#radiorose au - what if
pageofheartdj · 2 months
Human AU it is, in old times. About gender explorations while growing up and developing relationships.
With Lucifer currently Samael being the daughter in a very rich and influential family. Realizing he is a boy after all. Not hating the dresses and long long hair but feeling off when being fretted over like a fragile doll that is meant to stand prettily to be looked at. He likes being delicate, but he hates the demands to be still and obedient. Like Eve, a girl of his age from a much less rich family, who likes standing around, looking nice. But she is sweet and they become friends anyway. (sometimes he can't help but grip scissors tight, allowing himself to cut one strand only)
With Lilith currently Leon a son of relatively rich family. Realizing she is a girl after all. Not hating short hair and stiff clothes but feeling off from the treatment anyway. It's not that she wants to be treated like other girls, she would hate it. She is smart and demands respect. But she is not brash like Adam, a boy of the same age from quite influential rich family, who constantly picks friendly fights with her. She wants to be strong, but graceful. (with the dread she awaits when her family deems her hair long enough to be cut)
At some point their families decided to marry Samael with Adam and Eve with Leon. All four are not happy about it. At some point they realize it would rather be another way around.
Adam realizes he would rather compete with Samael in different ways, when she reveals she would rather run around and create a mess. She is funny. But Eve? Eve is cute and attentive. Adam wants to be able to protect her. And Eve in turn likes how loud and warm Adam is, she feels like a sunflower, turning to everywhere he is. And she would rather be friends with Leon, she likes how he does her hair, how calm and understanding he is with her.
And then Leon and Samael, they feel like kindred souls. They would confide that the world views them wrong, they would share each other's clothes, make a pretend breast for Leon, collect Samael's hair to make it look short. Leon would reveal how glad she is to have more lean body despite what others think. Samael would reveal how glad he is to have small breasts despite what others think. Together they realize they less hate how they look and what they have, and hate more how others decided how and who they have to be because of it. And for continuing pretending for others they hate themselves a little too.
All of them go to a private school. Kids from less rich families can attend too. With connections or smarts.
Like Rosie, whose family isn't that rich, but has enough connections to get anywhere. Like Alastor, whose family isn't rich at all, but he is smart enough to earn himself a place.
Rosie and Alastor are close childhood friends, closer than a family. They both have morbid interests and they share how they have no idea what are these rules that the world came up with, they would rather ignore what they deem useless. Rosie decided she is not a girl, she is a lady. Alastor decided he is not a boy, he is a gentlemen. And they both decided they are the ones who choose what does that mean.
Rosie is considered 'weird' by her peers, but harmless. She doesn't bother to hide her eccentric nature, amusing herself with others reactions. Alastor is viewed as well mannered, but this is a mask he enjoys to perform, tricking others and entertaining himself by elaborate reveals.
Eve thinks they are curious but is she is fearful of them. Adam thinks they are annoying and doesn't want to deal with them.
Samael and Leon can't help but being amazed by them, wanting to know them better.
And they do.
Their freedom is addicting.
Alastor is witty and sharp, Rosie is brutal and sugary. Samael, now Lucifer cuts his hair and no longer hides his snark and chaotic nature. Leon, now Lilith drowns herself in elegancy and refuses to cut her hair no more.
The four of them leave the town together the second they graduate. Lucifer and Lilith being disowned, Rosie leaving behind a family that tolerated her at best. Alastor's mother that he loved is no longer with him. And Alastor's father whose fault it was... is no longer here too. By shared effort.
The engagements are broken, leaving Adam and Eve as each other's only option. It's what they wanted anyway. But still the puzzlement and confusion was left in place of their departed friends. And maybe hope to reunite some day in the future.
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
A what if of my story Down In The Trenches. More specifically, the arrival of my Radiorose kid: Alice.
Note: pre-established Radiorose, has oc
Rosie arrived at the Hotel as soon as she got the news from Charlie - Alastor was stabbed, weak, having a long wound across his chest.
She came over with a medical bag, full of supplies. Going right to work, saving pleasantries. Charlie had moved a few more first aid kits into Alastor's room, as instructed.
She put a leather strap in his mouth for him to bite, trying to tune out his cries as she wroked on him. It took hours - cleaning, disinfecting, stitching, pausing, saying sweet nothings, bandaging. And trying not to cry.
"Ro-ss-sie.." his voice was so weak, him speaking after she removed the strap, when she finished her bandaging him up.
"I'm here, doll." She pet his hair, smiling. "You did pretty good. All things considered."
"S- stay." He pleaded, tears in his eyes from feeling the burning.
Rosie nodded, moving her hand to cup his face, "I don't plan on it, silly boy." She leaned down to kiss him gently.
Alastor let out a soft "hm" as he leaned against her hand.
"I'll use the intercom to let them know you're alright." Rosie said, kissing him again.
"Okay.." Alastor said softly, disappointed.
"Needy boy. Stay." Rosie said with a smile as she stood up. She went to the intercom, pressing the button to speak with the main floor.
"Rosie? How is he?" Eager to hear the news, wow, she must be worried.
"He's fine, Charlie sweetie." Rosie said with a smile. "I'll be stayin' the night ta keep an eye on him."
"Okay. I'll have some dinner brought up." Charlie said with a smile.
That night, they held each other tight and cried.
"Why did you do it, you fucking idiot!" Rosie moved back to look at his face.
Alastor chuckled, tears falling down his face, "I don't know, darling. I.. I guess I couldn't let our chums have a laugh without me."
Rosie kissed him harshly, "was it worth it, you jerk?"
Alastor whimpered in paid, panting as the broke for air, "well, I'm in your hands.. so yes."
"Easy there.. Al. You're still hurting, it's too soon." Rosie said.
Alastor sighed, frowning, "fine.." he held her arms. "Just, lay in my arms alright?"
Rosie reached a hand up to touch his cheek again. "I will, just promise you won't die in mine tonight."
"I won't, I have the best nurse in all of the underworld here with me." Alastor smiled at her.
Rosie laughed softly, kissing him again. Her tears rolled down her face, dropping onto his bandaged chest.
They called it a night, for real this time, holding each other.
There was the sound of screaming that woke Rosie up the next morning.
"Al.." She touched his chest blindly, still asleep, to which he made a weak noise.
