#relics? we don't care
bobzora · 6 months
acheron so good she makes me want to complete gold and gears to unlock erudition blessings
#bobtalk#she fucks shit up SO hard with them it's crazy shit. she's actually crazy in SU. her ultimate is crazy#my world level (forget what they call it in hsr sorry) isn't maxed because i had a Massive hiatus after 1.0 LOL#so between that and well. my relics aren't great. i don't have any 5* sustains. i missed a lot of banners like in general.#my ability to clear higher content is kind of nottttt great <-couldn't pass stage 2 of pure fiction for the free lynx lmao#but at least in SU i can just get bonkers ass buffs#shoutout to the person on my friends list with the well built level 80 e2s1 acheron that i'm leaching off of for farming o7#relics are so miserable for real. well what can you do#<-guy who used self modelling resin for a crit rate body for her acheron and it rolled all worthless substats lmao#btw i did start a hsr doodle dump u_u thank you for your support in this endeavor. will post it after accumulating more doodles.#rolling for e2 btw we'll see how that goes. won't be mad if i don't get her as long as i don't lose the 50/50 to someone ugly#future banner wishlist is fu xuan and silver wolf (missed her first rerun so. you know. lmfao.) (also missed tutorial lightcone we suffer)#don't know how committed i am to that though because i am kind of. not. a seele main. anymore. lol. for 2 team content maybe#i do really need better sustains. i am very squishy indeed. if i was playing smart i'd take advantage of luocha/aventurine. but uhhhh. lol#i don't pull for men <-hubris but its funny to commit. leaks forecast robin OP but also i already have both e1 bronya and sparkle.#unless the story goes crazy with her which at this point maybe it will who fuckin knows. i don't particularly care for firefly#well. we will see. for now. acheron OPification lol
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evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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anistarrose · 6 months
gnashing my teeth. the nested time loops in taz balance. the final cycle of the stolen century, they believe the grand relics are their bitter victory — their long overdue key to never letting the loop restart, never forcing them to do this all over again. they believe that with this sacrifice, they finally have the cycles conquered — and then, what do our heroes do, but lose their memories? they have to start from square one. relearn who they are. rebuild their bonds with each other that spent a whole century cultivating.
us, the audience, who are starting the podcast with episode one — we missed that story the first time you lived it. the first time you told it.
so, tell us again.
tell us how you met each other, tell us about your job. tell us the the destruction that no one but you survived, tell us about the way it shaped you. tell us all the hidden depths of the mongoose — tell us about your friends, the two lovers who cheated death together. tell us how you grew closer, throughout all of this.
tell us about the person who saw all of existence, who glimpsed the meaning of it all. tell us about the restless souls, the dissatisfaction — and how you reached out to that person at the center of it. tell us about a kingdom of robots. tell us, maybe don't admit it quite yet, but show us: the three of you growing closer still.
tell us a story about a time loop in a time loop in a time loop. where the apocalypse never ends, but your death never sticks. tell us how it affected you — for your actions to have no consequence, until they did. tell us how you'd do anything to stop the cataclysm, to break the loop, and tell us how for that, you were judged. tell us how you did good recklessly.
and tell us about the twins, tell us about the liches, about what you're willing to sacrifice. tell us how you leapt into danger to save a friend. tell us how you let yourself be saved. tell us everything you've finally had time to (re)-learn: how to care for each other and be cared for. tell us how you learnt to trust. tell us how, finally, you remember the mistakes you made last time.
we, the audience, missed that story the first time you told it. we need you to tell it again — but this time, this one special time, you'll have a shot at a better ending.
so tell us this story about time loops. tell us this story about stories.
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samuelsdean · 3 months
Next To You
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pairing: sam winchester x reader
summary: waking up next to sam was your favorite thing in the world.
genre: fluff
word count: 1.4k
author's notes: i would very much love to wake up next to sam don't y'all think so? i literally wrote this because i think t'd feel so good to be hugged by him the entire night and wake up to him first thing in the morning.
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WAKING UP NEXT TO SAM WAS PROBABLY YOUR FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD. IT WAS YOUR REFUGE, A SANCTUARY FROM THE WORLD'S HARSH EDGES. It was a reminder that each day is another day you get to spend the rest of your life with the love of your life.
You loved waking up next to Sam because his warmth radiated like your favorite hoodie, chasing away the remnants of a cool summer night. Tucked into the space between his jaw and chest, you could feel the steady rise and fall of his breath, his arms encasing you.
Slowly, you untangled yourself from his embrace, careful not to disturb his sleep. The light of dawn peeked through the window, painting a golden sheen across Sam's face. His brow furrowed slightly, a crease etched between his eyes, usually reserved for facing down monsters, but right now, it softened with sleep, replaced by the slight ajar of his lips.  
Watching Sam sleep had you going through your memories in a flash—the way he surprised you with your favorite flowers, after being gone from a hunt, a shy smile gracing his features as he laid a gentle kiss on your reddened cheeks. You smiled wistfully when you recalled how Sam confessed to you his feelings the night he had gotten home from a hunt that went on too long and could've gone sideways.
The motel room door creaked open, revealing a battered Sam Winchester. Dried blood stained the sleeve of his jacket and he was sporting a nasty gash on his right cheek, a grim souvenir from the hunt gone south.
Exhaustion hung heavy around him, a storm cloud threatening to unleash the floodgates of aches and pains. He wanted to go to sleep as soon as he stepped inside the dank motel room, but the tiny flicker of light beneath the door held him captive.
There you were, bathed in the warm glow of a lamp, hands wringing together and brows crimped in worry. Sam seemed to forget all about sleep when he saw you. He has never yearned for anything the way he has right now with the sight of you, his relic of normalcy in his chaotic world. He pushed the door open further, the sound jarring in the silence.
You looked up, surprise giving way to relief. "Sam! Thank goodness you're alright. I was worried sick after you've been gone for so long."
A weak smile formed on his lips. "We got them. Nasty ghouls took longer than expected." He shuffled closer, the weight of the hunt pulling at him. He could feel the warmth radiating from the room, a stark contrast to the bone-chilling night he'd endured.
You stood up and reached out, your hand brushing against his cheek. The touch, even through the grime, sent a jolt through him. It was a simple gesture, yet it held the power to ground him, to remind him of what he was fighting for—what he was going home to.
"You look like hell," you said, your voice laced with concern. "Go wash up, then I'll get you something to eat. There's a diner near here, open 24/7 apparently, Bobby told me on the phone earlier, bless his gruff soul."
He allowed himself to be ushered towards the bathroom, crumpling onto the tub with a groan. As the hot water washed away the grime and fatigue, something else started to wash over him. It was the weight of his unspoken feelings, a truth he could no longer keep buried.
He emerged from the bathroom, a fresh towel wrapped around his hair. You were already by the table, a steaming cup of coffee and grub waiting for him. He caught your gaze, the way your eyes held a warmth that chased away the chills of the hunt.
"Listen," Sam began, his voice thick with emotion. You tilted your head in confusion as to what he was trying to say. "This life… it's not easy. It's dangerous, messy, and frankly, it terrifies me sometimes."
He took a deep breath, his eyes locking with yours. "But then I come back here, see you… and suddenly, facing it all over again, well, it doesn't seem so bad. It feels… bearable."
A blush crept up your neck, mirroring the heat rising in his own. You opened your mouth to speak, but he pressed on.
"I know this is crazy," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "But, I can't keep it in anymore. I… I care about you. A lot more than a friend."
The silence stretched, heavy with anticipation. He braced himself for a rejection, the fear of a cold fist squeezing his heart. Then, you reached out, your hand gently cupping his cheek.
"Sam," you said, your voice soft, "you're not the only one who feels that way."
Relief flooded him, warm and exhilarating. A hesitant smile spread across his face. "Really?"
You nodded, your eyes sparkling. "For a long time, actually."
He leaned in, the space between them collapsing in a rush. The kiss was soft, a tentative exploration of your unspoken feelings toward each other. But within it, there was a spark, a promise of something deeper. He pulled back, his forehead resting against yours, a newfound warmth radiating from within.
"So," he whispered, a grin tugging at his lips, "does this mean I get to keep bothering you for a while longer?"
You chuckled, a sound that filled the room with a melody of hope. "Looks like you're stuck with me, Winchester. Now, about that coffee…"
He pulled you close, the scent of coffee and the lingering warmth from the confession clinging to the air.  
Yes, in the face of whatever darkness awaited, this peaceful moment with Sam was a treasure. You leaned in, brushing a kiss against his cheek, a silent promise whispered against his lips, "I'll wake you soon, pretty boy."
The sunlight, bolder now, sliced through the gap in the curtains, landing right on Sam's eyelids. He let out a soft groan, sleep fading as he blinked the light away. Unlike you, mornings weren't exactly his best friend. For a moment, his eyes fluttered closed again, then snapped open, a glimmer of surprise crossing his face when he realized you weren't there.
"Morning, baby," he mumbled, his voice rough with sleep. He reached out instinctively, his hand brushing against the empty space where you'd been. A frown tugged at his lips for a brief moment before it softened into a smile as he spotted you by the window.
You were turned away from him, busy reading a paperback. The rising sun cast an ethereal glow around you, highlighting the way your hair seemed to catch fire with golden light. A shiver danced down Sam's spine, a mix of the cool morning air and the unexpected sight before him.
"Hey there, Sleepyhead," you said over your shoulder, your voice laced with amusement as you turned back to face him. "You look like you could use some more shut-eye."
He stretched languidly, the movement sending a groan escaping his lips. "Nah, I'm good. Just gotta get the lead out before Bobby gets impatient." He winced slightly, a reminder of the recent hunt probably still clinging to his muscles.
A playful glint lit up your eyes. "Lead out, huh? Sounds fancy. Did you polish your shoes too, Mr. Winchester?"
He chuckled, a low rumble that sent a warmth radiating through you. "Only the finest demon-blood repellent for this hunter, sweetheart." He reached for you, his hand warm and strong as he pulled you close, grinning at how easily he could make you laugh with his comebacks.
As you snuggled into his embrace, a comfortable silence settled between you. However, a shadow lingered in the back of your mind. The thought of Bobby calling usually meant trouble brewing. You decided to break the comfortable silence.
"Any whispers about what Bobby wants this time?" you asked, your voice soft.
Sam shook his head, his expression turning serious. "Not a peep. Knowing Bobby, it'll involve something nasty, a whole lot of rotgut, and probably a cryptic message scribbled on some random book." He paused, his gaze softening on you.
"But whatever it is," he continued, his voice low and reassuring, "we'll face it together. Like always."
You leaned in, your lips brushing against his cheek. "Always," you whispered the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air—together, no matter what the coming day brought.
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bountydroid · 5 months
Darlin' pt 7
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / pt 6 / pt8
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (SMUT)
Description: After a close call Cooper gives in to his feelings for Reader.
Notes: This chapter is half smut. For those who don’t want that I don’t think you’d miss anything of importance in the story if you skip it.
TW: p in v, unprotected sex, irradiated cream pie, pretty vanilla (sorry pervs lol love you I'm just not good at smut).
His scarred lips were rough against mine, one of his hands on my hip the other tangled in my hair. This was a moment I dreamed about my entire life. Someone who cares about me was never something I thought I’d have. While having a couple of fleeting flings here and there with my brother's friends, I never had a true romance. This feeling? It was straight out of one of my novels. When he finally pulled away, I couldn't help but let out a breathy sound of dissatisfaction. He gave me a teasing smile before taking the vials from my hand and shoving them into his bag.
"Let's go find you some Radaway, Darlin'. We’ll have ya feelin' better in no time." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the building.
"Thank god Lucy left the door open." I thought to myself as we made our way inside. 
The place was huge and felt like a relic of the past. The rundown storefronts and flickering lights left much to be desired. I pushed my body against Cooper's back as an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Noticing my discomfort, he gave my hand a small reassuring squeeze. He was still in bad shape, clear as day, as he stumbled through the building.
After some exploration, we came across a room full of bodies. "Didn't know Lucy was capable of this." I gasped.
"I imagine these fellas did most of it." He said, kicking the boot of one of the men on the ground. He was holding a gun, but it didn't seem to have done him much good. While Cooper scanned the bodies, looking for anything of value, I started to wander over to some of the other rooms. One room in particular caught my eye, some of the things inside reminding me of the medical center we found Roger in.
"Don't go far," Cooper said as he huffed another vial before rummaging through the men's pockets.
"I won't," I mumbled as I looked back at him one more time before entering the room. I swallowed nervously as I looked around the room before setting my sights on some drawers in a cabinet. After some searching, I could some syringes with the word "Radaway" written on the side. 
"Found some!" I said happily as I made my way back to Cooper to find him shoving vials of Jet into his hat. “That's so much!" I yelled in shock.
The happiness radiating from the two of us could have probably lit up a city. He looked up at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on him before his eyes flitted to the syringe in my hand. He dropped his hat on the ground as he held out his hand expectantly. 
"Let me help you with that." He stated.
I was perfectly capable of injecting myself, but I liked the idea of Cooper taking care of me, so after a moment of hesitation I passed it to him. While he was looking over the syringe, almost like he was making sure it wasn't fake, I took the time to look over his face. REALLY look it over. His leathery tan skin and his beautiful hazel eyes. I knew that many people looked at him with disgust, but I don't think that after getting to know him I could ever think of him as anything other than beautiful. I was so lost in thought I barely registered the needle going into my arm.
