#reggie dear<3
hiiii pookie i wanna know 5 things that make you happy to be alive rn go
going to therapy. forever and always. the only reason i don't feel like a total waste of space<3
The new Billie Album, Reggie i promise you its a fucking MASTERPIECE, I've been obsessed with Chihiro since day 1
I'm gonna ride the train for the very first time on Friday and im Pretty Excited about that :D
its jasmine seasonnn i love the smell of those flowers and i always get so excited when i see them
If you had asked me this like a week ago i would've said bridgerton part 2 but it was kinda Disappointing so :/
inbox me one thing you wanna know about me
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touchlikethesun · 9 months
okay so i saw one of those "you could live a 100 lifetimes…"/"and never deserve that boy," and on the first slide it was lily, sirius, regulus, and peter, and on the second, it was just james. and ppl in the comments were getting so pressed that lily and sirius (The Good Guys) were getting grouped in with reg and peter (The Evil Ones). but like, the point of that line is not to say that sirius and lily (or even reg and peter) are bad people and that’s why they don’t deserve someone like james.
the original meaning of the line in thg, at least to me, is about katniss’s feelings of inadaquacy, and her and haymitch being cut from the same cloth of bitterness and pain, while peeta has (somehow, miraculously) maintained an optimism and a steadfast focus on the ones he loves. it’s a goodness that katniss (and haymitch) feel like she can never match, but despite her feelings of inadequacy, peeta loves her entirely without reservation.
the op of that post was not saying that sirius/lily/reg/peter do not in actuality deserve james, they were saying that they all have a darkness within them that makes them feel like they won’t ever deserve him. okay?
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ellecdc · 3 months
✋🏻 i have a request
so i’m a loudmouth, a D1 yapper if you will. could you maybe please write something with a yapper reader who just gets quiet and flustered in regulus’s presence?
like she’ll be going on about the randomest thing and regulus walks by and her mouth snaps shut and her face gets bright red.
hiiiii! I decided to pair this with two anonymous requests for our dear reggie too! prompt 2: I was thinking maybe a Potter! Reader who is in the same year as Regulus and has a huge crush on him, she just kind of watches him from a distance, here comes James and Sirius noticing and they try to set her up with Reggie prompt 3: I was wondering if I could get a regulus x reader where regulus is like close to the marauders and then Reggie gains like a crush on reader and the marauders find out and like kinda spy on them but like not well and maybe it ends in Reggie asking reader out
Regulus Black x Potter!reader who has a 'big fat crush' on Reggie
CW: sibling squabbles, this was hard for me to write for some reason so I'm sorry if it reads awkwardly!
“I’m just saying, if you didn’t want your essay to go up in flames, maybe you should have spent less time talking about which of your classmates were ‘filthy blood traitors’, and more time making sure I couldn’t point my wand at your parchment, you know?” You asked rhetorically as James and Sirius roared with laughter. 
“How far along was he in his essay?” Peter asked with a low chuckle before taking another bite of his lunch.
“Oh, he was done. He probably should have handed it in instead of running his mouth.” You said with a proud smirk as your brother roughly patted you on the back, letting out another bark of laughter. 
“I would have paid good money to see the look on his face.” Sirius said as he wiped fake tears away from under his eyes. 
“Find me a pensieve, Black, and I’ll show you.” You offered with a wink before remembering something.  “Oh! James, I meant to tell you; I heard from Janey who heard from Cromwell who heard from Collins whose sister works at Honeydukes that they’re having a sale on those caramel sugar quills that-”
“-Lily likes so much!” James finished for you. “My hero! Thank you!” He said as he pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your head.
You feigned disgust and rubbed it off before continuing. “If you want, I can ask Janey to ask Cromwell to ask Collins to ask his sister to put some aside for you?”
“I’d owe you my life.” He responded solemnly. 
“Chocolate frogs will suffice.” 
“Consider it done.” 
“I’d like chocolate frogs too, Prongs.” Remus offered then.
“What have you done to help me win over the girl of my dreams, Moony?” James countered. 
“I’ve not told her about the time you screamed like an ickle little first year when you found Fenwick’s toad in your shoe.” Remus replied plainly.
“Why do they have to have warts!?” James groaned miserably as he remembered his toad assault. 
“The bumps aren’t actually warts, Jamie; they’re glands. They contain a toxin that they will secrete if they feel threatened.” You explained.
James blinked at you owlishly before shaking his head in disgust. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“Hello, Sirius.” Regulus’ voice interrupted then, standing stiffly behind Sirius as he looked around the group of you. “Lupin, Pettigrew…Potter’s.” 
“‘Sup, Reggie?” Sirius responded easily.
“‘Lo, baby Black! What brings you to the red side of the Great Hall?” James asked then, earning him a glare from the younger Black brother.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Well that just makes me want to call you that even more.” James admitted.
“What brings you to the Gryffindor table?” Remus repeated with a knowing smirk.
“Can’t I just come say hello to my brother?” He asked defensively. 
“You could, but would you?” Sirius asked sceptically then.
Sirius and Regulus stared at each other in silence before Regulus finally sighed. 
“Potter, erm… Y/N, I was wondering if you’ve finished Professor Sprout’s essay about the proper propagation of venomous tentacula’s?” 
At the following silence, James turned to notice you staring at Regulus in what appeared to be abject horror before you slowly nodded your head. 
“How, uhm… how many feet of parchment did it end up being?” Regulus continued awkwardly; his eyes flitting between you and his brother. 
The group watched as you opened your mouth a few times only to close it again - not unlike some socially awkward fish - before clearing your throat. 
“Erm…I think it’s about four feet.”
Regulus seemed relieved by your answer and nodded in understanding. “Good, mine is about that as well.”
James looked between his friends, his sister, and his best friend’s little brother after a few moments when it became clear that no one was going to say anything else.
“Was…was that all, Regulus?” Peter asked then, clearly agreeing with James that lunch had quickly become painfully awkward. 
Regulus seemed to look at you first, only responding when you kept your gaze down at the wood grain of the table. 
“I suppose so. I’ll see you lot around.” 
And with that, the Slytherin boy hurried back to his side of the Great Hall.
James’ eyes only left Regulus’ form when he heard a miserable groan escape your lips as you let your head fall to the table with a thunk.
“What the fuck was that?” Sirius and James questioned at the same time.
“I’ve gotta go.” You muttered miserably as you gathered your bag and stood from the Gryffindor bench.
“Where?!” James called after you. 
“To run away with the fucking centaurs at this point!” You called back before disappearing through the doors. 
“Since when does Regulus come to say hi to you, Pads?” Peter asked then, still watching Regulus from across the hall who now had his eyes glued to the door. 
Sirius, who up until that point looked just as bemused as Peter did, had a look of understanding dawn on his face. 
“Merlin’s beard.” He hissed as he smacked James in the arm from across the table.
“Ow! What? What? Why are you hitting me?” James called as he rubbed his arm protectively. 
“When was the last time you saw Y/N be reduced to awkward silence?” He asked then.
“At mum and dads fundraising gala when that wizard from Witch Weekly attended.” James answered quickly; knowing that one of his sister’s greatest strengths was her ability to talk (especially when it helped get them all out of trouble). “Though she’s been doing it an awful lot lately.”
“Like when you coerced Regulus into joining us at the Three Broomsticks last weekend.” Remus offered.
James nodded. “And when I made her come with me to scout the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin game last Monday.” 
“And when Regulus just happened to be looking for a Herbology textbook when she was studying in the Herbology section of the library.” Remus continued.
“Godric’s balls.” Peter breathed out, looking towards Sirius incredulously. “You’re not suggesting-”
“-that our littlest Potter has a big fat crush on the littlest Black? I sure am.” Sirius said smugly. 
