#reader bird hybrid
specshroom · 18 days
🪶 Bird hybrid thoughts
🪶 Bird hybrid lover who is very cranky and insecure when they start moulting. You reassure them by taking warm baths with them to soothe their itchy skin. You just listen to them grumble while running your hands through their wings to gently dislodge any loose feathers.
🪶 Parrot lover that can't stop preening and nuzzling you when they get closer to mating season.
🪶 Peacock men who are soooo pampered and spoilt. They expect to be lavished and admired and they usually are. Peacock man who adores and worships his comparatively plain looking peacock wife.
🪶 Vulture guys who are scary and mean. Definitely not the type you want to introduce to your parents. They're terrible teases and like to play with their prey.
🪶 Falcons who are very proud and powerful, they boast a huge wing span and lightning flight speeds. Usually very athletic types. Can be put under the himbo/herbo/thembo category.
🪶 Crow partner who looks super scary and mysterious but once you get to know them their actually a huge nerd and kinda goofy.
🪶 Very hyper hummingbird hybrids who are usually small and very energetic. Can't get them to stay still or on the ground for even a minute. They usually have a sweet tooth.
🪶 Seagull fishermen and tropical penguin surfer dudes.
🪶 Introverted owls who stick to themselves and like lazy mornings, lazy days and lazy nights. Can come off as cold and indifferent but they're just not very sociable.
🪶 Charming song birds who serenade their lovers with their beautiful voices and colourful feathers.
🪶 Doves being hopeless romantics. Dove couples are known for their annoying and dramatic pda.
🪶Tall and graceful crane hybrids. Very sophisticated and sometimes snobbish.
🪶 A human who patiently watches their hybrid bird boyfriend do a mating dance for them. While they don't fully understand it, they appreciate the effort and their lover appreciates their willingness to go along with his traditions.
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yannights · 20 days
The Caged Truth
Yandere male X winged reader
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A/n: Hi, it has been a while, sorry for being absent but I am back with a new story. You can imagine any male character for this story, feel free to choose your favourite.
"A caged bird isn't a real bird. A real bird can fly. Those that are trapped lose all that makes them a bird."
Your statement came as a surprise, so surprising that it caught the attention of your captor as he was reaching to open the bedroom door and leave. He stopped, all movements faltered, and a deafening silence created a sense of unease that could almost make you sick. But you refused to show such emotions and patiently awaited his response. A few seconds went by, and the air started to thicken, as if it was warning you. Had you made a mistake? Had you spilled the wrong words? But you had only spoken the most honest truth. Surely he would understand, given the situation.
He slightly turned his head to the side, showing he was thinking about the words he was going to say in response.
"A bird with one wing chopped off cannot fly as well. Does that not make it a bird then?" He asked.
Those words were definitely ones you were not expecting. A simple question that nearly contradicted your own words. You felt stress rise as you tried to find a way to answer without leaving another opening, hoping to make a better point. You realized that the bedroom had now become an arena, where one of you would come out as the victor, and the other as the loser. Your mind raced desperately. If you gave no answer soon, then he would win, and you would face pure humiliation.
"But at least it is still free. Regardless of its disability, it may not fly, but it is outside, living and not confined..."
"But vulnerable." He interrupted.
Your form moved slightly backward as your eyes widened in shock. He turned around, and by doing so, you could have sworn the room darkened. He faced you with a stoic expression that nevertheless had an apologetic tint to it, as if he understood where you were getting at but was still convinced by his own ideal. He adavnced slowly. You instinctively backed away. He watched you while you avoided his gaze.
This lasted until your wings made contact with the cold wall behind you, which signified that it was short-lived. He finally came to a grounding halt as his chest was millimeters away from your form. He leaned forward and slowly reached his hand out towards you. You flinched, not knowing what he was going to do. You closed your eyes tightly but reopened them as soon as you felt the rough hand caress your left wing.
"A one-winged bird can never survive in this cruel world. It would die as soon as it is born," he said as his other hand reached out to touch your other wing, leaving you completely trapped in his hold, too afraid to move.
"Even a bird in its integrity can fly, eat, sleep, but can also die so easily as it has many predators hungrily watching it, as it has many arrows pointing ready to shoot it down, as it has ways to fall and die."
His hand movements stopped, and he let go of your wings. He moved one to your face and tilted it upwards to look into his stone-cold eyes.
"That is the price of freedom, a price I will not allow you to pay. That is why cages were made, to keep it safe."
The word "it" really meant "you," and you could see the sincerity behind his words. His stern expression softened ever so slightly, but yours only grew sadder.
"But at what cost?" you whispered, your voice trembling. "A life without freedom isn't a life at all. Can't you see that?"
His grip on your face tightened momentarily before he let out a long, weary sigh. "I can see it, but I cannot risk losing you. The world out there is merciless and unforgiving. Here, in this cage, you are safe. With me, you are safe."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you searched his face for any sign of relenting, and in the end, they only spilt down your face. He kissed your forehead as soon as he saw your sadness but did not wipe your tears away. Because tears are a sign of realization...
A realization that you would never leave his cage...
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shutit-haha · 6 months
Yet another Bakugou x Reader from PR
You were a busy little thing, always buzzing around his office with those tiny wings on your back. He had never seen a kind of bird like you. Well he had just in a nature documentary on tropical birds. You were a humming bird, oh and you definitely hummed, and buzzed, and sang, and shouted, and chirped. You made all the noises really, unfortunately for him. Truthfully you were a quiet little thing at first. Which as pleasant as it was- did weird him out a little bit. you would just sit there silently while working and he had no idea as to what animal you were. Just that you're pretty little wings always sparkled in the light.
Imagine his surprise when the first thing he learns about you comes from a nature documentary he puts on late one night. He couldn't seem to fall asleep and rather then to miss the plot in an action packed film or *cough* rom-com, he put on something educational. And would you believe it? There were your wings flashing at him in the dark. Heavy half-lidded eyes saw the twinkling star and squinted. It was like the universe was speaking to him that night. (Though he had no clue.) He was a sailor lost at sea and the glimmer of your wings were that of a lighthouse calling him home.
He treated you with much more respect now these days. I mean only one bird can fly backwards and it's a humming bird. And go figure your wings flapped in such a pretty figure eight. "I need your help with a presentation." He grunted at you when you placed his coffee down on his desk.
"No problem Sir," you smiled. Today you wore an emerald dress, red lipstick, black heels. He watched you walk away. His eyes started at the top of your head taking in your pretty hair, and then next your pretty wings, he took in your shape and then- oddly enough your shoes. He scowled, you'd look better with red bottoms. He'd have to buy you red bottoms to go with those pretty lips.
When you entered the room this time, you wore a jacket and now carried your morning drink. The amount of sugar in there was ungodly, however the documentary explained humming birds required LOTS of sugar. "We're doing a power point on some statistics. Need you to make it all nice and pretty for the people."
"¿Necesitas las matemáticas también?" Your head instantly shot up, nearly ramming into his. Round eyes the sizes of saucers stared at him with this kind of... fear? "I'm sorry, sometimes I forget I'm not at home. Would you like the math for this too?"
"Si es demasiado no te preocupes."
You're jaw dropped at his reply. His Spanish was most definitely Spaniard, it's what all those language apps use. He on the other hand was so curious as to why you're pronunciation was different from his. It was nothing crazy, more so slight. Like the S's or R's. Where were you from? How long ago did you see your family? Is this why you're quirk was so odd to him? Did it say on your resume that you were trilingual? Did he read your resume? Who reads those?
"Sir," you chirped. You were back at his office door again, knocking on the door frame as a sign of entering. He looked up from his filing work and grunted at you. "Forgive me but I have another question." You creeped into the room slowly, heels silent though he wasn't sure how. He noticed how you stood near the seat across from his desk, but never plopped your rear into the cushion. You went on and on, while he nodded or shook his head, but you never sat down. He watched you exit again, stopping you just before you could leave.
"Just sit down," he barked. "tired of watching you flutter around it's making me sick." No it wasn't. He just felt bad watching you go through that door every five minutes. And those damn wings kept catching in the sunlight coming in through his large windows. They shimmered and sparkled all the way until you left, in which case his office would return to normal again. You had a week to work on this presentation, a week until the gala. This was day one and already he was questioning.
Those round eyes blinked at him from where you stood in the doorway. You hugged your open laptop close to you, it was only a couple years old but still he looked at it with disdain. You needed something newer, something strong and powerful, something reliable you can trust. "I said sit down dammit!" In his head he was already brainstorming some computers.
"Yes sir," you scurried over to the leather seat.
Bakugou's phone rang not fifteen minutes later. "You can stay here." He stood up from his seat, hulking form momentarily blocking out the sun. His spine popped and his neck cracked, large arms reaching for the ceiling. From where you sat he looked like some deity born from sun. A droplet of liquid gold had fell from the very sun itself, and when it cooled it made him.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched you watch him. "Stay," he repeated to you again, pointing this time. His office was secluded and had a door that locked. You had a desk that was out in the open and single bottom drawer that you need a key to open. He needed to get you an office.
"Will you be back?" You didn't like staying in other people's spaces when they weren't present.
"Villain attack," he shrugged. "Not sure how long it'll take."
"Right," you nodded absentmindedly to yourself. "Ok," more nodding. Were you stuck? He watched you, giving you a good once over before deciding this was just you. And he was off, rushing out of his office to go do what needed to be done.
"What cha lookin' at?" Kaminari tossed his arm over Bakugou's shoulders.
"None of your damn business," he growled out, pulling away.
"Aw hey come on man, doesn't look like anything secretive." Kirishima chimed from where he stood buck naked and drying his hair. The locker room reeked, however regardless of the smell here he was. He wanted to be at least half-decent when seeing you again. Didn't want smell to make you shrink away, or all the heat radiating off him to intimidate you. He was then dawned by an Awful thought. What if upon touching you he burned all those beautiful feathers.
"Looking for a computer dammit," he growled. His blonde spikes were weighed down by all that water in them and laid right over his eyes as a result. Though he swiped at them every so often gravity would just pull them right back down. He needed to add some type of heat resistance thingy to his list of things. Did they even sell what he wanted? Could he find someone to make it?
"Your computer's not that old." That was Kaminari again whom was currently charging his phone.
"'S not for me."
"OoOoOoh who's it for?"
"An employee stay out of my business dammit!"
Kirishima and Kaminari shared a look, "ok," they responded.
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pervcoded · 1 month
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one flew over starring mitsuya takashi
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content warning(s) domineering and controlling behavior. inappropriate behavior towards strangers/non-consensual touching. sexual discussions. mentions of human trafficking. stalking (minor). mitsuya is a bird hybrid. gn!reader
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He notices you at the mall.
Harpy's eyes see all, and you’re too busy looking nervous, showing your less interesting friends how cute your ass looks, that you don't perceive him at all.
Ones who are as doe-eyed, pathetic, and as precious as you.
Mitsuya reckons it's jealousy. It’s not like humans are all bad.
He can concede that your people are weaker than him - hell, he could probably tear your pillowy flesh to ribbons with a flex of his talons, flap a wing and send you colliding to the ground with the force of the gale, but you humans have your own uses, individual purposes.
He's worked with humans as a fashion designer. Mostly assistants; coffee picker-uppers and donut deliverers and chauffeurs. Models of your kind aren't common.
But it's not impossible- sometimes a flower blooms from the concrete, and he's seen beautiful humans before. He's seen them naked, clothed, bouncing on his cock, but none of them were worth stopping and staring at.
None of them were worth more than a polite nod or a 'Thank you, sweetheart,' - perhaps a 'good pet' if they squeeze down on him just right.
The thought of them didn't roost, slinking out of the grooves of his mind. He normally wouldn't be caught dead yearning for some human.
Good thing nobody's minding him now, then.
After seeing you, the thought of keeping you feels a little more romantic. Pleasant to the ear. A gift to the self - wholly indulgent in every sense of the world because
You, against the backdrop of the world, are a sky full of shimmering gold - the muse that’s eluded him all his natural life. Remarkable figure, this natural charm about your aura. You're demure, sweet even, fussing about your friend's outfits even if you've tragically outshined them.