"There," He said with a satisfied tone. "All better."
"Thanks, Coop." I beamed up at him. I had some Radaway, Cooper had a lot of Jet, and he finally kissed me. Everything felt perfect. 
Cooper knelt down to pick back up his hat when something caught his eye. A rectangular black box with glass on the front. 
"What is that?" I asked curiously.
"That, darlin'." He responded, a look of shock on his face, "That is a television."
I ruminated on the word, trying to figure out if I knew it from anywhere as he grabbed something and inserted it into the television. He slowly made his way to the couch and plopped down. The expression on his face was something I couldn't recognize. Amazement? I sat down next to him as I looked at the television curiously, whatever it was it was affecting Cooper. The box sprang to life, lighting up as he pressed a button on the controller he was holding. The television played a video. "Of course!" I thought to myself as I remembered the stories of moving pictures. The man on the video reminded me a lot of Cooper. The western attire, the confidence, and of course the gun he was holding. 
"Reminds me of you," I said innocently, not realizing the weight of my words.
"Nah, He ain't nothin' like me." He said quietly before looking over at me to scan my face before looking back at the video.
The man in the video was talking and I was trying to pay attention, I really was, but It was so long since I had sat anywhere but the ground, and while under normal circumstances I would call the couch uncomfortable, it felt like the most comfortable thing in that moment. I put my head on Cooper's shoulder and yawned. 
"Tired already, sugar?" Cooper teased.
"Maybe a lil' bit," I admitted. "I could stay up a bit longer, though."
"For what?" He mused, almost like he knew what I was thinking. 
I giggled, blush coating my cheeks as I whispered, "Maybe some more kissing?"
He hummed happily before pulling me onto his lap. I yelped in surprise at his sudden movement, grasping at his shoulders. “Now why would you want to kiss lil’ old me?” He was mostly joking, but an undertone of seriousness hung in the air.
“A better question is why wouldn’t I want to kiss you, Cooper? You are strong, you take care of me, you are handsome-“ I started to explain.
He scoffed, interrupting me. “I ain’t handsome.”
“You are!” I try to explain, “You have pretty eyes.” I said like I did days ago, back when he barely tolerated me. “And the way ya hold yourself is very… sexy.”
His eyes snapped up to mine, they were darkening, hungry. The embarrassment coursed through me and I could hardly stand it, so I buried my face in his neck.
“Awww getting shy, sugar?” He mocked. Before I could respond I felt his lips on my cheek. He stayed there for a moment before he started trailing down my neck, leaving tiny kisses in his wake.
I sighed happily as I pushed myself closer to him. I could’ve stayed that way forever, but Cooper had other plans. His hands were still on my hips from when he pulled me onto him. He slowly started to massage them before pressing me harder down on his lap. I let out a sound that was a mixture between a yelp and a moan.
“You like that?” He whispered in my ear.
I shook my head yes, my face still hidden in his neck.
“I wanna see you, darlin’.” He stated, his southern drawl slurred. He wasn’t demanding it, the tone in his voice was soft and hesitant, like he was worried he was going to scare me off.
Holding my breath I slowly pushed myself up. I was sure my face was red as a tomato as I made eye contact with him. When our eyes met, it felt like a damn had been released, lust flowing through me. “Coop,” I whisper before I start moving my hips on my own.
He let out a growl as he squeezed at my plush hips. “So soft.” He said.
“All for you, I’m all for you,” I say before crashing my lips into his.
The kiss was heady and passionate, I felt like I was drowning in him.
“Too many clothes,” I mumble against his mouth. Before I started to tug at his tattered duster jacket.
“I agree,” he sighed. Instead of helping me with his jacket, he ripped my hands from him and quickly tugged off my shirt, almost tearing it in the process. He sucked in a breath as he took in my bare chest. It was a sight to behold. Hair messy, half naked, and pupils blown. There was no way he could question if I wanted him, not anymore.
“God damn.” He groaned before leaning forward to kiss my chest. It’s like he wanted to kiss every inch of my body and I was starting to get impatient.
“Stop your teasin’,” I grumbled out, tugging at his jacket again.
This time, he obliged, quickly shucking it off before his hands started fumbling at his vest buttons. I cursed at him for wearing so many layers. I took this time to slide off his lap to take off my boots and pants, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. His hands stuttered as he threw off his vest and pulled off his shirt, distracted by the view in front of him.
“You, sugar, are way too good for me.” He muttered, his hands reaching out to pull me back onto his lap.
I moaned at the feeling of his rough jeans rubbing against me through my underwear. I could feel myself getting wetter, smearing my arousal on his pants. I rubbed my hands down his scarred chest before finding myself fiddling with his buckle.
“You want me?” I asked as I bit my lip. “Then take me.”
This seemed to flip a switch in him as he quickly spun me around so my back was on the couch. He hovered over me before kissing me fervidly. I undid his belt before popping open the button on his pants. He briefly pulled away from me to pull on his pants completely before slotting himself back on top of me.
“Darlin’,” he moaned as he rubbed his erection against my core.
I was so lost in the feeling I could barely respond, “Yeah?” I moaned out.
“There was more Radaway, right?” He asked. It was sweet that even in his lustful state he was still worried about me.
“Yes, Coop.” I responded, “Now fuck me already.”
He chuckled before mocking me, “So eager.”
He continued to tease me as he slowly pulled down my underwear, kissing down my legs as he went. I started to get dizzy, the arousal was becoming too much to bear. Finally, he pulled my panties off completely, kissing his way back up my body. I widened my legs as far as they could go, silently beckoning him inside of me. I heard him curse under his breath before slowly pushing himself into me. We let out moans in tandem, reveling in the feeling.
I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him down so our foreheads were knocking against each other. I looked deeply into his eyes before I started to plead, “Fuck me, Cooper. Make me feel good. Please!”
“I could never say no to you.” He whispered before sheathing himself completely, his head brushing against that sweet spot inside of me.
He gave me a peck on the lips before trailing down my neck again, sucking as he went. The idea of having marks on me that everyone would see made me moan loudly. He was claiming me as his. I started to wiggle, silently begging him to move. After a few moments, he gave in, starting slow. It was intimate, sweet even. He wasn’t fucking me he was making love to me. He had barely started but I was already a babbling mess. Repeating his name like a prayer I begged for him to go faster. It didn’t take long for him to oblige, picking up his pace. The sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room. The bodies on the floor were long forgotten as we got lost in each other.
“Y/n,” he groaned my name, causing me to squeeze around him. “Sugar, you keep feeling this good I’m not gonna last long.”
I was feeling too good to respond, letting out soft squeaks and moans as he pistoned in and out of me. He snaked his hand down my body to start rubbing at my clit, causing my body to tremble. I was close and he knew it, trying to get me to the edge before he arrived there himself.
“Cooper!” I cried out as I convulsed underneath him, succumbing to the pleasure. I could hear him swearing above me before he stilled, letting out one last moan as he came inside of me.
The both of us were breathing heavily. Saying we were exhausted would have been an understatement. He took a moment before starting to pull out of me. I let out a sad whimper at the lack of contact, grasping at his arms. He let out a breathy laugh at my actions. “I’ll be back.” He said, reassuring me. I watched him with half-lidded eyes as he went into the medical room for a moment before coming back to me with another syringe of Radaway.
I snorted, “That could have waited.”
He didn’t respond, instead opting to give me a smirk before sinking the needle into my arm. Once he was done he grabbed ahold of me, rolling us over so he was underneath me on the couch.
As he was rubbing reassuring circles on my back he told me, “Sleep, darlin’.”
I hummed happily into his chest before giving way to his request.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 11 days
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"Get your dirty hands off me! LET GO OF ME!"
"Listen Brother! We must act with respect! We have a lady in our hands!"
The two yaoguais kept on laughing while they were dragging you somewhere, far away from your friend and protector.
Everything happened so fast that you couldn't register the events: the Destined One, and you had to head to the location of the second relic, which you knew was in this desert. It seems easy at first; you thought that you just needed to be as careful as the last time, but something went wrong!
How could you not notice those scouts?! Maybe they were more used to the state of the place; maybe the dust covered the smell for your friend; what you know Is that in a couple of minutes your monkey was now on the ground, his chest puerced with arrows, agonizing yes, but still alive? You tried to help him; take the gourd that you carried with you with your healing wine, but before that, those rats had already captured you. You kept on struggling and fighting as much as you could, but instead they have other plans for you.
"Our second prince will love this snack! I heard that this one is a really good catch."
"Ah! Please! Maybe he'll give us a bite!"
They were planning to give you fkr lunch to their prince. 
If it was them or him, you didn't care; what you did care was to survive and help your monkey out of that mess.
You were so focused on trying to break free from care where they were dragging you, but you started to think that it must have been an indoor when the scorching sun wasn't burning your head anymore.
It looked like a cave, maybe a temple inside the mountain based on the carvings on the walls. Columns made of pure stone, stalagmites, and stalactites decorated with sacred figures and prayers, commemorative candles near statues of Buddha and his disciples.
The ones that built the city must have used the caves in order to obtain more spaces, maybe?
You didn't get enough chance to ask since the two rats didn't show any kindness when they literally threw you on the ground.
"Shouldn't we... I don't know...cook her or something?"
"Ah! The prince and the king live their food fresh and squirmy! Now let's go; he doesn't like being seen while he eats."
And while you were Just pick up yourself from the ground, you Heard their soft and fast footsteps, leaving you in this new side of the cave. There were objects, quite a lot even, all of them around, like some small mountains of trinckets and stuff.
Furniture was around, but those were so damaged and old that you questioned if someone could even use it like that. On the walls of the cave, someone had put some decoration—canvases that had almost lost all of their colors, rusted weapons that were long lost—lost the care that they used to, for the exception of a scary giant Chui that was resting on the ground, ready to be picked.
Whoever was able to hold it must have been a quite herculean creature.
There was such a short source of light, coming from one hole in the ceiling of the wall and...from the way they took you in! There was no door, no bars, nothing! 
You didn't want to waste anymore time, and so you sprinted in the same direction that the two rats had left you, until a rumble on your feet almost tripped you for the second time.
There was another, then another one. 
Footstep, something big was walking towards you.
Two giant feet, covered in fur and some claws that you swear could rip apart your flesh, incased you. The armor was old and marred but still held some remembrance of his rank and position in his kingdom.
A large and long tail and a pointy mout... it was a rat, but it was grotesquely big. His yellow eyes scrutinized you, while his nose was sniffing the air in your direction.
Without thinking twice, you bolted so fast to escape from that thing, but you didn't get enough time since he was fast enough to grab you from your ankle and raise you up like an old ragged doll. You tried to kick it, scratch it, and try to punch it, but he didn't budge a little; it was like a mosquito bite for him.
Despite your plea, he just stood there, looking at you and sniffing more closely. A few of your hair sucked in his nostrils, and so I kept it up for a few more seconds. You couldn't see it, but it seemed... curious. He decided to change your position, holding you by your waist, trying to see you better from another angle.
You were beyond terrorized; from near, he was even worse! AND THAT SMELL! You shivered in his grasp, too afraid to move another punch or kick while he studied you. He finally stopped moving when your face hit a direct ray of sunlight from the hole in the ceiling. You gasped, tried to cover yourself, and then...the ground. 
He didn't tossed you at all; he just putted you down. It was incredible to notice that you didn't even feel any pain in your abdomen from where he had grasped you. At that point, he just started to emit something that reminded you of some kind of giggle, a few snorts, and he looked...excited? He trotted to one of the small trinkets stacked near the bed that you assumed was his own. starting to move things around.
He was distracted. That was your chance! You slowly start to pick it up from where you left it to get out from there, when you felt again his enormous hand on your back, grasping the back of your shirt from behind, rising you up again like a kitten.
"Stop it! I don't-"
And then, again, you were seated...in front of what once was maybe a nice tea set. His throat was emitting a strange sound while he started a small fire and put a big iron pot of water on it. He was...humming...while making tea? And there were two pairs of small cups, old and dusty, and one was for you?
You didn't muttered a word, preferring to stare at that strange creature that was now putting some dried herbs; you wondered if it was even tea in the pot, still very small for something of his size.
"Wha...what are...you doing?"
"Making tea...for the guest!"
Okay, now it was a really good moment to freak out; he thought you were a guest?! HIS GUEST?! 
"I thought you were supposed to..."
You held your tongue, reminding him about the fact that you were lunch for him; it may be quite a problem. You tried another time to move away, but suddlenly got back in place when some kind of conckut was versed in your cup. A few big drops spilled; he wasn't so versatile in this.
And then he looked at you. No, staring. He was there, staring at you, waiting for a response, and you looked at the staff in your cup. Imagine the food infection that it would cause. You kept on staring at it, trying to come up with every possible excuse to avoid the ingestion of the brooth, but three meters Yaogauis don't leave room for so many options. You gulped the content of the cup, trying to hold the near vomit coniate.
",..Gee...thanks...that was...so nice! .....Thanks..."
Oh was... please, like a lot. He started to clap, happy, drinking directly from the pot.
After that, he started again to act strangely. But this time it wasn't about taking care of the guest, but just...pile up staff...on you.