“I don’t think she’s the only one with a ‘big fat crush’.” Remus added, nodding towards Regulus who was chewing aggressively on his lip, still looking in the direction you just went.
“Oh my Godric.” James hissed as he turned towards Sirius excitedly. “Oh my Godric, Pads! We’d be real life actual brother’s-in-law!” 
“I’m going to walk Reggie down the aisle.” Sirius added wistfully as he clutched at his chest. 
“Merlin and Morgana. They can’t even make it through a sodding conversation; stop planning their wedding.” Remus muttered as he turned a page in his book. 
James let out an incredibly dramatic gasp as he looked at Remus. “You’re right. We have to do something!” 
“What do you say, boys? Up for some mischief for the greater good?” Sirius asked with a perfectly arched eyebrow. 
“Operation turn Potter Black!” James cheered to the group, causing the three boys to look at him in various levels of bemusement and discomfort.
“Erm, Prongs…” Peter started.
“Absolutely fucking not.” Remus added.
“We can’t call it that.” Sirius agreed. 
“We’ll circle back to it.” James said as he stood from the table.
Sirius shared a slightly panicked look with the other two Marauders before standing as well. “No…no James, we really can’t call it that.” 
“It’ll be a placeholder until you guys think of something better!”
“Anything would be better.” Peter whined as they all trailed out of the Great Hall in the name of mischief. 
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚
“Quick! You’ve got to see what we’ve planned.” James had said to you as he grabbed you roughly by your arm outside of Transfiguration and hauled you in the direction of the library.
You allowed him to nearly drag you through the courtyard and into the central haul; apologising to students that you nearly collided with in his haste. 
“But…what did McLaggen do? Why are you pranking him?” You asked breathlessly as the two of you made it to the library doors.
“The bloke’s a prick, Trouble, do keep up.” Sirius called as you met up with him. 
The two boys ushered you through stacks of books towards the end of the library that held private study rooms when Remus and Peter materialised from a row of shelves.
“He’s coming!” Peter squeaked as Remus quickly redirected the three of you. 
“That way, quickly.” 
Knowing better than to question Remus, you allowed James to guide you by the shoulder towards one of the private study rooms in order to hide from McLaggen as he walked into their trap. 
Except no sooner had Sirius opened the door did James bodily shove you into the room before they slammed the door behind you.
“Wha- James!” You shouted as you heard him cast a locking charm and a muffliato around the door. 
“What are they up to now?” A tired voice sounded from behind you.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you realised what they had done, praying to every deity that the voice didn’t belong who you thought it belonged to. 
But of course, the deities didn’t give a bowtruckles arse about you, so you turned on the spot to see Regulus Black sitting at the end of the table looking at you with a sceptical expression and one perfectly arched brow. 
Godric, he was beautiful.
“Making my life hell.” You answered despondently. 
Regulus offered you a tight lipped smile as he nodded in understanding. “Ah, so, regular brother stuff then?”
You breathed out a chuckle as you nodded, trying once more at the door before giving up in your efforts to escape. 
“What did you do to get yourself locked in a room with me?” He asked then, fiddling with the tomes and notes in front of him.
“Had the audacity to be born into the Potter family, I guess.” You muttered.
Regulus made a non-committal sound as he considered you. “I’m sure a lot of people would have loved the honour.”
Your face softened as you looked at the Slytherin boy. “I know they’ve asked you already, but you should come, you know? I know Sirius would love it if you did, and my parents would too.” 
Regulus nodded slowly at you, though he never moved his gaze from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
Regulus smiled ruefully then. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t get the impression that you like me very much.”
You stood there with your mouth agape like some mute opera singer. “Okay, I’ll correct you then; you’re very wrong Regulus Black.”
“Oh, I’m very wrong, am I?” 
“Horribly so, I’m afraid; I can’t believe you’d even say such a thing.” You continued haughtily; finally sitting down in a chair across from him. 
“Well, you see, everyone is always telling me how much of a chatterbox you are, yet you never seem too keen on chatting with me. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ve exchanged more words with Mulciber at this point.” He teased.
“The most I ever talk to Mulciber is to tell him to go fuck himself!”
A divot formed between his brows as he tilted his head in confusion. “Is that not just your love language? I’ve heard you say the exact same thing to Potter and my brother.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned back in your chair. “Touche” 
Regulus smirked at you then. “So, why don’t you talk to me?”
You let out a heaving sigh and looked to the ceiling. 
You were trapped, and you knew why you were trapped, and you figured there was no use in pretending that you didn’t. 
“I suppose I find you a little…nerve wracking.” You settled for, figuring that telling him you thought he was so handsome that even standing within his vicinity seemed to short circuit not only your brain but somehow your entire nervous system would perhaps be a little much. 
“Oh good.” He responded, sounding truly relieved by your answer. “I thought it was only me.”
What? You thought stupidly.
“What?” You asked stupidly. 
“I find you a little nerve wracking too.” He responded.
“Why?” You nearly shrilled before remembering yourself and feeling immediately embarrassed for your theatrics.
“Well, I suppose for the same reasons you find me nerve wracking?” Regulus offered. “You’re really quite pretty, Y/N.” 
You swear to all of the gods that your brain made an audible record scratch sound at that moment as you tried to compute what he had said to you. 
He called you pretty, that much went without interpretation. But did he just insinuate that he knew you thought he was pretty?
“You do know that, right?” He asked, shaking you from your internal spiralling. 
“Know what?”
Regulus smirked then. “That you’re pretty?”
You scoffed and crossed your arms petulantly. “Of course I knew that; I just wasn’t aware that you did, too.” 
“Ah,” He started with a smile. “My apologies, I’ll make it more obvious that I find you attractive going forward.”
“Thank you.” You huffed.
“You’re very welcome.”
The two of you allowed a semi-comfortable silence to lap as he continued watching you and you continued looking anywhere else but him.
“So,” He interrupted eventually. “What now?” 
You tapped your arms in thought. “Now I figure out how to get back at my meddlesome brother.” 
Regulus hummed as he nodded his head. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Yeah…hey, do you happen to know where I could find a toad or two?”
“Yes, actually. I’m quite certain Evan and Barty are breeding some in the dungeons.” He answered with a look of ill-hidden discomfort at the thought.
“Do you think they’d let me borrow some?”
“Well that depends; would they be used for chaos and/or destruction?”
“Yes.” You responded quickly.
“Oh, well then absolutely.” He quipped back.
He smiled and held your gaze before leaning on his arms against the table. “How about this? I’ll ask Barty and Evan for some of their toads, if you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend.”
You narrowed your eyes as you pretended to think about it before extending your hand across the table. “Deal.”
He shook your hand as he offered you a crooked smile before leaning back into his seat.
The door popped open just enough for your brother to poke his traitorous head in. “Are you guys in love yet?”
He barely had time to pull his head out of the frame and shut the door as you hurled your book bag at him; the blunt force instrument you had hoped would at the very least incapacitate your brother simply thudding against the wall before falling to the ground in a sad heap.
“You know he’s just going to keep you locked in here longer for that, right?” Regulus asked you then.
You made a non-committal sound as you settled back into your chair. “Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing.”
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marlsswrites · 3 months
June 26th <3
Knee - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1747
Most would be surprised by this, but one of Regulus’ favourite subjects is Care of Magical Creatures. He just loves taking care of the animals, they’re so gentle if you treat them right, he much prefers them to humans.
So, almost everyday after his lessons, he walks over to the edge of the forbidden forest and helps out with the creates. The teacher loves him.
“Regulus my dear?” She asked him one day.
Professor June was a lovely woman, probably in her mid thirties, Regulus wasn’t too sure. She had long curly hair down to her waist and it was always dyed a different colour, right now it was midnight blue with some blonde streaks running through it.
