#reminder that angel dust is not a good person (yet)
correlance · 4 months
'Hazbin Hotel' Episode 6 plot hole: Angel Dust didn't just do drugs or porn. He also killed lots of people when he was alive.
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I rewatched the entire show from the pilot to Episode 8, and one thing that is glaringly absent from Episode 6, and Charlie arguing that Angel Dust deserves redemption and to be in Heaven, is that Angel Dust has not only murdered people, but he seems to enjoy killing people to "blow off steam". This is especially apparent in Episodes 4 and 8.
In the pilot episode, if one still counts that as canon, Angel literally engaged in a turf war alongside Cherri Bomb, using his tommy guns to shoot down his opponents, and he also used the same guns and angelic steel bullets to injure and kill numerous angels in the extermination. Even if Angel was shooting to kill in self-defense, by Heaven's standards, it is still technically considered a mortal sin.
However, the biggest issue with Angel's path to redemption is that, according to previous Q&A interviews with series creator Vivienne Medrano (VivziePop), Angel was part of the mafia when he was alive, which is where he obviously gets his marksmanship and shooting skills from. That means that Angel also killed and murdered people in mob hits, with a kill count in the dozens, if not hundreds. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Angel has dealt with folks that he and his family personally sent to Hell by murdering them in mafia hits.
I still don't understand how Episode 6 somehow overlooked this, especially since showing scenes when Angel was a living human, and him killing people, would've been simple and easy for Adam to do. In fact, in Christian and Biblical mythology and folklore, human souls are typically judged on what they did in life, and not in Hell, a fact that Alastor himself also aptly pointed out in the pilot episode:
"Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! No, no, no, no. I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners! The chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this! There is no undoing what is done!"
I really hope that the writers fix this by having Angel explain to Charlie what he did when he was alive. Currently, Charlie seems to be under the impression that Angel is in Hell because he was a drug addict, as well as a porn star. However, the true reason is likely because Angel killed a lot of people when he was alive and a mobster. While he wasn't a serial killer, like Alastor was, he doesn't seem to be remorseful about it, or even takes pleasure in killing. He also literally wanted to murder Sir Pentious, alongside Vaggie, in Episode 2 ("Can't we just kill him? Shoot him and spill his blood?"), with no hesitation or remorse.
So, how can Charlie redeem Angel Dust? The first step is actually addressing the fact that, y'know, Angel murdered people, and that his first reaction and instinct in a conflict is to be like R. Kelly, and pull out his gun, start blasting, and "cap some b*tches". I really hope that the show does this in Season 2, because with Angel, it's a major issue.
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aliceramblez · 8 months
Dating the Hazbin Hotel Residents 😈
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Tags: GN!Reader, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Mature Topics (ie. Suicidal Thoughts, Alcohol Abuse, SA, etc), Spoilers For The Show, etc.
A/N: Ahhh yes, more brainriot for the pile 😌 I was more of a Helluva gal before the show aired, but now I gotta say these blorbos are a dear part of my heart! Hopefully y'all enjoy these as much as I did writing them!
Consider following my main blog @taruchinator for more solid content & feel free to leave a request here for future HCs~
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Charlie 🌈
When the Happy Hotel first opened its doors and all of Hell started making a mockery of it, you were probably the only one who took it as a sign to try and improve from the low life that you were. It's not like you had anything else to live for, anyway.
As soon as you enter the building, you're immediately greeted by the bubbly Princess of Hell herself (along with a reluctant Angel Dust) who is more than happy to show you around and welcomes you with open arms.
You've never been shown this much kindness and sympathy for your situation before, so it naturally takes you aback and makes you wonder what the catch is. Turns out there's none and the Princess is probably the only sweet soul to live in this shithole.
As you grow closer, she asks you to drop the title and just call her Charlie. She also shares a bit about her situation and how her mother wanted to save sinners from the extermination each year, and now Charlie felt like it was her duty to continue this legacy until her dreams came true.
You can't help but feel touched over how much she cares, so you silently vow to yourself to help her in any way you can, just like she's done for you.
It doesn't take long before the two of you grow even closer and feelings begin to blossom, but you decide to ignore them since why would a Princess ever like someone like you?
But Charlie proves you wrong yet again, since one day she comes to you a blushing mess and confesses her own feelings, asking if you'd like to go out with her. You can't help but vocalize your shock since she could do so much better than a random sinner. She deserved better, too.
She looks at you with fondness in her eyes. “You've been by my side for so long and supported me every step of the way. Who wouldn't fall for someone like that?”
And thus, you are the luckiest person in Hell because you scored Charlotte Morningstar, and whoever says otherwise can get a knife to their throat.
She's the perfect definition of a sweet and patient girlfriend, never pushing you to do anything you aren't comfortable with (since you really aren't used to such adoration in a romantic relationship), but as soon as you give her the get-go, she'll be sure to shower you with as much affection as she can until the doubts in your mind disappear completely.
You aren't that far behind either. Albeit not as good as her, you do your best to be a comforting partner whenever she needs you. This is especially necessary after an extermination happens, which always leaves Charlie devastated and in need of a hug or words of encouragement because she doubts herself sometimes and wonders if the hotel is even working at all.
You remind her how it brought the two of you together, to which she smiles and agrees that at least something good has come out of it so far.
Vaggie 🎀
Both you and Vaggie used to work in the same legion under Adam with the rest of his exorcists. You knew of each other's existence, but didn't really talk much aside from whatever was needed in the midst of battle.
The day she spares a demon child's life, you're doing your rounds nearby and witness the whole exchange, including Lute coming over and ripping both an eye and Vaggie's wings for showing mercy. You don't know why, but it makes your blood boil.
“HEY! What are you doing?! It was just a kid, why not let it slide?”
And just like that, you become a target of Lute's rage as well, being ripped from your angelic status along with receiving a few nasty cuts, yet surprisingly not as bad as Vaggie herself.
Once the two of you are left to die, you immediately try to tend the girl's wounds with whatever you can. Vaggie can only stare in disbelief at what you'd done and questions why you even did so in the first place—now you were stuck just like she was.
“Guess I just don't like seeing injustice... Who knew Heaven could be so fuckin' shitty?”
You both laugh at the irony of it all, and that's when luck is finally on your side as Charlie finds you in the dirty alley and brings you back to the hotel to heal properly.
For the next three years you two stay at the Hazbin Hotel, helping Charlie in any way you can to try and make her dream a reality since deep down you hope that despite Heaven's corrupt system, there can be a small chance that souls can be redeemed. You hide the fact that you're ex-Anges though, since you don't wanna cause unnecessary drama.
During this time period, the two of you become better friends, having your own inside jokes regarding things you didn't particularly enjoy from your time as Angels, as well as learning more about one another.
You're the one to come to terms with your feelings first and decide to lay them on the table for Vaggie to see—she's always been a straight-to-the-point kind of gal, so if you're about to be rejected, might as well have it be done quick. But of course, she replies with her own declaration and desire to give a relationship a shot, which you're ecstatic about!
It's a bit hard at first since you never got to see much of romantic relationships in Heaven while training for murder every year, but you try and make it work. Both you and Vaggie work endlessly to try and make the other happy, and it only makes you fall for each other even more.
Also Charlie is your go-to wingwoman who will be there to give you the best advice to try and woo your girlfriend. She ships you two so hard.
Angel Dust 🕸
Working at a porn studio under an Overlord who owns your soul can be exhausting. You know this better than anyone since everyone who works under Valentino has contracts that won't let you get far with a leash. This is especially true with your friend Angel Dust.
You know about the things Valentino does to the spider demon—hell, everyone in the studio probably knows, but know better than to say anything about it. You're always there for Angel after particularly rough shoots, doing your best to comfort him in any way you can, though there isn't much you can do given you're in the same spot.
When he tells you he's moving to Princess Charlie's Hazbin Hotel, you're so happy for him! At least that will give him some distance from Valentino and his disgustingly filthy hands when he's not working.
This unsurprisingly doesn't bode well with the Overlord, causing him to throw fits of rage around the studio when Angel leaves for the day. You can't help but make a snarky comment that you definitely regret moments later.
“Can one blame him for wanting space from such an overbearing asshole?”
Without his favorite stress toy around, you end up paying the price for such comments. The kind of pain and suffering he puts you through is completely different from what you're used to. Is this the stuff he does to Angel? He leaves you naked, bruised and bloody in your room, and all you can do is muster what little strenght you have left to head for the Hazbin Hotel.
As soon as the door opens, you immediately tumble forward and start losing consciousness. The last thing you remember is Angel's horrified expression before it all fades to black.
Once you wake up and have been patched up, you explain what happened at the studio, and you could've sworn you saw fire in Angel's eyes as he holds on to you, fearing you might disappear at any moment. He begs you to stay in the hotel with him, and you agree without hesitation.
And so, your new routine of heading to work and then coming back to the hotel becomes blissful, not having to deal with that lunatic mothman more than necessary. You also get to spend time off with your best friend, which is always a plus.
Well, ‘best friend’ might not be the best way to describe it. You'd developed a crush on the spider demon even before this whole incident occurred, and now that you were spending more time with him, it only continued to grow.
With the line of work you two had, romantic relationships didn't seem to be a thing that crossed anybody's mind since why have a permanent partner when you could just go around fucking the hottest people in Hell? But you knew your feelings were far beyond from sexual, but didn't wanna ruin what you already had going for you.
One heartfelt drunken conversation after work however, makes you do a double take—Angel likes you back. And that both scares and excites you. But with both of you going over the pros and cons with each other, you decide to give it a chance.
You make sure to always have Angel's consent when it comes to physical intimacy—anything from holding his hand, to kissing to just cuddling. He jokes about not being a porcelain doll, but deep down you know he appreciates it.
You're also there for the rough nights, when he comes home wanting nothing more than to die again and let the earth swallow him whole. Words of reassurance are spoken and you can only hold him and let him cry as you vow to do anything in your power to stop this from happening again.
Husker 🍺
As one of the first guests of the hotel, like any wayward sinner, you find yourself in the bar more often than you'd like. Alcohol killed you in the first place, yet not even in the afterlife could you seem to pull yourself from its grasp.
It's a somewhat welcome surprise to find out that the bartender is going through a similar struggle. He still serves you drinks and lends and ear whenever he's not busy, but will occasionally drop the words of wisdom to watch your fill.
Eventually you two find yourselves doing this little back and forth and aid each other when you're in your dark places—Husk won't let you near the bottle if he sees you're about to knock yourself out, meanwhile you're there to look after him when he has one too many drinks and can't take care of himself.
Not to say he isn't a good drinking buddy—you've found out most of the gossip around the hotel thanks to this sneaky little cat demon and there's never a dull moment with him around.
You learn about his deal with Alastor during a particularly bad night, when Husk's had one too many and isn't thinking straight. You don't bring it up, but now have an eye open for whenever the Radio Demon drags your friend away.
Angel's the one who brings up your questionable relationship to the surface.
“So... you two like, fuckin' each other, or what?”
Your entire face goes red, and if it weren't for the dark fur you could swear you see Husk looking the same. He's quick to get rid of Angel's nosy ass, but now the seed has been planted in your brain—do you like Husk that way?
After careful consideration, you come to the conclusion that yes, you do. And it's honestly kinda terrifying considering how relationships don't usually work out in Hell, at least from what you've seen. Besides, even if you did try and confess, there was always the possibility of him not feeling the same and just being embarrassed by Angel's comment.
So in an attempt to make your feelings disappear, you stop frequenting the bar. Who knew the best way to stop drinking habits was trying to avoid spending time with your unrequited crush?
But of course, Husk isn't stupid. He sees the change in your behavior and let's it slide for a while, until he eventually corners you and asks what's wrong. You decide to get it all out of the way and tell him how you feel.
To the embarrassment of both of you, he holds your hand firmly between his and darts his eyes toward the corner of the room. “Next time you should ask before going off assuming things, ya got it?”
And so, your glass may have been empty that day, but your heart had never felt fuller.
Sir Pentious 🐍
You meet Sir Pentious when you sign into the hotel, and your immediate thought is just how can this snake man be so adorkable, it should be illegal.
As you greet the other residents and staff, you're quick to strike a conversation with him, which based on his body language he was not expecting. He starts telling you a bit about his weaponry and other contraptions, and you can't help but be fascinated by it.
You're a bit of a tinkerer yourself, albeit you've only dabbled in small scale projects—nothing compared to the massive canons and aircrafts that Pentious seems to be familiar with.
He acts like a kid opening gifts on Sinmas when he talks to you about his inventions, clearly never having anyone show interest before. Eventually he'll even ask for your input on certain smaller projects he wants to work on to help around the hotel, all to thank Charlie for being so kind to him and giving him a second chance. You're obviously eager to help!
You two start spending so much time together that the egg boys have started calling you ‘Boss #2’, much to Pentious' embarrassment and your amusement.
One afternoon once exercises are done for the day, the snake demon seems much more fidgety than usual as he invites you over to his room to continue working on his security system prototype. He's a blabbering mess once he has you sitting down and your heart just can't help but swell at each little syllable.
“Dearest (y/n)... you've, um, well... you are a huge inspiration for my work! A-And I wouldn't have been able to create any of this... without your help. You are kind, and smart and very talented.... and w-well, um I-”
You gotta silence the man with a kiss otherwise you two would be here all day. He's puddy in your hands and you can only giggle in return. “I really like you too, Pen.”
Everyone is either saying they called it or groaning in annoyance because fucking FINALLY, you two were just dancing around each other like idiots. The egg boys are just so happy to have someone else besides Pentious to be in their lives, and will do their best to look out for you just like with their own boss.
So yeah, prepare yourself for some sickeningly sweet gestures from this guy cause he will go above and beyond to get you what you need/want even if it kills him (again). And you can confidently say that you'd do the same in return.
Alastor 📻
After running in the same circles when you were alive, it's no surprise to you to end up in Hell, although you never would've suspected that you'd find yourself in the same place as him. It was honestly a huge relief not having to go through this all by yourself.
As Alastor exerted his dominance over Hell as the Radio Demon, you were powerful enough to be an Overlord yes, but rather liked keeping it on the down low instead of making a spectacle of yourself (Alastor was the one for theatrics anyway). Because of this, only select few knew of your true power and what you were capable of.
Instead, if there was one thing you were known for, it was being the only soul allowed to be close to the Radio Demon without the risk of death.
Yes, Alastor was a sadistic, cold-blooded and egotistical mastermind, but he wasn't a monster. You knew that better than anyone. Although the reactions he had to other demons treating you like a joke or calling you the ‘Radio Demon's Pet’ were not helping his case.
“ł₣ ɎØɄ V₳ⱠɄɆ ɎØɄⱤ ₴ØɄⱠ, ɎØɄ ₩łⱠⱠ ₩₳Ⱡ₭ ₳₩₳Ɏ Ɽł₲Ⱨ₮ ₦Ø₩ ฿Ɇ₣ØⱤɆ ł Ɽł₱ ł₮ ₳₱₳Ɽ₮ ฿ł₮ ฿Ɏ ฿ł₮...”
“Al, chill. You're gonna make them shit their pants.”
After his seven year absence, you immediately noticed something was wrong with him, and wouldn't stop pestering until he told you the truth—A deal he made and how his soul was now bound to someone much more powerful than he was.
You were obviously mortified and started looking into ways to try and find a loophole to this, but alas the Radio Demon would just give you his signature grin and tell you not to worry about it. It was his battle to face.
But of course you're quick to remind him that you've stuck together through thick and thin even in life, so there was no way you were letting him handle this by himself. You work as a team—always have and always will. You engulf him in a hug.
“We're gonna figure this out, Al. I promise...”
The grin remains, but his eyes widen slightly in surprise. He hesitantly returns the embrace, patting your back and wiping the tears you didn't even know you were shedding.
“There there~ To think such a sweet and innocent soul wound up in a gutter like this. I cannot say I complain as long as I have your delightful company beside me.”
And so when he says he has a plan that involves Princess Charlie Morningstar and her new Happy Hotel, you follow along. Whatever fate has in store for you two, you'll be ready.
Also Charlie is a sweetheart who could do no harm. Knowing Alastor, he'll probably do whatever he can here and there to help around for the cause. You also offer your services as an undercover Overlord, much to everyone's surprise when you reveal your status.
The Radio Demon may have a plan, but something tells you it won't involve bloody murder (unless extremely necessary or if someone really pissed him off).
Like you said—he's not a monster.
Lucifer 🍎
You and Lucifer were good friends at the beginning of Creation. While you were stuck with the tedious task of designing blueprints for the new ‘Human Project’ that headquarters had in store, Lucifer's Seraphim status allowed him to bring creations to life with the flick of a wrist, much to your delight and wonder.
His ideas and pitches for Earth were always so entertaining to listen to, and you would do your best to encourage him to show them to the higher ups to get them approved—His mind was just filled with joy and love and wonder that you'd never seen before.
Which was why it was always so disappointing whenever he'd come back and say that he was shut down and even mocked at. How could Heaven shut down such an imaginative mind in the creation of their biggest project yet?
To say you were devastated when you heard about his fall would be an understatement. You mourned the loss of your friend, knowing that he'd done nothing wrong and thinking it wasn't fair to him to receive such punishment just because he cared for the future of humanity.
Thousands of years later, you overhear the plan for Extermination of Hell kind. You didn't mean to walk by, yet here you were, under the direct eye of the Head Seraphims about to be downcast for something you had no control over—just like Lucifer.
“You're all self-entitled pricks! You think you can do whatever you want just because it doesn't follow what you define as good!”
You get a few good arguments before being cast downwards, leaving you in bad shape in a random alley with no wings and no means of escape. That is of course, until destiny seems to be on your side and Lucifer finds you, completely perplexed to see you here at all.
After getting treated, you tell him about the Extermination so he and Hell can prepare. The conversation of you getting cast down by Heaven gets glossed over, but he can feel the fury building up inside him. You were always doing things by the book—how could they do this to you?
Once the slaughter is over, Lucifer gets a meeting with Heaven and secures protection for both his daughter Charlie and you, to which they begrudgingly agree to keep him outta their hair. You can't help but feel touched by this gesture.
He's also quick to offer you a room to stay in, but you compromise by living in a seperate building from him and Charlie so you aren't a bother even though he says you aren't. In fact, ever since Lilith left, he's had to take care of his young daughter all by himself, so he's more than happy when you offer to help.
It doesn't take long for your feelings to start coming into the surface from all those years ago, and you gotta push them away because he's both married and has a child to look after! Besides, why would the King of Hell ever look in your direction?
Eventually though, he brings up the question with nothing but sweaty palms and a customized rubber ducky that says ‘I love you’ whenever you squeeze it. You blush furiously, but can't help but bring up your concerns, not wanting to replace Lilith in his heart. He looks into your eyes and says that he hasn't been as happy as he is now in the past thousand years.
Cue baby Charlie walking in on everything, and she just smiles and goes innocently. “Daddy! Is (y/n) staying home with us now?”
You two can only chuckle at the cuteness of it and you immediately go to hug her. You couldn't believe that you were blessed with such a wonderful family.
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓵 𝓝°5 ~ 𝓗𝓾𝓼𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
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Oh, to be young and in love, in the most romantic era of the notorious 1950s, with one very magical man who never fail to make you swoon with every suave look who offers.
It isn't very often that Husker reminisces his past life - He knows, if he does, he will remember all of the good times, when his heart was gold and trembling with pure emotion - After all, if he recalls the time he was alive, and very much in love, his frozen heart will just shatter to dust once again, with the same infinite anguish he felt once everything was ripped away from his grasp.
A pain so intolerable, that runs so deep - A pain that no amount of alcohol can mend.
He never truly knows whether he wants to remain asleep forever, so that he will never have to face reality again, or if that would be a nightmare, tormenting him for the remaining abyss of eternity...
