#raggae roots
cuartoretorno · 1 year
STICKY FINGERS - HOW TO FLY (Official video) 2013
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campadailyblog · 2 months
Bob Marley: Re del Reggae e Messaggero di Pace
Bob Marley è nato il 6 febbraio 1945 a Nine Mile, in Giamaica. È noto come il re del reggae per il suo grande impatto musicale. Ha diffuso un messaggio di unità e pace in tutto il mondo. La sua musica ha raggiunto ogni angolo del pianeta, superando le barriere culturali e sociali. Con il suo carisma e dedizione, Marley ha lottato per la giustizia sociale e la libertà. È diventato un simbolo di…
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selektakoletiva · 1 year
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No pique desse 25 de Julho, Dia das Mulheres Negras Latinas e Caribenhas, lançamos aqui 8 discos de mulheres pretas que representam a latinidade no sumo e na alta, cada um a sua forma, textura e gênio. Algumas pioneiras, outras amargaram do ostracismos, mas todas geniais a sua forma e em seu respectivo tempo.
Poderíamos, claro, chegar com personalidades de cunho mais famoso como uma Elza, Clementina, Dona Ivone, Juçara Marçal, Slipmami ou Gaby Amarantos. Omara Portuondo, Celia Cruz, Princess Nokia, Nick Minaj, Cardi B, Rihanna entre muitas outras mulheres pretas da mais alta patente. Mas aqui também damo espaço as boas novas, e tamo sempre na atividade, tentando espalhar sons dispintados do grande público, seja ele antigas novidades perdidas, ou novos talentos e sonidos... dito isso bora dá-lhe!
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Começando com uma das figuras mais injustiçadas da nossa música brasileira.
Em 1975, o cenário musical do samba foi marcado por cantoras de talento notório. Clara Nunes estava na gravadora Odeon, alcançou um sucesso estrondoso com "Claridade", o que motivou a sua antagonista fonográfica Philips a buscar uma voz desconhecida para o samba, trazendo assim Alcione, na época conhecida como "uma cantora maranhense que já se apresentava nas noites cariocas."
Discos Continental com Sonia Lemos em "7 Domingos", e Tapecar disparando com Beth Carvalho em dois discos antagônicos; "Para Seu Governo" e "Pandeiro e Viola". A disputa entre gravadoras era acirradíssima. Paralelamente, a gravadora Som Livre apostou em Sonia Santos, uma cantora carioca que já tinha experiência desde o início da década de 1970 e havia gravado trilhas sonoras de novelas da TV Globo. Foi com a Som Livre que Sonia lançou seu primeiro álbum, "Sonia Santos", produzido por Guto Graça Mello.
No disco homônimo de estreia, Sonia Santos cantou um pouco do nosso Brasil, do choro ao partido alto. Da roda baiana ao samba-canção. Contendo 11 faixas de muito bom gosto, Sonia Santos abre com "Madeira de Lei", sambão de Wilson Medeiros e Lino Roberto, onde assinam mais 3 sambas no disco, que ainda tem composições de Waldir Azevedo, as canetadas em conjunto de Noca da Portela e Mauro Duarte, além de Assis Valente, o sambalanço de Jorge Ben e a parceria de Élton Medeiros e Cristóvão Bastos. Uma das regravações desse álbum inclusive, ganhou um significado premonitório na voz de Sonia. Em "Adeus América" (Geraldo Jacques e Ary Vidal, 1945), Sonia com seu tom elegante e irônico, canta sobre as belezas da nossa terra e a necessidade de voltar. Pois no final dos anos 80 ela acabou migrando para os Estados Unidos por falta de espaço na cena fonográfica brasileira.
Embora Sonia tenha lançado um segundo álbum pela Som Livre, intitulado "Crioula" (1977), com músicas autorais e tudo, ela não alcançou o mesmo destaque no meio do samba, que ainda encontrava uma identidade e passava por processos de descolonização do próprio gênero, trazendo apenas pessoas com a pele mais clara para uma carreira de longevidade maior na indústria fonográfica.
Fiquem com essa pérola, lançada há quase 50 anos e relançada em 2017 em versão remasterizada. A daqui é a do chiado mesmo.
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Isso aqui é aquele clássico instantâneo. Uma das artistas mais influentes do reggae latino, a uruguaia Alika deixa de segunda o habitual reggae roots em que é a base de suas apresentações com seu grupo Nueva Alianza - e se junta ao lendário produtor e engenheiro inglês Mad Professor, alquimista máximo da cultura do reggae music.
Em Alika Meets Mad Professor, lançado em 2009, a chapação fica por conta de batidas mais secas, com baixos graves e loops, delays, echos e reverbs tomando conta do ambiente. Batidas de Ragga, Dancehall e Dub, fazem a frente do disco, que mistura ainda elementos latinos e da cultura Hip-Hop.
