theartofcostume · 1 year
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“We kept running out of jewelry. We literally kept running out because we couldn’t repeat anything, right? We had this big room, and one day you would walk in, and you’d think, “Oh my God, this amazing jewelry. It’s fantastic. We’ll be fine.”  Then I would turn to Laura and go, “Yeah, it’s all gone. Laura, there is nothing left. What are we going to do?” - Costume Designers Lyn Paolo and Laura Frecon, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
Full Interview: https://theartofcostume.com/2023/05/04/long-live-the-queen-behind-the-costumes-of-queen-charlotte-a-bridgerton-story/
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kazimakuwabara · 6 months
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Regncy Yyh au:
Raizen sighed as he looked out at his son, laughing like a heathen with his best friend. "And there's part of the problem. He is going to be a Duke! I can overlook his friendship with a mere soldier-"
Mukuro scoffed from her side of the room, "Hiei is not a mere soldier. He is the commander of my personal knights!"
Razien ignored his rival, sometimes friend, "I can overlook that, but he keeps company with that scholar! The tutor for noble children, Kazuma Kuwabara. Is my son insane?"
Yomi shook his head, in a mimicry of rolling his eyes, and huffed, "Heaven forbid your son make a friend with someone who has intelligence."
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Regency era! Luca Changretta
For @raincoffeeandfandoms for their 1800 follower celebration
Congratulations 🎊
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theresthesnitch · 8 months
Is there any trope you've wanted to write but hesitant for whatever reason?
Ohhhh fantastic question.
I'm pretty hesitant to write Regnecy Era, mostly because I don't feel like I could do it justice without a lot of research. Then again, I've read a lot of Regency Era fics that were clearly not research or careful about sticking to Regency Era rules, so this is probably a me issue as much as anything. I do love the vibes of Regency though.
I also really want to write horror/thriller something, but I haven't quite figured out how to make that work yet. I'm also just not sure that it works well as a concpet for fanfic, so maybe that should be an original work, lol.
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dandiesindanger · 3 years
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And it's a doozy this time, just y'all wait. 👀
A little throwback from Arc 2, Ep. 9:
Lt. Pettiford's notebook reset between cycles, so Daniel and Alan had to brave the shadows and the rats to retrieve it. 😬 Not great for Daniel's heart condition.
Art by @foolcreature
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katfett · 4 years
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Spending the afternoon working on these fanfics! There are others and @onyxskeleton29’s request I am starting soon but these are the focus this week.
Also you can find my works on A03 and Wattpad!
All the Small Things - Peyton and Hvitserk (Rockstar Modern Vikings). Not yet posted.
Beauty and the Beast - Charlotte and Ivar (Regnecy Vikings). Part II in work.
Body on Fire - Harper and Ivar (Crime Family Modern Vikings). Part II in work.
Little Valkyrie - Nora, Ivar and Hvitserk (Vikings - goes AU post Aelle’s death).  Part II in work.
Roxanne - Roxanne and Hvitserk (Sons of Anarchy Vikings). Spin-off “Tatiana” will be up once this is finished which will be a Tatiana and Ivar centric story.  Part III in work.
Shield-Maiden - Hellevi and Hvitserk (Post Aelle’s death). Not yet posted.
Unforeseen - Eadith and Hvitserk (Vikings - goes AU post Aelle’s death).  Not yet posted.
Winter Everywhere - Lily and Ivar (Modern Vikings).  Not yet posted.
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I would love to see pre-confession Regnecy!Obi-Lara with something like this: “Flirting is a woman’s trade, one must keep in practice.” How though they are very close and friendly, there is still teasing behind the scenes (since it is ever so inappropriate to do so in public), And Elara is flirting more so than usual, if she hadn't really done so much before.