You have star potential. He can imagine you in his latest sets, a permanent fixture in his private studio - even outfitted with your own little stage.
He quickly makes up his mind about it, and steps into your bubble. He’s as quiet as a wink ‘cause you don’t notice him until you mind his shadow eclipsing you, stepping back in abject horror as you turn to behold him. Terrifyingly beautiful.
Buying humans is usually easy - when they have handlers.
You’re stood; stuck and stupid and gaping and gawking and he thinks it's something he should charge your owner more for, before he notices the lack of identification tag on you. Your friends fade into background and shadow as he makes you do a few turns.
You’re clumsy! Adorable, but inexperienced. Can’t even look at him without sweating - pupils dilating, desperate for something to land on that isn’t his face. He cups your chin as delicately; a collector examining fine china.  Feathers cling to his elbows and arms; frame an alien face.
“Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, human?” He chats too casually. Your lips quiver in place, his eyes narrowing derisively. “Speak when you’re spoken to, yeah? It’ll be good for you to learn to respect your betters.” He touches the top of your head, extremely comfortable for a man you’ve met less than a minute ago.
Forgive you for being a little stunned, you suppose. “O-okay,” The way he smiles down at you makes you feel even more uncertain. You’re a quick learner, that’s great. He straightens up, applies light pressure to your head. “And?”
You nearly draw your eyes down in confusion but try to remain neutral faced as you ponder what he could possibly want. The pressure grows as you take your time, your legs trembling ever so slightly under the weight of his claw. You’re teary by the time you’re pushing out a petrified, “...thank you?” and he laughs genuinely, bending down to your height. It dawns on you in this very moment how tall he is. His smile twists his face, would look more at home on a cat.
“Are you asking me? Or ya telling me?”
“T-telling, sir.” He coos affectionately at the honorific, talons skimming along the fat of your cheek. Something damp trickles down your face. 
He’ll work on fixing your stutter later.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀TOKREV/BANNER ART by @/KenWakui
all content written by me @ciematis, is owned by me, and you are not allowed to repost or translate my works. don't put my shit into ai generators, don't steal my shit and put it on wattpad. thank you.
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Ofc I'm gonna share my fluffy thoughts.
Ok so you know that birds dance for their potential mate he WILL do that. He would dress in the prettiest clothes he owns and perform his mating dance until he was convinced that it's worked 😫
🧩 anon
This is borderline hilarious, I'll be honest
His prettiest clothes are probably just his Archon outfit, just sayingggg
He's even got that cute little tail feather looking thing going on here
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Just look how cute he is, I'm in love
I feel like it would also manifest in other ways, like him feeling the need to pull you in for a dance at the bar when you're both pretty drunk to show off how he's just much more equipped to be your partner than anyone else, twirling you around in the kitchen at midnight when both of you happened to be awake, or maybe the first time you take him to a club in your world he's willing to show off some of his more permiscuous dance moves
But oml imagine Nilou dancing for the creator and Venti's just like absolutely not and you get dragged away immediately cause that's his thing, she's not allowed to make a move on you when he's right there
And then there's the crack concept of dance battles for your affection, though I'm not sure if we have a lot of other bird affiliated characters, maybe Xiao 👀
This is so fun I just want to start a series going over all of the other animal affiliated characters quirks, and also how they would all clash with each other—
Like Venti's need to keep you close and tucked away in your mutual room nest would absolutely contradict say Zhongli's want to show you off as his prized possession out and about, splurging all of his money on you and just showing off as the highest form of a power couple, assuming you had both of them as consorts they would fight for days on end about that
There's so many different dynamics that could go right and wrong it's funny to think about
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rush-the-stars · 1 month
you ever get a brainblast and need to write it immediately....even tho you shouldn't and its gonna spiral out of your control
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speedystarshine · 2 years
(Because I said so, also for 33 followers because Holy shit I hadn't noticed! Thank you all so much for the support <3)
Matpat Egos with a Winged!Reader
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (crewmate/engineer/dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat
The minute he sees you he's all 🤨👀🧐. He's uh... Not really used to seeing entity's or hybrids or other egos, so sometimes he forgets that not everyone is human. Fully human, anyways.
He's really interested in them, though! (Even if you might take it a different way due to his facial expressions 😭) He mainly wants to study them and understand how they work, but outside of him wanting to know everything about them, he thinks they're really cool! And soft, he sometimes picks up stray feathers that have slipped for them. Is also immediately there if you mention needing help preening. I mean, c'mon! A) their soft, B) you like it and C), he likes it! I don't think he really understands that preening is usually done by uh....yk. Not new friends, let's say.
Probably asks if he can fly with you once and then starts crying the second you're both 0.1 centimeter of the ground 🙄
5/10 very helpful, but also very annoying.
"That's cool, now if you don't mind I'm on fire and-" IM JOKING IM JOKI- He's not tho
He thinks they look amazing! He likes the markings/colours on them, and asks you about them.
The only thing he's curious about though is, how do you balance with them? They look very heavy they are and are certainly bigger than you.
As long as you're okay though, he doesn't mind!
He's heard about preening before, but has absolutely no idea what it is exactly or how it works. He reminds you about it daily, though.
He also collects the feathers that fall out, but gives them back to you instead of keeping them. Probably keeps one or two to study them, though.
He won't ever tell you this, but he is very intimated and turned on when he sees your wings stretched out at full height. Just sorta 'eeps' and scuttles away.
He's also very careful with his weapons when he's around you, since he knows that if he swings stuff around too much he could hurt you :(
Probably turns on his chainsaw every now and then and then giggles like the bastard he his when you jump
Stops after the first few times though, since sometimes you knock stuff over with your wings, and also, you have wings. He does not. You will and have suddenly flown of with him as revenge. And he knows you'll do it again.
Mack (crewmate)
You'll definitely know the first time he sees them since it'll be silent and then you'll hear a little "oh!"
He's like a little puppy and just follows you around everywhere, and it's very obvious that he has a lot of questions.
He's too nervous to ask you outright though, probably asking Celci to ask you since he knows that if he asked Mark then Mark would tease him and he'd probably die tbh-
You definitely notice that he's following/staring at you, so sometimes if you stretch n yawn you make sure to stretch your wings full height so he can see.
Also picks up feathers bro why do all of them but instead of waiting till your gone like the others, it'll be a mad scramble to get them before they hit the ground. What can I say, he's a little bit of a germaphobe.
He doesn't really know what they fully feel like, but from what he knows they're very soft and silky, you obviously take good care of them.
His favourite pastime is ruffling them so their all fluffy :)
One day when the two of you are alone you feel him staring for the bazillionth time that day, so you eventually cave and tell him he can touch them if he wants too.
Mack is processing-
When he does, he'll be so excited! And nervous. His hands are probably shaking. Eventually though he melts into it, and actually finds it very relaxing both of you. Probably turns into an accidental preening session.
Mack (Engineer)
Instantly notices, how could he not? He absolutely adores him, but acts as if they're a massive nuisance all of the time (We're not stupid, Mack-)
Cleans up your feathers after you, all the time, even though you haven't asked him too.
Sometimes you shed more on purpose because it's funny to hear him mumble stuff like "If I were Captain, I wouldn't leave feathers all over the place!" Yeah yeah sure, we know you have a big fat crush on-
Every single feather he collects, he keeps in a little cabinet in his room. If anyone where to ask he'd get very flustered, but is reasoning is "Well we can't throw them out the Airlock, littering is bad!" Uh huh, sure-
Sometimes if he's walking closely behind you, going on his rants about how he is clearly the better captain, or something else, you smack him in the face with your wings
He's so shocked help 😭- He's trying to process what happened, like yeah it hurt but how come it was so soft? What even- OH
Captain is cackling their ass down the corridor all ready, not waiting for his reaction.
He'd be so flustered for a second but then remembers 'wait I'm supposed to hate them' and just storms off after you, yelling shit like "Captain! Ugh! They are so immature- 👹"
Calls you 'bird brain' as an insult but it eventually becomes a pet name as time passes
Mack (Dictator)
Is immediately in love with them and you the second you step onboard-
When you land, he gives you the final choice to make the 'right' decision and make him Captain.
And you know what? Yeah sure, go ahead.
Captain: *giggles* IM FREE YES FUCK YOU-
Tee hee, no. No you are not.
Anyways, his thoughts about them!
He really does think they're pretty on you, heck, you always look amazing! But... He does need you to rely on him, and knocking you a peg lower than you already were seems to do the trick :( sorry.
He's not a total monster though (🤨) and he knows how uncomfortable it can be for you to have feathers, since he'll sometimes wake up to heaps of them in your shared bed.
He'll also preen them for you, though he constantly tugs on your collar which can make it annoying.
Sometimes if he wakes up before you, he'll pet them gently. Will instantly scream like a girl and shove you out (and most likely off) the bed when he notices you waking up.
He also likes how they unfold and seem to shelter you two from everyone else when you two are, uh...... 😳Holding....hands...?
^He'll also tug on them if he knows it'll get a reaction out of you
Throws out the loose feathers :( What's the point of having feathers when he has the actual bird? Thing?
He loves you (🧐) but will snip them if he feels like/catches you're trying to run away too much.
The Detective
He will trail around with you, but unlike Mack, and unfortunately for you, will asks lots of questions. And I mean a lot of them. Writes down everything you say in his goofy little notebook 😭
Also calls you 'bird brain', but it comes out more teasing and friendly than derogatory.
*sighs* keeps your feathers. Probably has a separate journal with all of them in there, yk how some people do those flower stamp journals?
Claims it's for 'research' or 'evidence' like bestie the only 'evidence' I'm seeing is how much of a simp you are-
Is a lot more touchy than the other egos, probably just immediately holding them and being like 🧐😳🤨 whether or not you're comfortable of people touching them 😭
Preens them for you, but he does ask first though. However, if your wings were really dirty and not taken care of, he'd sit your ass down straight away and start-
Probably puts on gloves when they're dirty because he's a dramatic ass bitch-
Sometimes when he feels really tired and just wants to go home he'll make 'little' hints like "y/n would it be odd if you gave us the answer to this puzzle" or "y/n wouldn't it be so funny if you just flew of with the strongman rn haha" yeah no sorry bestie
Yk how sometimes ppl do the thing where they ruffle someone's hair? Yeah he does that but with your wings because he has a teensy tiny theory that it's practically the same thing. it's not, don't tell him tho
Yeah if you got jumpscared you'd probs accidentally smack him in the face with them since he's always like. The closest person in your general vicinity.
Sometimes if you two cuddle you wrap them around the both of you like a blanket and let him pet it :)
Poor guy just needs to lie down, yk that image of a pathetic looking kitten with milk spilt all over it's face yes that is him 24/7
He loves you tho :)
The Hermit
Oh you'll be wanting to stay away from him 24/7.
It's not that he'll actually hurt you, it's just a general vibe, and the fact he keeps making little comments that imply he wants to roast and eat you.
He doesn't get social cues though, having lived by himself for so long, so he probably doesn't get that it's coming across that way or why you look so scared 😭
He is super affectionate towards you, practically begging to preen you despite probably having no idea how to do it.
You have to show him 😭 you also do his hair! Bro's been living in a cave for god knows how long, you can't tell me he doesn't have random stuff in it.
He won't keep your feathers, although if you were to give him one he'd do something silly like tuck it behind his ear :)
He also keeps one on a necklace, kinda like how he has that mini skull :D
Is overall super affectionate and friendly, despite everything else about him practically screaming "sketchy" and the fact he never seems to want you to leave his cave or side
He doesn't really have a lot of questions about you tbh, instead just pinning it as 'the many beauties of nature'. He does find them fascinating though, and tells you so every so often.