O disco é um dos mais bem aclamados pela crítica e público, levando a artista nos tops da billboard de Uruguai e Argentina - país em que foi radicada desde o final de sua infância - além de uma série de shows em tour latina. As 14 músicas (na verdade sete, cada uma tem uma versão adubada) trazem clássicos como "No les des fuerza a Babilonia" - lançada originalmente em 2011 no disco "Razón, Meditación, Acción"- aparecem com nomes alternativos (esta por exemplo virou The Lion Of Judah), mais músicas inéditas em letras sobre resiliência, amor e com teor político como de praxe da rapper e cantora. E por essas e por outras que trazemos aqui para relembrarmos o auge desta guerreira regueira. Importante principalmente em tempos coléricos na nossa América Latina, trazer um pouco de mensagem de amor, consciência e revolução!
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Herbie Hanncock Já disse, os países mais musicais do mundo são Brasil e Cuba. E aqui, agora, nesse instante só, trazemos uma das artistas mais celebradas dos últimos tempos. Daymé Arocena é uma daquelas artistas atemporais, que assim como muitas no nosso solo sagrado Brasilis, tem em sua voz a força e o poder da natureza. Cantora e compositora, nascida no município de Diez de Octubre, na província de La Habana, a cubana traz consigo um legado musical único. Inspirando-se nas clássicas raízes rítmicas de Cuba, Daymé expande sua música em "Cubafonía" - segundo álbum da cantora e terceiro registro em estúdio na época, antes de lançar Sonocardiogram (2019), que sucede o disco aqui em questão - com outros ritmos e continentes, no qual gastou dois anos viajando numa espécie de intercâmbio cultural.
Apesar de sua crescente carreira internacional, Daymé Arocena mantém firmemente sua dedicação à cultura musical cubana. Neste novo álbum, ela busca fundir diferentes dialetos do país, desde os ritmos enérgicos de Guantánamo até os ritmos cativantes do guaguancó e as baladas dos anos 70. Cantando principalmente em espanhol, Daymé também explora versões em inglês e francês, além de exaltar a cultura iorubana, demonstrando sua habilidade para se conectar com diversos públicos.
Ao longo dos últimos anos, Daymé foi guiada pelo mentor Gilles Peterson, um renomado DJ, locutor, pesquisador, produtor e promotor musical. O disco foi produzido ao lado do artista Dexter Story, com arranjos de cordas de Miguel Atwood-Ferguson, e lançado pela Brownswood Recordings, gravadora de Gilles. "Cubafonía" é uma jornada única pelas raízes e sonoridades contemporâneas de Cuba e a riqueza da música afro-latina e caribenha, com muito mambo, rumba, salsa e otrás cositas más.
CREATURE! [2017]
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Nitty Scott é uma rapper e ativista conhecida por explorar temas de espiritualidade e empoderamento. Afro-Boricua americana, sua música reflete sua identidade afro-diaspórica e suas raízes caribenhas. Seu estilo musical é uma fusão de subgêneros da cultura Hip-Hop com elementos afro-caribenhos, trazendo percussão, flauta e outros instrumentos de tradições latinas e africanas.
O álbum "Creature!" é uma narrativa mágica e de autodescoberta que abraça todas as complexidades da identidade diaspórica de Nitty. Com 13 faixas, o projeto combina sons afro-caribenhos e latinos (inclusive brasileiros) com densos 808s, resultando em uma sonoridade que é uma pisa à parte... Se em seu primeiro disco, The Art Of Chill, Nitty falara sobre sua sexualidade, abusos, depressão e problemas da vida cotidiana, em "Creature!" a porto-riquenha do Bronx celebra suas raízes afrodescendentes e explora a luta por uma identidade descolonizada, apresentando a personagem Negrita, que a leva a um mundo ficcional que representa seu ancestral em tempos pré-colonial. "Creature!" também aborda temas de feminilidade e lutas enfrentadas pelas mulheres pretas de todo o mundo, em específico as que tem um pé ou os dois na cultura latina e sua exotização mundão afora, assim como pretos de pele mais clara são indagados sobre sua 'negrititude'.
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Este disco é uma espécie de ode à arte duma das mulheres mais incríveis do nosso continente, e também as raízes afro-latinas que Totó la Momposina representa, dos fundões de Santa Marta e Bolívar, Colômbia, diretamente da América do Sul, do sol e do sal pro mundo. "Oye Manita" resgata tempos difíceis, mas de muito aprendizado e memórias douradas, onde a jovem colombiana chegara a Paris recém refugiada, em 1979. Sem falar francês, sem dinheiro e sem um lugar pra cair dura. Foi acolhida por uma companhia de teatro no mesmo ano e logo ela estava viajando por toda região da Provença com esse grupo de artistas de mímica, artistas de rua e músicos, juntamente com seus balão de ar quente, ônibus de dois andares, carrossel e cinema móvel. A voz formidável, o carisma e as músicas de Totó foram um sucesso imediato, e a França então se tornou um trampolim para sua carreira.
São 16 canções, trazendo melhor da cúmbia e da música do povo e do folclore colombiano, reunindo músicas de três discos lançados em mais de 40 anos de música e cultura. As faixas são primeiras gravações que Totó fez em Paris na década de 1980 e abrange sua carreira até os dias atuais, incluindo músicas inéditas. É um pacote de alta qualidade com o melhor da boa música.
