#rc9gn hc
dashflashy-arts · 1 year
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Back at it again w/ Randy's mom. This time, with his dad!
idk if I should keep this design tho
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Randy Cunningham's parents hcs
He has two moms, duh
His mother is a doctor and works late shifts
Her name is Amanda and her maiden name is Fosters
His mommy is a firefighter who also works late, surprise surprise
Her name is Valerie
When they were in college they met Howard's future parents and became fast friends, Howard's mom is also a doctor and her and Amanda work at the same hospital
They lived in Valerie's family home untill the move in the final episode, they'd been planning on moving next to the Weinerman's house for a while but waited till they had slightly more reasonable shifts
Randy didn't know because it was supposed to be a surprise
Both Amanda and Valerie are big Ninja fans(Valerie was the Ninja at one point and Amanda knows this)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
You know, I wonder if foreign objects as a whole can be inserted inside the Nomicon and be held there indefinitely.
Take the temple of the Shadow Warrior for example. Back in the episode “let the wonk it” when Randy was looking for around in Shadow Warrior’s temple, he came across many things that I’m entirely sure were from the outside world.
Honestly, its one of my favorite headcanons I've had about Ninjanomicon!!! Same brain anon. ;P
Though, in my opinion it can't be just any object at all. It has to be either a) be magical in some nature; and/or b) imbued partially with Ninja's magic itself. That's how most of the objects probably found their way being stored in Ninjanomicon and in SW temple, as Ninjas themselves found/used them and stored them away, either because they are useful or/and dangerous.
On the same note, I like to think that's also how Ninja adds weapons to the suits arsenal! So, current wearer of the suit can imbue an object with the magic of an active Ninja - its how we get some strange weapons like the Ninja Candelabra and Ninja Ukelele - at some point in the past one of the Ninjas poured their magic into it to use it, and it joined the overall arsenal.
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maslosstuff · 2 months
Some of my Rc9gn au or headcanons
Mcfist doesn’t remember Howard’s name so they refer to him as ninja sidekick or fat redhead kid
Randy had flexibility skills even before being the ninja (Doing homemade parkour stunts)
Heidi and Howard parents are divorced and stay with the parent they dislike
Heidi and Howard make exchanges with each other but both don’t keep their end of the bargain (rare if they do)
If Howard didn’t know Randy identity he would’ve been a villain (like Harry Osborn)
Theresa and Heidi are besties like Howard and Randy
Heidi and Debbie have a rivalry with one another before it get squashed and they learn to respect each other
Howard thinks Julian is a posier (which is why he’s not fond of him)
After merging with evil Julian regular Julian now has heterochromia
Theresa while not fond of Howard do thinks he’s funny
If Randy wasn’t picked as ninja Theresa would’ve been the next option
Morgan and Bash don’t get along at all but do love to make fun of Viceroy
Morgan may have an attraction to Howard (he doesn’t know that as she’s wearing a disguise)
Ninja suit acts like a symbiote so when Howard wore it he became a jerk (then usual)
Mac Antfee cut off McFist arm
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theasterous09 · 10 months
Some rc9gn headcanons I have kept in the back burner of my mind:
Randy Cunningham:
- His favorite subject is Math! He is also one of the freshmen that excels in it, even though he isn't the smartest person in his class. Some of his classmates would even come to him and ask if he could teach them. (Howard doesn't even need to ask, he just has to wave a piece of paper with math equations on it and Randy will help him out.)
- Randy sleepwalks more often than he knows, and it became so much more frequent when he became the Ninja. Howard is the one who usually witnesses this strange occurence, especially during their sleepovers. He has a lot of videos on his phone of Randy doing something weird, bruce, or even questionable (like that one time Randy started doing jumping-jacks while he was asleep, Howard has the entire video) while he's in dreamland.
- Despite being a huge extrovert and wanting to be popular in NHS, Randy has social anxiety and doesn't like being the center of attention if it has a negative view on him.
- He's half-American, and a quarter-Japanese&Filipino. His Father is a pure American and his Mother is the half-half.
- His Mother (or Father, as he has learned to speak in both languages) would speak to him in any of the languages (depending on their moods). Randy mostly replies to them in English, though he would answer in the foreign language on occasion.
- He is usually alone at home because his parents work at the same job, and the said job usually starts from before the sun rises until the moon is way up the dark sky.
- Even though both parents rarely have quality time for him, they make sure at least once a week, they take a family day with just the three of them hanging out and having fun.
