#red odyssey
erikasandersonactor · 4 months
Horrorcon UK
Ok, so a little rather late for an Audio Drama Sunday post, but I wanted to share what an epic weekend we had at Horrorcon UK in Sheffield 11-12th May.
Myself, Daivd Ault and James Cleveland (all from The NoSleep Podcast) were there promoting "Horror in Audio Fiction", trying to get more people to discover audio drama and fiction through podcasts, and not assuming all podcasts were two blokes talking about stuff into a mic.
Having worked on over a 100 shows between us, (with a lot of horror), it became a game of "Tell us what kind of horror you like, and we'll recommend a show for you to listen to".
From the big anthology shows like NoSleep, and the very British and queer Shadows at the the Door, we kept finding more shows to talk about and add to an ever-growing flow chart.
Shows we were flag waving for included:
The NoSleep Podcast Shadows at the Door @re-dracula @thekilda @woebegonepod Dark Dice Red Odyssey Audible Visions Drama Creepy Campfire Radio Theatre The Wicked Library Victoria's Lift The Dead @lessismorguepod The Hidden Frequencies
And it wasn't just horror! We gave shoutouts to @camlannpod and the sci-fi series Cyclone as well!
In all, a wonderful weekend introducing people to the incredible world of audio drama and fiction.
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AI Bracket — Round 1
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Fan (Red Odyssey):
Tragic moon rover <3
The Audio Tour Guide AKA Mistholme (The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality):
The ATG is a sentient museum audio tour guide for a museum full of spooky artifacts. It is both completely lovely and kind of bitchy
Sentient AI who is a real sweetie. Got pulled into too many adventures after the museum went on lockdown. Gives tours most of the time but is also the museum now and oversees daily goings on
A magic/tech hybrid AI exploring its own personhood and sentience as it grows. Could easily take over the museum it has become a part of but is a very kind soul. Most demanding it has ever been was convincing its friend to pat a cat for it.
It's a tour guide in an alternatural museum. After facing some challenges and dealing with huge problems, guide learns new things about itself and the world around it and makes new friends. Its woe is trusting people (or not only people), forgetting that they might have bad intentions. Guide is the bestest friend ever.
Where do I even begin? The Guide literally exists on those audio tour devices, go look it up its so cute. It had to deal with its growing sentience and new emotions basically on its own. Was treated terribly by the human museum staff and it had to basically debate them until they accepted its new-found personhood (but it still uses it/its yayy)(the staff have since apologized for their actions and treat it equally now). At some point it was hooked up to the museum mainframe which was supposed to be temporary, but as it turns out The Guide is actually great at running the museum and would like to stay this way. This eventually leads to a small identity crisis since it now sees itself as the museum itself, and its consciousness and responsibilities are a lot grander than when it was just a tiny little tour device. But it's figuring that out, and it still likes being the museum, thus The Guide also counts as a sapient location! It becomes besties with a creepy bloodthirsty creature because they share the struggle of being constantly dehumanized. It fucked around with the fae and found out. It has to deal with time travel bullshit. It loves cats! It got to hang out with the embodiment of knowledge itself. And did I mentioned that throughout all of this it still gives museum tours to guests?!! what a cool guy!
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Our trailer drops tomorrow!😱 Give it a listen.....if you daaaaaare muwahahahaha.
Seriously though that'd be super cool if you could listen...I'll post it here. Right here. Right on this spot here. Cool? Cool.
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redpapercraness · 1 month
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love a guy that tells me to kill myself daily
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ai-doration · 2 years
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Favorite image of all time
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mostly-imagines · 5 months
Scenes From an Afternoon Odyssey
jason todd x fem!reader
aka a day in the forest
4 in 1 blurbs
warnings: reader wears a bra
middle picture art by spaceboykenny
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You’ve nearly reached the peak of the slope, the uphill trek putting quite a toll on your legs. Jason insisted on holding your hand because his longer stride tends to put him several steps ahead of you. The sun beats down on your backs, the uptake in the heat of the day actually feeling quite nice compared to the chill that’s swept over Gotham recently.
Upon arriving at the flat plane, you take in a pretty array of sunflowers and a thoughtfully placed bench.
Jason halts his steps, looking back at you. “You need a break?” He asks, noting the way your breathing has become a bit labored.
You hum, taking a deep inhale. “Just for a second,” you say, plopping down on the bench.
He reaches behind him to fish the water bottle out of the pocket of his backpack. “Drink some water.” he says gruffly, holding the bottle out to you.