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Guamaense, primeiro álbum do duo paraense Guitarrada das Manas, traz uma sequência de músicas instrumentais e experimentais que caminham entre três vertentes: oitentista, música latina e guitarrada paraense. Beá e Renata Beckmann buscaram referências primeiramente nos sons das ruas da periferia de Belém como o brega, tecnomelody, a guitarrada com sonidos de calles amazônidas, como a cumbia, a lambada e o reggaeton. A base está aí na cidade de Belém e seus arredores, ilhas e igarapés. Trazem ainda a vinda dos sintetizadores da década de 80 e a world music, como Daft Punk e New Order dançando num terreirão de sonoridades da Amazônia afro-futurista e cyberpunk. Na visão de Renata, “o álbum é fruto de uma grande viagem que tivemos pensando nos variados tipos de sons que tocam na cidade. Belém é muito musical e os sons se misturam pelos bairros: a guitarrada, o brega marcante, o tecnobrega, tecnofunk se mesclam com pop mundial, entre samples, versões e o autoral”. Isso pode se confirmar passando pelas ruas do Guamá, bairro de onde vem o gentílico que dá nome ao disco, e também uma das maiores periferias do norte do país, e a mais populosa da cidade de Belém. Marcada pelo contraste da violência e ausência policial, com a também crescente efervescência cultural. O resultado é transcendental, dançante e celebra o encontro do ancestral, o periférico e da tecnologia, além de carregar o sotaque nortista e os valores de duas mulheres nortistas fazendo música, algo que sabemos que para além de gênero, raça, a geografia também é um problema eloquente no nosso país.
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Alejandra Robles é uma artista nascida e criada em Oaxaca, zona litorânea do México. Conhecida como La Morena, Alejandra é um dos ícones femininos da música e da dança mexicana, representando mulheres negras dentro e fora do contingente mexicano, o que inclui outros imigrantes latinos que tentam a vida em terras saxônicas como cubanos, colombianos e venezuelanos.
Nascida em 1978, Alejandra começou na arte tocando violão e cantando pelos vilarejos de sua cidade quando criança. Quando jovem, estudou canto lírico e atuava em óperas regionais. Hoje é uma cantora, musicista e compositora que se tornou uma voz essencial para a comunidade afrodescendente no México.
Por meio de sua música e ativismo, ela tem ajudado a preservar e promover as únicas tradições culturais da comunidade afro-mexicana, aumentando assim a visibilidade e disseminação da cultura de suas raízes.
Apesar da narrativa dominante, os pretos ainda tem uma presença muito forte e que cria uma identidade com teor cultural e afetiva para os mexicanos. O país também têm uma história e presença forte do extermínio do povo periférico, e por algum motivo que não por acaso coincide muito com os daqui; cor da pele. No México, ainda hoje, muitas pessoas desconhecem a existência dos afro-mexicanos, algo que vemos com afro-índigenas e outros povos originários que foram saqueados, colonizados e miscigenados com outras raças e culturas. Com mais de 20 anos dançando e cantando e 4 discos de estúdio, a afro-mexicana representa mulheres afro-latinas ao redor do globo com sua voz de rara beleza. Seu último lançamento é Tropicalisima, onde explora os ritmos afro-cubanos que eram trilhas dos chamados era de ouro do cinema Mexicano, entre 1936 e 1959. O mambo, a rumba, boleros e chachachás se juntam a gêneros mais contemporâneos como a cúmbia e a salsa, que formam este combo tropicalíssimo, pronto pra refrescar esses dias quentes de fim de semana.
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Nessa nova década, o reggae jamaicano floresceu com uma nova geração de talentosas mulheres, trazendo uma energia autêntica e rechaçando estereótipos de exotismo. Essa presença feminina no gênero era anteriormente reconhecida apenas nos coros de apoio, mas finalmente ganharam espaço e autonomia. Hempress Sativa, Jah9, Etana, Xana Romeo e outras têm sido expoentes dessa transformação, mantendo vivo o espírito do reggae roots para as novas gerações.
Dentre essas artistas, Sevana se destaca como uma força ascendente na cena musical. Nascida em Savanna-la-Mar, a jamaicana começou a decolar em 2008 quando fez parte do grupo feminino SLR e conquistou o terceiro lugar no reality show Digicel Rising Stars, algo como o American Idol jamaicano. Após o fim do grupo em 2009, Sevana entrou em um hiato artístico até 2016, quando decidiu mergulhar de cabeça na música e lançar seu primeiro EP solo, intitulado simplesmente "Sevana". O EP foi um sucesso e proporcionou à artista sua primeira turnê solo pela Europa.
Já em 2020, Sevana presenteou seus fãs com o lançamento de seu segundo EP, "Be Somebody". O trabalho é uma jornada íntima de autorreflexão, abordando temas como relacionamentos, amor e crescimento pessoal. Em uma entrevista, ela revelou que a última faixa do EP, "Set Me On Fire", foi escrita após o término de um relacionamento abusivo, tornando sua música e figura pública ainda mais importante e significativa.
"Be Somebody" conta com seis faixas, todas escritas pela própria Sevana. O registro conta com misturas autênticas de r&b, soul e pop com o reggae roots e seus seguimentos, de forma moderna e ensolarada. A autoestima das mulheres pretas também é refletida em suas letras e clipes, com cores e fotografias impecáveis, o que completam o conceito mor do EP.