BlackBoxWarrior - Will Wood, 2:46
Bro will probably drag you by the wings into his goofy ass studio >:(
Frames if as an interview but honestly he just wants to know himself-
Asks if he can give a 'live demonstration' of preening even though A) the answer is probably most definitely no B) he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's like a kid playing tag except they don't know the rules so they add random shit to make it looks like they do-
You eventually let him, in private, since he won't leave you alone and every single fucking door you open leads you right back to his studio >:((
He still takes a sneaky little video or picture because of course he did 🙄 istg he's like those girls who my teacher will be like "guys my friend died :(" and then you just hear "A NEVER ENDING STORYYYYY AHHHHHHHHHH STORIEEEEEE" and look back to see two white girls twerking
He loves you though :) he finds that your wings make great blankets/pillows if he's tired!
He swears it's like cat hair though he'll wake up with feathers in his fucking mouth and hair and even his moustache
If he's being too annoying though don't worry you can just swoop him up and fly off with him :)
Which.... Uh doesn't actually work the way you'd want it to because he finds it fun and pretends to fake swoon because he's a bastard
I'm sorry I don't know his character that well 😭
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Tee hee finally finished *collapses*/j I guess this is technically a 30 follower special, hope y'all enjoy!
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lupunsus · 1 year
there's only one mention of a bird hybrid in diluc's part, and as any person in the middle of the night would do, my brain began to wonder. what ab other birds?
As always, based on and dedicated to the hybrid au made by @cinnamonest
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In Diluc's part, it's mentioned that he'd either have a dog or a bird hybrid, but the bird is described to have human ears, no tail, and wings (unfortunately clipped. Remember hybrids, don't still from crazy rich people! They can pay their way out of any legal troubles). But what if there were other bird hybrids with different features?
People wouldn't know in the first place because of their elusive nature, but in places like the desert in sumeru, there's definitely a good amount of bird hybrids living there. Especially if you consider small animals, bugs, lizards, and fruits laying about. Of course, there are monsters and mercenaries scattered about, but I like to imagine that desert bird hybrids are tougher than most.
This brings us back to the main topic of this post. Bird Varieties.
In the desert, there's a good amount of trees, but not enough to allow the birds to nest in them. I think this would lead to changes to help the hybrid adapt in the environment. For bird hybrids living in the desert, because of how vast and empty it is (a stark contrast to the labyrinth below it), I believe that there would mainly be two kinds of hybrids found in the desert.
One is like any other hybrid, but instead of dog ears and a tail, they have wings and tail feathers. The other being similar, except they don't have human arms like the others, but wings instead.
So basically, one bird has six limbs, and the other four (including wings).
Sometimes, their feet are identical to their bird counterparts, but its not limited to those living in a specific location, so it's considered to be a trait some hybrids just have, and others don't.
For our birds with special feet, sometimes they're mistaken as gigantic beasts from afar, and stories have picked up in the desert about naughty kids that stay outside late will be picked up and eaten by these creatures. At first, it was just a story made up by adults to keep their children from wandering off until someone saw one of the hybrids eating a human.
In the hybrid's case, they saw this dying person, thought that it could be free food, and decided to have a taste.
But from afar, it appeared to the village folk as a four-legged monstrosity with wings. Some even felt guilty, thinking that telling the story so many times made it come true. Of course, later on, as time passed, humans learned that they typically won't eat you if you aren't laying dead for every animal to see.
It's still strange to see a hybrid eat an actual person because they look human as well. Thanks to safely conducting research in the desert, it has been proven that one factor that could lead to this odd behavior is a lack of food in their area, and while some birds don't go down the carnivorous route, hybrids that are larger in size don't mind waiting a bit for humans to succumb to the harsh environment.
Some adventurous souls even found out that some hybrids are smart enough to scare people into either sharing their rations or into having a heart attack. This only happens with types that hunt during the night and are larger in size.
Are they really that big, though? Some, yes. But oftentimes, it's due to their large wingspan and how the darkness makes anything 100x scarier than it should be.
Bird hybrids with wings for arms have it more difficult, as they have to use their mouth or feet to hold things. But because they're born this way, it doesn't really seem to be an issue for them. Sometimes, they're mistaken for overgrown birds and are shot at by hunters. Due to the mistake of injuring or even killing the hybrids, hunting birds was restricted in areas that had a bird hybrid sighting.
Bird hunting in general would've been outright illegal, but people really like chicken. Raptor hybrids do too! An unfortunate discovery where one lost their small feathered friend to a hungry hawk hybrid. You would think these elusive creatures keep their distance from humans, but when they let chickens just roam free... they consider it to be an all-you-can-eat. It's recommended to have a dog hybrid to scare them off, as the more aggressive birds can easily pick up a dog.
On the off chance that someone tames a wild bird hybrid, they make for great companions. Especially for those living in the desert. I like to think that Candace once saved a raptor hybrid while being attacked during a sandstorm, and now it lives nearby and helps out in the village. People thought it was lucky to stumble upon it in a sandstorm until they saw that 2 more joined her party. Is she a god? What do these dangerous birds see in her to follow her?
The answer is mutual respect. Candace views her new companions as equals and even helps them out when they communicate their needs. In return, they're willing to protect the village from harm with their lives. Because of this, researchers flock to the desert just to get a glimpse of the birds in action but are sometimes scared off by how rough they look. Aren't hybrids supposed to be cute?? Well, if you lived your life in the desert fighting against monsters, humans, animals, and other hybrids, you'd probably have some scars and a mean look.
They're nice, though. Being around kids in the village makes them more protective, but also very distrustful of newcomers. Unless you have Candace's approval, be prepared to have eyes constantly on you.
However, for birds living in more tropical areas, these hybrids are softer and cuter in nature. But still shy around humans. Unless they're raptors, then try to keep a respectful distance. These are wild animals we're talking about, after all. For bird hybrids born closer to cities, they're more relaxed around humans, but some species are smart enough to know what happens to hybrids that have masters, so they opt to live in hard to reach places. They could just leave, but human food is too delicious to be replaced with fruits and insects.
It's their weakness, though, as humans can easily drug the food and capture the hybrid. Or, like the poor thing in Diluc's part, caught in a trap for stealing and having their wings clipped as a result.
Clipping wings is considered inhumane and outright illegal, but if you have a certified doctor's note stating that due to medical circumstances for whatever reason, their wings needed to be clipped, then it's brushed under the rug. But for bird hybrids with wings for arms? Well, it really is game over for them. Learn from Diluc's bird darling and try not to steal from the rich, as they can easily pay a doctor to sign a document to allow your pretty wings to be taken away.
Honestly, bird hybrids could be smart enough to become citizens, but because of how most choose to distance themselves from human society and value freedom more than anything else is probably the main reason why no bird hybrid in history has ever been documented as nothing more than a "treasured pet" or a "monstrous beast".
Maybe one day a bird will be able to have the same rights any human has, but for now, they should probably maintain a distance from humans who want to take away their freedom.
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rowarn · 4 months
first i would like to formally apologize.......also first time trying hybrid au so i humbly apologize if it's not as good as other people's!!! first time for everything and all that!!!
hybrid!au, angst, hurt/comfort but also hurt/no comfort, VERY mean!simon, cat hybrid!reader, dog hybrid!soap, owner!simon
part 2 !!
Simon who has retired from the military and decides to get himself a hybrid companion. Even though he doesn’t want to admit it – he’s grown lonely. He doesn’t have any family and all the socializing he did was in the military and he doesn’t have that anymore. So he decides to look into finding something to fill that gap in his life. 
Enters Soap – a young hybrid who once upon a time worked for the military just like Simon. The pup got injured in action and was forced to retire. 
Simon figures the two of them will fit together quite well. 
And he’s right! The two of them get along swimmingly. And it turns out Soap is very good for Simon. The endless energy the hybrid had (despite his injury) forces Simon to actually leave the house multiple times a day instead of hiding inside until he drives himself stir crazy. 
Now, he has to take Soap out for walks, runs, and even takes the hybrid to the park so he can run around with other hybrids and play catch with Simon. Soap LOVES it when Simon throws the ball as far and fast as he can so Soap has to spend several minutes hunting the little thing down. 
Simon actually finds himself feeling…happy. For the first time in a long time. 
Soap carves out a space in Simon’s life and the Brit is more than happy to let him take up as much space as he needs. He adores Soap. He knows the two of them are going to be companions for a long, long time. 
But then on a routine nightly walk, Soap freezes at the entrance to an alleyway, ears perked and alert as he hears something Simon can’t. His tail stops wagging and his blue eyes work to pierce unblinkingly into the inky depths of the alley. 
And that’s how they come across you; a skittish cat hybrid with no home to call your own.
Soap is ecstatic. His tail starts wagging so hard that it actually hurts when it hits Simon in the leg. 
The pup begs Simon to bring you home. He wants a hybrid friend of his own! Something ugly and dark works it’s way into his chest when he hears that – was he not enough for Soap like Soap was for him? 
He tries to tug Soap away by hooking his fingers into the leather collar around his neck but the hybrid doesn’t move, simply staring with a grin at where you sit on the ground in the alley. 
Simon doesn’t like cats. He doesn’t want a cat. And just seeing you makes him frown. 
When he finds that he can’t get Soap to move, he starts bargaining. He swears that they’ll look into finding a nice dog hybrid for Soap!! Stll, it doesn’t work. The dog hybrid has got his heart set on you for some reason. 
And that’s how you find yourself living in his home. And he’s not happy about it. 
You glare at him any time he has the audacity to walk into any room you happen to be in in his OWN damn house. It pisses him off. 
He doesn’t like you. And he makes it abundantly clear any time he sees you with the way his lips curl up in disgust. He shoos you away like you’re a nuisance even when you’re just lounging in the warmth of a sunbeam through the window. 
Where Soap eats borderline gourmet, he usually just slops some random low-quality hybrid food down for you. Sometimes, if he’s feeling particularly resentful, he doesn’t even let you eat at the table with him and Soap. 
But Soap adores you. The pup gets so excited to see you whenever he gets home from a walk or a day at the park. He hunts you down immediately wherever you may be just so he can excitedly tell you all about what happened outside – the birds he saw, the hybrids he played with, what he ate. 
And you listen intently. You’re not one for many words, Simon notes, but he often finds you muttering barely audible things to the other hybrids. You’ve never spoken a word to the human. 
Simon doesn’t know why that upsets him too – it’s not like he wants you to talk to him. He just thinks it’s disrespectful of you to ignore the man giving you food and a roof over your head. He also thinks it’s fucking disrespectful of you to steal his hybrids heart the way you have. 
The longer you’re there in his house, the more Simon hates you. Annoyance morphs into despising you. He’d have thrown you out back onto the streets by now if he could get away with it but when Soap wasn’t by his side, he was by yours. 
It ticks him off when he walks into a room and finds you purring happily with Soap curled up around you, big burly arms holding you snuggly against his chest as he snoozes. 
Simon didn’t even bother naming you, Soap’s the one who picked something to call you. Simon usually just gruffly calls you ‘cat’ if he needs to speak to you – which he makes it a point not to do very much. 
You still don’t speak to Simon. Even when he ‘forgets’ to feed you, you don’t say a word. You don’t complain or seek him out for something to eat. You just choose to starve. 
He wonders if you hate him as much as he despises you. 
And you and Soap remain the best of friends. The pup is always yapping happily to you and you’re always listening. 
As time passes, you even start to follow Soap around. It no longer seems like one-sided adoration. 
You love Soap, he brightens your day and makes you happy. You want to be around him all the time. You never thought you'd like a dog but Soap was just so sweet and kind that it was impossible to dislike him -- even when he ruthlessly kissed your face all over and pinned you down so you couldn't escape just so he could give you all the affection he wanted. You never got mad, never showed your claws (in fact, you were extra cautious of your claws with him). You slept with him whenever he wasn't busy snuggling with Simon -- and you'd never dare interrupt the two of them while they were having quality time together!!!
And that also makes Simon furious. Because Soap is his. How dare you have the audacity to think Soap is yours? Simon has put so much love and effort into his relationship with Soap and you prance in with your stupid fluffy tail and little purrs and you’ve got the dog-hybrid wrapped around your finger in no time. 
God, he hates you. 
