#quotes from tumblr twitter and an incorrect quote generator
violetterainbows · 10 months
Here it is! TOH Tweets: Pt Three!!!
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ratskinsuit · 4 months
I was bored and found a fake tweet maker so I did this. Feel free to repost but please credit me!
I came up with these all of these myself, they are not from incorrect quote generators or other existing tweets. Feel free to use them though!
enjoy ⭐️
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tumblr only lets you have 10 photos boo >:(
If anybody is interested in me making more just Lemmi know. Hope you enjoyed!
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taihjj · 11 months
Random Tweets [Part 2] | Jujutsu Kaisen SMAU
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Random Characters | Crack??
Summary: Random twitter shitpost for Jujutsu Kaisen😇
Note: some tweets are from tumblr shitposts, incorrect quotes generator, random twitter posts, and etc.
[Previous: Part1] [Next: Part3]
©All content belongs to taihjj. Do not repost or modify.
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vampire-fanboy · 6 months
Rock Trolls shouldn't of been the ones to want to "unite" everyone by making everyone the same as them
said this earlier on twitter but seems easier to say/explain on tumblr idk why anyway
on twitter i said:
"can i speak for a second and say I wish in the second movie it wasn't the rock trolls trying to make everyone the same? its exactly what punk irl isn't about (rock came from punk) idk, I feel it could've been more interesting too if it was a diff type"
(i think some of the things i said there was incorrect like rock coming from punk but who knows i get my timelines mixed up sometimes LOL if that is incorrect ignore i sowy) anyway
i was thinking abt that again bc i think its interesting and like... to talk about it more here like- hm... idk
(click read more or something if you're genuinely interested in this lol)
i wish in the second trolls movie that the rock trolls was not the ones to be trying to make everyone the same as them, i can't begin to describe that is the entire opposite of what "rock" really is, or at least the type of rock they was displaying is the opposite of what it is
they was leaning a bit into the "punk rock" typa vibe with them due to their designs and such, the music not so much but design wise they feel like they lean towards punk rock, and if thats the case we can assume that "rock" in the movie also encapsulates "punk"
so with that being said it bugs me just a tad bit, that rock of all of them was used to be the ones to be like "we want to make everyone like us! make everyone the same to unite us!" bc thats so far from what actual punk is, in fact the whole thing about punk is to go against authority and express ourselves (yk, our differences)
ik im probably nitpicking a bit but i grew up with a punk for a dad (as in he was literally around when punk was formed, 1970's) LOL, its been apart of my life it is apart of my life so i know a bit about punk culture and what they stand for
SO IDK at the end of the day i dont really care, its a kids movie and i can see by default why they chose rock out of their options to be such a role for the movie, but idk! it just makes me a wee tiny intsy bit :( as punk literally does not stand for uniformity, it fights against systems that wants us to all be the same, it fights for individualism
but w/e, punk has that "aesthetic" that makes it easy to be like "wow theyre intense" bc visually they can be intense LOL, they're also easy to paint as """the bad guys""" due to their aesthetic (big quotes around the bad guys as more near the end as we know barb wasnt really trying to be evil, nor in general are the rock trolls aggressive and/or evil inherently)
anyway to end this off i love barb and i love the rock trolls, theyre so awesome i wish we had more time to develop barb a little bit more felt like she didnt get the screentime she deserved imo, live laugh love barb i dont express my adoration for her enough
if i delete this sorry i got anxious i dont expect this to get attention but if it does (positive or negative) im going to delete it (i have bad social anxiety)
soz if you did find this interesting and i delete it blehh
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cursed-elo-images · 7 months
The website I generate these from are none other than the lovely https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator, whose quotes come from user suggestions, Tumblr, Twitter, and bash.org (the sources that aren’t user suggestions were pretty early and they take quotes from user suggestions now just to clarify) and I’ve been having the time of my life making them.
Also, as a heads up I’m only posting SFW ones.
And so I’ll edit this post whenever i generate new ones and copy and paste them into my documents and choose the ones I want to post. I know that with incorrect quotes from any fandom, people like to post multiple posts of one quote or a handful of them wherever they post them from and I’d like to do that, it’s not a bad idea, I just like to collect them all in a large mega post.
UPDATE: this no longer applies to this post. I’m not making it a mega post anymore, because it’s too confusing for me and I’ll be like “okay so if this the original mega post or is this the first reblog or the third reblog or the tenth reblog—“ and it just looks better with multiple posts of a collection of different quotes.
SO WITH THAT BEING SAID—here they are!!!
