#remember when i said i was gonna take a nap im actually not doing that yet if you couldnt tell
desire-mona · 7 months
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hhi green (not making eye contact)
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b1adie · 5 months
looking into it i think yingxing would have been fire hunt. he’s hunt for sure considering his main thing was hatred of abominations of abundance anyway but he was trained by huaiyan who is known as ‘the flaming heart’ on the zhuming. people and heliobi hang out together there. flint emperor is there. they use the flint emperor’s flame to forge weapons. the forge is called flamedisk forge. lots of fire stuff. so if he learned there he should be fire element. also makes sense with blade’s trailer showing that he is the single candle still lit despite the rest having gone out. would be cool if he had bluish/teal fire bc heliobi and whatnot.
i was gonna say something about how his skill could be him like heating up his sword as one would to forge it (but not THAT hot obviously) and now im thinking about how with blade’s skill he turns his sword from black to red? he is forging that thing. also crazy that that sword weighs like 300lbs and he launched it through the air like a frisbee and dan heng got impaled with it and hardly even stumbled. how strong are these guys. OOOH or yingxing could have a FLAMETHROWERRR thing. he made awesome shit and everyone loved him ok? i know he’s never going to be playable as old man furnace master yingxing but i am just imagining if he was… hehe. arrogant craftsman. god they need to let me see/hear more of him like that. I WANT TO SEE OTHER WEAPONS HE MADE I WANT TO SEE HIM SMILE AND BE PROUD AND ANNOYING!!!!!! OLD MAN NOW!!!!!!
anyways fire/hunt yingxing. imaginary/hunt would be cute and fire/destruction makes sense too and obviously most characters playable paths dont line up with their actual beliefs but idc he seems very hunt to me. i miss him. you guys remember when he said “be careful, high elder, lest you hurt yourself with it.” that was some crazy shit. show me geriatric bladie again pleeeease. blade companion mission better be 6 hours long and at least 100k words and 2 cinematics. i’ll wait. give me his life story all 800 years of it. well i guess that’d be like
age 0-7: love my family. sure hope the beasts don’t arrive!
age 8-15: beasts ate my planet. went somewhere else they are teaching me shit here
age 16-30: i am the best at the shit i was taught. idc that everyone is rude to me about it cuz they can be rude but they can’t beat meeeee 😋
age 31-70: im still the best and now i’m hanging out with my immortal friends yay :) they’re all going to outlive me but that’s for the best i think. Right guys?
age 71-800: Ow ow ow ouch ow. Where the fuck am i btw & who the fuck am i as well. Oh well guess ill stick a branch in my hair
age 801+: kidnapped by robot and woman but it’s fine. girl keeps asking me to play games with her even though i tell her i’m busy cutting my hand off each and every day. beast upon my shoulder saying ‘Meow’ frequently. unsure of the implications of this. robot here sometimes. i like it. woman tells me to stop foaming at the mouth so i do because i respect women. except ONE OF THEM. (can’t remember which one right now). branch growing from my stomach again. not my problem. i will be taking a week long nap now.
but i want 6 hours and 100k words of it with pictures and voice acting as proof.
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Summary: You tell Miguel his truths and in return he shows you his.
Word count: 1.9k+
Warnings: none really:]
A/n: Hello everyone welcome to long awaited part 4 as well as the final part to this little series! thank you guys so much for loving it I truly can't express how grateful I am for all of you I hope you love this ending and I hope to you all again in my next story! Also I will be attaching the tag list to this chapter since hopefully that makes it a little easier to find everyone. I hope everyone enjoys.xx
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Credits to the owner^:)
It had been a week since you went back to HQ and you were starting to feel lighter.
In a way, telling Miguel your truth helped you get there.
Because now, you didn't have to keep thinking about the thought of what you’d say to him if you ever saw him again.
But you did see him again, and in your opinion, you said just the right things.
Suddenly you found yourself having more energy, listening to happier songs, and taking Milo on longer walks or fun adventures.
Things were finally starting to look up for you, so much so you actually thought about returning to the spider society to get back on fighting multiversal crime.
Right on queue Peter walks through the portal.
“You sure you wanna do this? You said you’d never come back.” he questioned remembering how he found you right after everything happened.
Thinking about it one more time, you smiled and turned on your suit.
“Yep, I'm just gonna lay low. Be a freelance spider with no commitment to a sector or anything you know?” you said reassuring yourself.
“Okay but  I   mean more like to get back in you’ll have to talk to Miguel. And he hasnt been in the best of moods lately.” he said watching as you walked.
Your smile only got wider as you made your way to the portal, for the first time you felt nothing.
No butterflies in your stomach and no heart beat skipping at the mention of his name.
Progress right?
Shrugging his shoulders Peter followed you in standing right beside you as you entered the busy hallways.
“Alright well  I  ‘ll leave you to it. I'm gonna take May Day to get her mid day nap.” he said walking away.
“See ya later Pete thanks for bringing me in.” you said waving him away.
As you made your way to Miguel's office you thought about what Pete said earlier, had he really been such a grump.
You’d think he’d be happier not having to deal with you.
But like always, nothing and no one could ever help that man no matter the case.
As you made your way up Miguel was practicing his speech with Lyla.
“... I   didn’t mean what  I   said that day and if  I   knew the damage it would do  I   wouldn't have said it in the first place? Sounds stupid doesn't it?” he said, turning to face her.
“Yep, just like the first two times you said it. Miguel when you go find her you have to speak from the heart not from a piece of paper it just sounds so Scripted.” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Scripted? It's not scripted. I just think writing my thoughts down will help me pull it together.” he said huffing in frustration.
“How about this, you pretend im Y/n and tell me what you’d say, no notes just your thoughts. Right now.” she said sitting in a little AI chair she made for herself.
Thinking about it he just gave up.
“Okay but record it so  I   can take notes after.” he said, beginning to pace around the panel.
Sighing he began to get frustrated with himself, “Ay cono esto no esta sirviendo.” he said rubbing his face.
“Come on Miguel, get to it.” Lyla said, rushing him.
“This is stupid! Shes probably off with who ever the fuck Milo is having the time of her life because  I  , like the big fucking idiot  I   am, pushed her straight into his arms!” he said, at this point he was over the smashing and breaking things so he just leaned against his desk.
“It doesn't matter what  I   say anymore Lyla, She’ll never forgive me, she’ll never listen to me.  I  ‘ll never get to tell her that  I   love her and even if  I   did she’d never believe it because she thinks  I   am a big giant asshole.' ' he said lowering his voice as he got close to the end.
“But you know what? That Milo is one lucky soul, he gets to look into her eyes, make her smile, just simply be in her presence. He has everything  I   wish  I   had. Y/n.” he said, still looking down.
“ I   was a vampire, sucking the life out of her and then just tossing her to the side like she meant nothing, when in reality she was fucking everything Lyla. Milo is one lucky guy.” he said, looking up at Lyla to see her smiling.
Confused by her reaction he was getting ready to ask.
“Milo is a dog, my dog.” you said, startling him.
“Dios mío (my god), Y/n? What are yo-what are you doing here.” he said, his heart practically racing out of his chest.
“Well  I   was here to ask for my place back in the society but  I   think I'm gonna go.. Yeah I'm gonna go.” you said as tears began to well up in your eyes.
There was no actual way you just heard all of that.
Looking between you and Lyla Miguel went after you.
“No no no wait just please.” he said, holding onto your arm.
Pulling back you felt anger, the audacity of this man.
“Who do you think you are? Huh?  I  was so in love with you Miguel! So stupidly in love with you because  I   thought you were this hero that helped everyone and you just needed someone to help you.” you said laughing to yourself.
“People told me to stay away from you, that you’d never accept the help or even my friendship. But  I   shook them off and thought they were crazy for not wanting to see through that rough surface you carried, but  I   did,  I   wanted to.  I   wanted to believe that  I   could break through and see the real you, but  I   realized there is no breaking through. That was it there was no surface, that's just who you are and it was all thanks to you. No one else helped me realize it, just you.” you said shoving a finger into his chest.
“And when  I   took that leap of faith and told you how  I   felt you kicked me to the curb, you bled me dry like a goddamn vampire. Because of you  I   almost gave it all up.  I   was so broken, so lost. All because  I   risked my place next to you and  I   lost it. But in reality   I   never had it. There was no place next you because you're Big bad Spiderman 2099 and you work better alone. Fine, work alone.” you said walking away, nope, not walking away you weren't done.
“ No you know what, it's not fair. You do not get to reject me and make me go through all of this to just turn around and say that you love me. You’re a vampire, Miguel O’hara. You just like to suck the life out of me and toss me to the side until you feel like using me again.” you said tears were beginning to fall.
“Y/n please,  I   never meant for you to feel like this,  I   just,  I   just want you to come back.  I   understand if what  I   said was too much but we need you here.  I   need you here.” he said, looking at you with soft eyes.
God he was making it difficult to walk away.