Or, perhaps he should stay awake, so that memories will stop toppling him over, beginning with a most beautiful reverie, yet always ending with the same night terror he must face every time.
If this is his way of paying for his irredeemable sins, then he is well aware he deserves it, and even more - Yet every smell reminds him of that sweet Chanel N°5 that she used to wear. Every time he closes his eyes, he dreams of the gracious dances he would share with her. Every song he hears, he recalls that angelic voice of hers, and every time he lays abed and stares up at the ceiling, her seraphic visage flashes before him.
"You are drinking again." Angel slumped in one of the stools by the bar, noticing his best friend looking in a far worse state than usual. "Rough day?"
"Rough life." Husk rasped, chugging down a whole bottle of strong spirits.
"Wanna talk about it?" he tried, in vain, to appear sympathetic - The feline demon was far too gone into his own darkness to even think about slurring away his never-ending sorrows.
"I wanna die, that's what I want." he growled, slamming away the bottle into the nearest wall. "Just like this fucking bottle. That's what I fuckin' wanna do - I wanna die, damn it!"
Angel's eyes widened greatly - Yes, life in hell surely was crazy, and especially for demons like the two of them, who sold their souls away because of their own failures, both in life, and now, in hell - But what in the world could it have caused him to get so hopeless that he was unable to fight back the tears glistening in those tortured eyes?
Even someone like him couldn't dare to make light of the situation, or try and crack a joke, let alone taunt or flirt with him. He felt... Pity, for the poor bartender who always listens to others' woes, yet dares naught speak out his own problems.
"Listen... Husk, ergh... I'm not the best at comforting, okay? But... If I can help, you can tell me... And, if not, then... I'll still be here. And maybe try to keep the others away from you. How's that?" Husk didn't quite seem to compute what his friend said, though he robotically nodded his head, as if remote controlled.
Angel remained in that stool for a few hours, watching the winged demon drink bottle after bottle after bottle, yet his sorrows only washed over him tenfold with each shattered glass against a different wall. He wonders what is going through Husk's mind, what he's ruining himself over with each sigh o grip on his fur.
Who would have thought that, of all things possible, Husker's greatest lament was...
"I fucking hate red. Why the fuck are my wings red? Of all the fucking colours in hell, they just had to be red, yeah?" he stammered angrily, pulling at his feathers. "Y'know what? They can't change colour. Tried dyeing 'em, but nothin'. Got so much fuckin' red on me - I wonder if it's Hell's way of punishin' me forever for my fucking sins."
He hates red...? What an odd statement - He truly seems to have a personal vendetta against that colour - But why? It's just a colour, after all, it can do no wrong. "Why... Do you hate red so much...? Angeldust dared to ask.
At first, he was met with a low growl, hostile, yet inoffensive at its core. Then, he heard a most disturbing answer. "That was the colour of my wife's dress when I last went home." Angel's brain shut down completely. To think someone was trusting him with such a vulnerable piece of himself, the very core of their hopelessness, their weakness; In a way, he felt flattered that Husk trusted him so much, yet in another way... He couldn't help but feel borderless pity for his friend. He wishes such a fate to no one... Well, maybe to Valentino.
Angel forced himself to smile softly, placing his hand gingerly over his own, taking away the alcohol from his hand. "What was her name?" Husk looked up with shock, a little startled, right into his dual coloured eyes - He hasn't ever spoken her name out loud, it almost felt like a blasphemy against her purity. Yet... Maybe... "Y/N." he dared whisper.
"Y/N." Angel repeated after him. "A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Husk nodded his head.
"She was a Princess." he muttered, his sight blurry with tears.
"A Princess? Really? Nobility and all that?" much to his surprise, Husker chuckled.
"Nah, not quite." he rasped. "At heart, she was. Her family was very rich, so she was pampered up. Huge manor, servants, a personal maid, luxury brands, jewellery and perfumes, indulging in any studies and hobbies she liked..."
"How'd you two meet? I don't suppose you were a Prince or something, were you?" Angel tried to joke friendly, encouraging his friend to open up.
"Ha. Far from it." in his hand, a few dices appeared, and he idly played around with them. "I was an ugly dead beat from a working class broken family. Hardly worthy of her attention." he gritted his teeth bitterly. "Got around to finding work at a young age - Gambling, magic, sax player - If I had money to live, anything worked."
"Did you meet at one of your gigs?" Husk nodded his head affirmatively.
"No clue what she saw in me, Angel. She could do so much better." for a split second, he had a dry smirk on his face, before it disappeared again. "I asked her once, what the hell did she see in me - And she said... I played her favourite song. Silly, innit?"
He didn't receive a mocking laugh, much to his surprise - Instead, Angel cooed. He never imagined the jaded demon before him could be so romantic! "What did you play?" Instead of answering, Husk turned around to his bar, and took out another bottle, yet this time, he hummed a familiar tune as he was doing his bartending for two glasses. "Oh, now I get it - You always hum that song when no one's around! I thought you were just bored out of your mind." he let out an amused exhale. "Fly me to the moon... Refined tastes, alright."
"The stars in the sky never sparkles as brightly as those in her eyes when she looked at me." no wonder he never accepted any flirting from anyone - How could anyone match the love he had for Y/N? "If I were a decent man, I'd have told her not to waste her precious time and love on me. Instead, I was a selfish fuck. I stole years of her life... And in the end, I even stole her life. All because I wasn't even half the fucking man I pretended to be."
The conversation soon turned significantly sour. "I was the man - I was supposed to provide for her. Afford all that fucking expensive Chanel N°5, and the Dior dresses, the Chantelle lingerie, and the damn Cartier and Tiffany's jewellery." even someone more modern like Angel knew all those luxury brands, and was even more impressed and shocked that they could so easily afford such high-end items. "I brought her flowers every day and I took her out on brunches every morning, on dates every afternoon, and to soirees every fucking evening. She loved dancing at parties... But I suppose she preferred the moonlight over the chandeliers."
"You must have overworked yourself a bunch to afford all these things. I'm sure she appreciated it." Angel tried to comfort him, earning a nod of agreement.
"She told me she didn't need any gift, except for my presence. Genuine woman, that one. But how could I, in good conscience, go to her parents and ask for her hand in marriage, when I couldn't even afford a half-decent house with a room for each of her hobbies, a drawer for each month outfit, another for her shoes and three more for her bags, jewels and perfumes; and a large flower garden and a fucking rose gazebo and a swan pond with ten different breeds of pedigree dogs." Angel cringed a little, realising the tremendous gap between their living conditions. "I lost myself on the way to greatness. She was making me so euphoric that I just wanted to see her excited every moment of her life. I didn't need to eat or drink, I just needed to see her smile, and I could work again a few more days without rest."
"But then... You collapsed from overworking?" Husker shook his head.
"Worse. I fooled her parents completely, and we planned our wedding." he replied bitterly.
"How is that a bad thing? Isn't the wedding day the happiest day in a couple's life?" Husk sighed, from the deepest part of his soul.
"It was." he said. "I got greedy. I went to loan sharks, took a shit ton of money to make that wedding the most grand event the country saw in a while. Then went on a month-old honey moon around the world." he cursed in a few different languages that Angel couldn't understand, but was sure were some highly offensive and crude words that he would never utter around Y/N. "I don't need to say more, do I?"
Yeah, he needn't continue speaking the descent into madness, alright. Angeldust didn't want to hear that his friend's love story ended up in his soulmate getting murderer by the loan sharks, only for him to end up killing them, and then himself, out of pure rage and sorrow. He didn't want to hear that an innocent woman like Y/N never knew that her husband was broke and took loans, just to try and mimic the lavish lifestyle she grew up with and deserved. He didn't want to hear the broken shriek of anguish, or the streaming river of tears that befell as Husker saw her dead, on the floor, her pearly pink dress dyed a deep crimson from her own blood, and getting even more stained with each strong embrace he held around her shattered body, just like a precious porcelain doll fallen off the shelf.
They only just recently became something akin to 'best friends' from both sides... Yet Angel couldn't bare to hear the tragic end of the story, and he couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he felt, having to live his afterlife as a Sinner, for as long as he has, without the woman he loves by his side.
"It's better this way, I guess. At least she finally got rid of me. Wherever she is, she must be living far better, than with a lying fuck like me who couldn't keep it together." the spider demon frowned, watching his friend slump on the bar counter.
"I don't think that's the case." he spoke vehemently. "I don't believe there is any person, of any kind, treasuring her as much as you did." Husk's ears perked up immediately, twitching lightly. "At least on an emotional way, I'd say, you and Y/N were lucky. There's so many people who never experience the love you had, let alone get to meet and marry their soulmate."
"What the fuck would you know?!" he growled, throwing a bottle at his head, only for the demon to dodge.
"... I wish I had fallen in love too, you know?" Husk gritted his teeth, realising the sensitive wound that he unwillingly stabbed open - But it wasn't his foult - He is hurt! He is in pain! "As a human, as a demon... I was like you, sort of. I was so shit at managing my life, that I ended up falling prey to my vices... I needed more and more, and I couldn't resist. I had no ration or logic. I gave in to my so-called 'friend group' and got addicted to drugs... Couldn't get rid of that addiction even after death... And I clinged on the only demon who could give me what I wanted... And now, I can't escape Val, even if I wanted to turn my life around and live the life that I never could." Angel had a wry smile on his face. "Do you really think a drug addict or the most famous porn star of hell would be able to meet his soulmate, without destroying their life in the process also?"
The two remained silent, only hanging their head and sighing. No matter how happy life can be for some... It will never have a chance of turning around for them. It just couldn't be. They are in hell, after all. Even Charlie won't be able to save them and bring them on the path of redemption, no matter how insanely enthusiastic and cheerful she can be... They were still sure to drown.
Somehow, this few hours of vulnerability brought Husk and Angel closer, and although they won't be speaking about it again, it was clear to the residents of the Hazbin Hotel that the two were as close as two demons can get, without the inclusion of vice or extortion.
Things were going well enough for them, even with the new addition of Sir Pentious, the villain turned... Something? It was still not too bad around the hotel. Though unsure of whatever Charlie's plan was, to fight against the purge from the Angels, they were still there to sort-of support whatever dream the Princess of the Pride Circle has.
That is, until the Hotel opened its doors to a brand new resident, a gorgeous demoness dressed elegantly in a dress of pearly pink, adorned with high quality jewellery, and with her long hair done stylishly, and smelling like a fresh day of Spring. She walked in guided by the Radio Demon, of all people, and she was smiling so demurely, completely unafraid of the fiend next to her, yet still reserved and soft.
"No way, is that Chanel N°5?! How'd you get it in here?!" Angel squealed, fangirling over the flowery perfume - But then, it clicked for him. Didn't Husker mention his wife loving this scent the most?
"Oh, you noticed! I am so happy that there are more sensible people - Erh - Demons with refined tastes!" the girl unfolded her laced fan and giggled behind it demurely.
Although she looked even more regal than even the Princess of Hell herself, as they stood next to each other, there was one particular detail that made the new-comer stand out from any other netizen.
With her hands clasped together over her chest, a bright white gold ring, with a most brilliant zircon was shining brighter than even the moon herself.
Whilst the other demons gathered around the seraphic beauty, wanting to have her attention, and even going as far as to have Alastor speak out about this new lady, Husker's breath stopped completely; His brain was going into overdrive, and his heart, he wanted to rip out of his chest.
That ring... That ring, he knew all to well - After all, he bought it himself, when he proposed to Y/N. That voice, the fashion, the mannerism... Even with altered looks, she looked the same. Even in hell, she looked the same. Even with demonic eyes, she looked the same.
She was the most beautiful woman in the universe.
"Y/N, this is Husker, our bartender." Charlie's face was split open by her overly-cheerful grin. "Husk, won't you introduce yourself to Y/N?"
"I'm not a fucking child. I don't need to introduce myself." the man hissed aggressively. "This is fucking stupid, I'm out." without even realising, he shattered the glass in his grasp, before stomping away into his room.
How could that be? Was this a nightmare? Surely, this must be some impersonator demon or something - There's no way an innocent being like Y/N could possibly have ended up in Hell, with a bunch of Sinners, of all thing. Was this his fault also? Did he bring her down with him to hell? Was he never going to be forgiven for all of the shit he's done in his previous life? Did Alastor bring her to the Hotel, so that he could blackmail him even more? Was his empty soul worth so little, in the end?
He was so afraid - Will Y/N be angry once she realises who he is? He couldn't blame her, obviously, he's earned her scorn... Yet why is his heart hurting so bad? He wishes so badly to jump on her and wrap her in his arms and wrings, and never again let her go. Ah, but he looks like a stupid flying cat... He looks ridiculous. There's no way...
Perhaps... She should stay with Al...
He has the influence, the money, the fashion sense, the looks, the freedom and privilege, the elegance...
Alastor has everything, and embodies everything that he could never be.
In life, he was selfish, and he didn't let go of her. Perhaps, the only way to apologise and make up for his sins was to let her be cherished by a man capable of doing what he never could.
As he lay awake on the bed, curled up and cursing his whole existence, wanting to sob until his body was all dried up and shriek until his throat was bleeding raw; he wanted to claw his face to velvety ribbons and drown his lungs with all of his blood... As he was succumbing to his self-hatred and spiraling down into the depths of despair, Y/N decided to end the day with some delicious pastries and an aromatic cup of tea in the garden, with her friend, Alastor.
Y/N was idly playing with her ring, looking at the inscription inside of it. 'Y/N ♡ Husker'. How absolutely adorable, she thought, a beautiful smile gracing her features. "He looks... Different. Are you sure it is the same person, Alastor?" her voice showed nervousness.
"Y/N, Y/N, would I lie to you?" he grinned, as always, sipping from his tea. "You should hear him purr. He truly resembles a little kitten."
Y/N looked up into he friend's eyes, a look of intense surprise and borderline intrigue taking over. "Are you being truthful? He... Purrs?" she gasped, quickly slipping her ring back on her finger.
"Yes, my darling. Unconsciously, someone strokes his fur, he gets so very adorable~." Alastor hums, watching the lady before him being so romantically melancholic over a life long gone. "What did you think about today's meeting?"
Y/N sighed, looking up into the sky. "I feel guilty for enjoying the moment I ripped Velvette apart, yet I feel no remorse for killing her. Such an uncouth and vulgar person has no right to behave with such disrespect towards me." Alastor's grin widened significantly. "And... I cannot wait for the next purge. I want to burn Heaven to cinders. Those hypocrites have grown far too arrogant for their own good, and I believe they need to be taught a harsh lesson."
"I see we are on the same wavelength as always, my dear." the demon sipped from his tea. "I am quite glad those arrogant hypocrites turned you away, for such a silly thing like - Vanity - They say. Beautiful women should be allowed to feel that-a-way, not ostracised for being such jewels for one's eyes." ever the charmer with poison dripping from his tongue. "Before I turn in for the evening, I have a gift for you - For friendship's sake." Y/N rose a suspicious eyebrow, watching as he took out a carefully folded picture from his blazer's pocket, and handing it to her. "I am going for a new fitting with Rosie tomorrow, should you wish to join us for a lovely day of self-care." the girl smiled, nodding her head at him in appreciation. "Have a pleasant evening."
Y/N muttered her pleasantries, and waited for Alastor to leave her sight, before unfolding the picture and bursting to tears. She cradled the precious memory to her heart, and sobbed for as long as her heart needed.
What have they done so wrong to deserve this? They were so happy while alive, so what went wrong? Was her opulent life, the reason for their downfall? Did her beloved think she wouldn't love him, if he couldn't match her family's wealth? Were all soulmates made to be torn apart while at their most blissful?
Still, she was grateful that she wasn't accepted into Heaven, for she would have had a most awful afterlife, as opposed to the many Overlord friends she made since she's been sent to Hell after her gruesome death, and the many favours she received from the Lords and Royals who went to Earth to retrieve items of importance for her.
Drying her tears, Y/N walked back inside the hotel, ready to turn in for the night, only to stop in her tracks as soon as she heard a soft sob, followed by a few very familiar curses in a variety of languages that she knew all too well. Her heart clenched as she stepped cautiously towards the foreign room, eavesdropping for any other sound, only to be met with more muffled cries.
Biting her lip, the demoness knocked on the door, only to be cursed harshly and told to fuck off. Y/N gulped, feeling taken aback by being talked in such a way - Though she immediately composed herself, reminding herself that he, too, is hurting, most likely far more than she is.
She excused herself before opening the door and entering. "What fucking part of 'FUCK OFF' don't you FUCKING UNDERSTA---" Husk was livid, getting in a sitting position as he growled with incredible hostility at the one who dared barge in his bedroom so rudely, only to remain speechless as he realised it was the demoness herself, standing with a sympathetic smile on her face. She also seemed to have been crying prior to this. "Oh. It is you." he cleared his throat, getting back on the bed, unable to face her.
"I have missed you dearly." her voice was so soft, so beautiful, so endearing... "I... Cannot believe that I am seeing you again. It seems to me that, no matter how far apart, our souls will forever traverse oceans of time and space, just to embrace each other once more."
She could hear him sniffling, his nails digging deep into the blanket. "You have always been so romantic and poetic." he grumbled, hiding his face in the pillow. "You shouldn't be here."
"You will have to be more specific, my love." she hummed, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. "Here - In Hell? Or here - In your room? Either way, I would say, I am right where I need to be."
"I don't understand." as if burning with frustration, Husk shot up, looking with self-hatred at the girl. "You did nothing wrong your entire life. You were nothing but a living sunshine. A fucking flower in human form. What the fuck did those angels not agree with, that they cast you to this shit hole?"
"There was a time when you would beat up any man who would curse in my presence." Y/N's adorable giggle made the demon's face flush red. "I am sorry that you are suffering so much, at my expense. I could never repay you for everything you have done for me, while we were alive."
"What the hell are you apologising for anyway? I got you killed, not the other way around - And even if it were that way, it'd've been a blessing in disguise, getting rid of a dead beat worthless fuck like me." he huffed, looking away. "You always were too good for me." the demon had so much to say, so many regrets to yell, so much love to spill... Alas, he remained quiet. "You seemed happy with Al. I wish I could be that, while we were alive." his voice went to soft, it was barely audible. "You should... Stay with him."
"Yes, I am happy being friends with Alastor. He was the one who introduced me to Rosie and Carmilla and Zestial, and I cherish them all dearly, as my like-minded friends." Y/N spoke calmly, reaching her hand to cup her lover's soft cheek. "He also was the one to tell me of your misdemeanours. How you succumbed to your vices; to gambling and alcohol, to the the point that you lost your soul in a deal with him. How pitiful." he was so confused as to where she was trying to get with her words, yet in spite of the anticipation for blames and reproaches, he couldn't help but lean into her warm and gentle touch. "He is the one who helped me become an Overlord, and I took your place. And it is Alastor, and some other friends of mine, who helped retrieve some objects I thought long lost."
"... You still smell like Chanel N°5." his comment made the girl giggle again.
"One of my friends had his little imps go to the human world and rob an entire Chanel store, to bring me all Chanel N°5 perfume bottles." how incredulous, Husk thought, staring at the girl flabbergast, speaking of a clear crime, committed in her name. And then, he started laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of her statement.
"Angel would kill to have a whole room of Chanel N°5." he said, his eyes softening as he put his hand over hers. "Y/N... Knowing that you are doing fine... That you aren't suffering... Or anything that I put you through... It makes me... Content."
"My darling." Y/N called out. "Do you remember the day of our wedding?"
"Of course I do. What's that question?"
With a cheeky grin, she took out the picture from her purse, handing it to her beloved. "Alastor was able to find this. His connections truly are amazing." Husk's eyes were wet with falling tears, and his lips were trembling. "I forgot I had pink roses braided in my hair. I was so busy looking at my handsome husband, that everything around me vanished." Husk's sobbing got even louder. "I wanted to frame this picture first, but I couldn't resist showing it to you first."
