#rememberance sunday
military1st · 11 months
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Remembrance Day
Whether you observe Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, please take a moment to honour and show respect to the brave individuals who served in the First and Second World Wars, as well as in subsequent conflicts.
Photo by Quaritsch Photography on Unsplash.
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jamesliskutin · 11 months
Just so everyone knows what will happen if we allow Islam in our government. Matt Dillahunty vs MuslimSkeptic on Blasphemy Laws in Islam #shorts
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taxusbaccata6 · 2 years
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
Mrs Flood being Susan would be really funny tho. Because you have Susan Triad: this perfect, lovely peoples person who wants to help everyone, dangled as Susan. She has dreams! Could be fobwatched! The Doctor's wonderful lovely perfect granddaughter returned!
But Susan wasn't a perfect person. So instead it's the woman who can be sharp, blunt, and even a little bit mean. But who is also mischievous and fun when she wants to be. Someone who's just a bit odd. All of which, imo, can be very Susan.
Someone who has clearly lived a life. Sitting at the sidelines being enigmatic as hell. Her grandfather's granddaughter. Just think It'd be such a good twist
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martyrbat · 2 years
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[ID: an uncoloured drawing for a panel next to the publicized version. They're both from the comic Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #194. In them, Batman is shown from the waist up. He's looking at Jim Gordon, who's off panel, with a penitent expression after being accused of something he secretly did do. He has his palm pressed against his chest and is blocking the bat emblem as his other hand is clasped ontop of it. In the initial drawing, there's a halo floating above his head as well as several tiny hearts mixed in with the lights that surround him. In the publicized panel, the hearts and halo has been removed and two speech bubbles have been added. He's in front of a terra rose background and is starting to say, “Jim, I don't even know what you're...” But Jim cuts him off, saying, “Stop it. I'm tired of this.”
The third photo is a description of the drawing from the artist's (Seth Fisher) website. It reads: This is another page that the DC editors changed: no halos or hearts around Batman, no matter how (disingenuously) contrite he is. In the final edition, the halo and heart in the center bottom frame have been excised.]
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pxsieszn · 11 months
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Lest We Forget
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emz-84 · 2 years
Sons of war
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All Saints Sunday was a beautiful worship service of music and remembrance, with communion and the welcoming of new members. . . . #allsaintsday #allsaintssunday #rememberance #requiem #communion #InPersonChurch #onlinechurch #sundayservice #umc #prayer #gospel #God #Jesus #hollywood #HollywoodUMC #hollywoodcampus #Community #HUMC #Sunday #church #Ministry #Inclusivechurch #affirmingchurch #churchfamily #AllAreWelcome (at Hollywood United Methodist Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqkyTfpL29/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phoenixcatch7 · 10 months
Tips and tricks to survive Eden even less
Seeing a lot of people struggling with the fourth quest of Revival, aka the 'die and come back for one (1) heart pretty please' quest, and I thought some helpful hints and tricks I've found over the years might be helpful! (Feat: spoilers, obviously)
Step 1: Overcome your fear of death and accept your fate.
I'm serious! People are very cautious in Eden, and often to their detriment! Panic and rush will only make you clumsy and make the whole thing far more stressful than it needs to be! And take longer too!
Step 2: Carry a source of light, or bring a friend! Assembly guide sells a torch, I believe, but in an emergency the rememberance guide sells a teapot on a brazier that does the same... At a Very slow rate. If you bring a friend, you can carry friendship candles that work really well! Unfortunately they're also sort of fragile, so it's best when someone who is being carried holds it.
This will go a long way both to being useful and easing any stress! Just... Make sure not to place it anywhere in the way of krill or rocks.
Step 3: Don't rush after lost wings! If you're already losing light, you're not in a situation to be chasing the metaphorical ball into the busy road! Your first priority is yourself, get to safety and recharge. Lights that land nearby or in safe places sure, but don't jump into the path of rocks just to try and get one back!
I know it's counter instinctive, but you're going to be losing those lights anyway in a few minutes. Even if you have low numbers to begin with, you want to focus on keeping the ones you do have!
Step 4: Jumping vs skipping, also sliding. They're your best friends.
To jump, you press the jump button. Easy. To skip, you want to take your finger off the move circle so it fades, and then flick the screen in the direction you want to go, so your sky kid skips in that direction! The best part is, it has tracking abilities, which is invaluable in helping you land precise jumps (such as that freaking candle bridge in valley). Cool, but why is this important?
Skipping isn't affected by the winds like jumping. Well - it is a little, but it won't send you backwards the way a bad jump will. Not to mention the homing ability will make things easier! It's a bit weaker than a jump, but mix it in to make the journey easier!
Similarly, sliding can be achieved on almost any surface flat enough to walk on. It's not affected as much by the winds either, so try to slide where possible for some speed! Especially if you can move it into a skip, to get a good boost! (This is because you can slide without actively moving your sky kid.)
Step 5: Did you know? Emotes affect not only your hitbox, but also your knock back? If you're unfortunate enough to get caught by a short ledge, try using an emote to duck behind it! When you're in a standing emote (ie, one you have to stop manually and can't move until it's finished. Think the point emote vs the wave emote) you also become a lot harder to knock over! (Warning: this does not work on krill! They are bigger and beefier than you in every way!)
I recommend an emote that's fast to get in and out of, like the first stage faint emote! It's saved my hide many a time.
Also, most people run on Sunday, so if you're looking for a kindly guide, that's your best time!
Now. The route.
At the very start of Eden, there's a thin stone bridge with rushing rocks blowing left to right.
That bridge is optional.
For more experienced players with enough wedges, you can fly right across to the door with a little skill. (There's lots of video tutorials on youtube if you're curious!)
For people with less wedges or skills, hop right on down into the gap. Follow the bridge to where it meets the other side, and there's a slope you can climb back up to skip the rocks entirely!
The second area loads all at the same time. To be precise, in roughly the time it takes to open the door and trigger the cutscene with the krill, you'll usually hear the sound signalling a wave of falling rocks after the second horn note. You can still move in this cutscene! Also that krill can't see you, thank goodness, so don't worry about it.
For taller players (I'm serious lol) there's a big chip in the wall on the far left of the room. It's about in the middle, it's part of a seam, but if you can't find it get your candle out. Walk into the crack. Jump forward a couple times. Escape to oob. Make sure you got the door cutscene, though, because it will get you if you don't!
Climb the clouds as high as you can, following the path. You want to be ridiculously high up to avoid the invisible wall and the winds. You will get softlocked. Not 'I think I'm high enough', not 'I gotta be high enough now', you want 'I'm going to faceplant the sun' high. 'This feels like I shouldn't be here' kind of high. Right by the giant red pillar at the end! Then dive down. Straight down. Straight towards the entrance to the hall of lights. Avoid flying above the krill!! You should land without bother, but run to safety!
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^^^ it looks cool, but don't land here! Land in the actual area down there, by the krill!
For shorter players or less experienced ones, run out and as far left as you can to make it to a safe spot to ride out the first wave of rocks! When the camera returns to you, I recommend keeping left and then running right to the tunnel: keeps you in the path of the rocks as little as possible. RUN.
You have a few seconds between the signal noise (which sounds like a match striking, or a carbonated bottle decompressing) and the surge of rocks (which sounds like strong winds and crunching). There's always particles flying, they're just decorative! It's safe to run when the rocks have stopped!
If you're close to safety, don't stop running!! Don't divert to somewhere that looks safer, get there as fast as you can. Because of the angle of the rocks, at the tunnel/pipe entrance, there's actually a little bit of area in front of it they don't hit. You're closer to safety than you think.
The next phase: pipes. Now, this area is either very easy or very hard, depending on if you get seen by a krill. There's two.
These guys work on a timer. They loop. You can hang around in the pipe between phases and watch them to get an eye on what they're doing, but they move pretty slowly lol. This is the phase you want to rush LEAST. If a krill is coming, hide under the girder. It has a zigzag pattern to help spot, and it's on the switchback leading up to the giant pipe. Don't try and rush it, there's very few places to hide quickly here.
However, the winds are very weak here! You can fly and run, if you're careful! Should a krill spot you on that ledge around the pipe, you can simply fly around it to the other side! Be aware, though, that you might fall into the sludge water below, so check you don't fall in! It's an annoying climb back up lol, but krill don't check down there unless they've been disrupted, so you're safe if you fall.
Do not jump over the girder bridge! Just run! I know it's faster but the girder is thin and slippy! If you get spotted there, just keep running, there's a rock you can hide behind on the other side.
Inside the pipe, you can take a break. There's a brazier of light and some crabs in a ditch you can take your anger out on. You'll see krill lights, but they can't get you as you climb out, they just pass very close. You can safely ignore that one!
Emerging, you'll see the giant red crystal. That's the goal. Again, keep left, use emotes and hiding spots. Listen for the signal sound. Do not be fooled by the placement of braziers! Some spots can still be hit with rocks if you're anything but a chibi!
There will be black, calcified bodies starting to appear. Do not worry. You can't interact with them. You can't save them. They will not protect you from rocks.
When you see a miraculously intact stone arch, you're close! Don't hide behind it, though! You want the ledge just under it. The arch won't keep you from rocks or the krill just ahead.
