#rei's background makes me happy
zsbrainrot · 7 months
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Quiet Mornings ❤️💙
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redcherrykook · 3 months
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College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader
27 year old, stupidly handsome asshole teacher Mr. Jeon has absolutely no human decency, he believes your victim complex is what keeps you from ever achieving anything, letting people use you as a bridge. When something unexpected happens, the ice starts to melt as a foreign word called "empathy" enters his egocentric lense. Maybe he will finally manage to teach you a lesson now, since you keep failing his class.
(Mini series)- Episode five!
Song recommendation: white Mustang- Lana del rey
Content: Cold, mean, distant, unprofessional Jungkook, hurt, stubborn reader, enemies to lovers, lowkey dramatic, accident happens, mutually beneficial relationship (emotionally), Jk learns a lot from her, Jk is mean but has a soft spot for reader (eventually), 6 year age gap, Reader is from a struggling background, Jk kind of rescues her, happy ending, angst at first, fluff, smut, comedy/crack, bickering, college setting, brief hospital setting
Warnings: swearing, name-calling,mentions of an accident involving a biker, mentions of hospital, mentions of injuries, really mean Jungkook, i promise he gets sweet, mentions of trauma and abuse (non detailed), mental health struggles (semi detailed), arguments
Sexual content: (light) praise kink, (light) size kink (lmao next episode bout to go crazy with that one), oral; fem. receiving, chest play, making out
Taglist: @bts-iris @kaeysv @khadeeeeej @rockstryoon
Another day, another night spent on the couch of Jungkook, watching some sort of show with him, munching on dinner he cooked.
He got used to cooking for two.
Its been a week,
A week that turned into a week and a half.
Still no calls, no places, no friends to crash at.
Not even Taehyung, his fraternity house is much worse than just staying with Jungkook.
Not like it bothered you, Jungkook is comfortable, he has a cozy apartment with enough space for two people.
Growing borderline nice from day to day.
His little gestures like buying two of the icetea he drinks, like changing the sheets if you had class the days he hadn't, cooking jjajangmyeon without onions because you hate them.
It was easy to get used to his routine, to bicker with him daily, to sit next to him when he works on his lesson preperation, while you study for your classes.
Sleeping in his shirt, doing your laundry in his bathroom, and accidentally stumbling across his calvin klein's.
It felt intimate at times, like living together was more than just that.
Tonight is different.
Tonight would be your very first party.
After a whole week of persuasion, Taehyung talking your ear off about how fun it was, how many people you could meet, how you could dance your heart away.
You decided, fuck it. One party.
"To be clear, I'm NOT drinking and i swear if you touch me, Taehyung, I will actually strangle you" loud and clear, your boundaries set while you're on call with him. Taehyung called you at 10pm as you were peacefully watching "Running man" with Jungkook, at first you shut off the call.
Until another followed by another call coming through.
"Just come on! once! One single time" he begged, Jungkook's jaw clenching at the voice from the other end of the phone.
He simply can not stand Taehyung, the way he devours you with his eyes, the way he talked you into doing things you don´t normally want to do,
like parties.
In desperate need of social contacts and having some serious fun, a party doesn't sound too bad anymore, Tae would keep his hands off, now that you told him to.
"You're seriously going?" Jungkook asks once you end the call, his eyes stern and burning through you, judging you almost.
"Yeah. You can enjoy a night to yourself again, I won't get back late, I promise" you smile at him, already thinking of what to wear from your very limited selection of clothes.
He scoffs, pressing his lips together.
"What? Got something against it?" your head tilts, a playful smirk on your lips.
His eyes move away from yours and back to the flashy TV screen.
"Just not looking forward to having to pick you up wasted, possibly having to push off some jerk to even get to you" his tongue presses the inside of his cheek, not making eye contact with you. A strong hand is rubbing his thighs that are spread on his couch, while the other one moves through his hair, lifting his arm enough to see his well defined triceps.
A part of you hopes that he was jealous, that he hated the thought of you making out with some college jerk, just like you hated the thought of making out with anyone that wasn't him.
There was nothing left to confront, nothing to deny.
You have a crush on Jungkook, on your photography teacher that you live with.
Maybe it was the intimacy of living with him, but the racing heartbeat in your chest, the pertruding smile on your face whenever he smiled too, even if slight, even if to make fun of you,
The throbbing between your thighs when he speaks in his sultry, low voice. The way his hair is messy most of the time, how his muscles flex when he's working, his groans of frustration, making you wonder just how he could sound if he groaned more. Your thoughts when he drives with his skillful fingers, the way he licks his lip piercing when he's focused. Having to surpress the thoughts of what happened, almost happened, when you were both drunken by the burning alcohol.
All of it is impossible to ignore, to talk yourself into believing it´s nothing.
Every inch of him, of his habits, it made you flaunt for him. Wishing that instead of his shirt, it was him, sleeping next to you peacefully.
Looking at him ever so often, hoping to catch him looking back.
Even taking longer in the shower when your wandering thoughts get accompanied by your wandering hands.
It is wrong, it is so wrong because he's your teacher, because the goodness behind his hard exterior helped you through your own mess in life.
And yet, you find yourself going out to party away the thought of him, only to return back to him the same night.
"Don't worry kook, I'm not drinking. You won't have to pick me up, just enjoy your night alone" you make your way into the guest bedroom to change.
"Am not worried, you're old enough" he grumbles as you walk away.
Of course, he wasn't worried.
Until he's stuck in his living room, pacing around.
He glances at the clock, 2:15 am, still no text, still no doorbell.
Originally, Jungkook wasn't going to do anything special, just watch Tv and cook something nice for a midnight snack.
You had left the house at half past ten, in a pair of black low waisted cargos and a tight fitting crop tee. Black as well, matching your shoes too.
Simple, comfortable, not too revealing.
Not that he would have cared if someone saw you in a revealing outfit,
That's what he likes to believe. In reality, he would have probably come with you if you did, glaring at every guy who dared to look.
The thought of you not answering his text because of being drunk somewhere or being in bed with a guy you had just met made him sick.
"I'm not letting you walk back at this hour. Call me when you need me to pick you up. And don't start arguing over this"
Sent at 11:39, over two hours ago.
Left on delivered.
He sits back down, sighing and deciding to call over his best friend, turn this into a boys night.
You are out partying, probably having fun with other people, why shouldn´t he?
Dialing the familiar number, it rings briefly before a voice deep answers the phone.
"JK! what's up bro?" Mingyu greets
"I'm good. My student left so i thought i'd ask you to come over? Haven't hung out in a while" Jungkook humms while checking the pantry for any snacks.
"Your little girlfriend left? Miss her so much you gotta make your best friend keep you company?" Mingyu laughs loudly from the other side of the phone.
Naturally, being Jungkook's best friend, he knew about the night that you almost kissed. Ever since then, he's been teasing him about it. Pissing him off by insisting on calling you his "little girlfriend".
"Fuck off gyu, could´ve just said no asshole" he scoffs, ready to hang up the phone.
"Don't get so butthurt Jk, she's getting you soft already. I'll be there in 20. Wanna go to a bar?"
He ignores the other comment,
"Nah, I'll go pick her up later. Stop by to get some snacks" he replies casually.
"Alright. Where did she go by the way?" Mingyu just noticed that Jungkook hasn't mentioned why you weren't at his apartment tonight.
His scoff was enough response that could be heard on the other end of the call,
"A fucking frat party"
Mingyu chuckles, thinking up a cheeky reply, but he was too slow.
Jungkook hangs up the phone, waiting patiently for a ring on his doorbell, not sure if he was still waiting for you or Mingyu.
"You'e insane Tae" you shout through the blaring music, barely able to hear the sound of your own words against people screaming and a bass stronger than any drug that was being done around you.
There were many of those, openly at that.
"Is that good?" He shouts back, grinning.
The party is as expected of a frat house party, about sixty college students running around the large apartment, a pool, many couches filled with girls and all of that jock stuff.
Bottles flying around in the kitchen which you found yourself standing in right now, all types of alcohol and cocktail mixes in bowls, what ever is them no one really knows.
Clothes seem basically optional here, most guys are running around shirtless, most girls running to the pool that´s a few feet from the huge glass sliding door around the corner, wearing either underwear or nothing at all.
Taehyung thankfully being clothed.
He did, as usual, have a stupid thought. Thinking it was a great idea trying to outdrink his friend that you had just met,
And already hate.
Jackson, a tall football player who's shoulders are as huge as his ego. He, like the rest of the guys, is shirtless, covered in hickies that wrap all the way around his neck.
Apart from the fact that he's made out with four different girls that all called him some variation of the word 'baby',
he has also been eye fucking you since you first saw him
To which Taehyung is oblivious to, or has been ignoring.
Still, he promised you not to leave your side throughout the entire night, as well as making sure you don't drink, like you had said you wouldn't.
"What? Think I can't win?" He says again when noticing you silently judging him.
You roll your eyes, hands throwing upward to express just how ridiculous he's being "Not about winning, it's a stupid idea. I'm not gonna pick your ass up the floor"
Taehyung laughs in return, throwing back his first shot, to which Jackson follows
"You won't have to"
Jackson smirks, "nine more to go Tae"
"Easy buddy, gonna kick your ass" his voice sounding cocky, already on his way to pour the next shot of vodka.
"Sure you don't want a shot miss goody two shoes?" Jacksons eyes wander to your cleavage,
Eyes are up here, you think.
"Sounding like a broken record at this point. No drinks" you scoff at him, grossed out by his shameless behavior.
In order to distract yourself from the situation, your eyes wander around the apartment, looking for anything interesting.
People making out left and right, no matter if "Va Va Voom" or "Fe!n" played, no one cared who was looking, what lyric was blaring.
It made you cringe inside when you spotted a guy grinding against a girl you knew from Piano lessons, right next to two guys taking molly.
Never going to a frat party again, you think.
Upon first arrival, it was really fun. Tae was dancing his heart out with you, making small talk with some people here and there. You could engage with them as well. Soon enough, he started drinking, making himself tipsy within a couple shots and a beer.
By then you realized you would end up having to look after him at the end of the night, not the other way around.
While you came to make friends, it was practically impossible. Sure, amaybe small talk. Sadly, it always led to the same outcome:
Every girl coming up tried to get it in with Tae and glared at you for being with him or was too drunk.
Meanwhile every guy either tried to get you to drink, tried to touch you, to which Taehyung did push them off immediately, or was also well, way too drunk.
So much for making friends, i guess.
Noticing you have been zoning out for a while, your eyes glance back to the guys in front of you, leaning against the counter.
Wondering how many shots it has been since you last looked.
Both set the small, empty shot glasses on top of the surface.
"Six. Four left to go Tae" Jackson looks relaxed, flushed out a bit but definitely stable, definitely not tipsy yet.
Taehyung on the other hand was slurring his words, a drunkenly hazed smile spread flat across his flushed pink face.
" 'course man. Bring it on"
Shaking your head, you ponder if it was even worth staying still.
Time is truly a weird thing because just when the thought was finished, the words "I´m leaving" at the tip of your tongue,
The guys have already taken another shot, the 7th one back to back.
Tae opens his mouth to speak, presumably about to brag,
" s'easy Jacks-"
but, he can't finish his sentence due to gagging and quickly covering his mouth with his hand.
Of course.
You wince at the sight, Tae stumbles back fast, running and making his way to the bathroom on unstable footing.
That's to not leaving my side tonight, i guess.
A few minutes with Jackson would be fine, you suppose. Tae would be back soon enough.
"Come on princess, take a shot too. Loosen up a bit"
His steps approach you as he talks, his voice sounding like a little devil, waiting to convince you of his foolish plans.
You laugh a small, annoyed laugh,
One hand running through your hair as you talk,
"How many times have i told you I'm not drinking?" unamused, as you look him up and down
But he steps one foot closer, finger grazing your arm maliciously, bringing shivers to your skin at an instant.
"Come on, you need it. Let me give it to you princess, now that Taehyung is gone"
Instinctively tug your arm back, ready to scream in disgust.
But his grip only tightens, a whole palm wrapped around your wirst now, trapping you in his hold as he squeezes.
Angry and scared all at once, you shout at him, the sound coming from the bottom of your throat.
"Fuck off, i told you im not interested"
The pop music playing betrays you, drowning out your screams, reducing it to a hopless yelp.
Filled with rage and mentally cursing at Taehyung for being careless, your eyes flicker to the way which he had left, only to find it filled with everyone but him.
Jacksons arm swiftly moves to grab your hip as he steps closer, his other hand making its way to your waist. He leans down, breath close enough to make every single hair stand up on your neck.
"Fine, if you wanna act so stuck up, hope you know how to swim bitch. Might pull out the stck from your ass"
Before you could process what words had left his mouth, you were lifted up over his shoulders as he ran out the glass door.
no no no no no
A second later you are submerged in the cold water of the pool, splashing loudly,
Not failing to catch everyone´s attention.
The reality of what you had dreaded surrounding you as your mind runs miles.
Muffled you can make out people shouting, the water drowning out the sounds ever so slightly, dimming your lights.
Shutting out any other thoughts.
Helplessly, your arms move, trying to fight your way back up.
Gasping for a breath of air once your face had finally poked out from the greedy water below you,
A laughter breaks,
And another one,
Soon enough it felt like the whole campus was laughing at you, calling you pathetic.
When you manage to climb your way up to the surface completely, holding on to the rim for dear life, you hadn´t yet fully grasped what was going on,.
Everyone else on the other hand had, phones recording your smudged, drenched face and hair, clothes clinging to every nook of your figure, working hard to drag you back down by the heavy weight.
Weakly you pull yourself out of the pool, the sound of laughter still humiliating you, along with Jackson proudly walking off inside the party again.
Probably searching for his next victim.
Absolutely petrified and fucking freezing, you run back to the kitchen were you had left your bag minutes ago. Ready to find Taehyung and get the hell out of this mess.
Minutes before you were thrown in a pool on your first and certainly last frat party, being caught on camera on top of everything.
While pushing through people, you do happen to spot Taehyung,
on the couch,
making out shirtless with a girl that, not surprisingly, Jackson had made out with tonight as well.
That must have been your very last straw, he had not even gone looking for you, not even thinking of why you might be gone.
The dam holding back tears of embarrassment and frustration breaking, evrey single tear you had in you beginning to flow down your face, merging with the chlorinated water that´s already coated along your entirety.
Grabbing your purse and running out, you call the only person you knew to call.
"FUCK YOU GYUUUU IM WINNING" the XBox Controller tightly clutched in his hand, hunched forward to stare at the screen that lights up his dark bedroom, Jungkook's voice rings through his apartment.
Fifa is not for the weak if you play with Jungkook.
"JEON JUNGKOOK YOU FUCKER" Mingyu screams back, slamming the controller down on the teachers bed.
He lost again, 5th time in a row. There is truly nothing that Jungkook can´t do, it seems.
"Mad huh? Mad?" he laughs, punching into his best friends arm jokingly, a wide and proud smile provoking every one of Mingyu´s nerves at once.
The moment is caught off by his phone ringing, interrupting Mingyu in the middle of trying to deck Jungkook straight in the stomach.
He picks it up, reading your name on his bright screen.
Mingyu, as curious as he is, listens for any words he could make out, planing to use it for teasing Jungkook later on.
Only to be met with loud cries and hics,
"Jungkook please come get me, something horrible happend i wanna go home please pick me up, please come get me, ah fuck" you ramble through sobs, not being able to think straight.
Jungkook's eyes soften at the noise, his eyebrows meeting together as worry washes through his body.
He looks at mingyu who seems equally as worried.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay. Just send me your location, it's okay, i'll drive fast" while he says this, his body shoots up, tucking his phone between his shoulder and face to put on a jacket and gather his keys in the meantime.
Mingyu stands up with him, rushing to put on his own shoes and jacket.
"Thank you, thank you" you mumble again, trying to tap your phone through blurry vision, barely managing to hold it together any second more.
The sounds from the other end stop, his phone slipping back in his pocket.
"Fuck gyu i might end up in jail today if someone fucking touched her" he groans, jutting down the stairs with his best friend following.
"I'll bail you out. Want me to tag along? Might need some help" he asks, wondering what could have possibly made you this upset.
So does Jungkook, thinking of the worst possible situations, a pang of guilt running through him.
Should have come with her, he thinks.
Jungkook shakes his head, "No no, thank you tough. I don't want her to feel unsafe, she might not wanna see anyone right now" his thoughts continue running ballistic, from going to hold you and reassure you that it is okay, to strangling who ever made you sob, made you sound so scared.
Mingyu smiles, "Take good care of her. You care about her a lot, that's good" he pats his back, before making his way down to his own car while Jungkook unlocks his.
Sitting down and scrambling to turn the engine on, he drives as fast as he can through the thankfully empty streets, keeping an eye on your live location in anxiety that it would move.
When he finally spots you, crying messily, squatted down next to a random building, his car pulls over.
Having to fight back the urge to cradle you, wipe all your tears.
Sure, he had seen you upset before, seen you hurt after something and usually, he'd be annoyed,
Having to muster up some empathy.
Not this time, not when you were falling apart in the cold, in the middle of the road.
There was nothing put empathy in his system.
Jungkook runs out of the car, crouching down in front of you, his eyes scanning your figure.
He notices your entire body shaking, clothes clinging to you, soaking wet. Once his eyes move up your face, he sees your wet hair sticking to your face with eyeliner running down to your jaw.
Eyes red and lips trembling.
"Y/n what.. what happened" he reaches forward to set a hand on your arm, his thumb stroking your cold skin, hoping to provide any warmth.
Every thought of beating up the person who had brought you to this state leaving him,
All he cares about when seeing you so fragile is wanting to make you feel okay.
Your voice comes out broken, wiping your tears with unstable hands. Even in the dark of the night, you could make up the worried expression on his face.
You felt ashamed, embarrassed to have to call him, to make him see you like this.
The look on his face earsed every trace of feeling pathetic before his eyes,
Knowing you were safe now.
He had never felt so angry and devastated combined, desperately he wants to stop your tears. Longing for anything that would return you to your usual self.
"home please i, i will tell y-you later"
Jungkook nods, standing up as he signals you to stand up as well.
Holding on to the wall behind you, you get up, only to stumble forward. The cold on your wet skin is too much, the wind pushing you back to the ground,
contributing to your already triggered state of mind.
It is all too much.
His strong arms catch you from falling to the floor, wrapping around your own shivering ones.
"It's okay. Can i carry you inside? Don't want you to fall" his eyes scan for any reaction, any indication of you being even slightly uncomfortable.
But you trust Jungkook, you needed him right now.
So you nod, looking back at him with a noticeable look of appreciation.
Gently, one of his hands move to wrap around your shoulders as he crouches down slightly. His other arm wraps around your thighs, delicately swinging you in his arms bridal style.
