#reddit ceo
gandmandlinghames · 9 months
So,so upset with unity right now.
Shouts out to engine alternatives though:
Losing another thing I like to capitalistic bastards:
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Here are some more vibes: “Act up, you can get snatched up”- city girls
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via Daring Fireball)
HUFFMAN: We offer the API so the vast majority of our use of the uses of the API — so not these, the other 98 percent of them that make tools, bots, enhancements for Reddit — that’s what the API is for.
It was never designed to support third-party apps. We let it exist. And I should take the blame for that, because I was the guy arguing for that for a long time. But I didn’t know — and this is my fault — the extent that they were profiting off of our API. That these were not charities.
The ones that actually are doing good for our users — RedReader, Dystopia, Luna — like actually adding real value at their own cost? We’ve exempted. We’ll carry that cost.
PETERS: I want to stop you for a second there. So you’re saying that Apollo, RIF, Sync, they don’t add value to Reddit?
HUFFMAN: Not as much as they take. No way.
Either you see the value of a great user experience or you don’t. No surprise that the CEO of a company whose website is so bad that they’ve had to keep the old one around as an alternative doesn’t see the value Apollo adds to the Reddit experience.
[this guy sucks - ed.]
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Steve Huffman Net Worth: A Deep Dive into the Reddit Co-Founder's Life
Steve Huffman net worth is estimated to be in the range of $1 billion to $5 billion, thanks to his substantial holdings in Reddit, the platform he co-founded, and his continued involvement in the tech industry. Reddit's valuation has skyrocketed in recent years, making him one of the wealthiest figures in the digital sphere.
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I seriously wanna know how Reddit can genuinely claim they saw no significant drop in revenue during the blackout. There was a period of MULTIPLE HOURS where the Home Page didn't even know how to function without the top subreddits active, and it just showed a blank error page. You're telling me that Reddit somehow made the exact same amount of money showing zero ads and content for HOURS as it did while functioning normally? Absolute horseshit. That CEO is lying through his teeth, and I hope when they take Reddit public it highlights every financial fault in such boldness that it kills the platform entirely.
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fake-destiel-news · 11 months
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Thats the easiest AITA ever
(btw it might not be bob specifically, that’s just what the Reddit comments said but idk how they know)
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Here’s a little response straight from the picket line
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petzah394 · 4 months
In light of the news of nebulaaaaaaaa being banned and now the even more likely risk of us getting nuked
It's been so much fun hanging with y'all in this corner of the internet, I hope even if we're all nuked we can find each other again and be cool together again
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uboat53 · 1 year
Regarding the Reddit blackout, I find it interesting that the more I listen to Reddit CEO Steve Huffman talk about it, the more I'm fairly certain he has no idea how his business actually runs.
You have to know that 90% to 95% of the work on Reddit is done by unpaid volunteers, the moderators of the various subreddits. Reddit itself only employs about 2,000 people to run a site that 52 million estimated users. There is no way that the company could function without those moderators.
The problem is, Mr. Huffman seems to think that Reddit is a technology company. And he's right, those moderators don't build servers, they don't code backend, and they don't do any of the kind of stuff that physically makes Reddit available for users.
But Reddit isn't a technology company, Reddit is a social media company. It doesn't sell the servers or the code, the way the company makes money is by attracting a pool of users and then charging advertisers to show things to those people.
What those moderators do is allow the social part of it to happen. They moderate their forums, they take care of abusive users, they enforce topic limitations… they basically do the majority of the work that makes people want to actually USE Reddit.
Fundamentally misunderstanding what their business does seems to be a habit now among many CEOs of major companies. Maybe one day the boards that hire CEOs will figure out that knowing what a company does is key to running it. I'm not holding my breath, though.
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minthara · 6 months
not the german translation for eldritch blast being spooky beam
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zibanii · 1 year
While spez's website collapses around him, he's had his Dev team actively create filters on his website to delete any profanity about him, and the meme image that was going around.
His website is burning, and he's throwing a hissy fit about people being mean to him. Fuck fixing problems with the site. Nah he's gotta shut down dissent.
I don't know how in-depth it is, but if you ever wrote the phrase 'fuck u/spez' you can check it for yourself. It has been deleted. Guaranteed.
I have now given up on reddit. This is personal for pigboy. There's no chance he's going to be reasonable.
The only use I have for Reddit now is going to be when I Google something, and forget that I'm not using the website anymore, and end up on a three-year-old Reddit post that has the answer that I'm looking for.
