game of Among Us*
Davey: Race, you said you were following Jack last time and this time, right? So where did you go?
Race: I went to do the thing with Jack.
Albert and Davey: *laugh*
Davey: Jack’s dead-
Crutchie: Jack’s dead now.
Albert: Jack’s dead-
Race: Yes? AND?
Albert: …Did you kill him?
Race: No! NO!
Race: Maybe…
Race: …he might have deserved it…
Albert and Davey: 👀
Race: …but I’m gonna go with no :)
Davey: I don’t-
Albert: …I don’t know if he’s a genius or a moron
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sprinklethetangerine · 10 months
I don't know about you, but my entire life REVOLVES around quoting shows and movies and whatever I know. If I never quoted things... then I just wouldn't be me anymore.
Just now, I suffered through 3 and a half hours of studying before finally calling it a day and going to eat and maybe watch something with my sister only to find the bitch asleep and doing exactly what I wish I was doing for those 3 hours I studied in. Absolutely nothing. So I, with no one but me around to hear, said "boo, you whore."
I quoted mean girls. For no reason other than I fucking wanted to. And if I didn't do that in that very moment... I don't think my life would be complete rn.
Literally 50 times through an average conversation, I will quote SOMETHING from SOMEWHERE.
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 1 month
After avoiding riptide for so long because of the hiatus and not wanting to not have content, and realizing how stupid that is cus I got like at least 20 eps left, I’m watching more
Condi;“Hey guys I’m Condifiction here with…Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and….Smolderman”
“Hey champ…everything okay in here?”
Ykkkk the Black Sea doesn’t seem like a good idea I’m just saying
Gillion when the pearl says no;”Moms telling me no :((“
Gillion;”if you guys are curious God said it was a bad idea.”
“Can I shoot him in the head dm???”
Chip;”Maybe Drey can search him!”
Drey;”What about me??”
Chip;”Hooooly shit you’re just everywhere man. 😟”
Gillion;”What was the relationship between you and my grandpepa?”
Chip;”Did you ever explore each others bodies?”
Drey;”WHAT. 😟”
Gillion;”You consider me and my grandpa allies right?”
Charlie;”I TACKLE HIM.”
Jay visibly confused;”…no??”
Chip;”Gill…what are you doing????”
Chip;”I dunno, help me find him
Gillion;”Why don’t you ask him??”
Chip;”HOW. How Gillion??”
Grizzly. Grizzly where is Rufus Grizzly.
Gillion;”Hey Ollie, if you hear a sound from inside wanna jump through the window with me?”
Ollie;”I’ll throw you through the window!”
Gillion;”Ok, then I’ll throw you, through the window too so we can both be in there.”
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actual-arrrchie · 6 months
Can you describe your jeremy personality!?
Oh wow there's a lot to talk about yagduyas BUT I think jacksepticeye is a good point of reference Sean is my Jeremy's voice claim and any time I watch his videos, I'm like "lmao this sounds like something Jeremy would say" every 5 minutes I even have this video of quotes saved as Jeremy voice lines and they're all just from ONE of Sean's videos aydgsadasg
But in general, Jeremy is a very sweet and kind person He sees the good in people and wants to believe most peopel are good at heart He's not overly trusting though and can definitely be tough They're not a huge fan of fighting but he also won't hesitate to throw a couple solid punches in self defense - they can and will take care of himself
They can be very impulsive though and often times act before thinking
After the bite he got a lot more snappy and easily irritated but managed to work on it and make it better with time
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heckylapologist · 10 months
TW: Shawn, Racism, Ableism, Manipulation
Hello everyone. I didn't want to make this post, but I feel like it's finally time i speak out about this horrible person. They go by @shawnthevampire on here. She is very popular within the Jacksepticeye community and she is a horrible person. She is Racist, Ableist, narcissistic and manipulative. This is gonna take a while..
Shawn is manipulative. She lies and gaslights people to get her own way. She once lied about one of my friends to try to convince me that he didn't care about me, saying things like "He's a rich shit" and "Why would a rich shit care about a couple of poor, mentally disabled biological females?" She did this a lot. She manipulates and lies, and then deletes all evidence of it every happening. Not to mention if your trauma is not the exact same as hers, she will invalidate it either to your face or behind your back. Personal experience: I was having a panic attack and she said it was amusing.
She silences anyone who disagrees with her. On Discord, if you say something she doesn't like? Timeout. Try to diffuse an argument? Timeout. I once got timed out for a week because I was defending my brother from her bullying. But she got rid of it a few hours later. You cannot say ANYTHING to her that she doesn't like, or.. doesn't have. If there is something she doesn't/can't have or something she just doesn't like, You can't talk about it. One time me and my friends were talking about "Amanda the Adventurer" and she banned us from talking about it all together because she didn't like it! She abused her power so much, and the changed the rules to her own server so it was convenient for her. For example, She could talk about politics but if you tried to it was against the rules and you weren't allowed.
She's abelist. Shawn will probably deny this as she is autistic, but being autistic does not give you an excuse to being abelist. I had one person tell me how she made fun of them for being hard of hearing. And there is a whole tumblr thread where she got involved in an argument over the Jacksepticeye ego character, Jameson Jackson. She says she hates her brother all because he's more autistic than her so he needs to be taken care of a little more. She went on a whole rant about how much she hates her brother and her parents, who bend over backwards to her will and anything she wants. She treats the people close to her like shit and with disrespect with no regard to the fact that they are human and have feelings too.
She is racist. Oh ho ho ho. Shawn is racist. Because why wouldn't she stop at being abelist? I have a couple of examples. On roblox she said to someone "Bro is black Irl" because they were apparently harassing her. Then she tried to defend it when called out by saying that "History is built up on racism" and that people should be used to racsim by now. The second example is she defends the infamous app "Temu" like she is the creator herself. After me and my friends sent her multiple piece of evidence that Temu still people's data, she just turns a blind eye and has blocked people over it. When defending the app she said, and I quote, "Also, if the USA truly cared about our Internet safety, they'd stop allowing apps from other countries to be approved onto the app store". And that this was all because Temu is a Chinese company, and that all the products are cheap and "suspicious" is because its a Chinese company.
Boundaries aren't a thing to her. If you are uncomfortable by a joke she's making and you tell her, she just thinks it's funny and does it more. These mainly include sexu@l jokes. And uh, here's a personal experience. I had a crush on a friend and I told her about it, she proceeded to give me a deadline to tell them my feelings and then decided to tell them behind my back anyway.
This is just on Discord and a couple things on Tumblr. She also caused things on Wattpad but I don't have the patience or energy to get into that.
Please do not go and bully Shawn or anyone involved in this situation. If people need proof, I'll post it on Twitter. Thank you everyone.
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pangolin-404 · 11 months
Im honestly really worried for ranboo. Most people that get this big on the internet either get desensitized to stuff and become a bit of an asshole (or a full asshole) or get destroyed because of how much they care. Ranboo seems to be heading towards the second category and I wish for them to be okay
I really have no idea where I see Ranboo going from here. There are plenty of big creators who do good (Jacksepticeye's Thankmas, MCC charity events) and to me, the Particles for Palestine event was like that. A big creator utilizing their platform to raise awareness and charity. I... genuinely I don't see how people are so upset with Ranboo over . what? Not doing more? Not coming out with in-depth, nuanced reactions to global events? When they probably knew as much as you or I did.