The water is dripping on to his own clothes, but he doesn´t even feel it at all, he doesn´t notice how your tears trickle down to his shirt when you try to hold up your head.
How your hair was whipping against his chest with every step.
The way he touches you is sweet enough to erase the marks of disgust left on your skin by Jackson's filthy hands.
Slowly he walks to the car, ducking his head and back to open the back door without having to set you down.
The crying has stopped out of pure exhaustion, although the comforting smell of Jungkook's clothes did contribute a fair amount.
He has begun to feel like home.
His arms reach forward to lay you down in the backseats.
"Try to relax okay? Im gonna get us home fast, it's gonna be okay" he mumbles, stroking your arm reassuringly as he let's go of you.
You don't manage to react in any way, even if your heart had swelled up in your chest.
Jungkook jogs to the drivers seat, making his way inside the car again.
The whole ride was completely silent. Not even the usual humming habit of Jungkook sounding in the car.
With your back pressed on the seats in the back your eyes are pried open, red and burning from the make up and salt on your face. You´re thinking of blocking Taehyung and never wasting a word on him ever again.
Almost blaming yourself for giving in and coming to the party in the first place.
The car comes to a hold, the familiar street greeting you when you sit back up to look around.
Jungkooks eyes looking at you from the mirror, releasing a breath he had held for way too long.
Thanking himself internally for keeping your vow of not drinking.
He gets out, walking over to open your door and sticking a hand out to you.
You look up at him with the weakest smile he had ever seen, admiring you for even being able to muster up any smile at all.
grit your teeth sometimes and keep going, he had told you back in the hospital.
Your own hand clasping into his, heart skipping a beat as he pulls you up.
His hand never left your own until he had opened the door to his apartment.
He didn't need to ask this time, knowing you would take his hand.
It made him melt when you did.
"I'm gonna get you clothes okay? Sit down on the couch" the words ring in your ears wonderfully, feeling thankful for his help once again.
As he disappears into the guest bedroom, you run your hands down your face in disbelief.
Being thrown in a pool and called a bitch for rejecting guy was not your bucket list, ever.
Coming back with a hoodie and one of your sweatpants as well as socks, he sets them down next to you.
"Thank you kook" you mumble, looking to the floor in sheer embarrassment.
Jungkook had seen you in situations you didn't even know where possible.
"Don't worry. Im gonna get the hair dryer and make up wipes, just say something when you're done changing" his hands reach down to stroke your shoulders.
At this point you knew,
you knew that Jungkook had fully embraces you into his life.
The way his eyes look at you with no sign of the stern glare he still mingled with until now. The way his voice is rough but reassuring, the way his hands keep touching you in an effort to make up for the hurt on your face.
He locks himself in the bathroom, pulling out make up wipes from your cosmetic bag and gathering up the caple of the dryer while you sit on the couch, slowly changing your clothes into warm and dry ones.
Looking at himself in the mirror startled him.
Not even Jungkook could really recognize himself,
Sharp features of his reflection staring back at him with worry, asking himself if you felt okay on his couch right now.
"Done" you shout out, still choked up from the loud sobbing previously, throat itching slightly from the cold.
The door opens once again, walking to you before plugging in the dryer. He sits down, immediately looking at you.
"Here. Take your time okay?"
"Okay" your fingers reach to the wipes, erasing the traces of the ruined make up that you had put on beautifully hours prior.
A pathetic attempt to trust in people that had let you back down again,
Cruel world.
Turning own the dryer, you start combing through your hair softly, finally filling your freezing head with warmth.
Finally making your entire body as warm as the presence of Jungkook.
Silence returns to the room as the device turns off.
"Can i.. tell you about what happend?" wandering to gaze to his soften features, he nods, smiling briefly.
You take a deep breath before mustering up the courage to tell him about the party.
"Taehyung introduced me to this football player who tried to get me into drinking multiple times. He was shirtless and he was super provocative"
He continues listening as your voice becomes weaker.
"They decided to compete in drinking ten shots but Taehyung was already tipsy. And i- Fuck i told him not to. He didn't listen and at the like, 7th shot? He was gagging, stumbling to the bathroom"
You sigh, nervously recalling the events that felt so surreal now, your eyes finally moving to his. Catching him glint at you with nervousness himself.
"He fucking promised me not to leave me alone and- and and then he did and that asshole he-" by now tears are brimming back at your eyes, unable to let out the words in a straight line.
"He fucking touched me and when i told him to back off he called me a bitch and threw me into the pool. Everybody was laughing fuck, Jungkook people were recording it. It was so fucking- it was so"
You stop, aggressively wiping tears from your face, a scoff pained it's way to the surface,
"So humiliating. Even worse, Taehyung was making out with some chick when i managed to get out the pool" your voice is a bit more stable again, angry at the memory.
Resenment is a stronger emotion than sadness in this moment.
"Motherfucker. Both of them. Motherfuckers" Jungkooks eyes turned dark, glaring at the sound of what you went through.
You laugh a small laugh, "I know"
He inches closer to you,
"I'm gonna get them suspended. What was the friends name?" His expression is serious, determined of making them feel it.
You shake your head slowly,
"No don't- please don't go through all that effort okay? They won't make it long anyways"
He glares at you too now, before catching himself doing so, revoking it and replacing it with a neutral expression.
"Don't let them walk all over you. At least that football guy, im getting his scholarship revoked, what he did was assault. Please let me do this for you"
His voice is stern, he isn't asking.
And you knew he was right.
".. Jackson. Wang, i think"
He huffs, "He can kiss his degree goodbye. I'll find something to make em. Promise you. I might just strangle him myself if I'm being honest" he sighs, his hand rubbing his forehead in an effort to not snap and drive back to party.
A soft giggle can be heard inside the suffocating sphere of the living room.
He looks back up at you,
"What's so funny?" a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips,
You giggle again, focused on the way his lips look when trying to hold back a smile.
"You. Seeing you so worked up. I like it, makes me realize this friendship may not be that one sided after all"
He groans in response, leaning back against the couch and tilting his head to look back into your eyes,
"It took me carrying you to my car to make you understand that i care about you?"
Your heart jumping at the admission,
His eyes widen slightly as he hears himself admit to it, but he tries to conceal it.
Play it off like he isn´t surprised himself.
"Letting you live with me for damn near two weeks wasn't enough, huh?" His elbow digs into your side,
But you can't react, stuck on the fact that his teeth are lightly digging into the side of his lip, biting it softly.
Eyes wandering to his torso that is leaning back on his couch, his lap looking so inviting.
Only now noticing how close he is next to you.
It's his turn to chuckle now,
"Would pay to know what's in that pretty head of yours right now"
Another breath caught in your throat, eyes shooting back up to meet his,
They are ranking over you entirely,
Watching your every feature, studying you as if you were a piece of art in a gallery.
His flirty tone making it hard not to just risk it, crawl into his lap and tell him how you feel about his stupidly handsome face and his annoying way to care for you.
"Shut up, you're saying nonsense" your eyes roll to distract from the fact that you were caught red handed, shyly turning your face away from his form on the couch.
"Answer the question idiot. Did it seriously take this long for you to get it?" his voice is soft, sincerity laced beneath his words.
A long sigh makes it's way out of your mouth as you turn to take the same position that he's in, tilting your head to meet his eyes once more.
The moment is precious in a way, his face is so close you could count the moles on it, but just enough space not to loose any and all control.
"I'm not sure. I mean, i guess i knew you kinda cared, but, i think i mostly tried to gaslight myself into thinking you like me as a person and don't just see me as some sort of charity case" you laugh gently, keeping eye contact with him as you talk.
Although the words you're speaking are truthful, they aren't the full extent.
His heart clenches a bit when he thinks about it,
"Charity case? Fuck no, i mean" he pause, playing with his lip piercing,
"I guess it took me some time to get used to caring about someone else like this, living together and shit but i do like you. I find you annoying and obnoxious at times, and you still suck at photography, but i do like you, you're a good friend" his hand moves through his pretty, dark hair, trying his very best not to look down at your lips.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to hold back.
It was now, just now that he became aware too,
Aware that you weren't just a friend, roomate or a student to him,
That his feelings, his thoughts and urges weren't some sort of strange hormonal reaction.
Still, he hoped that saying it out loud would convince him that you are, indeed just a good friend.
He can´t help but notice how bothered he is by it.
You nod, almost disappointed at the way he ruined his lovely speech with three simple words.
a good friend.
"How nice of you.. thank you tho. No really, i, i appreciate you. You're.. a good friend too, Jungkook" you bite your lip softly, wishing for him to just move away or say something mean to lessen the tension.
He allows himself to look once,
Locking his eyes with your lips, noticing the small blush forming around your face.
It makes you look irresistible, naturally beautiful.
"You know I'm a liar, right? That i say a ton of things I don't actuallly mean?" his eyes are focused on your lips now, his voice almost breathless as he feels himself getting lost at the thought of you.
You scoff, chuckling softly right after,
"Absolutely, it's ridiculous, actually. But you know, i learned not to take every you say too seriously" your arm makes it's way to hit his chest playfully.
He laughs briefly, holding your wrist against his chest.
Eyes locked on your lips, just as he had feared they would.
You could practically feel your heart breaking out of your body,
Moving your palm to lay flat against his chest, you allow yourself to touch an inch of what you've been wanting to feel for so long.
"Well i just lied to you again. You're.. fuck. You're not just a friend"
The air in your lungs leaves you hanging completely, a breathless, thoughtless and emotion driven voice answering him
"I swear if you're playing with me right now I'm gonna-"
There was no time to finish your sentence,
In the blink of an eye, his hands are on your face, cupping it,
His soft, dreamy lips on your own.
There wasn't any time to process either as he pulls back briefly, just enough to whisper against your lips,
"You talk too much, and I'm not good with words"
As soon as the last letter leaves his lips, they are back on yours.
The way Jungkook kisses is as you had imagined, possessive and dominant, he needed to guide you.
Needed you to understand that he likes you,
Way more than just a friend.
Finally registering that he's actually kissing you, that this isn't one of your fanatsies, you kiss him back.
Your own lips moving softly against his, earning a small groan from him.
Melting into his kiss even further, the urge to hear his pretty sounds again overtaking you completely.
The strong hands that held your face in place move now, pulling you closer by your hips.
It makes you hum into the kiss,
Allowing him just enough space to lace his tongue in with yours,
Gently but firmly he keeps kissing you.
As infatuated with him as you are, you follow his every lead, moving in sync and savoring every single second.
Lips developing a mind of their own, Jungkook being the only thought.
By now, he is resting his large hands on your hips, shifting to pull you closer once again, sitting you on his lap,
One knee on either side of his hips, both your hands pressed firmly against his chest.
The way he pulled you to straddle him made you gasp lowly.
He smiles into the kiss, clearly affected by the way this conversation had gone,
By the way you react to his touches.
Naturally, your arms wrap around his neck, allowing your hips to rest on his, he hums in approval, gripping your hips and tightly and securing them in place for him.
Before you can wonder what all of this meant or where it was leading, he pulled back again, this time enough to get a full view of your flustered face.
At first, he doesn't say anything, making space for insecurity to creep up into your brain,
Apparently he can look into those too.
"To be clear. This means something to me. I'm not kissing you just because you looked fucking irresistible, but because i like you, i like you way more than I should. And if you don't, then you better tell me now"
Once again, his pretty face doesn't match his stern words, he's nervous.
You could tell by the way he licks his piercing, nibbling on the small metal ring.
If it was even more possible, your heart swelled with affection for him, desperate to tell him what you had felt for so long.
"I like you too. I like you way too much. Wasn't it obvious? I wanted this for so long"
Without wanting to waste any more time on things you could discuss later on, your head leans back down to kiss him.
He groans much softer this time, his hands ranking up to your sides, feeling them up slowly.
He needs to touch you, feel you, kiss you everywhere.
Just like he had imagined for long now, chopping it up to feeling touch starved.
But the words urge out of his mouth,
"I guess that means you're mine now" he mumbles against your lips in a sultry voice, the heat of the moment becoming far too much.
This wasn't just out of hormonal instincts, both of you could feel it.
A smile latches on to your lips, forcing you to stop kissing him for just a second
"Possessive, i see.. but i want to know much more about you first kook" your reply is sheepish, well aware that him calling you his was enough to turn your underwear see through.
He hums again, placing a hand on your cheek, stroking his thumb against it as his eyes move to your lips.
"I'll tell you everything you want later, let me keep kissing you first" his thumb drags down to your bottom lip, stroking it gently as his pretty brown eyes fixate back on your own ones, looking for resistance.
"Kiss me then" was all it took for him to close the gap once again.
Your arms unwrap around him, moving in anticipation when they reach the hem of his shirt.
You tug on it gently, asking for him to remove it.
He groans once more, "so eager" slips past his lips when he makes enough room to take the shirt off,
Revealing what must be the most beautifully, carefully carved person you have ever laid your eyes on.
His tattoos reach up to his shoulder, you've seen it before but it's even better when you get to touch them, carefully trace the lines with your finger tip.
His chest is firm, a broad set of shoulders that make his small and very well-defined abdomen look even more sinched.
The sight is truly breath taking, your hands caressing, touching everywhere they can.
He likes to think that it doesn't phase him, but the way his body shivers makes it undeniable.
"Done staring, doll?" he asks, the nickname sending a wave of pleasure straight through you as he tilts your face back up to look at his.
"Mhm.. you're just really hot" you can't help but giggle, finally being able to touch and kiss him, it makes you giddy.
Finally being able to utter out all your dirty thoughts, even if it embarrasses you.
He rolls his eyes, sneaking his hands teasingly under your hoodie, caressing the soft and bare skin of your stomach.
A low moan follows his movement, you attempt to kiss him but he smirkes, leaning his head back softly.
This time you whine, having already guessed that he's as much of a tease as he normally is too.
"You sound so desperate. Want me too take this off hm?"
You only muster up a small nod, in no time the hoodie is thrown somewhere, forgotten easily by the way his eyes sparkle when landing on your chest.
Roaming over your chest down to your hips, taking in every inch as his hands reach to grab them.
In one swift motion, you're tucked beneath him on the couch, his shirtless figure hovering over yours, veiny hands resting on your stomach, softly touching his way upwards.
"Just tell me to stop if you don't want anything" he's considered, gentle in the same way that he's demanding.
"Will do, but right now i really need you to continue"
He smiles, leaning down to kiss you again before moving to kiss down to your neck, softly burrying himself in it.
Hearing you moan and gasp was enough to make him lose his mind, make him want to give you absolutely everything you could ever ask for.
"Feels.. nice.." your hands play with his hair, holding the back of his head firmly against your neck.
He bites your neck in response, one of his hands moving to cup your chest in it, squeezing and groping firmly.
He keeps kissing, licking and gently sucking at your skin, trying to learn about every spot that made you moan a little louder.
Once he's satisfied with your neck, a short kiss is placed on your lips.
His head trails down to your chest, kissing from collarbone further south.
"You look even prettier than i imagined" he mutters against your skin, lips in the space between your breasts, kissing and sucking carefully.
"I-Imagined?" you manage to say between soft moans, to shy to let out what you really felt.
Your teeth biting down on your lip so hard it could have made an imprint.
He chuckles against your skin,
"Mhm.. many times doll, driving me insane with these pretty sounds, keep making noises" his voice is deep, underlined with desire.
"f-feels so good.." your whines filling is request instantly, feeling his lips wrapped around your breast as the other one is being gently cupped and squeezed, making you feel blissfully satisfied.
He switches sides after a couple more seconds, your eyes focused on his hand that looks so large compared to you.
However the sight of his bare and definitely well toned, broad back peeking out made you feral, needing to touch him too.
So you do, moving to wrap your arms under his, touching his back carefully as sinfully sweet noises come out of both your lips.
His lips move from your chest to your own, both of his hands groping your chest, moving and brushing over your spots carefully, hitting ever sensitivity.
He lets go of your chest just as he lets go of your lips, his hands making their way down to your waist, wrapping around and securing you in place.
Jungkook´s beautiful dark eyes can't seem to leave your body, licking his lips before planting gentle open mouth kisses down your stomach, nibbling at the skin every so slightly.
"Can i take this off?" his tattooed fingers playing with the hem of your pants, teasing and tugging beneath it with a sly smile on his face.
"Yes please" almost pathetically quiet you answer him, desperate for him to touch you, to make you see stars.
He nods, pulling down your pants to reveal white lacy panties beautifully placed over your core.
Jungkook doesn't like to waste time, so he moves his hands up and down your thighs while kissing your hip,
"So soft" purring against your skin, his lips move to kiss your thighs, hooking one arm gently under one leg, spreading them open. His kisses become more passionate which each one, kissing and nibbling the inside of your thighs,
Dangerously close to where you wanted him to be right now.
Your hand wraps around his soft curls once more, gently tugging, making him groan.
"Doing so well doll, i know you're desperate, so needy. Gonna give it to you yeah? Ask nicely" the way he sounds right now, raspy and gentle, the way he uses the nickname that rolls beautifully off of his tongue, it is enough to make you whimper.
Close to being speechless, you stammer out softly, needing him more than anything.
"Please kook.. touch me.. please eat me out, fuck this is so embarrassing" your hand untangles from his hair, both of them meeting to cover your face.
A small laugh can be heard before he moves his own hands up, prying yours from your face by your wrist.
He scans your face, your slightly parted lips inviting him to a kiss once more.
"Don't hide pretty, sound so good when you're this pathetic and desprate. Gonna give you just what you asked for"
He hooks his arm back under your thigh, the other one holding you by the knee. Letting his eyes wander down to your core for just a moment, he takes in the sight of your soaked underwear, basically transparent.
It made him twitch in his pants,
Knowing that he has just about the same effect on you as you do on him.
He presses a kiss your still covered clit, tongue poking out to lick over it, pressing the fabric to your skin.
It doesn't take long for him to move his tongue down to your entrance, licking slow stripes across and using the tip of his tongue to push the fabric into your slit a little bit.
It fills you with excitement and frustration,
"Please stop teasing me.. please" your whines are much louder now, annoyed that you're so close to finally feeling the relief you need.
Finally knowing how it feels to have him touch you.
He groans softly, quickly pulling the panties down to your ankles before latching on to suck on your clit.
The feeling is euphoric, nothing compares to seeing Jungkook's pretty face burried between your thighs, his lips wrapped around your clit as his tongue gently darts across it.
He moves his tongue down, caressing your thighs with his hands, tasting every drop of arousal spilling out from you.
His body is filled with the need to feel your every reaction, touch where ever he can reach.
The tip of his tongue pushing into your hole ever so slightly, before moving to lick back up to your clit.
Ever since he started you haven't stopped moaning, softly rambling about how good he feels.