“Yes Professor?” He answered as he gathered some fruits from the forest bushes and trees, the Hippogriffs surprisingly loved apples.
“My first seventh year class is tomorrow, we’re going to be studying Hippogriffs and I know how much Buck Beak here likes you.” She patted the giant animals head. “You could come and help out, or just observe, if you like?” She offered a sweet smile. “You are far too advanced to be in your regular class.”
Eagerly, he nodded and cleared his throat. “I’d be happy to help out, keep Bucky safe.” He saw his Professor grin, of course his priority was the Hippogriff, it was Regulus Black you were talking to.
Now this is how Regulus found himself leant against a tree at nearly ten in the morning, throwing a green apple up and down on his hands as he waits for the professor to arrive along with the rest of the students.
Normally the kids aren’t allowed near the forbidden forest without supervision, but he was an exception and definitely the one they shouldn’t be worrying about. He’s pretty sure he’s seen his brother and his gang of idiots wandering around the forest at ungodly hours of the morning.
Why was here there, you may ask? Well that’s no one’s business, he finds it’s far more relaxing outside. It’s either that or listen to Barty’s horrible fucking snoring.
He continued to toss the apple as he zoned out, watching and listening to the ripples on a nearby pond. Up, down, up, d- what the fuck?
The apple stayed motionless in the air, taunting him as he jumped to get it, failing every time.
Finally coming to a conclusion, he heard the crunch of leaves behind him and he whipped around, glaring at the dark skinned brunette before him.
“Potter.” He hissed. “Put-“
“Reggie!” He smiled widely, way too happy for this early in the morning.
“You know better than all people that I don’t like being called that.” He growled.
Potter raised his hands in surrender, chuckling a little bit at the shorter boy. “Hey now, don’t hex me again.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I should start a bingo card. Hexed by Regulus, check. Slapped by Regulus, check-“
“All of them very deserved, may I add.”
“-insulted by Regulus, check check che-“
Regulus fetched his wand out of his pocket, casting a quick wordless spell before the apple fell with a thud followed by a yelp, right on top of the Potter boys head.
“Well okay, ouch?!”
In that moment, Professor June decided to stroll over. Her black skirt clipping her heels as she folded her arms and offered an unimpressed look towards Regulus.
“Regulus, we’re teaching the students, not dropping apples on their heads.”
“In my defence, he deserved it.”
“Don’t I always.” James grumbled, now grabbing the apple from the floor and tossing it around in his hands.
Regulus stood next to his Professor and started to walk away with her, shouting over his shoulder. “Finally, you get it!”
He heard a laugh come from James as Regulus walked further away, leaves and twigs crunching beneath his dark green converse.
Why does that boy always find Regulus’ insults funny? They’re not funny in the slightest, he’s being as rude as he can get.
The Slytherin scoffs out loud, ignoring the strange looks from his Professor.
The helping was pretty simple, Professor June spoke, letting Regulus add some things, and then he’d demonstrate. Her excuse being that her skirt is too impractical to climb onto a Hippogriff, but he really didn’t mind doing so.
“So! Any volunteers?” The Professor spoke loudly.
Murmurs erupted from the students as they all took a few slow steps backwards. Regulus locked eyes with the Potter boy as he edged backwards.
Wimp, Regulus mouthed. Now he can just watch it all unfold.
He leant against the tree, running his hands through Buck beaks feathers as he watched Potter jump forwards and raise his hand.
Not quite hearing the discussion between Professor June and Potter, Regulus took his time to look at the Gryffindor boy, like actually look.
Currently he had flushed red cheeks pigmented on his tan skin, his messy, wild, brunette hair blowing in all directions due to the wind. His shirt was buttoned down far further than allowed, showing off the top of his collarbone. His shirt was untucked and his tie undone and hung lazily around his neck.
He looks so messy, why does he look good? How can he look like he’s just rolled out of bed but still look gorgeous.
Regulus must have been staring for a moment too long, when the Professor and James Potter came walking over to him, Professor June saying something that he didn’t quite hear. Admittedly, he was busy staring at the golden jewellery on Potters hands and neck.
“Sorry, what did you say?” He asked with a puzzled look.
“Away with the fairies are we, Regulus?” The teacher spoke with an amused smile.
Ignoring the eyebrow wiggle from James, he sent a glare in the brunettes direction before turning back to the Professor, still in need of an actual answer. “I was just telling Mr Potter that you would help him mount Buck beak, could you do that?” She asked.
He wasn’t quite sure what this task entailed, he just hoped he didn’t have to touch the Potter boy more than needed. He already gets annoyingly flustered around the boy, there’s no point adding more fuel to the fire.
Nodding, he explained to James how everything worked.
First, you had to make sure the Hippogriff trust you. Then, you have to slowly and very carefully, place a hand on the animals beak, that’s its invitation to kneel down.
James followed these steps perfectly, Buck beak loved him. Regulus wasn’t jealous at all… nope.
A little voice at the back of his head teased him, which one are you jealous of?
Pushing the thought away, he focused back on James. The boy did quite well, he was currently sat atop Buck beak, stroking his feathers and looking around in awe.
“You ready Potter?” Regulus spoke as he stood on his tiptoes, running a hand along the Hippogriffs smooth beak.
“I wish you’d just call me James.”
Regulus shrugged, ignoring the statement and looking around to make sure James was safe.
“Okay, hit your foot to his side to set off.” Regulus pointed out. “And when you come back down, just come straight back here.” He reached his hand out to point at the points on Buck beaks back. “Place your arms there to hold on so you don’t fall off, and you have to be very calm.”
“So you do care about me?” James spoke, a pleased grin appearing on his face.
“Fuck off.”
No one else spoke, the amused grin staying on James’ face as he looked away from the Slytherin and muttered something to Buck beak before setting off. He sent a small wave in Regulus’ direction as the Hippogriffs feet lifted off the ground, causing James to nearly fall off.
Regulus let out a small snort and rolled his eyes fondly, he was so stupid sometimes, how did Regulus manage to find that endearing?
About ten minutes later, James came flying down with so much ease, he looked perfect.
Buck beaked landed on the floor with the clicking sound of his heels and the crunch of twigs underneath him.
James, clearly not remembering Regulus’ specific instructions to ‘remain calm’ cheered loudly and lifted his hands up into the air while Buck beak was still walking. The Hippogriff, clearly spooked, stopped halt on the spot and lifted his front legs off the ground, sending James falling into a heap on the floor.
“Fuck-“ Regulus ran over to the boy on the floor, who wasn’t too far away from him. “James?” He spoke as the Professor and many other students crowded around, James still had his eyes closed.
James, like the idiot he is, kept his eyelids down and stretched his lips out onto a wide grin. “James,” he mocked in a soft voice. “You should do that more.”
“Merde.” Regulus sighed through his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
“Whats wrong with him?” Sirius spoke hesitantly from Regulus’ side, making him jump and look at his brother.
“Concussion?” Lupin added from Sirius’ side.
James’ eyes flickered open, Regulus was leant over him, trying to see if there was any serious damage. “Hi.” The Gryffindor sighed quietly.
“Hi.” Regulus responded absentmindedly.
“Pretty.” James spoke again as Regulus gave him a puzzled look.
“What?” Both the Black brothers spoke at the same time.
“Hm?” James smiled and attempting to run his hand through Regulus’ black curls, shockingly, Regulus actually let him for a moment before snapping back into reality and pulling James’ hand away from his face. A whine came from the brunettes mouth, Regulus is pretty sure James’ is pouting now.
Professor June walked closer, pushing the students away. “Stop crowding, move back! Not you Regulus, I need some help.”