I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to get Regency!Obi-Lara into this situation, and this gave me the prefect chance to do so. The Regency period really gets me writing long-windedly, so I hope you’re ready for a read; hope you enjoy it, and the borderline cheap romance novel level innuendos! :)
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The estate that Mr. Kenobi looked after was admittedly remarkable. The house was grand, the grounds lush and respectably large. It would be the perfect place to host a ball, but, unfortunately, he had never offered. The home was not open to the public for gawping; and it was rare anyone outside of Mr. Kenobi’s small social circle ever received an invitation to visit. No one got to see his vast collection of artwork. No one was allowed to peruse the titles in his impressive library. He enjoyed his privacy, that was no secret. And though the rooms were large and well furnished, they felt markedly empty. The halls were too quiet. For the only inhabitants of the home were Obi-Wan himself, and the small staff that saw to the upkeep of the estate, who were quiet as field mice as they went about their work. For a place of momentous beauty, there was a remarkable air of sadness about it.
Elara Skywalker was one of those lucky few that had been invited to the estate. She and her brother Anakain––Obi-Wan’s protégé––were often invited over for tea, or to take the air in a turn about the gardens. Those occasions had allowed Elara to admire the lavish paintings and life-like statues, and upon learning her of her love of reading, she’d been invited to peruse the extensive titles housed in the library. And on those rare nights Obi-Wan had decided to host small, private parties, her name always proceeded her brothers on the list of invitations. This, of course, became source of gossip around town. Though, Elara had learned it was the innocent sort––whisperings of courtship and marriage, which were rampant at this time of year, anyways. They did not bother her; and they did not appear to bother Obi-Wan either. If anything, they were a perfect source of amusement.
On this particular occasion, however, Elara was not at Mr. Kenobi’s estate to admire the swaths of paint brushed over canvas. She wasn’t even there to return the last book he’d allowed her to take from his shelves. Instead, she was there to meet her brother, who’d been engaged in fencing practice with Obi-Wan all morning. She was led by a kindly butler to a room at the back of the lavish house, which faced the sprawling green lawn and flowering garden at the estate’s rear. Its large windows allowed for natural light to spill across a warm hardwood floor, and caused the white walls and gold moulding to glow. It was the sort of room perfect for a ball; but it had been reserved, almost exclusively, for the practice of fencing.
This fact was made perfectly evident by the sound of boots harshly trodding on wood, and the tinny sound of blades meeting. This noise only grew louder when the door was opened, and Elara was allowed a glimpse of the activities inside. As the butler slipped through the door, she spotted Anakin making a tactical retreat as Obi-Wan advanced with a swift sort of grace. The rapid racket of blade meeting blade snapped through the air, and only stopped when the blunted tip of Obi-Wan’s sabre pressed into Anakin’s chest. The blade bowed in a gentle arc at the impact. There was a sigh from Anakin, who lowered his own blade in conceded defeat.
“Sir,” interrupted the butler. Both men snapped their attention towards him, breathing hard in the conclusion of their exercise. “A Miss Skywalker has arrived, sir.” Obi-Wan righted himself at the mention of her name, and she couldn’t help but smile softly down at her feet, still mostly obscured by half-open door. “Shall I have her wait in the parlor?”
He shook his head. “No, thank you, she may enter.”
“Of course, sir.”
The butler stepped aside, pulled the door open fully, and gestured for her to enter. Elara offered her thanks as she stepped past him, and he inclined his head in acknowledgement.
“Ah, sister!” Anakin brightly greeted from the opposite side the room. “Just in time as always.”
A gentle, though slightly crooked, smile pulled across her face. “Yes, just in time to see you get absolutely thrashed by your teacher.”
The grin that had sat on Anakin’s face dissolved just as one on Obi-Wan’s grew. The older man slapped his protégé on the shoulder with a fond chuckle.
“I wouldn’t call it a thrashing. Not this time, at least,” he assured.
Anakin snorted. “How grateful of you to say so.” He moved to the rack at the side of the room, which supported an array of fencing swords. He replaced the one he’d been using and made his way towards his sister. “Allow me but a moment to refresh and redress,” he said.
As he passed Elara on the way out of the room, he placed a hand on one of her cheeks and bent his head to kiss the top of hers fondly. A half-laughed, half-displeased sound hummed at her lips––his hand was sweaty and he didn’t smell particularly rosy. Before Anakin left the room he darted his eyes between his sister and mentor with a silent teasing: I shall trust you alone together just this once.