The krill moves in a very tight circle, for a krill. I'd recommend following its path from a distance, because it moved faster than we can, right now. Spots that will protect you from the krill won't save you from the rocks, either! This is a very tough spot to move through, so take your time choosing the right moment!
Also, there's a child of light, just to the left. This is a trap. Reach the safety of the corridor first, then once you've caught your breath drop back down and grab it. Grabbing the child on your way up risks slowing you enough for the krill to spot you.
And you're in the hall of lights! Lighting all the statues won't do anything, unfortunately. But this is also the first time you'll see children of light in any position other than standing looking up... It's a bit eerie. They're still the same thing, though.
At the end of the corridor, READ THE WARNING that pops up. This is your last chance to avoid death, if you're here to help a friend, or there's lights you want to get first, now is your last chance. Returning home after this point will take you to a scary, empty home, where thunder rumbles and the portals have been returned to rubble. The only way out is through eden.
The final phase: the eye of Eden.
There is no flying. Don't even bother. You'll need to conserve your light. Your goal is to light every calcified body you can - you can see them by the blue lines, if you're struggling. They also look unlit from the front, which can be very annoying, but if they're on fire or glowing, you've already got them. Eden can only be run once a week, and that's why. They don't reset until the Sunday/Monday daily reset, I'm pretty sure. You can still die and light ones you missed the first time, but it's usually not worth it. You'll need all your courage and recklessness here to move quickly.
There are no krill here. There is no clever skip. The only problems are the rocks and the sludge water (though that's not nearly as much of an issue lol. It's never more than ankle deep). Also the rocks to hide behind aren't very good. Sometimes you'll get hit despite being in a 'safe' spot. Don't linger.
Now, the rocks. You have more time than you think between waves, but as there's no noise to signal their stop, it can be hard to tell.
What you want to be listening for is the signal, of course, but also the sound of crashing. The signal is early. You have a few seconds. The crashing only starts when the rocks hit the floor.
What you want to be looking for is the bright neon red of rocks breaking on objects. It comes in waves, starting from the eye and washing to the entrance. These are the only rocks that will hit you, and if you see it coming, you can move out of the way! When they fade, start moving again immediately for the maximum safe time!
Watch for the blue or black of lights! They cost one light each, and each one will become roughly 1/3 of an ascended candle later. Get as many as you can!
Light every statue you go by and refill your light. If you're experienced, it might feel inefficient, but YOU WILL get hit at least once later and you don't want to crawl all the way back to the start to re light lmao.
The waves will come faster and harder as you get closer to the eye, and the angle the rocks fall from will also change, so watch out for that! If you get too close to the sides, they'll change direction SPECIFICALLY to spite you, so be aware of that too lol.
The very final stretch starts when the ground flattens into broken tiles. It's a straight line to the eye, and that's where we're going! Rocks fall all the time, there's little to no cover or light.
You just gotta run. You can't jump, don't try, it'll knock you down fast. You gotta take the hits. There's no two ways about it.
Well... There's kind of a way.
You see, the rocks fall in a pattern. Of you look up, you see them spawn in zigzag lines, and then fall at about 40° from horizontal. If you're very lucky, or very skilled, you can use that to predict where the rocks will fall. And avoid them.
Unfortunately, you can't move very fast. Especially once (not if!) you get knocked to a crawl. Sometimes you're just going to watch a rock spawn and then fall directly onto you lol. Don't try and zigzag to avoid, it'll just slow you down and you'll get hit.
Because of the rocks and the sludge water, any lights you lose will disappear the second they touch the ground. They are no longer your concern. Don't bother trying to focus on reaching the eye, just return the lights you do have to as many crystallised bodies as possible.
And then you die.
You gotta wait ages, at this point. For some reason. It can take about five minutes, longer if there's people there with you, but EVENTUALLY a pop up will appear asking if you want to move on without waiting for people. Click yes, or you'll be waiting even longer. Don't worry, your friends will come with you if they've also died.
Hug your own light, your bright reflection. It's always the exact same height as you. Fly up through the torrent.
There's one last shortcut, funnily enough. I'll include a picture.
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See that pale window on the left of the giant doors? That I'm flying away from? That's intangible. You can fly straight through it to oob.
Go through. Go up.
Follow the clouds, just keep flapping up, as high as you can, even when you get lost. Aim for the space at the top.
And then you're headed for orbit, and there may be a giant slug whale sharing your personal space. Don't worry! It won't hurt you!
And that's Eden!
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Great Men Theory - And Why It Sucks
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When I already rant on my Sundays about historical misconceptions and how history is taught wrong, I cannot help but also talk about the entire Great Men Theory and how much it has influenced how we teach history to... basically everyone. This entire fucking theory goes back to a dude called Thomas Carlyle, who wrote in one of his books:
Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here. They were the leaders of men, these great ones; the modellers, patterns, and in a wide sense creators, of whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do or to attain; all things that we see standing accomplished in the world are properly the outer material result, the practical realisation and embodiment, of Thoughts that dwelt in the Great Men sent into the world: the soul of the whole world's history, it may justly be considered, were the history of these.
And sadly... This way of talking about history is nice and convinient, no matter how factually wrong it is. Because instead of having to explore historical society and what made people back then "tick", you can can do: "And then this one dude did this. And this other big dude did that." And done.
Before I knew about this theory, I already encountered it. In the way many German kids will encounter it. Nazi Germany. Because while we have this big thing going about "rememberance culture" and what not... Yeah, we mostly talk about Nazi Germany, as if Hitler and some of his dude friends, like Himmler and Göbbels, did stuff and nobody else could've done something about it. And we will talk about the few folks who tried to do something about it. This leaves many under the impression that actually Hitler and his fellow friends were subjucating the German populus, who were unable to do a thing about the Holocaust or the war. And that... Just is not how it played out in reality. Most people in Germany at the time supported Hitler, knew about the Holocaust and were A-Okay with it.
And this is something that happens again and again in the way we talk about history. We talk about the big dudes and whatever they did or didn't do. Either as heroes or as villains. But we leave out all the people who were there to either enforce their policies, suffer from it, or rise up against it.
This creates a version of history, in which 99,99999% of all people were basically just "NPCs" in a game played by the few. Which not only does wrong by this majority of people, who might as well have had a hand in some of the things happening, but it also is used as a constant propaganda tool. Be it to ignore, how many attrocities have been supported and partaken in by a lot of people, so folks today do not need to deal with that fallout. Or be it to ignore the man, who have fought for a better outcome - often to either make protest seem senseless, or to make those few great man seem more heroic. (See also: Basically any anti-colonialist movement that got erased from history.)
I am not even denying that those in power had a bigger influence on history than anyone else. But not because they were born with some traits that made it so, but for the most part, because they were born into power through their bloodline, or at least into riches.
And it does not mean that nobody else had an influence, even if we like to forget the "everyone else" usually.
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crucia · 6 months
One Sunday, you notice red marks on the local priest's neck. You stare during the sermon, but eventually forget about it, it could be anything.
During your weekly grocery shopping, you see him carefully eyeing the tomatoes. As he bends to pick the ripest, his loose sweater droops down. It is over in moments, but your eyes widen as the sliver of skin revealed is covered in bite marks and bruises.
Men of faith often live lonely lives. If he seeks warmth with another, it is none of your business.
The next time you see the priest, it is when you come seek him out at church. You knock on the door of his office, and you hear a muffled groan. Puzzled, you knock again.
It is a little while until the door opens.
The priest looks winded. His lips are chapped and his eyes glossy. Has he been crying? His outfit is wrinkled and he laughs awkwardly as he untangles his rosary.
Knowing better than to pry, you give the man of faith time to compose himself before asking about the scarf you forgot. As his eyes flash in rememberance, he asks you to wait outside as he walks to his messy desk.
Nothing after this moment registered for you, and you grab your scarf in a daze. You don't know if he is aware that you could see the massive singed handprint barely hidden by his clerical collar, curling around his throat like jewelry.
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infectiouspiss · 9 months
beating my meat quietly and respectfully on rememberance sunday
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Hi Steph! Curious if you had any existing lists ready to go? :D
Hi Lovely!
I do! And based on this poll here, this is the list you guys want to see!! I hope you enjoy!!
See also:
Hurt / Comfort Pt. 1: Under 5K Words
Hurt / Comfort Pt. 2: 5K to 10K Words
Hurt / Comfort Pt. 3: 10K to 50K Words
Hurt / Comfort Pt. 4: 50K+ Words Pt. 1
And When The Night Is Over by Simply Isnt On (K, 329 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Platonic Bed Sharing / Not Slash) – Sherlock and John sleep together.
Once Upon A Time by ProfessorSquirrell (T, 908 w., 1 Ch. || Family, Snippets of Life, Romance, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Implied Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending) – There is a room in Sherlock's mind palace where nothing gets deleted. And it looks like this...
My Unfortunately Average Sized Cranium by Haelia (K+, 996 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Headache, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Past Drug Use, Doctor John) – In which Sherlock has a migraine. ALMOST Johnlock. Not quite.
The Four Incidents by TheGirlWithRedHair22 (K+, 1,064 w., 1 Ch. || S1 Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, John Whump, Accident, John POV, Hand Holding, Worried Sherlock, Sherlock’s Self Esteem) – The first time John was present when someone insulted Sherlock, he brushed it off as a strange coincidence.