"Get out, Y/N! Get out!" his voice was broken and raw, so pained that even her heart shattered. "I am not the man you fell in love with. Why do you think my name is 'Husk'? I am just that - A husk of the man I never was. I am not worth anything. I don't amount to anything. I just gamble money I don't have and drink booze until I pass out. I don't deserve a second chance, and I certainly don't deserve you. I never did. I got you killed, damn it!"
"You think too much, you fool." Y/N cupped his face, bringing him into a gentle kiss - A kiss so loving that it numbed his pain, and hightened his senses, that got his heart pumping again and his lungs screaming for air. "I fell in love with you for good reason, and I intend to remain by your side, loving you." she smiled, wiping his tears with her thumb. "You can try as much as you wish to drive me away, but it will not work. You may succeed in convincing yourself that you are a lesser man, but you cannot do that with me. I know the man before me, and I know I will never leave you."
"Y/N..." the man sniffled, burying his face in her bosom, holding so tightly onto her petite body that he almost feared breaking her.
"There was once a time when you would only call me 'Sweety'." her honeyed giggle sounded so teasing, yet it didn't embarrass him. It served only to make him chuckle.
"There was also a time when I would only call you 'Chanel', if you recall." it almost felt as though they were both alive, and during their honey moon, without a single care in the world, and living a most carefree life.
"That does bring back some very amusing memories." Husk hummed in agreement, feeling melancholic, despite the intense joy surging through his body. Perhaps it was due to the unfamiliarity of this positive feeling, that he felt exhausted, or maybe from his excessive crying and whining. Regardless, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up in his wife's arms, and never leave this blasted room ever again.
"Can you promise me something?" the man asked. "I am selfish still - Even more so as a demon. I am nothing but filth. I didn't deserve you then, and I deserve you even less now. Still... Now that you're here... I can't let you go again. So..."
Though he found himself eating his words, Y/N only smiled, laying down on the bed and taking him down with her, nestling him comfortably into her loving embrace. "Alastor said you purr like a kitten. I would love to hear that, tonight." she hummed, hearing his annoyed snarl. "And every night going forward, for as long as we may live in this afterlife we have." Husk's body became stiff, frozen with shock. "That is what you wanted me to promise, isn't it? That I will never leave you." he didn't respond. "It is within our wedding vows, silly. There is no way I would walk away, after I have just found my soulmate."
"... Even though I look like... This? And I am irredeemably addicted to gambling and drinking, even more so than before... And I have lost my soul to the Radio Demon? I am stuck doing his bidding for eternity... And..." Y/N only hugged him closer.
"No matter what, in sickness and in death, you and I will still be soulbound." his small body was softly trembling with emotion. "I've got you, my darling. Worry not about anything. I have got you." she remained silent for a little while. "But, Husk..." her voice sounded so distant, so... Melancholic. "Do you... Still like me? The way you did before?"
Startled by her words, Husker jolted up, looking at the pitiful visage of his lover. "What... What do you mean...?"
"My skin is pure white, with no colour, except for my make up. My eyes are black where they should be white, and the worst carmine red, where they should be embodying the aspect of nature. Even my hair looks to be an abnormal colour, and no matter how much I try to dye it, it will not retain its original shade." she gulped, looking away from him. "Any shred of normalcy that I have... Is so tiresome, so much work to keep up, the princessy facade that I used to have, that I used to love... That you used to love..." she sighed softly. "Yet even that completely dissolves as soon as I transform in the monstrous form that I fight so hard to keep veiled from the world."
"Y/N." he caressed her soft face, only to notice small particles of powder latching onto his fur. "I'm a fucking furry mammal with wings. I look like a children's plush toy or somethin'. Meanwhile, you look as doll-like as always, and you're afraid I wouldn't like you anymore? How silly." he sighed, leaning to place a kiss on her forehead. For a few seconds, he stopped to ponder over a rather bold move, and in a split second, he retrieved a wooden box from under his bed. "This is my secret. Nobody has to know about this." he spoke, a rosy tint on his cheeks. "Open it."
Carefully, the girl did as instructed, revealing the content of the box. A bunch of letters were preserved there, all of them neatly placed and handwritten with black ink. "Husk..." Y/N felt the air in her lungs dissipating, as she realised all those letters were recreating the exchange of love words from their time alive. "H-How...?"
"I have all our letters memorised." he chuckled lightly. "I... Needed some way of keeping you close... Of remembering you. I am shit at drawing, but I have a good enough memory... So this was the only way of preserving what we had."
"It's been so long... And yet, you... You still remember... All of it? There must be tens, if not, hundreds of them... How...?" the girl was flabbergast, yet melting completely.
"I read them every night before sleep, when alive, and I read them every night now also." those precious teardrop diamonds caressing her cheeks falling down so gracefully.
𝐼 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈; 𝐼 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃’𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒸𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝑒; 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝓃’𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒, 𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾�� 𝐼 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
His usual raspy voice sounded so romantic as he recited the love poem he wrote to her. A voice that he only reserved for her. A voice that only she would ever know.
𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓁𝓁; 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝓎 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓇𝒾𝒸𝒽𝓁𝓎 𝒻𝓊𝓁𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓁. 𝐼'𝓂 𝒶 𝒻𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈; 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈; 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒; 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁.
A love so pure and true, bottomless and without boundaries; Husker himself forgot just how endless his emotions could run. He thought himself jaded and cold, having lost his own heart, the second he lost her... Yet now... Perhaps it wasn't as bad as he first thought. Perhaps... Even someone like himself deserves some kind of redemption.
𝐻𝑜𝓁𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝒸𝑜𝓇𝑒. 𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓌 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒.
Without her, he wasn't whole. Without her, he is not himself. Without her, he is empty. Without her, his whole life falls apart. Without her, he is nothing but a worthless deadbeat.
𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒢𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓁𝓁. 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁.
But now, he is not alone anymore - Well, perhaps he never was to begin with, considering he still had Angel and Charlie, to some extent, yet nothing can compare to sweet Y/N's existence by his side. Nothing can heal his aching soul, or revert the damage he did to himself throughout life and afterlife, the way her love for him did.
♡ ~𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼~♡
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impishjesters · 11 months
I have this idea floating around in my brain for a while about a reader who likes to draw and because they have a crush on Jax they draw him. Jax eventually steals their notebook and probably teases them about it lol.
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Jax x Crushing!Reader
warning(s): innuendos, bullying/teasing, Jax note(s): Look it's me and Jax, there's gonna be innuendos or some spicy wording and bullying. It's like a packaged deal or something. A/N: If you see me mixing Angel Dust's speech into Jax, no you didn't. If you didn't notice, I don't know how to tease and not be an asshole, so pretty on the brand I guess.
Caine had given you a sketchbook upon request, it was a little different than an actual sketchbook but it did the job regardless. Ever since your arrival, your fingers have been itching to draw, there were so many new sights and so much new inspiration.
There were so many things, so why did it seem like the doodles of Jax ended up on almost every page?
Easy, you had a crush on the apathetic, mischievous jerk named Jax.
Why? Well, now that’s the million-dollar question. He’s not inherently awful, no, that’s a lie, he’s an asshole. You don’t really have a good read on him yet but he’s funny! That’s gotta be redeemable, right? However, his jokes are usually backhanded and often involve being mean at the expense of others.
Okay so he’s a walking red flag but there’s something about him that has you crushing on the purple bastard.
Looking down at the sketchbook on your lap shows another two pages filled with sketches of random things, though most of the page is filled with Jax. You had taken to sketching things back in the real world to remind yourself of home, but eventually, those sketches would involve Jax doing mundane things.
Thing’s like sitting at a table eating real food, though you took creative measures when drawing an open mouth on him, it still looked off but it was serene and domestic. Then there’s the little sketch at the bottom of the page of Jax leaning against a window and staring outside. You’d manage to nab the pose and angle when he was leaning against one of the many random geometrical-shaped things in the main room and later added in a window.
It was embarrassing that almost more than half of the pages in the book involved Jax to some degree. Some pages weren’t even subtle, the whole page taking up a detailed portrait version of the male. Sometimes you even got creative and put him in different clothing.
Thumbing through the pages you saw there weren’t that many empty pages left. You’d need to ask Caine for another one and figure out what to do with this one. It couldn’t be left out in the open, you knew Jax had keys to everyone’s room and wouldn’t put it past him to go snooping. He’d already questioned you about the sketchbook before.
You’d been so focused on the sketchbook that you hadn’t noticed the man of the hour walking up. Jax noticed your intense focus and peeked over to see the infamous sketchbook on your lap, and with practiced ease managed to yoink it right off your lap.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? You finally showing me what you keep your nose buried into?”
A yelp left you, stumbling to get on your feet you rushed to him and began swatting at the book and of course, he’d keep raising it just out of reach. “You took it! I didn’t say you could look at that!”
“Nah, pretty sure you said I could look at it.” He continued to lower and raise the book as you jumped to grab it. Sure he was curious before, but with a reaction like that? How could he not be even more curious? What kind of seedy shit were you drawing? Or perhaps some spicy nonfamily-friendly content?
Jax ignored your frantic words and opened the book to a random page, he was going to tease you about whatever dumb stuff you drew since you always had your nose in it but all he saw were sketches of himself.
A normal person might get embarrassed and hand the book back, but he’s not a normal person. It’s a little freaky, he won’t lie. A glance downwards shows him you’ve gone silent in front of him, simply staring down while he invades the privacy that was your sketchbook.
Your face is red and you look like you’re going to cry any second.
He’s a jerk, he was going to fuck with you, and he still is, but for the moment he’s taking in all the creative little pieces involving his face. Ya know, he never really thought much about how he’d look in other clothes. Gotta say he looks pretty snazzy in something that isn’t these shitty overalls.
“You know if I didn’t know any better,” his fingers still flip through the pages as he steps closer, circling you. “I’d say you like me.”
“I don’t.”
The reply is rushed and he rolls his eyes at the blatant lie, he’ll humor you this time. “Oh yeah? Does that mean you’ve got sketchbooks for everyone else too? Cause I’m pretty sure this is the only one I’ve seen you with.” He taps a doodle on the cover that gives away it’s the same notebook he always sees you with.
Tears trickled down your cheeks, you knew he was a jerk but this felt like too much. You just wanted your sketchbook back and to run away to your room, maybe pin something in front of the door that would render even the key useless.
His eyes roll the second he sees a tear, he’s not really seeing the problem here. You’ve got a book full of creepy—okay not completely creepy, he’s a good model so good on you for seeing that—sketches of him and he’s truthfully honored. It’s clear that you didn’t do this with everyone, so he’s honored to be your little model. Besides, it’s not like you actually have a crush on him, right?
Minutes tick by of him simply eyeing you, you’re still crying and it’s starting to get a little ugly and snotty, ugh. But you aren’t trying to further deny his little comment about you liking him. He’ll have to have a little talk about that later, what you could possibly see in him because he knows that you aren’t a sadist—oh, are you a masochist? That’d explain a lot.
Jax sighs and closes the book but doesn’t hand it over, simply putting the free hand on his hip. “You know if you wanted to see my face all you gotta do is ask. I’ll gladly show you this handsome face any day toots.”
Of all the things you thought he’d say, that wasn’t it. “H-huh..?” You embarrassingly wipe away the tears and snot before looking up at him.
“You heard me. Ya know I love this face too, very handsome. Maybe we can get Caine to put up some artwork in the tent of yours truly.” Jax wouldn’t consider himself vain, but you did have a way of making him look more, dare he say, attractive.
“I-I don’t… I don’t understand…” Was he still making fun of you?
He rolls his eyes before playfully hitting your head with the book. “Jeez, and here I thought you were smart.” Jax leaned over like he was speaking to a child and pushed the book to your chest. “I’m saying, the next time you wanna draw me I’ll give you a front-row seat. Maybe even take it to the bedroom so we won’t be disturbed.”
You push the book into his face to cover up that growing smirk and blush furiously. “Wh-what?! N-no I-I don’t…!” It’s hard to tell if he’s being serious or not in his offer to model for you, especially with the bedroom comment.
“C’mon, clearly you got taste. I mean that book is filled with sketches of me. I’ll commend you on your immaculate taste.” Jax taps the book before playfully bopping your nose. “At least let me give you the pleasure of seeing me close up. I’ve never been a model before so you might have to get a little hands-on to get me the way you want me.”
As the innuendos continue your face feels like it’s getting impossibly red and warm. Somehow this is worse than him telling you a sketchbook full of his face is creepy, in fact, you’d almost prefer it because your poor little heart can’t take anymore. You let out a yell and it stops his tangent but that stupid smirk of his never disappears.
“Offer still stands. You know where to find me.” Jax turns away but not before throwing a little wink over his shoulder. He still plans on pestering you about what you see in him, but for now, he’ll cut you some slack. You’re about as red as Ragatha’s hair and as much as he loves to see it, he didn’t plan to get this sidetracked when he saw you on your own.
He’s got a sucker to prank.
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Hell's Assumptions
A/N – Okay, I think that’s everyone on the tagging list. So, here’s to Chapter 4. Raise a glass.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
Tag-List: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx@sseleniaa@randomgurl2326@22carolina08@astrxwitch@yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe
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People were staring.
The worst part was, you weren’t sure who they were staring at, you or Lucifer. It could have easily been him since he was the King of Hell, and even those who didn’t immediately recognise him could sense the power he exuded. However, it was just as likely that they were looking at you and wondering who you were, and how you had managed to get their ruler to walk with you, especially since he wasn’t known for going out much.
Fortunately, when people saw Lucifer coming, they moved to the other side of the street, staring, whispering, taking pictures, but keeping a safe distance.
Lucifer was used to this kind of thing. He walked confidently, held a charming smile, and was generally non-plussed by the attention. You, on the other hand, felt awkward.
‘This was my idea,’ You mentally reminded yourself.
You tried to hold onto that thought as you attempted to strike up a conversation.
“So… What’s it like in the Embassy building?” You asked, quickly realising that it was a terrible topic as Lucifer’s smile became a glower.
You shouldn’t have reminded him where he was going. It was obvious he hated Heaven for their treatment of him, yet yearned for it and the life he had lost within its pearly gates where nothing went wrong for anyone.
“Sorry,” You said hurriedly. “I didn’t think- uh, nice weather we’re having?”
Lucifer smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t believe you. Only the night before, you had told him to grow up, with such confidence, and now here you were struggling for words. He bypassed the awkward situation with ease by asking, “Will you be visiting the Hotel today?”
“Oh, uh… Maybe. I would like to see everyone again. Check that Nifty hasn’t set anything on fire. Make sure that everything’s okay, and-”
You had been about to mention Angel Dust. Today was one of his work days. You would like to check that he was okay. You didn’t mention him however, with something like a confidentiality clause stopping you, though you weren’t his doctor, nor was he your patient. You didn’t want to talk about his suffering; he was more than his trauma.
Instead, you said, “I would like to check in, but maybe not today. Besides, you’ll be there tonight, won’t you?”
“Yes. I’d like to deliver the news to Charlie personally, and perhaps coach her on some of Heaven’s stricter rules.”
“Then, I think I’ll stay at the manor. I wouldn’t want to step on your toes. You and Charlie- I think you need to catch up a bit, without any interruptions. She missed you, you know.”
Lucifer ruminated on this for a minute. Whatever your motivations, he was glad that you were giving him and his daughter some space. Granted, the Hotel was large enough to house many conversations in separate areas but by making the offer of keeping your distance, you were giving Lucifer some breathing room; that was good.
Had you not made that offer, Lucifer might have brought up the topic of moving you back into the Hotel to Charlie, but in respecting his boundaries, Lucifer was starting to think that you weren’t so bad… for a Sinner.
“I missed her too.”
“Can I ask,” You said hesitantly, “What kept you away so long? You clearly think the world of her.”
Lucifer sighed, and stopped in the middle of the street, “I-”
He didn’t get to explain his absence.
Instead, he became annoyed as two Sinners, one who looked like a nine-year-old boy’s dream with bazooka arms and rocket-infused shoulders, and the other a winged bear-woman wielding a machine gun burst through the building on the opposite side of the road, waging war upon one another.
“SHIT!” You cursed, seeing the debris that threatened to crush a lone imp who hadn’t reacted quickly enough, his leg trapped under the first brick segment that fell.
Reacting quickly, you threw out your arms. A light green barrier shielded the imp from further harm, but you struggled under the weight of so much wreckage.
“MOXXIE!” A female imp yelled, running to him.
You thought she might struggle to lift the wreckage off him and were about to ask for Lucifer’s help before your barrier would inevitably crumble. Yet, the female imp was stronger than she appeared and she threw it off Moxxie. She then lifted him bridal style, and ran from the danger, shooting you a grateful look from across the street.
You gasped and shuddered as you let your arms fall, your barrier fading from existence.
“You shouldn’t have bothered,” Lucifer said as you straightened up.
“What?” You breathed heavily, recovering from the exertion; one of the weakest Demons in Hell, with your limited abilities.
“It was a nice thing to do, but what’s the point? Look around,” Lucifer threw his arms up dramatically. “Someone built something nice, and now it’s gone, all because two Sinners couldn’t take their petty power struggle somewhere else. Nobody benefits from this.”
You opened your mouth to argue but were interrupted by the same two imps you had just saved, “Hey there, I’m pretty sure my husband is delirious right now, but he wanted to come over here.”
“I’m not delirious, Millie,” Moxxie said pointedly, clinging onto her shoulder to support his weight; his leg was in all likeliness broken, but being an imp of Hell, it would heal quickly enough.
Millie looked at him sympathetically, likely thinking something along the lines of, ‘Baby, we’re the only ones on the same side of the street as His Majesty, but do what you gotta do!’
“I must thank you most humbly for your remarkable rescue in my name, good Lady,” Moxxie exclaimed pompously, probably presuming that since you were accompanied by Lucifer you were of a much higher station than you were. “Without you, I would certainly have perished, so I find it an appropriate time to extend my gratitude.”
“He means thank you,” Millie affectionately translated.
“You’re welcome,” You smiled. Then, with a small flourish of your fingers, Moxxie leg was bandaged and he was provided with a crutch to hold onto. You were no healer, but that would help the bone set correctly.
Moxxie and Millie thanked you both again, presuming that Lucifer had been part of the rescue (and in a way he was, for when the warring Demons saw him, they took their battle elsewhere), then they were gone, one limping down the street on his new crutch, and his wife offering to carry him.
“You’re wrong,” You said, once the pair were out of sight. “They benefitted.”
Lucifer didn’t know what to say about that. They were only imps. Why did you think they mattered? Yet, after watching the loving couple thank you for their rescue, Lucifer wasn’t certain that he trusted his assessment of the situation. Charlie wanted to redeem Sinners, you had just saved the lowest of all Hell’s beings and he…? He needed to reassess how he thought about things.
The two of you didn’t speak after that and Lucifer assumed that you were mad at him until you reached Heaven’s Embassy. Lucifer stared at the building, broken and hopeless, thinking about how he would have to fight for Charlie.
He was about to take the first step towards it when you rested your hand on his shoulder.
He stared at you, surprised.
“Good luck,” You proffered sympathetically. Then you walked away, and Lucifer was left staring after you. So, you weren’t mad at him after all. What a curious person you were.
He looked back to the building before him, the one place in Hell that was perfectly pristine, and unable to be harmed by anyone. After a deep breath, he headed inside.
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When Lucifer returned home, he was exhausted. The meeting had been lengthy and derogatory. He had been treated with barely disguised disdain and talked in circles, but finally, Heaven had agreed to allow his daughter passage to Heaven.
