#ratchet feels guilty
noodleblade · 6 months
that post about platonic relationships reminded me of how much i love the idea of breakdown and ratchet being friends. i always thought that if BD lived and defected to the autobots him and ratchet would vibe. i think BD would like that ratchet's a bit of a grumpy bastard and ratchet would appreciate more down to earth personality. idk. i just think they'd get along
ok so I thought I was going to end up writing a little snippet for this but uh, it just got like swallowed up into a bigger au I had been fiddling around with for a while so I figured I'd just answer this now.
I 100000000% agree with you. I think I first, there is this level of uncomfortableness between them. Breakdown doesn't really trust any of the Autobots and there's probably some hang-ups about being around a medic that isn't Knock Out while Ratchet doesn't like the idea of any Decepticon- reformed or otherwise -threatening his family and probably sees another big, violent bot he has to deal with.
It turns out though that Breakdown's pretty handy in the medbay and while Ratchet's never needed any aid....it doesn't hurt. And while Breakdown kind of enjoys the blunt, honest way Ratchet speaks to him. No airs, no saving face. Its nice. I think they both don't expect the friendship that slowly builds but its comfortable and easier than either of them can expect.
Knock Out is rightfully pissed when he finds out.
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mychlapci · 7 months
i love fics where ratchet gets off on drift acting like deadlock. or just on deadlock being deadlock, honestly. let him have fucked up kinks too. sure deadlock/drift wants to bite and scratch and choke ratchet for sure but y’know what. ratchet wants to be bitten and scratched and choken really badly.
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"He's more anxious than a carrier usually is a sparkling fist appointment, Ratchet says quietly speaking to Baseline Optimus.
Optimus looms with concern; he knew that Megatron and Rodimus had been through quite alot while they were with his alternate universe counterpart. Optimus sighed as he stared into the medbay where Megatron sat looking over at Rodimus worriedly. Megatron did look more nervous than your advrage carrier but it made sense. Optimus didn't know what led to Rodimus extensive injuries but he did know that Megatron was being far more over protective than he needed to. But could Optimus even blame him? Wouldn't he have done the same thing in Megatron's position? Optimus repeated the questions in his head. Primus below, Optimus was worried about Megatron and Rodimus and that felt weird. This whole situation was.
Megatron eventually turned and made eye contact with Optimus the two held it for quite some time before Optimus looked away. The look in Megatrons eyes was almost painful to look at. To see such a protective look in what had once been his friends eyes was heart breaking.
"I know" Optimus finally whispered back. He wasn't sure if it was to Ratchet or to Megatron and at this point he didn't want to.
Weeks later when Rodimus had fully physically recovered it became obvious that he was changed by the events. Rodimus refused to be a room away from Megatron and it seemed like the two were always together. Optimus thought it made sense, they had been captured together of course they wanted to stay close. Perhaps Megatron had become an odd comfort for Rodimus. Optimus couldn't tell but he was glad that Rodimus could
I needed to do a 10 min writing and I was inspired
-FR Anon
Oh baseline Ratty the way you're right
Baseline Optimus would've done the same damn thing in baseline Meggsie's place, oh their megop dynamic is gonna go in interesting directions
The more baseline Optimus learns about SG Optimus, the more he feels ashamed that any version of himself can be like this. That many of the sg mecha still jolt when they see his silhouette or hear his voice. Even though it 100% isn't his fault, part of him feels like it is.
These two? Baseline Megatron and Rodimus? They're connected now. This has irrevocably changed them, which makes sense. Everyone will become accustomed to seeing them together, and Megs would rather spontaneously combust then let this happen again.
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dragonsgirl572 · 1 year
Transformers Prime Incorrect Quotes
Bumblebee: What are the hardest things to say?
Ratchet: I was wrong.
Optimus: I need help.
Bulkhead: Worcestershire sauce.
Ratchet: Okay, what does A stand for?
Bumblebee: Arson.
Ratchet: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for?
Bumblebee: Barson.
Smokescreen: laughter
Ratchet: What stands for C?
Bumblebee: Commit arson.
Smokescreen: Oooo.
Ratchet: D!
Bumblebee: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson.
Smokescreen: more laughter
Smokescreen: Who the fuck-
Optimus: Language!
Smokescreen: Whom the fuck-
Optimus: No.
Ratchet: Please pray for Bumblebee.
Bulkhead: What happened to them?
Ratchet: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
Smokescreen: Surgery is basically just stabbing someone to life.
Ratchet: Please never become a surgeon.
Bumblebee: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable… …and also assault with a deadly weapon.
Bumblebee: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate.
Ratchet: I’m really glad “fight me” has replaced “sue me” in the common vernacular because I don’t have money, but I do have fists and I am always angry.
Ratchet: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Optimus.
Optimus: I hate myself.
Ratchet: Alright, square up.
Miko: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container.
Ratchet: The cow??
Bulkhead: What?
Optimus: Ratchet, W H Y?
Optimus: Yeah, well I've never died so how do I know that Primus is real.
Ratchet: I'm trash.
Optimus: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Ratchet: You smooth motherfucker.
Ratchet: And yes it does.
Optimus: Ratchet and I are no longer dating.
Ratchet: Optimus, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
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weenwrites · 4 months
Optimus, Arcee, and Ratchet
Those 3 with human adult reader who’s homeless? I’m talking no home, lack of money, and I’m assuming that they stay at base the majority of the time. Also, they weren’t born homeless, they said it themselves that they caused it on their own.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He explains that you are free to stay at the base if you have nowhere else to go, and if anything it would be much safer for you to remain here than out on the streets. Now that you're under the Autobot's care, he tries to be as accommodating as he can, but for the time being all he was able to find in the storage room was an old couch, a table, and a dusty tv, all of which were presumably from the previous inhabitants of the silo.
The base is very spacious, but the closest area to the restroom was upon the walking platform, and so that platform became your living area for the sake of convenience. However, if you wished for more privacy he offered the first room down the corridor (it is massive and a long way to walk though).
You don't need to worry about Agent Fowler, either. Optimus had already mulled things over with him, and he agreed to allow the bots to let you live there. Fowler even does what he can to provide you with food stamps and provide you healthcare for any disabilities or illnesses you have.
Every now and then he talks to Agent Fowler about you, and he brings up the same topic time and time again, and every time Optimus still receives the same uncertain answer that might as well be a fancy-worded "maybe". Sometimes he receives good news, sometimes there's nothing at all, but Optimus still hasn't lost hope that eventually you'll be given some form of financial aid.
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She doesn't mind having you around at base 24/7. If anything, it makes her job much more convenient because you're within range most of the time. When you were first allowed to stay at the base full-time, she showed you all the spare rooms, the exits to the base encase of an emergency, and any other rooms you asked to see. Since the base is rather large for someone your size, she recommended staying as close to the main area as possible, or otherwise it could be quite the jog to get around.
As she learned more about you, she has asked about your past from time to time, and however you mean "caused it on your own", she won't push you to explain if it's too sensitive a topic for you to elaborate on, or if you just generally don't wish to, she respects your privacy and she won't press for any more information. And even if you do tell her, she doesn't judge you for it.
She'll offer to be your ride any time you want to go to Jasper for whatever reason, and she tries to stick close to you encase things go south. The more she goes out with you in public, the quicker she is to realize that she sort of deters cops from trying to shoo you away. If you go to food pantries or food banks, she feels guilty that she ends up limiting what you can bring back with you since her alt-mode's not too convenient for transporting things.
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He certainly isn't going to butt heads with Optimus about whether you should stay at the base. If you have no home of your own, you're at a bigger risk of being caught by the Decepticons. For the most part he won't have any problem with it, and he leaves you be so long as you don't obstruct his work.
You have your own designated corner in the base, it's the area that the kids currently hang out in, but you were most likely there first. You were also offered other empty areas within the base that would offer you more privacy, but whether you take them or not is up to you.
As much as he'd prefer to stay indoors so he can work productively, if you need to go outside for whatever reason he'll escort you to Jasper. He sticks out like a sore thumb amidst the other cars on the road though, so he still makes a point to swiftly take care of any business you have, as not to attract any unwanted attention to yourselves.
His understanding of human anatomy is very rudimentary and limited, but he's learned enough to be able to understand when something's wrong. And in the event that his own medical knowledge isn't enough to help, he's glossed over the route to the nearest hospital from the base, and he'll be sure to ask Fowler to take care of the expenses later on.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Soundwave Soulmate Prompt? You can see what your soulmate draw on their skin
Sorry this was super long lol!
TFP Soundwave X Reader Soulmate AU
Soundwave had thought for a long time that he would be forever alone. He’d watch as everyone else got small little marks on their plating that would fade in a matter of hours, while he had none. 
He believed that some just never got soulmates- him included. So when after millions of years a small doodle appeared on his plating, he was shocked. He quickly made his way to his berthroom so no one else could see. 
Once there he inspected the mark. It was a very-well drawn image of the Autobot’s insignia. He quickly felt irritation pull at his spark. Was his soulmate an Autobot? He hesitated for a moment before drawing a Decepticon symbol on his arm.
You were sitting in the Autobot’s base when you felt an odd sensation on your skin. You looked down to see a Decepticon symbol on your arm. It looked like someone had scratched your arm to make the symbol.
 You yelped in fear and held your arm out like it was burned. Ratchet’s eyes quickly fell to you, being the only other in the base.
“What’s wrong?” 
“The-there’s a thing on my arm.” He walked over and gently turned your arm over.
“You shouldn’t be drawing this on your arm.” He scowled.
“I-I didn’t! It just- just appeared there!” 
Ratchet’s eyes immediately furrowed. While humans didn’t have the concept of sparkmates, Cybertronians certainly did. The fact a human could be affected stumped him. 