Com sua autenticidade e talento inegáveis, Sevana é uma das muitas vozes femininas e representante caribenha da lista, que enriquecem o reggae jamaicano e a nossa. Sempre emanando boas vibrações e amansando os corações de pretinhas e pretinhos pelo mundo.
__ espero que curtam a lista, em breve upamos o link
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kungo-love · 6 months
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W.A.T.W – Fayah World – Neo Roots Session 0.4 – Reggae Ragga Dancehall Mixtape 1.1 (2022) (Mixtape, Reggae)
W.A.T.W – Fayah World – Neo Roots Session 0.4 – Reggae Ragga Dancehall Mixtape 1.1 (2022) (Mixtape, Reggae)
W.A.T.W – Fayah World – Neo Roots Session 0.4 – Reggae Ragga Dancehall Mixtape 1.1 (2022) (Mixtape, Reggae) TRACKLIST 01 – 4th Ave Rockers feat. Ruffscott & Rob Symeonn – Oh Lawd02 – An Dannsa Dub – My Blood Runs Deep ft Flew The Arrow03 – Bunnington Judah – Ruff Out Ya04 – Deemas J & The Inn House Crew – Underground05 – Kanka – Everywhere ft Nina Girassois06 – Dub Libitum – No Money No Fame07…
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tinybar · 2 years
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yul1dj · 2 years
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PRISMA • GRAVITACIÓN • ROOTS a VIERNES 28 OCTUBRE Jungle, Dub, Breaks Artiman feat.Burian Fyah Fak a Dub Tasty Nasty Yul1 @dubstoned_soundsystem 5€ anticipada 8€ puerta Diseño : @baltasar76s #jungle #prismasevilla #dub #party #sevilla #electronicmusic #bass #roots #soundsystem #rootsreggae #music #ragga (en Prisma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJRk7iD4u4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
Zahra explains perfectly the influence of the Rastafarian movement on Eastern Europe as a symbol of change and freedom after the fall of the USSR. The music and culture of Jamaica has touched this part of the world in a profound way!
Many Eastern Europeans grew up with ska and reggae music, picking up the culture that came with it, along with the style (colors, clothes, hair, jewelry, lifestyle) of the famous raggae musicians at the time. They know about the history of Jamaica and Reggae and the message behind it, which became important to their lives in a time of political change.
Rastafarianism mixed with the local culture, creating subcultures. Since music has a global reach, many Eastern Europeans created their own raggae bands and sung in their own language, sometimes mixing raggae with their local folk music. As Zahra explained, Jamaicans are excited and welcoming to people who have adopted this style around the world and who have their own ska and raggae subculture (like Polish reggae, since reggae there is mainstream).
The movement also touched the Balkans and it's been going on for decades now, although it's not very popular today. One person in the comments wrote "There's a Bob Marley statue in my small serbian village, that should tell you everything lol" 😂
I know in Greece there are still shops that sell clothes and jewelry of this style and some even braid or mat your hair. (Or sell hair extensions) There's still Greek raggae music played in beach bars sometimes. But in Cyprus raggae has grown roots because political change was also strong there during the last decades and people adopted the culture quickly.
Note: Some people dressing like this follow the Hippie subculture which has roots in Rastafarian subculture.
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kemetic-dreams · 7 months
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In Jamaican dancehall music, a riddim is the instrumental accompaniment to a song and is synonymous with the rhythm section. Jamaican music genres that use the term consist of the riddim plus the voicing (vocal part) sung by the deejay. A given riddim, if popular, may be used in dozens—or even hundreds—of songs, not only in recordings but also in live performances.
Since the 1970s, riddims have accompanied reggae music and through the 1980s, more widely known as dancehall. As seen in dancehall music, there is a voicing part – sung by the DJ – over some riddim that has probably been widely used in many other songs. There is a unique establishment in the combination of riddims and voicing.
By 1993, Jamaica finally established a copyright act, but producers still face difficulty in establishing profit. Through proper registration, many artists now work on negotiating their royalties and taking it more seriously. The unique nature of dancehall and riddims have been highly influential on the numerous remixes that now circulate throughout R&B and hip-hop music.
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Some classic riddims, such as "Nanny Goat" and "Real Rock" both produced by Clement "Coxsone" Dodd, are essentially the accompaniment tracks of the original 1960s reggae songs with those names. Since the 1980s, however, riddims started to be originally composed by producers/beatmakers, who give the riddims original names and, typically, contract artists to voice over them. Thus, for example, "Diwali" is the name not of a song, but of a riddim created by Steven "Lenky" Marsden, subsequently used as the basis for several songs, such as Sean Paul's "Get Busy" and Bounty Killer's "Sufferer."
"Riddims are the primary musical building blocks of Jamaican popular songs.... At any given time, ten to fifteen riddims are widely used in dancehall recordings, but only two or three of these are the now ting (i.e., the latest riddims that everyone must record over if they want to get them played in the dance or on radio).... In dancehall performing, those whose timing is right on top of the rhythm are said to be riding di riddim.