It was never an option really. As the ruler of a powerful realm, Lucifer had to be treated respectfully, even if all of Heaven hated him. Yet, just because they had to acquiesce to his request didn’t mean they hadn’t tried to talk him out of it. The only good news was that it had been Sera and a few of her assistants who hosted the meeting, not that ignorant prick Adam; Lucifer hated that guy… though his taste in women had always been spectacular.
Still, it had all been worth it when he got to the hotel and Charlie thanked him and invited him to stay for a while. They had caught up over tea, and he had gotten to know a little bit more about her and her relationship with Vaggie. Lucifer likely would have stayed longer seeing as he’d also been invited to games night, but then that red-headed bastard was there, grinning like a Cheshire Cat, and Lucifer had made his reasons to leave.
Now, all he wanted was to recover in peace.
On his way upstairs, he heard the long-neglected TV blaring in one of the living rooms. Feeling somewhat guilty about his unsupportive attitude towards you earlier, he decided it would probably be good for him to make amends and apologise. So, before isolating himself for the evening, he sought you out.  
You were hunched on the sofa, watching 666 News, and grimacing at the new headline, King of Hell’s New Fuckbuddy.
Lucifer stood quietly behind you, watching as Katie Killjoy reported, “While Hell will be royally fucked by the impending extermination it seems that King of Hell Lucifer is being royally fucked by his new bimbo bitch, seen walking with him today on the streets of Pentagram City.”
Security camera footage of you and Lucifer from earlier filled the screen for a minute before returning to the hosts.
“Who is this Sinner? Does Lucifer get off on Angelic clothing? We hope to find out more soon. Over to you, Tom.”
Tom Trench continued the report, much less assuredly than his co-anchor, “Nobody can say for certain they’re together. Some speculate the Demon to be his highness’ new assistant or-”
Katie clutched Tom’s neck in one hand, never looking away from the camera as she cut off his air supply, “Nobody gives a shit about your limp-dick opinion Tom. We’re all here to speculate about who’s raw-dogging who. Now, onto our cooking segment, It’s Dahm Good, with host Jeffrey who is making a delicious spleen soufflé. Jeffrey-”
“HA!” Lucifer laughed, pointing at the TV.
“Shit!” You yelped, lurching forward, having not known he’d returned home. You turned the TV off and stood to face Lucifer.
He was doubled over and wheezing at the idea that you and he would ever be together.
“Well, at least you’re not upset about this,” You grinned, finding his good mood contagious.
“What morons. They’re always just there, assuming the weirdest shit whenever I go out,” He laughed.  
“Yeah? So, it’s okay people know we’re friends?”
Lucifer straightened up with a smile. So, you classed him as a friend? He didn’t confirm or deny your assumption of friendship. He waved his hand, unbothered, “Let them think what they want to think. It’s Hell, nothing matters. Besides, 666 News is trash.”
“Yeah, you’re right. So, how did the meeting with Heaven go? Did they agree to meet with Charlie?”
Lucifer sobered up slightly, though he didn’t seem as upset as he was earlier when Heaven was mentioned, “Yes. The meeting’s in a week. Charlie is- She’s optimistic.”
“And you?”
“I- My girl can handle it.”
“Yeah, she can.”
And so it was that you and Lucifer started to find some common ground, that slowly built the gap from two people who barely knew one another, towards friends.
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lashing out at younger sibling figure reader hcs ; angel dust
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requested by ; anonymous (13/12/22)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; angel dust
outline ; “Would you be willing to write a light angst request?
(If yes, keep reading, If not, then ignore or delete this ask ^^)
Platonic!Angel Dust x fem!13 y/o!reader,
In wich the reader has very bad trust issues (because, she is in hell ¿Who WOULDN'T have trust issues there?) but somehow managed to form a strong fraternal bond with Angel.Ç
Or that's until one day Angel comes pretty bruised up to the Hotel thanks to Valentino and when reader tries to help him he snaps and yells at her/throw something her way paralizying the reader in her tracks and then she just starts taking step backs with her scared expresion trying to get away from Angel because he scared her???
And when he tries to reach out for her to reassure her it was just a reflex action the reader runs away from him practically crying because she thought he was going to hurt her???”
warning(s) ; canon typical violence, referenced (canon-typical) sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, implied child abuse
note ; this request actually confused me a little bit so the content below the cut might not be a 1-to-1 match for what the anon intended — also shaky characterisation as the show technically isn’t even out yet…
when you first met you’d been so alone and afraid, freshly dead and freshly freed of the horrors you’d faced in your short life only to be faced with a new sort of hell
body new and changed and not fully your own but still yours as you regained control of your limbs — dead heart thumping, aching lungs burning for the pungent hell air, legs and arms trembling, new eyes watery and blurred as you stumbled and fell and stumbled some more
sobbing and scared and alone until you caught sight of a limousine and a figure that would become the most important person in your life
angel was curt and uncertain when he noticed you, panicking and stumbling over his words as he slowly approached you and helped you to your feet — talking you down from your fears as he helped you adjust to your new body
‘one step at a time, kid, there we go,’
‘you’re okay, it’s alright,’
‘shit… you look so young,’
‘take my hand — any of them, just pick — and i’ll help you up,’
‘left, right, left, right, there you go,’
his words were encouraging and his voice was unusually soft and once you finally got the hang of walking you didn’t let go of his hand and the two of you stood on that street corner and spoke
you asked him who he was and where you were — he sighed and answered and held you as you cried, his fluff comforting and soft as he hugged you
he asked you who you were and your age and you answered, sobs getting louder as you realised what had happened and his hold on you got even tighter
he told you to wait and promised to take care of you whilst he dealt with his last client — making you sit down somewhere safe in the interim until he could come and collect you properly
then, once he was done, he took you back to the hotel with him and made the others promise to look after you — to not hurt you
and once he told them your age you swore that the room got a lot heavier
but they let you stay, putting you up in the room across from angel’s since he seemed to be the only one you really trusted
(being cautious about talking to the others and fearfully refusing any help offered by nifty or charlie — which broke their hearts but they left you be)
and things stayed that way for a while: living in the hotel, gradually starting to trust the others (very gradually), and getting closer to angel — who you’d started to refer to as your big brother
(which he adored and would return in kind — he felt good being able to take care of someone else, honestly, and you reminded him a bit of his sister, how she was when they were alive anyway… he hadn’t seen her in decades)
it was the most peaceful time of your life (afterlife?) and you were so grateful for having been able to find something so stable in somewhere like hell — until it all came crashing down after seven blissful months
until angel came back to the hotel after being out of contact for a week, covered in bruises and blood and cuts and black eyes as far as you could do
unable to walk without aid and stumbling with each step like a new born or a drunk
unable to let out a shuddering, wet breath without coughing up phlegm and blood
grasping at his chest and wincing with every small movement of his body
a broken man… well, even more of a broken man
of course you wanted to help him — you loved your brother after all — so you can up to him and held his arm to stop him from falling over
your touch light but firm enough as you smiled shakily and offered to help him — only to be met with a sharp glare as he pulled his arm from your grip and stumbled off
then you followed with questions, brows furrowed in concern as you asked him if he needed anything — any medicine, bandages, food, drink, anything
just let me help
and that’s when angel snapped, short temper directed at you as he yelled and screamed and belittled you, top arms flailing wildly — violently — whilst the bottom two clutched at his torn clothes and his aching chest
‘are you fucking blind?’
‘if i needed something i’d ask — do you not understand that?’
‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’
‘shut the hell up and leave me alone already!’
his outburst left you frozen in place, venomous words and angry gestures mirroring the buried shadows that haunted your memories
violent arguments
slamming doors
angry voices
no no no no no
not again please not again
your face was twisted into an expression of pure fear and shock as you stared and silently sobbed into your hands — mind here and away as angel realised what he’d done
he stops and sees you — really sees you — for the first time in a week and reaches out to you, heart breaking when you flinch and back away from him
matching his every step as he apologises and stumbles over himself trying to explain
but he only gets as far as the first syllable of valentino’s name before you’re off like a whippet — flying away like you’re shoes are on fire and running out into the streets
and angel’s eyes water from pain and guilt as he clutches his chest and takes the spare blanket from vaggie to cover himself — feeling charlie’s hand clasping his shoulder as she tells him to get some rest, that they’ll go and get you
and he doesn’t even fight it, too tired and weary and guilty to try, instead just swaying on aching legs as vaggie reluctantly helps him back to his room
his own words echoing through his head as he realises just how much like his father he had been
christ he hoped they found you soon, he knew all too well what would happen if one of the overlords found you — and he just wanted you to be safe
you were just a kid, he was just a kid, and he doesn’t want you to end up like him
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hazsofties · 1 month
Vox, Adam, Angel Dust, and Baxter Help GN Reader Feel Confident In Wearing More Revealing Clothing (x Reader)
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
Based on this poll. Want to participate in polls? Shoot us a follow!
Vox can't help but notice that, every time he takes you out shopping, you always eye the more revealing clothes options, but you never pick them out.
He decides to discuss it with you the next time you go shopping. He notices you eyeing one of the revealing clothes options and says, "You'd look amazing in that. Why not try it on?".
It's around that time that you admit your insecurities to Vox. You confess to him that you dislike your body, and that you don't have the confidence to wear something so revealing. Maybe you feel your natural body is too skinny and looks unpleasant, maybe you feel your body is too fat and you hate showing your rolls, maybe you feel the need to cover your blemishes, or feel self conscious because your body doesn't match your gender, etc.
Vox is a bit shocked at first before laughing. Originally you think he's teasing you, but he soon clarifies, "Sweetheart, you look amazing in literally anything. None of that changes this fact".
If you think you look too skinny, Vox reminds you how skinny he looks and how you still think he looks beautiful anyway. If you think you look too fat, Vox tells you, "and you look absolutely gorgeous with that fat/those rolls". If you feel the need to cover your blemishes, Vox reminds you, "those blemishes are a part of you that makes you unique. Personally, I love them". If you feel your body doesn't match your gender, Vox assures you he'll still see you as that gender even if you show off more and will ensure others don't make rude comments about it. Whatever the insecurity, Vox assures you that you'll pull the outfit off amazingly.
In the end, Vox is able to coax you into wearing that more revealing outfit, and you absolutely soak in all the compliments Vox gives you. You've never felt so beautiful before, and Vox really helps you see yourself through his eyes. Sometimes literally using his abilities, and you look absolutely sizzling from Vox's point of view!
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Adam has suggested you wear revealing clothes before, because he thinks you'd look absolutely hot in them. He stopped when it seemed to make you uncomfortable, because the last thing he wants to do is pressure you into doing something you don't want to. Yet, lately, he's gotten the impression that you want to wear those kinds of clothes, you just lack the confidence.
One night when you're relaxing on Adam's couch, Adam brings up the topic. Adam asks you, "Hey babe? So, I'm sorry if I'm overstepping any boundaries here but, I was just wondering how do you feel about your body? Like, maybe that's something you'd like to talk about with someone?".
You admit that you've never felt good about your body, perhaps because of your weight, your blemishes, the fact it doesn't match your gender, or something else entirely. Adam listens attentively, looking more and more concerned the more you tell him.
Once you've finished, Adam tells you, "Babe, you look absolutely smoking! Your body is just as beautiful as you are, and if you want to show it off more, you totally should. You have my full support!"
Admittedly you're worried about how he'll react, but, he makes you feel comfortable enough to try to wear a more revealing outfit the next time you hang out.
When you show it off to Adam, he thinks you look amazing in it and wastes no time letting you know that's exactly how he feels. You decide it was completely worth it.
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Angel Dust
You've always been jealous of your boyfriend's confidence when it comes to wearing more revealing clothing. You've asked him how he does it and he's mostly told you, "It just takes practice getting comfortable with it is all". You could have all the practice in the world and you're unsure it'd change how you feel.
When Angel notices your jealous glances one day, he tells you, "you know, you could totally pull those kind of outfits off to. You can totally pull off whatever you want, and I think you should go for it!". However, despite his support, you're quick to disagree with him.
You explain to Angel why you believe you can't pull it off, either because of your appearance, to your weight, and so on.
Angel assures you that you look beautiful, just as beautiful as him (and he promises you he doesn't just say stuff like that). If your appearance not matching your gender is the issue, he reminds you that his fluff makes people think he has tits, but that it doesn't make him any less of a man, and that your body doesn't make you any less the gender you know you are deep down.
Angel then says, "Let me prove it to you. I'll pick out a revealing outfit I know you'll look stunning in, and we'll go from there". You feel shy about it but, you trust your boyfriend.
After you put the outfit on, Angel stands with you in front of a mirror, showering you in compliments and really hyping you up. Though it may take a while for you to believe Angel, it's a great start that really encourages you to give showing off more of your body a try.
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Baxter realizes something has been troubling you lately. When it starts to depress you, Baxter sits you down and encourages you to open up to him. He may not always be the most warm and cuddly boyfriend, at least not in conventional ways, but he is an amazing listener that's always willing to lend an ear when you need to vent or just talk to someone.
You explain to him that you've been thinking about wearing more revealing clothes lately, but that your insecurities concerning your body makes it so difficult.
Once you've finished explaining the situation to him, Baxter tells you, "Everyone's body looks different. Just like no two snowflakes are alike, your body is unique to you. No matter how your body looks, there is no shame in decorating it in whatever clothes you'd like! So long as it makes you happy, that's the most important thing".
You tell him you know that, but that you find it difficult to internalize with the social expectations around you about the "perfect body type".
Baxter reminds you that these expectations are based on impossible standards, harmful expectations, and that they don't truly benefit anyone, only serving to make others insecure. He says, "Do you really want to give into the expectations of individuals who are either hurting or mean you harm"?
After your conversation, you feel a lot better about the whole thing and ready to give revealing clothing a second chance. If you can grow the confidence to wear them despite your insecurities, maybe others can do the same.
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kikyo-writes · 1 year
Can we get a scenario for Shigaraki with a healer girlfriend that always fusses over him when he gets injured?? And he tries to play it off like it's no big deal but he secretly loves being spoiled by her
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The moment Shigaraki gets back to the hideout, he is greeted by your wide-eyed, panicked expression.  
“Tomura!” you cry out, rushing over to him. “What... what happened? You’re hurt!”  
Granted, you’re not wrong. Part of his clothing has been torn up, and there are noticeable gashes on his skin peeking through the frayed fabric. He's taken enough damage that he's even walking with a bit of a limp, and he has to admit that it’s a pain in the ass.  
Despite all that, Shigaraki just shrugs in response.  
“I’m fine,” he dismisses. “Just let my guard down for a bit. Don’t worry. The other guys are dead, so in comparison, they barely did anything to me.”  
You puff out your cheeks, and even though he knows you’re worried, you’re so goddamn cute that it’s kind of hard to take you seriously.  
“Just because you’re strong doesn’t mean you don’t need to take care of yourself,” you chastise him.  
Shigaraki shrugs again. “It’s no big deal. I barely even feel anything.”
That’s a total lie, but he does his best to act tough around you. Besides, it wouldn’t reflect well on him if the leader of the League of Villains was whining over a few little injuries, right?  
Instead of responding, you just roll your eyes, grab him by the wrist, then pull him into one of the rooms.  
“Even if it’s not a big deal to you, it is to me,” you remind him. You lightly push on his shoulders and force him to sit down. “Now, stay there. I’m not letting you leave until you’re good as new.”  
Apart from his mentor, All for One, Shigaraki is the most dangerous villain to date. There’s practically no one who doesn’t cower in fear when they hear his name. He’s powerful enough to reduce anything to dust, and he watches in delight as no-good heroes die from his bare hands.  
That’s the kind of person he is, and yet, you still worry about him.  
Shigaraki isn’t sure how it happened, but he must have plucked an angel from the sky. Well, a corrupted angel who willingly supports a murderer, but an angel all the same.  
You lean forward, knitting your brows together, and slowly but surely, your palms begin to glow with bright, warm light.  
Even Shigaraki, as determined as he is to act unbothered, can’t help but sigh in relief as you press your gentle, glowing fingers against his injuries. He can feel the pain ebb away, gradually at first, and then all at once.  
Seriously, he struck the goldmine. Not only does his party have a healer now, but she’s also his super-hot girlfriend. Lately, he has to admit that life is pretty damn good.  
“How does that feel?” you ask, making sure not to apply too much pressure.  
Shigaraki nods sleepily. There’s something about your Quirk that makes him let his guard down and feel especially at ease. Although that can be said about being around you in general.  
You run your fingers over every single wound, even the ones that are small enough not to warrant any attention. His body is back to being in near-perfect shape, but he knows that using your Quirk comes at the cost of your own energy, and you let out a heavy sigh, slumping down onto his lap.  
“That’s why I said you didn’t need to do this,” Shigaraki frowns. “Look. You’re exhausted now.”  
You shake your head, mustering up a smile. “No. It’s fine. A bit of fatigue is nothing if I know that you’re safe. I just always want you to be safe. Okay, Tomura?”  
Before he can even respond, you cradle his cheek and lead his lips towards yours, meeting him in a soft, featherlight kiss. His face instinctively flushes, and he wraps his arms around you as quickly as possible, hoping to prolong the moment.  
“I know you only worry because you care,” he acknowledges. His lips trace yours for a moment, and when he kisses you again, it’s deeper and more urgent than before. “I... love you,” he mumbles. As usual, it’s hard for him to say the words. He always thought that someone like him didn’t deserve love, wasn’t even capable of it. But meeting you changed that, and now, he knows better.  
“I love you too, Tomura.”  
You smile back at him again. Perhaps he’s biased because you’re his girlfriend, but he really thinks you’re the most gorgeous human being on the entire planet. You make him feel warm and comfortable. He’s strong enough to kill anyone who dares to fuck with him, that much is true, but even so, it’s nice having someone who puts his wellbeing first. 
Shigaraki squeezes you tight, and he watches in adoration as your eyelids slowly fall shut, the strain of your Quirk finally catching up with you. If you happen to fall asleep on his lap, he knows he won’t be moving for the next couple of hours. But it’s fine.  
You took care of him, and now it’s his turn to take care of you.  
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showtoonzfan · 9 months
Okay so I saw S1E2 of HH “Video killed the radio Star” so here’s my thoughts on that, ⚠️SPOILERS⚠️
- So once again, the pacing is all over the place. In the span of 2 episodes we have to deal with introducing Adam and Lute, the main characters of the hotel, the three V’s and Sir Pen, and I don’t like how the three V’s are introduced in the second episode of season 1. Like…can we just let the characters we know breathe and get to know them before you introduce new ones?? Told you this was going to be like Helluva lol.
- So hell is freaking out that the extermination got moved to 6 months later, but Charlie of course isn’t the focus of this episode. It’s mainly the three V’s + Angel/Al/Sir Pen. It still bothers me that the reason behind redeeming sinners is not because Charlie is sick of Hell being a damnation but because she doesn’t want them to be exterminated. It’s such a drastic change from the pilot and the character motivation that it still throws me off sorry.
- So, I actually like Vox. I take back bitching about Christian Borle playing him because while his suave voice may not fit the twink design, he does a fantastic job either way as expected, making Vox an intimidating person. I had thought before that Vox was going to just be this dumb henchman, but I actually like how he’s the runner of things. He’d be so cool if he didn’t curse and talk like every other character in the show though.
- Good GOD Valentino. I already shared how I felt about him when the dialogue leaks came out, but I HATE how his character is just this idiot man baby who throws temper tantrums and legit needs to be “calmed down” by Vox because he’s such an idiot. Like…Velvette calls him a piss baby and Vox legit had to talk to him as if he was one, that’s how dumb this guy is. There’s a scene where Vox asks what they should do about the hotel and Val says “just put something inside, that’s how I get the bitches”- like…kill me. The fan interpretations were better. He was actually someone you didn’t want to mess with and had an intimidating voice, here he’s a whiny baby that you have to remind yourself is the same guy who forces himself on Angel. The Addict and comic version of this character is not the same as the one we have now. His voice is too high pitch, it sucks and his accent goes on and off constantly. Viv can’t write abusers for shit, she sees everything as a joke. Again, how are we supposed to take abuse seriously if this is how you portray your abuser. Crimson is more intimidating than this joke of a cockroach.
