#r: emercury
ct-hardcase · 4 months
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"you look alright, I guess."
(ID in alt)
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hinacu-arts · 6 months
not the best with names but if youre looking for suggestions but for your punnet square au (a very cool idea btw) here's some if you want. emerucury: ash, slate, fidda (so, it may not be the best practice but rwby does so why not but google says this word means sliver in arabic) or something related to a gem/mineral (according to some quick research these can come in different colors) like spinel, jasper, or cole (coming from colemanite).
for blacksun something like begonia, petunia, or poppy flower related (im more so thinking of the yellow variants of these flowers). theres also jet. i tried to think of a name maybe more related to sun but i couldn't think of anything thing, maybe luna i think thatd be cute.
for winter/marrow child maybe ruddy? for rosegarden olive, i just think its really cute. for something more masculine something like copper or auburn (okay i know theres a team auburn already but i think its fine). for nora/oscar...maybe aidan, kai (both relating to fire), faro, helen, or ellen (those are related to light)
i didnt think of any allusions or anything like that.
Back when i made this "au" 2 years ago i had one list of color related names and i ran out thats why not everyone is named (and why i hate half the names lol) SO THANK YOU for giving me a plethora of new names
Im liking Ash for emercury
Luna is ADORABLE for a blacksun child. I made the result a boy but i might go change that now... i dont know yet they seem like a couple that only has boys to me
Ruddy YES!!!! I wanted a R name for him but all i could think of was Rusty and i didnt want that name
I was actually thinking about Olive for rosegarden!
Ohhhh i like Aidan or Kai for the Nora/Oscar baby
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starredfishing · 3 years
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them on the brain today
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lesbianuravity · 5 years
“emerald and mercury’s fight/talk is implied to be the first time either of them has ever been willingly vulnerable in front of each other.”
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heirsofremnant · 5 years
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Chibi BlueMoon (Mars x Lapis) nuzzles.
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good-rwbyaus · 3 years
Idea for batgirl emerald because i like emercury: The family finds out Bruce didn't just teach Emerald how to fighting dective skills, he also taught how to have bad taste in lovers (Well not as much "bad" as "villain" *caugh* catwomen, taila). (sorry if this was worried ba or just dumb idea)
Nightwing: We missed you on patrol last night, where were you?
Em: Just... keeping an eye on that merc we ran into a week ago. He was in town and I wanted to be sure there were no bodies.
Red Robin: The one who was trained by his renegade League of Assassins dad and had his legs replaced with weapons?
Em: Involuntarily replaced, he was victimized!! I mean... yeah, that guy.
Red Hood: Alright, makes sense to me, gotta keep a lid on that kinda force. So, what'd he do?
Em: Huh?
Robin: You said you were on his tail last night, and we know you're father's little prodigy ninja, so what did you see him do?
Em: Oh! Um... dinner at a Mistrali place downtown, went into the cineplex in uptown and didn't come out for 2 hours so most likely saw that new comedy movie, and then he just walked around the park for like half an hour.
N: Oh my gods...
RR: Oh you got it too, glad it's actually that obvious.
Em: W-what the hell are you two blabbering about???
RH: Guess the old man really can teach that kind of taste.
Em: Seriously??? Spill the stupid gossip or I start busting heads to get it out!
R: You fell for a villain and clearly went on a date with him. Just like father fell for my mother, and for that cat thief Selina.
N: Seriously, the similarities in taste are uncanny, did he actually give you advice on this?
Em: What?? No he didn't give me advi- I MEAN NO, I'm not into Mercury Black!!
RH: We haven't said his name this entire time, clearly he's important enough that you remember him. So spill, did he sprinkle flirting tactics in between lessons on how to make a high speed chase over rooftops feel romantic?
Em: ...pretty much.