“If this is your way of getting some fucked up little thrill  I   wont do it,  I   wont.” you said looking at him with threatening eyes.
“ I   know it's hard to believe what  I‘m saying but could you atleast try? Dios mio mujer  I‘m trying to confess my love for you and you're making it impossible!” he said, running his hands through his hair.
He fell for such a headstrong woman.
Looking at you again he decided to just go for it, “Oh fuck it.” he said looking at your lips.
“Wha-” before you could finish his lips were on yours and he was pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
Putting your hand against his chest you considered pulling away but as he cupped your face and pulled you closer your hands found themselves making their way to the back of his neck and pulling him closer.
Pulling away, Miguel continued to give you pecs allowing you to catch your breath.
“Believe me now?” he whispered.
“Mmmm, still a little skeptical.” you said smiling as he leaned back in smiling into the kiss.
“Aww aren't you two just the cutest? Lyla please tell me you got that.” you heard startling you as you pulled away.
“Yup, got it all.” she said pointing to the recording hologram, “So good.” she said smiling.
You tried to detach yourself from Miguel but he continued to hold you tightly by the waste.
So instead you opted for hiding into his chest and smiling.
“What do you need, Parker.” Miguel said as he looked at the walking interruption.
“My friend who came to see the walking grump was taking a little long just wanted to make sure she made it out alive.” he said, covering May Day's bright eyes.
“As you can see she is alive and well, you can go now.” he said, putting his attention back on you.
“Alright, im gone you kids be safe, take it slow.” he said jokingly.
“Peter!” you yelped turning a bright shade red.
“So,  I'm a blood sucking vampire?If  I   knew any better  I‘d think you have a thing for vampires amor.” he said as he kissed down your neck gently grazing you with his fangs.
Moving your head to give him more space you moved your hands into his hair and pulled at the roots.
“Just one.” you said smiling as he brought his lips back to yours.
“Good. Because this ones gonna do more than suck the life out of you.” he said as he pulled you back in for a kiss.
Smiling into the kiss you pulled away trying to control your laughter.
Confused by your reaction Miguel just watched.
“You were je-jealous of my dog?” you said trying to catch your breath.
Shoulder slumping Miguel hoped you wouldn't bring that up.
“You're not letting that go are you.” he said looking at the wall.
“Oh no, never  I   do have to admit, he is one handsome boy.” you said bursting out in laughter.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” he said as he attempted to keep a straight face, hearing your laugh in his office again made it hard.
Finally, everything was how he wanted it.
You at his side, with a dog, but nonetheless at his side.
Now he just had to get Milo on his side too.
Did this mean he was a dog dad now? 
“Wait Lyla did you know she was coming here?” he asked suddenly realizing that you just so happened to walk in at a perfect time.
“Yup, saw her on the surveillance footage and you were taking too long for my liking, you are welcome boss man.” she said, saluting him before disappearing.
Deciding to let it go he focused back on you, “worth it.”
Meanwhile Lyla was showing the other spiders the video collecting her winnings from the bets she placed.
“These damn AI’s always know everything.” Jess whispered under her breath.
She’d take it up with Miguel later, but for now… who knew he could be such a softy?
You did, more than ever now.
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yuzuocha · 7 months
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@anxiousgoddest just know that this is all your fault
warnings ‣ ooc characterization, spoilers (obviously), and crack. lots of it
prologue | chapter ɪ | chapter ɪɪ | chapter ɪɪɪ | chapter ɪᴠ | chapter ᴠ | chapter ᴠɪ | chapter ᴠɪɪ | chapter ᴠɪɪɪ
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・ listen to some linkon radi– ROLL CREDITS HE SAID THE THING
・ here is mc and mc is you but prettier
・ you but prettier was talking in class and the teacher called her up bc of it oooohhhhhhh she in troubleeeee
"you're a hunter now"
・ nevermind
"heres all the things you need to know about hunters"
"hunters are the ones who exclusively fight wanderers (except for when they don't)"
"hunters are strictly managed and checked (except for when they don't)"
"and hunters are incredibly capable and essentially are heroes (except for when they don't)"
・ nevermind the nevermind
"also your evol can't be measured, quirky"
"what's an evol again"
"game forgor to explain but remember everything this game tells you about evol and hunters and shit because NOTHING IS GOING TO MAKE SENSE UNTIL YOU READ THROUGH EVERYTHING"
・ neverminding the nevermind the nevermind as you put in information for some reason
"why do i need to put my personal information in front of everyone when you're a government run association"
"here's your badge" *throws*
"how reliable"
・ you but prettier wields a gun as their neutral special
・ also man nothing like new players heading straight into a dangerous area which is actually the hongdae station turned into— oh shit sorry wrong story i was reading orv while you but prettier and quirky girl friend were yapping
"ngl waking me up to a gun threat aint poggers yk"
"ykw whatever im xavier and very unsuspicious"
"wait we gotta fight"
・ you but prettier used the glock and sword boy used the sword like a sword boy should sword do sword sword do sw—
"anyway back to our very interesting yapping"
"you were taking a nap right smack where the new hunters were hunting and pulled me somewhere without my consent and you're eventually gonna get my phone number despite me never taking out my phone and you are unsuspicious"
"roll for innocence"
"ah fuck whatever"
・ enemy waited for them to finish their long ass conversation smh my head
"ok now that we got that out of the way fill me with your essence while on your knees"
・ one essence filling on the knees later
"ok because you filled me with so much of your essence everyone exploded and is now gone"
"your essence filled me up a little too well, nothing's left"
・ very unsuspicious goes poof
"yo mc what happened"
"a guy asked me to fill him up with my essence and nothing will make sense until you read everything"
・ nevermind
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taglist! | @kttriangle | @sncrly0urs
lmk if you want chapter 1 soon
yuzuocha © 2024 - all rights KINDA reserved.
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rowretro · 7 months
𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪
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WARNINGS: mentions of transitioning.
✧taglist✧:  @nikisdubblchococake @enhypensccstarlight @strawbsj @nikipedia07 @certified-ni-ki-lover
Y/n groaned as she woke up, the teacher still yelling at the class to quiet down while she tried to get a peaceful nap. The girl hired a babysitter for the baby, while she and Riki were at school. “Y/n you free after school?” Sungchan asked with a bright smile as the girl smiled back at him “Y-” “No, she isn’t. I’m tutoring her afterschool. Remember y/n?” Riki cut her off as she groaned. “Maybe after tutoring,” she said as Sungchan shrugged, nodding before walking off. The girl smiled as Riki rolled his eyes at the duo.
Y/n was peacefully writing as Riki looked over her shoulder. The two are now home, stuck with each other yet again. Who knew a trouble maker like Riki actually got high grades in literature? Well y/n didn’t but now she does, she’s regretting her life decisions. “No no no, you got it all wrong again dumbass!” Riki said, flicking her forehead as she whined. “No, I can't do this anymore. I give up! I don’t care if I fail, I'm just not putting up with your bullshit I beg!” she yelled, sighing as she left the table. 
Riki snickered at her actions, maybe finding it somewhat cute. “I'm gonna go out” she said as the male frowned, turning to the baby. There was no way he was letting you go out with Sungchan. Never in a million years. He was manifesting in his head, for the baby to cry. It seems there was no need. You immediately slammed the door, rushing around to clean things away. “RIKI HIDE THE BABY QUICK- A-AND HIDE YOURSELF-” she exclaimed.
Lucky for her Sunoo had installed a hideout behind his closet, so she hid the baby there, safe, breathable, and no one will know.Riki blinked. Was Sunoo already back? No way, he’s literally in a completely different country taking pictures. “ARE YOU DEAF?! I SAID HIDE!” she screamed as Riki ran off to hide somewhere. Y/n nervously laughed as she opened the door. “Auntieee~” she called with a smile as the woman entered, her eyes scanning the room.
“Huh, you sure do make a lot of noise when you’re home alone, all the neighbors keep complaining you know?” The woman said, Riki frowned, wondering who it was, perhaps the landlord? “Well they always need gossip- and well you visit very rarely, they probably assumed that you will be strict with me or something-” Y/n shrugged as the woman walked in, examining the room. “Ugh- you still motorbike? Didn’t Sunoo ban that thing from you?” the woman asked as Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Of course- it’s your business… but why such a massive boy-ish leather jacket?... I mean no way that fits you-” he auntie said as Y/n scratched her scalp. “U-Uh- well I ordered it off of online- and baggy clothes are in right now you know?” y/n explained as Riki snickered a little. The woman frowned, as she put it on her. The poor girl tried not to visibly retch at the stench of Riki’s sweat. “Put it on I want to see!” she exclaimed.
Forcing a smile, she slipped on the jacket, Riki smirked, hearing the commotion, of course he knew how sweaty it was. “Wow… fashion these days is really uhm… interesting?” the woman said before walking deeper into the building. “Mens spray?... Sunoo doesn’t use thai brand-” the woman frowned “I-It’s a nice scent- y’know? I use it-” she explained as the woman blinked, frowning when she went upstairs.
