#real news fandom
musclesandhammering · 3 months
aside from anderson cooper do you mind giving us your Thoughts on other pundits/journalists?
Oooh boy. I love you for indulging my 2 decade-old hyperfixation.
Well first off, I don’t actually watch much legacy media for news purposes. They all have the same corporate slant and, while I don’t hold it against the individual pundits/journalists, I’m aware that the info they’re presenting is highly cherry-picked and biased toward the establishment and teaming with false neutrality bs so.. you know.
I got started watching cnn because I remembered being a little kid and seeing Anderson Cooper on tv when my parents were watching Katrina coverage or whatever. So I started watching him and then went back and watched some older stuff etc so… he was the initial deal. I just sort of started following other pundits for fun because of their proximity to him.
Also, disclaimer that I strongly prefer his older tv persona (war reports, snarkiness, grunge aesthetic, etc) and most of the PRT fandom content I’ve found has been from like 2005-2010 anyway so… most of these opinions are based on an outdated media sphere lol.
With all that being said…
When it comes to semi-modern stuff, I love the whole cnn crew. I think they’d be hilarious in a mocumentary a la The Office or something. John Berman is the funniest guy on the network and Jake Tapper has the best deadpan. Don Lemon was annoying and endearing at the same time. I never liked Chris Cuomo. He seemed pretension and way too dudebro-ish.
As far as PRT people specifically, Stephen Colbert is an absolute treasure. He’s ridiculously smart and quick witted but he’s never needlessly harsh like some late night hosts. I like him now better than when he was on The Colbert Report because he doesn’t have to play a character all the time and can just outright say what he feels.
Jon Stewart is probably the most progressive host on mainstream tv, which of course makes him delightful. He also has a way of calling out mainstream journalists without making it personal. And I still remember the time he went on Crossfire and humiliated Tucker Carlson <3.
Rachel Maddow seems like the coolest person in the room at all times and she’s so incredibly smart. But she has this thing where she seems to recognise (and call out) the conservative tendencies of other networks like cnn without realising that msnbc is no better when it comes to corporatism, upholding the status quo, and being anti-progressive. In fact, that’s something everybody on msnbc does, not just her. But I still have a soft spot for her though.
Keith Olbermann is the guy that used to be outspoken leftist champion in the very early 2000s- getting righteously angry when other dems were obsessed with decorum, clapping back at Fox pundits who tried to smear him, and saying things the dem establishment didn’t always want said. But somewhere between then and now he revealed himself to be a weird, immature, somewhat narcissistic asshole who can’t take any criticism and has somehow morphed into a centrist defender. It’s one of the most disappointing downfalls of the fandom. But despite all that, I still think of the day msnbc fired him as a national tragedy.
And I’m glad he got what was coming to him, but from a rpf perspective, I miss when Bill O’Reilly was the main villain 😂.
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wishfulsketching · 10 months
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Just doodling more because I can't handle s2.
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myegoicmind · 15 days
FINALLY got my Mum to finish Good Omens!!
In the last 15, Crowley said “good luck” and started to walk towards the door. Mum said,
“Hang on, they’re not going to leave it sad like this are they?” with panic in her voice.
I just said “keep watching”.
She continued in silence, and I could feel her holding her breath, until the moment Aziraphale walked into the lift. That’s when she grunted from frustration and began rocking around in her seat, blood pressure in her face was beetroot.
Her eyes started to well up as Crowley looked at Nina and Maggie from the Bentley, and she had tears by the credits. She was soooo sad and pissed off, and said,
“It’s EXACTLY like how I feel when I watch gone with the wind - I just want to SHAKE them both and tell them to wake up! When’s the next season coming out?!”
“They start filming start of next year”
“OHHHH SHIT! So I’ve got to wait AGES before this gets fixed!”
“Welcome to the fandom Mum. How do you think we’ve been feeling since AUGUST? This is why I’ve been HOUNDING you to watch it, so I can talk to you about it.”
“You tricked me! You said today was going to be a real happy day!”
That’s when I cracked up laughing. I had called this Omens Day because I was excited to watch it with her, but to be fair, I also cooked a massive brunch for her, then after the end I showed her my fav fanvids, bts vids, interviews, music, bloopers, I gave her my Gomens fic to read as well…then we watched S1 of Staged. She can’t wait to watch the rest 😇
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revvethasmythh · 2 months
it's so funny to me that caleb and veth really did just trade off the job of intensely pining for the other at like the halfway point of the campaign. like, imo, nott in the early days did not behave in any real romantic or even romance-adjacent ways toward him--I imagine it would be very hard to even think in that way when you hate what you look like so much, have such low self-esteem, and are actively lying about your entire past, including a secret husband. caleb, on the other hand, is kind of diving directly back into the sort of relationship he had with astrid and eadwulf. very close, very intimate, we-huddled-for-warmth-together-and-oops-it-led-to-something-else sort of thing. he is the one who expresses that he's fine with it if people think he and nott are romantically together when they're talking to keg. nott is the one who pushes back on that. he calls her his life partner. unknowingly, he compares his feelings for nott to nott's feelings for yeza. his behavior only really starts to change after he finds out about veth's husband because suddenly all of that other stuff is rendered inappropriate in retrospect. but even then he compliments her to yeza over dinner in the most awkward of ways, he admits to being jealous, he calls yeza "a lucky man" to have her, he stares at veth and yeza closed bedroom door for far too long, he creates an entire arcane tower with room for her family just so she'll stay with him. in general, his behavior is not, um, totally and completely platonic about it, you know?