"Your alarm.." Rosie said as another round of screaming started.
"I don't have one. Maybe i's your phone.."
"Turned mine off b'fore I worked on you. I's still off."
The screaming wouldn't stop.
"Okay, that's it.." Alastor sat up, feeling pain ripping through him, and seeing what he was seeing - he turned to her a bit too fast. "R- Rosie.."
"What?" Now she was annoyed. He was up, but the screaming wouldn't stop.
"Wa-wake up." Alastor said softly. "Wake up!" He whisper shouted.
"What?" Rosie sat up, glaring at him. When she saw his face, she followed where he was glancing at out of the orner of his eyes. To the end of the bed.
There lay a wee, naked babe. A little baby girl. A little faun, crying where she lay.
Rosie took another moment, before she moved to scoop up the girl, wrapping her in the blanket at the end of the bed, before bringing her to the head of the bed while rocking her to calm her.
"Look at her, Al." Rosie looked from the baby to Alastor.
Alastor nodded. "I.. I am." He took a breath. "She.." his eyes went from the babe to Rosie.
"Looks like you." Rosie smiled.
"Like you too." Alastor said with a smile.
"What are we going to do with her? How did she even get here?" Rosie asked.
Alastor shrugged. "Hm.. I don't know. Wishful thinking?"
"What?" Rosie was flabbergasted.
"Well, I regretted not having children while alive but, well.."
"Your murders, I know." Rosie said to him. "I was thinking about it too, but, well you know.."
Unable to have children in life. Thus barren in death.
"What if.. what if this is our chance?" Alastor asked after a few minutes of the two tickling the baby's cheeks and feeling her ears, smiling at her laughter.
"How close to ya second death are you?" Rosie asked him.
"You saw last night." Alastor said, looking to her with a smile. "But, think about it - you and I had wanted children, I nearly die to a holy weapon, and then," he moved his hands to make jazz hands, "baby."
Rosie sighed. "You have a point."
After a moment, Alastor asked, "so.. what are we going to do with her?"
"Raise her?" Rosie asked in a manner indicating she was intent on doing this alone if she had to.
Alastor smiled. "Perfect. Well, what shall we name our little girl?"
Rosie smiled at him. "What's the name of that book you like?"
"Alice in Wonderland, why?"
"Curiosity. I needed a girl name, and honestly.. that one sounds perfect."
Alastor hummed, mulling it over. "I like it too." He smiled. "Let's give her the middle name of May."
"Are you serious?" Rosie asked Alastor, shifting their babe as she reached for Alastor.
"I think she likes it too." Alastor said, reaching over to take the baby. When he held her, something in him felt complete.
"Alice May Hunt-Dupuis."
Rosie stopped adjusting her hair to look at the man. "Your last name is French?"
Alastor lowered Alice a little to glare at her playully. "Rosie, darling, I'm a Creole from Louisiana. Of course my last name is French."
"Are you fuckin' kidding me?"
"No." Alastor said to her.
Well, bathing and dressing the kid was fun. As was bringing her downstairs.
"What da fuq is even dat!"
"A baby."
"No shit, Smiles. I mean, what da fuq is you two doin' with it?"
"Oooh! Here, I'll order everything you guys need!" Charlie said, and went ahead ordering with Rosie and Vaggie giving commentary.
"We were given her as a gift." Rosie said. "For some reason."
"Hmm.." Lucifer looked at the girl, only to get kicked in the eye. "Ow!" He put a hand over his eye. "Yup, that's Antlers' kid alright! Born of you two wanting a kid, I'm assuming, and from what I can guess is whatever the fuck took Antlers out of commission."
"Adam's ridiculously tacky axe." Alastor said with a grimace.
"What's her name? I want to get her stuff with her name on it." Charlie was grinning.
Alastor and Rosie looked at each other with a smile.
"Alice May Hunt-Dupuis." They said together with a smile.
"Perfect! Now we have to wait." Charlie said with a smile. "Can I hold her? Please?"
"Alright, just be careful with her." Rosie said, passing Alice to Charlie.
"Hi, Alice. My name's Charlie."
Alice was looking around with those large void eyes, her ears moving about this way and that, but she focused on Charlie with a giggle.
Well - after the formula and baby stuff was delivered, a nursery was set up for Alice, next to Alastor and Rosie's room.
"I call being the fun Aunt!" Cherri raised a hand with a bomb, challenging anyone to fight her.
"As long as I'm the cool Uncle." Angel said.
"No way! If anyone is the cool one, it's me!"
"Why do you want in on this, Vagina?" Angel asking Vaggie this made Cherri laugh.
"Don't make me give Niffty a sharp object and the order to stab you." Vaggie actually had a soft spot for kids.
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damnedrainbows · 7 months
ngl I’m starting to ship radioapple decently hard
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elsa-fogen · 6 months
Radiorose kiss 😳😧 (platonoic)
So this scene for Reverse AU just appeared in my head, but I'm to tired to draw now, so have this little dialogue
*Alastor and Rosie standing in the Hotel lobby, Alastor looks nervous*
Rosie: Al? Are you okay, what happened?
Alastor: *looks somewhere behind her* I need you to kiss me.
Rosie: What? I thought you not a fan of such things!
Alastor: Yes, that's right, but i have one problem and the name of the problem is Vox.
Rosie: Oh... I see.
Alastor: *visible disgusted* He tried to invite me for a dAtE 3 times this week, one more and I'll go insane.
Rosie: Didn't you...
Alastor: I told him i don't want to but apparently this imbecil thinks that he's so cool and handsome that everyone must want to date him immediately, so i need your help with that. When he walks in, you'll have to kiss me on the lips, maybe that will get through to him.
Rosie: Aaaalright *meanwhile noted in her head to talk to Vox...*
Alastor: He's coming! Do your thing!
Vox: *enters the lobby*
*Rosie places her hand on Alastors head and pulls him to her. When their faces close enough she gently kisses him in the corner of his lips. Alastor closes his eyes and patiently waits until its over. Internally he thanks Rosie for the way she handles their kiss, this even not so bad as he imagined. Vox can see mostly just Rosie's back, but it is obviously for him what is going on. He's sad but he will finally leave them alone. And he leaves the lobby*
Alastor: I think that's enough...