RR: HA! We're so gonna roast both of you for this~
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Top 5 RWBY Ships
This was hard because my ships change so often. My OTP from last year didnt even make the list this time 🤷🏼‍♀️
Atlesian Malamutes
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This ship snuck up out of nowhere for me. One day i was joking like "what if Winter and Marrow were in a fake relationship" and then realized the comedy/rom-com potential these two have and now they're my top ship
STR Crossed
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I have shipped these three together ever since i first gave serious thought to Tai's relationships with Summer and Raven in consideration of Yang and Ruby's births. It just makes so much more sense to me that they were all dating, and it just creates this rich potential backstory
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This one is also new! Before V8 i didnt care one bit about either of these characters. I realized that Mercury secretly pinning for Emerald would actually give a big insight into his character and bam im suddenly on the last AO3 page wondering why there isnt more fic out there
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During my rewatch i fell in love with their friendship. I saw someone describe them as "right person, wrong time" and i think that perfectly sums up them
Ive also recently started looking into Neptune x Sun x Blake (do they have a ship name?) and i think that has such a different trajectory from any other ship ive ever had, and im excited to explore it
Arkos (R.I.P.)
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Last but not least, during my rewatch and my subsequent Punnet Square AU i started shipping them again. They just fill in the gaps in each other's personality and skill set, and their future potential (with having grown into that) was beautiful
I also majority ship polyamorous JN(P)R, but for some reasons i ship it in waves, and right now the tide isnt very strong 🤷🏼‍♀️
Emerald City Siblings
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Their dynamic has so much potential and i cant wait to see more!
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
so we know your opinion on Emercury and Mercury/Ruby, but how about Ruby/Emerald and Yang/Mercury (gauntlets and greaves, I think it's called.) Personally I though Emerald/Ruby was super cute when I first started watching the show, but that was back in like Volume 3.
This is the brutally honest ship game for a reason lol.
1. Ruby/Emerald
I only thought about Ruby/Mercury recently because I was thinking about the relationship for Skimming Eye, and then I found @branwyns's fic, and then...
But I never considered Ruby/Emerald as a ship, no, though I know some people got excited about Ruby being so upset and blushing (I don't think she's blushing, her skin goes sickly angry) when she saw Emerald in V8.
I don't ship ships because they're cute, that's not really the stuff that interests me. But I would like to see how their friendship might evolve, and I think Ruby being exposed to more morally complicated situations is necessary for the story. (Salem big bad, defeat Salem, end story).
For that matter, in terms of F/F ships I like in R/WBY, I did like Blake/Ilia and I wouldn't not want Ilia/Weiss.
2. Yang/Mercury
I can see why this one sort of works because they had enmity, and I admit that as a teenager I could sort of see it - especially because by the time V5 rolled around, Yang was vying for being one of my favourite characters - but I think BB makes too much sense for me. I am disheartened that Yang's confrontation with Mercury in V5 was relatively minor, so I'd like to see that expanded upon.
As you can see, my opinions on both these ships are relatively lukewarm, so not much controversy, unfortunately.
'Gauntlets and greaves' somehow manages to not be the dumbest ship name I've heard in R/WBY fandom. That's still one of my least favourite things about the shipping fandom, all of the fucking names.
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odsalt · 3 years
001: RWBY obviously lol
002: Hmm... Freezerburn
003: Mercury
(I’m doing this ask meme thing)
001: R W B Y
Favorite character: Ozpin, by far. Very few come even close.
Least favorite character: ......where should I start. Cinder, Salem, Ruby (used to be a fave), Yang (used to be a fave), Blake, and sometimes Weiss. Oh and Qrow starting at v6. Fuck that guy.
5 favorite ships: uh... I'm really not much of a shipper. I generally hate shipping tbh, and I can count my R W B Y ships on one hand, which I guess would be 5 anyway, so...let's see.... IronWitch, Double Rainbow, BlackSun (less so in v4 because she was a dick to him).... I used to have more but I don't remember them. Renora and Arkos I guess? I dunno, I'm only including them because I need 5 and I don't hate them. Well. I liked Renora until v7.
