#radio mirror
goldenradioage · 7 months
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Making jokes to order is no laughing matter; Jack Benny with two of his funny-men, Bill Morrow, Ed Beloin.
Radio Mirror, November 1938
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Cher (1975)
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thankstothe · 10 days
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look at my perfect friend~
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forget-me-ghost · 4 months
Man, I want Alastor to absolutely lose it in the next episodes. This man is an emotion grenade about to explode. I want a scene where he idk destroys his room or sth. It doesn't even have to happen in front of the others. I want Alastor to have a psychotic break, period.
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boombox-fuckboy · 1 year
Hey. Could you rec any podcasts with sapphic couples as their mains? Or a sapphic story. And so on. I only really know about where the stars fell and Alice isn't dead.
You're off to a strong start. Here's 20, there's more out there, but I tried to pick a variety. I'm going to put a ★ next to the ones I think will fit best, but they're all good.
Arden: (Fictional "True Crime", Investigative, Comedy). On the 25th of December, 2007, heiress and young actress Julie Capsom crashed her car into a tree and fled into a nearby forest clearing, leaving a trail that seemingly vanished into thin air, and a dismembered torso in the trunk. A decade later, Bea, the first reporter on the scene, and Brenda, a detective on the case, are hosting a true crime podcast about it, and neither is remotely impressed with what the other has to say. Arden is also a retelling of various Shakespeare plays.
The Author's Anathema: (Horror) Looking for some extra cash, and with some help from her girlfriend Eleanor, college student Natalie takes a small job to narrate an audiobook for a reclusive anonymous author. The book being a horror wouldn't be such a bother, but the stories within are... Familiar. Too familar.
The Beacon: (Urban Fantasy) Bee is a perpetually anxious university student who discovers she has the ability to create fire, and decides to start a podcast to find others like herself. She quickly discovers she's not alone, but a series of bizzare animal attacks suggest superpowered freshers are far from the only strange thing on campus.
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio: (Weird Fiction, Horror, Sci-Fi) On day one of a new job at the Department of Variance, in the middle of her workplace orientation, Jasmine's new workplace goes into lockdown. Guided via walkie-talkie by Scarlet, an experienced security officer, Jasmine must make her way down 20-odd shifting floors of strange entities and experiments. Ideally without becoming one of them. As a disclaimer, this one is the only addition to this list that isn't actively romantic yet, however there are canonically sapphic characters, and I am fairly confident it's headed that way.
★ Elixir: (Urban Fantasy, Romance) Set in a fantasy world's equivalent of the american prohibition, lawmakers daughter Elsie approaches someone unexpected in search of her missing sister: Vera, an alchemist and propriator of the local now-elicit hush bar.
The Far Meridian: (Magical Realism) An agorophobic young woman wakes up to discover her lighthouse home has moved overnight. It quickly becomes clear this isn't a once-off, and she decides to use this as an opportunity to search for her missing brother, having some strange encounters along the way.
Interference: (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance) Jacq is a D&D podcaster. Geneva is an orc scientist studying ancient human ruins the next world over. What happens when these women from different realities begin picking up each other's broadcasts?
Khôra Podcast: (Sci-Fi) Somewhere between adapted from and inspired by various greek myths, Khôra follows four women who deserved better (Atalanta, Echo, Medea, and Medusa) on a grand space adventure to find the golden fleece while keeping out of the reach of the olympians who own and run the galaxy.
★ Mabel: (Mystery, Supernatural, Horror, Romance). The live-in carer of a dying elderly woman attempts to contact her granddaughter, with little success. The contents of voicemails only get stranger, and what starts as a subtley creepy mystery-horror develops to poetic lesbian fae body-horror.
★ Midnight Radio: (Light Supernatural, Romance). Sybil McIntyre, host of the ever-popular 1950's nightly radio hour, begins exchanging letters with an old fan who has reluctantly returned to visit Sybil's beloved town.
Mina's Story: (Sci-Fi, Romance Elements) Still dealing with a major loss in her family, a young woman volunteers for a long-term cryonics project. The episodes are her audio logs after waking up each time, always the same place but centuries after she went to sleep. A story about grief, change, and the intersection of past and future.
Mirrors: (Sci-fi, Mystery, Supernatural). The audio journal of three women from different periods (past, present, and future) who seem to share little in common bar the strange inhuman, ghostly figures they have started seeing.
Night Life: (Supernatural, Noir) Utterly wacky one-episode story (more of a short audio movie) about an ex-vampire hunter turned private eye who finds herself dealing with the shenanigans of mafia and vampires in the wake of an upcoming mayoral election. Find it on the feed for The Lightning Bottler.