Sleep Tonight by Jenn1984 (T, 1,220 w, 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Bed Sharing, Worried Sherlock, Sick John, Hugs/Cuddles, Touch Neediness) – Fingers begin prying open his jacket looking for a wound and John would really like to swat at them. No, he's not hit anywhere, he's just damn sick.- John Watson has a fever.
Poppies For John by grannysknitting (T, 1,102 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship) – Rememberance Sunday fic - John notices a discrepancy between Sherlock's stated intent and his actions. Sherlock, for once, explains himself. Friendship or pre-slash, your choice. Intended in honour of those who defend us.
And, Usually, He's the One Who GIVES Me a Headache by Cumberbatch Critter (T, 1,315 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, POV John, Cranky John, Headaches, Head Massage) – A migraine is never fun.
Hallucinations can't open doors by Bespectacled dreamer (K+, 1,330 w., 1 Ch. || Reunion, Hurt / Comfort, Friendship, Hallucinations, John’s Wedding, Light Humour) – In which John gets married and Sherlock gets a broken nose. 
Here to Stay by MockJayPhoenix12 (K, 1,574 w., 1 Ch. || Post Reunion, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Headache, Bed Sharing, Care Taker Sherlock, Hand Holding, Fluff) – On Sherlock's first day home, John wakes with a migraine.
3:00 in the Morning is a Great Time to Talk by Aztecwarfareandcrumping (K+, 1,775 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt / Comfort, Friendship, Bed Sharing, First Person POV John, Cuddling, Worried Sherlock, Comforting John, Platonic Affection/Love) – "Are you trying to talk your way into my bed?" "Obviously." 
Dying Changes Everything by whitchry9 (K+, 1,919 w., 1 Ch || Sherlock POV, Suicidal Ideation, Near-Death, Hospital, Sherlock Whump, Gunshot, Unhappy/Ambiguous Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship) – Sherlock is having an existential crisis and wants to have a near death experience like John did to gain some perspective. “Shoot me John!” he insisted, gesturing to himself. John just looked at him. “Are you completely mad?” 
Study in John by chappysmom (K+, 2,158 w., 1 Ch. || Post-ASiP, POV John, Introspection, Friendship, Nightmares, Caring Sherlock, John’s Limp) – After the events of "A Study in Pink," John lies on the couch in Baker Street and thinks about the whirlwind events of the day. What is he getting himself into?
A Room of One's Own by whitchry9 (K+, 2,174 w., 5 Ch. || S2 Timeline, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Coma, John Whump, Worried Sherlock, POV John, Angst, Friendship/Bromance, Hospital) – When a severe head injury lands John in a coma, somehow he ends up in Sherlock's mind palace. It's actually pretty nice there, and John is entertaining the notion of staying there, rather than returning to his broken body. But Sherlock isn't taking it as well, and John can feel him breaking around him.
Spilt Milk by Erin Giles (K+, 2,222 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – John comes back from a trip to the supermarket only to take a trip up the stairs. Both shopping and blood are spilled leaving Sherlock to play the role of Doctor.
BBCSH 'The Comfort of Company' by tigersilver (T, 2,769 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF/Mary, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Bed Sharing, Grumpy John, Touching, Clingy/Handsy Sherlock, Cranky Sherlock, Fluff and Light Angst) – It's a trope that John and Sherlock end up sharing in the same bed eventually and I admit I do adore it unconditionally, along with all it infers as to the lowering of defenses and the heightening of trust. I put forth for your consideration that the notion persists because those who think about these things realize these two men are each in dire need of some good company.
Unquantifiable by 221b_hound (M, 2,799 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Sherlock/Sally Friendship, Grumpy John, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Pet Names, Texting, Sweet Sherlock, Princess Bride References) – John remains a terrible and foul-tempered patient, but he does try to make up for it with pet names and text message silliness. In the meantime, Sally Donovan visits Baker Street for a hint about the Milverton case, and has to deal with a Sherlock Holmes who can't find words big enough to thank her for saving John's life at the warehouse. For afters, there's a viewing of The Princess Bride. Part 33 of the Unkissed series
Museums and Laboratories by RhododendronPonticum (T, 3,004 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Angst, Obsessive Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, Anxiety/Panic Attack, Separation Anxiety, Doctor John, Co-Dependent Sherlock) – If Sherlock's kitchen was his laboratory, then his bedroom was his museum.
Reversed by whitchry9 (K+, 3,072 w., 6 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Medical Anomolies, John Gets Shot) – The man pointed his gun at John's chest, right at his heart, and shot.' Wherein John is shot, and Sherlock is the one panicking.
It's Just Another Birthday by Vintage Tea Party (K, 3,207 w., 2 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Sherlock’s Birthday, Sherlock 3rd Person POV) – When John makes a birthday cake for Sherlock he thinks its an innocent enough gesture. But nothing is ever normal with Sherlock and this isn't just another birthday. 
Human Body Pillow by Lunavere (K, 4,122 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Sleepy Johnlock, Bed Sharing) – A story about the five times John fell asleep on Sherlock, and the one time Sherlock fell asleep on him.
What John Doesn't Know (Won't Hurt Him) by blueink3 (NR [T], 4,392 w., 1 Ch, || S3 Fix It, Pining Sherlock, Snippets of Life, Hurt/Comfort, Scars, Fluff and Angst, Five and One, Hopeful Ending, POV Sherlock) – Five people who see Sherlock's scars before John Watson. But Sherlock's secrets were never something he could keep from his blogger for long.
Date Night by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 4,451 w., 1 Ch. || Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Caring John, Schmoopy Fluff, Fidget Cube, Baking / Cooking, Date Night, Established Relationship, POV Sherlock Holmes, Understanding John, Grumpy Sherlock, John’s Bum, Kisses, Hugs, Domestic Fluff, Touching, Hair Petting, Light Humour) – It's John and Sherlock's first Date Night as an official couple and Sherlock needs it to be PERFECT. Mrs Hudson helps. Part 7 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
When Your Belly's in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart (T, 4,743 w., 1 Ch. || PTSD, Character Study, Rescue, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Torture, Trauma, Danger, Drama, Kidnapping/Captivity) – The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side.
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fenrirswood-hq · 4 months
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IC DATE: 23rd of May till 26th of May OOC DATE: 19th of May till 2nd of June PARTICIPATION: non-mandatory THREADS OUTSIDE OF EVENT: allowed! TAG TO USE: #fenrirflower .
The flower moon rolls around with very little strange effects on Witches and Werewolves, though for Witches who have been practicing the craft for a long time, they know any gift given to the spirits over the full moon will be welcomed even more, as the spirits, like people, tend to embrace the summer happily in the Northern Hemisphere.
Meanwhile in Fenrir's Wood, going through the Full Moon without any difficulty, the summer is rolling around, and after a few days of sun and temperatures that make it so nobody needs a jacket, the city has decided to reopen the beach front at the river ahead of schedule: the place has been renewed and cleaned in small steps after the murder last summer. To commemorate this grand occasion, the beach front is filled with activity from the 23rd of May till the 26th of May. Read all about what to do around the renovated area below!
ooc; our second full moon event is live! The mayor and government of Fenrir's Wood is doing everything it can think of promote the city and be less associate with the murders that happened the last two years. Plus the sun is shining and it's a nice 20-25 degrees during the day with barely a cloud in the sky! Though rain is being predicted for Sunday afternoon, so bring your raincoats just in case!
The following activities are held at the beach front over the weekend, but feel free to think of your own as well!
MINI DUCK FAIR ; with the big Duck Fair coming in July/August, some have decided to already do a small version of it: there are stands with local made products, a few fun attractions like a bumper cart lane, kid bungee jumping, and a mini gold parkour for all ages.
TAKE A DIVE ; a new business is set up at the beach front called 'take a dive' they sell equipment for rowing, diving, water boarding, and beach volley-ball. Be warned divers, you likely won't be able to see much in the dark waters of this river, but who knows: maybe you'll find some old Viking boats!
BAR CRAWL BEACH-EDITION ; the local bars too have taken it upon themselves to do business at the beach front, along the Western strip towards the Lords Woods there are several stands that sell beer, cocktails, and mocktails. There is a heated area with picnic tables for those who want to stay out past sunset (which is around 9 pm, long live the summer!)
FOOD CRAWL BEACH-EDITION ; much like the bar-crawl, local restaurants too have set up shop along the Western side and are selling food a plenty. You can find popular places like Döner Duck, Wolf Burger, Patos Patos, and others here.
KID DUCK POOL ; along sick the beach - aka the river bend that looks like a beach but the water is kind of murky - there is a small outdoor pool constructed for kids ages 0-10. A special lifeguard is present to watch after the kids.
RIVERSIDE TALENT SHOW ; the Drag & Queen Club (also known as the DRaQ) is hosting an open-air talent show on the Eastern side of the beach front on Saturday afternoon. Everyone can join in, though all acts must be kid-friendly.
THE VOLLEY & BEACH BALL TOURNAMENT ; more into ball sports: the local gym is holding two tournaments, Volleyball on Friday and Beachball on Saturday. The prize is a year long membership to the gym for free, you can sign in through the Gym's official website. Volleyball teams need to be 3 people, Beachball teams 5.