“Did you draw anything on yourself?” He asked. You pointed dumbly to the Autobot symbol you had drawn on yourself a few minutes ago. His frown only deepened, realizing that your sparkmate must have been a Decepticon.
“What? What’s wrong?” You pleaded in fear. The other Autobots returned to the main hangar as you loudly interrogated Ratchet.
“I fear that you have a Sparkmate- which I didn’t know was possible for a human.” 
“A what?” You demanded.
“A sparkmate?” Optimus questioned. “How is that possible?” 
“I’ve never heard about this before.” Arcee commented. 
“It must be a Decepticon, look at the markings!”
All of the bots began talking about it as you grew more panicked. You yelled out unintentionally. “SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON!” 
All eyes fell on you with guilty looks. Optimus gently placed a few digits on your shoulder. “It appears you have a… sparkmate. It is what you humans would refer to as a ‘soulmate’. A sparkmate, however, is someone you are actually bound to- not just someone you feel an emotional pull to. Anything you draw on your skin will show up on your sparkmate. Before you, there has never been a recorded case of an organic and a Cybertronian being bonded before”
You sat dumbfounded. You looked at your skin where the Decepticon symbol was fading. “So, this is like. I don’t know. This is a Decepticon? That I’m bound to?” 
Optimus nodded solemnly. “I think it may be best for you to refrain from drawing on yourself. We have no clue who you’re bonded to- and it may put you in danger. Many Decepticons have killed their sparkmates to prove their loyalty to Megatron.”
The fear on your face was obvious. When you went home, you could feel nothing but fear. What if they caught you? What if they killed you?
You were about to go to sleep when the odd sensation returned. On the inside of your hand, large letters appeared. They were foreign to you, being Cybertronian. 
You tried to resist the urge to write something back, but you ended up putting a question mark on your wrist.
Soundwave had realized you were a human when the question mark arrived. He had always wondered why he didn’t have a sparkmate- and now he knew. He had no idea how to feel about it, either. So he went to the one person he could always confide in- Megatron.
“They’re human?” Megatron thought. Soundwave thought Megatron would laugh, but he instead seemed thoughtful. “I didn’t know something like that was possible. If you wish to collect them, I will not stop you.” Megatron patted his oldest friend on the shoulder who only tilted their head.
Megatron noticed their confusion. “This will not leave this room, understand?” Soundwave nodded his head. “I had a sparkmate. It was before the war when I met him in the mines.” Megatron’s face pulled into one of sadness- something he’d only seen once on his leader’s face. “We had spent a few million years together when they became one with the Allspark. Energon deficiency. The senators refused to give us the energon we needed to survive- only enough to keep us running. We tried to save him, but there was nothing anyone could do.” Megatron grabbed his shoulder once again and looked at him in his faceplate. “Your sparkmate is destined to be with you. Don’t let them slip through your digits- human or not. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
Soundwave was shocked by the advice given to him by the warlord. He trusted his advice nonetheless, and began searching for you. He drew on his arm plating, a simple question.
You were at base again when you felt it. You looked down to your wrist to see a name written in English- Soundwave. Your face went pale when you realized just who your sparkmate was. You read all about him and the atrocities he’d committed. You felt your head grow light as you began to sway. 
Bulkhead called out to you when he noticed you walking weirdly. You looked up at him with glossed over eyes and he just barely managed to catch you with a servo before you collapsed.
“Ratchet!” He yelled. Ratchet and the others immediately ran over. As Ratchet looked you over, he noticed the writing on your wrist. His face contorted in fear. 
“What is it, old friend?” Optimus’ deep voice sounded from beside the medic.
Ratchet almost couldn’t get his words out. “Their sparkmate is… Soundwave.”
Concerned looks flashed on everyone’s faces. They knew just how brutal he could be- he was a gladiator before the war after all. “We must have surveillance on them at all times. If Soundwave is contacting them through their bond, it cannot be good.”
When you woke up, they explained everything. You couldn’t help the fear you felt at the idea of someone so terrifying trying to contact you. However, the messages left were oddly… sweet. He would often ask how your day was, or what your favorite color was. When you were at home you would write on yourself- and this went on for months.
You actually began to enjoy talking with the silent mech- just as much as Soundwave. He was actually really funny, but also awkward. He often talked about his son, Laserbeak (and whatever Laserbeak got into that day). 
One day Soundwave asked you the question you’d been expecting for a while. “When can we meet?” 
You bit your lip as you thought of it. You weren’t even sure if you should meet him. Despite everything in your brain telling you not to- that he was just leading you on or he was going to hurt you- you wrote back. “Tonight.”
You went out back to avoid being seen by Bulkhead. You looked back at his vehicle mode from the small hill you climbed up in guilt. You looked back over the hill, and made your decision. 
You walked for a few miles. Your legs felt as if they were on fire. You plopped down onto the ground when you heard it- a quiet whooshing sound. You turned around to see an odd looking jet coming your way.
A Decepticon transformed midway and flipped to the ground, landing on his two pedes. You looked at him, and made eye-visor contact. He was beautiful- from his frame to his purple glowing biolights. He, too, thought you were beautiful.
You both took a step towards each other. Before you could say anything, he scooped you up. You both only looked at each other as he held you close to his visor- and it just clicked. It felt right to be in his hand. 
Before you could stop yourself, you spoke. “I love you, Soundwave.”
Soundwave pressed his faceplate against yours, signaling his love for you too. With that he whisked you away back to the Nemesis. For now, you’d keep your new-found relationship secret from the Autobots- but that would only last for so long.
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
How would the tfp crew treat human reader that broke a bone (perhaps they accidentally dropped reader when doing something?)
Ooooohhhh! More broken bones! Since you did not specify which characters you wanted I will be picking them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Smokescreen, Arcee, and Bulkhead react to Human Buddy getting a broken bone on accident
SFW, platonic, mention of injury, slight angst for some, Human reader
Buddy had broken their left arm because Smokescreen accidentally tossed them too hard out of his vehicle mode.
They had been ambushed by some drones and Smokescreen had transformed a bit too quickly to start shooting some Cons down.
To be fair, Smokescreen still didn't understand how fragile humans were compared to a Cybertronian. He thought that they were a bit tougher than what Optimus and Ratchet let on.
He was proven wrong when he saw Buddy cradling their arm. It was bent in a way that he was sure they weren't supposed to go.
"Smokescreen I need you to comm Ratchet and tell him to get June "--Buddy
"Your arm... Oh Primus your arm!"--Smokescreen
"Smokes listen it was an accident. It was an accident."--Buddy
"Yeah... Yeah... I'll get Ratchet..."--Smokescreen
Smokescreen isn't used to see much organic injuries so he is a bit unnerved. Surprisingly, he keep up a calmish face getting Buddy to June. But he is freaking out on the inside.
He refuses to carry any human for a while. It takes some convincing to get Smokescreen comfortable again.
While Buddy is healing, Smokescreen gives them a bit of space while also hovering over them. A weird combination that thankfully doesn't last long after Buddy is healed up.
If Buddy gets a cast Smokescreen would be one of the first to get it signed. He gets some stickers from Jack and puts them on the cast.
Buddy broke their leg after an altercation with Arachnid.
Arcee was taking Buddy on patrol today since Jack was home sick with a cold. Arachnid had ambushed them both. Buddy was grabbed by Arachnid before Arcee could tell what was going on. The Spider bot squeezed the human a bit until and audible crack was heard. The Con tossed Buddy on to the ground as a furious Arcee came after her.
Lucky for Arachnid, Arcee didn't finish the job and was quick to get back to Buddy.
"Buddy! Buddy what's wrong? Where does it hurt?"--Arcee
"I think my leg's broken."--Buddy
"All right don't worry, I'm getting us back to the base now. Can you stay awake for me?"--Arcee
"Sure... Sure thing."--Buddy
Arcee winces internally as she picks up Buddy. She knows Buddy is trying to put a brave face on for her so she doesn't worry too much. But she can see that this hurts Buddy a lot more than what either expected.
Arcee is out for blood after Buddy is given the all clear by Ratchet and June.
When she isn't preparing for Arachnid, Arcee does her best to help Buddy move around the base. Since she is one of the smaller bots on the team, it's a bit easier to handle Buddy while also protecting them.
If Buddy gets a cast they will make sure Arcee is the first to see and to sign it. Arcee manages to paint some blue and pink on the cast.
Buddy had tripped over some cables that led them to fall down the stairs and land right on their ankle.
Bulkhead was the only bot on base and was freaking out when he saw Buddy on the floor clutching their foot with tears in their eyes.
"Buddy,Buddy what happened?! Are you hurt?! Do I need to go get Ratchet?!"--Bulkhead
"If you can pass me my phone so I can call June that would be nice."--Buddy
"Okay, okay!"--Bulkhead
He knows for a fact humans are tougher than what they seem. His proof is Miko's entire existence. But he also knows how fragile they are compared to Bots.
After Buddy gets the all clear from June and Ratchet, Bulkhead becomes Buddy's second shadow for a bit. He feels like he nearly lost his friend that day and it was his fault.
Despite everyone telling him it is not his fault, he does feel a little bit guilty.
If Buddy gets a cast they make sure that Bulkhead is the first one to sign. He paints a bit of Buddy's cast green.
