#rape is not a joke
bugbuoyx · 10 months
One manifestation of anti-transmasculinity I see again and again, primarily in discussions about the existence/denial of anti-transmasculinity is the treatment of transmascs in the same way cis men treat feminists as hysterical women and rad/feminists treat men as ignorant beasts. Of course these really just echo each other in that the other is deemed lesser but it's really in the wording.
You do not, can not ever understand misogyny, you are just ignorant sluts vieing for attention, what happened to you wasn't that bad, you're exaggerating, it was just a joke, it doesn't matter, you deserved it, you're being dramatic, who cares, who cares, who cares. Just shut up already.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 month
One thing that never fails to shock me is how many Marauder stans I’ve seen hating on Draco for saying this line to Hermione in GoF:
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”
Yet somehow they can’t apply that same logic to what happened in SWM:
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants.
Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter.
I’ve seen Marauder stans who bash Draco and call him horrible for “making a SA joke,” but then go ahead and defend what the Marauders did (which was ACTUAL SA, not just a gross joke) in SWM as if that’s not much worse. The irony is ridiculous.
That’s always confused me because… they can clearly see the harm in a character making a SA joke, but they gloss over or even justify their favourites characters actually doing what said character joked about??? Make it make sense.
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sillysapphillean · 2 months
I rly wish that people's default reaction to trans pregnancy in art wasnt "omg that's so strange and weird haha that's so funny"
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bonefall · 4 months
The warriors fandom for years: Isn't it fucked how ableist the writing is? And how there's like, no canon queer characters? =(
The writers, accidentally stumbling into incest:
The fandom: Lol, she's gonna have so many fucking defects. Ableism? Intersexism? Sorry never heard of her babes ♡
It sure is
the way that suddenly it is acceptable to make jokes about ickygross deformed babies when the child is a product of incest. As if the child has any control at all over the circumstances of their birth. Like it makes it OK and funny to mock someone's health and appearance if it's from something that invokes disgust.
almost like they find it funny because the child "deserved" being born this way for being produced from something vile.
It's just so obviously shitty to me it's hard to put into words. People are capable of recognizing it for ANY other disabled person but not for this. Not the minute the target is "acceptable." I thought we left shit like Dorkly's Inbred Yoshi back in the 2010s, because we realized it was fucking shitty. But no. It's still going on.
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deservedgrace · 9 months
The lack of understanding and empathy for cult survivors is really alienating. Because the same people that (rightfully) get upset hearing domestic violence jokes or rape jokes will make jokes about starting a cult.
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farshootergotme · 2 months
Am I the only one who gets uncomfortable when Dick is called a slut by the fandom? At the end of the day, there's nothing awfully wrong about it, but, with the history the character has and the things he's been through + having been slut-shamed in the comics after being assaulted, it doesn't sit well with me ig.
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genderqueersammy · 3 months
The good SPN where Sam gets pregnant with Jack and it’s just basically the Bella pregnancy arc in Twilight
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dc acknowledge male rape survivors without turning them into the butt of awful jokes challenge
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salad-006 · 1 year
This was kinda just like a shading test so it looks like slime but i dont care enough to fiddle with it forr another 3 hours
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brattylikestoeat · 6 months
The fact that there is a man walking around NYC punching random white women is crazy. Male violence is so normalized.
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Reductress is just spreading terf rhetoric now
The "joke" is that nonbinary people are somehow escaping from violence by being trans that we can opt out of fearing violence and don't fear violence when walking at night....
Like just yuck as a transmasc nonbinary survivor whose actually aware of the stats of violence against nonbinary people this just disgusts me...
Also I'm betting they have talked to zero Black trans enbies or men or women of colour about how being seen as "scary" puts them in danger from racist white people & or they're just assuming all enbies are white idk it's disgusting... There's just so many layers to the bigotry and white fauxminism of this "joke"
They've previously made posts like this so idk if they've got terfs on staff who keep trying to slip this in to pipeline people or people who think certain trans people they dislike facing violence including sexual violence is funny and that those trans survivors are lying and shouldn't be beleived.
They're priming their audience to disbelieve and mock nonbinary trans survivors. They're literally pushing the "people transition to escape/opt out of patriarchal violence like a fun game" terf talking point which isn't reflected in the stats of violence against trans people who face higher rates of physical sexual and domestic violence than cis people
Just "it's a coin toss!"