Yes he broke promises, he is not a guiltless victim; he kept playing TLOU2 even after told of its inspiration, he didn't do as much charity as he said he would, and it's good he's acknowledging that, but this visceral reaction to him runs deeper than that, it looks like? I feel like he should stop raising peoples' expectations and over-promising; he's one guy, he's young.
I know it's probably mostly in Twitter--in the Tumblr tags, the worst I saw was a couple people calling them spineless (sorry Ranboo, but good lird, he is a little bit spineless for not telling people to stop idolizing him). But I can't wrap my head around the logic behind people going after his ankles.
Now, I personally can't think of anyone fitting the "get destroyed" option you claim has happened, Anon. So I'll be honest I think it's a little bit overdramatic, but I agree with you in that I'm also worried for Ranboo.
I worry that a whole nonprofit will be too much for them. That is a whole organization, and even if they have others working with them, that is a lifelong commitment. This is something he cannot back out of (or he will be making another empty promise) or give to someone else to handle (he said he would be active in it).
Ranboo has Generation Loss/Chronicle 0, White Noise, The Sorry Boys (if that still exists. please it's been months,), his usual streams and YouTube videos, and his own personal life and self to tend to. Genuinely, I worry a whole entire nonprofit organization that intends to address very heavy topics will break the camel's back. I don't know what that will look like, but I doubt it'd be great for his mental health and anxiety (and I worry talking too much about that, lest I get parasocial, if I haven't already!).
(I'll be honest, I don't expect the organization to go anywhere past its first few months of existence; if it does, it will be without their major role in it, or they'd be stretched too thin. I feel bad for saying that.)
All due respect to him, of course, but he is a variety gamer on twitch dot teevee, and I do not understand why people demand more and more charity and apology from him when his job is to play video games and make people laugh.
I get why people want him to state his stances, to be assured he supports Palestine. To be vocal about a tragedy happening. I get why people expect a charity stream during pride month, or an eventual donation to somewhere to help during a disaster. What I do not understand is how this isn't enough for some people.
to quote something I said when talking to a friend about this: I think he should tweet "yall need to respect me as a regular everyday person and stop seeing me as a paragon" and delete twitter and turn off the internet in his house
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n-anon · 2 years
Anti’s Connection to the Septic Eye (A Theory)
A little boy gets hit with a football, and ends up infecting his eye, it turns septic, it recovers but the name Jacksepticeye persists with him until he begins his YouTube channel.
We all know that story at least, but what if I told you Anti was always connected to the septic eye, even in his early infancy of just a small comment or word from Jack.
To specify, I'm going to go back way to RYC number 48 in which Jack answers the question of 'Jack why are you Everywhere' with the following quote:
'Its cuz I have the septic eye! It spreads, it bounces around in it's septic tank and infects everybody else!! You're all gonna get it eventually!'
Now see this really could've been a funny joke, at the end of the day, and it probably is, but I sometimes think about it, and it reminds me heavily of Schneeps quote in KJSE, 'Once one goes down, they all go down'.
The thing about a septic eye is that it's an infection of the eye, a small virus, can be easily cured if you let the eye heal. It shouldn't be able to cause everything Anti does yes, even if most of his appearances cause a very seen again and again symptom of bleeding eyes (This is just four examples)
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But while a septic eye itself is small virus, sometimes viruses mutate, they lay dormant in a system for years, adapting to the immune system and even copying some of it in better to survive, and that's what I'm proposing Anti is. Plague reminded me that viruses can mutate, and develop new symptoms on their own such as insanity, destructive tendencies, nose bleeds, possibly eye bleeding too. It's not that hard to put that connection on the table.
In this universe, C!Jack might've not even gotten the septic eye, I don't know, maybe he got it a different way then the story we know, but you can't deny the connection. Anti's connection to eyes and causing nosebleeds as well as bleeding eyes is just one example of this, which is where the IRIS connection comes in, and I've been thinking about this for a bit as well, but we've seen that IRIS has no qualms with exposing anomalous properties to someone they find a useful subject in some way, and while I don't know if they experimented on c!Jack directly it's possible that Jack was exposed somewhat accidentally, when Arins character mentions the slab that causes headaches, nosebleeds and various other symptoms it's possible that they didn't extract ALL of it, and maybe c!Jack stumbled on it somehow but that's just my two cents on the matter.
I just wanted to get my thoughts on this down-(so sorry if it's a lil rambly) and explain my thoughts on why I find this theory so compelling out of all of the ones I've seen over the years (imo anyway shdhdhy)
Imma tag a few theorists, just in case the tags decide to be stupid again
@fear-is-nameless @isas-theory-wall @vixthefantheorist @tracobuttons
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seabshop · 10 months
I was in bed this afternoon while watching Jacksepticeyes re-playthrough of INSIDE. And around halfway through the video I fell asleep and dreamt about the game AND HIS REACTION to my dream version of inside.
In INSIDE theres like, these little light orbs that you dismantle and you get a secret little thing and I dreamt that the reward for breaking all the light orbs was that you could go to this light city that was filled with temples under the dark-blue sky but to combat the darkness, the temples spilled orange light out from their windows. And the people in this civilization were orange and don’t really interact with the boy protagonist who’s just walkin through. And whats funny to me is that dream jacksepticeye was commenting on what was happening in the dream game and to quote dream jacksepticeye, “ wow its so weird people in this place are letting us pass through when for the entirety of the game whenever we come in contact with people they’re always trying to kill us haha”
Yeah since i was watchings jacks REplaythough he was more analysis driven this time and i think it followed me into my dreams. it was weird.
In my dream the boy character goes up some stairs for a while and some orange civilians follow our character and eventually the boy finds a hatch in the ceiling. But then after that my dream dream descends into nonsense of being a floating camera hovering next to the floating hyrule castle in TOTK.
I think it was interesting how for the first couple minutes i woke up after that dream i thought that what i just dreamt about wasnt notable at all because i just dreamed about a game that already existed and a dude talking about it that already existed. I was still in a sleepy daze and i was like “wait… was that really the reward for breaking those light orbs??” AND I LOOK UP AT MY TV AND ITS JACK UNLOCKING THE REAL REWARD FOR BREAKING ALL THE ORBS. And if you’ve watched a play-through of INSIDE or played it, you know that the reward is alot more. Hopeless than what i dreamed of today.
Dreams are fun. and whenever things are too scary ill dream of a way out. I did it again with this dream and created an orange world in a game about gray mind control grossiness.
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For the Redacted match-up! ^_^
A song I’m currently fixated on: “the lakes” by Taylor Swift. The whole song is just so beautiful and wistful. 😭 And something about the melody of these lyrics just hits so right.
Specific lyrics: “I want auroras and sad prose/I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet/Cause I haven’t moved in years/And I want you right here”
Enneagram type: 6w7. (And just for fun, I’m an ISFP as well)
YouTube essays: I don’t think I can focus my attention on a video for that long, tbh. It’s the same reason I can rarely get through movies in one siting. 😂
Imaginary childhood friend: I think her name was Amy? Don’t remember much else, though.
