#regardless i hope there's still someone out here ^_^ dusts off my dash
virsancte · 4 months
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accidentally got too attached to a sim i was gonna kill for story purposes so now i'm slowly cluttering the room i said i wouldn't touch to avoid exactly this LOL. full creds to comfys for the original lot.
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dinoburger · 1 year
But the Moment Just Slipped Through My Hands
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submitting to the time honored tradition of Expiration Date fics - slightly Science Party flavoured. I just wanted to put it out there, ik maybe I could stand to sprinkle in more funny speech mannerisms for both Engie and Medic - maybe this will be for another day. I also wanted to illustrate more of it but I could save that for the Ao3 version...
2k words - more focused on Medic and Engie but there's a dash of HeavyMedic in there, not exactly shipping focused
(title is from Gone in an Instant - I hope nobody is keeping track of how many times I reference Black Dresses in various work bc I'm sure it's starting to add up)
The smell of bread had a tendency to float in the air in almost every corner of their current base of operations – fated to be their last, so they assumed – but was even thicker now in the already stuffy laboratory. Slightly more sour than usual too, due to the effects of the teleporter.
After they’d reported their findings to the rest of the team, the resident medic and engineer had hurried back to continue their work, hoping for more answers. It was natural, to both of them, but in the lulls between furiously experimenting, exchanging notes and prompting each other with questions about their respective areas of expertise, Dell found himself staring at the doctor with a pang of guilt.
The medic, as was usual when presented with cataclysmic disaster, confronted it with a mixture of stern determination and delighted morbid curiosity. Regardless, impending doom weighed heavy on the shorter’s shoulders.
“You don’t feel hard-done by, spending your last days cooped up in this here lab?” he scratched his neck, leaning back against the bench’s counter.
“If we had more time, maybe – but this is where I am needed most, ja?” the medic scribbled down several more notes, before he spared the engineer a glance. “What about you?”
“So long as I’m not gettin’ in your way.”
“Oh not at all, not at all.” he shook his head, “Really, it’s unfortunate I could not have gotten to know you better sooner – you have a brilliant mind, Herr Engineer.” the doctor’s lips quirked into a small, earnest smile, which caught Dell off guard.
“Aw shucks, Doc.” he retreated into himself a bit. “Just a shame I weren’t brilliant enough to figure out this whole teleporter mess m’self.”
“Ach, you couldn’t have known” Ludwig waved off, “and besides that, some of the greatest discoveries of our time have come at no small cost. What is it they say…? You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.”
It was true that medical science had it’s share of horrors, but even so, the doctor felt his optimism slip.
“I must confess, I might have been a touch… sloppy. You would think if something was wrong, the team doctor would be first to pick up on it." he scolded himself. "I am so grateful for the freedom of being out on the field, pushing the boundaries of science and medicine but I’m afraid I have gotten ahead of myself.”
“Heck, I’d say you’d done a dang good job keepin’ us alive so far - ‘spite some of our best efforts.” Dell grinned, which got a laugh out of Ludwig.
“M’ just wonderin’ if you didn’t have nobody special you wanted to see before you, y’know. Bit the dust, so to speak. I can keep things tickin’ over here just fine for a while.”
“Someone ‘special’…? Oh, don’t tell me.” Ludwig snorted. “Those silly rumours about my supposed ‘wife’ are still floating around.”
“I was a tad curious.”
“I might as well give the game up now, she’s not real – never was. I have no time for such things, but ach, some of our comrades are very nosy. It started off as a simple joke to keep them off my back, I didn’t think it would stick, so I never bothered to refute it.”
“I getcha, that makes a hell’ve a lot more sense.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” the man tensed, the amused glint in his eyes exchanged for something sharper and wary.
“Well, when the fellas get gossipin’ about the lady-folk, you never have a whole lot t’ say. Figured if you really did have a spouse waitin’ on ya you’d be more eager to brag.” Dell observed casually.
The doctor released a breath he didn’t realise he’d been holding. “Ah, is that all?”
“Y’know I’m not one to pry, doc. I respect ya too much.”
“Much appreciated.”
Dell paused, picking his next words more carefully. “More surprised you didn’t wanna say your goodbyes to that big fella – two of you seem mighty companionable.”
“Herr Heavy, I assume? We do work closely together, but... it’s hard to say we’re much more than colleagues.”
“You kiddin’? The man’s crazy ‘bout ya – you should see how he lights up the moment he lays eyes on ya. ‘S really somethin’ else.” Dell risked a smile and a sideways glance, the doctor’s face going soft with fondness.
“Well… I suppose I owe it to him to see if I can work this out in time.”
The engineer’s throat seized, his playful smile fading. He’d almost forgotten what the stakes were here.
For the next few minutes, Dell put his head down and worked in solemn silence, the guilt crushing his lungs and forbidding him to talk. He would only will himself to when the doctor had another question, they needed to deliberate their next course of action or sort out notes between each other.
When they’d worked into another lull in their rhythm, the taller of the two eyed up the other.
“...You didn’t have anyone you wanted to see before we expire?” The doctor returned the question.
The engineer shook his head, still half buried in a toolbox. “Nope. Wouldn’t’ve signed up t’ be a mercenary if I did, all part ‘n parcel." he took a breath, considering just biting his tongue again, but somehow leaving Ludwig in the dark felt worse. "Those Mann brothers found me through m’ grandpa, us Conaghers’ve been workin’ with ‘em for decades.”
“Really now?” Doctor Ludwig’s eyebrows twitched up, this was news to him.
Dell knew deep down he wasn’t supposed to talk about this, as mercenaries they were all on a need-to-know basis, but with how the situation was unfolding he found the words spilling out with ease.
“Uh-huh. Lotta his work was kept under lock and key though, up until I joined their employ. Though I can't say I agree with how they got 'em to begin with... it feels like I get ta take part in my heritage, going over his blueprints, studying his notes – like I’m really steppin’ into his shoes ‘n followin’ his footsteps.” the softer, reverent tone he’d taken petered out into a sigh. “I was hopin’ I’d be able t’ finish what he’d started, put an end to this gravel war. Looks like there’ll have to be another generation of recruits after us.”
“It’s still just a job, mein friend, you make of it what you can – and I would say you have gotten more out of it than most would.” the doctor added.
“It ain’t just a job to me.” Dell’s idle tinkering stopped, head hung. “I got all these ideas in my head that I could make it mean somethin', I'd shake things up, I'd make it count - buncha fanciful nonsense." his words took on a harsher edge as he wound himself up.
Doctor Ludwig found himself pausing too, observing the other’s hunched shoulders and arms stiffly gripping the bench.
“What kinda legacy am I leavin’? Maybe I’m just daydreaming, thinkin’ I’m half the man Radigan was. Would he really’ve made a mistake this darn stupid? Doomed all’a his men like this? The hell do I think I’m doin’ out here?” he spat, cursing himself.
Part of him had always known, every force was met with equal resistance, wins and losses balanced themselves out. The RED and BLU mercenaries were nothing but cogs in a much larger machine, to ends he couldn’t fathom.
He kept glaring down at the counter through his goggles, as if raising his head would reveal a great, dark vortex hanging above, deeper than he could possibly see, filled with terrible, grinding machinery. It would use them all up like fuel and spit them out into the ether.
“To hell with legacy.”
Doctor Ludwig broke the tangible silence that had fallen.
“To hell with the Mann brothers, to hell with your grandfather.”
The Conagher bristled and turned on him, mouth twisted into an offended snarl, posture like a coiled spring. “Beg yer pardon?”
“We cannot dictate what the tides of time will choose to spare.” the doctor’s expression was equally grave. “So I say to hell with them all. Your work is worthy, because your life is worthy.” he clamped his hands over either of the engineer’s shoulders, taking the man by surprise.
“I don’t care what kind of man this Radigan Conagher was, I am honoured to have spent this life with his grandson.”
That sent his head spinning.
Dell choked, not sure if he was about to cry or laugh, a shaky grin spread across his features and a wheeze escaped his teeth.
“’P-preciate it, Doc.” he sniffed, flushed with the threat of tears.
Ludwig gave his shoulders a reassuring squeeze before he released him, the tension melting out of the room. “Of course, let’s get back to it, shall we?”
The engineer nodded, turning from him again to regain composure. He pried the goggles up from his eyes just enough to rub the haze from them before returning them to position.
Hours bled into a blur, the self-assurance of being able to power through it to the end was starting to crumble. Dell could hardly see straight, neither man had slept since their initial discovery. He’d been the first to give out, going from using the lab bench to prop himself up to sinking entirely onto the cold, concrete floor in a heap. He peeled back his goggles, feeling the grooves across his nose and cheeks from being stuck to his face for so long – no doubt angry red marks by now, he imagined.
The stink of sour bread was getting to him, suffocating, he wanted nothing more than to lay down and let his senses slip away into unconsciousness.
He vacantly stared up at the doctor, who he wasn’t sure was still engaged in their research or just playing with chunks of bread.
Without thinking, he watched the man bring the piece he was holding to his mouth and bit down. He spluttered and spat it back out at once.
“What was the point o’ that?” the engineer snickered.
Ludwig mumbled incoherently, before shrugging, too bleary to come up with a good excuse.
“Surprised you can even tolerate the stuff at this rate, it reeks in here.”
“Ja, well…” the doctor interrupted himself with a groan as he joined the engineer on the floor, joints protesting his descent. “I have smelt a lot worse – try working with corpses and animals for hours on end. Or animal corpses, for that matter.”
Dell shuddered. “No thanks, partner.”
At least Ludwig found his disgust amusing.
It was strange being able to see the other’s face unobscured, the medic had gotten used to thinking of Dell as something vaguely insectoid with those large dark lenses. There were in fact, some pretty impressive red indents on his skin where the googles had been and a tan line to match.
“I jus… need a moment…” he huffed, letting his lids fall closed.
Doctor Ludwig murmured a faint agreement, tucking his own glasses into the pocket of his coat and slumping back against the bench on his side of the laboratory.
“Y’ain’t… scared of disappearin’? Being forgotten?”
“Terrified. But it’s out of my hands.” his lips stayed parted as he chewed it over, consciousness swaying. “I can’t control what I will be remembered for. I can hope that my work will mean something in the face of humanity… that it will not simply be discarded as madness, but I cannot know. At least I can say I never limited myself, that I always… always sought for answers.”
"'S like y' said... if they can't see what it's worth then maybe humanity don't deserve it."
The doctor only hummed in response.
There was something painfully human in his sprawled out form that Dell had never quite seen before, peering out between heavy eyelids. He traced Doctor Ludwig’s sunken cheekbones in his mind, the dark lashes of closed eyes, brow relaxed – neither forming the serious scowl he was used to nor contorted in manic glee, a view clear of the usual thin frames that adorned his nose. He was used to having to peer up at him, with his line of sight only reaching the doctor’s chest.
He wanted to take that image to the ends of the earth, for what time he had left and what consciousness his exhausted mind would allow him.
Glad that the light in the lab was already dim, the engineer shifted to lie down, hissing when his helmet smacked the concrete – he’d forgotten he’d still been wearing it. He fumbled to get it off, not noticing the doctor too shifting to slide out of his coat.
“Here, support your head with this.”
“Huh? Oh, thank ya kindly.” Dell absently took the folded fabric while propped up on his elbows, shimmying to position himself just right.
He also took the opportunity to unfasten his prosthetic to set aside, along with his belt.
“Hey Doc… lemme return the favour.”
Medic squinted.
“I got a pillow y’ can use.” the engineer patted his belly with his remaining hand. “C’mere.”
He didn’t need any further prompting, the taller crawled over and flopped back against him. “Oof, my back is going to hate me for this.” he grumbled. “If you wake first, wake me up too.”
Comfortable wasn’t the right word. Nothing about how the cold floor seeped through the back of his clothes and the skin of his arms was particularly comfortable, even the way the medic rested his weight on his stomach was a little stifling, but he wouldn’t have dared to move.
He could smell the doctor’s scent in the coat tucked under his head, feel the gentle rhythm of his breath, hear the way it stirred in his chest.
“Let’s just stay like this, until the end. Hold me until it’s all over.” Dell wanted to plead.
“Copy that.”
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pastthevaulteddoors · 4 years
Jiang Cheng wasn’t running. No, he wasn’t breaking any Gusu rules. He was, however, sprinting like a mad dog around the bamboo houses of the Lan’s private dwellings. After turning around many bends to lose his quarry, he realized he himself was lost. Great.
And, on top of that, Jiang Cheng could still hear the looming, playful trot of his annoying broth- of THAT annoying person not far off, singing out his name and not caring a wit for the quiet of the mountain’s serenity. So, JC decided to hide rather than run. He had to do something to get that brat off his tail.
So he hopped a reed fence and couched beside someone’s back deck in hopes of missing his bro- that person’s attention.
It didn’t work. Jiang Cheng could hear Wei Wuxian’s happy humming as he headed his way. The hunt was a game to him, even giving JC warning before he pounced!
JC was not a coward, he was not hiding in fear of another man. He just... couldn’t really smack this one around and he was REALLY really annoying.
“Shit,” he cussed under his breath, just before a door slid open. Great, now the resident was going to have a reason to gossip about seeing a sect leader cower in the bushes (because, of course those told not to gossip were the biggest gossips of all!)
Before he could bolt, however, a figure stood in the doorway. They appeared almost ghostly in white Lan robes, shadowed heavily by the darkness of the room inside. But they weren’t a ghost, as a hand waved them inside. JC only hesitated a moment before hearing Wei Wuxian come near the reed fence before he dashed inside like purple lightning.
The reprieve of relief was momentary when the figure’s hand shot out and touched the side of his neck. JC was surprised a civilian could get past his honed training, when the hand retracted holding up a slip of paper. It looked like a miniature talisman and he could clearly make out the ‘tracker’ symbols in various, tiny writings. Wei Wuxian was TRACKING HIM! No wonder Jiang Cheng couldn’t get the slip.
A moment later, however, the small talisman burned away with a quick flicker of fire. Jiang Cheng looked past the hand holding the tracker and it took his eyes a moment to realize he was looking at Sect Leader Lan himself.
Before anything was said, however, the Lan Leader put a finger to his lips in a silent ‘shhh’ and hovered in front of the crack of the open door to block the view of the inside.
“Oh, Sect Leader Lan!” Wei Wuxian said, a halted tone as if he were just caught.. which he was just caught in the sect leader’s back garden. “Sorry, I was looking for, uh, well, have you seen Jiang Cheng? He was just around here and...”
“I did hear something stumble through the back,” Lan Xichen said smoothly, his smile barely seen in the dark room, contracting with the mild, overcast sunlight outside. “But it kept going. I thought perhaps it were a few rabbits come to say hello.”
“More like a feral cat,” Wei Wuxian teased. There was a long pause with a few hemmings and hawwings from Wei Wuxian. “Ah, okay. I swear he was around here but.. thank you!” And off he went.
Lan Xichen’s eyes followed him as he went before the door slid shut, sealing them into semi darkness once more. The man looked... bad, Jiang Cheng thought. His face was gaunt, making his otherwise pretty cheek bones look like blades. His eyes were dull, the smile not reaching them, and dark circles lay underneath. His smile was still a lovely as ever, but it was softer now, less humored, more forced.
His hair was down and limp, a little greasy, and he only wore a loose, open robe over his underrobes, clearly not expecting company, or perhaps he just woke up.
“Thanks,” Jiang Cheng grumbled.
“Don’t mention it,” Lan Xichen returned, his smile a little more pleasant. “I know how he loves you, but can be a handful.”
“I thought you were out of seclusion,” Jiang Cheng returned, raising a brow as he stepped away from the door. Lan Xichen followed and swept his arm to the table where a tea set was. Jiang Cheng highly doubted that the water was fresh and shook his head.
“I am,” Lan Xichen said, surprised. He took a seat and also appeared to wonder about the water as he peaked inside.
The room itself was not the bright, airy place he’d visited before. A handful of times he broke with shame and went to elders for advice they spoke in here. And since all of his leaders at Lotus Pier were dead, he sought out the next in line of his teachers. Rather than the sweet smell of fresh air, it was humid with dust and old incense, the blue light was yellowed, and the shadows lingered as if old memories that would never leave.
“You know it’s past noon time, right?”
“Is it really?” Lan Xichen gave up on the tea and swept his wrinkled robe sleeve across the table to wipe away an embarrassing layer of dust. “I was painting and lost track of time. I’m sorry I did not greet you at the gates as I should have this morning.”
“No bother,” Jiang Cheng said. “I’ve been here for three days.”
Another look of surprise crossed the sunken sect leader’s face. He appeared to Jiang Cheng like a deer; soft and fragile despite the strength under it all.
“I... I am sorry,” He stammered. “It.. I...”
“It’s fine. Wei Wuxian’s been my guide,” Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Pest won’t leave me alone.” He picked up one of the monotone painting still laid out to dry. It was obvious to him who it was, regardless of the unclean strokes and abstract feel. “I’m only here to check up on Jin Ling and his classes.”
“Oh- no, please Sect Leader Jiang, don’t--”
Jiang Cheng pulled the sheet of paper out of Lan Xichen’s panicked reach. “If you think I can’t tell who this is, you may forget that we co-parented that boy together.”
“I’m sorry, no one was...” Lan Xichen deflated. “It wasn’t for anyone else to see. I just... don’t want to forget his face.” He peaked up at Jiang Cheng from his messy, limp hair. He smelled a little ripe. “I’m sorry. I’m horrible for trying to... keep him.”
“Yeah, and he was the uncle Jin Ling liked more,” Jiang Cheng set the painting back down, which was quickly swept up by the other sect leader. “Kind of sucks that a man like that can be so human.”
“He was human,” Xichen protested, his eyes finally lighting up with passion. “He was just...”
“Human, yeah.”
“Learning a few things about the complexities of the human heart. And sharing it.” He put a hand on his chest.
Somewhere in the woods of Gusu, Wei Wuxian crept up behind his lover and pounced him from behind. “They’re talking,” he said gleefully and kissed his cheek.
“Mm,” Lan Wangji said as he turned to get a better grip of his husband and place him properly into his lap. It ended up with a half lounge of the sprawling demon cultivator.
“They’ll be friends in no time, trust me!” he said, grinning with ease. “All I need to do is pester him every time he comes.”
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
To Tell You The Truth Part One
Fandom: Prospect [2018]
Pairing: Eventual Ezra/Prospector!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Hello everyone, and welcome! I present a new indulgence, as I am a simple man subject to the whim of my hyperfixations. I hope that you all will enjoy this tale, though I warn it will be a tad less carefree. Darker subject matter will be tread in this series. But! My indulgences will shine through regardless, and my trigger warnings will be at the beginning of each installment. If you're interested in reading more of my attempted writing involving a space Pedro, I will direct you to Stay Safe, my completed Mandalorian fic. Enjoy!
Tag List: @huliabitch @renegademustelid @wrestlingfae @zombiexbody @sporadic-fics @rzrcrst
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains allusions to previous abuse. Stay safe!]
You ran.
The thrower knocked against your leg as you fled, almost tripping you numerous times. You couldn't bring yourself to fix it, though.
You didn't stop, even when your ribs started to ache and your vision went patchy. The pod is just in the next clearing, you kept telling yourself, the next clearing for certain. Once you were inside it, you could…
It had no lock. Damon hadn't deemed it necessary. Maybe...maybe that other man just wouldn't find you. The one that Damon had shot and tried to thieve everything from. How could he have believed that his greed would go unchecked?! Those two men had clearly been slaving in the Bakhroma Green for ages. Months at a bare minimum. Now one of them was dead, and the other had been wounded by Damon before your oh-so-illustrious companion had succumbed to the injuries inflicted by that railgun. 
You had been involved in dig disputes before, of course, but you were hard-pressed to think of a time where one had been settled with such...messy finality. 
You entered the pod with a gasp of relief, jerking your helmet off to breathe the comfortingly stale air. You dropped the thrower by the door, unable to bring yourself to even think about using it. 
Damon was dead. 
You pressed your hands to your temples and sank to the floor. The man who had bullied, browbeat and press-ganged you into this remote locale, was dead. And you…
You had no idea how to urge this pod back up past the thick canopy. You were a digger. Digging was what you were good at. It was what you knew. You were not a pilot.
Despair took hold then, as you realized you were truly trapped. Precious seconds ticked by while you laid there on the floor, a curled-up ball of miserable floater. There were three cycles left before there would be no escape, before the freighter slingback would be entirely inaccessible.
You dragged yourself out of your funk eventually, doing your best to wipe your face clean of all your tears. You could figure this out. All Damon had been good for was flying, right? You would inventory the supplies and see how many days you could eke out. Maybe you could reach someone on the long range. 
The sorting and cataloging work kept you busy. Which was good. You liked busy. Busy limited headspace. Busy kept people alive on digs. 
It was a little warm inside the pod once the sunlight started beating down on it. You wiped your sweat off with your forearm for the millionth time, flipping through your notes. If you were cautious about certain resources and supplements, you might be able to last two months down on the Green moon. But that was only if your filters continued to hold recharges. Uncharitably, you wished you had taken Damon's before you bolted. 
There was nothing for it. You would just have to make it back to the freighter in time. Two stands of miserable living would do you no good if you were still on this moon. Judging from the thickness of the pollen in the air, the plant life would be noxious. You wouldn't survive without your filters.
You leafed through the radio manual, flipping the power switch and grimacing at the burst of static that greeted your ears through the Arcsoko long range headset. "To anyone listening, this is Dasha Landcraft Rental, parcel-class, pod number-" you paused, fumbling through to the back of the manual for the number scrawled there by the company. "Number...eight-eight-three-nine-seven-five dash-zero-zero--" you stopped to inhale, "-two-seven-four-two. We have landed off course. I repeat, we are off target in the Green. Pilot lost." Your voice started to shake. "P-Pilot lost. If a-anyone is within range, please respond."
You flipped the switch on the signal amp and then pushed the looper, setting the message to repeat broadcasting for an hour. It would be a varying amount of expenditure on your chit for every additional hour you wanted to keep your transmission on the air, and you didn't exactly have money to throw around, so all you could hope was that someone would hear your distress message within the first free hour. 
You kept the headset on, rocking back and forth in your chair as the minutes ticked down. A few times there were bursts of static that sounded like someone was about to come on air, but they peaked as fast as they arrived. 
Hope faded the longer you sat there, sorting and stacking the brightly-colored Calori-pouches of Pastors Henry slurry. You staunchly ignored the way your lower lip was quivering. Damon hated it when you cried.
Within the last few precious minutes of your free broadcast, a noise outside sent your heart into your throat. You yanked off the headphones, scrambling for the nav console. The wall of bulky, jutting screens was the first thing you could seriously consider cover, but it was only once you'd tucked yourself beneath it that you remembered you had left the thrower by the door. 
You started forward to grab it, but ended up just lowering your body closer to the floor as the noises advanced, footsteps you realized. So he had found you. He would certainly kill you if only for what your partner had done. It had been careless of you to start your broadcast so soon after returning to the pod. You had essentially beamed out a homing signal to your exact location. 
For an hour.
This was it. Cowering in a rented pod, weapon feet away, clutching an itemized list of all the things to eat and drink. A fitting end, for a timid dust-scratcher like yourself.
I will not cry or beg, you told yourself sternly. It would do no good here. It was better to face your demise with some shred of dignity, and Damon had just gotten more angry when you cried. 
The hatch hissed loudly and you somehow made yourself even smaller while that man, the talkative one, lurched up into the pod. He stumbled, fighting with the latches on his helmet for a good ten seconds before finally managing to get the thing off, thus affording you a clear view at his face.
He didn't look particularly cruel, or Brism-busted like Damon had. Mainly, he just looked tired and dirty. He had a head of shaggy brown hair, olive skin and deep-set brown eyes. His nose was hawklike, prominent even alongside that heavy brow and the square jut of his scruffy jaw. When he turned his head, you spotted a curious chunk of blond hair that grew determinedly out at a different angle from the right side of his hairline, Mallen streak, your brain supplied oh-so-helpfully. An old scar, silver with age, meandered along his left cheekbone, and a halfway-maintained mustache shielded his upper lip.
His eyes roamed the pod curiously for a moment, taking in all the notes you had tacked to the walls in your inventory sweep. He absolutely noticed the thrower abandoned by the door. 
"This is a vexsome position that your friend Damon has put you into, I'm afraid." He drawled, his pistol loose at his side while he slowly rotated. "I will not apologize for my hand in his death, as he wounded myself, razed my associate and was planning to abscond with several stands worth of my hard work. His greed outplayed his hand."
Dark eyes landed on you, curled up against the wall beneath the console screens, and the smile that bloomed under his mustache was decidedly predatory. 
"I'm...I have food." You began to bargain shakily. 
"You certainly do, don't you?" He crooned in a patronizing tone, the thrower pistol humming as he primed it. 
"I'm a good digger. Th-That's the only reason Damon dragged me here." You cringed when he took a step towards you. "P-Please, I didn't-"
"I have no doubt that whatever it was, you surely didn't. You could have picked me off easily out there had you wanted to, plenty of range on that thrower. What is a gentle soul like you doing with a character that had such a predisposition for marauderous pilferin', I wonder?" The man mused, his expression cheery to an unsettling degree. The grip he had on the pistol didn't waver an inch.
"He promised I-I would be able to finally quit with the points this planet would make." Why bother lying? This man would just kill you anyway. "B-But the pod, it...something happened during the landing. A malfunction, I'm not sure."
"Ah, so your friend Damon was the Ahab of this vessel as well. No surprise there, that steadfast moral compass of his must have seen you two just flawlessly across the vacuous expanse." 
Your lower lip began to quiver again and you dug around in your suit pockets for the lone gem that you had uncovered on your trek earlier. "I don't...I don't have anything to offer aside from the supplies and this. But...p-please, I just…" 
Your sketchbook tumbled out of your pocket as you removed the gem. The barrel of his gun grazed the side of your head in obvious response to the action and you froze in terror. "You keep those hands where I can see them, gentle soul. I am not in a gaming mood at the mo…" His words trailed off when he caught sight of the massive pearl cradled in your palms. "Well well, it seems you've got a bit of bargaining power yet." 
"I don't need much food, I p-promise." You had told yourself you wouldn't beg, but this seemed...very close to begging. "J-Just water and a pilot." You extended the aurelac, knowing full well that you were surrendering your ability to go home. That miserable rock would have paid for the lease on the pod and passage back to the Pug at the bare minimum. Which you had pointed out to Damon, but he insisted on trekking further. You found yourself agreeing wholeheartedly with this other man's earlier observation, his greed outplayed his hand.
"I am not overly inclined to rid this world of you, gentle soul. If I am reading the situation correct, you are not here because you wish to be." The man said after several breathless moments. He didn't seem concerned about taking the gem from you at the moment. "However, we are at a bit of a stalemate when it comes to locomotion." 
His gun dropped from the side of your head and you flinched again when he stretched out his hand towards you. "H-Here, here! Just p-please, don't-" You shoved the rock against his fingers, your eyes shut tight with anticipation. Why couldn't he just shoot you and get it over with?!
"I'm offering you a hand up, gentle soul. Squirrel away your bargaining chip for the time being." The man said, gently easing the gem aside. "I am not an unreasonable man. Let's get you up off that floor and we shall discuss terms as civilized folk do." 
"You...you're not going to kill me?" You asked weakly, daring to open your eyes.
"At this juncture? No." The man tilted his head. "Are you planning on doin' anything nefarious that may encourage my own expedient shuffle off of my mortal coil?"
You had to take a minute just to try and figure out what he'd actually said. It had been ages since you'd interacted with anyone aside from Damon, and your late 'partner' hadn't had the most expansive vocabulary. "I've never killed anyone before." You replied, your voice a whisper.
"A prudent answer, to be certain, for one never knows what the tides of fate have in store for them." He pondered for a breath, his eyes almost impossibly dark. "I'll take your word all the same, face value. You seem an honest sort, gentle soul. Makes me inclined to wonder how you got tangled up in this sorry soirée, though." His boot bumped against your sketchbook and he toed it a little closer to you, obligingly keeping his distance.
"That's not...it's not important right now." You snatched the book up and crammed it back into your pocket. Then, you floundered into one of the flight chairs, sitting sideways so you were able to maintain the barest pretense of eye contact. You clasped your trembling hands in front of you, trying to remember to keep them where he could see them.
"The terms will be as follows: we work together to get this craft airworthy once again. By my late partner's calculations, Kevva rest his soul, we've only got a few turns of twenty-four left until we're well and truly cut adrift on this forsaken Nessus." The way that he was using the term 'we' had your chest strangely tight. "I am loathe to be restricted here for the rest of my days, especially with a royal's ransom stashed in my trophy case. I doubt you wish to suffer that same perdition." 
He leaned forward and you shifted back on reflex, quickly dropping your gaze from the scar on his cheek to the floor. "I understand." You said softly. "What do you want me to do? I'm not...I don't know anything about the nav systems or engines or-"
"Gentle soul, how long had you wandered this world with that disreputable thief?" 