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cunningweiner · 5 months
Ultimate prom experience is sitting at an empty table imagining what Randy and Howard would be doing at prom
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dietleucine · 16 days
sandy back with another buttermaker post hi
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here's my updated design of him ... i think he's neat
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glitter-alienz · 11 months
Hm doodle request
Maybe McFist relaxing at the seaside? (I mean, not too many draw McFist right? Lol)
you're right anon and it hurtsss </3 mcfist is my fav guy EVER. he's so underrated his tag on here barely haz any art....GRAAAHH. also here is he on da beach!! (also viceroy, he deserves a vacation)
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im having waaay to much fun with this color changing brush
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wrongchose · 7 months
Unfinished Stuff
Im so frikin' stressed rn posting makes me calm somehow
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Both from last year but im NOT finishing them (i really love that nomicon design tbh)
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what-the-juice · 3 months
i like to hc randy as a trans guy because.... the shape of the shadows below his chest literally look like top surgery scars and it's been making me crazy ever since i saw it. it's amazing
they removed it on s2 but i havean explanation for that. His scars just started to heal and fade.... yes.......
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you are TRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRANS BEAM ACTIVATE
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cm2tfemotd · 8 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon Is Brent from Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja! she is a butch lesbian transfem that uses she/he! also the daughter of S. Ward smith!
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man-of-tfworlds · 3 months
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Theresa Fowler Headcanons (Updated List)
I posted a hc list year ago 🤯 omg
So this is the update.
Theresa Fowler Headcanons (Relevant for Meaning On Earth/Gothic Files)
Her birthday is on 25th of July (Zodiac sign is Leo but who cares)
Her favorite color is yellow. It's still yellow. Even if she disguised herself as a cold gothic b!tch.
She's left handed. A bit of ambidextrous, but mostly left handed. But usually holds items in the right hand.
Her mbti personality type is probably INFJ. I accidentally got into this topic and the description of this type, was exactly how I imagined Theresa in general: shy, strange, mysterious, empathetic and emotional.
Her attachment type is anxious... Due to how she was treated in the infanthood and childhood.
When she was younger, she really liked to spin pens and pencils in her hand (stimming!) and teachers in school suggested her to be a baton twirler.
Her favorite musical instrument is the electric organ Hammond
It's also the guitar, but she learned it on her own.
Her favorite bands are Black Sabbath and Deep Purple. Later she was introduced to grunge. Her fav genre is rock and metal. But she also fond of electronic.
Her middle name is Rosemary. Fun fact: I thought of it when I was listening to Deftones song of the same name. And that's really fitting.
She's definitely autistic or schizotypal. She also has bits of BPD (borderline personality disorder)
She has an identical twin sister named Dolores. Dolores is older than Theresa by only six minutes. They grew up apart, that's why they're completely different, despite being identical. But still giving off the same vibe. (Dolores would've been best friends with Julian, since she's more gothic)
Theresa is originally from Halifax, a town in United Kingdom. But ethnically, she's not a pure british. Her mother, who's an ordinary human being, was probably from Spain. Her mom also had some southeast European genes, like Bulgarian or Serbian etc.
Her father belongs to extraterrestrial species of purple haired humanoids with some supernatural abilities. When she was born, she was different from her older twin. Theresa inherited her father's dark purple hair and undiscovered alien superpowers, while Dolores's hair was all black and she is probably, a weaker twin. Meaning On Earth lore lol.
She obviously has slight club feet.
She used to wear glasses (for better vision) but she lost them.
I tried my best to remember all the main headcanons... For obvious reasons I didn't put my NSFW-ish headcanons of MOE! Theresa into this list. Even if I wanted to make it larger. No. Just No. And I also tried my best for this list not to become a MOE retelling :(
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
I’ve been simping over your ‘human’ Nomicon design since it came out in Ninja-November. If you have any headcanons about them, would you please share?
ah, a fellow monster/eldritch horror enjoyer I see! thank you! <3 tbh that Nomicon design was like an one day revelation, because while I love all the human!Nomi designs I've seen over the years (and there are some banger ones, man), it hit me that we as a fandom really underutilize all the uncanny aspects Nomi possesses. So ye. I do have a couple hc.
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Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have its own face and voice.
Whenever Nomicon talks to Randy it uses proxies in form of art/images/drawings/scribbles/writings. It gives strangely non-verbal vibes for something so cryptically eloquent! And whenever it does use a voice, its voice of the First Ninja (or more accurately his VA xD) , its first owner/wielder. When it uses a face, its usually the static/unmoving marble-like faces of Art or silly pen scribbles - both of which hold that uncanny valley look of something that looks human but really isn't. Not to mention the fact that it once literally stole Randy's face/body to teach him a lesson.
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I like to think that Nomicon has a library of faces/visages/voices it can take on, but all of them are creepily unsettling because - what would a book know about how to be human? It's face moves wrong, the eyes are too wide open, its body is creepily still, the voice uses inflections like its copying someone else (and sometimes voice warbles and changes/overlaps with other voices because it has so many).