Falling asleep: I always sleep with my fan on, no matter the weather. I have to have the white noise, otherwise it’s just too damn quiet in my room. Usually I’m propped up by two pillows, cuddling one of my stuffed animals or something. If find that I can’t sleep, or just want something to fall asleep to, I’ll put on one of Redacted’s sleep-aids.
Name change: Cheesy as it sounds, if I didn’t have my current name, I’d love to be named Juliet. It just has such Main Character Energy™️ (and I mean that in a good way) and is freakin’ romantic as hell to me. (And yes, I’m aware that the play is a tragedy, not a romance. 😂)
Favorite Redacted audio: If I had to pick one, I think “Serenity Daemon Helps You Relax and Sleep”. That video is just so freaking comforting and sweet, and it’s knocked me out more times than I can count.
Redacted boi with no appeal: Regulus. Yanderes just aren’t my thing, and he legit scares me. 😅
Book/Movie/TV show you could quote entirely: I’ve watched The Breakfast Club so many times, I could quote it forwards, backwards, and sideways.
Redacted BFF: Elliott. Take away the “Lovers” aspect of his relationship with Sunshine, but keep all the playfulness, teasing, and banter that they have together, and I’d be perfectly happy. 😊
(It’s also a really perfect coincidence that Eli’s said he’s the “Protector” type, and I just so happen to like being protected. XD)
Go-to tired ramble: Most of the time when my any of my friends and I would have a sleepover and it was late at night, we’d just get really deep and start talking about life.
Go-to gas station combo: I try to avoid gas stations when I can, just because I hate the smell of gasoline. But I’d probably get a plain Hershey bar and a bottle of water. (I know, I’m boring. 😂)
Favorite playlist: Do you mean Redacted, or just in general? Because the answer depends.
For a general answer, Jacksepticeye’s play through of Night In The Woods. That game is honestly such a comfort one for me, and I can watch that playlist a million times over and never get tired of it.
In terms of Redacted, Ollie’s. If there’s angst abound on the channel, or I’ve just had a bad day at work or something, I can run to his playlist and feel like I’m getting a big, warm, metaphorical hug. 🥰
Guilty Pleasure: I still read, and love, young adult novels. I don’t care that they’re “predictable”, and that I’m “too old to be reading them”. You can pry those fluffy, romantic, cheesy-ass books from my cold dead hands. 😆
Anything else about me:
I seriously think I’m the biggest Swiftie I know. When I say I’m obsessed with her music, I am not kidding. 😂
I’m a huge musical nerd. And coupled with that, I love, love, love to sing. (Provided I know that no one’s listening, anyway.)
I’m a total introvert, and am pretty shy/quiet in general, unless I’m around my friends.
My love languages are quality time and physical touch.
I maaaaay or may not have a slight candle obsession. (Bath and Body Works ones, specifically.) Seriously, I have like, four unburned 3-wick candles sitting on my dresser, and I’m convinced I just like to collect/look at them as opposed to actually lighting the things. 😂
I’m a cat person through and through
This one’s random, but I felt like adding it anyway. I basically live in one beat up pair of combat boots. There are not a lot of shoes in my closet.
I have this thing where I either tear through a TV series in like, a few days, or I don’t touch it for months. The same with books. I don’t know why I do that. 😂
My favorite colors are blue and purple 💙💜
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Well, if you’re a cat kind of guy (gn), you know that’s gonna make things easy for me! Though it might not be the boy you think, because I’ve got a case to make for you and Milo Greer.
What I really like about y’all is how the things y’all like (other than cats) contrast and how cute that contrast is. Like, I don’t think Milo’s a Swiftie but man shows up and shows out to take you to her Eras tour. The Breakfast Club isn’t his favorite movie, but he’s seen it with Marie; he’ll say the iconic lines with you when y’all watch it for the hundredth time. He doesn’t really love musicals but he can hum along to Alexander Hamilton with the best of them because that’s an ensemble piece and you need a backup singer.
Milo’s just a really great boyfriend who shows love with a combination of Quality Time and Acts of Service with little sprinkles of Gifts. It’s not just time spent with you, it’s time spent engaging in the things that interest you and make you happy. It’s the time thinking of you when you’re apart and bringing home fun, new candles he saw at the store. Although he is definitely not opposed to physical touch- y’all have a lot of cuddle nights, just you and him and Aggro.
However big, however small/ Let me be part of it all/ Share your dreams with me/ You may be right, you may be wrong/ But say that you'll bring me along/ To the world you see/ To the world I close my eyes to see
Now, I said Milo’s not really a musical man. You know what he is? A bisexual king with good taste, which means he loves you and a good Hugh Jackman flick especially since Zac Efron is involved. So I think he’s a big fan of The Greatest Showman and of singing the addictive, earworm-y songs with you. A Million Dreams is the sentimental choice, but y’all go fuckin hard to This is Me.
Guy is absolutely a Swiftie and a musical theater kid, okay? Erik hasn’t confirmed it, but I know it in my spleen to be true, so he’s a fantastic runner-up for that reason. Vincent is a runner-up because he adores but despises that you stick to one pair of torn-up shoes and constantly showers you in luxury footwear. I think that’s cute.
note: I understand you completely candles are not just scent pieces they are decor
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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tubborucho · 2 years
The Quotebook
I already posted half of those quotes once, but there’s more now AND I learned how to do read more.
Most of the quotes are from different mcyt, but there’s also a couple of other people like CallMeKevin, Steven Suptic, Insym, Jacksepticeye, Gabby, etc.
Current quotes count: 431
Some of the quotes may be a bit different from the original, but it’s hard to type them out while it’s a livestream
1. “Oh it looks different in the darkness! Like a glow stick!” Ranboo
2. “Just killed a woman, feeling good” Tommy
3. “I am not mad, I am just disappointed in everything you are” Tommy
4. “Even if i started as a gaslighter, I ended as a girlboss, and that is what matter” Tommy
5. “No one except me put my life in danger, but yet i still do” Tommy
6. “I lost, but to be fair, i also cheated” Tommy
7. “I am my own girlfriend” Tommy
8. “I have a gun and no will to live. Let’s see what will happen” Tommy, playing minecraft
9. “Scott doesn’t like my russian dancing???” Tubbo
10. “I think I am fine just russian dancing, baby!” Tubbo
11. “I haven’t got a time to lose” Tommy
12. “If you don’t like the rules, you shouldn’t be in Wyoming” Tommy
13. “I think psychological war is a key to all relationships” Tommy
14. “Sorry, you couldn’t talk to me, I was too busy being alpha” Wilbur
15. “She drops her wings like guillotine” Wilbur
16. “Tubbo maybe love America. But I only love things that are real. Like Jesus” Wilbur
17. “I will give you advice. No matter how you look, no matter who or where you are. QUIT YOUR JOB! And then start a company! And quit it too! There’s not enough quitters in the world” Tommy
19. “If we all build a bomb and then combine it, we can finally get rid of America!” Tommy
20. “Will, I am dipped again” Tommy
21. “We need mud more than ever” Tommy
22. “We’re dumpenning the glam” Tommy
23. “I’m the only cock round here” Tommy
24. “Get birthed, bitch. Enjoy pregnancy, you fuck” Tommy
25. “Thing about friends is that they all gonna leave you. So you should leave them first” Tommy
26. “If Georgenotfound was a mouse, Schlatt would be a rat” Tommy
27. “‘I can't block clutch that’ is what I said when my marriage was failing” Tommy
28. “Who these axolotl fucks and why are they getting more attention than me?” Tommy
29. “Oh, this zombie found a food. But I am a food” Tommy
30. “Let me find my own battles” Tommy
31. “I got this boat still, I am optimising on it” Tommy
32. “The wind is truly cooking up on my sail” Tommy
33. “There’s a thing, Phil. I overcame death” Tommy
34. “Everyone dies in their own unique and wonderful way” Tommy
35. “Tubbo is such an only child” Tommy
36. “I crave manipulation” Tommy
37. “I’m gatekeeping right now pretty hard, ngl” Sneeg
38. “Would’ve start serious dming Tubbo” Tommy
39. “I lost my phone, I think I dropped it in the shower and never picked it up” Tubbo