To your horror, you couldn't actually remember how long it had been. It was a haze of silent travel, punctuated by violent outbursts as you tried to make yourself seem even smaller than you already were-
"I did not mean to wound you, gentle soul. I offer my most sincere reparations." He apologized quietly.
He gestured with his hand, a little slower now. "You are weepin'."
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry." You fumbled to wipe your face off on your sleeve. "I'm alright, I'm fine." You assured him with a watery smile.
He studied you for what felt like a lifetime, those brown eyes boring into your own. "I am Ezra, gentle soul. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." 
Ezra. That's right, he had introduced himself as such to Damon before everything had gone so incredibly wrong. "I'm sorry about what happened to your friend." You said thickly. "I didn't...I didn't want anyone to get hurt."
He waved off your words, scoffing a bit. "Number Two was a utility, not a friend. I am none too aggrieved by his loss, and I implore you not to trouble yourself with such dour ruminations on his behalf." Ezra stretched, then swiveled his head around. "What does our supply situation look like? I can see your scrawlings, naturally, but I would prefer it from the merchant's mouth."
You leafed through your notebook pages. "If we're careful, we should have enough to last one month." Split between the two of you rations were a bit harder to calculate, so you went with the safe route of halving the time evenly. "I don't know your appetite. Damon would go days without food sometimes, because of the sleep meds."
"I am ravenous at any and all opportunities, I must confess." Ezra admitted. "Been surviving off bits bars for the last four stands. Calori-paste is my damn marrow at this point in time."
"W-We still have some powdered things, tea, if...I mean can I offer you...um, some coffee?" You warily turned your back to him and started rummaging in one of the many side compartments, pulling out a tiny sealed bag of dehydrated coffee mix.
"I would be…" He paused, sounding like he was fighting for breath. It was so dramatic that you actually looked at him, a touch alarmed. "I would be forever in your debt if you would grace me with so much as a watered-down teaspoon of that heavenly beverage." He settled on one of the side benches, his pistol holstered for the time being. "We will not need rations to last the month, gentle soul, so our best option in the event of calamitous mechanical difficulties may be to take any excess off to the Saders to trade for goods."
"They are a group of people that inhabit the Green. Religious settlers, tedious scavengers."
Your brow furrowed. You were no religious expert. "Like Kevvaites?" You tried.
"No no, not so much with the monotheism. They believe in the Tides of the universe. The Currents, a certain...ebb and flow of life." Ezra waved a hand to illustrate. "All very poetic, giveth and taketh kinda' sort. Not bad folk to deal with, all things considered, but voraciously against conventional arms and armaments."
You wracked your brain for any other useful items you may have stowed away from Damon, lest he pawn them to pay for his drugs of choice. After you set the hydro to churn the precious dust into coffee, you knelt and shuffled your small personal storage compartment open. "I don't have a lot to offer, I'm afraid." You murmured, tugging out a few duct tape sealed bags. "Almost all the basic hygiene items, my emergency filters...anything he could get his hands on, really. He would just trade it for more drops or Brism." You continued apologetically. 
"That man was a junkie." Ezra said bluntly. "Now, I have my own vices and I am not above reproach, but I always assured that my consumption was never at the cost of someone else's comfort." 
Your throat felt tight and you ducked your head down, avoiding eye contact. "I...I'm sorry." 
"Whyever for, gentle soul?" He asked curiously. 
"I-I shouldn't have-" You had no idea what you were apologizing for, your words dying in your throat. After so much time with Damon, you did it automatically. The hydro beeped, offering you the opportunity to bolt. Which you took immediately. "Coffee!" You announced brightly, the flimsy cardboard container that it dispensed into almost scorching your hand. You passed it off to him, warning, "Be careful, it's-" 
Ezra slugged half the scalding contents in one go, his Adam's apple bobbing convulsively. 
"-h-hot." You finished weakly.
"Kevva above, it sure is." He grunted, shuddering. "God damn, I have missed that acrid nightmare of flavor burnin' my esophagus like Satan himself. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder." He pawed idly at his wounded arm after a moment, grimacing. "I don't suppose that Damon kept any of the usual med supplies? A field kit, maybe?" The older man queried hopefully.
You hesitated, gnawing on your lower lip. "He...didn't." You answered carefully.
Ezra looked momentarily distraught before he seemed to catch himself, his expression smoothing into something closer to weary resignation. "Well, can't say I'm surprised. They're worth good currency in a trade. Bodes poorly for the survival of my arm, however." He said glibly, the wince that followed contrasting dramatically with his unphased tone.
"Once the dust gets in, it don't take too long for the fester to permeate." Ezra explained. The wound on his arm oozed a sickly, yellowish fluid down the sleeve of his exosuit when he pressed his hand over it. "It wasn't originally just myself and Number Two, you understand. We had a full crawling party before the muti--" He jerked to a stop, shooting you a wary glance. "Now, gentle soul, I don't want you thinkin' that you have anythin' to fear from me. The mutiny was...a misunderstanding. You saw today what depths desperate men stoop to over a bit of aurelac."
You nodded, your throat gone dry. 
"There were...concerns voiced about equal shares, it was a Kevva-forsaken mess. I don't know how many times I've told folk to draw up their union contracts before they get boots on the ground. Nobody listens, though. It's always 'mutiny once we're planetside' this and 'we can take everything' that." He griped. "Words and metal flew and, regrettably, myself and a few others were marooned on this damnable moon." Ezra drew his hand away from his arm, that yellowed fluid clinging to his fingers in thick, pitchy strands, "We quickly found that these climes are fiendishly inhospitable to floaters in damaged suits."
Your lip felt like it was about to drop off your face from how hard you were worrying it. "I...D-Do you promise not to hurt me?" You finally asked.
Ezra gave you a look of confusion, brown eyes narrowing slightly. "Gentle soul, I thought I had made it abundantly clear that-"
"Just-! Just say yes or no." 
"Yes, dammit, but I fail to see what that's got to-"
"I h-have a kit. A f-field kit." You stammered out. His eyebrows drew together in a thunderous frown and you saw his jaw working. "Wait! Wait, just let me f-f-finish." You extended your hands in a placative gesture, your heart hammering wildly in your chest. "I...trade. I'll trade you. Nobody does anything for free, right? I'll help you, and in exchange, I want you to promise me you won't hurt me."
"What would you do if I did hurt you, gentle soul?" Ezra inquired softly. Your breath hitched. "Indeed, what would you be able to do? Especially now that I'm aware you've got a kit hidden somewhere." The man got to his feet and you immediately flinched. "Your powers of persuasion need some...refinin', but I am not immune to civility. Gentle soul, if you give me that kit not only am I willin' to work with you to get us off this moon, I'll throw a chunk of my haul your way as a show of good faith." He offered, dark eyes watching you closely. "And, I will give you my word as an individual with the slightest, infantessible modicum of moral standing, that I won't lay a finger on you fueled by dubious or malicious intent." 
You stared up at him, your mind entirely blank from panic. His strange words certainly weren't helping your comprehension. "I..." No, no, this was wrong. He was putting far too much up for his end of the bargain! He must be planning something, some sort of trick.
Ezra cocked his head. "You still with me, gentle soul?" He asked cautiously. "Don't tell me you're strokin' out, it'd be a shame to lose such pleasant company."
Your laugh was a jagged hiccup in your chest. Ezra huffed out a breath after a moment, obviously uncomfortable. He probably thought you had gone moony, entirely lunar. "I'm...I'm sorry, I...that's a good, um, deal, b-but I can't accept it." You struggled to get your words out. "Y-You…that is, I don't...I don't want…" to be like Damon. 
"Perhaps your persuasion isn't nearly as uncalibrated as I originally surmised. Very well, gentle soul. How much is my dominant arm worth to you?" Ezra queried dryly, misunderstanding your hesitation. "Because to me, as a workin' man, it's worth its weight in aurelac sixteen times over." 
You hadn't thought of it like that. You felt a bit foolish now. "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I...I'm sorry." 
"Kevva above, you are a tender thing. I don't mean to be so grim, but that's the harsh reality that I've been livin' with since I found myself marooned. It's a miracle I've managed this long with the meager supplies allotted to us." He said, sounding rueful. "I mourn my stomach every morning as I eat those crunchy bastard bits bars and I pray for my sufferin' to end."
You didn't mean to snort, but his colorful terminology caught you off-guard. His smile was less predatory this time, as if he hadn't expected your mirth. You knelt, burrowing even deeper into your compartment until you hit the false bottom. There, underneath several sheets of whitewashed cardboard, resided your precious field kit. You had traded the entirety of your meager share from an equally-meager haul for it stands ago, once you realized how deeply entrenched Damon was in his addiction. You had always clung to the faint hope (albeit perhaps in vain) that you might be able to escape from Damon and, if you struck out on your own, you knew you would at the very least need a good field kit as a failsafe for emergencies.
You hesitated before you tugged the box free, your fingers stroking the smooth plastic. You felt silly for the melancholic sensation that rose in your chest, it was just a field kit. You could always get another one. But it had seemed like so much more than a porta-surge. Until today, it had represented your dreams of getting out from beneath Damon's thumb. 
"Not to-" You had been so lost in thought that the unexpected sound of his voice caught you by surprise. You bolted to your feet in a rush and the top of your head met the bottom of his jaw with a bone-jarring impact. Your vision faded momentarily from the force of the blow, black dots exploding and fading out. 
The older man grunted, staggering back a step. He proceeded to sit down heavily on one of the bench seats as you held your aching head in pain. The porta-surgery box laid abandoned on the floor. You could only imagine what level of punishment you were in for now. 
"Martyr's malfeasance, gentle soul, if you try to ring my bell like that again you may do me in." He groaned hoarsely, working his jaw and tonguing the inside of his cheek. "What the fuck is your cranium comprised of?"
You didn't answer, sniffling a little bit and blinking back your tears as you scooped the field kit off the ground. You held the box out to him, your eyes focused on your boots while you struggled to keep your hiccups to a minimum; Damon hated when you would cry.
You cringed when a gloved hand rested gently on the top of your head, clumsy fingers parting your hair. What was he…? "You are goin' to have a fine bruise, gentle soul. Mercifully you didn't break skin. Guess my jawline isn't as sharp as I've been claimin'." 
Was he...was he joking with you? You dared to glance up at him and you were startled by how concerned he looked. Oh, I'm still holding the kit. You gracelessly pushed the field kit against his stomach, trying to use it to give yourself some breathing room. 
Ezra seemed to get the hint and he shifted a step back, taking the kit as he went. "Kevva, this is one of the portable surgicals. Sequestering it was the intelligent choice, gentle soul." He muttered, almost like he was speaking to himself. "I am loathe to willfully use your resources, so I shall do my best to be prudent." You could feel him looking at you again. "This is all that you have, isn't it?" He asked abruptly. "The kit, those few possessions you've already dug out of that compartment."
You just cleared your throat and avoided his searching gaze with studious intent. "You're wasting time." You whispered.
"True enough." Ezra agreed. He flopped back down on the bench and rummaged around in the box, tugging loose the tiny orange sepsis kit and the patch gun with a grimace. "Hello, old friend." He then raised his voice to address you once more, "I will be makin' a copious amount of noise presently, gentle soul."
You nodded jerkily, covering your ears and turning your head away.
Part Two
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Trouble in Devildom Town, Part 2/3
Approximate reading time: 10~15 minutes
Words: 3.084 words
Lucifer pressed out a sigh.
From what Leviathan had explained, the game's concept actually got him quite agitated. He was highly interested in the game of trust and betrayal, of temporarily working together with your co-players that, in the next second, might be trying literally to backstab you.
However, his fun-o-meter had dropped remarkably after Mammon had caught up to him and Violet.
He tried ignoring his younger brother.
He tried to focus on Violet, and on finally finding a weapon to defend themselves.
He really tried,
but if Mammon was good at something, it was getting on Lucifer's nerves.
Mainly because he just kept talking and talking...
"So Lucifer, what's the plan? Why do we have to go to the forest, Lucifer? I haaaate the bugs that live there..."
Finding themselves in what seemed like a dead end, Violet looked around, spotting a little opening between the trees.
And Mammon stumbled after them, continuing to blabber...
"Hey, what weapons do you guys think they have in this game?! An epic flame thrower? Drones that explode when touching an enemy?"
The oldest brother silently helped Violet get over a tree trunk lying on the floor.
So Mammon continued...
"Oooh, I'm so hyped to check out my premium detective store once I have enough points! I'll be the most bad-ass player the world has ever...
...Hey, are you guys listening to me at all?!"
Violet gave a little sigh, mumbling an "of course we do" into Mammon's direction, but seeing the look on Lucifer's face, Mammon was unamused regardless.
"Lucifer, I swear, if you're a traitor I will never forgive you for backstabbing me. And if you're not, you'd better start doing what I want you to, because I'M the detective!"
The group came across a clearing.
"Yeah, how does that feel, huh?!" Mammon puffed his chest in an attempt to establish dominance. "I'M the superior one for once!! Actually, Lucifer, how about you..."
Mammon stopped as Lucifer had bend down to grab something lying in the grass.
It was a weird, black stick.
"... What's this?" Violet and Mammon asked simultaneously.
Then, Lucifer found a button and pressed it.
It started buzzing in a weird way, the tip was even giving off a weird, vibrating sensation (but no it's not what you think it is, you dirty-minded little...).
Lucifer stared at the stick in his hand.
Kind of on instinct, he pointed at a nearby rock, and on command, it glided into the air, following the movements Lucifer was doing with the weapon in his hand.
"A... telekinesis stick?" Violet blinked in surprise.
Lucifer stared at the stick.
Then, his eyes landed on Mammon...
With a maniac sparkle glimmering inside them.
"Oh how I wonder..." Lucifer purred threateningly, "If I can also move around people with this...?"
Mammon grew pale as he did a step backwards.
"Uh-uhm... You shouldn't... I mean... I-I-I'm the detective, remember?! If you do anything against my will, it's treason! Do you want to bust yourself as a traitor?!"
"Let's see..." Lucifer came closer. "If it means you finally shut up, then yes, I'll very gladly take that risk."
And as he pointed the club towards Mammon, the second-born's feet lost ground in an instant. Screeching and flailing helplessly in the air, Mammon's body was controlled by Lucifer's will.
"Hm... Where's the best place to dispose of you...?"
"Let me goooo...!!!" Mammon was still screaming. "That's not funny.... Lucifeeeer!!!"
With a last swing of his hand, Lucifer practically yeeted his own brother into the nearest tree.
His last words of "you traitooooor" screamed into the sky of day, Mammon vanished somewhere in-between the twigs and was nowhere to be seen.
Deactivating the stick for now, Lucifer attached it to his belt, then turned around to look at Violet.
"I'm sorry, I hope this did not cause you to bear any doubt in me now. I would hate to fight you as well."
Violet, who had watched in quite some amusement, gave a little shrug.
"It's not really any different from how you two usually behave, so... I don't really see a reason to, don't know, be wanting to kill you all of a sudden."
She gained a laugh from the male.
"What a weird sentence, but fairly pleasant to hear."
He reached out his hand.
"Well then, shall we continue and find you a weapon as well?"
  Meanwhile, the twin brothers had reached a point where the giant cliff and the other platform became visible.
Seeing that Beel was about to go exactly there, Belphie finally pulled himself out of his brother's grip.
"W-wait, Beel...! What's gotten into you?! Do you really want to go over there??"
"... Why not?"
The avatar of Sloth crossed his arms.
"Think about it. What if there's a traitor on the other side, waiting for some idiots to walk right into his trap? With only this bridge as means of escape, this is the perfect place to camp for innocents to come by."
A little silence came over them.
Belphie was kind of stressed to see his brother pondering over something else than their own personal survival as a pair, while Beel stared over to the other side, lost in thoughts.
Then Beel's eyes widened all of a sudden.
"... Clover!!"
He dashed towards the bridge, leaving his puzzled brother behind.
Belphie was screaming after him, searching for what could have caused Beel to be in such a hurry.
His mouth fell open as he spotted a person lying on the bridge, a leg stuck between the wooden planks.
Clover was waving at Beel to come and save her.
Hurrying after Beel, Belphie kept analysing the scene, a feeling in his guts that something was off about this sight...
He watched as Beel was calling out to her, but she wasn't replying at all, only waving and helplessly trying to pull her leg out of there.
Then Belphie realised what was bugging him.
He stared at the nickname above her head...
And Belphie dashed towards his brother.
"Beel, wait!! This is a tra-"
  "Somebody.... Help meee..."
Levi heard a voice when making his way through the forest.
He wasn't very pleased to have heard that voice.
In a great sigh, Levi came to a stop next to a large tree that was covered in twines.
And amidst these twines, there was Mammon, obviously stuck, giving awful whines as he wasn't able to free himself apparently.
"... Mammon."
"LEVI!!!" Mammon was swinging in glee as he saw the otaku passing by. "Levi, my most favourite brother!! Oh, have I ever been more glad to see you?"
Levi gave another stressed noise, not really wanting to interrupt his hunt for ammunition or another weapon, but the thick forest actually kept him from proceeding.
"You knoooow..." Mammon continued to muse, "I really think we're getting more close to each other lately. Don't you think so, too? Like, as the second- and third-born brothers, we kinda just HAVE to stick together... Don't we?"
Levi started to think.
"So..." Mammon continued. "Could you... Maybe... Help me get out of here?"
Levi was thinking...
And he made his decision.
He left.
"Wha-?! Levi, what are you doing?!?!" Now Mammon was swinging in anger. "Help me, you dumbass, I'm the frickin' DETECTIVE, why are y'all so mean to meeeee?!?"
And well, he had a point...
But Levi left anyways.
  It felt weird for Clover to lead the way after she and Satan had passed the bridge, but as the girl was the one bearing the weapon, Satan had told her to go first.
The buildings here looked similar to those in the spawning area, poorly built, mostly empty, and with dust and plants covering them.
They checked one house at a time, and soon Satan was equipped with a riffle gun and a batch of ammo to go along with it.
Clover felt a little unsafe, seeing how now Satan was actually able to eliminate her in the brink of a second, but he really didn't seem like he was up to anything bad.
But how could she be so sure, you ask yourself? That this evil, wrathy mind wasn't coming up with a master plan just this second?
Well, when they found one specific building...
Clover peeked inside the house that Satan had went into while she was guarding him.
"Is... Everything alright?" She asked in a mumble, but the male quickly waved her off.
"Of course, I'm perfectly fine" he responded.
"Hey, uhm, Clover, do you mind checking out the two remaining houses by yourself? Don't worry, I'll be back by your side in a second, but I, uhm... Want to check how this thing here works."
Clover stared at him for a moment.
"Satan, if you do kill me after all I will never forgive you."
"No no, I won't, I promise, just... Please?"
She had no choice but to check the other buildings herself.
The first one, a house close to the one Satan was sitting in, was empty.
However, the last and biggest shack was another deal.
A few of the other houses had their front doors unlocked, and so was this door as Clover stepped inside.
It was rather gloomy inside, so she pulled the curtains open to have a better look at her surroundings.
While she was browsing through the abandoned house, looking for anything of use to her, the girl was ripped out of her thoughts by the sound of an explosion. It appeared to be rather far away, however, so in the end, Clover was unsure what to do.
She feared that someone might have destroyed the bridge, or that something had happened to Satan.
"No... The explosion would have been louder if it went off on this platform..." she thought out loud.
She found it best to quickly skim through the house and then return to her partner as soon as possible.
And actually, she was pleased to find a whole batch of different weapons.
A knife, three grenades, and a shotgun, loaded but with no additional ammo.
Clover attached them to her belt and kept the knife in her hand...
When she heard footsteps approaching.
"... Satan...?"
No, the steps sounded too heavy, Satan had been moving more careful and silent before...
The girl backed away from the door, careful to not be obviously visible through the windows.
Ready to grab her pistol, she stared at the doorframe...
Then Beel stepped inside, a surprised look on his face as he locked eyes with her.
  "... It seems we have seen about most of the forest by now."
Lucifer came to a stop, resting on a rock and gesturing Violet to do the same.
"What do we have so far?" he asked, pointing at their equipment.
"We have... two pistols, one for each of us, a sniper gun... one smoke grenade and a few normal ones... And this weird magnet stick."
The male was nodding contently. They shared the ammunition and grenades fairly between each other, then the demon raised himself to walk around while thinking.
"Well, looking at the timer... We have about thirty minutes left to survive. However, it seems somebody must have died within the last two minutes, because I recall to have more time passed originally..."
Somewhere in-between his rambling, Lucifer noticed that Violet didn't seem to be listening.
In fact, she wasn't even looking at him.
He kept staring at her, until eventually, her eyes would wander up from the void she had been staring into.
A light blush spread on her cheeks as she blinked in awkwardness.
"... Is something wrong?" she asked.
"Where were you" Lucifer asked in a sharper tone, not leaving her out of his sight now.
"I was emersed in thoughts, I'm sorry" she waved it off. "It's just... a weird concept we're in, so I was thinking about how to further proceed in the best way."
Lucifer pressed out a hum.
"Indeed... But I find this to be rather thrilling. Most of Levi's games are too childish for my taste, but this here has caught my interest..."
He made a little pause.
"Although..." he then began, "there are a few things about this game I have yet to figure out."
Violet tilted her head.
"Like what?"
Lucifer's gaze finally drifted off her as he pushed himself away from the rock to lumber around.
"Well, for example... Levi has told us that the traitors as well as the detective have access to a special weapon repertoire... But how exactly do they enter this store? Is it a place to visit, or what should I interpret it as?"
Again, Violet blinked.
"Uhm... I guess in the game's normal version, you'll have some kind of window you can click on... It's not like a place, but more an additional inventory where you can buy stuff. Or at least, that's how I imagine it..."
A soft wind's breeze carried a silence onto them.
Violet grew a little concerned as Lucifer wouldn't respond anything, his back turned towards her.
"... Lucifer...? What's wrong, what are you thinking about?"
She heard him breathe out...
Then, he turned around, starting to walk back to her, arms crossed as he pinned her down with his eyes.
"I was only wondering... If I was to enter a shop like the traitor's weapon repertoire, it would be something like a cognitive process, as the shop itself is not a material place according to your description."
He came to a stop in front of her, placing a hand next to where she was leaning against the rock.
"And then I thought... How would that look like to the other players?"
Violet's eyes widened as his eyes narrowed, his face slowly getting closer to hers.
There was a thick tone of thread painting his voice as he continued.
"I personally imagine it could look like...
Somebody mindlessly staring off into the distance while taking advantage of the other person not paying close attention to them..."
Violet had backed away on instinct, but soon she was bend over the stone and could not escape his deviously sparkling eyes any longer.
"Or what would you say... my dear traitor?"
    --- just a little earlier... ---
 Belphie hurried after his brother.
"Beel, wait!! This is a tra-"
An explosion went off before Belphie could finish his sentence.
The avatar of Sloth protected himself from the chunks of dirt flying through the air, but the explosion's impulse pushed him off his feet nonetheless.
When he felt save enough to open up his eyes again, he saw a large hole in the ground near the bridge, but the construction itself didn't seem to be damaged.
Although, what was more important...
Belphegor stumbled towards his brother, falling onto his knees as he crouched down beside his body.
"... Beel...?"
Sighing, he had soon to realise that now Beelzebub's health bar was visible, however he had to see that it had dropped to zero.
His eyes snapping back at the bridge, Belphegor gasped as he watched Clover pulling her leg out of the bridge. She looked back at the tragedy that had happened, before turning around to run away from Belphegor and onto the smaller plattform.
   "... Beel?" Clover watched the male entering the house, his arms raised in a gesture to show he meant no harm.
She felt herself shivering, but let go of her pistol for now.
"What are you doing here? Weren't you with Belphie?"
Beel's eyes were averted as he came closer.
His face showed extreme sadness.
"The explosion..." he whispered, so faint that Clover had trouble understanding him.
"Did he...?" She hurried towards him.
Beel gave a little nod.
Then, the girl grew suspicious.
"Wait... You didn't... kill him, did you...?"
Now he was shaking his head.
"I would never..." Again, he whispered, barely any colour in his voice at all.
His arms slowly found her shoulders.
"He is dead..." His voice was so fragile it stressed Clover a lot.
"Beel, this is only a game..." she mumbled in an attempt to soothe him.
Then, suddenly, he pulled her towards him, his arm wrapped around her waist and his free hand cupping her cheek.
"I only got you left..."
The girl flushed red in an instant, her brain errored as she was overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.
As her hands grew sweaty, the knife she was holding just kind of slipped out of her grip.
She was about to babble a response, but completely puzzled, she didn't manage to press out more than his name.
"Clover..." he whispered, and now Clover realised his voice sounded so weird, even despite him whispering. "Please, let me..."
He didn't finish his sentence, but instead let his lips land onto hers.
Confused, but not able to pull away, the girl let it happen, her eyes fluttering shut on instinct.
She felt her heart beating incredibly fast, even more as his tongue slipped inside her mouth.
While breathng faint sounds, Clover was amazed by how... perfect this felt.
This sensation, his kissing style, the way he moved and played with her, how they have stumbled backwards until she felt her back pressed against the wall...
It was so...
So full of...
Clover realised too late she was done for.
The second she felt something besides his tongue inside her mouth, her opponent was pulling away, forcefully pressing a hand against her mouth.
When Clover opened her eyes, she wasn't looking into Beel's eyes,
But those of Asmodeus.
"Oh, my..." He purred, keeping the struggling girl in his grip easily. "What a kiss~! So full of emotions, so full of... Love~?"
Clover was desperate to not swallow the pill she felt being in her mouth, but in the end, she couldn't suppress the reflex.
Seconds later, she was coughing, and Asmo let go of her.
She fell onto her knees, holding her throat as she felt like being choked, in terrible need of air.
"I'm so sorry, darling. But I'm not a fan of blood and the like, so I decided to go with a weapon that is more my style..."
She managed to glance at Asmo as tears filled her eyes.
"But hey!" The demon cheered. "Maybe Beel was watching us from the spectator lobby, then he saw how passionate you are about making out with him!"
Then, her body fully collapsed, and Asmo took his time to loot her corpse.
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The Remnant Branches
CH. 3 - Would You Like To Hear A Song? Or Perhaps See A Pretty Flower?
Parts 1 - 6
Glynda arrives in a mysterious forest, and makes acquaintance with a beautiful program. There, in a dream, her adventure begins. After her dream, she awakes in another world once more. There, she becomes acquainted with a young woman and her sisters. And eventually, she returns to Ozpin with Qrow already there, and James arriving back soon after.
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Glynda wakes up on cool grass, surrounded by fog. Checking her countdown, she sees that she was only out for an hour.
“Hmph. A wasted hour.” she retorts, as if he wants the hour to feel bad for being useless. But, she doesn’t dwell on it any further.
She gets up, and dusts herself off. She notices that its not fog, but steam. Alarm bells go off in her head, but she doesn’t panic. Panicking could very easily lead to death. At least the magic Ozpin used renders death in the unknown world as a trip back to Remnant. Looking around, she sees that trees and shrubs also surround her. She takes that as a good sign, but is curious as to why there is a lot of steam in a forest, and begins to walk in a direction.
As she walks, she trips over something. At first, she assumes its a root, and curses the fog and the root, but then sees that it is a pipe. From it, steam is periodically released.She sees that it extends further into the steam, and follows it. As she walks around, she notices that the forest is rather quiet, despite the amount of pipes there must be, and that she has yet to see or hear any animals.
The deeper she goes, the more humid and warm it gets, so she assumes she’s going in the right direction. However, she regrets not changing her attire more and more. Oz advised lighter clothing, but she was adamant that she would be fine. She doesn’t blame herself much though. Most don’t prepare for a forest filled with steam.
Soon, she sees more and more pipes. They all vary in size, and converge somewhere. And sooner, she sees where they converge. They all lead to a single, incredibly large tree. Although, it was a lot less organic than most trees. It reminded her of James, in a sense. It was half organic, and half inorganic, but the tree’s machinery and wood did not part cleanly down the middle. It was all entangled and intertwined. In some places, it seemed as if the metal completely integrated into the tree. Or was it that the tree seamlessly integrated into the metal? She couldn’t tell.
Regardless, she made her way to the base of the tree to inspect it further. With each step, her body grew sleepier and sleepier, despite the protest of her mind.
“I knew… I should have…” she yawned, “stole their coffee...”
Just as she touched the base of the tree, she fell into a nearby bush as she fell into the deep slumber of Sleeping Beauty.
The strange woman had finally awoken, stretching as she rose up to stand.
“What the fuck???” Glnda exclaimed, rather confused. “These are all words and sounds, and I didn’t stand up and stretch because there’s only words and sounds here!”
She continued on with her insane rambling, spouting nonsense left and right.
“I didn’t say anything more, for your information. Now, could you please explain to me what is going on? I am a very busy woman and I don’t have time for your games.”
“Well? Are you going to answer or not?”
“Ugh. Fine then. I’ll figure it out myself.”
Upon hearing the commotion outside, she stepped out of her castle and onto its front steps. Before her laid a beautiful land of plenty. Verdant plants and flowers of every color were before her. Just beyond the porch lay a yellow brick road. Seeing the beauty of her land brought a smile to her face.