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The bass culture of Jamaican sonic sensibilities is characterized with less emphasis on melody and large emphasis on the drum beats and low frequency bass vibrations to draw attention to the social grounding to the culture. These aspects of Jamaican music are expressed visually through the Dancehall choreography and its African inspired folk traditions, which emphasize earthly connection through flat-footed stamping and “bumper-grinding sexually explicit choreography, where the bass note is struck by the body itself—displaying its fecundity and celebrating its fertility”. This bass culture is also embodied sonically by the music's heartbeat, the bass lines often described as riddims, produced in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These riddims offer a sonic foundation on top of which different other sounds are incorporated to form innumerable versions.
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African in origin (see clave (rhythm) and bell pattern), riddims can generally be categorized into three types. One of the oldest types of riddim is the classical riddim providing roots reggae, dub, and lovers rock with instrumentals, such as Bam Bam, produced by Sly & Robbie. The second type is the ragga riddim backing raggamuffin and dancehall songs, such as the Juice riddim, produced by Richard "Shams" Browne. The third type is the digital riddim, such as Sleng Teng, Punaany Riddim & Duck Riddim produced by King Jammy.
A number of riddims take their name and influence from African-Jamaican religious drumming such as the Kumina riddim, created in 2002 by Sly and Robbie, and Burru.
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ailelie · 2 years
Rec List: Long Time Travel Stories
I tend to read by tag rather than by fandom these days and one of my favorite tags is 'time travel.' These are all lengthy complete stories that feature time travel. This list is multifandom and only contains fics I enjoy, many of which I've read multiple times.
All of these stories are over 100k and complete, have happy endings, and, with two exceptions, involve canon characters traveling to and changing the past. One exception is a time loop and the other uses time travel to change canonical relationships without otherwise changing canon.
Some of the stories on this list do belong to the Harry Potter fandom. I do not support J. K. Rowling, but I do appreciate the creative works people have made within the Wizarding World. I have separated the Harry Potter fics out into their own section at the end, however, so that you can avoid them if you so wish.
These are in no particular order.
Time Flies Like an Arrow by Katlou303 (Naruto; 240k)
I re-read this fic frequently. Sakura, age 4, starts having dreams of a future in which she died. Eventually she learns that her future self has traveled to the past and taken up residence in her mind, replacing Inner. Sakura, emboldened by her dreams and by the knowledge she gains from them, decides to change the future one new friend at a time. Sakura is absolute sunshine in this and watching everyone react to her is gold. Instead of going grim, this story veers hard into optimism and Sakura makes changes by being friendly and open to everyone. While this story does have an unfinished sequel, the main story is complete and enjoyable on its own. This story is gen and Sakura’s primary friendships are with Naruto, Ino, and Shisui.
leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall) by OllieoftheBeholder (The Magnus Archives; 299k)
Jon and Martin travel back to the first year of the podcast and share the secrets of the future with their younger selves, Tim, and Sasha. After hearing about the horrible future, Tim turns full on caretaker mode and all of the assistants start helping with the statements to lighten Jon’s burden. They never realized that, by doing so, they’d start to collect some Archivist powers of their own. This is a fantastic take-down of Elias. The primary romances are future!Jon/future!Martin and a slow burn Jon/Martin/Tim.
Hunting Pains by Ragga (Teen Wolf; 230k)
After everyone else dies, Stiles crafts a desperate ritual to turn back time and heal the nemeton. He ends up in the past before his younger self is even in school yet. After stopping two hunters from killing a couple of werewolves, Stiles ends up the official mentor of a teenage Kate Argent who he is tasked with taking on an educational road trip. Along the way, he and Kate pick up a couple more of his future enemies. This story includes a slowburn Stiles/Peter Hale (quick initial attraction that is immediately diverted followed by slow developing friendship and relationship) and a Stiles dealing with survivor’s guilt and PTSD.
Viper in the Grass by elegantflipflop2 (The Untamed; 130k)
This fic also involves a bit of dimension travel. Jiang Cheng travels back to before classes in the Cloud Recesses. The only catch is that he has traveled into a world where Jiang Cheng is a cis woman. I’ve talked about this story before and I think it handles his body dysphoria rather well. Plus, as family members and close friends learn of the time and dimension travel, they start referring to him as a man where others not in the know cannot hear. This is a Jiang Cheng/Lan Xichen romance.
Cursed Couple by shorimochi (The Untamed; 121k)
This fic has Lan Qiren accidentally traveling back to his youth when he trips over an unfinished array Wei Wuxian had been working on. His nephews are not yet born; his brother hasn’t even met his wife yet. After a chance meeting with Wen Ruohan, who isn’t how he expected, Lan Qiren confides in Wei Changze. Wei Changze suggests seducing the potential enemy to keep him from becoming the monster of the Sunshot Campaign. Lan Qiren is appalled by this plan, but ends up unintentionally following it. This story is crack. It is absolute, OOC crack, but it is incredibly fun to read. The primary romance is Lan Qiren/Wen Ruohan.