 A pair of boxers, and one of Riki’s sweaters on her bed. “Boys clothes?... Y/n do you have something to tell me?” the woman asked. “Huh? Wha- no-” she blinked as her auntie sighed “Y’know, I’m a very hip auntie, if you’re transitioning you can tell me” “What?! No- no im a woman- this is just- just-” “Ahh I see… you had a friend over hmm? Fine I won’t tell Sunoo but I hope you’re staying safe. Your mother was pretty wild at your age, its why Sunoo exists now-” the woman said as Y/n sighed.
The woman then opened the wardrobe, her eyes meeting the very eyes of Riki. “Oh another door here? It seems you have a visitor y/n-” the woman said as Riki awkwardly waved. Then it clicked. She glanced at Riki who was in his comfortable clothes, and at Y/n then nodded. “I see I see… just uh- use protection kids? Stay safe, love is great but you should know to stay safe- living together isn’t always the best thing- but uh if you know what you’re doing then great!” the woman mumbled, clearly shocked as she left the building. 
Y/n started to run after her “AUNTIE IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE- HE’S JUST HELPINF- MHMHMH MHMHM HMHMH HMMMM!” Y/n yelled, her words getting cut off halfway by Riki’s palm pressing against her mouth “What are you doing idiot?!!!” Riki asked, annoyed. “I'M GOING TO TELL HER EVERYTHING- SHE THINKS SOMETHING WEIRD” Y/n said as Riki flicked her forehead “And ruin everything we worked for?! Idiot. Just let her assume, until we figure out what to do with your life and the baby, just shut up” Riki simply said as the girl sighed.
✧𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪✧
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
If your still making requests could I make a request for Masky/Tim x FEM reader. And the reader doesn’t know Tim is a proxy until she accidentally sees him ‘Doing his job.’ 🩸🔪
Finding out Tim's a proxy
Ooo this ones gonna be interesting!!
Apologies in advance for this request, and any upcoming ones for being shorter (maybe) than usual <\3
I just took on a little art project !! I'll share it with you when it's done, if it's ever completed because!! I'm sure you'll all like it!! It's a silly fake creepypasta dating sim thing!!
With that said, anon I hope you enjoy!
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Honestly? This was an idea I've been wanting to explore, since for all the other general characters I write for, its implied the reader knows what they are
But not for Tim n Brian
In most of my scenarios and hcs, the reader doesn't know they're proxies
Im still trying to figure out how I want to write this, in regards to my personal headcannons and aus, but!
I feel like, like how in MH, it'd be better for now to treat them like two separate characters with their own memories and mannerisms
With that in mind, I haven't actually seen MH in a long, long time, so I may be getting things wrong so bare with me
Obviously if you and Masky meet up somehow, Tim won't really remember
But I feel like if he did find out that you knew, and interacted with his masked counterpart, he'd be upset
Look I love Masky but the dude is scary n dangerous
Whether Masky has memories from Tim when he's in charge, I don't know
Assuming he does, I feel like he'd tease and observe you
If he doesn't, he'd probably do the same but more intensely; more in a stalking way
Regardless, that little bit of Tim in him would give him enough self control (and curiosity) to not really do anything too bad to you me thinks
As for how you would take it?
Not sure
I mean, I'd assume you'd be taken aback for a moment, maybe even recognize him and try to find out what's going on
I never really thought of this <\\3
But to make up for my lack of cool ideas for this, I grant you some fluff/general ideas with Tim's silly masked persona
Loves just sitting in a corner and watching you do things around the house
Everywhere you go, Masky is always hovering nearby
He doesn't really
Or emote, really
You can feel his body stiffen up whenever you go over to hug him or otherwise give him affection
You would have thought he was a statue
Should you ever nap with him he'll either stand guard over you or hold you in his arms
Again, he's all stiff
When Tim does return, he looks you over for ant injuries that Masky may have caused, only to be relieved that there isn't a single mark
You return the favor, of course
When they come home, you tend to any wounds they may have gotten, regardless of if it's Tim or Masky
Before you were filled in on everything you just thought Tim got into fights or fell over when he came home with bruises n cuts
Of course, knowing the truth doesn't make you any less worried
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dollivication · 26 days
hiiii im glad you liked my insane ramblings about guro and OH MY GOD you were so right w the ring finger thing im rotating that concept...i love pathetic men...
speaking of pathetic. kind of springboarding off of what one of the other anons said about Nero but only showing affection when u got them bleeding would make them do some loony shit. you hear hey babe watch this and then dantes intestines are spilling out bc thats the only way he can get your attention and he wants it soso bad. and like they COULD force you to pay attention to them but youre so cold and its so much easier this way because itll just heal later and it really doesn't even hurt that bad anymore? (that is the blood loss talking there are so many stains on the floor that are NOT coming out. perhaps not even just blood teehee)
or like. elbow deep in vergil's guts and hes trying so hard to pay attention when youre naming everything even tho you know hes not gonna be able to focus bc taking an interest in peoples hobbies helps you get closer right?? and really whats more intimate than someone having their hands all up in your organs, no one ELSE has ever touched him there! no one else knows him inside and out like this, its so romantic! especially if you do some freak shit like lick the blood off your hands bc now part of him is in you...utterly delusional i fear
okay last insane thought for now yk how in 3 dante takes a shot to the head like its nothing? imagine asking so nicely and sweetly if you can try it because you wanna see how itll heal and also all the gray matter spattering everywhere. youre not cleaning it up of course its his fault for making such a mess!! also not convinced theres actually brain in there like you are making your insides be on the outside because you want someone to look at you BE NORMAL!!! -☢️
THEY ARE BOTH TWO ENDS OF THE FREAKY SPECTRUM AND I AM ABSOLUTELY HERE 4 IT!!! laik omgfgh.. vergil thinks there’s something soww poetic about quite literally giving himself up, all of him, for the person he loves most.
if you decide to laik… cut off his tongue and put it in a jar or just basically any other part of him,, he is going to be over the MOON!!! laik awhh, yu love him so much that you’re preserving a part of him <33 uhm!! please get help! Loony!!!!1!!!1
WHEREAS DANTE IS LAIK.. INITIATING IT!!! comes up to yu laik a kid showing off a bug like hey check out this cool gash you can see my bone!! make it worse pretty please??? you should totally skin me ahahaha…!! LIKE STOP OT YOU CREATURE‼️‼️ JES SO NASTAY he loves the sting methinks..
this is like mary jane 4 him he gets high off this and harder than ever before!!! the only downside for the both of them is that your fascination is often very short-lived… (◞‸◟)
vergil is more likely to wait around until you decide to get hit by another urge to ‘study’ him whereas dante is ALLLWAYS trying to appeal to you. hey, you’ve looked at my ribcage already, look at my brain!! or what about my eye?? YUCK
THE LAST BIT OH MY GODH!!!! it always ends the same! you losing interest after a bit of observing, leaving them to pick up the foul, iron scented mess. auwaaa.. for a split second they probably realize the fucked up situation you’re both in, which i reckon causes them to spiral a bit—before they remember how happy you looked to be squeezing their insides!!…
oh well nobody ever said being together should be a healthy thing! they’ll clean the blood up later,, right now they just need a biiiig nap<3 and the cycle will repeat!!! they can’t wait!
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hiiii today's reminder is all three of the nct units coming back within the next two months, and the new unit might be debuting soon, and I'm having a hard time being excited for any of it
127, i just want them to take a nap. esp with the J line being injured enough to cancel smtown recordings, i would feel super weird enjoying a new song knowing that it was prepared in between nonstop concerts while three members were hurt. plus i REALLY don't want a 2 baddies part 2, i still don't understand why that song happened
wayv, they seem straight-up cursed at this point. I'm not gonna believe there's an album until the album is actually out. plus part of me is braced for the possibility of a rehashing of the incident from last year that we don't speak about, or at the very least knowing a lot of the discussion about this comeback will be centred around that, which I'm really not looking forward to
dream… i feel like every time i hear about them outside of teasers, it's just another case of them "playfully" making fun of Haechan, especially Jeno and Jisung, to the point where i just… dislike them, as people. i get that they were raised with the expectation that they'll be famous in a society that places a lot of weight on this shit, and I'm sure that's fucked with their heads a lot, but that's no excuse for grown ass adults not to have basic decency yk? it's turning me off the group, even though i love the rest of them. well, most of them, Jaemin and Chenle also give me those vibes, though i don't remember if they've ever explicitly said anything like that on camera
so… idk it's weird. I've spent more than two years with nct being my main hobby (idk if that word applies but it's the only one i could think of), and now it all feels a bit icky. I'm just holding on because i think new wayv content will bring me back to them
Hiii! And first of all I feel exactly the same way about everything that you've said. Every single word of it. Like 127 has been touring nonstop and are about to go out again plus a repackaged album after three members being injured. Like it's the kpop industry Skz is also extremely overworked. But like imagine the overall well being of them if they just released one album a year with multiple music videos, promote for like a month and one full and complete tour then, then they rest for at least 5 to 6 months. Or do their own obligations to brands and stuff. I know it's nothing like western pop music cause they run off of high engagement but it's just such a ridiculous system that is doing nothing but harm. They need rest. Sleep, and FOOD!! They're overworking on extreme diets. Like something has to give before it breaks
Then we have the complete opposite with Wayv where it's been two years since an album and despite there being a rightful reason for the delay right now. it's just so unfortunate that they're not getting to do anything. And I think we all know why wayv's comeback has been put on the back burner till now. I'm happy they had a break and they've been just having fun. But you see it in them they want to work, they're so excited for this album. Which I'm buying the moment it's released. But I just want everyone to focus on the boys for their comeback and not the situation around them. I'm sure it's been harder on every single member of Wayv then it is for us and we just gotta keep it a joyous occasion when it finally happens.