40. Tommy: You didn’t explain me the game!
Tubbo: Well, explaining only works when you listen
Tommy: Mememem look at me, I am Tubbo, I am smart
41. “C’mon, king, take Pakistan, you deserve this” Tubbo
42. Tubbo: I think it’s everyone’s game except for Tommy.
Tommy, chuckling: Thanks, man. Iran will remember that.
43. “You lecturning me” Tommy, to the Villager
44. "It's not about the people you mend along the way, it's about- it's about you know, the fact that when- 'cause you're gonna die, the fact that when you die, you're not- you're not alone" - TommyInnit, 2022.
45. “I am wearing a Tubbo hoodie. I am wearing a Tubbo hoodie. I am wearing a Tubbo hoodie. Tubbo moment, Tubbo moment” Tommy
46. “Guys, I am currently your uncomfortable streamer, because I am completely discomforted” Tommy
47. “‘Streamer has morals’? Just know I can turn them off. I can and I will” Tubbo
48. “As a civilization, would we benefit from Tommyinnit not being able to swim?” Wilbur
49. “I will not add something like that to my kingdom. Too much math. And I am gay, I can’t do maths” Scott S Smajor
50. “I don't know how you expect us to live laugh love in these conditions” Scott S Smajor
51. “Only Tubbo would go ‘I’ve been craving ability of changing probability recently’” Tommy
52. “But only if it’s cute. If it’s not… I’d rather live dangerously” Scott S Smajor
53. "Gatekeep, Gaslight, and Girlboss, Cleo. That's the 3 Gs of this series. You want to gatekeep the resources, you want to gaslight the other players, and you want to girlboss by winning" Scott S Smajor
54. “I am gatekeeping gates now! No one gets in!” Scott S Smajor
55. "I already came out, it was a few years ago Pearl. It was a hard time” Scott S Smajor
56. “I encourage milfs and dilfs to watch my streams” Tommy
57. “My job in this group is to make it extremely gay” Scott
58. “Who cares. I care” Tubbo
59. “You know, sometimes I really don’t know how I got this far in life” Jimmy
60. “Please don't put a bomb in it if you ever give me a gift either, i don't like bombs” Tommy
61. “If your brother calls you an idiot, you should say ‘Shut up bitch’” Foolish
62. “The thing is: my game is never over, it’s only started” Tommy
63. “You used to be about water courses and Georgenotfound” Wilbur
64. “It’s not about the noise, it’s about the journey” Tommy
65. “We sacrificed two more people to the hardcore world” Joel Smallishbeans
66. “Big spiky hips. That’s what I look for in a woman” Wilbur
67. “Never put your fucking jizz and cum in the corner bitch” Jack Manifold
68. “I can feel myself melting down. I’m like a Chernobyl now” Tubbo
69. “What people did? Invented anime and war. Let’s eat people” Tommy
70. “Beckyamon, I take back all my thoughts about you I didn’t say outloud” Tommy
71. “You know? I all for equality, but I draw a line on eating people” Tubbo
72. “I remember losing my kidney virginity” Tommy
73. “Minding my business, I had a hay in my mouth. What can I say? I am a man of culture. So…” Tubbo
74. “I don’t think you should take eyeballs from strangers” GeminiTay
75. “Me too, king. I’m glad we can hang out like the old and gays… WAIT, I didn’t mean to say old and gays, it just kinda came out! Sorry… Well, they came out too.” Jack Manifold
76. “Philza Minecraft don’t do mercy. He also doesn’t do Geneva Convention” Tubbo
77. “An Irishmen never trust anyone who can make tea in the dark” Jacksepticeye
78. "I sucked Fundy... I'm sure he'll appreciate that” 5up
79. "A bunch of f*cking idiots... and then 5up" Sleepy
80. “Sometimes i get in the shower with socks on to prove a point” Tubbo
81. “I like it when girl uses my own voice” Tommy
82. “You know I was pretending that I am bad at the game. But now when we are at 3 game, I can go all on” Connor
83. “I’m not the bigger person.. and I will never be the bigger person. but my god, will I be the louder person” Tubbo
84. “Guys, I guess my demons are coming out, Ive been threatening to fight a viewer for the past 5 minutes” Connor
85. “I can find something to complain about, give me 45 seconds” Connor
86. “Why would they make a game on any mechanic after 1.8” Connor
87. "I'm just a realist. It's not mean, some people would call it being real" DK
88. Tina: Apollo, why did you run away from this?
DumbDog: Cause I’m a bad bitch
89. “Tomatoes are strange creatures. I don’t trust them. I trust tomatoes about as far as I can throw them, which I suppose is a lot. Maybe that was a bad analogy” Foolish
90. “Am i a fruit? Am i a carb? No, I’m definitely a protein!” Foolish
91. “I’d be the guy in the apocalypse whose always chewing gum” Foolish
92. “See most people have boring merch, like shirts and hoodies. I’m gonna sell you guys dictionaries” Foolish
93. “I was stacking sand like an animal!” Foolish
94. “If anything, I underthink” Foolish
95. “I’m like a dolphin, or a shark... whatever drinks water” Foolish
96. “It’s good to have some muffins before kicking ass” Foolish
97. “If I was born in 98' what actually am I? Am I a gemini... or a millenial?..” Foolish
98. “Charity is never easy” Smallishbeans
99. “Why must I be in pain for simply just exiting” Tina
100. “Raft is like a game of chess. Sophisticated, yet modest” Tommy
101. “Patience is a virtue of a man” Tommy
102. “Plastic comes in so many shapes and sizes. It never fails to amaze me” Tommy
103. “I am just taking a moment to take it all in” Tommy
104. “I don’t need a sail when I have optimism” Tommy
105. “I hope I didn’t fail 5up here. I know how much he likes playing video games” Steven Suptic
106. “It’s like those american schools you have, with guns!” Tubbo
107. “You’re trying to tell me that Skeppy exists, and I don’t believe it” Tubbo
108. “People are dying over there, and I am looking at my storage” Tommy
109. Tommy: Sex kills!
Tubbo: And my god, it is morally wrong
110. “I got so much blood coming from my ears because of you” Tubbo
111. Tommy: Guys, I think I am happiest I’ve ever been right now.
Tubbo: I am so sorry, get well soon.