You don’t particularly feel like you need water again just yet, but you know better than to try and fight him on something related to taking care of yourself. It’s a losing battle and he’s proved it time and time again.
You take the drink from him, taking a couple sips. He eyes you with disapproval, bringing his hand up to tilt the bottom of the bottle up more. You down a few gulps, trying not to smile.
He takes the bottle back from you, taking a couple gulps of his own. Once the water returns to its pocket, he sits down next to you, hand massaging your thigh. In turn, your hand moves up to the nape of his neck, playing with the short hair there.
Despite your claim, you sit for longer than a second, listening to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind. It really is a beautiful day and Jason knew a great trail that’s hardly ever busy. It’s aways away from Gotham, but any excuse he can take to get the two of you out of the smog filled city, he’ll take.
Between the serenity of the scene in front of you and the warmth of his touch on your thigh, your breathing steadies pretty quickly.
You peer at the path ahead, taking note of how level and easy it looked. Your hand flattens on the base of his neck as you turn to him, “I could beat you in a race.” You say decidedly.
He huffs out a laugh, meeting your eyes with a glint of amusement shining in his own. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smile, nodding, “Been waiting for a chance to prove it.”
You stand up, turning around to take his hand and pull him up with you. He does most of the work for you, pulling his weight up himself.
“You wanna go?” He smiles, looking down at you.
“Do you wanna go?” Your smile grows impossibly, and Jason decides right then and there that he’d do absolutely anything to see you light up like that again.
You figure a sprint is your best chance, you’re not willing to bet that you can beat out a vigilante when it comes to endurance. Especially considering the uphill incline almost took you out.
You settle on a finish line about 30 feet away, and as you position yourselves to start, you feel your overconfidence begin to cave back in on you. His stature swamps you out, and it's becoming clear that you’ve got no real chance here. In any case, you’ve committed and this is happening.
“Ready…set…” both of you have the idea to start before you say go, taking off with haste.
You’re laughing as you run, which isn’t doing you any favors with keeping ahead of him, though you’re able to maintain a pretty neck and neck match.
Did he let you win? Yeah. He’s a gentleman, of course. He’s right on your tail though, and lifts you up from under your arms as you cross the finish line, nipping at your neck as you giggle.
He sets you back down gently, “Alright, fast girl. You need a drink?” He tucks some stray hair in your face back behind your ear.
“No, I’m...” You pause, scanning around. You point at a big tree along the side of the trail ahead. “You see that tree right there?”
He glances over, “Yeah?”
You take off sprinting for it without another word. And apparently cheating is a quick ticket to him dropping the act and beating you without an ounce of mercy.
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You’re sitting on a relatively level branch in a tree next to Jason, one of your legs resting on top of one of his. You swing your free leg back and forth, biting into your sandwich.
There’s a couple juice boxes balancing in the small space between you, both half empty. He’d laughed at you when you picked them up from the store on the way there, but he drinks it all the same.
He holds your ziplock bag of chips out to you and you take a small handful, popping them into your mouth. When your hand moves to return to your side, he takes it in his own and presses your knuckles to his lips gently.
With a sly smile, you watch butterflies dance around each other and listen to birds singing their offbeat songs. And you think about Jason. You think about how he held you in his arms last night so you could fall asleep while he read. How on the way up here he’d held your hand as you balanced across the stones, forcing him to walk at a much slower pace than he’d probably prefer. You told him he could walk a little ahead, but he’d insisted on holding your hand so you didn’t “slip and bust your head open” in his words.
You wouldn’t know it, but he’s combing through his own set of memories of you too. It’s a bit silly to spend so much time dwelling on these warm memories about someone that’s only right next to you, but you’ve both found it’s hard to stop.
It used to scare Jason, how often you occupied his whole mind. He’d never felt such intense adoration and devotion before that he’d nearly mistaken it for fight or flight. It was foreign and strange, and it felt like danger. But it didn’t take long for the effects of his love to kick in like a drug, and now he can’t get enough of you.
But you don’t feel like a drug, you feel like a cure. You make him feel like himself again, like death never got a hold of him and like he’s an innocent soul anew. You treat him like it, at least.
Maybe it’s silly to fall into such a deep pit of thoughts about you when you’re right there, smiling so bright over at him and gleefully pointing out a couple of squirrels that are fighting over an acorn. But he’s happy to let you take up as much space in his head as you want.
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You sit with your legs dangling off the pier, shoes cast aside so you can enjoy the cool water. Jason sits a few feet behind you, laying down against the wood of the dock, the sun beating down on his face.