He made sure that you were comfortable, as much as you were, but his actions reminded you of a child that is showing you staff. At some point he even tried to put a necklace around your neck, but your sudden shriek made him desist, only for him to put the garmet in your hand. It was an old and broken jade pearl necklace; maybe there was a pendant in the middle since the space, but it was long gone. The small gems were broken or ruined, but it seemed to be once a really nice piece of jewelry.
At some point, your fear just became boredom and hassle, especially when he kept on showing you staff. At some point, what really caught your eye was a rectangular piece of wood that had previously fallen from one of the piles next to you. Covered in dust and mud, it must have seen better time, but, on the front, something was still visible: it was a piece of paper plastered with something on the wood, and, on it, three figures standing, one sitting in the center of it. The three standing figures seemed young, each of them with something to distinguish them from each other, the one sitting on a small chair wearing instead some regal robes.
"Ah, a painting...why did you keep it with you? Do you like drawing?"
The rat suddenly stopped, pointing his finger towards you and the draw.
"Me! Me and brothers! And my papa too! You found it, so good."
He seemed delighted, clapping his hands and making again those strange sounds. You, instead, cannot stop looking at the drawing confused. Him? Wait...one of them had a Chui next to him, and some traits, by using a lot of imagination, made him similar to your gaoler.
"Wait...this is you? You are him?!"
You pointed the figure, and he just...nodded, vigurusly.
"But," you continued, "how?! How it happened?! You were a man! How did you become a... Yaoguai?"
You said, avoiding using the word rat, opting to not make remarks on his looks further. 
"Master!" He just chirped "Master! He did it! Everyone rats now! Little brother left, searching for help for turning in rats...still missing...older brother...not so good...he acts violent...daddy like master! So I follow too! ....But not like, like, daddy."
"Master?...what master?"
"Sage! Wind sage!"
"Hold on, the...the yellow wind sage did this to you?" He kept on nodding; this time it was slower than before; maybe it was something that he wasn't proud of?
"Did it hurt you? I mean,. you didn't have a tail before. It was painful. I'm...sorry..." Your tone was softer this time, wondering how much pain that poor creature must have endured all this time. He seemed to be remembering his old life as a man; maybe, by having you in, he tried to recreate some old habits of him? Did you remind him of someone that he had lost? He didn't even try to eat you at all; he was just being nice.
He kept on looking at you, sensing the change in the room after this knowledge, and he just...poke you. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Was he trying to cheer you up?
"Even rat, help Daddy! Master will be back, Daddy happy, and finally Daddy will notice my work! Me protect people from tigers! Not many thanks, but still do!"
And now you felt worse! How could someone say so casually that their father doesn't give them enough credits?! He was just a big guy. Yaogaus truly were strange, from some friendly horses to a rat prince.
"I'm sorry to know that you have to endure all of this... But, you know, me and my friend, we're searching for AH!"
Trying to understand this creature, trying to get a chance to flee, and trying to not faint for fear made you forget the first reason why you were there in the first place. You rose from your spot, causing him to back away in surprise.
"The relic! The wind sage...MONKEY!"
You put down the cup; how could you stay here taking tea while your friend was somewhere pierced by who knows how many arrows?! You started to move away from there, trying not to fall from the various junk that he had put around you.
"I'm sorry! I need to leave! My friend needs me; I need to help him! I AGH!"
When he grabbed you, this time he was more scared and aprehensive, trying to stop you from your exit.
"No! You must stay! Other kill and eat, I protect and care! You too, nice! You stay!"
The fight that you left before restarted again, this time with much more vigor from you. You won't have let your friend die in that dump place!
"Put me down! I don't want to stay here with you! LET ME GO!"
His attempt to keep you in place resulted in both his giant hands holding you and trying to keep your kicking feet away from his face. He was starting to panic. Why did you have to leave?!
The struggle continued, and both of you did not notice a figure approaching fastly in your direction until you just heard a huge STOMP. The rat started to move around like a drunk man, then collapsed in a huge cloud of dust and sand. This time, you didn't have to taste the ground since two strong arms were ready to capture your fall.
"You look like you were in need of assistance, my Bián huá!"
His furry face welcomed you once you opened your eyes from the fall with a smile and, instinctively, you launched your arms around his neck for an hug. But you remembered his wounds at the last moment.
"AH! I'm sorry! Your wounds!"
"I'm fine! See? Not a scratch!"
He showed you his chest, untouched and without trace of any wounds or arrows.
"But I saw it... Did the healing wine help you?"
"Not exactely. I've found a helping hand that...
Will let you lose your head!"
"...it's strangely specific."
He just laughed it off but regained his seriousness once he heard some moan of pain from the rat Yaogaui in front of him. He let you down, then took back his staff. 
"Wait!" He looked at you surprised. "Let's just leave him. You gave him a concussion already. I don't think he'll be a problem soon."
"All right, I don't know what happened here, but you look like you had a blast. Let's move now; more rats will come after the commotion!"
You nodded, but you still looked back at the prince with the same sorry expression from before.
"I'm sorry. It's an urgent matter. I promise to apologize better when we'll take the relic. Thank you!"
And so you and the Destined One left hand in hand the cave, noticing in a rush moment the look of pain in the prince's eyes. You wondered if the pain was for his head or something else.
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acotarxreader · 4 months
Azriel x Reader
Synopsis: The morning of your wedding your fears are enforced by an old way of thought, sending you running and Azriel to cope with the aftermath but will a reunion set you both back on the path you should both be living?
Warnings: Angsty
A/N: Right, you may find yourself hating Reader for a bit but I tried my best convey the panic and pressure.
“I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this”
“Shh YNN you'll be fine! This is what you want!” Mor caught you in her arms, your train half tangling your feet. You cried into her chest, not caring if your make-up was streaming down your face, your sister and maid of honour rocking you gently.
“YN, come on sweetie, it's just pre-wedding jitters, happens to most, Azriel will be waiting to see his beautiful bride!”
“Mor it's too soon! I was going to be a writer! Go off and live on the continent, I have never even been! There's still so much I want to go and do!”
“And you will! You will YN! You and Az will do that together and more! Marriage isn't going to change that!”
“You're right, you're right” You pulled from her, rubbed under your eyes and sat back down at the vanity. You looked into the mirror at the person you hardly recognised and silently went about reapplying your makeup.
“You look beautiful YN” You could only nod at her, afraid if you opened your mouth again it would set off a series of unfortunate events.
“I’m going to go check on Azriel” She gave you a smile before ducking out of the pastel room, leaving you alone. You steadied your breathing, batting your tears away with your lashes before they could fall further.  You loved Azriel, he was your life force, saved you from yourself and you returned the same to him. He was your everything. These thoughts brought ease to you. You ran a soft hairbrush through your flowing locks, a smile beginning to reappear on your face.
“Oh you look lovely my child” The sound of a weathered female's voice came up behind you, causing you to jump slightly. She was of pure Illyrian blood, a representative of a dying way of thought, a relic in her own right, Azriels only remaining relative he was in contact with.
“Thank you, Elena” You found your head bowing slightly to her, unsure of why, you out-ranked her and yet you felt the pressure of the millennia of the institution she represented weigh on you. 
“You're going to make a wonderful wife YN” She almost snaked up behind you as quietly as she entered the room as you watched her in the reflection. You tried not to stare at the clipped tattered wings that hung from the female, she tucked them in as if noticing your glance. 
“I just know you'll keep him a nice life”
“What do you mean?” You turned to face the skeletal woman, her bone-chilling words wrapping around your lungs.
“Well, I mean being the wife of a powerful Illyrian of course! And just think YN when the children come along you'll be so busy raising the next generation of warriors! Not much time for other things but what could be more important than the bloodline? Azriel is a hard worker, I know he'll provide in tenfolds” She smiled as if she wasn't throwing a live grenade, it began to smoke as the pin was pulled from it inside your head. You could feel your chest compressing further with the strangling tradition.
“Well, Az and I will be both working and you know we won't be having offspring until after we travel and even then we'll both be looking after them” You tried to calm yourself down but her shrill laughter put a quick stop to relief you had from your own words.
“Oh, my child don't we all think that! You're marrying an Illyrian, bastard born or not-” the words cut you, anger replacing anxiety for a moment until she continued “-He can’t suppress the urges of his blood. His life partner will be malleable, mute and well-behaved, does what is expected of her. Azriel has other things to be doing for his Court than raising children, female work” 
“I-” You couldn’t find the words through the magma-thick matter-of-fact speech she choked you with. 
“-Well, I must go make myself useful elsewhere child” Her crochet-hook-like fingers dug into your shoulders with a squeeze before she turned and left you in the solitude of your room once more. 
You could feel the air rush from your lungs as you fought to stop the oxygen from evaporating from your blood. You stood, pacing, blood rushing to your face as you stumbled on the train of your dress, hitting the carpet with unforgiving force. You lay for a moment on the carpet, hands splayed out in front of you, your engagement catching the light like you loved. It suddenly feeling much too tight. 
“Gods! Fuck! I can’t do this!” You stood on rattling knees, grabbing things frantically from the dresser before you could fully become cognisant of the actions.
You moved quickly and carefully through the door and into the empty hallway, avoiding the directions where laughs leaked out, them falling like battle cries in your ears. 
You reached the stone steps of the venue with quiet desperation, your adrenaline and anxiety now fully controlling your body as you bolted down the path, half stumbling. You whipped around to look back up to the hill where the hall of your friends and family waited for the blushing bride, tears claiming your face as their own as you dashed into the streets of Velaris before anyone inside became the wiser.
Funerals are a strange thing. They do strange things to people. You thought this as you stood at the back of a hall you had not been inside in almost 70 years, thought about how the female they were saying goodbye to today shook your entire life up like it was nothing. You looked around and imagined it the week after you left, the day you left, the hour after you left. You thought of the moments you missed with your chosen family since you fled the Night Court and all its wonderful attributes, you pushed the guilt you had been fighting ever since then back down
From the back row, your eyes landed on the backs of the three Archeron sisters, their stories meeting you on your travels around the globe. You smothered the smile that toyed at your mouth, the thoughts of your friends happy and in love warming you. Your gaze landed on the the back of Azriels head as it hung in respect. Too much, this was too much, you couldn’t deal with him seeing you. As you had 70 years previously, you slipped from the hall without anyone noticing. 
You were met with the warm Spring sun, a beautiful day in Velaris, as they all were. You wandered down the unforgiving steps, your name from a familiar voice stopping you.
“Yn!” She ran down the steps, taking you in her arms, the feeling of home rushing to you. You were so happy to hold your sister having worked through the issues that arose from your wedding day. At first, she rightfully iced you entirely but after two decades of silence, she reached out, asking to reconnect, missing her sister in the fray and yet you always found an excuse to not come home. 
“Yn I'm so happy you're back! You came back for the funeral?”
“Yeah I did, felt I needed to”
“Yeah I mean I suppose they were almost your family too” she smiled before realising her words and apologising, a weak smile grew on your face in acceptance of the throwaway comment. The two of you continued down a winding road away from the groups leaking out of the hall.
“So how long are you here?”
“Just the weekend, I have meetings on Monday, I’m staying at our old apartment, remember?”
“Oh yes! Just a flying visit so, the busy life of a successful big-time author I suppose”
“Oh yeah, I'm plagued with the title” you laughed, finally meeting the Sidra as it coursed, its glimmering water making you smile.
“Yeah, your success really boomed after leaving here” She almost sounded sad before beaming at you again and catching your hands in hers.
“I guess, I missed you though, I missed the Night Court”
“And Azriel?” The name struck pure pain into your heart, as if seeing the back of his head in the hall wasn't bad enough, hearing his name was almost catastrophic, you only nodded.
“Well, he misses you too YN” She squeezed your hands.
“He doesn't, he couldn't, not after what I did to him Mor” She looked at you with sympathy, looking back up the street you just walked down. 
“I have to get back, they’ll be looking for me” You gave her an understanding smile 
“Meet me for a drink later in Rita’s, we have so much to catch up on” as she kissed your cheek goodbye with her words before returning back up the street to the hall again.
You looked out over the Sidra, an empty plot of land ripping through your heart. It was there where you and Azriel were going to build, it still stayed empty. A mausoleum to your relationship. You peeled your eyes from it, looking elsewhere around the city you adored, deciding to spend the remainder of your evening re-acquainting yourself with it. 
Night fell in the city of stars as you found your way towards the Town House by muscle memory alone. You felt so alive being back, more alive than any amount of travel or success ever brought you. You leaned against the fence, waiting happily for your sister.
“Y-Yn?” his face dropped, his voice alone causing you to bite the inside of your mouth to almost bleed. The red flush from your walking was gone from your face growing pale at the sight of him standing on the other side of the street. He crossed slowly as if any sudden movement would send you running.
“H-Hi Az-Azriel, you look - you look well” 
“Thank- what are you doing here YN?” tones of confused sadness left Azriel, the anger towards you he felt so many years ago unable to be conjured back at will. He thought about this moment so often and yet, he couldn’t think of a single thing he’d said in those imaginary encounters.
“I-I’m meeting Mor, I-”
“Azriel, hey there you are!” The small beaming brunette Fae seemingly came from nowhere to his side, her hand tucking into his so effortlessly. You pushed every yearning thought from your head and plastered a smile onto your face that didn’t fully meet your eyes. 