Rosie: *worried* Are you okay?
Alastor: Yeah... Thank you *he finally smiles at her, his nervousness goes away*
Rosie: *smiles back* Tell me if he bothers you one more time, I'll talk to him myself.
Alastor: Ha-ha, sure *he places his head on her shoulder* What would i do without you?
Rosie: *smiles and hugs him, and gives him little kiss on the head* You wouldn't last a day.
Alastor: That's for sure...
So yeah. Wow. What hazbin did to me... This is horrifying... But RADIOROSE!!! They're my life now.
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chubs-deuce · 3 months
Something that I hate that ppl do when it comes to hating on Chalastor is saying “Alastor is aroace and Charlie is in a relationship with Vaggie! You’re being disrespectful to both of them!” Even when you explain that’s it’s merely a harmless AU, they still get soooo upset.
Which first off, Alastor is actually ace, not aroace, Amir literally said that himself, and second, just cuz Charlie is with Vaggie doesn’t mean other people are going to ship them, cuz Charlie is bisexual! And thirdly, being ace or aro or both is a spectrum. It’s a wide range of things, not everyone is going to be repulsed. Yeah canon show Alastor maybe repulsed by sex and romance but that’s what AUs are for! They are there for others to expand and change things as they see fit.
Like I think Chaggie is a cute canon ship, but I find Charlie and Alastor and even RadioRose far more appealing and adorable, and especially when it comes to the fanart. Like the fanart! Every piece of Chalastor and RadioRose fanart I have seen is just *chef kiss* ✨perfection✨ seriously your art of Chalastor has got to be my favorite fanart I’ve seen of them, everything is just so beautiful 😭🥹 also I’m a huge sucker for Dad!Alastor
Before I dig into this response any further I'd like to thank you for the high praise of my art, but I'd also like to point out that I don't exactly appreciate the negative tone you're bringing into my inbox here and would like to kindly remind you that my asks are not a confession booth for fandom salt... ^^"
I understand that it can be really frustrating to deal with that kind of stuff, but I feel like a lot of this belongs more in dms than in an ask box that gets responded to publicly...
Fuck knows I have my own not-so-nice opinions about some things certain people in fandoms do, especially considering the nigh constant harrassment some ships are under by other sub-groups of the fanbase, but I vent that shit privately with friends where it won't kick any beehives into a tizzy along the way... It also imo just reflects on the rest of the ship community a bit better to not make big public stinks over some faceless douchebags on the internet with too much time to waste ^^".
(Yes this is an open invitation to just dm me with fandom salt like this if you need to unload some, I'll happily indulge you there! But I really would prefer keeping fandom salt out of my asks and in turn out of my public posts lmao)
Ultimately I'm a strong believer of ship and let ship and I am also of the opinion that if you need to put down another ship to enjoy your own you're not doing the shipping thing right.
Indulging in romantic and/or sexual fantasies about fictional characters is meant to be fun! We're all just sitting in our own little corner making our dolls kiss after all.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of people in this modern era of fandom spaces keep forgetting that. For many, shipping is a competition for bragging rights (i.e. canonicity), a form of activism or for yet again others it can be an excuse to mask bully urges and habits as exerting moral superiority (hence the constant, hypocrisy-filled barbs at people not "respecting" their canon sexualities)
Depending on which one you're dealing with, you may get genuine confusion at your shipping preferences since they approach shipping with a completely different mindset (i.e. shipping for canoncity and/or aesthetics over the narrative potential and/or writing quality) or people intentionally trying to bait you into a defensive response.
Sometimes you can argue someone out of their frustration about your lack of "respect" for canon by explaining that what you do doesn't affect canon in the slightest, nor do you even want or need it to - maybe even giving your reasons for shipping something! But that only works on people that are already receptive to your arguments, so you have to know who and what you're up against and if they're even worth wasting that sort of time and energy on.
I can assure you that 90% of the time the easiest option is to just block antis without giving them the grace of a response. It's usually the quickest way to get out of those types of situations lol (ignore them if they start claiming that they "won" and consider you weak or cowardly for blocking them - they just want to guilt you into unblocking so they have more free reign to keep harrassing you)
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Intro Post + FAQ!?!?!?
STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI!!!!!!!! (this is a joke)
I'm not replacing my pinned post because I like my pinned post. it's special to me. it describes my blog in a single gif. but I'll link this in my bio.
hi! I think this was long overdue. first of all, introduction!
I'm pink! she/her, 19, filipino-chinese, 🇸🇬
I am an asexual sapphic on the aro spectrum! I'm not repulsed in either department though, I consider myself mostly sex-neutral and romance... idk, ambivalent irl, favourable in fiction.
keep in mind that hazbin hotel itself has a lot of explicit humour, so canon-typical level of that kind of humour should be expected here. however, outside of text-only nsfw jokes, I typically don't post or reblog nsfw art (and IF I did, I would use community labels/appropriate tags). I may also tag certain text-only nsfw joke posts as #suggestive, just as a precaution.
and now the FAQ...
Other than one-sided RadioStatic, what do you ship?
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I've actually done this before, but decided I'd update it a bit.
cherrivel is only there because of the need for velvette to have someone at the hotel to be obsessed with, refer to this post. it is currently unserious and could easily never come up in my posts I just thought to include it because of that one time I brought it up. other crackships may come up if I find it funny (ie adam x mammon).
this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, I do not like any reciprocated romantic alastor ships, I'm not here to police anyone for what they do in fanon, but all I ask is no one send me anything of the sort. I interpret alastor as a repulsed aroace, and the dialogue in which his asexuality is implied in canon implies to me he would never pursue dating (rosie knows alastor wouldn't be dating charlie because he is aroace, which implies she knows he is an aroace that doesn't date**). so that is how I choose to portray alastor in my posts.
**TO BE CLEAR, there IS nuance to this. because action =/= attraction. funny situations such as a fake date with vox as a distraction that he doesn't like at ALL entertain me. but I do not believe he is the type to pursue it under normal circumstances.
regarding qprs... well, as you can see, I really only care for qpr radiorose, but this is the part where it comes down to personal preference. qpr radiostatic largely depends for me, maybe if it's like an au where they never had a falling out or something but otherwise, I don't personally really see it, but that isn't to judge anyone who does. HOWEVER, I do like thinking about their past friendship, here's a post I made before regarding alastor's side on it.