"Look so pretty.. fuck it feels so- so good.." your voice trails off into a whimper, the knot in your stomach tightening with each lick, his soft groans only intensifying the pleasure.
Helplessly your hips buck into his face,
he takes it gladly, humming in approval.
"You'll take a finger won't you doll?" he says as his pointer finger is already circling your entrance, ghosting over it.
As a response, your hips buck up again slightly, moving both hands to grab his shoulders, nodding furiously at his question.
"Words. Will you take it?´´ he repeats, his tongue returning back to licking your folds once he finished speaking.
"Yes, yes, yes will take it"
"Good, very good" he pushes his single digit in without any further warning, sinking in until his knuckle stops him, immediately pumping in an out.
"So fucking small doll, only my finger and you´re suffocating it, so greedy" the vibration of his low purring only supporting your approaching orgasm.
For a moment Jungkook allows himself to look at you, face fucked out completely, eyes weakly staring down at him,
Your mouth opened softly as gasps and whines leave your mouth.
It keeps him going to see you enjoy it, his finger speeding up as his licks become more firm.
The pleasure built up fast from that point, feeling like you would snap and come on his tongue and finger at any moment, clenching around it.
He moans softly on your skin when he feels it,
"Close? Are you gonna coat my finger with your cum pretty?"
"Jungkook- fuck yes, close. God, the way you talk is driving me insane" your legs pick up shaking again, fingers digging into his shoulders when your whole body shudders against him.
His voice, his hands, lips, face burried between your thighs, it all creats a beautiful picture, unforgettable.
"Come on doll, give it to me, let me taste it" his lips move to wrap around your clit,
Which is all that you needed to come undone under his touch, shaking and whimpering loudly.
He slowly retracts his mouth, stroking your thighs and gently moving his fingers to let you ride out the high, before removing it completely as you still pant from the pleasure.
Naked and slightly bruised chest moving heavily, clit swollen and throbbing.
He places a small kiss against your hip,
"Did so well, sounded so fucking pretty, taste so sweet"
You look at him wide eyed as he licks his finger clean, clearly enjoying every drop of your release he could get.
His hand reach down to your ankles, pulling your panties back up and kissing your newly covered clit one last time.
"Come here, calm down yeah? You on earth doll?" he chuckles in a cocky and low tone, pulling himself up next to you and placing a kiss on to your forehead.
The absolute aftershock and realization hitting you, immediately blushing the darkest shade of red and hiding against his chest.
"Oh.. my..god. what the fuck just.." mumbling against his chest he strokes your back and hair softly. A small effort to reassure you.
"No don't. Don't say it. I know what happened but.. i mean.. what.." you continue, not knowing how to act know, not knowing what to say.
Asking yourself if that meant you were his now, like he had said before.
"Well, you tell me. I said you're mine, you're the one wanting to know things" he puts one hand under your chin, lifting your face to his and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Although his eyes look neutral, his kiss is filled with care.
You smile against his lips,
"Fuck whatever i said, i can learn while being yours, if the offer still stands"
He scoffs, flicking your forehead once he pulls away from the kiss
"You're an idiot. Of course it does"
It was hard not to giggle when he's being so stupid after giving you the best orgasm of your life.
It's your turn to kiss him now, placing a small peck to his cheek and another one to his jaw.
His lips curve into a softy smile, "Come on, let's go to bed hm?"
Your head tilts at his suggestion, knowing full well that he's fully errect,
You can feel him pressed against you after all.
"But.. what about you?" he strokes your hair before holding your cheek in his palm, a cheeky grin on his lips.
"Don't worry, i don't really care for that right now, besides I don't want to tire out miss virgin Mary hm?" his hand moves down to your chin, squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and remaining fingers.
Instead of reacting, your entire body freezes, looking at him with an expressionless face.
"What? Think i couldn't tell? Come on, you were a mess from kissing, so tight around only a single finger doll. Not that hard to miss" he chuckles, kissing your forehead another time, all the while you wish you could disintegrate into the ground.
Sure, it might have been easy to tell, but did have to keep teasing?
"Oh my god you're unbelievable. Do you.. uh, mind that i didn't say anything?"
His hand moves to grab your hoodie that was surprisingly not far gone, tapping your arms to signal you to lift them up,
"No, i don´t. I get it, i mean, I'm not that experienced either and at my age that is kind of embarrassing to admit as well" he speaks carefully while slipping the hoodie back over you, moving some strands of hair out of your face.
You nod, smiling at his delicate gesture.
"I see, you're sure that you're okay?"
He rolls his eyes,
"Yes, I'm sure. Come on, let's go to bed, I´m tired, i know you´re too" he shifts, picking up his tossed shirt and your pants only to throw them on the couch when he stands up.
You´re still sitting, eyes moving down to the very visible bulge in his pants, straining them in a sexy and arousing way.
He snorts, waving a hand in front of your face before he grabs yours, pulling you up and leading you to his bedroom.
"Kook?" you ask him, a million questions running through your mind at once.
Everything that happened after the intimacy is so normal, almost thoughtlessly routine.
His presence being so comforting and complete to you, you did not even need to ask why you should sleep next to him, or if it was okay to do so.
"Yes?" he answers, pulling the covers on his bed back and stepping closer to hold you by your waist and staring you down,
A look of admiration on his face, his eyes practically screaming the words I love you
"So.. we.. uhm.. this is official now?" was somehow the only condensed version of all the thoughts you could gather together.
He smiles, lifting you briefly to lay you on his bed, climbing in to lay beside you, his hand immediately finding your face again.
"What does it look like? How many times do you need me to confess? Damn, im starting to think doll, that this gets you off" he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to his warm body.
Your feelings for him intensifying in that very second,
"No, but i do get off on that nickname. And the way you're so touchy. Kinda cute" you scrunch your nose up, putting your arms on his body as well.
"Shut up. Sleep well yeah?" he says, tucking your head under his to stop you from seeing the shyness spread across his cheeks, accompanied by the smile visible in his voice.
"Sleep well, kook. but.."
"Oh my god what is it?" he groans, squeezing your body to show off his annoyance.
You giggle softly,
"Thank you. For saving my ass today and uh.. for, you know" the last words leave your mouth in a stuttered manner, too shy to speak out what you are referring to.
He scoffs playfully, "21 and can't say the word orgasm. Whatever, get used to it doll, gonna take care of you from now on"
Knowing it didn't matter how annoyed he was, nothing could take away the fact that you're falling asleep in his arms this very second.
It made both of your hearts melt.
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yu-huuuu · 6 months
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In Shisui's mind, the only thing ruling were the memories he held of you.
Beautiful memories that brought a smile to his face and dimples adorned his cheerful countenance.
Throughout his life and shinobi career, Shisui made many promises.
Especially to you.
He promised he would love you forever, even if you weren't aesthetically beautiful anymore and lines of age appeared on your lovely face.
He promised he would marry you someday, a night when both of you were hiding under an old oak tree.
He promised he would be faithful to you, and that no one else would have his heart under a starry night while making love and he sucked on your neck.
He promised he would always protect you from any danger, even if it meant losing his life, even if in your words the danger 'wasn't that big of a deal.'
He promised that you both would have a family someday; perhaps two children, a girl, and a boy. In his mind, there was also the possibility of having a puppy so the children would have a pet and companion, something he always longed for as a child.
He... promised he would move on and that everything he promised he would share with another woman while you slowly died in his arms.
He was a liar.
'I am a great liar’, he thought as he took a step back to throw himself into the void.
He simply couldn't continue, not without you. He couldn't continue existing if you weren't by his side. He couldn't love anyone else if it wasn't you.
Before falling to what would be his imminent death, he asked for your forgiveness for not fulfilling any of the promises he made to you, and then he fell to his end while listening to Itachi's pleas to stop in the background.
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Only typical canon violence was written here, love 🐓. . .🥚 just fluff and angst with a little of spicy
Blame Lana Del Rey for putting me in the mood of: “yeah, I'll make you cry and enjoy fluff and angst written with your favorite character sweetheart, nothing to worry about”.
@n3ptun3e ,, tag u since u like a lot this guy— promise i will write something more happy ☺️🤌🏼
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peachsukii · 1 month
Hihi, Peach!
I totally don't know if you're even taking asks, and you can ignore this if I you need to but! I had such a horrible, terrible day and I was hoping you could write something small to make me feel better about everything.. 😅
So, seven hours ago, I was a bright blonde but I needed a touch up so I went into the salon and payed 100 dollars for some upkeep.. I sat patiently for nearly six and a half hours, only to turn out with white/bleachy ashy roots and dark brown hair...... So not what I wanted! I sobbed in that stylists chair until my hair dryer and she just brushed ut off. Everyone has been telling me that it looks fine but compared ro the bright, beachy blonde that I came in with, I feel blatantly ugly now.. ☹️
Could you maybe write a super quick drabble or something about how Bakugo would try to comfort? If not, I totally get it! I adore your work so much.
Have the best day, lovely! 💕💕
Awww I'm so sorry to hear that :( There's nothing worse than getting the opposite of what you want, and paid for, done! I hope you don't mind that I use this little prompt for a Softie Sunday piece. <3
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₊✩‧₊ ⎯  picture perfect 『 ♡ Bakugo x reader 』
content // age 22, fluff. reader & bakugo live together, he dyes your hair for you. :) 『 #reis softie sundays + softie sundays archive 』
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Bakugo's sitting on the couch of your shared apartment, invested in his book while the TV buzzes in the background. He hears your key turn in the door and peaks over the pages toward the foyer, patiently waiting for you to reveal your new hair. You've been gone for over half the day - he assumed you'd be a few hours, but not...all day. Maybe you went with something completely different than usual?
When the door opens, you scuttle inside with your head hung low, a baseball cap covering your hair. Bakugo could somewhat see your hair sticking out from underneath. Why the hell were you hiding it?
"Didn't ya just get your hair done?" he calls from the living room. "What's with the hat?"
"I don't wanna talk about it," you say quietly, taking off your shoes and retreating to the bedroom. Without hesitation, Bakugo tosses his book onto the cushion and quickly perks up to follow you back to your joint bedroom. He leans on the doorframe, curiously watching you pace back and forth in front of the mirror.
"Somethin' wrong?" he asks, arms crossed over his chest. You slowly reach up to take off your hat, untucking your hair and letting it fall naturally.
"I hate my hair."
Bakugo gives you a once over, confused as to why you'd be upset. "S'nice. You're always pretty to me, sweetheart. What's wrong with it?"
"Over six hours and it came out the opposite of what I wanted. They stripped out my blonde color and replaced it with...this." You pull a strand of hair forward as example, showing off the new brownish color.
"I could fix it for ya," he proposes while walking over to you, fluffing your hair gently in his hands. "Used'ta bleach Red's hair for him back in school."
You sniffle and lean against his shoulder. "I'd like that."
He never ceases to surprise you.
Within the hour, Bakugo's back home with all the needed materials to fix your hair - toner, bleach, and gloss. Over the next few hours, he's tending to your hair to help bring it back to what you wanted, extremely focused on doing a perfect job. By the time you're all finished, it's way past his normal bedtime. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he's exhausted, but you're his number one priority - sleep can wait until Bakugo knows you're happy.
Once he's done drying your hair, he brushes it out for you before letting you look in the mirror, admiring his work. For an at home job, it's not half bad. He spins you around and playfully pushes you toward the bathroom mirror, smirking proudly when he catches your initial reaction.
"Wha'cha think?"
You're in awe. How the hell did he do this?!
"Katsuki...it's perfect!" you exclaim while flipping your hair around to see the subtle dimension of color shifting. "Exactly what I wanted. Thank you!"
He hugs you from behind and leaves a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Ya look gorgeous no matter what," he reminds you as he squeezes you tightly. "But I gotta say, I did a damn good job. Now let's get'ta bed already, I'm beat."
When you wake up the next morning, Bakugo compliments your appearance a multitude of times while the two of you are getting ready for work, reminding you just how beautiful you are to him in any light.
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I hope this made you smile! <3
all tags; @kirishimaeijiromyman @strwbrrykthv @slayfics
@maddietries @starieqq @liluvtojineteyam
@jays-adventure3 @simp-plague @napbatata @queenpiranhadon
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
What kind of music do you think each of the Batfam members listen to? (Besides Jason who is obviously a Mitski stan)
OH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!!!! i'm gonna tryyyyy and take this seriously
starting off i think alfred's music taste influences just about everyone in the manor to some degree. lots of classical music flowing through the hallways at most hours of the day, the music reminds everyone of home. i think it's a general rule of thumb in the family that if you want to locate alfred, just follow the sound of mozart.
drawing off a bit of canon, i think dick listens to a lot of popular 80s stuff. the cure, joy division, the b-52s, billy joel, abba etc. that one panel of him humming 'here comes the sun' also comes to mind, i think he'd enjoy the beatles. however i do think he'd also be into some soft rock, maybe just a little bit of more intense stuff too. fleetwood mac's a big one i think he'd like. i've mentioned in a post before how i think dick would enjoy foo fighters in his post-robin rebellion phase, and i stand by that.
i do also enjoy his insane love for david bowie in the live-action titans adaption... very dear to me. i take that as gospel. also have a slight feeling he's a bit of a jazz guy once in a blue moon.
however i don't think he'd be overly into music, (the artists though, that's a whole other thing), i think he's also just happy to flick on the radio to some random dated station... or, don't crucify me... the top hits of the day.
i think jason's taste is a bit more refined. he's the #1 victim of alfred's classical music agenda, sitting in the library he's got something like 'lacrimosa' looping endlessly.
unlike dick who's got a happy-go-lucky approach to music, i think jason feels into it a bit more. he's joyriding through the city and listening to slipknot, sleeping with sirens, misfits etc etc. he's just looking for background music, maybe he's playing dashboard confessional, or... hear me out... lana del rey. he's out on patrol and is playing 90's rap through his helmet's bluetooth.
i think he'd also enjoy amy winehouse, the boys next door, no doubt, alice in chains, and maybe a bit of lorde. he's definitely into more indie bands too, local stuff. makes his own mixtapes and you'd only be able to recognise like 20% of the bands by name. he's also the one batfam member who i think would go to war to defend the songs he feels deeply about.
tim's a bit more difficult to narrow down, but i'll throw 90s alternative out there; jimmy eat world, oasis, radiohead, weezer, pearl jam type stuff. i'm also very set in my ways about femme-pop tim, which is definitely more out there and harder to justify. in terms of that i think beyonce, rihanna, and britney spears are the big three he'd enjoy.
i just think he likes anything with a beat tbh, it's not so much about genre or the actual song, as it is about the mood. similarly to dick, i don't think he's typically meticulous with defining his taste or anything, just happy to listen to whatever's making him feel good.
as for damian, i think anything with soothing instruments entices him. mainly classical, but not just limited to european stuff, i'm thinking of tyagaraja, toru takemitsu etc just off the top of my head. he'd also like elton john, queen, and other older artists with a polished vocal and avantgarde nature. i'm also going to put cartoon soundtrack music into the mix, specifically songs from adventure time. for whatever reason i'm also super drawn into the idea of him being big on kpop, although i don't know enough about the genre to make specific assumptions.
steph (ik she's not exactly batfam but i'm including her anyways) listens to predominantly female artists, and oscillates between very uplifting pop stuff, and.. societal hatred. so i think on one hand she's very into marina and the diamonds, kesha, and olivia rodrigo, but also paramore, hole, fiona apple, lorde etc. in contrast to all of that though she's also a huge fan of the beatles' solo careers, particularly paul mccartney.
cass is into a lot of the music she's done for ballet performances. the music for the snow queen instantly comes to mind as something that would be a favourite of hers. this might be a bit out there, but i think she'd enjoy grimes a lot, mostly because of how enriching it is to just listen to the sounds of, without having to pay much mind to the words she's speaking (grimes never really makes a lot of sense anyways). apart from that i don't think she really listens to all that much music, maybe some 2000s pop she hears on the radio driving around with steph.. i did enjoy the all star gag in batgirls (2022).
babs has a pretty similar taste to steph i think (i believe steph may have gotten some of her taste from her). she's a big fan of stevie nicks, gwen stefani, maybe the cranberries, hole, dolly parton, janet jackson, lauryn hill, and lesley gore. i'd like to say she enjoys a bit of 70s eccentric too, the doors, blondie, bowie etc. i don't think she's overly fussed with what she's listening to, as long as it doesn't sound too watered down and modern-pop like.
and i don't really know enough about duke to make assumptions, so i'm just going to let him sit out of this one. i also don't think bruce has any time for music, except for a bit of classical to help him concentrate every so often.
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blackdollette · 1 year
"a little party never hurt no one." | chris kenton
art deco - lana del rey
summary: its chris' birthday, and as his best friend, you make sure that he has the best party ever.
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female!reader x chris
contents: friends with benefits type of thing, missionary, creampie
(i have no fucking idea how old chris is, but im assuming he's legal because of that outrageous porn collection of his.)
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you pushed through the clumps of people congesting the hallway. the entire house was full of drunken people, music blasting in the background of all the chaos. you had been looking for chris for 30 minutes, but he was still no where to be found.
"where the hell are you?" you whispered to yourself. you checked the living room. he wasn't there. you checked the kitchen, you couldnt find him. you finally decided to go upstairs. his room door was open, but he wasnt in there. you sighed as you walked to the bathroom. you tried to open the door, but it was locked.
you knocked on the door, putting your ear to it. "hello..?" you said. you heard a sniffle on the other side, then you heard the faucet turn on for a moment before stopping.
chris opened the door, patting his face with a towel. you smiled, happy that you finally found him. "there you are, ive been looking everwhere for you." you said, but chris didnt respond. he removed the towel from his face, revealing his bloodshot eyes. and you could tell that it wasnt from any type of drug.
"o-oh my god. chris, what happened?" you asked, suddenly worried. you thought he'd gotten hurt or something. but he wiped his nose with his sleeve before clearing his throat. "nothing's wrong. i'm just not really having a good time. that's all." he gives you a little half-smile.
you smile sympathetically. "this party's turned out to be kind of a shitshow, right?" you playfully punch his shoulder. he laughs a little as he nods. "yeah. i just wanted to get away from it all, i guess." he brushes his brown hair out of his face.
you study his face carefully, picking out every single detail. you tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear. "hey, how would you like to get some privacy? away from all this." you smiled.
chris sniffled once more before nodding. "yeah, that sounds great. follow me." he starts walking in a different direction, gesturing for you to follow him. you walk with him into his bedroom.
he closes the door after you walk in. you take a seat on the ground in front of his bed. he sits down in the chair by his desk. you see a porn dvd right beside you before tossing it to him.