It was with that that Elara and Obi-Wan were left alone. There was a brazenness in both of their silences. They were both unmarried, which meant that one or both of them should have insisted she be escorted to the parlour to wait for her brother. But neither of them did. This, of course, would have been cause for salacious gossip, especially given Obi-Wan’s state of dress. He was in a state of undress, sans his stock and his jacket, which left him in just his waistcoat and shirt sleeves. This was a state she’d seen her brother in many times; it was, of course, a quite relaxed style gentleman wore at home. But Obi-Wan Kenobi was not her brother. And he looked disarmingly handsome in such a state of undress. His face was pleasingly flushed, his hair a becoming disarray. The collar of his shirt had slouched open to reveal the naked column of his throat and a blush-inducing sliver of his chest. Not to be one caught staring, Elara proceeded to direct her attention to the tall windows, which she then strolled towards.
“I’m afraid your brother must have wished to catch me off guard. He did not mention you would be coming by today,” Obi-Wan admitted. With sword still in hand, he moved to the sideboard where a pitcher of water and a set of glasses waited for him. “If I had known, I would have dressed more appropriately.”
“We shall blame my brother for your impropriety then, Mr. Kenobi. We wouldn’t wish to besmirch your flawless reputation,” Elara replied. She stopped at one of the windows, dutifully observing the garden beyond it. “I shall forgive you, in this instance. I cannot be insulted by your state of dress, for one does not expect a gentleman to fence in the restriction of his jacket.”
“I thank you for your kindness, then, Miss Skywalker. It is most becoming of you.”
With the starts of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, Elara proceeded to meander towards the sword rack. Once there, she delicately reached out to gently brush gloved fingers over the pommel of one particular foil. It was elegantly crafted, a subtle sign of the wealth that Obi-Wan did not care to flaunt. Perhaps, she realized, that was why the estate was never open to the public. He was a humble man; he did not wish to flash his good circumstance in the faces of those who were left wanting.
“Are you... familiar with the blade, Miss Skywalker?” asked Obi-Wan from across the room. There was a lilt of something in his voice, which had her turning her attention on him. There was a sly gleam in his eye, a slight up-tick to the corner of his mouth. The aspect that had entered his voice was teasing, almost, bordering on a kind of boldness that would have made others quietly tut.
The smile on Elara’s face grew widely, but she then forced it back into something coy and small. With a demure little shrug, she turned her attention back to the sword rack. “Not as intimately as others may be, but I have been made aware of the many uses and techniques of the sabre. I have always found myself rather intrigued by them.”
There was a slow plodding of boots against flooring as Obi-Wan crossed the room. It was only when they came to a stop beside her that Elara looked up. A light, roguish smirk played at the corner of his mouth. He pointed to the sword that she’d been admiring.
“That, my dear Miss Skywalker, is a foil. This,” he lifted fencing implement in his hand pointedly, “is a sabre.”
Its hand-guard had been elaborately engraved and burnished, and there were a number of scratches and scuffs marring its once pristine metal. It was clearly well looked after and well loved, but it had seen many practices, and likely many showcases. Elara smiled, a demure little look, and tipped her chin in a means to incline her head.
“Thank you for the correction, Mr. Kenobi. It’s a lovely sabre, the detail work is impeccable.” She turned her attention out the window again, a coyness entering her expression. “Perhaps one day you might allow me to handle it.”
There was a shock of silence between them, interrupted only by a quiet, amused chuckle from Obi-Wan.
“If I didn’t know any better, I might say you were daring to attempt a flirtation,” he drawled.
Elara turned a coy smile on him, which glowed in the pleasant warmth of the afternoon sun. “Flirting is a woman’s trade, one must keep in practice.”
