#regardless i will steal their wardrobe
wandaslittlebird · 21 days
Stepmom!Wanda x Pervy!GP!Reader
After months of spying on your stepmother, you’re finally caught and made to confess far more than you’d expected.
CW: Reader is displeased with her anatomy, non-consensual spying, underwear stealing and other nefarious acts, mentions of masturbation, stepmom/stepdaughter, intense questioning, dacryphilia (kinda), humiliation, spanking, mommy kink, accidental orgasm
Word Count: 4k
A/N: It’s finally complete! There’s going to be an alternative version of this fic with a non g!p reader soon! Wanda’s also a lot meaner in that one, so get excited if that’s your thing.
You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, still mostly naked from the long shower you’d just taken. You stood up on your tippy toes in order to highlight the main attraction: your new lacy thong underwear.
You’d stolen them from your stepmother Wanda's wardrobe earlier while she was busy making dinner. When you’d found them, you just knew you had to have them. It was the first time you’d ever stolen her panties to wear, and the act both scared and aroused you.
It was kind of her fault, really, that you had to steal her panties to wear. At least, that’s how you justified it to yourself. She always bought you the plainest and ugly boxer briefs.
“Pretty girls with penises can’t wear little panties like that,” she had told you when you asked to buy some panties. “You gotta wear some with a little more fabric to keep those princess parts all tucked into place.”
She was right, of course. Your “extra appendage” made even boyshorts unwearable. Perhaps you could make it work if you were a bit smaller. Alas, you’d been cursed to have a bigger dick than even most men had.
But you hated your boxers, regardless. Sure they kept your anatomy secure, but they never came in pink, or lace, or had any fun bows on the waistband. Even your favorite pair were just navy with blue dog silhouettes on them.
These panties, however, were so much better. They hugged your hips perfectly, creating a beautiful V shape that accentuated your shape. Sure there was still a bulge between your legs, but you thought it was made much less unsightly by the black lace it prodded. There was, of course, the issue of keeping it inside the panties. There was so little fabric it was bound to pop out at some point.
But for right now, you twisted happily on your toes, feeling sexy and pretty, just like Wanda was when she wore her pretty panties.
“Honey! Dinner’s ready!” You heard Wanda’s voice from the dining room.
You frowned, not ready to get dressed quite yet. Nonetheless, you shouted from the bathroom, “I’ll be down in a second!” before slipping on your plaid pajama pants and an old band t-shirt. It’s fine. You’d be nice and quick with dinner, then you could slip away to the privacy of your room for the rest of night. You had a better mirror in there anyway: a full body one that would solve this tip toe problem. Maybe you could even put on a bit of a fashion show for yourself, trying on all of your favorite bras and deciding which one made for the best set.
You took a deep breath, trying to mask your excitement. It was going to be a perfect night. All you had to do was make it through dinner first.
You walked nervously down the stairs into the dining room where you found Wanda dishing out pasta onto each of your plates. She offered you a gentle smile upon arrival. “Oh good, you made it. I was worried for a second there you’d make me eat alone. Just pasta tonight, nothing fancy. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh, uh, it’s no problem at all,’” you stammered. “Anything you make will surely be delicious.” You tried to offer her the same smile she’d offered you, but it came out awkward and uneven. It was clear you were nervous. You cursed yourself for your inability to hide your feelings from her.
She tilted her head in slight confusion. “Are you feeling alright? You look a little flushed.”
“I… uh… yeah I’m fine. I must’ve just taken a really hot shower,” you attempted to explain. She clearly wasn’t buying it. You shrank back in your chair a little bit, shifting uncomfortably as your dick threatened to escape its flimsy confines. The sensation only caused you to blush harder.
“Are you sure?” she asked, unconvinced. “Let me feel your head.” She leaned over the table, giving you a clear view down the front of her shirt. Fuck. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath her blouse. You inhaled shakily, shifting even more obviously as you felt yourself grow hard. You took in a sharp breath as you felt your dick pop out of the leg hole of the underwear.
She touched your head innocently with the back of her hand. Her brows furrowed in confusion as your uncomfortable wiggling became more pronounced. “Darling, you seem terribly restless. What’s going on?” She was starting to catch on, at least, to the fact you were keeping something from her. Though she couldn’t pinpoint what it was, she was certain she could get it out of you. You were never very good at keeping secrets, especially not from her.
You scooted your chair backwards, determined to escape this situation as quickly as possible. “I… uh… Actually I am feeling a bit poorly. I better go up to my room.” You made a move to try and get up, but she grabbed your wrist before you could escape.
You turned to face her and you were met with a glare that nearly made you crumble. She looked at you like she was looking into your soul, like she was some sort of omnipotent goddess that already knew every secret you’d ever tried to keep. “Honey,” she said, voice even and emotionless, “I think we need to have a talk.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you collapsed back down into your seat. “I’m sorry, mommy,” you whispered tearfully. How could she possibly know? Did she see something by accident?
She smiled knowingly. She had you now. That poor little head of yours couldn’t come up with a lie right now no matter how hard you tried. She circled the table and squatted down next to your chair, squeezing your hand and soothingly rubbing your temple with her thumb. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s not mad. I just need you to tell me what happened, okay? It’s okay, you can tell mommy.”
You swallowed. So she didn’t know. If you played your cards right, you could still make it out of this. Subconsciously, you crossed your legs, squeezing them tightly together, trying to hide yourself from her. It was a painfully obvious move, but her soft voice and her hand on your head were making it so very hard to think clearly.
Wanda smirked and ran her hand up the side of your hip. Whatever you were hiding was somewhere in here. Surely it wasn’t just a boner that’d gotten you this worked up. She’d caught you with several in the past, but she’d never said anything. Maybe you blushed or scratched your arm, but you’d never been like this.
Her hand slid over the fabric of your baggy pajama pants. Oddly enough, she couldn’t feel the bulky fabric of your boxers under the pants. Your secret wasn’t just that you weren’t wearing underwear, was it? No. As her hand got further up your waist, she felt them. They weren’t boxers, but there was something there.
“Honey,” she said calmly. “What are you wearing under your pajamas?”
Your mouth went dry and you froze, unsure how to answer her question. You decided it was best to play dumb. “W-what do you mean? Underwear.”
“Oh come on now darling,” she said, voice soft but slightly perturbed. “You know what I’m talking about. Are you wearing your boxers right now?”
Your eyes darted around the room, avoiding her gaze at all cost. She wasn’t going to check if you lied, was she? You hesitantly nodded.
“Are you sure?” She asked, unconvinced. “Do you mind if I lift up your shirt so I can make sure?”
Your hands flew to your waist, pinning your shirt to your body. “I… uh… I don’t feel comfortable showing you my underwear.”
She pursed her lips, annoyed with your evasiveness. She had started to believe that her soft mommy act wasn’t going to cut it, if she really wanted you to confess. “Darling, I’ve seen you in your boxers countless times before. Why are you getting so bashful all the sudden?”
You curled up tighter. You knew she was on to you by this point, but the humiliation of revealing yourself was too much. “I just… I don’t wanna show you, okay?” Your bottom lip quivered, tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
Wanda stood up, pushing your chair back until it hit the wall. You gasped, looking up at her, frightened as she loomed over you menacingly. “Alright, darling. If you can’t be a good girl and tell mommy what’s going on, I’m going to have to pull you over my lap, push your pants down to your ankles, and spank you in whatever underwear you’re wearing, okay? So I’ll ask you one more time. Are. You. Wearing. Your. Boxers. Right. Now?”
Your eyes went wide. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest. Your entire body started to shake as you stared up at her, frozen. Her gaze was harsh now, face unmoving as she waited on an answer.
Finally the dam broke. A cry ripped from your throat and tears poured down your face. You crumbled to pieces underneath her. “No! I’m not wearing my underwear, I’m wearing yours! I’m sorry! I know I shouldn’t have done it. And I know I shouldn’t have lied! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You sobbed.
She shrunk back down, squatting again on the floor in front of you. She could hardly hide the pleasure she got from watching you shake and sob underneath her. She took your hand in hers, wiping away your tears. “See, baby? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You melted into her hand. You were truly hers now. No more lying, no more games. No more thoughts in your precious little head aside from “do exactly what mommy tells you to do”. Any resistance you had had melted away.
“Can you tell mommy why you were wearing her panties, sweetheart?” She asked softly.
“I wanted to be pretty,” you cried weakly. “All I ever get to wear are gross, ugly boxers but I just wanted to be pretty like you.”
Wanda nodded in understanding. “You wanted to wear pretty panties like mommy, huh?”
You nodded. Your head was so jumbled it felt like the confessions were spilling out of you. “I see you through the door sometimes, when you’re getting dressed. You look so pretty with your matching bras and panties. And I just… I wanted to look like that too,” you confessed.
“You see me through the door?” She asked, noting how you had said ‘see’ rather than ‘watch’. “Do you spy on mommy while she’s naked? Do you watch me when I change my clothes?”
Your head lulled to the side. “No! …yes… sometimes.” You confessed, getting quieter with each statement.
She raised her eyebrows, surprised and amused by your unswerving honesty. She’d known, of course, about your little habits. You weren’t as sneaky as you thought. However, having you blubbering under her, confessing every little thing you’d ever done, brought her immense satisfaction.
She ran her hand up your upper thigh again, lightly tracing shapes with her fingers. “How long have you been spying on mommy, huh?”
You sighed, feeling yourself grow hard in your pants. Her touch was so memorizing you nearly forgot to answer the question. She pulled her hand away, grabbing your face and raising her eyebrows expectantly. You snapped out of your haze. “I don’t know! I don’t know how it started! Please! I promise I’m not a naughty girl!”
Her hand moved up to your hair, gently wiping it from her face. Her rapid switching from gentle to harsh was making your head spin. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Mommy’s not mad. You’re doing a very good job being honest with me.” She leaned forward, so close you could feel her breath against your ear. “How does it make you feel, watching me in my room like that? Watching me change my clothes and seeing my pretty lingerie?”
“G-good,” you answered hazily. “I just… I like to see, sometimes.”
She was slowly climbing up your body, almost in your lap now. “You just like to see sometimes, hmm?” She repeated. “Is that all?”
“Sometimes I-I like to… um… to-touch my… in the hallway while I watch,” you confessed, too scared and hazy to lie to her anymore.
A faint smile grew on her lips. She could hardly believe how vulnerable she’d made you. She’d never quite seen you like this before. “That’s quite naughty of you, darling. You can’t just touch yourself in the hallway like that. Someone could catch you, you know.”
“Dad almost… one time he saw… but he didn’t know what I was doing and I pretended I was waiting on you.”
She sat on your knees, rubbing soothing circles on your collarbones and shoulders. “Dad almost caught you, huh? And what were you doing, exactly?”
“Just… rubbing… on the outside. I didn’t have my h-hands in my pants or anything,” you stammered.
She leaned forward again, moving her hands down to your hips. “That was a very very naughty thing to do, little girl. I better not catch you rubbing yourself in the hallway again.”
You shook your head. “It will never happen again! I promise!”
She grabbed your face again, significantly softer now that she’d already broken you. She simply lifted your chin to look her in the eyes. “No more lying, darling. I want to know the truth. Are you going to stop spying on me?”
You nodded frantically, determined to never find yourself in this situation again. “Never! I swear!”
“Good girl,” she cooed. She gently rubbed your cheek with her thumb. “And no more stealing my underwear, agreed?”
You nodded again, driven to yet another confession you hadn’t planned on making. “No more! And no more stealing the dirty ones either. I won’t even snoop again! I promise!”
“Oh?” Wanda purred, “So you’ve been stealing my dirty panties too? Not just the clean ones?” Once again, she had been noticing her panties in your laundry instead of hers for months now. She was under no illusion that they were ending up there accidentally.
“This… this was the first time I stole any clean ones! I’ve never worn them before either!” You defended.
She hummed softly, pretending to ponder your confession. “Hmm. And what, exactly, do you do with my dirty panties?”
“I just… smell,” you confessed. “Some I use them to… t-touch myself with.”
“You use them when you touch yourself?” She asked, her voice still gentle and sweet. She ran her hands through your hair with an air of possession.
You nodded. “One time I had… I had a taste. But just one time!”
She chuckled smugly. “Oh?” She smirked down at you. “You took a taste, huh? Just once?”