And yeahhh, like before I get to how I feel I just want to say before anyone says its part of their culture. Being Fatphobic and Colorist are bad things!!! It's a toxic part of most cultures! Colorism runs rampant in every single non white culture. And it's fucking bad! As a black person I can acknowledge the colorism in my culture is bullshit. And I have never thought that shit was funny. Im always disgusted seeing how dark skin women are treated. And don't get me started on fatphobia. I just want to know why we don't expect grown ass men who have access to the internet and global knowledge to go against societal norms like most of the Younger generations all over. Like why can't we expect better from them. Like Jeno saying why does Haechan have so much flesh after Haechan complimented his muscles like thats a strike. But when he said Haechan fits black panther..........my eye is twitching. And Jisung also always saying something. Sure we don't know they're dynamic. But Jisung was saying do you think Haechan will ever get paler alone out with Chenle. Like that's just not a joke like that shit effects Haechan who is gorgeous and perfect and beautiful. And I remember Haechan wanting a regular coke and Renjun insisting he get diet coke that rubbed me the wrong way for awhile. If my friends joked with me like that uh we're not friends anymore. Like it's toxic behavior like. It's bad no excuses. It's just bad. It's not okay to joke about esp in public spaces do they not understand their words effect Haechan and fans bigger and darker than Haechan. I think I have the most hope in Jaemin cause I just get that from him. Luckily I am a grown ass woman and it doesn't effect me the way it did when I was 16 and 17. It's why I took a break around 19, like kpop really fucked up my self esteem that I had just acquired. I totally feel you. Sidenote the skz thing with Changbin isn't apart of this. Felix and Chan were obviously talking about Changbin's muscles, he's a little beef cake they've both expressed envy of his physique. So Chan and Felix are cool.
I really don't want a 2 baddies part 2 either. Love 127 but thats one 127 song I can't defend. But when Wayv blesses us with their talent and beauty it'll be the best day.
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random-potat · 2 months
.:・˚₊ let's get out of here
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pairings: theo x fem!reader ft. intak, and chaeryeong and ryujin of itzy
synopsis: with parties not bring your forte, trying to find a way out unexpectedly leads to meeting someone new.
word count: 1.5k
warnings: mild swearing, poor attempts at humour, alcohol consumption
a/n: ahhhh! first written oneshot and it's for theo!! hope you guys enjoy, this honestly took me a while cause although i have the plot in my head im just too lazy to actually write it lol, but worry not as i am working on future fics and ideas ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
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Bodies. Alcohol. Sweat. More bodies. More alcohol. More sweat.
"Gross," you thought. "Clearly, parties aren’t my forte." 
You walk over to the crowd, searching for your friends, Chaeryeong and Ryujin. After what feels like being pushed over 20 times, you reach your friends.
“You guys, I think I'm going to head home." You fan yourself, acting as if you feel faint, “feeling kind of lightheaded.”
Chaeryeong turns to you, pushing you to a more quiet area. "Are you ok? It's pretty late right now. Why don't you take a nap upstairs in Intak's room? He said that none of his roommates are here right now. That way, we can go home together."
You nod your head in agreement. "Ryujin was my ride home anyway." You glance back at her, seeing her drunkenly dance around "that is if she's sober enough."
"Which way is Intak's bedroom? I don't want any of his roommates to find some random girl sleeping in their bed." 
"It's the second room on the left."
"OK, wake me up when you guys are done."
"Rest well," Chaeryeong says as you watch her head back to the rest of your friends on the dance floor.
Going upstairs was much more of a challenge than you expected. With people's bodies on top of one another and smoke fumes going through your face, it just wasn't a fun time. Nevertheless, once you make it to the top, you may or may not have forgotten which room to go to.
"Second door, second door, something. Was it left? Was it right? I have a 50% chance here. Left or right?" You looked both ways, still pondering. "Just gonna go with the right-hand rule."
You walk into the room, “Oh shit- oh, I’m sorry. I guess it was the left door." Forgetting that you were still standing there, you make eye contact with the man in front of you. “Thought this was Intak’s room. Sorry to bother you,” you say as you scratch the nape of your neck.
As he stares at you, he fails to remember that he hasn't responded to you yet. Clearing his throat, his voice begins, “uh- no, no, it’s fine. My fault for forgetting to tell Intak that I came back.”
As the air begins to get more and more awkward, you walk backwards towards the exit of the room. "Well, I'm just gonna head to Intak’s room,” you point behind you.
You turn around halfway before hearing the boy say, "Hey! you wanna head out?” Stopping in your tracks, you question him, “What?”
“Let’s get out of here,” he states more boldly. 
You turn around, eyeing him from outside of the room. “I don’t think that would be the best idea, considering we don’t even know one another.” 
He shrugs. “I mean, I'm sure you have nothing better to do. I'm assuming you came up here to get away from all the madness downstairs.” 
You stare at him with a blank expression. “That was just an idea, you don't have to. You can just head to Intak's room,” he says, panicking while moving his hands around. 
As you hesitantly walk back into his room, you inspect every single corner. Seeing posters and vinyls of rock bands like AC/DC and Queen, with little trinkets scattered around his room. Spotting an electric guitar in the corner of his room, you point towards it, “You play?” 
The boy turns to where you point, and he nods, “Yeah, I dabble. Been practicing Until I Found You on it.” 
You turn back to him, finally making your decision, putting your hand out for him to shake. “I'm YN.”  
He grabs your hand to shake and smiles, “Theo.” 
You smile back at him, “Let's get out of here.”
The two of you guys go out on a journey towards the convenience store. As you walked, you expected a somewhat awkward silence but were met with Theo giving his ear buds to you, “just for us to listen to.”
The familiar tune of Beth by KISS surrounds you. Theo says, “I'm just going on a whim that you may like rock songs.” He turns to you, “Don't think that I didn't see you eyeing my AC/DC vinyl.” 
“I will say your vinyl collection is very impressive," you reply. 
Thankful for the music in your ears, the rest of the walk to the convenience store went by smoothly. Small talk and hearty laughs were exchanged, and with the cool breeze passing by, both of you were completely unaware of the butterflies gradually forming in your stomachs. 
Reaching the convenience store, you head straight to the instant food. Grabbing some Neoguri ramen as well as some instant spicy rice cakes, your drink of choice is some good old-fashioned milk tea. 
Walking back to Theo, he shows you his items. Some jelly, strawberry milk, and honey butter chips. He looks down at what you’ve grabbed and asks, “Was the party food really that bad?”
You sighed, “If there even was food, all I saw was alcohol." You looked back in thought, "although I think I did see a bowl of something in the living room.”
After paying for your snacks, the both of you head to a nearby park to hang out.
Sitting down together on a bench and munching on your snack, the night passes by in a blur. Long conversations were held with your guys’ laughter, which could be heard from a mile away. Interests were exchanged, heavy on the topics of interest you both shared.
Finding a similar interest in Harry Potter, questions were being asked back and forth, “Ok, but no, which Harry Potter movie is the best one though?” Theo asks. “Definitely Prisoner of Azkaban, it’s also the best book, and no one could tell me otherwise,” you replied.
Finding out about Theo’s admiration for Emma Watson, you couldn’t help but tease him, “You know, if you dye your hair ginger, you might pass for a Weasley," you say, laughing as he glared at you.
Not knowing the time at all, and with the party long forgotten, your phone blows up with notifications. “I’m going to assume those are my friends." You check the time and realize that you guys have been out for nearly two hours. 
“Holy shit, yeah, we should probably head back. Intak might think I kidnapped you or something.” Theo says as he grabs all the trash.
Arriving back at the house, people can be seen leaving as they're helping their tipsy friends, with some people looking like they're going to stay back for a little bit longer. You spot your friends, looking worried, on the porch with Intak.  
They spot you, putting up their hands to wave at you. As you wave back at them, you turn back to Theo, “guess this is me. It was really fun hanging out with you tonight. Although I was a bit skeptical at first.” 
Theo puts his hand to his chest, “wow that hurt!” feigning a pained expression. 
“Hey, for all I know, you could've just come into this open party and acted like you were Intak’s friend, just to kidnap someone.” 