Let’s Stop the Time Warp (Again) by lettered (MCU; 113k)
This is technically part of a series, but you can read this one by itself. This is also the sole time loop story on this list. Steve Rogers keeps repeating the day. The reason I included this is because, instead of Steve having to find some way to break the loop on his own, everyone else gets involved. It becomes a huge project with all the scientists working together and the non-scientists coordinating the build efforts. I like this story because it is all about problem solving and people being good at their jobs. All romance is background.
Focus, then Refocus by jimmythemystic (Naruto; 193k)
After Kakashi and Sakura die, Naruto sends Sasuke to the past to fix the future, but he overshoots and Sasuke lands shortly after Sakumo Hatake’s death. Sasuke ends up basically adopting Kakashi as he plots how to overthrow Danzo and stop Madara. This story does have a period of torture, but it isn’t gratuitous. Instead, the author focuses on Sasuke’s thoughts and the aftermath. There is also one child death. All that said, this story does end happily. The primary romance is Sasuke/Sakura.
Back from the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner (Star Wars; 108k)
Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader return to the Clone Wars era and end the war, basically by just declaring peace. No one knows how to react to Luke and Vader. This is a really fun story to read. Ships are Padme/Anakin and some Obi-Wan/Satine.
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine (Star Wars; 1,144k across 24 works)
This epic (and complete!) series has Obi-Wan traveling back to his youth and taking himself as a padawan learner. The older Obi-Wan poses as Ben Naasade, a Mandalorian Jedi, returning to the temple after a long time away. He holds his younger self to a high standard, leading the younger Obi-Wan to grow in ways his older self never did. This is also a great series because Shmi Skywalker becomes a Jedi and teaches the younglings how to survive. Romance is mostly background, but there is Obi-Wan/Satine, Shmi/Tholme, Ben/Jango (FWB), and Ben/Fay.
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (The Untamed; 103k)
Nie Huaisang discovers a way to travel to the past. As he has to manage the array, he cannot go back himself. Instead he sends Jiang Cheng on the condition that Jiang Cheng saves his brother. Jiang Cheng travels back to when Wei Wuxian returns from the Burial Mounds the first time to help with the Sunshot Campaign. This time, with the knowledge that he has Wei Wuxian’s golden core and his lack of support led to Wei Wuxian being isolated and vilified, Jiang Cheng stands by and supports his brother. Some Wei Wuxian/Lan Zhan and Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan and a touch of Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing at the end. The focus, though, is really on the bond among Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, and Wei Wuxian.
Teach the Padawan. Save the Galaxy. by alexjanna91 (Star Wars; 387k across 4 works)
While this series is not complete, all four works within it so far are. This is another story in which Obi-Wan travels to the past and becomes his own Jedi Master. You’d think this would get repetitive as a conceit, but it really does not. In this, older!Obi-Wan returns to the past shortly after Obi-Wan has been abandoned by Qui-Gon Jinn on Melida/Daan. He helps the Youth win and returns to the Temple as Obi-Wan’s master. The fourth story covers the first film of the prequel trilogy.
To Fix Your Twisted Reflection by Dgcakes (The Untamed; 173k)
This is actually the first fic that I read in this fandom. I have not consumed any of the canon for this fandom either, so this was my very first taste of it. And, naturally, I started with a somewhat rare threesome story. In this Lan Xichen sends the spirits of Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue back to before Meng Yao was kicked down the stairs of Koi Tower. Together they work to minimize the damage of the Wens and form a healthier relationship between themselves and Lan Xichen. The friendship then shifts toward romance. The romance is Nie Mingjue/Meng Yao/Lan Xichen.
The Fifth Act by Sinnatious (Final Fantasy VII; 161k)
Cloud Strife accidentally travels back to the past and decides to make a better future by killing Sephiroth. But nothing quite goes to plan, even if it all works out in the end. Ultimately, he does bring down Hojo and prevents Sephiroth’s corruption. This story is mostly gen, but does include Zach/Aeris.
reverse by blackkat (Naruto; 386k)
Naruto sends Kurama to the past to change the future. Kurama, now bound within his own mortal body, is furious about Naruto’s sacrifice. He travels to Konoha, posing as Naruto’s uncle. When he is denied contact with Naruto, though, he steals the young boy and goes on the run. After that he keeps collecting jinchuuriki to protect them from the villages that mistreat them and the nascent Akatsuki that would destroy them. This story is filled with light moments and hard battles. The first half of the story focuses on Kurama collecting and protecting the kids. The second half focuses on stopping Zetsu and Madara. Though mostly gen, this story does include Kurama/Kakashi and some background romances.
A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind and Jo Lasalle (The Untamed; 700k)
Before Wei Wuxian returns via Mo Xuanyu, Lan Zhan finds a way to return to the past to undo one of his greatest regrets--letting Wei Wuxian go into the Burial Mounds with the Wen without him. Traveling back to that moment, instead of stepping aside, Lan Zhan joins Wei Wuxian. This journey to the past is not without its cost, however, but I won’t spoil what exactly Lan Zhan pays. Lan Zhan knows he is in love with Wei Wuxian, but is uncertain of Wei Wuxian’s feelings toward him. The relationship is a slow burn with much mutual pining. With Lan Zhan’s support, Wei Wuxian handles the future better, ensuring that both Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian live. Lan Zhan finds an unlikely ally in Jiang Cheng. The primary romance is Lan Zhan/Wei Wuxian, but there’s some Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing as well.