THE REMEMBERANCE REVEAL ; it isn't all fun and games at the beach front this weekend, Sunday evening, when it's set to rain, the monument in honour of the ten who were murdered the year before at the beach front is revealed to the public. It will most likely be a sober event with several speeches from family members and friends who have lost loved ones.
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heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
Emanator pt.2- Acheron & Avatar!gn!Reader
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Recovery date: May 11th, 2024
Description: Hello, I'm the one who requested the honkai Star Rail avatar story, I really liked it, and if it's not to much trouble I wanted to ask for a second part, like where the reader meets Acheron and asks her to teach them to use the power of Nihility.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. The reveals of the new quest really through anything i set up in the last part for a loop, I think i made a good recovery. Part 1
Word count: 1 002
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How… strange, this place was.
One minute Y/n was in the Reverie, the next they were before Xipe, Lan, and Qlipoth– the three Aeons who bothered granting them an audience– before they were back in the Reverie. Except… it wasn’t the Reverie. Something about it was off, even further from normal than the dreamscape.
They were sitting in the middle of a hallway, braced back on their hands, looking around.
Everything was oddly gray, and even the lights seemed cold and dim.
Y/n blinked a few times, trying to reorient themself, before carefully getting to their feet. They’d just started brushing themself off when muted footsteps filled the hall.
“How did you get here?” A woman’s voice called.
The avatar looked up.
Standing at the end of the hall was a woman with long purple hair and a… bored? Tired? Expression. She had a sword on her hip too.
“I… I have no idea,” Y/n breathed. “What is this place?”
The woman looked around, then looked back to Y/n.
“I don’t know. Let’s find out together,” she offered, extending the hand she’d had rested on her hilt.
Y/n nodded,  and joined her in the main lobby of the hotel.
There were people all around, mumbling to themselves, but they didn’t acknowledge the two. Acheron, Y/n had learned the woman’s name, was very quiet.
“We need to get back to the Reverie. The real one.”
“This isn’t the real one?”
“No,” Y/n shook their head, “and I mean it’s not the dreamscape or reality.”
Acheron hummed, she seemed to make some kind of mental note, before the two started back on their exploration journey.
“I wonder if the only way out is through death.”
“What?!” Y/n stopped walking, whipping around to look at Acheron. The two had been wandering aimlessly for at least an hour. “We don’t even know where we are, what if death is real here?”
“I thought you couldn’t die in the dreamscape?”
“You can’t but I don’t think this is the dreamscape! I-I can’t explain it… okay?”
They expected Acheron to push for an explanation, but the woman just nodded.
“My memory isn’t very good, so I can’t always explain how I know someone. As a native of Penacony, I choose to trust your gut feeling, but we can’t stay here forever.”
Y/n’s gaze dropped to their feet and they shifted awkwardly.
“I might have another way.” They extend a hand. “I, am the Avatar,” Acheron’s expression briefly lit up, “I might be able to use the power of the Rememberance to get us back to the dreamscape, but I’ll need you to trust me.”
Acheron firmly grasped their hand, the cool metal of her glove scratching Y/n’s skin lightly. It was an odd thing to focus on, but it was the first thing to feel real in this strange limbo. They imagined their arrival here had something to do with being the Avatar, but why was Acheron here? Why are they the only two people truly present?
“Very well, Avatar.”
Y/n took a deep, shuddered breath as they dropped onto the couch in their room. They’d just dragged themself from their dream pod, following the final fight against Sunday. They needed to find Robin and Sunday, the crew of the Astral Express, Boothill, Black Swan, and Acheron, but their head was still ringing from the discord.
They’d tried to ground himself with Robin’s voice during the fight, but Sunday’s song was loud and the distress of everyone wanting to wake up put severe strain on the memoria. It was painful, and they weren’t sure they’d have made it through the fight if Clockie hadn’t kept resetting their emotional state.
A knock at their door felt like a hammer to their head.
“Who is it?”
“Acheron. Are you alright? Everyone else is in the lobby already.”
“I’m coming in.”
Before Y/n could finish, there was a crash as Acheron kicked the door in. Y/n squished their head in one of the couch pillows and groaned.
“Sorry,” Acheron said softly.
There was a soft click, and the light behind their eyelids went out. Then the couch dipped as Acheron sat by their feet.
“Thanks,” Y/n mumbled. “How are Robin and Sunday?”
“Robin’s under medical observation. She and Sunday took a big fall, and it seems like without the family’s control you can get hurt in the dreamscape. Sunday… no one knows, I’m sorry.”
Y/n slowly opened their eyes and let go of the pillow, staring at the ceiling.
“I’m going to have to leave this place, aren’t I?”
“I don’t know.”
Acheron was looking across the room at the fireplace.
“I want to leave. This place… the discord… is painful,” Y/n trailed off again, their brain still scrabbled. “Can I go with you?”
The Emanator turned to Y/n.
Y/n shrugged. “I need to learn to harness the power of Nihility, an Emanator seems like the best teacher.”
“The Nihility is never an easy path, and my path is one of the worst.”
“Then it must be lonely, no? Let me keep you company.”
Acheron looked back across the room, watching the crackling red flames. Y/n turned their head to join her.
“In the coming long nights, I’m afraid you will face many setbacks and witness many tragedies.” Acheron placed one of her hands on Y/n’s. “And in the end, you will only see in black and white. But please believe me that in that monochrome world, there will be a glimpse of fleeting red, and when you make a choice…” A small smile tugged at her lips as she patted Y/n’s hand and stood up, making her way out of the room. “... it will appear once more.” She stopped in the doorway and looked back. “What you must do, is ponder its significance, then return to the waking world. That’s where we all find our answers.”
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j2spntranscripts · 6 months
★ 2007 Chicon (Jared solo)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL, SMALLVILLE AND BUFFY/ANGEL Location: Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Chicago, Illinois Time: Sunday November 11, 2007, ?10:10? am (GMT-6) Panelists: Jared Padalecki Last episode: 3x06 "Red Sky at Morning" Nov 8, 2007 Next episode: 3x07 "Fresh Blood" - Nov 15, 2007
Question Index: 1- Dog snacks 2- Jensen impression; Fav Love Interest 3- Living, dead, or fictional dinner; 2x17 "Heart" love scene 4- Pranks; Kim Manners; 2x06 "No Exit" 5- Most rememberable SPN moment 6- Acting with Sandy; 3x05 “Bedtime Stories” crossroad demon scene 7- 3x03 “BDABR”; Sam laughing end scene 8- Fav pastime 9- 3x05; “Bedtime Stories” walking up hill scene 10- Gilmore Girls; fav drunk!Jensen moment 11- Dream Role; H/F 12- SPN Appreciation 13- Post Production 14- Fan Gift; Thank you plaques 15- On Set Happenings; funny
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*) *Purple text: corrections/suggestions from @detailtilted
[click here]- jensen_cc3 by _sin_attract [click here]- jared_cc1 by _sin_attract [click here]- jared_cc2 by _sin_attract [click here]- jared_cc3 by _sin_attract
◘jensen_cc3 by _sin_attract (6:25)◘ ◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 7 by sarahmonious(0:58)◘ ◘Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki at Chicago Con…4 by DegaDreamer (0:34)◘
Jensen: (walks off stage) Thanks guys. (audience cheers)
Jared’s Panel starts.
•Intro- (6:30-SA, 1:03-S, 0:38- DD)
Jared: Can I have a cold seat? (audience laughs) He kept it warm for me. Hi guys! (audience says hey back and cheers) Some the same, some different. Good to see y’all.
◘Chicago November 2007 - Jared Solo Panel - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted◘
Were y’all easy on him? (thumbs off stage)- We can- We can smartify the questions now- now that- (audience laughs and oo’s) (grimaces and then smiles)
•(1:21 S, 0:57 DD, 0:06 DT )- Chicon07JP;Q1- Dog snacks
Audience member: Did the dog like his snacks?
Jared: No, my dogs loved the snacks. They love all snacks. Anything, they’ll smell it, they’ll find it, and they'll... (audience member: Cats.) eat it. (nods) Cats. They actually we were- (audience member: Cats.) (audience laughs) I took them to the vet the other day. Um, my-my shepherd, Sadie, uhm, she had a wart growing on her mouth. (a few audience aw’s) And, I was afraid it was a- I was afraid it was a spider bite or something. So, I took ‘em to the vet and there was one of those old school, fat vet cats that kind of hangs out in the lobby. It probably ran into a, you know, thousand dogs and.. vicious dogs and nice dogs.
And Sadie, just being the shepherd, goes up to the cat and starts kind of, like, smells and do a little rumble. And the cat just goes like (mimics rapid swatting) (audience laughs) maybe five or six shots. And Sadie was like, “Alright, I’ve had enough of that cat.” (audience laughs) “I’m not really-” And Harley’s too slow to really do anything. So, he’s sort of like.. confused. The cat moves too fast. He cries and.. (audience aw’s) I pet him. (audience laughs) So.. that’s it. (a few audience aw’s)
Anything else? H-How are y’all, uh- How was Jensen doing? Did he.. (audience says good and cheers) (?Did he do everything? Good?). (raises fist) Good. (nods) Yeah. I can always count on him to.. say the right things (?when he?) (audience laughs) (?does one of these?)