Character I find most attractive: You're gonna make me mention him again? Professor Ozpin, duh.
Character I would marry: See above.
Character I would be best friends with: Penny or Pyrrha probably. Or Zwei, I make friends with dogs.
A random thought: You ever wonder what they call that stuff that forms on surfaces from time to time? We call it dust, but they have that word for something else. Now I'm just imagining the Schnee Dust Company selling dust bunnies as pets.
An unpopular opinion: You mean something I haven't mentioned here before?
My canon OTP: Well it was canon, so I don't really have a canon OTP anymore.
My non-canon OTP: IronWitch. ...Can I change that to my above answer? Because they were obvious. Look at that elevator scene in v3 and tell me nothing happened between them, I dare you.
Most badass character: Honestly? I’m gonna have to say Neo. I'm not her biggest fan, not by a long shot, but as a tiny woman myself, it's kinda cool seeing her kick ass and take names, all with a cheeky grin.
Pairing I'm not a fan of: Just one? Ok. It goes bzzz. But if that was obvious, here's another. There's a song that talks about begging your pardon, I never promised you this thing.
Character I feel the writers screwed up: Say it with me, IRONWOOD.
Favorite friendship: People are friends in this show?
002: Freezerburn
When or if: I'm not really a fan of inner-Team R W B Y ships (yes, I'm Team Sisterhood, sue me), but Freezerburn is superior. If I had to choose an inner-Team ship, it would probably be that one (or Monochrome). As for when, the dynamic between Yang and Weiss has always been interesting, but I think v5 gave us the good Freezerburn food.
What makes me happy: the hug when they reunited. You get to see just how short Weiss really is 😆
What makes me sad: that their friendship was never really explored after v5. I blame Blake rejoining the team, and the writers' inability to flesh out character dynamics.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: I don't read fanfic.
Things I look for in fanfic: I don't look for fanfic.
My kinks: I'm a sex-repulsed ace. Kinks make me cringe.
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with: Again I'm alright with Monochrome, I think the dynamic there is great. So, Weiss with Blake. But I really can't see Yang with anyone, I don't think her lifestyle and goals would fit in with a relationship. The only exception I can make is with Weiss *shrug*
My happily ever after for them: I'm not good with endings, and I don't think about it all that much.
003: Mercury
How I feel about this character: I pretty much always liked Merc's cocky attitude, and I think a lot of that has to do with how Yuri Lowenthal performs as him. I wasn't really a fan of his first voice, so the character didn't really have the punch, or kick, that he does now. So I don't adore Merc, but for one of the bad guys, I really don't hate him either. He's one of those characters I can tell to shut up with a smile on my face lol
Romantic ships: tbh none. I'm in a weird limbo with Emerald and Mercury, in that I see them more as siblings, but it wouldn't bother me if they ended up together. That doesn't really happen lol
Non-romantic OTP: I guess my previous answer applies to this as well? I'm in the siblings boat with them for the most part.
Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure if it's unpopular, but it's what I stated earlier in that I think Yuri was a better choice. I think they should've got him on as Mercury in the beginning.
One thing I wish happened: Pretty much everyone spec'd that Merc would help Oscar to escape. I'm not really a go-with-the-crowd kind of gal in terms of speculation and theories, but I am so disappointed that this didn't happen. It would've been perfect, but instead Merc got shipped off to Vacuo with Tyrian for whatever reason. What a total waste of an opportunity, but wasted opportunities is what this show is built on, so I guess no surprise there.
My OTP: Still don't have one. Maybe Emercury, maybe not Emercury.
My OT3: I don't do OT3s, at least not romantic ones. If we're going purely platonic, one of my biggest wishes (that will never happen now) was that Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel would have escaped Salem and lived peacefully somewhere, just two kids and their big burly dad. But alas, someone died.
......... Was I supposed to say that much? I’ve never done these before 😅
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parisiangiraffe · 4 years
Wut r ur top 5 non Cinder ships for RWBY? And wut is ur number one Cinder ship?