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cosmics-beings · 9 months
since i finished tfp, and au where ratchet ends up joining megatron and really really becoming deception, and it breaks optimus. meanwhile, starscream feels a mixture of jealousy and anger toward the mere idea that an autobot is at a higher position than him and of course, megatron rubs that in his face.
when cybertron is restored, the autobots are made criminals and are hunted down. in a strange turn of events however, starscream defects from the autobots and joins optimus. at first it's out of survival but then he really, starts to care for optimus.
optimus is broken, he's sad, he's defeated. he's gone through torture and depression, and he has no will to fight anymore, starscream gives him that will and the two eventually work together. the autobots don't win but they form a treaty. they have their own lands and live away. starscream follows optimus of course, and optimus is old, tired and just stationary but he is happy and starscream takes care of him.
ratchet is happy with his life but he also feels guilty. he didn't just join megatron to spite optimus; he did it because he wanted Cybertron to change and it did. his one condition when working with megatron is that the autobots are able to live, regardless of what megatron wants. reluctantly, megatron agrees which is why he frees optimus and the others. ratchet wants to go back to see them but he knows he's not welcomed. and he, despite absolutely hating megatron at first, realizes and accepts that they're alike in so many ways. and at the end of it, megatron gets to be ruler of Cybertron, and ratchet gets to help with that.
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Who do you think would be carrying in blitzbee relationship, and what are your headcannons for them?
I personally love Bee carrying their bitty.
My headcanons for the two
- Blitzwing lets Bumblebee know he won’t abandon him but he disappears for a long time before coming back. When he does Bee is already starting to show just a tad but its only because he knows what to look for. Their species carry for years, literally, so they have time to plan.
- Bee is actually more willing to leave his faction. He’s not dumb and he actually can think when he needs to. A sparkling changes a bot and Bee is no exception. He’s still fun, loving, likes pranks and messing with bots but he grows and lets his other traits shine far more. The traits he was embarrassed to reveal or let it be known he had.
- Blitzwing watches as the young reckless mech becomes less brash, less reactive to situations and more thoughtful. He’s quite clever and he’s pretty crafty about the well thought out lie he tells his prime on the night he plans to leave for good when Bee feels the medic Ratchet is suspecting something. Bee knew he couldn’t fool Ratchet for long he’s just happy he lasted a year without the other knowing.
- Bee says his goodbyes without the others knowing its a goodbye and takes a small pod and leaves Earths atmosphere before trashing the communicator and tracker after leaving a final message. He’ll return when the war is over and reveals he’s resigned. He doesn’t say why but Ratchet puts the pieces together. bee feels guilty and misses his friends a lot but his sparkling is more important.
- Bee and Blitzwing take time getting used to this new dynamic. Blitzwing isn’t used to Bee being quiet or reserved. Bee doesn’t know what to do and his emotions are all over the place. He goes from giving Blitzwing a lot of space because he doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to push to screaming crying in the berth when Blitzwing is out getting fuel and things they need for their new home on a neutral planet they found.
- neither are very good at dealing with not talking or touching the other and it all comes to a head when Blitzwing looks up to see Bee crying over the fuel he’s secretly craved that Blitzwing made to try making him happy. He doesn’t even remember getting up, all he realizes is that he’s holding his hummel who’s crying and struggling to vent while holding him. He’s not very good at soothing but curling around his hummel and petting his doorwings seemed to be the right thing to do.
- they have a very long talk after that. Insecurities and apologies on Bumblebee’s end for getting sparked, for his baffles failing, for Blitzwing being away from his faction and deemed a traitor. Blitzwing revealing he’s afraid to frag up his own sparkling with his fractured processor and the many terrible things he’s done in his past.
- They have so much reassurance they have to give the other while waiting for their sparkling to emerge. Blitzwing simply tells Bee how he believes he’ll make a good creator by how much he’s changed and matured almost effortlessly and yet he’s still the mech Blitzwing fell in love with.
- Bee tells Blitzwing that he’s never felt more loved and content, at home, than he has now with Blitzwing fixing their home, building things for their sparkling with such care and feeling his tanks when he thinks Bee is asleep. How careful he is not to disturb him and how he makes his favorite meals and cravings without fuss.
- bumblebee shows his affection by plopping his frame on Blitzwing’s lap and curling up falling asleep. He’s tired now and falling asleep on Blitzwing means they both get a good rest or Blitzwing uses his frame as a grounding tool and just rubs him or carries him around.
- Bee waits until Blitzwing is asleep to groom his wings or work on detailing them. He’s gotten extremely good at this and it helps Blitzwing have a full nights worth of sleep. It also helps remove almost seventy nine percent of his stress, anxiety and tension.
- they do things together in silence. They don’t seem like the couple that can spend a day together in comfortable silence but they can and do it often. Bee has come to appreciate silence but he does still wear headphones and listen to music. He doesn’t have much energy to burn since carrying makes him tired but when he does have the energy Blitzwing takes him out. They’ll go roller wheeling or flying while Bee burns rubber and max’s out his speed meter.
- they’re that we hold each other in the wash racks under the steaming coolant couple. They spend a lot of time in the wash racks reconnecting to each other physically and mentally.
- bee can actually cook pretty well and so can Blitzwing, they take turns cooking but Blitzwing likes to have Bee sitting beside him while he cooks.
- blitzwing loves listening to Bee sing to their sparkling when he has a heavy carrying bump. Its still early but the bitty is taking more after Blitzwing than Bee. The med bot they’ve been seeing has shown proof Bee isn’t in danger but he will be on bed rest earlier than most carriers.
- they talk to their sparkling with Blitzwing first thing in the morning and bumblebee throughout the day and both of them at night.
- their new life still feels odd but its a welcome odd they don’t want to give up. Bee still misses his friends but he would never risk his sparkling or future conjunx.
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Hi hi request time
Optimus x reader
The reader is a librarian and works at the local library. There she met a guy named Orion( optimus in holo form as a secret experiment of dwelling among humans) and often talked to him about things. She is also a part of team prime and has a huge crush on Optimus but never approaches him for obvious reasons. So she confines with Orion about her feelings for optimus and makes him aware of her feelings for which he feels guilty and starts to see her in a different light
Now comes another guy into the picture
I want u to make Optimus jealous as hell enough to make him confess his feelings with a passionate kiss which will cause her to faint in his arms.
Ps: make him panic as she faints in his arms and later being chewed out by Rachet as it seems he has broken her by that kiss
Optimus was unsure where to go in the human town. He'd driven through a few times, but now that he was of the appropriate size to enter buildings, he didn't know which one to go to. There were just so many and he didn't want to get it wrong.
Perhaps it was luck or fate, but he found his way to a large building with a sign posted above labeling it saying 'Public Library'. He may not know a lot about human things, but he at least knows what a library is. He also knows someone who works there.
He entered and instantly saw you sitting at the desk. Your familiar face instantly soothed his unease about being in unfamiliar territory. He walked over to the desk about to greet you as he would normally back at the base. You looked up and spotted him.
"Hi, how can I help you today?" You smiled sweetly. You had not seen this man before, you wondered if perhaps he was new to town.
It took Optimus only a second to remember he was wearing a different face, you did not know what his holoform looked like, so it made sense that you did not recognize him. He was about to explain it was him, Optimus. But then remembered Ratchet telling him not to tell anyone. They didn't need anyone recognizing their holoforms as it could ruin their cover.
"Just browsing." Optimus smiled back.
"Let me know if you need any help finding something." You said, then got back to your duties.
Optimus was happy to see you, you were always so kind and helpful. He wandered around the library for a little, reading through a few that looked interesting. Mostly about Earth's history, or politics. Eventually, he found his way back to your desk.
"Find everything you were looking for?" You asked.
"Actually, I was wondering, if you could recommend something." Optimus asked.
"Sure, what genre are you looking for?"
"What's your favorite?"
"Oh that's a tough one." You laughed. "There are so many good choices. But let's see." You walked away from the desk, walking through the shelves of books. You scanned over each book until you found one.
"Here. I think this is a pretty good one for someone who is open to anything." You handed over the book. Optimus took the book from your hand gently.
"Thank you."
You smiled and headed back to your desk. Optimus found a seat and began reading. After many years of being a clerk, Optimus was a very fast reader. And a couple of hours later, he was done. He took the book back over to you.
"This was a great recommendation, I enjoyed it." Optimus stated.
"You're done already?" You were shocked. Optimus nodded. "Wow, you read faster than I do. Uhm, I am glad you liked it. This author has a few more if you like."
"Thank you." Optimus chuckled. He had never been complimented on his reading ability before.
"What's your name?" You asked. Optimus had a slight panic, unable to think of any human names.
"Nice to meet you. Are you new to town?" You greeted.
"I am. I just moved here. What about you?" Optimus tried to direct the conversation back to you, hoping it would stop you from asking too many questions.
"No, I've been here my whole life." You answered.
"Do you enjoy working here?"
"I do. I love books and reading, so this is pretty much a dream job for me. What do you do?"
"I'm a clerk," Optimus replied, using some semi-truth as he used to be. So he didn't feel like he was lying to you. "What else do you do around here?"
"I generally spend time with my friends after work."
Optimus wondered if you were talking about him and the other Autobots. Or perhaps some human friends he didn't know about.
"Well it was really nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I have to close up." You apologized.
"Of course. Have a good night." Optimus left and headed back to base. It wasn't long until you arrived at the base as well. Optimus smiled as he saw you, he wanted to talk to you about the book he read. But he knew he had to keep his holoform activities a secret.
For the next week, Optimus kept going to the library, reading books that you suggested. Then he would go to the front desk to discuss them with you. He enjoyed your time together and found that you both had a lot more in common than he originally thought.
Once again he entered the library, your happy face bringing a smile to his.
"You look very happy today." He commented as you seemed much chipper than before.
"Oh, well I guess I am." You giggled.
"May I ask why?" Optimus was intregued. He had spoken to you yesterday in his bot form, about other things. But you seemed like your normal self. And now you seem a lot more bubbly.