Anybody have any more? Anybody have any more... questions? (throws his hand up) See you later (mimics leaving) (audience laughs)
Audience member: Stay!
Audience member: Both sides.
Jared: Both sides. Both sides. Oh! (looks back and forth) Which side- Which side do I start with?
Audience members: This one.
Jared: (throws up a hand) Oh, this is very organized. (audience laughs) I was trying to find out.. which were camera phones and which were microphones. (audience chuckles) Uh, (looks to his right) Hi.
•(1:33 DT)- Chicon07JP;Q2- Jensen impression; Fav love interest
Fan: Hi, I’m Gen. I wasn’t really expecting a switch so, um... (giggles) (audience laughs)
Jared: (laughs) I can play Jensen. (audience cheers)
Jared swipes his bangs to the side, squints his eyes, and puckers his lips. The audience screams and then claps.
◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 8 by sarahmonious◘
Jared: (deeper voice) Yes? (audience laughs and catcalls) (laughs) He’s not here to defend himself. I feel bad. (audience laughs) Which means he’s going to defend himself back in the corridors.. (?like.. kicking into something?)
Fan: Please, though, I have two questions then. (Jared: Please.) Can you do that again now that I zoomed in? (audience laughs)
◘Jared in Chicago: Being Jensen by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: Sure. (dramatized calm gesture) (?Out of Jared, into Jensen? or ?Out with Jared, in with Jensen?) (resumes Bluesteel expression)
Parts of the audience are yelling out to look in their direction. The rest is laughing and squealing. Jared abruptly stops, laughs, and wipes his eyes and then nose.
◘Jared_cc1 by _sin_attract◘
Jared: I think I snotted outta my nose. (audience laughs) That was very not Jensen. He probably wouldn’t ‘ve.. snotted on himself. (audience laughs)
Fan: Okay, now for my real question (Jared: Yeah.) Umm.. uh.. (laughs) (audience laughs)
Jared: Uh, I agree. I agree. (audience laughs) (turns) Next. (laughs) Sorry.
Fan: What would be your, uh.. favorite love interest on “Supernatural” so far? (audience yells out Sarah)
Jared: So far? Uhm, my favorite love interest- which one? (audience yells out Sarah) You know what? I s- I feel- I feel like the most open ended- Obviously Madison’s dead, (audience laughs) and, uh- Though that was- that sort of s- was a full arc, it happened very fast. And, I think that Sam and Sarah did have something (audience: Yeah) kind of going on, and we never- (audience screams) And, nothing ever happened, so I’m curious to see if she comes back.
And it seemed like, at least at that point in time, it seemed like, um- it seemed like it was setting her up to come back, because she worked.. at antique shop where there might be more, uh, (audience member: Yeah.) more.. (shrugs) paintings or.. more stuff. (nods and points at the crowd) I borrowed that word. (audience chuckles) More stuff that comes in that she need help with. So, I wonder if we’ll see her come back. (nods) But, that’ll probably be.. the most realistic.. for my opinion. (nods)
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Sure. (turns to his left)
•(3:37 DT)- Chicon07JP;Q3- living, dead, or fictional dinner; 2x17 love scene
Fan: Hi. (Jared smiles) I have two questions. (Jared: Okay!) Uh, a friend of mine would like to know, if you could have dinner with any person living, dead, or fictional who would it be? And I would like to know (Jared: Oh, wow.) who chor- I would like to know who choreographed the love scene in Heart. (audience laughs and squeals. Jared laughs)
Jared: That was, uh- the first- the second question easier to answer. That was Kim Manners. (audience laughs) Inevitably- inevitably it’s, uh, it’s.. I’m mean kissing on screen is awkward enough, because.. you're sort of like, I wanna look cool. (swipes his bangs bang) (audience giggles) I wanna be- I wanna be, like, hot and sexy. And I wanna, like, get (wiggles) that (a few audience catcalls) right emotion.
◘ Jared in Chicago: the Love Scene in Heart by BabyBlueSteel◘ ◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 9 by sarahmonious◘
And then, you know, (sits up straight and rigid) the light’s there and they’re going, “You’re blocking her light.” (audience laughs) (mimics stiffly backing up) So you back up. (audience laughs)
"Is it good now?" Like, “Okay, Yeah. Now lean in.” (leans forward) “Turn your head more.” (nods and turns head) “Okay. Yeah. Still look good? Still look-” “Yeah. Yeah.” (audience is laughing the entire time)
(sits back and relaxes his body) And so, that’s odd enough. And so, now take a lot of clothes off. (a few audience catcalls) And then you’re like, (slightly turns) “Where can you see? Can you see.. my forearm?” (gestures to his forearm) “No. So, I don’t need to flex my forearm? Just the top? Okay.” (audience laughs) “My back?” (turns slightly in the chair and gestures to his torso) “Can you- Can you s- Did you get any abs? Shannon!” My makeup artist, Shannon. “Give me some paint.” (audience laughs) (points around his side torso) “Some- Pour- Pour" (laughs) "paint around here.”
And so, it’s- it’s- Though it looks- it looks… fine on screen. It’s inevitably very awkward. And it’s always, like- She was a very sweet girl. Uh.. but it’s like, you know, “I’m sorry. Like, nice to meet you. Okay, uh.” (mimics taking off clothes and then shrugs) (audience laughs) So, it’s- it’s odd and it's awkward. So, they have to be very choreographed. But Kim Manners did that.
And the living, dead, or… You know what? This is just, uh, this is just something out of my own curiosity. And I’m- I’m.. I love my family and I never got to meet my dad’s dad. So I’d like to go back and.. (audience aw’s) and see, yeah. (nods) My mom’s parents, uh, I-I knew them both. My- my dad’s mom, but I never got to meet.. my father’s father. So-
Fan: Good answer.
Jared: -If I could.. go back and meet him, I- I’d love to.
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Sure. Thank you. Now I go (snaps his fingers and turns and points to his right) New face.
•(5:32 DT)- Chicon07JP;Q4- Pranks; Kim Manners; 2x06 “No Exit”
Fan: Hello. Um, I was wondering- improvising here because (laughs) I had a question for Jensen. (audience laughs)
Jared: I- I can bring him back. (swipes his hair and puckers his lips) (audience laughs) (laughs then shakes his head)
Fan: But, um- You can if you want to. But, I was wondering what your favorite practical joke was.. that you played.. on someone.
Jared: My favorite practical joke was that I played, um- You know what? I-I still say Kim Manners once- (points off to his left) To go back to Kim, we always have a lot of fun with him on set. And last year, we threw him into- When we were doing “No Exit,” um, which is the one where they were in the walls, Jo and Dean. Uh, there was a tube that they built on set that had water all through it.
◘Jared_cc2 by _sin_attract◘ ◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 10 by sarahmonious◘ ◘Jared Padalecki talking a prank in Chicago by BeckyVids◘
And so, we had to crawl through it. We’re all getting wet and our knees are getting all scuffed up and- and Manners is laughing. And so, Jensen and myself and two of my buddies, my buddy Jordan and Logan who were in town visiting, um, picked up Kim. Who as it is, is already, you know, 5’6” and much smaller than (laughs) any of us. (audience giggles) And so, he’s like a hundred and ten pounds or something. (audience laughs) So, we just grab him.
And he’s like, (mimics struggling) “I’ll kill yah. I’ll kill you all.” (audience laughs) He’s.. struggling back and forth and finally we just overpower him because there’s like four of us. And we shove him into the, uh- into this.. tube full of water and kind of.. gunk and all this crazy stuff that they put in there to make it look like a sewer. And, so- He got us back though. (nods) He got us back. It’s actually on the gag reel, he's getting us back. (audience: Yeah!) (nods) Yeah. So, uh- So, he had the last laugh, but we still have to get him back for that.
We’re biding our time. (nods) (audience giggles) Yeah.
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his left)
•(6:55 DT, 1:02 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q5- Most rememberable SPN moment
Fan: Hello. (Jared: Hi!) I’m Maria. Um-
Jared: Hi, Maria. I’m Jared. (audience laughs)
Fan: My question is that- Um, my question for you is, what is the most memorable moment you’ve had in the process of filming “Supernatural?”
Jared: …Wow, uhm.. that’s a- that’s a.. very good question. (audience giggles) Uh… You know what? The- iit’s not really been one moment. But it’s been, maybe, a series of moments.
◘Jared's q&a by augustfading 1:03◘
This is what’s pops in my head.. of.. when you kind of realize that what you’re doing.. such as right now this very second, when you realize that what you’re doing is reaching people. And, people are actually watching and enjoying your work and- and getting along with those stories. And, you'll read this.. letter, o-or you'll hear from this.. fan.. or this person that says, “You know, listen, um.. it’s something that I can watch with my brother. We used to not get along.” “It's something I can watch with my father.” “It's Something I can watch with my sister.” "It's something like- We’ll turn the phones off. And you know, “We’ll- We’ll lock our doors and no one kno- Everybody knows not to call us.” (audience giggles)
And so, hearing stuff like that, (nods) it really gets you through the long hours. And the, you know, we’re living in Vancouver. We’re waking up, going to work, going home, going to sleep. Waking up, going to work, going home, going to sleep. On the weekends, we do grocery shopping, you know? (audience laughs) Like, and then go back to sleep, and then we’re waking up and we're at work again.
