gottastim · 11 months
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polo_reef on ig
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oddarette · 2 months
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Huh, I don't think I ever posted all my ocean manatees together. Well, here they are :)
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sharkshenanigans2 · 10 months
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
i love you aroallo people i love you pan people i love you bi people i love you nonbinary people i love you lesbians i love you trans women i love you intersex people i love you everyone in every body or identity with discourse surrounding if you should exist or not i love you so much i love you i love you i love you. you are so so loved i promise you
a very tired but hopeful trans lesbian 🙏
String identified: aa a a a ta t tt t c g t t c . a
a t t ta a 🙏
Closest match: Sepioteuthis lessoniana genome assembly, chromosome: 33 Common name: Bigfin Reef Squid
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kiwibest-fanworks · 8 months
Since Percy can talk to sea creatures, I'd like to think that one day he passed a pet shop with all these fish screaming at him in agony. Since then there has been a giant aquarium in cabin 3 with fish. He converses with them daily when he's at camp. He gave them all names (they were delighted to hear his suggestions).
There is one grumpy grouch that always tries to eat as much food before all the other fish. He has to keep him forcibly apart in a tiny water ball during dinner. He named him Zeus. Percy doesn't give a shit. Poseidon knows and thinks it is hilarious.
Chiron, who takes care of them when Percy's gone, cannot understand them but he doesn't like the way they look so judgemental. They are very much gossiping about him to his face.
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fairytaleprincessart · 4 months
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"The coral reefs of south Sulawesi are some of the most diverse, colorful and vibrant in the world. At least, they used to be, until they were decimated by dynamite fishing in the 1990s.
As part of a team of coral reef ecologists based in Indonesia and the UK, we study the reefs around Pulau Bontosua, a small Indonesian island in south Sulawesi...
In many places around the world, damage like this might be described as irreparable. But at Pulau Bontosua, the story is different. Here, efforts by the Mars coral restoration program have brought back the coral and important ecosystem functions, as outlined by our new study, published in Current Biology. We found that within just four years, restored reefs grow at the same rate as nearby healthy reefs.
Speedy recovery
The transplanted corals grow remarkably quickly. Within a year, fragments have developed into proper colonies. After two years, they interlock branches with their neighbors. After just four years, they completely overgrow the reef star structures and restoration sites are barely distinguishable from nearby healthy reefs.
The combined growth of many corals generates a complex limestone (calcium carbonate) framework. This provides a habitat for marine life and protects nearby shorelines from storm damage by absorbing up to 97% of coastal wave energy.
We measured the overall growth of the reef framework by calculating its carbonate budget. That's the balance between limestone production (by calcifying corals and coralline algae) and erosion (by grazing sea urchins and fishes, for example). A healthy reef produces up to 20kg of reef structure per square meter per year, while a degraded reef is shrinking rather than growing as erosion exceeds limestone production. Therefore, overall reef growth gives an indication of reef health.
At Pulau Bontosua, our survey data shows that in the years following restoration, coral cover, coral colony sizes, and carbonate production rates tripled. Within four years, restored reefs were growing at the same speed as healthy reefs, and thereby provided the same important ecosystem functions...
Outcomes of any reef restoration project will depend on environmental conditions, natural coral larvae supply, restoration techniques and the effort invested in maintaining the project. This Indonesian project shows that when conditions are right and efforts are well placed, success is possible. Hopefully, this inspires further global efforts to restore functioning coral reefs and to recreate a climate in which they can thrive."
-via Phys.org, March 11, 2024
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catnoli · 6 months
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labradorite black tip reef shark 🦈🌈 had a rough few weeks but im back ^_^ this shark is for the scorpios!! ♏️🦂
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hbystuff · 18 days
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annasinthewalls · 2 years
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Take me home
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protectoursharks · 3 months
cutest shark facts?
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Nurse sharks and white tip reef sharks form a pile and cuddle!
It's believed to be a form of social bonding and has helped challenge the "lone shark" assumption, allowing us to learn more about shark ecology and interaction!
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fantellerhur · 1 year
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blacktip reef shark, 2023
my piece for 'swim on 9', a collaborative charity art zine you can get a digital copy here
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the fact that I will never truly know what it’s like to be a shark in a shark cuddle pile is cruel and unusual punishment.
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absolutely devastating.
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reefs-camp-blog · 4 months
nico is the password child, thalia is the 'reason we have a curfew' child, and percy is the 'reason we cant be left unsupervised with anything sharp and why fire of any kind isnt allowed in the house anymore' child
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wachinyeya · 6 months
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