"Well, uh. It's this guy that I like. I spent ages with him yesterday, and it was just a really good time. It was so nice to spend some time with him and talk to him. It's kind of rare getting alone time with him, so it was amazing." You explained. Optimus wondered who you were talking about, and who was the mystery guy you enjoyed spending time with.
"That sounds like a pleasant time. Is this someone you are fond of?" Optimus was intrigued to know more about someone who could make you grin so much. You blushed in response.
"I guess you could say that yes. I really like him, you could say I have a little crush on him." You brushed some hair behind your ear, a nervous habit. The thought of your crush makes you blush more. "It's kind of funny, and a coincidence really but his name begins with O too."
Optimus thought about it, it must really be a coincidence that you knew so many people with an O name. Then it began to click, was it possible you meant him. Maybe, but he had to be sure.
"What's he like?" Optimus asked.
"Tall, smart, he's a wise leader that takes care of his friends and looks out for everyone. Really trustworthy and just someone you can look up to." You sighed, picturing Optimus as the tall bot you knew.
Optimus blushed, he didn't know you viewed him like that. Or that you felt that way about him, but he felt flattered. He could see the way you smiled as you thought about him, and it made him feel warm and happy.
"Have you thought about telling him?"
"Oh no, I couldn't! I don't think he feels the same way, and I don't want to ruin anything." You admitted. "I am content just being around him."
Optimus thought you were so sweet, and they way you blushed when you talked about him was cute.
"Anyway, would you like another book recommendation?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, please."
Later that night, at base Optimus couldn't keep his eyes off you. He kept thinking about how you felt, and how guilty he felt that he knew, but you could never know. Optimus watched you more closely, watching the way your face lit up when you saw him, the way you fidgeted with your clothes when you spoke to him. They way you sounded happier and livelier when you spoke to him than with the other bots. It was all adorable. As he watched you and listened to your voice and your lovely laugh, his spark began to tingle. His frame heated up, in a Cybertronian form of a blush. He had to excuse himself to calm himself down. It didn't take long for him to realize he was starting to have feelings for you.
The next day at the library he saw you again, your bright smiling face illuminated the room and made him enamored. He wanted to say something but couldn't. He couldn't tell you who he was. He was worried telling you who he was after all this time may upset you, as it may seem like he was lying to you this whole time. And he did not want to upset you.
Optimus walked straight over to the books, distracting himself with trying to find something to read. He wanted to talk to you, but he knew talking to you would make his spark beat fast. Optimus grabbed a random book and took it, going to use it as an excuse to start a conversation. Then he heard you laugh, a loud joyful laugh that made him feel fuzzy and warm. He smiled and walked to the front, only to find you talking to another human male.
The man was leaning on the desk, talking to you. You laughed as he spoke. Optimus felt a rush of jealousy, something he had not felt for many years. At first, he was not going to do or say anything, he knew how you felt about him. The human male could not sway your mind so easily. But then the man touched your shoulder and tried to lean in towards you. Optimus quickly scurried over and began pulling you away.
"Orion? Is everything ok?" You asked as you were dragged from the desk towards the back of the library.
Optimus thought about the words he was about to say, wanting it to be perfect.
"I want to apologize, I had to keep this a secret to make sure my cover was safe. And that you would be kept safe from not knowing. But I can't keep it secret anymore. I have to tell you because I have to tell you how I feel. It is me, Optimus, this is my holoform. I'm sorry I have deceived you, but I have to tell you now because I want you to know that I have come to be very fond of you. Over these last few weeks I have seen you in a brighter light, you have shown me how truly beautiful and amazing you are and I have fallen for you." Optimus then gently cupped your face in his hands and pulled you forward into a loving and passionate kiss.
He pulled back to see your shocked face. A split second later you fainted, falling into his arms. Optimus caught you, slowly lowering you to the floor. He panicked, having no idea what happened. He was terrified he had done something wrong and hurt you. He quickly picked you up and rushed outside, to his truck mode. He placed you inside and quickly raced you back to base. He quickly transformed, asking Ratchet to look you over, as he gently held you in his servos.
You were still unconscious while Ratchet demanded to know what happened and what Optimus did to cause you to be unconscious. Ratchet's telling off made Optimus feel worse about the situation. He should have known better than to ambush you like that.
Eventually, you woke up. Coming too on an empty berth with Optimus sitting by your side. He smiled as he watched you open your eyes.
"Did you confess to me?" You asked, your voice quiet as you slowly came to.
"I did." Optimus admitted, feeling guilty. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have."
"No, I am glad you did. And I am glad I didn't just dream it." You sat up, now fully awake. You scooched closer to Optimus and placed your hand on his servo. "I feel the same way. But I guess you already know that." You laughed.
Optimus smiled, glad that you were not angry at him. Thankful that you still felt the same way about him. After all this, he was glad he decided to go into the library as his holoform. It turned out to be one of the best choices he ever made.
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glitch-after-dark · 6 months
Ekidocksos i am in LOVE with your account!!!!!!
Just..Rodimus completely stuffed and bred with Drift & Ratchets sparklings from a drunken one night stand? He left before they woke up and dodges them for weeks on end not knowing they want so much more of him & his hot plush valve.
They get the drop on him when they find him rubbing his tanks & eating sweet energon mini cakes in his office.
They know right then he’s sparked & soon they have him bent over, stuffed with their spikes & trying to add a couple more for a clutch
I would have answered this sooner but I’ve been gardening so exhaustion prevented me from having the energy. I just found your account as well and SoundRod content is very exciting to see! I need to do more with them.
Anyway—this idea is brilliant. I love some Dratchrod angst+horniness+babies.
Just Rodimus hanging out with his best friend—they are officially Amica now, yeah drinks for everyone—celebrating the latest adventure on their Forever Adventure and well into giggling drunk that both Ratchet and Drift are as well. He’s been very cuddly grabby, draping himself over Drift—who is definitely over! He’s very supportive now—and instead of huffing Ratchet just tells him to shove over and when he’s moving too slow picks him up and sits under him making Rodimus half in Ratchet’s lap while still draped over Drift and Ratchet’s telling jokes and laughing at Rodimus and he’s lost track of whose hands are whose at some point. Then Dratchet kisses and Rodimus whines about not getting any so Drift kisses his cheek which Rodimus pouts and says isn’t the same so Ratchet huffs and grabs his chin to lay one on him that has him squirming especially when Drift is petting his spoiler and he’s panting when it breaks. Drift, of course, protests that Ratchet cheated and Drift was supposed to get the first move, making Ratchet laugh and before Rodimus can figure that out Drift is turning his head his direction and kissing him deeply. Rodimus is just a squirming mess not having to be moved and just moving back to the other with someone constantly petting him or grabbing his thighs or holding his waist until Swerve finally throws them out for “public indecency”.
Which gives Rodimus enough of a moment of fresh air to go oh wait what and start to think up an excuse to dip out only for the hands to come back and the three of them to stumble back to Dratchet’s room to resume the sandwich and kissing, which quickly escalates once they have Rodimus shoved in the bed between them. Rodimus catches bits of “wanted you here” and “thought we were going to take him to dinner first” teasing between the kissing and moving around each other and realizes what is going on. Drift and Ratchet are clearly wanting a threesome and intended to ask Rodimus who feels guilty how immediately into that he is for both of them and distracts himself by opening his own panel and mouth descending onto Ratchet’s hands to suck them in remembering how sensitive they are.
He is being passed back and forth between them and responding very eagerly, if a little clumsy which slowly peters out into more smooth movements when the overcharge fades through multiple overloads leaving him clear minded but unwilling to leave when Ratchet is holding his thighs thrusting up into him and Drift is petting him laying over his back, spike pressed against him waiting for his turn, telling him how pretty he looks taking his Conjunx’s spike and look how happy he’s making him and Ratchet is growling out and agreement that sends Rodimus toppling into  another overload that makes him bluescreen a bit only to wake to Ratchet kissing him sweetly, Rodimus sprawled out on his front, Drift slipping inside behind peppering kisses on his spoiler with Ratchet’s hands steadying Rodimus’s hips.
He's too tired to leave immediately when it finally finishes and they clean each other off, nuzzling and kissing, this time slow and sweet without the expectation of it leading to anything, and shove him in between to cuddle. He wakes up with Drift having shoved between him and Ratchet, wrapping around their arms and carefully manages to slip out painfully sober and aware of what he’s done and flees cold and horrified by how much it aches to leave them.
Rodimus is panicking because he thought—had lied to himself—he was over Drift and now not only is he wrong he’s developed a crush on Ratchet—reliable, stern, stubborn, kind, smart Ratchet—his Amica’s Conjunx. And he knows very well it is unrequited. Even if they are wanting to be adventurous and invite someone new to sleep with them, Rodimus is going to be devastated when they finally close their bed again.
One night he could laugh off as a drunken fun time, but he will not be able to disguise how clingy and emotional and needy he’ll be if they make it a frequent thing. That’s why Rodimus didn’t do multiple nights with people! He “misunderstands” and thinks more is going on than it actually is. He refused to inflict that on Dratchet.
He’d just gotten better at not shoving his way into Drift’s way and asking for things because Drift won’t tell him no! Ratchet finally tolerates him enough to not protest them being Amica—not that he’d said anything before but Rodimus knew he thought Drift could do better—which Rodimus agreed but was selfishly glad he hadn’t.
So he avoids them, helped by arranging the schedule and a few emergencies, always ready to offer an excuse even if it did make Drift look at him sadly and Ratchet look suspicious. And if he starts to feel weird afterwards, at first sick and tired, falling asleep in his office and achy, and then horny and starving and can’t stop eating sweets that’s his business. He has successfully managed to scrap their interactions down to the bare minimum which he will continue to do until he’s unrequited feelings fade, which would be a lot easier if they’d stop trying to corner him and Minimus and Megatron stopped judging him every time he made the schedule.