“Ok, that’s impossible. You saw all my pictures in my room, which happen to have Intak in them," he replies back. 
“Hey, you never know. That could all have been a front that you've planned for months.” 
“Really, YN? Maybe you need to lay off the true crime documentaries for a while.” 
Not really knowing how to leave one another, you both speak at the same time.
“I think my fri-” 
“We should prob-”
 Theo speaks first, “We should probably head inside. Are you staying over?” 
You shake your head. “Nope, class tomorrow, plus I'm pretty sure Ryujin might collapse any time now,” you say as you glance at your friends, who are now heading over. 
“YNNIE!” Ryujin screams, “i missed yuh sooooo muschhhh,” she slurred as she tackled you into a hug. “I was dancing all on the floor thing an YOU were out with a man. like whyyyy? ah we not enuf fir you?” 
You lift her up, putting your arms around her to support her weight. “Okay, now I think it's time for you to head into the car.”. 
You glance back at Theo, “hopefully I’ll see you around?” 
He nods and smiles. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
As you watch Theo head back to his house, Chaeryeong nudges you with her elbow. “Soo, what’d you guys do?” she teases. 
“Definitely not whatever you’re thinking, that's for sure. C'mon, help me put Ryujin in the car.” 
"Oh, come one, give me the details,” she whines. You shake your head. “Maybe tomorrow morning, when you guys are both sober.” 
“Pinky promise?” 
“Pinky promise.”
As Theo walks towards the house, Intak comes into view with his dopey smile. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” 
“Like what?” Intak replies.
“Like that," Theo waves his hands, “like you’re all knowing or whatever.” 
Intak puts his hands up in surrender. "Look, I'm just saying it seems like you and YN hit it off,” he smiles again, “plus I know she’s single.” He wiggles his eyebrows. 
"Oh, shut up!”
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snow-and-saltea · 3 months
aaaaaa had a rough couple of days. im gonna just start writing about them here under the cut so i can verbalize what i went through
i couldn't sleep well for the past few days, like running on naps and 2-3 hours of sleep or smth, and 2 or 3 days ago i crashed and slept for a full day. and i felt so guilty. it was funny because i wouldn't feel guilty if i was alone; i felt guilty bc i was afraid i was gonna get yelled at and stuff, smth abt not being able to win either way even if i do sleep or not, so i figure id better choose to not sleep and appear energetic, visible and action oriented so my mom doesnt figure out im slipping back into a breakdown
anyways. i remember being really weirded out bc ive always associated that heavy sleepiness with me taking my sleepy meds, which ive not been taking on purpose for a few months now (unless i really need them, once or twice a month randomly). so ive been just running on manic anxious energy just to keep myself appearing functioning so no one will have anything to criticise me for and i think i dipped so much into the manic i became extremely paranoid, being deeply misanthropic, hating my friends for not knowing how badly im hurting despite not telling them explicitly that im hurting, feeling alone and scared, easily scared and on edge from sounds and stuff, not being able to calm down and relax bc of the imagery in my head.
then i realised i was obsessively making myself feel paranoid by rereading texts, interpreting someone's probably innocent motives badly, etc etc. so i decided to uninstall the thing so that i physically would only be able to do that behaviour on my computer, which i rarely use to actually talk to people + me being tired makes me lazy to exert the energy to make conscious decisions to open the computer, type in my password, open the app, wait for it to load, and do the thing. theres a lot more steps in between so theres a lot more chances for me to turn away to do something different, and bc im already very tired just thinking of all those steps demotivates me from wanting to do it, even though my manic paranoid brain wants me to. self manipulation ftw
it was really hard to talk. it felt like everything i said or wrote came off as so flat and curt that i was always worried that i came off as angry bc i know how i usually sound more... energetic. or emotive. everything i say sounds sarcastic even though i mean in a neutral way, i just don't have the energy to consciously control my tone to make sure people know im harmless. i just don't have the energy to maintain social niceties bc it feels like there's so much information to juggle.
i think its also like. i mean ive talked about it in therapy before but i have some sort of... compulsion? or obsession? with being "consistent" in my personality or behaviour. means if i had a bad day i dont wanna behave like i had a bad day. i want to behave like nothing happened to me, because it feels too revealing and opens me up for targeted insults when i unintentionally let people know (through my behaviour) that im having a bad day, and in the case of my parents, itll devolve into them trying to fix me, feeling frustrated that they can't. so i just dont let them know so we don't have to reheat that soup again. i do that by appearing peppy, pretending ive got the message they were trying to teach me and learned the lesson, put myself down before they can, etc. and even just saying that and writing that down that my behaviours are intentional, i already feel So vulnerable bc it feels as though im now inviting scrutiny. i already feel like i want to fuss around w my fingers bc i want to do something. i feel so weird. i kind of want to crawl back into my skin
and im so sensitive to slights and any signal of rejection from friends that at any small sign i think someone doesn't really care but is being nice, i shut down. i think im quite sensitive to that. its so... difficult to let other people take care of me. to entrust themselves to their care, bc i worry that they're not going to care for me as much as i care for me in the places im tender at, and its really scary to just have to do that without any single preparation of what to do if i get my feelings hurt in the process but i feel like itll be insulting or disrespectful to the other person's efforts of helping me. bc i want to be nice to them. and reciprocate. but it's difficult. and i don't know what to do other than just try to see them in good faith cus beggars can't be choosers, so i cant comment on any care i get cus i don't get a lot of it. i guess
hmm. this is very uncomfortable to talk about. i feel very pathetic. but at least i put it out here so that's something i guess. writing all of this out, this really emphasizes the reason i can't talk to friends about it. its so heavy and intense. no one asked to carry that weight, not even me. how could i ever put this burden on someone else i care about. i think id rather die
sorry that was a shitty note to end on, i don't think i can force a positive conclusion out of this. my head hurts from crying so im gonna get some water
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Aradia Megido, Dave Strider, Tavros Nitram
Act 5, page 3481-3492
apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG]
AA: hello!
TG: hey
AA: i think its absurd i never introduced myself to you in all that time i spent moping around the lab
AA: guess i wasnt in a very good mood
AA: hi dave my names aradia
TG: christ
TG: youre a fan of one of my websites arent you
TG: what asshole gave you my chumhandle
TG: also what was your favorite thing i did you liked
TG: and what did you think was so great about it
TG: also
TG: asl???
AA: um
AA: 6 a girl and a place very close to you
AA: in fact
AA: i could visit you right now if you would like
TG: oh holy shit ok youre a troll
TG: only trolls say theyre six i dont know whats up with you and that dumb fake age
AA: to be fair it translates to the same age as you which at the moment is 12 is it not
TG: makes no sense bye
AA: understanding disparities in the flow of time should be easy for people like us let alone understanding disparities in such pedestrian things as units
AA: i am 6 sweeps old one sweep is a little more than 2 years you dummy!
TG: cool story
AA: look it is either the truth or i am just someone who is being a bit playful what is the harm in that
TG: ok so 2=6 awesome joke hahahaha
TG: or wait maybe it was just a waste of time
TG: you people think im made of the stuff
AA: :D
AA: i know you arent
AA: but i am
TG: what
AA: maid of time
AA: whereas you are the knight of the very same cosmic faculty
AA: it would seem we have very little in common dave
AA: when in fact we have very much
TG: yeah
TG: i think
TG: im gonna shut off my phone now cya
AA: yes
AA: thats definitely what you did the first time we had this conversation
AA: so i will wait patiently while you realize thats not what youre going to do this time
TG: uh
TG: what
TG: the fuck
AA: dave describe to me why you are now incredulous please
TG: i remember this
TG: i remember shutting off my phone and never talking to you again
TG: but
TG: im still talking
TG: whats going on
AA: of course you remember that
AA: this is a memory
TG: no its a dream
TG: im asleep
TG: or am i
TG: what is going on here
AA: come to the window
TG: why
AA: because im outside
TG: bs
AA: take a look
TG: i dont see anything out there
AA: that iiis
AA: becaaause
AA: im not out there anymore!
AA: turn around
TG: oh sup
TG: looks like youre a fairy
AA: yeah
TG: thats cool
TG: these arent my shades anymore
TG: john gave me these new ones for my bday
TG: i remember that
TG: and i wasnt wearing this shirt
TG: it was this one
TG: howd it get like that
AA: try to remember
TG: i cant
TG: wait
TG: i wasnt wearing this actually
TG: i was wearing this suit
TG: no wait
TG: it was a black one
AA: are you sure
TG: yeah
TG: and i was playing sburb
TG: thats right
TG: and then i went to sleep at some point
TG: which is why im asleep now
TG: but
TG: if im dreaming
TG: then why am i not awake as my dream self
AA: why indeed!