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willowdied · 3 years
introducing... eleanor penivall
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name: Eleanor Penivall
gender: cis female
pronouns: she / her
age: verse dependent ; 18-20’s
date of birth: august 1
sexual orientation: bisexual
romantic orientation: biromantic
nationality: british english
family : baroness lucinda penivall ( mother ) , baron arthur penivall ( father ) 
residence: verse dependent
occupation: verse dependent
class: middle / nobility 
languages: english, american sign language, british sign language, french
height: 5’5”
eyes: dark brown
hair: long ( waist length ), slightly wavy dark brown
strengths: intelligent, generous, strong moral code, loyal, adventurous, logical, empathetic, compassionate, mature, hopeful
weaknesses: stubborn, cautious, sarcastic, lonely, shy, blunt, restless, realistic, quiet, insistent
                                                       ~ VERSES ~
BRIDGERTON / REGNECY ( under construction )
where other girls may have a choice in the matter, eleanor does not have much. in truth, there is nothing that she dreads more than the marriage seasons. if she had her way, she would spend her time in the countryside on her families farm estate amongst the crops, animals and the books that they have in her library, but the baron and baroness are in need of her gaining a rank and more finical security and so you can expect find lady eleanor at every event, being pushed around by her parents in attempts of catching a suitors eye. 
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through all of her life, she had a plan- get out of her house the moment she graduates, go to school far away, earn her degree, and then become a vet. she joined every club that she could that could possibly earn her a scholarship, not allowing herself to make too many connections along the way which only left her stuck when what was supposed to be a fun senior trip back fires in the senior classes face. 
being thrown into new ham put a hold on those plans. big time. but eleanor attempts to use her knowledge on medical treatment of animals to assist gordie and kelly in their medical endeavors of the town and joins the going home committee in hopes of finding out more about the land they are stuck on and the one they hope to return to. 
and after everything, she does indeed become a vet.
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aurumacadicus · 6 years
Okay regnecy, let's see....... How do they celebrate birthdays? The adults, for the kids, for dum-e and sweetheart maybe as well? Are there different bday trafitions from Tony's kindom to the rogers?
(For a more in-depth answer, here’s this: https://reioka.tumblr.com/post/166753088620/hello-owl-mom-todays-my-birthday-and-idk-if)
They don’t really celebrate the animals’ birthdays. (Steve and Bucky grumble that every day is like a birthday to the animals because Tony dotes on them so much. Ridiculous.)
The humans, on the other hand, have extravagant parties–at least everyone except Tony. Everyone is invited, and the younger people get each other trinkets for the event. There’s good food and rich cake and everyone sings a song to the person whose birthday it is, with much laughter and cheering throughout the party.
Tony gets quiet parties with just his family and friends, too awkward and maybe, still, a little scared to have a fuss made over him. Obadiah hadn’t let him have birthday parties after he turned eleven. He doesn’t like having everyone’s attention on him. He feels all squirmy and anxious at the very idea. Sometimes even having just his friends and family makes him uncomfortable.
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hi lovelies!
hope you're all doing well.
do you like regency romances? my first regency romance was On a Wicked Dawn by Stephanie Laurens and that got me into the whole thing historical romance trope and I've not stopped since. books by Tessa Dare are also just simply amazing and my favorites! loved all her regnecy romances that I picked up!
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mtamar2020 · 3 years
Stage en Information Technology ( Agadir )
Stage en Information Technology ( Agadir )
Job title: Stage en Information Technology ( Agadir ) Company: HYATT REGNECY Job description: un stagiaire passionné par les métiers de l’IT. Vous serez encadré et formé par une équipe dynamique et vous serez mené…/Server – Des Notions en Sécurité – PABX N’hésiter à postuler pour découvrir l’IT dans le domaine de l’hôtellerie… Expected salary: Location: Agadir Job date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 22:27:13…
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drbibliophile · 4 years
It’s cleaning weekend and I fricking hate it. Just hate. Just.... gah!
And yet it will happen and it will be done and when it’s done I plan to be a slug and knitting and plotting a smutty Regnecy era romance because it’s better than strangling the other half or the eldest.
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Wohlstand und Luxus den die Titanic einst bot
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Zugegeben heute gibt es ein eher ungewöhnliches Thema, aber mein Blog ist  auch ein bisschen ein Lifestyle Business und das Thema weicht nicht all zu sehr von meinen Zielen ab. Es geht um den Wohlstand, den die Titanic einst bot. Neben dem Online Marketing sind auch Schiffe eine sehr große Leidenschaft, genauer gesagt ein großes Interesse von mir.  
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Die Titanic war damals mit 259 Meter Länge und 46.000 Tonnen das gr��ßte Schiff der Welt.  