You nodded. You were so terribly embarrassed. You wanted to throw yourself into her and beg her for forgiveness, but you doubted it would help.
“And how did I taste, darling?” She asked.
You moaned a little at the memory, hips bucking up as you felt yourself grow harder. “Really g-good. I’d never… finished that much before.”
“Aww,” she chuckled again. “Did you cum really hard when you tasted mommy?”
You nodded. Her hands traced light patterns on your hips, making their way to your stomach. “Just from a little taste?” She asked again, egging you on for more details.
“I didn’t even have to… touch myself. It just… happened all on its own,” you said. The tip of your cock was pressing hard against the fabric of your pajama pants now. The outline was painfully clear now that your underwear was no longer covering it. Wanda looked down at your lap and smirked smugly.
“It looks like maybe you enjoyed it, huh? Cumming from mommy’s taste alone?” She lightly traced the waistband of your pants, getting close but not quite touching the bulge in the fabric.
You whimpered and bucked your hips up, trying to get her hand closer to where you needed it. “Y-yeah. I didn’t know it could… happen like that. I thought you had to… touch it.”
Wanda hummed, pondering your words. “Most little princesses do. But you're a very special little princess, aren’t you?”
You nodded, still sniffling. The whole ordeal had you beyond embarrassed, yet you noticed that your arousal persisted through the embarrassment. Perhaps it was even worsened by it.
“Can-can I go to my room?” You stuttered suddenly. You had to get out of here, to somewhere more private before your humiliation and arousal bubbled over.
“Aww, sweetheart,” she cooed with fake sympathy. “Did you really think after all of this I would just let you go to your room?”
Your eyes went wide with terror. You weren’t sure how much more of this you could take before disaster struck. “B-but you said you weren’t mad!”
“I’m not mad, honey,” she reassured. “But what you did was very very naughty, wasn’t it?”
You nodded, another wave of tears threatening to fall.
“And when little girls do naughty things they have to be punished, don’t they?” She said, affectionately combing through your hair.
You nodded again, whimpering under her gentle touch. “But you’ll go easy on me, right? Because I was a good girl and I was honest and I told you everything?”
She chuckled. Your description wasn’t exactly accurate, but she couldn’t help but take at least a little pity on you. You had confessed in the end, even if it took a little pushing. “Of course, baby,” she soothed. “Now go upstairs and wait for mommy. I want you over the end of the bed in nothing but mommy’s panties, okay?”
You nodded frantically, running up the stairs and assuming the position as soon as she got off your lap.
She chuckled, amused by your eager obedience, and boxed up the pasta she’d made so she could easily heat it back up after this was over.
It only took her about five minutes for her to finally come upstairs, but to you, bent naked over the edge of the bed, it felt like hours.
You had to fight to keep your head down on the mattress when you heard her open the bedroom door. You whined as you watched her pull the wooden hairbrush from her nightstand. “No mommy! Please not the hairbrush! Please I was so honest and-and I answered all of your questions-“
She cut you off by rubbing gentle circles on the swell of your ass. “Shshsh,” she soothed. “Mommy’s only doing this because she loves you, okay? I have to remind my sweet girl what happens when she’s naughty so she’ll remember to be a good girl, right?”
You whimpered and squirmed under her, trying to be patient and still but also desperate to get away from the hairbrush. The thin fabric of the underwear offered you little to no protection, and your now hard dick was no longer restrained by the fabric.
“I want you to count for me, okay?” She instructed. “If you can keep count like a good girl, we’ll only do 15, but if I have to count for you, I’m gonna have to do 25, okay?”
You nodded, determined to be good and keep count. However, you weren’t traditionally known for keeping a clear head during your punishment. “Can-can I hold onto a pillow, please?”
She couldn’t see your face, but the tears in your voice made it hard for her to deny you anything. “Of course, baby,” she said, pulling a pillow from the headboard and tucking it into your arms. She kissed the side of your teary face. “Mommy loves you very much, princess. It’ll be over soon.”
She tapped your ass twice with the hairbrush before placing the first smack firmly on your left cheek. You cried out, wailing more with overwhelming embarrassment than pain.
She hit you again with perfect precision in almost the exact same spot.
She switched sides, smacking you again on the other cheek.
You made it to seven before you inevitably lost count. She waited for a moment after the strike before she decided your wailing was not going to give way to a number, and she officially started counting herself.
By ten, you had resorted to begging. You knew better than to flail and kick your legs, she’d have you pinned over her lap with a far worse punishment in store, but you were allowed to cry and plead all you wanted. “Please mommy! Please, I'll be good. I learned my lesson mommy please no more!”
You sounded so pathetic she was almost tempted to have mercy on you. You weren’t even halfway through your punishment now that she’d pushed it to 25. But she would stick to her word. That was, after all, what was most important when it came to discipline.
It wasn’t even so much the pain, you were trying to escape, but something far more alarming that boiled in your lower belly. Having her, a commanding force over you, was awakening something in you. The humiliation of a confession matched with wearing her underwear and being spanked like a child over her bed had a coil building in your lower stomach.
By 15 spanks, you realized it was inevitable. You were pleading with her more quietly now. Your hips bucked against the bed in what she thought was an attempt to get away, but by the 20th spank the coil snapped. In a humiliating display of desperation, you came, spilling your seed on the sheets.
She stopped spanking you, taking a second to realize what just happened. “Did you just…?”
You wailed into the pillow, burying your face into it until it nearly suffocated you. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry mommy I didn’t mean to! I’ll clean it up! I promise! Please no more spankings mommy! Please, I'll be a good girl!”
She rubbed soothing circles on your lower back, genuinely trying to calm you enough to talk. As much as she wanted to stay true to her word and finish your punishment, making sure you didn’t suffocate yourself was a higher priority.
“It’s okay honey. You’re okay. Accidents happen,” she comforted. She was more amused than anything by the situation. However, she feared if she busted out in laughter, you’d keel over right then and there.
“No it’s not!” You sobbed. “I just came on your bed while I was getting punished for being naughty and dirty already!”
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy understands. You didn’t mean to make a mess of mommy’s bed, did you?” She asked in her most soothing voice, one she might use if she were talking to a small child.
You shook your head into the pillow. “I really really didn’t mean to. Please don’t punish me!”
Wanda cooed, rubbing your heaving back. “You’re not in trouble, baby. You’re never gonna be in trouble for something you did by accident. You just made a little mess, darling. No need for tears.”
She sat down next to you on the bed, dragging you onto her lap. She could almost laugh at how pathetic you looked, all snotty and sobbing, still mostly naked as she sat you up on her lap. Despite it all, she thought you looked absolutely darling.
“Are you a little embarrassed, princess?” She asked as you refused to let go of the pillow you had practically burrowed into.
You nodded, remaining completely unwilling to look at her. She grabbed a sheet off the bed and wrapped it around you, hoping being less naked would lure you out of hiding. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, baby,” she reassured. “Mommy understands. You're not in trouble, sweet girl.” She rubbed your back through the sheet, rocking you in her lap.
After a few moments of silence she kissed your head and said “I’m gonna put you on the couch while I clean up your little mess and then you can sleep in mommy’s room tonight. Does that sound good, princess? Do you wanna stay with mommy tonight?”
Finally, you discarded your pillow, allowing her to see your teary face. You nodded. “I wanna stay in mommy's room.”
She smiled, kissing you once on the forehead. “I’d love that, darling. You can keep me nice and warm all night long.”
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demibats · 1 year
sleeping in eddie’s clothes. not really too scandalous , but my blog is still 18+ so, minors, go away !!!
eddie is the kind of boyfriend that makes jokes about how you steal his clothes all the time, but he’s not upset. quite the opposite, actually.
he wishes he could force you to take more of his shirts because you just look so damn good in them. better than he does, most of the time. his wardrobe consists of hand-me-down or thrifted band tees with the exception of one nice button down and three piece suit that he has (still thrifted).
but you in his hellfire club shirt? his Dio shirt? any of his shirts that you steal? god, he’s drooling. you could wear it as a sleep shirt or wear it as a part of your everyday apparel and he’d be wolf-whistling regardless if the circumstance. you could wear it after a day out in the boiling Indiana heat, sweat pooling underneath the collar of the shift and glistening on your forehead and he’d still look at you with heart eyes.
you catch him staring one day. you’re in his bed,on your side with your head propped up in your head as you read. flickering your eyes up, you see him jump to look back at the campaign he’d been working on, his face ted that he’d been caught, “whaddya starin’ at, eds?” you tease.
he gives out an embarrassed chuckle, “nothin, sweetheart.”
“you were staring at me.” you state.
he says something under his breath as he closes his notebook,
“cant hear ya, mumbles.” you say, absentmindedly turning the page in your book.
then, you feel his hand wrap around your ankle and yank you off his pillow. you fall onto your back, your book tumbling off the bed and onto the floor with a hushed thud. he peers down at you with half-lidded eyes, a saccharine smile plastered across his face,
“ i said , you look good in my shirt, honey .”
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firstprinceofhearts · 2 months
In looking for more HANDS content, I gave this scene in the blooper reel a little more attention than I had previously and now I have thoughts...
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I'm assuming that the raspberry part wasn't scripted, hence it being a blooper and not a deleted scene (although I wouldn't be surprised if Alex actually did do that - and the reaction could just as easily be Henry's as Nick's), but regardless, Alex straddling Henry and macking on his neck presumably was part of the original script, and I'd love to know what this scene was supposed to be.
The set is quite clearly the Paris hotel room, but since it's during daylight hours, I can only assume it takes place the morning after (where there is indeed a scene omitted from the final script).
I'm guessing that Alex is about to leave for the airport (you can see his case waiting for him by the door), hence why he's dressed and Henry isn't yet, so perhaps this scene would have made up part of their farewell? Alex unable to bring himself to depart without ravishing his boyfriend one more time? In fact, I can absolutely see him stealing every last second with Henry that he can, especially when all that's standing between him and Henry's naked body is a fuzzy robe.
The thing is, though, I can't tell you how much I love that this time Henry is the one in a state of undress while Alex is fully clothed, shoes, jacket and all. (No, you still haven't got over Henry's wardrobe choices in Alex's bedroom - I mean, seriously? Jacket? Bow tie? Sort it out, Henry.)
Of course, there are a bunch of times throughout the film when Henry is somewhere private and so is a little more casual than he would ever be in public, but in general he does give off a proper-at-all-times vibe that Alex doesn't. Whether that's because Alex is actually dressed more casually in a given scene or if it's because his suits are always more fashionable and fitted, making him look less stuffy and formal (my friend's hatred of double breasted jackets has really started to rub off on me), the only scene I can actually think of where Alex is more smartly dressed than Henry is at the polo match and Henry is in his kit then, so I don't think that really counts.
Basically, I don't think Alex is ever dressed more formally than Henry, so I really, really love the reversal here. I know they're in private, so it's not all that different to the other times we see Henry dressed down in some way, but there's something about the contrast of his bathrobe opposite Alex's jacket and trousers that really does it for me.
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skippiefritz · 5 months
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reqs from @idanit and @beetle-goth (sorry for tags I'll untag if asked ^^;)
long rambly post ahead! Unlike what I normally post but its my account so I can do what I want lol
(This probably isn't the most historical thing I’ve ever written but! I will fix as I work on it more lol)
the implications of Bertie's bachelorhood if he were a bachelorette fascinate me endlessly
I read this post and it gave me brain worms and I've been designing an au around it ever since
In this au it's a complete genderswap with all characters, uncle Alistair (aunt Agatha) becomes more old fashioned sexist to Bertie, not thinking she can take care of herself. (sorry Agatha stans)
Which like. She can't. But it's nothing to do with her being a woman.
Bertie keeps her core character traits, but by merely being a woman living alone in 1920s London, she inherently becomes more independent and rebellious.
She's sneakier about her escapades, still stealing hats off bobby's and the like, but tries to be subtle about it. Emphasis on tries, she's still a Wooster at her core, and thus a very
big klutz.
Bertie is just completely and unapologetically her/himself regardless of gender, for better or for worse.
If humble pie is being served, she will surely go back for seconds every time.
I can picture her leaning very hard into the roaring twenties flapper persona, but still being a homebody at heart. Big of heart, dumb of ass.