“Maya, go tell Mor her sister is here, I’ll meet you inside” She raked her eyes up your and down your full body with such subtle brutality before kissing Azriel’s cheek goodbye, sauntering up the path to the house. 
“She seems nic-”
“She is” He almost bit, his eyes felt like daggers on your skin.
“-What are you doing here YN?” his tone matched his eyes.
“I just came for the funeral”
“And now what?”
“I’m meeting Mor and then heading to our old place to stay” “And then?” “Then, I’m heading back to the continent” You weren't sure why you were answering, you suppose you owed him that much, the heat of his eyes making you feel vulnerable.
“I heard your writing is doing pretty well there, pretty well everywhere”
“Hope it was worth it YN” Words like fire burning you all over, and yet you felt you deserved worse. He sighed when you didn't respond before pushing past you, following the path Maya had just trotted up.
“It wasn't," you said the words before you knew what you were saying, back towards him before looking over your shoulder, now fully meeting his eyes. He looked as though he was going to say something but Mor came flying out her front door.
“Sorry I'm late YN I was- oh, sorry am I interrupting something?”
“No Mor, I was just leaving” and then he did. Gone again.  
“How did that go?” Mor looped her arm through yours, prying you from leaning on the wall to head down the street again.
“Fine” you tried a smile and failed.
“You met Maya”
“Always one for sensitivity Mor” You smiled at your sister and she was instant apologies.
“I’m sorry, I forgot they were coming over tonight… Maya isn't anything like you if that helps. He went a bit off the walls when you left. Cassian thinks he's going to propose to that tonight, hope he's all wrong. He's totally settling especially since Rhys and Cass have their mates now. She's nothing like you and I think he knows that, just ignoring it. It's kinda sad and- oh hey YN I didn't mean to make you cry” she said the words like throwaway gossip, forgetting her audience only to have your rising tears land her back to earth. 
“No no it's okay Mor, I'm just going to go home”
“Aw come on, I'm sorry!” you stopped on the path, her soft eyes giving you no comfort. 
“Not as sorry as I am Mor” You took off then, in the direction of your old shared house.
You lay in your bed, rain threatening to come through the slate roof. Tossing and turning you finally decided to get up and wander your old house you had with Mor before meeting Azriel. Looking in drawers filled with old pictures, ones of you when you were a kid, playing with the Mor. More recent ones of you with Rhys, Cassian and Azriel,  Azriels arm draped around you. You ran your fingers over the tarnished picture, a tear dripping onto the film before you tucked it back into the worn drawer. 
You meandered through the living room, stopping at the old mahogany press. You knew what was in there and you didn't want to see it. Looking at that engagement ring again would be the end of you.
A loud banging came drumming against the door causing you to jump from the crushing thought. You wrapped the dressing gown tighter around yourself before opening the door to see the tormented, rain-soaked Illyrian before you. He waited for no invitation before blowing in past you, the cold leaking from him.
“Do what Azriel?! What's wrong?!”
“I couldn't ask Maya to marry me! There's fucking caution tape around my heart because of you! I would have been fine if you had just left me alone to wallow in anger all those years ago I would have been fine! But No! I just had to fuck around and get attached to you!” He threw his arms in the air, words hot with anger. 
“You're blaming me for loving you?!” You found his words caused you your own irritation.
“Yeah! Yeah I am! You just had to pay attention to me! You just had to care about me! You just had to-”
“Had to what?! Had to love you!” you couldn’t believe you snapped out the words as they floated to his ears. 
“YEAH! AND YOU JUST HAD TO LEAVE ME!” Knives to your mind would have been less painful, he almost rattled in anger, a mere metre away from you, his shadows vibrating at his feet in anger. 
“I had to leave Azriel I wasn't ready!”
“When we were together what was the thing you always said to me?! It was that you wouldn't leave me, that you wouldn't abandon me like everyone else. YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T AND YOU FUCKING DID!”
“I know Az I know” you were crying now, throwing yourself back on the couch, floods of memories of those very conversations threatening to drown you.
“You know?! Then why did you do it! The truth!”
“Elena came to me before the wedding and said all this stuff about what a wife should do and be and how I wasn't going to have time to write anymore and all the kids would be left to me and I wasn't ready! I WASN'T READY FOR THAT KIND OF PRESSURE THE ILLYRIANS WERE PUSHING ON ME!”
“YEAH! THE ILLYRIANS NOT ME! I NEVER EVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT! NEVER EVEN THOUGHT IT!” you buried your head in your hands at his shouting, the action sending a ping of regret through Azriel but the repressed rage he felt towards you had to get out.
“You hurt me YN YLN. The wedding bells were just alarms to you”
“I don't know what to say but I want you to know that I understand that you hate me, I'll leave tomorrow, Ill go!” you swept the tears from your face, feeling you didn’t deserve to have them, the maker behind this mess.
“I missed you” his words completely caught you off guard as you brought yourself to look at him once again, his wild wrathful eyes replaced by utterly heartbroken ones.
“I miss you and I shouldn't. I can't move on from you! I haven't slept properly since you left! Every damn night it's a new nightmare and then I wake up and you're not there like you used to be and it's a different kind of nightmare! I miss you being there next to me at the dinner table, at Rita’s, at stupid fucking court functions, just doing absolutely fuck all with you! The number of times I thought about contacting you, visiting you, the amount of letters I wrote and never sent-” It was the first time he hadn't had a raised voice since he came into the house but being faced with the fallout of your actions in his ice tone made you miss the screaming to some degree.
“I'M SORRY! I AM WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY!” you found yourself shouting back, anything to deafen your inner voice.
“Do you miss me?” his icy tone melted slightly at your unfamiliar raised voice.
“Yes” you stood again from the sofa. 
“I'm with Maya”
“I know”
“But she's not you”
“I hate you YN" The words hurt every inch of your body, every cell felt searing unwavering pain, the sentence you never thought you’d hear him say. The familiar feeling of your lungs being strangled beat in your chest, unable to recover from the mortal wound.  You did what you did best and ran, out the door and into the rain-soaked Velarian streets.
“YN stop!” he followed you quickly as you made it halfway down the street, he would not have you slip from him again.
“No! I hurt you! I broke you and myself in the process all for selfish reasons and I still love you Azriel!” you went to run again but his firm hand on your forearm stopped you, spinning you to face him as his wild face dripped in rain.
“I hate that I love you YN”
“What?” you said softly over the thundering rain. Azriel looked from your face to over your shoulder. You turned to follow his eyes down the street, the plot of land haunting the other side of the Sidra.
“You ever wonder what we could have been? We were supposed to live there after we got married, we'd probably have kids and all now” his tone had softened at the sight of the overgrown plot.
“Yeah, we probably would” You stood next to him looking at the patch of home, you gave a weak smile.
“But you might not have your successful career”
“I'd have you, that would be worth more”
“You don't mean that YN”
“I do” he turned to completely face you then.
“Never thought I'd hear you say those words” You bit your lip and you could have sworn Azriel fought a slight smile at your discomfort.
“You should go propose to Maya -” Your mouth was betraying your heart “- And I should leave and live the life I chose because I can't be around the life I should be living”
“Do you think you'd want to live it if I gave you the choice now?” his eyes searched yours, fully softening for the first time since he landed on the doorstep. 
“I do”
“Yn I hate you and I love you but mostly I just hate that I love you” He felt no longer in control of his urges, leaning into you as he took hold of your soaked hips and leaned down to kiss swirls of what should have been and what could have taking you both over.
15 years later.
You lay down in the sun of the wildflower garden, your eyes took rest in the warm glow of the sun, taking a moment of rest after months of traveling with your new novel. 
“ARGH!” You shrieked at the rush of cold water soaking you down to your skin. 
“Azriel!” you bolted from where you lay, chasing your husband who clutched the hose down the length of the garden, only to be stopped dead by his sudden decrease in velocity. 
“Big mistake YNN” You looked at him puzzled only to hear the roaring laughter of your two children launch out of the hedges and armed with water balloons that they doused you with, gaining more screams of pure unadulterated joy. You collapsed to the grass as they overwhelmed you with their hysterics, climbing all over you, Azriel watching on so lovingly, so whole.
I promise the next fic will be more silly goofy! Let me know what you think!
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nympsycho-ao3 · 3 months
absolutely decaying over the fact that furiosa and jack:
sleep next to each other, close to each other, closer than any other Praetorian near them, presumably on a regular basis. if it were a necessity to sleep close to one another for warmth, you'd think the other Praetorians would be huddled together, too.
Jack has a fucking widdle bwankie!!
that blankie has me in a chokehold. my theory is that this blanket is a relic from his childhood or otherwise important to Jack specifically. evidence: it appears to be will taken care of, and I figure if it came from the Citadel it would be tattered and worn. It's such a unique color, we don't see many colorful fabrics in the wasteland. It just looks like something he keeps close.
What if the blanket was made by his mother, who wanted to create something for little jack while she was away on military duty?
What if the blanket was his father's, who wanted to be buried with it but Jack couldn't think to part from it and took it for himself?
What if he can't sleep without it?
What if he never lets anyone else even come close to it, threatening even his own crew and superiors over it... but gladly shares with Furiosa?
What if, on more than one occasion, Jack has practically thrown that blanket over Furiosa during the nights the fire is low and the air is frigid?
what if nym is overthinking this 3 seconds of a movie that spans over two and a half hours?
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tossawary · 7 months
I can't remember if I've posted about this fic idea before, but I know I've definitely mentioned the Hong Jing sword on Wan Jian Peak. It's mentioned in the Airplane Extras when the other peak lords are talking about the fact that Shen Qingqiu's entire personality has changed (and about how most of them like him better this way), as this magical sword apparently unseals itself in the presence of possessed individuals.
Wei Qingwei, Peak Lord of Wan Jian, used the Hong Jing sword to test whether or not Shen Qingqiu was possessed. The sword did not unseal itself because transmigration apparently doesn't read as possession in-universe. Shen Yuan, in fact, exposed himself to the Hong Jing sword MULTIPLE TIMES to test this! (SHEN YUAN, WTF, what if it HAD reacted?! Did the System tell you it was safe?!) Shang Qinghua presumably also easily passes the Hong Jing sword test and no one even has a reason to suspect possession there.
But you know who might actually get a reaction out of the Hong Jing sword? Luo Binghe, after Meng Mo shows up.
It's possible that PIDW Binghe never set off the sword just because he had no reason to visit this particular part of Wan Jian Peak. Maybe Binghe and/or Meng Mo knew about the Hong Jing sword and took careful steps to avoid being in its presence. (We don't know if Airplane invented the Hong Jing sword before or after Binghe left the sect.) But if SVSSS Binghe and Meng Mo are both oblivious to the danger of the Hong Jing sword, and Binghe's actions within the sect change when he becomes a treasured and respected disciple, then the entire plot could get immediately derailed by accident.
Shen Qingqiu sends his 17-year-old head disciple to Wan Jian Peak to pick up some innocuous paperwork or something, only to get a messenger about an hour later telling him that the Hong Jing sword completely unsealed itself when Binghe entered walked too close to it while looking for the peak lord, and Wei Qingwei witnessed this and has essentially forcibly arrested Binghe for being possessed by a demon. Attempting to exorcise the dream demon, as Wei Qingwei probably believes is the next reasonable step here, may accidentally break the seals on Binghe's demon heritage entirely and make everything worse.
Shen Yuan just... forgot to keep his disciple away from this sword, which only showed up as a former relic of Wan Jian Peak in a late chapter of PIDW. The System also did not plan for this loophole.
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saltwaterburns · 9 months
I have a request - "being comforted by Jace Wayland (JCB) would include:"
Merry Christmas btw :)
I could kiss you rn. Merry Christmas ❤️
Slightly ooc Jace?
Jace Wayland comforting you would include:
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Did you see how both times he comforted Clary, he held her as close as physically possible, cradling her in his arms?
That's how he would hold you.
He finds you in the greenhouse, tucked away in a hidden corner you love to sneak away with him to
Sometimes to kiss, sometimes to..
You're curled up, back pressed against the wall, knees up against your chest
Your body is being constantly wrecked by sobs, your lungs aching from the lack of air you're getting
You're a mess. You can't see, you can't hear, you can't feel
It hurts. It hurts so bad and it only adds to the salty tears running down your blotchy cheeks
His heart feels like it's being squeezed with an iron fist. The longer he looks at you, the more his body hurts. It's worse than the burning ache of freshly drawn runes, it's worse than a demon bite
Kisses. So, so many kisses
He drops to his knees in front of you, his hands finding yours. He tangles your fingers together, bringing your hands up to his mouth, pressing little kisses over your knuckles
He's doing anything, everything to ground you, to bring you back to him
His lips are spewing words of comfort between each kiss
"Come on, darling."
"Breathe for me now, angel."
"It's okay, it's okay. I've got you, it's okay."
"You're alright. I'm here, I've got you. Deep breaths for me, yeah?"
"There we go, just like that."