Melvyn, talking to Mik: Well Mik, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Hugh do that?’ and if he would, I do not do that thing.
Mik: …
Hugh, from the distance: He’s not wrong though!
Melvyn: The first time I ever got upset in front of Hugh, he put his arms around me and it was so awkward that I had to ask him if he was hugging me or reaching for something on the shelf behind me.
Hugh: I was doing both, for your information.
Mik: The first time Hugh hugged me, it was such a disaster we didn’t make eye contact for, like, a week after.
Melvyn: When I was a kid, Hugh told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Mik: They are!
Melvyn: FOR REAL?
Mik: No! Why did you fall for it again?
Mik: They made Melvyn cry!
Hugh: Melvyn always cries!
Melvyn: That's not true! *cries*
Richard, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Jeff, pulling out an Uno card: +4.
Kelly, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Bev, trembling: What are we playing?!
Richard: Are you laughing at that video of Bev and Jeff fighting?
Kelly: No.
Kelly: I'm laughing at the comments.
*The Squad is at Jeff’s house*
Melvyn : Ohhhh we each get our own oven?
Jeff: …N-No…
Jeff, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Melvyn , motioning to the kitchen: Three, I thought!
Richard: I see a-
Jeff, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Melvyn : Oh, well I-
Jeff: Hey, wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Jeff, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Hugh: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Bev: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Jeff: Now I’ve discovered more ovens than I thought, we don’t have to roshambo nothin’!
Jeff: I am someone who owns four ovens…
Jeff, louder and way too happy: I am someone… who owns FOUR OVENS…
Mik, pointing to another appliance: Also, the toaster oven!
Melvyn : Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens!
Bev: Today, Kelly took my phone, and in five minutes, he sent high resolution close-up photos of Richard to the following people: Jeff, Hugh, Mik, the neighbors, the bank, my accountant, San Diego Blood Bank, and Shake Shack's text bot.
Bev: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Kelly: No.
Richard: I did not.
Melvyn : I may have actually forgotten one.
Jeff: Also no.
Bev: Oh good, neither did I.
Hugh: *Exhausted sigh*
Hugh: We’re kind of missing something guys.
Kelly: Cohesion?
Richard: Teamwork?
Bev: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Mik: And Jeff is not here.
Kelly: Oh, and that, yeah.
*The Squad is playing Chess*
Hugh: *easily beats everyone because he knows how to play*
Kelly: *doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway*
Bev: *doesn’t know the rules, and loses*
Mik: *knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t*
Jeff: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so.
Melvyn : They named a board game after cheese?
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Richard, Bev, and Melvyn : *spinning a little and talking*
Jeff, Hugh, and Kelly: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Richard: Did you bring Jeff?
Kelly, gesturing to Hugh: No, but I brought the next best thing.
Richard: Hugh? The next best thing would be Bev.
Hugh: I would be offended, but Bev is freakishly strong.
Melvyn: Hugh, I have a question.
Hugh: What is it, Melvyn?
Melvyn: What color is an orange?
Hugh: Melvyn, you bonehead! Its color is the same as its name. Just like a lemon.
Hugh: Do you take constructive criticism?
Melvyn: Not without crying
Hugh, entering the room: *Sees Melvyn and leaves*
Melvyn, watching Hugh leave: There’s my monthly dose of Hugh…
Melvyn: You know there are other ways to say you want McDonalds.
Melvyn: *sigh* What do you want?
Hugh: Chicken nuggets please.
Hugh: Okay happy campers! If you were a fruit what would you be and why?
Melvyn: I'd be a tomato because no one accepts me as part of the group.
Hugh: ...
Melvyn: ...
Melvyn: Hugh, how could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?
Hugh: It... It didn't take me the whole day…
Melvyn, dashing into the room: WHY AREN’T THE DISHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?!
Hugh: …What does that even mean?!
Jeff: When you work at lush and a customer comes in and bites the soap because they think it’s cheese... this happens way more frequently than you think.
Richard: If you stopped literally presenting soap as deli food this wouldn't happen.
Jeff: Who goes into a bath store and thinks something covered in glitter is cheese?
Bev: Who goes to the store and just takes a bite from the cheese?
Bev: Jeff, gather the others. We need to have another Hugh-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-hurts-someone convention.
Melvyn: What’s your name?
Jeff, whispering to Bev: Can I tell him my real name?
Bev: No!
Jeff: I’m… Bev.
Bev, whispering to himself: The ONE TIME he gets my name right…
Melvyn: Are pigeons drones?