like, veth's feelings for caleb are canonical and therefore indisputable in their existence, but caleb in the early days was not that dissimilar to how veth was acting near the end of the campaign. it really paints a picture of "right person, wrong time" in the way things just didn't line up for them. or, as veth would say: "in another world, maybe"
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nicolegmattos · 3 months
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Alright. Who is the responsible? I need to know
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lo-batteryy · 1 year
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im super behind but im telling you the way i love her in my soul is immeasurable 
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sak-supernatural · 3 months
AO3 makes my brain garbage ideas look so professional and clean. How does my rambling turn into that nice looking presentable story? It’s wild how much more motivated I am to do something with an idea if I make it into a draft on AO3 to see what my fic looks like as it comes together (also helps that I then have a deadline before it’s deleted). This is why I could never write a book, I’m too used to the validation I get from posting chapters as I go on long works.
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psymachine · 11 months
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things get tense during a closing shift
binge re-watched the whole series to get caught-up before the new season, and these two hit different the second time around
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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jazmine-here · 1 month
My name is Jazmine, a reemerging writer who tinkers with art. I was dubbed "Jazzy-B-Real" in my youth and "Otherwise_Uncolonized" in my young adulthood.
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My experimental youtube page was "Constellations of Neverland" at one point. I've been offline since 2020. In 2024, I saw people online celebrating my middle school and high school art while wishing me well due to my disappearance. I'm happy to say that I am well after a rough post-Covid era and a lot of growing up. During Covid's reign, I had purged the internet of what I viewed to be carbon footprints, yet people have kept the light alive in some dust clouds.
I am eternally grateful to you all for retaining such light. As the blooming adult I am now, I've learned to view everything with balance -- including the broken person I was -- and there are lovely works that I dearly miss as a result. Those works are the "darlings" from my young life.
All in all, I'm in the heat of original work and plan on expanding deeply within. You may see previews here. Thank you so much to those who have saved some of my fandom pieces:
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radiant--as-the--sun · 21 hours
do people really just wanna be fans of the hunger games and not mention palestine at all? like honestly? do you really wanna just support fictional uprisings and fighting back against fictional oppression but don't actually give a shit about it in real life? did y'all genuinely learn and internalize nothing from this series????
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musclesandhammering · 5 months
genuinely i cannot reconcile cnn anderson cooper with the anderson cooper that appears on late night theyre completely different people to me ( feel free to ignore this ask if u want )
Omg I got an Anderson cooper ask !!!! 😭
I’m so excited, I need more ac mutuals! Feel free to blow up my inbox (or don’t! no pressure!!). *Beware if you message me, tho, I’m rly rly bad at maintaining a conversation :/
Very true though! Tbh I feel like he comes in like.. 4-5 versions of himself 😂. There’s the professional suit and tie cnn version, then there’s the nearly extinct black tshirt warzone guy version, then there’s like the nerdy trying-too-hard-to-be-funny-without-doing-anything-I’ll-regret late night/morning show/nye version, and then there was the (superior) vintage version from his abc, The Mole, and early cnn days before he was so concerned about maintaining public appearances……. it’s just so interesting how he presents himself vastly differently based on the audience he’s speaking to.
Like most celebs try so hard to push that “I’m so real! I’m the same off camera as I am on! I’m just me!” thing- and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him say that a few times- but it’s refreshing how it’s just so blatantly not true with him. He code-switches hard like all the time lol.
Makes it easier to acknowledge the things I don’t like about his personality too, cause I’m pretty sure at least half of them aren’t genuine 🤷‍♀️.
But yeah, he’s very good at playing different roles to craft a specific public persona multifaceted :)
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uusercatt367 · 5 months
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Mentally not prepared for this year haha 🤗😋🙏
Maybe next year ( ^ω^ )
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ashleyloob · 6 months
ex-teenage South Park yaoi fangirl is such a specific vibe. I swear we can sniff out each other's embarrassing histories due to a fate-bonded kinship. we just know
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muffinrecord · 3 months
I feel like every character in this story has at least one crazy fan willing to go to bat for them.
Kuroe? Yeah.
Moka? Believe it or not, yes.
Sakuya? Uh huh.
Shigure? Yup.
Ryo? My friends and I got actual hate messages when Ryo died because a fan was so distraught and angry over it.
Even the worst and most badly written characters of all Mifuyu have devoted fans.
Fucking npc characters have fans. Even ones without proper names. Who show up for the grand total of one event.
Aimi has a die-hard fan. Konomi has a die-hard fan. Kirika??? Believe it or not, that character with the wholly encompassing depth of a puddle has a die-hard fan. Little Kyubey has a die-hard fan. Tsukasa has a die-hard fan.
Is there a character in this series that doesn't have a fan rabidly frothing at the mouth to defend them? I'm not so sure.
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lunarin64art · 7 months
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V3 Chapter 4: Halloween Edition
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