The Night Post: (Supernatural, Mystery). The conscripted couriers of Gilt City are both respected and shunned, integral to the city's function, but inexplicably tied to the supernatural. It's not something they like to talk about. When his husband goes missing on the job, Milo is called to take over. Clementine took over from her father a long time ago, yet recently someone else with her face has been delivering her own unsent letters. Val's not going to discuss how she ended up there, but she will absolutely open people's mail (filled with their own supernatural tales) to read aloud.
Palimpsest, Season 2: (Horror, Romance, Fantasy Elements). Set in the 1800s, a young woman becomes the maid to a supposed fairy noblewoman, who is being kept as one of many "denizens", living curiousities, in a large house. Each season is a different story, this is Season 2.
★ The Pasithea Powder: (Sci-Fi, Thriller?) The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason.
Starship Q Star: (Sci-Fi, Comedy) The small crew of a tone-deaf space agency's attempt at a PR mission wake up at Mars to discover that they - and the one botanist abandoned on Mars base - are now the last surviving members of humanity. Co-captains and ex-girlfriends Aurelia and Sim must now dedicate themselves to protecting their crew and finding a new home, but they're rarely on the same page about how best to do it.
★ The Strange Case of Starship Iris: (Sci-Fi) When the shuttle carrying the crew of scientific research ship Iris explodes, Violet Liu finds herself stranded in space, the last survivor with no way out. Until her emergency broadcast is picked up by a passing ship. But the crew aren't who they seem to be, there's more going on here than anyone knows yet, and Violet must decide who she can really trust.
Unwell: (Supernatural). Lily Harper revisits her supposedly haunted childhood home to help take care of her aging mother. The house is weird, sure, but there's something far stranger haunting the town of Mount Absolm than simply ghosts.
Weaver: (Supernatural, Romance Elements). The musings of the entity within the old house about the girl she fell in love with (the only thing she can remember), and her two new coinhabitants, who do not yet know she exists.
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dizquized · 2 months
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FOR YOUR OWN SANITY, do not look in the tags, dont do it. its not worth it. a demon possessed me or something, i dont know.
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adventurelandia · 2 years
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Thru the Mirror (1936)
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lilydvoratrelundar · 1 year
On the one hand Moffat coming back makes sense in the same way rtd and tennant returning does because getting back old shit is always good for publicity. On the other hand. The reason chibnall took the job was to diversify the production and allow people who historically didn't get a chance to write for dr who very often (women, people of colour, women of colour) to write, direct, etc their version of the show, and apparently spent a lot of time creating the writers room process which wasn't really a thing in the UK before. Rtd taking a step back from that by hiring all his cis white men from pre 2018 Who (or at least, hiring back this very notorious cis white man from pre 2018 Who) feels like a step in the other direction from that. Moffat's been writing televised Doctor Who since 1999. We can give other people a go now.
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Rooms by Design, 1989
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sugartitstownley · 1 year
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The urge to be in Sandy Shores with Trevor.
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goldenradioage · 10 months
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Jack Benny and Fred Allen (Radio Mirror, July 1938)
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weepingfoxfury · 1 month
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The Saturday man on the radio plays Two Door Cinema and then goes on to the 4 song quiz. Four Irish songs that have entered Eurovision but what is their other connection? He says only 6 people have responded correctly so far. I have no clue.
The Bank Holiday weather is as it should be. Not a peep of sunshine in sight, but plenty of birdsong. Another 'soft day, thank God'.
I wonder who on this most Emerald of Isles has 'the umbrella' today.
Eddie Reader and her Fairground Attraction sing of perfection.
Strange dreams of clocks, mirrors and time going backwards give today a slidingly surreal feel. Didn't help that Signor Floyd collided with my face yesterday. His intention was to fly over the child gate ... my intention was to help ... end result was one gone cat and one juddered marble as his back and my face connected.
Astonishing how much hair he left all over my face. I could have given Santa a run for his money.
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday ... the day of the not to be read newspaper and the Groundhog Day TV Guide.
Time for more coffee ...
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trivialbob · 7 months
This morning I brought one of my sisters to the airport. I live not far from MSP so family and friends sometimes park here. I will drop off and pick up. It's easy enough, and I would rather they not pay to park in a ramp. I don't even accept tips!
Emily doesn't fly often. She was a little nervous today--just about getting there, through security, and to the gate, not about actual flying. As we stopped in the departures traffic lane early this morning we could see a long line of people up on the security level.
That should not be a problem for Em though Everyone in my family is usually early for everything. We like a nice time cushion for any unforeseen circumstances. The last time I got a flat car tire was 40 years ago. But generally I could work another one into my schedule.
Emily and I both know people who have the opposite approach to being early, being ready, and basically being where they should be at the proper time.