"you've sure got a lot of porn in here." you say with a little laugh. "shut up..." he says with a little grin as he puts the dvd in his drawer. you stand up and walk behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
"im sorry you're not having a good time." you start gently massaging his arms. "it's fine. at least everyone else is enjoying themselves." he says with a little sigh.
you roll your eyes. "tonight isn't about everyone else. it was supposed to be special for you. it is your birthday after all." you start gently caressing his shoulders as he spins a little in the chair.
he shrugs. "whatever. its not like anythings changed anyway. that girl i made plans with is probably banging a guy as we speak." his voice trailed off. your eyes widened a little. "oh yeahh, you were supposed to lose your virginity tonight!" you say with a little laugh.
"shut up, im not a virgin." he says. you roll your eyes. "sure. but im sorry that didnt work out for you." you pout a little. "oh. that reminds me. i got you a present." hearing this makes chris' ear perk up.
you dig into your bra, pulling out a little baggy with a pill in it. "it's a viagra pill. it was supposed to keep you going all night, but i guess you dont really need it anymore." you hand it to him. "unless you feel like upgrading your nightly jerk-off sessions." you tease.
he chuckles softly. "thanks." he puts the bag on his desk. he looked up at you, his blue eyes pouring into your soul. the silence between the two of you radiated with sexual tension. you felt it, and so did he.
"i must say, you look pretty cute all dressed up like this, y'know?" you winked as you trailed your finger down his jawline. his cheeks flushed red as his eyes wandered across your body in your shiny, skintight latex black dress. you picked it out specially for him.
he tried to speak, but you shut him up by planting an open-mouthed, sloppy kiss right on his lips. he moaned softly into the kiss, lust and desire instantly filling his body.
you pulled away from the kiss. you smiled as chris was left completely breathless. "i-i.. uh, wow. you're really... wow." was all he could manage to say. you gave him a mischievious little smile. "you wanna take this up a notch?" you asked, even though you knew the answer.
he nodded, his hair falling across his face. you giggled softly before reaching for the little bag on the desk. you took one pill out and put it in the palm of your hand.
you gave chris the pill. "that should keep you going for a while." you said as he took it and swallowed it. he stood up from the chair so that he was standing face to face with you.
you waited for him to make a move, but you could see how nervous he was, so you took the first step. you put your hands on his shoulders, kissing him softly so that he could get the hang of it.
the kiss quickly grew more passionate, with chris' hands starting to wander around your body, his fingers occasionally peeking underneath your short dress. you pulled him onto the bed, him now being on top of you, you lips staying together the entire time.
you moved his hands to the button of his trousers, quickly undoing them and letting him kick them off. chris moved his hand to the top of your dress, pulling it down and freeing one of your tits.
you broke the kiss, both of you panting. you looked down and saw his erection through his boxers. you laughed a little. "that didnt take long at all." you continued to tease him. you found that you rather enjoyed seeing him get all red.
he kicked off his boxers as you began unbuttoning his shirt. he moved his hand to your crotch, slipping your thong to the side and revealing your already dripping wet cunt.
chris was ready to get right into it. he had learned a lot from porn over the years, making him practically an expert at this stuff. he made burning eye contact with you, his breathing heavy. "m-may i..?" he asked like a true gentleman.
"you may." you say in a slightly mocking tone. he chuckles softly before slowly pushing himself into you, just like how they do it in porn. his breath grew shaky as he felt your tight walls clenching around him.
you wrapped your legs around his waist as he slowly started thrusting into you, biting back all his moans. the viagra was working wonders on him, otherwise he would've already came by now.
things started escalating when he started thrusting into you, keeping a steady rhythm. you had to admit, you were surprised at his skill. maybe he wasnt as much or a loser as you thought. but then again, the only tits he had ever sucked on were his mother's.
you began clawing at his back as his cock slammed into your tight hole over and over again. you started to drool a little as your brain went fuzzy from the stimulation. chris' head was in the crook of your neck, giving you perfect access to his ear.
"a-ah... i guess you're not too bad at this after all..." you said between moans before biting his ear. chris took this gesture as a signal to go faster. this was the part where he was supposed to make you cum.
he kept his head down to hide how red he had become just from being inside of you. his breath hitched in his throat as the friction between the two of you increased.
your brain had gone completely blank and fuzzy. but judging by the tingling feeling in your ears and nipples, you knew your orgasm was just around the corner. "o-oh..! c-chris im gonna-!" you were cut off by a pornographic moan that escaped your lips.
"f-fuck, im cumming... o-oh shit..!" the feeling of your tight walls clenching around his dick was ecstatic to him, making his eyes shut as his body was overtaken by the strongest orgasm that he'd ever experienced.
he tried to pull out before he came, but you kept your legs wrapped around him firmly, wanting to be filled with his cum. "w-what are you doing?! i-if you dont let go, i-im gonna cu-" you shut him up by giving him a rough kiss, biting his lip as he moaned out your name, filling you up with all his cum.
you intentionally clenched your pussy as he came, making it feel 100x better for him. his hair fell into his face as he finally looked up, cheeks flushed and eyes filled with adoration.
you had taken his virginity, though he would never admit it.
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author's note: im gonna be writing for characters that i havent done yet. first danny, and now chris. not sure who to do next though. maybe possum. but i hope you all liked this one!
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fangirlies · 2 years
Need you now- pt.1 (x.t)
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Female reader
Summary: flashbacks of the day you broke up with your boyfriend of two years flood your head.
Warning: angst, cursing, mention of not eating, mention of drugs/ alcohol. (Please let me know if I should be aware of anything else)
Word Count: 1,314 words
Here’s part two!
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“Hey there, I’m sorry I missed your call. I’m probably somewhere with Xav. Say hi Xavier”
‘Hi Xavier’ you let out a small giggle as your now ex-boyfriend teases in the background.
“Leave your name and message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Maybe. Maybe not” You heard coming from your phone followed by a loud BEEEEP
When you heard his voice, your heart sank. You hadn’t heard it in what felt like an eternity but was really three days. Remembering how happy you once were. Your mind was bombarded with memories of your two-year relationship.  As you buried your face in your pillow, you figured that perhaps it was time to change your voicemail. The sound of your friend's voice on the other end of the phone distracted you from your thoughts.
"Just checking in, y/n. We miss you!  If you're up for grabbing some ice cream, give me a call. I love you" 
 You were left holding your phone as Yoko's voice faded away. The fact that your friends were keeping an eye on you was sweet. They were aware that you weren't handling the split lightly. It has been days since you only ever left your bed to use the bathroom. Your roommate, Wednesday, would leave food on your nightstand, knowing you had barely touched the one she had left prior.  She typically never showed her emotions, but you knew you were beginning to worry her, so you would occasionally nibble on the food she was kind enough to bring you. It was difficult, but you knew you needed to muster the courage to give your friends a call soon. Days passed very quickly in your defense. Without the long-haired brunette boy by your side, nights seem a lot lonelier too.
Your phone's screen revealed the time. 10:47 p.m.
Your friends were taking advantage of the extra time off from school to enjoy the long weekend. Most of them were out having fun and doing what typical teenagers of their age do. Something you should be doing.  But you couldn't find a way to stop thinking about the events that had transpired the last time you saw him.
You let out a loud sigh as you turned off your phone. You didn’t want to feel guilty for watching your friends call and letting the phone ring. You thought it was best if you sent it straight to voicemail. Placing your phone under your pillow as recurring flashbacks of the breakup flooded your mind.
You'd just returned from town, bearing gifts for your boyfriend. You knew how much he adored Ye Olde Fudgery's small fudge bites. You decided to stop at the fudge shop before returning to campus. Yes, you enjoyed spoiling your Xavier, and he happily reciprocated.
As you made your way to his dorm room, humming the chorus of Lana Del Rey's "Video Game," you noticed his door was wide open. As you crept up to the door, ready to scare your boyfriend, you noticed someone else's familiar voice.
"You're so lucky you no longer have to deal with these kinds of nerves, dude. The idea of asking Enid to be my girl makes me shaky."  As you watched Ajax reveal his truth about your friend Enid, you put your palm over your heart in awe. 
Your boyfriend replied, "Yeah man, when I asked y/n to be my girlfriend, those nerves were eating me alive. Just don't overthink it," as he delivered his best advice to his best friend. You pushed closer to get a better look while being careful not to be spotted.
"Yeah easy for you to say!” His dorm room echoed with laughter as Ajax began to say "You started your relationship with y/n only to help you get over Bianca."
You couldn't recall which object fell to the ground first—your heart or the box of fudge. He used you to get over his ex? Did everyone know about this?  A million questions flooded your head as your eyes met. His smile fell as he realized what you had just heard.
“Oh, fuck” was the last thing you heard Ajax say as you ran away to Ophelia hall. The tears in your eyes were causing your vision to blur and making you lightly bump into the few people in your hallway. You whispered your apologies as you continued to make way to your dorm room.
You were unable to process what had just transpired. Were you only a ploy to help Xavier overcome his feelings for Bianca? You did not imagine him doing something like this to you. Why did you just hear about this now? Did no one feel the need to inform you? You questioned not only your friends but your boyfriend at this point. 
As you entered your room, you dropped to the floor instantly and let your tears fall within the comfort of your four walls. You stayed there for a few hours without having the energy to get up and go to bed. Allowing your mind to wander through all of these assumptions. Assuming you had no tears left to cry, you just stared blankly into the distance.
A soft knock came from the direction of your room door that made you sit up.
He mumbled, "Y/n please just let me explain." You couldn't show weakness. Thats not who you were and that wasn't the person you were going to reveal to him now.
You bit your lip, rubbed your now-dry eyes, and walked toward the door. You contemplated for a few seconds before turning the handle and revealing the tall, long-haired boy slouched over the door frame. After spending two years with him, you could tell when he had been crying. He had messy hair, which you assumed was a result of him running his hands through it while he thought of a lie to convince you. Your heart dropped as soon as he caught your eye, but you remained emotionless.
"Can I come in?" Xavier inquired. Bold. He thought he could walk right in and that after crying a little, everything would be alright? His question infuriated you.
You spat, “I can hear you perfectly fine from out here” Shocked at the courage you were now showing. 
“Fine, I'll admit that I was a mess when you first arrived at Nevermore. Trying to find any way to get over Bianca. I turned to drugs, alcohol, partying and nothing worked. But when I saw you y/n” he hesitated, struggling to find the right words.
"I had hope when I first saw you, and as we got to know each other, you gave me the feeling that this.. us.. might be something real and greater, and- and I know I messed up by not telling you I still had feelings for Bianca at the beginning of us, but you showed me what true love felt like."  He communicated as he was leaking salty water coming from his eyes over the dark wooden floor.
"How could you?,"  Tears are now dripping from your eyes as you gently shake your head in disbelief. Although you made an effort to restrain them, the sound of him confessing it caused your heart to break much more than it already had.
He frowned as he realized that his attempt to be sincere would not get you back. Xavier never thought he'd be the cause of your tears, and just the sight of it devastated him. He knew he’d never forgive himself for inflicting this pain onto you.
When he heard the next few words come out of your mouth, he experienced all the emotions he had after his breakup with Bianca all over again, but this time to a much greater degree.
“I never want to see you again Xavier” you whispered as you shut the door in front of you.
A.N: hi fan girlies!! 🧚🏼‍♀️ here’s another Xavier writing (shocking I know) kinda inspired by the song ‘Need you now’ by Lady A. Part 2 will possibly be up tomorrow? Maybe.
Side note: Lana had to be mentioned at least once on my blog. Sorry I don’t make the rules.
As always, requests are always welcomed! Feel free to send any ideas my way ✨🌞
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgment Chapter 3: Decisions and Meddling (Poly Judgment Day Fic)
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Written by Scarletxraine who can’t seem to remember to post to this godforsaken hellsite so has me post here for your enjoyment!
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
Nessa is sitting at the nurse's station towards the end of her shift charting when she hears the receptionist on her walkie. "Nurse Klein, you have a personal call on line 1"
"Thank you" She answers, knowing to not piss off the front desk people. She sighs before she answers the phone, having a good idea who is on the other end. "Nurse Klein pediatrics unit, how can I help you?" There is silence for a moment on the other line before a familiar voice speaks.
"Mijita please hear me out." Comes Rey's voice and Nessa slams the receiver down and pinches the bridge of her nose.
"What's that about boss lady?" Her friend and fellow nurse Olivia asks, taking a seat next to her and begins charting herself.
"Dom's father" Comes her muffled reply as her face is now in her hands.
"We saw what happened last night, fuck him." The young nurse comments showing solidarity with her boss and friend.
Nessa lifts her head and looks at Olivia and cracks a small smile. "Thank you, Liv. He has created such a mess and now I don't know what to do." Nessa laments and leans back in her chair.
"Babes just block the lot of them!" Olivia suggests and shrugs her shoulders as she keeps typing away.
"Liv, I was offered a job, there is already a plan in place here to replace me if I agree and it is more than triple what I make in a year, and it is a three-year contract." Olivia spits out her water she just took a swig of as Nessa explains.
"As what? A nurse? You gonna wrestle or what?!" Olivia rapid fire questions before one of her call lights go off. She goes to take care of it. Nessa sighs in relief that doesn't last long as her walkie comes on again.
"Nessa, that call is back on line 1. Is something going on?"
"Ignore all calls from that number please. I'm sorry it's my ex's father trying to meddle." She explains rolling her eyes.
"That is perfectly fine, thank you for letting us know. By the way you have another call on line 2 now. It's a different number" The voice says. Nessa groans and answers the second line.
"Nurse Klein Pediatrics unit how can I help you?"
"Mi corazon" Dom's voice comes through.
"Dom, I'm at work. We aren't together anymore. Pet names aren't going to make it all better so please just stick to my name. What do you need and please make it quick I am dealing with sick kids." She is a little colder than she wants to be.
"I know about the contract. Paul told us it is a possibility, but it is ultimately up to you. I know this is the only way to contact you at work and I just want to say do what will make you happy. You have spent too long worrying about me and my happiness. You need to focus on yourself. If you decide to sign the contract and join us I will follow your lead. I'll refuse anything that will make you uncomfortable, my priority will be you." Nessa hears a sharp, "T oo much bro ," that she assumes is Damien in the background and rolls her eyes.
"Give me the phone Dom Dom" She hears Rhea command. "Listen, sweetheart, just do you and fuck the rest. Sorry for Dom Dom disturbing you at work. Get back to it doll." Rhea apologizes before hanging up the phone. Nessa looks at the receiver confused before slowly hanging it up.
"What in the world." She mutters to herself as Olivia comes back.
"What he called again?" Olivia sits back down.
"Yes, and Dom called too. He told me to do what makes me happy." She answers, and Olivia rolls her eyes.
"Aww that's sweet but too little too late. Now about that contract. Explain now." Olivia is practically bouncing in her chair.
"Uh, a double contract, medical team, and talent. Basically, an escort to the ring and getting involved and relationship stories. It may turn to wrestling so I would have to train. Right now I have my cousin looking at it."
"Are you going to do it?"
"Maybe, I don't know. There is a possibility I would have to pretend to be back together with him or even do a triangle." Nessa starts to chew on her thumbnail again.
"Could you handle that?" Olivia looks worried.
"On camera, yes, behind the scenes that would hurt almost too much," Nessa admits.
"Would you take him back if he asked?"
Nessa doesn't immediately answer, only the clacking of keyboards filling the silence. Nessa finally answers. "There are some complications if it came to that, he hurt me Liv but there is something there that I need to know, to understand. He would have to earn my trust before I even would consider it even with the complication." Olivia looks confused and like she was going to ask for clarification, but Nessa's walkie cuts her off.
"Nessa, you have yet another personal call on line 1." Nessa thanks them before answering the phone.
"Look, I'm at work and I would very much like to not be fired for taking personal calls on the clock!"
"Nessa, it's Abe. I am doing you a favor for free so I'd appreciate it if you would drop the attitude." Nessa looks chagrined and Olivia laughs.
"I'm sorry Abe, I've been getting calls from Dom and his dad for the last hour or so and got fed up." She apologizes
"It's alright, I know work calls are supposed to be an emergency, so since this is time sensitive, I wanted to tell you I'm done going over the contract and to call me when you get home. I am surprised how good of a contract it is for you." He responds, short sweet and to the point.
"Thanks Abe, I owe you one or 5," She thanks her cousin before hanging up. She looks to Olivia who gives her the spill look. "He said he is surprised how good it is for me and to call him as soon as I get home."
"And does that help your decision at all? When do you have to decide?" Olivia signs out of the computer.
"Not in the slightest." Nessa shrugs.
"Girl there is something you aren't telling me, spill!" Olivia turns her chair to face Nessa.
"I can't, it isn't my business to tell, maybe some other time ok it's time to do the hand off and I have an important call to make." Nessa avoids answering, earning a light glare from her friend. Once home Nessa changes out of her scrubs and calls her cousin. Once the niceties are out of the way he gets down to explaining.
"They don't give you creative control, however, you do get to veto certain aspects of stories. And it is your decision if you want to get physical and must be made in advance. You will be the medical assigned to The Judgement Day for the most part. The contract is more than fair and if they release you from it, they have to pay out the full three-year salary to you. Whoever was involved had your back when this was written. No matches whatsoever unless both parties agree, and this Paul approves and a medical team clears it. I see no loopholes, it is very geared towards you. "
"Well, that would be Rey. His plan, he wants me to get back with Dom and to manipulate him away from the group he is in now. It's his backwards way of apologizing. And a half-assed attempt to incentivize me to do it. What should I do?" She asks as she begins to prepare her dinner.
"You are the party wronged here; it is up to you to decide if he has done what was needed to be forgiven. Before all this you applied to work there and here is your chance even though you aren't with him anymore. Maybe you'll meet a nice boy to marry." He teases and Nessa Scoffs.
"Now you sound like our moms." She groans.
"Look Nes, I'm not telling you to do it but seriously consider it. You can go back to working in hospitals after." He advises and adds, "And as your favorite cousin I think it would be awesome. Speaking strictly as your cousin and not your lawyer I think you should".
"That's why you are my favorite cousin, you are honest." She praises
"And I give you legal advice for free, you owe me a batch of potato candy," he tells her serious about the potato candy.
"Thanks, Abe, I'll bring it next time I come over." She hangs up the phone and sets her bowl on her coffee table and grabs the remote to watch the second night of WrestleMania.
Nessa wakes up the next morning with a splitting headache that she attributes to the stress of the day before. She lays there in bed debating on whether or not she would go in to work. Her thoughts are interrupted by her phone ringing. She sees an unknown number and answers it hesitantly.
"Good morning, Miss Klein, It's Paul, HHH. I know it's early and I apologize, But I would like to have The Judgement Day do a promo to potentially set up for your debut if you decide to join us."
"It's your show sir you can do as you like, you don't have to ask me."