- Alastor has been gone for seven years, yeah that “Lilith is Rosie and Al is working for her”- allegation is 100% true like it perfectly lines up together since Lilith has also been gone for seven years. Only for Alastor, it makes no sense. Like…wdym he’s been gone for seven years. The pilot is canon and they state he’s been at the hotel for a week. Alastor was literally walking around town when Charlie was on the news. Do they mean that it’s been years since he’s done his radio show? Viv, when you retcon shit you need to specify. You’re just confusing everyone again.
- They need to explain why exactly it’s dangerous to make a deal with Alastor because all this vagueness isn’t helping the story. The whole reason Vox sends Sir Pen out to be a spy was to make sure Charlie didn’t make a deal with him, yet you literally have Vaggie making a deal with him like it was nothing in the last episode. I also fail to see why exactly Vox cares about Charlie making a deal with Alastor in the first place. Is it because he doesn’t want Al to have more power? Is it because he doesn’t want Charlie to have power? EXPLAIN.
- Yay more retconning and woobifying. So Angel Dust is a whiny wimpy bitch in this episode, he’s very out of character. When Sir Pen comes to the hotel, he’s extra pressed about that, when in the pilot he couldn’t even take Sir Pen seriously and was acting nonchalant towards him. Then when Charlie starts getting all giddy and complimenting Pen, Angel gets sad and jealous??? This is the second fucking episode of season 1. I thought the whole point about Angel and the hotel was that he didn’t trust Charlie nor take the redemption stuff seriously. Now apparently he wants her approval? And then when he finds Pen out, Pen insults him and that causes Angel to just fucking lunge at him and start punching. When did Angel get this goddamn sensitive. Why did the wimpy snake character who’s supposed to be a loser get under his skin THAT much? It’s even more jarring because the last episode Angel was literally saying he loves being exploited and in the pilot he’s presented as someone who could give less of a shit of what other people think, now a simple jab at him being a slut made him go off. Remember when Travis called him a slut in the pilot and Angel just laughed it off? What happened to that Angel lol.
- Vaggie has a line that flat out calls Angel a sexual harasser. And yet we’re supposed to feel bad for him and root for HuskerDust. Makes perfect sense Viv, fuck you. She has no idea what sexual harassment even is because she sees actual harassment as quirky funny jokes and paints it as genuine love. Pick a side. Is Angel an asshole who sexually harasses people or is he an uwu baby who deserves to be with Husk. Clearly Viv chose the second option.
- I liked Vox and Al’s song, tho I wish it was more singing instead of talking. Charlie’s song in the end was boring but at least it was short. I still don’t know how to feel about Pen being at the hotel tho. Like I get he’s a loser and not a big threat but him happily joining the hotel now is way too structurally fast. There’s a lot of things that feel like Viv changed at the last minute compared to the pilot and it shows. Pilot was better.
That’s it, not looking forward to the third one which is HuskerDust focused (female centric show my ass)
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phenphoenix · 6 months
Kinda wanna write the swap au meeting their og selves I think that’d be fun
Absolutely, I'll even plant some seeds for you that I've already got
Anthony and Angel Dust - Both see each other as the worst version of themselves. Yet deep down, don't hold too much resentment because they are the same person, just different circumstances.
Husker and Husk - Husk is a bit weirded out at first but warms up to husker cause he reminds him of when he was younger and happier. Husker is just curious where husks shirt went-
Niff and Nifty - Niff lowkey kinda wishes she was as crazy as Nifty. Maybe she wouldn't be so depressed- just blissfully insane. Nifty is confused at seeing another her and thinks she has a long-lost twin.
Swap!Vaggie and Vaggie - Vaggie is uncomfortable with seeing her alternate self, just making her more grateful it was charlie who found her. Swap!Vaggie puts on a front to be as over the top as possible because she's lowkey having a crisis and just feels even worse.
Charlotte and Charlie - Charlie is over the moon to meet her alternate self. Charlotte, not so much. She sees Charlie as a naive little puppy. But she admires her resilience and how even with all of hell seeing her as a joke, she keeps doing what she believes in.
Lady Cherri and Cherri bomb - They get along great. Both are still basically the same person, and if anything, Cherri respects the hell out of Lady cherri for being born in the late 1800s and still achieving what she has. While Lady Cherri loves the fact that her alternate self was able to be as free as she was 100 years in the future.
Pentious and Sir pentious - Again, they get along great. Both are goofy middle-aged men who like to destroy things and be eeeeeeevil. But really have a good heart and just want to prove themselves in the end.
Swap!Vess and The vees - Not much to say other than they are all still toxic besties. Lotta passive aggressive remarks lmao
Swap!Sera and Sera - very much a "if my cards were different, I understand I would have gone down your path," but with both thinking they are the better one.
Swap!Emily and Emily - Emily doesn't even want to look at her alternate self. While Swap!Emily sees her alternate self as a naive fool who needs to take more of a stand. (But is faithful that she will)
Swap!Adam and Adam - Both look at each other and go "Hah what a loser"
Swap!Lute and Lute - Lute is disappointed that her Alternate self seems so,,,boring. But still respects her for her high rank in Hevan. Swap!Lute thinks Lute could use a chill pill...and maybe some therapy.
(Since Lillith and Lucifer are still big question marks within cannon and this AU, I'll leave them out for now)
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Day 9: "You too." – Good Omens
[TW: Angst, The Flood, and after]
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(A tribute to the sad yet poignant 4th Chapter of “Anatomy 1.0.1”, a fanfiction written by Fyre/ @amuseoffyre.)
“I can’t,” Aziraphale cut across him, holding up his hands, trying to stop the words and the reminders and the bodies and the screams.
“Can’t,” he repeated. Can’t say anything about it. Can’t do anything about it. Can’t… understand it. Can’t… can’t anything. He took a shuddering breath, shaking his head. It was… a lot. Too much. To stand by, to watch, to listen, to do nothing.
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All at once, there were hands in his hair, carding through it, over and over.
“Hey, stay with me, angel.” Crawly was in front of him, so close, wriggling closer, almost in Aziraphale’s lap. (…) At once, damp skin pressed to his, and Crawly wrapped himself utterly around Aziraphale as if trying to press his heat through every point of contact into Aziraphale’s cold, shivering body. His hands ran in widening circles at the points where wings would emerge, palms rough and warm and gentle.
There was something comforting in the weight of his body, the warmth, the tangible solidity of it.
“It’s a bastard of a thing,” Crawly said softly, close to his ear, the warmth of his breath sending a ripple down Aziraphale’s spine. (…) “They’ll pick themselves up, dust themselves off, get back on with things.”
“Yes,” Aziraphale agreed in a whisper. There was no reason for his eyes to be wet or for his body to feel utterly weighed down with exhausted grief for people he didn’t even know. Not really. Names, yes. A little of their lives, yes. But could he ever know people like that? Mortals lives were so short, a blink and they were gone.
Crawly leaned back a little way, searching his face. “You too,” he said.
Excerpts from "Anatomy 1.0.1", chapter 4, by Fyre aka @amuseoffyre.
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[Previous] [Next Day] [First Day] - Don't forget to 💕/ reblog ;-)
Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours instead of 8-20 on my previous projects 3h30, because I had to. It's one of my favorites fanfictions ever, and for so many reasons.
Today's theme chosen by me:
There's a relatively classic headcanon in the fandom where Aziraphale and Crowley are present for the 40 days of the Flood. If Crowley then does everything in his power to save as many humans as he can, Aziraphale has to abide by his mission to protect Noah and the Ark – thus, not seeking to save anyone. He can only watch, hear and feel without being able to act in any way while countless people die around him, some quickly, others after several never-ending days, tossed about by the waves.
In a fanfiction written by Fyre, this headcanon is remarkably well used. Aziraphale going through such an event is atrocious, painful. But what comes after is almost worse. The shock of the rescuer who has remained helpless in the face of horror and death – a situation behind real PTSD among emergency doctors and first-aiders – is shown with an accuracy and a respect which left a deep mark on me. Aziraphale remains shocked and torn apart, while questionning his trust in Heaven for forcing him to do nothing but watch. What would have become of Aziraphale, devastated and in a middle of a metaphoric Falling, if Crowley hadn't been there to catch him during the Flood?
"Anatomy 1.0.1" is an E-rated fanfiction striving to describe the evolution and the feelings of Crowley and Aziraphale through the ages, as supernatural beings but first and foremost as a literal couple.  Those who have read and enjoyed this story – like me 😊 – will tell you that the terrible passage of the Flood is not representative of the story's spirit and I would agree, this fanfiction is mostly appreciated for its sensuality and eroticism. And yet, this scene from the 4th chapter brings, for the first time, the sincerity and the depth of the feelings between the two characters to the light. I find it to be one of the most touching and realistic scene I have ever read in this fandom.
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Any headcanons for your Hazbins?
Meet my Hazbins!🌈😈🌈😈🌈😈🌈😈🌈😈🌈
Charlie Morningstar 🐑🍎🎼.
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🍎 Charlie likes to collect playbills and other musical merch.
🍎 Charlie can play numerous instruments and knows many dance moves 🎻🎺🎷🎸🎹🕺💃
🍎 Charlie has a big fascination of the mortal world and has read up a lot on its history, has Def helped her with understanding what the residents could've gone through in their times...they're not the prettiest of pictures.
Has also read up on things such as morality, virtues, redemption, rehab for the hotel project. She's basically a college student who's now applying everything she's learned into the real world and getting the most important learning. Actual experience.
🍎Charlie fav food is apple pastries 🥮🍎 and loves sparkling cider 🥂🍾🍎🍏
🍎 Lucifer made a cute carousel music box for Charlie when she was a little girl. She still has it 🎠🎼
🍎Can detach her body parts and still be able to move them around.
🍎Charlie's sinner friend was in show business, vaudeville. Hence why she's so drawn to that kinda stuff.
🍎Has this actual ability to sense the good in people. She can hear the amount of goodness is someone’s soul, like a song. The more she can can, the more likely someone’s a good person, she’s managed to hear at least a little bit in the people around her, even in Hell…she was surpised when she couldn’t hear anything in Valentino when she first met him…
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🦋 Vaga has great hearing 👂
🦋 Vaga used to dance all the time alive. When she died and became an angel she lost in touch of that. Now just Hell with Charlie she's been growing that love again
🦋 Moths were actually Vaga's fav animal when she was alive.
🦋 Vaga went by "the black night" as an exorcist. Originally people called her the dark night...until that batman movie came out and switched to black instead.
🦋Vaga’s short for Vagabond. It’s also actually a real name with Spanish origins.
🦋As part of self soothing, she does something called “cocooning”.
🦋Fav food, pupusa. El Salvador’s national dish 🇸🇻
🦋 Vagas eye wasn't ripped out by Lute...🍎🐑 (related to my backstory for Charlie)
Angel Dust🕷️🕸️👢
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🕷️Spiders actually used to give Angel the creeps(arachnophobia) back when he was alive. He def freaked out when he realized he became one.
🕷️ Angel Dust LOVED Lilith's performances, big fan. Also enjoys Verosika Mayday's stuff too! He and Charlie def bond a bit from this.
🕷️ Most hesitant of the gang to open up about his past…
🕷️Can create his own webbing 🕸️🕷️Has used it for wardrobe malfunctions, making matching outfits for Fat Nuggets…even bandaging 🩹
🕷️Angel used to have a different color scheme and stripe pattern...Vals contract changed him to how he looks now. He has trouble remembering what he used to look like. Talked to @a-sterling-rose about this, about overlords being able to change their contract souls appearance to fit their look.
🕷️ Like Charlie, enjoys broadway 🎭 def reminds him of home and…better memories. Would LOVE Chicago.
🕷️Charlie reminds Angel of…someone he really misses. Hopes they got into heaven 😇
🕷️ When Angels alone, he enjoys doing silly private dances, think Claire from Jack Stauber’s Opal.
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🐛 Has created a lot of her own clothes. Also does tailoring for Alastor and Husk🧵🪡👗👔
🐛 Niffty can burrow thanks to her sharp claws that she can dig into almost anything…or anyone☠️
🐛Niffty has her own fur coat. Unrelated, the hotel had a rat problem🐀
🐛 Made herself Husk’s honorary wingwoman. Full Huskerdust shipper.
🐛Owns a daruma doll. Hopes it can help her make her wish come true and can finally pain the other eye…when she finds her true love.
🐛Compared to Husk, her deal with Alastor’s easier to get out of…all she has to do is..give up her form. Though she has no reason to break things off with Al…yet.
🐛Niffty tends to be hesitant to share her Japanese heritage to people…had to alive🇯🇵
🐛Smells a lot like fresh lemons,🍋. Her fav sanitation smell.
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🐈‍⬛ Wanted to be a magician…never could really make it happen…yet🎩🪄
🐈‍⬛Likes to do cool tricks with drinks! Like color changing cocktails!
🐈‍⬛Memorized the gang’s fav drinks: Charlie-Appletini, Vaga-Tequilla sunrise, Angel Dust-Manhattan, Niffty-Shirley temple, Baxter-Scotch & Soda, Sir P & Alastor-Old Fashioned 🍺🍻🍷🍸🍹🥂.
🐈‍⬛Husks fav drink is the classic martini 🍸Husk also enjoys fruity cocktails(more slcohol) @a-sterling-rose suggested this as they have more alcohol). Those kinda drinks also remind him a bit of Vegas🍹
🐈‍⬛ Knows a lot of different magicians, has def read up on Houdini.
🐈‍⬛Kept some memorabilia from his older days.
🐈‍⬛Wings can light up like a Vegas sign. Used that trick a lot to throw off gambling competition. They haven’t lit up in a while…
🐈‍⬛Feels like he deserves Alastor controlling him and whatever else he does with him💔…begins to grow out of this mindset when he talks to Angel about his relationship with Valentino.
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🐟 Baxter transitioned after dying🏳️‍⚧️
🐟Seafood fan🐟🦀🐙🍣🦞🦐🍤🍱🦑🦪
🐟Uses his head light as a nightlight for bedtime reading 📖 🛌
🐟Baxter has many theories and thesis' on the hotel members. Has a lot about Niff. 🐟 Baxter often gets Niffty to be part of his experiments. Ain't like she's complaining though. Always gets her snacks
🐟His light can actually become multicolour on account of a past experiment side effect. Angel loves it(think that dance party meme)
🐟Likes to do science stuff with Sir P! They’re def lab buddies.
🐟 Should not be left alone in the kitchen ⏲️🔪☠️.
Sir Pentious 🐍⚙️🎩
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🐍 Sir P loved to invent since he was a kid. His inventions and ideas weren’t as…considered back then. Atleats in Hell he’s been able to accomplish a lot more.
🐍 Sir Pentious was around during Alastor’s takeover as Radio Demon. In my take I imagine he tells the gang the story Mimzy told them in ep 5 while my Mimzy would instead share who Alastor was, alive!
🐍 Sir P gets a lot of his material from Hells junkyards, pawn shops, thrift stores and whatever he can scavenge from the doom district. He's pretty smart with costs. His stuff blows up allt so he's gotta be dareful not to go bankrupt.
🐍Keeps up with all the Overlords and other high power Hell people. Learned the importance of branding from figures like Alastor and Vox.
🐍 Sir Pentious and Charlie often do high tea now and then🫖🍰🍪
🐍Made his arm prosthetics himself!
🐍 Sir P favorite childhood nursery rhymes Humpty Dumpty🥚🎶
🐍His Gear Eyes can become Hypno swirls like his OG eyes 👀
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🦌 Alastor before getting into the radio show business, worked as a busboy back at the speakeasy club Mimzy used to perform in, hence how they knew each other.
🦌 Despite the front he puts up about television…has some guilty pleasures, likes vintage style shows, films, especially involving murder mysteries. He also likes “The Twilight Zone”….Used to watch it with Vox📺💔
🦌Had to deal with a lot of prejudice for his heritage, especially for his aspirations. Had to fight a lot to keep his show…
🦌Back alive, he talked about his killings on his radio time. What made him popular…unfortunately he was beginning to slip a bit more than he meant to and people were starting to get suspicious and eventually the authorities set a trap 🪤.
🦌Enjoys cooking 🥘 🍳. Learned most of his recipes from his mother.
🦌Loves to talk about his mother…his fathers a completely different story.
🦌Pretty dependent of Husk emotionally. Deep down he knows…their relationship isn’t healthy.
🦌His biggest fear…is to turn out like his father.
What do u think? Any headcanons u have for the Hazbin characters, canon and/or reimagining? I’d love to know❤️
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pascalpvnk · 8 months
glimpse of us
pairing: sarah miller & joel miller & ellie williams
summary: sarah was his sun. ellie was his moon. both equally beautiful in their own ways, one more sought out than the other in the darkness of joel’s mind.
word count: 647
warnings: angst, major major spoilers for tlou part II/season two, survivors guilt, mentions of insecurity, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of religion, possibly ooc, very open for interpretation.
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a/n: joel's thoughts are italicized. i'm sorry for the pain this may cause. self beta'd, all mistakes are my own. based on 'glimpse of us' by joji. dividers by @saradika-graphics
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She’s written in the walls. Swirls of pink and purple paint contrasts the similarly beige hue that matched his living room back in Austin. Joel’s eyes must’a been deceiving him. 
The remnants of a solo movie night shifted to his similar ones with his sweet girl, every one of them ending with her curled up in his lap. She would murmur in her sleep, her accent heavier than she typically allowed. 
Joel feels immense guilt for surviving this long without her. Looking down at his lap, there isn’t a mane of curls covering her beautiful face. It’s just the denim of the jeans he fell asleep in the night prior. The dark leather of his watch feels tighter on his wrist for a moment. 
His arm timidly turns. The glare of the late morning sunshine’s reflection pierces his vision. Pointed glass shards attempt to cover the battered, rusted, stilled clock hands. The battery gave out over a decade ago, but he can still hear it tick tick tick, another constant reminder of his beloved.
I’m not her, you know.
But he also feels the weighted guilt that he cannot let go and give his kiddo the father she needs. The honest, do good dad that doesn’t have to watch her from afar, doing anything in her power to be away from him. Not that he deserves more with all he’s done for himself all these years. 
Her deep greens and red splatters taint the pretty pastels on his walls. They’re not the same person, he constantly has to remind himself. The part that comes with more difficulty some nights being and that’s okay.
How can he have screwed up this bad? His first was attached to his hip, goofing around with him, gave him the time of day and then some. But she was fourteen.
He doesn’t know how to conquer mid to late teens. It doesn’t make him feel any less of a failure. Because this may be new for him, but he damn well knows this distance is abnormal. Naively, he’s still hopeful that she’ll forgive him. He’s hopeful for a second chance at what he lost rather than to accept it and move forward. 
We’re done.
Little by little, Joel’s whiskey migrates away from his coffee corner. He lets himself enjoy the natural, full boldness of his mug, lets himself live awake rather than his comforting numbness. Yet still punishing himself with the headaches he endures when his vice slips into his nightly routine instead. Failure. Failure. Failure. 
Nights when he slips back into his lost faith, kneeling and silently whispering to his fallen angel above. Begging for her guidance, her love once more.
I miss you, babygirl. 
He yearns for her wit, her sarcasm, creativity and passion used for what she loved. He finds in a different form with her, this time being used against him.
Her once genuine laughter turned to pitiful chuckles and ultimately to nothing. Multiple conversations with his sister-in-law ending with everything’s fine, it’s just a phase. But she sees him lying through his teeth, the dull heartbreak his eyes hold. Everyone does. 