Who's your favourite character?
unfortunately, it is the stupid tv man in my pfp. alastor is my second favourite though if that's not immediately obvious (wow tumblr user @onesidedradiostatic's faves are vox and alastor who could've guessed?)
Do you know [insert pre-series information here]?
I need to clarify, I am NOT a pre-series hazbin fan. I only got into hazbin properly at episode 5-6's release, prior to that I had only watched episode 4 out of curiosity due to twitter discourse. any information I have regarding pre-series stuff comes from the wiki, tumblr posts or anons who have informed me of stuff. my main source of information is the main series, that is how I first consumed hazbin after all.
What the fuck is the "Lucifer's Commissions Saga"?
it all started with an anon talking about the most unrealistic thing about vox owning an alastor body pillow being that alastor was able to be printed on it without glitches. I then dropped a stupid idea I had in my head for a bit about lucifer being offered 50k to make a sexy alastor painting for vox. one reblog later. well. it turned into vox commissioning lucifer for the body pillow. and then a bunch of asks came in related to it and it turned into a saga which is now my legacy. feel free to scroll through this entire thing. also a fanfic of it by ChaoticAce2005 now exists. go check it out. AN ANIMATIC BASED ON ONE OF THE POSTS BY NATAKARANIA ALSO NOW EXISTS. CHECK THAT OUT TOO.
The original post mentions Val commissioning Lucifer for the art for Vox, Val is canonically a talented artist, why would he do that?
in my defence, I kinda forgot about that when I posted the original joke. later asks, I've mended that val HAS drawn for vox before but vox nitpicked too much and val's not always willing to do a fully rendered sexy alastor... so vox has to outsource. and he just happens to do so to the king of hell.
Hey, hey, listen! What if Vox doesn't have a crush on Alastor but wants XXX instead!?
hey, I respect you! I respect your opinion and hc. but this blog is built around that concept specifically, I like vox wanting something he can never have, wanting romance from a guy who literally cannot feel the same way about him. so I'm probably not gonna be as passionate about other takes. but your opinion is valid! I'm just not really sure what you want me to say other than respectfully disagreeing.
Why don't you use RadioSilence for one-sided RadioStatic?
radio silence is the name of another book made by the author of heartstopper, alice oseman (which I heard also has a canon aspec character!). even though it is already a used tag for this ship, I refuse to contribute to flooding the book tag with hazbin hotel. it's already an issue I see even when searching #radio silence with the space, I think those in that fandom should be allowed to search for content without being flooded by content from another fandom. please understand.
I instead use #onewaybroadcast in accordance with this poll. I still use the regular #radiostatic and #staticradio tags in addition to it for more reach and because vox's side still technically counts under it, if anyone doesn't like specifically one-sided radiostatic for whatever reason, they may filter out the specific tag or block me.
read more about the tagging issue here
Why haven't you answered my ask?
you see. once upon a time I used to answer every ask in my askbox. but then trying to come up with intelligent responses to every single ask was kind of draining so I gave up on that. so nowadays I just answer whatever I feel like, if you don't see your ask answered for a while it may still be answered later cause I do go back to old asks sometimes (and sometimes I just forget about asks I'd wanted to answer before). currently my askbox stands at 180ish unanswered asks going back to as early as end of february, that's how much I kinda just gave up trying to clear my askbox. DON'T be discouraged from sending new asks though! I'm actually more likely to answer new ones that I'm able to form a response for immediately.
Wait, I checked your time zone, why are you posting at 2-5am?
I haven't had a normal sleep schedule for like at least 4 years now, don't think too hard about it. and don't rely on my time zone for my active hours, I could be active at literally any hour 😁👍
Can I write a fic about [insert idea posted on this blog before]?
OF COURSE!!! I would actually be honoured if you did!! credit for the idea would be appreciated (although it depends if it's mostly me or my anons' ideas, sometimes it's a combined effort), but otherwise go ahead! and do send it to me if you please, if I have the time or motivation I may read it!
more may be added at a later time, but this is what I can come up with for now. I've been holding back on this for a while, trying to phrase every single little thing with tact, just understand that a lot of it is personal opinion!
#osrs.txt - all text posts, including asks #osrs.art - self-explanatory, art done by me #osrs.mp4 - videos which can range from compilations, shitpost edits to high effort edits #osrs.helluva - my helluva boss reactions/liveblogging and related stuff
#radiostatic parent trap subplot - the short series of asks joking about the torn picture vox has reminding them of the parent trap, turning into a crack subplot #projecting irl experiences onto radiostatic squad - where a bunch of anons came together to recount irl experiences with incels and say "yeah this is vox" #the ays - angel dust realising he and alastor are the reason for the vees' focus on the hotel and decides to brand both of them as the ays #lucifer's commissions saga - everyone's favourite as explained above, and also the biggest arc on this blog (my legacy) #alastor's modern sexuality label crisis - started with alastor misinterpreting "asexual" as asexual reproduction, continued on to him misinterpreting more modern sexuality labels #vox's stupid fucking turtleneck - it started with me trying to start up a debate on the colour of vox's turtleneck in the vox and val photo and escalated into people in my notes and askbox trying to gaslight me into thinking the turtleneck has stripes instead of it being a KNITTING PATTERN. this is what the STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI is referring to btw #cursed yellow val - tag name taken from andy-solo1, started as a response to the turtleneck discourse, I believe the turtleneck is a similar colour to val's wings therefore yellow turtleneck truthers are implying val's wings are also yellow #respectless anons - started with an anon trying to correct colour names and saying "not to be velvette..." and ended up with other anons being kin assigned characters #all the fucking parodies - there's been 2 parodies for you didn't know and 2 for respectless by others based on shit from this blog now, this tag is needed #the fanon val killjoy beef - tag made for the made up concept of valentino and katie killjoy beefing, started from this post
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wraith17 · 3 months
Hazbin Art Dump
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We've got lion verse Alastor and Rosie singing ready for this. RadioRose pastel fawns so yes this is what their children look like Angel!Rosie AU. We stan a queen and this is what she looks like in Day 7 of RadioRoseWeek.