“I did none of that, but the description is helpful, I suppose?”
“There she is!” shouted a voice. “Its Glinda the Good Witch of the South!”
“It’s spelled G-L-Y-N-D-A, Glynda, and I’m not a witch of the south or anything. Please cease all this nonsense. It’s starting to give me a headache.”
“My, if it isn’t Dorothy, slayer of that Wicked Witch of the West.” said the good witch as she gracefully glided down the many beautiful steps.
“Wait. I recognize that voice… Theodore? Is that you? What are you doing here?”
“My, if it isn’t Theodore, slayer of that Wicked Witch of the West.” said the good witch as she gracefully glided down the many beautiful steps.
“I guess I’m just going to have to live with this, aren’t I?.”
“How may I help you, young Theodore?” asked Glynda.
“Please, I need you to help me have to find my way home!” the young man pleaded.
“Hmph. He isn’t exactly young, you know.”
“Please, I need you to help me have to find my way home!” the YOUNG man pleaded.
“You know what… You’re just lucky he’d like to be called young.”
“But I want to help my friends first before I leave.” the dashing man explained.
“I’m the Cowardly Lion.” said the furry beast.
“Leonardo? What the hell is happening here?”
“And I want to be brave! I have to be brave, but I am not, so I need magic to make me brave!” the kingly animal said just as a cute, little mouse in blue work pants scurried at his feet. “EEK!” the lion shrieked as he jumped into the air and into the arms of the one next to him. “See! I am a Lion! I shouldn’t be afraid of a mouse. You have to help me!”
“I’m the Tinman of the Forest,” began the tin man as he gently placed the cowardly beast down. “And I need to have a heart.”
“General Ironwood?”
“To be exact, I need to have a heart of my own so I can love. I want to love, but I can’t without a heart. There was once a doctor with beautiful green eyes that visited my woods frequently to help an adjacent neighbor of mine, and we became good friends, and then we started dating. But, I can’t love, so things didn’t work out. I need a heart so I can feel love, and give it too. I saw a very beautiful flower the other day. It was a shining white and had five luscious petals. I would like to begin by loving that. Starting simple, you know?” the iron man shyly explained
“Well that’s sad.”
“Oh you poor thing.” said the good witch with an incredibly sad look on her face.
“Mmm, not that sad.”
“Oh you poor thing.” said the good witch with a sorrowful look on her face.
“Better. What’s the next person’s story?”
“And you, Mr. Scarecrow, what is it you need?”
“I need a brain, you see.” the Scarecrow told her.
“Yup. Qrow really could use one of those on occasion.”
“I want to be smart! Just the other day, a farmer boy came to me and asked for help with baking. He said it was so a girl in a red hood could give it to her grandma, but I’m not smart enough to read, so I messed up the measuring amounts and the steps. The peach pie still came out alright, but I want to be smart so I can be helpful! You’ve got to help me Glynda!” The Scareqrow said as he begged on his knees.
“Well those are words I’d never thought I’d hear in his voice. Ha. First time for everything I guess.”
“Oh you,” the witch of the west chuckled, “and you, and you, and you!” she said, pointing at each of them with her magical wand. “I may not be able to help you, but there is someone who can. You all must go to the Emerald City. There you will find Prince Ozma. He has such powerful magic, and with it, he will be able to help you. However, beware of the Wicked Witch of the West, Shalem.” The beautiful and good witch explained.
“Why thank you. I appreciate the compliment. … You know, you’re not so bad.”
“Shalem keeps her eyes on the city in hopes to destroy it and Ozma. I hear they have quite the past with each other. But, I am not one to gossip.” The gentle, serene, and most beautiful of the ensemble said as she floated back to the top of the stairs.
“Hmm, Oz and Salem… Oh, thank you, I appreciate it, I do, but you don’t need to go overboard with it for me. Besides, it makes the sentence too wordy.”
“Salem keeps her eyes on the city in hopes to destroy it and Oz. I hear they have quite the past with each other. But, I am not one to gossip.” The serene and gentle good witch said as she floated back to the top of the stairs.
“See? Better.”
“Now, all four of you have to do is follow the yellow brick road there. It will take you to The Emerald City and Oz. And remember, beware of Salem and her monsters. I wish all of you the best of luck.”
“Thank you Glynda!” the group said in unison. In the distance she could hear them singing gleefully about following the yellow brick road. She almost felt compelled to join them at their request.
No, she did not feel that. She didn’t want to follow them in the slightest. She had her little moment of repose, and wanted to get back to business. To do that, she needed to answer some questions first.
“Thank you. I’m glad things are moving along.”
She waited for the questions in anticipation, fearing that she would answer wrong and have to start the text all over again.
“Huh? Could you repeat that?”
1) What was the mouse wearing?
A. a pair of Blue Pants
B. a Plaid Bowtie
C. a Flower
D. A and B
E. None of the Above
“A, a pair of Blue Pants. You should know, I am a teacher. I make tests like these on a much, much, much more difficult scale than this.”
2) What was the color of the doctor’s eyes?
A. Brown
B. Green
C. Red
D. White
E. Pink
“B, green. Huh, was that supposed to be Watts? How did you know that?”
3) Who did the farm boy and the Scareqrow try to make a pie for?
A. a Magical Songstress
B. a Grandma
C. a Sister
D. a White Flower
E. a Girl With a Red Hood
“Ok, it’s between the grandma and the girl in red. It was made for the girl so she could give it to her grandma. Hmm, who did they make the pie for… E! Damn trick question...”
“Don’t … me! It’s making me nervous! And I’ll be very annoyed and angry if I have to go through that again.”
“Ha ha ha. Very funny.”
“Oh thank goodness.” she said as she let out a sigh of relief. “That, is true.” she confirms with a smile.
My favorite memory: the memory of the beginning of the end. A giant of grotesque white emerges from the sky, fighting a red dragon. A chaotic song ushers in a new world, a new world that is born on the brink of death. But, it is also a world with magic. It is born from the defeat of the giant, and the death of the dragon. The red dragon falls, and is skewered onto Tokyo Tower, June 12th, 2003.
The magic born from it is called Maso, the demonic element. I will show you the power born from it. Amazing isn’t it? Not only humans wield its incredible power, but machines, and androids too. It is a shame this could not be in a better world.
The magic of the giant rains. It rains a massless white. It is a snow in summer. It is salt though, not snow. That accursed magic is a virus. Those that are infected either turn into that same weightless salt, or become a beast akin to the giant. It is a shame this came into existence at all.
Research into other worlds has shown that the beast’s magic initiates a connection to god. The god offers a pact to the unfortunate human. If they agree, they become a beast. Let me show you. … Terrifying aren't they? If they refuse… well, you just saw what happened.
There is more to this story, and you will find some of it in a distant past, in another dimension. With it, you will find what you seek.
I, Sleeping Beauty, aim to keep knowledge of the past alive, among other things. I grant you this knowledge and more. With you, the past of this world will have a greater chance of living on now. And, as a true human, I serve you, and grant you your desire to the best of my ability.
“Thank you Glynda. Stay safe.” Sleeping Beauty solemnly told her friend.
“You’re welcome. And thank you too. Tell me, isn’t there anything I can do for you?” Glynda said, sad for a reason she could not fully discern. Perhaps it was because someone finally showed some thanks to her. She laughs lightly.
“No. You’ve done more than enough. ” The program replied.
“Goodbye Sleeping Beauty. Sweet dreams.” A calm yet sad smile is on her face as she fades from her dream.
I think this dream might be my new favorite memory. Hmmm. At the very least, it’s my new favorite dream.
When Glynda awakes, she finds herself in a well furnished but simple room. She realizes that she is no longer with Sleeping Beauty. She looks around, and finds no one there. However, there is a small letter on a nearby nightstand. She picks it up and reads it,
To whom it concerns,
If you're reading this, you’re awake, I am sure you have many questions. As do I. Just wander until you find a servant. They will direct you to me. Once you find me, I will explain myself to you, and you can explain yourself to me. I am sure we will reach an understanding.
Lady One
“Lady One...” Glynda murmured to herself. She didn’t know if she could trust this Lady One person, but she didn’t have much of a choice. She could just ditch the place. It seems like it would be easy since the Lady just told her to wander. But, Glynda wanted answers. Worst comes to worst, she ends up back in Remnant with an already decent repertoire of info on the magic. So, she heads out the door.
A lavish, ornate hall is what she sees, much different from the room. She considers that this might not even be the world she was first sent to. This palace is a place that simply could not exist in the world of eternal night and day. She passes a portrait of a young girl. She wears white clothing with black accents. She has light blond hair, red eyes, and pale skin. Glynda assumes it’s the daughter of Lady One, or a painting of her younger self.
After finding a painting of a purple dragon, the paintings of four other women, and a detailed painting of a well decorated city, Glynda finally runs into a servant.
“Oh, excuse me!” she cried out, grabbing the servant’s attention. He silently ushers her to follow him, so she does.
However, she still maintains her wariness with The Disciplinarian at her side, just in case. She is led through a maze of halls, each just as beautiful as the last, but each providing information no more useful than the last. Eventually, they come upon a set of doors, which the servant opens for her to enter. Once past the doors, the servant quietly shuts them behind her.
In front of her is a large table. If it weren’t so fancy, it could be in a school cafeteria. Sitting on the left end is a girl, the same one from the painting. She sits, eating a small plate of food. It’s mostly full, so she either just started eating, or was a very slow eater. She turns her head to acknowledge Glynda.
“Please, have a seat.” she says, motioning to a chair not too far from her. In front of it is another plate of food.
“Yes, of course.” she states, and walks to the seat. The girl doesn’t say anything as she takes a seat. She just continues eating. “So, are you Lady One?” Glynda asks to break the silence.
“Yes. I am, but just call me One. You’re not a subject of mine after all.” She takes another bite of her food and swallows. “Who are you? If you don't mind telling me.”
“I don’t mind at all. My name is Glynda. Glynda Goodwitch.”
“Glynda, what brings a woman like you here?”
“I was sent on a mission to learn about magic.”
“And who could have sent you to do that?”
“My boss. A man named Ozpin. But if I remember correctly, you said in your letter that you would explain yourself to me.” Glynda said, whipping out the letter. One grabbed it, and reread it.
“Well. I did. In that case, you are in Midgard, in The Cathedral City. And I am Lady One, an Intoner. I found you on the floor asleep as I rounded a corner. I sensed the magic of a dragon around you. Which brings me to this: who are you. I know you aren’t from this world.”
“Well, how I got here is a bit convoluted, and I don't really understand it all. But, I will try my best to explain myself.” And Glynda did her best to explain herself, from Oz and his mysterious magic and even more mysterious knowledge, to Sleeping Beauty and her manufactured dreams, and the gist of the unsettling knowledge granted to her.
“I see. Well, while you are here, you are free to visit my libraries. You should be able to find plenty of information concerning magic there.”
“Really, you’d let me do that?” Glynda asked in awe. She was amazed a stranger would just let her have access to that.
“Yes. If there’s magic in your world, The Flower could be a threat there. This way, if it does show up there, your world will not be defenseless.” She said, taking a sip of tea when she finished her sentence.
“The Flower?”
“Hmm. I suppose I should give you the basics.” One summed up her story from the beginning, from Zero, The Inoners, Gabriella, and her research into magic and The Flower, only omitting her brother.
“That is… a lot, to say the least.”
“Perhaps, but I manage it well. But please, tell me more about your world. I sensed a different kind of magic on you, one I’ve yet to come across. Is it from Ozpin?”
“Most likely. He used magic to grant me the ability of telekinesis.” she said, lifting a teacup with a movement of a finger. “It’s also the same ability as my semblance, but I only really tend to use the magic when my aura has run out.”
“What is a semblance, and aura for that matter?” One asked quizzically.
“I’m guessing that’s not a thing here. Well, aura” she said, manifesting it for One to see, “is a manifestation of one’s soul. Its used as a layer of protection from things such as attacks and extreme heat. It’s also best to think of aura as a resource, as it can run out if it’s used too much. Semblances are a power that is typically unique to a person, and are intrinsically linked to aura, and possibly a person’s personality. Without aura, a semblance cannot develop. It is also best to think of them as a muscle. The more you use them, the stronger they become. However, aura is not magic, and neither is a semblance.”
“Can anyone have an aura and a semblance?”
“So long as it has a soul, yes. Aura can be developed over time, or unlocked with the help of someone who already has aura. A semblance, however, is more finicky. Sometimes, even those who had honed their aura well will not manifest a semblance.”
“Interesting… Shall we see if an Intoner can have an aura?” One questioned, eager to see if it was indeed possible.
“You have a soul, so I don’t see why not.”
“Our universes could be ruled by different laws.” One suggested.
“That is a possibility… But there’s no harm in trying. May I see your hand please?” Glynda requested as she held out her own hand. One obliged, and placed her hand in Glynda’s. Glynda closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and focused. She brought her aura up, and began to transfer it into One in an attempt to kickstart her own aura. Her efforts were successful. Purple aura began to turn red once it entered One.
“And that’s,” she huffed, “that. Congrats. You have an aura.”
One marveled at her new ability. This was the magic she sensed. It was weak compared to the magic of The Flower, but knew it could be because it was newly manifested. She focused some of it on her other palm. In it, a red barrier formed, one that felt different from a barrier formed of Song.
“It seems as if you’re a natural. That kind of technique tends to take years of training to master.”
“Is that so?”
“Very much so. If you need help in training your aura, I could help you. I’d say I’m very qualified to do so, as well.”
“I’ll take your offer, but, perhaps tomorrow. It’s getting late.”
“Yes, that would be a good idea. But do you mind if I take a visit to the library? I’ve had a lot of sleep recently, so I’ll probably be up for a while.”
“Of course.” she said. With the snap of her fingers, a servant quickly appeared. “Please escort her to the library.” she ordered him, “When you’re ready to retire, just get one of the servants or guards. They’ll escort you to your room. If you need anything of them really, just ask, and they’ll see to it.”
“Yes. Thank you One. Feel free to summon me if you need me as well.” She said. With One’s hum of approval, she went off to the library. She was glad her mission was going good, It wasn’t as planned, but still good, very good at that.
The library itself was large, as expected. She wasn’t sure where to begin, and asked the servant if he had any advice. He pointed her to a dusty book in the center of a table. It was an index of topics. Topics such as food, carpentry, and sealife. It also listed where each topic could be found in the library. Magic could be found on isle 547, so that’s where she went. She found the servants a bit odd, but did not bother to dwell on it.
On a small table by the aisle was another dusty book. It listed the subtopics and what shelf number to find the desired subtopic. Demonic magic, healing magic, elemental magic, transformation magic, alchemy, and even sexual magic were a few of the topics she saw as she scanned through the thin book. She was sure Oz didn’t plan for this level of magical knowledge. But, she had to begin somewhere, so she began with something she thought might interest Oz: Magiks Related to The Soule, as the book was titled. It was discussed, pacts, transferring souls among vessels, creating a soul, destroying a soul, and shaping souls.
Most of it proved too complex to easily understand. However, she did take pictures of some glyphs and the surrounding text. The only thing that was simple was pacts, which One briefly mentioned earlier. She found the concept interesting, and thought could have some use in Remnant. So, she went to find a book on the basics. There were many specialized beginner-friendly books, but she settled on a book on the generalities of magic.
It stated that magic was a natural ability that could not be learned. A person either had an affinity for it, or didn’t. Even then, people only had an affinity for certain magic, or multiple magics if they were lucky. Beyond that, lots of magic was connected to a writing known as Angelic Script. It was indecipherable, but otherwise well documented. It showed some basic glyphs that she took a picture of with her scroll. Magic also tended to need a conduit. This was a concept she understood well. Weapons could be a conduit for aura, and some semblances worked better with a conduit, much like her own. In passing, it mentioned that some species had innate magic, magic connected to either god, or the gods. No one was entirely sure.
It was all very mysterious, but she began to find herself feeling drowsy, and found a guard to escort her to her room. There, she slept very comfortably, glad she was making progress.
After eating, and after the woman from another world left, One was left to ponder her new ability. She focused the aura onto the tips of her fingers to form claws.
“Is that a new form of magic you learned, sister?” her brother asked.
“In a sense, yes. Its called aura, an embodiment of the soul. Remember that lady you found? She is from another world, another dimension. She said it wasn’t magic, but as far as I’m concerned, it is.” She stood up, and with the slash of an arm, sent a wave of aura that sliced through a training dummy.
“Do you think you could teach me it?” he asked.
“It can be taught, but there is a quicker way. Let me see your hand.” she requested. Just as she saw Glynda do, she held his hand and focused on transferring the aura to unlock it. It was met with success, as a darker red appeared on him.
“Do you feel it brother?” she asked. She understood why the woman seemed a bit drained after preforming the unlock, but it was hardly anything to One. She chalked up the difference to her status as an actual intoner.
“I do.” he said with amazement. He tried to bring forth a small barrier in his palm like he saw his sister do, but failed. It was faint, and flickered on and off.
“Odd. Yours is weaker.” she said, inspecting his palm.
“You said it was an embodiment of the soul right?” he asked. At that moment, she had a theory.
“Yes. I did. That means this aura is not only mine’s, but Gabriel’s as well.” She turned to look at Gabriel, who was peacefully resting.
“That could explain why yours is so strong, right sister?”
“It could, but I don’t know enough about it to know for sure. I will ask the woman tomorrow though. This could help us in our war against Zero.”
“And The Flower.”
“I don’t think this will truly help against The Flower, but we can hope, can’t we?” she said, her expression darkening.
“Sister, what else did she tell you?”
“That people with aura can develop a power unique to them, and something else. She traveled to another world before this one. That world faced something I think is related to The Flower. It was killed by a dragon, but its remains forced a pack with the gods onto people who came into contact with it. If they refused, they turned into a massless salt. If they agreed, they became a slave of the gods.”
“So even in death and defeat, The Flower can still be a threat.” Brother One stated.
“Apparently so. At the very least, we can put more trust in the Dragon-Bone weapons. Now spar with me Brother!” One commanded, putting some distance between her and her brother. “Show me you haven’t been slacking off.”
“Understood!” he shouted back, jumping to his feet, readying his Dragon-Bone Sword. In the background, the morning sun shone brightly.
One made the first move, dashing forward to slash with her chakram. Her brother parried it, countering with a thrust into a slash that One caught in her chakram. With a twist of her weapon, pulled the sword out of his hand, and into hers. She kicked him back, and pointed the sword at him. Seeing that he was defeated, he yielded.
“Well, you lasted a second longer than last time. You are improving. I will give you that.” She said as she helped him up and gave him back his sword.
“Impressive technique, One. In my world, you would no doubt be a legendary huntsman.” praised a voice.
“Oh, Glynda. I didn’t expect you to be up so early.” Said One.
“It’s a habit, but I thought you only had sisters?” she curiously questioned.
“This is my brother, Brother One. I keep him a secret because he is my failsafe, in case everything goes wrong.” she explained.
“A smart move. But, I’m honored you trust me with this.”
“With how shortly you’ll be staying here, it’s not much of a risk.”
“Fair point. But, I just finished my breakfast and came to see if you needed anything of me before I head off to the library.” Glynda explained. One thought for a moment, looking at Glynda, a teacher of combat, and then her brother, someone who needed combat training.
“Actually, yes. I’ll be gone for a few days to gather my sisters. I have word that Zero is making her way here once more. During that time, I’d like for you to train my brother. At least a few hours a day would suffice.”
“I can do that. Do you have any specific kind training in mind?” Glynda asked. She preferred to be very thorough.
“Combat training, but before I leave, would you mind having a spar with me?” Once asked of Glynda. “I’d like to gauge your strength against mine.”
“I don’t mind at all. I believe this will be a beneficial experience for both of us.” Glynda said, drawing out The Disciplinarian.
“Good. However, no magic, only our other abilities, our weapons, and our surroundings. Our spar ends when one of us is depleted of our aura. Is that agreeable?”
“Very. Now, let’s begin.”
Glynda, with an aura coated fist, hit a nearby pillar to knock a few chunks of stone out of it. Using her semblance, she sent the stones hurtling towards One with incredible speed. With skilled dexterity, One used her chakram to reduce them all to dust before they hit her. However, she did not anticipate for them to reform and hone in on her once more. She jumped just in time for the stones to crash into each other, rather than her.
“Impressive technique.” One complimented.
“Thank you. It usually gets them the first time though.” Glynda bantered.
This time, she kicked a pillar to chunk off larger pieces. They were hurled at One as she was still in the air, but she was fast with her chakram. It was obviously a weapon forged with only the best materials. It sliced through the stone like butter, cutting it up into smaller and smaller pieces. By the time she realized her error, she was being pelted by pebbles that hit hard due to the incredible velocity they were flying at. Focusing on her aura, she extended it outwards instantly in the shape of a bubble, pulverizing any remaining projectiles in the vicinity.
Free of the onslaught, she threw her chakram into the air. It was a slow move that Glynda could see she could dodge if she moved unpredictably. Unfortunately for her, One’s senses were too sharp to allow her to miss. It crashed down onto Glynda with incredible force, meteroing her into the ground. She got up as quickly as she could, but One used this opening to unleash a combo of attacks that Glynda could not defend against.
Meanwhile, Brother One was watching intently, amazed at his sister’s skill, and Glynda’s own tenacity and skill as well. He was excited for the coming days, and hoped to learn much. He wanted to make his sister proud. He was certainly proud of his sister as with one final attack infused with her aura, she shattered the aura of her opponent, winning the spar.
“Impressive.” One complemented as she helped Glynda up.
“You’re quite impressive yourself.” she returned as she dusted herself off.
“Us Intoners are rather… gifted.”
“I get the feeling that’s an understatement.”
“It is.” Brother One interjected. “With Zero on her way, you’ll be likely to see the full might of an Intoner soon.”
“In any case, I have no doubt you can teach my Brother much. Well. I should be taking my leave now. The sooner our sisters are here, the better.”
“A wise move.” Glynda commented. Then, they all heard the door to the training ground open.
“A report, My Lady.” the servant said. He only acknowledges his Intoner. Glynda notices that Brother One even doesn’t try to hide. He just looks at the exchange.
“What does it say?”
“Zero and her group have been spotted in an area a few days away. However, a soldier that managed to escape said that most of the loss was caused by her dragon, and a new member of her group: a man with a scorpion tail.” he stated. Glynda immediately perked up at the mention of Zero’s new friend.
“Tyrian… I know that man.” she told One. “Tyrian. He’s a follower of Salem. When Zero arrives, I will take care of him.”
“I am sure you will.” she tells Glynda. “Get the Dragon-Bone daggers,” she orders the servant, “and give them to her.” She returns her attention to Glynda. “Consider it a gift for instructing my Brother, and something to help your world should The Flower ever become a threat there.”
“Of course. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” One says, and looks to the sky. “Gabriel.” In mere moments, an incredible dragon appears at her call. It is unlike anything Glynda has ever seen, and stares at it in awe. One’s words had not done it any justice. With the flap of its wings, it is in the air, and out of sight in only a few minutes.
“My sister has a theory that her aura is strong because her pact partner is Gabriel.” One tells Glynda.
“Hmm...” she thinks for a moment. “That could be a factor, all things considered.”
“It’s a rather interesting way the rules of our worlds interact, don’t you think, Miss Glynda?”
“Yes, it is. But if I’m going to be your teacher, call me Miss Goodwitch.” she instructs him.
“Understood, Miss Goodwitch.”
“Hm.” she acknowledges. “Let’s begin today’s training then. First, show me what you know.”
“Mmm, to what pleasure do I owe you, my dear sister? Bored of the Cathedral city? Looking for some real fun? I do have the best brothels in the land.”
“No, Five. I’m here to gather you and our sisters. Zero is launching another attack, and I intend to finish her this time.”
“Aww, can’t we have some fun with her first? We never had any fun...” she laments.
“No again, Five.”
“Oh, all well. You’ll have prostitutes in the city, right?”
“Yes Five. There will be prostitutes.” One says.
“Oh goody!” she squealed as she claps and hops up and down, her tits bouncing uncontrollably. The servants in the room all have their eyes on her. “Let's get going then! Cathedral City, here I cum! Uwaaah!” Silently, One prays for Four.
“Eeyah! There’s my favorite, flat chested sister, Four! And my breasts are still as huge as ever, if you don’t believe my letters. Are you still doing that whole virginity thing anyways? I just have to know.” Five asks Four.
“Hello One, Five.” She greets, ignoring what Five just said.
“Hello Four.”
“Now, I imagine you have an important message or a request of me? Whatever it is, I’ll do it!” she affirms.
“Mmm, whatever? You’re so brave...” Five asked. Four turned to her to give her a death glare. I will fucking kill you, whore! She mouthed, facing away from One.
“Oh Four, so you do have it in you...” Five said pridefully, clearly misinterpreting her sister somehow. Four took in a deep breath, put a smile on her face, and turned back to her big sister.
“I’ll help you however I can One.”
“Good. Zero is attacking Cathedral City again. This time will be her last.” One said. Four immediately deflated.
“What? But One, Zero’s our sister! We can’t just kill her! Our Zero is still in there!” she reasoned.
“Four, I’m sorry. I truly am. We all want to be a family with Zero as much as you, but we just can’t.” One began, placing her hands on Four’s shoulders. “If we want to help our Zero, we have to kill the traitor Zero. That way, our Zero can rest in peace. That is all we can do.”
“I― Alright. Alright. I understand. Thank you One.” she said, giving her sister a hug. It felt so nice to have One return the hug. Then she felt a pressure on the side of her, and on her head. It was Five joining in on the hug, with her breasts resting on Four’s head.
“Mmh I just love these sisterly moments.” she said as she hugged them harder.
Four was going to fucking scream, but, she did not, at least not externally. She only hoped Five did not push her off the edge around her favorite sister, One. But even then, she wasn’t sure she would mind if that happened.
“I’ll help, of course.” Three replies sleepily. “I won’t have another chance to experiment with an Intoner in such a way, after all.”
“Oooh, I think I can help you with some Intoner experiments...” Five said salaciously.
“Science thanks you for your contribution.” She says with a clink clink clink of her scissors.
“Umm, on second thought, I just remembered I have other plans cuming up.”
“But Five! Think of all the good you’d be doing for science!” Four pointed out.
“No experimenting on Intoners. When we kill Zero, we’ll give her a proper burial. We have to give her that much respect. She’s still our sister, remember?”
“If you say so.” Three huffed, rather unhappy she would have to give up time that could have been used experimenting. Five was relieved, happy she would live another day to enjoy life and sex. Four was sad, sad that Zero would be dead soon, and that Five wouldn’t tragically die in an experiment gone wrong.
“Gone? What do you mean she’s gone!?!” One demanded to know.
“How do you lose your Intoner?!?” Four also demanded to know.
“You don’t treasure her, pleasure her, you know, the basics.” Five answered her. One and Four looked sternly at her. “What? I’m right, aren’t I?” she asked the man who had taken Two’s role as leader in her absence.
“Well, yes...” he admitted.
“See? These gigantic boobs aren’t just for looks you know.” she said as she caressed them. Four facepalmed and shook her head. One let out a sigh.
“Is that so?” Three clinked.
“Well duh! What else am I gonna think with besides my fat pussy? Oh dear sisters, you have so much to learn.” Five chuckled as she rested her head in her palm. Four clenched her fist so hard blood began to trickle. The only thing that stopped her from killing Five right then and there was One’s hand on her shoulder to hold her back.
“I believe your brain is what truly requires further study.” Clink.
“My what?”
“No, both of you.” One ordered.
“Why not? A star falls from the sky as wolf howls at the sun, and I experiment to learn.” Three explained.
“That doesn’t make any sense! That’s a terrible metaphor!” Four yelled.
“Is it Four? Isn’t it?”
“Enough bickering. We have to find Two. You, wh― Five, seduce him later.” One ordered.
“But One!” Five said as she was unbuttoning his shirt.
“Later. You, where could she be?” One demanded as Five got off him. “Oh, umm.” he began, flustered. “She can’t be too far, I imagine. But she could be very far too. She’s been gone for a while.”
“Great. Thanks.” One said plainly. “Five, can I see you for a moment? In private?”
“Ooomhhh, of course.” she said, meeting One outside the room. “What is it, my dear, dear sister?”
“He’s hiding something. I need you to fuck the information out of him.” she explained. Five lit up.
“Ooooh, consider his dick done for.” she grinned.
“Good.” One said as she opened the door. “Three, Four, lets go. Five, have fun. Show no mercy.” Five sexily sauntered in as her sisters left.
“My pussy is gonna rip your dick clean off, big man!” They could hear her yell.
“Ugh, why does she have to be like that? Why can’t she be respectable?” Four complained, uncovering her ears.
“She thinks with her fat pussy and her gigantic boobs. What do you expect?” Three reasoned.
“Quit being so vulgar!” Four shouted as she covered her ears.
“If its any consolation Four, she’s not just doing this for her own pleasure. It’s also for the mission I gave her. He’s hiding something, and Five is finding out what.”