After a while, you start to calm down. Your heart slows, your lungs aren't constricted, blood isn't roaring in your ears
Despite that, your hands stay clasped together with his. You don't let go, even when he tries to pull away so he can wrap his arms around you
You bring his hands up to your face and hide. You kiss them, hide yourself from him in them. His hands are cool and it feels nice against your hot skin
He coos, sitting closer to you. His darling girl
He sits beside you and pulls you to his chest, somehow managing to sneak his hands free
He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, petting your hair, pressing kisses to your hairline, whispering little reassurances in your ear
You stay there with him for who knows how long. An hour, two, three
Neither of you cares. You stay sitting there, you in his embrace. His scent, clean and fresh, surrounds you, clouds your senses
It lulls you to sleep after a bit. Your head falls limp and he chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head
He brushes your hair back, away from your face. He tucks the strands behind your ears, wipes your cheeks dry. He presses little kisses under your eyes, now adorned with red circles
He is such a kissy boy you can't change my mind
"Good morning!" Kiss
"Are you okay??" Kiss
"You could've died." Kiss
"Please help me." Kiss
He kisses you to reassure himself. Reassuring you is just an amazing bonus
Kisses help to ground him, make him realise you're real and with him
Angels can't kiss anyone, but you're his angel and he kisses you
After the crying situation, he doesn't mention it again because you don't
But his lingering touches, gentle brushes of fingertips let you know that he is here and that he cares
You appreciate it more than anything. You don't want to talk about it, but you thank him with kisses of your own
His love language is physical touch for a reason
Mostly because he didn't get much of it as a boy
He doesn't like words, he can't figure them out
He also hates emotions. He thinks they're stupid and not really needed
But he cherishes everything he feels for you like an ancient relic that needs the best of the best protection
He's so sassy, too
If anyone asks what happened that night, be ready to get at least 3 comments thrown your way
"None of your business, thanks!"
"Since when did asking stupid questions become a shadowhunters job, enlighten me please."
"We did your mum. Fuck off."
It never fails to make you giggle
He flashes you a wink after every comment
He's like a 14 year old boy trying to impress an older girl
It works...
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little-emerald-snake · 4 months
Blackmail - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
scene is f!mc during the shadow of friendship quest where she needs to talk Ominis out of telling on Sebastian to be committed to Azkaban BUT instead of the soft reaction we get in-game what if Ominis has actually harbored deep desires for the mc until now and since he's aware that she has feelings for Sebastian instead, uses this opportunity to "blackmail" the mc into convincing him to not put Sebastian away. so really a non-con scene of dark!ominis x f!mc if you will requested by @moongurl95 via dms
Genuinely so sorry this took me like three weeks but my life is in shambles literally setting this up to post while sheltering from a tornado 💀 but don’t worry I’m fine. Anyway I hope this is what you’re looking for 🫶🏻
Warnings: blackmail, threats, dirty talk, non-con, Dominis, stolen virginity, unprotected sex, creampie
2.4k words
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She stood beside Sebastian who paced the stone floor beside his blonde companion. The air in the undercroft hung heavier than ever around them. Ominis was being brutally honest, telling Sebastian that his twin, Anne, couldn’t bear the thought of turning him in. Sebastian was a bit shocked, pacing back and forth while trying to defend himself before Ominis finally gave a sigh, saying he’d give Sebastian some time to think.
As he walked away Sebastian resumed his nervous pacing and she approached him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I can’t believe he’s gone. How did things go so wrong? I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to-“ He shook his head in dismay. “Oh Anne. I was only trying to help. I can’t leave now. Anne needs me more than ever.”
She nodded, her head felt full of confusion and worry but she’d grown to care for Sebastian and couldn’t imagine that he’d truly wanted to hurt anyone. She knew the lengths he was willing to go for Anne. That kind of love and devotion spoke to her. “Don't worry Sebastian. I shall speak with Ominis.”
Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. You’re a real friend, truly. No matter what happens from here, I’m glad we met.” With that he turned and walked to the exit of the Undercroft. She waited till the doors chimed and she heard him exit before she turned with a sigh toward Ominis.
She could practically sense the dark cloud looming over the other side of the undercroft and a sort of unease rolled over her. This wasn’t going to be an easy conversation. Ominis had sensed her approach and decided to tell her what had happened after they’d spoken last. He’d run back to Hogwarts and before he’d been able to speak to the headmaster Anne had contacted him. He’d rushed to Feldcroft and found Anne with Solomon’s body. How deeply stricken with grief she was. “I don’t want to lose Sebastian but I don’t think we have a choice.”
She chewed her bottom lip with a worried expression. “Ominis…we do have a choice. What good would it do now to turn him in? He clearly regrets everything. He’s not going to do anything like this again.”
Ominis’ eyes darkened. “What makes you so sure? You’ve said that about nearly everything else thus far? You said letting him into the scriptorium wasn’t going to end badly yet he casted Crucio on you without a moment's hesitation. You promised the relic wouldn't cause harm yet he was ready to throw our entire friendship away just to take it with him.”
She looked down. He was right. Everything he’d said had been true. Yet she had grown fond of Sebastian both as a friend and maybe more over the span of their year. “Ominis I know how this seems but Sebastian isn’t like this. He made a mistake…it was for Anne’s life.”
Ominis’ tone turned angry, the same scowl that first day she’d come from the Undercroft painted his features as he took a step toward her. “He’s got you wrapped around his finger…he used you…and you don’t even seem to care?! You’d rather blindly ignore the damage he’d caused to make him the hero in your book because you’ve begun to harbor feelings for him haven’t you?”
She was about to deny it but what was the point? Ominis had so clearly seen through everything and while she hated to admit it, he wasn’t wrong. “I…suppose I have. I just want the best for him and Anne…it makes no sense to send him away now when Anne will be needing her brother the most.”
Ominis’ scowl darkened. “I see. So are you willing to accept the punishment for his actions? You’re an accomplice to murder if you choose to continue down this path. If he continues on the way he is I will not hesitate to turn you both in for these crimes.”
She blinked, honestly shocked about what he’d said. But she truly believed that Sebastian was good deep down. He just let this get away from him. “Yes. I understand. I promise. He won’t cause anymore trouble. Just don’t take him from Anne.”
He agreed begrudgingly, taking another step forward. She backed up a step, bumping into a stack of crates with a gasp. His voice came out dark and low. “So you are the kind of girl who falls for the villain then?”
Her eyes widened in surprise as her head whipped back around, his tone dark and a bit husky. His palm came up to rest on the crate right beside her face, his body pushing closer. “What are you willing to give up to ensure I don’t turn you and Sebastian in? What price would you pay for a life that’s already been stained in blood?”
The knot in her throat solidified and it felt like she had mouthfuls of sawdust she had to swallow in order to form words. “Ominis, w-what are you talking about…we don’t have to give up anything…we just don’t tell anyone…”
Ominis chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “I’m well aware darling. I asked what you were willing to give up in order to keep me quiet. This deal has nothing in it for me. You and Sebastian get away with murder and I’m stuck holding the truth for nothing while you both run off and fall in love. Hardly fair if you ask me.”
Her eyes widened and she suddenly understood what was happening. She moved to run but his hand, much stronger than she’d imagined, came up to hold her wrist, wrenching and pinning it above her head, shortly joined by her other. “Now now, no running away from your problems anymore. You need to come up with a solution I’ll accept or you won’t be leaving here. You better get thinking before I decide for you.”
Her mind reeled over what she could offer him. What did he want? She thought and thought but nothing came to mind. He grinned darkly. “My choice then. I can work with that.”
He moved quickly, spinning her and bending her over a crate. She gasped, surprised by the suddenness as the wood bit into her hip bones. His surprisingly strong body pinned her down with ease, one hand holding her wrists above her head while the other worked at pulling up her school skirts. “Tell me darling, are you currently taking contraceptive potions?”
Her heart pounded in her chest. Her body had the choice of fight or flight and for some bloody reason it had chosen to freeze. “I-I no…why would I-?”
He’d laughed, cutting her off while pulling her underwear to the side. “Well you better start my dear. Because if you manage to conceive I’ll ruin your pathetic life. As a Gaunt I refuse to carry forward the bloodline.”
She listened to the sound of his belt being undone and blood whooshed in her ears. She knew the time to speak up was now but she was still at a loss for words. She couldn’t very well deny him after he’d made the threat to turn her and Sebastian in. She had to stay quiet and take it, if not for herself and Sebastian’s innocence than for Anne still having a relative to care for her.
She pressed her face to the crate, tears welling in her eyes. “O-okay. I-I won’t let that happen.” She listened to him as he hummed in satisfaction and she listened to the shuffle of his pants as he pushed them down. She felt the blunt tip of him at her opening and she sniffled, stiffening up with nerves wound tight.
Ominis huffed, trying to push forward but her tense body wouldn’t allow his entrance. “For Merlin’s sake you need to relax. Just imagine it’s Sebastian like always and it’ll be over before you know it.”
She sniffled again as he released her hands and they immediately went to the edge of the crate, gripping so tightly her knuckles turned white. “S-Sebastian has never…I’ve never…”
His eyes widened in recognition and he pulled back, voice coming a bit softer this time. “You’ve never…not once?”
She nodded and his hand came to swipe away the tears, his other hand coming to slide her hair behind her ear. “It feels good after the initial bit you know…if you could survive the pain of Crucio you can make it through this and it’ll start to feel good. You don’t even have to imagine it’s me...”
She sniffled and nodded carefully, he brushed her cheek and his other hand dipped between them to rub the blunt tip up and down between her slit. The sensations were all new but the feel of him stimulating that bundle of nerves between her legs had small spikes of pleasure shooting up through her. She hated it.
She tried to fight it, her body may be wanting this but he was good at pushing the right buttons. She didn’t want Ominis. She was still stuck, she had to do this for Anne and Sebastian to be a family. She sucked in a shaky breath that turned into a whimper as he slid over her clit again.
His warm breath ghosted over her neck. His chest, which was pressed against her back, rumbled. “That’s right dear. Relax and let your body take over. Turn that brilliant brain off for a bit and put yourself somewhere happy. It’ll be over soon.”
He notched himself at her entrance and she let another few tears slip, rolling down her cheeks. She tried to imagine that this was Sebastian above her, that it was after the ball and he’d asked her to go somewhere private. Just then, slim fingers slid between her folds and rubbed small circles around that bundle of nerves.
She moaned out softly and his hips slid forward, his tip kissing that barrier within her that she knew would end this pleasure. She pushed the thought away, trying to imagine those fingers a bit thicker and rougher against her body. She tried to imagine what breathy sounds he’d make or what encouragement he’d whisper against her skin.
A moan from between her lips and Ominis’ body sank forward, pushing past that barrier and sending spikes of discomfort through her body. But as quickly as the discomfort started his fingers redoubled with the pleasurable circles and she was arching into it and whimpering in pleasure. His breath came gently across the back of her neck as he slid her hair out of the way. “That’s right Darling, just like that.”
She moaned low as he praised her, his hips slowly moving back and forth inside of her but he focused most of his intentions on her clit. She was at the very least thankful he didn’t want her to be in pain.
She tried to force herself to think about Sebastian again but the way Ominis’ breathing picked up and his slender body slid against hers as he began to thrust deeper dragged her out of the daydream. She hated how her body reacted, her stomach flipping and swirling and tightening as she listened to the small puffs of air and panting that left his lips.
The pinching discomfort between her legs slowly morphed into hot pleasure that rippled through her in waves. She gripped the crate tighter and his thrusts grew longer and deeper. “Great Merlin you’re so fucking tight, I’ve never had a witch who was a sweet little virgin. I don’t think I can go back after this. Or if this is all just you we may have to convince Sebastian to share your brilliant little body.”
His words sent shocks of pleasure through her and she moaned, pushing her hips back. This felt so good, she struggled to maintain her fantasy of Sebastian ravaging her when Ominis was the one here making her feel so incredible. Pleasure swirled deep in her stomach and she tightened, forcing him to groan behind her. “You better be careful squeezing around me like that. Might just get the idea you actually like this with me or something.”
She whimpered, unable to hold another ripple of pleasure from surging through her. His fingers moved faster, making her arch into his touch for more. “Fuck yes, darling. That’s it. Make me cum, pretty girl.”
His hips slammed deeper till their bodies had no space between, his thrusts growing faster. Her poor hips were going to be bruised and sore from being slammed forward into the crate. The head of him nudged against a spot inside of her that had her seeing stars. She hadn’t even realized how loudly she’d cried out.
He chuckled darkly, angling her hips so he’d hit that spot with every single thrust. “That’s it, come on love, you know you want to cum all over my cock after I took your sweet innocence.”
She made a pitiful sound, the pleasure was too much and the emotions swirling inside of her caused tears to form in the corner of her eyes. His fingers rolling deft circles and him nudging into that spot was all too much for her.
She heard him groan in what sounded like sweet agony as her body stilled, her traitorous body tightening around him. He tensed, holding onto her hips for deer life as he pumped into her. She grew slick and sticky between her legs and she pressed her forehead against the crate, letting her tears fall as she composed her breathing.
Instead of staying to comfort her, he pulled out, casting a cleansing charm on himself before tucking himself away and fixing his attire. She stayed there, quietly crying as his seed and her blood mixed and dripped down her thighs.
He cleared his throat and she finally stood up, not bothering with a cleaning charm and just righting her clothing. She wouldn’t feel clean till she soaked in a boiling hot bath for several hours. But she turned to find him standing there as if nothing had ever happened. “I’ll take this into consideration when I talk to Anne about how best to break the news to the Headmaster. For now you can tell Sebastian I’ve chosen not to turn you both in. But this only lasts as long as you both stay away from the Dark Arts. Understood?”