I seem to have suddenly forgotten every single ship in existence
I can be Qrowin trash if it’s written in a certain way :^)
I love me some Emercury
Ren/Nora, yessir
White Rose and bees are nice, too 
I don’t really actively follow any ships in the fandom...Tbh, I just thought of characters I like and who has some chemistry in some way PHAPRH.
As for Cinder ships...I ship her with too many people, bruh. I honestly couldn’t say LMAO
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rubyneo · 5 years
Precious Gems (Emerald and Ruby) {I don't know if this is actually a rarepair}
Ruby had one HELL of a crush on Em while they were at Beacon. Cinder actually ordered Em to take advantage of that to get closer to RWBY but Em felt icky doing that because she maybe sort of liked Ruby back
They have been PINING since Beacon fell, even with Ruby knowing Em's part in it
Em has been fantasizing about Ruby storming Salem's castle and rescuing her from this absolute nightmare
Ruby followed Em around like a lovestruck puppy and Mercury used to tease her relentlessly for it
Ruby: we're red and green :) also our names are rose and sustrai and sustrai means "root". interesting :)
Ruby is 100% the person who's like "My hands r so cold...u should feel them 👀" and Em always fell for it. Next thing she knew she was holding hands with Ruby for fifteen minutes while they both slowly turned redder and redder.
[Emerald voice] I do NOT have a crush on Ruby I just think she's pretty and smells nice and I feel bad when she isn't around
Neither of them can see red or green without feeling their guts twist because they've found themselves on opposite sides of this war and they're just kind of wishing they could see each other again
Ruby Is Gonna Be What Kickstarts Em's Redemption Arc
Ruby only got to kiss Emerald once, right before the CocoYatsu/EmerCury doubles match, and Em ran away nearly in tears because she knew in just a little bit, it would all be over.
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ct-hardcase · 4 months
watched a compilation of emerald and mercury's scenes and the swing in their dynamic from v2-v7 is wild.
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oddnub-eye · 5 years
I found this Thing So here’s some info about me!
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? Don’t have any, I have no fear.
A: Your current OTP. Nuts and Dolts
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t. N/A
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? Pokemon Q&As
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? Emercury is Evil Bumblby
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
G: What was your first fandom? Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? Animated
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? No
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. RWBY
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). You know that one Lilo and Stitch Quote, “This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good.” Not entirely accurate, but I think that sums up my feelings on the FNDM pretty well
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? Pic of my favorite characters from each of my fandoms.
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. blakesexualpanic , RWBY
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? Hated You From Hello, Crimsun
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). RWBY AU- For Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. Grandmasters, had a moment were I realized, “Salem’s just as bad as Adam, abandoning ship”
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. Clearnight Shipping (Yugo x Serena from Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V)
S: What’s a headcanon you have? Each of the Yu-Boy’s favorite foods is just Zarc’s from a different food catagory.
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? YutoxShun, Nuts and Dolts, Bumblby, YumaxAlito, McHanzo
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? FusedShipping, Blacksun, Appleshipping, Solarflare, Gency
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? Maybe...
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. Yugo (Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V), Sun Wukong (RWBY), Mcree (Overwatch), Grimlock (Transformers), Scatatch (Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. Appleshipping, Blacksun, Gency
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. Transformers
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rnjrsupportsquad · 7 years
(201% sarcasm anon) idek about "official"?? RWBY is a weird fandom because there seem to be at least 2 sets of commonly accepted ship names for every ship. r/RWBY and the fanfiction community in general seem to use almost entirely different sets of shipnames. Em/Merc ship is known as: Emercury, Partners in Crime, The Thief and the Butcher, Toxic, or Jaded.
ok it was Emercury I remember seeing around a lot. Thanks for clearing that up anon!!
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ct-hardcase · 6 months
thinking about emerald and mercury at beacon (and I think vale) getting to playact as normal teenagers for the first time in their lives even as they’re on a mission
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ct-hardcase · 4 months
in the emercury soup again
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