Everyone witnesses his soul crumple and turn to dust in the church. Pushed away by her once more but only this time verbally. He feels the burning gazes watching his defeated form, tail between his legs as he retreats to his home, finding comfort and solidarity in his hand painted mug. Pure black coffee. He deserves to feel this weight. Deserves to stay up all night with this pain.
He expects her to yell at him once more as he sees her come into the dim light, porch rail creaking as she finds herself a spot near him, not next to him. 
“I would like to try.”
Tears flood his vision. Joel got his dying wish. Another chance to have a glimpse of her once more.
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to stay up to date on when I post fics, follow @pascalpvnk-writes and turn on notifications! i hope you enjoyed xx
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writeyouin · 5 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - A Day With Alastor
A/N – Well, it took a while but I finally felt up to writing a bit. There’s still a lot of sadness at home right now, but I’ll try to keep writing.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You woke up in Angel’s bed. The previous night, you two had laughed, danced, ordered pizza and stayed tucked away in the safe haven of his bedroom. In that time, Angel had been reminded of how much his life had improved recently, and how precious his new friends were, and you had allowed yourself to relax, once again reverting to your previous human appearance. Yet, after revealing how you had died twice in a night, the change to look human felt more like a choice rather than the repression of painful emotions; you still had no love for your Demonic appearance, but you felt it wouldn’t be so terrible if it was seen among friends, or if you wanted a break from the low thrum of energy it took to keep your human façade in place.
You groaned tiredly as you pushed yourself up, never having been a morning person, and upon looking through the slats of the shaded window, you saw that it was very early indeed.
Angel had already left, and you made a mental note to call him in the evening when you knew he would be done with work. Despite the fun respite the two of you had shared, Angel would undoubtedly have a terrible day as Valentino’s plaything.
Stretching, you got up and headed downstairs for breakfast, surprised when you didn’t see anyone at the breakfast bar. Technically, the breakfast bar was just the regular bar, but since Husk typically spent his mornings sleeping in, everyone had adopted it as the breakfast bar and so there were always boxes of cereal on it until noon.
Thinking about it, you realised that since Charlie and Vaggie weren’t there to greet you, Angel Dust had likely talked them through the previous night and reassured them that everything was going to be okay. It had undoubtedly been a tearful reunion for Charlie. Angel Dust would have laughed and played it off like it was nothing, though he would have secretly been touched that Charlie cared enough to cry over someone like him, and Vaggie would have been left to care for Charlie and steer her in the direction of her daily duties.
Absently, you reached for a box and began pouring yourself a bowl of Glutton-O’s. There was a thunk in the bowl as a dead cockroach pinned to a cheap ring of plastic fell into it. You hummed at Nifty’s idea of a breakfast prize, though you didn’t scoff at it. Instead, you opted to wear it, just in case the psychotic little maid was around. If she was, you would make her happy, and if she wasn’t, you could always throw it away when you were far from the Hotel.
Despite claiming the prize, you opted not to eat the tainted cereal, getting up to leave instead.
“Ah, (Y/N), good morning,” Alastor greeted you energetically as if he had only just spotted you when in reality he had been waiting patiently for you to awaken and head downstairs.
“Morning Alastor,” You replied warmly, used to his sudden appearances.
“I didn’t know you were back in our wonderful home. Tell me, was it trouble in Paradise with Lucifer?” His head lurched to the side and his grin became more malicious as he mentioned his rival’s name, though he was back to his default expression a moment later when you replied.
“Christ on a stick, Al. You make it sound like we’re a couple or something.” You shook your head, chuckling, “No, everything’s fine between me and Charlie’s dad. I just came over to visit last night. I’ll be going soon though.”
“Going? Oh my. Well, I can’t let you go without first ensuring you’ve had an enchanting day out. How would you feel about joining me on my morning constitutional?”
You smiled and got up, straightening your crumpled clothes. “Sure, I could do with a walk.”
“Wonderful!” Alastor stamped his cane to the floor, and your outfit transformed into one more fitting for a trip to Cannibal Town.
“Oh,” You hummed, glancing down at the new outfit. You weren’t offended; Alastor liked his travelling companions to look their best and to be honest, you had needed a fresh change of clothes. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my dear,” He replied brightly.
Then, Alastor offered you his arm, a rare gesture seeing as he didn’t liked to be touched, and after escorting you out of the hotel, the two of you separated, walking side by side.
You had been to Cannibal Town only twice in the past. The first time was because that was where you arrived upon your death. The second time, you were running from the carnage caused by some loan sharks wherein you had been caught in the crossfire. At the time, you had been dressed so poorly that the inhabitants of the elegant town had chased you to the border, trying to take a bite out of you.
Since then, you hadn’t been back. However, seeing as Alastor was escorting you and since you were now dressed to match the high standards Cannibal Town held, you felt safe in going there.
All those who passed by you and Alastor stopped to bow or tip their hats in due reverence to the Overlord.
“So…” You started, “Is this your territory?”
Alastor threw back his head and laughed, “Ha-ha-ha, my territory? No, no. This wonderful patch of Hell belongs to my good friend, Rosie. Now there’s a fine Lady, if you’ve ever met one.” He hummed happily, “Indeed, they don’t make them like her anymore. I’d introduce the two of you, but I have it on good authority that she is currently away attending business.”
With that, Alastor led you to some of the finer boutiques of the Town. He snapped his fingers and the attendees rushed to his side, crowding him, and pushing you out somewhat. You shrugged your shoulders and began looking around at the many wonderful clothes surrounding you.
You had seen old films wherein boutiques like this once existed, with attendants and fine boxes tied with perfectly curled ribbons. Until now, they had seemed to be a thing of the past, but one good thing about Hell was that the past was all around you, and should you want a taste of something more modern, you could always catch up with a bit of Vox-tech, ensuring the best of both worlds.
You heard the sharp static screech that meant Alastor was offended and turned to find him gesturing at you.
The salespeople who previously crowded him were suddenly surrounding you.
“Alastor, what’s going on?” You asked uncertainly.
“Well, my darling,” He grinned devilishly, “Call this my treat. It’s rare that I have someone travel with me so willingly and I do find it ever so nice to have a passion project these days. So, these fine people are ready to bow to your every whim. Clothes, pearls, a bottle of the finest Champagne, you name it and they will bring it to you. In fact-” Alastor clapped his hands lightly and suddenly a tiny imp rushed to his side, struggling under the weight of the ice bucket he held above his head.
Alastor waited as another hired imp hurried over to pour two flutes of Brut Imperial Moet & Chandon Champagne, handing one glass to Alastor and forcing the other into your hand.
Alastor took a sip and smacked his lips together, eliciting a satisfied sigh, “Ah, 1911, a fine vintage. So, a new wardrobe then?”
“Oh, Alastor, I- I couldn’t,” You said sheepishly as a Cannibal Tailor began taking your measurements, holding a tape measure against your leg.
You tried to walk back to Alastor but were restrained when the tailor hooked the tape around your waist.
“Nonsense, I insist.” Alastor chuckled.
“No, really. I didn’t come here to get anything from you.”
“Exactly! You don’t want anything from me, and that’s precisely why you shall have everything. I do ever so enjoy gifting my friends, especially those humble enough to try and deny me my eccentricities.”
You tried to argue further, but it quickly became an exercise in futility. No matter what happened, you would not be able to convince Alastor to change his mind. So, you gave in, and in doing so, you ended up having one of the best days of your afterlife.
That day, you felt like you were a part of a movie montage. You were rushed about into changing rooms to try on several outfits tailored to you, your face was peppered with makeup, attendants were constantly by your side, gushing over you and offering mimosas or whatever else your heart desired (though, you avoided the finger sandwiches filled with actual human fingers, or any other food, seeing as you were afraid of what might be in it.)
Overall, you knew that this kind of attention would be too much if you were constantly plied with it, but for a short while, it was fun, and you were happy to let yourself be spoiled.
Finally, Alastor decided he had given you enough and offered to take you out for afternoon tea, which you happily agreed to as long as there were some non-cannibal options.
Alastor rested a hand over his heart as if offended, “Oh, you non-cannibals don’t know the kind of flavours you are missing, but if you insist, I promise to take you to one of the tamer venues in town.”
He waved the attendants away, leaving your new belongings to a Demon who would have them transported directly into your room.
When the two of you sat down outside of the Insani-Tea tea house that overlooked the pavilion in the central plaza, Alastor sighed contentedly. He picked up his cup and swirled it around airily, taking a look at the scenery as he changed the topic from the previous ones about the hotel, “This has been quite a lovely day if I do say so myself.”
You smiled happily, resting your hands around your tea cup and relishing the gentle warmth, “It has. Thank you, Alastor. I needed a nice day like this.”
“Hm? So, life with our all-powerful Satan hasn’t been all you imagined.”
You chuckled as Alastor caught your eye, “Well, it was all Charlie’s idea, and you know what she’s like when she gets a thought into her head.”
“Indeed. A very determined young lady.”
“That’s one way of putting it.”
“You’re not happy, then?”
You took a moment to contemplate the question, “Honestly? I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in a very long time. It’s… hard sometimes to be in such a new place when I felt so at home in the hotel, but I think that Charlie might be on the right track when it comes to Lucifer.
Granted, her methods are… Well, she’s a real ballbuster when it comes to her ideals on friendship and the like, but I think that if her father could see what she’s trying to do and make a connection with people like us then he would see that Hell isn’t just one big punishment and that he and his family did manage to build something sort of good here.”
At the mention of Sinners as a Collective, Alastor’s grin became darker and more sinister in nature, as if he didn’t approve of your placement of him and the other Sinners on the same level, though, distracted as you were, you missed his disapproval and sense of superiority. He however didn’t miss the way your smile softened when you mentioned Lucifer’s success.
It wasn’t love. Of that, Alastor was certain, but if he nudged you in the right direction, you could probably fall for that blonde idiot, and if that happened, and if Lucifer somehow also found feelings for you, Alastor could use you to manipulate Lucifer.
Like all of Alastor’s plans, this would take time and a lot of work, but the reward would be great. With time, he would be the new ruler of Hell, and that was a day he sorely looked forward to.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that our darling Charlie was right in her hunch,” He said genially. “You should continue to work with Lucifer. I’m sure it would be beneficial for everyone.”
 “We’ll see,” You agreed, taking a sip of your tea.
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Lucifer paced back and forth in the Pride Parlor where you usually spent your afternoons. Where were you? You had been missing all day.
He folded his arms tightly against his chest as he paced. Had he upset you the night before? What was he thinking? Of course he had! You had told him how you died, and now… Now, what? Had you run away? Should he call Charlie?
Lucifer didn’t know what to do. He didn’t own you, and while you had claimed him as your friend, he had never reciprocated in kind.
The sound of the door opening caught Lucifer’s attention and he looked up hopefully, but it was only Spick closely followed by Span, each of the snakes holding feather dusters and getting to work cleaning the room. Lucifer watched as Span dusted the fireplace mantle, his eyes travelling upward to a portrait of him and Lilith together; it was one of the earlier pieces he had commissioned from an awful Sinner, Salvador Dali; the artist’s punishment for selling his soul to an Overlord had been that whenever he was commissioned, he wasn’t allowed to paint his beloved surrealism art and could instead only paint portraits.
In the painting, Lucifer was staring intently at Lilith, admiring her for everything she was or ever would be since her potential was limitless to him. She however was looking straight ahead, a demure smile upon her face.
When Lucifer thought of you, he couldn’t help also thinking of Lilith. Granted, you and he were only friends, but Lilith had also disappeared and now she had been missing for seven lonely years. Lucifer would hate to think that he had driven the only other person to live with him since then away too.
Anxiously, he twisted his wedding ring from side to side, feeling more miserable than ever.
“Hey boys,” Your cheery voice greeted as you entered the parlour.
Lucifer spun around to find you eagerly smushing Spick and Span’s faces like they were puppies or something equally as pettable.
“(Y/N)… You’re back,” He murmured quietly.
Mistaking his quietness for indifference towards you, you wilted somewhat, “Yeah, but I can uh- I can leave again if that’s what you want.”
“What I want?” Lucifer repeated listlessly. He held up his hand as if he was going to touch you, but let it drop again, “I’m… I’m going to my workshop.”
You nodded, your brows furrowing at the strange exchange, “Okay, I’ll- I’ll be in my room.”
Lucifer passed by you to leave the parlour first, then he seemed to change his mind, if only for a moment.
“It’s good to have you back,” He said softly before heading out.
You smiled to yourself, relieved. “It’s good to be back.”
You thought that Lucifer hadn’t heard you, yet as he walked to his workshop, a small smile reached his lips; it had been a long time since he’d considered anyone new to be a friend.
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pewpewkachuuboo · 7 months
Hi - I’ve liked this song for a long time and I was like why not write a huskerdust thought dump with all the feelings this song gives me.
And so I present huskerdust with a whole lot of angst and also love 😭
Warnings: language, abuse, non-graphic sex
Husk knew who he was and he knew his place. He was a jester in Alastor’s court, meant only to entertain his malevolent king when the man felt he needed it.
So why did meeting this depressed, and painfully long spider have him questioning everything?
He hadn’t thought anything of it the first time the porn star had seductively inched his finger beneath his chin with a sultry, “Hey~”
Fake. He was so fake, and Husk hated that more than anything - at least Alastor treated him like the plaything he was and never lied to him about his intentions.
The cat pushed his advances away every time - not even bothering to quip back after a while because it just wasn’t worth it. He would just continue to play the bartender part chosen for him by his master and drink himself into a stupor when it was closed so he didn’t have to remember what feelings were like because being numb was better than being reminded he was just there because Alastor thought it was funny.
He may have ignored Angel Dust’s advances, but when the demon started opening up about how miserable he was at his job after being fed enough drinks, Husk started to look at him differently- why would he put on such a lewd facade when such an innocent persona slept beneath the heavy perfume and sexual advances?
He liked this version of him better - vulnerable and a little broken. When was the last time he let himself be vulnerable to another person?
Husk didn’t have to wait long for the answer. A few days later Angel Duet stalked in looking miserable and exhausted. Husk looked at the clock on the wall and read the 7 am carefully - had the demon slept at all?
“I need a drink. Something strong.”
“You look like shit.” Husk hadn’t meant to make the remark, but he rolled his eyes as he watched Angel switch personas like someone had pushed a button in him. He didn’t mean to call him fake but Husk was so fucking tired of everyone coming to him with their problems - and then Angel Dust being so obviously exhausted acting like nothing was wrong pushed him over the edge.
“Call me fake one more time, mother fucker. I dare you.”
The rage Angel Dust exuded had Husk’s stomach in a knot - he bit that down in favor of a smirk and a pointed claw against the white demon’s chest fluff, “Fake.”
He swallowed his guilt as the thin man stalked out of the hotel - he was here to man the bar, nothing more and nothing less until Alastor indicated otherwise. He didn’t have permission to feel empathy for others, so he was going to keep to himself.
He tuned out the rest of the ramblings until Vaggie insisted he go and drag the demon back - he was going to ignore her too, but Charlie looked at him with those eyes and he deflated. Charlie was a good person - she didn’t deserve to feel guilt over a situation where she was just trying to help, and yet she took the blame for all of it. Against his better judgement, he slumped out from behind the counter and mumbled under his breath as he walked out to find Angel Dust.
His intention at the bar was just to observe long enough to let the princess know that Angel Dust was fine, but he saw that shark demon attempt to drug Angel’s drink and all he could see was red. How dare this fuckhead take away someone’s right to choose what they want to do - Angel Dust was clearly having a good time and probably would have consented, but to drug him to take away that choice? Absolutely not.
The fight was a blur and he barely remembered anything outside of grabbing the spider’s arms roughly afterwards.
He forced Angel out of the bar, the taller man ripping himself away from Husk as soon as he had an opportunity. They argued mindlessly for too long before Angel pressed a nerve again, “Stop acting like you give a shit about me - you think after how you treated me, I’m gonna open up to you? Please.” He turned on his heel and proceeded to walk away.
“Maybe I’d treat you better if you were real and not some bullshit version of yourself always pushing my boundaries.” His mind was screaming at him to shut the fuck up but he couldn’t stop himself, “No one in that hotel gives a shit about who you are - how famous…. or hot - so you might as well just cut the act.”
“IT’S NOT AN ACT!” The tears that escaped from Angel Dust’s eyes stopped Husk in his tracks, his chest buzzing with guilt as the younger man continued, “it’s who I need to be- and this? This is my escape. Where I can forget about how much I hate…. Everything!”
Husk reached out unconsciously. Not an act, a shield. Not fake, a diversion.
“A place where I can get high and not think about how much it hurts. And maybe, if I can ruin myself enough in the process - if I end up broken - I won’t be his favorite toy anymore.” He collapsed to the ground, sobs echoing in his chest as he pulled his long limbs to himself in comfort, “And maybe he’ll let me go.”
Husk let himself feel the guilt this time. He wanted to apologize over and over until it came out like a prayer. He was broken and was just trying to keep going. That wasn’t fake, that was strength. A strength Husk hadn’t had in a long time. He sat on the concrete next to Angel Dust and drew in a shaky breath, attempting to get vulnerable like Angel Dust just had been, “I was an overlord once, you know.”
He kept his eyes on his claws, “When you’re down on your luck, you turn to anything to keep yourself afloat. Make deals that you can’t undo. I know what it’s like to regret the choices you make and know you can’t take them back.”
The noise Angel Dust made at the back of his throat confirmed Husk’s suspicions about the man having sold his soul to that Valentino, but he decided that moping wasn’t going to save either of them at this point. He flashed a sly grin and stood, “Your life fuckin’ sucks, huh?”
Angel Dust raised his head, eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “Wait what?”
“You’re a fucked up little whiny bitch-“
“You’re a loser, just like me.”
Angel Dust snarled, flipping him the bird with two of his hands, “Thanks, asshole. Is this supposed to make me feel better?”
Husk let out a laugh, “Listen, sometimes just admitting it can make you feel better.”
Angel rolled his eyes, but gave in after a while, “I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak.”
“Haven’t we all.”
A car parked across the street from the pair, the owner leaving their radio on as they entered the establishment. A soft tune was playing loud enough that the two of them could hear.
Husk reached out a hand, “Cmon, loser. I ruined your night, so let’s dance.”
Angel Dust hesitated, “ On a sidewalk in hell?”
“No time like the present.”
He carefully placed his hand on Husk’s and let himself be helped up. Husk gave a small bow before taking the spider’s waist and moving him around in a circle. It was awkward and stupid, but Angel Dust found himself smiling a little more every second.
“I’m a stupid, drugged up ho-“
“And you know what? I’m a depressed, drunk, gambling addict.”
Angel Dust and Husk had mutual grins as they continued the sloppy dance on the sidewalk in a word of their own. Husk dipped the taller man and they laughed until they heard a, “There they are! They’re fuckin dancing!”
Husk dragged Angel Dust to the other side of the parked car, both of them laughing breathlessly. Husk found himself staring for too long, he closed his mouth and looked over his shoulder as soon as he realized it, “Stay here - I’ll take care of this.”
He fought hard, trying to erase the image of the genuine smile that was plastered on Angel Dust’s face, trying to forget the soft tinkle of his laugh like bells ringing in his ears. The more he tried to forget the more he thought about it, and ended up getting caught by the smallest of the gang of sharks. This was it - he was going to die because he found a smile and a laugh attractive. Fuck.
A bullet shot straight into the middle of the shark’s head and he craned his neck to stare incredulously at Angel Dust who had brought a tommy gun out of nowhere, “I can take care of myself, sweetheart.”
Husk swallowed his arousal down as he heard the yells of the other gangsters behind him - he could admire how hot the spider was at any time after this if they survived, so he sidled up to the taller man’s side and grinned, “Let’s finish this, then.”