Wie die Titanic entsand
An einem Abend im Downshire House, setzten sich der Leiter der White Star Line, William James Pirre und Bruce Imsay zusammen, um die größten Schiffe der Welt zu planen. Sie visualieristen und skizzierten ihre Vorstellungen auf Papier. Sie planten diese Schife zuerst im Geist und waren Ehrgeizig genug dieses Vorhaben umzusetzen. Cunard hatte bereits die Lusitania und die Mautratina in Auftrag gegeben. Die neuen Luxuslinter der White Star Line sollten daher alles bisherige in den Schatten stellen. Der Schwererpunkt würde auf lxuruiösem Reiskomfort liegen und nicht wie bei Cuanrd, auf Geschwindigkeit. Doch es gab ein Problem, keine Werft war groß genug solche Schiffe in die Tat umzusetzen. Doch Pirre ließ sich davon nicht abhalten und bestellte eine spezielle Montagebrücke. Der Vertrag für den Bau von Olympic  und Titanic wurden von Bruce Ismay unterzeichntetche Schiffe zur damlaigen Zeit nicht vorstellen konnte. Aber sein Ehrgeiz bewies, dass es möglich war, solche Schiffe zu verwiklichen.
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Im Verlgeich zur Queen Mary 2 erscheint die Titanic klein, den die QM2 ist ganze 85 meter Länge.
Die Luxussuiten der ersten Klasse
Die Titanic war für damlaige Verhältnisse sehr groß, man sprach vom größten Schiff der Welt. Sie war 269 Meter lang, 28 Meter breit und 32 Meter hoch. Sie bot Plazt für 3.547 Passagiere und Crewmitglieder. Die Klassen waren streng voneinader getrennt. Die zweite Klasse entsprach der ersten klasse auf jedem anderem Schiff und selbst die dritte Klasse bekam hier einen gewissen Lxusu geboten. Natürlich waren fast alle Einrichtungen der ersten Klasse vorbehalten. Die Luxussuiten und öffentliche Räume befanden sich auf den oberen Decks A, B und C. Die Millionärssuiten waren die teursten Suiten auf dem Schiff und kosteten 870 Pfund. Sie bestanden aus einem Wohnraum, einem Salon, zwei Schalfräumen, zwei Ankleidräumen, einem Badezimmer und einer extra Toieltte. Bei den Millionärsuiten gab es noch eine eigene Veranda mit einer Länge von 15 Metern. Diese Einrichtung war einzigartig auf der Titanic. Alle anderen Pasasigere konnten auf der 150 Meter langen A-Deck Promande oder dem Bootsdeck ein Spaziergang machen.  Die Kabinen waren alle mit unterscherschiedlichen Stillen der jeweiligen Epoche ausgesattet wie Louis XIV, Regnecy, Quenn Anne, Empire oder Adams. Selbst für den Butler konnte eine eigene Kabine mit dazu gebucht werden, die im Preis inbegriffen war. Die Suiten waren mit Korbstühlen, Messingbetten und Marmorwaschbecken ausgestattet.
Die schönsten Räume auf der Titanic
Am schönsten war wohl die verzierte Eichentrepppe mit der großen Galskuppel und dem geschnitzen Geländer. Auch der Speisessal der 550 Menschen Platz bot erstereckte sich über die gesamte Breite des Schiffes. Daneben befand sich ein 16 Meter langer Empfangsraum, der mit lxuuriösen Chesterfield Sofas und einem Flügel ausgestattet war. Wer nicht im Speisesaal dienieren wollte, konnte auch im A la Carte Restaurant speisen. Dieser Raum war komplett mit farnzöischem Walnussholz vertäfelt und der Boden war mit rosefarbenm Teppich ausgelgt. Der Raum war 18 Meter lang, 14 Meter breit und bot für 137 Gäste Platz. Hier konnten die Gäste der Titanic von 8 - 23 Uhr speisem.