The biggest issue of course is the engagements, it’s a lot harder for a woman (particularly one whose family wants her to get married) to get out of engagements. THIS is where the fun new plots come in
Obviously there’s the classic setting up her fiances with other women, so they call it off and marry their true loves. And the occasional making herself seem unsuitable to be married. (though, this would usually backfire, that would make it seem like she needed to be married more, so she had a man to take care of her and make her settle down)
Instead of focusing on making it seem she herself is un-weddable, she (and by she I mean Jeeves) concocts byzantine schemes to paint her potential suitors in the worst light possible, or to make them seem negligible so one family or the other would call it off.
I’ve been working on one such story, I haven't ironed out all the details but it ends with Gussie pushing Bertie into a lake. Of course. (I may make  a comic abt it when done)
Jeeves’ character is fascinating too, I see her being the classic “quiet competent woman who gets shit done”. She would be less respected than m!jeeves, but still far more respected than the average maidservant of her time.
I can see her need for fashion clashing with the maidservant outfits of the time, part of me is tempted to keep her design the exact same and make her a big beautiful butch, but…I know that's probably not how it would go.
Jeeves would wear the classic Maidservant outfit of the time, though I can see her styling it subtly to suit her more.
Her control over Bertie’s wardrobe, while still being “God this bitch has no fashion”, also has an undercurrent of internalized sexism. She’s discomforted by the more risque (by those times) outfits Bertie enjoys wearing, like her flashy flapper dresses and the like.
Of course, she’s also uncomfortable by how attractive she finds her in said risque clothes. (drama!!)
And they end up compromising !!! and Jeeves has a lil arc in learning to accept the new fashion wave and embracing bodies and whatnot.
Their dynamic would essentially be the same, homoeroticism, Jeeves being morosexual, Bertie being endlessly impressed by her.
also because of the ridiculous british nicknames most the characters are referred to the same, they just have diff first names, here's a quick cheat sheet
(I tried to keep them similar and also extremely english)
Reginald Jeeves = Regina Jeeves
Bertam "Bertie" Wooster = Bertha "Bertie" Wooster
Reginald Jeeves = Regina Jeeves
Aunt Agatha/Dahlia = uncle Alistor/Dahl
Augustus "Gussie" Fink-Nottle = August "Gussie" Fink-Nottle
Charles "Biffy" Biffen = Charlotte "Biffy" Biffen
Marmaduke "Chuffy" Chuffnell = Marigold "Chuffy" Chuffnell
Stephanie "Stiffy" Byng = Stewart "Stiffy" Byng (the implications of a man being named Stiffy are. different but Wodehouse had to know what he was doing with that name)
Richard "Bingo" little = Richenda "Bingo" Little
and so on and so forth!
Anyway uh, this went on for a while lol
I’m working on designs for them and will gladly share if asked! But they’re nowhere near done dhjdsh thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I don't know if any of this made sense, sorry if it doesn’t.
also for a bonus here's a quick messy collage I made of f!Bertie
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Every scrap of paper was gone, and with it all my notes, my memoranda, relating to railways and travel, my letter of credit, in fact all that might be useful to me were I once outside the castle. I sat and pondered awhile, and then some thought occurred to me, and I made search of my portmanteau and in the wardrobe where I had placed my clothes.
The suit in which I had travelled was gone, and also my overcoat and rug; I could find no trace of them anywhere.
The items Dracula takes have some fun implications. Regardless of whether you think he rushed off to steal these things as soon as he locked Jonathan in the study last entry, or if you think he took them a few days later, he has two clear goals here: prevent Jonathan from writing, and more importantly prevent Jonathan from leaving. Both point to him having a fear of losing control of the situation.
Sure, this escalates the mental torture. But it also suggests that, after seeing Jonathan's shorthand letter, Dracula became aware that his guest is more resourceful than he expected. Jonathan has access to at least one kind of knowledge which Dracula does not. There could be others (in fact, there is the diary). So. He takes away his writing materials - he won't be able to write any more coded letters. But Jonathan does still have access to paper as long as he has access to the study. If he's very resourceful he could rip pages out of a few books, fold up notes, maybe craft a sort of envelope by folding paper. It's not nearly as likely but it isn't impossible. The other aspect of preventing Jonathan from getting a message out is probably to keep a closer eye on him, to isolate him further from the people around him.
But he's already tried to send one letter. He arrived in the castle weighed down with anti-vampire gifts. Whatever language barrier he has is obviously not enough to keep him from receiving aid from the locals should he get out somehow - and after the incident with him encountering the vampire ladies as well as this letter, Dracula is no longer just assuming Jonathan can never get out. He is taking precautions to ensure he won't get far when he does.
He won't be able to get money with his letter of credit. He won't have access to his notes about the surrounding area or the dictionary that helped him to communicate better. He won't know where to go or when to get on a train heading far away from here. And more than that - he won't have his travel clothes, he won't have his coat and rug (basically a travel blanket to keep you warm). This might make him less likely to try an escape, which is a bonus, but the focus is on ensuring Jonathan cannot get out of Dracula's reach. He will be slowed down enough - by weather, by difficulty communicating, by uncertainty about where to go - that Dracula can catch up to him and stop him.
If needed, of course. It's not to say that this will be needed, and certainly Dracula would prefer it not to be, because that would spell a firm end to this game. But he now feels the need to prepare for such an eventuality. It's not just about stepping up the encroachment on Jonathan's space/privacy/belongings. That's a bonus for sure! But taking these things also points to him feeling threatened to some degree.
And not just by Jonathan, either. If his control over the locals were as complete as he presents it, I don't think he would be this worried. But his actions here actually support the interpretation that he was bluffing when he implied that the man to whom Jonathan entrusted his letter sold him out. Or at the very least, Dracula doesn't have confidence that everyone would sell Jonathan out. He fears that they might take a message, so he has to steal his writing materials. He fears that Jonathan might find a way out of the castle, so he ensures he won't get far.
Implying that the Romani who work for him will never help Jonathan is intended to build a sense of isolation in Jonathan. He wants to erode trust, to make Jonathan feel like he cannot rely on anyone else (except his friend Dracula, who protects him from worse dangers). That means, even if they did want to help him, he will try to make Jonathan think no one is even interested in doing so. It means he will keep him separated from them as much as possible. It means that he will do anything to break down trust and ensure Jonathan cannot access a support system.
Because if he has no support system, then if (when) he tries to escape he will have to do so all alone. And without the things Dracula took from him today, it's not likely that he will get very far. Not before Dracula catches up to him, anyway.
A few more spoilery notes below the cut:
In the last entry Dracula tried to ensure Jonathan wouldn't seek help from the Romani. When he goes out in Jonathan's clothes to kill people, he is trying to ensure the local villagers will not offer him help. Both are aimed at isolating him, and when you think about it they imply Dracula is concerned that Jonathan would be able to get help if not for these measures. Later on the wolves escalate matters even further, adding yet another layer of difficulty aimed to ensure Jonathan doesn't try to just leave. Because Dracula no longer puts it past him to somehow manage to do that.
And yet, at the same time, he's enjoying his time with Jonathan too much to end it prematurely by stopping him permanently. Dracula is arrogant enough to believe he can control the situation long enough to have his cake and eat it too, basically. But in the end, he was wrong to not ensure that Jonathan was taken care of, because as soon as he knew there was no more time to play the waiting game, Jonathan acted. And yeah, he was indeed capable of getting out. He was capable of moving very quickly, even with the obstacles put in place by the missing belongings, and he was capable of finding people who were willing to be kind to him. Jonathan's timing was perfect in the end because he waited out Dracula who could and would have hunted him down. The vampire ladies either don't have the control, the range, or the interest to do so.
Dracula is forced to acknowledge that Jonathan is clever, but he refuses to see just how much. He insists on treating him merely as prey trying to escape, who just needs a better trap. But Jonathan isn't merely going to flee, he eventually becomes the predator himself. The knowledge he has is absolutely vital to defeating Dracula; he's aware that he is a threat to the Count from early on. And if Dracula had been willing to truly play it safe here, he would have killed Jonathan before leaving. But that would require treating him as a legitimate threat. That would require Dracula to stop indulging himself with Jonathan. And Jonathan is so good at playing along, so good at being fun to toy with, that Dracula really doesn't want to stop. Not to mention his arrogance and expectation that he can surely handle this one man. And he can - until he leaves his castle. Then Jonathan is finally free to act.
And sure, it's no immediate victory. It's certainly not a one-man crusade or dependent on Jonathan alone. But that was never the danger Jonathan represented anyway - his escape represents knowledge getting out, spreading freely. His escape represents people freeing themselves from Dracula's control, acting without his awareness. And it happens, and it leads to Dracula being killed once and for all. Because Jonathan plays along, and because Dracula enjoys it and doesn't want to admit to the threat.
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vclvetfleur · 1 year
Obedient Chapter 1
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roman roy x fem! reader
Summary: After college you hadn't been able to land a job. You hadn't even been able to book a single interview. After spending a night with your old college roommate, you see how lavish her life has been after becoming Kendall Roy's assistant. After a long night of helping her move in, she offers to help you out. She unsure of what exactly she might be getting you into with getting you an interview at Waystar Royco. But it was better than being unemployed.
Warnings: Degrading and implied drug abuse
Word Count : 3.6k
Notes: AHHHH I finally wrote a chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 1: The meeting
You laid flat on the new couch your college friend had gotten. “Jess, Jesus fuck, when is this thing coming?” you whined, shooting back up to look her way with a pouty lip. She had been bent under her television to figure out how to exactly plug in her Amazon TV stick. Jess’ new job had afforded her the luxury of not just a new couch, but a new television, new coffee table, new bed and a brand new apartment. If you could even call this place an apartment. It was giant. Jess truly got lucky, at least that’s what you always thought. You had to be lucky if you saw how Jess and you were back in college, stealing and flirting your way just to feed yourselves or feed into your lifestyles. You had even convinced a man to pay for your wardrobe once.
“I don’t know, I’m not the tracker now am I?” she spewed out in annoyed tone. “Can you just help me? Shine a light or something.”
You hopped off the couch and grabbed your phone from the glass top coffee table. You waddled over and turned the flash on. After watching the few attempts of her trying to squeeze her hand into the right angle of the HDMI bit, your anxiousness reached a level of annoyance.
“Just let me.” You huffed before grabbing it and tilting your head to attempt to do what she had, failing just the same.
“I told you! It’s fucking impossible.” She laughed.
“You should’ve done this before hooking up the tv.”
“Oh wow, cause I really thought plugging this in was going to be so hard. Shut up.”
“AHH!” You shouted in excitement. You hopped up and down and revealed your hand from under the tv and clapped your hands together with the phone in-between them as the flash shined on the wall. “I did it! I did it!” You giggled. You pulled the cable down and plugged it into the outlet before rushing back to the couch. You grabbed the remote and turned the television on. You continued to gloat on your achievement.
“Yeah yeah, enough. Let me see when the pizzas almost here.” She grabbed her own phone, swiping through it to find the time estimate.
Ding. Ding. Ding.
Her phone was constantly buzzing. “Is that the pizza? Is the driver lost?” You questioned. Jess’ face had dropped a while ago. Ever since she had picked her phone up. It was her boss. She absolutely despised the job. That wasn’t true. She didn’t despise it. She was just constantly worried. She was constantly worrying about her boss, Kendall Roy. She was his assistance. And he never understood the boundaries of the job.
“No, it’s just work.” Her lip twitched on the side to show some kind of pity. But pity for who? Kendall? Was he in some kind of issue again? Or for you? For ruining the night. “Just ignore it” You shrugged.
“That’s why you’re unemployed” She joked. Your jaw dropped as your hand fell on top of your chest as if you’ve been shot. “Ouch” You said sarcastically.
“No, no I’m sorry. It’s just, I just don’t think you’d understand.” She quickly tried to recover. But she was right. You didn’t understand. You don’t understand what Jess’ job really consisted of. She had a lot to deal with. While you, regardless of being unemployed, you didn’t have to go score drugs for your ex drug addicted billionaire boss. You had just graduated college, same with Jess, but you thought Jess was lucky. She just left college and she was already involved in such a high profile, high paying job. She went from a dorm room to a studio in Brooklyn to a 2 bedroom penthouse in Manhattan because it was a fasted commute to her job. And because her job could afford for her to even pay for it.  While you couldn’t even land an interview. You were just hopping from one job listing to the next. But thankfully you did have a fund to help you pay for your way for just a couple more months.