After the gang lay dead in a river of their own blood and organs, Husk took a deep breath and looked to Angel Dust, letting his eyes look the tall man up and down like it was the first time he had actually looked at him, “Can’t say I expected that from you.”
“I told you that you don’t know me. Sex ain’t the only thing I’m good at.” He winked at the cat, running his fingers through his blood stained fur.
“Yeah. This guy ain’t half bad.” He smiled and offered his arm, “Shall we head back?”
Angel Dust linked their arms together happily and they bantered back and forth the whole way back. It was effortless and fun, and Husk was fucking terrified. But maybe he could indulge and let someone in just this once- they were both on a leash after all, so maybe sharing that pain wouldn’t be so bad.
When they returned, Angel Dust thanked Charlie for caring and then he and Husk sat at the bar chatting over a glass of brandy until Angel Dust started to nod off. Husk called him out and the spider helped him clean up so they could both head to bed for the night.
They had been more open with one another after that night, but only after everyone else had gone to bed.
They whispered secret hopes and dreams over koniak, complained about being pets with tequila shots, and reminisced about being alive with a side of amaretto.
The more he got to know Angel Dust, the more his heart swelled when the man walked through the front doors from a shift at work, long legs distracting him from his menial chores though Husk would never admit that part out loud. He had began anticipating Angel’s arrival, a mixed drink ready for him moments before the spider would sidle in.
Sometimes Angel Dust would come in covered in bruises and stains, his eye makeup running, but he still gave Husk a genuine smile before sitting at the bar.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Angel Dust rested his chin in his hand, eyes glazing over, “Nah. Same shit, different day. Some are harder than others.”
Husk slid a fruity cocktail across the bar and nodded, respecting Angel Dust’s wish as he moved to start wiping out glasses.
The silence was comfortable and warm, Angel Dust watched Husk do his cleaning quietly, letting his fingers trail against the lip of his cocktail glass.
“Sometimes I feel like I deserve it - the pain.”
Husk bristled and turned quickly to make eye contact, “Angel-“
“I sold my soul to him, so I deserve this, right?”
Husk held his hand in a fist before leaning against the bar close to Angel, understanding the sentiment at least even if he thought Angel deserved the world handed to him in a box with a giant ribbon to keep it contained, “It feels like that most days, huh?”
“Yeah.” Angel looked down at his half empty glass, “Have you ever been in love?”
“Is that why you signed the contract?”
Angel Dust downed the rest of his drink and let out a sigh, pushing the glass to Husk to ask silently for another, “He was so kind to me until I signed that fuckin piece of paper. It was like a light switched as soon as he owned me and I started making movies for him.”
Husk obliged and poured him another mixed cocktail, pushing it to the spider’s dainty fingers, urging him to continue.
“I think it’s my fault he changed and I want to go back to when we were happy, ya know?”
Husk let out a sigh, “Do you want my opinion?”
Angel Dust looked up at him hopefully and Husk continued, “You can’t help when you fall in love with a liar - the man you fell in love with never existed.”
“So I’m hopeless?” Angel Dust sighed sadly, looking at the wood of the bar top carefully.
Husk let his paw lightly hold onto the spider’s arm, making Angel Dust look him in the eyes again. Husk smiled, “Maybe, but you’re not the first person to fall for fake sweet words and you won’t be the last.”
Angel smiled back softly, taking a sip from his new drink, “Thanks, Husk.”
There was another comfortable silence as Husk got back to his cleaning, but Angel interjected again, “You didn’t answer me, though. Have you ever been in love?”
Husk hummed thoughtfully, “I think so. Once. She loved my brother, though, and used me to get to him. I think I fell into a pattern of distrust after that. Love can really ruin a guy.”
“Val says he’s the only one who will ever love me like I deserve.”
Husk turned around again and looked over the bruises with his mouth in a thin line, “If this is how he loves you, that isn’t love. You deserve to have a love that makes you happy, not one that makes you feel like a slave.”
Angel Dust looked down, a light pink dusting his cheeks, “Thanks, Husk.”
Husk smiled, “You don’t have to thank me for telling you the truth.”
When Husk turned around Angel Dust found his voice again, “You deserve that kind of love, too. Maybe more than anyone I know.”
Husk made a noise like he disagreed, but decided to humor the sentiment, “Maybe, but I think I’m happy enough to at least have one genuine friend that I don’t really need that kind of love right now.”
“Am I… are we friends?”
Husk looked over his shoulder at the surprised expression and laughed, “I mean, I’ve never told anyone else half of the things I’ve told you. And I trust you - I think that makes us friends.”
Angel Dust grinned, throwing the rest of the drink back, “Aight. I’m gonna take a shower - see you tomorrow, friend.”
“Good riddance- you smell like vomit and cum.”
Angel Dust laughed, “Yeah, yeah. If I made it into a perfume you know your ass would have it around to remind you of me.”
Husk chuckled as he heard Angel Dust’s footsteps ascend the stairs.
When Mimzy came to visit, Husk was on edge. The last time he had seen that bitch, she had “innocently” maimed a man’s wife - the man happened to be an extremely powerful overlord at the time, and Alastor tore the demon limb from limb.
But Lucifer, King of Hell, was here to visit his daughter today and Husk had an awful feeling about this.
He decided to try and talk Alastor into making her leave, but he had forgotten his place and his owner had to remind him just what he was: a pawn that needed to mind his business if he wanted to continue to live. He shouldn’t have spoken back to Alastor, he knows better, but irritation at being called a pet consumes him and the comment leaves his throat before he can comprehend what he’s just done, “Big talk from someone who’s also on a leash.”
The chain against his neck had him spiraling - he bristled and shook in fear as Alastor grew into his demon form and threatened him. He barely registered the words as the lights flickered, but squeaked out a soft “understood” that had Alastor leaving his presence behind.
Husk had eventually gained his footing again, eyes shaking and sweat sticking to his body and fur. His legs threatened to give out from under him as he tried to make his way back downstairs, but he barely made it five steps before he collapsed again, breathing heavily. His mind was a jumbled mess and he couldn’t catch his breath, breathing sharply and black clouds started entering his vision. He tried to calm himself down, but his claws were ripping at the fur at his chest as he tried to give himself some relief.
He barely heard his name being called, but jerked out of the hands as someone tried to hold onto him, he panted angrily, “Don’t fuckin touch me-“
“Husk- let me help you.”
He growled, facing the man whose face managed to calm him down but only in anger. Everything else was elevated and his eyes fluttered, threatening to close and not open back up.
Angel Dust removed Husk’s bow tie and pulled off his suspenders before bringing the cat demon into a tight embrace, “Five things you can see.”
Husk panted, his eyes opening and darting along the room, “Red…. Carpet…. Wall… Door… White.”
Angel Dust nodded, “Four things you can touch.”
Husk’s wheezed, his hands gripping at Angel Dust’s shoulders, “Fur, floor, clothes, hands.”
“You’re doin’ great, Husky. Three things you can hear?”
His breathing was labored but not as desperate and his vision was starting to clear, “Your voice, my voice, m-music.”
“Two things you can smell?”
“Perfume… it’s like cinnamon and cedar.”
“My favorite - one thing you can taste?”
Angel Dust was holding him, their knees were touching and his lower set of arms were keeping Husk close while the other set kept him held to his shoulder, softly petting the fur on the back of Husk’s neck. He felt grounded and safe in the embrace, but he knew if Alastor snapped his fingers that this moment would never happen again. He gripped onto Angel Dust harder at the thought, trying to press this memory into his skin. Angel Dust gave him a light pat, “Better?”
Husk finally had the strength to let go, but part of him was sad at the cold air that hit his fur at the separation, “Sorry-“
“You always help me, what kind of a friend would I be if I let you apologize for having a panic attack? I’m here to help. What do you need?”
Husk searched his eyes for far too long, trying to push down the foreign emotions threatening to spill from his tongue, “I need a drink.”
Angel Dust snorted and stood, extending an arm to help him up. He didn’t ask if Husk needed help walking when the demon accepted his hand to stand, he put his arms around Husk’s shoulders and made unrelated jokes as they made their way back down to the bar.
Husk had managed to throw back one shot of whiskey before the ground shook. Mimzy dove for the floor and Husk snorted because he fucking knew that bitch was going to bring trouble.
He avoided Alastor’s stare once everything calmed down, and the radio demon’s smile turned into a smirk as he sidled up to the bar, “No smart remarks, Husker?”
Husk swallowed before pouring a glass of rye for the man, “Wouldn’t dream of it, sir.”
Alastor practically purred as he downed the shot, “You’re such an obedient pet, Husker. I’m so glad you learn your lessons so quick.” He laced his fingers underneath his chin, his grin widening even more, “I’d hate to have to punish someone else next time you decide to test my boundaries.”
Husk snapped his eyes to meet Alastor’s finally, “What do you mean?”
Alastor chuckled, standing, “I don’t enjoy smashing bugs myself, but we have a friend who is an excellent exterminator. If we end up with a pest problem I may just have to ask our mutual friend to step in.”
“You would make Nifty do that?!”
Alastor hummed in amusement, “It seems like you have gotten attached to the hotel patrons, Husker. And it seems like the only way to emphasize my punishments is to punish others instead.”
“You’re sick-“
“Glad you noticed.” Alastor gave him a curt pat to the head, “Forget your place again and I will make good on this promise. Good night, Husker.”
He let himself down two bottles of whiskey once Alastor slipped into his shadows. He threw the third bottle against the wall after he chugged it with a grunt in frustration.
“Woah, kitty cat. You’re gonna hurt yourself.” Angel Dust’s voice hit his chest painfully - he almost wept as the demon stepped behind the bar to help clean up the pieces of glass. He looked up at Husk, pink eyes glowing in concern, “Need to talk about it?”
Maybe it was the liquor possessing him, but he leaned down and placed a soft kiss to Angel Dust’s temple, giving a shaky sigh before standing up straight and grabbing another bottle of whiskey from the shelf, “I’ll be fine. Just need some time.”
Angel Dust was frozen apart from the hand that touched the spot where Husk had kissed him, “R-right.” It took a while for him to stand and discard the broken pieces of glass, but once he did he cleared his throat, “I’ve helped you enough times that I can close this down - go get some rest.”
He looked at Husk who gave him a sad smile, “Are you sure?”
Angel Dust grinned, “I’ve got you - you’re not alone in this.”
Husk put his hand to his chest to slow the beating of his heart, “Thank you.” He turned and left to go upstairs to his room.
He had memorized Valentino’s face that night at the club for future reference and almost pounced on the mother fucker, but Angel could handle himself and Husk knew better than to get involved before he was needed. They had gone home, all of them exhausted, and Angel Dust had thanked him for not stepping in, “It made me feel like you trusted I could handle it myself.”
Husk sighed, “If he would have hit you one more time, I would have ripped the flesh off of his face.”
Angel Dust grinned at the thought, “My knight in shining armor.”
Husk snorted and looked up to watch as Angel Dust made his way up the stairs to go to bed. Husk knew Angel could handle himself, but what would Alastor have done to them both if he had found out Husk decided to pick a fight with an overlord with permission? He shuddered at the thought.
How could a person make him feel so full and so empty at the same time?
He watched as Angel Dust barked orders at Pentious and his eggs as they worked to fortify the hotel in preparation of the impending angel attack. His chest bloomed with warm feelings for the spider, but deep down he knew the more attached he got, the more it would hurt when Alastor ultimately pulled him into whatever situation happened to follow this current flight of fancy. He had tried desperately to avoid attachments and had never had trouble with it until this hotel. Everyone was so kind and warm, and Angel Dust was so…. different. Also warm and kind, but also beautiful and long and funny. Husk didn’t mean to stare, but Angel Dust had caught him and grinned, “Enjoying the view, Husky?”
Husk looked down, pretending he hadn’t been caught watching as Angel stretched his long arms to hold a piece of wood while Razzle and Dazzle happily head butted nails into it to keep the board up, “I was just waiting to see if your clumsy ass would fall off that chair you were standing on.”
“Me? Clumsy? I have impeccable balance - you should see me on a pole, I practically defy gravity.” He puffed up proudly and sent a wink at Husk before stretching, “Let’s take a break. We’ve been working since Charlie left hours ago and I’m starving.” He wrapped a long arm around Husk’s shoulders and pulled him towards the kitchen, “I make a mean spaghetti- give me fifteen minutes and you won’t regret it.”
Husk sat at the kitchen counter while Angel Dust made easy work of the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder as he finished the sauce, “If this doesn’t make you fall in love with me I don’t know what will.”
Love. Husk held his head in his hands and hummed, “How do you know if you’re in love?”
Angel Dust shrugged, “I dunno - it’s a feeling you get. Like when you think about someone and it makes your heart beat a little faster. And sometimes that person is all you can think about, and it’s annoying but you feel like if you don’t think about that person your brain won’t work.” Angel Dust plated some spaghetti for Husk and placed it in front of him with a wistful smile, “When you have a bad day and you see them, it’s like the bad day never happened because all you can think about is them.”
Husk watched his face carefully, “Is it only happy feelings?”
“No.” Angel Dust sighed, looking off to the side, “When they hurt, you hurt. Sometimes you feel bad about feeling that way and it hurts so bad it makes you want to disappear. And when they don’t want to tell you about what’s hurting them it feels like they don’t need you and you spiral thinking about why they wouldn’t trust you with their feelings.”
Husk placed a fork in the noodles and spun them around the metal, “Is it worth it?”
Angel Dust looked at him, a small smile on his face, “Maybe. Dunno.”
Husk let himself eat the spaghetti and grinned at Angel Dust after swallowing, “This is amazing.”
The spider beamed, moving to put more on plates for the rest of their friends that were working so hard to make the hotel safe, “Well? Are you in love with me?”
“Maybe. Dunno.”
Angel Dust turned around confused, but Husk was already turned around and washing his dish so he could help pass out lunch to the others. Husk held his hands out to take more plates to assist Angel Dust with giving out food and both acted like the conversation had never happened.
“So this may be your last night alive and you’re not out there snorting a line off some hunks abs?”
“Nah - you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked em all.”
He couldn’t help the fond smile tugging at his lips, “I guess you really have changed.” He turned around to refill his stock and Angel Dust adjusted behind him.
“You know… Charlie told us to live tonight however we want. So pour me a fresh one and let’s get to livin!”
Husk chuckled and mixed together a drink for the man, pushing it to him once it was finished.
They stayed at the bar long after the rest of the hotel had gone to bed. Husk leaned forward, “You know, you could still probably find someone to mess with if you wanted to - it’s not too late.”
Angel Dust sighed, irritated, “I don’t want to.”
Husk held up his hands, “My bad. I just don’t want you to regret spending your last hours alive with me.”
Angel Dust slammed his hands on the bar top, “Why would I regret that?!”
Husk jumped at the genuine anger, hands slowly falling to his sides, “I-I just mean, I’m not the first person people think of when they think the world is going to end and they need to spend time with someone.”
Angel Dust rubbed his temple, “You’re so….” He looked Husk and sighed, “Look, I want to spend tonight with someone who means something to me.”
Husk looked down at his feet, “I don’t think we should-“
“No, no. I’m not asking you to have sex with me.” Angel Dust’s cheeks turned a soft pink, “I want to ask if you’ll hold me tonight. Just until I fall asleep, I won’t be mad if you leave me after - I just really think I need this kind of comfort tonight.”
The silence was thick. Husk was considering all of his options before something in him told him to just say fuck it, “Just until you fall asleep?”
Angel Dust perked up, “I-Is that okay?”
Husk hummed, “Let’s close this shit down and get it over with, then.”
The spider jumped to his feet and hurriedly helped clean up the mess from the last night alive party.
Husk followed Angel Dust to his bedroom, both of them silent until Angel opened the door and looked back at him, “Y-you don’t have to if you don’t-“
“I want to.” Husk smiled up at the taller man, “It’s just two friends sleeping in the same bed, right?”
“Yes.” Angel Dust swallowed and held his hands up, “Wait here for a sec.”
He disappeared behind his door and the sounds of rustling and movement could be heard. And then silence.
Angel Dust opened the door, breathing heavy, “Okay. Come on in.”
Husk stepped into the room and took in all of the pink, and Fat Nuggets sleepily stretching in the small cushion next to the bed. He smiled at the sight and then looked to Angel Dust who was standing around awkwardly. Husk sighed and took the spider’s hand, pulling him onto the soft pink sheets so that Husk was situated against the taller man’s back. He let his arm fall over the thin man’s waist and let himself take in a large breath of Angel Dust’s scent, his snout as close to the back of his neck as he could get without it being weird. He closed his eyes and let his wings rest behind him, breathing slowing. He was sure that the other man could hear the hard pounding in his chest if he listened close enough, but he was too enveloped in the moment to give a shit.
Angel Dust curled into himself, his back settling against the warmth of Husk’s chest as he got comfortable, “Thank you.”
“For what?” The whisper in his ear made Angel Dust shiver involuntarily.
“For…. Everything.” Angel Dust turned so their faces were inches from one another, “I don’t think I’d be happy if you weren’t here.”
Husk smiled and reached his claw up to move the white fluff from Angel Dust’s line of sight, their eyes searching one another’s carefully, “I think I’d be bored if you weren’t here.”
Angel Dust laughed softly, eyes shining, “Don’t die tomorrow and leave me here with Val and Alastor.”
Husk huffed out a laugh and pulled the taller man’s head to tuck it under his chin, “I would never leave you with them. Never.” He closed his eyes and purred softly. Angel Dust fell asleep faster than he had his entire existence- living or dead.
Angel Dust reached out when he woke up to paw at the empty bed beside him. He peeled his eyes open, disappointed before he noticed a small note left on the bedside table. Scribbled in awful handwriting that made Angel’s chest tighten were the words ‘don’t die and leave me alone’.
Alastor had gone missing for two weeks after the fight with Adam - Angel and Husk had held one another every day up to that point once everyone had made their way to their own bedrooms.
Husk was desperately and unequivocally in love with Angel Dust and it wrecked him to know that. He wasn’t good enough for him - Angel deserved a prince that would take him to a tower and pamper him for the rest of his life, not a drunk old man who fell in love after being shown affection. The two of them had shared the brushing of finger tips and jokes only they understood. Husk had even been brave enough to hold the spider’s hand at some point, but he was just being selfish.
He realized it the last night before Alastor had returned. They were in Angel’s bed again, Fat Nuggets happily on the pillow beside his head as Angel sat up, “Hey, Husk?”
Husk kept his eyes on Angel carefully, “What’s up?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Angel didn’t look at him when he asked, and Husk wrinkled his nose in confusion, sitting up and placing a hand on his shoulder, “Are you okay?”
Angel looked at him, face red in embarrassment, but eyes shining with determination, “Can I kiss you?”
Husk laughed breathlessly, “Why would you want to kiss me? You could kiss anyone in the world and you want to kiss an old drunk?”
Angel looked hurt, “You’re not just an old drunk, Husk.”
Husk looked away at the change in expression, “I think you’d regret it and I don’t want you to feel regret for a choice you make ever again.”
Angel reached out, holding Husk’s face up to stare into his eyes, both hands pulling his face closer, “I won’t.”
Husk was leaning closer as well, “You don’t know that.”
Husk could feel Angel’s breath on his face, eyes boring into one another’s.
“Neither do you.”
Just before their lips touched, Husk felt a pull on his neck and he jerked away, gasping and clawing at the green chains.
Angel Dust gasped in surprise and fell to the floor, hands hovering above Husk carefully, “Wh-what’s wrong?”
Husk coughed, the pressure finally releasing, “He’s back.” He looked up at Angel Dust sadly, reminded of his reality once again, “he’s never going to leave.”
Angel Dust frowned, hand reaching out to Husk carefully, “You mean Alastor? Are you hurt?”