“One! There’s a better way to do that, isn’t there?” Four questioned.
“I can think of a few ways.” Three clinked her scissors.
“Ugh. nevermind. … You’re right. This probably is the best way to do it right now. You know, I can do a mission for you too if you need me to.” Four offered. Three opened her mouth to speak. “Not you.” Four cut her off. She closed her mouth.
“I’ll let you know Four. But I’m sure there is something acceptable you could help Three with when this is all done.” One told her.
“Heh heh. Hear that Four? I have lots of acceptable things we could work on together.” Three smiled as she clinked her scissors happily.
“Of course Three, of course.” Four fake smiles. If it wasn’t for One suggesting it, she wouldn’t have smiled at all. She would have done something else.
“Found her! Poor thing, I don’t even think she’s been fucked in forever. Nice room though. The bed was great for napping, and the furniture gave me some banging ideas for the sexy pool I’m making.” Five went on as she propped Two onto Gabriel.
“Sis...ters...” Two managed to speak.
“You live by the ocean, Five. What do you need a pool for?” Four asked with disdain for her sister’s idiocy. The bright side was that the breeze that blew as they flew kept her cool enough to deal with Five, for now.
“Oh, this pool is gonna be inside another pool, and that pool is gonna be in the ocean. I’m gonna be sooo wet when it’s done, mmmhh, three times as wet...” Five moaned dreamily, then innocently giggled. That was the last straw for Four, and One could tell.
“Four, no.” It was too late. Four screamed as she launched herself at Five.
“Oooh, this scale is extra shiny!” Five gasped as she bent down to get a closer look, allowing Four to fall off of Gabriel onto the ground below.
“YOU STUPID WHOOOOOORE!” she yelled as she fell.
“I always knew I would help her scream someday. I just always thought it would be at a brothel I recommended.” Five noted. Meanwhile, Three was poking at Two’s head.
“Fascinating. She exhibits no reaction. I wonder if there is damage to her nervous system. How could an Intoner’s nervous system be damaged? What does the damage to her nervous system look like compared to a human? What does an Intoner’s nervous system look like compared to a human’s in the first place? A warm blanket smothers the cold in summer rain like the moon covers the sun, I suppose. One―”
“No.” she immediately answered as she had Gabriel fly down to catch Three. Once he caught her with his mouth by her hoodie, he threw her up to land right back on his back. “One, Four, Two, Three, Five. That’s the order we’re gonna sit in.” With swiftness, they rearranged themselves.
“You know Three, your hair is rather pretty. I’ve never noticed it before.” Five realized.
“Thank you. It’s constantly growing, like One’s senses, Two’s strength,” Three began.
“Twooo...” Two quietly repeated.
“Four’s nails, and your breasts. It is interesting that we all have something unique about us that constantly grows. I believe it is an outlet for the excess magic that courses through us, but to be sure of that would require experimentation and study… Acceptable” she emphasized for One, “experimentation and study. However, only One and Two’s traits seem to be a useful function.”
“No, my breasts are great for attracting people, and hair is just as much of a factor in attracting people as breasts!” Five explained.
“Hmm… That is sound reasoning. That would leave Four’s nails as the least useful.”
“They’ll be useful for―” she began to sing song sinisterly.
“Four.” One said.
“I was going to say they’re useful for showing how much I love all my sisters.” she smiled like she was innocent and pure.
“Did you cut them recently?” Three asked with good reason. It made Five chuckle.
“Oh Three, you’re so funny! My, you’re funny, and pretty. Why aren’t you drowning in sexy sex? Mmh! I know! Let me braid your hair!” Five offered.
“Why?” Three wondered.
“Think of it like an experiment. Watch, once I finish with your hair, you’ll be drawing in people more than ever! You can compare how many people you brought in before I braided your hair, and how many people you bring in after I finish your hair.”
“A study in human nature and what it finds attractive… Alright. You may braid it.” Three allowed.
“Eeee! This is gonna be so much fun!” Five squealed. “I just love braiding hair. It’s too bad I suck at braiding my own hair. I’ve sucked lots of things, now that I think about it.” She alluded as she began to work on Three’s hair. By now, Four had calmed down, and was able to ignore her sister’s innuendos. And to her surprise, braiding seemed to keep Five busy, and her filthy mouth shut. This, Four was grateful for.
“Hmm?” Four asked.
“Miss… Cent… cock...” Two whispered weakly, so low that only Four could hear.
Four flung herself off of Gabriel, screaming into her hood as she fell to the city below.
“FOUR!?! WHAT THE HELL?!? Goddammit. Gabriel, take them home please.” she sighed as she dove to join Four.
“Huh, I guess she really likes screaming now. Good for her.” Five said, and went back to braiding.
“Perhaps her mind requires study as well. Hmm… Maybe all Intoner’s minds require study.” Four mentioned, and then shrugged the thought away and went back to nodding off peacefully as Five braided her hair.
“He he… Fun..ny…” Two laughed.
“Yes?” she replied sharply.
“Tell me, what’s bothering you?” One asked.
“Our sisters, what else?! Zero isn’t Zero anymore, Two somehow manages to be terrible, Three is so illogical, and Five is the worst of them all! She has no respect for herself or others! She has no self control! A sack of rocks has more brain power than her! She doesn’t care about anything except for being a selfish, sex crazed glutton!” Four shouted as they walked through the street. The people paid no mind toward her.
“Four, please forgive me for being blunt with you, but please have some empathy.” One sighed.
“I have empathy! I―”
“Perhaps you do, but you need to have it for our sisters as well, not just your people. Two’s mind is broken, Four. We have to be understanding, and help her. She would have done the same and more for any of us. And you know she would never purposefully anger you. Even if it seems odd to us, Three is just trying to help in her own way, the only way she knows how. All her science is for the benefit of all of us. If you asked her for help with an experiment or research, she would help you in an instant. I know you’re having trouble growing food in the mountains, and Three would gladly figure out a solution for you.”
“Oh. I see...” Four said quietly.
“And Five… Five is Five. I’ll let you in on a secret. Don’t tell her, but she gets on my nerves a lot too.”
“Hmph. I’m not surprised.” Four said as she rolled her eyes.
“But, we’re her big sisters. She just wants attention from us. And like Three, she just shows it in the only way she knows how. She doesn’t mean to aggravate you Four.”
“Sure seems like it.”
“Four… Has Five ever given you any indication that she hates you?”
“... No. She hasn’t.”
“Five loves you as much as she loves the rest of us. I know some of her… activities aren’t to your liking, but she just wants to spend time with you, especially you because you push her away. She doesn’t want you to leave her. She just wants for you two to be sisters.”
“I guess, when you put it like that...” she paused and began to cry. “Oh One! I have been a terrible sister! I’ve been so mean to them all this time, and I, and I―” she sobbed, unable to continue speaking. One pulled her in for a hug.
“There, there Four.” One comforted.
“T―Thank you One. I’m sorry. There’s no excuse for how I was acting.” Four shamefully admitted.
“In your defense Four, you didn’t know. But now, you know.” One stated.
“Is there even any way I can make it up to them?” Four asked.
“Just spend time with them. I’m sure Two would take comfort in knowing that you spent time with her, maybe help her with her land once and a while. She would appreciate that. Or visit an orphanage with her. She always loved that.”
“That does sound nice. I do like paperwork, and visiting the orphanage would be good for her, I think.”
“And don’t be shy to ask Three for help. Ultimately, she would be glad to work on a project with you. And visit her and see if she needs help from you. I imagine she would like to study the habitats in your land.”
“That would be fun, wouldn’t it? And we would be getting so much work done together.” Four smiled at the prospect.
“And Five. I'm not going to tell you to visit her brothels or anything, but just try to be a little nicer to her. Or at least write her back. Remember, she just wants your attention.”
“I’ll try One, I promise you, I’ll try.”
“I’m glad.” she said. She was surprised when Four pulled her in for another hug.
“Thank you so much One!” she said as she hugged her sister harder, causing her to yelp. “I don’t know what I would do without you!”
“I’m your big sister. I just want to see my younger sisters happy, together.” She said, and could feel Four loosen our grip.
“It’s too bad Zero can’t be with us...”
“It is. But, like I said before, all we can do now is help put her to rest.” They continued to walk in silence for sometime. “Oh, this reminds me!” One exclaimed as they neared her home. “Let me see your hands.”
“Of course.” Four said as she offered out her hands. She saw one close her eyes as what she could only describe as a red glow enveloped one. It moved into Four, soon turning a light green color. When she was done, Four looked at her hands and arms in amazement.
“Was that a new form of magic?” Four wondered. “It feels… different.”
“In a sense, yes. It is called Aura. A woman who traveled from another world unlocked it in me. I would have told you all sooner, but the opportunity hadn’t come up.”
“It’s alright. We were rather busy after all. Hm, I’m sure this will interest Three a lot though.”
“I imagine so, as well.” One said. They continued to walk to meet back up with their sisters. Along the way, One explained to Four what Glynda had taught her about this new form of “magic.”
“Hello One, Four.” greeted Three once they found her. Two was also with her, but no Five.
“Hello Three.” One greeted back. “Everything went well, I assume.”
“Oh, very well. I even met a woman who taught me a new form of magic. See?” she said as she brought forth a light purple glow. “Intriguing, isn’t it?” she laughed. “This will require lots of experimentation. I wonder if this can get this to affect my dolls?” she asked herself.
“I guess she told you stuff about Aura too, hmm?” One asked.
“Hey, Three, where is Five anyways?” Four questioned.
“With the woman. Five said she wanted further instructions on her new powers.” Three answered.
“Well good for her. I’m glad she’s having fun!” Four replied.
“You don’t have to try that hard Four.” One clarified.
“Oh, thank god.” Four exhaled. “If I had to do that again, I think I would have puked.”
“Do you think Two can still cook?” Three said as she looked at a spaced out Two.
“Cook...” she murmured. Just then, Four’s stomach growled.
“Only one way to find out.” Four said as she went to gather Two. “Come on Two, let’s go cook together.” Two only murmured something indiscernible.
“Wake me up when the food is done.” Four yawned as she laid down on the table before her. A couch was only a few feet away. With all her sisters busy, One went to go check on her brother. As it turns out, Glynda was an excellent teacher. Who would have guessed.
“Ohhhhhh Fooooooouuuuuuuuuur!” Five called as she was setting the table. Four prepared herself, keeping her big sister’s words in mind.
“Yes, Five?” She answered as Five breasted boobily towards her. Trailing behind her was a woman she could only assume was Miss Glynda Goodwitch.
“Look what Miss Goodwitch taught me!” She said. In an instant, her nails glowed a shimmering gold, and grew to a length that easily rivaled Four’s own nails. “See, we match now. Twinsies!” she excitedly exclaimed as her hair also glowed brightly. “She says I have to name my semblance. Ooh! What should I name it?”
Four was… shocked, dumfounded, surprised, speechless, astonished, bewildered, the whole shebang. To think Five found such joy in having something in common with her was unimaginable. They were just so, so different, near complete opposites. But this was more proof the One was right, that Five wants her sister’s attention more than anything, and that she does love her sister.
“How about… Sister’s Love.” she offered.
“You’re so silly Four!” Five giggled. “Ooooohhh I love it! It’s perfect. We can have a girl’s night painting our nails together and everything! I’ll make them so pretty you’ll have to beat the men off you! Mmmh, beat them hard.”
Four was grateful she said she didn’t have to try too hard, so she ignored that last comment. It was an improvement over ignoring her entirely. But, spending time doing each other’s nails seemed like it would be a fine time, if Five braiding Three’s hair was any indication.
“When this is over, I’ll check my schedule to see when we can have some together time. Okay?”
“Oh of course! I always knew I’d get you to spend some quality time with me. Mmm I’m sooo excited.” Five giggled once more. Yet, for some reason, the sexual nature of her words did not aggravate Four as much as they used to.
“I’m excited for dinner. Where’s dinner?” Three spoke as her head still resting on the table.
“Only the most healthy and nutritiously beneficial dinner anyone could ask for! Unfortunately, Two can’t really cook anymore, so I did all the cooking, but she was a big help!” Four explained. Two was really good at holding things in her arms, no matter how heavy. Even the centaur ribs didn’t maker her arms buckle. She was also very good at balancing bowls on her head. “Could you get off the table now? I have to put the centerpiece there.” she requested of Three. Lazily, she got up and flung herself to the floor with a thud.
“Is she okay?” Glynda asked as she took a seat at a nearby chair. Typically, seeing someone throw themselves onto the floor was cause for concern. Five just stepped over her as she led Two to the couch.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She just really likes to sleep. I know I like sleeping all over the place too.” Five answered as she placed Three on the couch, resting her head in Two’s lap. She also placed Two’s hands on Three’s head.
“S… soft...” she quietly said as she began petting Three’s hair.
“Oh aren’t they just the most adorable?! I wish I could get a painting to make it last forever!” she shouted as Three still slept peacefully.
“I think I might be able to help with that.” Glynda said as she got up. She went to where the couch, and brought out her scroll. It was the latest model, built with the newest functions. She took a picture, and with a few taps, a physical picture printed out of the bottom of it. It was not particularly large by any means, but it printed out the details of the photo well enough. She handed the photo to Five, who took it almost greedily.
“It’s wonderful.” she gasped. “Let’s do another one!” she insisted.
“I can only do this nine more times, so I’d rather be more sparse with printing a picture.”
“We have to get a picture with all five of us then!” Five insisted again.
“That does sound like a nice thing to do.” One said as she joined the group. “But we should do it after we eat. May I see?” One asks Five. She inspects the paper, then admires the serene photo. Two almost looks like her former self, with a gentle smile on her face and a soft look in her eyes. Meanwhile, Three rests peacefully in her big sister’s lap. Why it brings a tear to One’s eye, is unknown to her.
“What’s wrong?” Glynda asks.
“Huh? Oh, nothing.” she quickly answers as she wipes the tear away. “Nothing bad.” she clarifies.
“Food’s ready!” Four sings as six servants follow behind her, tearing the unwanted attention away from One.
Each servant carries a covered tray of food, and holds open a seat for each of them. Four guides Two to a seat. Once the servants had them all properly seated, they placed down the tray, and unveiled the tantalizing food beneath.
“I’m no Two when it comes to cooking, but I tried to cook like I think she would have. Its still a very balanced meal though.” she makes sure to state. Five is the first to taste the food.
“Mmmnnm It’s absolutely divine.” she moans nonsexually for once, and digs in. “What is it?”
“Centaur ribs, with centaur cheese, cooked with aged red wine and olive oil, and drizzled with strawberry jam. On the side is whole wheat bread and steamed vegetables, lightly salted.” she listed.
“...Yummy.” Two said after swallowing the bite One gave her.
“Well, Two approves.” One announces.
“Really?!” Four gasps. Two’s smile is evident of her approval. “Twooo… ” Four says as she almost bursts into tears.
“I’m not sure if it means much, but this is the best meal I’ve had in years.” Glynda after she took a bite. She never thought she'd eat a monster, or that it would taste so good.
“It’s the first cooked meal I’ve had in years.” Three comments as she slowly but surely picks away at her food.
“Three! No wonder you’re so skinny!” Four exclaims in horror.
“So you think I’m skinny? Noted for future reference.” she states.
“That settles it!” Four says as she takes a bite of her handiwork.
“Mmmhhhhnnnn… soo goood!” Five cries out.
“I’m making you a meal plan!” Four finishes.
“Not necessary. Towers shoot for the moon as god is bound by rules” Four riddles.
“But if you eat healthier,” Four begins, “you’ll be able you stay awake longer, and focus on your experiments better.” That definitely got her sister’s attention.
“Science thanks you for your contributions.” she says with eager intensity, and returns to eating. Four chuckles.
“You're welcome Three.” she says gladly as she returns to eating her food.
One looks at her sisters, all happily sitting at a table together. It’s the happiest they’ve all been in such a long time. So naturally, she is very happy. Especially now that Four and Five are on the path to being on good terms. And Three seems to be opening up to them all, and Two is no longer being neglected. There is little else she could ask for. … There is much she could ask for, but at the moment, this was all she needed. Yet, something felt missing. Someone should be there with them.
“Everyone,” she announces, “there is someone I would like you all to meet.” They all look at her with curiosity.
“Who?” The other sisters each ask in unison.
“Oh, umm, a moment please.” she requests as she runs off.
“Who do you all think it is?” Glynda asks them, eager to see their reaction.
“I hope its a slutty prostitute. Sex after a good meal always hits the spot.” Five offers as her answer.
“Five.” Four berates.
“Oh fine, a respectable, slutty prostitute.”
“Hmm…” Three says, unsure of how to respond to Five. Four was at least glad the prostitute would be respectable. She couldn’t ask for much better when it came to the matter. “Well maybe its a disciple she made on her own. Three?”
“A brother in black has a brother in black. A sister in red has a sister in red.” Three yawns. “Two?”
“A… child.”
“Ooh, spicy. I wonder how she made it, or do you think it was the stork that brought it?” Five wondered aloud.
“Babies are made through sex, Five.” Glynda told her.
“Sex? You don’t make babies through sex! Why, I’d have more kids than there is sand in Two’s land if that were true!”
“No, she’s not joking.” Four said before Glynda could ask.
“Nor is she exaggerating.” Three added.
“You ladies really have to stop thinking with that brain thing. It’s putting all sorts of ideas in your heads.”
“Everyone.” said One as she reentered the room. “I’d like for you to meet our brother.” They were all in shock as she stepped off to the side to reveal their brother.
“Hello everyone.” he waved demurely. “I’m Brother One, but just Brother will do. It’s nice to meet you.” Five was the first to get up and run towards him.
“Ohh look at you!” She said as she cupped his face. “You’re just as cute as One!” She gasped suddenly. “Mmm this means I’m a big sister! If you ever need anything at all, just let me know and I’ll be sure to get it for you, my little Brother!” Five exclaimed gleefully.
“Five, give him some space.” Four said. “Hello Brother. I’m Four, ruler of the Land of Mountains. It’s nice to finally meet you too.” She introduced herself with a handshake and a genuine smile.
“I’m Three.” Three greeted. “Don’t worry One, I won’t experiment on him. I have lots of toys you can play with. We can have fun like automatons that become clowns under an immortal sun.” She offers.
“Two… he he...”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Two.” He greets. She smiles ever so slightly. But before they can continue their introductions, they are interrupted.
“Lady One.” the servant says obliviously.
“What?” she demands to know.
“Lady Zero has infiltrated the Cathedral City. Troops are already being dispatched as we speak.”
“Dammit.” she curses. “Everyone. We proceed as planned.” With great dissatisfaction, they all begin to leave.
“Wait!” she shouted before they left the room. “When this is done, let’s all take a picture together, alright?”
One by one, she sees her sister’s songs begin in the distance. With every song, she knows Zero comes closer and closer to her. She’s done waiting.
“It’ll be zero soon enough!” Glynda shouts, and sends the daggers flying towards Zero and Tyrian. Her target is Tyrian, but she still wants to help one however she can. Both are barely scraped, but Zero seems shocked nonetheless.
“Dragonbone… Who the hell are you, bitch?!” she spits out with her traitorous tongue.
“Miss Goodwitch, soooo nice to see you again. A shame your death won’t be permanent!” Tyrian shouts as he launches himself towards her. Swiftly, she sends some of the daggers at him, and the rest at Zero as she makes her way towards One and Gabriel. However, Tyrian just requires too much attention, and is forced to recall the ones sent after Zero.
“Come on Zero! Hop on!” she hears the dragon say. She didn’t expect him to sound like a child.
“Tch. You just had to show up and make things difficult, didn’t you?” she said in a caustic tone.
“Well I can’t defy the will of my Goddess, now can I?” he answers with a wicked smile. “Buut, I think I would have loved to show up and ruin your day anyways.”
“Figures.” she states. What else would she expect of the devout madman? She keeps throwing the large daggers at him, cycling through them to ensure that he is offered no openings.
“Can’t you be any more fun to fight? I’ve been soooo bored lately.” he complains like a murder loving child. He deflects a dagger back to her, but she tilts her head to dodge it.
“No.” Was there any other answer she would give? Yes? I’ll kill you right now, just come a little closer, deadly murderer?
“I guess I have to do allll the heavy lifting then.” he says like he’s unhappy with the task. With a berserker mindset, he goes on the offensive, but has little success. He is thrown back with magical telekinesis, though he can't tell if it was magic or semblance, not that he knew enough to even wonder that.
She uses the daggers as stairs to get far out of his reach. Using her magic, she brought forth the debris below. It would be a hailstorm of detritus that he would not be able to withstand. Broken swords, large boulders, catapults, spear tips, and a few trees targeted him like flies to honey. However, Tyrian proved to be more slippery than sticky.
She heard him scream something, but was too focused to make out what he was yelling about. She had hoped the trail mix of debris would take care of him, but things were never so easy with Tyrian. That is why she kept her Dragon-Bone Daggers by her side. Just when he thought he had her, she jammed one right into his back. He didn’t even see it coming. With her semblance, she sent him crashing down. She sent down two more daggers to penetrate his arms for good measure.
“YOU FUCKING WHORE!” she heard him wail in agony as she descended on the remaining two daggers. “I WILL NOT LOSE! MY GODDESS DEMANDS IT!” With incredible resolve, he picks himself up and lurches towards her. She could see that a random spear pierced a leg in his fall. Blood runs from his wounds and mouth, yet, he goes on. “I, WILL NOT, LET, HER DOWN! I, WILL, NOT, LET, HER, DOWN!” he repeats like it is a mantra “I, WILL―” He doesn’t finish as a dagger embeds itself in his throat. He falls to his knees.
“Tell her Ozpin sends his regards.” she tells him through heavy breathing. She sees him fade into nothingness, almost like a grimm, and hears The Final Song begin. Above her, a pretty flower can be seen blossoming: The Flower.
“What the hell did you do One?” Zero asks as they circle the Flower on their dragons.
“I, I don’t know.” she answers.
“So you don’t know how you just started breathing fire? You know, the fire tHAT FUCKING FORCED THE FLOWER OUT OF ME!?!” Zero screams out. The flower that once covered her eye is gone now. A long scar has taken its place
“It could have something to do with Aura and my and Gabriel’s pact, or it could be my semblance…” One ponderd.
“I’ll explain later. We have The Flower to kill. I’ll take care of the rings. You see if you can hurt it physically. If we’re lucky, maybe your semblance will manifest soon, and into something useful.”
“Sure. Whatever. Mikail, up.”
“Got it!”
“The Flower… It was always our enemy.” Four says solemnly as she looks at her eldest sisters in the sky above.
“And Zero. Her goal to kill us wasn’t as wicked as we believed.” Three realizes aloud.
“But why would One hide this from us?” Two, having regained her mind, wonders.
“I don’t know.” Five answers.
“For the same reason she hid Brother One: she didn’t know if she could trust you all. The Flower had its grip on all the Intoners. And with you all, the grip was tighter. But unlike Zero, One believed The Flower could be defeated with her younger sisters still alive in the end.” Glynda explains.
“So what do we do now? We just can’t stand down here and do nothing!” Four shouts.
“Now that The Flower’s power is no longer within us, I don’t think there is much we can do.” Three hypothesizes.
“Only a dragon, or an Intoner can even harm The Flower.” Two mentions. “And none of us are Intoners anymore, and none of us have dragons.”
“But, We have Dragon-Bone weapons.” She says as she brings out the daggers gifted to her. “With my magic, I can send us all up there to help.”
“WAIT!” They hear a male voice shout. “Wait!” He shouts again.
“Brother?” Five asks. “Aren’t you supposed to be in the tower?”
“I’m done hiding.” he huffs as he catches his breath. “I want to be here to help you all.” He eagerly says with determination as she unsheathes his sword.
“It’s settled then.” Glynda says as she gives the younger sisters a Flower killing dagger. “There’s no turning back now, and there’s no other way forward. We will kill this Flower. Say it! We will kill The Flower!” She orders.
“We Will Kill The Flower!” the siblings shout in unison as they all ascend to atone for the Intoners they once were.
A single flower gently sways as it falls to the ground. Its five petals are a brilliant, incomparable white. Each had birthed an image of an intoner, an image in the medium of massless salt. Each Beast had fallen, so now, its remains fall. Softly, it lands perfectly onto the cobblestone ground of the Cathedral City. Zero stabs it with her sword for good measure.
“Goodbye you fucking piece of shit.” she insults. For better measure, One sets it aflame. They all watch, bruised and bloody, as it burns an unparalleled black, the color of its predecessor, and ashes into nothingness.
“So what now?” Mikail asks, breaking the silence.
“I’m gonna crash at your place, One. Nobody bother me for a week.” Zero exaggerated as she walked to the main cathedral where One resides.
“A good rest is in order for all of you.” Glynda says. “You’ve all earned it.”
“Agreed. We can all discuss this in the morning, or whatever.” One drones out, most tired of them all probably. With that, they all weakly make their way towards One’s residence.
Brother One sleeps soundly, glad he no longer has to hide. Five falls asleep wondering what her life will be like now that The Flower no longer influences her desires. Four falls asleep almost unable to comprehend what transpired. Three falls asleep in a way that feels different than before. Two cries that she is herself once more, and that she is without Cent. One wonders what will become of her younger sisters now that they know the truth. Zero falls asleep, questioning what she will do with her life now that she has one to call her own.
Two is the first awake. She always was, as she was in charge of breakfast, and all the other cooking when she was with her sisters. When they were younger, she imagined she would always be cooking for her sisters, and cooking with the one she loved someday. For the longest time, she didn’t know what he would look or be like. Then she saw Cent, and knew he was the one. He saw her, and knew she was the one. They say it is better to have loved and lost that love, to have never loved at all. She isn’t sure what to think of the saying. The memories of them together are too painful, but she would never want to live without them, even if some of them were implanted by The Flower. Quietly, and sadly, she opens the door to the kitchen.
“Hello, Lady Three.” A voice greets, a voice she recognizes instantly.
“Cent! Oh Cent you’re alive!” She shouts with incredible joy as she runs to him and holds onto him tightly. “But how?”
“Zero. She and that other woman gathered us up and somehow turned us back. Can’t say I know how though.” He answers his lady as they embrace each other.
“All that matters is that you’re alive. I’m never letting you go ever again!” she says as she kisses him. He kisses her back, and intends to never leave her again. Together, they make a wonderful breakfast.
“Good evening Zero.” One greets as she takes a bite of eggs and bacon.
“Morning sleepyhead!” Five says as she moves onto her second plate. Was it morning, or evening then? Did it really matter?
“I made sure we saved a plate for you.” Two says as she leads Zero to her seat.
“Thanks.” she replies.
“And you have my gratitude for reviving the disciples. It will be good to have a willing test subject.” Three thanks.
“Gnnnnhh. Truly. I must thank you too, Lady Zero.” Decadus groans.
“Keep it in your pants freak, I’m trying to eat here.” Dito tells the masochist. Four wipes away a tear.
“Thank you Zero. I’m so glad I have someone who understands me.” Four says, sounding like she’s about to really cry.
“Whatever. If anything, thank the Goodwitch woman. She did most of the heavy lifting. I just did some magic mumbo jumbo Michael taught me to pull it all together.”
“Really? Then you have our thanks too, Glynda.” Brother One said, and the others thanked her as well.
“You’re all welcome. I’m just glad I could help.” She said as she returned to eating.
Zero looked around at the table. Seeing her sisters and not immediately be filled with the urge to kill them was new. It would take some getting used to. However, she could not help but feel in the back of her mind that it was all wrong. But, she there was no reason to feel that way anymore. The Flower was gone. They were no longer Intoners. They were just normal humans now, laughing, joking, wincing at the bruises than littered their body, being a family. Her goal was always to die. Even just last night, she considered it. Her life was hers now, no longer a slave to The Flower’s demise. She wasn’t even sure life would be good enough to live, but seeing her sisters, the disciples, and the woman that helped them, she knew that she at least had to try. At least for Mikhail too.
“Hey, where’s Mikhail? The big baby is probably hungry.” She said.
“With Gabrielle. He’s teaching her how to fly. Don’t worry though, they already ate.” One responded.
“Daemonification is that easy to undo huh?” Zero wondered, almost finished with her plate. She was more hungry than she thought.
“Yes, and no.” One answered with a hint of sadness. Zero didn’t press any further.
“When you arrived,” One began, “we promised we would all take a picture together when the fight was over.”
“Cocky, weren’t you?” Zero teased.
“Did someone say cock? Mmmmmhhnnnn I could really take some of that right now.” Five looked up, mid bite.
“Yeah, it’s just outside that window. You might have to lean out reeeeeal far to reach it.” Zero said. Quickly, she got up and ran to the window. Octa followed her, shouting that Zero was joking, that there was no cock outside the supposed makeshift gloryhole.
“That’s cruel, Zero... ” Five said angrily as she crossed her arms. She laughed, along with Four, Brother One, and Goodwitch. Yes, this life would be fine. It was certainly off to a better start than her previous ones.