"Well, I do. If we are using your name and likeness with you not being contracted as of yet we need permission to protect against litigation. Also, Have you thought about the offer?" He asks and Nessa slowly gets out of bed and begins getting ready while answering,
"I have been thinking about it and no I don't have an answer yet sir. I still need more time to think on it still. However, I think I'll have my answer by tomorrow sir, yes go ahead and do the promos." She gets her shoes on. The phone call having made the decision for her so she can have some peace.
"That is no problem and thank you, Miss Klein. I do want to let you know if you do say yes we will need to immediately fly you out so you can get your health checks done and start training on how to take bumps if you are going to get physically involved. I'll talk to you again soon." He finishes the call and Nessa groans, grabbing her keys and heading to work. Having decided to give it a try even with her migraine. That way she doesn't have to answer her cell phone which she is sure will be ringing off the hook.
When she gets to the hospital, she makes sure to bring coffee to the front desk as a form of apology for the previous day and for the incessant calls that are sure to happen today. "Please unless it is an emergency take a message don't worry about passing the call along. My ex's father is being relentless, wanting us back together, and is meddling. His mom and sister will try to call too." She warns them and apologizes again before loading the elevator to go to her floor. She goes a few hours into her 12-hour shift before her walkie comes on from the front desk.
"Nurse Klein, Oscar has called 5 times and wants you to call back when you can, an Aalyah has called once and said please call asap it's important and you are needed in the Nurse Manager's office, someone is floating to your floor to cover your patients while you are there." As the front desk finishes speaking the elevator opens and another nurse comes in and up to the station. Nessa gives him the rundown before going to her boss's office.
About an hour later Nessa is back on her floor, her head hurting worse than before mumbling to herself. "it's not my fault the company got involved, I can't stop them from constantly calling self-righteous prick" Olivia hears her grumbles and shakes her head feeling bad for her friend.
"Sounds like your hands are getting tied. Evan always had an issue with women supervisors, and they just handed him the ammo he needed." She points out to Nessa who lays her head in her arms. The floater nurse is still dealing with her patients.
"I almost have no choice, Because of the meddling and calls I now have a target on my back. Even after I'll have to go work at a different hospital." She groans
"If you leave them and don't start dating any of those extremely attractive people that work for that company. I know you are Hella flexible." Olivia teases and Nessa flips her off her head still in her arms.
"Well even if I don't decide I think I need to go to another hospital I can't work with him anymore," Nessa thinks aloud.
"Oh please, we both know you are going to sign that contract. You want closure and it is good money. Plus who knows like I said I saw how you were with those two guys after Dom's fight. And the one that showed you out." Olivia continues to tease and Nessa's head jerks up.
"What that was shown too! And what was said!?" Nessa begins to spiral.
"Calm down, it was at a distance we couldn't hear anything, just saw you making eyes mutually with the tall one. I don't know his name. I don't normally follow the WWE but I'll have to start." Olivia tries to calm her friend who is rubbing her temples now.
"That is Damien, and he constantly flirts, every other word is a cutesy nickname. I did not make eyes at him!" Nessa denies, and Olivia gives her a look like " Sure " and just laughs. "Look since I have a floater covering me, I am going home early, I'll call you because apparently the decision has been made for me." Nessa gets up and hugs Olivia. "Once I give my answer I have to fly out and get testing done as well as start training immediately." She explains, saying goodbye without saying the words and gathering up her stuff.
"Go and call me as much as you can, I need the tea. Especially if you get with tall dark and broody!" Olivia calls out as Nessa boards the elevator and glares out as the doors close.
Once Nessa is in the car, she can't help but start crying, so she just sits there wallowing, overwhelmed because yet again a Mysterio has wrecked her life. She finally collects herself and wipes the tears off her cheeks and goes to start the car, ignoring her cell phone ringing. Nessa just lays on her couch under her weighted blanket trying to find some semblance of comfort, just staring at the tv. Eventually, she gets annoyed at the phone ringing and answers after looking at the caller id.
"Yes Aalyah?" She sniffles, still crying on and off.
"I thought the plan was to get you two back together. You are my sister and I thought it might work and you'd be happy again. You haven't been yourself since he left. I didn't know they were going to try to manipulate him by using you. I was just so excited and wanted Dom to suffer for hurting you. I didn't think it through. I am so sorry. I should have spoken up for you and put my anger for him aside to protect you."
"In your eagerness to punish Dom you hurt me. I see you understand why that is bad and you feel true remorse for it. So, I appreciate that Aalyah, and I accept your apology. But understand I'll need time, it won't be as it was between us for a while."
"I understand Ness." She sighs in relief and continues, "Look he is an idiot for what he did to you. We thought he would marry you, Hell, he gave you the bracelet." She complains and Nessa sits up.
"Yeah well, I gave it back. I am honored to be a part of its history but it's not rightfully mine." She explains to Aalyah who is shocked into silence. "Pops is still meddling, he got them to give me a contract and buy out my current one at work and had it in place for me to say yes. I basically quit today because it put a target on me from my boss so I have no choice now." Nessa groans, glad to have someone on the inside to talk to again.
"I think I overheard something about that Saturday, but I wasn't sure that's why I didn't tell you. I think I might be part of that too. I'm sorry for the calls, Dad asked me to call you at work I'm sorry I didn't know." She apologizes again, beginning to see how desperate her parent are and are hurting someone innocent in the situation. "Look since you are apparently doing it, you can get back at Dom for what he did or even get back together with him," Aalyah continues and Nessa groans and throws her head back.
"Not this again, I just want him to be happy and for me to finally move on. He is happy with who he is with, and I support that. And I won't be trying to split them up." Nessa tells her sternly.
"Fine fine, maybe you can find someone else to make you happy. Maybe like-" Aalyah starts but Nessa cuts her off seeing where that is going.
"Aalyah no not you too. You sound like Abe and Olivia. There wasn't anything between us."
Aalyah starts laughing, "Sure, Nes nothing there besides sexual tension even though you just met. But I'll leave it be for now." She agrees.
"Also please tell your parents to stop calling me, if and when I am ready to talk I will. You wanted to make things right then back me up please." Nessa almost begs.
"Of course, sis, I have your back always. Just answer one question." Aalyah takes the silence as a go-ahead. "What are you going to wear? Either way, they won't be able to keep their eyes off you." Aalyah asks all sorts of giddy.
"Goodbye Aalyah I'll talk to you later." Nessa hangs up the phone tired of the teasing. She looks at the time and decides to tune into Raw.
She watches interested, as HHH comes out and thanks everyone behind the scenes even friends and family who support and he glances at the camera as says it. She listens as he continues his speech and is confused as he doesn't bring her up but introduces Roman Reigns. She rolls her eyes and just picks up her phone to read through her text messages. She sees many from Dominik and a few from the remaining judgment day members that she saved as they initially texted her, and she ignores them not having the energy to expend to have any of those conversations. There is only one she responds to.
"Hey, just want to make sure you are ok, I know we laid a lot on you Saturday." Rhea's message was to the point.
"Yes, I am ok, just dealing with the fallout from the mess Rey caused it isn't anything to do with what we discussed. Though I don't know how to answer you either." She responds, not paying any attention to Cody and Roman in the ring.
"Don't worry about it. When you are ready to discuss that we'll be here beautiful. Though I do have to say you have some good chemistry with us." She points out.
"That is just because you are all insanely attractive," Nessa texts back.
"And so are you, don't go putting yourself down again we won't allow that even as friends" Rhea orders making Nessa smile to herself.
"Yes Mami" Nessa responds jokingly but gets a shock back.
"Good girl." Is all it says, and Nessa lets out a squeak and her face flushes again and she is grateful she is home alone. She turns her attention to another text message that just came in.
"Chiqui, I hope you watch Raw tonight. Maybe it will sway your decision so we will see you again soon."
"At least he only messages me and doesn't blow up my phone." She mutters to herself and glances at the tv again to see Bad Bunny being interviewed and she rolls her eyes as Rey's music comes on after and makes his entrance into the ring before grabbing a mic.
"I want to take a moment to thank you the WWE universe because you have welcomed me with open arms. Thank you. I also want to apologize to someone who should be my daughter-in-law Nessa. I was wrong to bring her to WrestleMania and would like to apologize face to face later this week on Smackdown if you would Mijita." Nessa leans forward as he then thanks Bad Bunny before Austin Theory's music comes on and he comes out to the ring challenging Rey to a match. She clasps her hands together as a ref comes out and the match eventually starts.
She keeps a close eye on the match having a gut feeling Dominik is going to interfere and she isn't disappointed as he runs down the ram and jumps on the apron as Rey sets up a 619 and gets hit. He falls to the ground Damien not too far behind him helping him up. They stay there until Austin wins the match and Damien tells Dom to get in the ring and Damien winks at the camera before following Dominik in the ring as he beats on his dad who is just laying there.
Not long after he turns his attention to Bad Bunny and jumps out of the ring standing in front of him trading words Bunny claiming he did the right thing. Dominik turns to walk away, and Bunny runs his mouth again
"She's better off without you."
Dom turns around throwing a punch only for it to be blocked and Bunny punches him instead. He falls to the floor scooting back, Damien rushing to his side to check on him. Damien throws up his arms before yanking Bunny over the barricade and throwing him to the ground yelling at him, "You didn't need to get involved bro".
Bunny gets to his feet and shoves Damien back. Dom grabs Bunny and spins him around throwing another punch only for it to get blocked again and get another punch to the face. Damien, fed up by now throws his arms up again and drops Bunny and takes off his jacket. Damien then drags Bunny over to the announce table and slams him through it.
"You don't get to mention her, don't even think about her." he growls out and Dom pats his shoulder in thanks before jumping back in the ring and grabbing Rey and stomping on him for a bit. He then exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp next to Damien. They pause at the top of the ramp, Damien's arm around Dom's shoulders repeating,
"You shouldn't have gotten involved," And they watch as Rey and the medical team rush over to check on Bunny before the Tv goes to commercial. She gets up and paces for a while, knowing that was the opening for her to join, tapping her phone against her lips. She glances at the tv as she sees Rhea confront Bianca Belair.
She finally decides to hit dial and holds the phone up to her ear.
"Hello, Miss Klein." Comes the voice on the other end and Nessa takes a breath "I'll do it."
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nokacchan · 2 years
Dad skz with felix?? Where you are out of house for work so you leave your toddler with Felix who takes him with himself to the jyp building and sends you vids of your baby having fun with the boys and what not and then when you come back from work he is at home where they both are passed out from exhaustion and all...
Like yeah it's a but messy but it's so adorable when you think about it. You don't have to write it obviously but if yoou can it would be awesome. I have one for Chan as well. I will send in the next one.
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pairing : lee felix x fem!reader
genre : dad!felix , fluff
w.c 2.1k
📎rei's notes : this is so adorable 🥹 I might start crying >< ANYWAYS, I got a little carried away🤭 not proofread ! Thanks for sending this L <3
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wifey❣️ :
Make sure you bring his favorite blanket
loml <3 :
yes love, I remember 🙇🏻‍♀️
you even double checked it this morning before you left
just making sure😓 stay safe alright!
love you ❤️
loml <3 :
love you too baby 😘
I'll call you during lunch time
Felix let out a chuckle before turning to look at his just turned one year old son sitting in the baby seat at the back.
"your mommy is so funny, she is so worried about leaving you with me for one day", felix shook his head.
Your son only let out a giggle as he cuddled into his blanket.
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"I HEARD LITTLE LIX IS HERE!", Chan yelled in his Aussie accent as he entered the dance room.
Your son let out a happy shriek when he recognized the voice. He bounced about as his hands leaned against the sofa, waiting for chan to pick him up.
Chan swooped in and carried your son into his arms, leaving small pecks on his puffy cheeks. Your son continued to giggle even louder. Felix smiled as he watched his older friend hold his son.
Suddenly he received an incoming video call. A smile immediately appeared on his face. He immediately answered it.
Chan sat your son on felix's lap as you waved to the screen. "Hello~", a wide smile appeared on your face when you saw your son trying to grab a hold of your husband's phone.
"hello love, how's work?", felix spoke while still trying to stop his son's grabby hands from reaching the phone.
"They settled the issue already~ sorry I had to leave you with him for the day", you pouted, feeling guilty for troubling him.
Felix shook his head. "He is my son anyways and it's not a problem to bring him to work, the boys love him", felix replied, reassuring you with a adorable smile. "I saw the videos you sent me, I'm glad our son is having fun with the boys", you added on. Felix hummed in response.
You could hear on the line, your son whining. You could see his hand trying to grab felix's phone. It made you chuckled.
"baby, give him the phone", you told felix.
Felix pouted before letting his son hold the phone. "Hi my handsome baby", you cooed.
Your son let out a happy shriek. "ma~", he called out before speaking gibberish. You were smiling from eye to eye.
Felix smiled looking down at your son talking to you. He gently combed through his son's baby hair.
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you unlocked the door, calling out to felix but no one answered. You heard the TV playing in the background.
You entered the living room to see your husband fast asleep on the couch with your son on his chest while one of his arm, rested gently above your son's small body.
You stood infront of them. Leaning down to peck your son's head before moving upwards to leave a peck on your husband's forehead. Your hands lingers a little longer on felix's hair. A small smile appeared on your face, you felt your life completed.
The end.
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soleillunne · 9 months
— happy new year everyone!
İ would like to start this by saying that while it hasn't been that long since I've been here I've had a great 2023 here and I've made lots of new friends that i would die for. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this year great :) İ haven't been able to talk with you for some time and i hope to fix that soon so here are some people that helped me through 2023.
May 2024 be better for all of us <3
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@https-furina ; MY LOVE!! We haven't known each other for long, but you've managed to worm your way in my heart regardless. You've been there for me for the short time we've known each other and i can't express how much i appreciate everything you did for me. İ say this very often but I'm truly so happy i met you. You're the reason I'm still here, and you've made me feel happy, truly happy, for the first time this year. İ can't thank you enough.
@lillonvia ; LİLİ BELOVED!! Talking with you is so fun and there's never a dull moment with you and i love you so so much!! İ wish i could take away your problems so that you'd never frown again.
@umgatochamadopercyval ; CLARA!! we've known each other for a very very short time and i haven't been able to talk with you as much as I'd like but i will fix that this year (as soon as exams are over-) but i want you to know in the short time I've known you, you've always made me smile and i appreciate it more than i can express.
@idyllic-affections ; APHH Hİ!! thank you for always listening to my silly ideas and rambles and being patient with me <33 it's always a pleasure seeing you on my dash and you always make my day a lil bit better MWAH
@ilyuu ; YUİ SWEETHEART!! i love talking to you sm and it's been so long but just know my inbox is open whenever <33 i love whenever i talk to you bc you're so so energetic and it makes me feel happy that you're having fun when talking w me!!
@7kei-soft ; (i searched for your blog for like 15 minutes aya help me) you're one of my earliest mutuals here and i love talking with you!! Thank you for sticking w me through everything
@kopivie ; gosh it's been super long since i talked with you last but you hold a special place in my heart either way. İ understand life has been hard for you lately but my inbox is always open for you and I'm down to talk about anything!! İ hope 2024 treats you better (just like you deserve)
@supernova25 ; Hİ SWEETHEART!! you're so so fun to talk to and it always makes me smile whenever i see you on dash !!
@n3r0-1417 ; ARİİİ Hİ!! you're so so sweet and i love talking with you!! İ haven't been able to lately and I'm so sorry for that, but i promise I'll be back with chaos soon!!
@papiliotao ; REİ SWEETHEART!! You're like a sister to me and i love you so so much i hope you have the greatest year ever <33 not much to say right now but just know that I'll be in your inbox soon enough hehe
@delusina ; KAZU Hİ!! i know you probably won't see this now as you're taking a break however i just wanted to say thank you for all the times you've been here for me <33 I'll be here once you're back, so please take care of yourself !
@kazumist ; AKİ!! gosh i haven't talked with you since ebg i think and i miss you RAAAAA you're so sweet and i hope you're doing alright!!
@yaminohimeyume ; YUME YUME Hİ!! we haven't been mutuals that long but you're the sweetest ever and you're so so kind to me and i hope you know how much i appreciate it <33
@ryuryuryuyurboat ; RYUU Hİ!! we haven't been mutuals for long either but i love talking with you so much <33 I'll get to know you better this year trust
@nordicbananas ; SHROOM!! you've been here since i started writing, silently cheering me from the background and i can't thank you enough. Seeing you in my notifs always made me smile and kept me going when i felt like i no longer could.
@alexisomnias ; ALEXİS Hİ!! We haven't been able to talk in forever but I've always enjoyed talking with you!! You're so so sweet and i hope you never lose that spark <3
@mccnstruck ; ZEE!! Hi hi!! Talking with you is so fun and you're so so sweet AAA i don't have much to say for you but RAAAA İ GİVE KİTH
@mysnowmanandmebaby ; JO!! we haven't talked much on Tumblr but you keep sending me Xiao pics on discord and i scream everytime- cough i mean ahem (thank you <3)
@zhongrin ; miss Rin!! İ want to start by saying thank you for putting up with me bdndjd I'm a lot to handle sometimes but you're so kind to me aaaaa i love dropping by your cafe to talk with you sm and you always listen no matter what it's about i can't thank you enough <3
@m1shapanda ; MİSHAAAAAAA Hİ OMG HOW ARE YOU I'm so sorry i haven't been able to drop by and scream more often we'll have to fix that soon RAAAA
@dustofthedailylife ; we haven't talked much but i love stalking your blog when I'm bored enough /lh you're so sweet and so so kind (I'm just shy) but i hope I'll be able to talk w you more often this year!!
@mikacynth ; MİKA SWEETHEART it's been so long since i last saw you on dash and i hope life's treating you well !! İ hope you have a great new year bc you deserve it mwah!! Thank you for being there for me
@camvrin ; THE CHAOS CHİLD!! hi!! You're so chaotic i love it. You never fail to make me smile and i can talk about anything with you for hours on end. İt's always refreshing to talk with you as i never know where the conversation will go
@floraldresvi ; Vİ !! MY LİGHT!! The queen of selfship!! You're probably the reason i feel comfortable sharing selfship on this hellsite bc you never once judged me for it and I'm v v happy to see yours as well!! Flower anon made a bunch of appearances on my inbox this year and im keeping every single one and i appreciate it sm MWAH MWAH KİTH FOR YOU
@lovelyney ; hi fawn!! Confession time i actually screamed when you first followed me lmao it's been a while since we've talked but it's been so fun everytime we did!! Thanks for listening to my rambles !!
@i23kazu ; YİNGİEEEEE Hİ!! you're the sweetest person ever and you deserve the best and RAAAA i love you sm you're so so kind and i hope this year treats you well <3
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bbfeelings · 1 year
I couldn’t stop thinking about small waist pretty face so I wrote a silly little thing inspired by @hubbydaddies’ post. Happy BD Friday!