Regulus nodded, sliding down onto the muddy ground and sitting on his knees in front of James. “James- open your eyes.”
“Anything for you.” James pinched his eyes open, looking blinded by the sun and clearly not noticing the red flush of Regulus’ cheeks - which had to be horribly prominent on his pale, ghostly skin.
“How do you feel?”
“My knee hurts, but keep your hand there, it’ll make me feel better.” He gave a goofy smile, Regulus only just realising the hand he had placed on James’ thigh, swiping it away quickly. “Mean.” He frowned.
Choosing to ignore the fluttering feeling in his stomach, he turned to his Professor. “Yep, definitely concussed.”
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i’ve been really negative about season 4 tua so here’s a list of things I like:
hyping up Luther to look like an astronaut to then reveal him as an astronaut themed stripper is amazing
Ben’s response to Klaus at the birthday party and his sassy ass “Klaus”
David Cross does a really good job in this and i made a plethora of chipmunk jokes to myself while watching
Captain Tight Ass. Terminally Emo.
Luther’s love of architecture because he’s been fixing up the academy
Ben’s tentacle tails really made me chuckle for some reason
“the mustache was creepy 🤨?”
Five and Lila actually have a really nice friendship at the beginning of the season if we ignore the end
a lot of the new powers are cool (could have been implemented better but gotta give credit for cool)
the concept of the subway
Diego jumping through the bullets in the air (oh David Castañeda the man that you are)
Klaus having meditation/affirmation tapes voiced by himself
Klaus standing up to Allison and the family for looking down on him
Klaus’s relationship with Claire and how much he cares about her even when he’s going off the deep end
“Dear diary, why do I always wear suits”
Viktor raging on Reggie is spectacular
the siblings getting brainwashed to not remember Ben’s death is a cool concept
Ben going tentacle ham on the little village thing
young Ben and Viktor friendship
“it’s time to hunt 🧍‍♂️”
Ahead by a Century - The Tragically Hip
Luther and Diego’s dynamic at the CIA office they’re so brotherly
Aiden Gallagher looks fantastic with the hair in the chess scene and the green sweater
Viktor, Reggie, and Jeans genuine confusion at Gene/Abigail yapping
“grandpa’s not had a nap”
Klaus and Luther telling Allison they’re staying for the drama
Fives ok after shooting the cleanse doesn’t work
the Five deli is silly i can enjoy it in a silly way (if i think about it to hard it hurts my head)
idk if it’s obvious but after like episode 3 i’m really scraping for things i truly enjoy
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jamespotter-rp · 5 months
Intro Post:
Age: 16
I’m a Gryffindor! :D
I’m very gay (for Reggie) 🏳️‍🌈 but bi otherwise
I use he/him pronouns
I’m a marauder… if you know you know
Likes: Charms class, QUIDDITCH HECK YEAH, my wonderful friends, REGULUS <3, Defense Against the Dark Arts, animals, and baking
Dislikes: Studying :(, Potions (help), bullies, homophobes, transphobes, animal abusers (you all should DIE!), Snape (ew), and getting ignored…
@regulus-stars (the love of my life)
@lily-of-the-evans (my confidence coach)
@i-am-the-prettiest-star (my best friend, Sirius)
@panda-rosier (Pandora, a close friend to Regulus)
@icecreamgirl (Alice, the sci-fi nerd of my dreams and an amazing human being who I hold very dear)
@not-narcissistic23 (Reggie’s cousin)
@chickenpeter (my guy and my pookie <333)
@romulusfuckingtraitor (Remus. The group nerd)
@my-dad-sucks (Barty, a(n insane) friend of Reggie’s)
@macdonaldhasafarm (Hfjejf Mary she’s so nice)
@marlene-mckinnon-babes (the coolest gryffindor ever)
@cas-m3adowes (very cool slytherin who’s dating my bestie marls)
If I’m being annoying I’m sorry let me know and I’ll stop
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
This is an rp account. Dm @icarus-last-fall to join
Dni if you don’t like it!
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bazoonga-bazinga · 2 months
watching tua s4 knowing fully how its going to disappoint me rn and something that keeps bothering me is just how awful it is that they dont show what happens during the 6 year time skip.
like in season 2 we get to see an abridged version of how everyone got to where they are. this allowed for me as viewer to at least undertsand the reasoning behind the siblings' actions and conflicts. but in season 4 there is just none of that.
instead we only get to see the after of the timeskip. Whatever bits we do hear abt the time in between are extremly limited because they are things that are told to us from biased/flawed/one-sided perspectives. I as a viewer do not get a clear idea of why any of the 8 charcters of the main cast change the way they do becuase i am never shown how this change ocurred. its more i am told things and have to accept because of the 6 year gap.
lila and diego's strained marriage is actually i think the only they showed without telling to an extent. but it still would have also been nice to see thier struggles transitioning to suburbia and would also aid me to better understand why neither of them tried to find an adequate balance in the 6 years. also like why is diego working as a delivery driver? in my mind it makes more sense for him to be a mediocre private investgator or something like that? idk just some more context behind the tension and thier decsions (especially lila dear god dont even get me started) would have been wonderful
viktor's journey to Canada and his distancing from the others sounded interesting and i would have loved to see that on screen. he clearly is unable to form long lasting intamate relationships and showing his life in the time gap would have been a great way to show his journey of accepting the loss of sissy.
allison was definitely hit hard by the lack of explanation. i understand the scheduling issues with raymond's actor but it truly was a heavy blow to season 3 allison actions when they just said he left with no other explanation. most of her conflicts in season 3 were motivated by the loss of claire and raymond and you are telling me she just lost 50% of that a year afterwards? and like this doesnt get mentioned until episode 3??
i actually enjoyed klaus's shift to a risk averse person and it did make sense to me after losing his immortality to become more aware of not only his but his loved ones mortality. the biggest glaring issue is the one everyone has talked about: the lack of dave. i think if they had shown klaus trying to find info on dave and/or even visiting his grave in the timeskip it would been fine with me that he wouldn't mention dave that much. but the dog tags being on screen and him not saying anything is actually inasne??? also it sounds like there was definitely more to his sobriety than what they have told sad that we didnt get to see that storyline....
everyone has said thier piece on how luther just mentioning sloane and then no other explanation is actually awful. like a simple flashback fo luther searching and finding sloane living a different life would have been better than them giving us nothing💀
ben i actually have nothing to say...it would have been silly to see the crypto scam ig. also an explanation of why they even showed the other ben the post credit of the s3 finale i think is warranted. like even a mention of yeah there is probably another ben who belongs to this universe walking around would have been okay ig
five oh where to even begin.... first of all how tf does a person who isnt even in thier 20s even get a gig at the cia. i know they said some bullahit abt five being a part of a relative young group/recruit (cant remember the exact wording) but like a person who is younger than 19 getting a job at the cia is a bit much. also i actually refuse to belive that five wouldn't have figured out his boss was part of the keepers there is just no way. after the handler and reggie i refuse to belive that five would lose his suspicion towards authority figures. i think the only authority figure he has ever listened to was the founder version of himself and even that took time. like if you want me to believe that bs then show me how five turned his brain into mush in the 6 year time skip. either that or show how me his loneliness in those six year because from what i have right now five worked at the cia and that is it nothing else. like from what i have been told by the show nothing else happended to him besides working. which if thier implication is that he was only working and drifted apart from his siblings that message was not clear enough to me as viewer and would have been alot clearer if i was shown such as thing.
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calliopesdiary · 2 months
hi i saw that you were taking requests and idk if this is a good one or too boring (never done this before) but you could always write smth kinda similar to where the reader is james sister and have her be remus or sirius's sister, with sirius you get all that black family drama.
have a nice day and love your writing!!
hi dear! sorry it took me so long to respond i was on vacation! i went with remus but with like a whimsy/luna lovegood esk reader!!