Hugh: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Melvyn: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Hugh: *Crying* Please let me sleep…
Hugh: Do you know the best way to respond to disagreement?
Melvyn: With tears?
Hugh: No.
Melvyn: *tears up*
*The gang when they drop food on the floor*
Jeff : Aw man. *Throws it away*
Bev: Five second rule!
Hugh: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *Eats it off the floor*
Richard: *Sobs on the floor*
*when a child starts crying in public*
Mik: *tries to make the child laugh*
Kelly: *tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down*
Bev: *gives detailed instructions to the parents*
Melvyn: *cries with the child*
Richard: *ignores the child*
Hugh: *is the reason why the child is crying*
Melvyn: While I'm gone, you're in charge Richard.
Richard: Yes!
Melvyn, whispering to Hugh: You're secretly in charge, but I don't want him to feel bad.
Hugh: Obviously.
Richard: You know what bothers me? Bats. Why can bats fly?
Hugh: Not again!
Richard: No. Seriously, who gave them the right? They're mammals! Mammals walk on land, no exceptions.
Melvyn: Just wait until you hear about whales.
Richard: What now?
Hugh: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible adult here.
Richard: Melvyn is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Hugh.
Melvyn: I feel like Hugh is the more responsible one of us two though.
Hugh: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control.
Melvyn: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
Melvyn: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella!
*Melvyn opens their umbrella while indoors*
Richard: Melvyn, that’s bad luck…
Melvyn: Chill out, Richard !
Hugh, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?!
Melvyn and Richard: *screams*
Richard: Hugh isn’t answering my messages.
Melvyn: Allow me.
Richard: I tried 6 times, what makes you thi-
Hugh: *replying to message* Hello.
Melvyn: How did you even get in here?
Hugh: Richard's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Hugh's door"!
Richard: I’m closing the window.
Hugh: If you water water, it grows.
Richard: ...What.
Melvyn: He’s got a point.
Melvyn & Hugh: *Playing video games*
Richard: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to play games?
Melvyn: *silence*
Hugh: *silence*
Richard, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you?
Melvyn & Hugh in shame: Yeah…
Melvyn: Richard won’t come out of his room!
Hugh: Just tell them I said something.
Melvyn: Like what?
Hugh: Anything factually incorrect.
Melvyn, shrugging: If you say so.
Richard, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Hugh: *Talking to Richard* Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Welcome to my abode. I'm glad you could join me.
Melvyn: But this is my abode.
Hugh: ...
Hugh: Welcome to my abode, I'm so happy to have you, guest.
Melvyn: Why is Hugh crying?
Richard: He saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Melvyn: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Melvyn: NO, NOT THAT!
Richard: Melvyn learned how to fold origami penguins from Hugh the other day. I told him, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day he put them in the fridge.
Richard: Define “dream”.
Hugh: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works.
Melvyn: That’s too dark!
Richard: Melvyn, I’m afraid.
Melvyn: Just stay close to Hugh.
Richard: That's why I’m afraid.
Melvyn: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Richard: Melvyn learned how to fold origami penguins from Hugh the other day. I told him, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day he put them in the fridge.
Richard: What are you two arguing about this time?
Melvyn: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly!
Hugh: Cry me a table, Melvyn.
Melvyn: Ladies, gentlemen and Hugh, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld!
Richard: A llama?
Melvyn: No.
Richard: A baby llama?
Melvyn: No!
Richard: A baby llama with a little hat on?
Melvyn: NO!
Richard: Melvyn, what are you doing?
Melvyn: Making chocolate pudding.
Richard: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding?
Melvyn: Because I've lost control of my life.
Melvyn: Here's your pudding, Hugh.
Hugh: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Richard: Yesterday, I overheard Melvyn saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Hugh replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Melvyn: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Richard: I saw you.
Melvyn: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Hugh in a turkey costume.
Melvyn: *lifting weights*
Hugh: Wow… He’s so intense!
Richard: I wonder what drives him.
Melvyn, internally: Oh I am going to be SO good at giving hugs.
Richard to Melvyn: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Richard: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Hugh: *sneaking in through his window*
Richard: *turning in his chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Hugh: I was with Melvyn?
Melvyn: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Melvyn: Three of the four elements are represented as types of hockey. Air hockey, ice hockey, and field hockey. Fire hockey needs to be a thing.
Richard: Fire hockey absolutely does NOT need to be a thing.
Hugh: Do you care NOTHING for the balance of the four elements?!
Richard, trying to impress Melvyn: I re-initialized the entire command structure, retaining all programmed abilities but deleting the supplementary preference architecture.