Jess found this job in the oddest way. You actually met up with her the night after it happened. She had been working for a restaurant when she met the Roy’s. And Kendall had just fired his assistant over the restaurant they were just sitting at for ruining the dinner reservations. Apparently, the place and time really mattered to the investors that much. So, while she waited on their table, Kendall asked her if she would want to work for him. It was ridiculous, sure, but she was the only one trying to not make a scene with him around since everyone working was staring, except her.
It was impulsive, but hey, look at her now.
“Uh, the pizza’s gonna- uh- be here in like 6 minutes.” She felt guilty. She knew it was out of reach, but Kendall would not stop bothering her with text after text. She thinks he might be out drinking again because his texts sound irrational. This was right after the huge blow out with his father, which was very public. And everyone watched as he came to crawl back and basically publicly beg for daddy’s attention back with that pitiful interview he gave. “Hey seriously- I’m sorry- that was super uncool. It’s just- Kendall is not really that well put as he seems.”
“No, It’s fine Jess. Seriously. You have lavish job with a psycho boss.” You tried to joke it off. You weren’t annoyed about the joke, just the constant apologizing. Jess wasn’t usually the one to really apologize so excessively. But her job really changed her. She was so much more nervous and shakier. As if anything she said could be used against her, even if it was a joke.
“I didn’t mean-“ You cut her off.
“Let’s just watch tv. What was the movie you wanted to watch tonight?” You tried to remove the subject from the air. It wasn’t a great feeling knowing your friend pitied you. Despite the awkwardness you tried to keep a grin on. You didn’t get fazed much. It didn’t take a lot to hurt your feelings. You’ve heard worse and meaner things before. You were scattering to move things you’ve just placed on the table for some room for the pizza when it finally gets here. You got up and went to her fridge before turning your head back to Jess quickly.
“My place might be hiring” She blurted out. She didn’t mean to. There weren’t really any other assistant positions. Shiv doesn’t work there. Her husband Tom had his own little assistant, Greg. Logan had way too many to even count. And Kendall wasn’t that trusting despite the restaurant ordeal. Except maybe Roman. “I’ll ask!”
But those words were the 5 words you heard nearly every week for weeks now. It was an exhausting thing to hear.
Your shoulders dropped down as you watched her frantically type on the keyboard. You don’t know exactly what she was saying, but whatever it was, it was a lot.
“Dude, I’ll be fine, don’t ev-“ You started before Jess put a hand up. “No. Don’t.” She persisted. Was this a mistake? Yes. Will she regret it? Possibly. She didn’t want to give you off to the lions, but god the money was so good.Jess was being paid 16k. A month, with a bonus here and there. Just to listen to Kendall whine and ask her to run around. Sure was it a lot of work and stressful? Yes, but she knew you could probably handle it. Plus you’ve met Kendall before from time to time. He seemed normal enough.
She put her phone down and finally paid you attention. “Okay, done. Now let me search the movie up.”
You both spent the rest of the night just drinking and eating pizza throughout the movie. With little jokes being told to each other here and there. But it got late and you decided to go home.
You spent the next couple of days on your laptop as you were doing what you did best, ignoring all your issues. You see a notification pop up on the corner. Jess texted you. You clicked on the text.
‘i got you an interview!!!! tomorrow 1pm.’
‘Kendall said he figured it out for you!’
You went completely pale. You didn’t think it was possible. Finally. You finally got an interview. And you didn’t even have to put in a resume or a super fucking cover letter. You could not express the happiness you felt. You texted Jess back immediately.
The next morning you got up early. You were way too excited to sleep throughout the entire morning. It was just how your brain worked, I guess.
You spent this time to get ready. You wanted to leave an impression. This was a multi-billion dollar company filled with millionaires and billionaires. You couldn’t stand out. Thankfully, you had an outfit saved for an interview. It wasn’t anything lavish, but it looked nice. You set it on your bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. You made sure to scrub down your body as hard as possible. Your mind constantly reminded you of the people there. You made sure you smelt as though you had just run through a field full of every type of flower to ever exist. Or as if you had put yourself in the washing machine a dozen times. Whatever sounded cleaner.
You sat on top of your bathroom counter as you blow dried your hair. You tried to get every single bit of hair to look as perfectly placed as possible.
You went through your make up and then started the rest of your day. You sat at your bed with coffee and a piece of toast with almond butter on top of it as you watched tv before you had to leave. Specifically, you watched ATN. You needed to be in that mindset.
Once you finished your breakfast, you got dressed, sprayed on deodorant and perfume and decided it was time to go. Your nerves were through the roof. You checked the time. 11:30. You undid the caps of your medicine and took them with the last bit of coffee you had in your cup.
Unfortunately for you, childhood trauma left you with a lot of crazy pills you needed to take in the morning and night.
You left your apartment and walked down to the train. The ride was agonizing as you waited for each stop. You left the station once you hit your stop Cortland Street. You walked down a few blocked before hitting the building. You stared up at it as you couldn’t believe this is where you were possibly going to start working. You watched men in nice fitted suits that probably costed two times what you pay monthly for your studio. You shook of your nerves and walked into the lobby and then up to the receptionist.
“Uh- hi, I’m here for an interview.” You tried not to stumble on your words.
“Name.” She sounded unamused. She barely gave you a look. She seemed as though she had no intention to either. You gave her your name as she tried to search you up. She finally looked up from her screen and pointed at the turnstile. “Floor 52”
You nodded and walked through and to the elevators. You stepped in as you hit the button. 60 floors? Seemed excessive.
You watched as the numbers lit up as we passed each floor. Each floor just caused more and more anxiety in you. You didn’t know if you had it in you to even work in a place like this. What if you did bad at in the interview? Oh god, did you forget your resume? You panicked. You opened your bag for the millionth time since leaving the apartment to check for the folder again. You had a constant anxiety about losing things. You probably checked if you lost your phone or key about 10 times while on the walk from your apartment to the subway. And then some more.
The elevator dings and the silver doors open to reveal offices. You stepped out to only see walls and walls of just glass. Seemed redundant for an office if they could hear and see you, but okay. People passed through with papers or phones in their hand as they were trying to keep their heads low enough to get unnoticed. You walked around before seeing Jess with Kendall. She grins big before sending you a wave and then a gesture telling you to come over.
You obliged and headed towards her. “Hi!” you greeted before reaching to give her a hug.
“Kendall. You remember y/n? She’s here for the interview.” Jess grinned.
“Of course. Uh- ya. Uh-so, he’s not really here right now. He’s uh- fucking idiot- he’s late to his own fucking interview for his own assistant.” Kendall seemed to be annoyed as he was looking around. “Fucking idiot. I told that-“ He stopped himself as he tried to breathe through his annoyance. Jess’ head shot from you to him as her face dropped. She was left with the impression that Kendall maybe needed another intern. Logan couldn’t possibly need another one. Tom had Greg and seemed contempt.
“Oh, my interview isn’t with you?” You sounded confused, trying to sound as polite as you should be right now in this moment .
“No-uh you’re interviewing for Roman’s assistant.” He informed you quickly. Jess looked at you with bulged eyes. She seemed to have no clue about this. You had looked at her with a moment of confusion of why she seemed so worried. He said it as if it was not a huge deal. But for Jess, she knew she wouldn’t ever set this up if she knew it was for Roman.
“That’s fine, I can wait for him.”
“No, you shouldn’t. Let me just call him.” Kendall tried to cover up his own brothers mistakes. He walked away before checking his phone and putting it up to his own ear. “Uh-why don’t you just get a coffee or a snack in the break room til he gets here” he whisper spoke as he held her hand over the phone speaker.
Kendall seemed sweet and considerate. I don’t understand why Jess had such an issue dealing with him honestly. He didn’t seem bad. Maybe nicer than what I’ve seen of the other members on the board honestly. Those interviews, gosh. They were absolute messes. Kendall was a mess sure, but at least he shows a bit of remorse.
Before you could expect it, which honestly, unless you had even heard about Roman, no one knew what to expect from him other than utter chaos and dumbass bullshit. The elevators dinged and revealed who your interviewer was.
Wow. What an entrance.
“Alright cock licker, I’m finally here.” He announced to the entire floor. People’s heads barely even moved.
A short man with a stripped, what you can only think of was designer, dress shirt with a navy blue suit and enough gel in his hair to glue back the titanic together waltzed in. He walked through as if he basically owned the company as if he was THE Logan Roy himself.
Kendall power walked towards him. “You’re late to your own interview for your own fucking assistant dipshit.”
“Relax, I was busy paying the homeless people on the subway to fight” He smirked, waiting for a reaction.
“Yeah like you’d ever even been down that filthy rat hole.” Kendall scoffed.
Oh wow. Maybe he was as bad as Jess made him seem. I guess he liked to play Social Justice Warrior whenever he liked to.
“Yeah okay, where are they then? I’m ready for a black coffee.” Roman shoved past Kendall before finally laying his eyes on you. He would way it was cause he didn’t recognize you, but he barely even recognized people within a 20 feet radius of his own office. “Okay yea, come to my office I guess.” He spoke to you. He turned around and put his hand up, motioning you to follow him. Almost like how you would with a dog.
You nodded and followed before looking at jess with a look that could only be described by ‘what the fuck did you get me into?’
“Sit.” He ordered before plopping down on his leather chair in front of his desk. He laid back before finally feeling adjusted and looking up at you.
His eyes met yours before you immediately shifted them away from his. You grabbed a folder out of your duffle bag as you were ready to get your paperwork out before being interrupted.
“What the fuck are you doing? Are you turning in your fucking homework or something? Oh god you were that kinda kid huh? The one to remind the teacher of homework. God. Ew. No I cannot have that. Put that shit away.” He sure was pushy. Was he trying to upset you so you’d leave? What was the point of being a dick?
“Uhh sorry I just thought you wanted to see my resume or something” You shrugged. You tried to keep a calm composure. You needed this. I guess you can handle this kind of abuse for a bit. Maybe just until you had enough. Which you were pretty sure you’d make enough.
“Uhh” he mocked “No I don’t need to see that. You’re an assistant not whatever the fuck these other people do.” He gestured to everyone outside. You looked out and saw Kendall and Jess shooting glances at you. They knew what they had just out you up to. Jess feeling worse about it than Kendall did. You bit the inside of your own cheek to keep yourself from saying whatever you wanted to actually say.
“My bad.” You quicky apologized. “So, what questions are you gonna ask me then?”
“Uhh can you run to get me coffee?” He prompted.
“Now?” You shot him a confused, but annoyed look.
“Yeah. I’m hiring an assistant. Not a hooker. I would like if you dressed like one though. But I can’t hire someone who can’t do something simple like buy fucking medium whole milk latte.” Okay wow he was really annoying.
“Yeah, I can order coffee.” You said blankly.
“Good, go get one for me across the street.” He shooed you with his hand.
“No shit. Ugh I thought having an assistant wasn’t gonna require training. Do I need to keep dog treats in here to reward you? You’re not gonna piss on the floor, right? You don’t need that much training.” He tried to stop himself from giggling at his own jokes. He stood up before pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. He flipped it open and pulled out a $50. He handed it over to you and sat back down.
You stood there with the money, confused. “You really want me to do that? Right now?” You questioned again.
“Goooooood. Yes. This counts for your interview so you know, get to it or whatever the fuck.” He shooed before going onto his phone.
You nodded quietly before leaving the office. I guess you had to go get him what he asked for. God what a major fucking douchebag. I mean you’ve seen how he’s acted over social media and tv, but never did you think he was this bad.
Jess rushed over to you. “Y/n Oh my god, I’m so sorry I didn’t know. I thought Kendall just meant he was gonna get another assistant” She frantically explained.
“Its fine Jess. I guess I gotta get the oily weasel a fucking latte.” You scoffed. You held her arm to reassure her you were okay and not annoyed with her. She couldn’t of known.
“What? That’s what he said?” She tried to rationalize what Roman even asked for. You nodded before getting in the elevator. Jess almost walked in before hearing Roman from his office. “Hey! Come on, this isn’t a two people job now!” You rolled your eyes and hit the L button.
You quickly made your coffee run, making sure to get something for yourself, since you guess he was paying for it. You grabbed your matcha and his latte before heading back to the office. You walked in before setting down the cup and money on his desk.