You and Me, Always Forever <3
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synopsis; People have always seen and perceived you as a bit odd, a bit whimsy. and you were alright with that. but when your “friends” comment about you behind your back, you go to Remus and Sirius.
pairings: lupin!reader x bigbrother!remus, (platonic obviously ew 🤮), wolfstar
content: reader gets bullied lightly by her friends, remus is the best, sirius is like your older brother because he’s dating remus
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“She’s just— so odd.” Lucy— your ravenclaw friend stated.
“Lucy, don’t say that. she’s just different.” Gracie scolded softly.
“She’s not wrong, Grace.” Taylor looked up from her nails.
“it’s just a bit weird how she goes around practically spewing nonsense out of her mouth, i’m surprised Remus doesn’t get tired of it.”
“I sure would if i were him, imagine having your sister being a complete loony!” Taylor ridiculed.
“Oh, Sirius! your Aura is oddly red today!” Lucy mocked, causing Gracie and Taylor to giggle along with her.
what they didn’t know was that you had heard all of that, and it wasn’t very funny to you.
but you had a feeling your aura was a bit blue.
you felt hot tears welling up into your eyes as you ran off from your hiding spot near the library.
why would they say those things? were they right? were you a loony? was remus tired of you?
you didn’t really know, but all you did know was that you needed to find Sirius.
before whispering the password into the portrait hole, you stepped carefully into the Gryffindor common room.
taking in your surroundings, you spotted Sirius. manspread across the couch as he perked up when he saw you.
“little star—!… are you alright?” his excitement faded once he saw your tear stained face, you never cried.
“n-no.” you answered truthfully, the nargles hated when people lied.
“what’s the matter, sunshine?”
he opened his arms just for you to fall into his chest, sobbing lightly as he stroked your scalp.
Sirius had always been like a big brother to you, always so sweet and kind ever since he started dating Remus.
it also helped that you were one of Regulus’ best friends, so you already felt a little connection with him.
“can you tell me what’s wrong, little star?” he lifted your head up gently by holding your cheek.
“m-my friends… s-said i was a loony.. and that Remus is tired of me a-and that i’m odd.” you struggled over your words, as he quietly shushed you.
“those aren’t your friends, sunshine. real friends wouldn’t say that to you.”
you knew deep down he was right, but it still hurt.
“and Remus could never be tired of you, nor could i, or Reggie, or.. Junior.” he wasn’t very fond of you being friends with Barty, but he knew that boy would move the heavens for you.
“he must be annoyed a little..” you added.
just as Sirius was about to protest, Remus walked in with a stack of books.
“star?” he asked quietly, setting his books down on the coffee table in front of the couches.
“Sirius, what’s happened?”
“some of her mean old friends called her some mean names, and she thinks your annoyed with her.” Sirius answered bluntly, yet still kind considering you were right there.
“oh.. star, how could i ever be annoyed with you?” he brushed a small strand of hair from your face.
“c-cause i’m a loony.” you looked up at him shamefully.
“but that’s a good thing, star. it means your different, but different is good.” Remus smiled sweetly.
“i’m a bit of a loony too, but so is Siri, and James, and Pete.”
“y-you are?” you asked nasally.
“of course, sunshine.” Sirius smiled, and you were happy to spend the rest of the day just like that. nuzzled happily into your actual brother and your bonus brother.
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I have found joy in your little show that I rarely find in things. The overwhelming love and care I have not just for these specific characters but for your art and talent as a whole is astounding. I want you to know that your community, the good parts of it, support you in any endeavor you choose to take. Although this project may have blasted your popularity you are 3-dimensional, you are much more than the creator of welcome home. You are a multi-medial, skilled, talented, and strong artistic being. Throughout all of this I have had nothing but the utmost respect for you. I will continue to no matter what. Just know we over at The Welcome Home discord server have been following your art closely and appreciating every detail! Do what is best for you clown, and continue to do so! -Reggie
It's been a while since something has grabbed me like this... Welcome Home is one of the most precious things I have ever seen, the creation has and will it always have a place in my heart. Thank You creator for sharing this piece of you heart with us. But your safety is more important, I hope that you'll be safe. -Jax
"dear clown, from the heart of one fan to many others, i find so much comfort in your project that i hope that even when things just like now are awful, you know that there's people simultaneously supporting you in every step of the way! We can wait however long you believe is necessary, you deserve to feel respected with your own passion project! And with that to a close, i wish you well! Thank you for giving us a grand welcome home!" -gremints
dear clown, you don't know me. i don't know you either. but everything you've been working on? it's changed my life. and i know that sounds cliche and silly, but it's true. you've inspired me to keep working on my own passion projects, to keep going. because of you, i have found a little community to call home. because of you, i have rekindled my love of silliness and color and creativity. i cannot thank you enough. without you, i would not have found the friends i have now. whatever you do, i want you to know that we're here to support it. and i hope that wherever you go, you also find home. - moth
Hi you dont know me but im Bug, one of the mods^^, I just want to start my message with this, Before I found welcome home, everything for me was going downhill, I had lost so much that was important to me in less than 2 weeks, I couldn't get out of bed and I wasn't doing my favorite things anymore. I couldn't even smile, My eyes were tired and heavy from crying. But thanks to you, Clown. Wonderful you..and your beautiful vibrant creation. With characters I saw and adored right away. I've smiled, danced, sang my favorite songs again, met new and amazing friends & began to draw again. I felt happiness faster than I thought I would again. A peace from your life helped heal some of mine and I'm grateful. Your creations bring me and so many others joy, But even then it as not as important as you. Yes It brings many smiles to people and i hope that doesn't sound to overwhelming.. But although we can't fix the issue people have caused you, we can't apologize for those who don't respect the boundaries you've set and we can't take back what others have done we want you to know that no matter what, the good of the community will always Have what's best for you in mind, in our server we make sure all rules are followed and you're privacy and mental health is respected. Take as much time as you need to take it all in, relax, do what's best for clown. 💚 take care of yourself before aything else. We thank you for all you've done already. -Boogerbug
Hi Clown! Just another rando passing through! While I have known about your artwork for a few years now, I never dove into it until Welcome Home became popular, and I genuinely love the vision you have. Your other artwork is also phenominal and genuinely inspires me, and it always has, even before I discovered the Welcome Home website. Your character designs are impeccable, the way you portray the muppets is genuinely awesome and brings back a lot of good memories, as I grew up watching puppet shows. Explains one reason I enjoy your work doesn't it?Despite making godly artwork, people forget that you are a human like the rest of us. Most people who become famous or popular because of something they have done experience this and it is unfortunate, but there are some of us that know you have a life and are already struggling. Take the time you need to rejuvinate yourself and try not to let these people get to you, as hard as it is to do, as even I still struggle with this daily. These are your creations, and you deserve to have control over what happens with them, and the disrespect this slowly growing fanbase has for your requests is terrible. Hoping that things eventually improve on your end, especially since you already aren't in a safe environment, something I also understand. I've already planned on throwing some bucks at you through Ko-Fi once I open my new bank account, and even if I cant, I still want to help prove that you are worthy and deserve better than this. You are incredibly talented and I hope to see Welcome Home and all of your other works of art flourish over time! - Sunnie/Mizo
Now onto the big reveal....
Our server members as well as a few mods all banded to together to create a collage showing our appreciation and support for Clown during these rough times. I hope this can serve as a reminder that despite the shitty people out there, there is a large community who still very much respects and enjoys every aspect of Clowns artwork.
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An art collage put together by the moderators with art submitted by members.