All of it gives these fae/cryptid vibes of creatures that steal voices/faces to trick people, but in this case Nomicon collects those faces/voices from its owners along with their memories (which is another messed up thing we collectively forget is very creepy lol).
Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have a body, and most importantly - hands.
The reason I gave Nomicon so many shadow hands is because, well, Nomicon is a book. Hands hold those books, so the hands are very important to Nomi. All those shadow hands? Are memories of all the hands that held it (mostly previous Ninjas, but also the Creep and some others). It remembers everyone who held it.
The fit- the hat and the cape are kind of obvious, it look like center of the cover and the cape looks like covers on either side with pages underneath. The weirdest addition I made - is the spaghetti noodle-doodle 'hair'.
It constantly fascinates me that Nomicon, besides the Greek Key/9 motif, has those sort of concentration circles that are also present during Mask/Suit transformation. It gave me thought of sort of weird halos i guess?? Which adds to creepy vibe, but in this case its biblically accurate angel / holy deity type of vibes.
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Nomicon has very basic understanding of humanity.
For all the experiences/memories/personalities it was created from and it absorbed over the years, human things are a rather alien concept for the book. It's the reason Nomicon is so bad at its timing whenever it buzzes Randy. It just doesnt care that you are at school Randy, its trying to teach you how to be a better ninja!!! In some sense, it absorbed the most prevalent quality of First Ninja - the dedication to duty, the whole reason for its existence - to serve Ninjas to be the best they can. So, such human/mortal things as good grades/video games/a good nights sleep are very nebulous concepts to it.
Less of a hc but more of an observation/gripe but-
COME ON ITS NAME??? Ninjanomicon as in Ninjanecronomicon??? Because lets be honest its not just a book/guide for Ninjas its a book full of DEAD NINJAS??? LIKE??? In some sense all previous Ninjas, when they go through Ultimate Lesson, 'die' in the real world (because they are no longer Ninjas) and are preserved in Nomicon. And First is like deadass dead? (Plop plop too lol). So I feel like there should be more creepiness about that.
Anyway thats basically most of it, and sorry for silly doodles but i cant really draw creepy stuff xD
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maslosstuff · 22 days
Sorry to bring a miraculous move but Howard has a crush on the ninja but not Randy himself
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theasterous09 · 10 months
I forgot I made some hcs for Randy Cunningham last year on a Discord server and I just found it now. I don't actually know if I've posted it here already, but I'll post it anyway... (But I'm changing some stuff to match my prev hcs)
• Randy can dance well. He's not better than Morgan and co., but he can learn and do a dance shown to him with just a few, (unnoticeable to those who don't actually dance) flaws.
• My guy is very passionate about music. He has learned A LOT of instruments in his life. He can play all kinds of string instruments (heck, ukulele is canon), the piano, the keytar (canon), a little bit of drums (Howard taught him), and so much more.
• He has been to both Japan and the Philippines (his parents are rich like that). Usually during summers or holidays.
• Randy knows how to speak a little bit of Japanese and Filipino because his mother likes to show her culture to him. That, and he really likes both countries (especially the food).
• He can be smart. He just doesn't try in school or in his Ninja lessons. His stupid also knows no bounds.
• Randy is a rich kid, despite being unpopular (and sometimes known as the weird kid due to his and Howard's shenanigans), he just doesn't like to boast about it because he was taught by his parents to be humble. He pays for most of Howard's stuff though (canon).
• My boy can sing GRACEFULLY (somewhat canon, but it wasn't shown much in the show). That's it.
• He has ADHD and cannot stay in one place. He uses training in the Ninjanomicon to release some excess energy that he couldn't rid himself of even after robot/monster fights.
• Randy had tried basketball in middle school because of his height. But after a month, he quit because it felt more like a chore to him than a fun sport. Plus, he barely had time to hang out with Howard and he prefers volleyball more.
• Randy has more games than just the Grave Puncher series in his room. Heck, he even owns a few awesome games such as GTA (all of the ones in his time), FNAF (same as GTA), and so much MORE.
• Some of his favorite bands are 30 Seconds to Mars, Fall Out Boy, and Shinedown. But the band he listens most to is Skillet. (self-indulgent hc, I love this rock band the most)
• Before becoming the Ninja, Randy and Howard did plan on making a successful band in highschool (they still went along with it too even after Randy became the Ninja, his duties are just got in the way).
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cunningweiner · 6 months
Another HC I have for your rest of high school au
Randy decides to join some sports after 9th grade, probably thinking it'll help with his ninja-ing and/or to get popular. He excels in track and field, and does pretty good in wrestling.
He kicks Bash's ass in 10th grade, and wins some championships in 11-12th.
Anyway., Your brain is so brain dude omg. I was a little unsure when you said sport but teack and field is So Correct ndhdjdbdh
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