Hugh: He turned it off and back on again.
Hugh: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Richard?
Richard: No.
Melvyn: I do!
Hugh: I know, Melvyn.
Melvyn: I’m sad.
Hugh: I know, Melvyn.
Hugh: Go ahead, Melvyn. Let it out, cry. If you don't, your tear ducts will get blocked up, and then when you get old, you won't be able to cry.
Richard: Just when we thought it was safe to let you back into the conversation.
Melvyn: Last night I found out Hugh is a sleep talker.
Richard: Oh, really?
Melvyn: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
Hugh: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?
Richard: Why?
Hugh: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Melvyn.
Richard: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that.
Hugh: Richard, you have opened my eyes.
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fanby-fckry · 9 months
📌 Welcome friends, foes, and passersby to my personal piece of fandom hell.
About My Blog:
18+ only; minors will be blocked
Please, please put your age in your bio!
No further DNI, but I will block bigots, bullies, and blank blogs. Terfs, aphobes, and exclusionists please exit the blog and find a hobby that isn’t bullying queer people on tumblr.
This blog was originally created as a way for me to share my fanfiction and accept requests, but has since expanded to incorrect quotes, memes, and occasionally non-fandom bs.
It runs pretty much entirely on queue and scheduled posts. I don’t have notifs turned on for the app, so I may take a while to respond to messages and asks.
The Amazing Devil (Band)
Doctor Who
Fullmetal Alchemist
Harry Potter – I do not support JKR
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Steven Universe
The Witcher
I tend to cycle through them based on the whims of my ADHD brain, and when each is posted is unknown even to me.
#Fanby’s Fuckery – All original posts (minus ramblings)
#Fanby’s Fics – My fanfiction
#Fanby’s Headcanons – My headcanons and occasionally a few scattered plot bunnies
#Fanby Answers – Answered asks
#Fanby Adds – Reblogs where I add something (that I think is) significant
#Fanby’s Ramblings – Rants, ramblings, screaming into the void, and other general mumblings of madness that I don’t want clogging up my main tag
#Not OSHA Compliant – Content with kink and/or sexual and/or suggestive themes; original posts may also be marked with the mature filter
#Undescribed – Posts with images that do not have image descriptions
#Functionally Described – Posts that don’t have dedicated image descriptions, but describe the image in the post
#Not Fandom – Any posts not related to fandoms or fics
Posts and memes about my fics are tagged #Fanby: [fic name]
Common triggers are tagged #[trigger] cw
If you’d like something tagged, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I’m currently going through old posts for an accessibility update, but once that’s done…
Original posts will all have image descriptions
IDs under two-hundred characters will be in the alt text.
IDs over two-hundred characters will be in plain text.
If an image is meant to be reposted – for example, a meme template – then the ID will be in plain text for easy copy-pasting.
If you find my content inaccessible or have a way to make it more accessible, please please tell me. I’ve been doing research, but there’s a lot to learn – not to mention the conflicting information. Criticism in regards to accessibility is more than welcome.
Refs, Recs, and Resources:
#Fanby’s Ref Folder – Catchall tag for things I want to save to revisit later (working on phasing it out)
#AO3 Tips
#Crisis Tips
#Donate Here
#Fic Recs
#Internet Tips
#Life Tips
#Palestine Resources
Black-and-white thinking in fandom and resources for CBT, DBT, and addressing cognitive distortions.
About Me:
My name is Nico, I’m 25, and I write fanfic. I use they/them and xe/xem pronouns, and have a whole heap of queer labels I fall under. For more info on my labels and term preferences, check out my pronouns.page.
I’m part of an real life love triangle made up of myself, my fiancé, and our boyfriend.
If you wanna read more of my work, I’m on AO3 as fanby, and have some exclusive fics posted there.
Blog’s new, but I’m not. I was on this hellsite back in the ‘go nuts, show nuts’ golden age and when they finally shut this place down, staff will have to call animal control to remove me from the air vents like the rabid little raccoon I am <3
I have a twitter, but there’s literally nothing there that isn’t here. Check it out if you prefer Musk’s bird app, I guess?
Fanfic Masterlists:
Harry Potter – WIP
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
The Witcher
AO3 Exclusives – Links to the AO3 collection
Requests are currently open for mutuals only. I’m trying to limit requests at the moment, but will make an exception for mutuals if I think I can swing it.