Below are more signages as well as the usernames of everyone who participated:
- and lastly, the rest of the welcome home discord server 🩷
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starchaserdreams · 6 months
Jegulus Microfic: Birthday
Happy Birthday, James Potter! You were always the most devoted, silly Marauder and I love you for it. <3
@jegulus-microfic - 3/27 - 365 words
“Happy Regulus Day to you, Happy Regulus Day to you,” James sang quietly as he walked up to the table where Regulus was sitting in the restaurant. It wasn’t loud enough for the sound to carry very far, but Regulus was still embarrassed anyway. 
“It’s not my birthday,” Regulus corrected, “It’s yours.”
“-Happy Regulus Day dear Reggie, Happy Regulus Day to you,” James finished, despite Regulus' protestations. He leaned down to kiss Regulus’ cheek - which was actually more embarrassing than the singing, but Regulus was willing to allow it since it was James’ birthday after all - before sliding into his seat. 
“Is this your way of telling me you want me to sing to you?” Regulus asked, raising an eyebrow, “Because I’m not going to. One song is more than enough, and you already used up the quota.” He wouldn’t have sung anyway, which James probably knew, but Regulus liked the idea that he’d have to sit with this as a possibility.
James shook his head, a bright smile on his face. 
“You misunderstand, Reg, I’m not here to celebrate my birthday anymore.”
Regulus just stared at him, not understanding.
“You’re not?”
James shook his head. 
“I made a wish for my birthday. I wanted it to be Regulus Day instead, where we celebrate you.”
“I already have a birthday, it’s in July,” Regulus said flatly. James could be so ridiculous sometimes. Still, he was flattered. It was very James of him to have said that, and it felt nice that it was directed for Regulus’ benefit.
“Only one day a year? To celebrate Regulus Arcturus Black?” James asked in mock horror, “It’s not nearly enough. Two isn’t even enough. We’ll have to get someone else to donate their birthday to you too. We need to celebrate you more. That’s why we’re at your favorite restaurant today and not mine.”
Regulus bit back the sarcastic response that had come to him and just shook his head. He knew James meant well by it, and fighting him didn’t seem so necessary on his birthday, and particularly not on a birthday that he was using to celebrate Regulus.
“Thanks, James,” he said instead. “Happy Birthday, mon amour.”
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iliketoreadstuf · 8 months
snippet of chapter six of my fic sing your heart out <3
“Are you close with any other contestants?” Pandora asks.
Lily flushes, her mind flitting to Mary. “Er, yeah, I’m quite close with Mary from James’s team.”
Both Dorcas and Pandora's faces turn sly when Lily mentions James. Pandora glances over at Regulus before loudly commenting, “Oh, James’s team, huh?”
“Fuck off.” Regulus grumbles without looking up from his phone.
Lily straightens up, her curiosity piqued. “What about James?”
“Oh, Regulus just has a massive crush on him–” Dorcas starts saying before Regulus’s hand is covering her mouth.
“Shut up right now.” He warns, his cheeks flushed bright red. “I do not have a crush on him.”
“Oh, really? So, you didn’t fall asleep on him during our movie night and let him spoon you all night in bed?” Pandora asks.
“Wait what?” Lily asks, her eyes wide as she smiles deviously at the other girls.
Regulus groans. “Fuck off. All of you. I don’t have a crush on him and I’m done talking about this.”
“Denial gets you nowhere, dear Reggie.” Dorcas says.
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hi pookie bearrrr i want 1 and 18
my sweet darling hiii!!! everyone!!! My wife has come from war!!! of course, yes, anything for you <3
1. A song you like with a color in the title
I answered that one here but turns out I listen to many other songs with colors in the tittle so, here’s two more!
18. A song from the year that you were born
I remember crying at the videoclip of this song, like it was SO heartbreaking and FOR WHAT
🎶Music Ask🎶
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trohpi · 3 months
@regulily-microfic • july 3: dance • 904 words
cross-posted on ao3
Regulus hates this. The ornate dresses, the insipid dancing, the hollow pleasantries. Really, she has no idea why she agreed to come.
Well. Regulus’ eyes involuntarily land on a shock of wavy auburn hair across the room.
She has some idea.
“You’re staring again,” a voice behind her informs gleefully. Regulus shoots a glare over her shoulder.
Barty grins as he pops a greasy sausage roll in his mouth. His dress robes are wrinkled and sloppy, though he seems unconcerned. His tie, the one Regulus had to force him to wear before they attended this horrid Christmas party, is gone. She’s not sure why she bothers.
“What are you doing?” Regulus sighs as Barty slinks an arm over her shoulder and tugs her closer.
“What, I can’t hold my date? My gorgeous, smoking hot, sexy—”
Regulus elbows him in the ribs and he stumbles back with a cackle. She whirls around and narrows her eyes at her idiotic best friend.
“You’re never letting this go, are you?”
“My dear Regulus, you’re the one that begged me to be your date to this stupid thing,” Barty says, eyes bright with humour. “You better believe I’m milking it.”
Regulus rolls her eyes. “You were invited too anyway.”
“Oh, you and I both know I wasn’t going to come. The only reason I was invited in the first place is because Slughorn’s an arse-kisser.” Barty leans in with a grin. “Admit it, Reggie. You love me.”
Regulus scoffs. “Fuck off, Crouch.”
“Aw, love you too,” Barty laughs before he sighs dramatically. “It’s a shame, you know. If only I weren’t horribly gay and you weren’t horribly in love with Evans, we would’ve made a hot-arse couple.”
“I’m not in love with her.”
Barty looks at her blankly before a slow, mischievous smirk spreads across his face. “I guess you won’t mind if I do this then.”
Before she can even blink, Barty’s shouting across the room over the chatter and music, dragging her over to where Lily’s standing. “Oi! Evans!”
“Barty!” Regulus hisses as she tries to rip her arm out of his grasp. Lily’s already turned to look at them, wide-eyed in her stunning grey dress. Regulus’ face goes hot and she groans. “Vous êtes le pire, I hate you so much—”
Barty ploughs forward, only stopping once they're in front of Lily to utter a cheerful, “Hello, Red.”
“Crouch,” Lily says slowly, eyes darting between him and Regulus in bemusement.
“Me and Reggie here were just talking about how absolutely ravishing you look tonight. Isn’t that right, Regulus?”
Oh, she’s going to kill him.
Lily blinks at Barty before a small amused smile quirks her lips. Her face— flecked with milky white patches that Regulus privately thinks makes her even more captivating— goes a pale pink, and Regulus is officially useless. She’s never seen Lily blush before and she finds that she’s helplessly enamoured by it. She wants it to happen again and again, wants Barty to never stop talking just to see that rosy flush painting her cheeks deepen.
Suddenly, green eyes lock on her grey ones and oh, there goes Regulus’ brainpower. Her mind empties of all thoughts except those unfairly bright eyes and she surely looks like an idiot right now but the thing is, she doesn’t even mind. Regulus would happily spend the rest of her life making a fool of herself for one Lily Evans.
Lily searches her face, looking somewhere in between curious and fond. “Is that so?
“Oh, absolutely. Would I ever lie to you, Red?” Lily levels him a flat look and Barty grins. “Well, I’m off, girls! Be sure to use protection. Evans, you might wanna cut those nails of yours, they seem a bit long—”
“Okay, thank you, Barty!” Regulus all-but shouts, cherry red in the face as she shoves him away. Barty cackles as he leaves willingly, cupping his hands to shout, “Have fun!”
An old, stately woman wearing an atrociously large hat— no doubt one of Slughorn’s esteemed guests— looks at them in scandalised outrage where she helps herself to a cucumber sandwich a mere few feet away. Regulus cringes, face hot to the touch, and turns to share a look with an equally warm Lily. It takes only a moment for the two of them to burst into laughter.
