#randys personal asks
ds-randy · 5 months
I haven't thought very much about it but Hacker recently showed me this a new country song. It's not very good, but as long as he likes it it's good.
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disconnectedkid · 2 months
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He seems fine! Click for quality
The glitches were rly fun to do lol
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
Hello! I saw that you had a human design for the Tengu, and I wanted to ask: got any hcs for our bird demon as human? Or just hcs in general, wither will work
Hey! Bro- you won't believe it, but i literally was thinking about Humanized Tengu (for uh- reasons) when I opened tumblr just to see this ask, like deadass??? ad;kjdfdfsa Clearly it was a sign!
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But I don't have that many hc about him tbh?? He was a very spontaneous creation for that day, so like here have just some basic info:
the original design i did for ninjavember is kind of how Tengu looked at the prime of his powers in human form, when it/he faced First Ninja.
He is very unnaturally tall, has bone white (practically ashen) skin, with the end of his limbs being dark grey (like literal ash/burned). His body is covered in blue markings like tattoos (very inspired by Law from One Piece haha) and his hair is a mix of feathers and fur-like hair (like birds). He is usually dressed in rich clothes, with his wings acting like sort of cape.
He likes to smoke the pipe ;) its less of actual smoking leaf and more 'energy and fire itself' type of smoking.
He is kind of an asshole, but he greatly (if reluctantly) respects First Ninja because he managed to defeat him and use his powers for his own means. He despises having his powers used by others, but he also kinda respects that it is for a noble cause.
When it comes to Ninjas who came after, he kind of feels like a dad who was forced to take care of kids he never wanted, and those kids literally suck life force out of him, lol.
And that's about all I got for now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But thanks for the ask i loved a chance to doodle him ;)
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queenofhearts7378 · 7 months
“So this is Jake's fault, right?” Randy asked.
Danny made a noise of agreement as they continued running down the hallway, red flashing against their eyes and alarms ringing through the air.
And okay, it wasn't really Jake's fault they were being chased by a killer robot after breaking out of some holding cells.
Ever since Jake had turned 16, he'd been getting more duties outside of New York, really stepping up into his role as the American Dragon. NYC was still his home, his main area of protection, and the main capital of the magical community; he wasn't leaving anytime soon.
But occasionally a smaller community would reach out, asking for help with bigger problems they couldn't handle and he couldn't answer over the phone or e-mail. So Jake began traveling (through mundane or magical means), and solving the problems in person.
And occasionally dragging his out-of-town friends along with him.
Which is how the four of them ended up here: in an off-the-books government facility in Horrible, Arkansas, and made up of the same branch as the GIW.
(Danny had groaned out loud in his and Rand's cell, thunking his head against the bars when he heard that.
The agent that was interrogating them gave him a weird look.
“He's from Amity Park.” Randy said solemnly, patting Danny’s shoulder.
The agent went white so fast Randy honestly thought he was about to pass out before fleeing the room.
“Wow,” Randy said, “Y'all's city really is a curse.”)
The four of them had literally stumbled onto the grounds, got searched and had most of their stuff taken away, and thrown into holding cells where agents would periodically come to interrogate them on how they found the place and who else knows about it.
Danny had phased them through the back wall as soon as they were left alone, and accidently ran directly into a wall of weapons that fell on top of them both. Randy only got a sore shoulder, but something zapped Danny and he hadn't been able to transform since.
Which was when the alarms went off.
And when they discovered that the facility used killer robots as security and were all too happy to shoot a couple of teenagers.
Now they were running for their lives trying to find their stuff and their friends without getting shot by the robots or the agents.
They skidded around another corner, and Danny grabbed open the nearest door, throwing it open to check for their stuff.
Instead they were met with two startled agents in the middle of grabbing their weapons.
Randy didn't waste the chance and spun around Danny, landing a kick in the first man's diaphragm and then bringing his knee up just as the man bent over to gasp for air.
(The ninja suit let him be faster, stronger, more bouncy, and protected him from hard hits. The lessons and training of 800 years worth of ninjas were pressed into the fabric enabling him to fight when he had never done it before. He still had training though. He spent hours in the Nomicon practicing the moves and katas his brain knew but his body didn't. Following the footsteps and marks the Nomicon drew out around him, mirroring the poses the illustrated samurai and dragons went though. And lately, following along next to the First Ninja as he performed the moves next to him, occasionally fixing his posture, as Plop Plop chattered nearby.
Being the Ninja wasn't all cool flips and awesome weapons. Even without the mask, Randy was still a ninja.)
Danny took the chance to leap onto the other agent's back trying to get his weapon, throwing the man off balance right as he tried to shoot Randy.
The shot went wide and hit the wall, leaving a faint scorch mark on the white plaster. Randy dived under the shot, rolling forward right past the agent. He kicked his leg out, catching him in the back of the knee, right as Danny yanked the weapon out of his grasp and leapt off the agent's back. Between the teenager using him as a springboard and his leg giving out on him, the agent hit the floor hard. Danny didn't give him the chance to get his bearings and swung the weapon, clocking him over the head.