It seems like everything comes to a head on a rainy day. The rain always makes Soap hurt, his old injury and joints act up. It leaves him docile and sometimes a little cranky. 
He had been a little short with you all day and that hurt. You already dealt with your owner, the man who took you in, refusing to show you any kindness, and now the one companion you had would barely look at you. 
It wasn’t your fault you didn’t know how much pain Soap suffered from. You loved the rainy night, it was perfect weather to snuggle up to your favorite hybrid and snooze away. 
You found Soap, sprawled on his back on the couch, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed, you didn’t think anything of it. You crawled onto the couch, intending to snuggle in right beside him. 
But when you put the tiniest bit of your weight on him, his blue eyes popped open and a loud yelp erupted from his lips. You startled, hissing as your tail puffed up and fuzzy ears pinned back. 
Soap practically lept from the couch to get out from under your weight, hitting the floor with a loud thump that had him whimpering softly to himself, curling in on his side. 
Simon was storming into the living room not a half second later – finding his beloved pup curled up whimpering and shaking and you, ears pinned, tail puffed, and taking up the spot Soap once was. 
Simon didn’t care what had just happened – all he knew was what it looked like; like you had pushed the poor pup off. 
Because to him, that’s what cats were; vile, selfish, mean little shits. 
You were dragged to the door and tossed right out into the rain without a second thought. Before you could even get your wits about you, the door was slamming in your face and you were alone. You sat on the step for a long while, shivering from the cold rain soaking your thin clothes, just waiting for the door to open again. 
But before you knew it, the lights inside were turning off and you heard the front door’s deadbolt slide into place. And you were still outside, alone with nothing to your name but an old t-shirt that you had stolen from Soap. 
Simon hadn’t even bothered to get you clothes of your own. Or a collar like Soap’s – one with Simon’s name and number on the back. You had always wanted a collar like that but you knew Simon didn’t care about you enough to even consider you his own hybrid. 
You tried your best to stay out of his way and stay quiet and as small as possible so he wouldn’t grow angry or uncomfortable with you. You didn’t ask him for food when he forgot or get under his feet like Soap did. You tried your best to be good and hoped that someday the human would come around but as the days passed, you knew that it wouldn’t happen. You still did your best to not make trouble for him though. 
It seemed he was just waiting for an opportunity to get you out of his house. 
Your tummy growled, reminding you that you hadn’t been able to eat dinner yet. You stood from the front step and wandered down to the sidewalk, bare feet splashing in the puddles, taking a last glance at the now dark and still house you called home for many months. 
With your head hung low, you made your way back to familiar areas where you knew you could dig through trash to find at least something so you wouldn’t sleep hungry tonight. 
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 months
Caught In His Web
Yandere Male Drider x Gender Neutral Reader CW: Noncon, painless/gentle noncon, venom, drugging, biting, light bondage, webbing, drider, spider-hybrid, oral sex, oviposition, dead animals wrapped in webbing, stalking, underwear sniffing, general yandere behavior. Word Count: 2.7k (A drider is technically an elf-spider formed as a punishment by Lolth, but this is just a human-spider hybrid with magic. Not technically a drider. But "spidertaur" just sounds off. Hope you enjoy, this was technically the first fic I started though I only resumed and finished it today)
You were an herbalist, you took plants and herbs from the wild fields, forests, and hills surrounding your small humble cottage. You expertly prepared the ingredients that you gathered and imbued them with the tiny bit of healing magic that you possessed. Magic in humans was very rare and your abilities and magical education were somewhat limited, but your potions, salves, ointments and remedies sold well enough in the town about six miles away on the other side of the forest.
Twice a month you made the journey there and back to sell your healing supplies. You made enough to survive on, and also enough to get you through the colder months when the healing plants you used did not grow. It was a modest life, but you were happy enough. Well, except for one thing... you were being followed...
At first, starting almost a year ago, you couldn’t get past the feeling that you were being watched from the shadows of the forest, occasionally you could swear you could catch glimpses of a large shape moving out of the corner of your eye or could hear something moving through the branches. You convinced yourself it was all in your imagination, or at least just some innocent woodland creature moving in the woods. For a month or so your denial was easy enough. You live by the forest, of course the animals must simply be getting more used to your non-threatening presence and getting a bit closer than they had previously. Everything was perfectly fine.
But then, about three months ago, things started to escalate. At first it was odd, but still explainable by the functions of nature. There were bundled up small dead animals bound in webbing left around in the places you most frequently gathered herbs and flowers. Okay, that is creepy, it must be some large spiders that are attracted to the birds and mice that are attracted to the insects drawn by the plants, perfectly normal and natural. You wish it would be perfectly normal and natural a bit farther away from you, but there was clearly nothing to worry about... except the fact that there are apparently a lot of spiders big enough to kill birds and mice in close proximity to you...
You could have dealt with the creepy large webs and the implied but unseen giant spiders, but then just a few days ago the bundles started being left on your porch for you to dispose of each morning. The webbed up animals were completely un-dessicated, killed and then just… left… A spider would not drop food for later in such an odd place. And what’s more the webbing now contained flowers woven into it, the flowers you most commonly used in your trade. No longer could you maintain any notions that the glimpses you saw from the forest, the noises you heard, and the web bundles were just coincidence.
The nearest humans lived too far away to keep up such a well maintained and menacing prank/threat, so you conclude that there must be some foul creature or malicious spirit that is stalking you. The past few days you were terrified and on the verge of freaking out, but you managed to maintain your calm composure. Besides, it has not escalated since then and today was the day that you went to the closest village to peddle your medical supplies, perhaps you could purchase some wards to protect yourself from spirits and talk to the local trappers, hunters, and elders to see if they know of anything dangerous lurking in the area.
You opened the door with a broom to sweep your doorstep, where you knew the web ball would be left. You shuddered as you swept it into the bushes and out of sight. So gross. You then went about your daily chores, and put the final touches on a last minute tincture. You put all your various vials, bottles, and other containers full of your merchandise into a large backpack that you put on before setting off on your way out the door and into the long path through the woods that would lead you to the village.
You started off at a brisk pace, there was no time to enjoy what would otherwise be a pleasant and leisurely stroll on a cool breezy day. You gripped the handle of the dagger in your belt tightly, in constant fear of what could potentially lurk just out of sight. You were paranoid and hyper fixated on watching the trees and path ahead for any possible signs of danger. So fixated that you completely neglected to watch where you were going. You did not notice a large bump in the path and tripped, you tried to get up but your ankle was sprained and you ended up flopping back over on your side.
This was bad, you were probably at least two miles into the forest unable to walk. Utterly helpless, with no more than a small dagger that in your inexperienced hands was mostly just for a false sense of security. But you couldn’t just lay here, you turned back towards the direction of your home and started ever so slowly dragging yourself.
You tried to do this as quietly as possible to not draw any attention to yourself, but you heard skittering and rustling in the bushes ahead of you.
Futilely, you hoped that it was just an animal or even the wind, but it wasn’t The being that had been lurking in the shadows and stoking your fears finally came forth.
A large drider came out of the trees. Like a centaur he was a creature that was human enough from the waist up but instead of a horse below that he was a giant white spider with black markings. From far enough away, and if the spider half were not in view, he could have easily been mistaken for a striking woman. His figure was slender and his hair was long and shimmered beautifully like silver in the rays of light that penetrated through the forest canopy.
But that is where the illusion ended for he had two fangs and four red eyes. He spoke in a cautious voice, as if trying to placate an animal that he feared may lash out.
“I’m Umzerth. I won’t hurt you, I promise.
You looked at him, trembling in dread and unable to take your eyes away as you scrambled backwards.
“Please no.” You repeated desperately in a frantic whisper.
The drider looked both concerned at your predicament and hurt by your reaction at seeing him.
“Please… darling… you’re hurt… just let me help you…”
“No, j-just stay back…”
“But your leg needs tending to my sweetling, I’ve never hurt you. I have proven I can take care of you by giving you all those plants you like. And food with them!”
“I am not interested in you taking care of me! Please just leave me alone… I have healing supplies with me…” Your voice faltered and it was clear that you were terrified of him.
Umzerth looked dejected, but he wasn’t going to give up. This was the first time he had properly met you and you were in pain. Surely you would accept him as your mate. He was so powerful and could take care of you. That’s what little humans wanted in a mate surely. He just had to calm you down and prove it.
The spider took a few tentative steps closer. You pulled your dagger from your belt and pointed it towards him. Your hand shook, more evidence of the fear coursing through you. He knew you’d never hold such a weapon to him if you were in your right mind. Maybe some of his venom would soothe you.
“Please put that away and let me help you sweetheart, my home is very close by. Your healing salves won’t work as fast as my methods will.”
You backed away a bit more, still holding up the dagger.
“I’ll take my chances.”
He moved with lightning speed and plucked the dagger from your hand, tossing it far away and out of sight. He spoke more forcefully.
“It would still take days to heal that foot. I can see the bruising from here. There are wild animals everywhere and I am not going to my beloved die out here because they were too damn stubborn.”
You cry out briefly as he bit down on your neck before an unnatural calm took your mind and your body went limp before fading into a relaxed sleep. His venom wasn’t at all deadly, not to humans, spiders, or driders. For a human it would merely give them a nice sleep. Which is exactly what you needed while he attended to your injury.
As you began stirring from your sleep you heard your name whispered. You woke to find your leg completely free of any pain, wrapped in silvery webbing. You could feel the thrum of magic within it. Much stronger than anything you could manage. Well… at least that proved he really wasn’t going to kill you.
“Are you feeling better, my little wild flower? I watched to make sure you slept well… I did take a break to catch you some food.”
The room you were in was unfamiliar, it looked to be a dwelling carved into stone. Likely at the base of the hills nearby. You were in a soft hammock made of silk. There was a wooden table next to you. Hand-carved. Umzerth apparently had grown accustomed to making his own furniture. Atop it lay a dead rat covered in webbing.
You recoiled at the sight.
“What’s wrong sweetling, it’s all predigested! You just have to bite and suck it out… don’t you like it?”
You didn’t say anything, but hopped up and bolted towards the exit. The ground was rough and cold on your bare feet, but you gave it no notice. You had to get away from this freak.
Umzerth caught you before you even reached the door.
“Let me go! I want to go home! Please!” You began sobbing and begging. Even if you were in no immediate danger he still frightened you. Thrust into a strange place with a terrifying creature and expected to eat… that… It was all too much.
“You ARE home my sweet flower!”
He caressed you oh so tenderly and claimed your lips with his own before setting you down on a cushioned chair that was far too small for him. Evidently he had prepared for your arrival for quite some time. Utterly disgusted with having been kissed by the monster, you wiped your lips.
“Are you upset with the food? Do humans not like that? I can learn to prepare human foods for you…”
He paced back and forth for a while with a nervous expression on his face, he wanted to make you happy and it was clear that you weren’t. How could he please you? He’d learn how to do that cooking thing he had watched humans do, but how could he make you like him more immediately?
Other than food that was to your liking hadn’t he provided everything a mate should? Shelter. Medical treatment.
Oh of course!
You were being a whiny little human because you probably were desperate to copulate! He knew you were single since he had never seen another person at your dwelling, you probably hadn’t had a good dick like his in you in a long time, if ever.
You’d probably be all shy and bratty about it though. Natural first time jitters. He knew what would calm you down.
He scooped you up from the chair and, despite your struggles, gave your neck a little nip. Just a fraction of a full dose. You went limp again, but didn’t fall asleep this time. Your limbs felt too heavy and you felt really relaxed. You couldn’t muster the energy or will to fight anymore.
Umzerth gently placed you on a high stone shelf so that he was eye level with your crotch.
“I know just what you need to make you happy sweetling~”
You only groaned absently in response.
The drider gently peeled off your pants and underwear, taking it to his face and inhaling your scent deeply before placing it aside. The smell had him aroused in an instant. His erect cock poked out of a slit at his waist just below where his two halves met. Big and somewhat slimy.
He rubbed your soft thighs.
“Such a soft fragile thing.” He whispered.