“Oh, Merlin,” Regulus gasps. “Sorry about him.”
“Don’t apologise,” Lily giggles, reaching a hand out to steady herself on Regulus’ shoulder. “It was funny.”
“Yeah,” Regulus breathes, the warm touch sending sparks through her body. Lily turns to look at her then, face soft and contemplative, and she can’t help but feel overexposed, her soul laid bare.
Lily’s hand slides off her shoulder, trailing down her pale arm. Delicate fingers grip her own, holding her hand gently. A thumb sweeps across her knuckles and she shivers.
“Dance with me?” Lily asks carefully.
Regulus swallows, her heart racing. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Lily’s glossy lips curve into a hopeful smile. Butterflies absolutely swarm Regulus’ stomach at the sight.
“Yeah,” she says, and Lily beams at her as she tugs Regulus into the cluster of dancing bodies.
“Fair warning,” she starts as she carefully places her hands on Regulus’ waist. A new song starts, gentle and slow and oh-so romantic. “I’m absolutely dreadful at dancing.”
“That’s okay,” Regulus sighs, looping her arms around the taller girl’s neck. Tugging her down lightly, she murmurs softly, “I’ll teach you.”
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whateverrr-duddee · 1 year
pairing- regulus black x reader
warnings- mentions of voldermort and death
summary: you and regulus conduct a 5 step masterplan to keep your loved ones safe.
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step 1- pull it off.
“Remus” y/n choked a perfectly rehearsed sob. “what’s the matter?” he asked. She handed him a letter
my dearest y/n,
if your reading this i am dead. When i first came to hogwarts i was a pool of sadness and smoke. But then i met you. La vie est un sommeil, l'amour en est le rêve. You most defiantly we’re a dream. it should not have been that easy to fall for you not in the broken and ugly hand in life we had been dealt.
i have betrayed the dark lord if he has not killed me for doing so i have died trying.
i will forever long your touch and voice.
we will meet again in another life.
forever yours
“y/n i’m so sorry” Remus encapsulated his friend in a tight hug. “hey guys!” Sirius walked in to the room very chipper “woah who died?” he joked as he noticed the damp atmosphere. “your brother” Remus spoke quietly. “what?” Sirius asked confused. Y/n handed him the letter. She watched as his face dropped into a face of what one should only describe as the highest feeling of distraught. He looked at y/n with tear filled eyes. she almost felt guilty. But then she remembered this was all for the greater good.
Remus pulled up infront of the Potter house. “I don’t understand” James tried to understand his distraught sister. “He’s dead!” she yelled brushing the hair out of her face that was damp from her fake tears. James looked at Remus and Sirius and then motioned for them to take Y/n home to her flat.
Y/n walked into her flat and wiped her fake tears away. “did they believe it?” he asked she turned to regulus and smiled “hook line and sinker” Y/n told her lover.
step 2- make it believable
a month after the ‘death’ of regulus circulated it was clear that y/n wasn’t coping.
later that night Remus, Sirius and James all sat together reading letter each addressed to them.
my dearest brother
i hope you can forgive my soul for what i have done. i have gone to be with regulus. For a life without him is a life not worth living.
always and forever
y/n potter xo
dear remus,
i’m sorry, for what i’ve done. please look after my brother and sIrius. don’t let go of hiM. the love you Have for hIm goes far beyonD friendshIp you and i both know that don’t we Remus. Please Never forGet me.
always and forever
y/n potter xo
dear sirius,
i hope you can forgive the mass of pain that i am about to contribute too. i never wanted any of this to happen. Please don’t let go of Remus go live your life happy loving eachother.
always and forever
y/n potter xo
“she’s gone.” James broke the silence. “i suppose the pain of loosing the one you love is far more that she could handle” Remus whispered.
step 3- make sure no one finds us.
“are you sure this is safe?” Y/n asked regulus as they stepped into grimwald place. “my parents are dead and Sirius will never come here” Regulus sighed.
“oh for fuck sake” Y/n muttered Regulus raised his eyebrow she motioned to the portrait of walburga. “oh for fucks sake indeed”
“reggie” y/n said staring at the paper in her hands “what is it love?” reggie asked “its sirius hes well he’s escaped” y/n said frantically. Regulus face dropped. “he might come here” he muttered. “if no one knows he’s here that won’t be a issue” Y/n tried to reason. “if he finds out we are alive…he’s going to kill us for sure” Regulus shouted. “maybe we shouldn’t have faked our deaths” y/n shouted back “we did it to protect them” Regulus yelled back. “well look where that got my brother and lily” y/n yelled back. “y/n” regulus spoke quietly. “i could have protected him. i could have saved him. He could have seen his child grow up” y/n yelled. “he could have lived” she whispered. Part of Regulus hoped Sirius would find them, as much as he would hate to admit it he missed his brother.
step 4- come out the shadows.
“do you think they will hate us?” y/n asked regulus. “it’s only natural at first” Regulus kissed his love on the forehead. “do you think they will recognise us?” Y/n asked Regulus. “Your forget my darling that we have not aged since the day we got here” Regulus had set them in a time warp of sorts their body’s would never age neither would their minds only their souls.
“why is it so clean?” Sirius’ muffled voice could be heard from the parlour room. y/n walked into the room “that would be me” both Remus and Sirius head turn towards her.
14 years ago.
Remus sat at his desk and looked over the letter again
i’m hiding.
present day.
“y/n?” Sirius choked. “i’m so sorry” y/n stared at Sirius. he ran over to her and engulfed her into a hug. “suppose you missed me as much as you missed my lover?” Sirius head whipped up. He began walking over to them and brag them over to the table he slapped the back of both their heads. “That’s for making me think you were both dead for 14 years” he then slapped their heads again. “that’s for making remus think you two were dead” Remus rubbed the back of his neck. “well padfoot…” he trailed off. “You knew they were alive?” Sirius crossed his arms as his voice went very high pitched. “no,not right away anyway. After you got arrested i began looking over y/n’s letter again and i noticed some sort of code which spelt ‘im hiding” Remus explained. “although i am very disappointed well done you clever little bitches” He high-fived them both.
“how come you both still look 18” Sirius asked them holding remus’ hand to which y/n raised her eyebrows. “just because you look as old as Dumbledore brother” Regulus joked Sirius stared him down. “it was a enchant ment i placed on us i hoped by time someone came here everyone that would recognise us would be too old to remember” Refukus explained.
“when did this happen?” y/n spoke to remus as he sat with her drinking hot chocolate as the brothers repaired their bond. “when did what happen?” Remus asked wiping his chocolate moustache away “you and sirius” she dead panned. “when he came out of azkaban” Remus answered truthfully. Looking at her hands “how’s harry?” she asked quietly. “he’s wonderful just like james on the mischief part but just as smart as lily” Remus smiled.
“who are they in the photo of you and my father ?” harry asked Sirius as he showed him around grimwald place. “that’s james’ sister your aunt y/n and my brother Regulus…they fell in love” Sirius spoke carefully. “What happened to them?” Harry asked his god father with hope of meeting his aunt. “this might explain things better” he walked Harry, Hermione and Ron to the gardens of grimwald place. There they watched two people chase eachother around the gardens in a world of their own. “Reggie put me down now” Y/n squeeled as Regulus threw her over his shoulder. “Would you two get a room” Sirius laughed Regulus put y/n down as they both walked towards his brother. Hermione watched as the young man only a few years older than her self approached them she took in his dark green dress pants and black shirt with only one sleeve rolled up his sharp features and stone grey eyes she swore she had seen before. She watched as the young girl again only a few years older than herself approached she took in her Tanned complexion and thick long black hair and her bright green doe eyes and her green floral tight crop top and her long dark green skirt. She was much shorter than the man maybe shorter than Hermione herself.