He swayed for a minute before hitting the ground. He wasn't unconscious but he wasn't getting off the floor anytime soon.
Randy and Danny high-fived before fleeing back out the door.
“Randy, that was awesome!” Danny exclaimed as they checked the other doors for their stuff. “I didn't know you could do that!”
“I know, I know, I'm the Bruce McCheese. Hold your applause,” Randy bragged as he opened the last door in the hallway to reveal yet another supply closet. Running past Danny, he punched him in the shoulder, “I'm still a ninja without the mask Casper.”
“What was that? I couldn't hear you over your ego getting in the way!” Danny laughed as he turned the corner, only to catch a metal leg in his stomach. His back hit the wall and his stolen weapon went flying away from him.
“DANNY!” Randy screeched, knowing he wouldn't get there in time as the security bot charged up to fire.
His feet and hands moved before he could think about it.
‘Separate - Gather - Free’
Randy could feel the energy pool through him, starting with his feet (“Your stance grounds you,” First Ninja said, “It centers you. It's the most important part of using the spells.") and surging upwards through his body in a way he's never felt while in the suit. Randy could feel the air thicken in his palms and he thrust out his hands just as the energy hit his palms and the top of his head.
“Ninja AIR-FIST!”
He could see the ninja magic hit the security robot and smash it into the wall. All the energy that had surged through him faded out, leaving Randy feeling like he just played Grave Puncher for two days straight.
He swayed for a moment, exhaustion hitting him like a brick, before he stumbled over to a gob-smacked Danny.
“Since when could you do that?” Danny asked as he scrambled to his feet.
Randy braced himself against the wall, “Uhhhhhhhhh……now I guess?”
Danny looked at the dented wall, then back at Randy. “Can you do it again?”
“Nngh….think I'll pass out if I did.”
“Alright, last resort then. And I still can't go ghost.”
Randy groaned. “Man we are shoobed.”
“We just need to find the others…..and our stuff.” Danny crouched down in front of Randy. “Alright hop on. You look like you're about to pass out now.”
“Pretty sure it'd just slow us down.” Randy said, even as he wrapped his arms around Danny's neck.
“Dude it's like I'm holding a couple of grapes. What are you, 80 pounds soaking wet?”
“Screw you too.” He dug his heel into Danny's thigh, “Giddee up. I think I hear the others breaking things up ahead.”
Jake and Adrien were indeed in the next hallway over, both transformed and absolutely wrecking anything they came across.
“Hey guys!” Chat grinned at them, impaling the last security bot with his staff. “We were looking for you!”
“Yo Ribbons! What happened to you?” Jake flew over to hand them their backpacks.
“Turns out Mister Ninja over here can use his ninja magic out of the mask.”
Jake blinked at them, “You can do that?”
“Apparently,” Randy said as he slid off Danny's back, “if I want to feel like I went ten rounds with a hoard of robo-apes.”
“Oof.” Jake shook his backpack at them as Randy pulled on his mask. “Well we found the main computer room, stole a bunch of hard drives that I'm going to give to Spud and Tucker, and Chat broke like, everything in there with a Cataclysm so no need to worry about cameras.”
“And we found out what they are called.” Adrien chimed in, “Beings Under Government Surveillance. They had a sign.”
“No wonder the GIW are such pests!” Danny and Adrien said together, high fiving. Randy snickered at the pun.
“Yeah, you're all comedians, can we go? The missing fairies are running loose and I've got to figure out if they need to move, or if they'd be fine with some more magic barriers around their town.”
“And I really gotta talk to the Nomicon. It's wack they didn't warn me about this.”
Later in the Nomicon:
First Ninja stared at him in disbelief, “You did what.”
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hotlinemiamis · 10 months
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randy my sweet cheese
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smoke--bomb · 5 months
Ninja, you've been doing this for how many years now? How do you keep going? What's your motivation?
This is my firs- I mean 801st year doing this, It's basically like an anniversary! And, to get a little real with the crowd tonight; when I see a student get stanked, I know they're at a really low point, whether that's bullies humiliating them, or friends not quite understanding... They get to such a low point that they turn into a "monster", they push everyone away and attack, but I know they're just scared and hurting, and in a world where everyone runs away from "monsters", I want to help, genuinely. Everyone's been to that low point before, the least we can do is try to understand when things do go wrong...
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chimchiri · 7 months
Question, is the new butch's twin single and into boys at all? 🥺
In all seriousness though, I love the idea of giving her a twin and the designs you have going for them both!! They look so good (the twin stole my heart the second i saw her ❤️), and Im excited to see the polls that you do release for the new ladies!! It's cool to be involved with the process, even if its a more selective capacity than before! ^^
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This is all I'm seeing from your ask, anon. And yeah, I feel like the twins are pretty opposite from each other.