She nodded, quickly feeling like an idiot before giving him a shaky verbal response. She wouldn’t let her sacrifice be for nothing. She’d make sure the fluffy haired brunette would stay in line no matter the cost.
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lorrainmorgan · 7 months
A proper apology
🔞❤️‍🔥 NSFW // MDNI 🔞❤️‍🔥
⚠️ Sebastian Sallow x F! reader⚠️ Spicy content ahead
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Full pic on my Ao3 and Poipiku 🐍 Ominis’ version
“Look at yourself. I am doing this to you. You’re mine. No one else's.” You couldn't tear your gaze away from the mirror as he made you his.
Sebastian Sallow, the boy who had captured your heart in 5th year, was now just a memory. After everything that had happened with his uncle and the relic, you couldn't bring yourself to continue with your relationship. He spent one year in Azkaban, paying for his crimes before finally being released.
But 6th year at Hogwarts just wasn't the same without him. The classes felt dull and lifeless without his charming wit and adventurous spirit. The Undercroft, where you had shared countless secret conversations and stolen kisses, now felt hauntingly empty. 
Then, in 7th year, he returned. Rumors spread like wildfire about why he had seemingly transferred to homeschool - some said it was to help his sister Anne catch up on her studies. But only you and Ominis knew the truth behind his absence - the pain and guilt of what he had done.
As you watched him from across the Great Hall, your heart still ached for what could have been if things had gone differently. You missed him. You wanted to run to him and tackle him with a never ending hug, and fill every freckle in his face with your kisses.
But then, as the memories came flooding back, you remembered. You've written to him every single day for an entire year. Each letter carefully crafted and sent with hope and longing. And yet, every one of them was returned to your hands with a familiar red stamp: rejected by the recipient. 
He took a seat next to Ominis, not even sparing a glance in your direction. His gaze, or lack thereof, felt like a heavy brick wall crushing down on you. You stood up from the table, completely abandoning your untouched dinner. You needed to be alone. To escape the suffocating anxiety that was building inside of you. He was so close, yet so far away.
Leaving the Great Hall with a calm facade, tears begin to flow freely as soon as you're out of sight. The haunting image of him sitting mere inches away from you is burned into your mind. 
Seeking refuge in the abandoned Haunted Toilets, typically reserved for Peeves, you let out all of your pent-up emotion in a torrent of tears. The grimy, cracked walls amplified your sobs, sending painful echoes reverberating through the empty bathroom.
"Why does it still hurt?" You cried to yourself, the weight of your longing for Sebastian crushing down on your heart. You could feel his absence like a physical ache, You yearned for his warm touch, the gentle caress of his hands, and the familiar scent that always comforted you. Every aspect of him felt like a distant memory that only intensified the pain in your soul.
The door creaked open behind you, and there he was. Sebastian stood in the doorway, his tall frame silhouetted by the moonlight streaming in from the window. The light played across his freckles, turning them into shimmering specks of gold. He watched you crumble before him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. His eyes bore into you, demanding an explanation. 
"Tell me, NOW." Sebastian demanded, his voice hard and unforgiving.
You couldn't believe it. After a whole year of ignoring your letters, worries, and heartache, those were the first words that came out of his mouth?
"What do you want me to tell you, Sallow?" you spat back at him, anger bubbling up inside of you. You violently wiped away the tears that had escaped down your cheeks. 
Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he looked at you skeptically, his arms uncrossing as he took a step closer. 
"You don't look fine to me," he said softly, his eyes scanning your face for any signs of distress. "You know you can tell me anything. We may not be together anymore, but I still care about you."
We may not be together anymore, but I still care about you. The hypocrisy. His words hit you like a punch to the gut, reminding you of the love that was once there between you two.
"What do you want from me, Sallow?" You spat out his name with venom, your voice trembling with emotion. "I gave you everything in our 5th year. My time, my patience, my loyalty, my devotion. What else do you wish to take from me? I'm here at Hogwarts, alone, ignored by you while Ominis is probably already waiting for me in the Undercroft to hear my sad thoughts for the millionth time." Tears welled up in your eyes again, threatening to spill over onto your swollen cheeks.
He closed the door behind him with a soft click, making it feel like a finality. You heard the lock turning, sealing you both inside the small room and shutting out the rest of the world. The air between you two felt thick and suffocating, filled with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. 
He prowled towards you with the quiet, calculated movements of a wolf stalking its prey in the cover of night. His eyes gleamed with a predatory hunger, and you could feel his gaze raking over your trembling form. A shiver ran down your spine as he continued to close the distance between you, his steps almost silent on the humid stone floor. 
"Do not come any closer Sallow" You warned, pointing your wand at him. The point of your wand hummed with energy, ready to unleash its magic at your command.
“Do it” Sebastian growled through clenched teeth “Curse me, Y/N. I don't give a damn. After everything I went through in Azkaban, do you think you can hurt me any further?. “ Your trembling wand pinched his chest as he kept walking towards you.
 “Do you?” His voice boomed off the walls, echoing in your ears. 
“I rotted in that hellhole for a year. I was utterly alone, without Anne or Ominis or you. I knew I deserved everything that happened to me. But most of all, I deserved to be left by you. You deserve better than me. You deserve someone better not a-” He choked on the word before spitting it out with disgust- “murderer.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes as his words pierced your heart, but you refused to let them fall.
“I pushed you away because I thought I could never earn your love again,” he continued, his voice breaking with every word. “When I was in Azkaban, when I was losing my grip on reality, all I could do was beg in my head to hear your voice, to smell your scent, to taste you one last time. But I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve you. I still don’t. ” The pain and regret in his voice were palpable.
With a sharp intake of breath, you closed the distance between you and Sebastian. The sound of your palm striking his cheek echoed through the walls.
How dare he? How dare he confess that you deserved more, a better man? The anger burned inside you as you thought about all the letters he had ignored, the anguish, tears, sorrow, and love that he had chosen to disregard. 
"I'll stand by you through this, and in all our other lives, Sebastian Sallow. But if you choose to delve deeper into the dangerous world of Dark Arts, pushing me away as you go down a path towards self-destruction, do not expect me to follow. I love you too much to watch you fall apart." Your words were laced with equal parts passion and desperation, a final plea for him to see reason before it was too late.
With a heavy heart, you began to turn away, your steps slow and hesitant. As you clicked the lock open, ready to exit the bathroom and leave this tense encounter behind you, a sudden force seized your waist and yanked you back inside. The sound of your sharp intake of breath was drowned out by the thud of the door closing behind you.
"You're not going anywhere," Sebastian's voice was low and rough with emotion, "not before I give you a proper apology." 
He lifted you up and pinned you against the door with ease, his strong hands gripping your sides firmly. Your own hands instinctively reached up to cling to his neck, fingers digging into his skin as if seeking reassurance. 
Your lips collided in a violent and heated kiss, the passion between you both exploding like a firework. Your teeth clashing against his, causing the taste of metal to run across your lips. The intensity of the moment consumed you as you pulled, pushed, and shook him, unable to control your desire for this man. You didn't know what you wanted to do with him, but you just needed him, desperately.
 “Sebastian, I-” 
“Shut your pretty little mouth.” Your words were cut off by his rough command. 
As you kissed, your fingers traced over the soft strands of his hair, relishing in the familiar sensation. It had been so long since you had felt his touch, and you had missed it dearly. The scent of him filled your senses, a mix of wood and fresh cut grass that was uniquely him. His breath was sweet as honey and seemed to wash over you like a warm embrace. Memories flooded back as you savored the moment. 
“Let me devour you...please.” Sebastian’s tone was like that of a wild animal, asking permission to feast on its prey. It was almost pathetic how much he craved you.
But as he moved in for another kiss, you turned your cheek and whispered in his ear:
“No. Apologize first.”
Sebastian was determined to earn that apology. His sharp gaze met yours as he carefully set you down on your feet, his movements deliberate and purposeful. 
He kneeled before you and his head got lost in the folds of your skirt. As if seeking absolution, he began to worship every inch of skin above your knees with his lips. each kiss like a sweet offering of repentance.
Slowly, his kisses trailed up your thighs, inching higher and higher until they reached your inner thighs. You could feel the heat emanating from your core, begging for more. And Sebastian was all too willing to give it.
With rough hands, he parted your legs and pressed himself against you, feeling the intense heat radiating from your entrance. He couldn't resist any longer and continued to trail his kisses higher and higher until he buried his nose between your soaked panties. The sensation caused you to moan loudly, unable to contain yourself. 
His strong hands traveled to your hips, pushing you against the wall for support as your legs threatened to give out under the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through your body. And in that moment, with Sebastian's lips and hands worshipping every inch of you. 
With a careful tug of his teeth, he removed your lace panties and let them drop to the floor at your feet, leaving you bare and exposed. 
Your body responded instinctually, reaching out to grip his head and guide him to where you needed him most. His tongue was like a delicately placed brush, painting slow and deliberate strokes across your sensitive flesh as he savored the sweet taste of your arousal. Your hips began to sway in time with his movements, rolling forward and back in an erotic rhythm. Your knees clenched tightly around his head, holding him in place as he worshipped you with his mouth.
Each flick of his tongue sent shivers coursing through your body, causing you to moan uncontrollably. As the passion built and your bodies intertwined, beads of sweat formed on your skin, adding to the intense heat radiating between you. The bathroom mirrors were steamed up from the steamy encounter, the only source of light being the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window. 
Your moans warned Sebastian that you were nearing your limit, he only seemed to be spurred on by the challenge. With his strong, calloused hand, he traced a path down your body, his touch sending shivers of anticipation coursing through your veins. 
You couldn't help but twitch in response, eager for what was about to unfold. He then slowly, tantalizingly, slid his index finger inside your warm and inviting body, causing you to let out a feral growl of pleasure. 
This was a sensation he had only given you once before - before everything fell apart. Before the fifth year intervened and brought chaos into your relationship. Before the cursed relic came between you. Before the painful breakup that tore your hearts apart. And now here you were, reunited and rediscovering the passion that still burned between you.
Every nerve in your body was on high alert as the sensations from his touch washed over you. This wasn't like your first time with him at the dimly lit Undercroft, this was something else entirely; a chaotic and wild frenzy of desire. 
He pushed his index finger in and out of your entrance in a perfect rhythm, each thrust causing your walls to tighten around him. The sound of his voice, deep and almost demonic, made you let out a loud cry 
"After all this time...you're still so tight for me, Y/N," you heard Sebastian growl, his words laced with possessiveness and hunger.
You were wild and unapologetic, a naughty young woman who reveled in the forbidden pleasure of rocking your hips against your loved one. Sebastian, the man who had pushed you away for almost a year, was like a drug to you. You couldn't resist his touch, his alluring presence. It was like coming home after a long journey. 
As he slipped two fingers inside you, you gasped in ecstasy.
"You're taking me so good, my love." You gasped as Sebastian added a third finger, filling you completely. 
The sensations in your G Spot were intoxicating, sending shivers of pleasure through your body as your walls tightened around his fingers. You reached your climax and fell to your knees, still trembling with desire for him.
With a soft cry, you pulled him out of you slowly, savoring every moment of pleasure before he slipped away from you. Your body ached for more, but even in the absence of his touch, you could still feel the lingering effects of his fingers inside you. It was a bittersweet ache that only he could soothe.
He raised his hand to his lips, savoring the lingering essence of your orgasm and the wetness that coated them. 
A smile played on his lips as he whispered, "Your taste hasn't changed a bit, my love." 
He couldn't resist any longer and dove in to kiss you on the humid floor. Your legs welcomed him eagerly, wrapping around his waist as your bodies molded together. 
You could feel his cock throbbing painfully hard against his clothes, a testament to his desire for you. The stain of his pre-cum, evidence of how much he wanted you, had made an appearance earlier as he went down on you. Your inner thigh still glistened with it. 
Before things could get too heated on the floor, he pulled away abruptly.
"Get up," he commanded. "You're too delicate to be fucked on the floor, dear." In a heartbeat, he was on his feet and effortlessly lifting you up off the ground. He pressed you against the sink, making you face the mirror so you could watch every moment of what was about to happen next.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, a blood-curdling scream threatened to escape your lips. 
Your hair was a tangled mess, strands sticking out in all directions as if they had been struck by lightning. And your blouse - which one were you even wearing? Blinking, you realized that Sebastian must have taken it off of you without you even noticing. Thank Merlin your bra was a decent one, its deep red hue matching perfectly with Sebastian's favorite color. Though now, it felt like a symbol of his possession over you. Your reflection seemed almost unreal, as if you were looking at a stranger who had been ravaged by desire and abandoned by all sense of control.
“Look how beautiful you are,” he whispered, his voice low and husky. His hand gently caressed your cheek as he gazed at you with adoration. “Look at yourself. I am doing this to you. You’re mine. No one else's.” His words sent a thrill of excitement through your body. You couldn't tear your gaze away from the mirror as he made you his, his hands exploring every inch of your bare skin. 
Your lips parted to speak, but before any words could escape, you felt his hard length pressing against your ass. 
He noticed your hesitation and spoke softly, “Tell me, what is it?” Your eyes met his in the reflection of the mirror, filled with longing and desire.
Without another thought, you looked over your shoulder at him, silently pleading for more. You wanted to feel his warmth, his body pressed against yours. You've missed him and he could see that in your eyes. As you stood there almost naked and vulnerable, he remained fully dressed.