Will Write:
Angst with a happy ending
Familial relationships
Found family trope
X reader
Canon x OC
Any relationship style: platonic, queer platonic, romantic, sexual, D/s dynamics
Most kinks
Explicit kink
Non-explicit sexual content
Might Write:
Hurt/no comfort
Non-canon disabilities and mental illness *1
Alastor as a Voodoo practitioner*2
Explicit sexual content *3
*1 If I’m going to represent a marginalized group, I’m going to do my best to do so respectfully, even in fanfiction. If I’m not confident in my ability to do that, then I may choose not to.
That being said, I’m down to research and I have lived experience with chronic pain and a few mental illnesses. I am extremely confident in my ability to project my own experiences onto my blorbos, and do so quite frequently.
*2 This is mainly for the same reason I won’t write non-canon disabilities. Voodoo is highly misrepresented and I don’t want to contribute to that. I may write him as a past practitioner depending on the circumstances and as long as his current magic is not Voodoo-based.
My personal headcanon is that he grew up practicing Voodoo and ancestral magic, but burned bridges in the pursuit of power and lost support because being a serial killer is generally frowned upon. I usually write his current magic as non-specific, demonic, or Eldritch in nature.
*3 My ability to write explicit sexual content varies, so I’ll be taking this on a case by case basis.
Won’t Write – This Fandom-Specific Content:
Note: These are due to personal preference, deeply ingrained headcanons, and nunn’yuh (none ya business). I am not judging or condemning any of these ships/headcanons/etc. or people who make fanworks involving them; it’s just a comfort thing.
Hazbin Hotel:
Rosie in an NSFW context
Alastor x Niffty
Angel Dust shipped romantically with women
Vaggie shipped with men
The Witcher:
Yennefer bashing
Ciri (including adult!Ciri) shipped with any Wolf School Witcher
Ciri (including adult!Ciri) shipped with Jaskier/Dandelion
Won’t Write – This General Content:
Note: A good deal of this section falls under Kinktomato or YKINMKATO (Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That's OK)) and DLDR (Don’t Like, Don’t Read) – just like, with writing instead of reading.
I’m not here to take sides in shipcourse or police other people’s writing; this is, again, about my own comfort level with writing certain topics. That’s it.
Scat/watersports/emeto kink
Adult x minor ships
Underage NSFW/smut/explicit, including any underage kink
Incest, including adoptive/step family
Detailed or romanticized non-con *1
Detailed or romanticized dub-con *1
Detailed or romanticized suicide *2
Detailed or romanticized self harm *2
*1 I can write aftermath of non-con/dub-con or attempted non-con/dub-con, but will not go into detail or portray it as in any way positive. I won’t write the reader or a canon characters as the perpetrator, unless it’s already in canon – AKA: The Valentino Exception. This does not include negotiated CNC, which I would consider writing under specific circumstances.
*2 Any time I write content involving suicide or suicidal ideation, I write with the National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide in mind.
The way suicide is portrayed in fiction can have real world consequences:
“Studies have shown that both news reports and fictional accounts of suicide in movies and television can lead to increases in suicide. In contrast, when depictions are done responsibly, the media can help to encourage help seeking, dispel myths, and reinforce hope – and ultimately save lives.”
(Source: Alliance for Suicide Prevention)
I am a suicide survivor and have lost loved ones to suicide as well, so this is deeply personal to me. If you’re struggling with self harm or suicidal thoughts, please hold on, and don’t be afraid to ask for help:
International Suicide Hotlines
Australia Lifeline: 13 11 14
Canada Talk Suicide: 1.833.456.4566
UK Samaritans: 116 123
USA Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
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tang0w0tek · 2 years
this is my pinned post
What I do here: Anything. Incorrect quotes (not as much anymore), updates from my life (at times), fanfic updates, reblog mcyt content, etc.
This blog is run by: Me aka @marechaussee-phantom
Gender: Non-binary AFAB, pronouns are they/xe/ai/per/fin :D
Sexuality: Bisexual
How to use these pronouns: they/them/their/theirs/themself, xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself, ai/ain/aire/aires/ainself, per/per/per/pers/perself, fe/fin/fins/fins/finself
Names you can call me: Jordan (chosen name), Alyssa, Lost, MK, or Bee
Tags I use: List here!
I enjoy: Hermitcraft, the Life series, Empires SMP, My Little Pony (all generations, yes that includes G3.5 as I grew up with that generation) and Star Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager). I also like Pokemon and Minecraft, and writing and drawing.
