#from the keep reborn
erikasandersonactor · 1 month
Horrorcon UK
Ok, so a little rather late for an Audio Drama Sunday post, but I wanted to share what an epic weekend we had at Horrorcon UK in Sheffield 11-12th May.
Myself, Daivd Ault and James Cleveland (all from The NoSleep Podcast) were there promoting "Horror in Audio Fiction", trying to get more people to discover audio drama and fiction through podcasts, and not assuming all podcasts were two blokes talking about stuff into a mic.
Having worked on over a 100 shows between us, (with a lot of horror), it became a game of "Tell us what kind of horror you like, and we'll recommend a show for you to listen to".
From the big anthology shows like NoSleep, and the very British and queer Shadows at the the Door, we kept finding more shows to talk about and add to an ever-growing flow chart.
Shows we were flag waving for included:
The NoSleep Podcast Shadows at the Door @re-dracula @thekilda @woebegonepod Dark Dice Red Odyssey Audible Visions Drama Creepy Campfire Radio Theatre The Wicked Library Victoria's Lift The Dead @lessismorguepod The Hidden Frequencies
And it wasn't just horror! We gave shoutouts to @camlannpod and the sci-fi series Cyclone as well!
In all, a wonderful weekend introducing people to the incredible world of audio drama and fiction.
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emacrow · 2 months
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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columbojumpscare · 5 months
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Got the MHW:IB artbook and made myself very mad over how good the original Safi'Jiiva concept art was. I genuinely don't know what they were thinking when they made it what it is ingame.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 7 months
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vongola colour wheel: 5/8
— rain, yamamoto takeshi
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aranciafiamma · 10 months
One More Thing about Tsunayoshi Sawada that's just great as a character
He's such an average teenager. Like he's fucking thirteen. He's still working on being compassionate. He yelled at Haru that one time when they were both equally stressed out and Haru was just trying to cheer him up. Also: Tsuna's careless advice nearly pushed Yamamoto off the roof. His first instinct isn't always "Time to Go Hero Mode".
I like that Tsuna has to learn to take into account other people's situations. I like that being kind is actually a skill and like any skill requires practice and lessons. I like that Reborn pushes him to check on people because it's not instinctive yet! It's not ingrained yet! But it will be. But it can be.
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einsatzzz · 1 year
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i think it fits these two a lot wwww
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girlinthetardis04 · 2 months
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Okay, I might have a problem
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
Tsuna eventually returns Thalia to the Hunt
Jason never leaves
Tsuna: This one’s mine
Tsuna: His sister is on loan though.
Zeus: Neither of them are yours!
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mixelation · 10 months
hey after itatori move in together where does deidara live. alone? with some other poor sap? with them???
itachi wants a cat but tori doesn't. so deidara lives with itachi's five cats
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esterigermaine · 2 years
Head's up, art thief changed their name again. Let me know if I should add any other tags to get this seen by the other fandoms he steals from. (I know he steals from like 4, but am not familiar with the others enough to know what tags to use)
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Edit: So they disappeared from my block list a couple of days ago and searching any of the past names (that I know about) they used brings up nothing on here. They may have deleted and remade or deleted permanently.
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flowervolcano · 8 months
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Heroes season 5 was a missed opportunity tbh.
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the-elusive-soleil · 4 months
hundreds of lives, thousands of years
For @maedhrosmaglorweek Day 6: Respite Prompt: Alienation and isolation, AUs & fix-its
The bell over the shop door jingles as someone enters, but Maedhros doesn’t turn around right away. He’s been finding it harder and harder to care, lately. That’s probably not a good sign.
It’s just that he’s getting so tired. Millenia, now, this has been going on, since his first death - of being born into new worlds that have never known Valar or Treelight or Song, living out mortal lives, and dying again to repeat the process.
And he’s had to do it all without Maglor.
His other brothers have been there, in each new life. So has his father. Sometimes they are scattered far from each other, but they’re always to be found. But Maglor is clearly still alive in Arda, because he has never been there in any of the worlds Maedhros has been born into.