“Alright everyone, five seconds!” Glynda shouted as she ran back to join the group. The former Intoners, the disciples, Mikail, and a baby Gabrielle readied themselves for the picture. Mikail lay regaly as Zero told him, and Gabrielle copied him as she sat in One’s lap. She was only a short matter of time before she would be too big for that.
Glynda took a spot next to One, standing tall and proud. Five posed sexily, showing her best assets, Octa Stood next to her, doing his best to accentuate her features. Four stood in a basic, refined posture, and Dito relaxed as he leaned on Three. Three was forced to stand upright at first by Four, but resumed her natural hunched state when she looked away. Decadus stood rigidly with his arms behind his back, smiling at the camera. He relished having to be in such an uncomfortable position. Two and Cent lovingly gazed into each other’s eyes as they held hands. One and Brother One sat side by side towards the front. Brother One rested his hands in his lap, while One rested hers on little Gabrielle. And lastly, Zero took a comfortable seat on Mikhail’s tail, which was spread in front of One and Brother One. She couldn't stand just looking at the device, so she looked off into the distance.
With a click, the photo was taken.
“Oh thank goodness you’re back!” Ozpin said with a sigh of relief.
“What’s wrong? I was only gone for a week.” she said.
“Noo, you’re a daaaay late. You, need a tardy slip now, hehe.” Qrow chuckled drunkenly. No surprise there.
“Odd… Well, I’m alright. And you’ll be happy to know I learned much, despite the ‘complications.’”
“Well, not exactly complications, but I’ll fill you in later.”
“As long as you’re safe and sound then.” Oz says as he takes a sip of his drink. “Hopefully James returns on time then.”
“Oh, General Ironwood joined after all?” Glynda asked.
“Yes, sent to find out about the technology of that world.”
“I’m sure he learned much then. It’s surprisingly advanced.”
“Hey, G, what’d ya bring me?” Qrow asked as he noticed souvenirs.
“A kick to the dick.” she growled.
“Damn, okay, nevermind then.” he said, astonished, and went back to nursing the bottle.
“Sorry.” she apologized. “I haven’t been around the most… I've been with some people with colorful language recently. But if you must know what I brought, these are gifts from them.” A bag of beautiful seashells from Five, the centaur dish recipe from Four, a well-crafted doll from Three, a hand-knit sweater from Two, the daggers from One, a sheet of clean, exquisite fabric from Brother One, and Zero’s sword. In a pocket, she held a few thank you letters.
It’s not like I need it anymore. Just hurry up and take the damn thing already. Zero told her when she refused at first. She wasn’t going to argue after that. It was a very beautiful sword, after all.
Before they could even react, James was before them.
“Hello James h─” Ozpin paused to stare at the sword he was holding. “What is that?” he glared at the thing just as it soaked up the last of the blood. “Oh gods what happened to you!?” he cried out, just noticing the broken arm.
“I’ve been through worse.” He said as he let go of the handle and let the sword fall to the ground. He then walked over to Qrow. “Gimme.” he ordered as he snatched the bottle out of his hand.
“Hey! You’ve crossed a liiine Jimmy!” Qrow slurred as he launched himself at the cyborg. Ironwood easily dodged it and downed the thing as Qrow lay on the floor. With a groan, he tossed the bottle onto the couch, and wiped his mouth.
“Yes, miss Goodwitch?”
“What is that in your hair?” she asked cautiously.
“Hmm? Oh, this?” he said as he held the flower out in front of him. “Hmm, a Lunar Tear. Pretty flower, aren’t they? They’re bioluminescent, and rather rae=re. I imagine they would be very popular and sell well.”
“Wooowwwwww, only one, Jimbooo? Welllll I got four!” Qrow exclaimed as he pulled four crumpled flowers out of his pocket and threw them up in the air. With deadly precision, she sent the Dragon-Bone daggers to kill the flowers.
“Umm, Miss Goodwitch? Don’t you think that was─”
“Sing.” she ordered as she pointed Zero’s Sword at them.
“Glynda, are you alright?” Oz asked with concern evident in his voice.
“Yes. I know what I’m doing. You’ll just have to trust me.” she reassures him, not taking her eyes of Ironwood for a moment. “Now sing! Or you won’t be half human for much longer.”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” He belts out fearfully.
“Ooo, Jimmy can sing!” Qrow teases.
“You’re clear.” she states. Ironwood lets out a sigh of relief as she makes her way to Qrow.
“Start singing little birdie.” Glynda commands Qrow as she points the tip of the sword to his neck. He gulps.
“a, b, c, d, e, f, g!” Qrow screeches out.
“Dear gods, enough!” she yells as she covers her ears. “You’re clear! You’re clear!”
“H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P!” He screeches even louder.
“I will kill you to shut you up!” she tells him as she pushes the sword towards his neck. Qrow giggles as he finishes and she pulls away the sword.
“Those things,” she says, pointing towards the Lunar Tears stabbed into the wall, “are related to The Flower, a force of magic that not even you, or Salem could compare to.” Glynda tells Ozpin.
While Ozpin tends to Ironwood’s arm, she begins her story, from the forest and Sleeping beauty, to meeting One, introducing aura to that world, learning from her library, meeting the other intoners, and finally facing the Flower.
“What, the fuck?” Qrow commented as she finished.
“Correct me if I’m wrong. The most powerful magic in the world is a song.” Ironwood said as he furrowed his brows
“The Song.” she corrected.
“And it was granted by a flower.”
“The Flower.” she corrects once more.
“And The Flower, which only a dragon can kill, granted it to them so they could corrupt and destroy humanity.”
“Yes.” she confirms.
“Sure. Why not.” James sighs. “Salem’s pretty much doing the same thing, just less convoluted.”
“Mind control, angels, creating life, creating monsters, a near unstoppable disease, a pact with god, it is a truly fearful power you were dealing with.”
“Well, I took care of it with some friends. Oh yeah, and I ran into Tyrian. I told him to send Salem our regards.” She smiles.
“Nice.” he says as he hi-fives her.
“How about you Qrow? What’s your story?” James asks out of curiosity.
“Don’t remember all of it, and no, it’s not because of drinking.” he responds.
“There was an error in the magic, I believe, and it split his consciousness across multiple timelines.” Ozpin clarifies.
“Lucky me, huh?”
“Hmm, another error in the magic is probably why your arm didn’t return as it should have.”
“That portal isn’t sounding as safe as you made it out to be, Oz.” Qrow said, now more sober than before.
“In my defense, magic is fickle. Well, you all won’t have to return there ever again at least.” Ozpin stated. They all seemed a bit sad at the realization.
“That world, I know that it was pretty messed up, but it wasn’t so bad.” Qrow says. An image of Two floating books, two children, and two teens pops into his head, as does another image. This one has the two teens and the white book sitting around a campfire with a floating, clothed skeleton thing. It didn’t seem worth mentioning.
“I’ll agree with you there. It was nice, overall… Mostly. I think I’d go again, given the chance.” James said as he lay on a makeshift bed. Thinking of all the people he met, it was a blessing, but thinking of that last shade…
“It was an interesting experience, to say the least, but by no means a bad one.” Glynda comments. She thinks back to the ones she met on her journey, from the program Sleeping Beauty, to the Intoner family. “By no means a bad one.” she repeated at a slower pace. She took out a picture, to reminisce, to make sure she would always remember.
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dust-broken-berry · 3 years
Part 7 is here
This one is shorter and not as relevant to the story as the other parts.
Part 7: The Magic Less
    It was later that day, now night and Ink was currently freaking out trying to get a hold of PJ. While Error tried to calm him down and put Gradient to sleep (Gradient is currently four months old, and is Error’s and Ink’s second child.) By then they were at home.
“Ink relax, he isn’t dead”
“You don’t know that”
“Yes I do, he isn’t a dumb kid.”
“Ya ok, but what if he’s being attacked by some monsters right now and he can’t do anything!?”
“Just relax”
    Error puts Gradient down to sleep and walks Ink out to the living room and sits down.
“Inky please calm down”
“Why? Can’t I just worry sometimes?”
“I never said you couldn’t worry, you just shouldn’t worry this much.”
“But what if he-”
“He can take care of himself”
    Ink was still nervous and grumbled-
“You act like you’re not worried at all.”
“I am, but I trust PJ he is a smart kid.”
    Error already knew what was going on with PJ, he knew that he was at Fresh’s house, and that they were dating. But he only found out by accident, but PJ knew that he wouldn’t freak out as muchas Ink would.
    Ink thought about it, sighed, and said-
“Ok...I guess you’re right…he is a smart kid…”
“So trust him, ok?”
    Ink was hesitant but nodded
“Ok...I will”
    Ink stood up and said-
“I’m going to get ready for bed, ok?..”
“Good idea, I’ll be there in a second.”
    Ink walked around the corner so Error took the opportunity to quickly text PJ-
“PJ your mom’s worrying, he's probably gonna call you and start asking questions. Just text him and say you’re staying the night at a friend’s house. He’ll flip his lid if he finds out you’re at Fresh’s house, and that I didn’t tell.”
“Ok thanks for telling me dad.”
    Error put his phone away as Ink called out-
“Error, you coming?”
    Error said getting up and walking around the corner.
    PJ had just gotten Error’s last message as he began to text Ink. Fresh rolled over in bed and asked-
“Who was that?”
“Dad warning me about mom. He’s freaking out and dad said that he might start asking questions.”
“Good thing he told ya.”
“It is”
    PJ put his phone away, and snuggled into Fresh, he still had a worried look.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t have to lie to me”
“I’m not, really I’m happy being here with you.”
“...Ok then”
“Let’s just go to sleep...I’m tired.”
    Fresh started to fall asleep, while PJ just laid awake thinking-
“I know why they worry, they are just worried about me having no magic to protect myself…”
    PJ sulked
“Out of all the me’s in every multiverse, I had to be like this, I had to be weak.”
    He thought
“But this weakness...may help me do something good…”
      He smiled
“That is if everything goes according to plan…”
    While all of this was happening, Blue’s and Dust’s house was now just about empty, except for Nightmare, he said-
“So you didn’t really talk about much with Ink...he obviously knew about….most things.”
“Ya maybe…”
    Blue said nervously, him and Dust were still uneasy and surprised about the news they had heard. Nightmare realised and thought he should probably go- 
“Well, I should be going-”
“Wait I want to ask you something”
    Blue asked, just before Nightmare was about to leave.
“Ok, what?”
“Well how uh...how far along am I with this...you know.”
“I thought you already knew?”
“Why would we be all surprised when you said it if we knew!?”
    Dust asked confused, followed by Nightmare grumbling and saying-
“I thought you knew because you're most likely due in three weeks or less.”
    Blue definitely not expecting it to be so soon screamed-
“Well have you used your...um”
    Nightmare tried to think of what to call it-
    He couldn’t think of anything good, but it still got the point across.  Blue processed what Nightmare said, and he blushed saying-
“N-Not the top half-”
“Ok too much information but regardless you’re due in at most three weeks.”
“I thought I was feeling drained but I didn’t think that was why…”
“Well for some monsters pregnancy can progress much faster depending on one's magic level.”
“I know that”
“So before you got more magic you could have easily been...maybe two months along?..”
    Once again Dust and Blue were surprised. As again Blue yelled-
“Are you sure, that doesn’t make any sense!?”
    Dust also yelled, but not as loud as Blue. Nightmare just said-
“If Blue had the amount of magic he has now, then he would’ve had the baby at the very least four weeks ago.”
    Blue yelled again, making Nightmare just sigh-
“Blue, Dust just calm down”
    The two listened, and took a few deep breaths. Dust relaxed and said-
“Ok...ok....thanks Nightmare”
“You’re welcome, but now I should be going.”
    This time with no interruptions Nightmare left. Dust turned and looked down at Blue.
“Hey Blue...try doing that ecto stomach thing.... You know just to see.”
    Blue’s stomach suddenly appeared, it had a blue tint, with see thru ecto like skin. They both saw that Blue was really, really, pregnant. 
    Blue said shocked 
“Well...I guess gotta go get baby stuff tomorrow.”
“Ya we probably should, it’s too late now and I don’t want to wake BluePrint.”
“Ok, so you just want to go to bed?”
“Myehe....you don’t even have to sleep.”
“Ya I’m still getting used to that fact. But it does make me feel better sometimes...especially after stressing this much.”
“Ya that’s understandable...so ya for now let’s just go and sleep.”
    The two obviously still shaken about the news that had received went to bed. Hoping that tomorrow would be better, or at least less surprising. 
    The next day with PJ and Fresh was not as uneventful as the day before with Blue and Dust but still things were happening no matter how trivial they might’ve been.
“I’m telling you that you can borrow it.”
    Fresh said, trying to give PJ one of his hoodies because he didn’t bring any extra clothes.
“I told you it’s fine, you don’t have to.”
“I want to, besides you didn’t bring any other clothes.”
“That’s because I didn’t plan on staying...at first.”
“Ok still just take it, you can give it back later.”
“Good, I really didn’t think I’d have to convince you though.”
    PJ took the oversized multicolored hoodie and put it on. The sleeves went over his hands so he pulled them up.
“Thanks Fresh, but now I should really get going.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see ya later.”
    Fresh said giving PJ a goodbye kiss as PJ went out the door. As he walked through underfresh monsters waved hi to him, knowing that he and Fresh were together. 
    But as he was walking his phone went off.
“Probably just mom”
    He said as he took out his phone. The contacts read BluePrint. 
    PJ had been secretly talking to his younger half brother without either of his parents knowing. He read the message-
“Hey PJ guess what?”
“What is it?”
“I overheard my dad and Mr.Nightmare talking, and he said that my dad was having a baby!”
“Really? When is he having the baby?”
“Well Mr.Nightmare said less than three weeks.”
    PJ was surprised to hear that he had less than three weeks to get ready for his plan. He said-
“Less than...three weeks…”
    His phone went off again-
“Right now me and dad are shopping for baby stuff, we have a lot of stuff…”
    PJ didn’t want to seem suspicious so he just kept texting BluePrint.
“Ya there’s normally a lot of stuff, and it’s expensive too.”
“Ya really expensive”
    There wasn’t anything for a few seconds, until-
“I got to go, my phones almost dead. But I’ll say hi again later.”
“That’s fine don’t worry about it”
“Ok bye” 
    PJ hit sent, and put his phone away as he walked inside his parents house.
“Mom? Dad? I’m back”
    PJ walked in the house and closed the door behind him. He walked around and noticed Error in the kitchen with some coffee.
“Morning dad”
“Oh morning PJ”
    Error said looking at the hoodie PJ was wearing.
“If your mom wokes up and sees you with that on he’ll freak out.”
“I know I just didn’t have any other clothes and Fresh insisted that I take it.”
“Well at least he cares, but before your mom gets up I would lose it.”
    Ink walked around the corner yawning and rubbing his eyes.
“*Yawn* Morning Error and oh PJ you’re back-”
    Ink stopped talking as his eyes narrowed like a hawk, the then tired Ink dashed to Error and PJ. PJ surprised screamed-
“Uh Inky?”
    Error asked, already knowing that this wasn’t going to go well. Ink asked-
“PJ what are you wearing!?”
    PJ didn’t know what to say as he just stood there sweating nervously. He looked over at Error desperately, but all Error did was give him a thumbs up as he drank his coffee. PJ thought and could only mutter out-
“Erg...well it’s a-”
“Wait a second”
    Ink stared intensely at PJ and then-
“PJ...are you dating someone!”
    Ink’s mood changed completely as he hugged PJ. All PJ could say was-
    PJ with a happyish expression looked over at Error sheepishly. Error proceeded to say-
“Just wait until he finds out who it is.”
“I’ma just ignore that remark, Error! I will be happy with whoever is dating my little Jammy.”
    PJ laughed nervously as Ink let him go to look at the hoodie.
“Now let me get a closer look at that hoodie! I may even know who it is-”
    Ink’s expression changed from happy...to not so much. Error put his cup down and said-
“Told ya”
    PJ didn’t know what to say in this situation. Error just said-
    Error wrapped strings around Ink as he said-
“See ya later kid”
“Yep, ok”
    PJ said as he ran back out the door with Ink screaming at Error to “Let him go!” angrily.
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James & Ava
James: Good morning
James: how are you, darling?
Ava: Sleepy 🥱
Ava: but all the better starting my day with you, of course
Ava: how about you? 😊
James: hopeful that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, because likewise
James: & my cautious optimism doesn’t extend to the viewing I’m currently heading to
Ava: Oh, how have they oversold this one, I wonder
Ava: the adverts are nothing short of epic fiction
Ava: there should be awards for how they can spin any - into like +++
Ava: Where are you headed?
James: it would be inspirational if I were solely doing research for the novel but alas I need a suitable study first
James: [somewhere that’s one of the places we discounted]
Ava: I can believe estate agents are all unfulfilled creatives, definitely
Ava: I’ll 🤞 all my fingers and toes that it’s the one
Ava: though I could tell you more pubs and clubs in that area than nurseries…
James: absolutely up there with the teaching profession in terms of both dashed dreams setting them on that path & a litany of thankless tasks once they get there
James: thank you though
James: I’ll let you know if it constitutes enough of a disaster to warrant theoretically drowning my sorrows, after all, there isn’t a huge difference between some of the clubs Teddy frequents & soft play so I’ve no doubt my aide for today would be thrilled to hear every suggestion
Ava: You cannot make me feel bad for teachers today
Ava: not when Mr Hawthorne has beat you to it with the against argument in the form of his 🥱 inducing lectures
Ava: 😅 I don’t think foam parties are safe for anyone, 1-year-olds especially so though
James: there’s an argument to be made that I possess the ability to do so, however, if I’m going to use my powers of persuasion for anything 😈 I would argue it is indeed wasted on Mr Hawthorne
James: oh well in that case, the hunt for my sister’s baby shower venue also continues
Ava: If you used your powers of persuasions on Mr Hawthorne, I might be a tiny bit jealous
Ava: not to mention almost as confused as he would undoubtedly be
Ava: Joy of joys
Ava: it would be typical for that to be added to your to-do list as well, but at least a place for grown women to eat chocolate bars out of nappies isn’t as much like gold dust as a decent place in central
James: I’m jealous that he’s spending time with you right now, despite your attention being less than rapt & therefore promise to do nothing that benefits him in any way whatsoever
James: including, but not limited to, refusing to assist you in the homework he intends to set by being as distracting as I can later as well as now
James: you’re not wrong, but she is her belief that to this day I remain blacklisted by an extremely high percentage of clubs, thus sparing me being delegated the role even in these hypothetical planning stages
Ava: That would be a wild rumour, even for this place
Ava: and what can I say? You’re more worthy of my time and attention
Ava: as you’ve just proved 😍
Ava: Definite blessing in disguise
Ava: Will it be a women-only event?
James: I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss you & am always willing to prove how much at every given opportunity
James: god, I hope so, even a foam party isn’t enough of an incentive to get me there if I am expected
Ava: I miss you too
Ava: I can come see you tonight though, if you’re free
Ava: sadly, I don’t think I can make a soft-play date so that’ll have to be just you two
Ava: and you’re lucky, I’ve been to so many baby showers it’s not even funny
James: I’m supposed to work late to make up the time I’ve taken off this morning but I can do that when you’re busy
James: that’s a shame, I’ll have to throw myself in the ball pit
James: time will tell if you have an invite to Diana’s, what’s incredibly lucky is that she won’t expect you to actually attend regardless of how you RSVP
Ava: Only if you’re sure
Ava: my plans can always be more fluid than yours
Ava: Ugh 😞 I’d LOVE to push you into a ball pit right now, life is unfair
Ava: I don’t think she was impressed with my party-planning skills enough to put in that call
James: I am very sure that I want to spend tonight with you instead of at the office
James: & I’m also suddenly determined to create our very own ball pit in the new place
James: [pictures like which room do you think we should fill with plastic balls lol but let’s say it’s all really small]
James: having to forgo a traditional master bedroom isn’t at all unfair, I’ll obviously sleep like a baby among the balls
Ava: 🥰
Ava: An absolute must
Ava: why brag of a ‘cosy’ third bedroom when you can boast a gigantic ball pit
Ava: I bet the girls would be more than willing for you to do that too
Ava: Party house has a whole new meaning 🥳
James: indeed
Ava: I hope there’s not too many people there this time though, really
James: I think there are more people here than at the last viewing we went to, impossible as that sounds
Ava: 😫 How, where do all these people spring from?!
Ava: At least you’re far more eligible than most young professionals
Ava: If I was looking for a model renter
James: what a pity you aren't, your rooftop garden has much greater appeal for this particular young professional, not least because I've seen its existence with my own eyes
Ava: If my landlords weren’t so involved…
Ava: This place is far too big for us now
James: hopefully they won't drag you along on yet more insufferable viewings if, or when, they decide to downsize since you're an undeniable pro now, because for that, there would only so many apologies I can offer you
Ava: I’m sure mum’s already getting the planning permission sorted for if and when
Ava: Sadly their portfolio doesn’t extend to a reasonable price range, I did ask
Ava: but if it isn’t something that would get her in Architect Digest, or whatever, she’s not interested so
Ava: As you said, it would be fun in a way, if all this looking didn’t mean you were still without your perfect family home
Ava: It takes people watching to a new level, and seeing the landlord’s ‘decor’ choices is also as revealing
James: it's okay, being indebted to my own parents is quite enough
James: it's becoming clear if my father visualizes me living here it's because he's done a drastic rewrite of the type of young professional I am
James: I could see you here, for instance, in a draft where I don't exist as your love interest, but in terms of a family home, perfect of otherwise, where we'd put Frank & the children is anyone's guess
James: perhaps some of these people are imagining wild architecture projects the likes of which your mother would have to act undaunted by, who's to say
Ava: I don’t love that rewrite
Ava: Frank is particularly demanding with how much space he needs to recline, relax, snooze and sleep…
Ava: You’ll find somewhere soon, I know it
Ava: If nothing else, this dull lesson is giving me all the time to refresh and refresh and repeat every listing I can find
James: cautious optimism as ever for our 2nd attempt
James: [deets because I'm gonna say that this is one he ends up loving that falls through somehow at some stage because how real and frustrating and then she can be the one who finds their forever home and they can look at it together]
Ava: Okay, I can picture that one
Ava: light and airy isn’t actually a lie this time, what a concept
Ava: 😍
Ava: All the rooms are a good size so you wouldn’t feel as if either girl was getting the short straw, and you won’t have to settle for sleeping amongst the balls either
James: I do have a genuinely good feeling about it, terrifying as that is to admit in our present surroundings where it feels as though someone will sense it & immediately swoop in, but yes
Ava: I know
Ava: It’s one of those things
Ava: You have to be cautious, because so many roadblocks are between you and the end goal
Ava: but similarly, how can you be, when it’s such a big life thing
Ava: You can be as honest and optimistic as you like with me, it doesn’t need to go any further, shark-like buyers and the girls alike
James: we aren’t anywhere close to the stressful moving in stage & I’m already acutely aware that I wouldn’t have survived up until now without your help, so I will, as long as you know the continued support is appreciated beyond words or any other measure
Ava: Stressful, but fun
Ava: you get to pick what colour your new room is 😌
Ava: It’ll be reward enough, to see you get the fresh start you deserve
James: [whatever her fave colour is] of course
James: then you won’t mind seeing me covered from head to toe in it, potentially indefinitely, when we discover I can’t fit in the tub at the new place either
Ava: Oh, I don’t think I would mind that no matter the colour
Ava: but I also would not mind you having an amazing shower so we could take care of that
James: if there isn’t I won’t mind adding it to my renovations to-do list
Ava: As long as I’m on that list too I’m happy
James: the top of any list I write is where I’m happy to put you
Ava: If you put in a bid, you should do it at/even over asking price, so they’ll take attention of you and then you can make a list of repairs/quality checks etc you want done before you agree to move in, then if they do them, they’re done for you, but more likely, they’ll not want to, and you can say take that cost off my offer then
Ava: one of the 💡 tips I’ve picked up and you’d undoubtedly thought of yourself but there we go
James: here’s where I could nod & keep up the pretense to avoid giving away what a total novice I am, but there’s very little point given than you know I’ve never done this, & a list of countless other things as long as my arm, for myself before
James: instead I’ll just take your advice & thank you accordingly
Ava: There’s so much we don’t get prepared for
Ava: even under normal circumstances
Ava: It isn’t as if I was told that at school, or I get told anything vaguely useful on the day-to-day by Hawthorne or any of the others worse or marginally better than him
Ava: You shouldn’t feel like you’re alone in feeling unprepared, is what I’m failing to say
Ava: Lots of people feel it, that’s why I could never just stay here, in the bubble of SW forever
James: don’t worry, you aren’t failing at anything where this conversation is concerned & whilst it is somewhat overwhelming at times, I don’t feel alone because I’ve got you to talk it through with
James: what that school taught me, all that living here has taught me, was how to avoid facing up to situations by lying & name dropping, which probably would assist me in climbing the property ladder but I’d rather be honest, if the bubble bursts as a result, I’m prepared for that from now on
Ava: I’m proud of you
Ava: and the girls will be too
Ava: It can be fun, and there are some good people here, just as there are everywhere
Ava: but outside of the postcode, the currency of who you know and where you went to school, it’s just not real, irrelevant
Ava: I don’t want to rely on my parents’ hard work, let alone someone else’s father knowing the crest on my blazer, you know
James: yes, I know exactly what having to rely on my father feels like, it isn’t fun or something to be proud of & it definitely isn’t a precedent I’d like to keep setting for my daughters
James: the stark reality & contrast of this fresh start needs to happen soon, while I still have Jay here to teach
Ava: She’s not going anywhere
James: she’s going to have to meet him eventually even if that’s under the guise of him being one of my old friends or your brother
Ava: And I understand that that’s fair
Ava: to him, I don’t know how to feel about it in regards to Jay, and it’s not even my job to so I know how hard this must be for you
Ava: but that doesn’t mean he should get to ‘keep’ her, for God’s sake, she has had no idea who he is until now, you’re her dad
James: I have to hope that he’ll understand that too, he’s not the villain here, as much as it would make my life easier to paint him as such
Ava: I hope so too
James: it’ll be okay, for her, I don’t know if I can make the same promise for us but I want to be able to
Ava: Don’t put yourself down like that
Ava: It wouldn’t be okay if she lost you
James: she isn’t going to lose me whatever Buster decides to do next, things may have to change but never that drastically, I’ll always be in her life
Ava: Providing he plays that nicely
Ava: I’m just scared he’ll do something that drastic, and stupid
James: if he doesn’t I won’t, I’m not afraid to fight fire with fire should that be the only option he leaves me with
Ava: Good
Ava: I wish I could promise it won’t be
Ava: but I don’t know what he will be prepared to do, so you should be prepared for any and all eventualities too
James: I am, my marriage made sure I was equipped to anticipate the unexpected & not to expect rational responses
Ava: Yeah, of course
Ava: Still no word from Chloe?
James: no & no trace of a belated birthday card
Ava: Typical
Ava: Good thing Mattie got spoiled by you and had a great party already
James: Jay is devastated she has to wait so long for you to throw one for her though, maybe we can find a way to cater the housewarming party to her
Ava: Awh, bless her
Ava: If there’s one thing Chelsea HAS taught me, is that you only need a vague notion of an idea to have a party and celebrate
Ava: Does she like fireworks?