Husk stood, pushing the man’s hand away, “S-sorry. I have to… we can’t…” He bit his bottom lip before leaving the room, Angel Dust left with a single hand extended on the floor as the door closed.
They didn’t spend much time together alone after Alastor came back - Husk avoided the sad stares and didn’t keep the bar open as late as he had in the recent past. He drank more to numb himself, Alastor’s voice echoing in the back of his mind about squashing spiders and being an obedient pet.
Charlie approached him carefully after a few days, hands pressing together nervously, “Hey, Husk?”
He grunted and looked her way in acknowledgment.
“A-Angel Dust hasn’t been home in two days…. Do you know where he might be?”
He bit the worry building in his throat back and stared at her blankly, “Why would I know where he is?”
“It’s just that you two are really good friends so I was hoping you would have an inkling-“
Alastor appeared beside her and hummed, “Good friends? Why, Husker! I’m so glad to see you reaching your social potential!”
Husk snorted and took a swig from the bottle in his hands, turning to get back to work.
“Alastor, have you seen Angel Dust recently?”
“Afraid not, my dear.”
“I’m really concerned- he hasn’t texted me back in days and he’s been so regressive lately - what if he’s hurt or….”
Alastor made a noise of interest, “Yes that is strange. Husker?”
“I just said I haven’t seen him.” He bared his teeth, almost growling.
Alastor’s smiled widened, eyes flashing dangerously, “Watch your tone.”
Charlie frowned, “it’s fine - I’ll go look for him when Vaggie gets back-“
“Nonsense, my dear!” Alastor gave her a pat on the head, eyes never leaving Husk, “Husker can take an afternoon off from the bar to find our spindly little friend.”
Husk was seething, “I don’t want to.”
Charlie looked hurt and Alastor snarled, “I didn’t ask.” Charlie looked at Alastor with wide eyes, “Alastor, what’re you-?”
Alastor laughed loudly, “Charlie, dear, Husker needs to make amends with his precious friend. It seems like they had fought and simply haven’t made up.” He tapped his cane on the ground, eyes narrowing as Charlie turned around, “Go make amends, Husker.”
The way he whispered out his name made Husk shake violently, the green collar that binded them together closing in on his throat tightly. He whimpered and stared at the two of them, anger pulsing from his core, “Why do you suddenly give a fuck what happens to him, huh? Weren’t you threatening not two months ago- mmmfff”
Husks lips clamped together and Alastor’s eyes shined dangerously, “I am choosing to repeat myself for a final time, Husker, do not forget your place. Go. Make. Amends.” He slammed his cane down again and Husk was swallowed into shadows, disappearing in an instant.
Charlie stared incredulously at the radio demon, “Wh-what did you do??”
Alastor grinned down at the girl, “I sent him to V Tower, of course! Best place to start searching for that sad little creature.”
“Alastor, he looked so angry and scared-“
“You’re imagining things, my dear.” He used his cane to lift her chin upwards to his gaze, “You’d be surprised what love can do to a person - makes them feral, really. They simply must make up and admit their feelings and all will be well.”
Charlie’s face melted into happiness, “They’re in love?!”
Alastor tapped the top of her head with his cane, “All part of the plan, my dear. Let Husker do the work. He just needed an extra hard push.” He placed his hands behind his back and began walking towards his radio tower, smile menacing as he imagined how to make Husk pay for his insubordination this time without making it obvious to the princess of hell.
Husk coughed and gasped on the steps of V Tower, he had been dropped from a high enough distance that he felt two of his ribs crack against the concrete. He stared up at the blinding neon lights of v tower and wiped the blood that had been dripping from his mouth with the back of his hand. He didn’t have a choice in the matter now, but the only thing that scared him more than Alastor was walking into this building and seeing the shit Angel Dust would talk about happening to him in real time.
He sucked in a painful breath. Would Angel Dust even want to see him after he had just left him like that and then ignored him for days?
Husk stared dumbly up at the posters of Angel Dust that littered the hall leading up to the porn studio. He took a deep breath before he quietly opened the studio doors, ears flat against his head as he snuck around the back of the room to avoid being seen before he had found Angel Dust.
A particularly loud moan came from the center of the room and Husk felt himself bristle when he realized it was Angel Dust. He was on the bed in the middle of the dimly lit studio, ropes holding his body up from all four of his wrists as he sat limply against blood-stained silken white sheets. He was covered in injuries and blood, his eyes were nearly swollen shut from being beaten, and Valentino was at his side, carefully watching the pained body as he smoked his cigarette, blowing the smoke into Angel’s face as his lips turned up into a smile.
Valentino placed a finger beneath his chin, “What do you want, baby?”
Sobs wrecked his body as he tried to gasp out, “Please let me go. I’m so tired - I- I’ll never leave you again. I’m sorry.”
Valentino scowled and placed the lit end of the cigarette against Angel Dust’s neck, earning a scream of pain, “You’re done when I say you are, bitch.” He kicked Angel carelessly and sighed, “You can leave once you’ve gotten yourself down. I expect you bright eyed and ready to come back in on Monday, capiche amorcito?”
Angel Dust sobbed as Valentino exited the studio. He thought he was alone and so he just let all of his feelings out at once.
Husk made his way to Angel Dust and made quick work of the bindings, the spider gasping out in surprise and fear. His eyes would barely open. Husk hushed him and once the ropes had been undone, he grasped the tall man into a hug, one hand holding the back of his head and the other against his back, his ears flat against his head, “I’m sorry.” He repeated the words like a prayer as he felt Angel shake in his embrace from desperate sobs.
Angel Dust pushed him away once he had enough strength, his eyes barely able to crack open as he searched Husk’s face, “Why the fuck are you here?”
Husk looked down, “Charlie was worried.”
“Oh.” The disappointment was obvious and it hurt in Husk’s chest as he looked back up into those barely open eyes. Husk reached out, hand cradling his cheek carefully, and stared. Angel Dust’s bottom lip quivered and he looked away, “Val was right. He’s the only one that will ever love me.”
Husk grabbed his chin to force him to look into his eyes, “You really think that? What about Charlie and Vaggie? What about…” Husk swallowed, “What about me?”
Angel Dust snorted, “You don’t love me.” He looked at Husk defiantly, but Husk just looked crushed.
He backed away and sighed, “Angel Dust - I love you so much that it fucking terrifies me. I didn’t think I was capable of having those feelings, after everything I’ve been through, and here you came with your long fuckin legs and your pretty fuckin laugh and I can’t imagine a day going by that I never got to meet you.” Husk held a hand over his heart, “When we didn’t talk I missed you so much it fuckin hurt - Alastor had even threatened to hurt you at some point but the thought of being without you was so painful that I couldn’t take it.” He swallowed, “I’ve been drinking myself into a stupor every fuckin night because I’d rather be numb than live knowing that you go hurt because of me. I thought I was protecting you, but I was just hurting both of us. I don’t just love you, moron, I need you. I can’t breathe without you. I don’t want to keep living if you aren’t somewhere I can reach.”
Angel Dust was silent for a beat before he laughed, “Damn, Kitty, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk so much.” He weakly smiled, “Take me home before I change my mind.”
Husk picked up the man effortlessly and once they were outside, he stretched his wings and lifted them off into the air towards the hotel.
Angel held tightly onto Husk’s neck, his face buried in bluish fur, “Did you really mean all of that? That you need me?”
“Have I ever lied to you?” Husk let his eyes linger down to the lanky man in his arms, “I meant every fucking word.”
Angel tightened his grip, face and neck warm from embarrassment, “And you meant all of that even though I’m a broken whore?”
“Don’t you EVER say that about yourself again.”
Husk’s serious tone made Angel snap up to look at him, “Huh?”
He growled low in his throat, landing at the front of the hotel, not giving the man a single glance as he carried him through the threshold and up the stairs.
Charlie saw the state of Angel and cried out, but Alastor placed his cane in front of her to stop her advance, “They need to talk, princess. He’s here and he’s safe for now - you can see him in the morning.”
Husk brought the spider into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him with his foot as he continued to the bathroom, placing Angel Dust on the lid of his toilet before turning his attention to the large, clawfoot tub and turning on the water. He looked back at Angel once the water was at a satisfactory temperature and leaned onto his knees in front of him, between his legs, “You are NOT a whore.”
“Husk, people literally pay me for sex-“
“No. You are NOT a whore. And you may be broken, but I will do my damndest to glue you back together.” His eyes were serious and searching Angel Dust’s eyes for any doubt.
Angel didn’t respond because he didn’t know HOW to respond.
“Let me take care of you tonight.”
Husk gave a small smile and moved the spider to the tub, helping him in carefully until he was mostly submerged. He took care to carefully wash the man, fingers running carefully through his fur and washing away all of the blood and other substances that had stained him over the past two days. The water had turned a coppery red color by the time he had finished. Husk helped Angel Dust out of the water and dried him off just as carefully as he had cleaned him.
Angel Dust finally had enough feeling in his legs that he could support himself while Husk lifted the drain of the tub to empty the water. He’d worry about cleaning the stains tomorrow.
He was so, so careful with Angel as he laid the man in his bed, afraid he’d break if he pushed or touched him with too much force. Angel Dust smiled up at him, feeling warm as Husk hovered over him.
Husk leaned back and took a deep breath, slowing his breathing down, “Are you comfortable sleeping here tonight? Or would you prefer your own room?”
Angel Dust curled his limbs closer to himself for warmth, “Are you okay with having me in your bed?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because I’m dirty.”
Husk laughed softly, “You just took a bath-“
“No I mean… I’m used and I’ll never just be yours-“
Husk’s eyes lit up with anger and determination, “You are NOT a whore.”
“I didn’t say-“
Husk moved up and placed a kiss on his temple, eyes finding Angel’s to emphasize, “You are NOT a whore.”
Angel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and opened his mouth to protest, but Husk placed a kiss against his eye lids and on his nose, “You are not a whore.”
Husk let his claws brush over Angel Dust’s cheeks before placing a soft kiss on his neck and shoulder, “You are not a whore.”
Angel Dust’s eyes started to water, “Why are you-?”
Husk held up Angel Dust’s hand and kissed the crook of his elbow gently, his wrist, his palm, and then each finger individually, “You are so beautiful and if it takes me the rest of our afterlives to glue your broken pieces back together so that you can see it too, I’ll do it.”
Angel Dust choked on his tears as Husk continued to litter his body with soft kisses- making sure to take extra time on every scar and fresh wound to prove a point. Once Husk felt satisfied, he leaned over the spider and looked him in the eyes, “You are not a whore and I will always put you back together when someone else tries to break you.”
Angel Dust was shaking from the sobs wracking his body, but he reached up and pulled Husk in for a real kiss, lips on lips and eyes closed as he tried to memorize the feeling of them.
Husk held Angel Dust’s hand as he carefully pulled away, “I’ll be right back.”
Angel panicked, worried if Husk left he’d never see him again, “Please, no. Please don’t leave me.”
Husk smiled warmly, “Do you trust me?”
Angel Dust hesitated, “More than anyone.”
“I’ll be right back.”
The spider was on edge the whole time Husk was gone, but he shot up in bed when he heard the door open. His fear melted as soon as he recognized Fat Nuggets oinking happily in Husk’s arms. Husk closed the door behind him and placed the pig onto his bed, the pink bundle of energy racing into Angel Dust’s arms. He held onto his pet tightly, crying softly, “I’m so sorry I left you here, Nuggs. I’m so sorry-“
“He forgives you.” Husk sat on the bed next to him and sighed, “He found his way in here while you were gone - go figure - I try to ignore everything and your pig decides to annoy me while you aren’t here.”
Angel Dust let himself lean onto Husk’s shoulder and take a deep, shaking breath, “I missed you.”
Husk smiled and moved to let Angel lay back on the bed, “Yeah. I missed you, too.” He held him tightly, Angel’s head tucked under Husk’s chin and Fat Nuggets between them both - they fell asleep like that.
And woke up like that.
Angel Dust started awake, reaching out to make sure he wasn’t alone and he was met with Husk hushing him and gently stroking the back of his head, “I’m here.”
Angel Dust let out a stuttered, relieved sigh as he settled back into the embrace, “Good.”
They spent most of the day like that, but the rumble of hunger that erupted from Angel Dust’s stomach had them both laughing. Husk pulled away, “Go get dressed. I’ll talk to Charlie and see if her dad can whip up some pancakes for you.”
He perked up at the sound of pancakes and nodded, “Yeah, okay.”
Angel Dust watched his hands nervously as he sat at the bar with Husk, “I have to go back to work tomorrow.”
Husk looked up at him from his mixer, “Would you like me to go with you?”
“NO!” Angel Dust held a hand over his mouth and looked away bashfully, “I just… Husky I like you so much but my deal-“
Husk gripped the hand covering Angel Dust’s mouth and smiled, pulling it down to the bar and squeezing it, “I know. It’s fine.” He let go and placed the drink in front of the spider, “I promise it’s fine.”
Angel Dust frowned, “Why would it be fine? No one wants to mess around with a used cock sleeve, right?”
Husk growled, holding Angel Dust’s chin so they were looking eye to eye, “Don’t start that shit again- you are so much more than a porn star, Angel Dust. I don’t give a shit about your job - none of them mean anything to you so why should they mean anything to me?”
He let go and Angel’s eyes trailed down to his cocktail, “Yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever had sex with someone where I like them and they like me.”
“Would you like to?”
Angel Dust turned bright red, eyes meeting Husk’s, “S-Sorry?”
Husk blinked, “Would you like to have sex with someone who has genuine and strong feelings for you?”
“I… are you fuckin around, Husk? Cus it isn’t funny.”
Husk smiled and reached for Angel Dust’s hand, “I am not joking- if it’s what you want, I want to give that to you.”
Angel Dust cleared his throat, “I have high expectations.”
Husk chuckled, “Drop them - I don’t have very good stamina. But… I’ll do my best.”
Angel Dust swallowed hard, but nodded, “Y-yeah. Okay.”
Husk let go of Angel’s hand, “Go on upstairs- I’ll find you after I close up shop.”
Angel Dust felt his heart beating so hard, he was sure it was going to come out of his chest. He had never been this nervous for sex in his life, but the way Husk entered the room and looked at him so warmly had his entire body buzzing like it was his first time.
Husk crawled onto the sheets carefully, hands reaching to hold Angel Dust’s face, “Let me know if anything hurts - I only want you to feel good tonight.” He waited for Angel Dust to nod in approval before he leaned forward to place their lips together.
Angel tried to move faster on instinct, but Husk pulled away and smiled, “What’s the hurry?”
“Sorry… habit.”
“Don’t apologize.” He leaned in again and left soft kisses along the side of the spider’s face, sighing contentedly as he pushed their lips together again. It wasn’t hungry - it was exploratory.
Fingers and claws touched skin gently and slowly like they were reading braille and committing it to memory. Husk peppered Angel Dust with warm, soft kisses on nearly every inch of his exposed body - like he was trying to bleach out the touches of anyone else with pure affection. And Angel Dust started to believe it was working.
He had never been so sensitive to someone’s touch, but he had also never been touched so gently before and with so much meaning.
Husk laced their digits together when it was time for penetration- his golden eyes searing into Angel’s pink ones, never losing eye contact during entry or in the slow movement of hips after.
They were both gasping in whispers, Angel Dust feeling spent but unable to look away from Husk’s gaze.
Husk released one of Angel Dust’s hands hand placed his own paw on the face below him. He leaned in and whispered , “I love you” against Angel Dust’s lips and the white demon whined, reaching release almost instantly after, the sounds being swallowed by another gentle kiss from Husk as he moved only slightly faster to reach his own release.
He breathed heavily over Angel, using their still intertwined hands to hold himself up as his other hand brushed the fur from Angel Dust’s eyes, “You okay?”
Angel Dust squeezed their hands together and smiled, laughing breathlessly, “Yeah, I’m okay. You okay?”
Husk looked mesmerized as he stared down at him, “Better than okay.”
They stayed like that for a while, breaths mixing together and eyes searching the other’s until Husk finally moved, cleaning up Angel Dust’s body with a baby wipe from the dresser, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No.” Angel Dust moved his head so he could watch as Husk moved to clean himself, “Not at all.”
Husk smiled warmly, “Good.”
He thew the wipes to the other side of the room and flopped onto the pillow beside Angel Dust, just looking at him and drinking in the image of him looking so comfortable and blown out after having what Husk assumed was extremely vanilla sex for the man.
But Angel Dust looked at him, eyes shining, “Hey, Husk?”
“Hmm?” They adjusted so that they were cuddled close, arms tangled together in a mess and foreheads touching.
“I love you, too.”
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holly-natnicole · 5 months
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Explanations for why I did the Cinnamon Roll Meme this way:
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll — Emily, coz she's a genuinely caring person towards strangers & acquaintances & her loved ones (but can stand up to her loved ones if she knows they've done something objectively wrong); Charlie, coz she's a genuinely caring person towards strangers & acquaintances & her loved ones (but can get dangerous when she absolutely needs to); Angel Dust, coz he's loyal & (in his own way) nice to his friends; Mimzy, coz her friendship with Alastor is sincere; Carmilla, coz she's a good mum & (although harsh) a good teacher.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you — Adam, coz he gleefully committed genocide despite being an angel with a very human face; Lilith, coz she gives me the vibe of being a scarier & more socially savvy version of Charlie; Niffty, coz she's tied with Charlie & Emily for the position of most adorable fictional character in 'Hazbin Hotel' (2024) yet killed Adam; Susan, coz she reminds me of my granny 'til she opens her mouth (then she reminds me of my "Mister Perfect Golden Child" cousin by being a cantankerous bitch!! *grins in joy* I love Susan); Vox, coz he seems like a nice guy 'til he opens his mouth (oh look, another character who's like my aforementioned cousin; no wonder I love Vox).
Looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll — Sir Pentious, coz he's an adorable dork despite his somewhat scary appearance both as a demon & as an angel; Lucifer, coz he's an adorable dork despite his somewhat scary appearance both as a fallen angel & as a demonic fallen angel; Husk, coz he's a tough love giving sincerely good grump who is unapproachable 'til you get to know him (1 of my aunts in a nutshell); Rosie, coz she's genuinely nice despite being a somewhat scary-looking cannibal; Velvette, coz she's ready to instigate a war & wears skull earrings yet is a good friend to the other two Vees.
Looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you — Lute, coz she was Adam's lieutenant & became the new leader of the exorcists and is a very violent person who gleefully committed genocide; Valencia (named Vaggie in canon, which I treat in my Hazbin Hotel Alternate Multiverse timeline fanfic as solely a name Adam gave her when she joined the exorcist army then she started going by her original name again when she met Charlie), coz she does seem unapproachable 'til you get to know her (the auntie I mentioned earlier would probably adore this awesome lesbian) yet is willing to kill anyone who she deems a threat to her loved ones & used to commit genocide; Alastor, coz he's the Radio Demon who broadcast his carnage of many overlords to all of Hell and anyone can tell at first glance he's not very trustworthy; Cherri Bomb, coz she has a troublemaker vibe that makes it unsurprising when she kills someone in front of you; Valentino, coz he (much like the other 4) doesn't even bother trying to hide how dangerous he is. Honourary mentions who aren't in the pictures — Katie (who threatened to kill Charlie in the Pilot) & Sera (who intentionally let genocide happen).
Almost all of these 22 characters are my Favourites!! Number 1 most Fave is a tie between Emily, Charlie, and Valencia; Nr. 2 is a tie between Niffty, Alastor, Lucifer, Sir Pentious, Husk, Angel Dust, & Cherri Bomb; Nr. 3 is a tie between Adam, Lute, Carmilla, & the Vees; Nr. 4 is a tie between Sera, Mimzy, Rosie, Susan, & Katie.
Anyhoo, I hope people enjoy the meme!!
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