#real cottage core
homeofhousechickens · 3 months
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You may not want to hear this, but none of these cows in the above pictures are being neglected or abused. That last cropped picture is actually from a bigger farm as well during the storms happening during the Loon fallout event.
Mud is a completely normal part of raising livestock, especially in places where it gets wet and rainy during different parts of the year. Even the driest climates will experience a build-up of manure and mud around feeding and watering locations since livestock likes to hang out there for obvious reasons.
The idyllic pictures you see of cows in green pastures likely have a rotational grazing setup or large amounts of land, which isn't possible or feasible for most small farmers. Pastures in this state are a common side effect of having large livestock, but even chickens, goats, and dogs can turn a pasture into dirt if the pasture can't get rest. It doesn't mean the animals are getting neglected or abused, and anyone who says otherwise is likely coming from a place of privilege or ignorance.
The suicide rate for agricultural workers is five times higher than the general population. Farmers experience more debt, indignity, and isolation compared to the general population and what sucks is when I talk about this I get replies that are like "just choose a different profession" when these people are how your getting fed. Food does not magically manifest in the grocery store it comes from farmers, and farmer depression is a global crisis.
I'm sure there are some people who are uncomfortable with those photos but I want you to sit in that discomfort and realize that when you buy beef from the store it's not unlikely that that cow stood on a muddy floor and that cows have been standing in muddy pastures for thousands of years.
This isn't a post bashing rotational grazing and other forms of pasture management. I just think it's ignorant to assume these animals are being neglected because their pasture is muddy and that their owners arent always looking for ways to change that. This stuff does make it harder for people to share their troubles or profession. The cows above likely have less hoof issues then cows only on sand, metal grates, or concrete.
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Memes like the above exist for a reason.
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lov3drvg · 2 months
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fairydrowning · 2 years
Crawl inside this body / find me where I am most ruined, / love me there.
-Rune Lazuli
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may-crystaldoll · 2 months
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harukapologist · 4 months
Can you draw scenemo haruka doing cottagecore fuutas makeup.... :3
I tried my best to give them fitting outfits~ Thank you for requesting!!
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anticoquette · 2 months
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Farmer’s Daughter 🐮🍓🫐🧈🌱🫙🐑
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bunnygrlchai · 4 months
needing men >>
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brown-n · 6 months
На улице тепло, но слякоть и мокро, но это не мешает мне пить чай и кушать кексики со сгущенкой. За то на улице тепло. И скоро зима..хотя уже наступает.
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tesnuzzik · 2 years
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Heading out (A style test "prequel" for my comic, The Raven and the Runaway)
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ghostlit · 10 months
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One must hope heaven is as peaceful as my grandma's house
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softcleans · 8 months
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— Rome, Italy 🇮🇹✨
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theadventureto-be · 1 year
The strange but powerful feminine urge to own chickens and watch them pick at a grassy field while you watch from a distance, long dress swaying in the gentle breeze.
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may-crystaldoll · 3 months
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heidithriel · 1 year
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So Space Moms aren’t together anymore? Please please please don’t let it be so…
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algodondeazucar97 · 2 months
I do believe in fairies! ✨🧚‍♀️
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I do! I do! I do!
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bunnygrlchai · 4 months
I just want as many children as God will give me. I desire for a life where I can raise, teach and nurture my children. brushing their hair, getting them ready, homeschooling them, holding them when they cry and kissing their boo-boos.
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