Rodimus’s sweet intake leads to his density increasing making him way more as protoform is building up and he doesn’t notice the difference, difference until he has the subtlest belly budging out just above his array. Ratchet finally pegs what is going on when he notices the anti-nausea, the glow, and the belly and way Rodimus’s hips are rounding out and chest is subtly swelling. He puts his foot down and he and Drift finally corner him by using privileges to be put on the graveyard shift with Rodimus.
Rodimus, who’d been getting gentle pep talks (Minimus) and just do it pep talks (Megatron), allows himself to be lead away. Accept apparently him carrying has gotten Ratchet and Drift very hot and bothered and instead of the conversation they are kissing him and pushing him over his desk to stuff him full and Rodimus is ready to go at a moment at this point, constantly horny, and is immediately distracted by this and also can’t get away and is sober enough to actually hear them saying they want him to stay and how thrilled they are to have a clutch and the phrasing is with the intention of a future together. After Drift, who has to be responsible because it turns out Ratchet’s breeding kink is making him thoroughly distracted pushing Rodimus against the nearest surface so he can cup his belly and fuck him, calls Megatron and Minimus to take over their shift.
Rodimus wakes up the next day to a grumbling Ratchet getting out of bed and kissing Drift goodbye and soothing him back to rest and then seeing Rodimus looking up at him sleepily kisses him and tells him to keep sleeping too. And Rodimus gets to, still not entirely sure what is going on, but the possessive grasp Drift makes on him when he rolls back over to sleep and Ratchet’s firm stay here with his own instincts finally relaxed and sleeping good from a night in between them helps.
They do eventually talk and work things out in between a lot of makeup sex and now Rodimus basically living it while getting bent over or crowded up against a wall to make sure he gets enough material to make their clutch. Drift is more slow and sweet about it taking his time and gentling Rodimus through it, savoring every moment, but Ratchet is rougher and very into the breeding aspect, prone to picking Rodimus up and shoving him against the wall or desk or bed (if they make it that far), and filling him up, fucking him until Rodimus’s is yowling, still carefully and hand always gently petting over Rodimus’s swelling tank. Ratchet is also the one who is now the most prone to spoiling Rodimus at the slightest pout. The carrier of the clutch deserves everything is Ratchet's stubborn response everytime he has a happy purring Rodimus pepper his face with kisses and Drift tease him about it.
Happy pregnant Dratchrod sex and babies for the win with Rodimus getting pampered.
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tinydefector · 5 months
Could I request some human and Rung nsfw scenario? Maybe Rungs curiosity about human anatomy gets the better of him
Did I use this to write Wings of Primus AU yes, yes I did.
Wings of Primus AU
Rung x Human reader
Word count: 3.9K
Warning: Smut, religious experience. #Valveplug
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Rung masterlist
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Rung's optics fixated on the human's back, his gaze drawn to the mesmerising sight of the gears and orb shifting and glowing with an ethereal light. As he observed this phenomenon,curiosity intertwined with a sense of guilt that gnawed at his spark. Every Time he saw them a small part of him felt guilty over the fact it was his wings that had fused to them. 
How had this come to pass? How did the gears and orb become fused with the human's form? These were mysteries that tugged at Rung's inquisitive nature, but the fact that ancient Cybertronian technology had melded itself to a human did intrigued him. 
A smile tugged at the corners of Rung's lips as they turned to look at him, their concern evident in their gaze. They sensed something was amiss, perhaps noticing his lingering optics and the weight of unspoken thoughts that hung in the air.
"Rung, is everything alright?" their voice is filled with genuine worry. Rung's optics flickered, momentarily caught off guard by the directness of their question. He quickly composed himself.
"Of course, my dear," Rung replied, his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of wryness. "Just lost in my thoughts, you know how it goes. How have things been since Ratchet's examination?" He offered them a small, reassuring smile, attempting to deflect their concern.
“ It went well enough, getting sick of constant check ups, he can't really do much about the orb, it doesn't hurt, it's just kinda there, occasionally it transforms into wings, just don't understand why so many tests are needed” they reply. 
Rung listened attentively as the human shared their experience since Ratchet's examination, his wry smile lingering on his lips. Their weariness and frustration over the constant check-ups is understandable  and Rung couldn't help but empathise. After all, he was the reason this all happened.
"It's understandable to grow weary of the constant tests and examinations," Rung acknowledged, his tone sympathetically. "Ratchet's thoroughness can sometimes feel excessive, but he truly wants to ensure your well-being. As for the orb, he's worried for your safety."
It was a phenomenon that defied conventional understanding, and Rung couldn't help but be fascinated by it, He had encountered many enigmatic phenomena during his long existence, but this fusion of technology and organic matter was a rare occurrence, but this was different,  it wasn't the same as techno organic, terraformers,  no this was a part of primus that had literally melted into their body. It sparked his analytical mind, he himself did not know how it came to be, prompting him to ponder the possibilities and implications of such a unique integration.
"I can't help but be intrigued by the melding of organic and mechanical elements within your form, does it affect any of your functions?" Rung asked, his voice carrying a tinge of worry. 
"It was kinda hard to get used to when it first latched onto me, kinda learnt my lesson not to go looking at shooting starts again, but it only hurt for about a week and it was sore joints due to extra weight, but don't know how Cybertronians work on the inside but its like its keeping my body healthy,  it healed over the burns and fixed anything it rewired, kinda feels natural now"
He knew that living with something as extraordinary as the orb's fusion could be both a blessing and challenge. 
“Rung your staring, is everything alright your not having a short circuit are you, do I need to get one of the medics?” They ask, head tilted while they move closer to him. 
 Rung had always been adept at masking his emotions, burying his own turmoil beneath a facade of calm and composure. It was a skill he had honed over vorns, allowing him to maintain a professional front.
However, the guilt continued to linger within him, a persistent ache that he couldn't easily dismiss. He couldn't help but feel responsible for the situation, The weight of that guilt pressed heavily upon him, tugging at his spark.
Rung's gaze returned to the gears and orb on the human's back, his optics tracing their intricate movements. He yearned to understand, to unravel the mystery that lay before him. "Yes, everything is alright," Rung reassured them, his voice softening with sincerity. 
Deep down, he knew that eventually, the truth behind the gears and orb on the human's back would come to light. And when it did, he hoped they would forgive him. “Well back to the lesson I guess You did ask me to help you understand human anatomy, so guess you're gonna have to bear with me as we go along" they state. "So.. where do you want to start?"
He watched as they walked closer, their presence bringing a sense of warmth and familiarity. Rung's gaze softened, his wry smile transforming into a more genuine expression.
"As for where to start, I believe it would be best to begin with the basics," Rung suggested, his tone thoughtful. "Let's start with the major anatomical systems,” 
Well humans have the skeletal system, that's our bone structure, muscular system which is our skin muscle mass and a few organs of ours, cardiovascular system, our heart and vein systems, pretty much the main ones we have." They grab Rungs servos as they guild him to different body parts explaining what they were and used for. Rung's knowledge of human anatomy was limited but enthusiasm for learning was evident, his desire to expand his knowledge. 
"Rung your staring again, is there something on me, do i need to get ratchet to check my back again?" They ask while quickly turning around while attempting to check the orb. 
Rung blinked, momentarily snapped out of his contemplative state. He couldn't help but chuckle at the human's playfulness. 
"My apologies, my dear," Rung replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I was simply lost in thought, pondering the various similarities between humans and Cybertronians."
"One striking similarity lies in the presence of sensory organs. Just as humans have eyes to see, Cybertronians possess optics. Similarly, humans have ears for hearing, while Cybertronians have audio receptors. The ability to perceive the world through these senses is a shared trait."
He paused for a moment, allowing his words to settle. Rung's gaze softened, his expression thoughtful. "Furthermore, both humans and Cybertronians possess a central processing unit, so to speak. For humans, it is their brain, while for Cybertronians, it is their central processor. These neural centres enable complex processes, allowing for consciousness, decision-making, and emotional experiences."
Rung's voice carried a hint of excitement as he continued to unveil the similarities.
"And let us not forget the significance of the spark," Rung added, his voice taking on a reverent tone. "Just as humans have their hearts, the spark serves as the core of a Cybertronian's being. It is the seat of their life force, their essence. The spark is what defines a Cybertronian, just as the heart defines a human." One of his digits press lightly against their chest as he processes the sound of their heart beat, so similar yet different from a spark pulse. 
Rung can feel the wings calling to his spark again as if they were calling though their heart. As the alluring feeling echoed in his processor, Rung couldn't deny the sharp pang of desire that surged through his circuits. His optics drank in the human's form, appreciating the unique beauty that lay before him. He leaned back in his chair, trying to maintain his composure despite the rising heat in his spark. Rung's gaze remained fixed on them, his optics betraying a mixture of curiosity and desire.
"I must admit, I find myself wondering about the intricacies of human interfacing," Rung confessed, his voice lowering to a more intimate tone. "It is a concept that Cybertronians are quite familiar with, as it serves as a means of connection, pleasure, and profound intimacy. I was wondering if humans have something similar" He wanted to delve deeper into the human experience, to explore the nuances of their desires and connections, and how different they are from Cybertronian.
They meet Rung's optics. “Rung, are you trying to proposition me?” They ask with a laugh, teasing him. Rung's optics widened slightly at the human's teasing response, caught off guard by their playful accusation. a rare display of embarrassment that betrayed his composed exterior. He quickly regained his composure, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Ah, I assure you that my intentions are purely intellectual," Rung replied quickly, shaking his servos while trying to save face, his voice laced with amusement. "As a psychiatrist, I have a natural curiosity about the intricacies of different species' experiences, including the concept of human interfacing." He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, his tone retaining its intimacy and sincerity. “Oh I'm not helping my case” he mumbles. 