Carrd: bdouble0w0.carrd.co
Instagram: bdouble0w0
DeviantArt: AlyssaFire / nightshadowmlp (old)
Twitter: FoundNotLost14
Discord: LostNotFound#9795 / bdoubleowo
Tumblr: you know both already lol
YouTube: JordanEnby
Ao3: FoundNotLost14
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[image description: a purple userbox with dark purple text reading "this user misses boatem (frown emoji). the userbox image is a screenshot of the creation of the boatem pole, with all the boatem members sitting in the boats. end ID]
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This one (^) by @nix-writes-mcyt
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[id: a light pink userbox with a pastel pink border, and pastel pink text that reads “this user can hyperfixate on multiple media at once” on the left is an image of a pink heart. /end id]
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because I can never get motivation ;-;
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terfs dni thank you <3
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everyone is welcome here except what's on my carrd's dni part
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love that album
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^ by @user-boxer
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^ by @another-userbox-blog
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^ by @bedazzling-blinkiez
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^ by @ottomaticangels
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mana-archives · 2 years
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Hey, it's your random multi-fandom person who is just there for absolutely nothing, so it doesn't help you. While mainly Yu-Gi-Oh! stuffs in my blog, you can see other stuffs here, especially my likes.
Alternative accounts that doesn't help you also
[The active ones will be in italics.]
@yoko6969 - For my arts and doodles. I also reblog arts that are formerly in my main account.
@writing-fictions - For fictions, fanfictions and non-fiction stories I made. I also make short scripts here.
@nobita--nobi - Primarily a crossover incorrect (and correct) quote, there are some quotes that has one source. There are also single-source seperate sideblogs (@dexters-laboratorynt-quotes for Dexter's Laboratory and @gx-incorrect for Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) to clean up the mess.
@weirdest-gx-confession - For weirdest (and dirtiest) Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-focused confessions.
@yuzuhiiragi-melodious - An ARC-V roleplaying account for Yuzu Hiiragi.
@welcometoluna-magiacademy - Official account for my now-discontinued fanfiction. Somehow, I'll manage to change this url along with the topic that was mainly focused.
@yugiohgx-philippines - An unnoficial Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-focused Tumblr account based in the Philippines.
@dotyoko6969 - For my tweets and retweets from my (ugliest) Twitter account.
@eita-kyuando - Another ARC-V roleplaying account, but this time it's That One Minor Character™
@garbage-made-from-ai - For AI-generated photos. Also, AI art is garbage
@picrew-stuffs - For Picrew stuffs.
@hello-hiromi - An account for my old OC, Hiromi.
@caca-pussy - Well, cats can also be called as pussy, so it will be poop cat. For Castle Cats and other cat-related contents.
Cool blinky credits!
“You get pizza while we're stuck with whatever it is I'm holding” - Jaden Yuki, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
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blueberrysunflowers · 2 years
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hi everyone 👀
— ✨ — 🕺 — ✨ —
hello twt friends !!
this is the side acc for @exasperatedmoron
tumblr is ✨silly & quirky✨with it’s side accounts and my haikyuu account is a side account !! it means i can only post/retweet on here !! when i follow people back / comment on other’s posts, it will show up as that account !! (because the main acc + side accs all share one timeline) 🕺 there isn’t really anything i can do about it apart from making a whole ass account but 🥲 i hope this clears things up !! <33
— 🕺 — ✨ — 🕺 —
✨ what to expect on this page — 80% incorrect quotes, 10% headcanons and 10% fanfics 😌
✨ ships to expect from here — kagehina, tsukiyama, daisuga, asanoya, iwaoi, kuroken, and kiyotana (however, i do have a balance of general quotes and ship quotes lined up☺️)
✨ #life in the (team name) household — an easy way to navigate through the page and read content with only the characters you want 🌻
✨ disclaimer 1 (sources) — most of my quotes come from my other incorrect accounts / my old fanfics in other fandoms, i may not be able to credit them all so not all quotes are mine‼️ ADDITIONALLY i apologise if i post a quote another hq incorrect quote acc has posted ! let me know and i’ll take it down :))
✨ disclaimer 2 (age appropriate content) — anything that implies anything sexual is always with the timeskipped characters! i try to always add the #timeskipped hashtag so it’s easier to find too🔞
✨ a little about me — i’m elle!! (she/her, sometimes they/them). i’m 21 and i watched hq for the first time in may 2022 (and i’m very upset i didn’t watch it earlier). i mainly write socmed aus on twitter !!