  Der Luxus der ersten Klasse
Die Passagiere der ersten Klasse verfügten über zahrleiche Einrichtugen, wie dem Squashplazt und dem Schwimmbad. Die Decke des Squashplatzes war so hoch, dass sie bis ins F-Deck reichte und er bote sogar eine Zuschauergalerie. Hier kostete ein halbe Stunde fechten zwei Shilling.  Auch die Turnahlle war beindruckend, den sie war 5 Meter hoch und 13 Meter lang. Hier konnten die Passierge unter Aufsicht auf den Geräten reiten, rudern oder radfahren. Die türkischen Bäder mit Shampooräumen befanden sich am F-Deck. Der Eintritt in das Türkische und elektrische Bad kostet stolze 4 Shilling. Daneben gab es auch einen Bügelraum, eine Dunkelkammer für Fotografen und eine Bilbiothek. Für die Frauen gab es ein Lese- und Schreibraum.  
Die elegante zweite Klasse
Die 207 Kabinen der zweiten Klasse entsprachen denen der ersten Klasse auf jedem anderem Schiff. Sie waren großzügig beleuchtet und mit zwei-bis vier Betten ausgesattet. Sie boten Mahagonimöbel und waren mit Linoleumfließen ausgelgt. Sie waren per Lift zugänglich oder konnten über die große Treppe erreicht werden. Der Speiseal am D-Deck war 21 Meter lang und bot 394 Menschen Platz. Der zweite Klasse Speisesaal entsprach hinsichtlich der Austattung und den Mahlzeiten dem der 1 Klasse auf anderen Schiffen. Die Speisen waren hier natürlcih nicht so raffiniert wie in der ersten Klasse, aber sie entsprachen einem guten Gasthaus. Direkt darüber lag die Bbliothek mit Ahornvertäfelung. Hier gab es einen großen Bücherschrank. Die zweite  Klasse hatte auch einen eigenen Rauchsalon, sowie einen Firseur am E-Deck. Als Promenade nutzten die Passagiere der zweiten Klasse, ein Teil des Bootscks sowie ein Teil des Achterdecks.  
Gute Aussichten, auch für die dritte Klasse
Die dritte Klasser auf der Titanic war überascht von dem Luxus der hier geboten wurde. Bedenkt man das ein Jarhundert zuvor eine Überfahrt mit einer Höllenfahrt zu vergleichen war. Die Passagiere mussten oft in engsten Kabinen schalfen und abgelaufnenes Essen zu sich nehmen, wenn eine Üerbfahrt mehr als 2 Wochen dauerte. Charles Dickens beschrieb die Unterkunft auf der Britannia, als äußert unrpaktische, hoffnugslose und absurde Kiste. Die dritte Klasse hatte 222 Kabinen die auf den Decks D.E,F und G lagen. Die Kabinen waren mit Kiefer vertäfelt, sie stellten eine enorme Verbesserung dar, den andere Schiffe so zu dieser Zeit noch nicht boten. Der Speisesaal am F-Deck war 30 Meter lang und bot 493 Gästen Plaz. Die Süthle waren eine weitere Verbesserung, da es anstonsten üblich war Bänke zu verwenden. Auch über ein Aufenthaltsraum am Achterdeck durften sich die Passagiere der dritten Klasse freuen. Hier gab es sogar ein Klavier für gemeinsame Lieder. Desweiteren gab es ein Rauchsalon der mit Teakholzmöbeln ausgesattet war. Die Unterkunft in der dirtten Klasse war für viele ein schönes Erlebnis. Selbst die Speisen waren hier einfach aber großzüig. Zum Frühstück gab es beispielsweise Getreideflocken, Marmelade und weiches Ei mit Brot. Dazu gab es Kaffee oder Tee. Zum Dinner, welches mittags eingenommen wurde, gab es ein Fleischgericht und ein warmes Dessert. Tea bestand aus einer warmen Mahlzeit und einem leichten Dessert. Es gab sogar noch ein spätes Abendessen mit Käse, Keksen und Kaffee.  