They laugh, head thrown back as little snorts come from them before they settle. “I'm just teasing Rung, I promise, but your face oh my God it was priceless” they continue to giggle. Rung's optics flickered with a mix of relief and amusement “ cheeky i see” a gentle smile crossed his lips a hint of wryness lingers.
"you certainly know how to keep me on my pedes," Rung replied, his voice returning to its usual calm and composed tone. "I must admit, your playful nature caught me off guard for a moment there." 
“Please continue Rung i just couldn't help myself” they reply waiting for him to continue his line of thought. 
"Cybertronian interfacing is a deeply personal and profound act, encompassing both physical and emotional connection," Rung explained, his voice gentle yet filled with wisdom. "It serves as a means of not only pleasure but also forging intimate bonds and strengthening relationships. I was more curious if humans have a similar concept." He states while pressing his glasses back up his face. 
“Well humans, we call it intercorse, sex, love making, reproduction. Kinda depends on the person but it's a mix of doing it for Fun, pleasure, stress relief, commitment to another or to have kids” they explain to Rung as he listens in rather fascinated. 
With that, Rung leaned back slightly, his posture relaxed and open, “ so rather similar to Cybertronians” he mumbles before he looks back at them. 'They crave you' the words echo through his processor making his servo clench onto the arm of his chair, reminding him of the hidden desires that now threaten to consume his thoughts.
"I'm open for you to learn more, take a more hands on approach, just be gentle, don't ruin my clothes'' they respond. It nearly takes Rung off guard again, His optics widened ever so slightly. His spark fluttered with a mixture of anticipation and caution. 
"Only if you are certain," Rung replied, his voice steady yet tinged with a touch of warmth. "I assure you, I will be as gentle as can be, and I'll do my best to avoid any mishaps with your clothing." He allowed his servo to rest on their leg, his touch light and cautious. Rung's gaze remained fixed on the human, his optics filled with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. He was acutely aware of the privilege bestowed upon him, the opportunity to learn and explore the depths of human interfacing.
"Before we proceed, I must emphasise the importance of clear communication," Rung continued, his voice soft and earnest. "If at any point you feel uncomfortable or wish to stop, please let me know, or we can adjust accordingly. Your comfort is of utmost importance to me." With those words, Rung's servo shifted slightly, the touch remaining gentle as he removed their shirt. His optics drank in the sight before him, captivated by their skin, the scared marks that run across their skin from the wing mechanism. 
Rung's gaze lingered, his optics filled with a mix of guilt as he traces the scars before his digit runs along the ever shifting orb. He awaited their response. 
"I'll let you know Rung” they reply, the give a come here motion to him waiting for him to lean down. When he does they lean up and kiss him. 
 'They are yours to Claim Primus, they wear your wings to present themself for only you' the echoed words linger only for him to hear. Rung Slowly moving, examining and studying their soft form. His servos and digits continued to explore the human's form, his touch gentle yet purposeful. Each reaction, each sound that spilled from their lips, fueled his desire to provide pleasure and to elicit even more of those delightful sounds only for him to hear. Rung's spark pulsed with a mix of anticipation and a growing hunger.
As the human moaned his name, louder and more desperate, Rung felt a shiver of excitement ripple through his frame. It was an affirmation of their desire, "stunning," Rung breathed, his voice laced with a mixture of desire and affection. "Let's move this to a more comfortable place. Rung stood, their body clinging to him as he swiftly moved towards the berth. Rung felt a surge of delight as the human clung to him, their smile reflecting their eagerness for what lay ahead. He savoured the sound of their small squeal
Rung's spark pulsed with anticipation as he led them to the berth he discarded his glasses on the bench as he laid them onto the berth. their bodies pressed intimately against each other. The urging whispers echoed in his audials, Rung gently lowered the human onto the soft surface, their combined heat and desire filling the air around them. His optics drank in the sight before him, a beautiful and willing form laid bare, their pants discarded and their need evident. The moans that escaped their lips fueled his own desire, spurring him to explore further.
"Is this alright?" Rung murmured, his voice husky with desire. With a gentle touch, Rung's digits pressed against their entrance, a wave of pleasure coursing through both of their frames. “Yes, more than alright” The desire in their voice, their plea for more, stirred a primal heat within him, urging him to grant their request. Rung's own arousal was evident. 
With each deliberate movement, Rung explored their softness and elicited more moans from their lips. He revelled in their responsiveness, digits pressing deeper and stretching them open, they buck into his hand "Please, Rung," pleads spilling from their lips, their voice laced with a desperate need.
Rung's spark surged with a mix of adoration and desire as he responded to their plea, his touch becoming more focused and deliberate.
Rung continued to explore, to bring them both closer to the precipice of ecstasy. Their shared desire and trust fueled his own arousal, but his focus remained on their pleasure, on guiding them towards a peak of bliss that they both craved.
His little human moans and begs for more. The wing mechanism releases and the metal wings transform, Spread out across the berth from the human's back the wings flutter in delight against their back.. Their legs shake each time Rung's digits thrust back into their soft velvet walls. 
'They are ready, claim them, claim them as yours Primus,' Rung's optics widened in surprise and disbelief as the wing mechanism on the human's back released, transforming into metal wings that spread out across the berth. His spark skipped a beat, a mix of awe and realisation surging through him, they looked stunning with his wings, very different from when he last wore them but yet they suited them so well. 
His processors whirred, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and desires swirling within him. Rung knew that his wings were a manifestation of who he was, a symbol of his duty and purpose. 
"Divine," Rung murmured, his voice a mixture of reverence and uncertainty. Rung's digits continued their thrusting, his touch seeking to bring the human closer to their peak of pleasure. Their moans and the trembling of their legs fueled his own desire, “that's it, let go overload for me” he whispers against their ear.
"Please, more" they moaned, their voice filled with a mix of need and desire. Rungs' other servo comes up to cradle their face. He slowly pulls his digits away moving so that he could be as close to them as the size difference allowed.  Rung's own arousal surged, his spark pulsing with a mix of longing and restraint. 
Rung moves with purpose and care, his interface plating releases as he slowly presses up against them. “Are you alright?” he asked again only to receive a nod as they try pulling him closer. He slowly presses into their smaller body, the sudden heat and pleasure that hits has him groaning loudly. 
"Rung!" They cry out loudly as run sinks into them, arms shooting up to grip onto him. His servo moves Their legs, shifting to rest around his hips, slowly he starts to move and starts thrusting. Their back arches off the bed, wings fluttering and sprawling out more as moans fall from their lips.
Rung's spark surged with a mixture of desire and adoration as the human cried out his name, their voice filled with a potent combination of pleasure and need, need only for him. The sight of their back arching off the bed, their wings fluttering and sprawling out more, stirred a primal heat within Rung, this was for him, they had come to him. 
Rung's thrusts were deliberate and measured, aimed at bringing them both closer to pleasure. With each movement, he elicited a symphony of moans and gasps. 
“Your stunning, my stunning divine" Rung calls out, his voice laced with desire and tenderness. 
The human's moans echoed in his audials, their pleas for more spurring him on. Rung's own arousal surged, his pace quickening as the intensity mounted. The tighten of their body have surging towards the peak of bliss.
He relished every reaction, every gasp and moan that fell from their lips. Wishing he could have them on repeat, he could melt just from how their eyes water, how they bite their lip as pleasure takes them. 
Rung's voice became a low and soothing presence amidst the growing intensity.
"Let go, my dear," he urged again, his voice filled with a mix of desire and tenderness. "I've got you. Please come undone for me"
Together, they succumbed to the overwhelming wave of ecstasy, their bodies trembling with the intensity of their release. Rung held them close, venting heavily. ‘His’ wings enfolding them in a gentle embrace as they rode out the aftershocks of their shared pleasure. 
They choke out as Rung lifts them up, resting on his knees as he pulls them up with him. Through hazed eyes it's like Rung's plating is Gold, the wings cling to him and for a brief moment when their orgasm hits, they see him. A glimpse of the bot Rung once was. 
Gold and silver plating blue markings down his faceplate. Their hand extends to trace one of the diamonds of glowing blue. 
Gently, Rung held them close, his touch and embrace a grounding presence amidst the ethereal moment that had just passed. His optics met theirs, a mixture of warmth and deskre shining within them.
And as they remained in each other's embrace, basking in the afterglow of their shared pleasure, Rung held onto their exhausted form, Their head resting on Rung chassis panting as he rolled them so he's laying down. The wings flutter and twitch but make no move to transform back. fingers tracing lines on his plating, it's the orange now, not the shimmering gold they had seen before.
The question that escaped their lips was soft and filled with curiosity, their voice carrying a sense of wonder. "What... what are you?"
Rung's optics softened as he contemplated their question. "I am Rung," he replied, his tone gentle yet resolute. "A psychiatrist aboard the Lost Light, here to help guide and support those who seek solace and understanding."
He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of their question to settle in. The significance of their vision and perception was not lost on him. It spoke to the depth of his spark.
"But I am more than that," Rung continued, his voice carrying a hint of wry amusement. "I am a being who has lived and experienced much more than others give me credit for. An old spark, if you will. Older than most"
He shifted slightly, allowing the human to remain comfortable in his embrace as he continued to run his fingers along their frame. The sensation of their touch, combined with their question, stirred a mix of emotions within Rung.
"I am a bot who has walked many paths, witnessed the ebb and flow of countless lives," Rung explained. "I was once known as Primus, keeper of the all-spark, the divine essence that flows through all of cybertron."