I know a guy who, if his flight was at 8:00 AM, would arrive at the airport at 7:53 AM. In his mind those seven minutes give him time to stop at Starbucks for a complicated beverage and maybe pick up a magazine before boarding.
You might think someone like that learns a lesson quickly, being caught in a security line then missing a flight.
Nope. Either his flight gets delayed by precisely the amount of time it takes him to get through security and walk to the gate with is fourteen syllable coffee beverage, or someone comes by in a golf cart and says "I need to bring one passenger directly to a first class seat ASAP! Buddy, I'm looking at you, let's go!" This guy likely has never planted his butt in a waiting area seat. Never had a need to.
It always works out for him.
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aledlost · 2 years
i'll never get over how beautifully written radio silence is. alice oseman really wrote "I wonder sometimes whether you’ve exploded already, like a star, and what I’m seeing is you three million years into the past, and you’re not here any more. How can we be together here, now, when you are so far away? When you are so far ago? I’m shouting so loudly, but you never turn around to see me. Perhaps it is I who have already exploded. Either way, we are going to bring beautiful things into the universe." and i haven't been the same ever since.
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overtake · 6 months
Plsssss tell me there are onboards of Daniel making hearts at Max
Unfortunately onboards aren't streamed until they're actually on the grid so no :( if we harass the FIA enough, I believe in our ability to bully them into releasing the footage
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santmat · 8 months
Spiritual Light to Guide You On Your Path - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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Hazur Baba Sawan Singh: "In the center behind and above the eyes there is an aperture; on this side of it is the material world, in which we are now living; and on the other side is the astral world." Baba Somanath: "Those who transcend the realm of mind and the senses and enter the regions of pure spirit come to know, as a living reality, that dwelling within all forms of life, human and otherwise, is one pure Light and Love... though encased in so many types of veils due to karmic impressions."
For many, the term "meditation" suggests merely a practice about attaining a more relaxed state and only represents a series of techniques about stress reduction. For the Initiate of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven however, meditation represents a Portal to the Divine, a Door in the Heavens leading to Realms Beyond, is a Bright Star in a Mystic Sky that turns into a Tunnel of Light or River of Divine Light that flows into the Eternal Ocean of God!
Spiritual Light to Guide You On Your Path - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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Spiritual Light to Guide You On Your Path -
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen and/or Download @:
@ the Podcast Website With Buttons That Go To All the Popular Podcast APPS - Wherever You Follow Podcasts:
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"A Light of utmost splendor glows on the eyes of my soul. Therein have I seen the inexpressible ordering of all things, and recognized God's unspeakable glory - that incomprehensible wonder - the tender caress between God and the soul... the unmingled joy of union, the Living Love of Eternity as it now is and evermore shall be." (The German Mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg, Flowing Light of the Godhead)
"Now has Divine Light delivered me from captivity, and joined me by gentility to the Divine will of Love" (The French Mystic, Marguerite Porete, The Mirror of Simple Souls)
"This 'Single' or 'Third Eye' provides an ingress into the spiritual worlds - the Kingdom of God - now a lost realm to most of us... Of this inlet or ingress little is known by the people at large." (Sant Kirpal Singh)
Swami SantSevi Ji Maharaj: "What is the glorious destination that we are striving for? When we close our eyes we see darkness within, it is the realm of ignorance. When the light dawns within you, then you see that you reside in noble regions. In darkness resides ignorance and in light resides knowledge.
"When we see darkness with our eyes closed we are in the realm of death and re-birth because we are not aware of our true nature. When we come out of the realm of darkness and enter into the realm of light, we will at the same time escape the web of death. If we remain in darkness it is not possible to be free from the cycle of birth and death. Only when we achieve the inner light—the divine light which represents the glory of the Divine—can we be liberated from the cycle of birth and death.
Baba Somanath: "Seek the refuge of the Satguru, O Dear One, for He will free you from your karmic debt. The entire world is consumed by forgetfulness and confusion. No one appreciates the unique message of the Saints. The unfortunate ones of this world are dominated by Maya [illusion], and they do not attain the Immaculate State. Those upon whom the Grace of the Primal Creator is showered, alone have the desire to drink the Nectar of Immortality."
Baba Ram Singh: "So, the point of telling you is that this Path, which has been sent by God Almighty Himself - the Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation Practice] - that can be attained only by initiation from a True Master... Therefore, all the Masters, at all times, have always talked and sung the praise of Surat Shabd. And that has been the message of the Masters in various yugas [epochs of time]... Therefore, when we are initiated by our Masters, it is necessary for us to get connected with the Shabd [the inner Light and Sound Current] every day - to do our meditation every day. And, by doing so, we are helping our Master to help us..."
Asks Kabir: "For Millions of Years You Have Slept, This Morning Will You Not Wake?"
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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