112. “We need to be well-rounded individuals, if we gonna shoot people and feel good about that” Tommy
113. “I don’t speak bicycle” JSchlatt
114. “You have to trust me, it’s you” DK
115. "I haven't seen 5up all round, maybe he's the killer" Koji says, when 5up was already dead the round before
116. “How do you defeat something which you cannot kill? How, how do you defeat something that cannot die? It’s simple...You take away things that it cherishes, one by one, until it wishes that it was dead. 
That’s how you kill an unkillable god: 
By making it want to die.” BadBoyHalo, on having his house moved to Ohio
117. “I think eyes are overrated” Eret
118. “Man I speak horse! [NEIGH] Learned that from a horse girl back in high school” BoomerNA
119. “Well, I take no responsibility for that. Unless you are happy with outcome. Then I take all responsibility for that” Scott
120. “I am a constant risk to my own safety” Tubbo
121. “WHAT?! I didn't- I don't- this was never-. IM NOT INTO YOU TUBBO. I'm not. Not in "that way". Sorry if that makes things Cringe but no where was that implied. Sure, you're Fresh as Fuck but not in a way that I just think you've read into this too much” Tommy, because Tubbo said that he doesn’t want to sleep with him
122. “We need to start spreading hate” Tommy
123. “Thats it, im spreading hate” Tommy
124. “That’s a beginners talk, and for that you will receive a penalty” Steve
125. Koji: Hey, Dumbdog, any congratulations for me?
Dumbdog: Absolutely not...
126. “Eat a giant pile of shut the fuck up” Bob
127. "When I look at your eyes... They're both.... Eyes" Wade
128. “‘What is money if not an obstacle’. And that’s a Steve quote for my life, I will take it to the grave” Steve
129. “You think it’s gonna get me, Koji? I am impenetrable. Koji, I can’t penetrate-slash-never’ve been penetrated” Steve
130. “It looks like a ca-HAT-strophe” Steve
131. “I am glad we came to a decider that it isn’t gonna be me” Ellum
132. “He has such a low impact that everyone is just disregarding him” Steve
133. “Feel free to respect me” Tommy
134. “Chat, I think this whole thing has got very out of hand. All I want to do is sit and eat polaroid photos” Tommy
135. “I’m gonna go vegan in rage” Tommy
136. “I am perfect. I am absolutely perfect” George
137. “I want more of me and less of anyone else” Tommy
138. “The master of Among Us, dude?? You not even a peasant of Among Us!” Steve
139. “Sorry, didn’t know you are out to silence my free will” Tommy
140. “I can simply porn act and pretend there’s a bomb on me” 5up
141. “I would fuck a tory, but I wouldn’t get fucked by a tory” Wilbur
142. “He says big words to basically say nothing. And I know that, because I am good at that” 5up
143. “hello streamer, did you know that if you use a bucket of water and place it just before you land you can negotiate fall damage” the Jims (5up’s chat)
144. “It’s like Jesus. My favourite Disney princess” Scott
145. “I’ve never felt more like an animal in my life” 5up
146. “I like red little birds. They fill me with happiness and joy” Tubbo
147. “Every second Grian is only getting closer” Phil
148. “So I decided to block out the sun!“ Oli
149. “Oh no, my one weakness… being weak!” Lizzie
150. “Me and Ranboo were roleplaying that I was gifting him a rat” Wilbur
151. “I’ll have to horoscope all over the place” Wilbur
152. “No one’s as alive as me” Tubbo
153. “A minecraft bird cant fly with two left wings” Wilbur
154. “She’s a FREAK, but a fun freak in that” Tommy
155. “There was still like milk to milk from a minion cash cow” Seamus
156. "You never realise how long a minute is until you spend it waiting to die" Kevin
157. "How do we know this isn't an act of god?" Tommy
158. "He plays Minecraft and I play psychological thriller" Iskall
159. “Dream is a modern day Hannah Montana” Illumina
160. “Maximus Bucharest is not just a fashion house. He is a fashion bungalow” Max Fosh
161. “You pulled him out of a catalog. But because you pulled him out of a catalog his personality is paper-thin” Dylan
162. "Do you want her to marry a freaking tree? 'Cause I'm available” Dylan
163. “Oh no, my cod, it’s drowning!” Joel
164. “You give a man fishing rode and he is fed forever. You give him 8 buckets of salmon and he is scared and confused” Wilbur
165. “Trees help you breathe, and we all need to breathe to play Minecraft” Joel
166. “The beach people worship Totoro” Lizzie
167. “It feels like Scott did a weird random wheel generator, balanced it out and that’s the teams!” Antfrost
168. “It’s not Lime Llamas, it’s Lime Liars, and it’s me, Dream, Fruit and Your mom” Zeuz
169. “I am not gonna wrote Aqua Axolotls cause I can’t be bothered” Zeuz
170. “Church? It’s a Saturday. Church doesn’t exist” Wilbur
171. “What’s a Wisconsin?” ZombieCleo
172. “I don’t think I’ve appreciated before how weird ghasts are looking. I kind of just… accepted them in my life” Grian
173. “I’m gonna skip so much time, we’re gonna kill God himself” Jacksepticeye
174. “If they will just add more Sands of Time… The MCC just will get better and better” HBomb
175. “Through our discussion we had established that we will win. Great news” Oli
176. "You're a highly unusual individual and I can't let my audience be around you" Techno
177. “This is a sin! Let me get God on you” Tommy
178. “How do you predict? It’s all copium and bias. I don’t know how to not be biased, i am an egoistical optimistic person. So how do I do it?” Purpled
180. “If only Jesus knew about this… oh I forgot, I AM Jesus” Tommy
181. “Sniff, I mean this in a nice way, but knowing memes does not make up for a personality” Tubbo
182. “I hate british people. British people should stop being british” Purpled
183. "I've won over 6,000 games of solo bedwars, fun is a distant memory" Purpboy, the kid that grew up with older brothers
184. “Don’t you know you are playing against Purpled Bedwars? I invented Bedwars” Purpled
185. "Put my tea in the microwave" Grian
186. "If first you don't succeed, keep annoying your friends until they listen" Grian
187. "We must not dwell on the fact we have no friends" Grian
188. “Not everything I do has to start a war. Sometimes I just want to create a society of sewer-related mole people” Grian
189. “You’d make a great politician, Lannan, because that was all bullshit” Jacksepticeye
190. Seapeekay: One thing I’ve learnt from this is that you miss all of the shots you dont take
Jacksepticeye: Oh, I just miss all of the shots regardless; I like to be consistent
191. "I haven't seen the moon in 3 years because I'm on the same server as Bdubs” Mumbo
192. “I’m about to hit spit spakle the fuck outta someone” Tubbo
193. “I will never be selected naturally. I will choose when it’s my time to die” Tubbo
194. “I am such a good discomfort streamer. I got so good at that lately” Tubbo
195. “I already did that, I am a rebel. I am rebellious. I am in my rebellious phase. Yeah, I tried alcohol. What can I say, I am rebellious” Tubbo
196. "Thats right. I'm breaking into your house. I'm gonna steal your man" Life advice with Grian