James: she LOVES fireworks, if you weren’t in Dublin she’d have insisted you come with us to [wherever we’re gonna go see some on the night]
Ava: I am pretty gutted I can’t
Ava: but I’ll have to get some sparklers, probably not Catherine Wheels or Roman Candles, and do a belated bonfire themed do for her
Ava: smores are a good idea any night
James: I wonder if she’ll expect us to dye her hair red, orange or yellow this time
Ava: 😬 accidentally set a precedent
Ava: thank god for washouts
James: I’ll do what I can to have her convinced that face paint is a much better idea by the time you get back but she’s no Mr Hawthorne so
Ava: I admire a girl who requires more than a persuasive essay
Ava: you’ll have a great time
Ava: 🤞 the endless family drama doesn’t get in the way of me having one too
James: no amount of Catherine Wheels or Roman Candles could prevent me from being on the end of the phone whether you aren’t having a great time or simply want to tell me how much fun it is
Ava: You’re the best ❤️
Ava: It should be fine
Ava: If anything, hopefully someone else is bringing more drama than my parents or siblings could accuse me of, then it’ll really give them a bit of perspective 🤫
James: if your family resembles the dynamic of mine even slightly I won’t have to keep anything crossed in order to make that happen for you, but of course I will nevertheless, just in case
Ava: How soon is too soon to clue you in on my mad family dynamic 🤔😅
Ava: Maybe when you’re in your new home, so you have a door to politely shut in my face
James: having never kept an air of mystery there I can understand why you’d want to, but I would never christen my new front door like that
Ava: It was like an unspoken rule, when Buster was here too
Ava: I don’t really care that much, and anyway, he broke it big time
Ava: Every family has struggles and secrets, or are long overdue their share if not
James: I couldn’t agree more, my mother acts as though nobody else has skeletons hung up next to their hideously expensive coats & we must stay silent come what may, but she’s the last person to feign shock when any of said secrets inevitably come out
Ava: It’s such a waste of time and energy
Ava: not to mention resolves precisely (0) of said troubles, if and when they can be
Ava: I’m so glad you don’t want to keep up pretenses together
Ava: wouldn’t make for a very interesting story
James: exactly, if I adhered to her code of silence I wouldn’t have gone to rehab or spent any time & energy on recovery, god knows what trouble I’d be in right now in that instance, but we certainly wouldn’t have this plotline to delight in
Ava: Being dubious about the potential results, maybe
Ava: but the idea your own mum would rather you suffer in silence, literally, is beyond me
James: it’s an attitude worthy of an outdated classic novel, for sure, that we can all take ourselves in hand & address our flaws with a firm word or two but she isn’t alone in her 'you don't need outside help, you just need to learn and then follow through with setting your own limits' mentality
James: in my parents' defence I was still young, despite the baby I wasn't looking after properly or the wedding I don't remember very much of at all, & I know they'd argue, if pressed, that was the main reason for their anti-rehab stance
James: therefore, I'd like to believe, however naively perhaps, on this occasion it isn't entirely about saving face with yet more pretense but rather a glimpse at some character development for both of them, if only so the novel isn't doomed by one dimensional subplots, naturally
Ava: I can see that too, again, a lot of people’s problems go unaddressed or at least are allowed to get worse because the person is ‘too young’ for it to either be a problem, or it is something they will ‘bounce back’ from once they ‘calm down’ and mature
Ava: It doesn’t make your parents the devil, I wouldn’t suggest as much, nor the first people to fall into that trap
Ava: There are definitely instances of the exact same mindset I can point to within my own family
Ava: We’d all like to see the best in people, and sometimes, that desire lets us down
James: regardless this viewing has yet to let me down unlike the previous
James: I wish you were here
Ava: With any luck, I’ll be able to come see it with you next time
Ava: The pictures look great, trying to keep the optimism at the cautious level still but 🤞🤞😌
James: need I remind you I like your optimism as unabashed as your excitement
Ava: You don’t need to
Ava: but I wouldn’t be opposed
James: [tell her about whatever cute and romantic plans you've sorted for you two tonight so she'll be happy and excited]
Ava: How have you managed to sort that whilst at these viewings and also with Mattie 😍
James: it appears I’m guilty of similarly high levels of enthusiasm & so the greater crime would be letting it go to waste
Ava: AND being an excellent multi-tasker AND AND an even greater romantic
James: Mattie can & will take full credit for the former but the romanticism is a newly acquired skill that I’m still trying to find my feet with, & entirely down to you
Ava: I should feel bad for keeping it all for myself
James: I disagree but I’ll happily rush through the book’s publication if sharing will make you feel better
Ava: Should doesn’t mean would or could
Ava: because I don’t
Ava: It’s nice not being secret, but I’m still happy keeping you to myself for a while longer
James: oh good, because I’d rather continue to multitask like this than on a novel deadline
Ava: Being anything but a reprieve from all the other drains on your time is not very romantic heroine of me, so never
Ava: what would the readers think
James: you’ve got me there, by evoking how fickle our readers are more than likely to prove themselves to be, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about
Ava: You either think the protagonist is ‘relatable’ or you hate her because you deserve the love interest far more than her
James: nobody deserves me more than you, they’ll have no choice but to appreciate you
Ava: James
James: Ava
Ava: I can’t wait to see you later
James: can I pick you up from school or do you need to go home first?
Ava: I don’t need to go home 😊
James: I’ll see you there then, unfortunately, I have work to get back to & I’ve kept you from yours for longer than I responsibly should have, lest you end up at Kings after all
Ava: 🙄 I’m sure my career’s officer would tell me they’re higher in the rankings or something else that isn’t going to change my mind more than your experience and my own, however brief
Ava: If I were rating them on chance, perfect meetings, however
Ava: A++
Ava: I’ll see you later then, try not to get TOO exhausted by soft play 😏❤️
James: I’ll be certain to tell them now that’s not a secret, it wouldn’t surprise me if they used us a ringing endorsement for some kind of meet-cute society to take place weekly in The Vault
James: the allure of soft play meanwhile needs no advertising, with or without any single mothers trying to engineer romantic entanglements of their own
Ava: I’ll square that with my conscience and you run that gauntlet, love
James: I’ll do my best
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yuthoe · 4 years
To-Go: 2+1 (PENTAGON: Yan An)
or “The Two times Yanan Tries to Ask You Out and The One Time He Succeeds.”
So this was requested a while ago, and at first I thought they were asking for baker!reader, but I reread the ask and saw it was actually the opposite so I had to rework the plot in my brain. Regardless, in both versions, Yanan is adorably awkward.
This turned out so long and I swear I didn’t mean for it to get to 2k words lol, it just happened. Also it seems that i HAVE to add a dash of mild angst whenever i write my fluff. apologies if this turns out bad--i’ve been out of it lately, and i guess exploring my writing style. also i’ve been busy trying to become a #contentcreator on youtube lmao.
hope you guys like it!
WARNING: a dash of angst. WORD COUNT: 2,223.
Master List
Yanan pulls his head up from putting freshly baked strawberry and chocolate Danishes in the display rack at the jingle of bells. The “welcome” dies on his lips at the sight of you, and he quickly makes to straighten up, only to bang his head on the underside of the top shelf. He rubs his slightly throbbing head as he wobbles to the kitchen.
Depositing the empty tray and tongs on a table, he desperately says, “Help! She’s here!”
“Ooohh,” his friend Changgu says, closing the oven door on a new batch of baguettes before turning fully to Yanan. “So what are you doing here, then? Shouldn’t you be out there at the counter?” he asks, one eyebrow raised and a playful smile on his flour-dusted face.
Yanan just groans. “Yeah, but I don’t know what to say!”
Changgu shrugs, takes the rag from the belt of his apron and wipes his hands with it. “The usual, maybe? ‘Is this all, or would you like a coffee with that? Will you have these to go?’ Come on, you’ve said it tons of times before--,”
“Not that, Changgu!” the taller man said, waving a hand in front of his face, as if swatting a fly away. “I meant about asking her out! I have no idea how to ask her! I’m not exactly the most suave person out there.”
The baker laughs, hearty and clearly amused. “Just be yourself, Yanan, what’s the harm in that?” Changgu takes the few steps to the refrigerator to get another batch of dough. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some bagels to make.”
Yanan lets out a pained sigh before turning and exiting the kitchen, mentally thanking his friend for that unhelpful advice.
Just in time too, as you’re stepping up to the register with a tray of goods. You smile at him and wave as you set the tray on the counter.
“‘Afternoon, Y/N,” Yanan asks, quickly punching in the codes for three chocolate-filled croissants, two lemon curd Danishes, a pack of miniature cookies, and a baguette loaf; two years working at a bakery as the frontman leaves him no choice but to memorize product codes even for the least popular baked good. “Would you like a coffee with these?”
You hum, already scanning your prospects at the menu board above him before he asked. You squint, pursing your lips in concentration and Yanan thinks it’s the most adorable thing. And then you smile and turn back to him. “Yep, a medium caramel macchiato, please!”
“All righty,” he says, punching it in. “To go as always, I’m assuming?” he asks, smiling shyly.
“You know me so well, Yanan,” you reply, smiling back. “I’ve got a few friends coming by tonight, so I’m doing some shopping.”
“Ah, hence the baguette?” Yanan asks, before rattling off the price for everything.
You root into your bag for your wallet and hand him a bill before saying, “Yep, gots to have that bread for the cheese board.” Yanan gently puts the change into your upturned palm before turning to the coffee machine behind him.
“Don’t cheese boards usually have crackers?” The whir of the coffee grinder almost drowns out his voice, but thankfully you can still hear him.
“Yeah, but sometimes you just need more carbs.” Yanan sputters a laugh as he presses the shot button on the machine and turns back to see you smiling at the joke.
And then Yanan just decides to go for it. “Does this wine and cheese party have room for one more?” he says as he turns his attention to making your coffee. He feels his ears burn--from embarrassment or dread, he’s not sure.
You’re unable to bite back a smile, and then a loud laugh. “Mm, sorry, Yanan, I’m afraid it’s girls’ night tonight. But you know, sometimes one of our guy friends tags along too, just for the cheesy rom-coms, so I can ask. If you want.”
Yanan sets the hot paper cup in front of you and waves a hand. “Ah, no, you don’t have to; I was just joking.” He hopes the laugh he lets out is believable.
“Oh,” you say, taking the cup and the paper bag in both hands. “Well, let me know if you change your mind about that, ‘kay?” You turn for the door. “Thanks for this, Yanan! I’ll see you!” you say, and you disappear once again with the jingle of bells.
Yanan stares at the closed door, then sighs and deflates until he’s crouching behind the register, resisting the urge to just bang his head into it.
You reappear the next Monday, just as Yanan finishes putting up freshly packaged dinner bread on a shelf. The bells’ chimes welcome in a gust of wind from the chilly morning, and Yanan shivers, just a tad, and rolls down the sweater sleeves he wears under the bakery’s navy blue linen apron. He takes the empty tray he’d brought in and retreats once again behind the counter, sneaking glances at you from the corner of his eye.
He doesn’t mean to be creepy, and he hopes he doesn’t come off as too chummy when he asked if he could join your get-together the previous Friday. He doesn’t usually do that, nor does he even usually have a need to ask someone out; he spends all his free time in the bakery and all the customers, while nice and respectful (except of course, for the one-in-ten nasty ones), are more like family to him.
And then you came along one summer afternoon for a mocha iced coffee and a bagel, and after taking a sip said, “Is the mocha iced coffee this good usually, or is it just because you made it?” Yanan’s face turned as pink as his hair back then and stuttered through the rest of the transaction. 
The next time you came in a few days later, you made no mention of the iced coffee thing, but still managed to strike up a conversation with the introverted boy. Yanan was grateful for it--he was too flustered to reply properly, after all--and from that short exchange about strawberry jam blossomed a casual acquaintanceship.
Everything was going fine and dandy until one closing time when Changgu said, “So when are you going to ask Y/N out?” At Yanan’s expression of incredulous surprise, the baker continued, “What? She comes by the bakery more than once every week and talks to you everytime. She even asked the part-timer once if it was your day off when she came in and you weren’t there. All signs point to her liking you, man.”
Yanan had been helping put away trays and bolts, but at his friends words he froze, party scared of the idea that someone might be interested in him and he had no idea how to go about it, and partly excited that someone might be interested in him and that hadn’t really happened or been brought to his attention since elementary school.
And he does suppose it’s time he puts himself out there since Changgu has been pestering him about taking less shifts because he’s getting sick of seeing him all the time. Plus, he needs to get out more anyway. Two birds with one stone, right?
“Thanks, Yanan,” your voice snaps him out of his reverie. “I’ll see you later!” He registers your goodbye too late, tries to make words come out of his mouth, raises a hand at the door swinging closed behind you.
He really just went on autopilot while being consumed by his thoughts, huh? Yanan groans inwardly, deciding to make himself an espresso to distract him from his abysmal flirting skills.
You push the heavy door open and inhale the distinct smell of freshly baked bread. It’s been a few days since you stopped by--work had been demanding lately and required you to clock in earlier and punch out later, so your routine got disrupted. But yesterday you submitted that finance report and could finally take your time getting that good, good coffee. And yeah, maybe a snack for later.
There are a couple of people milling about, trays full of bread, or holding a bag of rolls. You make a beeline towards the display case of confections; if you could, you’d spend all day here, just looking at the golden-brown baked dough, some lightly glazed with sugar, colorful from the fruit fillings you know they make in-store. The chocolate chip cookies are a crowd favorite--big and chunky and guaranteed to have an ample amount of chocolate in every bite. You however, are partial to their oatmeal cranberry cookies.
The way this bakery makes them gives the cookies a crunch (you suspect they put rock salt in there or something, but you aren’t a baker so what would you know?), the tartness of dried cranberries gets dialed down by the oatmeal, and the cinnamon adds a depth to the fruity flavor. It’s your favorite to-go item here, and you immediately take a medium-sized bag. You tell yourself to save these and not just devour them in one sitting this time.
A customer is getting his items rung up when you get to the counter, already seeing Yanan’s head bob up and down as he reaches for the baked goods. “Sometimes being tall is tiring,” he told you once. “Like here, I have to bend a bit to ring up the food because the counter is too low for me. But don’t tell Changgu I told you that, he’d hold it over me forever.” You both laughed at that.
“Thank you for your patronage,” you hear Yanan say now, handing the paper bag of food to the man in front of you. “Take care, and come again!” He waves to the man before turning to you.
“‘Morning, Yanan,” you say, handing him the bag of cookies. “Are you feeling okay today?” You noticed when you last came in that he was oddly quiet and subdued. You weren’t quite sure why he was so down, so you didn’t attempt to make conversation; your mouth is sometimes too fast for your brain and you didn’t want to end up saying something to accidentally offend him.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says, greets you with a soft smile, but you see he’s trying to avoid looking at you. “Yeah, I’m fine. Can I get you a coffee?”
“Yeah, a large hot mochaccino, please.” You hand him a bill and he returns your change. “I’m glad,” you say, fiddling with your wallet as Yanan works the coffee machine. “You seemed kinda down last week.”
You see him start, then press the button on the machine before turning to you. “Did I?” He bites his lip. “Sorry, I… I was just thinking.” He taps his long fingers on the wooden counter, the whirring of the machine and soft jazz emanating from the speakers the only sounds for a moment, before Yanan speaks again. “About last Friday… I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep, I just thought it would be a funny joke, but I actually half-meant it, but I wasn’t really expecting you to say yes to me, and even if you did I didn’t want to trouble you, but I just thought it would be kinda nice to hang out with you, you know, outside the shop, I mean, ‘cause like, you’re really fun to talk to, and I’d like to--,”
“Woah, woah, wait, Yanan, wait a minute,” you say, interrupting his rambling, an amused smile on your face. Yanan clamps his mouth shut and busies himself with making your coffee. You think you see a sweep of pink on his cheeks. “I… was actually serious about that--inviting you to hang out, I mean. I think you’re great to talk to, and I. I wanna get to know you more, too.” You can feel your face heat up as you fix your eyes on the grains of the countertop.
You hear a soft tap in front of you, just as the fragrance of espresso and chocolate assault your nose. The green paper cup sits in front of you, and you raise your eyes slowly--up Yanan’s clasped hands, to the linen apron stamped with the bakery’s logo, and landing on his eyes, shy and worried but hopeful.
“So,” he says, almost too softly that if you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t have caught it. Yanan takes a deep breath. “Do you… want to have dinner sometime?”
You think you must have misheard it. But you saw his lips moving, heard the sound come out of his mouth, so it must be real. 
You’re nodding before you realize it, smiling before you notice your cheeks are hurting. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d love to.” A relieved smile breaks out on Yanan’s face, and you briefly wonder how you didn’t realize he’s beautiful when he smiles.
He lets out the breath he’s holding as he pushes the cup of coffee to you. “Here’s your coffee, to go.” You reach out to take it, and make sure to brush your fingers against his. Electricity rushes up your hand, and you feel it buzzing as you say your goodbyes. as you exit the shop and step out into the chilly morning. as you remember him everytime you take a sip of the delicious coffee.
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Got any more dad snatcher drabbles? Like what if Hat Kid was in danger with the empress(in the mansion) and Snatcher had to save her?
Thank you for the request!
The Manor
“Yo Dad, I’m going to go up to the manor again, you want me to bring back anything?”
Snatcher snapped around from resetting a trap to face Hat Kid. “Where did you just say you’re going?”
“To the manor.” Hat Kid pointed in the general direction of Vanessa’s Manor. “I want to read the rest of the Queen’s diary because I only read a couple pages when I was up there last. It wasn’t exactly on my list of priorities at the time because that was before I knew who she was. But since I’m going down there, is there anything you want me to bring back? I know you used to live with her. So you must have belongings there, right? Want any of them back?”
“And if I were to forbid you from going?” It was dangerous and she didn’t need to know any more about Vanessa than she already did.
“I would go anyway, you know that. But you also know I went once before and it was fine and that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself in general especially after completing all your Death Wishes. I’m smarter and faster than your crazy ex, she won’t even know I’m there. So, spare us both the trouble and yourself the embarrassment and don’t even bother trying to make me not go. Now, you want any of your old possessions back or no?”
When she put her mind to something, there wasn’t much he could do to stop her even if he was her legal guardian now. But she was right, she’d been up there before and come out unscathed. And she’d proven herself more than capable of taking care of herself during the Death Wishes even if she hadn’t already beforehand. And well maybe there as something Snatcher wouldn’t mind having from his old life. He’d given up on it a long time ago and he didn’t need it but if she was going anyway…
“There’s a lose floorboard at the foot of the bed in my old room.” It’s where he’d kept his most valuable possessions so Vanessa wouldn’t be tempted to take them. How could he have possibly been dumb enough to ignore that big a red flag? “Most of what’s in there is probably ruined by now but one thing that might still be in good shape is a gold pocket watch. I don’t need it but you could bring it back if you really want to.”
“You don’t seem the type to carry around pocket watch. Where would you even keep it? You don’t have pockets.”
“I don’t plan to carry it. It uh… used to belong to a friend of mine.” The only friend he’d had after Vanessa had driven everyone else away.
“Oh?” Hat Kid’s eyes lit up with interest that almost made him regret saying anything. “The romantic kind of friend.”
“No.” Just the thought made him feel ill after the wrong assumptions Vanessa had made about their relationship. “She gave it to me to fix because it broke.” He’d been pretty decent at that kind of thing back in the day. He’d been planning to finish repairing it that night. “Don’t ask anymore questions, either get it or don’t, I don’t care that much. If you can’t find it fast, just forget it.” He could never return it regardless because not everyone became a ghost when they died and she wasn’t one of them, he’d made sure of it. “I expect to see you back at the big hollow in an hour, got it?”
“Got it! I promise I won’t be any more than two hours. I’ll try for one though. See you then.” She gave him a wave before running off towards the manor.
Snatcher sighed as he went back to resetting his trap. This whole being a dad thing was hard. He probably should’ve at least tried to stop her from going. Oh well, too late now and knowing her, there was unlikely to be a problem anyway.
Three hours later Snatcher paced by the big hollow. Hat Kid should be back by now. Even if she was a feral alien child, she still somehow almost always managed to be good with time; when she said it’d take her X amount to time to be somewhere, that’s how long it took her to arrive.
With a growl, Snatcher teleported as close to the manor as he dared: in front of the broken bridge. Any closer and he’d risk Vanessa sensing his power and coming after him.
“Did Hat Kid come through here?” he asked the Subconite on watch duty.
“Yes, a few hours ago. She hasn’t come back yet though. I figured it was just because she ported back to her ship. But are you saying, she hasn’t returned?”
“Yep, so I need to go look for her now.” If this was a prank or she was safe for some other reason, he was going to be pissed. He would ground her for a year at least, probably longer.
“I hope she’s okay.”
“I’m sure she is,” Snatcher said for his own benefit as well as the Subconite’s as he moved over the bridge.
He made his way through the snow and ice, hating every second of the cold even if he barely felt it. Once he started nearing the frozen lake, he condensed his form down to disguise himself as a Subconite – he remained floating though because no way was he going to deal with walking, especially in snow – he didn’t want to cause a scene if he didn’t have to. He just wanted in to grab Hat Kid and then get the peck out as soon as possible and hopefully not even see Vanessa.
He hadn’t been anywhere even near the manor since becoming a ghost. As he approached, he couldn’t help the slight tremble that came to his hands. He didn’t let himself hesitate as he floated up towards the front door though. It was locked of course but nothing a ghost couldn’t handle. He slid through the crack in it and into the house.
Inside, it was colder and he hated it. It was also a mess, in need of a good dusting and sweeping. Vanessa had always been pretty tidy back when he knew her, forcing him to be too. Her standards in that area apparently had dramatically slipped. If only she’d been…
“Peck you bitch, let me go!” That was Hat Kid! She was somewhere upstairs and was clearly in trouble and making it worse by being an ornery brat.
Snatcher burst into action and dashed for the room that housed the stairs. Upon reaching the second floor, he paused. The door leading to the nursery was wide open. He could sense Vanessa in there. It had to be a trap. Vanessa was insane but she wasn’t stupid, she’d know Snatcher would come for Hat Kid. It was the only reason Hat Kid was still alive.
Hating every moment that had led to this, Snatcher crept closer, grateful he didn’t have to worry about creaking floorboards. He didn’t want to do this but what else could he do? He needed to save Hat Kid.
Once he reached the doorway, he peeked in. Hat Kid was in there, in the middle of the room, completely frozen except for her head. Her face where it wasn’t bruised and bleeding – clearly she’d been hit rather hard by something – was pale. Her eyes were closed too. She was still alive though, Snatcher could feel it, just unconscious probably in punishment for her scream a little bit ago.
All he needed to do was to get close enough to her to be able to pull her into his pocket dimension and then they’d be home free. So he should rush in and…
“My Prince!” Vanessa was suddenly taking up the whole doorway, making Snatcher flinch back. “You’ve finally returned! I’ve been waiting, I even captured…”
Snatcher summoned a blast of magic under her feet, making her cut off with a scream of rage as it hit her. He immediately moved to dodge her ice thrown in retaliation. At the same time, he summoned another blast of magic under her feet and another under the wall separating the nursery from the hallway. It destroyed the wall enough for his Subconite form to fit through. Allowing him to get around her and make a dash for Hat Kid.
“Go peck yourself you pecking selfish whore ice bitch,” he made sure to shout at her before pulling himself and Hat Kid into his pocket dimension, just in time to miss getting hit by another blast of ice.
Wasting no time, Snatcher snapped back into his usual form and loosely coiled around Hat Kid. “Kiddo,” he said as he urgently starting tapping the side of her face. “You need to wake up.” She was more than half frozen, the risk of freezing to death was way too real. He could worry about other possible injuries and getting rid of the ice in a bit, waking her up came first. … Unless it was already too late.
She grumbled as her eyes fluttered open, thank goodness. “Snatcher! Dad! You saved me!”
“Yep, sure did. Now uh…” He could easily break the ice with a strong blast of magic but with how much power he, he was liable to accidently hurt her in the process no matter how careful he was with it. But it was magic ice, meaning melting it through mundane means would take at least twice as normal ice. Meaning…
“I-it’s cold.” Her voice shook. “A-and I can’t move.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m working on it though just… hold on a bit more, okay?” He summoned a blue potion as he pulled back from her. He didn’t have time to explain so he just poured half of it out and threw it at her feet. She flinched and even gasped in surprise at the explosion but when the fog cleared, the ice encasing her body was cracked.
“O-one more should do it,” she said, looking back up at him with far too much trust because this was dangerous too but he couldn’t think of what else to do to get rid of the ice now.
Thankfully one more did do it. As the ice shattered, Hat Kid stumbled and almost fell before Snatcher caught her. He scooped her up to cradle in his arms. She was shivering and cold as she grasped onto his mane.
“Y-you’re warm,” she said, her teeth chattering. “You’re not supposed be warm.”
“I’m not, it just feels that way to you right now because you’re freezing. But other than that, are you hurt? Do you need medical attention?” He couldn’t provide it but he could bring her to someone who could. He maybe should regardless, just in case.
“Uh no, I’m not now… just cold and my head hurts because she hit me when I yelled. But uh… speaking of that, what happened?”
“I’ll tell you later.” Instead, Snatcher transferred them to her room on her ship. He pulled the blanket off her bed and wrapped her in it like a cocoon. He then grabbed the spare blanket from her closet and wrapped her in that one too. “Is this good?” he asked when he done because he’d been dead long enough that he was no longer sure what the best way to warm up after almost freezing to death was.
“Yes, thank you. Thank you.” Her shivers seemed to have died down some, meaning she was probably going to be okay now. He might still want to take her to the doctor later though, just in case, but for now…
“Don’t ever do that again,” he said as he settled in the pillow pool, still holding her in his arms so he could glare down at her to make sure his displeasure was fully known.
She giggled in response though. It was good that she was feeling well enough to laugh but…
“It’s not funny. You could’ve died.”
“No, I guess it’s not, huh? But… I’m just happy you’re being a grump again. It was kid of scary seeing you so openly worried.”
Snatcher couldn’t exactly deny that he’d been worried, even if he wanted right? He’d gone into Vanessa’s Manor for her, anyone who knew of his past would know what that meant. So… “You’re never going to the manor again. I don’t care what you have to say about it.” He’d tell the Subconites never to let her pass when they were on guard duty too.
“Fair enough. I got what I wanted anyway. Her diary and…” she paused as she squirmed and then finagled her hand and arm out of the covers through the opening made for her face, “this.” She held the pocket watch he’d asked her to find. It was tarnished with age but unmistakable.
Snatcher sighed, unable to stay mad. “Uh… thanks.” He should probably take Vanessa’s diary from her because she did not need to know Vanessa’s secrets. He’d worry about it later though. For now, he just accepted the pocket watch and sent it to his pocket dimension.
“Can we watch a movie now? One that’s set in a warm place.”
“Sure, why not?” With how mad Vanessa had to be, she’d probably come to attack the forest again soon but until that happened Snatcher was just going to let himself relax. He’d almost lost Hat Kid today and that was a far more stressful experience than he wanted to admit. So he needed to get his mind off of it for a bit.
For this drabble event.
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Sparks Fly: Wildfire
A/N: This would be the final part. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Warnings: RemRom, Asron/Fire, Unsympathetic “Light” Sides (save for Roman), Assault/Harassment of the kissing sort
Sparks Fly Tag
It couldn’t be later than five in the morning when the pounding started on the door. Roman and Remus were naked in bed, trying to make the most of what the both of them knew might be their last night together for a while, possibly for the rest of this life. Remus groaned, pulled on boxers which did nothing to hide what he had just been doing, and walked to the door, peering through the peephole. Detective Asshole was on the other side.
Remus opened the door and said in a sing-song-y voice, “Hi, Logan, can I help you with something?”
“Where were you this morning at two in the morning?” Logan asked, scrutinizing him.
“Out,” Remus said with a shrug. “Here and there, can’t be sure where exactly I was, I wasn’t exactly watching the clock.”
Logan clenched his jaw. “Now is not the time to play, Mister Sanders. I’m investigating a murder.”
“So it’s ‘Mister Sanders’ now, is it, Detective? You’ve upgraded from charging me with drunk and disorderly to charging me with murder?”
“Remus?” Roman asked from the stairwell. “Who’s at the door?”
“No one of consequence,” Remus said, staring through Logan with a benign smile.
Logan growled. “I need you to come with me.”
“Get a warrant,” Remus said, trying to slam the door closed.
Logan stopped it with his hand and his face showed deadly rage. “Mister Sanders, you do not want to test me. Come quietly and this will go so much smoother for all of us.”
Remus laughed. “Get a warrant, or get backup. I’ve been arrested by you enough times when you were a beat cop to know that you won’t ‘go easy’ on me in any circumstances.”
Logan sighed and spoke into his walkie talkie. “This is Detective Holloway. Suspect is resisting arrest. Requesting backup.”
“I always knew you were an asshole, man. I just never suspected that you would be this much of one,” Remus said with a sigh.
Logan growled. “Who were you with tonight?”
“Come again?” Remus asked, eyes half-lidded as he held his breath and sent out a prayer to the universe.
“The witness said you weren’t alone at the crime scene. Who were you with tonight?” Logan repeated.
“Nobody,” Remus said. “Not unless you count when I came home and I hung out with Roman.”
“No alibi, your case is getting shoddier by the second,” Logan mused.
“And I hate your guts more every time you keep opening your mouth!” Remus said brightly. “I’d call this even!”
“Remus!” Roman snapped from behind him. “Don’t!”
“You’d do well to listen to your brother,” Logan said coolly as more police officers pulled up on the street. “After all, it would be a shame were something to happen to you as you were getting put into custody.”
Remus laughed, high-pitched and demented. “Wow, you’re threatening me, now, Detective Asshole? I’m sure my lawyer will love to hear that! Once you, y’know, let me call one. I know my rights to a lawyer, and I know some others, too. Such as the right to remain silent.”
“Then do us all a favor and shut up before you royally piss me off,” Logan growled dangerously.
“Judging by the way your jaw keeps clenching, might be a bit late for that,” Remus said cheerfully as more officers approached. “Listen. You try anything with my brother here once I’m gone, you won’t be a happy camper. I will make the interrogation hell for you. I will sue your asses for harassment should I hear one bad word about you from Roman. And when I come out of the other side of this a free man, you had better believe I will be accusing you of this being a ploy to get closer to my brother. Cheers, mate! Rot in hell!”
The officers rushed Remus and he was rather unceremoniously tackled to the ground, cuffed, and tossed in the back of a cop car. He sighed and leaned his head back, eyes closing. He was exhausted, adrenaline rushing out of his body as soon as it had been there. He hadn’t wanted to kill that guy. The fact that he had was unfortunate. And the fact that now Roman was stuck alone with Logan more so. Remus’ stomach churned.