As far as I'm concerned, reddit is just another milquetoast social media and memes site now.
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existennialmemes · 1 year
Social Media Giants 2023
Twitter: [purchased and subsequently set aflame by Musk]
Reddit' CEO: Hey, you know, I like what he's doing over there! Let's do some of that over here, starting with the third party apps that make this platform useable.
Musk: Ohhh I wanna screw over accessory apps that make my platform usable too!!
Zuckerberg: [looking up from beating Facebook users with a stick] Ohh I call New Twitter!
Tumblr's CEO: [high fiving the porn bots] Easy boys, looks like we don't need to do anything at all 😎
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itsdetachable · 9 months
Okay. BUT. What if. Instead of a CEO of a multimillion dollar company in AU's Knives was like. A professional agoraphobe. Who did computer programming stuff freelance with no regard for morals. Also he wrote and released computer viruses for shits n giggles. What if.
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pepsinister · 1 year
Lots of reactions to today’s Staff post, so here’s another one in the ring.
I’m not so alarmist as to think that the changes Staff laid out today are going to kill tumblr, I think they’ll annoy most of us and drop a few users but ultimately blow over because they’re less egregious than what every other site is up to right now. Also, even though I don’t like the changes, I do like the way Staff is publicizing them.
But I do see a clear pattern in Tumblr’s recent moves - bolder merchandise marketing via Emporium, scrambling for engagement metrics with Tumblr Live, more aggressive prompts to sign in to see content, etcetera. Some members of staff have even publicly said outright that tumblr needs to start making money. What this pattern tells me is that Tumblr as a business entity has probably been given a deadline by which to become profitable or at least financially break even, and what we’re seeing is an aggressive push to meet that goal.
I don’t think Tumblr is going to work out the secret recipe to profitable social media, nobody except Facebook ever has, and nobody else is in the niche that Facebook is in. The secret recipe probably just doesn’t exist outside of that niche. Everything else that any of us do on social media is costing somebody a TON of money that they want to one day recoup.
So my guess is that Tumblr is going to shut down in the near future, not because of these unpopular changes but the other way around.
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nuttersincorporated · 2 months
Charlie the Unicorn: The Bad Ending
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Image description: Screen shot of Reddit Q&A from here Question: Charlie used his anger to send the chaos spirits through the portal with the mindscape realizer. But what would've happened if Charlie (somehow) would've followed the advice and thought happy thoughts instead? Answer: CEO Charlie would have used Charlie's magic to "re-appropriate" the project resources and try again, likely dooming the world in a similar way.
So, in a bad alternative universe, Charlie the Unicorn ended when Charlie forced himself to swallow his anger and feel ‘happy’.
CEO Charlie got our Charlie to shut down the Cube project the way he wanted him to. CEO Charlie drained all of Charlie’s magic and the magic of the chaos demons all at once.
However, CEO Charlie was still a ghost and trapped in his office. He wasn’t going to just let that continue. Not when he now had a way to escape.
What came out of the portal wasn’t our Charlie anymore. CEO Charlie had used some of the magical energy to kill him but keep his body alive. He possessed our Charlie’s body, in a similar way to what the two chaos demons had done to Blue and Pink.
CEO Charlie was free and ready to start again. He had a wonderful idea for his next project! The world was going to love it!
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nando161mando · 4 months
""elon destroyed twitter", come to fedi
"reddit CEO sold out reddit communities", come to fedi
"tumblr CEO is heading transphobic harassment campaign", come to fedi
idk man i just feel like shit like this is gonna keep happening. and shit will go down on fedi too. difference is on fedi you can move when some little tyrant gets their head too far stuck up their own ass"
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foggy-milk · 1 year
Nordisk (the parent company of SSE) CEO left last month someone do research and report back to ssoblr.
Got this info from Reddit
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
This has been haunting me for like. Months. but bc I’m the CEO of Wormman I feel like me being the one to ask this will prolly get a response. Does anybody on Hermitblr remember or have proof of the Wormman poster that used to be on Zed’s store before the revamp of like. last year. I know WM is on the Zed + Friends poster, but thats not the poster. The poster was like a comic book cover and had Wormman fighting a clay monster. I’ve been looking for this thing for like. months. I know I’m not the only one who remembers it, so if you have like any proof it exists, or you own it, or ANYTHING i WOULD LOVE a reblog or a comment or even an ask in my inbox it is driving me mad and I cannot take it.
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