As a survivor fuck you
Like the comments section is full of transphobia and people going "har har they think they're in danger they're delusional " or spouting transphobic BS and a trans man whose talking about how he fears violence walking at night being called 'female' and misgendered like well done you've curated a comment section full of transphobes and people who think trans people aren't who we say we are fucking yikes
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None of the transphobic comments have been deleted reductress seems happy to leave up comments calling trans men "female" and saying that trans people are a danger to children
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madmutts · 11 months
I cursed leonardo
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mintharasthrone · 7 months
if orin was a man she would be so much more popular and given the most empathy
#orin the red#orin#and not met with the misogyny or people not acknowledging what she is a victim to. she's faces violence and the only person#she's been groomed into “loving” is a man who had her by raping her own sister he wants to rape her or for durge to rape her and abuses her#i loathe that a character who is a woman who has faced things that are part of really graphic serious subject matter as a joke or to mock#like if people look at orin and go haha stupid evil crazy woman larian should have done better and not made light of this#the fact that people think she's the least sympthatic is pure misogyny#how tragic that i will never see her turn her rage violence and chaos at the men who abused her groomed her and used her#and she dies so some fucking man can live and get a new life#if you're gonna yell at me about this post i will not respond#even dare i say the most popular villain? if there wasn't durge/gortash? even larian panders to any fav male characters she gets no love#ketheric is an abusive selfish father and the game and fandom see him as some sympathetic character....orin has zero autonomy thinking#ketheric is not even sympathetic but even saying gortash has it the worst more than orin is pure misogyny and your blind thirsting#she has even more trauma than any male version of her can have because misogyny but that's the irony#she would get the empathy if she was a man & female characters in general would be more loved/popular/defended if they were men lbr#those essays an energy women and fandom only put into expressing empathy for tragic men
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favroitecrime · 1 year
Anyway, I reinstate my point that no 18+ settler in israel is innocent. They have all picked up guns and fired them at innocent Palestinians. To look at the apartheid and constant attempted genocide that israel has been committing against Palestine and yet have the fucking audacity to argue a bullshit “two innocent” sides narrative is a joke. israel since the beginning of its colony like establishment in 1948 has always been a terrorist state.* Backed by two other major colonial powers who still continue to oppress the people they’ve colonized to this day. Who backed the South African apartheid and were not in favor of pressuring the SA government to stop the apartheid. The colony state sentenced to be merely an influential Western placement in the Middle East has never, and never will be, an innocent bystander in matters of oppression, apartheid, or ethnic cleansing.
In the same breath I would support Native Americans attempting to do the same thing in the US. I would support Natives of Canada doing the same thing. I would support Natives of Australia, Natives of New Zealand, Puerto Rico, the Polynesian islands, and every other occupied people should they decide to rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs. **You and I in our privileged world should not have the fucking audacity to police people’s resistance & liberation**. Especially when some of us have had nothing to say when they were facing the brutalities of occupation.
Keep you two sides narrative to yourselves. It’s a liberation. Down with modern colonizers. Down with modern colonies.
For the notes:
*A post listing some of the crimes israel has committed against Palestinians. I will not trouble myself with finding sources for this very, very long list. Eye.on.palestine // paliroots // letstalkpalestine all have great videos, pictures, and broken down explanations of these crimes. Can be found on instagram or twitter. A majority of these crimes can also be looked up, but heed falling into traps of western/israeli (is there really a difference?) propaganda.
**Yes fucking obviously rape and child murder are bad and harming actual innocent civilians is bad do not try that stupid card here. You know exactly what I’m referring to when I say policing revolution and any attempt to misunderstand that is a deflection.
***And yes fucking obviously anyone using this genuine tragedy as a prop for nazism/antisemitism needs to die immediately like no fucking duh bozo.
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velvette-hussle · 7 months
Alright, this isn’t just me nitpicking for nitpicking’s sake, but Valentino needs to be more seemingly disarming than he’s depicted as being if he is to be a pimp.
You’re not supposed to know someone’s a pimp (if they’re supposed to be a good one) on sight. You only know when someone tells you (and usually - if you’re not involved with shit like that - you just about don’t believe it) or when you’re being propositioned, and still even while you’re being propositioned a part of you - even though you know what’s happening - wants to take them up on their offer (especially if you’re desperate). Pimps that are prominent and rich still exist but they don’t make money if they can’t read a fucking room and manipulate bitches to some extent. The only reason you don’t hear about pimps is because the people still doing fuck shit like that are good at what they do, and good at hiding it (and because instances where they do get caught tend to stay local).
That’s why show/canon Valentino is just shit. He’s unbelievable as a threat to anyone who’s not Angel Dust, and it’s almost shocking he hasn’t been kicked out of the Vees or demoted to just being Vox’s boytoy with how utterly transparent he is in his antagonism and villainy. The only threat canon Valentino poses is to Vox’s business model.
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sambuchito · 1 year
Seeing how men go trough life passively not aware how much the patriarchy benefits them and being coddled well into adulthood and not being able to complain lest you be considered a bitter cunt who’s making it up makes me insane actually
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