✨ my other tumblr blogs! — @queeneye (queer eye) , @exasperatedmoron (DCTV), @three-trainwrecks (unus annus), @choupielu (skam france)
✨ ao3! — xllx / exasperatedmoron
✨ twitter! — chouyo_
✨ current fics published on ao3 / published on tumblr / in the works / posted on twitter !!
tsukiyama || yamaguchi does tiktok and tries introducing tsukki to his followers + domestic fluff and sharing a bed + suga being a great upperclassman moment
hinakage || [NSFW] long distance + voice recordings
karasuno volleyball team || different members of the team baby sitting natsu
kagehina || there’s a small flood, hinata injures his ankle and kageyama is a secret, caring sweetheart with strong arms
kagehina || engaged since they were first years. they never hid it, but somehow no one knew. everyone assumed it was just them making jokes + hinata sending out wedding invites now that he’s back from brazil
kagehina || literally just them holding hands because hinata got lost in the crowd before a game (and a little of “gay panic!kags” but make it tall beefy football man)
kagehina + mainpairs || they both have their main twitter accounts + a secret private side account where they scream about their crushes. lots of crack and fluff !!
kagehina + mainpairs || they both run secret sasaki to miyano stan accounts & are moots on those accounts without realising it + take inspiration from the show to flirt with their irl crushes !!
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Reblogging & Reposting Guidelines
In General
Please do not alter any images from this blog, including removing or cropping out the watermark. The purpose of this blog is to be a fun variation on the text version of incorrect quotes.
There is already a ton of misinformation about the entire Final Fantasy VII compilation and I do not want to contribute to that. While the watermark provides me credit for putting the final image together, it also serves as a countermeasure for potential misuse, both accidental and intentional.
If you see a repost without the watermark and is clearly from this blog, please either send me a direct message to contact the individual or comment on the repost with a link to the original.
On Tumblr
Reblogging is welcomed and appreciated!
Please do not repost content from this blog.
Please be respectful with the hashtags. This includes unwarranted hate and harassment towards characters, ships, rebloggers, and myself.
Reblogging with tags that joke about the posts are or should be canon are okay since it’s easy to trace back to the original!
If you are unsure or want to double-check, please feel free to send me a direct message!
On Other Social Media Sites (Twitter, Reddit, etc.)
Please do not alter the image(s).
The current watermarks are subtle and unobtrusive. However, I will make them more noticeable and intrusive as a last resort.
December 2022 Update: Watermarks are now more integrated into images because of non-Tumblr reposters cropping out the watermark. Read this post for more details.
Please include a direct link to this blog and/or the original post.
Please do not share with malicious intentions.
This includes but is not limited to blatant misinformation about the dialogue, misreporting the objective of the blog and its contents, and claiming credit for creating the visuals.
I only have a Tumblr account. If you see someone cross-posting as me on another site, they are not me! If that ever changes, I will update this post.
Not required but I would prefer being contacted first via direct messaging prior to reposting any of the blog’s contents outside of Tumblr.
More rules will be added if needed.
If you have any questions, feel free to check out my FAQ! Or if you’re on the mobile app, you can ask here or send me a message. Thank you to those who are respectful and courteous! I appreciate it!
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goldenimpact · 3 years
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technically, they’re horror-game-like villains... bad people... but i think about them a lot... i hope they’re happy...
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taihjj · 11 months
Random Tweets [PART1] | Jujutsu Kaisen SMAU
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Random Characters | Crack??
Summary: Random twitter shitpost for Jujutsu Kaisen
Note: some tweets are from tumblr shitposts, incorrect quotes generator, random twitter posts, and etc.
[Next: PART 2]
©All content belongs to taihjj. Do not repost or modify.
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incorrect-snkquotes · 2 years
Kyo, knocking on the door: Yagami, open up!
Iori: It all started when I was a kid.
Kyo: That’s not what I-
Chizuru: Let him finish!
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Tag list
Hello, making a list of tags I use on this blog to hopefully make it a little easier for people to find posts or find out whether something has already been posted. All names and titles will be English-localised. For those using screen readers, the tag names themselves as listed are hyperlinks to their respective pages.
This page is still a work in progress. if you can’t find a link here, feel free to send an ask with what you’re looking for.