“Ooooh what’s that? You go through rehab too? My brother drinks that shit.” He continued to try to strike as many nerves as he can. He really had a big mouth. It almost as if he let every intrusive thought that came to mind out.
You sat back down before taking a sip of your own drink. “Nope. So what else are you gonna ask or are you gonna make me do more embarrassing shit for free?” You finally let your annoyance out. You might regret it, but fucking hell, you could not spend the afternoon being someone’s little errand boy with no compensation.
“You’re already hired. Ya just send it whatever the fuck you need. I don’t know, ask Jess how to do all that shit, but ya I guess this latte is fine enough.” He hid his smile before taking a sip from the latte you gotten him.
You sat up a bit straight as you set your drink down. “That’s it?”
He nodded before furrowing his eyebrows at you. “Ya. What?”
“I just expect to-“  Roman quicky cut you off. You never liked being cut off. It was really one of your pet peeves. You couldn’t stand it. But I guess you needed to get use to it with this job now.  
“Just do whatever I ask you to, okay? You seem obedient enough.” He rolled his eyes before putting his feet up on his desk.
Notes: Next chapter is up!
Chapter 2
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poisonheiress · 10 months
Since there are no Glitz and Glam head canons or reader inserts yet, I've decided to make my own and share them with you. These are romantic in nature and reader focused so be prepared for that.
Warning: Some head canons suggest a shared S/O while others are for a specific sister.
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◆ To begin, I believe that Glitz and Glam are rather jealous lovers, regardless if the partner is shared or not. The jealousy spawns from their connection to Envy and their hellborne status. Low born demons are used to fighting for everything they have, and even with the social boost from their position as Mammon's new figures, Glitz and Glam can only go so far. Adding in their natural leaning for Envy due their birth in the 6th ring, jealousy can come on quick and heavy. As a result, Glitz and Glam worry about their partner's focus falling away from them especially in public, always trying to bring their attention back to them at all costs. While their jealousy normally doesn't extend to the other sister, a shared partner can cause a few spats between the sisters every now and again.
◆ While the Glam sisters are as harsh as Envy demons come, that same bite and vitriol is never extended to their partners even in earlier stages of their relationships. They may keep the same snark in teasing their partner, but they will never insult or degrade their partners. This rule extends to those outside the relationship too. Neither sister responds well to some no-name or paparazzi looking down on their partner as a joke or otherwise. After all, demons aren't kind beings, especially those who spent the beginning of their lives crawling out of the Envy ring's Abyss.
◆ Speaking of rank, Glitz and Glam would definitely spend massive amounts of money on their s/o once they become Mammon’s new figures. While they obviously aren’t getting as big of a cut as they should, it’s much better than what their payments used to be, and as part of their life, their wealth extends to you too. From new clothing and jewelry to elaborate dates, they relish in spoiling their partners as long as they are the only ones doing it.
◆ Their personal life with their partner is never going to be publicized for people’s entertainment if Glitz or Glam have a say in it. They made their peace with the sexualization and objectification that comes with surviving in Hell show business a long time ago, and they don’t want their partner to ever experience the same fate. Attempting to break into their partner’s home or extort their partner either ends in a new corpse for the cleaners or a one way trip to Sloth’s hospitals. Because of this, I don’t see them dating another performer especially one under Mammon’s domain. Neither will risk their one freedom in hell becoming Greed’s newest commodity no matter how much they care about the other person.
◆ For every outfit the Glam sisters buy you, they will steal some of your wardrobe in return. No matter how big or small your clothes are on them, they’ll find a way to make it work. It gets to the point where half your wardrobe has found itself way into their shared closet. Glitz favors hoodies and sweaters, especially cropped ones while Glam prefers taking jackets and shirts. Wearing your lover's clothing is seen as a passive form of marking in Hell, even more so if the clothing has their scent on it, and Glitz and Glam take full advantage of that.
◆ A lot of dates for you on both sides would occur in the Envy ring, specifically in its seas. Since a lot of Glitz and Glam’s early life spent constantly moving about the Abyssal zones, they know all the best spots and love sharing that part of their life with their partners. They also love these dates because it's a lot easier to run from paparazzi underwater and disappear into the depths of the sea. Glitz and Glam also like to bring back souvenirs from their visits to the Envy Ring like pieces of coral and pearls. Glitz has even tried to bring a devil-fish back over the border once, but customs wasn’t found of that idea. Sure, they could bring back other commercial goods, but when it come to Envy, they prefer giving their partners something they found or killed with their own hands, not something that can be bought anywhere else.
◆ Speaking of dates, Glitz and Glam do vary in their preferred activities. Glitz prefers more high stakes, wild kinds of dates like hell’s version of bungee jumping or sky diving. She’ll even take you to swim through the riptides if you want. Glam, on the other hand, prefers more lowkey events like hunting or adventuring into deep sea caves where you two would have more alone time. Of course, they enjoy the traditional dinner dates and events, but they’ll always prefer something exiting with you alone.
◆ Last but not least, physical affection. Neither sister goes beyond hand holding or a few hidden make-outs in public. If they're feeling bold, they may even pull you onto their lap or sit on your lap. At home, they are a lot more hands on. Being Glam’s partner means that she’d gonna be wrapped around you like a second skin. She likes to have her hands on you at all times if possible. Cuddling with her is similar to being a straight jacket with the grip she has. It gets to the point where she’d rather pick you up to move then let you move around at all. On the plus side, cuddling with her means gossiping for hours straight on anyone and everyone, and her connection to stardom means that she's never out of thing to talk about.
◆ While Glitz likes affection just as much as her sister, she doesn't need to be touching her partner all the time, choosing to stay and sit close to you to fill her urge in public. Cuddling wise, I think Glitz is the kind of partner who lays on top of you, putting all her weight on you, and the only way to get her off is to move her yourself. With you captive under her, she will tell every bad joke her sister keeps from entering their act and she won't stop until you laugh. Glitz also loves her sticking her cold, webbed hands under your shirt to warm them up, laughing like a banshee when you jump at the touch.
◆ In the end, the Glam sisters fall slow but love hard. They may have each other, but they crave another person to share their lives with that will see them as something more then Greed's newest product. You have to hang on to what makes you happy in hell, and they'll cling to you till the end of their lives if you let them.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Hi RTP! What are the BLs you would recommend solely for the colors? 🌈
Anon, before I answer this great ask, I want to highlight other posts I've written that are slightly similar:
Reading the (Visual) Rainbow Awards 2023
Overall Winner - Kiseki: Dear to Me
Top Five - Color-Coded Storytelling in BLs
Honorable Mention: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
5) Moonlight Chicken
4) My Beautiful Man
3) My Love Mix Up
2) Semantic Error
1) Big Dragon
Top Five Color Moments of 2023
Honorable Mention: 7 Days Before Valentine
5) GAP
4) Bed Friend
3) Last Twilight
2) Moonlight Chicken
1) The Eighth Sense
Bonus: Jeff Satur x SHAUN's "Steal the Show"
I don't want to repeat any of the shows I picked, and I'm trying to pick more recent ones so people can find them if they want to watch them, but per your ask, I'm recommending them based solely on colors regardless of how much I liked them.
Recommended Colorful BLs
Honorable Mention: Intern in My Heart
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The show is not finished, and it's not a BL, yet it is doing everything right, which is why it gets the honorable mention. Great (Grey) is coded black/dark in the show, and Top is coded pink/light. They are supporting characters who are best friends, and they have stuck to their colors throughout, but in the last episode, they *almost* exchanged colors after Top revealed that he liked Great. Now I'm praying to all the saints for a full color exchange in the finale like I have a personal stake in this because I do! I'm invested, and it better not disappoint me.
#5 - One Room Angel
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When I write "Heavenly Human" for a character who wears white, and "Black Brooder" for a character who wears black, THIS is what I mean. A story about an actual angel and a guy who wanted to die was the perfect place to use the light x dark dynamic. However, calling this show a BL is troublesome, which is why it's number five. It still is a great example of what the light x dark color scheme should be used for, and in the end, the guy who wanted to die is much lighter in mood and color, which is what the colors are all about.
#4 - Why R U? (Korea)
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First and foremost, that kiss was LIT! The Thai version had Tutor and Fighter's high heat, which could never be matched, but Korea had that kiss, and it ate! But on top of that, it had colors! Ji Oh was a Black Brooder while Lee Won was a Multicolored Menace, and right after this kiss, they flipped colors. That's right! After five episodes of being enemies, they made out for acting "reasons," and then exchanged colors. Normally, Korea is all about the feelings, so the color exchanges in Korean BLs align with a character's feelings changing, but this one directly correlated with a kiss. And for emphasis - That kiss was fire!
#3 - Secret Crush on You
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Destiny Seeker might have won the 2023 award for best group effort in color coding, but Secret Crush on You set the bar for that award the year before. This show is Color-Coding 101. Each character has a color, and by each, I mean each and every single damn character in a cast of eleven (plus three fairy godmothers) has their own color. That is a ridiculous feat! Wardrobe, props, and lighting deserved a raise for this show. Some shows can't even get consistent color coding when it only has two characters, but this show understood the color-coding group assignment for the entire series! I'm still applauding two years later.
#2 - Stay by My Side
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Taiwanese BLs are my vice. Even the worst Taiwanese BL will still be better than the rest of these BLs. I WROTE WHAT I WROTE. So, of course, I liked this show beyond color reasons, but the colors greatly helped me enjoy the show even more. We had a guy who was haunted by ghosts. He was colorful and light coded. Then we had his roommate who could magically keep the ghosts away. He was dark coded. Read it again. The guy being haunted was bright, light, and colorful, while the guy with the power to help was dark. GENIUS! It was Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss with a supernatural twist. The dark coded guy is sad and isolated but the one who is being HAUNTED BY GHOSTS brings life to his world! Give me a minute. I'm still not over it.
#1 - Pit Babe
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I watched this show muted and without subtitles, yet the colors guided me through all thirteen episodes. I understood the plot perfectly because of the colors, and only became confused when people tried to tell me about the actual plot. Alpha? Omega? Santa Maria? Wasn't important. Didn't matter. I don't know them. Red and Blue were the main characters here, and they did their damn job. Babe, in his black, was his own man. He wasn't trying to fit in, but every time the red light focused on Charlie and Way, I was screaming for Babe to run because the colors told me they were still tied to Tony BECAUSE THEY WERE! That's elite color coding, and it ushered in a whole new way for me to watch a show. I loved it.
Bonus: Old Fashion Cupcake
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I love this show which is why it is a bonus. Unlike the other shows where I had issues with some part of the plot, Old Fashion Cupcake is as close to perfect as any show has ever come in my personal rating system. It is an Advanced Color Coding course only offered for graduate students, which, honestly, is very Japanese of it because it was in the ties. The color coding showed up in other ways, but the ties were where the story lived since in the past, Nozue was a bright red, but we saw his red damper in the present, which made his loyal assistant bluer. It was only five episodes, yet it used every second of those five episodes in every single way to propel the story forward, colors included. Actually, let me go rewatch this for the hundredth time instead of just writing about it!
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
gender dysphoria comfort for afab reader x spot?? :p
Spot comforting an AFAB/trans reader
Rubs my autistic little hands (in a cool nonbinary way)
Not gonna specify if reader is a trans man/nonbinary or somewhere in between/else where so!!!