And so, these moments help you realize the last two in a half years has not been for naught. (nods) So.. (nods)
Fan: (?Well, you make-?)
Jared: Thank you guys.
Fan: (?You guys make incredible?) (?)
Jared: (nods and smiles.) Thank you. (The audience claps and cheers.) (turns to his right.) Hi.
•(8:25 DT, 2:33 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q6- Acting with Sandy; 3x05 “Bedtime Stories” crossroad demon scene
Fan: Hi. I’m Sarah.
Jared: I’m Jared. (audience laughs) Sarah. That was, uh, Taylor's name in.. “Provenance.” (looks down) (Fan: First of all-) (looks up and points at his head) My mind is always working, guys. (audience laughs) Always working. (leans back, grimaces, and then chuckles)
Fan: First of all, I just have to say, Hi, Sandy. I- I think your fabulous.
Jared: (hand on chest) I’m Jared. (audience laughs) (looks around) I can bring (swipes his hair) Sandy in here. (audience laughs, cat-calls, cheers, and claps) (laughs) Thank you. She was- she was absolutely fabulous. She is. Thank you.
Fan: Second of all, I have to say my birthday is on Thursday. And I just have to say thank you so much for coming out here, you and Jensen both. This is the best birthday present ever.
Jared: Oh. Well, happy birthday. And thank you so much.
Fan: And third of all, my question.. (audience laughs. Jared smiles) um, is, was it difficult in the episode Sandy was in, (Jared: mhm) acting that scene out because, I don’t know about anyone else, but that was disturbing for me to watch you shoot her.
Jared: It was- (laughs) (audience laughs) Well, I’ve always wanted to.. (gun gesture) you know, (smiles) (audience laughs and oos) (laughs) I actually called and asked. I was like- a-Originally I just walk away, but I called Eric, “Can I shoot her or something?” (audience laughs)
Um, it-it was- it was difficult in that.. you.. when.. you’re in a relationship and- and you know somebody so well and you fall in love with a person for many, many years.. (points back and forth to his eyes) you- you- there’s something different that happens when you look at them and you don’t- you don’t see- even what they say, you kind of- Like-like they could not talk and say anything and you’re.. reading? You’re buying what they’re selling (laughs and shakes his head and mouths “I don’t know”) Sorry. (audience laughs)
◘Jared and Jensen Q&A (1) by LauraTX1◘
So, it was weird to act with her in that sense. And-But it was kind of- It was a great.. kind of way to come full circle, because we met on "Cry Wolf" (nods) ..and acting (Fan: acted) together. (nods) And so it was interesting to- to go back and act and- and I was very proud of her and very happy with.. the work.
And it was fun. It was a lot of fun.. And our director was very.. (swipes hand) obviously.. conscious of what was going on. And-and it was fun. But, the only thing is, is that when I watched the ep- when I watched the scene, it looks like I’m smirking (audience laughs) at a point in time. And I’m like, “I know I’m not smirking. I know I’m smirking as Sam, but I hope it doesn’t look like I’m laughing.. because I know” (audience laughs) “Sandy.” Because I remember, I was trying to smirk to-to- to help Sam bluff the crossroad’s- (swipes hand through air) Anyways, (audience laughs) it was odd, but I loved it. (nods and puts briefly hand on chest) I loved it. And I’d do it again too. (nods) Yeah. (audience laughs) (turns to the audience and nods but then realizes) Not that! I didn't- (leans back and facepalms) (audience laughs, claps, and cheers) (smiles to himself looking down and then at the audience) I’m done. I'm done. (audience laughs) (to Sarah) Sorry, baby.
Fan: Thank you.
Jared turns to look at fan and turns to his left laughing to himself.
•(10:46 DT)- Chicon07JP;Q7- 3x03 “BDABR”; Sam laughing end scene
Fan: Hi Jared. (Jared: Hi.) I’m Amanda. (Jared: I’m Jared.) (audience laughs) Um, my question is about the "Bad" episode of season 3, “Bad Day in Black Rock”
Jared: Yeah. I got it. (audience woo’s) Yeah, (?I loved that episode?).
◘Jared_cc3 by _sin_attract◘ ◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 11 by sarahmonious◘
Fan: I absolutely loved that episode. (Jared: I did too) And in.. the last scene between Sam and Dean where.. Dean is yelling out, “Son of a bitch,” (audience and Jared laugh) you can see you cracking up on film. (audience laughs) I was wondering- (Jared: [points] That’s- that’s actually-) I was wondering how many takes did it take for you to just give up and have that one on film.
◘Jared's q&a by augustfading 1:51◘
Jared: We, um.. Well he improvised that line. He- he’s thrown in a few- He’s said, “Son of a bitch,” a few times on “Supernatural” for those who- for those who know the history of “Supernatural.” A lot of times he’s just.. uh.. improvising it.
And so, the shot- a-as I had known the shot was over, and it was- it was a great shot- it was a Steadicam shot, that starts- And that was all- that whole scene was one shot. And it was sort of a way to cleverly tie in us leaving with catching her in the background, and then coming back and ending on us. And it was just a- it was a great shot, a really tough shot. We have a great Steadicam operator.
◘Jared in Chicago: The laugh in BDABR…Jared or Sam? By BabyBlueSteel◘
And, um.. we had to do that.. probably three or four times. You know, there’s a light.. that goes off. Or I fall. (audience laughs) Or one of those things like that. Or the car is not, um, is not cued on time. Or it’s cued on time, but she goes too fast. There was- there was so many elements that work, especially those long Steadicam shots. Everything has to be perfect.
And, he.. comes around. And so the people who are (mimics boom mic operators) running behind us holding mics have to like run (audience laughs) and then run back, and then get-hunk down, and like.. run into grave stones. And we try.. to ignore (laughs) everything.
But, um.. that one I couldn’t help but laugh (nods). (audience laughs) Yeah. It was one of those ones and I was like, “I don’t know if they’re still rolling, but if they are I better hide my face." (turns head) (audience laughs)
Fan: (?I'll?) say, I watched it and then I went- I was watching, um, Jensen’s reaction (Jared: Right.) and then I went, “Hang on, Jared. What's that?"
Jared: Yeah. My favorite part of that episode is actually (points then mimics holding the check) just the look on Jensen’s face when we win the- when we have the check from Biggerson’s. (audience laughs) He looks like he’s six years old. (mimics Jensen’s face) (audience laughs and claps) There’s something about… there’s something about- because he’s- he’s a li- he’s a few years older than I am. But there’s something about when he gets this goofy look on his face, he could be five. (audience laughs) He could be my son, like, on my shoulders. (mimics Jensen on shoulders and handing him food) “Want some chicken nuggets?” (audience laughs)
But.. But, yeah. That was- Every time I watch that I crack up. But.. yeah. That was a funny shot.
Fan: Okay, thank you.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his right)
•(13:38 DT, 2:08 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q8- Fav pastime
Fan: Hi, Jared. I’m Tina.
Jared: Hi, Tina. I’m.. (Fan: I wanted-) Jared. (flustered smirk) (audience laughs) (laughs)
Fan: I- I wanted to ask what your favorite pastime while you're filming “Supernatural” is. When-
Jared: Um, my favorite pastime while I’m filming “Supernatural..” Uh.. I guess during the day.. um- It’s weird because.. when you’re filming a TV show or a movie or anything, it’s true what they say, you know, in a fourteen hour day only be working three of those hours? Four of those hours? Maybe on a hard day, half of that time? But, your off time, you can’t necessarily just go, (looks at watch) “Okay, I have five minutes between shots. I’m gonna go, uh, you know, like.. read a book or write-” Because you get totally out of the scenes. It’s, you know, you go from doing a crazy emotional scene to like, “Hey, let’s go play like.. you know, jumpin’ jacks or something.” (audience laughs)
And so, whatever- what I tried to do during the day is just try to set my head straight. You know, my dogs are usually with me (a few audience aw’s) and I-I’ll just kind of sit down with them and pet them, or I’ll call Sandy. Or, uh, turn on.. the news, just sort of have in the background.
But, even sometimes watching the news, you know, you’ll- you’ll sit there and go, “Oh, wait.” And they’ll call you, they’ll- “We're ready on set.” (mimics talking to someone behind him) And you're like, “I just wanted to see if.. this person’s alright.” (audience laughs) You know and so, it’s tough.
And-and it’s sort of this weird.. limbo where you can’t- you can’t… stay on set, because you’ll just go crazy. But, you can’t.. completely.. let your mind leave.. the job at hand, because then you’ll get out of the scene. So, it’s kind of- you kind of just.. zone out. But, I guess, just relaxing. (nods)
Fan: Okay. Thank you. (audience laughs)
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his left) Hi, I’m Jared.
•(15:06 DT, 3:35 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q9- 3x05; “Bedtime Stories” walking up hill scene
Fan: Hi. (audience laughs) I’m (?Brendan? or ?Brittney?) my comment was going to be for Jensen, sorry.