Edit: a completed version of this fic, Small Waist, Pretty Face can be found here!
After another easy, victorious, and unsurprisingly boring round, Rei checked his phone. 1:28 am. He took a drink of beer and joined another game. The phone on his lap suddenly started vibrating and startled him. Rei killed the game and held up the phone. It could only be one person. There was one person in this world who’d call him.
Kazuki wants to FaceTime.
Rei took off the headphone and carefully pressed the answer button.
What he did not expect was to see Carol’s face.
“Rei-chan—! Took you long enough to pick up!” She whined.
“Um…uh, sorry?”
“He picked up!” Carol announced cheerily, shoving the phone in front of Kazuki.
“Hey, Rei, hehe,” his drunk face was stupidly stupid. “My bad…I had one too many!” His foolish grin under the neon lights was stupidly stupid. Rei rolled his eyes.
”I’m coming home now!”
“Just don’t wake Miri up when you do.”
“Okie-dok, Rei-chan—” The video went blurry then dark; he must’ve dropped his phone. Idiot. Rei sighed. His partner had a tendency to be extra loud and obnoxious when intoxicated. Not that he’d ever awoken Miri with his drunken shenanigans. But still.
An unfamiliar face appeared on the screen. Rei only knew of Carol and Dorothy. “It’s fine! It didn’t break!” She said, and a cheering crowd of girls could be heard from the background. “So this is Rei-chan? He’s so cute!” She exclaimed, “Kazu-san, you never told me he’s this cute!”
Girls swarmed in front of the camera, squealing and giggling, “What a cutie!” “This is the pretty face you go home to? Kazu-san, you sly dog—” “Rei-chan, Rei-chan! Tell us what Kazu-san is like at home!” Rei felt his face go hot. What the hell? “Aww, he’s blushing! We’re embarrassing him! How adorable!” “Don’t worry, we don’t touch Kazu-san! He’s all yours!” The girls laughed.
What the hell?
2:07 am
“Rei—the door won’t open,” Kazuki whined over the phone. He’d finally made it back to the apartment building, but he was long gone. Rei sighed as the elevator arrived at the building lobby, “Coming.”
Upon seeing Rei, Kazuki happily draped himself over Rei’s slimmer frame, crying about forgetting how keys work. He smelled of booze and some tacky cheap perfume that made Rei’s nose itch. He cursed under his breath. Seriously. 28 years of age, acting like a hot fucking mess. Kazuki started humming off-key and mumbling some lyrics to himself as they exited the elevator on their floor.
Five minutes later, Rei was standing in the bathroom door, watching Kazuki puking his guts out. Between the dry heaving and whimpering, Rei’d hand him a tissue. He didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy toward his miserable partner. Why does he like drinking himself into oblivion? Getting a bit tipsy, sure, but Rei absolutely hated the feeling of being wasted.
Kazuki crawled into the shower. Rei passed him his toothbrush and toothpaste and left the bathroom. He then returned with a fresh towel, hung it on the door before closing it.
2:46 am
Rei made some cup noodles. Kazuki came out and stumbled across the living room with the towel around his waist. The steam coming from the bathroom told Rei that Kazuki took a boiling hot shower, if his red as a cooked lobster body didn’t give it away. He watched Kazuki dropping himself onto the couch and curling up. Rei scowled.
“Oi,” he said as he chewed, “sleep in your own room.” Kazuki retaliated with inaction and started humming and mumbling again. Rei couldn’t risk letting him fall asleep on the couch like that. The bathroom was damp and nasty, and no way he was going to sleep there tonight.
“Get up,” he towered over Kazuki, who was making noises like a complaining 4 year old would. “You’re gonna get a cold.”
3:11 am
Kazuki finally got up and made it into his room, but not without Rei basically dragging his ass. “Clothes,” he said. Kazuki obediently reached into the dresser. Rei’s job here was done; he wanted to finish his cup noodles, which was probably soggy and cold by now.
Kazuki turned around and muttered something sing-song-y in Rei's direction as he was about to close the bedroom door.
“…small waist…”
“You.” Kazuki pointed.
“What about me?”
Half clothed, Kazuki waltzed over and took Rei for a dance as he hummed; Rei was too tired for this shit. They stumbled around the room. Kazuki’s eyes were half closed and hazy, “…big boobies…small waist…”
Rei snickered. What the hell?
“Wait, no,” Kazuki frowned as if he was thinking hard, if he could even think at all with that soupy brain.
“Small waist…pretty face.” Kazuki resumed his drunken shenanigans. Quickly losing his patience, Rei maneuvered out of Kazuki’s grasp. “You’re gonna wake Miri.”
He pointed again, “That’s you.” Kazuki fixed his gaze on Rei, “Small waist, pretty face.”
Rei felt this utter embarrassment in the form of increasing heart rate and a full body goosebumps followed by a shudder.
While Rei was momentarily immobilized by the sheer humiliation, Kazuki seized the opportunity, launched himself at Rei, gently grabbed hold of him again. He planted a quick but clumsy kiss right on Rei’s lips, inevitably knocking his own teeth on his.
They fell into bed and Kazuki took no time to cling onto Rei, snuggled in while letting out a satisfied sigh.
Rei went blank.
What the hell?
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blueesnow · 2 months
Mikaze Ai Voicelines Translation from Event Log
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-All of this voicelines are from the Event Log (with both Mini Event and Talk section) on each of the Idol page. If you want to collect all of the other talk voicelines, you have to touch the background of the room (or rather anything other than the boys themselves) because touching them will only just trigger their skinship voicelines.
-If you ever see a blank one on the list, it's probably because I still haven't triggered and collected them or I just don't have their cards. I hope you can wait for the update until I finally collect them, or if any of you already have them it would be helpful if you could send me the SS of the missing voiceline so I could fill in the list 🙏
-Also the translations might not be fully accurate since I'm not that fluent on jp/en, so if i ever made a mistake do correct me🙏
Mini Event:
Tokiya's Birthday Celebration (Ai) Year 1: Ai: Happy Birthday, Tokiya. Although you always look serious but sometimes you also have a childish side as well, I think it's good though. Tokiya: Is that so…? But if Mikaze-san said so, then I'm sure it's a compliment, isn't it. Thank you very much. Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Ai) Year 1: Ai: Since it's your birthday, why don't you show a bit of your maturity? Anyway, congratulations Reiji. Reiji: Ai-Ai, thank you~! Don't get burned while looking at the grown-up Rei-chan, okay☆ Ah, don't ignore me!
Talk Morning Topic: If you still haven't woke up yet, shall I be the one who manage your private time? Fufu, I'm just kidding. Talk Afternoon Topic: During the interview, they asked me on how do you approach someone that you like. Since they might be asking lots of question I went ahead and answered it but, what about you? Talk Evening Topic: Shall I go and make you a herbal tea? It smells really good and it'll help you to relax too. Talk Night Topic: Maybe I should try to practice singing a lullaby too. It'd be helpful to expand my singing range and it'd also be perfect to do it on the times when you can't fall asleep. Talk Summer Topic: I want to create a summer like memories with you…will you go with me? Of course you can leave all the planning to me.
Talk 1: I don't mind being relied on. If there's anything that you'd like to know, you can go ahead and ask me. Talk 2: Can you tell me your definition of what you think "cool?" looks like? Why you ask, I'm just a bit interested in it, that's all. Talk 3: I'm so happy to hear that everyone's listening to my song. You could say I'm also looking forward to it too. Talk 4: I think it's better to have a solid set schedule. If you move on time, there would be less waste and it'll be much more efficient. Talk 5: I guess you could say that the memories that I've accumulated during both of my private and work time are like my treasures. I cherish each and every one of them deep in my heart. Talk 6: There are still so many things that I don't know about everyone from QUARTET NIGHT. They're always full of surprises so you'll never get bored of them. Talk 7: The good thing about QUARTET NIGHT is the fact that we don't interfere with each other too much. It's so that we won't be too dependent on each other. Talk 8: To me, singing is just the same thing as being alive. It's something that's natural and essential. Talk 9: No matter what kind of performance it is, I'll always do it perfectly. Because I think that's how I show my sincerity to the people who come and watch me. Talk 10: After the recording of the show, I was given a commemorative group photo of the cast members. Seeing them somehow made me reliving those memories again, so I guess it wasn't that bad at all.
Talk 11: There was happened to be a mechanical trouble at work, but I'm relieved that I managed to help out. It's my specialty after all. Talk 12: I sometimes find a rare flower too even in the city centre. Seeing them bloom so strongly made me want to take a picture of it. Talk 13: I often get praised for being calm and reliable. I guess you could say that's one of my good points. Talk 14: While I was researching something, I happened to come across a passionate-filled review about my song. As I thought seeing that really made me happy. Talk 15: During the previous photoshoot, there was a mistake in regarding the size of Ranmaru's costume. Both the sleeves and hem of it were too short it made such an interesting sight. Talk 16: I usually spend my day off at home. Sometimes I try to make plans for a mountain climbing and it's quite fun. Talk 17: Looks like a new content has been added to the online game. I can't wait to play it soon. Talk 18: I was surprised when I saw Reiji quieter than usual on the site. It looks like he's in the middle of the game where you can't speak anything but in English. Talk 19: Observing people means that I could utilize what I have noticed from them and apply it to myself. That's why it's interesting. Talk 20: If only there could be a machine that can understand people's feelings…I'm sure people can't help but had thoughts of that before. Besides it would be much more efficient if there were.
Talk 21: Even during break time, I never forget to go collecting and analyzing data. There might be a chance when I can use it on my next job after all. Talk 22: Live performance is the place where I realize just how much I want to be liked by everyone. That's why I don't want to make even the slightest mistake. Talk 23: According to the data that I have, there's a high possibility that I'll be able to meet you again tomorrow. Is it okay for me to have expectation? Talk 24: A new week is about to begin. Let's make sure to plan things out properly and carefully. You can do it, can't you? I believe in you. Talk 25: I guess the bags that I own are mostly backpacks. They're easy to carry heavy things around and, more than anything, they're convenient because they keep both of my hands free. Talk 26: There's something that I want to confirm with you… Hm? Normally you'd always respond right away… How unusual. (when you ignore him) Talk 27: Hmm, now I'm more than curious to try and check just how far along you'd notice. Let's poke her around a little bit more. (when you ignore him) Talk 28: Hm, are you already done with your work now? Since you're so concentrated on it… No, it's not like I'm sulking or anything. (after you're done ignoring him) Talk 29: …I guess you finally noticed after how many long I've been staring at you huh. Looks like I manage to collect an interesting data. (after you're done ignoring him)
About Otoya: Otoya's not afraid of anything at all huh. I often saw him approaching his co-stars and talking to them. About Masato: Masato's sewing skills are amazing. It feels as if he can make everything. Maybe I should try to make something with my own hands too. About Natsuki: I always tell Natsuki each time I found something that he might likes. Like a cute goods or something. About Tokiya: Having a discussion with Tokiya is interesting. Since he's so knowledgeable, we can talk about lot of things from many different angles. About Ren: Ren also plays an online game, and I think our tastes are pretty similar. Though we both have a different playstyle. About Syo: When I go shopping with Syo, he tends to recommend me things that I'd never choose myself. But after that they ended up suits me well. About Cecil: Although Cecil is usually calm, he often panics in front of a fish. He's honest even when it comes to things he's not good at. About Reiji: Whenever there is a trouble happening, Reiji always rephrases it around in an optimistic way. In a way that part of him always help us out. About Ranmaru: He always try to repay anything that he borrowed, no matter how small it is. Ranmaru's sense of duty is one of his good points. About Camus: Out of all the members of the group, Camus is probably the one that I get along well with. He's a very well-informed person and that's why he's interesting.
Skinship 1: It's not that I hate it but… did you forgot that I'm supposed to be your Senpai? (touching head) Skinship 2: Shall I pat your head as well? You don't mind if I do it two times more than you did, right? (touching head) Skinship 3: Wait… what's wrong all of a sudden? Skinship 4: What kind of psychology is it behind poking my cheek? Skinship 5: That's quite a strange hobby you have. Are you the type who's more interested in upper arms? (touching arms) Skinship 6: I'm your Senpai after all, so you can always rely on me. Skinship 7: Hey… I'd be in a trouble if you did something irregular out of sudden. Skinship 8: Even if you didn't do that, I'd still listen to your story. Skinship 9: My opinions? Not in particular. Skinship 10: Next time it's your turn to get tickled. I'd like to collect a data for that. Skinship 11: Well then, I'm going to have to pay that back more or less the same amount of times than what you did to me.
Approach 1: As much as I'm having fun watching you, it seems like the data that I have is not enough. You'll surely help me out, won't you? Approach 2: I wonder why did you become so red like that just because I got closer to you, hm? I hope you can tell me the reason of it. Intimacy lvl-up 1: I don't mind spending time with you. It also feels like I gained new emotions from that too. Intimacy lvl-up 2: Huh, I didn't know you could make that kind of face too. Of course that only happens when you're with me, right? Intimacy Limit Release: I received your feelings. (Your) Birthday Celebration 1: Ai: You seem to be in a pretty good mood today. Somehow your face seems like you're waiting for me to say something to you. Ai: …Just kdding, there's no way I would forget about it. Happy birthday. I've been meaning to tell you that. Ai: I want to spend time with you for as long as I can for today. This is also one of your Senpai's order, I won't ever let you say no, okay?
This one is not listed, but here's a voiceline if you're trying to leave him:
Are you going somewhere now? I just need a few more minutes of your time. Can't I?
Bonus Voicelines from URs/SRs:
"Letter of Journey" Mikaze Ai Talk 1: There are so many things that I want to tell and show you. I want to walk through the same time as you. "Letter of Journey" Mikaze Ai Talk 2: The music that you gave always taught me of something that's important and dear to me. I'll never forget to always give out my thanks to you. "Be Elegant!" Mikaze Ai Talk 1: I'm happy to hear you talk about the thoughts that you put into that song. I'm also the first one who heard about it too, right. "Be Stylish!" Mikaze Ai Talk 1: Both of your reactions and mine were a little different than what I had expected. But somehow it left such a pleasant feeling in my heart. "Lavender king" Mikaze Ai Talk 1: Fighting for the sake of peace, huh. I wonder if Ai also had someone important that he wanted to protect as well. Just like how you are to me, for example.
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redcherrykook · 2 months
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College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader
27 year old, stupidly handsome asshole teacher Mr. Jeon has absolutely no human decency, he believes your victim complex is what keeps you from ever achieving anything, letting people use you as a bridge. When something unexpected happens, the ice starts to melt as a foreign word called "empathy" enters his egocentric lense. Maybe he will finally manage to teach you a lesson now, since you keep failing his class.
(Mini series)- Episode six!
Song recommendation: Art deco- lana del rey & wicked games- the weeknd
Content: Cold, mean, distant, unprofessional Jungkook, hurt, stubborn reader, enemies to lovers, lowkey dramatic, accident happens, mutually beneficial relationship (emotionally), Jk learns a lot from her, Jk is mean but has a soft spot for reader (eventually), 6 year age gap, Reader is from a struggling background, Jk kind of rescues her, happy ending, angst at first, fluff, smut, comedy/crack, bickering, college setting, brief hospital setting
Warnings: swearing, name-calling,mentions of an accident involving a biker, mentions of hospital, mentions of injuries, really mean Jungkook, i promise he gets sweet, mentions of trauma and abuse (non detailed), mental health struggles (semi detailed), arguments
Sexual content: praise kink, size kink, oral; male receiving, hair pulling, chest play, making out, penetration (missionary, "legs up") clit play
Taglist: @bts-iris @kaeysv @khadeeeeej @rockstryoon
"What the fuck" you groan as the brightness hits your eyes
A familiar chuckle is heard not far from you, as your eyes try to rub the sleep away.
"Forgot you're not so sweet when you wake up" the same deep, morning tainted voice says, one knee dipping back into the bed after opening the window.
Jungkook looks annoyingly handsome with his hair messy and his voice raspy.
His body laying back down to yours as he makes the effort to hold you close, one arm wrapped around your waist.
The morning fog slowly whisps away and realization hits,
You're next to your teacher,
Your boyfriend,
Who ate you out on his couch yesterday .
"You okay baby?" he teases, his thumb holding up your chin with that smug smirk on his face.
You scoff, hiding your face in his naked, toned chest as he laughs, caressing your head softly,
"You're so annoying kook. Stop calling me baby i'm gonna pass out"
Your head wobbles back up, face right in front of his.
You're able to graze upon every little feature that made him even more beautiful.
He looks so much warmer with a soft smile and the sunlight that kisses his face good morning,
Until he flicks your forehead and rolls his eyes.
"Absolutely not, you're an idiot for believing i wouldn't call you whatever i want now that you're with me"
The plain look on his face says enough, so you smack his chest,
But he notices your smile that´s playing softly on the corner of your lips, kissing it briefly.
"You like it"
Sick of his teasing, your hands cup his cheeks, placing a long delicate kiss on his lips,
As your eyes meet back to his, he looks stunned, almost confused.
"I do. But you do as well. Stop it now seriously"
He groans, standing up and ruffling your hair, as if the previous sleep hadn´t already messed it up enough.
"Shut up. You're bold now huh? That's alright baby, i'll tame you again" with a small wink, he makes his way out of the bed.
Maybe that's for the better, knowing you two would bicker until the sun sets once more.
The morning time hasn't been awkward with Jungkook at all, not after the first two days of sleeping over.
However this is the first morning waking up on his own bed, with having kissed him the night before.
Having felt his attraction to you, his warmth.
It was impossible to imagine how life would look like now, that's what scared you the most
The only thing that did change was how touchy he is. Wrapping his arms around you from behind while you clean up, stroking your hair when he could reach, planting little kisses all over your head and face.
Never would you have imagined someone as stand-offish and rude like him to be so delicate, to be so in need of close proximity.
A warm and gentle heart is sometimes the hardest to have when the world works against you, forcing you to close down on yourself.
However, anything you had to endure, every snarky comment and mean word was worth it,
Worth even the first touch of his careful lips.
The little home fantasy in the comfort of his presence cannot last forever.
When it became time to face university again, the question of what happens with Jackson and Tae needed to be brought up.
Jungkook already filed a report to hold a meeting with Jacksons teachers and the principal, the very least he would do is get his scholarship revoked, although he was aiming for suspention.
Taehyung on the other hand, technically didn't do anything apart from being a horrible friend.
You haven't seen him yet, this being your first day back in Photography class with your newly aquired boyfriend. It was inevitable to meet him, blocking Tae's number wouldn't make him disappear.
And you knew that, even if you hoped by some miracle that he wasn´t going to show up.