Heavy projection on my end because my dysphoria is kinda. Raging
But also idk how to comfort myself so this is gonna translate into spot bouncing around
It shows so bad that I!! Am bad at outright comfort <\3
Happy pride by the by! Not sure if I said that over here yet
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Right off the bat I wanna make it clear that this man would snag some stuff for you
Of course he does this in general, but hes more than willing to get you things that may help you express yourself
Clothes, are a big one! Need a new wardrobe? Hes already on it! Same applies to other things you may need
On the fence on if he would snag some hormones for you; since he doesnt wanna risk taking them from someone else
Actually ykw
Bros a scientist
Be can probably make his own solutions
Anyways onto the actual
Admittedly Spot is not the best at comforting others, so his go to is self projection; if that makes sense
Applies what he knows cheers him up to you?? Like venting and physical affection can help him get through rough patches, so he'll try to urge you to vent during a cuddle session
Reinforces that you look handsome; though hes down with calling you anything if that isnt your cup of tea
Hes a scientist, he does research! Listens to every word you say and sucks up any information regarding the topic he can find
Offers some tips on passing, if that's what you need
You guys have self care days together as is, but you guys tend to have them on days things get rough
Basic.. self care things. Low stress activities, you both go shopping (stealing) (hes wearing s shitty disguise), things like that
He toooootally doesnt target anyone who purposefully gets your pronouns or name wrong! What? What do you mean that rude person lost everything out of no where, y/n? He doesn't know what you're talking about, he doesn't know anything about anyone
Easily your biggest fan and supporter, your personal hypeman
Generally he let's you know that he loves you, and that regardless of how you present youre amazing and valid. He may not know the best way to comfort you all the time, but he's trying his best to hear you out and advocate for you! While he may not be the most... ferocious.. man out there, but he's quite vocal to anyone who dares try to tell you otherwise! Whether you present more feminine, masculine, or androgynous; he'll be right at your side
Also now that I think about it, if he got his hands on the material he'd definitely try to make a way to literally. Just change your sex right there to align with how you feel
If the dude can make a mini collider on his own he can probably make the transgenderinator
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topazshadowwolf · 1 year
A Win and A New Foe
Cross won! The boy did it! But Fell didn't win this time. Error is now the opponent Cross will face. And what a challenge this will be! Cross, the youngest of the gang vs Error, Destroyer of Worlds, Master of Puppets, Guardian of Destruction, Collector of Souls.
Good thing Cross has others to support him! Make sure you vote as I am sure this will be a close one!
Nightmare yawned as he tried to finish his work. The polls had been a distraction, but he had plenty of things to do. He figured he could check in later when a few hours were left. He had been so wrapped up in his work he forgot to check. Instead, he learned the results when he heard a commotion in the hallway.
He looked up in time to see Killer and Horror carrying Cross over their head into his office with giant smiles. “he did it! our baby bro did it!” Killer cheered.
“he beat ink!” Horror added as they set a very anxious Cross down.
“hurray me,” Cross said as he looked down.
“Indeed, it will be you against Fell,” Nightmare started but was interrupted by Killer.
“ehhh, about that boss. error won,” Killer said while putting his hand on Cross’ shoulder. “which is why the oreo is such a nervous nelly right now. he knows who he’s up against.”
Hearing this caused Nightmare to frown as he woke up his laptop and brought up the website. He paused for a moment, then looked back at Cross. “Do not… fret. Regardless of who the victor is, I am just happy you made it as far as you did.”’ A grin grew across Nightmare’s face as he steepled his hands, “Although, I would love to rub it in Error's face that one of my henchmen won against him.”
“i will try my best!” Cross said, saluting.
“I know you will,” Nightmare smiled as he stood and walked over. He rested a hand on Cross’ shoulder, followed by Killer and Horror doing the same. “We are still behind you, doing what we can for you.”
arguments for voting for cross and not error
heya. here’s a list of why you should vote for cross (the baby bro of our group):
he’s a cool dude
he doesn’t go around destroying other people’s stuff
error likes to destroy other people’s stuff. talking about homes and whole worlds here
cross doesn’t like to kill people and steal their souls
error’s main gig is to kill people and steal their souls
he dresses nice for a sans. (you think i have the energy to dress like him?)
he showers daily (i’ve never seen a shower in the anti void. or a wardrobe.)
i’m pretty sure error is that weird smell i notice when he’s around
he doesn’t steal other people’s stuff
error likes to steal and litter other people’s homes/worlds (bad for the environment)
cross helped save an endangered species of butterflies from destruction
except for the few cross saved, error made those endangered butterflies extinct by destroying not just their habitat but the world they came from
cross is polite for the most part (we are a bad influence, sorry)
error is very rude
nightmare would be happy if his youngest “son” won
“Ah, there you are, Dust,” Nightmare’s voice interrupted Dust’s thoughts, and he looked up to see his boss entering his room. “Cross has advanced to the finals.”
“i saw,” Dust said as he started to close his laptop. Nightmare stopped the motion and pushed the screen back to look at what Dust had been working on. The dark guardian then rested a hand on his shoulder as he chuckled softly.
“That you have. It seems you are trying to support Cross in your own way. Still, you should try to congratulate him verbally. He is apprehensive about this upcoming competition. I am sure he will be happy to have your support,” Nightmare said.
“i will,” Dust replied, then looked up at Nightmare. “you look tired, boss. when did you last sleep?”
“I have said it before; I will say it again. I do not require the amount of sleep you four do. Thank you for your concern, but I am doing fine and will retire to my chambers for a rest when this is over,” Nightmare stated.
“alright, boss,” Dust shrugged and looked over his list. “once i’m done editing this, i’ll go find cross.”
“That is fine…,” Nightmare said softly. He then turned slowly and left.
Alone again, Dust sighed. He still had his last “dad” to use. Unlike the others, he barely said the word when he could say it whenever. That word, at one time, had no meaning to him. Now that it had meaning to him, he didn’t want to overuse it. So, he will have to make that one count.
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h0mocorrectus · 4 months
This post is about my wonderful wife and the ways she helps me experience queer joy despite all the shit going on in our country
- she excitedly squeezes my hand when we walk past a gnc person or a pair of girls holding hands
- she makes sure to alternate between 'he' and 'they' and 'spouse' and 'husband' when referring to me instead of just choosing one because I said I liked that better (my wife is cis and the best fucking ally I know)
- she gets so genuinely excited about my transition! She tells me she loves my voice, my body hair and my weird ass mustache
- when I got my documents legally changed she was so happy for me she congratulated me 3 times. We weren't even together back then, this was just pure joy for a fellow queer
- she makes tons of gay jokes and trans puns
- she always makes sure to use inclusive language like "people with vulvas" when discussing anatomy
- she squeals and gets excited as fuck when she sees good queer rep
- she gushes over my ships with me
- she encourages me when I want to wear dresses or put on makeup because she loves gender fuckery in all its forms
- speaking of gender fuckery, she calls me her pretty princess because I wanted to be a princess when I was little and I like the vibes even though it's technically a feminine term (she made sure I was okay with it like a thousand times before doing that)
- she paints my nails black and pink when I wanna feel pretty
- she got me a pronoun pin :)
- she calls my chest "noobies" or "hoobies" (because nonbinary boobies and husband boobies) and that's hilarious, adorable and generally tickety-boo as fuck
- she corrects random people on the street that misgender me even though she has social anxiety and doesn't like speaking to strangers
- she is a short queen with pink hair and an undercut who is like twice as strong as I am, 90% of her wardrobe is black (the other 10 is flannels) and she loves stealing my black lipstick. She's comfortable with her gender, doesn't give a flying fuck about how she's supposed to present and always looks gorgeous, whether she's being more masc or femme today
- she checks in with me every time she wants to not tell someone I'm trans for safety reasons or just to not get an earful (I have trauma from a previous relationship where my partner had a lot of internalized queerphobia and tried to shove me back in the closet)
- she has A LOT of trans headcanons for like every type of media we consume
- *checks out uneven facial hair* YOU GO KING, GROW MORE FLUFFY
- she is incredibly accepting of every part of the queer community, regardless of whether she is a part of it or gets it. We're both very monogamous, but she excitedly shows me polyamorous fanart and memes
- she gets really passionate about feminism and queer rights, I could listen to her rant for hours
- she writes beautiful fanfiction about nonbinary beings in love
- "hun, what's gender-neutral for babygirl??"
- she reassures me when things seem bleak and I feel like people like us don't get to grow old. She tells me we'll come through this together and I believe her
- she makes me so happy and I fall in love with her more and more every goddamn day
P. S. She's sleeping next to me right now and the sound of her breathing feels like home. Maybe it will be okay.
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in-flvx · 8 months
I'd like to expand on the prev anon post and ask how you imagine their style?
Hi <3
this one is a bit harder for me bc I don't think a lot about that, and it also depends on the au/world they live in.
I know for sure that James has a hippie phase at one point, and he wears those colourful bulky sweaters and harems pants, and a lot of linen and tie-dye. He's also a huge fan of bootie shorts, chucks (or other sports shoes) and crop tops. Sometimes he throws these things together into a truly mesmerizing mix. When he grows up a bit more, James starts to rock very modern three piece suits and tweed, and the occasional hawaiian shirt.
Remus is very much a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy. Though he does wear a lot of his clothes until they literally falls from his body. This is not a money thing, mind you, his mum gets him new clothes every year. He still ends up repairing every tear and stain until the material can't handle it anymore. His mum gives up after a few years on buying him new stuff, and instead tries to teach him how to take even better care of his clothes. This way he ends up wearing stuff thats horribly old fashioned and tattered. And that choice comes in handy when he really gets short of money when we meet him in poa. The clothes he wears there are still some his mum bought him when he was 17.
SIrius is realllly hard bc I want him to wear everything, but not everything fits in every au. I think at home he gets clothes tailored to him every year or so (everything he grows out of gets sold or made into the wardrobe for the next year, this family does not have cash but clings to their status regardless). Sirius doesn't give too much thought to it, but he doesn't like how little control he has about the clothes he wears. To mix it up he sometimes swaps clothes with Andromeda, or steals smth from his mums closet. When he runs away he gets to work for his own money, and then he gets to build his own closet. Which ends up pretty much with black shirts and black jeans. He does have some statement pieces: billowing shirts that are nearly see-through, a pair of bootie shorts that James had forgotten as his at some point, his biker jacket, a skirt etc. He is also the only one who tries his hand with some makeup after he finds that he kisses girls mostly for the after effect their lipstick has on him, so he decides to cut out the middle man.
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ameliawarnerr · 2 years
Getaway Car
Chapter 4
Previous Chapter: here
Pairing: Jake x MC
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Overview: To catch a thief, you have to become a thief. So to catch a hacker you have to become one.
Ever since the day I learnt that my decisions strike back at me with a consequence, I started holding control over every part of me. Whether it be my crucial decision or the words that leave my mouth daily. I do not disagree with those who believe that sitting in a corner and observing others is the best skill to possess to survive without giving away much about yourself. But I believe that engaging with others makes them enclose things that you will never learn by observing as a third person. And you can do this while never letting them know a thing of value about yourself. That's how I like to be in control. And I have never once let go of it. 
I admit I was several times overcome with emotions while investigating Hannah’s case but still somehow, even then, I had control over my speech and actions. 
But this control has been slipping away ever since I met him. I lose my cool while I argue with him, his not providing me with answers frustrates me, and the worst part is the reaction of my body to his touch. No, maybe that is not the worst part. The worst part is that he knows it. He knows how he can mess with my senses by touching me and throwing flirty lines at me. He knows it and he’ll use it against me. 
I will not let him. If it costs forgetting and replacing the image I've always had in me, I will do it. If I cannot have him as I wanted, I’ll ruin him. And if he thinks otherwise, he’ll be proven wrong, slowly— painfully slowly. 
Firstly, I have to find his weakness, both emotionally and objectively. And I have to let him assume that his touch is mine. It is, to some extent, but I will develop immunity against it. I merely need to pretend from that point on. Like he had been all the time.
My plans to murder him come to a halt as I hear the door open. I turned off all the lights and lay on the bed with my eyes closed. This is how I plan. And he might as well assume I am sleeping. 
If I am not wrong, it might be around 2 pm. This is strange since I always imagined him to be the type of person who spends the night in front of a screen. Nevertheless, he is a human— I have to consider him one regardless of his incapability to grow a heart— and he might be tired after all the adventure he had today. 
I do not hear his footsteps so he might be barefooted. After a couple of seconds, I sense a movement somewhere around the left side of my face. Then, I feel his touch on my cheek, so light that it contradicts every part of him I've seen today. I swallow nothing and I hope he didn't see my throat move in this darkness. He sighs and retreats his hand. 
“You got somewhere around twenty-five minutes to actually fall asleep. I am going to take a shower.” His voice is low and bored. 
He knew I was pretending. He couldn't have seen my face in the dark when he just came in from a bright hallway. What part of me gave it away? I wish I could ask him that. But I stick to being silent and still. 
I hear the wardrobe open and close, then I hear the water running down. 
I set my foot on the cold floor, rushing towards the door to the hallway on my toes. Taking a second to adjust to the brightness, I descend the stairs. 