Those rumors about Logan liking Roman in high school hadn’t exactly dimmed from his memory at all. And Logan hadn’t shown an interest in anyone save Roman for a long, long time. He sincerely hoped Logan wouldn’t try and get in Roman’s pants from this. Not least because he knew that Roman would say no and Logan would fabricate some story about Roman assaulting Logan just to punish him for saying no.
Remus forced himself to relax. There was nothing he could do about that now. He’d have to wait in holding for whenever they decided to interrogate him, and they’d probably charge him with negligent homicide at best. He was not looking forward to this.
They took him to the station and shoved him into holding after undoing his handcuffs. He sat down on the bench of the cell that he was the sole occupant of. He leaned his head back, eyes closing slowly, and tried to concentrate on his breathing. The least he could do was try and get some sleep today...
Roman watched Remus get taken away while what felt like a red hot iron poker stabbed him in the chest. Remus hadn’t ratted out Roman. He wanted to take the fall alone. And Roman was such a coward, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything otherwise.
Logan walked over, putting a hand on Roman’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for having to do this, but the law is the law,” Logan said. “I couldn’t let him get away with murder.”
“Right,” Roman said hollowly.
“Do you need to sit down?” Logan asked, hand never leaving Roman’s shoulder.
“Probably,” Roman agreed with a soft sigh. He went over to the couch and sat down heavily, Logan perching on the couch next to him. A few officers were milling about outside, but only Roman and Logan were inside the house. “I just can’t...I don’t want to acknowledge this is happening, you know?”
“It must be difficult,” Logan agreed. “This is why Patton, Virgil, and I always wanted you to join us. We didn’t want you to be alone when the inevitable happened and Remus did something irreversible.”
“Inevitable?” Roman repeated hollowly. “You think that Remus being charged with murder was inevitable?”
Logan continued as if he hadn’t heard Roman. “You can do so much better than him, Roman, he’s been holding you back. You could go so many places with your talent, you could become famous. But instead you stayed in this little nowhere town because of him? Patton and Virgil have both moved to the city; I’m moving out there with them soon enough to rise up in the ranks of their local PD. You could join us.”
Roman shook his head. “No. I don’t want to join you. Remus is my brother. I’ll be there for him come hell or high water.”
Logan sighed. “He’s going to prison, Roman. The witness saw him and another man on the scene. You can hope and dream all you want, he isn’t getting out of this one.”
Roman blinked back frustrated tears. He knew that, but that didn’t mean that he was going to just pack everything out and go to live with the Perfect Trio in the big city.
Logan’s hand moved to Roman’s knee. “It’s okay to be emotional Roman, it’s part of the grieving process. But I’m here for you.”
Roman scoffed.
“It’s true,” Logan said, giving Roman’s knee a squeeze.
Roman’s heart leapt into his throat as Logan leaned closer. He moved further down the couch to keep his space, hoping that Logan would get the message.
It seemed to fall on deaf ears. Logan simply leaned over, and Roman could see the hint of desperation in his eyes. “Come on, Roman. You know you can do better. Come with me.”
Roman felt frozen in place as Logan scooted over on the couch, cupping Roman’s face. As Logan’s lips met his own, Roman pushed Logan away. “Get off me!” he exclaimed. “I already have a boyfriend!”
Logan laughed. “Oh, come now, Roman, we both know you haven’t dated in years.”
He leaned in again and Roman pushed him harder. “Stay off me! I mean it! You’re not welcome here! Get out!”
Logan moved forward regardless and pressed his lips against Roman’s, pinning Roman’s legs to the couch so he couldn’t get away. Roman reached behind him, found the lamp on the side table, and brought it up over his head and down onto Logan’s skull. Logan cried out in pain, and the officers outside rushed in.
Roman was crying, feeling hysterical as Logan clutched his head on the floor. “He was trying...he was trying to kiss me after I told him no!” Roman exclaimed, pointing at Logan. “He’s sexually harassing me!”
“He’s delusional,” Logan said, clutching his head and glaring at Roman. “Clearly mourning the loss of his brother. No need to arrest him, he’ll come around eventually.”
The officers helped Logan up, giving Roman dirty looks as all of them left the premises. Roman felt his heartbeat skyrocket as the door slammed shut. Remus had murdered one man and Roman had assaulted another. And Roman was fairly certain that Logan would have him one way or another, and if Roman resisted, he’d be going down for charges of assault and battery.
This day kept getting worse and worse, and it wasn’t even seven in the morning. Roman dashed to his and Remus’ planning room, tearing everything down into shreds so there was no evidence of what they had done. He packed everything he and Remus might need into bags and boxes and went to the garage where the van Remus never drove anymore was just sitting, collecting dust. They had never been able to sell it, but it still ran, and today, it might be his and Remus’ saving grace.
Roman packed everything up and away in the van before pulling out his phone and dialing a number he never thought he might need. The voice on the other side was sharp as he hissed, “Whoever this is, you’d better have a good reason waking me up before seven.”
“Janus, it’s Roman,” Roman said. “I need your help. Two phony identities, me and Remus’ faces on the documents. And I may need your advice for who to bust someone out of a police station. And promise not to murder anyone when I tell you what happened, okay?”
There was a pregnant silence on the other end of the line, before a reluctant sigh and Janus said, “I’m up, Roman, I’m up. Do you have everything you need from your old house packed?”
“Yeah,” Roman said. “Clothes, sentimental items, toiletries, the works. I never have to come back to this house again, and truth be told, I don’t want to come back here, not if Remus isn’t here.”
“God, you two must have done something massive if you’re calling me and asking me to forge documents for you,” Janus said. “Come over to my place, explain what happened. We’ll get all your and Remus’ money into new accounts for fake identities and no one will have to be the wiser, okay?”
“Okay,” Roman said, feeling the tension leave his shoulders for the first time all night. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, I haven’t promised not to murder anyone,” Janus said. “What happened?”
Remus was half-asleep after a very tiring day of interrogations when he smelled it: smoke. He cracked an eye open and saw smoke curling under the door to the rest of the station. “Woah!” he exclaimed in alarm, catching the previously-asleep guard’s attention. The guard jumped to attention and pulled the fire alarm, before heading to Remus’ cell and unlocking it, cuffing Remus and grumbling procedures under his breath. Remus was the only one in their tiny town’s holding, and the guard took Remus out the fire exit, causing the fire alarm to blare throughout the station. Before Remus could so much as blink, someone had blitzed the guard and he was lying unconscious on the ground, and Remus’ cuffs were being undone by someone he never thought he’d see after high school. “Janus?” he asked in disbelief.
Janus sniffed a laugh. “Hi,” he said as he undid the cuffs. “Follow me, your brother is waiting in a van nearby.”
Remus didn’t need to be told twice. He followed Janus to the back of his and Roman’s first van that they never used anymore, and as soon as the doors closed Roman floored the gas. “You okay, Remus?” Roman asked from the front seat.
“Better now that I’m with you, darlin’,” Remus purred, nuzzling his nose against Roman’s neck.
“Ugh, you two are disgusting when you’re in love,” Janus griped from the back of the van. “Like, don’t get me wrong: I saw it coming. But romance is just disgusting. In all forms.”
“Thanks for your opinion, Janus, no one asked,” Remus said, smiling adoringly at Roman. “You okay, darlin’? You’re shaking.”
“I’ll be okay once we’re out of town and I know you’re safe,” Roman said.
Remus turned to Janus. “What happened?” he asked.
“Logan forced himself on Roman,” Janus said simply.
“I’ll kill him,” Remus growled.
“I wouldn’t bother looking for him. The fire started in his office, after all. And everyone’s either going home or out on patrol, hardly anyone’s left in the building so the first they heard about the fire was probably when the guard let you out,” Janus replied easily. “He was working late, I’m pretty sure that if no one finds him in a couple days he’ll be presumed dead.”
“Is he?” Remus asked.
Janus had a glint in his eye as he said, “Nah. But he is in a deep pile of shit, what with the drugs at his house and him being stoned out of his mind and all.”
“What?” Remus laughed incredulously.
“Oh, they’ll go looking for him, find him and the drugs, and arrest him for corruption. His career’s over,” Roman said. “Good riddance. I used to like him, and I can’t believe that’s the case.”
“We all liked him when we were five,” Remus said. “Some of us just grew to know better.”
Roman barked a laugh. “Tell you what, though. Janus made us new identities, we can go wherever we please in a couple days after he’s erased our old ones from the books.”
“Seriously?” Remus asked, eyes wide.
“Yep,” Roman said. “And we can start fires wherever we go, too, if you want. No jobs forcing us to stick to one place, no people trying to arrest us for murder or arson, we’re free to do as we please and it will be glorious.”
“Yes!” Remus exclaimed, happily kissing Roman’s cheek. “Thank you, Janus!”
“As long as you boys take out one or two targets a year for me I’ll pay you to continue this havoc,” Janus said. “Just burn them to the ground and you’ll do fine.”
“Really? We could get paid for starting fires?!” Remus asked incredulously. “Roman, we should have called him months ago!”
Roman laughed. “I suppose we should have. He could have given us things to do that weren’t arson that would have paid twice as much as my job ever did. All for a little favor here and there.”
Remus grinned. They let Janus go back to his apartment and he and Roman went to a motel and slept together. And, the next day, as it was reported on the news that Detective Asshole was arrested on drug charges, and that a suspect was missing from custody, Remus sipped his motel coffee with his freshly dyed hair and knew that wherever he and Roman went next, sparks would fly.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Imagine after Child!Byleth goes into his 5 year nap, the house leaders keep his stuffed bird as a reminder of him. Then when he comes back, the house leaders give him the bird, and it is the only thing not broken or torn in the war.
Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
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Ya know originally, I meant to do this ask a VERY long time ago, and never got around to it. And this ask was sent in back BEFORE the explosion of requests for the AU.
Now that I’ve actually established a bunch of stuff and HC’s? This is gonna hurt
Anyways, thanks for the ask anon, kept ya waiting, huh? Hope you enjoy!
House Leaders finding Child!Byleth’s stuffed bird, then giving it back 5 years later
Black Eagles - Directly after Byleth was separated
- Edeglard’s troopers stormed the monastery after driving off the Knights of Seiros, making sure to check every last corner.
- While the class and the soldiers made sure that every last bit was fortified to prepare for another attack, Edelgard found herself near her tiny professor’s room.
- It was not the time to be sentimental but…
- She walked into his room and looked around. It was remarkably clean but…very dull.
- That seemed about right. She knew if he kept anything that remotely looked like fun, he would’ve thrown it out on the premise it was ‘childish’.
- But…she saw something that caught her eye.
- It was a cute little bird on his bed…It was then she realized that it was the bird Jeralt gave him.
- She slowly walked up to it, and held it in her arms.
- She felt a little bit of a tear form, but she blinked it away.
- Why did she need to cry? He’ll be back to get this bird. Goddess knows he would’ve destroyed this entire monastery before he let a single thread of this bird go loose.
- Hubert walked through the door and cleared his throat.
“Milady, we have reports ready to…This is the professor’s room, isn’t it?”
“Indeed…Hubert, please take this bird, and tell Bernadetta to keep it in peak condition.”
- Hubert didn’t need any explanation why. After all, he had seen Byleth with this very bird on rare ocassions.
- So, he didn’t need to ask just how important this was to Edelgard.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Professor…When you finally return to us, I’ll make sure this is given back to you, safe and sound…”
Blue Lions - Re-entry to the Monastery ruins
- Bandits were everywhere.
-…Were being the keyword. Most of them that were inside the ruins are now all dead.
- Now, their corpses littered the monastery. This was going to be his base for a little while, until he found out a way to kill that vile woman.
- Dimitri slowly walked after a bandit who was running away to the dorms.
- It didn’t matter, he was going to be trapped anyway.
- Once Dimitri broke through the door, he saw the bandit cowering in a corner.
- He was about to drive his lance into the bandit until he saw something that made his heart stop.
- It was his tiny professor’s stuffed bird.
- The bandit was still in the corner, but too close to the bird. If Dimitri impaled him, the blood would’ve gotten everywhere, and onto it.
- After taking a moment to consider his options, he put his lance away. 
- He preferred using his hands anyway.
- With brute force alone, he snapped the bandit’s neck like a twig. Throwing out the body onto the grass outside, he turned back to the bird.
- Why was he hesitating to rip this damn thing in half? It was only going to be a reminder of someone else he couldn’t save.
- Yet…something about the bird was comforting. Byleth’s voice had yet to haunt him so maybe…
- He slowly reached for the bird, pulling his hand back upon feeling how soft it still was. It was dusty all to hell but…
- He grabbed the stuffed bird, and hid into his cape.
“…It shall serve as a reminder of what I must do do…nothing more.”
Golden Deer - Re-entry to the Monastery ruins
“Well…this sucks…”
- Claude thought to himself. After five years, he apparently was the only one who made it to the monastery. He promised the professor that he’d be here but…it was up to fate to see if the professor would keep his.
- Regardless, he decided to take a trip down memory lane.
- The dorms looked beaten as hell but…all in all? Everything looked exactly the same.
- After checking out his room, and almost dying from the dust inside, he decided to check out the professor’s room.
- After all, he can’t get mad if he doesn’t know, right?
- Once he opened the door, the first thing he noticed was the weird object on Byleth’s bed.
“Well well well…!”
- Claude’s smirk began to grow as he picked up a stuffed bird, and shook it a bit, getting the dust off.
“Dang, whoever made you must be some toy god. Not a single thread loose after all these years!”
- He laughed a little, putting the bird into a secure location.
- Claude saw only a few times where Byleth had this on him. One was screeching after Leonie, the other time was…less amusing. It was at Jeralt’s grave he saw him hugging this bird like there was no tomorrow.
“You’d be really pissed if some bandit ended up burning this thing, well luckily for you teach, I’m a nice guy.”
- This’d make a good gift for the tiny professor.
-…Well, it’d be a good gift again, technically speaking.
- Ignoring his smartass remark against himself, he started heading up towards the Goddess tower.
“Come on, little teach…I’m waiting on ya…And mister fuzzy bottoms is too, apparently…”
Black Eagles
- Edelgard found her tiny professor looking out into the fishing pond. It was odd considering it was extremely late at night.
“Oh, hey there, Edelgard.”
- He yawned. It seemed like he was tired but, at the same time it didn’t look like he’d fall asleep anytime soon.
“Trouble falling asleep?”
“Something like that…”
- Byleth looked like he wanted to say something, but he looked down on the ground.
- After a moment of silence, a revelation hit Edelgard.
- That’s right! The bird!
- She smiled widely and turned to Byleth.
“U-Um, please wait a moment, professor!”
- Byleth turned to her with an eyebrow raised as she dashed towards Bernadetta’s room.
- He couldn’t hear their exchange, but Bernadetta gave something to Edelgard, and she rushed back over.
- She had something behind her back, and she started giggling.
“…Edelgard, did you hit your head?’
- She was kind of hurt hearing that.
“Oh, then I suppose I shouldn’t be excited about this then…!”
- Edelgard pouted a little, which made Byleth snicker. Hearing his laughter made her ease up.
“Perhaps it’d be easier sleeping with this, professor?”
- She knelt down, and revealed the stuffed bird to him.
- Thanks to Bernadetta, it looked like it was fresh off the knit and needle.
- Byleth slowly grabbed the bird, unable to believe that the bird had finally returned.
- He looked back up to Edelgard, a little bit of tears forming.
“You…You kept this, Edelgard?”
- She smiled, nodding.
“I never once gave up hope that you’d return to us, my tiny professor. So, I ordered Bernadetta to keep it nice and clean, just as you remembered it.”
- His smile was so big, Edelgard swore her heart was about to melt.
“…Thank you so much, Edelgard…”
- She patted his head, which made him blush and frown.
“H-HEY! I didn’t say you could do that! I’m your professor, not a child!”
- She honestly didn’t mean to laugh as loud as she did, which made him pout now.
“Come now, let’s thank Bernadetta before we go to bed. She’ll be delighted to hear her tough work paid off.”
Blue Lions (Post Chapter 17)
- Dimitri walked into his room after what seemed to be forever. He had always stayed inside the Cathedral in between the marches but…He wasn’t in his right mind.
- Sighing, he took a seat on his bed, trying to put it behind him.
- He was a new man, and he would redeem himself, just as Byleth said.
- It wasn’t just for his tiny professor’s sake, but his classmates. His country’s sake.
- For Sylvain, Ingrid, and Felix…
- He looked up, about ready to sleep until he was reminded.
- It was Byleth’s stuffed bird that sat on a desk across from him, staring.
- After a brief moment of glaring at each other, Dimitri let out a laugh.
“I bet you missed your owner, didn’t you?”
- Though Byleth said he’s forgiven Dimitri for all the vile things he said…He wanted to make it truly right.
- Once he grabbed the bird, he immediately set off for the professor’s room.
- Feeling confident, he marched straight to his door and knocked loudly.
“Professor, it’s Dimitri!”
- What the hell?! Was he in pain?!”
- He backed up a little, not sure of what he was hearing. After a few more moments, the door opened and…!
-Byleth was in his night gown, rubbing his eye. He glared at Dimitri, clearly not happy about being so rudely woken up.
-…Oh, that’s right. It’s the dead of night right now.
“O-Oh, I’m so sorry! I-uh…”
“It’s…” yawn “Fine, Dimitri…What is it?”
“I…” sigh “I’ve been meaning to give you something as a final apology for-”
“Ugh, this again? Dimitri how many times do I have to-”
“I know. That’s why this is the final time I’ll say it.”
- He pulled out the stuffed bird, and saw Byleth freeze up.
“D-Dad’s bird…!” 
- Dimitri put it in his hands, with Byleth squeezing it tightly until he looked up.
“When…did you get this?”
“I…I think it was at least a few weeks before we met up and…”
- That meant even during his worst moments…Dimitri still thought of Byleth.
- Byleth suddenly hugged Dimitri, with him feeling the bird on his back.
“T-Thank you so much…I…I missed this bird so much…!”
- Dimitri heard Byleth sniffling, with a few teardrops landing on his shoulder.
- He didn’t say anything, just hugging Byleth back.
Golden Deer
- Claude watched the sun rise, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs.
- The footsteps were far too light to be a soldier, and far too heavy to be an assassin, considering Claude could hear him clear as day.
- Hearing a child gasp, it only meant it was one person…
“You overslept, teach! Pretty rude to keep a fella waiting like that, wouldn’t ya say?”
“What’s with that surprised look, my tiny friend?”
- Byleth frowned at first, but turned into a very big smile.
“You didn’t really think that I’d given up on you coming back, did you?”
- After a few moments of catching up, Claude learned that his tiny teacher was asleep for the last five years…apparently.
- Wanting to catch up properly on the state of the continent AFTER, a good heartfelt meal, they began to make way until…
“Hey, hold on teach! I got you a little something!”
“Hah, you really held on faith, didn’t you? Thanks-”
“Hold onto that thanks…”
- He replied with a smile, reaching behind him.
- Byleth’s eyes went wide.
“…D-Dad’s bird…?!”
“Hah, that face is priceless!”
- Claude lowered the bird to a level where Byleth could grab it, only to yank it too high for him.
- Byleth pouted, and tried jumping up to get it.
“Ah ah ah! Didn’t say the magic word!”
- The magic word was Byleth kicking Claude in the shin.
“HEY, OW!”
- He droppped the bird, Byleth catching it, and squeezing it hard.
- Claude couldn’t help but laugh, doing something a kid would do was the last thing he ever expected.
- Byleth looked back to Claude and bowed to him.
“…Thank you for keeping it safe, Claude.”
- He smiled back, patting his back.
“No problem, teach…Though uh, it’s a bit dusty so I wouldn’t-”
“…Put it to your face.”
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 2: Beacon’s Fragile Light Ch XII
Hey, everyone! This is the twelfth chapter of Beacon’s Fragile Light! Here, we continue the Fall of Beacon! As usual, please enjoy.
Disclaimer: Still own nothing!
(On the deck of Roman’s airship…)
“Damn...it…!” Ruby said, gasping for air as she and Summer continued to fight off hordes of Grimm. She then paused, noticing a pink and brown haired young woman nearing her. ‘Is she challenging us?’ The young leader thought, before assuming a battle stance. The woman alerted someone wordlessly, before someone that Ruby recognized arrived at the top of the ship.The younger Rose raised an eyebrow,  “Torchwick?”
Roman smirked, “The one and only, Red. I believe the blondie is familiar with my partner, Neo.” Ruby gritted her teeth, “Why you….!” She then swung at Neo, only for the white-clad woman to jump over her scythe and dodge another swing from the young leader. The ginger man sighed, “I suppose you’re aware that without these ships, the Grimm will destroy everything.” The younger Rose nearly fell off the hull of the airship after receiving a fury of kicks from Neo.
“Have you...lost your mind…!?” Ruby asked, trying to catch her breath. “There’s...no gain in this…!” Roman laughed loudly, “And I can’t afford to lose anything either!” His attention then turned to Summer, who was charging at the pair...only for her to be blindsided by a pair of small Nevermore. “Like it or not, Roses! The people I work for WILL change the world...and NEITHER of us can stop them…” Roman shouted. Ruby looked at Neo’s weapon, noticing a button, before looking at the Nevermore behind her.
Before Roman could say another word, the young leader opened the parasol, causing Neo to take off from the ship, leaving her in the mercy of the flying Grimm. Ruby then got up and used her semblance to go at full speed, grabbing a hold of Roman’s cane. “Even if we can’t stop them…WE, unlike you, are sure as hell gonna FUCKING try.” She snapped, only to be whacked with the cane. Roman snarled, “You got spirit, Red. But the world doesn’t give a SHIT about spirit.”
He then landed a bludgeoning blow to Ruby’s forehead, causing it to bleed. “The TRUE world is vicious. Cold. MERCILESS!” The ginger shouted, only to Ruby to kick the man back away from her as she struggled to get up. The young leader was bruised and bleeding. She was also exhausted and began to think she was going to collapse at any given moment. Roman slammed the end of his cane on the red clad teenager’s abdomen, pinning her down.
“I will do what I do best; lie, steal, cheat, SURVIVE.” The ginger man said. “If you want to be a hero, die like EVERY OTHER HUNTSMAN IN HI-!” He was cut off as the two heard a ferocious growl. Summer, who had mercilessly torn the Nevermore near her to bloody shreds, had glowing blood red eyes as she stared Roman down. “GET. OFF. OF. HER. NOW!” She snapped, walking towards the pair with clenched fists. Roman gritted his teeth, despite his fear rising, “If you come any closer, I WILL murder her!”
In an instant, the elder Rose dashed in front of the pair, grabbing and twisting Roman’s forearm away from Ruby. Roman made a pained expression, only for all the color in his face to vanish as Summer growled, “Not if I kill YOU first…!” With that, she literally TORE the ginger’s forearm from his body, causing him to scream in pain. “AH, FUCK!” He shouted, before dashing towards the door to the ship. Summer then tackled Roman, before tearing off one of his legs.
Roman began panicking. He was ACTUALLY going to die...in possibly the most brutal way he could imagine. “Wait. Wait!” He begged, turning on his back to face the red clad woman. “I… I can give you the location of my employers! I-I can help you stop the Grimm atta-!” He was cut off when Summer lifted him up, before she whispered in his ear, “You threatened my daughter. THAT is enough reason to kill you.” Roman paused, before his expression turned into that of horror.
“It...c-can’t be..!” Y-You’re supposed to be dead. Salem sent those Grimm Sapiens after you herself!” Roman said in a weak and panicked voice. The red clad woman growled, “They failed to leave no survivors to save me.” With that, she slammed her hand into Roman’s chest, before taking it out and throwing the ginger off the ship, where several Nevermore began feasting on his body. “Cres…?” Ruby called out in a weak voice. Summer turned towards her, before the glow in her eyes vanished.
Summer collapsed to her knees, covering her mouth and doing her best not to vomit. The younger Rose quickly went up to her and began rubbing her shoulders, “Are you...going to be okay?” It took several moments for Summer to answer. She just nodded, temporarily succeeding in not vomiting. “Are you?” She asked. The young leader froze, before nodding, “Nothing I can’t recover from.” She knew well what Summer meant, but decided to not bring it up for now.
The ship then shuttered underneath the two. “Time to go.” Summer said, grabbing Ruby’s scythe and tossing it to her. Ruby then slammed the blade into the side of a building’s wall, slowing her descent to the ground, while Summer just used her hands just as effectively. “How worse are things going to get before we stop this!?” Ruby asked. Summer shook her head, “Don’t know! Though if we take out the Wyvern and Cinder, this might come to a halt.” Hopefully, Beacon will still be salvageable if it does.
(Meanwhile, in Beacon Academy…)
“You’re cowards, you know!” Adam shouted, his blade clashing with Blake’s. Gambol rushed at him, only for the bull faunus to dodge and kick her and Blake back. “This could’ve been OUR DAY!” “So you WANT innocent people to be afraid and hate us!?” Blake shouted as she swung her sword at Adam. The redheaded man scoffed, dodging the attack, “That’s all these people ever know! Hatred and fear!” “We will have our revolution.” He snapped. “Regardless of our actions.”
Gambol gave a sarcastic laugh, “Over my dead body.” “Your actions only prove that you don’t believe in the White Fang cause. You just want selfish revenge on those who harmed you…” She said, standing up and glaring the bull faunus down. Adam smirked, “Then how about we get rid of those that harmed me…” “Starting with her.” He said, rushing towards an innocent student, only to be tackled by Gambol.
“Get out of here! Now!” Blake shouted, letting the student flee as Blake punched her former partner in the face repeatedly. The bull faunus kicked her in the abdomen and headbutted Gambol, releasing her grip on him. After kicking his former partner to the ground, he snickered, “You’re quite desperate to save a school that’s already doomed!” “I promise: You WILL suffer for your betrayal, by having everything and everyone you love taken away from you.” Adam said. “Starting with the blonde there.”
The younger faunus froze as she looked to her left, spotting a nearby Yang. “You son of a bitch…!” She growled, before screaming in pain as Adam stabbed her lower torso. Yang jumped and turned, before her hair lit ablaze and eyes burned red. She lunged at the bull faunus, shouted, “Get the fuck off of her!” Before she could punch him though, Adam smirked, using his semblance to sever the blonde’s right arm from the elbow-down. Gambol sat up, her face pale and full of panic, “Yang! Ember!”
Adam walked over to the blonde, where Ember, exhausted, had now materialized. “You fucking…!” She growled, attempting to stand. The redheaded man chuckled, “Save it for the funeral.” Blake immediately got in between Yang and Adam, growling. Adam raised an eyebrow, “So, you want to die that much, huh?” Without hesitation, he swung his blade, decapitating...a shadow…?
Adam then looked up to notice Blake and Gambol escaping with the two blondes. “You fucking bitch!” He shouted, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to find them again in the streets. Gambol looked at Ember as tears formed in her eyes, “I’m so sorry… I’m so-...” “Don’t, hun.” The taller blonde said with a weak smile, “Please...don’t.” Ember looked at the teenagers, saying, “We need to get somewhere safe to regroup. You two need medical attention.” Blake nodded, before the four spotted Ren, Nora, Weiss, and Arktis.
“Hey. I was starting to get worr-...” Weiss stopped herself, before paling at the site of her teammates. “What happened…?” “We’ll explain while we give these two medical attention. Got any clean bandages and anything to cauterize Blake wound?” Gambol asked as Blake gently placed Yang down in a now-sitting Ember’s lap. The taller blonde began cauterizing Yang’s injury, while Arktis used red dust to cauterize Blake’s.
Afterwards, Weiss put some paper towels around the faunus’s abdomen as make-shift bandages. Not the best solution, but it was much better than leaving it unprotected. “Adam overpowered us….” Gambol said. “Spotted Yang and Ember.” “He used me to try and kill them.” Blake said, though it came out as a whimper. “Probably would’ve too if I didn’t use my semblance.”
The heiress hugged her teammate gently, “You’re going to be okay… All of you.” Ember sighed, “I hope you’re right…” Arktis placed a hand on Ember’s shoulder, rubbing it gently, “You will… Once we get done here and get back home.” Gambol nodded, “Home’s possibly the safest place now for all of us…” She then sighed, “Gods, Ruby’s going to be broken up…” The group went quiet. Ruby’s reaction to her sister being harmed was obvious enough… But Summer’s reaction...was going to scare them...
(Meanwhile, in the Vault…)
“Do we even know if this is going to work?” Ozpin asked. There was a brief silence, before Evergreen sighed in their shared mindscape, “We do not… But what choice do we have now?” Back in reality, Evergreen brought Jaune and Pyrrha to the vault beneath Beacon as quickly as he could. The blonde raised an eyebrow at the headmaster, “Where are we?” “A type of....vault…” Pyrrha answered, though with some hesitation. Jaune looked at his teammate, “What would the academy need to hide?”