197. “You buy the whole seat to this musical, but you only need the edge of it” YoBGS
198. “It’s okay, I have my cat ears and my skirt, I am still doing well!” Baablu
199. “Confidently said it with confidence” SMii7Y
200. “I’m a feeble boy, there’s only so much meat I can handle” Jack Manifold
201. “Trust me, dude. I want to find the suck. I just… I can’t” Ohmwreker
202. “It’s hard being a diplomat like that, people don’t really think it is but it did but it do you know” Smii7y
203. “I am being gaslit, and theres no girlbossing going on, lemme tell you that much” Jack
204. "I've seen all the bugs. I actually make the bugs” CJ
205. “Ghosts have urinated on the table” George
206. “I am going to play only copirated music this stream, because what if I will get DMCAed on Twitch during Twitchcon, that would be funny” Tommy
207. “I am gonna say it now, I am not at all sexually involved with this race” Wilbur
208. “Wilbur, say it with me: I love anal!” Tommy
209. “You are not cringe, you are an inconvenience” Tubbo
210. “You are just words, but you are wonderful words” Wilbur
211. “Phil, when I look at you, I think of you as a bit of a bottom guy” Wilbur
212. “Even in death I’m mega handsome” Grian
213. “I believed in the heart of the cards and the heart of cards KILLED ME” Grian
214. “The only rating system that matters is what tier you are in Scott Smajor’s head” Seapeekay
215. “Americans all they do is see a crime, think it’s probably a lag and walk away” Tommy
216. “No memes, just suffering” CJ
217. “I have a disclaimer, it fixes everything” Antfrost
218. “Superheroes don’t die in earthquakes” Sophie
219. “Phil, you pin me as a kind of person to own a Ferrari” Tubbo
220. “As long as we have the same fashion sense, it equals skills” Tubbo
221. “To be fair, I am all for some good bullying, if we are getting this kind of results” Tubbo
222. “In my mind I just think: ‘Man, I hope this organic. Only sinners eat not organic carrots’” Tubbo
223. “I am like a fish out of water, but the water is a Dodgeball arena” Wilbur
224. “Philza Minecraft! God, you look not a day over ninety” Tubbo
225. “I am going to get addicted to this game and I am not happy about it. But that is life” Tubbo
226. “I am a ball lover. I really am” Tubbo
227. “Ball is life, Tubbo” Wilbur
228. “I mean I’m already a criminal I may as well keep going” Shubble
229. Jack: There’s a lot of dsmp music, now that I think about it. Half of us made a song.
Eryn: Not me. I am too based.
230. “Everyone thinks I am a babysitter, but I am really just an alcoholic aunt” HBomb
231. “How much are you getting for babysitting today? Hopefully One Coin” HBomb
232. “Is this Skeppy? I think I just came” Tommy
233. “It’s me. Tombee Innit. The uncle of the great wedding we call life” Tommy
234. “Am I allowed to judge people's penises?” HBomb
235. “‘You hate me?'. No, I don’t hate you, I hate everybody” PeteZahHutt
236. “Jack’s literally wearing a Garfield outfit... I think he might be my soulmate” Martyn
237. “Who’s corpsing it?” Jack Manifold
238. “Is that my inner Trump?” Tommy
239. “I’ve been dunkin, pops” Tommy
240. “CJ is the one we need to be scared of, not the ghost” Insym
241. “Stop spending time with women and start spending time time-traveling” Tommy
242. “My new husband arrives today” Wilbur
243. “If you look through any of my fan’s twitters you’ll realize that these dudes aren’t okay. I should be sponsored by Better Help to be honest” Purpled
244. “Phil, remember when we smoked weed and fucked bitches?” Tommy
245. “I love doing nothing, it makes my life so much easier” HBomb
246. “Oh my god, I hate humans. All humans should die. Robots are better” HBomb
247. “I am a god with the dexterity of a mouse" Tommy
248. “Liberal. what is a liberal? It’s planting seeds in a garden you don’t get to see. If I throw away my balls— what is a liberal? That’s it, you’ve completely enraged me” Tommy
249. “‘Say a curse word’? Don’t tell me what to do you ✨fucking bastard✨” Tommy
250. “Among us would never kill me, Among us knows better. We are brothers in Christ, the Christ being, of course, Tubbo. Jesus Christ Tubbo” Tommy
251. “It’s like I am in Walmart! It’s my greatest nightmare!” Insym
252. “Don’t mean to flex, but I murdered two people, no big deal” HBomb
253. “And we need some smart people dust too” Geminitay, breaking redstone
254. “I feel like life is just better when people aren't wearing pants” HBomb
255. “It’s fine, I am a scum” Sneeg
256. “You know what, Sneeg, when I grow up I want to be just like you and do all the drugs that you’ve done” Tubbo
257. “I’ve never seen you so passionate about headwear” Tubbo
258. “Admittedly, I am a verified colonizer” Tubbo
259. “You’ve taken upon yourself to steal from the great city of France!” Tommy
260. “If you live in Wyoming, you have to be a cannibal” Tommy
261. “We have Salvador Dali for a villain” Sophie
262. “We're more stuck than your average stepsister” Insym
263. “I could’ve figure this out if I used my brain, but sometimes I just don’t use my brain” Insym
264. “This is my villain origin story. I am going to complete a villain arc right now” Insym
265. “I am actually potentially going to die here” Insym
266. “I am a stereotype :D” Kristin
267. “This city has more infrastructure than the entirety of America” Tubbo
268. “He is a dark whorse of this lobby, that’s for sure” Steve
269. “Every boy has a resting rock” Tommy
270. “I don’t know how to play Dungeon & Dinosaurs” Tubbo
271. “An old friend of mine, we call him Mr. Keys. Mrs. Keys for short” Tommy
272. “It’s fine, fella, you are with God now” Tubbo
273. “It’s like a beautiful rain of generational gaps” Wilbur
274. “Boomers destroyed themselves and zoomers just fucked around and failed” Wilbur
275. “And up to this point, Wilbur, I thought climate change was completely made up by Dream” Tommy
276. “I can get soggy for Schlatt” Tommy
277. “You’re a sucker and I am a fucker” Charlie
278. “Phil, Amazon forest is nice only until Tubbo will go and burn it down with his mid-eastern war force” Eryn
279. “No bears being pocked here” Beky
280. “I am quite content not having balls” Tubbo
281. “Punishment for trying” Phil
282. “We moved through catacombs from Tasmania to Spain” Eryn
283. “Do Spiderman’s friend shoot spiderwebs? They don’t shoot spiderwebs, so they are not cool” Eryn
284. “It was lunch. Well, technically breakfast” Tubbo
285. “I don’t want to live on an edge of uncertainty anymore” Insym
286. “They call me a doorbreaker. It’s actually my middle name in college” Insym
287. “‘How to survive school?’ That depends if you are in America or not. I assume it’s pretty easy everywhere other than in America” Tubbo
288. “You should be thankful. I was gonna kill you and I stopped myself” CJ
289. “Cause you died, dude. Get rekt” CJ
290. “I have an addiction at the moment, so I am a bit cold turkey” CJ
291. “I have my wits about me” Tubbo
292. “The shadows are shadowing, they are shadowing too much!” Vixella
293. “American people don’t quite understand, how do I say it lightly, anything” Tommy