He stepped away from you, not breaking eye contact in the mirror. 
Slowly, deliberately, he began to undress himself. First came his cloak, sliding off his shoulders with ease. Then, with just two fingers, he released his tie and looped it around his neck. Next went his vest and suspenders, each piece discarded with a practiced grace. 
You couldn't tear your gaze away as he stripped down before you, watching every movement in the reflection of the mirror.
With only his pants remaining, his arousal stood tall and hard before him. He closed the distance between you and began to kiss the nape of your neck, trailing his hands over every inch of your exposed skin. As he reached behind you to knot his loosened tie around your wrists, you trembled with anticipation.
His warm breath danced across your ear and the sensitive skin of your neck as he moved closer. The scent of him enveloped you, sweet and intoxicating.
"I miss the way you say my name, love," he purred as he wrapped his hands around your tightly bound wrists and pulled you closer to him. His voice was like a velvety whisper. "Say it."
 You hesitated for a moment, unable to resist getting lost in the reflection of his intense gaze. His piercing eyes seemed to see straight through you, leaving you vulnerable and exposed. 
He pressed his cock against your closed thighs, teasing and tormenting you with each subtle movement. A bead of precum escaped from the tip of his member and dripped between your legs, igniting a deep ache within you. His throbbing erection came tantalizingly close to your folds, tempting and teasing you further. 
Desperately wanting to catch a glimpse of him, you dared to look down but he quickly tugged on the tie that bound your wrists together. The sensation made you moaned as he held you in place.
“Say my name first”.
“Sebastian” You whispered in a very low voice. 
He shoved his cock closer to your entrance, brushing your clit.
“Sebastian” - A little higher. 
“You can do better than that”
"S-Sebastian, please-" 
The sound of your breathless pleading was music to Sebastian's ears.Your voice quivered with need and anticipation, the same plea you had made when you lost your virginity to him. 
He pressed himself against your back, pushing you against the cold marble sink. His strong hands grasped your hips, spreading your buttocks apart. Thanks to all the skilled work he had done with his tongue and fingers earlier, he had no trouble penetrating you in a heartbeat.
A primal growl escaped your chest as he began to thrust his hips slowly against yours. Your core eagerly welcomed him, craving his touch. Every thrust sent sparks of pleasure through your body, your walls clenching tightly around him in ecstasy.
The sounds of your wetness mingled with the sound of skin slapping against skin as he drove into you over and over again. The heady scent of sex filled the air, making your head spin and your senses reel. With every movement, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, until finally you tumbled over, crying out his name as waves of pleasure washed over you.
“F-Fuck, you’re so tight, my love” Sebastian groaned, his voice strained with desire. 
You whimpered in ecstasy as he maintained a firm grip on your restrained wrists, his other hand skillfully undoing the clasp of your red lace bra with one hand. The delicate fabric fell away, revealing your breasts to him. They bounced and swayed with each thrust of his hips, drawing his gaze to your hardened pink nipples. Without hesitation, he swung you around and carried you into one of the closed stalls, never breaking contact with your body as he sucked on your sensitive peaks. The sensation was like a slow burn, building up until it consumed your entire being. 
With a firm hand, he pushed the stall door closed behind you, trapping you against the cold wooden surface. His strong arms lifted you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips as he devoured your lips with his own. The heat of his body pressed against yours, igniting a fire within you.
“I’ll fuck you in every possible corner in Hogwarts, do you understand me?”
His hands roamed over your body, drawing gentle circles on your breasts before squeezing them and eliciting a moan of pleasure from you. He couldn't resist the taste of you any longer and eagerly sucked on your skin, savoring every moment of finally being able to have you. Just when you thought he would change positions again, he lowered you down a bit, and with an abrupt move he claimed you as his own, pulling your body inside of him. 
A sharp moan escaped your lips as Sebastian guided your weight. Every movement was under his control - how you entered him, how you exited him. As you looked down, you saw your glistening pussy eagerly welcoming his hard cock, sliding in and out of you with each thrust. Your hot juices threatened to splash against his lower stomach, evidence of the intense pleasure between you. 
Your vision blurred as he consumed you, making it difficult to focus on the sight of him thrusting into your soaking wet pussy. You instinctively reached out and grabbed onto his back, digging your nails into his skin as you moaned in ecstasy. Resting your chin on his shoulder, you were able to catch a glimpse of his reflection in a small mirror positioned perfectly in front of you. The defined muscles of his back flexed and strained with each powerful movement, adding to the intensity of the moment. As he continued to penetrate you, his perfectly round and smooth ass tensed and relaxed, driving you closer to the edge. 
Sebastian looked over his shoulder and caught you watching him.His eyes locked with yours, a wicked grin spreading across his lips before he resumed his sensual assault on your body. 
"Take my cock," Sebastian growled, his voice thick with desire. "Take it all in. You belong to me, now and always. You’re mine."
You surrendered to his words, feeling a rush of pleasure coursing through your body as he thrust deeper inside you. Your nails dug into his back, leaving red marks in their wake as you lost yourself in the intense sensation.
With each moan and gasp that escaped your lips, Sebastian's own sounds grew louder. His arousal building until he couldn't hold back any longer. With one final, primal grunt, he released himself inside you, filling you with his warm seed.
Both of you collapsed into each other's embrace, your bodies forming a perfect fit, you could feel his warmth radiating against your skin. The intensity of your hug made it seem as though the world had faded away. Your legs were wobbly and weak, but his strong grip held you steady. His chest rose and fell rapidly against yours, the sound of his racing heartbeat filling your ears. It was a familiar sound that you had longed to hear again.
He held onto you tightly, facing you with an intense gaze as if he never wanted to let go. His nose buried into the soft skin of your neck, taking in your scent, and his arms wrapped around you like a protective shield.
As your bodies intertwined in a warm embrace, his breath tickled your ear as he whispered those familiar words.
"Ever thy. Ever mine. Ever ours." You melted into him, gazing into his hazelnut eyes, now filled with sincerity and regret. It was the same quote you had signed each letter you sent him with, a constant reminder of your love for him. 
"Y-You read them? You-" Your voice trembled with emotion as you tried to comprehend his actions.
He had read them all, despite wanting to push you away and make you forget about him. A pang of regret shot through his voice as he continued, "I wanted to break your heart and make you hate me, to erase myself from your life. And for that, I am deeply sorry. I have read every word, every letter, written with nothing but love and anguish from your hand and soul." Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you realized how much he had suffered silently, just like you.
Tears glistened in his eyes as he repeated, "I-am-sorry," his voice cracking with raw and intense emotion. 
You gently pressed your lips against his swollen ones, the warmth of your touch bringing a sense of comfort to his beautiful face adorned with scattered freckles.
"You're forgiven." You whispered softly.
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👉 It was Sebastian's turn >:)
👉 And in B&W because I did not feel like coloring today
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Aftermath (NSFW) FT Sejeong
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Authors note: had to do a bit of world building as I try to figure out what the world looks like now that I don't want to use Karina or Jiyho anymore due to the dating thing…it would be weird ya know.
"Hey, Danger can I ask you something," Seji asks me with a clear and concerned tone,
"Yeah, sure," I answer hesitantly. Sejeong smiles brightly.
"Why did you run away from me," She asks. I bite the inside of my cheek as I consider my response.
"I figured it would be better than dealing with any of the repercussions of my feelings. I have a limited time left to live and I didn't want to put anyone through the sorry of losing someone they care about. So I figured dipping before that would be a cleaner cut-off than this going too deep instead," I reply
"You coward," Sejeong teases.
"I...yeah you're right. I should have let you choose," I reply
"At least you're a reasonable coward," Seji teases further
I squint at her causing her to smile wide, "I am not a coward, nor am I reasonable," I reply. Seji beams
"Oh really and why don't you think so," Sejeon asks sternly.
"You'll see soon enough," I replied.
Three weeks later Sejeong bought my little photo studio and shop. she was okay with not paying rent as long as I became her "personal photographer", and so I went with her all on these trips and events to snap pictures of the beautiful girl, but honestly she used it as an excuse to relentlessly fuck. I would spend hours cutting angles and working on shop composition to make sure the photos were perfect, and looking at her face always led to a visceral response. I'd be hard for hours, and like clockwork, she'd come into my office give me a warm-up blowjob then have it lead right into mindblowing sex.
As I worked on photos there was a knock on the door. I assume it's Sejeong as she's the only one who comes in here typically. The door opens to a tall dark-skinned man he smiles at me with malicious intent.
“Well, I didn't think I'd ever see you again,” he says as aggression rises in his tone.
“What do you want Alistair,” I ask
“Oh remember call me AL or Tahm,” Alistair replies
“Oh well you know I'm just checking in on my favorite curse bearer. I truly thought you'd come hunting for me, but you never did. I wanted to know why, but you were hard to find. When you said I want to disappear I guess you meant it,” Alistair adds.
“Are you here to kill me, because if so I'm not going down without a fight,” I reply
“What heavens no! I'm here to give you something you want more. Freedom,” Alistair replies.
“What is the catch,” I ask.
“No catch at least this time. I can't beat the curse bearer chasing me as he is using holy relics, but you have a myriad of experience so I figured I'd make a deal,” Alistair answered.
I look at the photo on my desk of Sejeong and I, “Fine I’ll draw up the contract.” I reply
30 minutes later I procured a draft of the deal between Alistair and me. He's excited as deals are like his favorite thing to make something about the ability to bind and
Making rules that can't be broken makes him feel safe. After we sign he smiles and hands me my Maxos Cards. I look at him surprised
“Why,” I asked
“I am asking you to hunt someone using holy weapons and not give you your best tools against holy weapons. I'd be a fool, besides I have to give them back to you anyway.” Alistair replies nonchalantly. I nod and grab them.
“So where was the last reported location of this curse bearer,” I ask
"So there I was, in Minnesota of all places, following leads to my ex, Janie. The trail led me to a scene that raised my concerns: golden ichor staining the ground. I knew this was about to get more complicated. As I concealed myself, the door creaked open, accompanied by ominous sounds of groans and a knife piercing the wall.
"Step out from your hiding spot," a familiar voice demanded. I cautiously emerged, armed with my card and sword, only to face Janie.
"Dangerfield? Of course, he'd send you," Janie muttered with evident annoyance.
"What brings you here?" she interrogated, her accusatory tone emphasizing the revelation that my ex was now a full-blown witch, a fact I was still processing.
"I'm here for the holy weapon, nothing more," I asserted, my mind grappling with the revelation of Janie's newfound identity.
"And what were you promised in return?" Janie probed further.
"Freedom," I replied succinctly.
"Freedom? From whom?" Janie's disbelief was palpable.
"Alastair," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction.
"Alastair? Did you strike a deal with him? You're unbelievable," Janie's frustration simmered.
"He promised Morrigan would leave me alone," I explained, hoping to justify my actions.
"You never think, do you? Your recklessness causes chaos for everyone," Janie scolded, her frustration evident.
"I'm only here for the weapon. Give it to me, and I'll leave," I urged, attempting to end the confrontation.
Janie's gaze hardened as she considered my request. "What if I refuse?" she challenged, prompting me to reveal my trump card - my maxos card.
Her eyes widened at the sight. "You wouldn't dare," she uttered, realizing the seriousness of my intent.
Taking a defensive stance I watched as Janie's eyes widened
With a mixture of resignation and menace, Janie relented, handing over the holy weapon. "You'll regret this, selling out a friend for your gain," she admonished.
"If I were truly betraying you, I'd have handed you over to Alastair," I retorted, stowing away the cards.
"This is why I despise dealing with your kind," Janie spat bitterly.
"Careful now, insults might provoke me to take action," I teased, though the underlying tension remained palpable.
"Pathetic," Janie scoffed, as I left her house, her warning lingering in the air.
Returning to Alastair, I handed him the weapon, cautioning him against its use.
"Why not?" he inquired, intrigued by my warning.
"It's not just holy; it's a fusion of divine and demonic energies, a result of a battle between a demon and an angel," I explained,
"so why is the blade okay with you," Alastair asked
"Because I am Fomori," I answered.
"Oh...Interesting," Alastair said. Alastair's grin widened at the revelation. "Morrigan's favored, no wonder you sought to disappear quietly," he mused, anticipating the chaos to come as he reveled in it.
"I look forward to seeing the next part of your tale," Alastair replies. "Our deal is done," He says calmly as he conjures two contracts that burn themselves up before me. I feel the burden of my curse lift and Alastair smiles.
"I look forward to the damage you will cause. That will be more interesting than anything I could ever do with such a weapon. I see it has bound itself to your soul so using it would only garner your strength." Alastair adds. I shrug at his point to which he smiles.
The next day I arrived at my office to see a pouting Sejeong
"Hey, Seji. are you ok..." Before I could finish she had me cornered in a kiss.
"I got your not but I was worried sick for you," She replied. As she she ran her arms through my body she gasped,
"You're curse-free," she exclaimed with surprise.
"Yeah," I nodded.
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lemonmaid · 8 months
"I was reincarnated as a baby in a video game that I originally trapped in!"