He kissed up your thighs, occasionally giving them a careful nip, not enough to draw blood. He attended to you with a sloppy tongue and beneath the effects of his venom all you could feel was pleasure. You grinded into his face as you weakly stroked his hair, grabbing it harder when he brought you to climax.
He licked you clean as you shuddered.
“Ah, you fed me so well for worshiping at the altar between your thighs~”
You were even more relaxed now than when he had just bitten you, and just as powerless to resist. The spider picked you up carefully and shared another dominating kiss with you. This time sliding his tongue and brushing it against yours, smearing your taste buds with your very own flavor mixed with his saliva. A string of which connected your lips for a moment as he pulled away.
Then he held you as he positioned your body in front of his cock.
“Oh sweetling, you’ll look even prettier with a bellyful of my eggs~”
His words elicited just the smallest spark of worry in your envenomated mind, though it was quickly squashed when you felt his cock smear warm pre at your entrance. While holding you with one strong hand he slipped a finger in and out of you, slowly adding more one at a time.
Drooling and unable to articulate any thoughts, you moved back against his fingers.
At that he decided you were ready. He slipped his wet cock into you easily and with no pain at all, he had been very careful to make sure he pleasured his delicate flower.
He held you by your hips, gently rocking you back and forth along his shaft. You occasionally moaned softly. It felt so nice. So perfect. Like you were made just for this. Why had you been resisting again?
Umzerth started to go just a little harder, sure that his love could take it. With each thrust you let out a little gasp of pleasure. His cock fit itself into you beautifully, hitting every inch and making you feel full and sated in a way you never had before.
The fill of your shivering body as you had another climax pulled Umzerth over the edge with you. Powerful shudders racking the both of you in unison as his cock deposited small eggs deep inside you. Soft yet firm, they attached themselves to your insides. They would fertilize as they absorbed a bit of your DNA, then they’d fall out after a few days and then hatch a few weeks later.
Having deposited so many inside of his darling, your belly looked larger. He lay you in his web with him in the corner, rubbing your belly in awe. You smiled up at him and idly played with his soft hair.
“I’ll be back soon my love, I am going to get you something to eat.”
He wrapped you up in his webbing to keep you cozy before giving you a bit more venom to send you off into a short sleep. Then he covered the entrance to his den with his strongest webbing to make sure that you were completely safe while he was away. By the time you awoke he would have a good meal fit for any human. Then you would have nothing at all to be grumpy about.
This time he’d swipe a meal from the village, of course he’d leave them a gold coin in compensation since humans seemed to like those, and after that you could teach him!
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specshroom · 3 days
Here me out for mer stuff
Maybe human is shipwrecked and a mer (perhaps one that keeps treasures like an octopus) saving you and keeping you in a little underground cave with an airbubble until you get better but you both start getting closer... maybe they become obsessed with you
You're stuck in the cold and a seal person or penguin person offers their body heat to you since it's very insulating... and theres otherways for them to make you even warmer
Getting passed around a pod of dolphins and otters cause they're very sexual and otters hold onto you as you rest between round since they hold hands with partners
Electric eels/lungfish giving you little shocks as it coils around you.
A deep sea angler lady with a hynotizing glow that wants you to be a part of her with all the other men she's absorbed.
A jellyfish who's tentacles secrete aphrodisiacs instead
Urchins with a super soft underbelly!!
A clam trapping you in their shell or an anemone keeping you within it
Betta fish wrapping you in their fins
Also imagine perhaps a parasite or amoeba from the water entering and forming a symbiosis with you... you have a bf in your head that speaks with you and though he can't touch you he can make you feel things by messing with your brain and bodily functions
Tha k u for entertaining me
It was gonna be like an addition to the bird hybrid post but I was having major writers block and I couldn't think of fuckall.
My faves were the:
• Octopus hoarding reader like treasure 🥺
• The electric eel shocks! Yesss
• I fucking hate dolphins cus they scare me but Otters on the other hand are soooo cute. Passing you around and just snuggling you into their soft fur when u need a quick nap. Have you seen the videos of otters massaging each other? Yes exactly like that.
• ooooh I just know the angler fish and the jellyfish hybrids would be so scary and intimidating in such a sexy way, uknow? Like "Oooo am I gonna eat you or fuck you? Oooo let's find out"
• The amoeba boyfriend is very interesting 🤔 especially since u can't really break up lmao. How would u even have disagreements? Because he's basically you? I definitely want to revisit this idea.
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meowpupp · 1 month
tw// overstim++, hybrid smut, bondage, gag, price and simon are assholrs, JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY ‼️
pup!johnny, who's been such a good boy for owner!simon recently. while pup!reader, been the complete opposite for owner!price.
you've been whining and yapping for attention constantly. you're desperate for attention and pleasure. spending most your time rutting against anything you can find. your big puppy eyes were at first endearing when you pawed at his cock, but it quickly stopped being cute.
price has had enough. you're so desperate, he can't get anything done. there's a thin line between needy and annoying, and you've definitely crossed it.
meanwhile, soap has been such a good boy. listening to each and every one of simons commands, keeping his grubby paws off his cock. he even resisted you during your weekly playdate. keeping his hands (and cock) to himself. even despite your pitiful attempts to grind on his thigh.
and so, naturally, there's an obvious conclusion here. two birds, one stone.
when simon tells soap that he's having an extra playdate with you this week, he knows something is up. it's unusual. playdates are normally a bargaining chip for good behaviour. but then again, being rewarded is something johnny never protests.
he had expected the usual, not this. as soon as he entered prices house, Simon gave him an order to follow. and so he did, only to find you bound, gagged, and desperate. all for him.
you're a sight, one that would make even the strongest man rock hard. wrists tied behind your back with pretty pink ribbon. you're dressed in white lace, the lingerie hugging each curve and roll. price had dressed you up for the pup. even going as far as gagging you, the pink dogbone shaped silicone making you drool all over the sheets.
you're already a wreck. your slick shines as it drips down your thighs. the white lace of your panties is translucent, wet fabric clinging to your prrtty cunt. the vibrator price used to torture your pretty clit tossed on the bed beside you carelessy. johnny's eyes dart all over the scene, drinking in each detail.
he can barely hold himself back, but he does. after all, he's a good boy. simons good boy. but it doesn't matter in the end. a large hand squeezes the back of his neck, simons deep voice growling in johnny ear as he speaks. "all yours, pup. show price how good you've been."
it takes him less than a second to act. johnny can't hold himself back, gipping your hips tight. you can barely take a breath as before he rups through the lace of your panties. he isn't nice like normal. instead of slowly lapping at your clit until it's swollen and desperate beneath his tounge, slowly stretching your tight cunt with his fingers- he forces his cock deep inside your swollen cunt.
he knows its mean. the way your cry and squirm beneath his tells him youve already cum multiple times. but it only makes you more fun to fuck. your greedy cunt sucks him in, a lewd squelch filling the room with each thrust.
johnny doesn't care if your sore cunt can't take it. he's not fucking you to make you feel good, this is his. his reward. his pleasure. his time to feel good.
his body is so taught and tense. each thrust is a reflection of that. his cockhead slams against your g-spot, merciless as he seeks his own pleasure. he doesn't stop, does slow. he refuses to.
even when you've cum 3 times, even when your sore, puffy cunt is stuffed full with his cum. johnny runs himself ragged. his pace frantic and feral even as you struggle. you sob and whimper into the sheets, giving price your best puppy eyes as try you beg for mercy despite the gag.
but he doesn't give it. "shhh, shh love. s'your punishment. this is what happens to horny pups like you." he growls as a big hand on the back of your head presses your face to the bed below you.
price and simon don't pay attention to you. ignoring your little squeals and yelps as johnny continues to pound into your over-sensitive cunt. they rub salt into the wound, praising the feral pup as he ruins you.
"such a good boy," "you can do better than that baby," "cmon now, harder. she's a toy johnny, use 'er."
they let johnny fuck you till he cant. your ass red and hot from his hips slamming into you, cunt puffy and swollen. johnny shoots blanks before he pulls out. he's whisked away by simon, praised by his owner till his dizzy. meanwhile, price cups your cheek, forcing your hazy eyes to meet his. "learnt your lesson? gonna be a good girl f'me now?" he smirks as you nod, not sure if you even understand what he said.
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nmn-yty · 10 days
— ๋࣭ ⭑࿐ constellations 。o♡⋆˚。⋆.
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pairing: lee know x reader
summary: you find a lonely bunny who needs a home
tags: 「SFW! fluff! | hybrid!lee know | referring to lee know as minho | soft!lee know (he's so needy) | cuddling and a small kiss | winter vibes | lots of plot (mb get immersed) | knife appearance | reader has no gender」
word count: 2.6k
a/n: i never thought i would see myself writing about lee know, but he has been wrecking me a lot(◞_◟) cute fluff for you lee know stans :3 please forgive me if i write anything that is out of character for him (also happy to see you all liking hybrid stories!) this story is kinda rushed too, i didn't want to make it too long, enjoyyy!!!
+ stylized lowercase, missing punctuation (not done on purpose), and minimal to no revisions
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the usual trail you walk along has now been covered in a thin layer of snow. this trail has been your secret guide since forever. it's a shortcut that leads to an open flower field, where you can lie down and enjoy the nature around you. seeing this field in winter is a bit depressing, as all the flowers have died and have been faced with the cold winds and snow of winter. you take this path from time to time, just to remember what used to be there.
you've encountered animals a few times in this area. the occasional birds, squirrels, and even deer have all been amazing sightings to see. however, you didn't expect to see a white bunny practically running towards you this day.
"hey little guy," you cooed to the bunny. he stares at you with big eyes, twitching his nose and ears perched up and alert. this is your first encounter with a bunny and you wanted to see how friendly it was.
you reached your hand out slowly so he can smell you first. he hopped closer to you, giving you a sniff before staring back at you. this gave you the chance to pet his fur once, brushing the snow off with your glove. he started to close his eyes and nuzzle into your warmth. you didn't know if this was normal behavior for a bunny, but you were glad that you got to pet him.
"you are the cutest thing ever, but i really have to go. bye bunny!" it was sad to leave him all alone on that path, but he surely had a home to get back to. you didn't realize it at the time but you dropped one of your soft gloves that you kept as a spare pair in your pocket. he grabbed the item in his mouth, ready to hand it back to you, only for you to be no where in sight.
he snuggled with the glove by a nearby bush, hoping that you would return quickly to get him back.
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running through the trail, retracing your steps, all you could think about was that cute bunny you met the other day. the weather was worse today, the winds rising and snow falling rapidly. holding your hand up to your forehead to protect your eyes, you start to dig in the snow. you thought the glove might be buried under the piling white ground.
suddenly you hear soft imprints on the snow, the same bunny you met slowly approaching you. squinting hard, you could make out the glove held in its mouth, you sighed in relief.
"my glove!" the bunny stopped in its tracks, dropping the item. you walk up to where he stood, grabbing the glove with your freezing red hand, putting it on. it was such a miracle that he kept it safe for you, maybe he needed it for himself. you pet the bunny quickly, brushing the snow off his fur.
as you began to take off, you heard more imprints on the snow. was he following you? you turned around to see him nestling near a bush. you smiled at him, assuming that his home was near. you started to walk again but the cycle repeated, him being inches away from you.
"do you want to come with me, bunny?" you called out to him. you stared at him when your words made him stand up on his back legs, ears shot upward. it's almost like he understood clearly what your words meant. it kinda scared you, but you were happy that you had a chance of taking him home.
you reached over to pick him up, his pink nose began to take in your scent. you had him tucked in one arm, while the other one protected his fur from the snow. you brushed away the snow that made its way on to his body from the wind. his eyes were shut now, ears tucked down. you made your way back to your house as fast as you could.
the wave of heat from your house when you opened your front door came rushing in. it felt so good to not be out in the snow storm. you tried to shake off as much snow from your body as you can, the snow falling on to the mat at your feet. you set the bunny down gently for a second, trying not to wake him up. taking off your coat and boots were also a relief to your body, the restrictive clothing starting to condensate from being in a warm environment.
you reached over to pick up the bunny again, only for him to flinch awake, looking around at his new surroundings. he hopped around for a bit, still leaving small amounts of snow on your floor. you let him explore a bit while you ran upstairs to get a towel.
you found a clean towel and reached the main floor. you tried to look for the bunny but he was no where in sight. this started to worry you, had he caught himself in a place where he shouldn't be? "here bunny bunny... where did you go?"
your voice became an instant wave of peace in his ears, as he came running back to you from the kitchen.