I almost gasp at the sight of his house. I wonder if he owns it, legally. The walls are a faded greyish-black colour, almost as if painted with hands. The furniture and ceiling are off-white. As soon as I set foot on the ground floor, my eyes met with the most sophisticated and beautiful kitchen I'd ever seen. The kitchen island is huge, almost the size of the bed I had. To the right, there are huge windows with curtains drawn. To the left of the kitchen is the living room. And as I scan further to the left, a door. 
I run to the door after stealing a glance at Jake’s bedroom. I open the door. There are three different sets of computers. But only one chair is facing towards the biggest monitor in the room. Yeah, right, I'm not touching it. Jake must have installed the highest security system in it. Twenty-two twenty-to minutes is not enough to turn on a computer, look through files and turn it off. 
So I go for the drawers. The first drawer I opened was filled with his extra equipment. I snort. Of course, he is overly cautious. 
I open another drawer and this one has files in it. The first one has DUSKWOOD written over it. Hannah’s investigation, I suppose. The next file has LILLY written on it, I open it, and it has information about her in the printed text and as I look through other files, they are all having titles of members of the group. And at the very last, AMELIA. 
I hesitate. Still, I turn the pages. Unlike other files, it has handwritten notes. The first several pages are information about me. And then, I don't know. Sentences, phrases, words. I manage to read only one phrase before I glance at the clock. Three minutes left. I abruptly close the files and keep them back. 
I leave the room and as I reach the kitchen, I see Jake’s legs. Instead of stairs, I go to the kitchen, open a random cabinet and pretend to be looking for something. He is again barefoot as I don't hear any footsteps but I know he’s descending the stairs. 
I sigh as if disappointed and close the cabinet. Then, I stand and turn towards him. I fake flinch when I find him standing on the other side of the kitchen island. His hands are resting on the surface of the kitchen island and he's leaning. His black hair is wet and wavy, appearing darker than they actually are. His eyes are fixed on me and his expression is not giving away anything he's thinking. 
I cough. I point back with my thumb. “Is there any instant food?”
He stands up and walks around. He stops in front of me. I continue, “I could not sleep with an empty stomach. The soup was not enough. You need to feed me enough if you are keeping me captive here.” 
“Of course.” He sarcastically smiles before pressing his body against mine. I look up at him but he’s looking towards the cabinet above my hand. His hand rises and he takes out something. He steps back with a packet of instant noodles in his hands. He doesn't look at me. “Sit. I'll make you some.” 
I think he meant for me to sit on the couch in the living room but that's too far away. I cannot keep an eye on him from there. So I sat on the island instead. 
He turns his neck and looks at me briefly before placing the packet on the counter. He goes to the fridge and takes out a few vegetables. 
“You don't need to add anything extra. Just the normal noodles would do.” I object since I am not hungry. 
“Why, I ought to feed you enough.” He quotes me. 
I won't argue any further. He comes towards me but stops before he can come in front of me. He places the vegetables on the chopping board beside me. He starts chopping and my eyes go to his hands as a few nerves pop out on his hand. His hands are big and empty. He chops quite fast. But suddenly, he stops. I look at him and find him looking at me already. “The vegetables are not really that attractive.” 
I look away. He knew I was staring at his hands. Without looking at him, I start, “We need to talk. For what purpose am I here?” 
“We’ll talk. I have a proposal for you and we’ll discuss the terms in the morning.” He firmly states.
“What proposal?” I demand even though he told me that we'll discuss it in the morning. 
“One that’ll benefit you more than it would benefit me. So I suggest you consider it after putting your emotions and hatred for me to a side.” He finishes chopping and moves to the stove. 
I consider what he told me. A proposal that’s going to be beneficial for me more than for him. That sounds suspicious enough. And selfless, a bit, which only adds to the suspicion. 
“Is there not a guest room?” I changed the topic. 
I face his back. “I don't have guests very often, no. We’d have to share.” Before I can object, he continues, “That reminds me that you need clothes. Remind me in the morning.” 
“But what if I don't accept your proposal? Why would you get me anything if I don't?” I query. 
He puts the lid on the container and turns towards me with his body slightly leaning against the counter. He folds his hands. “I called it a proposal out of formality. To be honest, it's really the only option for you. Even if you don't wish to, you would have to agree to it.” Something changes in his demeanour. It doesn't appear like a dark mysterious figure anymore. His voice is not harsh or boring, it's like it's dipped in honey. 
“You’re going to force me.” I wonder loudly. 
He laughs. “Did you not hear me? It is the only option left for you. It doesn't matter if I force you or not, you're going to agree.” 
“But what if I don't?”
“You haven't heard my proposal yet so I’ll spare you the logic behind my certainty.” He turns and opens a different cabinet and takes out a packet of bite-sized chocolates. He opens it and throws chocolate in his mouth. He walks towards me and offers me.
Instead of taking out a chocolate from the packet, I snatch it from his hands which makes him furrow his eyebrows. He sits beside me. 
“I have a strong feeling that you are going to ask me to work for you.” I began hoping to gather as much information about this strange proposal as possible. At the same time, I doubt he’ll give away anything before morning. 
Suddenly, his face appears close to mine. If I move as much as an inch, I could feel his skin so I dare not to move and stay still. He takes out a chocolate from the packet and leans back again. A breath of relief escapes me. “Close.” One word. 
“What sort of work is it going to be? Does it involve seeing your face every day?” The real question here is the type of work he is going to ask me to do, the latter part is merely a taunt to get the conversation going. Or perhaps, he reveals something in frustration. 
But he's calm. He’s silent. Then, he's again closer to me, the sweet and pleasant smell invading my senses. His hand again goes to the packet but this time, he doesn't grab the chocolate. He grabs my hand that is in the packet itself. 
Heat travels up to my face and I look at him hoping nothing of the red sort is rushing to my cheeks. I keep my eyes on his and dare not to look at his lips. “Whether you accept the proposal or not, you are going to stay in this house. So yes, you'll be seeing my pretty face quite a lot. Do you mind?” His brows move as if he really wishes to know if I mind. 
I turn my head away and snatch my hand. “Why is it that you cannot believe that I am not interested in disclosing any sort of information about you?” I snap. After all, this is the base of his reason for keeping me here. 
“And what? Let you go?” He returns without an answer. 
“Yes.” I keep my voice controlled. 
“No.” He simply states and walks to the stove. 
We both are silent as he serves the noodles in a bowl. He holds it in front of me. I take the bowl and go to the other side of the kitchen island, sitting on a chair. I wonder if he's going to watch me eat. 
I start eating. 
“Are you even sleepy?” He asks. 
“No, I am not,” I answer truthfully. 
He nods and takes out a phone. He places it on the island and pushes it towards me. I grab it with one hand and look at him strangely. 
“You can look for clothes, then. Just add to the cart whatever you want, I'll order them at once.” 
My expressions do not ease. I still have a confused look on my face. “You're trusting me with a phone? With an internet connection?” 
He rolls his eyes and doesn't bother answering me. “I am going to work until you eat. Tell me when you are done.” He says and leaves. I watch him as he goes to the room I came out of. 
As soon as he closes the door, I switch on the phone. I go to Chrome's incognito mode. I am about to type something on the search bar when a message pops up. 
Jake: I gave you the phone to look for clothes, not at something vulgar. 
I snort, loudly enough that I believe he heard me. 
I finish the food at an inhuman speed. Then, I add to my cart the most expensive stuff I could find and my stuff doesn't limit to clothes, I am talking about makeup stuff that I don't even know how to use, heels and all sorts of footwear, hair products, and the cherry on the top, I add lingerie. 
Lastly, I click a picture of the empty bowl and sent it to Jake, indicating I am done eating. In a few minutes, he comes out of the room. He walks towards me and I hand him the phone. “Have fun ordering!” I say, standing up and walking to the stairs while ignoring the strange look he gave me. I assume he stopped looking at what I was doing after I opened Amazon. 
As I am about to climb the stairs, he stops me and passes past me. A curse leaves my lips when I realise why he did that. I am still in his clothes that barely cover my legs. He just… I shrug the feeling off not letting him make a positive impression on me. 
As we enter the room, my eyes dance between the bed and the couch. “Are you going to sleep on the couch? Or am I?” I ask him. 
He walks to the bed. “None. We are going to share the bed like two sophisticated adults.” 
Now that he has mentioned being two sophisticated adults and I deny it, it’ll get childish of me. I look at the bed, it's wide enough. 
He looks at me, anticipating a reaction. I smile. “Of course.” 
I walk past him and lie down. He switched off the lights first then I feel him lie down next to me. 
“Goodnight.” He says, his voice coming out soft. 
At some point my eyes open, a little orange light penetrating through the drawn-out curtains. When we slept, we were both on the edges of the bed. Unlike right now. Now, we lie in between. His hand wrapped around my waist and my head dug into his neck. I close my eyes as I snuggle closer. I allow myself these hours of his embrace. 
Then, the phrase in his angry yet beautiful handwriting reappears in my mind. 
My biggest regret…
Me. I am his biggest regret. He didn't finish the sentence but it's obvious. 
I remove his hand from my waist and turn away until I am on the very edge of the bed. 
Thanks for reading!
Next Chapter: here
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
฿ØⱤĐɆⱤⱠ₳₦Đ 🂡 ~ 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 11
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Paring: (?) × Reader
sexual harassment
Word count: 2085
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"A robbery?" Arisu questioned, confused.
"Wait, you asked us to gather here and you had no idea why?" Karube inquired.
Arisu approached you in the afternoon and suggested that you all meet in his room tonight. Of course, none of you questioned it, so you went there. You initially assumed he wanted to talk about the sensor-glasses you had finally fixed, but it turned out to be something completely different. After all, a cat-like guy was also waiting for you.
Chishiya had a plan and would need all of you to complete it. You and Karube exchanged a doubtful look, but Chota and Arisu were totally engaged in the idea. Nonetheless, you joined the plan against your will. After all, you couldn't abandon the two knuckleheads alone. Shibuki and Usagi joined in as well, most likely because they didn't had another option. Aguni will follow you regardless, since Hatter died in a game and he became the new leader of the beach. Because of the bustle at the beach, the timing couldn't be better for a heist, you had to acknowledge that.
The idea was for Arisu and Karube to break into the royal suite while Aguni and his henchmen were relaxing by the poolside. They did it every day for thirty minutes before getting ready for the day's game. The remainder of your team would keep an eye on the corridors. Instead, you opted to go with Arisu and Karube. Your friends were definitely against the idea, but if you had to join because of them, you wanted to be able to choose what you would do. After all, this entire plan makes no sense. Chishiya and Kuina could've done it on their own; therefore, you were clearly a bait. Nonetheless, Arisu agreed to hear his plan, and now that Chishiya is an executive officer, he could easily blame you for everything that will happen after you had heard his idea.
"This is crazy," Arisu mumbled as you entered the room.
"We would never be able to pay for one night here. Even if we all put our money together," Karube said as he looked around the room.
"We don't have time for this. We must find the save," you said as you shut the door behind you.
Arisu talked with Chishiya via walkie-talkie, but the poor quality of the intercom made it difficult to hear most of their conversation. It's not like you cared anyway.
"I found it!"
Suddenly, Arisu shouted out, causing you and Karube to approach him. He was crouching halfway into the closet near the desk you were looking through. Obviously, you did not look for the save, but rather for information about the people at the beach. You wanted to learn more about the people in charge here, but you couldn't find anything.
"What is the code?" Karube inquired as he took the walkie-talkie.
"8055. The seal of the envelope doesn't say Boss, it's actually the numbers of the code," he responded and Arisu began to enter the code.
"You would be a formidable enemy.", mumbled Arisu.
He paused for a moment before entering the final number, but neither you nor Karube forced him to. This was his final chance to change his mind, so he should make the decision himself. A loud alarm abruptly jolted you out of your daydream. The code was wrong. Chishiya really did use you.
Karube realized something was wrong and shoved you behind the other, still closed, wardrobe door. Only seconds later, the suite door flung open, and heavy footsteps could be heard.
"A little birdy told me that some rats were trying to steal from me. Well, I'll be damned. Looks like you are a useful man after all, Chishiya," Aguni chuckled.