Evergreen stopped, sighing with regret. “You’re going to hate this…” He said, opening the vault and revealing the unconscious Fall Maiden, Amber in a pod. Jaune froze in shock. The headmaster sighed, “Mr. Arc. If Pyrrha decides to accept the powers of the Fall Maiden, protect her with all your might, please.” The blonde paused, before saying, “I’d do so regardless of the decision.” Evergreen smiled, albeit small, “You’re a strong and good man, Jaune….”
He then looked at Pyrrha, “Ms. Nikos. You have a choice to make. It is yours and yours alone.” The headmaster explained that the redheaded girl could either have the powers transferred to her, although the process would take a bit of time...or she could reject the powers and fight the Grimm and Cinder without them. “What happens next is up to you…” Evergreen said. The redheaded girl stared at the woman in the pod, then at Jaune, before looking towards the noises of chaos outside.
“No…” Pyrrha shook her head. “I...can’t take this power…” Evergreen nodded, “I understand.” The redheaded girl shook her head, “No offense, but I’m not sure if you fully do.” “I can’t accept this power. Not just because of those I care about, but also because I can’t trust myself with responsibility.” The headmaster raised an eyebrow, “Please correct me if I’m wrong, but is it because you believe you are also too young?”
The redheaded girl paused, before nodding, “I’m still basically a child. Even at the age of 17. I’m inexperienced, even if you see great potential.” After she was done, both she and Jaune raised an eyebrow, with the former asking, “Why are you smiling?” The headmaster chuckled, placing a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder, “Because I’m proud of your decision and maturity. You understand that you aren’t ready for this...and thus rejected the transfer. I’m proud of both of you.”
Pyrrha just blinked, before giving a small smile, “Thank you, professor.” Evergreen nodded, “You are most welcome, Pyrrha.” He then looked at Jaune, placing a hand on his shoulder, “I understand that you were worried. But I’m proud that you trusted your partner with making her decision.” The blonde smiled, “Thank you, sir.” “You're welcome, Jaune.” The headmaster said. “Now then, let’s get her awake and get out of here. We got some monsters to hunt, right?”
The two teenagers shared a smile and a laugh, before nodding....
However, before Evergreen could wake Amber, an arrow flew through the air, piercing the Fall Maiden's heart. The trio jumped in shock as Amber coughed out blood, before dying. Cinder, holding a bow, sighed as the Fall Maiden’s powers passed on to her. “You know, I was actually worried that you would accept the powers of the Maidens.” Cinder said with an arrogant grin. Evergreen gritted his teeth, “Why you damned arrogant…!” “Oh please, like you weren’t arrogant either, Ozpin.” The new Fall Maiden snapped.
“SHE was right about that part of you, you know.” Cinder grinned. The headmaster growled, before saying, “Jaune, Pyrrha. Get out of here and get Ironwood and Glynda back to Beacon. NOW!” “Tell them to bring Qrow as well.” Evergreen said, standing his ground against Cinder. “What about you!?” Jaune asked. The headmaster shook his head, “Don’t worry about me. Just go and protect Beacon!”
Pyrrha looked at her partner and nodded, reluctantly escaping as their headmaster stood against Cinder. The red-dressed woman sighed, “I pity you, Evergreen Brown. I really do. I came for Ozpin and this power...and if you two were not one in the same, I would spare you.” The headmaster rolled his eyes, “Sure. Like I’m gonna believe that fib.” Cinder shrugged, smirking as flames erupted in her hands, “Who knows. Maybe you would’ve been a loyal ally to Salem…”
Evergreen knew that this was a fight he probably wouldn’t survive… He used a quick spell, before putting it in the Long Memory. ‘Whoever will be your next incarnate...WILL need guidance.’ He thought. He knew Ozma heard him when he said, “It’s been an honor, Evergreen. I...wish things could’ve been different.” ‘I know. We’ll meet again... and I hope that you’ll be a better man when we do.’ Evergreen thought, before aiming the cane at Cinder and saying, “Let’s dance, Cinder.”
As promised, a summary of what happened.
Summer kills Roman in a gruesome fashion. Adam still severely injures Yang and Blake, but Gambol and Ember are able to help with medical attention. And....
MAJOR CHANGE STRIKES AGAIN! >:D Yep, Pyrrha is NOT accepting the powers, choosing to bravely fight on without them. Also, Evergreen and Ozma make some sort of peace between each other at Beacon’s end. Also Cinder IS aware of Evergreen's personality.
Next up, we reach the end of Vol. 3, where Summer and Ruby FINALLY go ballistic. I might have a separate epilogue chapter, but we’ll see. See ya next time!
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I Can’t Hear What You Say (V x Reader)
This one’s shorter than normal, I didn’t have many ideas and didn’t want to ramble. Please suggest things to write in my ask box! 
I looked to my left, relieved to see Y/n still sleeping soundly. My chest ached, at first a dull pain but it had advanced to a tight stabbing sensation. In addition to the drug, I was feeling this way because of guilt. Not only guilt for what I did to Rika and Saeran, but the fact that I had dragged such an innocent and sweet girl like Y/n into my mess. She was picking up the pieces of everything I had destroyed, and I needed her to stop. She would be in even more danger than she already was in if she continued. I rubbed my eyes, vision bleary. My eyes were getting worse by the day, but it wasn't helping that I was tired.
"There's no time to be tired." I murmured to no one in particular. Something had to be done about Rika and Mint Eye, and I can only think of one solution. I had to go to Rika, if she could have me, destroy me completely like I know she wants to, just maybe she will let everyone go. Somehow, despite the severity of the situation she was caught in the middle of, Y/n was deep in sleep with a rather peaceful expression on her face. A sigh slipped past my lips; her presence was calming to me. I had to wrench my gaze away from her, because the longer I stared, the more I would be convinced that there was another life for me, that I didn't have to go to Rika. Sucking in a harsh breath, I pushed myself out of the bed I was lying in. My head began to pound after standing on my own two feet, and I felt a slight vertigo coming on. I passed Y/n dozing in the chair beside the bed, pausing for a moment as I did so.
"Mmm, V..." She mumbled drowsily into her arm. She was still deep in sleep, but I still tensed regardless. She was dreaming about me, I suppose. Whatever it was, I hoped it was sweeter than the reality we were living. I turned swiftly away from her and walked to the door, making sure to do so quietly. Peeking out of the door, I noticed that it was a rare moment when everyone including Luciel was asleep. Taking my chance, I crept out of the cabin quietly. I know they would be upset at first, but it was the only way to stop Rika and save everyone.
Stepping out into the chilled air of the surrounding woods, my headache began to worsen. Clenching my bottom lip in my teeth, I powered through for what felt like fifteen minutes, but in reality, it was probably only five, maybe a bit closer to ten. Dark spots danced in my vision as I leaned back against a tree, trying to support my body and take some weight off of my shaking legs. I screwed my eyes shut and grasped a fistful of my mint locks, the pain in my head escalating until it felt like someone was repeatedly bashing my skull in. My legs finally gave out, and I could barely feel myself sink into the dewy grass. I began coughing up nothing, feeling suffocated. Apparently, the drug wasn't completely out of my system. 
Am I going to die out here...? I'm sorry, Rika...I'm sorry, Saeran and Luciel...I'm sorry...Y/n... I thought dimly, feeling my grip on the world loosen again, everything fading to grey. It felt no different than falling into the abyss. Would Y/n be okay? Luciel would take care of her, wouldn't he? A wild, primitive sense of fear began to take over, and for the first time in my life, I was afraid to die. 
2nd Person        
Your eyes fluttered open as you shot up in your chair, and you noticed that your neck and back was dripping in cold sweat. Your hair was also sticky with it, and you felt your heart hammering. You vaguely wondered if you had a nightmare, but you knew that to be false. You dimly remember your dream being a nice one. You pictured a happy ending, everyone getting out safe and sound. Even Ray was with you all in your dream, finally free from his shackles of being exploited. V was in it too, and you were both happy.
"V..." You tapped your chin, acknowledging that off feeling with new context. Your breath caught in your throat as you turned to the bed next to you, finding it empty. That sinking feeling in your stomach worsened, clutching your shirt to keep you grounded. You had a sickening feeling that he wasn't up getting a late night glass of water. "I need to find him." You hopped up from your chair, stumbling while trying to gain your balance. Although your mind was wide awake and in panic mode, your body still had yet to wake up. You threw open the door, seeing Seven and Vanderwood asleep; Vanderwood on the couch, Seven in the chair, slumped over onto the desk, drooling on his computer. You didn't have the time to pull them from sleep, and you knew you would waste precious minutes explaining to them the severity of the situation. Dashing out of the cabin and into the frigid night air, your voice trembled as you broke the serenity. "V! V, where are you?!" You called hopelessly, throat tearing itself up from screaming at the top of your lungs without warming your voice up. You were met with deadly silence. Your bare feet were becoming dusted with dirt as they beat down on the ground with every stride. You took off running into the woods, knowing that he could be anywhere at that point. You could hear your gasps for breath ringing in your own ears. "V!" You desperately shrieked his name once more, praying to anything and everything that there would be something. You knew he left to go back to Rika. You couldn't helped being hurt, knowing that he would always love her in some way. You had somehow fallen in love with him, a love that you felt was one sided. Now not only were you despairingly looking for a man that was probably long gone, you were feeling sorry for yourself.         "Y/n...?!" You thought you heard a soft cry for you carried on the night breeze, and you hoped you were right.          "Yes! V!" You strained your ears to hear the faint calls, whipping your head in every direction. After deciding on a direction to go, you attempted to follow the voice. Branches lashed your face as you pressed on faster towards the voice. You distantly felt warm trickles of blood running down your cheeks as you rustled through the bushes and trees, tripping on tree roots. You felt a sharp pain shoot up from your ankle, but that was the least of your worries. You pushed on, ignoring the stinging agony that was present with every step. You came crashing through a pair of bushes, having to skid quickly to a stop in order to not fall on the figure. After taking in more details, you saw V lying in a heap in front of a large evergreen tree. You were on your knees in an instant. "V? Can you hear me?" His head lolled slightly as he tried to look up into your eyes. You were aware of how out of focus they looked. He held a trembling hand out to you, brushing it against your face, partially dried blood streaking his fingertips. He narrowed his eyes, confusion present in his mint irises. 
"Rika...?" His lip quivered as he addressed you, and you felt a piece of your heart break. Shaking your head, feeling tears drip down your cheeks, you cupped his face in your delicate hands.
"No...no, V, it's Y/n. Rika isn't here, she can't hurt you anymore." A tremor cut through your words, and you cursed yourself for not being stronger. 
"Rika..." He murmured, trying to sit up, coughing while he did so. "I will love you like the sun, if that's what you wish." You watched droplets of water slip down his face, mirroring your own tears. "In return, please let that boy go...and don't hurt Y/n. Please." You squeezed your eyes shut as his hands found their way into yours. You knew he was too far gone at the moment to listen to whatever you were saying. You weren't quite sure what reality he had stepped into, or if you could drag him out. A concentrated expression ghosted his face as he looked down to your intertwined hands. "No...I can't do that. I'm sorry, but I just can't love you anymore." Moonlight glinted off of the teardrops clinging to his long eyelashes, creating constellations that settled there. "I'm afraid I'm in love with someone else...but I can't love her either, because I'll end up destroying her too." His delusional ramblings continued as you released one of his hands and pulled your phone out of your pocket, attempting to open the messenger. 
"C'mon, c'mon..." You murmured anxiously, silently cussing out the weak signal. Eventually it did let you log on, and you immediately dialed Seven. You hoped that he would pick up, or at least someone would. To your relief, the line clicked into connection halfway through the last ring. "A little too close for comfort there." You breathed out.
"If you needed something, you could have just came out into the living room." Vanderwood's gruff response indicated that he was not happy being woken up, but you could honestly care less.
"We have an emergency! Get Seven, I don't care if he's sleeping or in the middle of taking a piss, grab him right now!" You could hear Seven's incoherent mumbles as Vanderwood shook him awake.
"Mmm, five more minutes, Madam."
"Get your ass up, Y/n said it's an emergency!" You heard a smack on the other end of the line. "Where are you exactly?" 
"Um, I'll hang up and send my location."
"No, the hacker is still monitoring the chatroom. Just try to describe it." Your mind was blank, as all you remembered was running in a mad frenzy. 
"I think I just went straight? Maybe? I'm not sure. I can yell for you though." You heard a deep sigh from the other end of the call as well as the cabin door opening and closing.
"Okay, can you tell me what happened?" His voice was calm and steady, clearing your head. You were grateful to have someone like Vanderwood on your side, as he had been one of the biggest helpers in your mission to save V and stop Mint Eye. V moaned in pain, vice grip on your hand tightening. Your heart wrenched at the sound, but you kept your attention with Vanderwood.
"I woke up with the feeling that something was wrong, and V was gone. I ran out to find him, and oh god, Vanderwood, he's completely out of his mind." You couldn't help the sob that escaped you. You had been strong all this time, but someone once told you that the taller you stand the easier you are to break. You thought you had reached that point. Vanderwood cursed under his breath, and you could hear two sets of thudding footsteps as the two agents picked up a sprint. V began tugging at the hem of your shirt, trying to get your attention. "Okay...I have to go. When I hear you yelling, I'll respond." You hung up, turning back to V. 
"Y/n...?" You released a breath you had no idea that you were holding. He seemed to recognize you this time, although he was still wildly out of it. "You're hurt." He lightly caressed your cheeks which were smeared with thin lines of dried blood, and faintly touched your swelling ankle, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."
"No, no, I'll be okay." A small chuckle escaped you, not understanding how he could still worry for you in the condition he was in. "You'll be okay too...Vanderwood and Seven, they're on their way. We’ll be okay." Once again, he seemed to not be giving your words the least bit of thought; he had his own agenda.
"I know I'm a hypocrite, and you'll think of me as selfish afterwards if you haven't already, but just in case..." He seemed to be preparing for the worst in his mind. In his defense, his body probably felt like it was eroding away due to the toxicity of the drugs in his system.  "Y/n...I know I can't be your sun, but I want to be something to you." His eyes found themselves able to focus on yours, his hand never freeing itself from your own.
"V, you already are something to me. You can get better and make your own future. I'll help you." A smile worked its way onto his face, his gaze snapping in and out of focus.
"Thank you...I don't deserve you, Y/n. But I would like to be selfish with you for a moment...may I?" You felt your lips give way to your own soft smile. 
"Yes, of course, V." You were sure that he wasn't completely lucid. If he was, he wouldn't have gently pressed his lips to your own, tangling his fingers in your hair like he did. Your own hands found their way to his striking mint locks. 
"Y/n!" You were forced to pull away by Seven's distant screams. After gaining your breath again, you responded, voice becoming hoarse from all of the previous yelling.
"Guys! We're here!"
"Marco!" You broke out in a giggle despite the situation, imagining Seven's nervous grin as he began a game in order to find you.
"Polo!" You shrieked back, a relieved laughter shaking your body as his shouts became louder and closer. The redhead finally burst through the bushes, tailed by Vanderwood. Both of their chests were heaving as they approached the two of you. You attempted to push yourself up, momentarily forgetting about your ankle. The intense pain flared immediately, causing you to stumble back to the ground. "Ugh...I guess I busted it worse than I thought." You mumbled, embarrassed that you could have injured yourself in such a way. Vanderwood moved to V and walked with him, supporting him as if he were a drunk who had lost all control of balance. Seven helped you up, and allowed you to lean into him heavily. 
"We need to get him back for more detox asap." Vanderwood moved with V faster, leaving you and Seven in the dust. You hissed as you tried to push yourself quicker, the stinging sensation jolting through your leg. 
"We'll still be out here by morning at this rate." Seven chuckled awkwardly as he picked you up bridle style, running to catch up with Vanderwood and V. The fire in your ankle cooled to a dull ache, and in any other circumstance you would have protested and insisted you could walk. 
"Thanks..." You murmured as Seven walked side by side with V and Vanderwood. V reached out to you, grasping for your hand like a lifeline. You took it, still being held by Seven. V brought your hand to his lips, planting miniscule kisses on your knuckles.
"We'll be okay, Y/n." V spoke softly, using your own words, making you smile.
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
The Key
Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Summary:  Sometimes it takes more than weapons and magic to survive a hunt when things go sideways.  
Word Count: 1437
Warnings/Tags: angst, imprisonment, restraints, implied torture, realized feelings
A/N: This was inspired by all the RSJ gifs from Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders flying across my dash, so you can thank @rich-a-day for this one.  
This is also an unbeta’d drunk “drabble”, and I blame all my mistakes on the vodka.
“Gabe?”  It’s not the volume of your words that cuts through the quiet so much as your uncertainty.
He doesn’t hesitate in responding, the timbre of his voice as strong and steady as if you were both back at the bunker.  “Yeah?”
You swallow, and for a moment you almost back down from your confession.  “I’m scared.”  
His presence immediately stretches across the small dungeon, flooding it from wall to wall until there’s nothing but him surrounding you.  “It’s going to be ok, sweetheart.  I promise.”
Only he can’t promise these things, not now that he’s so powered down he’s practically human.  
“C’mere.”  He motions you over with his free hand as the other hangs level with his head, secured to the wall in enochian engraved cuffs.  
You look at him a moment.  “I can’t.”  
The rope around your wrists pulls tight as you raise them, reminding him that you, too, are a bit tied up at the moment.
He simply arches a brow.  “Since when has a little rope and metal ever stopped you?”
Any other time you would have responded with touche or an equally smartass remark, but the screams down the hall distract you, sending your heart rate into the stratosphere as another round of adrenaline courses through your veins.  
You’re going to die here.  It’s all you can think about.  Sam and Dean don’t have a clue where you are, neither you nor Gabriel know enough about your location to send any hints to Cas, and the agonizing shrieks that echo through the underground chambers never stop.  
It’s only a matter of time before your captors come for you.   
“Don’t give up on me yet.”  The command drags you back from the depths of your mind, and when his face comes back into focus he’s more serious than you’ve ever seen him.  “You’re one of the smartest people I know, and with these in play,”  metal rattles against stone as he shakes his bound hand at you,  “We need all the brain power we can get.”  
He needs you.  You.  And the revelation is enough to shake you free from your fear, if only temporarily.  
You glance up at your bindings.  The material itself seems pretty sound.  The fibers are smooth, wound tight, without signs it’s beginning to dry out or fray.  
Next, you inspect the steel eyelet that’s keeping you tethered to the wall.  It’s relatively new, hardy, without any chips or rust.  The stone it’s embedded in, however, is another story.  
There are cracks where the metal’s been hammered in, and when you run your fingers around the edges a few pieces break away and fall to the floor.  
You set to work, jamming the meat of your palms against the hook.  It hurts like hell, though eventually your hand begins to numb beneath the constant onslaught.  Your efforts pay off though, as slowly the area continues to crumble into dust and small pebbles that faintly clatter to the floor.  
“You got this, sweetheart,” Gabriel tells you, continuing to throw encouragement your way in what you suspect is an attempt to drown out the ongoing misery in the background.  
Eventually, you stand, hoping you’ve made enough headway to just pull the damn thing out.  You raise your leg, planting your foot against the wall as you brace with the other.  You steady yourself, taking a deep breath before you use every ounce of strength you have to try and pull yourself free.  
Within thirty seconds your sent tumbling to the ground, landing with a grunt as you manage to twist yourself onto your side so your arm and shoulder absorb the brunt of your impact.  
“Atta girl!”  He cheers as you push yourself up.  “Now get over here.”  
He’s close enough so you don’t bother trying to walk, awkwardly shuffling the few feet on your knees before dropping down into his outstretched arm.  
You don’t know the Gabriel from before; the trickster.  You don’t know the one who only plays games and makes snarky remarks.  There’s an echo of the archangel you’ve heard tales about, but the one you’ve met, the one who tucks your head beneath his chin and embraces you tightly is genuine in ways you’ve never expected.  
“It’s going to be ok,” he repeats, his voice a low rumble in the ear pressed against his chest.  
You smile, the gesture only partially forced.  “When you say it like, I almost believe you.”  
You allow your senses to be flooded with him, his scent filling your lungs as the heat of his body helps chase away the dampness that’s seeped beneath your skin.    
“You’re freezing,” he realizes, his hand trying to rub away the goosebumps on the bare skin of your arm.  
“Well, it’s pretty fucking cold,” you deadpan.  “And I am human.”  
It adds to your discomfort, sure, but in a way it’s not so bad.  It’s a reminder that you’re alive, and you’re happy to take as many of those as you can get.  
“I promise you, I’m going to get you out of here.”  
You can tell he wants so badly for that to be true, and that fact he’s so desperate for you to believe it makes you wonder who he’s trying to convince more.  
“Stop, Gabe.”  You swallow back on the dread forcing its way up through your chest as an eerie silence falls across the dungeon before footsteps begin to move toward your cell.  “Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen.  I just…”  
You can’t say the rest.  It’s a card too close to your chest to play, even now.  
By the way he deflates, all breath leaving his body, he not only knows, but feels it too.  
It shouldn’t surprise you.  Nobody wants to die alone, but the thought of someone like him being just as vulnerable as you are is as sobering as your own mortality.  
“You’re going to be ok.”  He places all the emphasis on you’re, and it takes you a few seconds to read between the lines.  
Your head pops up, pinning him beneath your stare.  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Sweetheart, for someone so smart, you really can be daft sometimes.”  The smile he gives you is soft and sad as he brushes the hair away from your face, his fingers lingering longer than necessary along your cheek.  
Your eyes widen.  “Gabriel –”
“You don’t need to say anything,” he cuts you off.  “It doesn’t change a thing.”  
Only it does.  It changes everything, no matter what the outcome might be.  
You sit up, pulling away from him just enough for his brows to pull together in concern.  
“You listen to me, feathers,” you begin, an urgent undercurrent running beneath your tone.  “Whatever you have planned right now, forget it.”  You try to pack as much into your stare as possible, willing him to grasp what it is you’re saying.  “The only way out of here is together.”
Everything gives way to a heavy sadness, as if he just can’t believe what you’re saying is possible, and you realize he doesn’t.  
Regardless of why, it breaks your heart.
“Do you understand?”  You ask, grasping his hand between yours before pressing it against your face, desperate for him to really hear what is you’re saying.  “The only way I make it out of here is with you.”  
A second passes, then another, and as the silence stretches on you start to think that he’s the daft one of this duo.  Until his features finally fall, and his brows shoot straight to his hairline.  
When he speaks, he’s so quiet you almost don’t hear him.  “Do you really mean that?”
There’s nothing you could say that would convince him.  So you don’t, at least not with your words.  Instead, you decide to put your mouth to better use.  
He’s been waiting for this moment, lips moving forward, more eager than anything to finally join yours.  The kiss is more intense than any you’ve had before, the threat of death still hanging imminently over your head, but there’s a tenderness that cuts through it all, tempering desire into something much more sweet.  
By the time you pull away, you’re out of breath, chests moving in equally erratic rhythms as you lay your forehead against his.
You never could have known it, but you had just handed him the key to your survival, one you’d had with you the entire time: a reason to live.  
“Together,” he promises, his energy spiraling outward, creating the first light you’d seen in days as the warding on his cuffs began to glow.  
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emilemiblem · 5 years
I said I had a sappy idea, here it is. That’s right, A PROPOSAL. Hope you all enjoy!! 
Ryan cannot remember the last time he had been this nervous about something. He’s dealt with countless moments where his nerves almost got the best of him, from when he had first moved to Los Santos and was thrown into the life of crime to officially joining a crew and becoming part of a family again. In between there had been smaller moments; his first rob job, his first victim. However, the nerves of those events couldn’t hold a candle to the moment he admitted to himself that he was in love with Jeremy Dooley.
His nerves got the best of him the moment Jeremy looked at him during one of their heists, blood smeared against his cheek and murder in his eyes, and all Ryan could think about was how beautiful Jeremy was at that moment. His nerves got the best of him later when they were cleaning up after the heist, Jeremy coming out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and little else, and Ryan’s mind melted into mush.
In the end, his nerves vanished completely when Jeremy took him by surprise with a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down into a kiss that erased any worries of Jeremy not feeling the same way. Why did he need to be nervous about loving someone as wonderful as Jeremy?
Ryan’s had some nerve-wracking experiences in his life, and his current situation wasn’t any different.
The engagement ring rests heavy against his side, practically burning a hole in his pocket as he leads Jeremy towards the restaurant. He’s treating Jeremy to a night of just the two of them, which had been rare the past few months. Jeremy had been too preoccupied with the crew and odd jobs for some of their allies that the two of them hadn’t really had much of a chance to have alone time. Hell, Ryan was pretty sure it had been weeks since they were even intimate with one another.
None of that mattered though. Tonight, was the night that Ryan was going to push away the past insecurities of being close to someone, was going to finally allow himself to be happy. He was going to make sure that Jeremy knew the extent of Ryan’s love for him, that he promised to continue to love him regardless of what Los Santos threw their way.
“This place seems expensive,” Jeremy comments when they enter the restaurant, hand still clasped in Ryan’s. “How did you get reservations to a place like this on a Friday night?”
“Connections,” Ryan tells him, telling the host that they had arrived. “Named Burnie Burns, to be honest. He still owed me for saving his crew’s ass a few months back.”  
The nerves are still in his stomach as they approach their table, and throughout the entire dinner he feels the urge to throw up as he shovels down his food. Jeremy doesn’t seem to notice his nervousness, making Ryan grateful. He doesn’t want Jeremy to worry about him, mostly because the night wasn’t over yet and if Jeremy questioned just one thing Ryan was going to burst right then and there.
After dinner they go for a walk on the pier, hands clasped together as the Los Santos night life thrives around them. The pier was beautiful at this time of night, with the various carnival rides lit up and cheerful residents enjoying themselves as they visit various booths or stick around the arcade.
Ryan feels Jeremy’s grip on his hand tighten, making him turn towards his boyfriend. Jeremy is staring at him, hazel eyes filled with curiosity as he observes Ryan’s features before asking, “Are you okay? You seem a little on edge tonight.”
Ryan stiffens a little, but he doesn’t let Jeremy know, not yet anyway. “I’m alright, a little nervous about the upcoming negotiation with that crew from up North. We’ve never met them before, and we need to be prepared for anything.” He wasn’t lying; crews he’s never met before always made him nervous. Still, he didn’t let it get to him in the end.
The answer seems to suffice for Jeremy, who lets the question drop. “You want to head back to our penthouse? Maybe I have something to take your mind off it.” He smirks, making Ryan chuckle and plant a big, wet kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek. Jeremy squeals at this, but drags Ryan in the direction of their penthouse, nonetheless.
If Ryan was being completely honest, he forgot about the engagement entirely. The minute they got back to their place, Jeremy’s lips were on his and they were practically tearing at each other’s clothes in a mad dash towards the bedroom. It never crossed his mind as Jeremy’s hands traveled across his body, working wonders. It doesn’t cross his mind again until he’s got Jeremy panting beside him, both cooling down, and the words spill from his mouth before he can stop them. “Marry me?”
Jeremy stiffens beside him, his breath dusting Ryan’s ear as he softly whispers, “What?” Ryan lifts his head up from his pillow, still a little dazed. “Did, um, did you just ask me to marry you?”
Ryan fish mouths, wondering how exactly he was going to get out of this one. It didn’t matter that tonight was all about asking Jeremy to marry him, what mattered was the fact that he asked Jeremy to marry him post-sex. Not the romantic setting he previously had in mind.  
“Yes?” he responds, making it sound almost like a mix of a question and a statement. Honestly, he just wants to sink into the floor and never emerge again. He fucked it up, his nerves got the best of him once again. There was no way in hell Jeremy was going to marry him now, not when Ryan fucked up something as simple as a proposal.
It surprises him when the man laughs, his right hand running up and down Ryan’s back. “You are the most ridiculous man I’ve ever met; you know that?” He leans forward, kissing Ryan softly before whispering, “Yes.”
Ryan smiles against his lips, his chest feeling lighter as the answer settles into his mind. “Yes?” He repeats, and Jeremy nuzzles his nose against Ryan’s, nodding. A burst of energy surges through Ryan as he presses himself against Jeremy once again, a bruising kiss against the man’s lips that ends up being more of a clashing of teeth as the two of them cannot stop smiling.  
Later, when they are all cleaned up and wrapped up in each other, Ryan grabs the ring box from his pants pocket and slides the deep purple band on Jeremy’s finger, kissing it as Jeremy blushes and grins at him. “How long have you been waiting to propose?” Jeremy asks, resting his head on Ryan’s shoulder.
Ryan presses his lips against Jeremy’s forehead. “Well, I’ve had the ring on me for about two weeks now? I was mostly saving it for today though.”
Jeremy stares at him, confused. “Something special about today?”
Ryan nods. “Maybe it’s a little silly of me, to remember the exact day, but four years ago today, you took a chance on me and asked me out.”
Jeremy shakes his head, adjusting himself on the bed until he’s lying on top of Ryan, resting his chin against Ryan’s chest. “Best four years of my life,” he says, a soft, sleepy smile on his face. He looks at the ring on his finger. “Now we have forever, huh?”
“That’s really cheesy,” Ryan chuckles, kissing Jeremy’s fingers. “Forever does have a nice ring to it though.”
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