"But I am also just Rung," he added, his voice filled with warmth. As Rung spoke, his touch remained gentle and comforting, his fingers intertwining with theirs. The significance of their vision and their perception of him as the bot he once was, Primus, held a profound impact on their shared experience.
"You have seen something special," Rung concluded, his voice filled with gratitude. "A glimpse into the depths of my being, the intertwining of my own spark. and the divine."
"The wings, they are yours aren't they?" A mixture of emotions swirled within Rung, a sense of awe, nostalgia, and a tinge of sadness. He had thought those wings were lost forever, a relic of his distant past. But now, seeing them once again, merged with another being, it was a profound revelation. 
 "Those wings were once mine, a part of me from a time long ago." He carefully reached out, his fingers tracing along the edges of the wings, feeling the familiar energy pulsating through them. It was a bittersweet reunion, a reminder of who he once was and the journey he had undertaken since then.
"I never imagined I would see them again," Rung continued, his voice tinged with a wistful tone. "To witness them melded with another, it is a testament to the resilience of them, but I'm sorry it was you they joined with” the remorse in his voice is evident 
"I'm not," they whisper, “they brought me here so i have to thank them, i just wasn't expecting this. Wasn't expecting the God of Cybertron playing therapist to a ragtag mixed bunch” they reply, it makes him chuckle as he pulls them further up his chassis. “you have me there my dear”. 
Have some funnies 
Rung and The human sitting together after.
Human: so… your Cybertron's God?
Rung: *sighing* I was once, but I'm not anymore, I gave that part of myself up long ago. 
Human: …. I fucked the God of Cybertron who's also my therapist….
Rung: *looking away embarrassed* please it sound bad enough as is
Human: …..
Swerve: what's wrong squishy, you look like you have been through alot need a drink. 
Human: I fucked God
Swerve: *raising his optic ridge* pardon?
Human:*having a panic attack* I fucked Primus Swerve, oh God I fucked an alien species God
Swerve: *looking worried* Was he a good Frag?
Human: Rung... I don't have to worry about having a cyberhuman God child do I
Rung: *slightly confused* I don't believe that will be something to worry about, why.
Human: ahh earth religion thing is all.
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
How about TFP Optimus wanting to breed his S/o female human because, well, he wants to start a family, but there could be other reasons too. Nsfw, pls.
Before thinking too much about starting anything, he (awkwardly) asked Ratchet if a human and a cybertronian being would be able to conceive or interface… theoretically. (Ratchet was very concerned, to say the least. He thinks it’s… possible.)
He needs- he wants you so much, so badly. Wants to see you full with transfluid, know that you are his. Know that he will always find love in your presence.
Optimus feels guilty before introducing this topic to you, he feels selfish. When you respond with enthusiasm or agreement about starting a family/having a sparkling, he’s so happy!
Happy, meaning brightly smiling and blushing and praising you for being brave and trying this with him.
KNOTTING. It’ll be such a tight squeeze for both of you, but being flooded with his transfluids is an indescribably amazing, full feeling.
You could have his knot in you for the rest of the night, Optimus will make sure you feel loved and cared for every second.
part 2 of this post
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Hello! I would like to request a TFP Ratchet's or Knockout's reaction on their female human reader that wanted to try and drink energon and now she has her insides glowing like very strong blue color and feels very guilty about it. Like her heart glows blue her intestines, lungs etc.😭❤️
Just a dumb lil idea. If you don't like it you don't have to write anything. Feel free <3
TFP Ratchet + TFP Knockout's reaction to their human s/o wanting to try energon
hi!!! thanks for requesting! ❤️ this was fun to write heheh, word of advice to you friend, don't drink energon!!! it does not taste as good as it looks!!! hope this is satisfactory!
Warnings: Emetophobia, small mention of needles
Word count: 1772
TFP Ratchet
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You were perched on Ratchet’s shoulder, watching your significant other as he works on the main computer. He seems so concentrated that you were sure he forgot you were there with him, but you were reassured when every now and then he would glance his optics to you, making sure you weren’t going to slide off him. Ratchet sighs as he picks up the jar of energon sitting off to the side, holding it up to his dermas and takes a swig. For some reason you were intrigued by the glowing blue liquid, wondering what it might taste like, or if it tasted like anything.
“Ratchet, what does energon taste like?” You ask him, watching as he wipes the remaining drops of energon on his dermas off with his arm. He perks up, a questioning look on his faceplates.
“It is most certainly something that you humans cannot digest.” Ratchet says as he places the jar back to where it was on the console, he looks back to you, “But if you insist, it tastes rather sweet. Like what you would call ‘honey’, but not as thick. It was engineered that way to make it more palatable.”
You nod, looking back to the jar. You jump out of your skin when you hear the commlink on the computer going off, but Ratchet reaches a servo to your thighs, stabilising you.
“Ratchet, we require immediate medical attention. Bring your med kit.”
“I’m on my way.” Ratchet answers. He gently picks you up from his shoulder, giving you a quick kiss to your lips as he always does when he is called to duty, “Stay here, I’ll be back soon enough.”
“Alright…” You sigh as he places you down on the catwalk, watching as he opens a ground bridge to Optimus’s coordinates. You’re now left on your own in the base. You look back to the seemingly innocent jar of energon still sitting on the console.
“One little taste can’t hurt, right?”
You were totally wrong, so very wrong. In fact, you were sure that Ratchet would kill you when he sees that your whole entire body is glowing a bright blue colour. You had no idea what the effects of energon were on human body, but now you know, and you regret tipping over the jar and scooping the liquid into your mouth. Also, Ratchet is a total liar, it did not taste like honey.
You panic as you hear the sound of pedes coming through the still open ground bridge. You watch as Ratchet and the rest of team prime enter the base. Ratchets optics are blown wide as he sees your body now glowing, he runs over to you and gently scoops you up in his servo.
“(Y/n)!” Ratchets scans his optics over you, “What’s happened to you?”
You say nothing, shoulders hunched over with arms wrapped around your stomach. Ratchet is extremely concerned, but he shifts his eyes over to the console, energon spilled everywhere. Ratchet gasps as he put two and two together and narrows his optics on you.
“What part of ‘humans cannot digest’ did you not understand, (Y/n)?!” Ratchet is the one panicking now. He rushes you over to the med-bay, sitting you on one of the gurneys he managed to get for human casualties. He pulls out his scanner and runs a diagnostic over your entire body, you groan as he does so, feeling extremely nauseous now. He orders you to stick out your tongue, gasping as he sees it also glowing a bright blue.
“By the all spark,” Ratchet breathes. The others had congregated around the med-bay, also concerned with your current predicament, “Your whole entire body is glowing blue with energon, even your own heart.”
You sit up suddenly, leaning over the gurney and throwing up the glowing contents of your stomach on the concrete floor. The other members of team prime cringed as you did so, but Ratchet kneeled next to you, rubbing your back softly.
“Ratchet…” You groan, spitting out the remaining drops of energon still sitting in your mouth, “I’m sorry… I was just curious… I didn’t think it would be that bad.”
“(Y/n), I told you.” Ratchet rubs his optics with his free servo, “Energon is toxic when exposed to humans in large quantities, you’re lucky to be alive right now. Fortunately, it seems that you have just… expelled most if not all the energon remaining in your stomach.”
You look up at him with glowing iris’s, “Does that mean I’ll be ok?”
Ratchet hums as he nods his helm, still heavily concerned for his human conjunx, “Hopefully, but you are not leaving this med bay nor leaving my sight until the rest of the energon wears off.”
You give him a half laugh, body still shaking from being nauseous, “Hah, not the best date night I’ve had in mind.”
Ratchet rolls his optics, scoffing, but then gives you a playful smile and leans down to kiss your head, “There will be no more ‘date nights’ for you if you ever try to drink energon again.”
TFP Knockout
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Life can get pretty exciting being the so called ‘human pet’ of Knockout, the nickname being given to you by the other Decepticons. You didn’t mind though as Knockout was prepared to turn them into his next experiment if they ever decide to put their servos on you, just another benefit of being his conjunx.
One downside, however, is your exposure to tons and tons of substances on the Decepticon war ship that are toxic to your squishy body. Knockout tries his best to keep them out of your reach so you don’t accidentally come into contact with them, but there’s one that he can’t hide that is in constant use on the Nemesis.
Energon, as they call it. To you it looks like it could be candy, or a blue raspberry cocktail. But Knockout strongly advised you not to touch it for good reasons, it will probably kill you.
But here you are, in Knockout’s medical unit, purposely going against his orders. You managed to drag one of the large energon cubes over onto his large desk, attempting to pry it open. With much difficulty, the lid popped giving you access to a motherload of energon at your fingertips. You were lucky that Knockout was out on battlefield duty, or he would absolutely flip is shit.
Hesitantly, you cup some of the energon into your hands and bring it up to your lips. It feels like little shocks of electricity on your skin and tongue as it glides down your throat. You shiver as you swallow, definitely not a cocktail. The rest of the energon falls from your hands onto the desk as you feel yourself become queasy, your body’s attempt to advise you on what you just did was a terrible idea. You dropped to the floor as you become unconscious.
“Tsk, those Autobots.” Knockout clicks his glossa as he returns to the Nemesis, scratches on his red frame leaking with energon, “That was the last time they will get the opportunity to ruin my paint job.”
He rushes through the long corridors of the ship, eager to return to his beloved human and to get some energon into him. He had never thought that he would ever be romantically invested in a human, but after he captured you for interfering with Decepticon affairs, you had grown on him. It was a surprise to him when one day you confessed to him, and even more of a surprise when he accepted you as his human conjunx.