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ocelot-t · 3 months
do have any Hazbin Hotel or just RadioRose headcanons? Like Rosie being a really good painter or Alastor technically being younger than he seems or something? (I just like reading other people's ideas on their favorite characters lol)
You arrived just in time.
There will be a lot of words I have mostly a lot of disconnected thoughts in my head, which I sometimes consciously or unconsciously implement in drawings. besides, I don't remember what the canon is, and what the old fanon is, to be honest. If you would like me to, I can share not only my headcanons, but also some of the AUs I have.
I understand where the theory comes from, but I don't like the idea of Alastor being forced to smile all this time. I think he wants to keep everything under his control so much that he smiles even in death. The idea that he is just a sick man, serial killer makes his eternal smile even more unnerving. I don't want to justify him.
I think Al would have enjoyed reading H.P Lovecraft’s works. The tentacled creatures and descriptions of people as nonentities suffering defeat in a fight with chthonic creatures... btw, some of Lovecraft's stories were published during Alastor's era. I have a small headcanon about Alastor's death, and I plan to create a comic in the future (if I can actually get it done).
There are 2 possible deaths of Alastor's mother in my mind, and I’m uncertain which one I want to illustrate. maybe both continuing the theme of Alastor’s human life. I sincerely believe that even if Alastor had really had an abusive father, Al would have been cruel since childhood. Guess what? I have an unfinished little comic with a hum!Al by another artist, and I'm uncertain when I’ll manage to complete it. The headcanon that suggests Alastor’s father is an abuser already seems like a canon; however, I don’t want to portray him as a completely terrible person. I like the idea of Alastor enjoying hunting, so let's say he learned it from his father. Just like all the dad jokes. on the other hand, as for the scars on Alastor, some of them probably came from his father, since domestic violence was a common problem. Regarding art, as you might have noticed, I have a headcanon that Al understands the arts in general, whether it's painting, cinema, or music. Perhaps I think this way only because I am trying to combine things I love very much. I imagine him as a person you could have a discussion about these topics with??? It seems to me that Alastor and Rosie would often discuss these topics over a glass of wine or a cup of tea. Suddenly, Alastor would show up at Rosie's and instead of hello I READ ABOUT FRA FILIPPO LIPPI. DO YOU HAVE AN HOUR FREE? BTW I HOPE YOU WATCHED THAT DZIGA VERTOV MOVIE THAT I RECOMMENDED Rosie would love art nouveau and I don't know rococo? and Alastor would be like no art nouveau is okay, cute, but rococo is bullshit. *2-hour episode of drunken dad teaching life* Continuing on the topic of artists, I repeat myself, I have a silly unfinished series of mini-comics about Alastor and Rosie as art academy students, the plots of which are based on real life (almost). I have thought about what kind of styles they would draw in, what kind of themes they would focus on, and so on. Again, there is a lot of text here already, so I'll wrap up this topic for now. P.S. I have a strange idea in my head about how to imagine Alastor in the USSR in the 10-30s. It was quite fun there: the World War I, the revolution, the civil war, the post-revolutionary years, famines and so on, and so on. For fun, of course, but Alastor the Communist has a good reason to hate Vox the Capitalist and his MMM I mean VVV or Lucifer the emperor of hell, if you know what I mean. Instead of telling dad jokes, he would say that life under Stalin was good and quote Lenin. Of course, these are all jokes, but I did have some abstract thoughts about how his life and his family's life would be arranged. However, I don't know enough about the history of USSR to actually implement this properly. so yeah
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miss-alice-evelynn · 5 months
i discovered you through your ask on @angelic-fertility-potion-au ’s page and i was interested at the small blurb of you huskerdust AU. what is you AO3 username???
So, on ao3 I'm Fighting4Fandoms and the fic is very long and very ongoing but I'll pop a link here
The best way to describe this fic without going into too much spoiler details, it's a long and complicated story about love and romance whilst Angel goes through the whole healing journey, moving on and making a family for himself.
I originally wrote one chapter last year with the goal to make a Radiodust fic bit then the show came out and Huskerdust took over my life lol
Huskerdust is a main ship in the fic but there's so many more. Hopefully plenty for everyone including Chaggie, Radioapple, QPR Radiorose, Staticmoth, Guitarspear, Lucifer x Lilith, and a few surprise ones too
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numinous-void · 3 months
okay lemme elaborate on my radiorose human au. i need a name, and ill take suggestions! i’ve currently thought of “cannibal couple au” or “the dixie and the yankee.” but i would love to hear other names. i might write a fanfic on this, but no guarantee…
so they met in a speakeasy that’s popular among rising stars and old timers in the industry.
it’s in new york, alastor left new orleans because more opportunity was in new york (he visits don’t worry), and rosie left boston for the same reason. they both use the mis transatlantic accent to distance themselves from work and personal life to keep distance.
alastor, of course, is a radio star! rosie is a theatre performer and runs her own business selling her own designer clothes which is what she sells in the emporium.
Alastor Duveaux- a creole man with a creole accent, it’s very thick when he’s not using the mid transatlantic accent. he’s mixed, has 3b hair, and is a medium shade- think like ✋🏽 this emoji. he was born and raised in louisiana, and speaks creole french and loves mardi gras. He can speak very minimal hatian french, but his mother raised him with vodou beliefs and practices. he wears a talisman. he speaks with his real accent with rosie eventually. she’s the only one he’s felt romantic attraction for, and hes demisexual.
rosalia janota- she’s red headed, green eyed, pale and has naturally rosy cheeks and lips- hence her rose-based name. janota means “sleek and voguish.” in portuguese so i gave her that last name because she’s a designer. she’s brazilian, and irish, she speaks portuguese. she has a thick boston accent. she loves to perform and design and loves running her designer shop that she call the emporium because of the amount of clothes. she loves being lux and has that classic bostonite bite of attitude- but away from the spotlight, she’s a little more ratty with a sailor mouth.