TG: shit
TG: this wasnt the suit i was wearing
TG: it was this ugly fucking rag
AA: yes
AA: i think it looks pretty nice but go on
TG: and i went to take a nap
TG: terezi said id reach god tier
TG: or i guess show me why i wouldnt
TG: did it work is this part of the process somehow
AA: no
AA: sorry
TG: so then
TG: its just a stupid pointless dream
AA: not exactly
TG: wait
TG: oh yeah
TG: i woke up
TG: and then
TG: welp
TG: so then
TG: im dead
AA: yes
TG: then this isnt a memory or a dream at all
TG: its the afterlife
AA: yes and no
AA: yes and 2 nos!
AA: it is the afterlife
AA: but what is happening now is taking place in a bubble which is accessible to the living through dreams under the right conditions
AA: and it is also your memory
AA: the entry point for any bubble is always a memory
AA: either a memory of the dead
AA: or a memory of the living dreamer come to visit!
AA: but once you realize it is not just a memory
AA: what happens next is up to you
TG: ok
TG: what is going on over here then
TG: is this some disturbing ghost hallucination should i start slapping myself or what
AA: no this actually did happen
TG: i dont remember this
AA: thats because it isnt your memory
AA: this is alpha dave
AA: the one who chose not to take the nap which led to your death
TG: fuck
TG: lucky bastard
TG: so then i guess terezi tricked me
AA: did she
AA: didnt you ask for this
TG: it would have been cool to know if picking one option would definitely kill me pointlessly so yeah
TG: but i guess i kept giving her shit about it and i knew she was kind of crazy and morbid anyways so whatever
TG: is
TG: bro dead there
AA: evidently
TG: like in reality
TG: like thats a thing that really happened
TG: also
TG: is reality still a thing that means something can that be a question on the table too
AA: yes yes and yes
AA: yes it can be on the table and yes reality still means something
AA: and yes your guardian did die
TG: well
TG: dammit
TG: what did i do wrong
TG: aside from getting my ass killed in the most retarded way possible
AA: nothing
AA: all is well and as it should be
TG: whats he doing
TG: alpha me
AA: what would you be doing there if you were him
TG: i am him
AA: even better!
TG: i dunno
AA: would you be upset
TG: yeah
TG: sorta
AA: then maybe what you are doing is grieving
AA: in whatever way that comes naturally to you
TG: maybe
AA: you are lucky to be able to
AA: i could not for a long time
AA: but now that i can again im so relieved
AA: because i have discovered there is no reason to grieve!
TG: ok
TG: am i talking to someone there
AA: looks like it
TG: who
AA: who do you suspect you would be talking to in this situation
TG: probably
TG: terezi i guess
AA: maybe she is helping you through this
TG: i dunno
TG: would she do that
AA: you were helping her werent you
TG: was i
AA: i think so
AA: the living need each others help
AA: just like the dead do
AA: alpha dave still has a long way to go
AA: hes still not at ease with his mortality
AA: but people like us have to be!
AA: we have to be prepared to die a thousand deaths before our quest is complete
AA: the master we serve demands it
TG: so
TG: im just one dead dave offered up to the time god
AA: pretty much
TG: what about the other dead daves
AA: they come here too
AA: in their own bubbles
AA: you may cross paths with them if you wish
TG: uh
TG: i think
TG: im up to my neck in dave already
TG: just being one
AA: ha
AA: i know the feeling :)
TG: still doesnt seem right though
TG: why are you even here like why are you showing me this
AA: im not showing you im just visiting your bubble
AA: it projects your thoughts and memories
AA: as well as other things relevant to you much like the clouds do in skaia
TG: but like
TG: if im seeing this
TG: shouldnt i be able to do something about it
TG: or stop it from happening or
TG: i dont know like anything to keep helping my friends
TG: what do i do
AA: nothing
AA: none of this is your business anymore
AA: its time to move on
TG: where are we now
AA: oh look this was my hive!
AA: before it was destroyed
TG: oh so this is the trollplanet
TG: pretty cool not really what i pictured
AA: what did you picture
TG: i dont know its more subdued
TG: i pictured a lot more mayhem like
TG: a bunch of trolls flying around in little grub pods constantly screaming at each other through bullhorns shaped like buckets
AA: thats very silly and a little perverse
TG: hahaha
AA: but actually that sounds like what it might have been like on some parts of the planet sooo
TG: can we not go to those parts
AA: ill put in a good word with your bubble about it
TG: awesome
TG: so what am i supposed to do now that im dead
TG: what is like
TG: the primary activity here
TG: that ghosts get their shit worked up over
TG: like
TG: where are the fucking hauntoffs at is what im asking
AA: i dont know about hauntoffs
AA: but there is plenty of time to satisfy various curiosities you might have about existence and whatnot
TG: boring
AA: is it
TG: just kidding that sounds cool
AA: oh! yes
TG: what else
AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet
AA: ones you already know and ones you dont
AA: there is plenty of time for just about anything
AA: lots and lots of time
AA: enough time to understand that time isnt much of anything at all
TG: it isnt
AA: time is like a game
AA: just one fun game in realitys cupboard which is full of them
AA: its the one we are the best at!
AA: while other people are better at the other games
AA: but when all the games are back in the cupboard everyone is about the same
AA: and games are fun but sometimes you dont realize how much fun you were having until theyre all over
AA: and sometimes you look back and realize for some stupid reason you werent having any fun at all!
AA: then you laugh
TG: ha
TG: haha
TG: i bet you meant a laugh a whole lot less shitty than that
AA: that laugh will suffice
AA: hey!
AA: want to see inside my hive
TG: yeah sure
TG: well
TG: how about later
TG: not that that doesnt sound cool but i kind of want to just go home
TG: and i guess chill for a while cause i guess it was all a bit much
TG: if thats ok and i guess also possible
AA: it is quite possible and more than ok
AA: it seems you have a hiveguest dave
TG: aw hell no
TG: is this who i think this is
AA: tavros has been looking forward to meeting you
TG: holy shit
AT: }:)
TG: dude
TG: are those sick fires youre packing there
TG: you best not be bringin that fire into my bubble less you plan on dropping that shit
AT: oHH, bRO,
TG: i am your general fucking practitioner and doctors orders are to shut up and burn down my goddamn office
TG: ill break your brittle ass like a graham cracker and well roast smores over the flaming debris have i made myself clear
AT: aH, hAHA, yES, aND,
TG: dude
TG: gross
TG: so aradia just so were clear
TG: this is like a hellbubble right
TG: its my eternal punishment to have shitty rapoffs with this tool forever is that it
AA: yes you figured out the mystery!
TG: i guess i had it coming for a flagrant lifetime spent being unbelievably fucking incredible at rap and just about practically everything else
TG: except not dying
AA: you may think so but then again you have not faced team charge in a match of slam poetry have you
AA: just kidding im no good at slam poetry haha sorry
AT: oH, }:(
TG: so is he dead
TG: he looks dead
AA: yes hes dead
TG: what about you
TG: you dont look dead
TG: are you dreaming
AA: no i am wide awake
AA: and i physically stand before you in person!
TG: so
TG: youre not dead
AA: oh no
AA: i am very much alive
AA: and i intend to stay that way :)
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about-the-two-of-us · 10 months
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I just woke up from a really deep nap, I almost didn’t want to (´ ▽`).。o♡
I remember I dreamt something, something that had to do a little with green lace and a big computer (like a really big computer, one of these that were the sizes of walls ><),
Sadly, since I was woken up and distracted I don’t really remember much about the dream (。•́︿•̀。)
Usually when I have interesting dreams I like to think about them for a few minutes, repeat them all over again and again and again until i can remember them completely (ृ ु ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )ु
Ah, anyway, today was my last day of clases (this may be confusing but it’s a second school that also teaches you what’s important for the test that you have to give), I made cookies for my favorite teachers and said goodbye
It was a little sad, I had been in that (extra) school for almost two years, and these places were like, everything I’ve known, everyone I’ve ever talked to ><
I don’t really have a reason to go back there, or to talk with my teachers, and now I kinda fear that when I take the busy and watch the window, I’ll feel nostalgic just looking at the front of the building (even if I didn’t make any friends there ;w;)
Im gonna miss these places, I’ve probably spent there more time than in my actual home.