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  Das Essen an Bord der Titanic
Das Essen an Bord der Titanic entsprach dem vieler Al Carte Restaurants. In der letzen Nacht gab es auf der Titanic ein sieben Gägne Menü mit Kaviar, Hummer, Wachteln, Weintrauben aus dem Gwächshaus und frischen Pfirischen. Die Speisen der ersten Klasse waren natürlich außergewöhnlich  raffiniert und zweitaufwendig. In der zweiten Klasse waren sie aber denoch immer noch recht gut, so gabe es zum Beispiel als Vorpseise Suppe, ein Hauptgericht und eine Auswahl an mehren Desserts.  Auch das Essen der dritten Klassse bot große Portionen. In den Küchen gab es zwei große Kochstellen, die damals als die größten der Welt galten, jede davon hatte19 Backöfen. Allgemein tansporierte die Titanic erstaunlich viel Fracht. Nicht nur Nahrungsmittel sondern auch Geschirr und Wäsche. Es wurden allein über 20.000 Teller, 34.0000 Kg Fleisch, mehr als 1000 Kg Kaffee und 30.000 Flaschen mit Getränken und Spirtuosen transportiert.
Millionäre und Berühmtheiten an Bord
Auf der Gästeliste Titanic befanden sich viele der reichsten Bürger Amerikas. In der Ersten Klasse waren vorwiegend Amerikaner, da die Briten die Schiffe der Cunard Linie bevorzugten. Einer der erlesensten Gäste war John Jacob Astor IV. Er und seine jüngere Frau Madeline, die in anderen Usmtänden war, wollten mit der Titanic zurück nach New York kehren. Gemeinsam mit einem Diener und einer Zofe, bewohnten sie eine luxuriöse Salonsuuite auf dem C-Deck. Auch Isidor und Ida Straus des Kaufhauses Maycs, waren Passagiere der Titanic. Die Widners waren duch Bankgeschäfte und den Eisenbahnbau reich geworden. Sie hatten ein beachtliches Vermögen von 30 Millionen Dollar. Weitere berühmthe Passagiere der damaligen Zeit waren, die Gräfin von Rothes, Major Archibald Buttt und der Stahlmangat Athur Ryerson. Fast alle Millionäre der Titanic erbten den Wohlstand. Es gab zu jener Zeit aber auch  reiche Stahlmangnaten, Verkäufer oder Bänker.   Mehr vom Money Insider 1 Blog Du hast ein Frage zum aktuellen Artikel oder möchtest etwas ergänzen, dann nutze die Kommentarfunktion Hast du eine persönliche Anfrage schreibe an [email protected]  Folge mir auf Instagram oder Twitter Abonniere mein Podcast Money Insider 1Talk   Read the full article
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artbyanureet · 7 years
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I love reading and two of my favourite classic books are Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. I’m pretty sure that I did a ‘Compare and Contrast’ essay on these two books at school.
I knew I wanted to create some artwork inspired by Jane Austen but I didn’t want to just letter the titles in my floral style. I therefore thought to create a poster using digital type for the titles and draw a fancy ampersand. I also wanted to put in a famous quote (or part of a quote – that was an artistic flourish…). I also didn’t want it to be too precise. Although I calculate and measure when I am creating a piece of lettering artwork, I do have some rough and wild aspects to the art that I wanted to retain with this poster set – that’s why there is overlapping and an off centre feel.
In terms of colour schemes, the pinky rose is take from the flowers in the amersand and the blue is a regnecy inspired colour (I Googled for research!).
Prints are available in my Etsy Shop and on Society6. On Etsy I arrange for the art to be printed using high quality fine art specialist printers, two sizes are available A4 and A3. The prints are unframed but come with a backing board and are wrapped. Society6 also use high quality printers and offer a larger range of sizes and a framing option as well.
Here are the links:
Pride & Prejudice Etsy: http://etsy.me/2iVaK32
Sense & Sensibility Etsy: http://etsy.me/2iWnB53
Pride & Prejudice Society6: http://bit.ly/2Aace3g
Sense & Sensibility Society6: http://bit.ly/2ADsD0L
Thanks for reading!
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dandiesindanger · 5 years
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Today's flower in #FridayFlowerLanguage is lavender. If you got a sprig of these in your Victorian bouquet, they'd symbolise mistrust...which is exactly what our lads are feeling towards Robin right now. Have you caught up on episode 1? Episode 2 comes out Wednesday Sept. 18th!
Listen to Dandies in Danger on: YouTube Podomatic SoundCloud
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hea-employment · 8 years
Luxury Assisted Living Jobs at Brookdale Regnecy Oaks - Resident Caregivers & CNAs
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