TOGETHER: they call each other nicknames, “ally,” and “rosie.” they love to tease each other about their accents, colloquialisms, and slang. of course they are nefarious together. they don’t wanna tell the public, and tend to be a little affectionate in the speakeasy since no one can talk about it in public because- well ya’know- prohibition… when they are in each others homes (and eventually the home they own together,) they are actually pretty gothic-morticia and gomez vibe- and are actually pretty silly together. they even try to take photos of themselves in gothic outfits and unconventional fashion (for their time). because they are also nuts, they have dinner dates at home after a fresh kill. they filled little heart shaped viles of each others blood and wear it (rosie as a necklace, alastor as a brooch.)
if yall wanna hear more of this, feel free to ask me or suggest anything to contribute or see if that reminds me of my own idea, i tend to forget things easily.
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Hell's Grief, Brings Heaven's Reign - radiorose au
Rosie saw him. Alastor went right over the building. She ran to where he was falling, hoping no one would see-
But everyone saw him. Falling. Down, down until- the cracking was defeaning.
That crack.. oh.. oh no, no.. she'd have to spend months waiting on him hand and foot but.. Rosie pushed those thoughts out of her head the moment she saw Alastor. There was no saving him. He'd already died before he hit the grass.
"Al.." She choked, approaching him. She saw his bones had poked through the- no, don't focus on that. Look at his face-
Broken antler, blood- blood- blood! His face, still twisted into that fucking smile from that cunt that owned his soul, had the x from where he got the shot that killed him. His eyes were..
"Oh Alastor.. I.." Rosie choked out, falling to her knees. "I'm so sorry love." She looked at his face, still in a smile. But his eyes, wide, with terror and fear.
Sorrow mixed with rage and wanting blood. And something in Rosie snapped. She lost herself in a blind rage, quickly getting up and rushing at the nearby angels.
Alastor was confused, not understanding were he was. Well, he knew where he now stood, but not how or why he was standing there.
"Hello! What's your name?" The man at the podium before the gates asked, a smile on his face.
"A.. Alastor A-" he caught himself, it wasn't Hell.. so maybe.. "I- I mean Dupuis. Alastor Dupuis, my fine fellow."
Alastor looked at his hands, still red hoof-like fingers on black buck arms. He felt something on his back, and flexed it- wings. He had wings! He was wearing white - a garish color for him - a robe. Why is it always white and a robe? Oh the horror that overcame him, should Rosie see him. Oh.. Rosie.
The man, one Saint Peter himself, looked through the names- and raised his eyebrow when the name was suddenly squeezed in.
"Wow! A new arrival!" Peter was excited. "I wasn't expecting to see you, like ever! That poor woman waited outside the gates for nearly 50 years for you." He looked up to see Alastor looking at his hands. "Well, come on." He opened the gate for Alastor, still smiling.
Alastor, having heard all of this - how his mother waited five decades for him, oh how she must have wanted to ring his ears for being late. Oh, she and Rosie would have gotten along.
But, he and his mother were here, in Heaven. Rosie was down there, in Hell, with everyone else. Fighting.
"I.. I can't." Alastor said suddenly, looking at Peter. "I won't leave them."
Peter sighed, "It's.. it's complicated, buddy. You probably won't even get back down there."
He had a determined look on his face. "I have to go back. I am going back." And, happily, Alastor found out that his shadow worked and dropped him into the clouds. Vanishing down.
"Wait!" Peter tried to stop him, moving out from behind the pedestal but Alastor already vanished. "Shoot, shoot. Ah~ Sera isn't going to like this~" the saint was taking deep breathes, trying to calm down. Oh, this was the last thing they needed to happen.
Back in Hell, Rosie had been slashing through angels, moving towards Adam - whom was now on the ground and beating cannibals left and right.
A feral growl left her as she went to attack him - only get punched by Adam. She growled and went back for it.
"Ooh! We got a feral bitch!" Adam flew out of her range, taunting her.
"I'll kill you and drink wine from your skull as I feast on your entrails!" Rosie hissed, making swipes at him with her clawed hands.
Adam punched Rosie again, this time hard enough to stun her, and grabbed her neck. "Oh you crazy, old timey bitch." He was disgusted as he took to the sky of hell with Rosie. "Say hi to your old timey bitch of a boytoy!"
He spun them and then threw her down towards the ground, laughing maniacally as she screamed. Only to get blindsided when the barrier of Hell's sky was broken, and something shoot down from it. It blasted by Adam, making the man spin in place in response.
"What the fuck?" Adam looked from the woman to the dragons approaching.
So, this is how Rosie died, again. Falling who knew how many feet down to the ground to join Alastor. Oh Al.. if only she told him how much she loved him. If he wasn't dead, she would hold close and kiss him, run her fingers through his hair and wings- wait, hold the fucking phone!
"Got you!" Said the familiar voice, as familiar arms wrap around her in a familiar way, the flapping of wings she was something new.
"A- Alastor?" Rosie asked, looking at the face of her saviour.
"I'm here, Rosie." The face and voice were him, but.. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting, love." He descended to the ground, and set her down on the grass.
"Alastor Altruist! What the fuck were you thinking?!" Rosie grabbed him by the collar of his suit jacket and shaking him.
"Rosie, love, I-"
All of a sudden Lucifer and Adam crashed down from the sky. The former kicking the crap out of the latter.
Charlie was seen rushing over, and then Lucifer stopped. One could hear him ask, to the first man, "how does mercy taste, bitch?"
"Hmm. Poetic." Alastor said, in sarcasm as he watched all of this. Before turning to Rosie. "You were saying-"
His ears and tail stood at attention, before he moaned into the kiss, suddenly gripping Rosie close to him as he surrendered to the kiss. When they broke, everyone was looking at them.
"Pretty snazzy get up you got dhere, Smiles." Angel said, smiling but the man also with tears in his eyes.
"Oh, this, Angel dear? Pfft, tacky bit of laundry." Alastor said, waving his hand.
"Hey, Antlers." Lucifer drew their attention, looking at the six winged king of Hell as he retracted his wings. "You left Heaven."
Alastor ruffled his feathers. "Very astute of you," he said in a sarcastic manner.
"Well, I mean.. it's the whole point of the Hotel-" Lucifer looked from the pair to Charlie, "so they can get to Heaven?"
"Sire, I left Heaven to come back and save my Rosie." Alastor said, defensively as his festhers ruffled even further. "For I could not bear the thought of her dying an altruistic death without her consent."
"You've basically made yourself a fallen angel, jackass!" Lucifer and Vaggie shouted at almost the same time.
"I am aware. But, as I said, my Rosie's life was worth it." Alastor said.