This are slow today, but maybe that’s because I’m feeling a bit saddened,
I haven’t been able to draw anything, nor continue any of my fanfics, but I’m sure that if I give myself some rest (and study some more ><) then I’ll be able to continue drawing and writing and making pastries
For now, nothing much has happened, I’ll keep laying in bed for a while,
I’ll tell you if something nice happens,
See you! <3
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berryunho · 2 years
pls i typed that ask at like 4am after the show i’m so surprised i got that many details bc half of the show feels like a blackout i literally ??? have videos of wooyoung that i don’t remember taking so when watching those i was like ah. wooyoung bias indeed i love him <3 AND LISTEN I GET WHAT UR SAYING but the loyal lifestyle just. isn’t for me. i’m loyal to atz only (not even) bc hj would k word me for LoOkInG aT oThEr OpPaS but. wooyoung. is a menace. he deserves the slander sometimes /lh
AND ! no one gets me the way san does bc WOOYOUNG’s hair is black when i wanted oreo but san did everything my delusional little brain manifested (aka wear the outfits i wanted him to) like ?? there is no way there won’t be an era of me having san as my bias </3 like listen.. i don’t wanna be delulu and stuff.. even tho i might be a little.. but a while ago i said i wanted san to wear sage green for a layout that i never even made.. n literally the next day he was on the radio or something wearing a green cardigan.. tell me he’s not meant to be my bias u literally can’t
also when i first started stanning atz it was wooyoung who pulled me in !! and weirdly i stayed loyal for a LONG time even when hongruella looked THAT fine during the last tour (literally. saw hongruella in the flesh on my bday. imagine. how did i stay loyal) but i always thought it was a bit weird?? bc i usually gravitate towards the introverts for literally any group/artist (tho i.. only stan atz rn.. oop hongjoong u better jot this down rn i am the most loyal atiny ever/j) so i thought it was a little bit out of order for me to like and stay loyal to THE extroverted social butterfly.. but then my bias line was completed with both infps aka my mbti.. and it suddenly made sense dhsjsh i just ! gravitate towards san a lil now AND ESPECIALLY AFTER THIS CONCERT he’s truly one of my fav comfort ppl like.. he said something and immediately after i was like WRITE THAT DOWN!!! and opened my notes app to write it down LMAO my friend was like wtf are u doing and i was like uh. comfort words??
last thing before i nap… san shyly dancing to cyberpunk for us again during the concert.. take my heart RN sir it’s literally! urs ! and thanks hwa for making that happen i died a lil
anyway i’m good and i hope you’re good as well <3 mwah mwah -san anon
HI !!!!
4am !!!!??$))(# wow you were quite coherent for 4am im also surprised LOL BUT THATS SO FAIR I GET IT ADJKFLASKJF its inevitable to jump around when you're a kpop stan like when 8 lovable men are presented to you .... why have only one bitch when you can have five ! KJLFDKSJAFSLJKDF
PLS THE MANIFESTING AKLDFJSKDFJ i love it i am a huge fan of being delulu i think life is too boring if you dont let yourself have a little joke around every once in a while AND BELIEVING THAT COINCIDENCES ARE MANIFESTATIONS.... IM HERE FOR IT !!!
eheheh i enjoy learning this lore about you san anon... i agree you are very strong for being loyal despite hongruella on your bday like .... thats crazy .... like i got my american ass on an airplane and flew to germany last may to see hongruella in the flesh .... in a completely loyal to yunho way of course ! JAKDJFSDFLJK BUT omg that actually is pretty interesting !!! id say yunho very much falls in line w my usual bias "type" lol but its funny bc that Type is just. the Opposite Of Me. BUT ANYWAYS hehe i get it ! all of them are just so ... <333 and literally why have i never thought of busting the notes app out that's actually so smart oh em gee ....
but ehehe san is so funny like how are we gonna be shy sir !!! after everything !!! hehe i hope your nap was good <3 im quite good ehehe a little bit nervous ........ but overall good hehe anything else exciting going on in your life san anon? hehe mwahhhh
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gavinsmg24 · 2 years
Yes princess. It’s that time. That I ramble on and on with love bcuz of you 🥰. First off! No matter what it is that promoted you to post. Whether it was my loveliness. My silly. My lots of posts. Or maybe you just were going thru photos. Whether it was to show your love for me now or remember our good times together. No matter what. Thru all of it I know princess was showing her love for daddy! For us! 🥰 it was so unexpected. You always find ways to surprise me and make me smile! No matter how extreme the love is. I felt your heart, brain, and soul with that! I could feel my princesses warmth ☺️ see your cheeks balling up with a smile and bouncing up and down with joy. Acting all cute! Anyways! Before I begin. Once again. Thank you! And! Even tho you’d rather not be as direct with me anymore (which Im okay with! I like anything more than nothing. But nothing is always okay!) basically I’ve said it time and time again. Only do what keeps you safe. I wont push or demand (in a serious way) you to say or do anything! I’m just taking my blessings as they come ☺️ (your the blessing🥰) but! Also remember! Since your gone! Daddy’s allowed to be selfish too! Like! You’re mine! And always will be! Until your physically in my arms again this will do 🙈. I’m rambling! Long story short. I always say this so I dont upset! But hopefully your just giggling at your daddy (aside from you having to read this at different times prolly! Cuz I’m rambling! Ahhh! Done!! I love you! Rawr)
First pic! Just imagine this face :,0) in response to each page. The wrapping paper and movie tickets I’m sure those were packed away in the notebook when you moved. But still. Some part of you at some point kept them. And whether you have them now or just the pics or even if you get rid of all of it soon. You had some portion of us. Whether you wanted to. Meant to. Or if I just am still lingering amongst you spiritually. You wanted and did share what you had with me. And I can only imagine it was to make me happy. Or bring back memories. Or find a way to express your love for me in a way that worked. No matter the case. Not only did you show me love. You found something. So. Pure. And beautiful. You could’ve sent a pic of anything. And Related it to us. But. Something like this. Is so specific. So engraved into us. Even if the book goes away. Still. Your beautiful words. Your drawings. Your thought to keep certain things. I love you Hymie is all I can say. I know I shouldnt say that prolly. But I’ll delete when I wake from my nap. You just made me feel so much that a pet name just doesn’t do. Anyways! The tickets of movies was so sweet. And the wrapping paper /name tags from gifts. Was even sweeter 🥺
I’m rambling! Next! Edible instructions (or mostly. Maybe that’s all. Either way I’ll keep that for sure too!) even if this was sent just to actually make edibles. It’s still cute you sent! Your wanting to share knowledge with me has always made me happy. Your motivation for things and wanting me to experience them to has always been something I loved about you. I’ve always loved your drawings. I have some random things you’ve drawn. I’m not sure of what or where. But I have some. Hehe. Seeing even more is so nice 🥰 and… I’m not gonna pretend to be strong and I’m gonna say the same things for the next pic. But.. I forgot about your journal until you showed me. And after showing me pics you drew of me. Lovey words around me. “I’m going to take you to bed and love you, I swear; like the end is here; when the world is over; we’ll just be beginning..” I just. I dont care if it was 4-5 years ago. Or that were so far apart. Or if you just express your love passionately! You took time to draw me. Think of beautiful words of how you felt about us. And. It’s not the only time. I’m over hyping. And trust me I’m not taking this as a. Ohhh princess is still thinking v of me so chance of an us! No i know the reality of things. Chances would be slim. We’re far. Doing things. And overall focusing on that would be silly rn. But. My love is inside you. And yours in me. And tho it may lay dormant for now. I also know that all it will take is a certain spark to light the fires inside us! Hehe rambling! But! You make me happy! And! Someday you will be mine! And I know you don’t hate that idea is what I’m getting at! But I’ll make that risk of us worth it. Daddy with drive! 🥰
Next page was the texts and another set of lovey words!! 🥺😖 ahh!! Even texts! Tho it was a mixture of lovey and silly. That’s what makes it so us. Lovey. And silly. You. You honey :0) you will always be my honey. Asleep in a meadow. Kisses sweet like cherries. Well babygirl. Give me a kiss ☺️
And final. And probably the most heart melting 🥰🙈😖🥺
I’ll try to summarize bcuz there’s a lot. It’s so special. The whole page baby. Idk the difference of time between drawings exactly. But. I like to think that as we spent more time together it became easier to draw my face. There’s so much more detail in the next one. Both are good but it’s just like. You can see how my face became more engraved in your head. Prolly used pics but still. It’s there. Your mf baby. Meaning everything to you. Things may be different now. But I still feel the same for you. And I feel like you for me. Just. Things have changed of course. But Based on my posts. If there was. Way to pick futures. You might at least give me a hug. But maybe. You’d indulge and take even more of your daddy. Lovingly or more 🙈. Comic con :,)) I’m sure you’ve shared with me how I help you and make you happy. But reading it out. The fact you wrote about our date together. And how things got iffy but I comforted you. We’re so similar and have so much fun with me 🥰 :+) you’re so. Sweet.
This part could be a format for a poem rather than our texts but Id like to believe that is us. And since it’s with me I’m sure it is 🥰 it’s just so sweet I cant believe it to be true. But. I will bcuz you are the sweetest girl in the world
We’ll be trees and other things. But always together
Yes!! You better always be mine!