I see our big bear butch as rather quiet, intimidating (but very very soft and being mistakenly seen as fearsome) and socially awkward. While her sister is probably very charismatic and pulls people left and right. With hair like that how can you not...
So honestly, sure? I feel like she can easily be bi. I just wanted to make the new butch couple lesbians (or at least very heavily women-leaning) because they're what I missed and hoped for during the initial polls. So that's why there will be very few polls with them. They fill a gap that I felt was missing for me <3
But for everyone else, there's not really a set sexuality yet. So sure, let's make the twin a casanova - she's single and boy does she love that. She doesn't care if you're woman or man. She just wants to make you blush and have a good time.
Also, so far I only drew her in armor because she was a copy from our bear butch and I have no idea what other profession and outfit she could have.
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bodacious-ringading · 26 days
hello dearest oliver swift.. i have a gift i bestow upon thy..
allergies r KILLING me!! have a cat : - ) meow
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I need them. NOW!!!!
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ask-randy-jadee · 8 days
randy hypothetically what kind of dress would suit you best?
u-uh- i’m not sure… i don’t think any dress would really look good on m-me…
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ds-randy · 5 months
Don't forget me Pookie! I'm still here :3 (I'll always be)
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I would like you to leave the premises of our house. I don't appreciate photos being taken of me while my back is turned. Also, how did you even get past the field?
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At this point, I’m genuinely fucking uncomfortable. I just had to delete not one BUT THREE asks from my tumblr inbox- because I’ve been spammed repeatedly about someone requesting continuously for ‘straight Fowlham’. Dude. I will literally only say this once and only once- get the hell off my page.
This is the person who asked for Fowlham earlier (NOT man of nostalgia- they’ve been nothing but amazing to me), it’s the one who asked for them to have a stroll in the park and ‘they no love LGBTQ’. I hate that I’m having to resort to these measures but if you don’t stop- you will be making it considerably difficult to my followers and to myself.
This is a blog meant for a fun, interactive community and anon is a privilege I’ve granted- unfortunately I’m actually considering turning anon for an undisclosed amount of time (at least until I’m confident it’s blown over).
At this point, it’s not even funny. You’re just a troll testing my patience AND my boundaries. This is your last and final warning. The fact this post is even being made is actually frustrating
I wanted to just continue on but SPAMMING my inbox with not just one but MULTIPLE asks about the same bullshit and flat out being homophobic? Yeah, no and whether it is (or isn’t) legal in your country - if it’s even true - is not my problem.
I don’t live in your country and therefore have as much right to post content I find enjoyable to write about. Ruining a ship I like with your nonsense will not be excused.
To anyone genuinely interested in my content and respects me as a writer, and everything else, I sincerely apologize- I will continue doing my regular content and posts, but this is not going to slide.
Leave me the fuck alone if you’re that anon.
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comediakaidanovsky · 4 months
lol i love dealing with a devastating "reorganization" at work while simultaneously waiting to hear exactly how terminal my parent's cancer is while simultaneously having a massive chronic illness flare up that leaves me barely conscious this week is great
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years
"Only sandals, and only if she must"
Even in winter?
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Honestly, winter kinda is the "must". That, and if she happens to go to a store.
She prefers to be a Mew, so she would generally just be a Mew for winter. But if she had to be human, she would stubbornly stick to sandals at the most. (She can get frustrated with having to wear clothes at all, so she wants this one bit of freedom, even if it hurts. XD)
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coiled-dragon · 6 months
The abstinence talk to me was so painfully benson scrambling to cover for the fact he just said randy being a virgin was good 😄
LMAO.... That is a funnier way to look at it for sure.
Honestly the whole conversation had this weird edge to it I couldn't place. It felt weird to me how after Randy confirms his actual age Bensons like '... so how long you been outta high school?'
but weird in an absolutely sexual way, ok, just need you to know
because it FELT an awful lot like 'shit wait how old IS This kid exactly, compared to me??'
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feral-mouse · 2 years
24 and 28 for Randy uwu
24. Do they have any phobias?
The only thing that Randy is truly afraid of is death. That is his number one fear. He's fairly optimistic, so he typically believes he can get out of most scary situations. But he knows that once he's dead, it's all over and there's no getting out of it
28. Who, if anyone, do they dislike most?
Again, since Randy is pretty optimistic and easygoing, he tends to like a lot of people. The only people he would dislike is anyone that gets in the way of him hunting/eating someone, anyone who strongly believes that cannibalism and wrong and that he shouldn't eat people, or anyone who wants to kill him
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southsuns · 2 years
out of curiosity for reasons i may or may not get into here (it’s a lot) - was the stop walking on eggshells workbook ever *actually* successful..? and was it *good?* i’m not looking to read it myself i just want a consensus - borderline opinions are loved and valued here
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