Practically pacing around the classroom while glancing up at the clock, 8:30 am it reads, you start getting anxious.
Jungkook had obviously driven you with him, placing a reassuring hand on your thigh during the car ride.
"Hey, settle down yeah? Students are gonna come soon" he speaks firmly but remaining a soft look in his eyes, walking closer to stroke your shoulders with his big and comforting hands.
You nibble on your lip nervously, "i'm sorry i'm really trying kook i just-" you sigh as he wraps you in his arms.
It feels safer to be there, be held in his embrace, but knowing the location of you two, he had to pull back sooner than you need.
His voice is a whisper now, authority glimmering in his eyes
"I know. I won't let him out of sight okay? Not gonna let that bastard hurt you, i promise" one last time, his lips meet yours to peck them.
Everything would be okay as long as he is there,
So you whisper back "thank you kook" and sit down awaiting Taehyung's entrance.
Almost as you had guessed he shows up a minute before class starts, his eyes wide as he spots you sitting at your desk.
But you don't bother looking at him, not when he sits down next to you either, not when you feel him burning a whole through you with his stare that want to say a million words at once.
You remain focused on the teacher, on Mr.Jeon, who's explaining the next chapter to expect from this class.
"I'm sorry. I really am can we talk?" his breath dances on your cheek when he leans over to whisper a compilation of things you didn't want to hear.
Reminding you of the way he looked eating that girls face while you were drenched,
physically making you cringe at the memory.
"No" you whisper back, never once turning your attention away from the lesson.
Knowing it was pointless, trust is earned and after getting beliterated, leaving you to fuck a random girl at a shitty party, alone with someone who wanted to persuade you into things you definitely did not want, Taehyung messed up the chance to earn trust from you.
Jungkook turns around, adjusting his glasses as he steps closer to give you a look,
To show you he still sees, still keeps an eye on him.
The gesture makes your shoulders fall back down, not having noticed that you tensed them upward.
Taehyung sighs as he leans back into his chair.
Thankfully leaving you to do your work the entire lesson.
The rustling of chairs and people packing their bags full with books again consumes the classroom as you do just the same. Taking it slow of course, to be the last Student in Mr. Jeon's class.
Another one plans the same it seems, since Taehyung stands next to you, his bag already slung over his shoulder.
Uncomfortable silence fills the room once you're done packing, Jungkook having set up his laptop and typing away at something, almost unaware of anyone's presence.
"Please i'm sorry, i was a shitty friend" Tae tries once again,
This time you do look, being met with a face painted by worry, eyebrows clutched together tightly.
You sigh, opening your mouth to say something,
"I was just really frustrated and acted stupid" he continues, his voice becoming louder
You flicker towards your boyfriend that has a stern glare set on the younger man, even meters away the anger in him was clear as day.
He nods, almost asking if you need him to step in.
Softy you shake your head, with your voice stuck in your throat you manage to answer Taehyung.
"Look I really don't wanna talk to you it's all done and I don't wanna be your friend Taeh-"
The grip on your arms cuts you off, his fingers digging into your forearm slightly,
You look up to his face with your eyes glimmering in fear, he meets them, looking upset.
As if you were the one in the wrong.
Even though he hasn't checked once if you're okay.
"I just wanted to get you to sleep with me , fuck it but you wouldn't and you wouldn't even have fun you were just- just standing and-"
The sound of Taehyungs groan leaves his statement unfinished, horrified and what has already been said so shamelessly, you stand there.
Stand there watching as Jungkook yanks Taehyungs arms away from yours, stepping between the two of you.
The sight of his back did not take away from knowing the expression on his face, you know he must be glaring at him right now, his eyes sharp and his face reading nothingness but disgust all at once.
"I do not condone this type of behavior in my classroom. As a authority figure i have the right to step in. You have been dismissed by her multiple times, which makes further action as classified assault. I ask you to step out the class before I suspend you myself"
Something you note is that he was always there.
Jungkook was always there to help you when you needed.
With his strong, stern and sometimes cold attitude he always found a way to get your ass out of trouble.
From saving you from homelessness to protecting you from someone who hurt you,
Jungkook was always there.
As your teacher, your friend, your lover.
Safety has been forgein to you, unsurprisingly for someone with a broken home and a low self esteem.
Security is a craving you found to be unrealistic and insatiable, always chasing after another feel of it, a glimmer of it.
In this very moment, safety felt normal.
It felt like it belonged to you.
Taehyung scoffs, shaking his head and wordlessly leaving the classroom.
Shooting you one last look before he´s out of sight.
You sigh in relief when Jungkook closes the door and once again, you find yourself caged in his hold.
"Thank you kook I can't believe he said that.. he's so.. so blunt and.. i don't even know" trailing off into a hum, he kisses the top of your head, slowly rocking you side to side in his arms.
"If we weren't here i would have beat him to an inch of his life, pathetic bastard talking about i'm sorry and then blaming you. Can't believe i had to hear that fucker say he wants to sleep with my girl"
His jaw tightens while he speaks, contradicting his soft hold by spitting out these words so purely enraged.
It was endearing to hear him worked up over you,
Somehow it made you feel even more safe.
You nod into his chest, unable to form another coherent thought at the situation at hand.
"Let me drive you home baby. You're not feeling well" he whispers down to you, slowly moving his arms apart and resting his hands on your side.
"Thank you, really. You're a blessing" while weak, the smile on your lips is enough for Jungkook to feel better, knowing he would always look out for you.
The drive home was filled with humming and casual conversation, Jungkook dropped you off and sped his way back to work, he wouldn't be home until five hours later,
Speaking of home,
It had been two full weeks of living with Jungkook.
Although it's safe to say you have settled in, that you two are living comfortably,
The relationship is still very fresh.
A day old to be precise.
He did say he would let you stay until a shelter called, and while cherishing the closeness of him, you were still anxious about being a burden.
A second person to pay bills for, pay groceries, plan into your daily life, your chores,
It's something that requires talking and planning, maybe rushing it would only strain your relationship?
So when the home phone rings just as you're cooking up lunch for him,
A smile forms on your face.
The shelter would be closer to campus, meaning a bit further from Jungkook's place.
The spot cleared up and a reply is to be handed in until tomorrow afternoon, given the need of shelter for many women around.
Unsure of how Jungkook would react, unsure of even your own desire to move out of a comfortable shared space, you would need to talk to him about it.
Luckily time passes faster than expected.
Dinner finishes with Jungkook telling you about the upcoming meeting with Jacksons teachers as well as his general work day
"You definitely improved in my class, fair and square" he teases, aware that he helped you study to better that grade more than he should have.
Rolling your eyes, you reach forward to grab his hand,
"I have some news" you smile, notably nervous at recalling what you planned to tell him.
"Good? Bad?" his voice is stable, although the look in his eyes reads a bit nervous himself.
A chuckle leaves your mouth,
"Good, i think? A shelter called today, they would have a spot, close to campus too"
Carefully monitoring his reaction, your eyes scan over the slight scowl on his face, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to play with his lip ring briefly,
The tone of his already deep, stern leaning voice only reassures you that Jungkook doesn't seem to phased,
Slowly slipping back into his habits.
"Why is that good?" he asks as you swallow a lump in your throat, squeezing his hand a little tighter,
"I just thought you know.. maybe it's better to take things slow..? Also, until i can help financially i don't want to burden you" Sincerity paints the look in your eyes.
Only to be met with his retracting hand a scoff, his tattooed hand swiping through his beautiful locks.
"Slow? After living here for two weeks, you want to move out when you're mine now? And-" he stops, the inside of his cheek pressed forward by his tongue,
"Burden? Seriously?"
Beautiful raspy vocals make up for the harsh nature of it all,
He's just too fucking hot,
Its pissing you off.
It's your turn to scoff now, leaning back in the chair you're sitting in, your head shaking slightly.
"I'm sorry i worry about being a strain on you Jungkook, i guess being considered isn't so nice of me"
Following actions startle you a bit as he moves so rapidly,
He stands up from his chair, walking over to yours as he crouches down slightly,
Your eyes falling naturally to his build form, his strong arms that cross in front of his full chest,
He's sexy when he's mad, you've discovered that.
The heat between your legs only worsens once his gaze falls down on yours,
He's pissed as well.
"You're so stupid sometimes, you're all i fucking want. Stop with that bratty attitude, can't you just accept it? That i want you around me? If you really wanna move out, i won't stop you. But you're not burdening me in the slightest"
As the last words leave his mouth, his fingers gently tilt your chin up to make your flushed face look up at his.
Preciously stern and unexplainably hot, sharp eyes scanning your every feature with his jaw clenched oh so slightly.
Pressing your thighs together for some friction, the tiniest bit of pressure, a chain of muttered, almost stammered words leave your lips
"You do? Really want to wake up next to me from now every day? I don't know Kook"
But as usual, he grows impatient with your rambles, leaning down to press a heated kiss on your lips
"Shut up, i'll show you if you won't listen"
The small moan that leaves your lips is enough space for his tongue to find its way in, groaning, almost growling as he does so.
His lips are so soft, kissing you like the world would end if he stopped,
Taking your bottom lip in his teeth gently.
Without breaking the kiss, he lifts you up under your arms, your legs finding security around his waist,
His hands holding you up so easily, large palms finding a firm grip on your ass when he squeezes.
"So small, can just get you any way i want can't I?" his plump, eager lips are now kissing down your neck, nibbling and sucking softly at the delicate skin,
He's needy, he's impatient, somehow still careful at the same time.
Devoted to you with each kiss that you respond to.
Once the hushed moans and whines leave your lips, they don't stop, your own hands finding their comfortability in his hair.
He groans in approval, clearly affected by your responsive nature.
Once his kisses have painted your neck, they find your ear,
"Stop me anytime yeah doll? Always remember" he whispers, even though his voice is deep and sultry, you can tell he's sincere
He walks over to the bedroom, laying you down in his silky sheets, slowly moving to hover above you, his hands eagerly reaching under your shirt,
Caressing the soft skin of your stomach.
He leans down again slightly, kissing your jaw.
"So pretty, ridiculous for thinking i wouldn't want you with me. Fucking look at you doll, let me fuck you like i mean it, because i do"
His words are burning up your skin, itching for every inch to worshipped by his hands, his lips, his praise.
You pull his head to yours, capturing his lips in a heated kiss,
"Please kook, i want you" your voice is almost unrecognizable, small and whiny under his spell.
He smirks into the kiss, tugging your shirt over your head once he breaks the kiss.
He stares at the exposed skin, a soft breath shuddering out of his swollen lips.
"I will, i promise baby. So fucking pretty for me" as if it was in his nature, he leans down to your chest, unclapsing your soft pink bra that thankfully, closes up in the middle.
Releasing your full chest from its hold, completely at his mercy.
"Pink looks good on you, you're so beautiful whining from the slightest attention" small moans of his own leave his lips as they find yours again, interlinking his tongue in your mouth, exploring every inch, every drop you allow him.
His hands moving up to your naked breast, groping them upwards and meeting your own moans.
He gets off on your pleasure, on feeling your soft skin underneath his hands.
The stars in his eyes reassure you as he parts away and kisses down your chest, squeezing and groping eagerly at your skin.
"Prettiest tits fuck, i need you so bad" his voice hushed flush against the swell of your chest, his tongue running more firmly against the hardness of your nipples.
His tongue feels so good moving against you, making your eyes close and whimpers slipping out softly.
His sweet kisses making their way down your stomach, becoming sloppier with each one.
Eager to see more of him, to know what he's like when he feels good,
"Jungkook please, wanna touch you"
He groans in response, his hands pulling down your shorts to reveal another soft pink item of underwear, delicately covering your heat.
His hands caress your thighs as he leans back up, placing his forhead on yours
The warmth of his skin combined with being almost completely bare under him making you shiver,
He's making you feel things you didn't even know exist.
"Yeah baby? Want to run your tiny, pretty hands all over me?" he smiles with his awfully smug expression, tilting his head to the side as he's already chasing after another taste of your lips,
"Could kiss you forever" he mutters against them your own hands now being the eager ones,
As you sit up slightly, moaning into his kiss, they slip beneath his shirt.
"Want this off please" you manage to whimper between moans,
He hums as he pulls his shirt over his head, taking your practically bare hips into his hands.
The sight of his toned abs will make you drool forever, slightly glistening with sweat,
"Sit on my lap pretty, you're so cute right now, so fucked out already"
So you comply, well aware that you could never deny him, not when he's this alluring.
Moving into his thighs,
Once again, his hands run down your waist to find your hips, gripping firmly while his eyes are locked on yours.
Yours touches aren't any less arousing then his, the sight of your hands caressing every line of his abdomen muscles making him tense up beneath him.
"What a good girl, doing so well doll"
The praise has you practically squirming in his lap, your hands now looking almost comical on his large chest, pressed firmly on him to stabilize you leaning forward.
He moves his head back slightly, as if to deny you of a possible escape from his strong, desire fuled gaze.
"You like that don't you? You love when i tell you how good you are doll?" he teases again, his eyes looking down to your chest, softly biting his lip as he does so.
How could he not when your tits are pressed together, meeting because of your elbows that support your hold on his chest.
Without further need of words, your lips find the soft skin of his neck, pressing your panty covered core to his clothed hips, your hands eagerly caressing down his abs until they stop at his belt.
All while listening to the pretty man below you moan and groaning softly, encouraging you to keep going.
He sneaks a hand up your back, pressing you closer to his body,
Which only earns another desperate press of your hips,
He growls again,
"Such a good girl, doing so well at making me feel good"
A louder whine escapes your lips, parting from his neck to look at him, slowly licking at his lips while your hands work to undo his belt.
He hums, lifting his hips for you.
A quick second later even his boxers are off, which has you staring in slight fear but overcome with excitment.
His cock is thick, thick and long with a vein running down the side.
The sight of his red and swollen tip already wet with precum makes your hands move almost automatically, licking your lips while wrapping a hand around his length,
A soft moan leaves his lips, your eyes moving up to meet his.
You love every little sound that makes it's way to your ears,
"You like this dick doll? Want me to fill up your pretty little cunt with my cock?" His voice is deeper than it has ever been, completely gone with lust as he sinfully speaks to you, teasing you with his shameless attitude.
So you nod in embarrassment, leaning forward to kiss him as your hand begins to move, slowly pumping his cock in your hand, you thumb leaking over his tip to spread the precum on it.
Although inexperienced, your undeniable need to make him feel good makes you want to do anything to try and achieve it.
He moves his hands to tangle in your hair, pulling on a strand softly,
You wince at the sensation, loving his growly voice and dominant attitude.
"Take it in your mouth pretty, wanna see you choke on my dick so you stop saying nonsense like moving out"
Instead of protesting, you move off his lap to kneel before him, stroking his thighs while one hand finds its way back to his throbbing cock.
The pure image of you so needy, lips swollen and pouty, in solely your pink panties, looking up at him with those big eyes,
It made him a mess, his heart beating faster than it ever has before.
His urges take over, one hand occupied with gripping the sheets as the other tugs on your hair again
"Gonna teach my baby now huh? Don't be scared, you're a good girl"
"Yes please, help me jungkook" you whine again, he grabs the back of your head and lowers you down.
"Lick over first, slowly push it in doll. Then just wait for me okay? Gonna breath through your nose baby, you can do that for me right?"
He coos, lovingly patting your head before you start swirling your tongue around his head, making him grab a fistful of hair once more.
"Hmm fuck good, keep- ugh- so pretty" he's already crumbling at the firmness of your tongue so delicately swirling around the tip of his sensitive cock.
But he looses it entirely when you start taking him in your mouth, moving your head down and up slowly.
Instead of letting you take control, his moans and groans speed up, taking the back of your head and pushing it up and down on his cock,
Your big eyes water as they look up to his half closed eyes, making you moan while his dick is stuffed down your throat.
He's lost in the feeling of your soft tongue sliding along on him, deep into your mouth and covering him in your spit,
It drools down the corner of your mouth which makes him shiver, tightening the grip on your hair.
"Prettiest- fucking- oh god fuck- doll" he moans out, suddenly removing your lips from him, even though you feel him twitch inside your mouth.
You pull away from his cock, Moving to stand before him while he's panting.
Unable to look away from his stiff length standing up straight to his lower abdomen.
"Kook? Is everything okay? Was it not good?"
The question has him shake his head quickly,
"So good, too good, wanna cum on top of my pretty little cunt, not in your mouth. Lay down for me baby yeah?"
God the way he speaks makes you want to listen to every word he says,
So you do just that, he hovers back over you, sly fingers peeling your soaked underwear to the side.
His thick cock in his hand as he gathers your slick, rubbing it up and down your folds.
His tip rubbing against your clit teasingly, making you arch your back and whine, only aware of him, to concentrate on the picture between your legs.
"Want this dick to fill you up baby? Gonna take every inch?" his movements have sped up, humping his cock against your sticky pussy,
"Please please jungkook please i'm gonna take it well, i need you" begging for more, you're willing to cry at this point, it's impossible to ignore the burning heat between your legs, wanting nothing but him to be deep inside of you.
"So fucking good for me" he breathes out, slowly lowers the tip in your entrance, pushing carefully as his eyes watch you wince and grip the sheets tightly,
He presses a kiss to your lips, moving in a bit deeper,
"Taking it so well baby, gonna make you feel so good, you're so perfect pretty" he whispers against your lips, feeling your walls clench as he pushes in the last inches.
You feel the burn,he's stretching you out deliciously and all you want is to take it,
For you to be fucked senseless.
Before thrusting, he waits for you to tense less, kissing your cheeks and neck sweetly all while caressing your head.
"You can move please"
It doesn't take any more for Jungkook to start moving his hips,
Snapping into yours slowly at first, which doesn't last long because of your loud moans and whines, calling out his name desperately,
You can feel him filling you out perfectly.
His moans match yours in a lower tone, increasing the speed of his thrusts, securing your hips beneath him in his large hands.
Never once looking away from you, the way your tits bounce up when he pushes in, your parted lips and the way you try to keep your eyes on him too.
"So fucking tight-mhmm fuck doll- cutest pussy- fuckkk- taking me so well"
His words come out broken between curses, you try to reply while your hands find his hair, tugging on his soft locks.
"Yes- yes oh my god so big so so big" you squeak out, his thrusts become deeper and harder, moving at a speed that shows how good his cardio is,
The heat in your lower stomach is pressing, tightening further while the urge to scream and touch him becomes stronger, gripping his shoulders and digging your nails into him.
He loves the sting, he loves knowing that your reactions belong to him.
"All mine, look at that, so pretty falling apart doll" his groans intensify,
Suddenly, his right arm sneaks under your thighs, moving one over to the other side, effectively holding both of them under his arms, pressing it to your chest.