294. “People often ask me: ‘Tom, what it’s like to be an internet superstar?’. And I answer them: ‘I don’t know, I have dementia’” Tommy
295. “You guys should turn your country off and on” Insym
296. “I am going to dress as a slutty cheese for Halloween” Kevin
297. “Never change yourself for a dude… it could give you ✨aCnE✨” Gabby
298. “Are you weeping?! But you're a baddie?!” Gabby
299. “Boys are not worth the stress acne, that is why I’m glowing” Gabby
300. “We could just burst down the door and battle to overthrow Ren. But that’s lame. You know what’s better? Psychological Warfare” Impulse
301. “When God said ‘let there be light’, AND THERE WAS I” Gabby
302. “If you have a power to shapeshift into anything and at any point in your life you choose to turn into insect, you should have your powers remove” Dylan
303. “Underestimating your enemies is as dangerous as underestimating your taxes” Kevin
304. “I can’t use a computer? Oh my god, I am a boomer” Kevin
305. "I'm a defender of the stupid. I gotta protect my own kind” Kevin
306. “Being insane isn’t that bad. I still win, that’s nice” Kevin
307. "Decision has been made. And the decisicion was wrong” Kevin
308. “Doesn’t seem like a good idea, but I kind of made of bad ideas” Insym
309. “Wait, I am not looking at the ceiling, what happened to me” Wilbur
310. “Imagine the entire house was a bathtub, that would be just unsanitary” Wilbur
311. “We’re all on the same team here, Scar. Except for Pearl. And everyone not on our team” Joe Hills
313. “I am convinced that’s what dying is like” Tubbo
314. “I am not pregnant, it wouldn’t work for me” Tubbo
315. “Tips with me: just don’t die” Tubbo
316. “I want to have strong words with Fate” Tubbo
317. “Don’t leave me, Phil, I am parasocial!!!!” Tubbo
318. “I knew something was up when CPK died first” Sapnap
319. “I am hopping around and look at the sparkles and think: ‘Damn, they are sparkling’” Tubbo
321. “People don’t like committing crimes when there’s a camera” George
322. “Oh my god, I am all over the place. I am everywhere and also nowhere at once” Vixella
323. “Tubbo is a biter, I guarantee” Martyn InTheLittleWood
324. “I am late, but I am the Moment” Gabby
325. “The secret is to just not use your brain” Krtzy
326. “I am not evil, I’m just twisted” Tubbo
327. “How’s my sanity looking, because I am loosing my fucking mind” Kiwo
328. “I am actually attracted to mundanity. It’s my biggest turn on” Tommy
329. “I sprinkle my clout into the sea to attract fish” Tommy
330. “Okay, chat, lay a thousands eggs then” Charlie Slimecicle
331. “No longer I am a flesh streamer. I am now a png tuber” Tubbo
332. “My cock is throbbing and I am full of frog” Tommy
333. “Tubbo, you can’t go around killing Gods” Tommy
334. “Kids, I know you always play those video games, but you know who is always among us and never sus? Jesus” Alex Meyers
335. “I am quitting youtube and becoming a psychology major to understand what’s going on in your fucking brain!” Dev
336. “Let’s give a head to Sniff” Apo
337. "Listen here you little shits (Laughs), I know what I'm doing... I created this game" Phil
338. "It turns out people give you free things, if you horrify them enough" Lizzie
339. “Oh no! It’s The Milf!” Sophie
340. “Don’t think I have enough in me to feel anything after… anything” Steve
341. “Yes, I can leak stuff too. Some might say it’s a speciality of mine” Tubbo
342. “Oh, 400k qrtw. I must be based today or ruining my career” Tubbo
343. “One day, Sneeg, I will know how to fry the air and we will be the same” Tubbo
344. “It turns on. I just have issues with it, spiritually” Tubbo
345. “It’s funnier if it’s american, because nobody will take it seriously” Tubbo
346. “It’s not very pumpkin spice latte of you” Tubbo
347. “I am being /srs /Garfield” Tubbo
348. “I was getting worried I started act a bit like an Emu” Tubbo
349. “We all emu deep in this Australia of the world” Tubbo
350. “New year, no gay” Tommy
351. “We can tell you are 4ft tall with the amount you are reaching” Tubbo
352. “Omg, Shubble, you have so much stuff that I could have instead” Tubbo
353. “My arrows did nothing to him! He is so scottish!” Tubbo
354. “Yeah, gaslight, girlboss, tiktok slay, cataways, all of those trendy words” Tubbo
355. “I’ve restarted this server day 1 style like 17 times now. At least half of them because of Tubbo, because he has no filter” Scott
356. “Sometimes I just don’t have the words. They all sound the same: awesome, awful, avocado. I can’t do it” Tubbo
357z “You have a powerful tongue” Tubbo
358. “I came back as a saturated streamer” Tubbo
359. “Sometimes it’s not about slaying the dragon, but making the dragon slay” Gunnar Deatherage
360. “How do I write ‘bank’ in stairs?” Tubbo
361. “The problem with Marvel is that it’s like you are watching a Mr.Beast video of cinema” Tubbo
362. “‘I hate planes’? Sorry, chatters, I just need to permanently ban someone” Tubbo
363. “‘Feeling bad for a criminal right now’? A little bit of a fraud never hurt anyone. You happened to have a photo of my ID you use it” Tubbo
364. “Criminals have anxiety too, never forget that” Tommy
365. “I am a gay lawyer second, and gay exterior design first” Scott
366. “Excellent stream, we’ve got a lot of done, we fucked around, we tolerated Tom for 20 minutes” Phil
367. “Cannibalism is wrong. Boom! I am based. You don’t need to tell me to be based, I am doing it by accident” Tubbo
368. “Thank you, chatters. You make me see clearly. When you say ‘Tubbo likes egg’ I go ‘yeah, I do like egg. It just makes so much sense” Tubbo
369. “Excellent! You guys are really good at this whole lying thing” Tubbo
370. “Bekyamon didn’t answer me. Jack Manifold would’ve answered me immediately” Tubbo
371. “Phil is not home! He will be gone for 10 days! You are stuck with me, second-choice-Toby!” Tubbo
372. “I am kind of second-choice-Toby, we would all rather watch Phil, including me” Tubbo
373. “I’ve learned how to spell ‘kitchen’ recently, and I am so pleased about it” Tubbo
374. “Some people were saying that there are different languages out there, but for me it sounds like a silly excuse to leave me out of the conversation” Oats Jenkins
375. “I am overall dissatisfied with you” Tubbo
376. “Sharing doesn’t come to me naturally” Tubbo
377. “I am not even bilingual, I barely speak english! I am not even monolingual!” Tubbo
378. “I am just trying to prevent me being stupid and it’s a full-time job” Kevin
379. “I am going for a negative IQ this game” Sykkuno
380. “Guys! I am unsupervised!” Tubbo, getting lost
381. “So you mix the yolk with your flour… and that’s how far I got into my tiktoks” Kristin
382. “I didn’t know streamers actually had talent” Tubbo
383. Bill: I'm breaking boundaries, I'm going further than what's expected of me-
Jack: The only thing you're breaking is Bad, Jessie Pinkman, now shut the fuck up
384. “Phil, do you reckon when you have kids in real life you call one Golden Baby Zombie?” Tubbo
385. “I am going to pee with my bladder” Tubbo
386. Velvet: Gay people are real.
Tubbo: Are they?