“Forgive me let me introduce myself” he shook all their hands “Regulus Black” he smiled and Y/n hugged them all and “y/n potter lovely to meet you all” she smiled she stared at the boy that reminded her all too much of her brother. “harry?” she questioned. “your y/n my fathers sister” He put the pieces together but not as far as Hermione. “they have been hiding. Some sort of age charm too” Hermione stated aloud. “well you most certainly are the brightest witch of your time Miss Grainger” Regulus complemented. “But why?” Ron asked. They all sat on the grass. “When the dark lord was at large i was sent in by Dumbledore to become a death eater” Regulus explained “that’s why you only roll one sleeve up” Y/n high-fived Hermione “remind me not to get on your bad side” Hermione smiled. “i was so close to destroying him when he found out that i was planning on marrying y/n he threatened to murder out entire friends and family” Regulus motioned for y/n to carry on.
“so we wrote letters claiming our death to those who mattered to us. We kept them convincing short and sweet…except for one in my letter remus i made a code that spelt out i’m hiding. And that’s all really” Y/n smiled.
“how did you two end up together?” Hermione spoke y/n’s eyes lit up. “my brother and Sirius and remus were best friends obviously and i was FORBIDDEN from talking to Regulus as Sirius had ran away. Anyways i was in the kitchens one day and i heard a some groaning so i walked over to behind the alcove and saw Regulus trying to dress his own wounds. So i sat there with him listened when he wanted to talk and didn’t pry when he didn’t want to… after that he became my greatest friend then beginning of 7th year we had to tell our potions class what we had to tell the class what we smelt from amortentia i smelt eucalyptus, old books and quidditch jersey i knew instantly that it was Reggie” Y/n was smiling with fond memory’s. “I smelt Cherries, hot chocolate and coconut body lotion…it took me a while longer to come to terms with falling in love with y/n. She was the sun and i was the dark sky polar opposites but somehow work together”
at the end of the day as Harry was walking to bed Y/n stopped him on the stairs. “i know that if you hide, it doesn’t go away”.
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capturecharlesau · 3 months
Reginald: Nyeehhh y-yes I am dear I take p-pride in it hehe I feel so comfy my pretty dresses AND my suits! I discovered I was g-g-genderfluid nyeh as a teen <3 💜
Let us do our h-happy dance 🕺 ٩( ᐛ )و
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faceeeeee · 11 months
I wonder if you made backstories for the tadc employees or smh-
(I wanna know Gangle's :3)
I have some concepts and ideas in my mind but it's all very vague and I haven't written anything down so forgive me for any incoherent sentences or messy writting:
Ever since she left for college she cut all contact with her family and "friends" (she calls them acquaintances/contacts) and put all of her attention in her studies. She graduated at the top of her class in computer sciences and got hired at C&A almost immediately. The moment she left college she noticed a sudden shift in her routine. She dedicated her entire life into her studies and grades and completely disregarded any social interactions, hobbies.... She excepted that when she got a job, all of her problems would've been solved but she found out that she was wrong. Her first few months at the company were okay to say the least but as time went by she felt more and more empty and depressed. Her lack of social skills and pride didn't help either and rejected all of her coworker's attempts to befriend her. So she spent her time either overworking herself, drinking or sleeping. She worked in that company for 5 whole years: Her sleep schedule was a mess, her salary wasn't exactly ideal and she started taking anti-depresants and a hunch of other stuff and Reggie's disappearance (or "temporary departure") took a toll on her. Not only because her boss decided to make her the head of her department but also because he was the only one who was still willing to talk to her. So now she was left with a bunch of deadlines and work and the only one who even looked at her and said hello every morning was now gone. Her life was shit, basically, so why not try again in a new life, a new world and with new memories?
Good ol' Reggie has been working in the company for 18 years now and he couldn't be happier. He had a decent childhood, a loving wife and a decent job that keeps the both of them stable! And a father-daughter relationship with Genevieve, so he couldn't be more happy with life! The only thing he wishes is that he could have more time to spend with his family and his hobbies (he keeps and collects cool bugs, obviously :) ) and that the company wasn't so strict with deadlines and such. He is the head of the programming department so he has a lot of work on his plate...but it's all for a good cause: the digital circus! In his eyes, it's a magical place that helps people to to distract themselves for a while and to have a little fun before they return to their normal lives! So you can imagine his excitement once his boss told him that they were going to let the staff be actual play testers! He was ECSTATIC! he spent YEARS fixing and refining the digital plains so of course he decided to be one of the first playtesters. Queenie was a little hesitant at first but he told her not to worry! He knew that the code was a little finicky at times but that's okay! He has Pam and the rest of the staff to take care of it if anything goes wrong, after all he wholeheartedly trusts them :) nothing could possibly go wrong right?
Dear Jack....the C.E.O's son. He has been wandering around the company for a few years now, working in some low paying positions to earn a little pocket money from his parent. He's known as the office's little miscreant as he just goofs around all day and nobody can touch him or say anything cause if they do they're gonna get fired! Ain't that fun? But his luck runs out when even the C.E.O has had enough of his bullshit and offers him to take a little time off from his studies and work to go and be a beta testers for his folks vr experience. Ain't that idea fun? Just log in, fuck around and then come back for dinner, right?
Agatha, a hard working gal with lots of siblings to take care off. Her folks aren't around to help her so she takes care of em all throughout college until she gets the position in the robotics department! She goes up the ranks and even becomes the head of her department :). She mainly works with the headset design and with the new technology that the company has introduced. She has never seen anything like it: with it you can feel and hear your surroundings whilst hooked to the digital plains. So when she heard that they were offering people to beta test the digital world she couldn't help but to want to experience all of those things herself! She does wonder why they have to have her sign a contract but she trusts the company. She has been with them for some time now and the staff and boss have been nice to her so far, so why wouldn't she trust them?
Dear Genevieve has had a sort of rocky life. Her mother has been very overprotective over her and that has left her with no real life experiences. She was homeschooled almost her entire life so when she entered college she had a hard time adjusting to her new routines. She's very explosive emotionally and very finicky over her personal space so she couldn't (or didn't want to) make acquaintances and so, she made it to the company with no connections apart from her obsessive mother, just like Pam. She worked a year and a half in the company, and that was enough time to meet and befriend Reggie. At first she was very wary of him and very hostile to him. But good ol' Reggie just keeps saying hi to her every morning, just like he does with every employee he sees. One day, when they were both on break, Reggie tried to break the ice and tried to start some small talk with her. She got scared and basically yelled all sorts of barbaric things to him and he just gave her a warm smile. Nothing can hurt this man, god. Genevieve was surprised that he hadn't yelled back at her or left and stared at him for a while. Then guilt overcame her and she started sobbing. Reggie comforted her as best as he could and since then they formed a bond. So when she learned that he had left to be a beta tester she was again left alone in the office. Desperate for his comfort and precense she decided to follow him to the digital circus...
They had a relatively normal life (apart from an accident that left them without a bloody leg but it's alright), graduated from art school and started working at C&A. They overestimated the pressure and stress that came with working at the company to the point that they were exhausted. They would've left if it wasn't for the fact that getting a job with their degree was extremely difficult and the chances for getting hired were very slim. So they kept on working. They worked day and night. A million coffee cups had started to pile up on their desk and they had severe bags under their eyes. They were tired, so very fucking tired. Why wouldn't they try to escape reality for a bit? Goof around in the digital plains, maybe use it as some sort of rage room. Maybe they could do all of the things that they had thought of without any consequences. Yeah, just for a little bit....it couldn't hurt, right?
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