It is his own fault, of course, that he is in a position to miss Maglor, just as it is his fault that he can never see his mother or cousins or sons again. If he had not jumped, then he would not be in this mess. At the time, he had not seen anything else he could do, any way forward except into the fire. He had thought, too, that Maglor would soon perish, that his flight towards the sea was to that end.
He should be glad that his best beloved brother did not despair and die. He should not want him here, not at that price. Maglor is in the world where he belongs, where he may see their family again, may be reconciled to their sons. It is well.
For reasons he prefers not to examine, he has spent the past several lifetimes creating places Maglor would like, places he would likely come to if he were in that world. In this life, Maedhros has established himself as a purveyor of fine musical instruments and antique sheet music, but after only a dozen years or so, it is already starting to grate. He is getting so very tired of people walking through that door who are not Maglor.
He will turn around and deal with this customer, and he will continue to trudge his way through this life, and next time, he tells himself, he’ll try being a political fixer again. That usually keeps him too busy to brood--
“Nelyo?” a slightly shaking, impossibly familiar voice says behind him.
Maedhros cannot make himself move for a moment, and then he turns sharply all at once to get it over with...
...and sees Maglor standing, pale and uncertain, a few feet away on the other side of the counter. 
He’s dressed like anyone else in this world, Maedhros registers distantly, in a buttoned shirt and slacks and a jacket. Somehow, he had always pictured Maglor turning up wearing what they would have worn in Beleriand.
“Kano,” he says, and then he’s nearly tripping over himself to get around the counter, and practically slams into his brother in his haste to fold him into an embrace.
He’s solid. He’s real. He holds onto Maedhros just as tightly.
“How...” Maedhros asks when he can speak, even though he’s afraid to know the answer. “How are you here - how did you--”
How did you die, he can’t bring himself to say.
Maglor pulls away slightly, smiling ruefully. “A trifle stupidly, I’m afraid,” he says. “Elrond founded a settlement in the mountains, and it was under attack, and I went to lend aid, and was unlucky enough to not see the orc captain with the mace until it was too late.”
His expression turns bittersweet. “I was able to say goodbye to Elrond. I had been...having dreams of you and the rest of our family, off and on over the years. I knew I would not go to Mandos - though this is rather better than we ever imagined the Everlasting Darkness to be.”
Maedhros finally breaks down and weeps at that. “I’m sorry, Kano,” he says. “I’m sorry I left you alone so long, sorry you are sundered from our family - our sons.”
Maglor weeps too, but there is a look of determination on his face. “It may be that we are not sundered from then forever,” he says. “I told Elrond, before the end, that you had all been cast out of Arda and I would be, too. He will petition the Valar for us, Nelyo. And if that does not avail, he believes he can find us, bring us back wit hSong. Artanis has developed powers of farsight, and between the two of them - if I Sing to give them a beacon to find - I had many years to think of how I would get us home, and I think it can be done.”
Maedhros is not quite so ready to leap into optimism - but just now, it doesn’t matter. His closest brother is here with him, and he is a little more whole than before. They can work out everything else from there.
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ravensilversea · 7 months
@hopeswriting I realized mid-response to how Colonnello is quiet that I actually pair all of the Arcobaleno into "two sides of the same coin" sets and that probably deserved it's own post XD
Like Reborn and Skull. They're both loud, overdramatic, and theatric. But Reborn's performance is always at least part ego and part self-confidence that he can back everything he says up, with force if necessary. Even when he's quiet and serious, he's loud because that's when he's most dangerous and everybody knows it. And Skull's is just that, a performance that turns into an inside joke with close friends but where Reborn stays theatric, Skull gets quieter the better you get to know him because he doesn't need to perform for you.
Verde and Viper are another set. They both have a drive to seek out knowledge, both take pride in their accomplishments, and both are highly ambitious. But Verde's focus is purely in concepts and facts and science to the point where he just doesn't care about most people and honestly I'm not sure he cares about sharing his knowledge outside of proving that he's the smartest guy in the room. Whereas Viper's focus is people, they want to know everything about everyone and they enjoy sharing that knowledge, but you have to know and understand what that knowledge is worth. It's much more of a game to them.