Finally, the long wait sequel 😭
Warnings: fluff? Malleus is delulu
A/N: I've had to rewrite this four times due to my shit just not saving and I kinda got burned out and gaveup? I'm sorry if the ending looks rush, I will try to make a final at one point
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"Sebek!!! Please for the love of the sevens, please quiet down! You're making the baby cry!"
Silver and Sebek bickering, it was almost reminiscing. Well if only they haven't left this place only a couple of hours ago just to re-land back into this place.
'Sliver, Sebek, please! I'm crying because I'm a fucking baby. Come on guys? Don't you recognize me?'
(Name) thought about it, if a couple of hours back in their world was only a few decades for this world- (Name)'s faced paled, 'Oh my God, do I even look the same? Do I have a tail or ears now? Lets just pray I have magic this time'.
"Maybe they're hungry?"
"Let's take them to Master!"
On the way to the castle, the two still bickered, leaving (Name) to remember what it was like before.
(Name) looked around, nothing looked too familiar but Silver and Sebek looked older. Silver had grown out his hair, holding it in a ponytail like Lilia. Sebek had also grown scales on the side of his face, like his grandfather. 'How long has time passed?' (Name) wondered.
Thunder was getting louder as they reach the castle, light spread in the sky. Causing (Name) to involuntary cry, 'Everything is so much louder as a baby' (Name) noted.
"Hey hey, shhhhh, it's okay little one, no more crocodile tears" Silver commented.
"stop what"
'Yep, just like old times' (Name) sighed.
As they reached the gate (Name) noticed that the Valley of Thorns wasn't so much a valley anymore but a fully flourished town, bustling with those old 1920 wind-up cars.
Sebek turned to Sliver, "stay here while I go fetch us a car, I don't think we could walk anymore with that thing hold us back".
As Sebek left it was just Silver and (Name), Silver had a sad look in his eye while looking at (Name). "You know it's kinda funny... we are kinda of the same".
Thunder roared in the sky. Sliver looked up to the clouds, "it seems like Malleus is upset again, maybe father cooked again" he chuckled.
'Silver has matured...' (Name) wanted to tell Sliver how proud they were, but all that came out was small cooing.
(Name) fell alseep in the car, their small baby mind and body made it exhausting to do anything, even thinking was exhausting.
"Hmm, they seem a bit malnourished". Lilia stared at the sleeping child.
Sebek scoffed, "Well of course, we found them in the labyrinth".
Malleus sat on his high thrown, watching the three bicker around the sleeping babe 'Reminds me of a certain tale'.
Malleus was uninterested, Sebek requesting an audience, rather demanding. Malleus could careless about a baby found in the middle of a labyrinth, he was more concerned about the shining light that came from said labyrinth. He thought about the perfect, he thought that they finally came back after all these years, maybe they had change their mind? Maybe they realized that this world was better than their own magicless, depressing, pathetic-
"Mallllleuus~ you're ruining that family relic we call throne with your nails".
Malleus scoffed, " I don't have time for this. Where is the perfect? Did you two come empty handed?".
Malleus's loud voice awoke (Name), startling them. Malleus aged like wine, his piercing green eye stared into their soul.
Sebek coughed before yanking (Name) out of Silver's arms. "Master! We found them where the light ended...... There was no perfect....".
Green magic engulfed their tiny body bring them close to Malleus.
"Now be careful Malleus~ they are just a babe".
As (Name) floated in the air, Malleus stared into their soul. "You're telling me... that this is all the sevens have blessed us with? How.... generous". Thunder echoed through the throne room, lighting flash. Sometimes (Name) forgot how powerful Malleus was. This was the man who could change the weather based on his mood.
As (Name) floated closer, the more scared they became, not of malleus but how utterly helpless they were, stuck in a baby's body.
"Hmmm, I smell no magic in them, but their eyes..... me of a certain human....from many years ago". (Name) floated into Malleus arms, his breathing hitched. Wrapping their tiny arms around the man, hugging him. Feeling his breathing change and how the storm that roared slowly soothed.
Malleus smiled fondly at (Name) their eyes locked.
"You shall be called "(Name)" in rememance to my dear friend, no, someone who was very dear to me. Now, now do not argue young one That is an honor. I have alot of respect for this name".
'How original Malleus'
"And you shall call me father aswell".
'WHAT' (Name) wailed.
The kingdom of thorns rejoiced when Malleus announced his new "hier", the kingdom could be heard throughout the night celebrating.
Malleus rocked (Name) back and forth as they slept.
Malleus looked at (Name) fondly, “How old do you think they are Lilia?”
Lilia sighed as he watched the celebration down below.
“I do not know, but I do know that the-”.
Malleus growled, “I do not care for what those old bag of”, he breathed, calming himself before he could awake (Name).
Lilia looked at the scene before him, reminding of himself in the past. Scared and alone with a baby, trying to fill a hole on his heart that was empty at the time.
“since the perfect’s birthday soon, that shall be (Name)’s new birthdate, (birthdate), that's soon, right Lilia? We must have a celebration!”.
Lilia sighed looking at the boy he could call a son, “I'll call the Rosehearts-”.
A celebration in deed, it reminding (Name) of that one scene in Shrek 2. No, it was that scene. A large red carpet to the entrance of the castle, the throne room decorated way to elegant for a baby's birthday, clothing to elegant for a mere child's birthday. (Name) watched boredly in Malleus lap, watching many make conversations. Some would occasionally walk up to the two, bow, leave a gift for (name) and walk away.
“Well look what that cat dragged in” Malleus teased.
‘Leona! Ruggie!’ (Name) involuntary cooed. The two obviously aged, while the Fae barely tinted. Leona’s hair gotten darker and Ruggie got taller.
“What poor person had the unfortunate to bed with a lizard?” Leona snickered.
Ruggie sighed, “Leona! Best behavior man-”
“Yes Leona, best behavior we wouldn't want another PR incident”. Malleus smiled.
‘election? I thought the Sunset Savannah was a monarchy? Is Leona trying to turn it to a democracy?’ (Name) was in deep thought, just how much has changed.
Lilia walked up to the three, “Boys couldn't you pick another day to brawl? Leona, hold your comments, aren't you trying to get supporters on your side for an election?”.
As (Name) was in deep thought, they were then host into Leona's arms.
"What's their name?"
Leoma looked at Malleus with disgust and rage, "you think you can replace them!?".
Malleus glared, "I could never replace (Name) that is (Name)!".
Leona felt rage boil within him, staring down at (Name).
"Your scent... it smells like"
'Come on Leona, you can recognize me!'
"Like shit! Does anyone around here know how to take care of a baby? Their diaper is full!"
"Stop that crying, you have no reason to cry".
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 year
The Duality of Simon (or the Importance of Marcy)
Travel back to the early 2010s, when Adventure Time was still a fairly new thing. The fandom was growing, the theories were flowing. We've had confirmation that Ooo is in fact a post appcalyptic world. And then we get:
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Here was living, breathing proof of the intersection between Ooo and our world. Simon Petrikov was a literal connection to the past, and moreover one of the ways Adventure Time really began to develop its inner tragedies.
But honestly, as sad as the Idea of Simon Petrikov was - it remained that he was a relic, an inert tragedy that was a connection to the past, but not necessarily connected to the future.
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You can mourn the losses of ages past. But it won't necessarily move you to act. Because there's nothing to compel you. You can stand to gain something but it's more important that you don't lose anything by keeping the status quo. In short, there weren't any stakes.
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No, not those kind of Stakes... Well... maybe a little
So, bear in mind, Betty won't make her debut until two seasons after "Holly Jolly Secrets". To us, she was a non-entity. Simon's grief over her loss was for the audience, a mostly intellectual exercise. How sad for this poor cursed man to lose the woman he loved - replacing all proper nouns with common nouns because we didn't know Simon either. But his situation is clearly sad, just in a general, unspecific way. Because again, there's nothing at stake here.
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Marcy drives thoses stakes up (and into our hearts). Suddenly, Simon becomes Very Very Real because we know Marcy. We've hung out with her for at least five seasons now leading up to the game changing "I Remember You".
By connecting Marcy to this Simon, suddenly we had something to lose - suddenly we already lost something. Marcy gave Simon's curse weight - dimension - texture - rendering it very real instead of a mere intellectual tragedy. Simon matters because he matters to someone here and now, because someone was still crying over him. And we love Marcy. We don't want her to cry.
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It was through the Marcy and Simon relationship that we came to learn of and love Simon. Betty came later. Betty came after. We already loved Simon by then so learning of his love story was just building on that love. Naturally, being invested in the Simon and Betty relationship without prior connection to Simon is possible. But the fact that he was already established and endeared to the audience goes a way into investing in the Simon and Betty relationship.
So we get to Fionna and Cake.
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We get exactly one scene with the Marcy we know and love. And Simon isn't even in the same room as her.
And the show is fully justified in doing so because Fionna and Cake was a series about Simon and Betty. And Simon and Marcy have little to do with that A story (the love plotline). Even if the B story (the recovery plotline) does pay homage to Simon and Marcy by showing Simon that he does have value, the homage amounts to only a few scenes (maybe cumulatively three minutes of screen time) in the whole series.
However, Simon and Marcy's relationship wasn't just to show that Simon is an integral component to the way Ooo came to be, and his impact on the people he loves. Simon and Marcy's relationship is integral to how we came to love Simon - against all odds and all tenets of common sense, a man that was slowly warped by madness chose to take care of a completely unknown little girl that he found in the wreckage of the world.
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The problem here is that Marcy's Simon and Betty's Simon never got to meet in the middle. A lot of this is rooted in the original Adventure Time series where Betty and Marceline never speak more than ten words to each other.
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Literally the only time they share the screen (and no I'm not counting Betty bot in Broke his Crown)
Which is BANANAS considering they are literally the two most important people in Simon's life.
And listen, again, by Fionna and Cake, we are invested in Simon and Betty, especially after what she did during the finale. We want to know about them.
And again, the Fionna and Cake series is well and wholly complete without ever having Simon and Marcy talk.
But it leaves a little ache. Because again, the first opportunity to truly love and connect with Simon came through Simon and Marcy. And we never really know how they get on now that they're back together. We seriously have maybe 10 lines of conversation between them since the finale and this includes Obsidian.
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Literally, he says hi to Marcy twice and that's it. Very meaningful conversation.
Aaaand there's also the supreme irony where in one relationship, Simon never gets a chance to contribute equally, and in his other relationship, Simon wore himself down to nubs giving all that he had. But this duality within Simon is never really connected. There is a throughline here, his impulse for self sacrifice shares a root for his self centered perspective that blinded him to Betty's self effacing habits.
Now here's the thing, Fionna and Cake also built its conflict around Simon's identity and his self worth, etc. Yet it doesn't really contend with all that Simon has done without Betty, and before Ice King. By centering the narrative on only how he was with Betty (both pre and post Mushroom War), we get very little foundation laid out for what he could do after he says goodbye to her.
And this isn't a mistake because again, the series stands on its own just fine. The story works without it because at least that central relationship of Simon and Betty is fully established. But it does come at the cost of a missed opportunity to fully explore the cause of Simon's myopia, or how living through an apocalypse could reinforce that myopia because Simon keeps romanticizing "when his life was great".
Finally, the other downside is that Fionna and Cake stands on its own, maybe a little too much. It's still based on the characters of Adventure Time, building on the love for the original show. So it would have been a crowd pleaser, shall we say some fan service, to get more of what the original show worked hard to make us love.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
~Rooster Teeth is shutting down~
Ruby: This doesn't look too good Jaune ...
Jaune: You mean we're not gonna Get the Relic, Save the world, And Stop Salem?
Ruby: I don't even think we're gonna be able to ourselves or our teams buddy ...
Jaune: *Gives Ruby a hug*
Ruby: Thanks ...
Jaune: Don't mention it.
Ruby: I guess what everyone said about us was true Jaune.
Jaune: You mean that we're attractive?
Ruby: No. That we're just a poorly written protaganist and a Self-Insert. A couple of characters in way over our heads. We were doomed from the start. I mean look at us! We didn't come close to stopping Salem. We let Everybody down. We failed.
Jaune: Evernight Castle...
Ruby: Yeah buddy. We never made it to Evernight Castle.
Jaune: Evernight Castle ...
Ruby: Exactly Buddy, yeah. The place we never got to.
Jaune: Evernight Castle ...
Ruby: Okay, now you're starting to bum me out Jaune.
Jaune: No! Look at that sign! Evernight Castle! Remnant Gifts and Sundries!
Ruby: Evernight Castle is a gift Shop? But if this is Evernight Castle then where's the ...
*The Relics Gleam off on a stand*
R+J: ... Relics ...
Ruby: The Relics they stole! This is Evernight Castle!
Ruby: Jaune! We did make it!
Jaune: Yeah! We did ...
Ruby: *Crying* I guess we did all right for a couple of goofballs ...
Jaune: *Crying with Ruby*
R+J: *Voices fading* YELLOW BE-AUTY BURNS ... Gold ...
FNDM Members: *Crying, Weeping, Shaking in Fear*
Other FNDM members: *Wiping tears from it's eyes* That's It! That's THe end of RWBY!
Twitter: *Squawks* Shut up and watch the Feed!
Other Other FNDM Members: The Bird's RiGHT! It'd Be the Care CRWBY has for the Show!
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The FNDM: *Raucous, Uninhibited Cheering, more tears but this time of joy*
Jaune: Now let's go get those Relics!
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