Jared: Okay! (Fan: Um-) I can- I can- (swipes his bangs back and purses lips) (audience laughs)
Fan: (?See if Jensen is still out there. He can hear this but-?)
Jared: He will be coming back. (Fan: Okay.) He will be coming back.
Fan: Alright, but.. I might not get to tell him. (Jared: Awooh) Fell in love with him on Dark Angel and, um-
Jared: Didn’t we all. (audience laughs) (leans back) What? (clears throat and taps mic) Sorry. (adjusts his shoulders and purses his lips)
Fan: Love him more now. But, um.. (Jared laughs) question can be towards you. (Jared: Okay.) In the episode-
Jared: I’ll-I’ll take it. (laughs) (audience laughs)
Fan: Well, it involves you, but um, his answer would have probably been a lot better. (giggles)
Jared: (nods) It probably would've- (audience groans and oo’s) (curls up, shaking his head, then sits up) Will someone come wipe my tears. (audience is a mix of laughter and groans)
Audience member: We love you Jared!
Fan: In Bedtime-
Jared: I’ll-I’ll take no offense. (audience laughs) In Bedtime. (nods to fan)
Fan: In “Bedtime Stories,” the episode, there is a scene that, um, Sam and Dean are walking together in con- (Jared: Right) in conversation. And you, like, look like you fforget your, um, your- no. ur- you know, your lyri- lyrics- (audience yells out lyrics and lines) your lines. (Jared: Right) (laughs) And, um.. And Dean has to, like, step in. In the- in.. offset there- not offset, but you can see, uh um, an extra- a female extra walk by and you kind of, like, follow her and Dean has to jump in.. and finish, like, your line or whatever.. and save you, I thought.
Jared: Which one was it? A lot of times that’s, uh, a lot of times he and I work out that. Do you remember which scene that was? Because, I could probably.. answer very specifically. (fan sighs) It was in “Bedtime Stories?”
Fan: It was in “Bedtime Stories.”
Jared: Were we in a hospital?
Fan: No, you’re not in the hospital. You’re outside.. in the park- (a few in the audience start talking) Yeah, you’re talking about what happened in the morgue.
Audience member: You said, “I got nothing!”
Fan: Yeah I- Yeah, you got nothing- you kind of, like, paused and (Jared: [mumbles] I got nothing) Dean had to jump in and, like,-
Jared: Oh, You know what that was! (nods) Okay, I know what you mean. We’re walking up a hill. We’re walking up the hill of the streets. (Fan: Because it’s-) What that was, is that was another long shot. The-the longer the shot the more you kind of have to rush things. And what it is, is that we had to finish the shot by the time we came exactly even with the street, because that’s where we had.. our cameraman. We had, uh, ‘cause we had another angle- We had an angle going down the street. And we had an angle that was sort of following us like this. (moves his hand horizontally to his left)
And so we had to time out that whole walk, to try and start it at the bottom of the block and finish it by the time we exited frame. (Fan: mhm) Um, and so it’s just this weird timing issue to where.. you sort of- Either you’re going too fast and then you have to really slow down and, like, dramatic pause (flips hair) (audience giggles) towards the end of the scene. Or you have to take your pauses through the scene and then you sort of, uh, rush it at the end.
So, I think that was sort of.. we both might have rushed it a bit at the end to- to make sure it got out.
Fan: Get- Because it.. It kind of looked like you were checking the chick out, which is so out of character for Sam. (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: Well. (laughs and throws a hand up)
Fan: It’s usually Dean. (laughs) It’s usually Dean who’s really like, “woo.” You know?
Jared: Man.. (laughs) I think- I think it’s- it's actually- If-if- if I was checking- (laughs) (audience laughs) (stands up) Back pedal. (mimics stumbling back and then shoveling dirt) If I was- I’ve actually tried to make a conscious effort this year- for no reason I haven’t been (?informed by?) any writers. But, there’s a- there’s a line that Fred Lehne says to Jensen at the end of last year which is, “Are you sure what you brought back is 100% Sam.” (audience agreement)
Fan: Right.
Jared: And though we haven’t- So- So, we started to- I’ve started to sort of.. bring out the Dean in Sam. (nods)
Fan: Right. And that’s what I was wondering if that’s where (Jared: Right. [nods]) the storyline (Jared: Which is- [laughs]) was going. (Jared: Um-) Because it really- that's- re- (laughs) re- (laughs)
Jared: Not- not s- not tech- not specifically, but just as an actor (nods) some choices.. I make.. o- to deliver lines would be how I think maybe Jensen would’ve done it. (Fan: Right) Or with just a check-out here and there.
There’s also another part in “Sin City,” where they didn't- you didn’t see it too much, but where, uh-um, Martin Papazian, I forget his character’s name, but, (Brooklyn accent) “Forget about it,” that guy. (Fan: Yeah) Where he comes out he’s like, (Brooklyn accent) “My sister, Cheryl.” And then she walks away. And we both (leans forward) kind of check her out. (Fan: right) (nods) And that was another thing that I decided, you know, like, throw Sam’s face out there and- (nods)
Fan: You guys are great. Thanks so much.
Jared: (pats leg) Thanks so much. (audience claps) (turns to his right)
•(19:36 DT, 7:33 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q10- Gilmore Girls; fav drunk!Jensen moment
Jared: Hi! (Fan: Hello.) I’m Jared.
Fan: Taylor. Um-
Jared: Taylor was Sarah. Sarah was the girlfriend. (audience laughs) (snorts and then chuckles)
Fan: (laughs) Um, (?). I have two questions. (Jared: Okay.) First one is, are you in contact with anyone still from “Gilmore Girls?”
Jared: I’m not. I-I’m- I’m not in contact with anyone still from “Gilmore Girls,” but I have, uh.. When I see people here or there, like Scott Patterson is up in Vancouver right now shooting, Al-“Aliens in America.” (an audience woo) And so I’ll see them- Yeah, he’s great. But I’ll see them at, um.. Warner Brothers events or CW events. And.. the latest people I’ve really seen have been Scott, and I saw Milo, like, a year and a half ago. (a few audience woo’s) But other than that I haven’t- I haven’t really been able to keep in charge of everybody. (looks at audience)
He’s kicking ass, huh?- He’s kicking butt. (grimace) He’s kicking butt. (nods) Yeah, I’m really proud of him. He’s- he’s a- he's a hard worker. (nods) He deserves it, so. (nods)
Fan: Okay and the second on is, Jensen didn’t really answer this one but, what is your favorite memory of Jensen-
Jared: (?Wouldn't? or ?What do?) you mean my answer is going to be better than Jensen’s? (looks back and forth in the crowd) (audience laughs and cheers) (stands up) Where is she? (nods, points into the crowd, and then sits back down towards the fan) I’ll take care of it. (waves at the fan) What's your- What’s your question? (audience laughs) (laughs)
◘Supernatural - Jared memory…By csnutty◘
Fan: Tell us your favorite memory of Jensen when he was drunk?
As soon as the question registers, Jared’s face lights up with an open mouth laugh and then he gets up, turns around, and pumps his fist in the air. Then he turns back and pumps his fist towards the middle. The audience laughs and cheers. Jared walks and sits back down.
◘Jared Padalecki at Chicago Con…By DegaDreamer◘
Jared: (laughs) You know what? Uh- It goes back to my favorite memory of Jensen in “Bad Day at Black Rock.” He’ll sometimes get this face- this look on his face where he’s six years old. (audience giggles) And you want to, like, take a beer out of his hand and go, “Son, you’re- you’re not old enough.” (audience laughs) So, uhm, idk, we have a lot of fun. W-We don’t ever get stupid, but we have a lot of fun and like to laugh. So, just goofing around on each other. You know? (nods)
Fan: Okay. Thank you!
Jared: Thank you, Taylor. (turns to his left) Hi!
•(21:14 DT, 9:10 SA, 0:40 C)- Chicon07JP;Q11- Dream Role; H/F
Fan: Hi, Pam. I’m Jared.
Jared: Hi Jared- (audience laughs) (reels back, presses his lips together, and then hides his face behind his mic for a few beats) I did it on purpose! (mock frowns and then laughs)
Fan: Is there, uh, an historic person or fictional character that you would like to play?
Jared: Uhh.. Yes. I’d love to play Howard Roark from “The Fountainhead.” (Audience member: Yes! Woo!) (audience laughs) (nods points mic at audience member) Yeah. I-I love- I love to do that. When I read that book, I really- I really.. appreciated.. the character. And, whether you agree with Ayn Rand or not, you know, (swipes hand) that’s a totally different discussion. But I think he’s a very.. interesting character and he- and he’d be very, very fun to play. So. (nods)
Fan: Thank you for being here.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his right) (audience laughs) Hi!
•(22:08 DT, 10:04 SA)- Chicon07JP;12- Spn Appreciation
Fan: Hi. I’m actually an actor from New York.
Jared: Awesome! (pats his leg) (Fan: Yeah) Well, nice to meet you.