I said Colonnello was quiet, which makes me realize his pair is Fon. Colonnello is loud and jokey and a bro on the surface, but when he gets serious, he gets quiet. He's the one who taught Ryohei to be calm and take a break and just exist in the moment. He's a thinker to me, he has plans and backup plans and he assesses a situation instead of just reacting to it. Fon, however, is quiet and calm on the surface. His Wiki says that he's not easy to provoke but 3/4 of his signature moves are Exploding X. When he gets serious, he gets fast and overwhelming, you don't need to think out your plan of attack if you're powerful and fast enough to brute force it. And martial arts takes dedication to know and practice, but it's to develop the muscle memory that takes over in a fight.
Which leaves Luce and Lal. Both are women in a man's world, both are in positions of authority, both are highly respected in those positions, they both care, and they're both ruthless. And Lal rules through tough love, turns every piece of softness inward until it's too late and she's crying because her loved one is dead and she never told him how much she cared. While Luce rules through softness, owns it, buries every sharp piece of her deep inside until it's too late to notice before its buried deep in your skin because this is what must be done.
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mstrchu · 1 year
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can someone else please please look at this set of images before i go insane
#nezha reborn#LOOK AT HIM he is literally just... a kid...... looking for some comfort from his dad............#it's about to be 0 days since our last nonsensical overly emotional post about li yunxiang#it was never that lyx didn't care about what his father thought or didn't want for his approval because he does want it. he does care.#it was just something he accepted he wouldn't have as long as he continue to choose to do what he thought was the right thing#and the 'right thing' was important enough to him to give up on his dad's support#which says something about how important the 'right thing' is to lyx#and up till now it was fine because it affected no one but him#(and if you think about it it is kind of a very immature and idealistic mindset#because if he had gotten caught doing his little smuggling and property destruction it 100% would have affected his family#but i like that i think it's part of his character.. anyway....)#but now his refusal to do what his dad wanted him to do - get a normal job and keep his head down - is like. actively hurting his family#and altho it was the right thing and he couldn't have predicted that ao bing would go completely nuclear#or that the de group would send assassins after him because of the whole reincarnation business#you could say that kasha and li jinxiang's injuries are a direct result of him refusing to just roll over and sell ao bing his motorcycle#(which i think is exactly what ljx was gonna say before he got bodied by that monster truck lol)#and in this moment when he has effectively just put 2 of the people closest to him in the hospital#i think he can't help but look for a little comfort from his dad because he feels so so guilty and confused and upset#but he gets that door shut in his face and he's reminded that he had chosen to not have that#that he had made choices that led to this being the reality of his relationship with his dad. and he is supposed to be ok with that#and then he falls back on his anger and the moment is sort of over but like#bro... at this point li yunxiang has no one bro....#L + ratio + kasha and brother in the hospital + dad can't even look at you + dead mom + separated from extended family when you fled the wa#+ no close friends your own age#and it makes me sad because lyx must have been pretty close to his dad when he was little#i think this + the moment where he's outside the door listening to his dad talk#just fuels the miasma of guilt#guilt over his own actions. guilt over nezha's actions. questioning if he is or ever was making the right choices#but also it's not about any of that it's just about how huge and wet his eyes look here amen
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
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Takeshi, Hayato. Squalo, Bel, Kyoya, Mukuro and Fran had artwork for Maru Kuji released as well!! the first set here
again: please open the photos for better quality I promise it’s better than what Tumblr shows y’all
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spearxwind · 8 months
been thonking... wonder if i could get away with fusing my extinction headworld/lore with my broken horizon headworld/lore since the main focus of both of them is dragons.
pros: many dragons to interact with each other. a world on the scale of what i originally envisioned for both stories
cons: there is some conflicting lore :( and i would like the extinction chars to keep the focus on gladiator fighting, while also keeping the other ocs focus on exploration and flight racing
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