Don’t Look Back by acuteneurosis (Star Wars; 460k across 5 works)
This series is incomplete, but the first two works in it are complete and the third was most recently updated on 12/3/2022. The other two works in the series are tumblr prompts for AUs and alternative povs. In this series, Leia travels to the past, saves her grandmother, and becomes an aide to Padme. Leia is exceptionally competent and does her best to outthink Palpatine at every moment. The series is well-written with an excellent Leia characterization. While mostly gen, Padme/Anakin is a key romance in this.
Reprise by Elfpen (Star Wars; 548k across 4 works and 1 short scene)
While this series is incomplete, the fourth and final story was last updated on June 2, 2022. This is another story in which Obi-Wan travels back to his padawan days, but, in this one, he doesn’t become his own master. In this story, the younger Obi-Wan knows from the start that Ben (as the time traveling version goes by) is himself from the future and always has to consider who he could become as he tries to figure out who he is at all. This story is gen.
Harry Potter Recs
Hero of the Story (364k)
In a future where they never found the last two Horcruxes and Ron died, Harry finds a Dark spell to be reborn in the past. When they’re ready to leave, Harry ends up protecting Hermione so that she can travel backward alone. Hermione wakes up an infant and the baby sister of Peter Pettigrew. This story features a sympathetic Peter who remains in the light thanks to his little sister. Hermione grows up, planning how to stop Voldemort in the future, and ensure a good life for Harry. She never planned on falling in love with James. This story features a one-sided James/Lily, James/Hermione, and some Lily/Severus. This story also always makes me crave some Regulus/Hermione, so I often chase it with Oblivion below.
Have Your Cake and Eat It by Cunegonde (120k)
Remus Lupin dies and then wakes up in his dormitory at Hogwarts. Believing it to be a dream, he decides to change some of his old regrets. After a few days, though, he realizes he isn’t dreaming and he has changed the future. The primary romance is Remus Lupin/Severus Snape.
Silhouettes by nauticalparamour (109k)
In a future where Harry Potter didn’t win, Hermione Granger decides to go to the past, infiltrate Pureblood society, and take the Deatheaters down from the inside. To help her navigate Pureblood society, Theo Nott agrees to become her husband. This is a spy story with a slow-burn fake/pretend romance. Hermione and Theo never return to the future (other than by aging into it) and their presence doesn’t stop their younger selves from being born. The romance is Hermione/Theo, though there is a little bit of Hermione/Lucius thrown in.
Oblivion by nauticalparamour (103k)
Kreacher tosses Hermione into the past so that she can save Regulus and destroy the locket. When Regulus takes Hermione to his home after she saves him at the cave and they get caught, Hermione lies about being a Pureblood to his parents and everything begins to snowball. This story focuses on destroying Horcruxes, killing Voldemort, and developing the romance between Hermione and Regulus.
Falling Through Time by wittyhistorian (353k)
After winning the war as in canon, Hermione goes skiing with her parents and, during an avalanche, accidentally falls into the past, waking shortly after Sirius’ death. While she initially tries to adhere to the timeline, she keeps accidentally changing the past, including starting a relationship with Fred Weasley. The primary romance is Hermione/Fred.
No Difference by attackfish (102k)
This is another one of the exceptions. In this, Harry travels to the past, but rather than changing the future, his actions change the tenor of relationships in the present. Basically, Harry, in his seventh year, goes back to 1959 where he falls into a relationship with Eileen Prince. The time travel all happens within the first few chapters. The rest is dealing with the fallout. Relationships are Harry Potter/Eileen Prince and Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley.
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maypoleman1 · 1 year
30th August
Notting Hill Carnival
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Source: John Dunne/ Evening Standard
On the August Bank Holiday Weekend (last weekend in 2023), the Notting Hill Carnival takes place. Commencing in 1966 as an expression, principally of Trinidadian, culture, the event soon encompassed a celebration the dance, music, food and art of all the West Indian islands from which many of the postwar Commonwealth immigrants to the U.K. hailed. It consists of elaborate floats, flamboyant costumes and huge Jamaican sound systems pumping out reggae, dancehall, ragga and jungle until the small hours. Despite during the 1970s and 1980s hostile policing led to clashes with local black youth, by the mid-1990s it had become a cultural statement as accepted as the sons and daughters of the Windrush generation themselves. The Carnival has arguably outgrown the narrow streets of Notting Hill but to take the festival away from its roots would run the risk of it morphing into yet another corporate event. Carnival is now a truly national affair - as much in the tradition of the rumbustious eighteenth century festivals of urban England as it is of the dancehalls of Kingston - a cosmopolitan celebration of life that continues to entrance, nearly sixty years after the first steel bands brought the sound of the Caribbean to London.
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cuartoretorno · 1 year
El indio de la mente Perú - La mente 2015
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iamflipside · 2 years
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Roots & Culture
Flipside teams up with fellow Canadian artist- Preston Zane to bring you a ragga infused Tech track entitled- Roots & Culture. The track comes with a heater of a remix by Chicago’s own Techno specialist - Microdot who delivers an acid tinged rework.