Fan: Um, I so connect with the show and I’m not really a TV person at all. (Jared: Right) But um, I really wish that, you know, the darkness and evil in the world came from the supernatural, (laughs) you know. (Jared: [shrugs and nods] Right.) But, it doesn’t. (Jared: Right.) And um, I still connected with the show, because, um, well coincidentally my mom died the same week that the father died on the thing. And I- I look after my sisters and there's a lot of dark and pain and terrible stuff. And, um, these conversations that you have about faith and all these things, I just so connected. It has such an impact on me. You just- You know, the writers do it, but you really bring the unbelievable to be believable. Which I think is such a skill. And so...
Jared: Thank you so much. (audience claps and cheers) I’m very sorry, but thank you so much. And that’s- and that’s one of the things actually- (points at fan) You voiced one of the reasons that Jensen and I are so excited to be apart of this show. And Eric has voiced it before. And it’s.. in this guise of supernatural we get to... tackle a lot of.. real-life issues dead on. Like y- like.. the vampires, Do you kill them and sort of tackling racism? Or like you’re saying faith, you know, you’re talking about faith healers are real or not, you sort of talk about beliefs and that. So, it’s-it’s been a good- it’s been a good way to get away with talking about real-life issues, but not throwing it in your face like.. (shrugs) real-life issues. You know? (nods) (audience laughs)
Fan: Dean- Dean had this one line where he says- In, “My Time of Dying” he says um, I would, um, you know, “You always have a choice. You could roll over and die or keep on fighting no matter what.” (Jared: Right [nods]) And that stayed with me, through so many things. And I just wanna...
Jared: Awesome. Well, thank you so much. (audience claps) (turns to his left and smiles)
•(23:45 DT, 11:41 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q13- Post Production
Fan: Hi, I’m Charity.
Jared: I’m Jared. (an audience laugh) I’m Pam. What? (audience laughs) (smiles)
Audience member: (?That’s right!?)
Fan: Uh, my question is, um, since you guys obviously film out of sequence, uh eh, whenever actors are available or whatever. (Jared: sure.) What do you think of the final.. program once it’s put together?
Jared: It’s so bizarre. Because not just the out of sequence filming but.. um, with the visual effects, and the special effects, and the color timing that’s done- the changing- the- the darkening of, uh, a lot of the shots, and just everything getting put together. It’s- it’s great to watch.
It’s-it’s not- it’s not just like- and I loved Gilmore Girls. I loved my five years on Gilmore Girls, but when you film it, you know what you’re going to see. You know, you look around and you’re in.. uh, Luke’s Diner and you’re like, “Oh, okay. At least it's gonna be Luke’s Diner.”
Whereas, you know you’re here and we’re out in the field somewhere and we’re yelling, there are rain towers, and I’m reading Latin book, (audience giggles) and looking at absolutely nothing. And then you see, uh, what our visual effects guy’s have done and our special effect guys have done. And you’re going, “Wow, like tha-that’s good for them.” (audience giggles)
It-It’s just feels like a really collaborative effort because um- on all sides. So, not just the out of sequence filming. But.. every aspect t-that goes into “Supernatural” really. Um, makes it.. a fun production and fun to watch.
It’s easier t-to detach myself.. when I watch it. Because inevitably actors are very.. um, critical of themselves. And so, since it’s such a fun, kind of crazy-kooky show you can sort of get caught up in it as opposed to watching it going, “Oh, I suck there. I suck.” (audience giggles) “Well, I was better than Jensen there, but I-” (audience laughs) (laughs)
Fan: Do you get to watch it every week?
Jared: No, we don’t get to watch it every week. But- because we’re usually working. Actually, I think.. we work most every Thursday at that time. But-but, they give us a copy. (fist pumps) And I have the I-Tunes season pass. (audience woo’s, cheers, and claps)
I watch it on my I-pod. Whenever I want to get recognized I go, “Sorry let me pause “Supernatural” on my I-pod.” (mimics pausing a device) (audience laughs) (mimics showing off the device) “It’s a great show. This guy is” (fist pumps) “hot.” (nods to fan)
Fan: Thank you.
Jared: Thank you. (turns to his right) Hi!
•(25:44 DT, 13:40 SA)- Chicon07JP;14- Fan gift; Thank you plaques
Fan: Hi, Jared. I’m sorry. I lost my voice.
Jared: It happens. It happens. (audience laughs) (throws up hand) I have that affect. (audience laughs) (holds up hand and shakes his head) I’m just kidding. (facepalms) (audience woo’s, cheers, and claps) Okay. No! No! (makes a cut motion) Don’t take me seriously. Don’t take me serious- (swipes at the audience) Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. (audience laughs) (laughs)
Fan: (?blending the tar binding thing right?) No I just- I don’t have any com- questions, because I think I know more about you than probably your mom, I guess.
Jared: (reels back and nods) Good to know. I’ll-I’ll have to call you and ask you some stuff sometime. (mimics phone) “I was wondering!” (audience laughs)
Fan: Um, I just wanted, um, to say you’re doing a great job. (Jared: Thank you) I appreciate you guys getting up early in the morning. I know it’s hard. It.. takes a lot you out of you guys physically and mentally. (Jared nods) I’m also the one that sent you the thank you plaque. (Jared: Yeah! Okay. [nods]) And I got one here for your mom and dad.
Jared: Oh wow. Well, thank you.
Fan: For bringing you into the world, because if wasn’t for you and Jensen, I wouldn’t be here today.
Jared: Well, thank you so much. (some audience aw’s)
Fan: (?The more I say?) the more I appreciate it. (audience claps)
Jared: Thank you… Thank you very much. I- I don’t know how to.. get that- (looks back and forth) (audience laughs) I can leave- Can I? (gets up to hug the fan) Thank you very much. (hugs) (audience aw’s and claps) (talks to fan off mic nodding)
Audience member: You dropped a card.
Audience member: You dropped your card.
Audience member: Jared, you dropped the card.
Jared: (laughs) I got it thank you. Thank you (?I will talk to her?, ?I'll- I'll talk to her?, or ?I'll tell her?). (picks up card that dropped on the floor) Alright, Thank you. (goes back on stage) Awesome. Thank you so much. (on mic) That’s my favorite question yet. (audience laughs) Free stuff. Free stuff. (laughs sits down and puts down the gift) Put that down. Okay, I go back to this side. (points and turns to his left) Hi!
•(27:26 DT, 15:23 SA)- Chicon07JP;Q15- On Set Happenings; funny
Fan: Hi, I’m Carly.
Jared: Hi, Carly.
Fan: Okay. Um, (audience laughs) I was watching the Ellen.. DeGeneres episode where (Jared: Right.) you were talking about that experience you had where thought you were dead.
Jared: That’s right. (audience and fan laugh) Yep. (nods while looking down)
Fan: I was wondering if anything like that has ever happened again on set or anything funny like that?
Jared: That was during “Flight of the Phoenix.” (laughs) That was kind of.. (fan giggles) Odd. And I’m starting to wish I didn’t admit that. (laughs) (audience laughs) It’ll follow me.
Um, it’s, uh- Every now and again some- some kooky stuff will happen on “Supernatural.” Ah, I don’t know if it’s.. because of what we’re filming or because that's kind of where you put your head for the sake of.. trying to act.. more gooder. (audience laughs) So- But um, I remember there’s this episode- I remem- I keep on telling this story of when we were shooting “Skin” which was the.. one- of season one where we had the brother-brother fight scene.
We were in this house- It was this big gorgeous house. And, you know, there are grips putting up their grips’ stuff and electrician putting up their gaff stuff. And everybody is kind of doing their own thing. And then all of a sudden, on this opposite wall, where nobody was, was a wall that, um- Outside of that wall was outside of the house. Like, it wasn’t an interior wall. It was a… (Audience: Exterior!) (smiles) exterior wall. It was the interior of an exterior wall. (audience laughs) But, all of a sudden this clock just goes, (mimics clock falling) “blunk,” and falls off.
And a couple of us sort of looked over and we were like, (tilts head) “Who did that?” (audience laughs) “And why did that do that?” And then somebody, I don’t remember who it was. But, somebody just sort of walked over and.. (mimics picking up clock) picked it up and put it back on. And we all just sort of scattered. (laughs) (audience laughs)
But, every now and again there’s some- there’s some crazy things. (nods)
Fan: Well, Thank you. (Jared: Thank you) I still- I’ll agree with that person. This is the best birthday present ever. (audience aw’s)
Jared: Oh, well, Happy Birthday. Thank you.
•(28:59 DT, 16:56 SA) - Closing
Jensen: (walks in from the right of the room wearing a Sam t-shirt over his clothes) They’ve got some amazing merchandise.
Jared looks off stage and then looks down laughing. The audience screams, cheers, and claps.
Jared: That guy is-
◘Jensen in Jared shirt By jensenluvx3◘
Creation staff brings Jensen and Jared director’s chairs. Jared stands up and the staff remove the old chair off stage.
◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 13 By sarahmonious◘
Jensen: I’ve never felt more comfortable than I do right now. (audience screams and laughs)
Jared: (sits down) I’ve never been more attracted to your torso, Jensen. (audience laughs)
Jensen: It’s a funny thing isn’t? (sits down)
Jared: I don’t know what it is. Something about the whooole.. half- (circle gestures at Jensen)
Jensen: (sits down and scoots back in his seat) Ah.
Jared: I answered (?two? or ?a few?) questions better than you would have. (brushes back bangs and looks around) (audience laughs)
-J2 panel starts-
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