"oh you must be hungry. ill try to find you some food, but first let me dry your body, okay?" you picked him up again, taking a seat on your couch with the towel. wiping him dry became a quick task, he already shook off most of the snow from moving around your house. you would have to mop up the floor later but that was a problem for future you. once he was all dry, you pet him once again, making him twitch his nose and close his eyes in comfort. you couldn't believe you had a real bunny inside your house. sure there were strays that roamed around your house from time to time, but they never came close to coming inside. you usually left food for them outside your house, maybe giving them a few pets if they're nice to you.
it all felt surreal, illegal even. you wouldn't have taken him in if he didn't follow you. plus, the storm was getting really bad out there, maybe he didn't have a good place to keep warm.
you set him down on the cushion next to you and headed for the kitchen. you looked into your fridge for some lettuce, taking two leaves and washing them quickly. you heard a hard thump from the living room, maybe he was exploring your house a bit more. you hoped that nothing bad had happened while you looked away.
walking out of the kitchen, your heart drops as there was a man sitting on your couch. you quickly turned back into the kitchen, not even sure what to do next. your hands were shaking and you dropped the leaves, thankfully not making a sound. you started to tear up, how did this strange man get into your house? although at first glance he didn't look harmful, you quietly grabbed a knife from the counter.
peeking your head back to the living room, you can finally make out the man's appearance again. he's wearing a black hoodie with sweatpants. he had dark brown hair that covered his sharp eyes slightly. he was hugging one of your throw pillows you had lying around. he looked almost animated, the way his eyes blinked as he gazed around your house. his nose also twitched from time to time, it was actually quite charming.
getting back to the problem at hand, you jumped into the living room and held the knife out with a strong grip.
"who are you and how did you get in my house?"
his expression was blank. he blinked a few times before choking out a response.
"my name is minho, im your bunny."
you stared at him in confusion, was he on some sort of drugs?
"what the hell is that supposed to mean? did you do something to my bunny? where is he?"
you turned slightly to look around for your bunny, he was no where to be seen.
"i told you," just before he could finish his sentence, he disappeared, and your bunny from outside appeared and took his place.
you dropped the knife and ran over to where he was sitting. at your knees by the couch, you took him in your arms. "where were you?" you could feel the tears start to roll down your cheeks.
in a sudden flash again, the bunny was gone, and now you were embracing the same stranger who claimed to be your bunny. you looked up at him, your throat becoming narrow making it hard for you to breathe. you couldn't believe what just happened. was he some type of monster? you were frozen in place, scared that he might do something to hurt you.
"it's just me, you dont need to look so scared."
you could finally feel your heartbeat starting to fall back to a normal pace. it felt like an impossible scenario, but there was no other explanation to what you just witnessed with your own eyes.
"m-minho. that's your name?"
he nodded and gave a small grin. he wasn't so scary anymore. looking into his eyes, you can see they were the same dark eyes from the bunny you took in today. it really was him. even though they were huge and dark, you could see the lights sparkling in them, almost like stars.
"how is this even real, am i dreaming?"
just as you uttered those words, another flash revealed his in between form. he still had the body of a human, but cute bunny ears popped out from the top of his head. you couldn't see it right now but you could assume he had a bunny tail too.
"nope, this is all real."
you felt dizzy again, witnessing something that couldn't be explained. you got up off the floor and sat next to him, grabbing the pillow he was grabbing when you first saw him. it was still warm, you held onto it extra tight for some comfort.
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"do you still have that food you promised me? im starving."
"oh right," you got up and set the pillow aside. "do you still want that lettuce? or are you allowed to eat other foods while being... human?"
"all foods are fine while being human, although i prefer to not eat any meat, if you dont mind."
"right, still a bunny. okay let's see what i have."
you walk back into the kitchen thinking about the food you could give him. it was getting pretty late, almost time to fall asleep, so you wanted to offer something light. you grabbed two small bowls, pouring some cereal, and grabbing milk from the fridge. placing the spoons in the bowls, you quickly headed out, sitting back down and handing him the cereal.
"it's getting late, i hope this is enough for you."
he grabbed the bowl and held out the spoon in a strange way, barely able to get a good grip. the shaking spoon slowly made way to his mouth. a few crunches in and he moaned in delight. his eyes were sparkling, he probably hadn't eaten in a while. you started to eat your cereal too, moving the milk around.
"time went by fast huh?" you took the bowls back into the kitchen once minho was done with his food.
"im going up to sleep, we can talk more in the morning okay? come with me for a sec"
you motioned for him to follow you upstairs. in a closet in your hallway you picked out your warmest blanket. you handed it to him and smiled, you could get used to having him around.
you headed towards your room and heard tiny steps following you. behind you minho followed, did he want to sleep with you?
"oh no, you have to sleep downstairs okay?"
those words stung in his ears. he looked really upset, and just as unprepared you were the last time, he scared you with a transformation. this time, he was a full on bunny again. you couldn't let your bunny sleep downstairs all alone, right?
you rolled your eyes in defeat and picked him up, petting his back gently. you could see him starting to doze off. he was the cutest thing in the whole world while being a bunny. he was also really handsome while being human, you started to get flustered thinking about the topics you were going to talk about in the morning. he had the type of face and energy that made you lose your train of thought and made you all dizzy.
you finally set him next to your small bed. you got under the blankets and stared at the sleeping bunny. his ears were laid down and his body was moving up and down lightly. you gave him light pets until you fell asleep, not letting him out of your sight. you hadn't noticed but he was playing dumb with you, returning your meaningful stares back to you while you didn't notice.
your body began to feel really warm in the morning. you hadn't opened your eyes yet but you felt significantly more snug in your bed. there was a feeling of comfort and protection around you. blinking your eyes awake, you wake up to a sleeping hybrid minho. he was facing you, his hand wrapped loosely around your waist. you couldn't help but become utterly flustered the moment you realized his hand placement. how did he transform while sleeping?
all you could do was stare at his calm expression and sleeping body. you couldn't believe you had someone like him in your bed right now. his ears were drooped down on the pillow, and out of the corner of your eye you could spot a small fluffy tail. your eyes weren't playing tricks on you earlier.
you reached over to his hand and slowly started to take it off your body. you guessed that bunnies were sensitive everywhere, because the light warmth of your hand made minho flutter his eyes open. he stared at you in confusion, almost like he was sad that you had plans of leaving him alone.
"relax, im just going to the bathroom okay?"
his face softened and he closed his eyes again, trying to get to sleep again. once you were done in the bathroom, you returned to a completely human minho. it's a shame because you swore that his hybrid form was the most cute form he could be in. full bunny form was close to being your first but it wasn't fun thinking about talking to yourself.
you sat on your side of the bed, reaching over to pet his head. he started to make light hums, a tiny smile appearing. he peaked up at you through one eye, waiting for the perfect moment to come close to you. he gently grabbed your hand and gave it a peck, making you gasp and look at him in awe.
"why did you do that?" you say while completely flustered.
"im yours, aren't i?" he didn't wait for your response and just snuggled onto your lap. you didn't realize it until later but minho really needed someone like you in his life. although everything seemed so rushed, he was glad that you were the person to stumble upon him in the woods.
you froze in place not wanting to disturb him. were you really the one in charge here, or did a cute bunny just make you lose control?
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edit: thank you all so much for all the love><♡
part 2 is up now!!! click here!!!
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© nmn-yty ★ 5.29.2024
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hritika13-tamboli · 5 months
Jeon Jungkook Fic Recs List 1...
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Series :
Lone blue egg || Penguin Hybrid Jungkook x Bird Female OC | Hybrid au || @foxymoxynoona
Summary : Jungkook is a simple man. He goes to work, he hangs out with friends, he worries about finding a mate to take home for his hometown breeding season. Maybe he spends a little more money on cam girls than is fiscally responsible but he has niche tastes. Maybe he feels a bit adrift, but he's a young penguin hybrid, supposedly in his prime, far from his crèche. At least he's good at one thing: taking care of his precious egg. A comfort egg, not a real egg, he's not a real penguin, just a man with penguin DNA and behavioral tendencies. Just like Yoongi isn't actually an owl, even if he does stay up all night and sometimes hoot to fuck with their roommates. But this is a real love story, even if a slightly odd one.
Summer Nights || Rabbit!Hybrid Jungkook x Y/N | Hybrid au || @marginalmadness
Summary : A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long...will it?
Evocation || Dragon!Jungkook x human?Reader | Hybrid au || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
4-7-8 || Jungkook x reader | marriage au || @jiminrings
Summary : you’re secure when it comes to loving jungkook, knowing that your husband loves you beyond words. what you aren’t so secure about is his first love — someone who isn’t you. alternatively, jungkook’s married to you, but he still celebrates his anniversary with his ex out of sentimentality.
Love sewn || Jungkook x reader | boy next door au || @jvnghxope
Summary : You’ve never cared about the thin-as-paper walls of your beloved apartment until Jeon Jungkook moved next door. You could hear everything –from his late-night parties on Saturday, to the quality time he spent with his girlfriend in the intimacy of his bedroom. One day, everything ceases. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and you find yourself knocking his door before you can think it twice.
Sweet tooth || Rottweiler hybrid!Jungkook x Cat hybrid!Reader | Hybridau || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : Yoongi and Jimin are each proud owners of hybrids, and these days, slowly falling in love with one another. And everything could be so perfect- if it wasn't for you absolutely resenting Jungkook- for no reason?
Alpha jeon || Jungkook x reader | werewolf au || @pbandjk
Summary: You’ve been raised to be a Luna since you were born. You’ve always had an idea of how your future would be, there was little room to imagine anything different. You’d meet your mate and fall madly in love, and the two of you would take over for your parents once they got older. But what happens when a certain wolf comes in and throws all of your plans on their head?
i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane || Jungkook x reader | college au || @taexual
 Summary : jungkook is an uncontrollable lead vocalist of the campus band, and you’re a goal-oriented top student that’s known his rich and complicated family since childhood. you don’t want anything to do with each other, until each other is exactly what you want to do.
Please love me || Jungkook x reader | childhood friends au | arrange marriage au || @ahundredtimesover
Summary : As the only unmarried Jeon and Kim children, your families propose a union to symbolize your unbreakable bond that spans generations. But despite developing an affection for Jungkook growing up, he never returned it; he never seemed to like you, actually. You’re okay with the proposal, but surprise surprise, he isn’t.
Rattled || Jungkook x reader | guy next door au | single dad au || @gukslut
Summary : "Jeongguk?" His chin quivers and he bites at his bottom lip, clenching his jaw as his eyes flood with tears, meeting Jin's questioning gaze as he collapses against Jin's broad shoulder, sobbing. Jeongguk struggles to make words come out of his mouth.Jin holds him tightly, not speaking, just waiting, trying to put the mess of puzzle pieces together in a way that might make sense. Finally, Jeongguk sucks in a heaving breath."I had a baby," he sputters out. "That's my baby.""I didn't know this baby existed eight hours ago," he chokes out, sniffling.
Lacrymaria olor || Alien!King!Jungkook x Human!Reader | alien au || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : In which you've survived on this foreign planet for more than two years until you're caught and brought to the King, who will decide your fate.
Bitchin || fratboy!jungkook x reader | 1980s au || @kinktae
Summary : The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
Under your skin || tattoist!jk x fem!reader | tattoo au || @armpirate
Summary : You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Unstable || Alien!Jungkook x Human!Reader | dystopian AU || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : Wrong place, wrong time, wrong everything. And yet, maybe it's not as bad as you thought.