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charlesmwa · 21 days
Exploring Different DJ Genres: Finding Your Style
As a DJ, one of the most exciting parts of the journey is discovering your unique style. With so many genres to choose from, it can feel overwhelming at first, but finding the right genre that speaks to you is crucial for building your identity as a DJ. This blog will help you explore different DJ genres and guide you on how to find your own style.
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Why Choose a Genre?
Choosing a genre isn’t just about the music you like; it’s about what resonates with you and what you enjoy playing. Your genre will shape your sound, influence your audience, and define your place in the DJ world. Knowing your genre helps you connect better with your crowd and gives you a solid foundation to build your skills.
Popular DJ Genres to Explore
Here’s a look at some popular DJ genres to help you start your exploration:
House Music
Description: House music is known for its repetitive 4/4 beat and deep basslines. It originated in Chicago in the early 1980s and is often played in clubs for its uplifting, danceable vibe.
Subgenres: Deep House, Tech House, Progressive House.
Why It’s Popular: It’s versatile, suitable for many settings, and easy for crowds to dance to.
Description: Techno focuses on hypnotic beats, synthesizers, and electronic sounds. It has a driving, fast-paced rhythm that keeps people on the dance floor.
Subgenres: Minimal Techno, Acid Techno, Detroit Techno.
Why It’s Popular: It’s energetic and intense, making it perfect for late-night clubbing.
Description: Hip-hop is all about rhythm and groove, often featuring rapping, strong bass, and creative beat juggling. Originating from the Bronx, it’s deeply connected to the culture and lifestyle of its listeners.
Subgenres: Old School Hip-Hop, Trap, Boom Bap.
Why It’s Popular: It has a strong cultural influence and is great for engaging and energizing crowds.
Drum and Bass
Description: Known for its fast breakbeats and heavy bass, drum and bass is high-energy music that pushes the limits of tempo and rhythm.
Subgenres: Liquid Drum and Bass, Jungle, Neurofunk.
Why It’s Popular: It’s dynamic and exciting, often attracting a passionate and dedicated fanbase.
Description: Trance is characterized by its melodic and atmospheric sound, often featuring long buildups and euphoric drops.
Subgenres: Psytrance, Uplifting Trance, Progressive Trance.
Why It’s Popular: It’s emotionally uplifting and creates a euphoric atmosphere, ideal for festivals and large-scale events.
Description: Dubstep is known for its heavy bass, wobbly sounds, and syncopated rhythms. It often features dramatic drops that surprise and energize the crowd.
Subgenres: Brostep, Chillstep, Riddim.
Why It’s Popular: It’s intense and unpredictable, perfect for DJs who like to keep their audience on their toes.
EDM (Electronic Dance Music)
Description: EDM is a broad genre that encompasses various styles, often focusing on catchy melodies, powerful drops, and festival-ready anthems.
Subgenres: Big Room House, Electro House, Future Bass.
Why It’s Popular: It’s mainstream, widely recognized, and great for large-scale events like festivals.
Reggae and Dancehall
Description: Reggae is a relaxed, groovy style that originated in Jamaica, while Dancehall is a more upbeat, dance-centric genre.
Subgenres: Dub Reggae, Roots Reggae, Ragga.
Why It’s Popular: It’s laid-back yet rhythmic, perfect for beach parties and relaxed settings.
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Finding Your Style
Finding your style involves more than just picking a genre—it’s about what makes you feel excited and confident behind the decks. Here are some tips to help you discover your unique DJ style:
Explore Different Genres: Don’t limit yourself to just one genre. Explore as many styles as possible to see which ones resonate with you the most.
Mix and Match: Try blending different genres to create a unique sound. Mixing house with techno or hip-hop with trap can result in an exciting and fresh style.
Listen to Other DJs: Learn from other DJs who play genres you’re interested in. Pay attention to their mixing techniques, track selection, and how they read the crowd.
Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the more you’ll understand what works for you. Experiment with different sounds and techniques until you find your groove.
Know Your Audience: Consider the type of crowd you want to play for. Different venues and events have different vibes, so choose a genre that aligns with your audience’s expectations.
Exploring different DJ genres is an exciting journey that helps you discover your musical identity. Take your time to visit reputed audio shops like VIP PRO AUDIO in Brooklyn, check out new equipment, don’t be afraid to experiment. The more you explore, the closer you’ll get to finding your unique style that sets you apart from other DJs.
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"The excellent selection ranges from the relatively traditional approaches of Luciano & Louie Culture 'Real Rastaman' and Frankie Paul’s 'Praise Him', to the completely modern, hardcore rhythm of Simpleton’s '¼ To 12' (all on the first volume)."
Quote selected randomly from page 356 of Steve Barrow and Peter Dalton's nonfiction book A Rough Guide to Reggae: The Definitive Guide to Jamaican Music from Ska Through Roots to Bashment.
Additional notes: Speaking of "Conscious Ragga Vols 1 & 2"
Quote was selected at random from a book chosen at random from my local library.
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medinainternational · 6 months
(Motif-Radio) Reggae Pon Top # 11 2024 Track Listing is below:
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