Antfrost: So unfortunate.
387. “I am not sweat, guys, I am not sweat, you are slandering me” Tubbo
388. “I don’t think you’ve ever approved anything I encouraged” Tubbo
389. “It’s got a little bit of blood in it, I like it” Tubbo
390. “I’ll scam everybody out of all their balls” Scar
391. "The Onceler's an idea, he can't be killed! He's beyond your understanding!" Awesamdude
392. “Me and Oneceler had something special in Columbia!” Awesamdude
393. “Guys if I ever get picked up by the police for something I didn’t do I might just hard flirt with the police officer and see what happens” Sneeg
394. “Who is Los? And who is Angeles?” Tubbo
395. “It’s overbelievablywhelming” Tubbo
396. “All of this review is going to be in bold and italics, so maybe you can interpret it as sarcastic” Tommy
397. “I think I might have to go and get a lobotomy” Tubbo
398. “I am so dehydrated from all the drama” Grian
399. “Sorry, I blew instead of suck, wrong one” Tubbo
400. “I just like having friends” MaxGGs
401. Tubbo: Bekyamon was lost to ethereal void
Niki: Good for them
402. “I killed my depression” Tubbo
403. “I’m too afraid to throw them out and I’m too stupid to know how to deal with them” Mike Trapp
404. “I am more of 8th impression kind of person” Tubbo
405. “That’s just my native secondhand embarrassment” Tubbo
406. “Secrets are made for sharing” Tubbo
407. “I don’t think he [Eminem] figured out blinking properly” Tubbo
408. “Is it possible to get bored while you sleep? Because I actually got bored” Tubbo
409. “Scott, I want your gay opinion on something” Tubbo
410. “That’s a very iconic photo! When everything was fun and I wasn’t depressed!… I am not actually depressed. I keep fighting this battle alone where I joke that I want to die and everyone believe me” Tubbo
411. “And if I can’t run away from my problems, then what’s the point?” Scott
412. “I am just that good of the sister. I dropped everything to be my brother” Lani
413. “If you can’t make friends in a normal way, make friends in a way that suits you” Scott Smajor, talking about summoning the undead
414. “Dude, I can’t wait to be exposed to be an awful person” Tubbo
415. Someone: Can we go mining? I don’t want to go there and die alone.
Tubbo: Oh, it’s fine, everyone dies alone :D
416. “What if I don’t want money? What if I just want my goldfish to be okay?” Tubbo
417. "I hate the IRS. I have to pay my taxes before april 15th otherwise the government is going to be upsetti spaghetti about it" Purpled
418. Scott: Told them they are playing chokers while we are playing chess.
Martyn: The thing is, I am playing Mahjong and I have no clue what I’m doing.
419. “If you are going to be an absent father, can you at least be absent?” Cleo
420. “How did half of your personality became gay sex, I just don’t understand” Tubbo
421. “We are going to make HOT. LOVE. because we hate them” Charlie Slimecicle
422. “I am impossible to make look bad in an account of looking so damn good” Jack Manifold
423. “Don’t hate the player, hate player’s political beliefs” Apokuna
424. “Martyn really thought I would fall into a trap? No no no, I did something even more stupid” Jimmy
425. “Are you telling me, that Philza Minecraft, the man, who streams 60 hours a minute, can’t take care of Tallulah?” Wilbur
426. "Quackity threw himself off the wall as an act of grief or whatever. So dramatic” FitMC
427. “People are just dying. To balls?” Phil
428. “Oh wow, past Toby was suicidal! :D” Tubbo
429. “‘We are all related’? Chat, are you like, my cousins?” Tubbo
430. “Just let me gaslight!” Tubbo
431. “Yeah, I have original thoughts, I can be smart sometimes” Foolish
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kae-karo · 10 months
Ao3 wrapped thingie
6+9 haha nice. Also 28 and/or 29 :)
HI ANON ehehe nice 😏 for context (x)
6. Favorite title you used
OKAY SO it's gotta be a tie cause i absolutely loved the meaning behind the titling (both for the fic and chapters) that i did for consumption (x) but also getting to use a jacksepticeye reference for the do you have 90 minutes? (x) title rly cracked me up
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
augh. i mean it should come as no surprise to anyone who's followed me for the past 6mo but i think ryusae became a really comfortable pairing to write? just like. super easy to slip into. close contender would be ryurin though cause that angst and enemies-to-lovers type beat hits really well sometimes lmao
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
has to be KNOCK.ME.OUT (x) like idk what about it just really got me but i legitimately reread that fic like. at least a dozen times before i posted it (i was originally holding onto it for an event but the event got cancelled last minute, so i posted it on the original posting date anyway) but like rereading a fic once or twice before i post it is pretty standard, so rereading it that much,,,,idk it just had a stranglehold on me in the best way lmao
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
A tiny upturn of the corner of his lip, you knew what that meant once and it's slipped away, the memory of a page but not the words printed on it.
Because you miss laying on the same plane with him, because you kept the taste of being lost together under your tongue while you watched his back grow smaller in the distance.
"I stole your dream," Michael says, and you hear the shattering of glass in his voice. His eyes trip between sky blue and the darkest shade of nightfall - he doesn't mean it, already knew that wasn't the right answer. A throwaway guess. He only needed one, and you thought you were clever.
"I lied," you say instead. "One guess."
"You're cruel, Itoshi." To call you Sae would paint him blue, and he doesn't say it, but you hear it hang off the end of his lips anyway. They curve up, a crescent moon smile.
"Pots and kettles, Michael." This paints him blue too, by your hand, and he can't avoid it.
He didn't, and here you are, weaving blue through your fingertips like it's the ends of Michael's hair and you're fifteen again, and you mean it, that he should've broken you a little better, because you still haven't found all the pieces he shattered you into, and it's growing tedious trying to figure out where they all went.
Maybe Michael held onto a few.
i gotta say that as far as favorite lines/passages go, the absolute first thing that comes to mind is dark blue (x), in which i had a lot of fun with imagery and 2nd person pov and just the concept as a whole. the final bit as well is a favorite, but it requires more context than just the quote itself, so i'll leave that for anyone who wants to read the fic lmao
[send me ao3 wrapped asks from this list!]
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musingsofmessa · 2 years
Here's an artwork of ALTR 13519191, also known as Messa.
Her mouth is sewn with red puppet strings. Also, a Jacksepticeye quote from either one of his 3 Scary Games vids or DDLC. :3
Tumblr media
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hymemena · 2 years
Meme Masterlist
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Send Me ꨄ And I Will Tell You:
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Random Lyric Starters #2
Waterparks Intellectual Property Lyrics Starters
My Spotify Wrapped 2023 Top Ten Lyric Starters
My On Repeat Sentence Starters Part One
My On Repeat Sentence Starters Part Two
Schoolyard Heroes Abominations Lyric Starters
My On Repeat Sentence Starters Part Three
Video Game-Inspired Memes
Jacksepticeye Plays Resident Evil 4 Sentence Starters
Silent Hill Origins Sentence Starters Part 1
The Quarry Sentence Starters
Word Themed Memes
Love Sentence Starters
Accent Sentence Starters
Writing Challenges
Writing Prompt #1
Kinktober 2024
Kinksgiving 2024
Kinkmas 2024
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