One-shot :
Idealizations concerning real life relations || jungkook x reader | fuckboy!jk x hopeless romantic!oc | fwb au || @venusiangguk
Summary : jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
Night After Night || Fuckboy bf! Jungkook x Reader | Established relationship au || @brown-bi-beautiful
Summary : "Show you what devotion is, deeper than the ocean is".... You broke up with your boyfriend because he couldn't let go of his fuckboy antiques now he's gonna win you back whatever it takes.
If i told you || two-shots | Jungkook x reader | friends to lovers!au | college!au || @gukyi
Summary : in order to pay for university, jeon jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. all while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.
Scattered stars || two-shots | Jungkook x reader soulmate!au | fantasy!au || @taegularities
Summary : “And with that, a picture of Jungkook flashed into your mind, his fingertips caressing your cheek and his gentle and affectionate smile sending shivers down your spine as you admitted to yourself that yes - you wanted him.“
Welcome to the heartbreak show || kind-of-tsundere!jungkook x female!reader | college au || @numinousher
Summary : you’re in love with your partner in class that everyone fears (and loves) due to his stoic facial expression and the way he rejects girls rather harshly. as you get to know him, will he be able to handle your heart that you so willingly gave him to care for or, will he break it due to his hatred for people who are in love with him?
In which she's done with him || Jerk jungkook x reader | unrequited love || @minstrivia
Summary : Jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone !! happy ending!
Angel in the marble || michelangelo!jungkook x servant!reader | high renaissance au || @venusjeon
Summary : after you fail to pickpocket him, the famous yet arrogant artist Jeon Jungkook takes you off the streets to make you his servant, and the more you know him, the more you realise he's not as detestable as everyone claims he is.
i can't wait to tell you, "i told ya'." || Single dad Jungkook x reader | Best friend au || @serendipitous-seven
Summary: Jeon Jungkook is a successful realtor with a big house, a nice car, colorful dating life, and a spunky 7-year-old daughter to boot…he’s also your best friend who you used to be in love with. Of course, he was never made aware because you swear it’s all in the past…until it isn’t. But going on a cruise with Jungkook and his daughter whom you adore should be harmless. Absolutely nothing can go wrong…Right?
Los Angeles Laker || nba player jungkook x reader | nba au || @xpeachesncream
Summery : being one of the most popular players in the nba, jungkook takes absolutely no shit from anybody. he could give a fuck about the press, what people think about him, serious relationships. it’s a personal hell getting wrapped up with jeon jungkook— and you can’t help but fall into the same trap as every other woman who crosses paths with him. the more you fall, the more you realize that you will never be able to change a man who doesn’t want to change his ways.
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nymphany · 11 months
Fic contains: taboo / dark content please read this warning if you are triggered by any of this material
Reader info:
Referred with: she/her/girl/you
British! Pan! Short! Afab! Feminine! Reader
Coming soon: cat, bunny, mouse, deer, bear, cow, lamb and bird version
♡ callsign: cadaver!
♡ oh where to start with this little ball of energy!!!
♡ shes so dumb </3 but she's good at her job so that's all that matters
♡ it was a surprise to 141 to be presented with the least intimidating hybrid as their newest addition to the team
♡ this bubbly little thing who was practically shaking in excitement, her tail wagging so hard it looked like it was about to fly off
♡ naturally the men were disappointed that they're newest member wasnt some unbeatable tank but instead a tiny thing who was fueled by praise and treats
♡ speaking of praises and treats gaz cant help but spoil you!! Price tells him not to
"she wont listen if you give her so many treats"
"shes a good girl she always listens"
• hes right you do always listen, you're very obedient maybe too obedient
♡ despite his denial of your treats, your favourite man is obviously price <3 something about puppies and grumpy old men is a match made in heaven !!
♡ you like his ear scratches the best especially when you're in his office with your head on his lap
♡ he says he only likes you for your work but everyone knows that's a lie especially when he pays extra attention to you during lunch. Hes just making sure you eat all your food so you're big and strong
♡ you know how some dads pet their dogs my giving their back a good smack and rub? that's what hed do to you <3
♡ he has a wide selection of beef jerky in his office but you only eat it when someone feeds it to you <3 they're not allowed to hand it to you or place it infront of you they must feed it to you directly!! Makes you happy (you try your best not to nip at their fingers when they feed you but you just get so happy you cant help it)
♡ ghost can never be sarcastic around you your dumb brain cant handle it :( "go count every grain of rice in the kitchens if you're so bothered 'bout the numbers" and you do!!! he feels horrible because he knows you suck at counting :(( it must of took you ages to even get to 50
♡ its okay because it gives soap and gaz an excuse to pamper you!! You dont exactly understand why you're being pampered (must be because you're such a good girl for counting all that rice) but you accept it. It does make ghost feel so much worse for making you do things he didnt mean </3
"You're such a good puppy! You're so good at listening and you're so pretty!"
"Gaz that's enough I already said sorry"
"Aw come on Lt you made the poor thing count every grain of rice cant expect us to not rub it in can ya"
♡ ghost does make it up to you eventually, he takes you on walks around the base and points out secrets and tells you their stories
"Oi pup Do you see that dent in the wall?"
"Johnny came back after a night out and rammed himself into it thinking his shadow was an intruder"
♡ they always have atleast one of your chew toys on them at all times after they noticed you chewing the inside of your mouth, your fingers, their sleeves or just anything you could fit in your mouth
♡ your team must smell like you all the time, always, forever !!!! Whenever you get them alone youre immediately licking them!! Sometimes you bite but you're working on it <3
♡ if they come back from somewhere you have to smell them, what if they smell like another hybrid hmm?!?! >:((
♡ which is why you hate baths.
♡ they wipe away all your hard work I mean come on it's not easy to get the scent of your four favourite men nor is it easy to scent them!!! They're constantly around other people >:(((((
♡ luckily you arent the smartest so it's easy to trap and lure you in with kisses <3
♡ some one HAS to be in the bath/shower/ room with you
1. you cant be trusted not to eat the soap (smell nice ≠ taste nice)
2. Its scary in there
3. You get distracted and forget to even get in the bath/shower
♡ they treat you so well though !!! your ears and tail are always so soft when you let gaz wash them, he takes such good care of the soft fur and he never ever let's the bubbles  stay in your ears and he spends a good long time near your tail but you have no idea why <3
♡ soap likes washing your body! He loves watching you relax as he takes his time to make sure you're clean, he loves letting you lean against him as he washes your back and loves watching the suds run down your body. hes so sweet that he makes sure to pay extra attention to your sensitive areas <3
♡ price is the one tasked to dry you off, you seem to only listen to him anyway (of course you do, your dumb doggy brain has to listen to the leader of your pack)
♡ he pulls you against him using your towel as leverage, he so graciously put it in the dryer to warm up so you're all toasty and warm. You sit in his lap while he rubs your body dry whispering praises about your "bravery" to even go into the bath/shower
♡ Which leaves ghost in charge of your skin care!! This big scary man lathering your body in lotions and creams so you're all soft and smooth. He loves the moans and whimpers when he presses down on your weak spots <3
"Oi mutt stop licking the moisturiser"
"No no nooo :((( Say the thing :((("
"....Simons says stop licking the moisturiser"
♡ you never wear clothes after your bath/shower, they're lucky to get underwear on you, you need to be as open to they're scents as possible!! Maybe you'll wear their clothes but only maybe
♡ our puppy wasn't meant to meet Alejandro and Rudy until the mission was over but she said her nose could be put to good use and laswell couldnt help but agree (puppy definitely didn't bribe her or anything puppy hugs do wonders)
♡ at first alejandro didnt even see the girl behind the mountain sized men, assuming it's only ghost and soap coming along
"This is cadaver, our k9 unit she'll be coming along with us"
"Ah un perro! you'll be very useful"
♡ it was a tight squeeze in the backseat, two military men left little room but it's okay you enjoy sitting on their laps so it's not much different
"So they call you cadaver?"
"Yes sir!"
"You good at hunting corpses?"
"Uh huh! very good! The best!"
"Good because we're looking for a dead man walking"
":00?? A zombie :((("
♡ overall you got on very well with alejandro and Rudy <3 whenever they passed you they always gave a light scratch to your ear
♡ you dont understand the language but you like the attention and that's all that matters, they're so nice and help you cool off in the sun,  you just need to get naked so they can help cool you off just let them help dont even worry about it
♡ you liked graves when you met him he got so hyped up on missions the energy traveled to you
♡ although he definitely tries to make you loyal to him and him only (mmm yummy dark! Graves <3<3) hes always been a fan of hybrids especially the vulnerable ones. Hes best at love bombing you, filling you with treats, pets and roaming hands. Hes a sucker for puppy girls
♡ valeria made you cry when you met her :(( well it was actually rudy but he didnt mean to he felt awful :(((
"Perro estúpido, solo eres una perra reproductora, ¿no? no hay pensamientos en esa linda cabeza tuya"
"Thank you :D"
"Dont thank her shes insulting you"
• he gave you so many hugs, treats and kisses after he apologized profusely he forgot how sensitive you are he just didnt want you to thank her for insulting you :((
♡ mommy valeria tho so shes easily forgiven with a few fake compliments.
"You must think twice as hard with that brain of yours"
"Oh no! I dont even think once! :D"
♡ you entertain her, although she does wonder how it would feel to live in your head for a day
"Even the dogs in Las almas know not to bark at me"
"Oh no silly! We're in a shipping container"
"Yes in Las almas"
"Since when"
♡ thinking about how puppy got to keep valeria company while the big strong men go fight, guard dog duties !! Dont ask her how she got naked... and why valerias fingers are pruned... that's not important and you should mind your business
♡ cadaver has a muzzle and harness <3 !!! If you've ever been checked for harness safety you'll understand the feeling of being tugged around and how easy it is to want to jump someones bones
♡ always at odd hours too but you cant help it !! you have a lot of energy and you're too dumb to put that energy to good use :(( so it's only natural you jump on everyone and everything <3
♡ nesting with all of their clothes and belongings and they cant stop you or they'll get viciously attacked (you will cry)
♡ sticker collection (scented ones are the best) + mask decorating with ghost !!!!!
♡ konig is a scary big giant man whose just a silly guy at heart but jesus christ he needs to shrink
♡ the first time you met him you actually didnt see him, assuming the sun had exploded and the solid black mass that obscured your vision was the end of the world only to be corrected by an apology from the wall itself
"ah I'm so sorry I didnt see you there"
"Me neither :D"
♡ so big and scary but so warm and protective!! Ghost doesn't like you near konig he doesnt like sharing his toys with kortac
♡ you still hang out with him whenever you get the chance!! <3 friendship bracelets for all!! You did however underestimate how big these mens wrists were and cried when they wouldnt fit
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ NSFW ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ oral fixation all the way !!
♡ mouth cockwarming!!!! Below prices desk? Yes!! Feeling sleepy and need to suck on something?? Soap is your guy!! Want to learn about the human anatomy? Rudy is there to help
♡ sweaty balls in my mouf
♡ slobbering on them until they scrunch up like raisins, suck the man juice out of them
♡ our puppy has a leash and collar so it's only natural they use it on you, held back by the neck as one of them is pounding into you
♡ puppy likes scent and prefers sex before
and after a work out
♡ listen... piss kink
♡ I just feel like they'd be in a meeting and she tries so so sooo hard to tell someone she needs to pee but they keep telling her to hold it (graves) but she just cant price made sure to keep her hydrated during lunch :(( it's too much and her bladder isnt big enough
♡ whimpers fill the air the sound of dripping water accompanying it their heads turning to face her as sobs bubble out of her mouth along with apologise while she so desperately cover her face to avoid the embarrassment. Her thighs clenched desperately to stop the stream but her attempts were In vain
♡ the first to realise what had happened was soap the fact that he was sitting next to her and had perfect view access to her entire body
"Aw pet don' cry its jus' an accident, happens to the best of us"
♡ :(((( shes so upset but our boys dont mind shes usually so well behaved and she obviously didn't mean to do it on purpose
"Oh puppy you tried so hard to tell us and we completely ignored you didnt we?"