The water is a beautiful blue marble reflection, and the sun radiates down on your skin, sending warmth throughout your body which combats the light breeze handily. You lean down and dip your hand into the water, letting it run between your fingers like thread.
“Can we swim?” you pipe up, looking over your shoulder at Jason.
He raises his eyebrows at you, “You didn’t know there was a lake up here.” He means he knows you don’t have a swimsuit under your clothes.
You shrug, “There’s no one up here.”
He scans around mildly, before looking at the water. “Yeah, okay.” He tugs his shirt off his back, coming to a stand.
You grin, pulling up the material of your own shirt from your waist. Once it’s swept over your head, Jason’s left in just his boxers and not a moment later you’re in a similar state.
He smiles at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and it takes you no time at all to realize where he’s going with this. He lifts you up off the ground and dives off the dock, submerging you both in the water.
You bob back up out of the water, not even trying to suppress the glee on your face. And somewhat to your surprise, neither does he.
You’d had dinner at the manor with his family last night and you were still a bit attuned to Jason’s closed off, stoic mood that he gets in around them. He feels something akin to insecurity when he openly emotes around them. Vulnerability, maybe. Either way, you know he hates the feeling and will avoid it at all costs so it’s nice when it’s just the two of you and he gets to act like himself.
Unlike Jason, you can’t quite touch the floor of the lake, so you tread with the water wavering at your neck. The water barely reaches the start of Jason’s shoulders as he stands before you.
He closes the small space between you before his arms make their way under your thighs, lifting you up out of the water slightly. He looks up at you with a lazy smile as you wrap your legs around his body. Your cheeks warm and you hold his face in your hands, leaning down to kiss him with heat.
He deepens the kiss, thumbs rubbing at your thighs as his head tilts back. Your thumbs stroke at his cheek in turn, smiling against his lips.
He actually whines when you pull away, chasing your lips. You rest your hands on his shoulders, simpering down at him.
“Alright, slow down, hotshot. We’re not doing anything in a lake.” You laugh, pushing the dripping white streak back with the rest of his wet hair.
He huffs, “If there was anyone around here I promise you would not be half naked right now.”
You push yourself off of him, dropping back down into the water. “Other people are the least of your concerns,” you say, grinning and splashing him in the face, backing away with haste.
He blinks the water out of his eyes, laughing. “That’s how it is?”
You bite your lip as he approaches and you continue to retreat. “Can’t have you losing focus.”
He raises his brow at you, wearing a smile that says that you should know that was a mistake. He proves it as he dives after you, lifting you up over his shoulder and tossing you into the water with an unfair amount of ease.
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You’re a bit hidden away in the tall grass, the scent of lavender flowers placing you in repose. You’re laying with your head in his lap, eyes closed as he pages through his book.
He’s reading out loud, though if you’re being honest, you haven’t fully processed a single word he’s read in at least ten minutes. He’s good at making you relax with his voice, and the amount of exercise you’ve gotten in today is doing nothing to slow it down.
You can’t think of when he started playing with your hair, but it feels soothing and frankly it’s making you very sleepy. Between the gravelly lull of his words and the rustling of the flora throughout the field you’re about to pass out.
“I’m gonna fall asleep.” You mumble, eyes shut.
His hand stills and he extends his book away from his body so he can see your face. “Sweetheart, there’s not a chance in hell you were awake that whole time.”
“I was,” you say, blinking up at him blearily. “I was just resting my eyes.”
He looks down at you skeptically. “How long have we been here?”
You click your tongue, “Like fifteen minutes.”
“It’s been an hour and a half.” he says simply, flipping his book shut from the last page as proof.
“It has n—” you look up at the sky and notice the sun is in a wildly different spot than it was when you’d first laid down. You’re almost completely in the shadows of the trees now. “Wh—why did you let me sleep for so long?”
He hums lowly, “You looked peaceful.” He pauses, “Pretty.”
He looks at the sky, squinting. He nudges you off his lap gently, coming to a stand. “Come on. The sun’s gonna start going down soon.”
You groan and he pulls you up to join him, your fatigue tailing after you. You lean your weight against him and rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes again. “Let’s just stay here.”
You feel him shake his head. “Can’t stay here, sweetheart. Who’ll feed the strays back home?”
He’s right. You can’t leave them to dumpster dive again.
You groan louder as you pull back and stand up straight. “You did not mention that the trail was so long.” You look down at your sore legs and try to stretch them out a bit to get energy back in them.