Karube stood up quickly to draw attention away from your hiding spot. He would do anything to protect you, regardless of the cost. He felt like he owed you this for everything you did for him and his friends. Suddenly, punches could be heard. Karube wanted to protect you, and if you left your hiding place, all he did would be pointless, but you couldn't just watch. You then made the mistake of looking around the door.
While other guys kicked Karube, Niragi raised his rifle to hit Arisu repeatedly. You couldn't just sit there after witnessing the scenario. So, when Aguni approached to kick Karube in the head -very likely to kill him- you sprang out of your hiding spot and tackled him, surprising everyone.
You were proud of yourself for getting that behemoth of a man to fall back, but it was probably only because he hadn't expected an attack. You even landed a couple pushes before a sharp pain in your head sent you to the ground. When you collapsed, you could swear you saw astonishment on Chishiya's face. You apparently failed to inform him that you would be joining Karube and Arisu. Your intuition was correct from the start. He's a small, self-centered monster.
"Hehe, foolish bitch," Niragi chuckled as he kicked your side. "Did you truly believe you could do something against us?"
Karube's disappointed expression broke your heart. What did you expect to achieve? Defeating these guys? You were once again pathetic. You were tired of being pathetic.
"Fuck you!" you hissed, grabbing the end of his gun as he attempted to hit your head with it.
You took advantage of the brief moment of surprise and shoved the weapon's barrel into his face with all the strength you could muster. He stumbled backwards, just enough for you to stand up. Everyone looked at you, but you didn't fight the black haired guy any more, against everyone's expectation.
"You piece of shit," you snarled, instead running up to the cat-eyed traitor.
You punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach before someone grabbed a handful of your hair and dragged you back. He flung you on the ground beside your friends, but quickly pulled you up by your hair again. Aguni was missing from the militants' group, therefore he must be the one holding you up.
"He had a walkie-talkie. They must have a partner, find out who it is," one of the militants exclaimed after searching the room for another person.
"We already know who it is. Don't we?" Niragi asked, grabbing your chin.
"Chi-," but you were stopped off when he rose up and kicked you in the face.
"Y/n," you heard your friends mutter, but you didn't pay attention.
"No one ever asked you, little girl. Get  these two girls and that pathetic long-haired guy," Niragi commanded, after gabbing your chin again, to appreciate the damage he caused.
You hated yourself for it, yet you spat in his face, daggers aimed at him. "He isn't pathetic. No one is as pathetic as you and this guy," you said, looking at Chishiya.
"You're getting on my nerves, baby. How about you finally shut up?" Niragi remarked, a little too calm for your liking.
"This is a major betrayal. We should make an example of them for the whole beach," a random guy said, but Niragi only chuckled.
"No. I have a better idea. The guys. Let's tie them up and toss them in an empty room, blindfolded and with their ears plugged. Their visas expire tomorrow. Rob them of all their senses and they will spend the last day of their lives in terror," Niragi stated while bringing out a piece of paper with Arisus' visa printed on it.
Karube is lucky that you didn't play games together following the seven of hearts. His visa was valid for one day longer than Arisus', but they still faced a massive problem.
"What about her?", asked another guy.
"She cares deeply for her friends. Leave her to me," Niragi added, cruelly smiling at you.
"But first," Niragi stopped, before kneeling you in the face. Aguni must have let go of your hair now, as your face soon hit the floor, meeting Karube's anxious eyes. Niragi stomped down on your trembling body as your nose began to bleed from the impact. Arisu lost his consciousness, due to the hits. Karube followed shortly after, but not before whispering your name again and again.
"That's enough," Chishiya said, rubbing his slightly swollen cheek.
"Why are you trying to interfere? Are you one of them?" Niragi spoke as he marched up to the blonde.
"Take a look at her. She is not as tough as the guys. You should quit beating her if you want to punish her. Otherwise, you will kill her."
Chishiya had no idea why he had stopped him. While he thought you were intelligent and a decent person to be around, you didn't mean anything to him. So, why did he help you? It was this strange sensation in his chest that told him to. He had no idea what that feeling was or why it was there. You should have just gone along with his plan. Why did you have to be so persistent?
"Whatever," Niragi said, ignoring the remark. He pulled your hair and lifted your head to look at it again. "You'll appreciate what I have in mind for you," he said, staring into your bloodied face. He smashed your head into the ground, but it's not like that hurt you because you also lost your consciousness.
What time is it now? Where are the others? Are they save? Are they still alive?
The room's windows were covered, and all clocks were either broken or missing, so there was no way to tell the time. The only assurance you had was that they didn't want you to leave, because your hands were tied to a heater underneath the window. Loud footsteps approached your room, followed by several more. What is Niragi up to? Basically, nothing could have prepared you for what was about to happen.
"Hold her legs down," one of the several men commanded as they entered.
You couldn't tell what they were talking about at first, but you later wished you hadn't found out. Four men were pinning someone to the bed. Not just anybody. Usagi.
"Ah, you're awake," Niragi said as he entered the room. "I promised you'd like what I'm about to do," he chuckled, pulling your hair and forcing you to look at him.
"You're lucky we couldn't find the other two, so we had to change our plans," he smirked, forcing his finger into the wound on your forehead, making you quiver. You must have gotten it when he knocked you out.
"Y/n?" asked Usagi worried. She probably didn't see you since she had been fighting the militants until now.
"You!" shouted Niragi to one of the guys who was casually leaning against the door. "Make sure she's looking before I start with her," he said, pointing at you.
"Traitors get punished. Even kids who misbehave get locked in the closet. What do you think the punishment is for a woman?", Niragi asked as he opened the tie on his swimming trunks and climbed on Usagi.
The rope around your hands didn't budge no matter what you did. All that happened was that the rope burned deeper into your flesh. With a tiny rattling, you notice you weren't tied to the heater itself, but to a plastic pole screwed into the wall above it, most likely to dry towels or something. You could have ripped it off the wall if it hadn't been for the guy holding your head in a headlock.
You must be able to do something. Usagi, Shibuki, and Chota must have been looking for you. Later ones must have been more fortunate, otherwise they would have seen them as well. It was your chance to help now, but what could you do?
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just-kit-ink · 10 months
I promise I'll answer your asks as soon as I can, but I offer a fashion ask for the Dragon AU.
Fleur, as one can imagine, wore royal clothes when she was abducted. And as the days went by, her dress (the only one she had might I add. It's not like Smartaz took some clothes for her 😅) became more dirty and torn. I can imagine her wearing this kind of dress, with the long flowing sleeves and skirt- that would be very inconvenient to wear in a jagged, nearly destroyed castle 😅 I think maybe the dress could be ivory like the first image. But I Associate Ben with blue, so maybe she would wear blue to point to her binding to him?
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But, after she becomes an official member of the Dragon family, or just when Smartaz starts to care about her more and even brings her back things from raides- regardless if she asked or not- thats when Fleur gains a new wardrobe. She exchanges the royal garb for something more simple, now. Like what Aurora wore in Sleeping Beauty. I can see it being mainly white or ivory, now. To signify Fleur's independence from her husband now and gaining her own color.
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However, I've also been thinking about the room that Smartaz gives her possibly being an old bedroom. With a wardrobe with dusty clothes that she could wear. And since this is a ccastle, they could be clothes of the former queen or princess too. So maybe Fleur would still wear high-class clothes. Before Smartaz brought her clothes and she had nothing else to wear other than her old dress, or maybe even when her current wardrobe needs washing. What do you think?
Now, Katherine! We need to talk about her in this AU more. She's your character so I can't say for certain what she'd wear, but I can see her in these dresses (except maybe the shoulders aren't exposed in the second picture)! More simple/lower class than Poppy's old dress, but it allows Katherine more movement. And besides, it's just perfect for an adventurous fantasy heroine ^^
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//Ooooh you have her colour scheme and style down so well!
I love your use of colour symbolism for Fleur's dresses she goes from a rich blue (having rank) to a white/ivory (having no ties to anyone) it's really clever!
It's funny I've actually been drawing Kitty in medieval clothing recently!
Personally I see Kitty in mostly peasant dresses of the time that she's able to work/do leisure in. When the dragons capture her they probably get singed or torn at the corners. I can only imagine Poppy being picked up like a ragdoll by dragon teeth 😆
Katherine grew up in the court and didn't have to want for much but I can see her wearing clothes that keep a low profile when she's out so she isn't followed or bothered. She also keeps a dagger for protection but doesn't want to have to use it. She would wear these clothes at the start of the story, then offhand make a comment that she doesn't wear much finery and then after they grow closer the dragons steal a dress for her on one of their raids.
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It's either wine red, deep purple or ocean blue. Something that brings out Katherine's hair and eyes and matches her personality. Needless to say as an aspiring scholar who's trying to prove herself just as good as any high class lady, she's less than pleased with the thievary...but the gowns are gorgeous and it was thoughtful of them. Besides, she's no stranger to foraging for food when out of the grounds of the house, this is their strange way of doing the same.
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I can also see her wearing styles similar to Princess Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron or Princess Merida from Brave. Sonething nice, but free for movement which allows her to run if needed.
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Also, towards the end of her arc when she needs to fight the dark sorcerer I can see her wearing armour like this.
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How do you think Grima would dress in a modern AU? I admit that I tend to imagine him dressing super-warm (man's always cold no matter the temperature), wearing lots of layers that hide his frame, lots of dark color palettes (blacks, greys, that sorta thing) with the occasional splash of color (like golds, maybe greens or purples every once in a blue moon), but I'm interested to hear how you think the snake man would dress in a modern setting! And how would it stack up next to Eomer's wardrobe?
Eomer: I have 500 colours, though many are variations of reds, greens, blues, and golds.
Grima: i wear black.
Eomer: I know. You're my tiny snaky summer goth.
We're talking Grima at the height of his power? Whatever form that might take in this world. I think he dresses well. One of my annoyances with the films is how he is dressed (the costume team is phenomenal and did a fantastic job, but I didn't like PJ's vision).
He comes from nothing, is self-made to a certain degree, and aside from his skills/education/etc., he relies on people's good opinion of him and trust in him to succeed in life. Therefore, he's going to dress to impress, so to speak.
Visual representation of status and power are important, especially in the societies Rohan is modelled on and I don't see why Rohan would be any different. Therefore, Grima as chief advisor to the king, and whatever other sundry roles in the household/court he may have held, would dress accordingly. He represents the crown! he needs to look the part.
His face might be unfortunate, but his clothing would be immaculate. He also would dress with psychology in mind: how can I use my appearance to dominate the room/impose my will/manipulate people/get what I want etc.
Anyway, in modern day the same logic still applies. So he'd be wearing designer stuff if he can manage it. Regardless, everything would be well tailored and good quality. Certainly on the warm side, as I also subscribe to the fandom headcanon that he's cold all the time.
I also absolutely agree that his palate would remain dark - lots of blacks and greys and blues-so-dark-could-be-black. I can see him adding a bit of dark purples or maroons to the mix. Maybe dark, forest green. Rich and dark.
In his off hours, that's where I see the layering coming in. That man would own an absurd amount of sweaters that he lounges in. Eomer is like, 'There is no way you need fifteen sweaters.' and Grima is like, 'excuse me, I own eighteen, I'm currently wearing three of them. And yes, I do need them.' Eomer replies, 'It's August! It's 32 degrees out there!' Grima bundles up more and nests on the couch.
Eomer: ahhh my weird snake boy(?)friend(?) who is unable to regulate his internal temperature.
Grima: some of us aren't walking furnaces. Eomer.
Grima has been known to steal Eomer's clothes which are too large for him but it allows greater layering opportunities when home and watching bad tv shows.
Eomer: I was planning on going out with Theodred for drinks and I was going to wear that cardigan you have on.
Grima: Too bad. Find a new cardigan, horse boy. I'm wearing it while I'm being anti-social and watching VEEP. I have four other layers on under it. I'm so pleased with myself.
Eomer: you are a very, very strange person.
Grima drinks his post-work beer and slides deeper onto the couch.
For comparison to Eomer, it's mostly colour contrast. Eomer wears more colours on the whole, and while they're also on the rich side they're not nearly so dark. I suspect their sense of style is very different but I'd have to sit on it and think about it before I could land on exact distinctions between them. I can also see Eomer, on the whole, going more casual than Grima. He'd wear jeans to work, nice chic fashionable formal jeans, but jeans regardless. Compared to Grima who is always in proper dress slacks etc.
thank you for the ask! :D :D
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