It feels so good to know your there. To feel your presence. Or see you from across the room
I typed this all again bcuz.. I just don’t know. Don’t be upset. I teared up a little writing this part. Only briefly. But! I’m okay! You just made me so happy baby. Not in past tense. You still do. Even if we cut off completely. You still motivated me to try more. And live life. I know you made the hard decisions. To leave and move and etc. and I did my own thing. But I didnt just sit still. I’ve moved! I plan to be a chef! I will! Hehe! Like! Rn I’m still same me. But now that I’m moved and new environments that won’t bog me down. It’s amazing. And If you hadn’t had made the choice. We may still be together. But not in position to take care of ourselves. We’ll meet again. I’m sure of that. Maybe once. Maybe in secret. Maybe for a final catch up. Maybe to go on a date and see if things feel right. No matter what. Or. If I just see you in another one of my dreams. You’ll always be with me. And I’ll always be with you. We used to say forever. But that’s an extreme word. Just say you love me. And I’ll know the rest. I’ll tell you I love you. And you’ll know the same. We’ll both know
That whether our end continues. Or a new beginning forms. Even if we lose contact. Or come face to face. Remember princess. You may not see me across the room. Or be able to touch me. But when you close your eyes. And think of me. Know that there’s a good chance. I’m somewhere. Doing the same thinking about you. I’m sorry I get overly lovey. I know it prolly makes things hard. I hope it doesn’t. I hope you can live your life how you want. And set aside your love for me. Like a time capsule. That can only be opened when we’re both ready. Or however you want to. As long as your thinkin of yourself first. I promise I am. Im done now! So long 🥺 gonna be a while before I get anymore gifts bcuz of how long daddy makes you read!
I love you H -your world. Your best friend. Your soulmate, J💜🧡
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nayaaatv · 2 years
wonwoo bf headcanons ☂︎
# : fluff, gn! reader ♡
warnings ! : none (?)
wc ! : 0.6k
a/n : FINALLY OMG. i thought this writers block was gonna last forever im so sorry.
req by anon ♡
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look, yk how this man games right. okay so.. lets say one day, you got really bored and asked him if he could play roblox with u. ofc, he said yes bc he loves u. but also thought it was pretty stupid at first. but now... its a daily thing for u both!! you'd ask to play the 'stupidest' games like royale high, da hood, the mimic, whatever!! but he says yes everytime, and enjoys it everytime. hes having fun as long as ur having fun too.
u guys would have a cat together. like... fr. you'd name it like milo or tulip. cute things like that, ngl... i think he'd buy them little clothes or collars. to him, THEYRE HIS CHILD. u teased him about it before but he just replied with "im practicing." i hope we all know what that means hehe.
keeps every gift you give him. he still wears the bracelet you gave him 2 years ago. he still hugs the plushie you gave him on his birthday. he loves it when u still keep his gifts too. he appreciates it so much
can nap without u, but refuses to most of the time. he personally thinks its a need that u literally have to be there when he takes a nap, he doesnt know why, but he literally needs u to be there. he wont force you too much if you're busy, but hes gonna struggle a lot ㅠㅠ. its better if you like napping too or if ur a big cuddler. it doesn't matter to him though. you dont even have to nap with him he just wants you to be there.
computer cafe dates, like pls. your either both playing games or your just watching him do his stuff. its so comforting for the both of you. you're telling him about your day, ranting about the annoying co-worker you had at work as he games away. he always listens though, remembers every detail. he tells you about his day too, and its just a fun hobby for you both.
hes a bit shy most of the time, so you're gonna have to be the one to initiate anything physical. but he loves loves loves hand holding. you dont know why and maybe he doesnt either, it just makes him feel so safe and his hands are so warm and he says your hands are so soft to him :((
he really likes taking photos of u... don't take this in a weird way but he looks like the guy to have like a whole photo album of u looking pretty whilst doing nothing. whether its u actually posing for the camera or him just taking a photo without ur acknowledgement. little photographer bf
again with the gamer wonwoo agenda, if u were even struggling with something just a bit, he would leave his game immediately. it does not matter. it could be the simplest things! not being able to reach something, seeing a bug, literally anything!!!! he will help u everytime. okay maybe he doesn't help you everytime but he always pauses his game when he notices, and then goes back to gaming if he sees you dealing with it on your own.
secretly loves it when you kiss him out of the blue while he's reading or watching something. he always hits you with the "what was that?" in a very cool tone but his heart is actually spinning like crazy. he thinks you don't know but you can see the cutest shade of red on his cheeks everytime. he doesn't need to know that though.
[ jeonghan is next ! ]
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taglist 𖦹 : @odetoyeonjun @stuckinmyhead5 @guavagyu @starry-mins @pearlygraysky @enhacolor @khypods
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twstedstoryshop · 3 years
Can i request love language hcs for savanaclaw? (Btw i cannot find ur rules and the link doesnt work for some reason.. probably just me so if im breaking any rules here just ignore me lol)
You're fine, hun! By now, I should have the post with all my rules and other things out in the open. -Shopkeep
Love Language Headcanons with the Savanaclaw Dorm
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Leona strikes me as the kind of man who shows his love through quality time and physical touch. He’s a man who doesn’t like big show-y declarations of affection, he shows it through subtle means. Honestly, you wouldn’t even register his actions until it hits you one day like, “Oh, he love-loves me.”
Leona doesn’t let anyone interrupt his daily naps unless it’s Ruggie coming to nag him. So the fact that you can waltz on in and literally poke at the sleeping lion says a lot. You could twiddle with his hair, poke and knead his arms, pet his tail/ears, and he’ll just take it. The most he’ll do is make the typical annoyed growl and snide comment, but does he actually push you off? Nope.
The days that he feels the most relaxed is when you’re there, talking idly about your day. He just hums along to whatever you wanna share before he nods off to sleep. Surprisingly, even if you think he forgot what you said, he remembers everything to the last detail.
If someone tries to drag you away from him, thinking that you’re not doing anything because Leona’s only lazing around, he’ll suddenly get hostile. He’ll hiss loudly at whoever’s stealing you away. The herbivore is obviously busy with him right now, go away!
Fully expect Leona to start using you as his personal heated pillow. Sometimes he’ll even crawl on top of you and sprawl out like a lazy cat, keeping you pinned under his weight. It’s one of his tactics to keep you from leaving him.
More on physical touch, he absolutely would rub his head all over you to leave his scent. It comes off as him being a teasing annoyance like, “Ah, I’m sleepy… Lemme use you as a pillow right now,” and you’re scolding him to stop nuzzling you all of a sudden. Meanwhile every Beastman within a 50 ft radius is keeping a fair distance from the lion’s beloved.
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Ruggie, our playful little hyena, is a man of giving gifts and doing acts of service for you whenever he shows his love.
You’d think that he’d be exhausted enough having to deal with Leona’s business, but if he ever catches you struggling or needing something, he’s scampering off to you. He’s here to swoop in and be your lil helper!
If you’re someone who insists that you’re fine working by yourself, he wouldn’t be above using his Unique Magic to force you to sit back and relax. Let him handle all the tough stuff! But remember, you have to promise to praise him lots after he finishes the work! Please give him many pats, kisses and cheek rubs. He’s all smiles and tail wagging at your rewarded affection.
Ruggie, as you all know, is a very greedy hyena. Whatever he nabs, he keeps it for himself. Especially food. Survival of the fittest and all that. However, with you, doesn’t feel the anxiety to guard his valuables.
If anything, he wants to share his spoils with you, just to see you happy over what he can provide. He never does this with anyone else so this is an obvious sign of great affection.
I can see him being cheeky about it though. He hand feeds you with his familiar grin and would do it infront of other students to one part tease you and the other part to rub it in other people’s faces that he’s being lovey-dovey. If you act cute about it and happily eat from his hand, it is the most sickeningly sweet sight that is sure to annoy. Especially Leona. If you’re shy about it, he’ll get pouty and very whiny.
Tries to look like a kicked puppy if you don’t let him feed you. Eventually you have to relent or else he’s gonna act all mopey the whole day to guilt you. In a way, it’s kind of a thing he chases after, the feeling of what it’s like to provide for someone he loves. Maybe one day when he’s strong enough to support you and himself, he can always shower you with wonderful things.
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Jack does acts of service and spends quality time with his beloved to show his love!
Jack is obviously a man of few words, much less socialization, so when it comes to the act of romance, he can be a bit– shaky with it. Though he doesn’t say it through flowery words, his devotion is clear through his actions.
He tries to uphold this image of a lone wolf in his mind but when it comes to you, that notion vanishes in an instant. He doesn’t even realize it! The big tough wolf unconsciously wants to seek you out and follow you like a lost pup. Maybe he tries to make the excuse that you could get lost or has to protect you if any bullies try to bother you.
But everyone and their mothers’ know the truth. The guy has such a weakness to you and wants to be at your side 24/7. The times that you do have to separate, his disappointment is palpable. Ears droop, tail sags, even his eyes go a little downcast. Jack tries to act like it’s nothing but there’s always a little voice in his head that says, “I miss my partner…”
Jack: stares out window stoically, waiting for his baby to come back
Acts of service time! You know Jack is willing to literally run miles for you if you need help. Like I can perfectly imagine you’re out stuck somewhere with no transportation and someone to grab Jack by the tail before he runs off immediately to carry you in his arms back home.
Besides physical things, he does sweet and very thoughtful little things too. Like, sliding more food on your plate, there’s an extra water bottle for you during P.E., or he offers his jacket if you’re cold.
If you make comments or show affection for all the things he does for you, he tries to deny it, saying he just doesn’t want to see you lag behind. But the way his tail is wagging and how red his face is says otherwise.
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