When you look back up at him, he’s swinging the backpack on, but he stops midway, dropping it to his side again.
He slugs his backpack over your shoulders, turning his back to you and bending down a bit. You take the hint and jump up. He catches you with ease, hoisting you up higher.
He starts down the grassy path out of the field, sidestepping flowers and bumblebees as he goes. Your head lulls to the side and ends with your cheek resting on his shoulder.
He bobs you up, “If I’m carrying you all the way back to the car you have to stay awake.”
“If you’re carrying me all the way back to the car, what difference does it make?” you grumble, eyes fluttering.
“Keep me company.”
You pick your head up and press a kiss to his neck. “I can do that. What do you want to eat tonight?”
He hums thoughtfully. “You wanna get pizza?”
You nod, pleased. “Big day for us.”
You have one arm draped loosely over his shoulder and the other lags by your side. “Are you going on patrol tonight?” You ask him.
He peers back at you haphazardly, “Uh, no—will you hold onto me, please?”
You’re nowhere near falling, but you know that’s not why he wants you to hold onto him. You’re happy to oblige though. You wrap your arms around him, crossing them over each other so you can hold onto his shoulders.
Seemingly content, he continues, “No, I’m not. Wanna stay in with you.”
“Aw. Going soft on me?” You rag.
He hums deeply, “Or maybe I'm just sick of being around Dick.”
You scoff, “Well, if you’re gonna be mean.”
“I’m literally carrying you right now.” He shrugs you up a bit in emphasis. Fair enough.
You look up and can see the pinking hues of the sky in between the leaves of the trees, glowing down softly on you. Your mouth twists into a contemplative frown. It takes you a moment to piece together where you’re at, but you eventually realize you’re only halfway back to the car. “I don’t think we’re gonna make it back before sunset.”
“That’s okay.” He tells you.
You rest your chin on his shoulder, a bemused pout on your face. “You hate it when I’m outside after dark.”
“I hate it when you’re alone outside after dark.” He corrects.
“Ah.” You nod, thoughtfully. “But now I’ve got my strong boyfriend to protect me, right?”
He scoffs but you’re just upset you can’t see the flush on his cheeks that you’re certain is there.
Though he shows no signs of struggling, you’re beginning to feel guilty that he’s spending his day off lugging you around.
“I can walk.” You offer, pushing yourself up a bit, ready to jump down.
“I know.” He says simply, shrugging you up higher.
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silentagecinema · 12 days
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movies + letterboxd reviews
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7cfc00 · 1 year
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glenn close trial arc jumpscare (im still not over it)
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
He was, as a matter of fact
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Not needle dick
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p-oisn · 6 months
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  ᨶᯃྀི✿ 🥄 𐚁ྀ take me home
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For Audio Drama Sunday, coming soon from @denouncermedia…
In an alternative history of the Space Race, the Soviet Union beats the US to the Moon.
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The year is 1983. While on a Soviet lunar mission, a robotic rover becomes sentient and forms an unlikely bond with her controller. What they discover together on the moon’s surface may jeopardize the entire human race.
Resurrecting the spirit of Old World literature, from Lovecraft to Dostoevsky, and the chauvinistic nuclear brinkmanship of the Cold War for a modern audience, RED ODYSSEY is not just a uniquely dark and tragic cosmic horror audio thriller, but a blood-curdling warning to a generation.
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poll-position · 3 months
Not including Star Trek or Star Wars ships, because they would definitely sweep...
Sorry for missing any ships! I used primarily the ones that I am personally familiar with!
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RED ODYSSEY is a completed 8-part limited series audio drama, releasing September 8 wherever you get your podcasts. If cosmic horror and Dostoevesky are your jamz, you might want to check this out. #DontlookattheMoon
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plantt-pal · 4 months
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daisy, daisy
some colour/painting practice with this scene from 2001: a space odyssey!
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Near Future NASA  on film part 2: Design Antecedents, More Next Generation Shuttles, and Shuttle-adjacent
1. Planet of the Apes’ spaceship 2. 2001: A Space Odyssey’s Pan Am space plane  3. The Fifth Element’s passenger spaceship* 4. Event Horizon’s Lewis and Clark rescue ship 5. Red Planet’s orbiter 6. The Time Machine’s lunar orbiter 7. Avatar’s Heavy Shuttle*
* not near future but the design evolution is there
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ouppi · 1 year
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Good morning, Dr. Chandra. This is Hal. I am ready for my first lesson.
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