Rosie, having gone quiet, looked at Alastor. "You.. gave that up? Eternal sunshine and Heaven's light.. for little ol' me?"
Alastor turned to Rosie. "I did indeed. There is no heaven without you. Not for me. Call me a fool, but a fool who finally knows what love is and will go against Heaven's wishes to be at your side, until you decide you are sick of me and send me away."
Rosie began to hit him, repeatedly with her hands, both touched and pissed off. "You sap! You fucking bucket ah tree sap! I'd kill you again if I wasn't so touched by your stupid fucking antics!"
Alastor's wings moved to block her blows, looking to the others. "Love, mes amis, is worth it."
"Uh huh.." Husker raised an eyebrow at the two.
"Why are you- Rosie, doll, care to scratch somewhere?" Alastor didn't wait for a reply and instead turned so Rosie had access to his wings. "Where they connect to my back- ooh~ a little harder, yes~!"
He grinned at the feeling for a moment, oh that spot was Heaven and got his tail wagging, before he looked to the others. "Looking, for this?" His shadow produced a book that it handed him. "Here we go.." Alastor looked at the contracts before he began to rip them in half within the book, the ripped pieces breaking and scattering to the wind.
Husker and Niffty's chains appear, before breaking.
"About fuckin' time." Husk sighed in relief.
"You don't want me to help anymore?" Niffty asked, her eyes wide. She soundes hurt.
"Roise, stop for a second." At Alastor's words, Rosie stopped, before the man walked forwards and knelt down in front of Niffty.
"Niffty.." he sighed, "I have a lot to do to be truly honest with everyone. And it all starts with saying I'm sorry for putting those chains on you. For acting how I did. I.. still want to be your friend, will you let me?" He held out a hand, his pointer and middle fingers extended.
Niffty, thinking it over, smiled widely and took his fingers in her hand with a smile. "Sure! I'd hate to think about what you all would do without me anyway!" She then giggled insanly.
Alastor let out an insane laugh as well. "Why, we'd be over run with bugs, my dear." He smiled.
"Uh, Antlers?" Lucifer's voice cut in.
"Yes?" Alastor looked over to Lucifer, only to get punched. "My good sir, what the devil-"
"Exactly, moron! You fucking BROKE the sky and- huh.." Lucifer looked at the sky as it repaired itself. "Never mind." He looked back to Alastor. "Fuck you still."
Alastor and Rosie went back and forth between the hotel site and Cannibal Town, helping with constructing the hotel (Alastor) and running cannibal town (Rosie). Alastor got a good workout with his wings, and Rosie loved being chauffeured about. Alastor was still a cannibal, heaven would have to kill him again repeatedly before he gave that up and thus ruined his and Rosie's at home date nights.
They were happy. Everyone was happy. Especially when the hotel was built.
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cosmicarchivist692 · 4 months
Radiorose Week Day 1: Alastor's Subconscious Routine
I messed up scheduling when I was working on this, so if you read it before 6/8/24 (the proper release date), it's changed! Read it again! (or don't, it's up to you.)
"Rosie, are you home?!" Al yelled as he stood outside the emporium. He had knocked several times and there was no response. This was odd, they had a walk planned at this time every week.
Rosie finally opened the door and came outside. There was a bit of blood on her cheek.
"Sorry about that Al, I was dealing with my now ex-husband." She said cheerfully. Alastor pulled out a handkerchief, reached over, and wiped the blood off her face.
Alastor put it in his pocket and said, "I can tell, you were a tad... messy."
Rosie's cheeks turned a little pink. Embarrassed, she stuck out her arm, "Shall we?"
Alastor linked his arms with Rosie's and they started their afternoon stroll. Alastor was always keen to be on the right of Rosie; he said it was so he could hold his staff in his dominant hand, but Rosie knew better. Deep down, she was certain he was a bit of a softy.
"I see you had a falling out with yet another husband, dinner tomorrow at 7 per usual then?" Rosie sighed and said: "Yes, though I think we'll have leftovers this time round."
They continued their stroll through Cannibal Town. Ever since the incident years ago, Alastor had grown closer to Rosie, she was his only real friend after all; she had been there through it all. He looked forward to their weekly walks. Rosie, on the other hand, while also enjoying their walks, thought doing the same thing week after week was getting a bit stale.
"Hmm, still. I think that was a new record," Rosie chuckled. "I don't know what you saw in him though... or any of your other exes" Alastor told Rosie.
"Yes... I know, deer. You've been quite vocal about that before," she responded slightly annoyed, but a small smile betraying her presentation.
They eventually made it back to the emporium and, per usual, Rosie invited Al inside. He wouldn't come in any other way. He held the door open for Rosie as they walked in.
When they made it inside, Rosie pulled out one of her boxes of chocolate fingers that she kept in stock for after their walks. She put the box on the coffee table and they sat down together on the couch to gossip.
"I hear the queen is planning something big." Good, someone needs to do it, the king is too short to think big." Rosie took a moment before responding, "What, do you think he's... short-sighted?" "Haha Rosie." Alastor said with a smile on his face.
"I like it when you smile deer. It's really something special." Rosie said, putting on the charm.
"Oh thank you Rosie," he touched his spiky teeth, "I like to believe it can be intimidating too." He said, completely ignorant to Rosie's advance.
After 30 minutes or so, they finished their gossip, said goodbye, and Alastor left. Stood right outside the front door, he told his shadow: "Stick with Rosie, it would be quite unfortunate for this one to have friends hellbent on revenge. Make sure she stays safe... but, perhaps don't let her see you." His shadow nodded and slipped inside. Alastor paused before heading off to his radio tower.
Author's Note:
Hey! I'm planning something, and all of the fics I'm writing for this week will be part of the same AU! So in timeline order, this is part 2 of 8. Also, this is probably the shortest one. Other ones will be longer! This is also my first actual fanfic! So do not expect Shakespeare. They will release everyday this week, the links at the bottom is just to read it in timeline order.
Edit after the... scheduling incident:
Also, I have never used Tumblr's queue system, and I still don't quite grasp it, but the other posts seem to be working so... idk? I must've just messed this one up lol.
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hellsbroadcaster · 5 months
~~Do you have favorite blogs? ~~Do you have favorite threads? ~~Do you have favorite ships?