He arrives to his medical unit, optics glancing around for any spare energon cubes. He successfully finds one, but its open. He quirks his optical ridges, “That’s weird, I never left that there.”
Knockout walks up to the cube and picks it up, he shrugs his frame and downs the whole thing. But does a spit-take when he sees you unconscious on the table, skin glowing a bright blue. His red optics wide as drops the empty cube from his servos, shattering on the floor.
“(Y/n)?!” Knockout exclaims, scooping you up in his servos, “Sweetspark?”
He sighs in relief when he hears a groan escape from you, knowing that you’re not dead. You squint your eyes and place a hand on your throbbing head, but you gasp as you noticed your entire arm is glowing blue, “Knockout?”
“You drank energon, didn’t you?” Knockout narrows his optics on your body, scanning you with his optics looking for any signs of internal damage. He notices that your intestines are glowing bright blue, confirming his suspicions, “I told you specifically not to touch it! That stuff is highly poisonous for you little squishy’s!”
You groan, flopping onto your back in his servo, “I’m sorry, OK? I couldn’t help myself.”
“For Primus sake, it’s a wonder how you humans manage to survive at all.” Knockout rolls his optics, he places you back onto the table, “You’re lucky that I love you enough to have already made a cure for this.”
Knockout pulls out a syringe from one of his storage compartments under the desk, it’s filled with a black liquid. Your glowing eyes shoot open as you realise that he might jab you.
“Calm down, babe.” He shakes his helm, softly chuckling at your reaction, “There’s nothing sharp attached to it, it’s a mixture of ingredients designed to absorb and neutralise any toxic substances in your stomach. Learned it from you humans, activated charcoal.”
“You want me to drink that?” You questioned him, weakly lifting your head from the table. Knockout rolls his optics again for what feels like the hundredth time that day.
“You drank the energon,” Knockout scoops you up, pressing the tube of liquid to your lips, “What makes you think you can’t drink this?”
You try not to gag as he forces the liquid down your throat, but you drink all of it, trusting him. You shutter at the taste, somehow it was even worse than the energon, “There, happy? I drank your stupid charcoal.”
Knockout nods his helm in satisfaction, “Good, let this be a reminder to never drink energon again, hm?”
You nod your head in agreement, giving him a weak thumbs up, “Don’t have to worry about that ever again, Doc.”
Knockout huffs, then gives you a gentle kiss on your head, “Although, it is rather amusing that the energon makes your whole body turn blue.”
“I may have to conduct some experimenting on you later.” He continues, giving you a wink.
“Don’t even think about it!”
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weenwrites · 9 months
can you please do TFP Ratchet, Optimus, or Ultra Magnus with a human charge who is too soft hearted. Like they can’t say no too a friend and they would give people presents no. The charge is very shy and lonely cause they go to a different school than the other humans and the charge would do anything for people to like them
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He doesn't have the patience or tact to try and help you with your problem in a way that is helpful to you aside from telling you that you have one, so he just says no to your "friends" for you! Well, he offers to do it for you. Put him on the phone with your friend, he can pretend to be some relative you're staying over with, and he can say no on your behalf.
But he'll only do this for you oh so many times before you can't turn to him to do it anymore. He'll keep trying to nudge you towards saying "no" yourself, and whenever he hears you say "yes" to something you don't want to do, you can hear his disappointed sigh from the couch and you can see that he simply lowers his head and keeps working.
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He puts it much gentler than Magnus does, it's better to be liked for who you truly are than being liked for the front you put up to please others. This front you put on will only attract the wrong kind of people, the ones that make you miserable. Granted, there is a chance that nice people may come around you, but you're lying to them when you say yes to things you don't truly wish to do. He's not disappointed or upset, he's just concerned about the kind of people you attract with this behavior.
He gently tries to encourage you to say no, and if you feel guilty about changing your mind, he'll tell you that it's alright to change your mind at the last second. And even if you can't bring yourself to say no, then it's alright, you can try again next time.
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Ultra Magnus
To put it bluntly, Magnus thinks you're too much of a pushover. It's easy for people to take advantage of your unassuming nature and people-pleasing tendencies, especially if they know they can keep getting away with it. He knows this can become a very dangerous thing if you happen to get around the wrong people, so he attempts to tell you that you need to stand up to yourself.
Although depending on how sensitive you are, it may actually take a while for you to understand where he's coming from, because he doesn't handle the topic with any emotional tact, nor does he beat around the bush. He's not good with being too considerate of your emotions, so unfortunately this is the best you're going to get.
But when he eventually gets around to trying to help you out with this issue—that is, if you truly allow him to help, not just to please him—he attempts to teach you to say "no" to people. You need to be louder and firmer with your declination, he'll say, you need to maintain direct eye-contact as non-verbal body-language is just as important as verbal body-language in order to make the overall message a consistent and clear: "no". His teaching methods are strict, militaristic, and formal, which may yield varying results, but hopefully they're helpful nonetheless.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
damn, will you continue that soft yandere Optimus Prime or leave it there? it was pretty good 👀
Optimus Prime - The Soft Yandere PART 2 
The war had ended, and the Autobots had made Earth their home. It had become much calmer without the chaos of the Decepticons’ wrath- though there were still a few of them out there trying to keep the fight going. They were certainly a lot weaker than Megatron, though, so they weren’t as hard to take down.
You and Optimus had a blooming relationship, but lately you’d tried to take time alone. You loved him, but he was suffocating you with affection. While you were injured and couldn’t do much for yourself it was fine, but now it’s just too much. 
You heard a honk echo in the street and you sighed. You turned around to see the all-too familiar semi truck. With a huff you made your way to it and got in. “Damn it, Optimus! I told you I wanted to walk by myself.” 
He was taken back. You almost never cussed- especially at him. “What’s wrong, my love?” 
“I wanted to walk! Why did you pick me up?”
“Decepticons are still active. They may use you to get to me and the others.”
You rolled your eyes- another thing you rarely did. Your attitude has been a huge issue with him lately. “There hasn’t been a sighting in THREE months! I can’t handle this right now. I’m walking the rest of the way.” You moved to the handle of the car, trying to get out. The handle wouldn’t budge. “Optimus, open the door.”
“No.” A simple answer left the radio as the car began its drive to your house. 
You started to pull more at his door. “Optimus! I said let me out- now!” A panic began to overtake you. He’d never acted like this before.
“Have I done something to upset you?” He sounded like a kicked puppy.
You lowered your arm, feeling a little guilty. “Optimus… I feel suffocated. I just want some time alone, and I don’t understand why you won’t leave me alone for a little while. I love you- but you’re scaring me.”
Optimus was silent for a moment. He said nothing as he slowly opened the door. You scrambled outside and gently laid a hand on his side. 
“Just a few days, please. Please.” 
Optimus said nothing as he drove away, leaving you in the dust. You felt guilty- but you’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy the time alone. You finally felt free. 
It was only three days, but you realized that you may not love Optimus like you used to. He used to be so sweet and kind, always giving you the space you wanted. Now he was controlling. You weren’t allowed to go anywhere alone because the now disbanded decepticons might get you, however unrealistic that was. 
Optimus wouldn’t even listen to Ratchet’s advice, who advised him to take a step back. Maybe it was for the best if the both of you went on a break to see how things would go. You called Optimus to meet at your house tonight. 
“What is it you wanted to speak about?” Optimus held out his hand, which you climbed onto. He sat you on the roof so you’d be at his eye level. 
You shuffled your feet nervously. “Optimus… I think we should take a break. We’ve had a… tense relationship as of late and I-”
“No.” You were stunned into silence as he continued. “I love you far too much to allow you to just abandon this relationship. We can work through it- we will not just leave it.” 
It was almost impossible to speak with the weight of the conversation. “Optimus… this is the problem. You’re far too controlling.”
“The Decep-”
You held your hand up. “Let me finish. The Decepticons haven’t been an issue in months. Every Time you do find one, you defeat them easily. I wanted it to just be a break, but now I’m thinking we need to break up instead.” Tears filled your eyes. It was for the best you said this, though. 
Optimus scooped you up and held you in front of his faceplates. “You’re just confused. I understand- but you will learn with time.” He smiled.
“Optimus, put me down. Please.”
Optimus instead transformed around you. You tried to do anything- kick the door, kick the glass. Nothing worked. 
The Prime got tired of you kicking him and wrapped the seatbelt around you tightly. Any attempts at a struggle would make the belt tighten, so you quickly gave in so as to not be deprived of oxygen. 
Soon, Optimus pulled into a base much like the Autobot’s. It would be confused for it, actually, if not for the spiderwebs and lack of tech. Optimus transformed and placed you on a platform. 
“Where are we?” You looked around. 
“Your new home.” You looked up at him in confusion and fear as he just smiled at you. “I know it’s not much now, but we’ll make it a great home. I have gotten you a few things to make your transition easier.” He gestured to a large stack of items. Books, clothes, furniture. Everything you’d need to survive was there.
Backing up, you whimpered. “Optimus, this is crazy. Take me back home- you’re scaring me. I can’t stay here!”
The tall bot merely pat your head. “You will learn to love it, and relearn to love me. You will be safe here, I promise. You will never want for anything.”
“I want to go home!” 
Optimus frowned. He knew this was hard for you- but you had to stay with him. Don’t you know how much he’d done for you? “You’re staying here, and that’s final.” He leaned down to kiss your head. “I love you. I have to go now, but I will be back soon.” With that, he was gone.
You ran around trying to desperately find an exit. Nothing would open. Every door was sealed tightly and no matter how much you pushed, pulled, or slammed into would make it budge even an inch. 
You fell to the ground in exhaustion and defeat. You were never going to get out of here, and you were always going to be with Optimus. You didn’t have a choice.
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