Characters (Alphabetical by last name):
Kazuma Asogi / Larry Butz / Miles Edgeworth / Maya Fey / Mia Fey / Klavier Gavin / Kristoph Gavin / Godot / Dick Gumshoe / The Judge / Apollo Justice / Franziska von Karma / Manfred von Karma / Ryunosuke Naruhodo / Ema Skye / Redd White / Phoenix Wright / Trucy Wright
PW: Ace Attorney / PWAA: Justice For All / PWAA: Trials and Tribulations / Miles Edgeworth: Investigations / Miles Edgeworth: Investigations 2 / Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney / PWAA: Dual Destinies / PWAA: Spirit of Justice / The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles (spoilers from the two respective games are tagged tgaa1 spoilers and tgaa2 spoilers) / Ace Attorney Anime / Ace Attorney Movie (2012) / Phoenix Wright Vs Professor Layton
textpost / gif(s) / video / objection.lol / fanwork / screenshot(s) / audio / meta / ordinary post interupted by an argument using AA sprites / posts hijacked by the AA fandom / incorrect quotes / those posts where people use popular tumblr or twitter etc posts to describe characters or fit character scenarios
General blog admin:
heritage posts only / replies / asks / submissions / mod posts / has image or video description / mod's personal favourites / interacting with other heritage post blogs + varying shenanigans
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the-black-bulls · 2 years
Can you please tell me what sites do you use for generating incorrect quotes?
I usually just check other incorrect quotes blogs in tumblr or twitter. Sometimes I take the quotes right from the original source like with the OnePiece quotes.
Oh and there's this site, it has some good quotes: https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/
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crisis-aversion · 3 years
Nav post
Bc I’ve needed to make something like this for a while
Will update as new things come up or I remember stuff I’ve forgotten
Nicknames: Lex, Crisis, V, Sounds
Please note: I am extremely trypanophobic and just seeing (or thinking about) a needle in use makes me uncomfortable, please please please never ever show me a picture with a hypodermic needle in it (not in use might be ok but definitely never in use I will get scared). Other kinds of needles are fine, I just had a bad experience with an IV when I was little and it (literally) scarred me for life.
Tumblr side blogs:
Writing alt (I’ve decided to password protect this alt so I can post my original works there. At some point if I make enough for it to be worth it I’ll sell permission to access it for art or something. (Based on an idea I had for my Toyhouse acc except you won’t need a TH for it))
Incorrect quotes alt
Prompts alt (for writing/role play/art inspiration)
Ask blog (for my OC continuity the Cabalverse)
Role play alt (DC)
Flight Rising sideblog
Other important stuffs:
Commissions (virtual currency)
Commissions (real currency)
Current event
Other accounts
FanFiction.Net (outdated profile and fics; I rarely use this account to post anymore)
Deviant Art (rarely used anymore)
Art Fight
Discord server
And they shall be made examples of: Art example tag
Art of Crisis: art tag
Sounds off: dumb text posts, feel free to ignore or block them
V thoughtful of you: Art people have done for me/of my OCs or AUs
Shipment received: Ship art tag
And they stole a golf cart: writing tag
Retribution!verse/Avengers Retribution: main Marvel AU
Retcanon: random essay-ish bits for the Retribution!verse
Worldbuilding: any essay-ish post about my AUs or other stories
Queue do you think you are?: anything I queue will be marked as this. It may happen twice a year, I rarely use that function
Lex lurks: any posts I’m the op of
Talking to the void: anything I added onto outside of tags/reblog games that I’m not the op of
TBAU/that Batman AU: the Batman section of my DC AU
Breakthrough!verse: any other section of my DC AU
Double jeopardy: asks
Will add more as I make them
Current fandoms:
Transformers (kinda taking a break from it rn)
Current hyperfixation
Green Hornet
DC (Smallville, Batman, and Constantine)
Rather active
Doctor Who
Star Wars
Semi active (may occasionally bring them up randomly and confuse y’all)
Studio Ghibli
GI Joe
Hunger Games
My Little Pony
Inazuma Eleven
Star Trek (my dad is a Trekkie so)
Monster High
Harry Potter
Lord Of The Rings
Honestly a bunch of random 80s shows and stuff
Will add more as I think of them
Apologists thereof
If you hero worship one or more members of the above category (if you say a politician will save us I will defenestrate you (from the ground floor))
Anyone anti Christian
Satanists/occult apologists
Someone that’s gonna use insults instead of valid arguments (ad hominem attack), especially if they generalize a group of people
If you use terms overused by politicians/the media (find your own words it’s not that hard)
Like Twitter/think it’s not a completely toxic cess pool of idiots that just wanna scream and send death threats
Are the type of person who screams for no reason/sends death threats
Will listen to something someone said just because they’re famous
Have unmarked pictures of hypodermic needles in use (screw you local news Facebook you freaked me out this morning from that picture PUT WARNINGS)
I’d say “are a spambot” but they can’t read so it’s pointless
Whatever I had on my TH list I can’t remember what they all were
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