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oh boy howdy do I
Do you have favorite blogs?
@videoaux - my vox <3 opal is SOOOO wonderful!! they were one of the first I really got to interact with and it was completely sinful and unhinged and I loved every second of it <3 I'm counting the days they are free from the clutches of school so I can have them all to myself again !! nnfkldsnfds They are such a wonderful Vox and we have planned and written so much for these boys, seriously I can't wait to start sharing the things we got for you guys on the dash <3 I love them soooo muchhh !!
@xluciifer - Luci got me under her spell, I'm hooked. im a simp it cant be helped. I adore her blog, and her lucifer. She's so wonderful and before we even started writing or talking I just kind of admired her from afar? she's such a force and a light to this fandom. its so refreshing to see how loved she is, and just how much she loves everyone too. she does so much to keep everyone involved, to make everyone feel special. i hope she doesn't forget to share some of that love with herself because she deserves it truly.
@veneror - I need Jack to know they are such a PHENNOMAL writer that is has me EATING MY FISTS. They are so poetic, and they write in a way that's captivating, it takes you to a whole other world. I lose myself in it, and i feel like they challenge me to do the same. And truthfully i love what I come up with when we write. I love talking about our ships, with Angel and Eve. And I am so desperate to start writing that AU with Alastor and Eve BECAUSE PLS?? I adore their blog, they just have such a wonderful grasp on all their muses.
blogs that I love just seeing on my dash in general @lilitophidian, @girlishgiggle, @discoinfernos, @gctchell, @edenpoise, @cannibalxroses, @fearedelight, @sixwingedmercy @arachnaemboss, @zestials, @multipalz, @ciircex, @demonsdealings, @unholi, @damnedrainbows, @hzbinsouled, @helluvamulti, THERE'S SO MANY MORE FBSDLFNSDL
Do you have favorite threads?
I don't have a whole lot going on, namely because they are all very long lol. Basically every thread I have with my partners thus far.
Do you have favorite ships?
I'm sorry radiostatic just has a very special place in my heart. I really love them sobs. Its the kind of dynamic i live for.
Radioapple is another big one I am really enjoying and look forward to fleshing them out with @xluciifer :3
I have really started to love Radiogarden? my poor attempt at a ship name. Alastor and Eve !! They just have a very special spark that I am itching to write out more.
Radiodust is another <3
Guilty ships I lowkey want more of --- Alastor and Lilith.
and lowkey have been tempted to dip my toes in charlastor fnkdslfs IVE SEEN SOME CUTE ASS ART AND I'VE BEEN CONTEMPLATING.
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hazbinmurderparty1846 · 5 months
Full list of casting for the Sweeney Todd AU (and reasons for all of them)
Mr Todd: Obviously it has to be Alastor. Why? Well, because first of all: serial killer. Second of all, I feel like Todd is what Alastor would become if he went off the deep end. I know he's already pretty fucked-up, but he's not as bad as he could be, and mark my words if you put him through something like what Todd's been through, that is exactly how Al would become. Possibly even worse.
Mrs Lovett: Rosie. Do I need to say more? She's a sweet, cheerful cannibal lady with motherly qualities, and she cares for Alastor a whole hell of a lot. I did have some issues with casting her as Lovett, though, mostly because Lovett seems slightly less stable than Rosie and her relationship with Todd is clearly not very healthy on either end even before he kills her. But Rosie still fit her too well not to.
Toby: Now here, look. I couldn't figure out who the hell to put as Toby, so unless y'all have any ideas I'm gonna be casting an OC in his place. Said OC was already intended to be Rosie's adopted child, so it fits. But if anyone has a better idea I'll be glad to hear it, I hate using OCs in things that aren't centric to them.
Judge Turpin: Valentino. Again, need I say more? His main thing is being a rapist, and so overwhelmed by lust that he would ruin a man's life for a small chance at a woman he found attractive. Val already demonstrates this kind of behavior in canon, albeit towards Angel Dust, not Emily. Who else could it be? Plus he dies, so.
Beadle Bamford: Velvette. She's the closest character to Val that I could think of, and them being assholes together would make sense. Plus I just really wanted to draw her in a suit and top hat.
Signor Pirelli: Vox, of course. His only purpose is to be Todd's rival and get murdered by him almost immediately, who else could it be? Vox would probably openly allow Alastor to murder him tbh, the bottom that he is- plus, I also just really like the idea of him singing opera in an obnoxious Italian accent.
Lucy: Emily. Now hear me out - I'm not normally an AngelicSmile shipper, but it's the only Alastor ship other than RadioRose that I can even remotely picture. Plus, she's sweet and naive enough to be Lucy - her getting taken advantage of by Val and attempting suicide after, while a very dark and sad concept, is very plausible.
Johanna: Again, unless y'all have any ideas, I'm replacing her with an OC. I considered Vaggie, but decided against it because she'd be Alastor and Emily's daughter and that just felt weird. I considered Niffy too, but Niffty x Charlie is really not something I wanna write, so I scrapped that too. Help is welcome.
Anthony: Charlie. Who else could it be? A naive, idealistic, determined young sailor who never gives up, especially when it comes to love. Sounds like Charlie to me. Plus, her rescuing Alastor and bringing him home is such a Charlie move, let's be real, nobody else on the cast would do that.
And that's it for now! :D So, do y'all agree? Any suggestions for improvement? I'd love some help if you'd offer it, but if not thats fine! ^^
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alchemicalwerewolf · 3 months
what is the rabbithole??! what are you invested in??! 👀
radioapple nanny au. I don’t even ship radioapple!!!! I think radiorose is in a qpr!!!! Seriously tho, scroll my blog for a moment, I think I reblogged all the creator’s stuff for it 😅
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My name is Lute (It/She/They)
I'm a writer, Artist, Musician, and Actor
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What I do here:
Mostly just reblog stuff- oh I do write too so yeah-
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Asks: Won't be answered for a bit, but still open
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What I write
Hazbin Hotel
Baby Excorcists AU
Cult exorcist AU
Charlie's excorcists
Platonic RadioRose
Lilith x Lucifer
Zestial x Carmilla
Lilith x Sera
Platoni/Familial guitarspear
Killing butterflies
Irina x Karusuma
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