Your nipples rubbing against your thighs with each one of his powerful thrusts, feeling yourself so close to the edge of coming while he keeps praising you.
The new position has you feeling him way deeper, way easier to snap against you with such force.
"Close kook please oh god oh god please" your rambles become louder, squeezing your eyes shut with the new feeling.
"Good, cum for me doll, cream on my cock baby" his eyes roll back as well, obsessed with the way your tight walls clench around him, keeping his dick feeling good.
"So full fuck- you're so big kook" the knot in your stomach finally snaps with his approval , feeling yourself get lost in his tip hitting the back of your sweet spot,
But he keeps going, keeps groaning as you whine in complete bliss.
"One more doll, one more you can give me one more fuck- wanna come with you- you're so tight" he rants, panting through hard thrusts,
It's too much, way too much in the best way possible.
His voice, his words,
And it becomes even worse once thumb finds your clit, sneaking in to stimulate it.
"Fuck fuck fuck so much too much" your whines are like music to his ears and you're sure you feel him shudder,
Your second orgasm approaching rapidly due to the sensitivity and his thick cock hitting inside your every spot so perfectly, the look on his face being the prettiest thing you had ever seen.
Head thrown down, sweaty messy hair hanging down his jaw with his bottom lip tucked beneath his teeth.
His eyes are half lidded, overtaken by you.
"Good fucking girl come, come with me, gonna fill you deep baby, gonna be dripping"
The thought of your pussy being dripped out with his cum is enough to make both of you release with heavy breathing and loud songs of each others names.
Slowly he rides our your orgasms, sliding out of you and laying your legs down to the side, panting as he caresses them.
"God, you're so fucking breathtaking" his lips trail to your thighs, kissing softly as his eyes lock on your puffy folds, covered in his slick that´s running out ever so slightly.
The sight makes him moan, he mentally takes a note to remember this for every other time after.
"Kook..?" your hand reaches out to hold his arm, unable to function properly after having been fucked to heaven and back.
"Yes doll? Are you okay? Was i too rough?" His body moves up to lay beside you, eyes soft and contradictory to the way he fucked your brains out.
His hands moves up to remove a couple stands of your face, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
"No no, you- you were perfect. Thank you.. you know uhm, for making me feel so good"
The blush on your cheeks creeps up fast, smiling to meet his pretty, post orgasm face.
He chuckles, pulling you into his bare and glistening chest,
A soft caress on your head makes you sigh.
"Don't say thank you idiot, i loved this. You sound so cute, and you're so damn good doll" he kisses the top of your head, softly caressing your back.
You tug on his arm playfully,
"You're amazing" he just hums, letting silence take over the intimate moment of both of you cuddled up naked.
A couple minutes later, he leans your chin up to grin at you,
"Hey y/n?"
You smile back, pressing a kiss to his nose briefly, making him squeeze your cheeks in an effort to focus.
"Yes jungkook?"
"I love you" he nuzzles his nose to yours, breath fanning against yours
"I love you too" you smile, butterflies filling your stomach, leaning to close the gap,
Capturing the love of your messy life in a sweet kiss.
"Okay baby let me clean you up" he says, swiftly moving your body into his arms and hoisting you up.
"Ouchh kook"
"Sorry" he grins, smacking your ass once more as he sets you on the bathtub rim
"Just too cute to resist"
He chuckles, bending down beside you to turn on the water for a nice hot bath.
The position is fortunate for you,
He gasps, turning over to look at you and shake his head, a small smile betraying his fake angry face
"You're never moving out"
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hanrinz · 2 years
notes: a little thought/headcanon bc touya just got my heart<33 my first writing here and this was not beta read, wrote this in a spur of the moment :')
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dating touya todoroki, would consist of
having a late night car rides (this is prob expected bc who is touya if there are no late night car rides) sneaking out of his house at the dead of the night. he only does it, just bc he wants to see you and he likes the thrill.
he would be the type to always make you break the rules and whisk you away from your home. he would def say "life's too short, doll." like damn sir, whatever you say🧎🏻‍♀️
and god those parties his family throws every celebration (rich fam fr), he looks so good in a suit, a black tailored one, with his white hair and his fucking stance too! mf knows he looks good. bored out of his mind, but then you just came along, your hands with your father, in a pretty dress. he might be insane, he can hear the wedding bells, his eyes wide and dazed. not noticing you have gone closer to him, letting out a little giggle "Well, hello there mister", smiling at him.
fixing his posture and collecting his composure. mf was so stunned to speak, you're so pretty in a dress and just might ask for your hand in marriage right this very instant (mf really forgot abt your father beside you😩)
touya todoroki KNOWS how to dance, i take no criticisms, i rest my case. like have you seen that man?! i just know it. he would grab your waist, when the music plays and slowly lead you to the dance floor and looking at you with his bed eyes (got me blushin for him) your hands on his shoulders and his gaze is so intense, it makes you shy. "Look at me, doll" his hands coming to your chin, gently tilting your head up just so he could see your eyes.
he would also be the one pulling you to his car and just drive away from the party, just the two of you. windows down and music playing in the background, this kind of freedom you only experience with touya.
touya todoroki would definitely, skip his business meetings for you and waste his time on you. he never regrets any moments spent with you. and you would scold him for bailing out on meetings just to hang out with you, he would prefer getting reprimanded by you instead of his father.
touya todoroki would spend his money giving you lots of gifts, cheap or expensive? it doesn't matter, he wants to show you how much he thinks of you on a daily and would prob buy you everything if you ask for it.
touya todoroki, would definitely talk about you with rei. he would tell her how much he loves you, dropping things he notices about you. that sometimes when he looks at you, he would think how he is so lucky for you to pick him. how someday he wishes he could spend the rest of his life with you. and his mother would just sit there and listen with a small smile on her face. his eldest son, genuinely happy and just so in love. (would def love you, just from his stories and would suggest in meeting you.) when he told his mother would like to meet you, you were shocked and almost had a heart attack. mf just dropping a bomb at you like that.he would casually ask about your day and just randomly say it.
you love him sm, who doesn't like this man really?? his scars, his eyes, his voice, his pain, all of his light. you love him, and the feelings inside your chest are so overwhelming, even words we're not enough to describe it.
bc even if he does dumb shit, that could prob get himself into trouble and maybe make bad decisions, there is no other touya todoroki in this world. bc no one could ever replace him, he will always be your touya todoroki.
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enquire · 28 days
my core four/initial six dra ponies post
Designing Mikako has been a bit of a struggle for some reason, so I figured I'd post some of these and finish the group drawing I've been working on instead.
First, here's a quick lineup of the core four.
From right to left: Radiant Ember (Rei Mekaru), Thrift Twinkle (Teruya Otori), Saber Frost (Tsurugi Kinjo), and Clover Shores (Yuki)
I took away Thrift's rainbow horseshoes and coat dye for this lineup.
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I'm still figuring out all their sizes relative to each other, but hey these four look good together color wise, sucess! It's been a while since I've designed characters as a set like this. Drawing stylized ponies is kind of a struggle (particularly the legs send help) but I'm happy with them so far despite that.
I'll probably actually share lore next time but this one'll just be art. I do have some stuff written/thought up about Saber, Scarlet, Clover, and Kismet in particular.
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Also, here's one of Saber and Ember, in the middle of a heated argument, with poor Thrift in the background. Clover wasn't around that day so he has to put up with it on his own. Saber probably started this somehow and likely deserves whatever verbal lashing Ember is about to give him, I imagine. You can ignore that I didn't bother with the details of Ember's crystal hair lol.
And finally, I was able to finish this hangout for them all. This group is kind of the main 6 of this little AU, (initial six? fun group names anyone?) though Gizmo and Moonshade aren't always around, since they live in Canterlot. And other characters carousel through of course.
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The still unnamed small main town (if you have any ideas let me know I haven't thought of any appropriately horse pun filled or cozy sounding names yet.) is near the mountains. This scene is from one of Gizmo and Moonshade's visits to see the other four. Nothing like hot cocoa around a campfire. It was pretty nice to just work on a piece like this for a while. Adding all the little details and not worrying too much about it being 'good' you know? just self indulgent, cozy art.
I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever drawn mlp magic before in full, that turned out a little ehh... and there are other things that bug me about this. (mikako/moonshade's design may or may not be accurate later lol) But honestly being able to draw and make art is kind of more than enough for me at the moment haha. It made me smile on a bad day, imperfections and silly ass subject matter be damned.
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plantsarepeopletoo · 1 year
Only Friends Music EP6 part 2/2
Part one covers the first half of Ep6, or you can find other episodes on my pinned comment.
This is a series of posts taking a closer look at the music of Only Friends. Reminder: Playing with the music is like body language, it moves with the conversation. Verbal says something either through lyrics or something like a song title.
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Song: Dark Premonitions by Jon Sumner 
Scene: Ray confronts Boston at his house
Type: Vocal, Playful
Starts after Ray yells “You slept with Top”. Another way of seeing Boston shutdown and he turns it back on Ray, saying Ray would be just as evil as him if Ray tells Mew. All the while minimizing and deflecting anything Ray throws his way.
Boston gives Ray a view of the future where he’s the villain for doing what is right. And this feeling makes Ray pause before telling Mew the truth.
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Fun fact: the mirror has news clippings on it, one has Halloween in big letters, another might say Halloween is coming.
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Song: Too Dusty (Live Version) by Blood Red Sun  Scene: Ray and Mew in the bathroom Type: Vocal
Lyrics in show:
[Verse 1] You got me acting out, you All tenderness is out the window What you do to me when the cold bites blue is straight cruel, mmm Oh, it has to be you leaving writings on the wall You promised me roses and hungry heads but, now there's only madness (Got me feeling dusty) (Got me feeling dusty) And I can't even whisper in this haunted scene oh take my hand and wake me Please Tell me it's a dream (dream) the worst kind you've ever dreamed [Chorus] Don't wanna lay anothеr night, here without you Don't wanna walk another milе, (I just can't) please don't make me do it I, I've got too much to lose I've got too much to lose Too much to lose [Verse 2] Now lay me in the wilderness, to dry out bits of your sweet caress I can't weep no more Willow trees have died, and the last Horned Lark will fly (Got me feeling dusty) (Got me feeling dusty) Please tell me it's a dream (dream) the worst kind you've ever dreamed
It starts in the bar bathroom scene, and most of the song in the show, except the last two lines. playing so softly it’s almost a background sound like you’d hear in a bathroom at a bar. The song is mournful, wishing for release of the old feelings even while hoping for the lover to not leave them. Death, drought, nightmares through out the song, and he just wants to be released.
“You’ve got me acting out” basically is what Ray will do, even though he’s trying to save himself and Mew. He’s fighting with himself, Mew told him that they can’t be friends if he can’t leave the old feelings, Boston and Sand both think that he’d tell Mew because of those feelings. He’s at risk of losing everyone if he tells Mew.
Later, when he does tell, he seems so heartbroken, assuming Mew would also believe it's because of those feelings. "I'm ok, I've always been ok" - "I just want you to be happy, even if I'm not part of it"
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Song: ร้ายก็รัก by Joey Boy
Scene: Mew's party, Yo and friends are singing along to Joey Boy
Type: Vocal
Lyrics they sing:
I guess good guys only exist in… "Where?" "In Yo’s club!" A bad guy like me is doomed to misery I guess good guys only exist in fairy stories (You should’ve said “Yo’s club”) I’m a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually In the end, he’s the one who has your love
Mew's acting strange for what we know in the story, as everyone else is celebrating and singing along to the song. Good guys really only exist in fairy stories, and everyone is going to face their wrongs.
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Song: Bursting Into Life by Harper Rey Scene: Ray criticizes everyone Cheum Type: Vocal
Starts after Ray says Cheum always complains to us you don’t have time for her, and she doesn’t understand your indie films. Ray’s finally moving, not just silently taking all the bad energy around him.
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Song: Blame Game by GEMINII  Scene: Ray gets punched by Mew Type: Vocal
Lyrics not in show:
Stop fighting Done lying For closure Can we turn this last page over? Talk about it Can’t go round it It’s not over Everything is moving slower  They cling on to the blame Cause it’s all (Can we turn this last page over?) They have left to do Moving on from the pain Cause it’s all (But, everything is moving slower) They have left to do More, then thousands On the horizon I swear we’re trapped in Everything we feared is happening
Ray brought everything to the surface. He kicked everyone’s sandcastles down. The only person he attacked personally was Sand, and even then it wasn’t anything sacred that Sand shared with him. Now he’s trapped holding the blame, he became the villain in their stories like Boston was in his. 
“Everything we feared is happening” is an interesting line, since Boston was afraid Ray would tell Mew about Top, Nick is afraid Boston will leave him, Mew was afraid of Top not being serious about their relationship, Top was afraid that Ray and Mew were more than friends, Sand is afraid Ray will choose Mew, and Ray is afraid that Mew will push him away. Sand already pushed Ray away, so Ray hurts Sand like Sand hurt Ray. Sand doesn’t want Ray’s money, but if Ray keeps repeating it, maybe Sand would get how it feels to be accused of something over and over. 
They’ve all made prophecies that have come true, and now everyone holds onto the blame.
Maybe once they let go of that blame and start actually being honest with themselves, they can move forward. 
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Song I’ll Do It All over Again by Mindme  Scene: April and Cheum make up, Boston and Nick in bed Type: Vocal
I see you struggle Like butterflies in water Can’t get moving forward I see your shoulders Weighed down by armor You don’t need that protection
Lyrics not in show
I would walk on glass I would run ten thousand miles and more I would give my eyes if you lost your sight I would run through fire I would carry you through the heat I would do it all again if you needed me to Wish that I could Take away your pain Like sunbeams in the rain Oh we’re family Where ever you go I’ll follow What ever you do I’ll handle I would walk on glass I would run ten thousand miles and more I would give my eyes if you lost your sight I would run through fire I would carry you through the heat I would do it all again if you needed me to Oh, oh I’ll do it all over again Oh, Oh I’ll do it all over again I would run through fire I would carry you through heat I’ll do it all over again
Song starts as April asks Cheum to not lie, that her words mean so much.
I see you struggle Like butterflies in water
These two lines play as April and Cheum hug, their problem fixed as soon as Cheum stopped blaming Ray and owned up to her own words.
The scene switches to Boston and Nick in Nick’s room halfway through the next line, as they lay silently in bed. Nick and Boston are stuck, unable to move forward since Boston refuses to talk. Ray exploding at the club has upset Boston more than he’s willing to say to Nick, the one person who would listen and accept.
In the show, the lyrics are Nick’s feelings “I see your shoulders” Nick rolls over to put his hand on Boston’s chest, “weighted down by armor” Boston moves Nick’s hand away, and “You don’t need that protection” plays as Boston rolls away, shutting down Nick’s comfort.
Boston’s armor is his minimizing, reflecting blame, his masks, and here, the disconnect. Nick would walk on glass and follow Boston across the world, but he can’t fix anything if Boston turns away from him. You can’t force someone to love you, even if you walk through fire for them.
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Song: I Used to Be Free by Fleurs Douces Scene: Song Mew puts on after lighting candles Type: Vocal
Lyrics heard in show:
Feeling caged Unsafe Lights are out I'm fading Angels Call my name Move on Just move on I'm falling so deep, deep below I'm not alright Can't get no sleep, time's too slow I can't keep fighting I used to be free, but now I'm just old Losing my mind It's all in my head, it's all in my head Not too long ago When I still felt joy Not a pressure on my chest Try to find a Way to Control it I don't wanna live a life like this I'm falling so deep, deep below I'm not alright Can't get no sleep, time's too slow
(beginning of next song overlaps and drowns out the rest)
I can't keep fighting I used to be free, but now I'm just old Losing my mind It's all in my head, it's all in my head
Mew lights candles and we get a sickly green glow, the song is haunting and it draws Top into the bedroom. “When we love or get attached to anyone, it’s hard to get over that person. Don’t you think” Mew asks Top.
Not too long ago When I still felt joy Not a pressure on my chest Try to find a Way to Control it I don't wanna live a life like this
Mew took control of the situation, he didn’t give Top a way out, and he proved that it is Top’s voice on that tape. The refusal to want to feel this pressure, this despair, is what drives Mew’s actions in the next episode.
I like how the next song, cold-blooded drowns out the rest of this song. It's angry and decisive, Mew has made his decision. Mew is ready to hurt Top as they start to undress.
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Song: cold-blooded by King Sis  Scene: Top and Mew start to do it in Mew’s bed Type: Vocal
Lyrics not heard in show:
I lay you to rest in pieces No picture on a T-Shirt Like you never existed I’m done being a victim This is my villain era, look out I go hard from my heart Play with her, it go down Now you blocked Shhh Don’t make a sound Don’t wish you no harm But I hope that no good come around In my space there's no cheaters allowed I gave you my word Try it again you gonna lose your girlfriend The nerve To think I wouldn’t disappear from your life Cold-Blooded Boy I’m cold-blooded All this blue ice water in my veins Memorial service in your name Cold-blooded You are trying to spin the block now Bring flowers to my job now Oh you realized what you lost now I been pressure, never stop now But I’m way too good at goodbyes Bet you thought grass was green on that other side Guess what I’ll help you decide Tattoo'd on my tears No I swear that you won’t catch me crying Got no reasons left to rewind I gave you my word Try it again I’ll put you on the bench Do not disturb To think I used to dream of being your wife Cold-blooded
The beginning of the song starts after Mew asks for one more gift and turns to undo Top’s shirt. Given this song, that gift might be front row seats at Top’s funeral. Or at least a close up of Top’s shocked face when he finds out about the tape. As the song says:
I’m done being a victim This is my villain era, look out
Top messed around, and instead of doing what he should have done, which was go to Mew with his concerns with Ray, he decides to fuck Boston.
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Song: The Vice by Hampus Naeselius Scene: Mew confronts Top about the tapes  Type: Background, Playful
Top’s vice, his wrongs, are brought to light and at first Top falls back to his habit of not telling the whole truth. Mew voices his concerns, his insecurities, angry at the betrayal of a friend and a lover at the same time. The song ends with Mew saying he can’t trust anything Top says.
Honesty and Sincerity are a major theme of Only friends, as the first song in the show says,
Because I know you are honest Someone like you I've never met Take it, take all of my heart It's all yours
Right now the only couple at the end of Ep6 is April and Cheum, who, after their problems were laid out onto the table, were able to start to fix them. Top and Mew’s bewitchment has been broken, and Sand and Ray’s fragile connection has shattered. Nick and Boston, in Ep7 are completely apart, but it’s still early, and I’m not sure how the show is going to direct their path. 
That's it for EP6, thank you for reading! Thank you @rocketturtle4 for your patience with me this episode.
Here's the master list
Here's a link to EP6 part 1
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