"Uh huh"
"Yeah? And we didnt listen when you said you couldnt hold it did we"
"No i- but I- I did try to hold I really tried hard b-but I couldnt an- and now I've made a mess"
♡ they cant ignore the arousal they get from seeing her soaked and sobbing <3 they know it's wrong, shes upset and embarrassed but they just cant help it
♡ graves is a gross man who looks like fix it felix but dont let that fool you he 100% loves the control he gets from a piss kink especially for our puppy, he likes making you hold it and then mocks you in a high pitched voice but your dumb little brain thinks hes comforting you
♡ I think simon is more one for fucking you until you pee, he usually does it in the shower so he can wash off but he doesnt mind getting dirty, he likes the feeling of your cunt squeezing and gushing around him especially if you try to tell him to stop. Youre gonna pee? Yeah? Do it
♡ gaz is someone who likes to watch you pee he loves the view <3 the fluttering of your cunt draws him in road trip side of road
♡ Johnny, similar to his L.T, is someone who teases you until you pee. Rubbing your clit until its puffy and sore and you cant hold yourself up right let alone your bladder
♡ alejandro and Rudy like watching you wiggle they'll purposefully fill you with liquid and press on your tummy just to watch you squirm, they have bets on who can make you loose it first
♡ price pees in you
♡ theres a reason hes your favourite
♡ you know how I talked about scenting??... I hate to break it to you but she has definitely peed on them/their stuff at some point
♡ you mostly pee on price
♡ "what are you doing"
"Where are you pants"
"I dont know"
"You're not gonna pee on the floor are you"
"That's right you're not because that would be bad"
"Thats right bad"
"Just a little"
♡ heats are always a pain for you :(( so horny and so wet desperate for someone to fill you with the pups you need. You drive the team crazy with your whimpers and cries but they know you cant help it, you're just achey :(((
♡ bullet vibrators are your best bet as they obviously cant fuck you 24/7 so that small buzzing of pleasure keeps you satiated until they can get their hands on you, the first time you had your heat you couldnt get the small thing out :(( your fingers were too small and it was so slippery you couldnt grasp it :((( you're so lucky your captain is kind enough to help you <3 dont think about his fingers wiggling inside you hes just trying extra hard to get it out that's why hes pumping them in and out of you
♡ sometimes they have to keep you in a cage because you wont stop begging to be stuffed, they dont want a rookie to think that they're allowed to overstep their place just because your in heat
♡ you hump everything!!!! Nothing is safe they take their shirt off for one second and it's on a pillow being jumped by no other than you!! You absolute fiend!!!
♡ you follow them around everywhere you love being around you favourite men!!!
♡ when 141 go on a mission you're left with Rudy and alejandro who always give in to you whines and begs <3 they treat you so well always stuffing you full when you need it, letting you have as much cum as you please, it makes the 141 so jealous that they have to fuck you as soon as they get back!
♡ graves probably pimps out puppy to his shadows there I said it
♡ konig isnt to slick with his touches either, he may think hes going undetected but that's only by our dumb mutt the other men are fuming with him. He let's you sit in his lap, his bear like hands inbetween your thighs rubbing along your most intimate areas you dont exactly connect what hes doing and hes completely okay with that just grind yourself back on him.
♡ he probably asks horangi to help him out, probably stretching you to prepare for the brute of the man
♡ definitely think gangbangs are a big part of your heat, vibrators, plugs, rope and muzzles are all items your familiar with. I like to think they just come and go when fucking you it's almost like a brothel
♡ they definitely finger fuck you while doing mindless tasks, brushing their teeth? You're bent over the sink pushing yourself back onto them, doing paperwork? Being cockwarmed by your snug lil cunt, lifting weights? You're bouncing on their cock weighing them down
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thegnomelord · 5 months
Ok, so I loved your dragon reader/ dragon price fic. The detailed courting rituals got me thinking about how different members of TF 141 react to a s/o who has different courting rituals than them.
The one rolling around in my mind rn is Gaz (which I'm pretty sure is a harpy or bird hybrid of some kind) with a dragon reader.
So Gaz tries to court reader through a more fancy version of pebbling. But, instead of giving cool rocks and sticks, it's gemstones and weapons. Yknow, expensive/fancy things that Gaz thinks the reader might want to add to his hoard.
Btw do you have an anon list? If so, is 👑 anon available?
I don't have an anon list yet but you're welcome to be 👑anon!
It's cool to think how they'd try to court you. I hc that werewolves, and Johnny by extension, are really straightforward. Like sitting way too close, hands roaming over your body, trying to lick into your mouth and going "Hey wanna make more of us?"
Ghost, the poor thing, is completely fucked bc he was human before becoming a wraith, how the Hell is he supposed to know? Que him going through Wikipedia articles and watching documentaries of your species courting and mating (having to rub one out imaging you and him in that position ofc) and just stumbling through the whole courting thing.
But Gaz? Oooh Gaz—
Safe to say he's fallen ass over tits for you.
It's the way you take care of them, of him, of the monstrous strength used to defend them turning velvet soft when Gaz needs emotional support that has his harpy hindmind demanding to lock you down before a competitor snatches you away.
Only problem — you're not a harpy. And Gaz has no idea how courtship works, as when he asks Price about it (under the guise of just being curious) the old fart just gives him an amused look and tells him to figure it out.
Though harpies and dragons are two different species, he figures there must be some similarities, so he figures to listen to the old fairy tales about your kind and looks for the shiniest thing he can find, because Harpies court by giving gifts and dragons like to hoard and both of them like shiny stuff right?
You're confused like Hell when one day you wake up to find a silver ring with a shiny amethyst sitting on your windowsill. You know for a fact it's not yours as the instinct to catalogue every item in your hoard is as old as the draconic blood running through your veins and you'd remember if you had it.
When you make sure it's not stolen and no owner can be found, (because who'd wear that type of ring in a military base?) you decide to keep it, failing to notice how the way Gaz's pupils get bigger when you put the ring in your pocket.
It is a nice ring, the shine of the gemstone tickling your brain in a pleasant way. The military doesn't allow dragons to have large hoards, most of the items you've gathered over the decades and centuries safely hidden in vaults, but it feels good to have a small hoard in your den.
You expect this to be a one off event. But. No. Every few weeks you find a new thing on your windowsill, from gems to guns to additions to weapons you've expressed you'd like to get. Each new thing leaves you scratching your head, annoyance growing bit by bit as there's never enough scent on the items to track the culprit down and it's not like you can turn the base upside down looking for them (again).
You're unsure how to feel; it's obvious someone is trying to court you, but it definitely can't be Price because no dragon would go about it like this. But you have to admit it's nice to be desired, regardless how odd the method may be.
Then you notice how Gaz has started acting. . . different. He'll ruffle his feathers and flutter his wings more than usual when you two are alone, purposely stretch more often to make your eyes naturally draw to him, sticking to your side as he talks about everything and anything under the sun.
You're also not a fool. You can figure out it's a harpy's way of trying to show off, but without any open hostility you can only assume he's trying to court you. And you let him, you like his presence and the sound of his voice, the way he gives you a lopsided smile and the way his dark feathers shine like onyx gems when the light hits them juuust right and the way he flushes and stutters when your tail wraps around his leg.
Then one late evening when you're doing paperwork you catch sight of something behind your window in the corner of your eye. Like a flash you're opening the window, your clawed hand gripping Gaz's hand before he can scatter.
Gaz's wings spread out wide, a surprised squawk leaving him as he looks into your slitted eyes. "Uh-, I, eh- Hi?" He says, gulping, his newest gift, a very shiny ruby, held in his hand. But what draws your eye are his dark feathers.
You let out an amused snort, "Hello." You purr, leaning in so your faces are close, enjoying the way he flushes from the proximity. "So you're the little thief that's been visiting me."
Gaz's feather puff up to make his silhouette twice as big, his eyes narrowing, a hurt and angry look spreading across his features. "I'm no thief!" He says, insulted that you'd suggest he can't get you gifts on his own. "I-"
"You are," You hum, reaching out your other hand to hold his jaw, and even with his anger he feels his mind croon at how softly you touch him. "You're in the process of stealing my heart."
"Oh." Is the most intelligent thing he can come up with, his pupils blowing wide like he'd just seen the shiniest thing in his life. "Oh."
"Yes," You shrug and pull your hand back to yank one of your scales out of your shoulder, giving it to him as you take the ruby. "Keep this safe for me, yeah?" You hum and then you let him go, going back to your work while he's left dumbstruck, clutching the scale close to his chest.
When it finally settles in his head that you'd just given him a gift, that you'd reciprocated, and given him a shiny gift, oh he's treating that scale like it's the most precious thing in his world. He keeps it close to him, cooing to it in the privacy of his room, keeping it on his pillow so he can fall asleep with your scent in his nose.
He also doubles down on the gifts, but now he's very open about it, to the point you'll have him randomly come into your office to give you something shiny or another weapon, preening so prettily when you praise the thing he's brought back, nuzzling into your neck and fluffing up his feathers. His heart swoons when you show him the small hoard you've made with all the things he's brought you, and you end up spending the entire evening with him cuddled up to you, chirping happily.
"Hey, can I see that scale I gave you?" You ask after a couple of weeks, curious to see how he's treated it.
"Uh, sure." Gaz can swear his heart's beating like a war drum as he watches you inspect your scale, checking for scratches or cracks.
But you find none, it's still as shiny as the day you'd given it to him. Maybe even shinier.
You smile and before he can do anything you pull him close to you by a hand on his hip. "Very well done, little thief." You hum, kissing him. Gaz melts against you, not even your lips able to muffle the happy chirps and croons that escape his chest.
You spend the next few months getting familiar with each other's bodies, lazy evenings spent with your clawed hands preening his wings, Gaz steadily melting into the bed with every brush of your fingers. Kyle taking a few extra minutes in the morning to rub his face between your wing, chirping and crooning.
Harpy mating season comes around and you're caught off guard when you come to your room to find your covers and pillows and entire wardrobe on the ground, turned into a makeshift nest with a very naked, and very horny, Gaz sitting in the middle of it.
His eyes are hazy but he knows you're there the second your scent hits his nose, the most desperate sound you've ever heard leaving his lips, bruised from how hard he'd been biting them to reign his noises in, to keep them only for you.
"Mate-" Kyle whines, shuffles in the nest that has the pretty gems he'd gifted you strewn amongst the fabric, "-need you, please- I-"
One more needy sound is all it takes to have you tumbling naked into the nest in record time, deep guttural purrs answering his pleased coos. He presses flush against you, seeking out your mouth, whole body burning up and his thighs shaking, his cock rock hard.
"I got you, pretty thief." You rumble, pulling him into your lap, his wings spreading out and feathers puffing up, as if he needs to make himself look even more desirable. "What do you need Kyle?"
"Need you," Kyle whines, pawing at your own erection, desperate fingers shaking as he strokes you, "Please- hurts, I need- mate."
You shush him with sweet kisses, your hand sliding down to very carefully stretch him open while avoiding injuring him with your claws, your mind purring at how willingly he opens up for you, wings and limbs shaking as he whimpers against your lips, his mind steadily leaking from his cock.
"You're alright," You calm him when you pull your fingers out, positioning him so your cock head rests against his entrance, not missing how Kyle preens at your strength. "Going to breed you right, gonna take care of you."
"Yes, yes, yes!" Kyle moans are loud as you steadily push your cock into him, his walls clamping down on every inch of your length. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank- mate." His claws dig into your shoulders, clutching you tight as you bottom out in him, his hole clenching you in sync with his ragged breathing.
"I'm here," You hum, barely able to think, "Just relax, let me take care of you." You say, feeling him relax into you, and with deep purrs and lots of praise you begin to fuck him, moving him like a fleshlight on your cock, letting him moan and groan and scream his heart out uncaring who hears it, your ancient blood singing at the thought of his noises being a testament to your abilities as a mate.
Then the tight heat and the scent and just Kyle has your mind forgetting how to think, your body moving on it's own to show Kyle he'd picked a good mate.
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